MARKET WIZARDS with Interviews JackD. Top Schwager HarperBusiness A Division of HarperCoWinsPubltshers Traders You've got to learn how to fall,beforeyou learn to fly. Contents \342\200\224Paul Simon One man's ceiling is another man's floor. \342\200\224Paul Simon If I wanted to become a tramp, I would advice from the most successful tramp Preface, seek information I could find. If I wanted from men who had advice seek to becomea failure,I in all things, I would never succeeded. I wanted to succeed who are succeeding and doas me for those look would If around have ix and they xi Acknowledgments, Prologue, xiii done. \342\200\224Joseph Marshall Wade Own My xv Story, (as quoted in a Treasury of Wall Street Wisdom edited by Harry D.Schultzand SamsonCoslow) PART I FUTURES AND CURRENCIES Takingthe Out Mystery The Interbank Michael Richard Dennis: 3 7 Marcus: Bruce Kovner: of Futures, Currency Market Defined, Blighting The A Never Strikes Twice,9 World Trader, Legend Retires, 51 85 Contents vi Paul Tudor Jones: The Gary Bielfeldt: Yes, Art They in Peoria, Do Trade PART II Hite: 117 T-Bonds vii B. Rogers, Steinhardt: Jr.: Buying Value They Want, 151 Weinstein: Mark PART IV Brian Gelber: BrokerTurned STOCKS \"One-Lot\" Stock FLOOR 345 Triumphs, 387 219 The AH of Stock Selection, Investment Marty Schwartz: Champion as a Treasure Trader, 257 THE PSYCHOLOGY V PART David Ryan: Trader, THE 193 Tony Saliba: O'Neil: FROM The Fearless Pit Trader,367 Baldwin: The Concept of Variant Perception, William Selling High-PercentageTrader,321 VIEW THE and 283 Hysteria, Tom Michael A LITTLE BIT OF EVERYTHING III James Respecting Risk, 175 MOSTLY PART 141 Ed Seykota:EverybodyGetsWhat Larry Trading, of Aggressive Contents OF TRADING Hunt, 23? Dr. Van K. Tharp: The Psychology of Trading, 411 The Trade: A Postscript: Dreams and Trading,437 Personal Experience, 431 Preface Final Word, 439 Appendix1: Program Insurance, Appendix Glossary, Trading and Portfolio 441 2: Options\342\200\224Understanding are There the Basics, some stories here: amazing 443 \342\200\242 A trader turned 447 out who, after wiping a $30,000 accountinto \342\200\242 A fund manager times early in several $80 his career, million who achieved what many thought of triple-digit percentage returns \342\200\242 A trader from small-town America who started out on a has become one of the world's largestbond traders shoestring and impossible\342\200\224five consecutive years \342\200\242 A former securities analyst who, during has realized an average monthly return 1,400percentannualized), \342\200\242 An electrical computerized 250,000 These are but a sampling each to trading approach of trading past seven years, 25 percent (over stock index futures graduate from MTT whose largely engineering astounding In his own way, primarily the percent return has earnedhis accounts a sixteen-year over an period contained in this book. interviewed has achieved incredible of the interviews of the traders success. What sets these traders apart? Most peoplethink that in winning the markets has something to do with finding the secret formula. The truth is that any common denominator among I interviewed the traders had more to do with attitude than approach. Some of the tradersuse fundamental analysis exclusively, and still others combinethe measured in hours others employ Some traders operate on a time two. or even minutes, while only others technical typically analysis, horizon implement X Preface to hold for months or even years. the Although varied the interviews reveal methodologies widely, forthcoming certainimportant commonalities in trading attitudes and principles. Trading provides one of the last great frontiers of opportunity in our economy. It is one of the very few ways in which an individual can start with a relatively small bankroll and become a actually multimillionaire. Of course, a handful of individuals only (such as those interviewed in turning this feat, but at least the succeed here) opportunity that they intend positions trading Acknowledgments exists. While I hardly expect all readersof this themselves into super-traders\342\200\224the believe that these thought-provoking world just book doesn't interviews will to transform First work that way\342\200\224I over everychapter help most serious suggestions and open-minded readers improve their personal trading performance. It may even help a select few becomesuper-traders. and and quality work, it has benefited significantly of this I am grateful JackD. Schwager Goldens Bridge, as a \"book NY May 1989 I am indebtedto Steve I truly of his input. believe changes. editing who pored Chronowitz, Stephen book and provided a multitude in this and quantity (hours) merits I would like to thank foremost, from of helpful for both the that whatever the his contributions. wife, Jo Ann, not only for enduring nine months board\342\200\224arole but also for being a valuable sounding to my widow,\" with brutal honesty. Sample:\"This is the worst thing you ever wrote!\" (Needlessto say, that item was excised from the book.) Jo and I usually followed her Ann possesses commonsensein abundance, she performed adviceunquestioningly. Of I would like to expressmy course, to be interviewed, agreed large,thesetraders In many example, neither accounts own their one need whom trader thanks to all the traders who would be no book. By and there nor seek publicity, or are already managing cases, their as without all as they the money trade only for they wish for participating were altruistic. I was starting out, expressed it, \"When motives to. For I found and of successful tradersparticularly helpful, role in helping new traders.\" I wish to express my sincere appreciation to ElaineCrockerfor her which made some of the chapters in this book friendly persuasion, possible. For like to thank advice, leads, and other assorted favors,I would Susan Abbott, Bruce Babcock, Martin Zadeh, Courtney Smith, Norm and interviews biographies I would like to play a similar Leigh Stevens, Brian Gelber,MichaelMarcus, I would like to thank three traders who were gracious enough to grant me lengthy interviews, which were not and Martin Presler into this book: Irv Kessler, Doug Redmond, incorporated I considered my line of questionin retrospect, (the former two because, Presler, and Chuck William Carlson, Rafter. Finally, *\" ing Acknowledgments too esoteric did not permit and technical; the latter because for needed follow-up interviews time publication and deadlines editing). Prologue The name ling of the and woman man book was The Big Board. . . . It was who were kidnapped by extraterrestrials. in a zoo on a planet called Zircon-212. These fictitious people in the zoo had a big about an Earth- They were put on display board supposedly showing prices along one wall of their habitat, a news ticker, and a telephone that was supposedly connected to a and told their that on Earth. The creatures on Zircon-212 brokerage captives they a million dollars for them back on Earth, and that it was up to had invested when the captives to manage it so that they would be fabulously wealthy they were returned to Earth. The telephone and the big board and the ticker wereall fakes,of course. to make the Earthlings perform vividly for the They were simply stimulants make them jump up and down and cheer, or gloat, or crowds at the zoo\342\200\224to to shitless or to feel as contented or tear their be scared as babies sulk, hair, stock market in their and commodity quotations mothers' arms. The Earthlings did course. And religion got that the President of the of well on paper. That was part of the rigging, ticker reminded them up in it, too. Thenews United States had declared National Week, Prayer and that everybody had had a bad week on the should pray. The Earthlings market before that. They had lost a small fortune in olive oil futures. So they a whirl. It worked. Olive oil went up. gave praying very mixed \342\200\224Kurt If the random walk suffering from the same Vonnegut Jr. Slaughterhouse Five are correct, then Earthbound delusions as the zoo inhabitants theorists traders of Kilgore are Trout's in Kurt science fiction writer (Kilgore Trout is the ubiquitous the prisoners on Zircon-212 thought their Vonnegut's novels.) Whereas were not\342\200\224realdecisions were being based on actual price quotes\342\200\224they believe they can beat the market life traders by their acumen or skill. If novel. xiv Prologue markets are truly traders are attributing shortcomings, and efficient when in their reality random success in every or failure time span, then to their own these skills or it is all a matter of luck. the traders for this book, it is hard to believe this world. One comes away with a strong belief that it is that some traders can win with such consistency over vast highlyunlikely numbers of trades and many years. Of course, given enough traders, some will come out ahead even after a long period of time, simply as a of the laws of I leave it the for mathematicians consequence probability. to determine the odds of traders winning by the magnitude and duration that those interviewed here have. Incidentally, the traders themselves have not a glimmer of doubt of who that, over the long run, the question wins and who loses is determined not luck. skill, I, too, share this by After view interviewing of the conviction. My Own Story research school, I landed a job as a commodity to find that economic and my surprised statistical analysis correctly predicted a number of major commodity price that the thought of trading came to moves. It was not long thereafter Right out of graduate analyst. I was pleasantly mind. The only permit analysts problem to trade. Michael Marcus interviewing for was that my department generallydid not I discussed my frustration over this situation with I became friends while (first interview), with whom Michael the research position he was vacating. said, \"You know, I had the same problemwhen I worked there. You should do what I did\342\200\224open an account at another firm.\" He introduced me to a broker at his new who was to the account. firm, willing open I was earning less than the department At the time, secretary, so I I much risk had brother didn't exactly have capital. my open a $2,000 I acted as an advisor.Sincethe account had to be kept account for which secret,I could not call in any orders from my desk. Every time I wanted or liquidate a position, I had to take the elevator to the to initiate use basement to the public phone. (Marcus'solution to the building's same problem is discussed in his interview.) The worst part of the not merely the delays in order situation was entry, which were often nervefact that I had be about the number but the to very circumspect wracking, I would decide to delayan order until of times I left my desk. Sometimes, the following morning in order to avoid creating any suspicion. I don't remember any about my first few trades. All specifics recall is that, on balance,I did only a little better than break even after paying commissions. Then came the first trade that made a lasting I had market done a very detailed analysis of the cotton impression. I that War II discovered the entire post-World period. throughout of government support programs, only two seasons because of a variety I xvi My Own Story since 1953 could truly were determined by be termed supply and free markets [markets in which prices demand rather than the prevailing government program]. I correctlyconcludedthat only these two seasons could be usedin forecasting I failed to reach the prices. Unfortunately, more conclusion that existing data were insufficient significant to permit a market analysis. Based on a comparison meaningful with these two seasons, I inferred that cotton prices, which were then trading at 25 cents move but peak around per pound, would 32-33 cents. higher, The initial part of the forecast correct as cotton pricesedged proved over a period of months. Then the advance higher accelerated and cotton jumped from 28 to 31 cents in a single week. This latest was rally attributed to some news I considered rather \"Close enough unimportant. to my projected top,\" I thought, and I decided to the go short.Thereafter, market level. moved slightly higher and then quickly broke This seemed perfectly natural to me, as I back to the expected 29-cent to markets My profits and elation were short-lived, however, as cotton prices soon reboundedto new highs and then moved 32 cents, 33 cents, 34 cents, 35 cents. unrelentingly higher: with Finally, my account equity the position. Not having wiped out, I was forcedto liquidate much in those days may have been one of my luckiest money breaks, since cotton eventually soared to an incredible level of 99 cents\342\200\224more conform than to my analysis. double the century's That trade knocked previous high price! me out of the box for a while. Over few years, I again tried my hand at trading I started with not much more than instance, out of a single because large loss. My the next a couple of times.In each and eventually wiped consolation was that the $2,000 only were relatively small. Two broke this pattern of failure. things finally First, I met Steve Chronowitz. At the time, I was the research director at commodity Hornblower & Weeks,and I hired Steve to fill a slot as the department's Steve and I shared the same office, precious metals analyst. and we to myself, quickly became good friends.In contrast a pure fundamental Steve' s approach to the markets was analyst, technical. strictly (The fundamental uses economic data to forecast prices, while analyst the technical analyst internal market data\342\200\224such as price, volume, and employs amounts I lost sentiment\342\200\224to project prices.) Until that time, I had viewed technical with analysis I tended skepticism. to doubt that anything as simple as chart great reading could Own Story be of any value. My that his market xvtt closely Working calls were often with Steve, however, I beganto notice I became convinced Eventually, right. I realized of technical analysis was wrong. initial assessment was for alone insufficient fundamental least for at that, analysis myself, I for the to technical also needed successful trading; analysis incorporate that my timing of trades. The secondkey was the column successful lose that I decided I would never on a single trade\342\200\224no matter how trading. everything view. market the winner's finally put me into risk control was absolutelyessentialto that element realization that again allow myself to I was of my convinced and one of my my turning point Ironically, the trade that I consider had a loss. At the time, the Deutschemark best trades everwas actually an decline. Based extended out a carved trading range following lengthy mark was forming market on my analysis, I believed that the Deutsche I the base. went long within an important consolidation, price stop order just below the recent should not fall to new lows. right, the market Severaldays later, the market started falling and I was stopped out of my position at a small loss. The great thing was that after I was stoppedout, like a stone.In the past, this type of trade would the market plummeted have wipedme out; instead, I suffered only a minor loss. on the Japanese Not long thereafter, I becamebullish yen, which a good-till-cancelled placing simultaneously low. I reasoned had formed that if I was a technically bullish consolidation, providing a meaningful I normally close point to place a protective stop. While implemented I fact that felt the reasonably able to define only a one-contractposition, I find it hard to believe that my risk at only 15 ticks per contract\342\200\224today, able to get away with that three-contractposition.The market I was close a stop\342\200\224allowed never me looked back. Although to put on a I ended of that position far too early, I held one of the contracts small account size.That was the start of my to triple my long enough success at trading. Over the next few years, the synthesis of technical and fundamental analysis combined with risk control allowed me to build into small stake well over $100,000. my more impulsively, Then the streak ended. I found trading myself I had just to follow the rules I had learned.In retrospect,I believe failing I remember a losing trade in soybeans. become too cocky.In particular, up getting Instead out of taking my loss when the market moved against me, I was so xviii Own My convinced was a reaction in decline the that this action in came out bearish, and my equity took I had surrendered over days, one-quarter After market a bull that I The mistake was compounded my position. of an important government crop report. front substantiallyincreased chips to buy in my cashing cumulative a house by taking The report decline. In a matter a dramatic of my Story profits. and later taking a a book,* my savings were sufficiently depleted I began to defer my reentry into trading for nearly five years.When a small amount: to my usual custom, I started with trading again, typical $8,000. Most of this money was lost over the course of a year. I added moderate another $8,000 to the account and, after some further setbacks, scored a few big winning Within about two years, I trades. eventually to write yearlong sabbatical I once again subsequently stalled had built my trading account up to over $100,000. has out, and during the past year, my account equity fluctuated below this Although, emotional level, on an my trading has been successful, a sense of failure. Basically,I feelthat have done better. knowledge and experience, I should \"Why,\" my market I ask myself, account more given equitymuch book. own early a sub-$ 10,000 unable to expand the yet the answers any elements key multiples?\" who to your success? What What trading rules do you trading multiply was one of my I wanted to ask those traders markets? the \"have I been able to on two occasions, that level, let aloneby beyond What are the in with than tenfold A desire to find writing this peak. objectively, I often view it experiences? adhere for motivations succeeded: do you use approach to? What were your had already What advice would you give to other traders? to While, on one level, my search help surpass my own barriers, in asking Everyman, the questions for answers a broader I thought others was a personalquest sense, I saw myself as would ask if given the opportunity. * JackD. New York, Schwager, A CompleteGuide NY, 1984). to the Futures Markets (John Parti of Wiley & Sons, Futures and Currencies the Mystery Taking Out of Futures one probably the fastest has expanded more than Trading volume in futures In 1988, the dollar value of the past twenty years. contracts traded in the U.S. exceeded$10trillion!* during futures is a lot more than there Obviously, Today's currencies pork trading involved here. all of the world's majormarket encompass belly rates (e.g., T-bonds), stock indexes (e.g., (e.g., Japanese yen),precious metals crude oil), and markets markets futures interest groups: futures the futures market is book, most It is also investors. one of the by this in least understood growing. twentyfold all discussed the markets all Of agricultural had now accounts for only past decade, the commodities their origins about introduction in (e.g., has resulted in the financial-type markets for instruments, and stock indexes)accounting based the (currencies, approximately this sector During the new interest rate 60 percent on 246 million contracts traded and interest rate average contract value well over $40,000. (Excluding short-term such as Eurodollars, single contract values ranged from about $11,000 for sugar at assuming futures, but conservative estimate trading. growth of many and spectacular 500), energy (e.g., Although commodities, of total futures contracts \342\231\246This is a rough gold), (e.g., corn). agricultural one-fifth S&P the an 100/lb. to $150,000 for the S&P 500 at an index value of 300.) Introduction 4 5 Introduction of all futures half and metal markets accountfor nearly (Energy 40 percent.)Thus, while the term commodities is often become a to the futures markets, it has increasingly such as those of the most actively traded futures markets, trading. of the remaining used to refer misnomer. Many the financial in commodity markets are not truly instruments, have no corresponding of a futures essence The contract standardized market while commodities, many is in its name: Trading involves a for a commodity, such as gold, or a financial for a future date, as opposed to the delivery needs time. For example, if an automobile manufacturer copper present for current operations, it will buy its materials directly from a producer. the same manufacturer was concernedthat however, If, copper prices it could approximately lock in its would be much higher in six months, futures now. (This offset of future costs at that time by buying copper If climbed is a risk called during the interim, hedge.) copper prices price offset the higher would the profit on the futures hedge approximately cost of copperat the time of actual purchase. Of course,if copper prices would result in a loss, but the declined instead, the futures hedge its copper at lower levels than it was manufacturer would end up buying willing to lock in. While such as the above automobilemanufacturer, hedgers, in futures markets to reduce the risk of an adverse price move, participate in an effort to profit from anticipatedpricechanges. traders participate markets over their cash In fact, many traders will prefer the futures such instrument, as T-bonds, counterparts as trading for a variety vehicles of reasons: of market In the futures markets, margins of margins in stocks. do transaction partial payments, sinceno actual physical the expiration are basically good-faith occurs until date; rather, margins is one of the attributes of futures high deposits.) Although leverage be emphasized that leverage is a twomarkets for traders, it should sword. The undisciplined use of leverage is the single most edged reason most traders in lose why money the futures markets. important In general, futures are no more volatile than the underlying prices for that stocks. The high-risk reputation cash prices or, matter, many concept not imply is largely a consequenceof the leverage of futures factor. 5. Low transaction costs\342\200\224Futures markets provide very low transaction costs. For example, it is far less expensivefor a stock portfolio manager to reduce market exposure by selling the equivalent dollar of stock amount index futures contracts than individual by selling stocks. 6. Ease of offset\342\200\224A futures contracts\342\200\224Futures of quantity and quality); thus, specific buyer or sellerin order 2. Liquidity \342\200\224All of the are standardized (in terms the trader does not have to find a to initiate or liquidate a position. major futures markets provideexcellent liquidity. 3. Ease short (who , before markets allow equal ease of going of going short\342\200\224The futures For short seller in the stock market as the as well long. example, must for an uptick wait is actually borrowing stock to sell) initiating markets. a position; no such restriction exists in the futures can be offset at locked any time at limit-up during or limit- down. (Somefutures markets specify daily maximum price changes. In casesin which free market forces would normally seek an equilibrium outside the range of boundariesimplied price by price limits, the market will contracts position market hours, providing prices are not 7. Guaranteed 1. Standardized leverage. Roughly to 5 to 10 margin requirements are usually equal the contract value. (The use of the term margin in the futures is unfortunate because it leads to tremendous confusion with initial speaking, percent offer tremendous markets futures Leverage\342\200\224The the markets. futures 4. trade. of the move by exchange\342\200\224The to the limit and futures trader virtually cease to trade.) does not have to be on the other side of stability of the person All futures transactions are guaranteedby the clearinghouse about concerned the simply the financial exchange. futures are closelytied to their of are (the activity arbitrageurs assures that deviations minor and short in moves futures will lived), price relatively very closely cash markets. Keeping in mind that parallel those in the corresponding the majority of futures is concentrated in financial trading activity futures in stocks, bonds, and traders are, in reality, traders instruments, many currencies.In this context, the comments of futures traders interviewed Since by underlying markets their very structure, Introduction \342\202\254 relevance following chapters have direct stocks and bonds. have never ventured beyond in the even to investors who The Interbank Currency Market interbank The currency market Defined is a twenty-four-hour market which centers literally follows the sun around the world, moving from banking in the U.S. to Australia, to the Far East, to Europe, and finally back to to fill the need of companies the U.S. The market exists to hedge of rapidly values. For fluctuating currency electronics manufacturer example, negotiates an export sale of stereo to the with in dollars to be received U.S. payment equipment six months that is manufacturer vulnerable to a depreciation of hence, the dollar versus the yen during the interim. If the manufacturer wants to assure a fixed pricein the local currency (yen) in order to lock in a he can hedge himself by selling the amount of U.S. profit, equivalent dollars in the interbank market for the anticipated date of payment. The banks will the manufacturer an exchange rate for the precise quote risk exchange in a world if a Japanese amount required, Speculators from profit their for the specific future trade in the interbank date. currency market in exchange expectations regarding who anticipated a declinein the British shifts in an effort to rates. For pound against in simply sell forward British pounds. (All transactions the interbank market are denominated in U.S. dollars.) A speculator who expectedthe British pound to decline versus the Japanese yen would buy example, the dollar a speculator would 0 Introduction o a specific amount dollar amount of Japaneseyen of British and sell an equivalent dollar pounds. Marcus Michael BlightingNeverStrikes Twice Michael Marcus began his career as a commodity major brokeragehouse.His him to abandon near-compulsive research attraction his salaried position to pursue full-time for a analyst to trading trading. After led a trader, he went to work for a firm Commodities that hired professionaltraders to trade the Corporation, most Marcus became one of their successful company's own funds. of years, his profits exceeded the combinedtotal traders. In a number his of all the other traders. Overa ten-year he multiplied profit period, 2,500-fold! company accountby an incredible I first met Marcusthe day I joined Reynolds Securities as a futures research Marcus had accepted a similar job at a competing firm, analyst. and I was assuming the position he had just vacated. In those early years in both our careers, we met regularly. Although I usually found my own more we Marcus ultimately proved analysis disagreed, persuasivewhen about the direction of the market. Marcus accepted a right Eventually, job asa trader, became very successful, and moved out to the West Coast. When I first conceived the idea for this book, Marcus was high on list of interview candidates. Marcus' initial to my request my response was agreeable, but not firm. Several weeks later, he declined, as his desire to maintain anonymity his natural inclination to participate dominated in an endeavor he found appealing. (Marcusknew and respected many of the other traders I was interviewing.) I wasvery disappointed because brief, almost comical,stint as a floor Michael Marcus 10 Marcusis one of the finest additional some Fortunately, I have been privileged friend persuasion by a mutual traders That's all you to know. helped change his mind. it had been seven yearssince interview, in Marcus' conducted other. The interview was we had last seen each in a beach set on a cliff overlooking private home, a two-house complex a massive gate Southern California. You enter the complex through by an assistant who providedme with (\"amazing gate\" as described of holding that would probably have a good chance up driving directions) attack. through a panzer division This withdrawn. almost On first greeting, Marcus seemed aloof, his his of short-lived makes side of Marcus' description personality quiet I met When Marcus for this a floor trader particularly He became animated, striking. attempt about his as soonashe however, trading experiences. Our began talking conversationfocusedon his early \"roller coaster\" years, which he of his career. considered to be the most interesting to be Marcus Michael chips potato How much from Johns something of a scholar. In 1969, I graduated I Ph.D. had a Hopkins, Phi Beta Kappa, near the top of my class. to live the life at Clark University, and fully expected fellowshipin psychology named a mutual of a professor.Through John, friend, I met this fellow who claimed he coulddouble my money every two weeks, like I was clockwork. That sounded very appealing [he laughs].Idon'tthink John how he coulddo it. It was such an spoil by finding Weren't you skeptical? to things cold feet. out too many attractive idea I even asked that I didn't facts. I was afraid I would Didn't he soundtoo want get Then what like a used car in anything, and I was very I hired John, naive. advisor at to be my commodity trading I threw in free potato chips and soda. He had $30 a week.Occasionally, diet. that you could subsist on that a theory never who was a junior invested at my school, you allot for trading? happened? trip to a brokeragehousewas very, very exciting. I got dressed on my only suit, and we went to the putting up, Securities Reynolds office in Baltimore. It was a big, poshoffice, a lot of old money. suggesting There was all over the place mahogany and a hushed, reverential tone the office. It was all very impressive. permeated My first focal point was a big board commodity that clicked the old-fashioned front of the way. was really exciting to hear the click, click, click. They had a gallery from which the traders could watch the board, but it was so far away that we had to use binoculars to see the prices. That was also very exciting, becauseit was just like watching a horse race. the kind My first that things realization came over the a voice when soybeanmeal. I looked confidence and assurance \"Do you think that John didn't we might loudspeaker at John, at the It become the purchase recommending expecting do it?\" [he laughs]. of to see an expressionof on his face. Instead,he lookedat should scary was a little It quickly me and asked, dawned on me know anything at all. I remember meal was trading soybean quietly: 78.30,78.40,78.30, 78.40.We put the order in, and as soonas we the confirmation back, got much salesman? No, I had there any profit incentives\342\200\224extra I had saved up. that $1,000 About did money The futures? him? Weren't paid if he did well? No. office, How did you first get interestedin trading 11 almost mystically, the prices started clicking down. As soon as it knew that I was in, the market took that as a signal to start I guess descending. I had good instincts even I immediately said to John, then, because \"We're not doing too well, let's get out!\" We lost about $100 on that trade. The next trade was in corn, and the same thing asked me whether we should do the trade. I said,\"Well corn.\" The outcomewas the same. happened. John all right, let's try Michael Marcus 22 Did you know anything read anything all about at commodities about what you were doing? Had you or trading? you No, we the contract sizes? Sowhere was up with this story about doubling your money weeks? I don't know, but after that trade, I was wiped out. So I told John that, in light of what happened, I thought I knew as much as he did\342\200\224which that Apparently, was the only thing about you I was going to fire him. No more was nothing\342\200\224and that potato chips; no more diet soda. I'll never his response. He told me, \"You are forget making the greatest mistake of your life!\" I asked him what he was going to do. He said, \"I am going to Bermuda to wash dishes to make a Then I am going to become a millionaire tradingstake. and retire.\" The knew. we went work either. After didn't that, Right. Our next trade, in wheat, back to corn and that trade worked out better, it took us three days to lose it took success by the number of days our money.We were measuring thing that he didn't say, \"I'mgoing to Bermuda and take a job to make a trading stake.\" He was very specific; he was going to wash dishes to get his trading stake. Were you always getting out after about a $100loss? What lost almost $200.1wasdown to about $500 when to save the day.\" We would John came up with an idea that was \"going bellies because the spread pork buy August pork bellies and sell February waswider than the carrying charges [the total cost of taking delivery in He said we couldn't lose and redelivering in February]. storing, August, although on that time too busy understood the to go out idea and agreed we decided to lunch. scrutinizing but To this happened to John? no idea. For all I know, he might oe in living because he washeddishes. After I managed to rustle up another that, $500 and placed a few silver trades. I wiped out that stake as well. first My eight trades, five with John and three on my own, were all losers. Bermuda the board, to the trade. That was the All the other times we had we thought this was a \"can't safe to leave. By the time I have day, as a millionaire been Did the lose\" for you? back, I wasjust about of shock, dismay, and incredulity. out. I remember this feeling wiped of John\342\200\224he was a very portly guy I will never forget the image and with thick, opaque glasses\342\200\224going up to the quote board, pounding a want to make \"Doesn't fist and his at it, anyone shouting, shaking not bellies were that I learned Later on, pork August guaranteed profit!\" trade, so it was eventually one trade trade. I vaguely me was amused that us to lose. first trade you per tick? costing Yes. Yes, he come did two every was of the No. didn't. Did you know how much it The logic contract. February ever traded before? John Had even know 13 deliverable against the flawed in the first place. No, nothing. Did Marcus Michael thought ever enter your mind that maybe trading was not we came No. I had always done well at of getting left $3,000 mother's i the knack in life objections. school, of it. My father, insurance, which so I figured who died I decided was just a question when I was fifteen, had it to cash in, despite my Michael Marcus 14 I really needed to learn something I knew But before trading again. and soybeans, and I also on wheat I read ChesterKeltner'sbooks I recommendations. made subscribed to his market letter, which trading which was to buy wheat, and it worked. followed the first recommendation, I think I made 4 cents per bushel [$200]on that trade. It was my first win and very exciting. Then between letters, the price, so I bought it and again market to my original fell back made another on profit in the beginning, I Even a sense for trading. to develop was beginning liked the feeling of doing things on my own. What happened next was three of December corn in the contracts just sheer luck.I bought was the summer That on a Keltner recommendation. summer of 1970, based that the corn crop. devastated blight Was that your first big did, I rather ring to it. In the spring win? I took some to take on the way profits? up and some when the down. Overall, I cashed in very started markets coming well. I Then Massachusetts, Instead of I found but going I attended fall that graduate school in that I didn't want shockedto find myself to about my thesis. Paine Webber think time. I made a little it I Keltner believed it too. I borrowed $20,000from my mother, it to and bet everything on the blight. I bought added the my $30,000, number of corn and wheat contractspossiblefor $50,000 maximum in Then of the Floor laughs]. The one day\342\200\224I will Wall Street Journal with in the never the forget this\342\200\224there was an \"More Blight on the in Midwest Cornfields\" [he headline: Than Chicago Board of Trade corn market opened sharply lower and fairly quickly went limit-down. the maximum markets, daily price change is limit. Limit-down refersto a decline of this refers to an equivalent gain. If, as in this case, the magnitude, while limit-up equilibrium price that would result from the interaction of free market forces lies below the limit-down price, then the market will lock limitwill virtually cease. Reason: there will be an down\342\200\224i.e., trading abundance of but virtually no willing sellers, at the restricted buyers [In many futures by a specified restricted price.] you watching the market collapse? Yes, I was in the brokerage office, watching the board as prices fell. before the market to the money, not since I had cutting classes frequently, dedicated scholar Hopkins. I realized that and in December 19701 droppedout the wall, at the Y for a while. When New York. I stayed at Johns again. over\342\200\224that is, Worcester, to trade. a great interesting then? even to class, I would often sneak down office in Worcester I was having getting the blight had wintered think Were Yes. that Was this Keltner's theory, or just a market rumor? limit-down you were doing the right thing So instinctively, the grains started 1971, around and was going to attack the corn crop again. had survived the winter I would be decided really positionedfor the blight this time. losing it either. some more corn, wheat, and that trade combined with buying on my own in the letter, and partly soybeans, partly on recommendations was over, I had accumulated summer intuition. When that glorious a middle class sum to me, having come from $30,000,a princely in best the world. I it was the thing family. thought when of a speculator. It had a nice I was held steady because there was enough fear margin. Initially, the markets to keep prices up. I wasn't making of the but I wasn't blight money, Yes, decide told them that pompously There was a theory article How did you 15 buying own. I felt I my MichaelMarcus a lot. I was was on and moved to handwriting of school asked down was been a the people Didyou think of getting out on the way lockedlimit-down? me what I that I should get out, but was hoping the market would I felt then after it locked limit-down, I was totally I paralyzed. I watched and watched and I couldn't get out. I had all night to think I just watched. turn around. MichaelMarcus 26 it, but I really had no choice. I didn't I liquidated to had get out. The next morning, about more money and entire position on the my have any opening. the market Was No, not did you lose on the trade by the time did you recession at While liquidated? do then? I wouldn't anyone upset. time. that caught on, but I felt tortured to be free to state trade charade. elaborate this I wanted this during same old cycle of borrowing the in board in a manic-depressive I was because Were you making or losing money I lost. It was losing it. big trading and when winning, I tried to hide my elation, make sure not to let it show on my face. I don't going through without I kept peering out reports, on the prices weather I was to ever if I said, \"the while time? money and consistently Did you know what you were doing wrong then? the time, you were just doing the research? to trade. But I decided were strictly forbidden I mother me. from borrowed my again, my stop at another firm. I an account and and brother, opened my girlfriend worked out an intricate code system with my broker to keep people in from knowing that I was violating the rules. For example,if I my office Right, the main office. When throughout you was a I decided I had to go to work. Sincethere I probably I thought couldn't get a really goodjob and that even though I should try to settle for a lesserposition.I found I couldn't I for which was well for interviewed unusually qualified, positions I I these couldn't seem to get any job. jobs get finally realized that I didn't because really want them. One of the best job openings I found was a commodity research Securities. I discoveredthat it was easier to get slot at Reynolds analyst it. I learned wanted because this better they could tell I really position much better chance of stand a if you shoot for what that want, you you care much more. it because you getting office and the main was a glass partition there betweenmy Anyway, I sat. still had the office where the brokers trading bug and it was very and whooping it up. them trading painful to watch I was really partition to see the the glass through think I lost my own $30,000, plus $ 12,000of the $20,000 my mother had lent me. That was my lesson in betting my whole wad. What was out,\" that meant one thing, it meant something else. is cloudy,\" I was trying to write While my market sun said, \"the I was losing, I had just about 2 cents. sharply, Howmuch sharply lower again on the opening? 17 Marcus Michael the analysts because let Goodquestion. Basically, doing everything wrong. office, I met one of the I had people no real graspof trading in October Then to whom principles; 1971, while at my I attribute my I was broker's success. Who was that? Ed Seykota.Heis a genius successful. phenomenally and a great trader who hasbeen I first met Ed he had recently graduated When one of the from MIT and computer programs for testing systems. I still don't know how Ed amassed so much about trading at such an early age. knowledge Ed told me, \"I think you ought to work here. We are starting a research and you can trade your own account.\" It sounded great; group the was that the firm's researchdirector refused to hire me. only problem and had trading developed first technical Why? that I couldn't imagine pressed already since I wrote well and had experience.When why him for a reason,he told me, \"I can't hire you because you know too much and I want to train somebody.\" I I said, \"Look,I 18 will do anything was It already Marcus Michael want.\" you I convinced Eventually, great, because I had Ed to learn successful trader. He was basically a very principles. a trend who follower, me how to cut He taught Were you making my he For example, one time, a a was short silver and the market down, just kept eking halfpenny day, a penny a day. Everyone else seemedto be bullish, talking about why it was so cheap, but Ed just stayed short. Ed silver had to go up because said, \"The trend is down, and I'm going to stay short until the trend he followed from him in the way the trend. patience changes.\" I learned Did Ed's exampleturn did And how They were better I continued initially. of money, I was more patient. to lose, even with Ed Did you think of just tailcoating time? 1972 Ed, for a clearlydefined Did you bring ever think myself because he was so successful? up to keep that maybe didn't friend lead looks in this joint account? know anything about the markets. Thiswas in July controls. The futures market price price controls. This was Nixon's price freeze? As I recall, newsletter on trading? I ought to stop trading losing. In \"Fiddler on the Roof,\" there because saying even since supplies were tight, prices couldn't to lose short at $110. nothing by going though was it is a scene look up and say, \"Am up and talks to God. I would I really that stupid?\" And I seemed to hear a clear answer \"No, saying, I did. You to at it.\" So have are not just keep you stupid. and At the time, I was befriended by a very kind, knowledgeable, Amos successful semiretired broker at Shearson named Hostetter. He a lot of the things likedmy writing, and we used to talk. Amos reinforced the same principles Ed taught me. I was getting from two people. wherethe trading and, at the time, we were under go beyond $110, there was very painful the directing the plywood price was theoretically frozen at $110 per was one of the markets I analyzed 1,000 square feet. Plywood for the firm. The price had edged up close to $110, and I put out a bearish to do that. of just giving I would sometimes think had situation. Yes. No, I couldn't totally out me money. But I still confidence that I could somehow get backon the right of stubborn I was only making a year, but I managed to save $12,500 track again. a joint $700. Sincethat wasn't even enough to open an account,I opened account with a friend who also put up $700. was supposedlyalsounder to wait enough I was Anyway, lend there. what you were still doing wrong at that I think I wasn't patient would a kind Yes,my Do you remember because and out of people who Were you totally Not work out? the recommendations as a trader? around you Yes. model. role excellent the firm at the time? losses, winners. of riding Ed provided an for recommendations from, really utilized classic trading as well as the importance him to hire me. and he was 19 Marcus Michael did the government keep pricesat prevented supply and demandfrom dictating How It was You Right. against mean the set limits? a higher What price? the law for prices to go higher. producers couldn't What was happening though charge more for was that it? the price was beingkept 22 Michael Marcus Marcus Michael 20 artificially low, and there is an^onojrricprinciple that price will create a shortage.Soshortages^eveTope^nplywood, also under this pose^Iptn^utu^^SKeTwas an artificiaUyJ[ow_ guideline. but sup- However, no at day, while I was looking In hit then it hit $110. Then $110.20. $110.10; one was sure; it was the quote board, the price the legal other words, the futures price was trading 20 cents over to see what was going to happen, but I started calling around ceiling. So to know. seemed nobody of a gray sort Was plywood the only market Yes.Anyway, nothing happened. over $110 that day. a matter the corn its price I think the market freeze level? closed as just sell futures and deliver against the to selling in the cash market at the price control producers opposed level? The smarter the infancy of futures and most producersweren't that sophisticated. Some probably weren't sure that it was legal to do that. Even if they were ones trading producers at deliverabove the any price ever try but I will get into $12,000 trading grown Well, ultimately, plywood first contract, and prices rose, it was that the position. and riding Was this the only markets? with the futures to interfere to that. In just a few months, back exactly, of questions. $700 plywood. contract. big trade really not There were a lot ceiling.\" legal had one it was can lawyers might have told them, \"Maybe people in the futures but we better not sell and market, their thought it was, buy plywood Did the government somewhere that, but learning in plywood Well of pyramiding Was that your first exceeding didn't at about $110.80.1 used the next day it opened let If they let it trade over $110 today, they might it trade anywhere. So I bought After I bought went to $200. just One The reasoning: following area. Why contract after you had been wipedout in market? trade you had on? Yes. ThenI got the bright idea that the same shortage situation was going to occur in lumber. I bet everything on one trade just as I had on the corn/wheat trade, expecting that lumber would also go through the ceiling price. Yes. What Did the cashplywood market It as a supply The futures market functioned couldn't get supplies elsewhere. it created Basically, market? last resort to users who legal black relationships price the futures out because that they had to sell at the have any at a higher could get their plywood at the thought The producers were fuming with producers market. they didn't legal price ceiling. did were doing at this time? It just watched plywoodgo from $110 to $200. nothing. both wood products, and lumber was also in short reasoned that lumber after I bought lumber to what had happened the longstanding in of a two-tiered market, a sort of Yes. Those who were frozen was lumber at $110? stay could go way at around up\342\200\224andit should $130, the government in plywood, and they same thing happen in lumber. The day after I went long, some government an announcement that they determined official I supply, have. However, woke up finally came not to let out with going to crack down on speculatorsin had plywood. The up the market like they were who were trying to run lumber market crashed just on lumber were Since they that statement. I was down to the 22 Michael Marcus point where I was closeto being wiped out again. There wasa two-week The market period during which they kept issuing these statements. stabilized at a level just above where I would have been wiped out. I had just enough money left to hang on to my position. The market was at when $130 you bought it. Where was it at this time? MichaelMarcus So even though the magnitude of this decline was much smaller than the price rise in plywood, you lost almost as much money because had a much larger position in lumber than you had in plywood. you Desperation,mainly, the that year, $4,000, was now wiped out. It was office each I was weeks, constantly on the two weeks in my the worst of being verge life. I went whole to stop just up the pain, or so that offered by account would at least have something left? Both. I was so upset that I couldn't low grew that you come to being my $12,000 stop my hands from shaking. At the wiped out again? debasing say Yes,and I never to yourself, \"I believe can't I have done this again\"? did it again. That was the last time I bet everything on one trade. eventually The the and futures market. right theory provided currency wing and that fit that the evil government markets of the an with being was constantly the perfect perspective for trading the I could make mid-1970s. the right theory for the right time. were so fertile for trading markets Right. The plenty of mistakes then that and still do well. on the long side? happened? I managed to hold on, and the market a shortage, Even after time, I was politically Tradingstrictly What from Seykota margins. The lessonsI had learned in markets with major trends really paid off. In 1973,my from $24,000 to $64,000. futures had shrunk to under $4,000. It was Did you again. markets. inflationary Well, $ 12,000 and back to under that scary experience,I never to over After $24,000. we were time, inflation-alarmist. How closedid was a support point on the charts seem to take out. So, I held on. At the end of seeing something completely new.I prices had goneup only 10 percent of like a very large price their eventual advance, historically,it seemed further? move. What made you realize that prices could go so much At you to hold on? The next year, 1973,the government began lifting the price Because the price controls had created numerous artificial controls. in many run-up shortages,when they were lifted, there was a tremendous in went Prices doubled commodities. Just about everything up. many of the tremendous leverage and I was able to take advantage markets, remember those Giving the willpower to the about ready to give up. day just worth you there which I had ran up the $700, overtraded gave although couldn't market that about staying those two During Right. or courage that it insight Was really About$117. 23 the government finally turned around. didn't seem to have the will There was to stop the I did Yes. Everything was well, going up. Although I was doing very make one terriblemistake.During the great soybean bull market, the one that went from $3.25 to nearly $12,1 impulsively took my profits and I the with was to be instead of staying got out of everything. trying fancy Michael Marcus 24 trend. Ed Seykota never changed. So Ed was in, would while unless get out of anything I was out, and I watched in the trend agony as went limit-up for twelve consecutivedays.I was real and every competitive, day I would come into the office knowing he was in and I was out. I dreadedgoing to work, because I knew soybeanswould be bid limit again and I couldn't get in. soybeans as aggravating Yes, more so.It was didn't so work, said, \"Why somebody don't I was major follower, out because he was a Ed, however, quickly. had no stop in and ended up being locked in a limit- stopped down market for several days in succession. day, Seykota was locked in a losing position while I was out situation of the soybean trade, of the market. That was the exact opposite trade and I was out. I couldn't help it, but I he was in a winning when Each it the mental anguish. When that you take something stronger, to dull and trend I \"What kind of a place is this that one's myself, That is found when else is getting screwed?\" to be joy somebody greatest I realized that what I was doing was too competitive, and was the point I decided to becomea floor trader at the New York Cotton Exchange as that one day I felt I couldn't take aggravating and I tried tranquilizers anymore market money? losing actually down felt a sense ofjoy. asked of not being in a runaway this experience Was 25 Marcus Michael It soundslikethe would floor have been even more competitive. calledthorazine?\" this thorazine at home and then getting on the to work. The close I to doors started as was to subway subway go At first, I didn't connect it with the down. getting on and I started to fall thorazine. Anyway, I wanderedbackhome and just fell through the that was doorway\342\200\224it strong. It knocked me out and I missed work that day. That was the low point in my trading career. I remember taking You never threw in the towel and just went somepoint? No, afraid of losing. I was Despitethat account up mistake, to $64,000 Around that Exchange. I would and back into soybeans at time, screaming. I learned that you mentioned before that you built your by year-end. What happened next? you I was Were have an adrenalin I heard the traders yelling though rush when exciting a floor trader\342\200\224the being your field of opportunity down fact that to one out, I should have been very in the ring was very exciting of trading to me. The truth of the matter was that while I was very good at picking trades,I was a total bust at the execution part. I was very shy, and I was too timid to yell loud enough to make myselfheard on the floor. I ended friend of mine, who handled them my orders to a floor trader up slipping I realized what I was doing. until for me. That went on for a few months to the Cotton most about concern were now reducing a little worried. over like the but it wasn't. market? go It seemed maybe, Did you have any I would occasionally have to concerned However, about it. As it turned the thought the approaching on the were floor? you you still markets as a positiontrader even yy place in the world. But I needed to show $100,000 net worth to get in. Since I had outside of my commodity I couldn't qualify. account, I continued to make money in the markets, and after several I had surpassed the $100,000 mark. that same time, Ed Around months, that I go long coffee. So I did, but I put a close Seykotarecommended in the under market turned stop just in case it went down. The market virtually Well, Yes, but it was just out no assets So, I assume that many Right. of timidity.] days you weren't even trading. 26 Michael Was there any advantage to No, not me. for on the being But I did learn a lot floor? the experience, from recommendit to anybody who wants to become a better what I learnedthere for years. type of things What did you Marcus and I would trader. I used floor? do you of information onceyou You said that the things you learned on the later on. I with off the with how being bit like being a surfer. I was My trading in those days was a little to hit the crest of the wavejust at the right moment. But if it didn't a shot at making several hundred work, I just got out. I was getting points would The the number of trades you make. down I mink the secret is cutting three for all in have which are the ones you: going best trades things you the fundamentals tone. First, fundamentals, technicals, and market which and demand, should suggest mat mere is an imbalance of supply mat the market must show could result in a major move. Second, the chart the fundamentals is moving in the direction mat suggest. Third, when news comes out, the market should act in a way mat reflects the right should shrug off bearish tone. For example, a bull market psychological newsand respond vigorously to bullish news. If you can restrict your to only those types of trades, you have risking anything. mat work as well in approach today's I later used mat surfing worked markets. technique as a desk real well men, I don't tiiink to make money, in any under any circumstances. market, approach you eventually mat I should I enjoyed the game too much. I knew No, becausebasically was a release and hobby for only be in those optimum trades, but trading me. It replaceda lot of other things in my life. I placedthe fun of the of my own criteria. However,the thing that saved me was that action ahead enter five to six times the when a trade met all my criteria, I would I was doing on the other trades. position size Were points. trying trader. Although it often answer? is the on the floor, I had the market responded to thoseintraday it point, adopted? of intraday chart points, such as earlier daily importance a 10-point risk. That was because, by becomefamiliar and hardly might floor helped you At key only chart days, if the market reached an intraday Now look back. never and take mat off, point, penetrate those hi activity are I could take much largerpositions intraday chart points, man I could afford to hold, and if it didn't work immediately, I would For example, at a critical intraday I would take a get out quickly. point, instead of the three to five contractsI could twenty-contract position, afford to hold, an either took off using extremely close stop.The market and ran, or I was out. Sometimes I would make 300,400 points or more, highs. Right, the Is that more restrictive trading style the the learned have become choppier? because So what learn? use that type markets Is that comes back. You develop an almost subconscioussenseof the market on the floor. You learn to gauge price movement by the intensity of the voices in the the market is active and moving, and then gets ring. For example,when it is not going to go much further. quiet, that is often a sign that Also, sometimes when the ring is moderately loud and suddenly gets very loud, of being a sign that the market is ready to blast off, as you might instead is running into a greater amount think, it actually indicates that the market of opposing orders. But how 27 Michael Marcus all your profits coming from the trades that Yes. Were the other trades breakingeven? it The other trades broke even and kept me amused. met the criteria? 28 Marcus Michael Did you keep track of so you knew what which were which was that the may even. I knew So the lagged follow-up trades are no longerthere? Right, the money always trades?Has Why are there fewer such the gotten marketplace more Yes. Thereare many more those years, I had an edge and Amos Hostettertaught have traders than professional just by knowing me. Now rooms filled with trading In those days, you watched the everybody bright the early days. In that Ed Seykota in my angles knows those principles. people and computers. board, and you would buy com An hour later the grain elevator when it moved above a key chart point. his broker and he might operator would get a call from The next buy. recommend the trade, pushing the day, the brokerage house would market up some more. On the third day, we would get short covering from the people that were wrong, and then some fresh from the buying dentists of the world, who finally got the word that it was the right time to buy. At that time, I was one of the first ones to buy because I wasone of the few traders playing the game. I would wind professional up out to the dentists several days later. selling You'retalking about short-term trades. Weren't major moves? I traded some Well, buying did the you moves, but many times I would in just that kind of trade. my profits in get back in the market? they now have their money invested don't with fund instead of trading by themselves? and even if the dentists are still there, are trading they one-lots, a are trading position have to be contrary. You have to ask, at a clip. Now you almost thousand \"Isn'tit true that all my fellow professional tradersare already in, so who that before, because there about have to worry You didn't is left to buy?\" which is a meaningless fund managers were getting who to buy\342\200\224thepeople the Now, everybody is just as decisive, just slower. or reacting information the when was always somebodyleft as fast. Are the markets more prone to false now? breakouts Yes, much more. Are trend-following then doomed to mediocrity? the era of trend following systems I believe so. I believe unless there is a particular after shortly make since they were going to keep their positions, time. So when the market fall would wrong back, I would dentists at the you trading for the Right, level their because that that [The Marcus is describing.]Another a major inflationary In other words,unless there overwhelm else. weren't Yes. is over until that and overrides belt, which developed aperfect exampleof the type of exception the in grain exception or deflationary everything in a market imbalance 1988 drought this interview, provides everything else. major two or three days When Is operator has already bet. The dentists of trading participation is infinitesimal. elevator grain count because managers sophisticated? You the market breaks a key chart point, in. Nowadays, the moment of traders. a universe whole it is perceived by go back was going to be made on the trades that met my be trades that meet those requirements,but be fewer of them, so you have to be much more patient. big criteria. There will there on the other trades wasjust to break goal 29 going on? Just mentally. My MichaelMarcus would be if we were to enter environment. is some very powerful force that can 30 Marcus Michael Have the markets changed during the past five professional money managers now account proportion of speculative speculatorswho tend activity, trading to make The markets have changed. done well for many years, years because a much greater to ten for as opposed to the small all the mistakes? The proof is that Richard lost over 50 percent on funds who has he was systems approach doesn't work defined a trend and taken a position, everyone elsehas taken a position as well. Since there is no one left to buy, the market swings around in the other direction and gets managing in anymore. The you The 1988. problem you have once reason we don't have many banks are preventing currency One by taking the other good trends moves from anymore getting is that were you on the side of the trend. that means in terms trading style changedbecauseof it? of trading, and has your own Yes. get you always trade that way, or did you the clock? around started that so trading you Did opened: Hong Kong, to avoid Zurich, enough caught times enough times to make me leery. It happened a big be gap move that you could have is right. For example,I remember That avoided by and London. the currencies, It killed my marriage. because I feel it is a totally one time, during late 1978, the to new lows every day. This was getting battered, falling I and was a when cooperating trading as a colleague with during period We used to talk hours every day. One day, we noticed Kovner. Bruce There was an intense price that the dollar got mysteriously strong. We just be movement that couldn't explained by any known information. was dollar long currency positions like crazy.That weekend, a dollar support program. If we had waited announced of our President Carter in currencies. time, I traded heavily For example, in the years after Reagan was first elected and the dollar was very I would strong, take positions as large as 600 million Deutsche marks between own my account and the company account.At the time, that was about $300 million worth. That was a pretty line. I was probably one of the good traders in the world, including bigger currency the banks. It was very exhausting because it was a twenty-four-hour market. When I went to sleep, I would have to wake up almost every two hours to check the markets. I would in every major center as it tune Nowadays, I try the currencies actively, wereyou getting up you were worried about getting caught of a major move beforethemarketsopenedin the side wrong bailed out At one Australia, because trading overseas? think so. If you look at a chart of debt held by foreign treasury central banks, you will see that it has risen astronomically the last during few years. The foreignbanksseemto be taking over from private foreign investors in financing our trade debts. think are U.S.? There I don't you trading the night would do banks central the out of hand Haven't they always donethat? What the trend-following is that out. central to determine what going to do. through Dennis, have you situation; political When the 31 Michael Marcus the next U.S. trading namely, tip their that announcement. have been annihilated. of the principles we believed in\342\200\224 would always the governments, that we didn't us saw a surprisepricemove against often got out and looked for the reasonlater. If we we I rememberthat locked one illustrates the big players, including hand. understand, we would session, That situation until You must The currency well. market several for limit-down have days futures markets were in a row after gotten out right near the that top of that market. We made a great exit on that trade. Anyway, my point is that I believe, 32 Michael Marcus asa courtesy, the are going we changes announcements. European central banks are notified about major to make, and they the price Consequently, even if it is because act ahead often move shows up we initiate. of something is the Europeans, the price move certainly I think the best hours to trade are often in by I was which going to devote my life in Europe If it's an action going to occur an So you there first. If I had a period in I would want to live in Europe. Amos At the time, he was Corporation. Amos Commodities who had befriended me at Hostetter, alsotrading some money told me that I would bewell advised Corporation did you Shearson. But weren't they in business to to consider joining make money the original $30,000into the along way? Did you multiply the that time, first a year for 100 percent and years. years What was your best year? best must have been 1979.It was year it went up to over You caught the whole move? when gold an incredible year. I caught $800. few years, they gave they were always taking me another money I was in and out, but at a time. It ounce was catching big chunks of it\342\200\224$100per time. In those days, I would buy gold in it would it $10 go up higher, push up I was able New York the time opened, by I remember a wild Australia, Hong Kong would and another $10 in London, a sell at to out $30 profit. to buying It sounds like there was an enormous advantage States. in the United the overseas markets rather than in gold trading? They didn't think it was possible to really make money unless you had a Ph.D. But Amos convincedthem to give me a chance. I believeI was the first non-Ph.D. trader they had ever hired. They started me out with in August 1974. After $30,000 about ten years, I had turned that account into $80 million. Thoseweresome very good years. After handicap. as a trader. funny. money at least that under for Commodities At the time, their theory was that they were going to hire all these great econometriciansto be traders. They had people like Paul Samuelson on the board. They brought up the idea of hiring me at a meeting. The first question was, \"What has he written; in what journals articles has he been published?\" I had a B. A. in liberal arts and that was it. The punch line was, \"He just trades.\" Everybody thought that was very add 30 percent a year level. account to make 30 percent a year to keep your return have had someincredible given the growth years, of your account\342\200\224particularly My a call from I got had You must I was making Let's go backand fill in some of your trading history. Where go after you decided to give up on beinga floor trader? the traders taxed expansionary first, initiated Europe. to trading, phase, and they for their to pay expenses. in of U.S. policy 33 Marcus Michael $80 million, or did they $100,000 to trade. After out. In those years, they were In those up trading because days, I had an advantage by being in California, in Hong Kong when my New York colleagues were remember when I heard television news. I called and seemed nobody 200,000 about the Hong Kong to; the price invasion to see wasn't ounces of gold before anybody of I was asleep.I on the knew about it, Afghanistan if anybody changing. I was able to what was happening. knew buy That's 2,000 contracts! Did you have any liquidity problems with their on that size position in HongKong? taking No, they was told gave on me the stuff, my but last visit to they got fried by doing it. I visit the Hong Kong that I shouldn't of course, 34 MichaelMarcus Some of the people still floor. gold They knew who was on the Yes, they that remember side other Your transition episode. from of the trade? Honestly,I think gold. Then, when later, But a lot of those I never done it before. I had could trade off the television news. That was the first, last, and only time, do it. I did That particular gold market Didyou Yes, I got out go up to much better nearly in a near-vertical ended rise and fall. in time? out get around $750 on the way up. I felt sick, when $900. But later when it was about back I saw gold down to $400,1 felt tipped you off that when time, the But, never known people didn't keep their fortunes. I was very fortunate. any market before. obviously came to an happened? retired from cocoa trading. Helmut we had many and holding stories. Fortunes buying we were wild markets. One of my rules was to get and the momentum became absolutely insane. One way I had of measuring that was with limit days. In those days, we usedto have a lot of situations when a market would go limit-up for a number of consecutive days. On the third straight limit-up day, I would begin to be very, very cautious. I would almost always get out on the fourth limit-up day. And, if I had somehow survived with any part of my position that long, I had a mandatory rule to get out on the fifth limit-up out of the market on that kind of volatility. day. I just forced myself that by success I was end. What near a top? of other That phase of almost exclusive cocoatrading it. All in all, you got out very well. What were so good, that By the time the markets got I had really learned my craft. a trader. then, By again, good I had the become that time, Also, by very advantage of having I traded almost in cocoa. For two one market: years, knowledgeable and help I got from but cocoa, because of the information almost nothing of Commodities Corporation].Helmut Helmut [the founder Weymar a book that was so deep I was an incredible expert on cocoa. He wrote in the of friends understand the cover. Also, he had all kinds couldn't and information I got from Helmut and business. With the knowledge his friends, I felt that I knew the universe of cocoa in a way that I had true. That's you markets profit ounces. believe out successful all that buying broke It's hard to the lose. There were a lot couldn't just difficult At trader to being very werebeing made. and about five to ten minutes scrambling. I had an immediate $10 per ounce news the started everybody on 200,000 you I was just crazy, comingin thought probably know. a losing knew. No, they but being markets with the big bull phase in the commodity during coincided How much of success was due to to mid-1970s. the early your early much was just the markets? skills as a trader and how your they think that you knew something? Did 35 Michael Marcus I assume Helmut was not nearly as successfula traderas you were. volatility Let's just say that I traded much better on Helmut's information than he did. Excluding the early losing years,werethere any out as being particularly traumatic? Well, I would never let myself get caught up trades in potentially that stand intimidating MichaelMarcus 36 occurred during worst situation The disasters. my heavy MichaelMarcus currency to hold large positions. One doing well and couldafford marks when the time, I had a really large position in Deutsche in and decided to punish I called in just Bundesbank came the speculators. out that I was out around the time that all this was happening and found $2'h million in about five minutes. So I got out, rather than see the $2k the disturbing million loss to endure go to $10 million. Then I had the of market recover its entire fall. experience watching I was trading period. How long after you got out? It soundslikeas wise Yes, I was I am taken In retrospect, do you that trade? Yes,but it still feel Did you invest any of the I made keep plowing thing by getting out of money sat it out and done nothing, I $2k million. if I had of losing you were making in your trading, it back into your own account? of bad investments and lost a fairly chunk of the large made I had When was I wanted to have a I trading. money trading big, reason to keep doing it, so I just spent money wildly. At one time, I owned about ten housesand ended up losing money on all of them. Some I sold before I had even spenta singlenight in them. I had a planecharter service a number 30 percent a lot of money on that. At one point, I figured out that 30 percent was going to the government, dollar I madetrading, and lost for every naive as an alive lost large money of real estate number on all but one of them. that can claim that dubious do everything I didn't emotionally. investments? analyze anything. of your early trading you were repeating the mistake in something you knew nothing involved and about then losing money. Didn't any bells go off ? It almost sounds like instinct in losing your money elsewhere. had a self-destructive you by that point. did the right Out of a fairly person a sense, getting Yes, I probably absolutely. During this period when hurt to realize that would have been OK instead or did you you of me naive. think you did so poorly on your do you experience: the starch out were distinction. In had were as a trader, you you in California\342\200\224I the only probably Why Did you go back in? No, they incredibly transactions\342\200\224many an hour. half as investor. I would About 37 was going to support my planes, and 20 percent was decided to sell everything. support my real estate. SoI finally going to didn't anybody try what you're realize lost more than the money I made. doing all these unwise things, the shoulders and say, \"Do you you by you to grab half were doing?\" Yes, but any time someone on my staff did, I would fire them. At one or seventy people. In addition to all my time, I was employing sixty money-losing businesses, I had a huge nut to make to just support the I made just went a lot of the money down the drain. payroll. Frankly, Did these losses have of the emotional impact of lossesin the any market? The reason I ask is that seem to talk about these you losses investment very dispassionately. what a fool I had been, but I have learned not to I accepted it as a life lesson.I learned to material things. I don't have to own a house in every beautiful place in the world; I can a trail there. Or, if I realat a hotel and walk on the beach or climb stay Yes, it hurt to realize be as attached Michael 38 ly feel like spoiling myself, I can charter a plane; Marcus I don't have to own one. that certainly makes sense,but what I am getting at is that I it trading, suspectthat if you had lost the same amount of money Is that because more traumatic would have been a much experience. to these other ventures? your ego wasn't attached I was smart at one at least, I always felt that, true. Yes, I'm sure that's I am the I is feel like trading really good at. If not for only thing thing. shoes. that, I probably would have wound up shining Do you think skill, trader 39 I would imagine in your case you are too large. orders can't put a stop in because actually your Right, I think Marcus Michael a great being trader is an innate Having extreme upper skill? the whole trading experiencefrom success, what basic advice failure to could you give a beginning trader trader? bet less than 5 percent of your money thing I would say is always can be wrong more than twenty That on any one idea. times; it way you I would emphasize that the will take you a long time to lose your money. 5 percent applies to one idea.If you take a long position in two different related grain markets, that is still one idea. The next thing I would advise is to always use stops. I mean commits you to get out at a certain point. actually put them in, because that The first Do you always picka point Yes,I have always done broker can hold it. When you place an order to get is it accompanied a position, into by an order to get out? That's right. as you put as soon thing is that if a positiondoesn'tfeelright don't be embarrassed to changeyour mind and get right Another it on, out. echelon been through or a losing my later it doesn't feel right, So, if you put the trade on and five minutes don't think to yourself, \"If I get out this quickly, my broker will think that I'm an idiot.\" of successful tradersrequiresan innate But to be a competent violinist. a gift. It's just like being a great and make money is a skill you can learn. to be in the Yes, but where you will get out before you get in? that. You have to. Yes,exactly. If you become unsure about a position,and what to do, just get out. You can always get out and get a goodnight's sleep. come I've next day everything was you don't in. When in that lots of times get out? know doubt, and the clear. Do you sometimes go backin right after Yes, often the next day. While you are in, out, then you can think clearly again. What done back other advice would you give the you you novice can't think. When you get trader? the most important rule is to hold on to your winners and cut If your losers. Both are equally don't with important. you stay your are not going to be able to pay for the losers. winners, you You also have to follow so many your own light. Because I have friends who are talentedtraders, I often have to remind myself that if I try to trade their way, or on their ideas, I am going to lose. Every trader has strengths and weaknesses. Some are good holders of winners, but Perhaps Michael Marcus 40 a little losers their hold may little short, but are own style, you get try to incorporate and bad in someone else's style, you wind often a is the on the sentiment indexes? reading up with the worst Can you good examples of market tone tipping you of any think on a trade? same type of confidence The most classic illustration I can think of is one of the bull soybean in the late 1970s. At the time, were in extreme soybeans markets of the One shortage. to hold the you need to have the courage position and take the risk. If it comes down to \"I'm in this trade because Bruce is in it. So final it,\" then analysis, you are not you might as well not to have going in it in the first be was holding \"I have place. news?\" \"The still talk to other traders about markets? good news and I have I When it has mostly cost me money. too much. Over the years, I the idea that have conscious of I to to other talk traders, try keep very to listen to myself. I try to take their information without overly getting influenced by their opinion. and it still that we are talking about very talented traders, doesn't make a difference.If it is not your own idea, it messes up I assume your trading? You Right. need to be aware that the world is very sophisticated and \"How many people are left to act on this particular yourself: always the market has alreadydiscounted whether have to consider idea?\" You your get Not that, tone. How momentum-type many days has the market indicators and observing market been down or up in a row? What the was weekly and sales. I someone from bad I said, \"OK, what news.\" you speculative don't position next three have a limit He said, is the good was figure [the position size].\" They were expecting the days. a little depressed that I didn't have a up being larger position.The next morning, I entered an order to buy some more contracts on the opening, just in case I got lucky and the market traded before locking limit-up. I sat backto watch the fun. The market opened as expected. a lot of ticks limit-up Shortly after the opening, I noticed being recorded, as if the market was trading at the limit-up. Then prices eased off limit-up just as my broker called to reportmy fills. The market started trading I said to myself, \"Soybeans down. were supposedto be for three days, and they can't even hold limit-up limit-up the first I called my broker and frantically morning.\" immediately told him to sell, sell, Didyou classic up commitments Actually, I wound idea. the export is that the export commitment to be limit-up for the sell! By using news news is that maximum permissible ask How can you possibly evaluate that? good bad The market Not strong and long position in soybeans called me with the latest export figures. Corporation the courage to stick with fantastic. Do you a heavy Commodities the market pushing things government reports indicating Exactly.In the off a lot. that because that a trade winners As long as you stick to your own approach. When you your 41 losses. you don't have the isn't yours? Is it a problem may cut their Others long. quick the good of both styles.I've done in too to take their Michael Marcus only out of your but I was so excitedthat selling.I accidentally soybeans, whole position? wound which I bought time I madea lot of money back count of how much I was short a substantial amount of I lost up being 40 to 50 cents lower. That on an error. was the only 42 Michael I remember a situation just likethat. It was the MichaelMarcus Marcus bull market cotton To this day, I recall I was when prices almost reached$1a pound. a half week's the and export figure came out showing long cotton cotton most bullish It was the China. million bales of exportsto the next limit-up I had ever seen. But instead of opening figure export and then 150 points higher day, the market opened only about started trading off. That proved to be the exact high. occurred when we were in a Another example, interesting in and all the commodity markets were trading period very inflationary all the day, almost fashion. On one particularly powerful lockstep fell back, On that day, cotton opened limit-up, markets went limit-up. for the day. That was the market and finished only marginally higher I remember, peak. Everything light of day else stayed lockedlimit-up, but cotton never saw the again. markets,you to sell you find a common behavior between as it starts as soon the one that is lagging acts terribly a market to put down a bet when can't and a market is wonderful the news When else. everything be short. sure to to be want then you go up, want absolutely relative to kinds What of misconceptions about the markets get peopleinto trouble? I think the leading causeof Well, you can rely financial is the belief that disablement on the experts to helpyou. It might, if you Tudor For example, if you happen to be Paul be a not bad it the market, about he is talking might expert. know the right Jones' barber, and idea to listen. Your average \"experts\" are not traders. More money is lost broker couldn't be a trader years. than any other way. Trading requires an intense to brokers listening and that is what own homework, You have to do your personal involvement. Typically, however, these so-called in a million I advise people misconceptions? The foolishbelief that to do. there of the great traders in many in the markets. I have is conspiracy the world, and I can say that 99 known of percent the time, the market is bigger than anybody sooner or later, it goes and, where it wants to go. Thereare exceptions,but they don't last too long. You haveattributed a lot of your the you principles success to Ed and Amos who taught Have you, of trading. in turn, traders? Yes. My best worked with, result, as well in terms I first When just of his becoming the as being a close friend, How much of his successdo if heading down? You other much of it was Is the implied rule that want Any 43 you attribute is Bruce best taught other trader I ever Kovner. to your training, and how his own talent? met Bruce, he wasa writer and a professor; in his spare time, of trading staggered by the breadth knowledge he had accumulatedin such a short time. I rememberthe first to impress him with complicated day I met Bruce I tried concepts. Here I was, a professional trader who, in those days, spent fifteen hours a he was trading doing and some trading. analyzing I was the markets, and I couldn'tcomeup that he couldn't understand. I recognizedhis talent That relates to his intellect, but was there something told you that he was going to be a good trader? Yes, his objectivity. A good day with anything immediately. about him that trader can't be rigid. If you can find then open to seeing anything, you have found the raw of a good trader\342\200\224and I saw that in Bruce ingredient I knew right away. from the moment I first met him that he was to be a trader. going great What I tried to do was to Bruce the principles that Ed and convey Amos had taught me, skills. My best along with some of my acquired occurred when Bruce and I were trading we did some collaborating; There were years when I was up 300 phenomenal trading. and percent he was up 1,000 percent. He had a very great gift. somebody who is really Do you feel you get ground down Absolutely. 1983,1 Around began as Michael Marcus Marcus Michael 44 to taper off in my I felt that trading. I to recharge my batteries. needed How important is gut feel in trading? trader I don't know of any great professional Gut feel is very important. also takes t rader courage: the that doesn't have it. Being a successful and the courage courage to try, the courage to fail, the courage to succeed, to keep on going when the going gets tough. Do you have any goals aside from I have taken for many karate years. I am like to get the black belt.Also, would traditions and there is a bit more work sound You at this trading point? at a high already I have level, but made a study of I would like to do with very vague about it. Do you want fun aspect still there if you are doing it Is the a trader? to be to talk about this. Let me see how overtrading or getting When you said spiritual put it. Albert the is whether Are you there now? No. I would the feeling see yourself trading ten Yes, it's too much probably a losing streak, how do you handle it? In the past, I've sometimes tried to fight back by trading even heavier after I start but that usually doesn't work. Then I start losing, cutting down very fast to the point of stopping completelyif it gets bad enough. But usually it never gets that bad. Do you sometimes to fight your manage way out of it? Sometimes, but most just stopped. I've had fighter. of the trouble time I would have been better off bringing myself to do that, because pattern is: Lose, fight like or sometimes stop, until I get on a winning The typical then cut How long have you stopped for? back, three, Usually four hell, if I had I am a lose again, track. weeks. When you are in a losingstreak,is it because you are out of sync the markets, or is there a better way to describe it? not where you started off I started off with Do you do hit disturbed about temporary failures. with I'm a lot closer. But that's excessively that. that the single most important question for is it I think is everybody to come to a universe friendly. important is universe that the inside feel friendly. point where they Einstein a day? hours I vague? I can thirteen No. If trading is your life, it is a torturous kind of excitement. But if you are keepingyour life in balance, then it is fun. All the successful traders I'veseenthat lasted in the business sooner or later got to that point. They havea balanced life; You they have fun outside of trading. can't sustain it if you don't have some other focus. Eventually, you wind up natural It is very hard 45 that it was an unfriendly or twenty fun to give up. I don't want just I think in the end, losing begets losing.When that, start losing, it you touches off negativeelements in your psychology; it leads to pessimism. ? years place. from now? to make a lot more money. end up losing it in real estate again. There are very few traders who have been as successful as you. think makes you different? do you I am very difficult to open-minded. accept emotionally, I am willing but which to take I still in information recognize that What is to be true. For ex- Michael 46 I have seen others ample, make money much faster than Michael only to Judging by the letters you have mentioned, I take it that stocks as well. Howlonghave you been trading stocks? I have started losing, they they wind everything back, because when up giving able to been I have bad had I a streak, have couldn't stop. When losing a market moves When say to myself, \"You just can't trade anymore.\" \"I had to able been I have always say, to my expectations, counter so it isn't but working, hoped to make a lot of money in this position, out.\" I'm getting keep track of your Do you plot actually a lot helpful? For about the 47 last two you trade years. Do you trade stocks differently than you trade futures? I'm more patient. basis? Do you on a day-to-day Is the it? I have done that Is that equity Marcus Marcus No, I look in the past. Do you think it's a goodideafor traders trend in your is down, that is a to plot their process different? selection from the chart, confirmation for market action. I think you Do you focus on any particular I don't trade stocks. can trade the fundamentals, in the anything world and the that way. of stock? types equity? I think so. If the and reevaluate.Or if you you made it, that equity see that you are losingmoney sign to cut back a lot faster than would be a warning. the Dow each other. dollar than I prefer the little because ones, they are who are like sharks eating The basic principle is that it is better to trade the Australian the Deutsche mark, and the small OTC stock than the big not dominated by the big professional traders Dow stock. Are there you pay attention to? any advisors What My knowledge of the (CTSL Publishing CA Francisco, Zweig letter market favorite in terms subject is the Partners, 94104). of readability, imagination, California Stock Letter Technology Street, Suite 1401, San put out by Marty 155 Montgomery I also like the market letters 360,Bellmore, The Zweig Forecast, P.O. Box (TheZweigLetter, and Richard Russell (Dow TheoryLetters, Dow Theory NY 11710) P.O. Box 1759, LaJolla, CA 92038). Letters Inc., Of the traders I have interviewed, Zweig is probably the one most mentioned. always get something of Marty Zweig. He is very fundamentals you look for in a stock? I like to use something I found in Investor's Daily: the earnings per is based on comparing the earnings per (EPS). [The EPS ranking share growth of a stock relative to all other stocks. For more details on the EPS, see the William O'Neil and David Ryan I interviews.] combine the EPS with share If a company my own sense of market potential. has already saturated their little niche in the world, a high EPS is not that But, in those issues where the EPS is growing, and there is important. still of pie out there, the situation is much more attractive. plenty with of value out the share earnings You are and solid. paying I also liketo look at the price/earnings (P/E) ratio in conjunction the EPS. In other words, while I like to see a company with a strong growth pattern, for that earnings I also want to know growth pattern. how much the market is So MichaelMarcus MichaelMarcus 48 a high like seeing you with EPS Yes.That's the best the two on a computerand combination. Howabout performance the relative relative coming strength 49 How much common behavior is there between different For example, can you trade bondsin thesameway you a low P/E. I am sure there isa way of combining up with a very good system. I really feel that principles are [a measure of a stock'sprice indicatorin to all other stocks], which is another key if you the same. markets? trade corn? can trade one market, Trading you can trade them all. The is emotion. It is mass psychology, greed, and fear. It is all the same in every situation. Investor'sDaily! I has already figure, done. the stock has exhausted Is there anything I look at the happen tells that much. Relativestrength a by the time you get high Frequently, that helps think don't to be For what basic bullish you what relative a stock strength itself. else you look for in a stock? 1988], I on tanker rates and, therefore,the shipping business. right is more the rule than the an incredible long-term performancerecord,Michael his trading career with an unbroken string of trading he wiped out not just once, but several times. The Moreover, began not necessarily [May For example, Despite Early trading failure is a sign that now industry. For most great traders, early failure I found annually. by again. second time trading rates become more difficult as the sizeof the account gets bigger? Yes, becauseyou are being are forced to compete in fewer traded by other big professionals. and fewer ultimate losses. is: moral is something wrong; failure or success. potential it it particularly of painful interesting that, despite a number losses, Marcus' most devastating was experience actually a profitable trade in which he got out prematurely. Taking advantage of trades is not only important potential to the mental health major winning of the trader, but is also critical to In the interview, Marcus winning. stressed that letting winners ride is every bit as important as cutting losses short.Inhis own words, \"If you don't stay with your winners, you are not going to be able to pay for the losers.\" Marcuslearned about the dangers of overtrading the hard way. In one instance (the grain trade in the nonexistent corn blight an year), are like commodity prices; they Prices get high and everyone makes a a classic cyclical pattern. follow down. lot of money, so they build a lot of ships and prices go We have had back again. up are scrapped and prices go the ships Eventually tankers lot of a and have scrapped very low rates for many years of the cycle where prices go backup part So we are entering that Does you Marcus trading reasons? Supply and demand. Tanker a good predictorof are doing exception. markets that account he up from a very small stake to $30,000 was wipedout all his money on a single trade. He made the same mistake a had built betting market, coming to the brink of disaster before had a dramatic narrowly escaping. Theseexperiences impact on Marcus' It is no accident that the first rule he cites when trading philosophy. asked to give advice to the average trader is: Never commit more than 5 percent of your idea. money to a single trade in the lumber Michael Marcus 50 of In addition to not overtrading, Marcus stressesthe importance that He feels trade. to an exit point on every protective stops committing on the trader. He because they force this commitment are very important when to achieve mental clarity also recommendsliquidating positions one is losing money and is confused Marcus also emphasizesthe regarding necessity market decisions. your own mind of following Kovner Bruce when the advice of others, even that following as a trader. He suggests worst it the as combines to problems leads often are traders, good they of both traders. elements Marcus trader, strongly Finally, despite being an aggressive for He advises in trades. believes in being restrictive waiting selecting those trades in which all the doing so you greatly Making lots of trades enhance key elements the probability line up in one direction. The World Trader By of success on each trade. when the conditions appearto be only marginally to do with entertainment than trading in favor of the tradeidea has more success. Bruce Kovner Today, interbank currency may well be the futures and world's trader in the largest markets. In 1987 alone, he scoredprofits of $300 million for himself and the fortunate in excess funds. During the past percent averaged annual return. in his investors Kovner has realized compounded 87 a remarkable Two thousand dollars 1978 would have been worth in early Kovner with invested ten years, over ten years later. $1,000,000 Despitehis incredibletrack record and huge trading size, Kovner has managed to keep a surprisingly low profile.Hehas assiduously pursued his privacy all interview by steadfastly refusing requests. \"You I consented this to he said. As a why interview,\" I was, but I did not want to raise the question.I had might be wondering matter of assumed that fact, his agreement years earlier, our Commodities paths reflected a vote of confidence had crossed as Corporation\342\200\224he briefly when we Seven and trust. both worked at one of the firm's principaltraders, I as an analyst. Kovner continued, \"It seems the stories are usually distorted would help establishat least Kovner hardly holds positions with fits the a total With his incisive intellectand like I can't avoid somepublicity, and fanciful. one accurate intuitive I thought record.\" that image of a trader face value measured in easygoing manner, and this interview who billions he reminds typically of dollars. one more Kovner Bruce 52 of a professor than trader in the highly a giant-scale and futures markets. Indeed, Kovner After from graduating at Harvard and courses liked teaching, he was the Kovner not enthused the with a blank In campaigns, abandonedpolitics because he didn't Although he have the life. academic \"I didn't page in the morning and of something brilliant to write.\" the early 1970s, Kovner manageda number with the idea of eventually for running thinking science political taught of Pennsylvania. University the process of alwaysconfronting enjoy out as an academic. started Harvard, currency leveraged of office financial He himself. or the desire to work his way up the political ladder from committee jobs. as a consultant for various state and During this time he also worked federal agencies. Still searching for a career direction, in the mid-1970s. markets to the financial shifted Kovner He believedthat his attention his economics and he the right background, science educationprovided found the idea of analyzing the world to make trading judgments in For about a year, Kovner immersed himself tremendously appealing. He read markets and the related economic studying everything theory. he could get his hands on. One subject he studied intensively was rate theory. \"I fell interest in love with Haeyield curve.\" [Theyield is the relationship between curve the yield on government For securities and their time to maturity. and political example, than if each yield than rising successively a shorter-term one-year slope longer-term maturity maturity\342\200\224for T-bills\342\200\224the example, yield curve provided five-year a higher T-notes yield at a higher would reflect a continually on a graph.] Kovner's study 53 Given the prevailing phase of the business cycle, that the nearby contract (for example, should trade at a higher price (loweryield)than the next contract March) two contracts did indeed tend the nearest (for example, June). Although to reflect this relationship, found that the price difference Kovner ber, and December). interest rate theory His first forward more contractbecamethe spread between the two That first Kovner was hooked spread contractand supply tightness the forward widen. and just according to textbook theory His second trade also involved an intra- of one contractagainst the sale of another market]. In this case, he bought the nearby copper sold a more forward contract, in the expectation that would cause the nearby copper contractto gain relative to same position. Although his idea eventually proved right, he was too early and lost money on that trade. At the end of these two trades, Kovner was still ahead, with his original to $3,000 stake having grown about $4,000. really put me in the business. In early 1977, an market. It was a apparent shortage developing in the soybean demand driven than market. week the crush was higher Every expected and nobody believed the figures. crush is amount the of soybeans [The meal and soybean oil.] I was watching the processed for use as soybean My third trade is what was the old crop July [the price differencebetween spread contract and the new crop November contract]. Since it looked like we were going to run out of soybeans, I thought that the old crop July contract would its to the new This expand premium crop Novembercontract. had in a consolidation been narrow near 60-cents spread trading premium I figured I could easilystop myself out just below the July. consolidation at around a 45-cents premium. At the time, I didn't realize how volatile the spread could be. I put on one spread [that is, bought July contracts. Futures futures spread (difference) betweendifferent traded months are for specific March, June, Septem(for example, soybeans the price as a trader. [the purchase contract in the would contracts worked trade market July/November interest often started trading at near-zero levels. a forward interest rate contract and buying contract, in the expectation that, as the purchased contract with the nearby passage of time, the price contracts involved trade rate markets coincidedwith the initial years in interest rate futures. At that time, the interest rate futures market was relatively unsophisticated and price distortions, would which be quickly eradicated by arbitrageurs today, persisted over time. As Kovner becomeimportant market hadn't \"The it, explains for CitiBank or Solomon Brothers,but it was important enough enough for me.\" One of the primary anomalies Kovner discovered was related to of the of trading predicted forward more between selling a political resources, BruceKovner and simultaneously sold Novembersoybeans]near 60 cents I put on another spread. I kept on and it widened to 70 cents. Then pyramiding. Bruce Kovner 54 How big of a position Were you did you build up? up to aposition built of about fifteen contracts,but not only firms. brokerage When $400. November soybeans intercrop spread, such as long July soybeans/short can prove to be nearly as volatile as a net long or short position.] He was obviously with the risk in your position. concerned quite that I had only Yes.He was concerned put up $400 margin per spread, on a spreadwhich behaved like a net long position. Actually, he wasn't that far He was right, furious. So I moved brokerage firm, but I I was which shall off. remain my to another account nameless, for reasons that will You were furious becauseyou felt he was I am not sure I thought was knew being unfair, but I certainly I moved my account to a major or did he was an obstacle to my brokeragehouse,and got he objective. a broker the market until moved up to a certain level by a specified amount before adding another unit. turn out to be the problem. did not pyramiding On April had entered a string of limit-up moves. The market retraced My 13, record high. The commotionwas tremendous. My to the moon. It called me at home and said, \"Soybeans are going the market hit a new and November is sure to follow. contracts. Let me lift your November shorts for you, and when the market goes limit-up for the next my days, you will make more money.\" I agreed, and we covered looks like July is going limit-up, are a fool to stay short the November November short You few position. AH of it?! All of loudly]. it [he laughs Was this a spur of the moment decision? minutes later, my broker calls me back,and he sounds frantic. \"I don't know how to tell you this, but the I don't know if I can get you out.\" I went into market is limit-downl moved off of limit-down shock. I yelledat him to get me out. The market I a bit and out. little got by It was a moment of insanity. or\342\200\224 Did you end up getting I got out you who was not very competent. The market kept moving up and I kept adding to my position. I had put on 25; by April 12, my account was up to my first spread on February $35,000. up, Fifteen soon clear. being unfair, I would wait a plan. had and then broker He told me, \"The spreadposition you have on trades like an I am going to raise your margins from $400 to $2,000 outright long position. are lower than outright margins per contract.\" [Spread margins, that a net long or short positionwill be considerably the assumption reflecting more volatile than a spread position. Reason: In a spread,the long of the po sition is likely to at leas t partially contract portion offset price movement in the short contract position. In a shortage an situation, however, Well, position as the market went before I started out, I was trading at a small brokeragehouse.The head of the company, who was an old floor went over the trades every day and spotted what I was doing.By trader, I had built my position up to about ten or fifteen that contracts. The time, on a contract was while the $2,000, single outright margin spread I had to switch become to your adding just you have some plan? I eventually margin was 55 Bruce Kovner between out limit-down the dimensions of the at limit-down? and slightly above limit-down. I can tell loss. At the moment I covered my short leaving myself net long July, I was up about $45,000. I went into By the end of the day, I had $22,000 in my account. shock. I could not believe how stupid I had been\342\200\224how badly emotional in spite of having studied the I had failed to understand the market, and I didn't eat for days. I markets for years. I was sickto my stomach, thought that I had blown my career as a trader. November position Bruce Kovner Bruce Kovner stake of only What pretty good 56 But you still had $22,000 comparedto things Keeping $3,000. original your you were still in in perspective, 57 to the spread? happened eventually The spreadcollapsed.Eventually, shape. Absolutely. I was in good it went below the level that I had first it at. begun buying but\342\200\224 shape, you liquidated your position on the day the market and the spread topped, you would have given back a portion of the profits even if it wasn't for the disastrousdecisionthat forced you out of the Since it the Was of the mistake or was stupidity given back that emotional such caused money that you had it the pain? market. there it was the realization that the money at all. I think I had to without was \"fire\" there. Until then, ridden $3,000 $45,000 No, it wasn't really of pain. a moment On the way It was did up, the other couldeventually No, but clearly, way? to lift the truly capable of taking gave it to you. That made a very they Actually, I very lucky to get out was I assume complete side of my spread position short that I had lost a process me so much was the realization I realized that the that I thought I had. At that moment, were with that your quick action that Even though money bothered rationality disregard for risk. I think money away every bit as fast on me. strong impression as $22,000. I multiplied probably day averted you ended actually by nearly sixfold on that trade. I didn't understand how risky money my and up. Perhaps, if I hadn't made the mistake of riding the market gone my straight stupid down. mistake, my of course, position was. risk? a as fast as it I might I was, Was getting out of your entire position immediately after your called to tell you the market was limit-down a matter of or do think had some instinctive common sense about panic, you you I'm not sure. At down of broker that moment, I had blown a great deal of After that day, the market went up making a substantialamount on the trade? insanely leveraged, controlling disaster. Absolutely. made decision that the market streak of a panic showeda complete markets had my possibility middle the what go the trade? Far and away. Yes. easy. to of Was that your most painful you think, \"This is easy\"? Did you give any thought in be true, but for me, that was my \"going bust\" trade. It was the may closest I ever came to going bust and, psychologically, it felt as if I had. That have this day, when something and my sense of what to that event. the I was confronted with what I thought the realization that I knew about discipline. To happens to disturb my emotional equilibrium world is like, I close out all positions related 58 Bruce Kovrter BruceKovner is a great lead-in. What Do you have a recentexample? That stock market crash. I closedout all on October 19 and 20 because I felt there was something my positions in the world that I didn't understand. The first rule of happening are probably trading\342\200\224there many first rules\342\200\224isdon't get caught in a situation in which deal of money for reasons you don't you can lose a great He taught understand. It sounds October Let's week 19,1987\342\200\224the of the to the period after get back your start trading again? About When did you trade. soybean later. After a few months a month $40,000. that Around time, I had my account back to about I answered an ad for a trading assistant I was interviewed by Michael Corporation. idiosyncratic manner. He had me return to Commodities position at Commodities Marcus in his usual Corporation several weekslater. \"Well,\" news and some bad news.The bad news a trading the good news is that assistant; he said, \"I have some good is that we are not hiring you as we much money Thirty-five Were you trading you to trade? Yes, and that is something the happen. you can actually like he gave you make me that It is very easy to me that if you take it. confidence. critical: You thing that is absolutely is mistakes regularly; there to make wrong have to be willing nothing about me being with it. Michael taught making your best judgment, third best next your making wrong, being judgment, your making wrong, and then doubling best judgment, money. your Right. He also taught me one other one of the most successfultradersin the caliber. of traders of your a small number only different from the averageguy? You are world. There are What makes you same time? a policy that allowed you to trade your personal well as the company account, and Michael and I were very one can reallydefine do not. For myself, I can think ability account, aggressive traders. why of two some traders make it, while important be thirty people, from today can prices rational and only the years, I have tried to train perhaps out to be good or five of those have turned Over extent. four traders. Were you influenced by Michael? What Oh, yes,very much. important [pause]. Michael taught me one thing that was happened incredibly They are out and taught? as Only to a limited others elements. First, I have to imagine Can trading skills I am very glad about. Commodities Corporation had not sure configurations of the world different and really believe it can happen. I can imagine that soybean double or that the dollar can fall to 100 yen. Second,I stay disciplined under pressure. dollars. at He showed dollars. could great things line? you really can do it. He showed use discipline, and punch you as a trader.\" are hiring did Commodities Corporation give your own money, as well, that point is the you could make a million yourself, applied miss the a position the thousand that me if you I'm How 59 to the other twenty-five? of the business\342\200\224and it had nothing to do with intelligence. Bruce Kovner 60 When you compare the traineesthat not, do you find They are strong, to take out. I know want at in the extreme. Theyareable Commodities to mention his name\342\200\224always struck Corporation\342\200\224I me as a brilliant trader. don't The the markets he pickedwere often markets much better than I did, the right markets. Intellectually, he knew and was I he not. was keepingmoney, yet ideas he came up were with wonderful; So where washe goingwrong? Position he much too big. For every one contract I traded, occasions double his money on two different up flat. size. He traded ten. He would traded each year, but still end Do you always use fundamental analysis in forming your trading decisions? I almost always Is that trade I use a position on a market view; I don't trade simply on technical analysis a great deal and it is terrific, but unless I understand the market should move. why that virtually it? behind to say reason fundamental Canadian the valuation of already voted. that can often that I felt inSant, the Canadian had dollar was at the top of sure whether it was going to roll backwads or When the market moved, I was preparedto go with tlat a major movement because we had a conjunction of two important element!: in I wasn't smart enough tc know change in fundamentals (although, which direction it would the market), and a techncal price impact a hill, and I wasn't forwards. on breakout the upside. What do you mean you weren't smart enough to know in which direction the trade pact announcement would move the market? Since U.S./Canadian trade is so much of a larger component Canadian trade than it is of U.S. trade, wouldn't it hive been for the be bullish logical to assume that the trade pact would Canadian dollar? It didn't have that way. I couldjust as easilyhave aigued the Canadian dollar because he to happen every position you take has a the trade elimination of submerge Canadian barriers interests. would allow imports There are still some that is a fair clarify statement. But the fundamental I would picture. add that technical analysis I will give you an example. I had good arguments for the Canadian the past six months, dollar going for the Canadian dollar going down, and good arguments If you had It which was correct. was to me unclear interpretation up. I a market and forced me to choose a to head direction, gun put my from the U.J. to who tdhere to analysts that there are well-informed tralers who argument. My point is that know much more than I do. I simply put things together. Tley knew which to and Canadian voted in the marketplace by buying way go, they dollars. Is the generalization of that I think up. At dollar had just changed, and the marlet to the agreement, I felt Prior finishing one of the major pieces ir the that the trade pact was negative for technical information. I can't hold were negotiations completely comfortablesaying to take. are unwilling They are disciplined A take the right size positions. trader greedy always blows some really inspired traders who never managedto keep the they made. One trader money days earlier, as the others positions enough to and contrary independent, that did traits? distinguishing any it to the majority made 61 Kovner Bruce fundamental development is often a good tip-off example that when an importart occurs, the initial the longer-term of direction of the marlet move trend? During probably would have said \"down.\" Then the U.S ./Canadian the entire picture. In fact, the trade pact was announced, changed had broken out on the upside a few leads because there are people Wio know Exactly. The market usually than you do. For example,the Soviet Union is a very gocd trader. more Goodtraderin which markets? which market In currencies, and grains to some degree. 62 How does one know what Because the hear Kovner Bruce the act through Soviets are doing? Soviets intelligence to draw about it. It seems rather contradictory to me that a country that is so poor in its own economy should be a goodtrader. ask people in the if you but you will find out business, that they are. It is known fact in a well Soviets (and others)are That communication. use scramblers capable is why when they the on commercial of eavesdropping the large commodity trading firms sometimes very sensitive calls. are making there are thousands of difficult-to-understand the market, which into play before the news come reachessomepoor trader sitting at his desk. But the one thing that does hit the market is a huge sale or purchase. Isn't that the basic rationalization Technical analysis, I think, is mumbo That's a thermometer. Fundamentalists to the charts are like a attention you can about says the market to give you an edge. analysis reflects the vote of the entire and, marketplace that By definition, anything It is unusual. is something a new chart pattern creates very important for I if can observe something me to study the details of price action to see the charts is absolutely crucial about how everybody is voting. Studying and disequilibria and potential changes. me to existing alerts Do you sometimes say, \"I'veseenthis market advance.\" fundamental reasons? behavior. unusual on a trade put because you look at a chart and and it is often a forerunner of pattern That is, even though you may not have any before, a that lead mechanisms that who that the community intelligence is that point My say they doctor therefore, does pickup It is a joke,but perhaps they do read some of our mail. The Soviets (and other governments) occasionally have advance information. Why shouldn't they? They have the best developedintelligence in the service activity is like analysis some of traders. of other are not going to pay any of he's not going to take a patient's temperature. But, in If you are a responsible participant course, that would be sheer folly. where the market is\342\200\224whether it to know the market, you always want You want to know everything is hot and excitable, or coldand stagnant. who Technical Why, or how? world. For me, technical you what the past activity about conclusions traders may say about the future commercial banks and dealers,and running Yes, 63 Bruce Kovner has a great deal that analysis? is right deal to me about a price move out of a trading range that nobody understands. and a great deal Does that imply you usually go with breakouts? Sure. right and what's black magic? But the markets There is a great tracks the seen a great as a trader who has I would only add that, is nothing there in a of and been lot markets, sometimes. jumbo. an interesting statement. What's technicians I will do that disconcerting technical for Yes, who past; more deal claim it does of hype attached to technical analysis by some that it predicts the future. Technical analysis not predict the future. You have to use your own to it than are often Tight congestionsin understands prone to false breakouts. There has to be that. which are usually a breakout occurs for reasons that good risk/reward trades. nobody 64 Bruce breakouts that occur becausethereisa story How about Kovner Bruce Kovner Wall Let's say you in the Street Journal that day? on an upsidebreakoutfrom a starts to move against you\342\200\224that is, phase, when to get out? How do you back into the range. How do you know tell the difference between a small pullbackand a bad trade? do consolidation be much less relevant. The Heisenberg in physics principle an for the markets. If is provides analogy something closely observed, the odds are it is going to be altered in the process. If corn is in a tight consolidation and then breaks out the day the Street Journal Wall carries a story about a potential shortage of corn, the odds of the price move being sustained are much smaller. If everybody believes there is no reason for corn to break out, and it suddenly does, the chances that there is an important cause are much greater. underlying would That 65 a market buy and the price I enter a position, I have a predetermined stop. That is the I get in. The before I I I'm out can know where getting only way sleep. and the the size a is on trade determined by stop, stop is position in is the midst determined on a technical basis. For example,if the market Whenever of a trading sinceyou it makes range, are no sense to put stop your to be taken out. I always placemy likely within that range, stop some beyond technical barrier. It sounds like you Well, the are move occurring, price I do think The more a price pattern is observed The prone you are to have false of nonspeculative activity, the greater the signals. more product technical that. that the less explanation there is for the better it looks. saying more a by speculators, a market is the significance of Don't you I never think studied the market Has systems floor greatly increased use of computerized trend-following the frequency increased of false technical signals? the I think so. The fact that there are billions of technical systems that recognition developed use moving averages dollars out there are these billions going if a breakout to kick in. If it are kicking into occurs becausethe the that prices are moving it is a lot less interesting market, is clear the signals.I have Russians are buying. other because than that a lot of the problem and about that, because the other people may be may be drawn to that market the point the technical aspects of the shouldn't go there if you are traders can get at easily. point, if I believe easily. To take or other simple pattern approaches helps produce many more false similar systems myself, so that I can tell when systems obvious trading on into stop level? I've breakouts. run using the same stoppoint, that Sometimes it is about market right. a technical I try to avoid I may place my too far away barrier\342\200\224and for a long time\342\200\224isthat or too a point that stop difficult at an to reach the bonds an actual afternoon, example, on a recent Friday out of an extended trading witnessed a high-velocitybreakdown range. I felt As far as I could tell, this price move came as a complete surprise. if I that was right about very comfortable sellingthe bonds on the premise it back through a certain amount the the market should not make trade, of a previous overhead consolidation. That was my stop. I slept easily in that because I knew that I would be out of the trade if that position, happened. Bruce Kovner 66 Talking about stops,I assume stopsare Let's put care always mental it this way: I've stops, or is that not necessarily true? organized my are never on the floor,but of. They size that you trade, your of the because life they Do you feel it First of all, a lossof you are wrong itself slows me down, so I reducemy situation the change in the described, Secondly, you technical will if I am bearish me second For example, picture give thoughts. on the dollar and a major intermediate high has been penetrated, I would money rules are very for trading is that the have to reevaluatemy and precedent. of information medical For are very good because diagnostics clear. The problem with developing the \"rules\" and investment game keep the trading of changing.I expert systems have some time working with spent expert system we and concluded that was a poor candidate for this developers, trading because of trading decisions encompass too many types approach, and the rules for the information knowledge, interpreting keep changing. in fact that you are trading so much the Does years early your make There are far fewer markets that you had developed your own to provide an indicator of where the largeamount trend-followingsystems under such systems couldbe expected to hit money managed market. Do you use your own trend-following systemsto portion of the Yes, about of my How much degree. make problems diversification related money, for the optimum size managing? currently Over $650 million. I guess it is not negative 5 but they have volatility to risk control that I don't like. But, since I use them to a small from my other trading, systems liquidity any last Yes, What offer money are you I assumemorethan the level of your confidence? so it could be worse. sufficient with trades. trade money you manage? Is that and characteristics, you did of the 5 percent. Overall, my size than difficult? more it greater view. you mentioned Earlier they a system would in the positions. percent, do as would Computers are good at \"learning\" highly developed. when there are clearhierarchies example,expertsystemsfor of such features have to be very on a major position trade?Your stop point will limit your initial loss, but if you still believe in the fundamental analysis underlying the trade, I assume that will try it again. If you are wrong about the general you direction of the At what point won't you take a seriesof losses? market, do you throw in the towel on the trade idea? that develop a systemthat because the learning it is unlikely think only What eventually tells you to ever is possible well as a good trader? I the stops get taken are not mental. so that 67 Kovner Bruce of year's are half profits that you really have trouble trading because liquidity? of a market I like often poor, is copper.In copper, An example is due to capital appreciation. alone were about $300 million. some markets insufficient of that a great deal, but I am in which now the elephant. the liquidity is 68 Kovtter Bruce of size can be moved kind What copper beforeit becomes comfortably in like a market a problem? a day, uncomfortably, interbank Can you trade liquidity, but Yes,I did a market like coffee, can develop sometimes which doesn't have When you put in liquid\342\200\224in other find your to trying I don't be counterproductive, technically. The since the time and energy I spend on coffee diminishes my focus on the currency markets, far more heavily. concentrating which I trade have reached a size levelthat impedes Since you have substantialpersonal funds, trading performance. you ever consider just trading your own related headaches in managing money and avoiding your all the money? but there are severalreasonswhy I don't. Although I invest a great deal of my own money in my funds, the portion of my funds that is to an option that has managed money represents a call. [Analogy risk limited of to its in the a unlimited event but rise, price profit potential cost in the event of a decline.] I don't say this to be flippant, since my to me, but a call my investors is extremely important reputation among is a much better position than a symmetrical win/loseposition. In most commodity currencies, interest futures rates, words, to the amount markets, that are not among the most or the major currencies\342\200\224do you in markets not T-bonds orders actually moving I never the market? bully a market. hears often one stories about very large traders up or down. Doesthat the markets push the future work? the underlying market structure, both and fundamentally traders that I know who thought too highly of their ability and tried to bully the market, ultimately made the mistake of overtrading and with under. Without mentioning any names, can you provide an example? did Yes, Is therea practical limit orders manage carefully think so. It can be done for the short term, but eventually it will lead to serious mistakes.It usually in arrogance and a loss of touch results went you are very high. I plan to very size of funds I am managing. Talking about that, deep enormous trends? coffee It would appear that they in the in it. dollars last year and made a few million million in $600 million, and I kick in $2 Now, if I am managing profits even on coffee trades,it doesn't really matter that much. In fact, it could trade 69 They can, but market. currency limits, but growth you can comfortably move 500 to 800 contracts; somewhat more than that. But the daily volume of only 7,000 to 10,000 contractsand a lot of that is local copper is currently In contrast, in the T-bond market, you can move5,000 or trading spreads. a problem. You can also move contracts without very large size, in the I would say, in Kovner Bruce of money you can manage? there certainly is. However,in and a few commodities such ascrudeoil, there are There is a recent example of a British trading organization into getting serious trouble after they tried to corner the crude oil market. At first they succeeded, but then they lost control and crude oil pricesfell by $4. was the end result? What They $40 million and the about lost You are probably managing trader in the world.How you hit a losing more do you organization money handle is in trouble. than any other futures the emotional strain when period? The emotional burden losemillions of trading of dollars. If you is substantial; on any given day, I could personalize these losses,you can't trade. Bruce Kovner 70 Do the lossesbother you so me is poor money management.Every too large. But I never had a lot of often, I take a loss that is significantly as long as losses were the of the with process losing money, difficulty outcome of sound trading techniques. Lifting the short side of the that scared me. I learned July/November soybeanspreadwasan example as a day-in, day-out But a lot about risk control from that experience. thing losses Did you any not bother me. does losing I went back and designeda lot lost about Was that due to errors to the measured my When trade you I only use the unless I am doing an arbitrage trade market, International [The against Monetary Market (IMM)is a of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the world's foremost subsidiary futures exchange.] The liquidity is enormously currency better, the transaction costs are much lower, and it is a twenty-four-hour market, which is important to us because we literally trade hours a day. twenty-four 16 percent. made, or the nature of It was a combination of the two. first major bear commodities markets Was in an different have in market My main characteristics it a matter of becomingcomplacent the markets? problem was that than bull it was interbank IMM. the experienced, and bear I had What of your portion On average, about markets always being about the principal characteristic of a bear market is currencies important IMM. did you make that year? [Crosses mistakes buying British management was poor. I had too many We trade any currency currencies(including trades. that those and the is highly pounds fixed contractsizes. liquid. Mideast currencies. we two the five that are all the European countries), all the major Virtually of the Scandinavian trading vehicle that are a trade involving marks is a cross.]You correlated from currency come profits you are also trading currenciesbeyond currently actively traded onthe IMM. most money 50 to 60 percent of our I assume Asian My is in currencies? trading. I would retracements. very sharp down movements followedby quick always sell too late and then get stopped out in what subsequently proved you to be part of a wide-swinging congestion pattern. In a bear market, enter to rallies countertrend have to use sharp positions. other trading markets. uptrend? No, the problem was that What do you use the interbank market or the currencies, market? futures years? you of risk management systems. I paid strict correlations of all my positions. From that point on, I total risk in the market everyday. attention the Yes, in 19811 Did you go back to the disturbs that process,taking have year? board? drawing The only 71 Was your confidenceshakenat all that all anymore? at Bruce Kovner Crosses are probably the that you can't trade on the countries. For example, foreign use and selling an equal dollar amount of Deutsche can't trade crosses on the IMM because they have Bruce Kovner Kovner Bruce 72 the ratio of the But you could do a crosson the IMM by adjusting to currencies two the between equalize the numberof contracts of each dollar value Is there a reasonwhy a larger more exact and direct to use the interbank and Deutsche Deutsche mark/British pound example, yen crosses are highly mark/Japanese You say: Buy $100 [million] worth of yen. In the interbank market, simply For So actually there sell $100 [million] worth of exchange unit the all over the economicstatistic out response currencies, in the than violently futures markets tightly a very swift of an causes a sharp price of line with expectations market react less does the interbank keep the two market, or do the arbitrageurs are well arbitraged, but those are the moments when some money. The will make arbitrageur out of line, but bit little the release markets do get a because away and the arbitrageurs what happens on the let the stops run. The futures only to such events be less is that the locals back market thing that pulls the markets back is have the bank on the who interest banking against it. Can you talk about your fundamental How analysis methodology? do you determine what the right price for a market shouldbe? I assume that then I try to for a market on any given day is the correct price, out what changes are occurring that will alter that the price figure I try to form many extreme? Yes, the activity takes place within normal That is, very often, the hedger wants to show his that he has a locked-inprofit so he can borrow One of the jobs Will the interbank market priceresponse other the futures market can compete,because can tailor a hedge for any customer. price. a lot. not date relations. banking or most and right. In addition, That's commercial linked? two markets The world. where a surprise newsdevelopment In situations is the dollar of the in several efficient is no way market interbank and marks of is not hedging usually has a specificdollar if I need to hedge$3.6million for example, First, respects. April 12, the bank just takes it. The futures market, however, trades for specific only dates and fixed contractsizes,so the hedger is not precisely covered. it in dollars, price market futures currency requirement. the That's right. percentage important active. you do a mark/yen cross, you of the two currencies. when of one terms and very traded For market. But it is much not in the futures market hasn't been able to capture of world currency trading? position. The I assume that 73 different mental pictures alternative of what like and wait for one of them to be confirmed.You one at a time. Inevitably, most of these pictures is, only a few elements of the wrong\342\200\224that picture But then, all ten elements side. of a good trader is to imagine of a sudden, you will click. That scenario then find scenarios. keep should be trying them on will turn the world out to be may prove correct. that in one picture, nine out of becomes your image of the world reality. What percentage of bank markettrading activity, or vis-a-vis hedging, speculative is basically commercial trades? on that. I don't have the figures Thebanksare the principal market. a hedging The Fed has donea study it represents as well as a few players like myself. on hand, but speculators, Let me give you an example. The Friday after the October 19 stock market crash, I had trouble which is very unusual for me. But sleeping, I am sure I wasn't the only trader to lie awakethat All week long, night. I struggled with how the events of that week were to the dollar. I was pictures was total going trying on different panic\342\200\224the world impact visions of the world. One of these to an end, financially. coming BruceKovner 74 Bruce Kovner the dollar becomesthe safest political haven, and In fact, on could be a tremendous rise in the dollar. there as a result, as many rise did the dollar that of people dramatically week, Tuesday the next three days, from other places. During withdrew their money had confusion. there was tremendous By the end of the week,the dollar In this scenario, started to give ground It was then that clear to me that again. it all in my mind. It coalesced of a need for the combination given became absolutely stimulative action, by the tremendous worldwide financial panic, the reluctance to adopt potentially Bundesbank the Bank of Japan and German dictated inflationary wide U.S. trade the continuing and measures, Baker solution was for TreasurySecretary to play the stimulative role, and that had Someone States. As the dollar would a result, drop and it would not interestof the other central banks to defendit. I was that was the only thing that Baker could do. be I have an assistanttrader, up Are you realized You So your to take action in the But they that the dollar tense weekend becauseI realized to open I waited for the Far East markets lower. U.S. decision once a week. We at least currency and making? what define we will do if it breaks that if currency X gets to 135\342\200\224 have buy it or sell it. Thosedecisions been made beforehand. under instruction to call me if the Prime Minister resigns, should are unexpected to invalidate you currency revaluation, the recent scenario. end up trading or something else at night? your can't trade round the clock. How do you structure time to balance your work versusyour life? obviously I generally instructed to alert you immediately case something currency. If a in big happens? Absolutely. First currency knows assistant Are there times You breaks to wake me hours? in my country I go\342\200\224in Yes. First, I have monitors my home, everywhere a hours on have a staff home. Second,I day. duty twenty-four staff is allowed Yes,a lot. you do a lot of your trading outsideof Is your that you delegate the nighttime We create a scenario for every convinced Sunday night. Do saying or if there is a major might open sharply he isn't really the ranges we expect for each currency out of these ranges. happens a very it in the markets? Yes, and it was is that the joke necessary very often. Whenever the markets are busy, I know what is going on all the time. with trading monitors and direct lines. Also, My home is fully equipped assistant's my job is to be up and get the calls. He probably gets called three or four times a night. absolutely late and of the night? middle the a year. But twice home at He all this late Friday. Was it too get calls in you of be the United would do the only deficits, to let the dollar go. someone How often 75 of all, we have call levels in out of a range that is under instructions to call. we have every previously identified, my staff personal confined between8 A.M. and 6 or 7 important, and if the currency markets are very trade the Far East, which at 8 P.M. The A.M. session opens in Tokyo trades until 12 P.M. If the markets are in a of period tremendousmovement, I will go to bed for a coupleof hours and get up to catch the next market and opening. It is tremendously interesting P.M. The Far active, I will try to keep East my trading is very exciting. Bruce Kovner 76 To seethe wave roll from country Bruce Kovner Do you to country? out Absolutely. When you are really involved, the screen almost reaches and grabs you. The way the quotes are made changes:They get wider; all over the world in each of these markets they get wilder. I have contacts It is a tremendously on. is what exciting game. There and I know going a minute, one of the for time. all the trading are Forgetting opportunities of worldwide find the that I I am in this business is analysis reasons events extraordinarily fascinating. economic politicaland The way you constant game, rather feel doesn't It like a it, you make the whole processsound at it that look than work. Do you really way? describe like work, except when you lose\342\200\224then it feels like work market analysis is like a tremendous For The pleasure of it is purely intellectual. the finance minister of New it is trying to figure out the problems will A lot of people faces and how he may try to solve them. [he laughs]. For example, Zealand But to me, it isn't exotic at all. he has a real set of problems. and Here is a guy running this tiny country the labor how to cope with Australia, the U.S., and He has to figure him unions that are driving My job is to do the puzzle with him crazy. of the consequences he is going to decide, and what and figure out what That to me, doesn't his actions will be that he or the market anticipate. think that in itself, sounds ridiculously is tremendous exotic. fun. tremendousamount of world economic I know markets, literature. you read a Do you also pay any So if you see that at a time get a \"guru Yes, much Do you is on All the newsletter writers who have a large ter, Zweig, Davis, Eliades,and stronger. think people can trade profitably simply observing so on. following. People like Prech- by just following and making is happening what rational both the importance of risk control to hold a position.How having you typically take on a trade? talk about the conviction necessityof of all, single exposure. I try very hard not trade. Second, We do a daily positionsare.Through that list? market the gurus? is that to make money, you have to hold a Probably,but my impression That is very difficult when position with conviction. you are following someone else. There are some good gurus, however. For example,in the stock market, I like Marty He uses excellent risk control. Unlike Zweig. some other gurus, he doesn't believe he is predicting the future; he is my Who members on your guru list are bullish is not moving up, and you have some reason to be bearish, you will feel stronger about the of the most the trade? on any report\" every day. when fundamental First I be right will to the various market advisory letters? attention opinion? contrary to be too much of a not You In following all these varied report as a measureof guru your wiseguy because during major price moves, for a they portion of it. What I am really looking for is a consensusthat the market is not confirming. I like to know that there are a lot of peoplewho are going to be wrong. I try me, board. chess multidimensional use 77 bitter to risk more than I study computer correlation the bets. and much the risk do of my portfolio of my trades to reduce 1 percent to see how correlated our I have learned that a mistake in analysis experience, root of some of the most seriousproblemsin position correlation is the If you have eight highly correlated then you are trading. positions, one position that is eight times as large. reallytrading Kovner Bruce 78 mean if you are bullish in both the Does that one Swiss franc, then you decide which in that entire currency? long position you like and mark Deutsche better and place your is definitely be short else. something Deutsche yen move slower mark/Japanese in trading. Is that unusual for Yes, because there rates. The general Your trading in a you the It meant Very unusual. market? interbank a lot is: The is like asking That with of breakout\342\200\224a type a typical was watching England was not of the level. 3.00 in, stepping Once no one diagnostics it the violent and quick one\342\200\224much more want, but he would prefer his condition. monitoring are more important fundamentals technical the that under trend-following the weight now. analysis In the 1970s, alone. There most of these systems are using is true. will work again. system approach will of its own size and the fact similar that approaches? The only thing that will save those technical systems when simple trend-following methodologies inflation, However, there is no question in my mind that if we rates of inflation, the technical trading systems kill each other off. the stock our conversation to the stock market. Do you market behaves differently other markets, countertrends. After from how? fills. treating a patient You need both. were far fewer false breakouts. and Nowadays, everybody is a chartist, are a huge number of technical I think that change trading systems. has made it much harder for the technical trader. Let's shift up you there have stable, moderate breakout? a doctor whether to make money using a lot easier was I think that Even though your fills are worse? straight and going to put more reliable. Yes, it is much after trading we are Bruce, you, cross the trade. choose? or with a chart But, if anything, will Terrible to the attention better of fundamental a synthesis if I were to say to is a periodof high than against positions room and you can have either all the fundamental or all the charts and technical input want, Do you think everybody everyone realized the Bank wanted to be a seller. reliable fewer people paying less observed, the are rule style involves But eventuallyself-destruct that or long net short than For example, necessarily. a yearlong Is rates provide better trading the cross that currencies only one, which would you cross rate was recently the sterling/mark It and 2.96 3.00. between approximately congestion the it it broke The a month out, about out challenged broke day ago. finally on of The Bank times. about kept England twenty top of the range cross as the soon in. As of the Bank England gave defending it. Finally rate pierced the 3.01 level, there were no trades. In fact, there were no without a full 1 percent So it moved it hit 3.0350. trades until virtually in believe information you than the individual currencies themselves? Not Do you opportunities technical analysis. Do the cross rates likethe 79 the dollar? is the idea of true. But even more important market. For example, in a related a short in one market against trading a long the am I I am net short the dollar, long yen and short now, although right I like to if I am In all my trading, the Deutsche mark. something, long Yes, that Bruce Kovner The for worse the fills are, the better your trade. In that of hours between 3.04 and 3.02, the a couple to 3.11. case, rate went The stock market has far more short-term has goneup, it always wants to come down. The commodity believe that and if so, the market markets aw Bruce Kovner 80 driven by supply will tend to keep trending prices shortage, So if the stock index market that technical approaches goods; if there is a true for physical demand and is much higher. there are choppier, any can work? Kovner Bruce about portfolio insuranceas opposedto arbitrageinsurance involves systematically type [Portfolio program trading! stockindex futures as stock selling prices decline (and coveringthose shorts when prices rise) in order to reduce portfolio risk. Program refers to buying and selling stockindex futures trading normally an when the prices of against opposite position in a basket of stocks Are we talking the two Perhaps, but keep they decision-making changing. systems will I have found catch the bigger you need to use very wide stops. Soyou have to be but that 81 are stock market advances, The only way in which arbitrage could be saidto have contributed Right. to the problem, rather than helped it, is that if it weren 't for program out the noise. So the involves Much longer than most traders can handle because that strategy one of the approach, riding out large retracements.As an alternative to I know does very well in the stock index markets by trying traders seems to traders. It most can hurt the stock market the out how figure work for him. How can he quantify He looks that? at market sentiment numbers, but basically it is a matter Some critics have attributed the October 1987crashto program are your own feelings? What trading. different elements were involved. First, to a decline, which left the stock rising interest rates and other fundamental market vulnerable causes. was accentuatedby heavy selling from pension funds in so-called portfolio insurance. overly high was triggered Second, who prices by that decline were made they only to be blamed for the market decline portfolio insurance possible? Yes.If you read the Brady report, you will see that the portfolio insurers of dollarsworth of sales in a few hours. The market was unable to absorb it. Portfolioinsurance was a terrible in name only. In fact, it was nothing idea; it was insurance more than a massivestop-lossorder.If it were not for portfolio insuranceselling,the market would still have gone down sharply, but nothing like the 500declinewe witnessed. point cameinto Do two are arbitrageurs as insofar market the with billions of gut feel. I think may never have been developed. insurance portfolio trading arbitrage, very long term to filter of line.] out long-term very involved feel you great In a sense.By have a specialtalent? traders definition, What is the balance of can only be a relatively there superior traders, since trading is a zero-sum small group of game. trading success between talent and hard work very hard, it is extremely unlikely that you will be a work? If you don't good trader. Bruce 82 Are there some traders who can Kovner coast by on innate skills? just are a lot of one-year wondersin for a while.There that who has a strong find feeling somebody trading. It is quite common to to widen sugar is going to 40 cents, or that the copper spreads are going dramatically, and that one idea turns out right. For example, recently I this heard about a trader who made $27 million trading copper spreads all of lost it. and then virtually past year, do that can You What advice would give the novice trader? say that risk management is the I would First, you be well understood.Undertrade, you piece of advice.Whatever least in half. My experience to five times too big. They when they should be taking undertrade, think most the need for evaluating risk on a portfolio basis rather than the viewing risk of each trade This is absolutely critical when one independently. holds positions that are highly since the overall portfolio risk correlated, is likely to be much greater than the trader realizes. One statement by Kovner, which made a particularly strong on me, concerned his approach in placing impression stops: \"I place my stop at a point that is too far away or too difficult to reach easily.\"In this Kovner maximizes the chances that he will not be stopped out manner, of a trade that proves correct, while at the same time maintaining rigid this approach is management discipline. The philosophybehind that it is better to allocate the predetermined maximum dollar risk in a trade to a smallernumber of contracts, while using a wider stop.This is the exact reverse of the typical trader, who will try to limit the loss per thing to is my second important ought to be, cut it at with novice traders is that they trade three 5 to 10 percent risksona trade are taking 1 to 2 percent risks. contracts as possible\342\200\224an approach which trades being stopped out before the market moves in the anticipated direction. The moral is: Place your at a| stops point that, if reached, will reasonably indicate that the trade is wrong, typically mistakes other do novice traders make? are trade but contract, usually not Besides overtrading, what 83 money undertrade your position Kovner Bruce as many results in many at a point willing good determined by primarily to lose per contract. If the uncomfortably large loss per contract, dollar amount you meaningful stop point implies an trade a smaller number of the maximum contracts. of the market mistake is to think personalize the market. A common it of course, is totally as a personalnemesis.The market, impersonal; a trader Whenever or not. make doesn't care whether says, money you he is engaging in a destructive \"I wish,\" or \"I hope,\" way of thinking because it takes attention away from the diagnostic process. Kovner's They In my conversation and complexity the time scope with Kovner, struck by the immense can't figure out how he can find of so many the economies I was of his analysis. I still to follow and analyze intricately integrate these various analysesinto a single fundamental of worldwide Kovner's unique synthesis picture. Clearly, to the average trader. translatable and technical analysisis hardly are key elements in Kovner's Nevertheless, there trading approach that have to the more mundane trader. direct relevance he as the key to successful trading; Kovnerlists riskmanagement He also stresses on a trade. decides on an exit point beforehe puts always different countries, let alone worst terms it\342\200\224resulted from trading a spur experienceunderscoresthat mistake\342\200\224his \"going of the decision. moment bust trade,\" as he My own personal there is probably no class of trades with a failure rate than impulsive (not to be confused with intuitive) trades. is selected, the used, once a strategy Regardless of the approach trader should stick to his or her game and avoid plan impulsive trading decisions trade because a friend (for example, putting on an unplanned has just recommendedit; liquidating a position before the predetermined stop point is reached becauseof an adverse price movement). Kovner views a good trader as \"strong, and Finally, independent, to contrary in the extreme,\" and points to disciplineand a willingness make (and accept)mistakesas significant traits of the winning trader. higher Dennis Richard A Richard Dennis became intrigued 1960s, while earning the minimum Retires Legend trading during the late as a runner on the exchange commodity by wage of 1970, he decided to take a crackat trading floor. In the summer on his from his family, he purchaseda seat on own, and with $1,600 borrowed the Mid America Exchange. The Mid Am, as it is called, is a kind of minor league exchange it trades traded because on the major pint-sized versions of the contracts Am The Mid the tends to attract business of small hedgers exchanges. and speculatorsfor a single regular-sized contract representstoo whom As a fledgling trader with little risk capital, the Mid Am was well suited to Dennis\342\200\224it was also the only exchange on which he could afford a seat. him a scant $400 for trading. The seatcostDennis$1,200,leaving Incredible as it may seem, he eventually that tiny stake into transformed a fortune, which has been estimatedby some to approach $200 million. As his father is reported to have said, in what must be one of the grand of all time, \"Let's just say Richie ran that four hundred understatements large a position. bucks up haul, pretty good.\" successful Although Dennis has been exceptionally a few dramatic setbacks. He was he has withstood one such downturn funds managed at the by Dennis over the long in the midst of time of our interview. Several of lost enough the public during the late 1987-early 1988 Richard 86 loss cutoff point for the cessation of fate. As he expressed witnessed a similar personal in my own losses to investors, \"Theseresults parallelimmense period to trigger trading. Dennis' in a letter Dennis 50 percent the account personal trading.\" most impressivetraits as a trader is his hard with little emotional times to weather such impact. ability to losses as part of he such learned has accept sporadiclarge Apparently, such remains as he the His confidence unshaken, periods game. during if he stays true to his basic trading rebound believes he will eventually of the by the mood and confidence judging strategy. Had I not known, have guessed that he had just made a man I interviewed, I would sooner small fortune rather than lost one. Whatever the stereotype image of a centimillionaire may be, is legendary. In fact, his Dennis does not fit it. His low-spendinglifestyle are and charitable real his sizable only political extravagances contributions. His views also do not mesh with the popular image of political the of the Roosevelt Center for rich. Dennis is the founder very one Perhaps American concept of Dennis' Studies, Policy a liberal think tank, and he supports the In recent years, he has Americans. tax rates for wealthy active role in the political an increasingly sphere, supporting a Unlike trading, his win-loss ratio in politics of liberal candidates. of higher taken variety has been disappointing. In drawing Denniswas an the In 1988 presidential for the Babbitt cochairman national race, Denniswas the campaign. up a list of candidatesto be interviewed name. He is one of the foremost essential trading of others interviewed in of our time\342\200\224atrader cited with the phrase, a number that \"I'm not in his for this project, legends book this league.\" I dealt with one of Dennis' assistants. he me he talk to told would to Dennis him, explaining one week later, I receiveda call informing and get back to forward for me that Dennis could see me on a date about one month I that was to for the hour. I explained coming Chicago primary exactly one In setting up the interview, the project About me. After Dennis and that one hour was hardly enough The response essentiallywas:that Take it or leave it. I was all the time allotted; the implicit message: if the interview was I would get some more time that agreed,hoping purpose of interviewing time to cover all going well. the essential areas. 87 Dennis Richard time and was five minutes before the appointed office. but decidedly unpretentious arrived Dennis on the sat down shook at his hands and desk. hour, precisely politely, He apologized in advance he if, in the course of the interview, I arrived about ushered into a large at the occasionally glanced on the interview in any orders. quote screen, explaining that he could keep his mind me if he had to put same time, and would signal at the Having the of trading experience smaller scale), I explained As the interview began, there finitesimally In my case, I had parts. to accomplishthe task matter of a genuinely at hand. relaxed,and the was an element ofuneaseon of a ticking In the personality, shy to ten minutes, five After a sense the conversation that myself (albeit on an in- I understood. tension clock with both our not enough time case of Dennis, I believe it was a at least in terms of a first meeting. was gone, the atmosphere became flowed smoothly. I began to think that things would continue our conversation beyond Dennis the allotted hour. At exactly ten minutes before the end of the hour, my illusion was shattered. \"I'veonly got about ten more minutes,\" he said, \"so if there's still stuff that's important you may want to get to it.\" I Forty-five minutes were going so well that into the interview, tried to identify some of my index cards and quickly I had not yet covered. Precisely at the end of the hour, Dennis said, \"That's about all the time I have, thank you.\" One of questions I did not get to dealt with the political segment shuffled the key through questions side of Dennis' These topics included the experiences. Senate hearings soybean market by Dennis, the Roosevelt and the various political figures Dennishad known. Institute, Although these subjects were certainly areas of interest and color, they were not I chose to the primary focus of this book. Consequently, pertinent questions related to trading before attempting to turn to anything politically on alleged manipulation of the oriented. of the interview, I played my final card by saying, \"I to related to the political side.\"\"They're get any questions not interested in that anyway,\" Dennis as he politely said replied and left the office. goodbye About six weeks later, I requested and obtaineda follow-up interview with Dennis. The portion of the interview with the budget dealing deficit problemand Dennis' at that large losses in his public fund trading time came from this second meeting. At didn't the even end 88 that he was after our last conversation, Dennisannounced on to concentrate his political interests full-time. retiring from trading Will Dennis never trade again? Maybe, but don't bet on it. A month How did you in commodity get involved first 89 Richard Dennis Dennis Richard Do you consider lessons learned? that I would say this to new traders\342\200\224although it may not Yes, in retrospect, be a reassuringthought\342\200\224when you start, you ought to be asbad a trader as you are ever going to be. trading? Because it is less expensive After graduating and I dabbled was making in high school, I got a summer a little bit. With trading and losing $40 an a week, $40 as a runner job minimum-wage my hour small on the at that time? floor salary, I I didn't know trading. I got to do it with at least doing. The advantage was that amounts of money. I like to say the tuition I was what nonetheless, because of the worthwhile, period was small for what Right. You shouldn't be too surprised if you Do you know traders for I whom really success early screw up. proved to be their undoing? learned. I heard the story that before you father stand in the ring, while turned stood you trades to him. That was in 1968 and 1969. My know much about trading. He twenty-one, you had your on the sidelines signaling had the membership father was just going along with but he it because didn't I was it was one of underage and wanted to do it. When twenty-one, the hate this. I have happiest days in his life because he said,\"I really no idea what I'm doing. It's yours!\" I turned Were you at a disadvantage trading one step removed,with father filling the orders? I have noticed imprinted like is their get if mother your You're talking that have lost very much because you were trading very bias to the bullishside because a subsequent about experience? What gave you confidencewhen America Exchange with and you were out of the lost a warship Yes. small. I probably that lost. consistently But you couldn't are a lot of people who For a lot of traders, it doesn't matter so enough. you get them young much whether their first big trade is successful or not, but whether their side. Those people tend to be first big profit is on the long or short perennial bulls or bears, and that is very bad. Both sides have to be equally OK. There can't be anything more satisfying about one psychologically If there is, your than the other. is going to go askew. trading I think that's what happened to a lot of peoplein the 1973 runaway Even if they didn't make money themselves, bull market in soybeans. were to the market mania and see a few people but witness just present make a lot of money, they were with it. imprinted of Sure. We variations of that. There You can teach them ducks. a couple of thousand dollars during you first started such a small stake? After trading on the Mid all, one mistake game. that period. Well, no, the advantage of the Mid America Exchange was that 90 Dennis Richard they traded minicontracts. I had but not all of them. I don'tknow I wascuriousabout in me, and I made most, mistakes a few that I had any confidence. I just had have when they get in this business: a need to try to succeed. I mean, if you were on this sort of thing before the betting work. There is no doubt about fact, you should have bet that it wouldn't initial that. the a lot what success. trading I signed up successful in are not first the What were you year. doing differently? for before on positions capsize even with that I didn't right things I was lucky into having to stagger in 1970. enough me. on the big corn blight my Since then right laundromat I used up all the quarters and had quarters phoning trades into Chicago. nothing but dirty clothes, I had back to Chicago. to come small that the which was I had just planned to trade over time. made a big the three months and $3,000 in profits and lasted for about I went to Tulane in New Orleans one week. I used no choice but doing enough of 1970, summer in the pit for the first but summer, Once capitalization. school before the graduate I traded when impression I was school despite your to graduate going your of people traders Most 91 Richard Dennis have been a full-time commodity trader? to mind as your most dramatic or most emotional you Yes. luck or foresight? Was that comes What I think it was about the market the more foresight. I had very then. But a few that rules, and attitudes were right, like go with trading experience? ideas, pale I learned One Friday, I believed\342\200\224and the trend, stronger a couple buying Monday morning the grain I still markets all closed at their believe\342\200\224that you go with the better. I remember getting of minicontracts in corn, wheat, they all opened up the limit highs for the year. the trend, and the in on the close and just and beans. because The next of the corn blight One day, I made only have to happen, and if it didn't, it would have set me back. It might have taken a lot longer to get to about $2,000,which to $400 was a real grubstake. But, it wasn't like I threw a dart compared and decided what I did something that should to do. work in the long run\342\200\224I went with the trend. Is this particular pattern\342\200\224a market following Yes, at a minimum, on Friday strong very that you find price action? it is important if the market closes at not useful as an to have a high, close I and it was destabilizing. loss big by reversing my position original I then reversed back to things off, time. By the my original and losing position entire capitalization. Since then, I have learned that when you have a destabilizing put a little and go home, end of the your take a nap, do something, but next decision. When you about you losses, were getting I wouldn't have had that traumatic would you say that was one of your so imprinted with that experience Absolutely. I learned learned magnitude, percentagewise, experience. best trades you didn't again? that trying to catch up or double up to recoup affect a certain amount of loss will your to avoid that loss, time between beat to death, get your if I had had a that make a mistakeof that losses. I also are Lookingback,I realized out of the mixer. indicatorof the at that was a very of my because or a long position if it closes to trade. lost $1,000, or one- In retrospect, a loss school graduate I had on a Friday\342\200\224a a short position with I had just quit bad trade and lost about $300. Since day, trading rule characteristic week's head year. the error compounded get out, that first $3,000, again. To top and lost a third that didn't Sure the a particularly about had I then third news. alow. was one in There trend. Richard Dennis 92 so judgment, you have to put time some between that loss and the next 93 Richard Dennis Giving you a high the next day you would that probability be ahead? trade. I guess a corollary of that would be: When aren't things going right, don't push, don't press. all is said and done, you your losses and to preserve try capital for those few instanceswhen you can make a lot in a very short period of time. What afford to do is throw you can't away your capital on suboptimal trades. If you do, you will be too debilitated to trade when the right position comes along. Even if you put the trade on, it will be relatively small because your capital will have been depleted Yes. by the After have to minimize trades. other really big market? I made enough money in that market to go to the Chicago Board of Trade the next I didn't make my money year. by just going long soybeans. I was basicallya pit trader, who traded in and out a lot. The markets were there was excellent order flow. because It was a great time very good, up days Most people thought was impossible. In situations where a market goeslimit-up, some point, the market may open limit-down. recognize or sense when not to buy at limit bid? It's just an odds play. There the odds are in your years? the Also, so many so much catching the market trend. It was How do you of volatility in the when you go long at outcome, limit but you bid. there been there any really bad or two that you were dead caused it to be a bad year? wrong about and When we market a particular that had bad trading have does it. In those almost all the situations, making lots of false it is really periods, markets If one breakouts. not one are going that market sideways and of the markets is decent, that is to avoid a bad situation. usually enough Is there any year that successfully. would people They would get stands out? more a matter of incredibly bad trades just to take a was locked limit-up though the market and almost sure to go up the next day. They couldn't stand the profits a hole in their pocket. I would try to get in when they were burning getting at limit-up, limit-up, years you have traded, have Was 1978was not unnecessarilybecause profit. is a lot favor know up the limit ten days went four or five consecutivelimit- even that pit. So it wasn't scalping a row. In all the Was the 1973 soybean market your first to be in the in some of thesemarkets to remember have You make I compounded losses year for trading. the transition from I was in the process of making a good trader to off-the-floor trader and had no idea started trading how different they floor were. out even out. Was 1978 the year that In 1977,1 time It sounds like easy pickings. was mostly you a floor trader, and by from an office? 1978 I had made the full- transition. Did that switch cause you to become more of a long-term position trader? There a strong some amount of risk, but if you were disposed to going with were trend, it was a deal. They giving you an edge to do it. was Ultimately, what I learned from 1978 is that you have to be longer term 94 Richard as a desktrader. 3 cents, I would have that in In the pit, three guys and sell, luxury aren't screen to break pit, if it looked like soybeanswere going if it didn't break, I would get out. You don't off the floor, because you lose the edge when putting In the orders. the Dennis Also, the you judgments as good as those made are indicators in the make looking at prices on the is going on. pit watching what like \"these subconsciously, are never at market and if all do the same turns,\" right they at the a same clicks on. It took me a time, time to thing light long realize that those tools weren't going to be availableanymore. there you you make the change? did Why that floor. Why switch to a desk? When I leam You were doing really well in 1970, there were no futures started markets interest rates, or gold. By 1978,these markets board currencies long enough to be viable. The took several years to get enough volume. the on in currencies, been listed on the started in 1974, but it had Richard Dennis resolve we can definitely I said, \"Here is a way hire and train some people and see what happens.\" It was an intellectual experiment. We trained you could.That the way to do the experiment right, I knew about the markets. We all the things codify bit about surprisedhow Is your basic contention intelligent No. We screened opportunity I understand We hired a group of beginning exist five years earlier. inundated initiated a trader-trainee at the beginning of 1984 and another group at the What if I told because one you players, and we everdo it again, from chess players. Was intelligenceone of the key we things we we would be of the items? I have a partner who intelligent extremely people. because were been a friend philosophical disagreementsabout since high you everything We have had could imagine. One school. of these arguments was whether the skills of a successful trader could be reduced to a set of rules\342\200\224that was my point of view\342\200\224or whether there was something ineffable, mystical, subjective,or intuitive made that a good trader. This argument I guess I was getting a little but it wasn't the essential they We picked the ones with item. To find the extreme things or intelligent intelligence just available. program? Didn't has traits, that we were looking for, we could choosefrom 1985. was the motivation for this and We received whom for? looking chess by resumes It was one of the What someone be right. would we thought it down to forty people we picked ten. narrowed like to discuss that I don't program. you that? was year can take almost any reasonably him into a successfultrader? that turn and and Then to a little could physically you that taught for people 1,000 applications interviewed. them out I It turned management, and trading. I but even am say that to pat myself on the back, how well it worked. it worked. It's frightening well individual I tried I thought. money probability, I don't was right. Let's argument. He agreed. them as well as we was lookedfor was didn't this ly, What qualities wereyou So,it was the desire to trade more marketsthan in a single location that motivated your move? And the 95 had frustrated going on for a long time, with idle speculation. Final- been Sure, but you have any reluctance about giving I don't think trading away strategies are as vulnerable trade secrets? to not you are it. I have a idea about even if is it will work general people doing right, and in no the rules that could newspaper you publish trading always say Almost and The is them. follow one would discipline. key consistency anybody can make up a list of rules that are 80 percent as good as what workingif people know about them, as most traders believe. If what 96 Dennis Richard Dennis the confidence I've heard this Richard we taught our people. to stick to those rules How long the was What they couldn't dois give when even them things are going bad. that process? training We got good at it in the second really year\342\200\224the course one week. a trip Twenty-three turtles; that dropped three When you train tell them trading other twenty, however, per year. profit people, you Dennis? Wouldn't their what you are doing? your basic approach to the clones of Richard twenty results be highly correlated with spread. One of the things that we repeatedly told the class was: \"We are going to teach you what we think works, but you are expected to add your own personal flair, feeling, or judgment.\" a huge are the stakes these traders How large It has increased average What over the about $2 million did they One hundred much my image of growing of a role doesluck play zero. making money years as they each. start out with? thousand dollars each. are on individual That is where the do well.The people who didn't markets. Isn't therea risk of creating was program, I had just returned from I said, program \"We traders. this in trading? Absolutely zero. business because I don't think anybody they started out lucky. winds up total. in have averaged about 100 percent There became in But We trader-trainee In telling someone about the East. In the long run, were the results? What Far took just there? were trainees to the are going to grow tradersjust like they grow turtles in Singapore.\" I had of squirming visited a farm there and seen a huge vat with thousands How How many referred to as the \"turtles.\"I found is the origin of the name? What amusing. of traders group somewhat term When I decided to do the Then we had them Shockingly short. In the first year, it took two weeks. trade for a month and keep a log indicating why they made their trades. We wanted to see if they were consistentin doing what they had been taught. 97 using? have made money.I would say on trades, obviously,it makes confusion lies. On any individual a difference? trade it is almost all luck. It is just a matter of statistics. If you take something that has a 53 of working each time, over the long run there is a 100 percent chance If I review the results of two different chance of it working. percent traders, than at anything less than before be a couple of years looking It might one you year doesn't make any sense. can determine if one is better the other. You are one of the a systems trader. who is both a discretionarytraderand How would you compare the two approaches? few people but they have traders may do some very intelligent things, a tendencynot to think systematically about what they are doing. For example, most traders who do a trade that works will not think: Why I might be able to do in another What did I do here that did it work? at another time? There is not a lot of reflection on the process market, In contrast, I think I always have been analytical about of trading. I ever a mechanical even before researched system. trading, have the academic On the opposite extreme, you types who ever lack the research before have traded. seat-of-the-pants They they I did Mercifully, systems. necessary to develop goodtrading knowledge Professional 98 the Richard Dennis first. trading the research wedo is more Therefore, to the applicable real world. Can you would of how the lackof real me an example give a mechanical system that often signals will tend to be a lot of there at points where I know In the real world, it is not too wise to have your skids. average you accordingly, the You mentioned that before you system, you paid closeattention you one thing and are absolutely opposed, If they where did right Are real world. a mechanical trading process. Did you keep of memory? it a matter developed to the trading and wrong, or was about everything I was and think observations down write about them. I thought doing. Is that something you would advise other traders to do to improve\342\200\224 that are are is, keep track of what they doing right and what they doing wrong? Sure. The trading experience to want to avoid thinking tendency there is a natural that the day is over. I am that way they are not, it spurs me to want to is so intense about stick shouldn't their heads in do the better. sand What you are saying is that avoid thinking should be thinking the I don't markets. other direction? you can resolve until that Yes. will never be in the right direction at market So, by definition, they turns. Yet you, as an experiencedtrader,may sense when a market In a situation like that, would may be prone for a turn. you be a to because of what see as trader even buy willing you though your system is short? I would the when it is most tempting to at all are the times when you times the markets about them the most. have any problem to be flat, want probably segment So you want to see the market before you'll commit? What is more trend and since I tend to weigh the of trading about equal with the technical of turning around element. and trend-following display somesigns likely is that I will be positioned in the right direction of a to liquidate faster than a trend-following system would decide because of the intuitive factor. with that because about entering a new trade counterto What I've certainly as a rule like from a high centsonly it\342\200\224that is, I don't of trades yes, Generally, I am obsessive about done of thumb, Do those type story Right. the a prevailing trend? When things go and just hope it gets better. about you do nothing in it once when things are working. when But, think about what I'm doing and how I might bad, traders point systems trend orientedin nature? most of your psychological, opinion-oriented Yes, I would systems your Also, stop. to do consistently poorer in a log of what stop that system is going to have aboveIf you don't understand and adjust the results that are going to get a systemthat looks great on paper, but is else has their everyone experience where your feelings as a trader tell in a situation do to do conflict. placementof stops going world researcher? the As an example, assumeI develop stops. What do you you hurt 99 Dennis Richard going of seven think made you do more countertrend initiations. do it. should However, poorly than other trades? every now and then they may give you a great I did. short sugar at 60 cents, which [Sugar plummeted 66 cents in November 1974 to a relative low under 12 although months later. Each 1-cent movein sugar is worth $ 1,120 100 Richard contract. often trade stories like broad positions that. But I class of trades I had The short sugar trade is a greatexamplebecausethe market it took a lot of courage and witnessed an incredibly explosiveupmove take the flip side when sugar is in as a seller at 60 cents.But to step in a real bear market and is down to 5 cents; every trend-following are such system in the world is going to be short. Yet, if conditions and the market price is only that the fundamentals are in transition a little over the cost of the bag it's packedin, would you make an exception? idea The Right. absence the be there if that much that one side of the market of anything true. was else is an There in the trade. risk is much illusion. The were plenty of more likely to work market just wouldn't guys who went short at $4 in 1973, because just like sugar at 4 cents soybeans couldn't go any not Well, higher. only did they go in a matter of four or five months. of $12.97 that I think is as important: at $4 couldn't go any beans lower, be that there wouldn't Otherwise, in 101 Dennis Richard A large trader like Dennis will I've got ten of contracts.] measured in thousands in all I don't think the have to tell you, honesty, done like that have been profitable. have per Dennis they went to a high There is another point Xgujhould^Xiin this business; Don'tthink in pect the_unexpected expect_th^ejctreme. the market might do. Iftnerels any terms^fJbojjoJafies^aUunit^'hat lesson I have learned in the nearly twenty years that I've been in this business, it is that the unexpected and the impossible happenevery now higher, and then. like that because all the lost more money in situations I cent and down one more do is market has to go you are out of there. I lost much more at 60 but short sugar made a lot of money cents, going going long sugar at 6 cents. I've Actually, So don't be too tied to history? Right. And When like that, do a trade you \" is so-called downside eventually throw in limited, the that \" is, buying do you a market because the just ride it out, yet, all your rules are basedon history. maybe it is how do you No, becausea good know? Maybe it is going to 2 cents; going to 1 cent. I guessa main the is that you are constantly giving concern up t he more a bear in forward months. the market, [In premium tend to trade at a premium.Forexample, contracts forward May sugar at 6\\ and October at 7. Even if cash be at 6 cents, July prices might futures would lose 1 cent remained stable, a holder of October between and May trend-following are the trend system will keep you in the market has changed. If you had been doing in 1972, you would have concluded your historical researchon soybeans that any time soybeans advanceby 50 cents, you might as well get out, because the market had never moved up or down by significantly more that. than that was the wrong conclusion because it went up Obviously, another $8. A good trend-following you in for most of the So you system, however,would have kept move. don't want to draw boundaries from history over market behavior? October.] Right. Sure, you a contradiction or do you towel? until there is evidence that You throw it in. Because Is there there? forced out at 3 and get back in at 5. Then it falls to 3 again. structure much The means approach is to say: This structure up, and this no never but that this structure this means more, up up correct means and no more. 102 When that Dennis Richard of the system you trade a system, do you go with the version command out best for the past, or do other factors tested Richard Dennis Could that 103 been have training program\342\200\224to try reason for developingyour a subliminal the decision-making to diversify process? consideration? of the to trade is whether how toughest problems from for the data base, or whether you start go with what is optimal just than other trade You something deliberately some other premise. might best the the with of past set system the optimal [version parameter the past in is going to be unlike because performance] you think the future set is going to have a a specific way. By definition, any other parameter in the optimal set. But if the difference than performance One in deciding poorerpast is only performance difference if you believe will fit better. the future well be worth that 10 percent set, as measuredby past data, it might 10 percent, you the suboptimal level some we although times the have currently it would. I don't think may amount we have $120 million in reached that point yet, from it. I think about three be just about it. We not be tremendously far away we are handling now would about we advantage. In have trained for trading Is slippage betweenthe trading a problem in execution a system. When If you tells therefore, don't have all your many wall yet? different approaches orders going in at one and, point? Yes. You have to think about diversification. If you had one method, amounts all the decisions, you couldn't handle or one person, making in and have a diversity But if you use different strategies that large. major makers, problem. costs Do you define are computer building the cost of by having you are clearly breakeven, but a significant probably wrong there too. amount are around you has passed,you get maximum your risk point when you get into wrong. of time a trade? you can handle severalhundred million dollars case point. The only choice should be out quicker. that literature there anything in trading? Is trader, or did other traders teach you were worthwhile? I would say I am published decision a significantly when estimate a loss on a trade after a weekor two, have Even when lessons using by position, at what point do you know you are to get out of the position? you Are you largely a self-taught are price Also, we reduceour a major hold you wrong? What to No. Is that because you assumed funds. customer the is the difference [Slippage price.] We try to make a hard-nosed into we money. trading? your theoretical and the actual fill program No. customer You should always have a worst In other words, you haven't hit any thought of it that way, but it did work to our we are going to try to market some of the traders hadn't fact, our own brokers. trader, a very small trader to a very large You have gone from being find Do outside you are that now money. managing you especially more it Does become substantially in the that order size gets way? when you are trading size? to be successful difficult At Actually, self-taught. What is really amazing is how little there is on trading. you can recommend to peoplewho are interested without I think Edwin Lefevre's Reminiscences of a StockOperator[reputedly a 304 semifictionalized biography of JesseLivermore, the feel of trading and captures trader] is interesting book was written years ago. sixty-five Richard Dennis stock but that say the stock stock market also behave legendary well, pretty you can talk assure that you get in should A trend could easilybe defined No. If I see a trend The question market should go up, I might I'll wait How much common of beans patterns have their own I could buy a trend? eventually I'll have to get in. and that might depend I get in earlier reacting to news. earlier. If it goes down or later, If a market when goes up when it should it go up, is there between markets? Are the behavior or do markets similar to the patterns of bonds, knowing the name Well, market is an exception?That is, does the like other or does the stock markets, behavior pattern? separate. of the market. on individual research my closer to random than are commodities Do are they that there is not createsufficient trends aren't as many commodities markets? There is not enough same you are saying is that patterns in different we don't research, if a system care about it. There flow of information as in the not enough fundamentals. Just nothing information, In the is basically commodity markets, technical information volume, and open interest. Sincethereissomuch technical information available for stock indexes\342\200\224advance/decline confined to price, ratios, various groups of stocks, sentiment indicators, etc.\342\200\224doordinary more relationships between different trend-following systems start off use enough don't information? markets are very similar. Yes.Inour per stock to character. on. at a big disadvantage becausethey So, what information them from their random as there are stocks. to move the are fluctuations Demonstrably, phenomenon? fundamental enough price stocks are random. for that In other words,thereis not commodity stocks showsthat in commodities. and, arguably, trending have an explanation you going personalities? trade without own its it is probably I believe system. Is there is better defined. the trend until a simple I know developing, is whether on how I see the using trend. that you look for to define that special something 105 Why would you say that is true? gets us in The market being in a trend is the main thing that eventually idea. That is a pretty a trade. Being consistent and making sure simple than the particular do that all the time is probablymore important you characteristics you use to define the trend. Whatever method you use to enter trades, the most critical thing is that if there is a major trend, your approach you I think about any secrets? revealing Would market have some key trading strategies that Are there without the Richard Dennis doesn't work for both bonds and I'm not sure that is the disadvantage. I think the disadvantage is that stock index pricesare too close to random to develop enough clear-cut beans, trends because the inputs\342\200\224the individual stocks\342\200\224are mostly random. 106 Richard Dennis What are your 107 recent attacks against program on the thoughts Richard Dennis How about fallacies trading? The The that are complaining ought people Do you mean of themselves. ashamed to be in the financial community? people Yes. They should have of what they are complaining the inanity that technical factors are not any analysts whose work you there are a lot of There scapegoat for a is good. Would you consider the work of outside analysts No. When we taught It is a good excuse for Sure. claim is that clients. The pockets of the caused prices opportunities for from a bit, job for yourself and your a lousy doing are taking money out traders program who people could be further market around are investing stock the in market. the truth. Program move trading may but not in any systematic way. If to go too high of the Nothing the stock program trading or too low, that should provide better investor. Of course,it's bad for those people who value investors, but are really traders. the value pretend they are Howdo you handle a losing streak? Cut back. If it is really bad, stop and get out. Do you sometimes need to get away from the Generally,it just of time. takes a day or two, but It is almost like a pitchernot to stop at least for that second. a pause. It could be for just one he has for a few days? markets you do need balking. Before That is what to stop for a period he throws the ball, I try is the biggest public fallacy our everything you know about you call the floor and tell Then the hypothetical markets you that I'm Why do you handle other people'smoney? on your own. You they in a question: indicates a \"buy.\" selling. Do you: (a) (c) do nothing? If they didn't eventually understand correct because they have to make their own market decisions,then they didn't fit into the program. buy, (b) go short, that (a) was are doing very well there is one big Well, advantage: managedmoney offers potential return with no risk. For ten years, have been people me if I'm getting asking tired of all the risk. Do I think I'm going to burn out? Do I think I'm going to stop? For the time I didn't understand longest what were they talking about. But I have to admit, at this point, I understand the value of cutting down own risk. I could have traded your smaller and had a smaller profit and smaller risk. But if customer comes I money in, could use that to supplement the and still profitability keep my risk lower. It just gives you a better deal. to do\342\200\224at least day. about market behavior? influenced Dennis by the aggravation changed management sense. business, saying: his mind on this subject, related to large lossesin his Dennis decided to extricatehimself That markets are supposed to make to trade, I had a people Suppose In a later interview, What as an input market? declining have respect? example, trade? as the important them/Zweig)for about. Do you see program trading as a convenient as fundamentals. Are sophistication to understand enough belief regardingtechnicalanalysis? \"I found gradually that it was possibly public from the money more trouble than funds. it was Richard Dennis 108 The were were not financial; they psychological.\" is from that second interview. costs The worth. material that follows Dennis Richard market is that much right away? If the position Sure. If you I know this is not ask trading loss cutoff percent Is that 1988. April to be Some of it. you about in going your favorite subject, but I've got to funds you managed ceased the public because they reached the automatic 50 point? Actually, they were trading. Rather than liquidated all positions down just 49 under when we percent stopped we point, trigger the automatic termination to allow a lower cutoff and resolicited the investors situation do anything Would you particular experience? I would cut back a little differently in of this because future the doubt about are really Do you think markets? than I did, but the trades would still be the were bad. Well, since you could have done the exact oppositeand made a lot of money, weren't they really good?\" I told him that the last thing I would have side of those trades. In the long to do was to be on the wanted opposite of money. amount infinite to lose an run, that is a way Someone said to me, \"You the markets claim A large part our point 20, we would of that loss was due to the for covering our short normally have fact position. that 1987 resulted recent gapped way For example, on October Eurodollar to in computerized ten years? getting is the trend-following that devalues we may see the day come will change trading Are there just too many in each other's way? when longer work? trend-following a is relatedto the doubt about it. In a perverse sort of way, of technical trading over fundamental triumph think you I can objectively identify of false breakouts prevalence perversebecauseit is a victory Do out as fast as possible in in big trouble. people it represents I say trading. technical trading. trend-following a day when easily discoveredand systems no longer work. It is going systems lightly to no conceived be harder to develop good systems. the market been out of our short factor only your getting is no ultimate of false breakouts. during the past five the same thing, doing the do you still get out losses you suffered were dueto any sharp more toward Do you feel the There The shortsideof the interest rate markets in October there? went in one of your worstlosses.What wrong past the you That's hard to say. The Yes, there faster of line, any have in the tendency out like that, then tremendousincrease point. same. 109 position about 40 to 50 points higher, but the market opened 240 points higher We blew 190 points in a skid that was absolutely unavoidable. that day. Given the can that, same the approaches you were using beforestillwork with efficacy? Actually, I believethat the fact that your advantage. there if you view the problem correctly,you can make are many other trend followers in the market work to I can't get too specificabout the solution, because if we Richard Dennis 110 are have always is pretty valuable information. To to be one step ahead of everyone else. that right, be successful like you started working on this problemwell problems began in late 1987. performance That's right. the During bandwagon-effect have been thinking about did When you virtual We for a long time. Half the work in right way to conceptualize it. It took us right questions to ask. this problem solving a problem is finding out years before we figured the the arrive at what you considered a satisfactory finally Yes, right around the time we closeddown the as short is being secret on your trading the vast majority of trend depending like or as long term as you term style. It followers. is the can I also avoidthe emotional elation when things is no way to play just one side of that If street. is that side The the plague. well over $100 When you talk about the experienceof managing 50 not to mention million and your personal roughly percent, losing detachment. Do you large losses, you discuss it with great emotional Isn't there an emotional sideto it? really take it that calmly? for there not in the possible. results. to be. It is totally counterproductive Trading decisions should be made to get wrapped as unemotionally crazy, as after but or you twenty done it for you've learn to put it into put Every now and then, the wallop. After years you get a bit punch-drunk. Is there emotionally twenty years, perspective. it into perspective, but time. Being a trader over is like being a boxer: twenty will you I realized years? Not necessarily [he laughs]. It gets easierto has shock absorbers that deteriorate everyone stand, term that picks up best strategy is to avoid the intermediate trap? are going well. There are going well, then you feel too good when things inevitably feel too bad when they are going poorly. I wouldn't claimthat market gives you a good any advice you can give to other traders on how to stay calm during periods of trading losses? bit like playing You can throw your clubs around after golf: a bad but next while are the shot should shot, making making you you keep your head down and your eye on the ball. It up but the flip Does it become easier after funds. public I know you can't bespecific,but does your solution to false breakouts far more short-term involve oriented, so that you can respond being more quickly to those situations? I try are able to avoid the emotional it either drives you Ironically, middle So you that after three years of trading, solution? The in what it is misleading approaches. trend-following using to me, trading. Also, your your perspective. Thereis more to life than mean being emotionally deflatedwould lacking I am doing. I avoid that because I have always felt that to focus on short-term results. to maintain have confidence ten years, there has been a past of people before 111 Yes, but how do you do that? you You It sounds Dennis Richard is a little Do you and I have mental Trading to scenarios about economicgrowth, use long-term the dollar me in your making but I try pictures, is like think are loaded a betting on little bit not to use independent in your inflation, decisions? trading them when roles I'm of the favor, because you trading. dice that know you some RichardDennis 112 to be Long-term scenarios can prove on balance, I'm not convinced much difference over the term of any individual trade. statistical things right or wrong, that make they basic I would if they are right, even Even if you think your the market. about but dollar the is going to collapse, that doesn't affect pattern? trading to say it doesn't, like it should, The worst thing you can do is miss a profit losses you are already disciplined enough to cut your opportunity (assuming about And if you think it, rigid long-term views are the kind of short). For example, if I believe thing most likely to lead you to that mistake. the dollar is going to weaken, and because of this I ignore a sell signal in the foreign risk missing a large profit. What is my currencies, I might if my view was right? a small loss. Therefore, the reward Avoiding is all wrong risk/reward for my type means and to think that since it is not a problem now, that tend in our lives, but the economy, be. We expect continuity the markets, are more discontinuous than continuous. think, wakes everybody up\342\200\224 like having termites in It is the them until one day they I don't think collapses. anybody notice the fact foundation of your house. You may that things appear to be holding together. and couldinfluence I bet Sure. I think will be at record levels of inflation we What is going to be the It going and higher require recession. The as investors budget of real levels interest rates to buy the debt. The higher the economy, try to avoid the recession by stimulating will government a tactic which to to be caused by the essentially In other words, fear of avoid a recession will cause It a very Republican like it or not, the financial is, Whether it is right. unfortunately, idea, but I think you markets are in conservative hands. Peoplewho buy tremendous monetary will lead to inflation? easing, turn deficit work. doesn't in which a deep federal monetary lend money to the government and businesswill easing as a solution to a recession. change, change? important for Democrats, since they were of Keynesianism [the advocacy of to increase employment], to admit that while it programs government be a real it in world. doesn't work the great theory, may the force behind that inflation? driving to be driven by trying is going recession is by the end of 1990.[This in mid-1988.] conducted was not chunk and the house gnaw away a take should large amount of comfort a big if you were President Hypothetically, the deficit be the first would thing you would interview it you are saying that people lookat the deficit year after year and it is can't be so the \"Well, bad, economy strong,\"and one day And that caveat, as a long-time market what observer, major trends do you see shaping up over the coming years? Acknowledging which won't in of trading. bomb, shatter the economy? Sure. We but it in the past. probablyhas Are you implying that the deficit problem isjust a time will eventually certainly and I don't think 113 Dennis Richard not it is especially first ones to pick up the I don'tthink economic Keynes ever banner proposed using deficit spending in strong times. to be that were supposed No, that's true. He proposedsurpluses to deficits. The Surpluses in good times; deficitsin bad times. countercyclical because of the lack trouble is that we have only one side of that equation will to create the surpluses when times are good. of political So what to do is economics is we really admit that ought just an Keynesian We to excuse for and easy money, overspending, overconsuming. ought and the admit that the whole is a debt of government concept just junkie deficit spending is flawed in practice. Richard Dennis 114 mean You as it is Keynesianism being applied, not doesn't work is fine, it just theory it. use shouldn't because you have in the Besides, the exact that you feel fits the times and makes sense? some its get rid of deficit spending.We to have We way, and the federal government just as the states do. At that point, orderly budget for a constant supply money a good probablybe adjusted by a growth in your return. compounded the equity peak You are rumored to retire would factor that's could give the when you are as bad as you Don't be misled by the mistakes. equity. not on the random nature After Dennis announced full time, an aide who took with Dennis' worth $3,833 when the accounts a 25 percent annual been to approximately The figure would have been more about one year earlier.] to have lost a very substantial I lost about 10 percent of the money I had measuredas a percentage charitable of my because portion these figure over that at of your own stories in the markets. made of my net worth, the and political contributions Did your poor trading resultsduring double than net worth during your final year of trading. Are or exaggerated? Focus on whether of any what single trade's you novice trader? are ever It made true Of course, is much higher the years. year speed your career the past are you still trading no difference. going to Have you really gone coldturkey, is right, I am his retirement I called with some or lightly? day-to-day are doing not outcome. at all. trading Richard Dennisis one political interests have transitions? What isthe most important advice you fluctuations the deficit in should have to balance Milton Friedman's proposal need idea. Trade small because be. Learn from your Each $1,000 invested would were closed. [This works out opposite problem. Is there an economic theory in your invested fared real world. Therefore, we to the Keynesian economics was a solution which was a fair enough problem of oversaving and underconsumption, now attempt to pull us out of the Great Depression. The problem Even if and is the exact opposite: undersaving overconsumption. Keynesianism were politically tenable,you still need a different solution The funds during your final year as a How would an investor have done if manager poorly. money and kept his money he started on your first day as a money manager until last in that role? invested your fully day Individuals who Keynesian as he himself purported it? economics 115 Richard Dennis from trading to pursue follow-up questions. his I spoke to he called down the questions. Several days later, follow. replies. These questionsand answers commodity traders of our time. visualize long implementing large you might near market market bottoms near and short tops. positions positions large of trying to pick It is thus surprising that Dennis downplays the value In fact, he claims that such trades have done little, major turning points. He back is the type if anything, of of the legendary trader to contribute to his trading success. Richard Dennis 116 Dennis believesthat is to miss a major worst mistakes a trader can make to his own estimate, profit opportunity. According have come from 5 profits only percent of his trades. one of the 95 percent of his Missingonly a few such profit opportunities could have a dramatic on performance. negative impact too holding rigid As a corollary, you need an opinion on a market, since such to guard an against could opinion One particularly the times when periods\342\200\224are useful piece you least want precisely the times of advice to Tudor Paul easily lead to missing a major trend. think when you offered by Dennis is that about need trading\342\200\224the to focus The Art losing of Aggressive Jones Trading most on trading. October 1987 was a devastating stockmarkets the Tudor Futures Fund, 62 percent incredible trading style is unique managers. money with very low managed Jones has always been a maverick trader. His is uncorrelated with other his performance he has done what many Perhaps most important, return. and combine impossible: thought equity for most investors as the world that rivaled 1929.That same month, by Paul Tudor Jones,registeredan month a collapse witnessed five consecutive, triple-digit (I am fudging slightly; retracements. return years in 1986, fund realized only a 99.2 percent gain!) Jones has succeededin every major venture he has tried. He in his second year grossed over started out in the business as a brokerand in commissions. In fall 1980, Jones went to the New York $1 million floor trader. Again he was Cotton Exchangeas an independent Paul's during the next few years. His of his though was not the magnitude really impressive of his three but the his and performance: During winnings, consistency a half years as a floor trader, he witnessed only one losing month. In 1984, partially out of boredom, and partially out of fear of for a pit trader\342\200\224 hazard eventually losing his voice\342\200\224an occupational his successful career for a new venture: money Jones again abandoned Futures Fund in September 1984 He launched the Tudor management. with $1.5 million under management. At the end of October 1988, each spectacularly successful, making achievement millions 118 Tudor Paul Jones invested in this fund was worth $17,482, while the total amount of money he managed had to million. In $330 fact, the amount grown under management would have been higher, but Jones stopped new investment funds in October 1987 and has also made cash accepting $1,000 since disbursements that time. If one believesin cycles\342\200\224as Jones does\342\200\224itappears for another career change. It is hard to imagine what he that he is due do for an can encore. Jones is a compendium as a trader of contrasts. he shouts relaxed, but sergeant. His public image is one of dramatizes Mansion, is easygoing he one-on-one the flamboyant private has also In private conversation he is with the ferocity of a drill a swaggering, egotistical trader, but and unassuming. The media usually elements of his lifestyle\342\200\224Chesapeake 3,000-acre he restaurants\342\200\224but orders his wildlife preserve, made helping the Bay fine women, a second avocation. beautiful poor Jones has emulated New York businessman Eugene Lang by education of eighty-five elementary setting up a fund to finance the college school graduates in Brooklyn's economically depressed Bedfordsection. This is not merely a matter of donating Stuyvesant money; Jones has become personally involved by meeting with his adopted students weekly. More recently, he started the Robin Hood Foundation, whose endowment has grown to $5 million. This organization, true to its name, raises money from the rich and distributes it to private groups and individuals to aid the poor. working Joneshad arranged our interview for 3:15 P.M.,a time by which all the futures except for the stock indexes. Even with I was a little concerned about the practicality only one market trading, of starting the interview at that time, since I knew that the S&P stock index futures contract was one of Jones' primary vehicles. In fact, trading I arrived when he was in the midst of trading the S&P. I waited until he finished shouting orders over the speakerphone and explained that I did not want to interrupt his trading. \"Maybe we should delay the interview until the market closes,\" I suggested. \"No he answered, \"let's go.\" problem,\" As it turned out, Jones was not merely the S&P that trading of a huge break afternoon, he was building up a major positionin anticipation in the stock market. There is an intensity in Jones' placement of an order is reminiscent that of a tennis player aggressivelyreturning a volley. markets are closed, 119 Paul Tudor Jones Go, go, go! Are we in? Speak to me!\")Yet, he shifted and our conversation. easily in the business, about his first tutor Jones speakswith admiration the one trait of Tullis that the legendary cotton trader, Eli Tullis.Perhaps emotional made the greatest impression on Jones washis steel-hard how Tullis could carry on a polite, relaxedconversation control. He recalls without blinking an eye, at the same time his positions were with visitors, in the market. decimated getting Jones' casualnessin seeing visitors, talking to his staff, and at the same time he was trading a heavy S&P in this interview participating in stock index futures in the trait. A rally the same reflected position loss in Jones' a 1 million caused over that minutes of $ trading day closing realize the market had that I didn't so he was Yet, composed position. the closing prices later that day. moved against him until I checked at our first There was insufficient time to completethe interview notable were later. Two about two weeks I returned things meeting. bearish been he had whereas about this second meeting. First, strongly at the time of our first conversation, and heavily short the stock market in short-term opinion on the stock market had shifted to bullish Jones' on the market to follow through the interim. The failure of the stock downside at the price and time he had anticipated convinced him that the market was headed higher for the short term. at our second meeting. \"This market is sold out,\" he emphasized 300 (\"Buy This the at even! between trading 180-degree shift extreme flexibility in opinion a short within that underlies Jones' trading time span exemplified success. He not only quickly abandoned his original position,but was willing to join the other was wrong. (Yes, side once the evidence indicatedhis initial projection well timed.) his change of heart proved Second, Jones had suddenly adopteda very cautious tone and the economy. He was p \"rtaining to the stock market regardingprojections concernedthat a second major selling wave in the a type up New York Stock Exchangeofficials the price collapse. positions during who being October 1987\342\200\224could Carthyism. Indeed, there During the Senate so desperateto find dragged is lead historical hearings held in the villains responsible stock market\342\200\224the of financial Mcfor such concern: precedence members were committee 1930s, for the 1929 stock crash that they to first had held long Paul Tudor 120 feared Jones that, as a prominent economic trends, he might witch-hunts. governmental make and speculator a convenient forecaster target for any Jones had been particularly Jones rattled of by a call specific. Jones remained the directness of the first friendly, an almost in his replies. For replaced by prerecordedquality a about met was with a about example, question trading strategy response in broker places his own order front-nmmng^-an illegal practice which a in frontofalarge customer order. This reply virtually on the bordered no customer absurd since Jones handles orders. It made as much sense as a football fan, who bets in his office pool, denying that he took a bribe the game. It sounded as if Jones was using to throw the interview as a forum for making an officialstatement, to be used as evidence perhaps Although interview in was some hypothetical future congressional was being overly cautious\342\200\224if expectation that hearing. I thought that then the paranoid\342\200\224but economic crisis would does not really seem that a true of bad news\" not lead to \"killing again, Howcomeyou Jones the messengers far-fetched. my uncle Because did you first get interested in trading? an article on RichardDennis,which made a big impression on me. I thought that Dennis had the greatest job in the world. I already had an appreciation for trading because my uncle, Billy was a cotton successful trader.In Dunavant, 1976,after I finished very college, I went to my uncle and asked him if he could help me get started as a trader. He sent me to Eli Tullis, a famous cotton trader, who lived in New Orleans. \"Eli is the best trader I know,\" he told me. I went down to see Eli and he offeredme a job on the floor of the New York Cotton When I was in Exchange. college I read was primarily in the involved uncle? cash side of the interested in I was cotton. merchandising business, a trader becoming straightaway. How long did you work on the floor of the exchange?What was your job there? I was a floor clerk; that is how everybody begins.But I also did a lot of out what made it the market to try to figure analytical work, watching then returned to and months six about in York for New I clerked tick. Eli. work for to New Orleans Did you learn a lot about trading Absolutely. Working with Eli was a fabulous position was only off the He floor. He was a true sight was a pure his own from broker So everyone apparently, easy to tag. head on.\" knew his hand? it didn't hurt trade open interest cotton trader speculating? was thing speculator. The amazing knew on the floor, everyone always Definitely. No. experience. He would to behold. futures against cashorjust position was. Hewas very it, I'm going to take them But, Eli? market the entire sizes of 3,000 contractswhen He would trade more volume than any 30,000. Was he trading When for Eli instead of your to work went future from a prominent government official regarding his \"You trading. wouldn't believe how high-placedthis person he to me was,\" explained in a voice with care not to tinged incredulity, taking particular divulge anything 121 Paul Tudor Jones him? Eli's attitude that since he used exactly was, what his \"The hell with Paul Tudor Jones 122 Is that an Do you try exception? to hide your Paul Tudor that I won't have to worry positions? point I try. the guys in the pit who have been there for five realistically, know it is me. years Everyoneknowswhen I trade. The one thing But, or ten I learned from Eli is that, is going to go. So you don't think the market ultimately, it is is going to go where it to hide your positions? important important lessons By watching Eli, else did you learn from the toughest son of a bitch I ever knew. He taught me that to be is able to handle have and trading very competitive you getting your butt kicked. No matter how you cut it. there are enormous emotional ups and downs involved. a general specifics regarding trading? character-building lesson. What about Tullis taught me about moving volume. When you are trading size, you have to get out when the market lets you out, not when you want to get out. He taught if you want a large position, you don't or low because ground high very little volume may trade there if it is a turning point. One thing I learned as a floor trader was that if, for example, the wait me that until the market is in high was at 56.80, at 56.85. If the market old to move new to be a lot of buy there are probably going stops is trading 70 aid, 75 offered,the whole trading thJ market, touching off those stops, ring has a vested interest in buying and into the stops\342\200\224that is a very common ring practice. As liquidating an upstairs trader, I put that together with what Eli taught me. If I want to cover a positionin that type markets look their very best He You have done tensof thousands of trades. Is there any single trade out? stands the most from mistakes, not Yes, the 1979 cotton market. Onelearns accounts I was a broker back then. We had lots of speculative successes. of July cotton. The market had been and I was long about 400 contracts a range in trading time it came like that even though is often the best time to sell. are setting new highs, that they to some extent, to be a goodtrader, in me the idea that, you have One sounds I learned to Tullis? Tullis? He was That you can attribute to be a contrarian. that What new other Any when to make an effort. For instance,my orders used to be particularly of 300 contracts. to read because I traded in multiples easy Now I break my orders up; I might give one brokeran order for 116 and another broker an order for 184.1 have at least four brokers in every pit. it is at the out of the entire position about getting are being hit. I will always liquidate half my half beyond that point. highs or lows and the remaining the stops where position below instilled I think 123 Jones of situation, I will liquidate half at 75, so immediately down between 82 and 86 cents, and to the low end of that range. I was day, the market broke to new lows, took out the about 30 or 40 points. I thought rebounded buying stops, the it every and reason the so poorly was because of the price vulnerability market had been acting of those well-known stops. Now that the stops implied by the proximity was ready to rally. the market had been touched off, I thought I the ring at the time. In an act of bravado, I was standing outside told my floor broker to bid 82.90 for 100 July, which at the time was a the Refco broker He bid 90 for 100, and I remember big order. very \"Sold!\" owned most of the Refco across came running pit screaming, stock at that time [the type of cotton availablefor delivery the certificated I realized that they intended to deliver the contract]. In an instant against at about a 4-cent which then was trading against the July contract, me the whole It also on that contract. dawned October to the premium congestion pattern that had formed between 82 and 86 centswas going 82 move down [the break from to be a market measurement for the next of the prior 4-cent trading cents was going to equal the width range]. 124 Paul Tudor Jones So you knew you were wrong immediately? Paul Tudor Jones 70 percent of their I saw immediately Did that and that of risk? that the market was going straight down to 78 cents, that was blood to it I there. had come in my going carry 400 entered another 100 as a and a final 100 contracts, long trade, day on that macho-type bid that I should never have made. it was Soyou No, realized I realized How fast that you wanted to be instantly you in the the Refco looked broker shouted, \"Sold,\" at me, because they then telling broker my down in sixty When did around, seconds, walking to sell as much I was and the locked selling some the position Even though was no good. you retrospect, reacted should First of all, never play trade, equityin and I started about 150 contracts before the opening bell. I sold only limit-down the time all I it was over, ended up again. By contracts as much as 4 cents below the point I first knew what overtrade. lower macho My major problem but that I was trading the accounts fairly quickly, you have done? man far you still took a big hit. In with the market. Second,never was not of points I lost on the contracts relative to the accounts lost something like 60 to the too many that I handled. My number terms up to that successful been in the been business at that time? and a half years. point? had made money, and I was an Relatively.Most of my clients producer How about someonewho the important for my company. So everyone had given you $10,000 at the beginning of period? three-year They were probably up position? your your whole trading style in change I of water, and out, getting a drink as he could. The market was limit- The next morning the market opened 100points selling from what only able to sell 220 contracts. you get out of the rest of market knew single trade. quit. three about Had you everyone ring was trying to do. The guy standing next to me said, \"If you want to go to the bathroom, do it right here.\"Hesaid I looked three shades of white. I rememberturning I nearly Only and around turned trade particular How many years had you react? Almost immediately. When in that equity I said, \"I am not cut out for this demoralized. Absolutely. I was totally I was so depressed much I hack it can I think don't longer.\" business; that that I wanted to be short. instantly did out. 125 about who was with threefold. you for a long time was still ahead of the game? Yes, but I had to suffer some intensedrawdowns during the interim. for me. It was at that cotton trade was almost the deal-breaker risk I said, \"Mr. Stupid, everything on one trade? Why why point not That that make than pain?\" your life a pursuit of happinessrather I first decided I had to learn discipline and money That was when management. It was a cathartic experience for me, in the sense that I I was edge, questioned my very ability I was determined not going to quit. decided that I was going to become very went to the about my trading. and decided that to come back and fight. I as a trader, disciplined and businesslike 126 Paul Did your trading style that point on? from radically change Tudor Jones One aspectof your Yes.Now my day trying to make myself as happy I spend positions are going for me, I keep I guess you not only Quickerand more trading out; if they about losing with a close stopped out. On a singletrade pick a turning point before you then, in that cotton trade, I had a about all the money I was I didn't think about what I could lose. I keep poorly, reducing smallest position size I thought What the are Don'tever Do you always know where you are on? a mental out before you put a trade getting stop. If it hits that do you risk on any I don't break it down interrelated. I look number, I am poorly; trade in situations If you not walk in \"I am and say, more single than I started. Tomorrowmorning short the S&P from 264 and it closed goal I will at 257 yesterday; therefore, I can stand a rally.\" I always think of it in terms of being short from the previous night's close. most .Bjskcontrol isjhe For example, importanUhmg_jn_trading. now I am down about 6k percentfor the monmTTHave right a 3\\ percent stop on my equity for the never have a double-digit how give fundamentally. losing times many will you try to up? Otherwise, I will keep When I am trading trades. I will cutting be trading my rest of the loss in any month. I want month. to make sure that I rules you live by? losers. Decrease increase have a losing position that is making you uncomfortable, the can always get back in. you simple: Get out, because better than a fresh start. be too concerned about where you Don't got into a position. The or bearish on the are bullish is whether relevant you question only as last think of position that night's close.I can entry point your day. Always or \"Are you short he will ask because a rookie trader tell me, always on market no his should have I or short am Whether bearing long long?\" opinion.Next he will ask (assuming I have told him I am long), \"Where are you long from?\" Who cares where I am long from. That has no or bearish is bullish environment the market relevance to whether right balance of a long position at that moment. now, or to the risk/reward rule of trading is to play great defense,not great The most important I assume offense. every position I have is wrong. I know Every day There trade? morning. My with and not trading. gambling, out no matter what. trade by trade. All the trades I have on are at it in terms of what is each my equity is to finish each day buy volume when you are your trading are well. Never when volume trading you your I don't For have don't control. where example, you is of money in front of key reports, sincethat amounts average trading solution much How idea, my position size. That way, when my trading is worst. trading risk significant have mind, my position size down as I have money to Back money. going to make on 400 contracts. I style is a contrarian attempt Let's Until I change my but also quicker? smaller, I am always thinking defensive. of July going to 89 cents and vision me, I get right against relaxed them. started as opposed to making going and trading say you are looking for a top and go short points. market reaches a new high.You then get when the stop sell turning as I can be. If I have 127 Paul Tudor Jones is very is nothing Paul Tudor 128 my stop risk points are going to be. I do that so I can define my drawdown. Hopefully, I spendthe rest of the day possible that are going in my direction. If they are going against positions where maximum enjoying me, then a game plan for getting I have out. be a hero. Don't have an ego. Always Don't Don't your ability. you ever feel that you are very yourself question good. and you do, second The Jesse Livermore, one of the greatest said that, in the long run, you can't reportedly was a devastating quote the into is a frightening markets confident now than I am your scared sense of confidence, but Aren't for years. successful more you you were before? now than I was at any point since I began trading, something. until you finally hit it? a premier market opportunist. means I That myself an idea on the and a market it from develop pursue very-low-risk I have repeatedly been proven wrong, or until I change until standpoint my viewpoint. your decision-making process that allows you market near What is it about so close to the of all markets. I also to get in turns? very strong views of the long-run direction short-term horizon for pain. As a result, frequently, I may trades from the long side overa period of weeks in a market repeated try continues to move lower. which a very In other words,it makesa better story to say, \"Paul Jones buys the T-bond market 2 ticksfrom the low,\" rather than, \"On his fifth try, Paul Jones buys the T-bond market 2 ticksfrom its low.\" I think that is certainly been a swing trader, part of it. The other part is that I have always that I believe the very best money is to be meaning a lot of bottoms and tops. but I have caught middle, If you are a trend follower trying to catch the profits in the middle of a move, you have to use very wide stops. I'm not comfortable doing 15 percent of the time; the rest of that. Also, markets trend about only the the time they move sideways. What is the most prominent fallacy in the public's perception about markets? My impression is that you often implement positions turns. Sometimes your precisionhasbeenuncanny. have of doing a seriesof probes Exactly.I consider in how ephemeral success canbe in this business. I know I have to be frightened. that to be successful, have hits My biggest after I have had a greatperiod and I started come to think that I always I have Is it a matter made at the market turns. Everyone says you get killed trying to pick tops and bottoms and you make all the money by catching the trends in the middle. Well, for twelve years, I have often been missing the meat it in check. keep I recognize knew 129 Jones prospect. If you make defense. guiding philosophy is playing great think it is have don't because you some uncanny foresight. But you have beenvery more markets. That my maintain Always of all time, speculators ever win trading like me, just getting for someone that you can't beat the idea The That is why a goodtrade, because Paul Tudor dead. are business. Jones That there is some group on Wall markets. I can go into any market and create a stir for a day or two, maybe evena week.If I go into a market I can create the right moment, by giving at just it a little gas on the upside, of a bull market. But, the illusion unless the market is really sound, the I stop buying, the price is going to come right down. second You can That can markets be manipulated. Street that controls price action open the a wonderful to buy the most beautiful summer clothes, Saks in the Fifth Avenue in Anchorage, menswear department, but you will go broke. unless Alaska, somebody with wants 130 other misconceptions do peoplehave What the about The idea that people affiliated with Wall Street know mother is a classicexample.Shewatches \"Wall Street with a takeseverything almost fervor. they say religious you could probably fade \"Wall a point to fade a winner? wants of talking markets? something. Any My Week\" and she I would bet that I want major market on an about being on the to be with to the people who have the best them because track records. I make How do you keep all theseother opinions from confusing your own vision? Let's say you are bearish on a market and 75 percentof the do you do? you talk to about that market are bullish.What people I had last Wednesday, give you a perfect example.Until in advance. The been bearish crude oil, while it was the midst of a $2 I wait. I will on best oil trader I know crude was bullish, was bullish went short. Then the I never Are Marty he that period. Becausehe to stall and one started I knew that instant\342\200\224 here.\" market \"I think said, any market there Zweig Prechter is the advisors that you pay attention to? and Ned Davis best because are great; BobPrechter he is the advisor you Ned Davis I think seen. Although underrated? consider does the best researchon he is well ultimate market is the champion. opportunist. What do you mean by opportunist? Any analysts Judge not, Very few traders have makes you I think one reached What strengths is that I view anything that has happened up the present point in time as history. I really don't care about mistake I made three seconds ago in the market. What I care about is what I am going to do from the next moment on. I try to avoid any emotional I avoid letting my trading opinions be influenced attachment to a market. I may have made on the record about a market. by comments of my to the No loyalty to is obviously positions an important element in your trading. horizon to you a wide open intellectual in a It allows to come with happening. you in choosing the correct for that particular forecast It is important because figure out what is really completely clean slate it gives market. Has the tremendousgrowth it more difficult to trade of Without think you could return if you were trading question. the money at the samelevel approach. been so successfulis that of achievement. different? make to create level your Do you he has one that I have the you be judged. least Wave theory the Elliott incredibly favorable risk/reward opportunities.That Wave is the same reason I attribute a lot of my own success to the Elliott reason market received you consider overrated? more allows stock he has deserves. recognition he It has made it tremendously The the known, I don't think during I am going to go flat news was coming out of OPEC particularly, given the fact that bullish right at that time\342\200\224that crude oil was a low-risk short.I sold the hell out of it, and it turned out to be a great trade. day 131 Paul Tudor Jones every virtually almost daily basis. Are you uncomfortable oppositeside of the fence from these people? Who Jones Week.\" Street I know you talk to traders in Yes. Tudor Paul you are managing made of profitability? difficult. a substantially higher percentage smaller amounts of money? Paul Tudor Jones 132 Do you ever the detrimental whether question outweighs profit performance fees incentive impact of size you earn on your from a major stock market since mid-1986 collapse of because the plans drawn up possibility we for a financial meltdown. When we came in on Monday, was going to crash that day. 19, we knew that the market foresaw October about that what happens Have you by every question time the day. It is going to be interesting to see your book is published. accepting stopped new investment time funds? exact same thing compare the relative jobs? advantages and manager. disadvantages How do you of these two brokerage business becauseI felt there was a gross If you are charging a clientcommissionsand he loses aren't penalized. I went into the money management money, you I had not to be able to say that if I lost business because money, I wanted me a bundle cost it would for it. In fact, gotten compensated probably Zoo. I never the Bronx out becauseI have an overhead that would knock I win. I don't get paid unless because apologizeto anybody, I got out conflict of Do of the interest: you keep your I would say that primarily because get my percent I believe own funds? I am and in my own funds, world for it. I conservative that I the You did extraordinarily well during October1987,a month Could you fill in some traders. other was a disaster for many which of the details? The week of the crash my life. happened downside. two days before the crash. Our in 1929, [Paul Jones' Peter Borish, the 1980s market over the 1920s market. The two markets superimposed demonstrateda remarkable of correlation. This model wasa key degree in Jones' tool stock index trading 1987.] during Treasury Secretary Baker's weekendstatement that the U.S. would no longer support the dollar because of its disagreements with West Germany was the kiss of death for the market. his collapse perfectly research director, nailed. did you cover your short position? When We actually the day covered of the most our shorts and went somewhat long on the close of crash itself [October19]. of your profits in October due to your short stock index position? we also had an extremely profitablebond position.The day of the crash we put on the biggest bond position we ever had. The bond market had been acting all day long on October 19. During terrible the day, I was very concerned about the financial of our clients' and our own safety assets.We had our assets with various commission houseson the street, and I thought those funds could be in jeopardy. It was an intolerable No, for situation was one of the most excitingperiodsof was a record volume day on the analogmodel,developedby Were is invested of my net worth is the safest place in that going to be so defensive back. money really believethat will 85 money in your Friday to 1929 had the model analog a money you so sure? Becausethe previous ago. been both a broker and You have expecting made What The Yes, a long been had We and had contingency money? managing I think 133 Paul Tudor Jones me. is the Fed reaction going to be? I thought What would have to add massive amounts of liquidity to create a very I kept on thinking: that thev Paul 134 rosy environment, instantaneously. all day, acting poorly I couldn't bring bond position. During the However, since bonds had been myself to pull the trigger on a long half hour last Tudor Jones of trading, bonds 1987 was an early warning faces the financial friends. Everything gets see any in which way we can solve our current problems beforewe go into a deep recession, or even signal to That is what scares me so much. current dilemma. depression? of a hundred times faster than it is built up. have taken ten years that might down one day to tear something It takes of kind the with leverage that is in to build. If the economy starts to go will heads spin. I hate to believe it, it will deteriorate so fast that people's in my gut that is what I think is going to happen. it, but I know from studying history that credit eventually kills all great societies.We have essentially taken out our American Expresscard and the made sure that time. Reagan we are going to have a great said our in office his term way borrowing be by would great during economy the future, and soon we will have into prosperity. We borrowed against destroyed to pay. I don't see any blueprint out of our there are macroeconomic forces at work that are over. Perhaps cycle that we don't have any control Maybe part of a larger we are simply community, of my Do you 135 As particularly Wall Street,wasdealt a lifeblow on October 19,but they are in shock and don't realize threatening over the time I got run by a boat, and my backside was it. I remember chewedup by the propeller. My first thought was, \"Dammit, I just ruined afternoon because I have to get stitched up.\" Because I was my Sunday I was until I saw the cut how even realize I didn't up badly in shock, I think Jones suddenly started to turn up, and it clicked in my mind that the Fed was going a tremendous create upsurge in bond prices. take actions that would wild. a for act moment, I went bond market I the soon as saw right Do you believe that October more negative times ahead? Paul Tudor super to the same type of cyclesthat most advanced responding fell prey to, whether it was the Romans, sixteenth-century civilizations Spain, eighteenth-century France,or nineteenth-century for a period of pain. We what financial is all about. discipline Do you We use tested have systems trading found one obvious reasons, that every system under the sharply sun and, to relearn going into: but for system, trend following? contrarian? basic premise of the system If there is a suddenrange move. they we have amazingly, actually works well. It is a very good I can't tell you much more about it. The when are at all? What type of realm doesit fall Trend following. I think Britain. that we are going to be in is that expansion markets move in a market nature is to try to fade that price narrowly, human the market is sending you you get a range a expansion, the market is getting ready to move in the very loud, clear signal that direction of that expansion. that has been trading move. When Are you trading a portion of your funds on that systemat the present time? Are you blaming the current situation I think Reagan madeus feel good in terms I think he Reaganomics? We just started trading as a country\342\200\224and of economics, he was the us by hoodwinked basically but, on biggest that disaster is wonderful\342\200\224 system about six months ago, and so far it is that ever struck. the deficit, and of this country. I the in history on the then went biggest spending binge because with it, have everyone could away don't think a Democrat gotten billion deficit. a about $150-180 would have been very vigilant promising to cut doing the very well. Do you feel a good system can compete with A good system may be able to trade more markets trader because it has the advantage of unlimited a good trader? effectively computing than a good power. After Paul Tudor 136 all, trade decision is the every defining usually otherwise. or process\342\200\224human of product some market patterns, interacting and changing be able to outperform a goodsystem. in complexity a good trader Unequivocally. move as I will, can will Twenty months; it is fifty-five the A good during diversify? help today but same, of the is in price a major The following sectionof the the interim, market from Jones was conducted interview had two weeks later. on the stock reversed his trading bearish. What made you change your bias to bullish. bearish Two weeks ago you ten years? of credit will delay the process relative to the preliminary make it sound comments before the start of our like you are paranoidbecause of your success. be that misery in this country gets we did well as a trading because we were very mind? world that The first that prices I was thing the Wall Street Journal article that move first Do you mean that and if you fundamentals come second. were right, prices should have the perception is going to while similar to a number of other traders I have a group of apprenticetraders.What that, have you trained go down. believe gone down of time. When When I was twenty-one years old, a guy took me under his wing and it was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I felt an obligation to do the same thing for other people. How did you find the people you trained? didn't? Countlessinterviews. One of the things that Tullis taught me wasthe importance I trade, I don'tjust use a price stop, I also use a time a stop. If I think I even if am not I will out it often and should break, market doesn't, get According to the 1929 analog model, the market any money. losing This was the first time during the past should have gone down\342\200\224itdidn't. three years that we had a serious divergence. I think the strength of the economy is going to delay the I believe onereasonwhy becauseof the much break. stock market we are diverging easier availability from the 1929 modelis of credit today. Volvo was motivation? to the publicized didn't short 2,000 S&P contracts?The market I the railroad tracks. I do is put my ear to always enough, had some I understand your mean besides deep other people were hurt, firm, knowledge. It is not that we had any unfair knowledge that other didn't have, it is just that we did our homework. people People don't want to believe that anyone can break away just from the crowd and rise abovemediocrity. interviewed, and;they Who owns a carfor we had a cash economy. when interview today that! of a car loan was twenty-four length I think the final months. bottom line will be Someof your will catch ten times as much system the 15 percent of the time a market If the You the ease about phase. trending During 137 car loans.Think years ago, the average 1920s, But a goodsystem Jones out 120-month problem-solving because of the However, Paul Tudor Jones is giving How many We have traders have you hired? About thirty-five. Have they been successful? Some have done very been deluged by applicants. well, but overall we have had mixed success. Paul Tudor Jones 138 Doyou is because that believe it to be a good trader? talent takes Paul Tudor Jones most the is What 139 advice you could give important the average trader? I never about the ability of other Was your I Have sponsorthe inspired by the \"60 I went Right. in show about Eugene Lang? week after sticken area, three the show, and within I have always beena big believer me on about the program was own program. thing that really turned for its multiplicative impact. By helping one kid,you potential have a poverty The leverage. the of kids from to talk to him the we had set up months Minutes\" our in which you have pledged to Program, of a group education particularly optimistic, to succeed. people a Dream that now. One of to believe starting is that I always tend to be too weaknesses my but I am that before, thought an impact on his family and We have also recentlyset up other kids. a new program can Do you still see yourself trading ten I wouldn't have Robin Hood who are on the to seek out and fund We are trying people food and shelter to the poor. We are seeking out in providing frontlines no budget at all, rather with who are used to working virtually the people do not often which than the bureaucracies, deploy the money effective- Foundation. to your so good to me that I feel I should I can't say that I have been successful in return. give back something in the else. I am better than anybody because By the grace of God, I was to share. obligation right place at the right time, so I feel a tremendous Is the positive intensity is nothing There similar experiencein combination of winning of winning alive. Trading as the pain of losing? a bad and losing days any gives you is all about. Emotionally, you more as strong trading day. You feel so low that it is I could also have a head up. But, if I knew that the take I would of the exhilaration winning, worse than difficult to hold your been have time because you feel that intense feeling of what an incredibly live on the extremes. much life cotton gut-wrenching his start in It took the business, a traumatic but, in the trading into his trade in 1979, Jones has managed excellent Hementally the No matter market. single assures trading to instantaneously positions how large a profit he his entry price was the previous that there is never a cushion mind Jones' about but portfolio in real-time. I would say so. The markets down the road? net profitability, while his risk way down. bringing risk control is the essence of Jones' trading style and Today, success. He never thinks about what he might make on a given trade,but on what he could lose. only marks each of his to gets complacent of each position, life? years the importance of risk control forge permanently mind. Since that approach Has this become a major part of from trader early years, his performancewas volatile. experience fifteen other way. Paul Jones was a winning to maintain called the it any or have in a position, in may night's close. Since this trades, Jones never watches the risk only in his any of his positions. He not he closely monitors the performance of his If his total equity 1 2 to drops percent during well liquidate all of his positions session, he might cut his risk. \"It is always easier to get back in than out,\" he says. If Jones'trading entire starts going poorly, he will continually a to get reduce his position size until he is on track again. That way, when he is trading his his smallest. worst, he is also trading In any month with net trading losses, Jones will automatically reduce his risk exposure to make sure he never winning registers streaks, a double-digit In short, Jones maintains he puts it, \"The most important great offense.\" loss in a single month. After big cautious about getting overconfident. risk control in a dozen different As ways. rule in trading is: Play great defense, not he is particularly Bielfeldt Gary in Peoria Yes, They Do TradeT-Bonds years, I have heard the in the futures markets, players For futures I assumed market. name BLH as one of the major T-bonds, the world's largest mentioned particularly BLH was a huge trading corporation, but in best traders, I discoveredthat BLH was Gary Bielfeldt. is Gary Who Bielfeldt? Where did he get the capital to rival the Wall as a major force in the T-bond futures Street institutions primary market? Bielfeldt beganhis trading career twenty-five years ago, with a mere $1,000 investment. At first, his capital was so limited he confined a single himself to trading corn contract\342\200\224one of the smallest futures in agricultural contracts at a time of relative stagnation prices. From this modest Bielfeldt built his account up to start, extremely eventually the seeking out basically staggering a single country's individual: proportions. did he do it? Bielfeldtdoesnot in diversification. believe His you pick one area and become expert at it. For much of his trading career, the soybean complexand, to a more minor that focal extent, the related grain markets provided point of attention. the Bielfeldt had desire to becomea full-time trader from Although the beginning, his tiny capital base restricted his trading to a part-time a small endeavor. In those early years, he earned his living running he faced withwas how he, a trader brokerage office. The problem How trading philosophy is that Gary Bielfeldt 142 out independent any become a professional funds, could develop a sufficient desire trader. Bielfeldt's strong base capital to make to this leap in risk. base prompted him to take a large, if not imprudent, his initial built $1,000 up By 1965, Bielfeldt had painstakingly of the soybean evaluation stake to $10,000. Based on his fundamental his capital by his former agricultural opinion believed Bielfeldt strongly Hieronymus, professor, that prices would go higher.In an all-or-nothing play, he bought twenty his an extremely high-leverage position given contracts, soybean have would decline mere 10-cent size. A account price $10,000 decline out his account, while a considerablysmaller wiped completely a to sufficient would have been forced-liquidation margin call. generate to close came perilously Bielfeldt and did move lower, Initially, prices reversed that damaging margin call. But he held on, and prices eventually the position, he had more than to the upside. By the time he liquidated on that single trade. That trade launched Bielfeldt doubled his equity a full-time trader. his much toward sought after goal of becoming Bielfeldt built his account with unerring consistency. By the early to the point that government1980s, Bielfeldt's trading size had grown in the limits established speculativeposition soybean and grain markets aided This an impediment. factor, were becoming by a particularly bad to shift his focus in Bielfeldt 1983, prompted tradein the soybean market no the time had futures position limit. to the T-bond market, which at in the T-bond a position limit was eventually implemented (Although in limit dwarfed the 600-contract limit contract market, the 10,000 market, as well as the concurring Thomas economics soybeans.) The 1983 soybean loss may happened to Bielfeldt. bottom in that have been the best thing His shift to T-bonds coincidedwith market. T-bond position at the He became very bullish right time. When the and T-bond that ever an evolving built major up a huge long market exploded to early 1986 period, Bielfeldtwas perfectly during the mid-1984 to stay with a major positionfor positioned to garner huge profits. His ability move allowed him to leverage his well-timedtrade to a much a long-term have been achieved by most professional greater degree than would was same initial with the traders position. This long T-bond position new echelon. him into a That, and ever best trade Bielfeldt's catapulted trader became a T-bond fucorn is the story of how a one-lot in short, 143 Gary Bielfeldt in the same league as the trader tures most prominent institutional market participants. Bielfeldtcould not further be removed from the popular image of a large-scale trader in the One highly leveraged sphere of futures trading. would hardly expect to find one of the world's largest bond traders in Peoria. Bielfeldt's attachment to his home town is so strong that he refusedto consider becoming a trader on the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade because it would have meant giving up his cherished lifestyle. He is the epitome of the small town model American citizen: honest, hard devoted to family and community. One of Bielfeldt's working, of his trading-derived wealth major goals has been to plow backa portion into benefiting projects his home town. I interviewed Bielfeldtin his The huge, wraparound screens. Despitethis large, configuration furnished office. comfortably flanked was by ten quote of electronics, Bielfeldt was low keyed. glanced at the screens during the afternoon I spent in his it is hard to visualize him at any time, the trading frantically He rarely office, desk and vast array vast array of quote machines notwithstanding. Bielfeldt is a soft-spokenman of few words. He is also a very modest man who consistently hesitated talking about his achievements, lest it sound like bragging. His very conservative nature led him to avoid even seeminglyinnocuous For at one in subjects. example, point discussing the me to turn reasons off my for his net trading losses tape recorder. I could hardly in a given year, he asked what he might measure. The off-the-record far from shocking. It turned comments out that his trading proved lossesin that year were influenced an overextension into other by his membership on the Chicago Board of Trade Board commitments, including of Directors,a position which required frequent travel to Chicago. he reluctant be was to because he did not want to make Apparently, quoted it seem that he was blaming his other responsibilities\342\200\224which he deemed of his natural his losses. part obligations\342\200\224for trading The combination of Bielfeldt'slaconicnature, and modesty, this a very difficult conservatism made interview. In fact, this was the only interview I conducted in which the average length of the questions was the longer than the average length of the responses. I considered deleting interview from the book\342\200\224a tempting choice since I had an excess say that necessitated this precautionary imagine 144 Gary However, I found of material. character so strong that compromise,I weighted story so compelling easy this side and his way and limited the basic approach What I always in system and analyzing trading the markets? since However, analysis. primarily on fundamental it was very difficult to know all the fundamentals\342\200\224usually I found you it if you have 80 percent of the pieces\342\200\224I thought well are doing pretty to fall back on in case was important to have something my try to lean was fundamental analysis wrong. I assume you are referringto Do you this trade technical analysis my own trend-following I developed Right. as a supplement. system. system as a backup to tell me when primarily to get out of a position. Can you think of an the start March when the bond market started to say you are wrong. In this you have the rationale for getting What went wrong with out that of my primarily because I was seemed to be on target until At some point, down. edging thought October that 1987 it Do you have an opinion about systemssoldto the public? I of these systems a few at some looked years ago and found that they trades. If a system trades too frequently, the generally transaction costs will be too high, a factor that will significantly reduce the probability of the system working. I think to be viable, a has to be medium to trend-followingsystem longerterm. The more sensitive systems just too much commission. generate made too many for learning good trading systems can provide an approach? trading I would advise anyone who developsa system isn't should it with their half the money on a to combine trade own judgment, just in case the working. case, my system provided me with losing position. trade? Is that the way you trade? I usedto pay more attention to systems than focus on my own judgment. Is that because your own systems Basically, can do when starting out is to learn how a trend a trend for a while will teach a new trader Trading system of letting profits run and cutting losses short. If you can just market bond expectinga weaker economy.Everything early systems? anyone own judgment. In other words, they and the other half using their system example? of 1988,1 was long the thing works. principle system At of trend-following learn discipline by using a trend-following system, even temporarily, will increase your odds of being successful as a trader. effective I use the opinion Besides providing a training vehicle habits, do you feel that trend-following in any consistent way? system best The the is your is your What out. As a to a few excerpts. section interview Bielfeldt's reluctant to take the to the narrative chapter I was 145 Gary Bielfeldt Bielfeldt than I had anticipated. I the economy was a lot stronger left over from the factor there would be a bigger fear materialized. stock market crash than actually haven't They haven't people using been judgment working is more as well as they I do now. Basically, I just reliable, or because used to? worked as wellas they used to because there are too many too many people are doing the same thing, them. Whenever 146 Bielfeldt Gary the market will go a period through of adjustment. Do you remember you the key factors you focus on in fundamentally What are the T-bond important balance, and the the single inflation are elements most important factor. Four other expectations, the dollar, the trade deficit. budget You have been trading for over twenty-five longer years\342\200\224a much that trade time period than most other traders. Is thereany single stands out as the most dramatic? There are quite out most prominently stands that trades that would a few the bond market in was When did you start trying I started trying to buy a bottom to pick to pick the my attempt but the one bottom of 1984. and 1983 as dramatic, qualify when you finally got positioned at a point where to get out? have didn't evaluating market? The economyis definitely 147 Bielfeldt Gary I turned really bullish in May 1984, when they auctioned off five-year notes at a 13.93yield.I had been involved in banking since 1974,and at the time, we couldn't find borrowers for three-year loans any qualified at 13 percent. Yet here were government notes selling at five-year this was at a time above that level. Moreover, nearlya full percentage point when of a recession in Peoria: Unemployment was we were at the height 20 percent and the farm crisis was worsening.I felt that approaching interest had probably gone high rates From that point on through enough. traded T-bonds from the long side. There is no 1986,1 April heavily questionthat that was my best trade and longest trend ever. are the elements of goodtrading? What the bonds? bonds when the when putting were trading in the 63- thing is to have a method rid of your losers. The most important winners and getting for staying with your 66 area. How much risk dia you is equal So from anywhere Generally to 32 ticks. A if you allow 1-point move and [One point in T-bond futures is equal to $1,000 per contract.] try looked good again at another and it didn't work, spot? Right. declined into the 50s, I guessyou must had a few strikes against you before you finally went long in the Since bonds eventually place. Yes, there were several over a period of time. the longer-term have right you stay with a winning trend? Howdo you avoid the position temptation of taking profits prematurely? Thebest to learn discipline and patienceis to think through it on. You need to develop a plan of putting for various your strategies contingencies. That way, you won't get news item that hits the market and causes pricesto move swayed by every to have a long-term objectivethat you up or down. Also, it helps greatly have derived by really doing your You combine that longhomework. term with a protective stop that you move as the position goes objective to your way. Alternatively, you could use a trend-following system I know way a trade thoroughly signal when objective losses do you do to makesure that to exploit \\ to Vk points. tried to pick a spot that you would bail out What on a trade? changes, positions. you should before out your get out of the trade. By having thought a strategy for getting out in case the market trend for staying in your winning you greatly increase the potential and having 148 Speaking personally, how Why do most traders lose? means that they which overtrade, They have I judge successby to be right a lot just to cover things commissions. we The most Second, is discipline\342\200\224I important am everyone tells you have a good trade on, you sure you have to have patience;if you with it. Third, you need courageto to be able to stay and courage comesfrom a willingness to lose; you need a strong that is also relatedto desire lose. adequate Fourth, you must have capitalization. Fifth, straightforward, more about what fullback except you is running judge major for the would will in that you just fund, or do you have a hands-on it? running mean consensus But I had thought 1985. I had always planned handle it can't let different and projects leading to by courage? lower, it takes and buy the yen. success? What selective set up motivation it helped. advice do you have for are risks the trader? beginning out, it is very important difficult to fight back. Most starting because it is very take 1970s. community. think this long-term goal wasan important success as a trader? When you to if I were your Yes,I think through the line and a 175-pound to go into him. in the markets. If as far back as the early to become successful,I would the idea about that a foundation to help the Do you success do in their field. A by how well they success do and how they how well the students judge by A life. trader would he success go through by whether probably judge wins or loses in the market. Most people teacher of the so that by supporting community My family and I are directly involved in evaluating deciding which ones to fund. In linebackerhas to stop him, he has to have the courage You need that kind of courage to be able to participate the and the yen is sharply dollar, everyone is bullish courage to fade that the One a foundation establish When did you set up this foundation? Can you expound on that? If a 260-pound How do you have into the market, should have the attitude that if a trade loses, you can without any problem and come back to do the next trade. You a losing trade get to you emotionally. you talk and I have done is to one foundation relationship go You Can my the money I accumulate. I do with what wife success'. judge you share some of our successwith could Is this that. to win. Those elements seem fairly willingnessto capitalization. adequate that do various programs. are the traits of a successfultrader? What 149 GaryBielfeldt GaryBielfeldt that are too large at enough about point, Bielfeldt the beginning. too far behind have a tendency They tend not to be not to get traders when they take risks. judge At this about the relevance reason for keeping the asked me to turn and application comments off the tape of poker strategy off-the-record recorder. He talked to trading. His was that he didn't want 150 GaryBielfeldt to contribute to the analogy particularly record. and apropos I found his finally persuaded him to put it on the Could you explain your analogy I learnedhow to play of playing as a form of trading image between of gambling. at a very young poker and poker? trading age. My the percentage hands. You don't father taught Ed me play every hand and stay through every card, because if you do, you will have a of losing. You should play the good hands, and much higher probability of out the the ante. When more of the cards hands, forfeiting drop poor the concept are on the table and you you feel the that hand the you your wait same of poker strategy I have significantly. in mind by waiting for the percentage and take a small hand in poker. for to trading, always get out the right trade, just like loss; it's If a trade doesn't look right, precisely is attainable provides example of what one and an on the hand on the given patience aggressive trading style other. Here is an individual with a minuscule of amount who, starting of benefit staff or elaborate money, working independently, and without most successful traders. technology, becameone of the world's Moreover,becauseof his long-term goals and actions, his ultimate success positively an entire community. impacted The portion Want an inspiring Bielfeldt's interview that I found most between poker and trading. It is also interesting to in this similar to the advice Bielfeldt's analogy key point compare the to for trade to offered James Have the wait right patience by Rogers: come along. of Gary his analogy not only to the public, but to most of the must as well, Ed Seykota's achievements community of our time. In the early 1970s, him as one of the best traders He and conceived hired was by a major brokerage firm. rank certainly Seykota developed the first clients' managing quite profitable, but impeded for Seykota catalyst Bielfeldt's story unknown, completely Although financial significantly insightful was They it tried to keep equivalent to forfeiting the ante by dropping out On the other hand, of a poor hand in poker. when in your favor, you should be the percentages seem to be strongly aggressiveand really try to leverage the trade similar to the way you raise on the good hands in poker. you What strong hand\342\200\224inother words, when in your favor\342\200\224you raise and play principles of winning odds of patience concept Gets Everybody hilt. If you apply the increases are skewed percentages to the a very have Seykota just commercial money in the interference His markets. and second-guessing This its performance. going out on his own. system for system proved by management trading computerized futures experience provided the years, Seykota applied his systematized approach that and his own money.During of accounts period, trading an absolutely witnessed astounding the accounts Seykota managedhave as of mid-1988, one of his customer For rate of return. example, was up over 250,000 percent started with $5,000 in 1972, which accounts, the account for withdrawals, on a cash-on-cashbasis. (Normalized theoretically was up several million percent.) I know of no other trader of time. this track record over the same length who has matched on this when I first began working I had never heard of Seykota times during my interview book. Seykota's name had come up several in as the person who was most influential of MichaelMarcus said reflecMarcus our After interview, successful trader. him into a In the to transforming ensuing a handful 152 tively, EdSeykota \"You know, you really should interview Ed He is not Seykota. he is a mind.\" only a great trader; Marcus provided an introduction over the phone, and I briefly outlined the concept of my book to Seykota. Since I was already out West, it was most convenientfor me to interview Seykota on the same trip by to New York via Reno. Seykotawas agreeableto rerouting my return but seemed skeptical of my ability to complete the interparticipating, vie w in the space of two hours (the time available in order for me to make I assured him that, although it was tight, I had connections). my flight donea few other interviews in that space of time. \"It is feasible as long as our conversationremains I explained. focused,\" very I cut my arrival at the airport extremely close,having to forgotten revise my ticket to reflect the change in itinerary. After a vociferous with a ticket agent who insisted I didn't have enough time to argument catch my she nearly flight\342\200\224acontention the airport, reaching the through I arrived time gate with made self-fulfilling\342\200\224I raced only seconds to spare. By the in Reno, the tension from my near-missed flight had just about dissipated. The drive to Seykota's house was too far for a cab,so I rented a car. It was very early morning, and the highway winding up into the mountains offered vistas below. The classicalmusic spectacular station I found on the radio was playing Mozart's Clarinet Concerto.The was combination glorious. borders Lake Seykota works from an office in his house, which Tahoe. Before beginning the interview, we took a brief walk out onto the beach behind his house. It was a cold, clear morning, and the view was idyllic. The contrast between his workplaceand my own\342\200\224anoffice in the Wall Street area,with a prominent view of an ugly building\342\200\224could have been more striking. I plead hardly guilty to jealousy. In contrast to virtually all the other traders I had interviewed, Seykota's deskis not flanked by an array of quote screens, or, for that even a single screen. His trading is largely matter, confined to the few minutes it takes to run his computer program which generates signalsfor the next day. In my conversation with Seykota, both his intelligence and sensitivity\342\200\224an has a way of looking at things moment, he could be talking appear as the consummate I was struck by the odd combination from a unique vantage about scientist analytical 153 Ed Seykota engineering from screen, computer bringing MIT), generated designed. Yet, in another of trading, human behavior. Indeed, in recent that has become very into insight involved in the about end up spending the day. Heis extremely perceptive asked in our one conversation, Seykota For example,at point people. me, \"How minutes many particularly question able to pick up been was also fast do you set your I found watch?\" this striking in that in our brief time together,he had on one of my basic character traits. The question timely, given my particularly near-missed flight earlier that morning. Seykota's successgoeswell beyond his trading. He impressed me as someonewho had found meaning in his life, and was living exactly he wanted to be living. the life did How you first get involved in trading? decidedthat silver stopped selling it. I openeda commodity In the late 1960s, I of my insight. I thought. He to short some copper. (he holds a degree in and I would advantage point. reveal great sensitivity Seykota years, of techniques would to the to me that psychology, and its field of psychology. It appeared had become a more their solve application in helping problems, people and trading. I suspect market his life than in element analysis important somewhat find this contrast artificial, in would that probably Seykota the same and are one and psychology that to him, trading thing. as I had intended it to be. In Our conversation was not as focused fact, it went off in so many directions that we had barely scratched the I continued on, surface by the time the two hours had elapsed. it turned out, the flight As later catch a that I would flight. merely assuming that I had missed was the last direct one from Reno to New York. Seykotalater told me that he knew in our first phone conversation intensity At one when the conversation turned moment, he psychology up a three-dimensional diagram on the he had programs by one of the many my trading virginity. had to rise when margin the account U.S. Treasury to take full convinced me While I was waiting, my broker I soon got stopped out and lost some money and for the start of the big, So I went back to waiting Much the day arrived. I bought. bull market in silver. Finally, amazement and financial detriment, the price started falling! and would inevitable electrical to my 154 Ed Seykota impossible to me that silver could fall on such a deal. Yet the price was falling and that was a fact. Soonmy stop education about the way markets got hit. This was a very stunning discount news. I became more and more fascinatedwith how markets work. About that time, I saw a letter published by Richard Donchian, which that a purely mechanical trend-following system could implied beat the markets. This too seemed impossible to me. So I wrote to test the theories. (on punch cards in those computer programs days) his theories tested true. this To I'm not sure I Amazingly, day, understand why or whether I really need to. Anyhow, the markets, studying and backing up my opinions with money, was so fascinating compared to my other career opportunities at the time, that I began full time trading for a living. At first it seemed bullish 155 Ed Seykota advantage of the lack to test trading systems half year,I was for so I took the accounting computer by using the weekends. They had an IBM 360 during the course of about a up a large air conditioned room. Over took which systems There was a lot lessmanagement, a reorganization. through able of supervision to test about a hundred of four variations simple ten years of data on ten commodities. Today, about job takes about one day on a PC. Anyway, there was a possibility of making confirmed I got money same the my results. They from trend-following systems. of your job, I take it that computer testing of systems was not part to do? hired What were you actually since you did it on weekends. the week, my normal Clark Kent job was to load new rolls type turned pink. I was when the margin machine onto the Reuters paper them up and in strips news off the for also responsible hanging tearing line-feeds between to tear was The trick machine. the on the wall behind During of What was your first I landed my first a major job trading-related Street in the on Wall early 1970s as an analyst brokerage house. I was assignedto cover markets. [Broilersare The futures job? markets chickens young for both up to 2\\ the egg pounds with and broiler dressed weight. broilers and eggs have since disappeared prompted their by the parent delisting that an entry level like me was exchanges.] I found it interesting guy in charge of dispensing trading advice. I once wrote immediately placed an article recommendingthat traders for a stay away from the market while. Management censoredthat comment from the market letter\342\200\224 because it didn't promise to motivate much likely trading. I wanted to start applying to the business of analysis. computers as waning Remember, trading in those activity days computers were still typically punch so as to get a smooth edge. The funny would read the news sincethey'd see the pages. So I started reading One bonus of this to the brokers. brokers' thing the news job was to lean way was that hardly anyone to over the machine and personally delivering it that I got to observe a lot of trading styles. Your officialpositionsounds accept such a menial job? BecauseI knew did, have I wanted like to be in a glorified the business, office boy. Why did you and I didn't care what I or what I got paid. card devices used for accounting. The guy who was running the computer seemed to see me as a threat to his job security, and he department repeatedlychasedme off his turf. After about a month at that job, I announced that I was going to quit. The head of the department calledme in to find out why. It was the first time he had ever been interested in to me. talking I went to work for another brokerage house, which was going Why didn't you stay at your original position?At least there you were an analyst. environment. I disapprovedof management a stultifying there were no trading I thought to recommend trades when access to the company allowed Also, I saw that being for testing trading (my real desire) was a dead issue. systems Becauseit was pressures opportunities. computers 156 Ed could have accessto the computerat you know that you job? Did new No, but since most of the your the company had just gone through a major shake-up and had been fired, I figured there wouldn't be very management much of a bureaucracy What became to interfere with use of the computer. my market the As managing money. trading I developed first the commercial large-scale system. the sugar market peaked shortly thereafter. the sell signal as well\342\200\224a signal meaningful retracements, managed long at that point. As you might guess, the error They compounded which also would have been profitable. of this interference, the most line was that because As a result, instead ended losing money. year up profitable of 60 percent for the year, quite a few accounts return of a theoretical was one of the main reasons This type of meddling lost money. actually why do you mean by large scale? What accounts the bottom The computerized any They put very in using my research resultsfor got interested management Eventually, kept moving higher without 100 points. Finally, and eventually they changed the rule to 50 points decided that it was a bull around 9 with cents, they finally sugar prices much higher. before went had and that better market, buy prices they by ignoring work on computerized trading systems? of your 157 Ed Seykota Seykota trade of the I eventually quit. What were the other reasons? The program the equity under in the of the agents firm, and million dollars\342\200\224a large was several management of money amount by several hundred marketed was 1970s. early How did you get management They were familiar was doing everything already Richard with by to the concept of using disposed favorably Also, at the manage money. that to do? program trading from second-guessingthe signals. program generated a buy 5 cents. Management thought the and decided not higher, they pullback came they systems trading were so new that computers take to signal that do after I just quit the research accounts. After about manager.That shift commissions, which money you quit? but I stayedon as a broker managing to become a money I gave up brokerage from allowed me to get away earning my living from a to I think can be counterproductiveincentive department, two years, for clients. I switched to a pure profit incentive fee that couldn't continue keep Did you example, I remember one time for sugar when it was trading around the market was already overbought Yes, although management trading the system after you left? For the signal. When up with the rule that they the the rule to buying on market kept buy on the would [100 points equal 1 cent]. When modified generating arrangement. The program did fine; the problemwas developed, were they so that it would trade more it would What did you making How did your point would a great buzzword. was \"computer system\" time, extent? who was a pioneer in at the time, he Donchian, trading systems, although, hand. Because of that exposure, trend-following developing you to that to support system income. I explainedto more commission be very easy to make such a change, but doing so seriously impede performance. They didn't seem to care. actively,thereby them me to change the wanted Management no the first such on going first I substantially revised the system over the years. What is the performance track record? 20- pullback 30-point reaction. I my track record other than my customer accountthat started with is an actual do not publicize \"model $5,000 account,\" which in 1972 and has 158 EdSeykota $15 million. over made larger many multiples With performance Theoretically, the return would have been had there been no withdrawals. like that, with word-of-mouth total Ed how come you been haven't deluged have with subtle, yet very important, If, for example, they are able to support associate effects me and my long term, then they tend to help me. If, however,they with the short-term ups and downs of their account, over methods the get too concerned they can be a half About did you originally dozen back in the early Four. money decided start out with? 1970s. How many of thoseaccountsare still One client made about with you? million and decided to withdraw $15 and manage it himself; another made over $10 million to buy a houseon the beach and retire. What source did you I was inspired and learn from before his and designing your first system? by the book Reminiscences of a Stock Donchian's five- and twenty-day Operator moving crossover and his I consider average system weekly rule system. Donchian to be one of the guiding lights of technical trading. and was What first trading system? of Donchian's moving average system. I used an exponential averaging method becauseit was easier to calculateand errors tended to disappear overtime. It was so computational My first system with Were you original was a variation as the when know you eventually system your changed needed to be to be changed. The trick need which he is compatible. incompatible with your original is for a trader to develop a system? was very simple with hard-and-fast I found it difficult to stay with deviations. system rules that didn't the system while allow for any I kept jumping on and off\342\200\224often at just disregarding my own feelings. At the time, I better than the system. I knew the wrong time. I thought There is would work. didn't really trust that trend-following systems seemed of my a waste it don't. of literature Also, \"proving\" they plenty the out not to there and sit to MIT education and intellect figure try just the with of more confident as I became markets. trading Eventually, with more comfortable I became trend, and more ableto ignore the news, more \"expert trader to incorporate the approach. Also, as I continued became more compatible with my trading style. rules,\" my system What is your trading style? influenced also by Richard your don't Systems My accounts of mouth a hindrance. Howmany word changed? system on my performance. being passed around by to a first system impliesthat How did you systems. I very it was system.\" reference Your requests to manage money? requests, but new at the time that \"expedential rarely accept new accounts. If I do, it is and to determine the only after considerable interviewing screening motivations and attitudes of the client. I have that the people I found receive I do 159 Seykota My is basically style recognition and money trend following, management divulging trade secrets, how spectacularly outperform The key to long-term survival money management There are old traders old, bold traders. some special pattern algorithms. Without standard with have you trend-following and prosperity been able to so systems? has a lot to do with the system. techniques incorporated into the technical are bold traders, but there are very few and there 160 EdSeykota and Witty true, but the question remains,albeit There are many trend-following rules; why you have I seemto have systems in translated with money form: management done so much better? I think mechanical that I consider mechanical part, it is related computer version of what I do) keeps evolving. I would add as a kind of system which, myself and how I do things by I always follow. SometimesI trade definition, strong feelings, and sometimes I just quit altogether. The immediate trading result of this around is breakeven to somewhat negative. However, jumping probably if I didn't allow myself the freedom to discharge my creative side, it build up to some kind of blowout. might Striking a workable ecology seemsto promote trading longevity, which is one key to success. How would of systems you compare the relative advantages and disadvantages trading versus discretionarytrading? discretionary. The manager still has to decide how much risk to accept, which markets to play, and how and decrease the trading base as a function of equity aggressively to increase These decisions are more change. quite important\342\200\224often important than trade timing. Systems is ultimately trading What percentage of percentage your over changed trading is systems No. All based? Has this since (1)1 have become mechanical, have trading, and (2) my mechanical programs and more \"tricks of the trade.\" I still go through periods trend factored in more of thinking I can outperform often self-correcting of the Many of trading systems seems to move in cycles. successful will which trend-following systems arehighly during users of number As the increased their lead to system popularity. to directionless and the markets shift from trending price action, increases, The profitability Periods these systems becomeunprofitable, traders inexperienced and will get shaken out. Longevity is the What are your thoughts input in trading? already the discounted price, if you catch on early, before key about using fundamental that you read about are typically Fundamentals and undercapitalized to success. as an analysis useless as the market has and I call them \"funny-mentals.\" However, others then you might have believe, valuable \"surprise-a-mentals.\" Your answer technical analysis? is a bit facetious. Doesit imply that you only use time? Over time, I have become more of or not it is whether Life trends. good systems are basedon following for the winter and keep on south itself is based on trends. Birdsstart and alter their track trends accordingly. products going. Companies luminescence and chemical in trends move along Tiny protozoa conscious. with touches of hunches based on about to me are: (1) the order of importance In years twenty and chart the current (3) trend, (2) picking a goodspot pattern, long-term of my trading. three Those are the or sell. to buy components primary ideas and, fundamental are distant fourth down in very my place Way I am more trusting on some sort of system, is done trading gradients. off the entirely the signals based on I override sometimes for trend-following What are the presentand future prospects the growing prevalence of their use will doom Do you think systems? them to eventual failure? to my overall philosophy,which has a lot to do with the markets and maintaining an optimistic loving attitude. as I keep trading and learning, my system (that is the Also, a gift. 161 Ed Seykota through but such excursionsare my own system, the process of losingmoney. primarily a trend trader of experience. quite likely, on balance, they have cost me money. Ed Seykota 162 By picking the right spot to buy, at which reaction point you price major missing will buy? do you mean If so, how determining How about someactual \"war a do you avoid sometimes moves? Doesthat that if you are bullish, you will always wait for shortimply term strength beforeenteringa position, or will you sometimes buy a reaction? If I am bullish, I neither buy already in. I turn at the instant bullish until bullish on a reaction, my sell stop is hit. Being nor wait for I am strength; is hit, and stay stop and not being long is my buy bullish Do you ever use contrary the speakers [The no, the opinion as an aid For example,at a recent goldbug were bearish. I saidto myself, market did indeed rally after Would you buy Oh Can you I had describe a \"thing\" because trend was still to your conference, virtually is probably near a all that I was some kind and of that type of input? down. But it might get me to lighten my short position. first losses was in my silver, blood and so as to avoid are The elements So to be working. pick flash What I worked on myself with werewolf. I also avoidedwalks in the full moon. your trades? the and (3) cutting although system, and override my system. elements of good losses. do any occasionally, Fortunately, I will I don't get an usually take lasting damage to my portfolio. of good trading? losses, (2) cutting losses, trading are: (1) cutting If you can follow these three rules, you may have a chance. What was your most and is a great banana dramatic or emotional trading experience? experiences tend to be negative. Pride peel, as are hope, fear, and greed. My biggest slip-ups I got emotionally involved with after positions. emotional Dramatic occurredshortly my It seemed to get into me to pull my protective stops of on a big enough positionto up losses. imagery. positive Mostly by my trading impulsive conference.] mistakes that you learned from? it would hold momentarily and then getting bear-raided. Naturally, I got killed so many times some more. by silver spikes that I started collapse How do you \"Gold I tend for silver for years. One of many of my worst hypnotize me. It inveigled thinking trading? trading specific as were far it seems Sometimes. bottom.\" to cut bad tradesas soon to After as possible,forget them, and then move on new opportunities. I bury a dead trade, I don't like to dig up the details again\342\200\224at least not after in print. Maybe someevening, dinner, sitting around a fire, off the the Tahoe in winter... record, deep hypnosis illogical. stories\"? not to dwell on past situations. I prefer Oh no. If I were buying, I try to would be above the market. my point a at which I to be strong in identify point expectthe market momentum the direction of the trade, so as to reduce risk. I don't try my probable to pick a bottom or top. on 163 Ed Seykota trading Howdo you handle a losing streak? it out. down my activity. I just wait I handle losing streaks by trimming a is to trade streak emotionally devastating. Trying during losing Trying to play \"catch up\" is lethal. Ed Seykota 164 Since you system primarily no changes imply trader, wouldn't following a systems are of trading activity a was What worst single your loss? market\" \"thin periods? losing during 165 Ed Seykota are too thin when I want to get out of a bad position in a me due have, on occasion,moved hurry. against rapidly to surprise news. As soon as the news is digested,the market thickens All markets I have incorporatedsomelogicinto modulating the important decisions I tend Psychologically, performance. I tend so after losses. is tendency to get for a growing diversification are at position limit positions my activity depending on market behavior. Still, to be made outsidethe mechanical system as how to maintain boundaries, such some trading need such as programs, computer to alter my activity to be more aggressiveafter are too thin. markets or when account when depending on been winning, and less I have a costly seem OK. In contrast, These tendencies emotional over a loss and then try to get even with an Most markets up again at a new level. During the big sugar moved from 10 cents to 40 cents, I was carrying and I gaveup several cents getting out of my is equivalent to $1,120 per contract.] few makes you a self-taught trader, or did worthwhile lessons? Are trader a self-taught trader another teach you [Each cent in sugar position. have enjoyed the spectacularsuccessyou different? you Do you decide where who is continually both studying myself have. you are getting out before you get in on a trade? position is at the same time to lock in a profit as the stops aggravating, whereas What is the maximum individual I intend a trade. nerve losing your percentage of equity is devastating. you will risk on any trade? to risk below5 percenton OccasionallyI have caused I enter taken losses a thin market to jump through allowing for poor executions. news above that amount when major a trade, my stops. markets. I am not a casual life. I have a passion me. am supposedto do with my life. What are the rules for trading. It is not merely There is no question that this a hobby is what I and I normally move I take Sometimes, these stopsin trend continues. 't me out doesn any get profits when a market gets wild. This usually better than for my stops to close in, but it does cut down on the waiting calm my nerves. Losing a of the portfolio, which helps volatility protective from my love of the comes success It is my trader. or even a careerchoicefor other traders. set prices of contracts traders Very What I feel my I when thousands position. overlylarge I am bull market a. Cut b. trading you live by? losses. Ride winners. c. Keep bets small. d. Follow the rules without e. Know when to break Your last two rules which Seriously now, break the rules? are question. the rules. cute because do you believe: they are contradictory. Followthe rules,or know when to I believeboth. Mostly I follow the rules. As I keep studying the markets, I sometimes find a new rule which breaks and then replaces a previous I get to a personal breakpoint. When rule. Sometimes I that happens, out of the markets and take a vacation until I feel that just get altogether I am ready to follow the rules again. Perhaps some day, I will have a more explicit rule for breaking rules. Ed Seykota 166 rules for very long unless they a breaking point is reached their own trading style. Eventually, reflect and the trader has to quit or change, or find a new set of rules he can of a of evolution and growth of the process seems to be part This follow. I don't think can traders follow trader. It might be though, if you the size How important is gut trading just \"M.\" feel? go find something If ignored, it may come out in subtle ways by and meditation be dealt with through coloring your logic. it be a then it If behind it. what's determine might to persists, reflection it subtle information. of some Otherwise, valuable subconscious analysis andl for desire excitement an inner of sublimation a be dangerous might differences Be sensitive to the subtle conditions. not reflect market It can \"intuition\" and \"into wishing.\" trend like surfing. for What happened 1980? Did an important to the educational experience. rules in your systemirn you override them? of tlue out even though my system was largely to trade I tried to pick tops and bottomis markets due to the enormous volatility. Thie markets. oversold and in what I considered grossly overbought I saw the futility I lost a lot. and on Eventually, markets just kept going and quit for a while. of my approach I continued trading? is a little Charting have the drive to 1987? for the month the day as a whole, crash. different now much greater than were five to ten years ago participation by professional they current managers? wrong? money management and then him, of the October 1987 crash.I also made money and for the year, as well. I lost on the day after the since I was short the interest rate markets. Most trend crash, however, traders were likely either out or short stocks and stock indexes during I made money on the No.The because all up for successful and fluid dynamics in order resonance, have to be able to sense when it's happening and then act at the right time. because the went trader? a lot about the physics of tides, to catch a good wave. You just have to know don't Are the markets One of my worst years was 1980.The bull markets had ended, but I keplt in at lower prices. The markets keplt just trying to hold on and buy back I was so bear market a seen I never before, had major on breaking. set can be used for to be a subset of charting. following You of What was your worst year? What reading average the a superior trader to do his trading he really loves to do. chart believe advice you can give What was your personalexperience in October feel is important. between That he should find I consider idea depending on the reason for doing so. Consider, had a successful modification policy, say \"M\" for \"S,\" then system changing most important of the bet? a good you might be better off 167 is the What Do you How important to trading successis varying Gut Ed Seykota markets they keep are the same now as they changing\342\200\224just like Does trading becomemoredifficult It becomes without more moving difficult the market. five to ten years ago as your size increases? because it is harder to move large positions It becomes easier because you have more access to competent peopleto support type of support do you mean? What were they did then. you. of experienced brokerswith professional attitudes. Experienced' traders can be very supportive there for sharing and by just being joys A team Ed Seykota Ed Seykota beginnings usually 168 sorrows. Also, the and endings friends, associates,and Do you to be able to smell the seem old-timers of major moves.I also receive important support 169 Does the stock market behave differently family. use any outside advisory services? The stock market behaves I the business track of a lot of outside advisers,mostly by reading keep break brokers. The services even, from usually my press or hearing are likely headed for trouble. then they except when they start to gloat, market it to demand for news about recent letter exceptions, important market activity. writing since respond there are certainly they generally Although is often a beginning job be handled by inexperiencedtraders as such may and Good traders trade. Goodletter Do you use the opinions or do you writers write in the or non- operate traders other completely in making to understand What do stock market\" ? what winning as solo? the confidence that you could keepon point did you get a trader? I vacillate between(a)\"I can keep lucky.\" I sometimesget confident How on winning,\" The stock market identifiable patterns Common and (b) \"I have just been down a from itself in differently think trying the market that from the easily repeat. exactly for inflation, outlook long-term Inflation is part of the way currencies eventually get invested at the considerwhy societies debased\342\200\224like has anywhere nobody Gold tends to be dug of all near that refined, up, markets? the dollar, and gold? sweep away the old order. All it or not. Compute one penny time of Christ, compoundedat gold on the 3 percent per year. these amount planet seems I project the trend Do greattradershave for trading? entropy talent a special absorbed a special They don't have What is the balancebetween where one as one toward talent for trading just as good musicians and fields. Great traders areoneswho are talent the versus talent\342\200\224the talent work a lot I don'tknow days. again. The to decrease over for their talents by the talent. Then and then buried time. A lot has been collected in vaults. a central world gold stash. Goodtraders have good athleteshave For example, market behavior. transcend individual crawl up in common with the way cockroaches is wall. Unfortunately for cockroach followers, there patterns behaves seldom of my ability just before a major similar are the pricepatterns in different bond prices have and most streak. losing than \"The stock market behaves differently mean, you geographical At I don't sense trying to understand the stockmarket music. A lot of people would rather understand trading decisions, ignore \"maybe to understand, futile. letters. from other traders, especially the ones who advice The old-timers, who talk about \"sure a on to are thing.\" they there is a chance of so and so,\" are often right and early. I usually is hard any more makes What is your of believe If this market. the markets is a bit to understand letters? letters tend to lag behind the traders. differently it is because trying stock markets? other from than make money. Howabout industry, a trade. from all other markets and it also differently from the behaves Market to take the other side of one around no from my starts and the other stops. in trading has them. success? EdSeykota 170 of a role does luck play much How in Ed success? trading Some people were success. Luck plays an enormous role in trading and got smarter even while otherswere bom to be smart, enough lucky bom lucky. How about a seriousanswer? Seykota be necessary to emulate his experience, not to avoid it. winnings would Furthermore, you would also need to overtrade and have probably while wipeouts, fired up your emotions you simultaneously with the burning desire to \"win it right back.\" Acting out this drama could be it also seems terribly However, exciting. One alternative is to expensive. keep bets small and asymptotically and discovered What My developed. effect has trading had on your personallife? life is integrated personal Is the joy of The joy winning of winning with my as the pain of losing? the pain of losing are right up there and the joy of losing. Also to considerare the of winning The relative strengths of these feelings of not participating. increase with the distance you made of the from trader on your machine desk. Having a quote machineis like having a slot machine on your desk\342\200\224 end up feeding it all day I you data after the close long. get my price each day. do so many traders fail in the marketplace? For the same reasonthat as intense and have I notice thereisno quote Why life. trading then to systematically keep reducing risk during That way you approach your safe money a gentle financial and emotional touchdown. and drawdowns. equity are words or \"smarts\" or \"gift\" \"Luck\" proclivity indicating an attitudinal I think most good One tends to do well at one's calling. for mastery. are natural Some have a little extra spark about trading. traders people it is difficult to or analysts. I think or salesmen musicians or painters for trading. talent However, if it is already there, it can be acquire 171 with the pain joy and pain his commitment tend to to being a most baby turtles fail to reach maturity: Many and few are chosen. Society works by the attraction of the many. As they are culled out, the good ones are left, and the others are releasedto go try something else until they find their calling. The same is true for other fields of pursuit. are called What can a losing trader do to transform himself into trader? a winning trader. When to avoid the JesseLivermore speculator of the early lock some of it away was a famous [Livermore and lost several who made century experience? twentieth fortunes.] I feel the Livermore experience was a function had little to do with the location of his assets. that reading Jesse Livermore then find a key used to lock some of when he neededto get his psychology I remember fact, of In at them. trader can do little to transform himself into a winning trader. trader is not going to want to transform himself. That's the kind of thing winning traders do. A your first few million, did you and winnings away and Therefore, locking up his losing A losing How would rate the relative importance between you psychology and market analysis to successful trading? of analysis and puts Psychology motivates the quality is the driver and is the road map. Psychology analysis it to use. focused have You a lot on the field of talking to a personwhether winning or losing traits person would probably you tell by be a have usually been winning at whatever field do you look for 2. He/sheloves to identify trader the winning to win. all traders want to win? Don't gets what they want out of the market. Some peopleseemto like to lose, so they win by losing money. I know one trader who seems to get in near the start of every of move and works his $10 thousand substantial bull up to about a quarter and his he Then months. of a million in a couple personality changes I Once loses it all back again. This process repeats like clockwork. I doubled traded with him, but got out when his personality changed. I was doing, I told him what while he wiped out as usual. money, my I fee. He just couldn't help himself. and even paid him a management to. He gets a He wouldn't want don't think he can do it any differently. his from lot of excitement,he gets to be a martyr, he gets sympathy he of attention. center the Also, he to be may and possibly, friends, gets financial to people if he is on their plane. be more comfortable relating Win or lose, everybody he wants. he is really getting what On some level, I think into their trading patterns, I think that if people look deeplyenough all their goals, they are really find that, on balance, including they may not understand it or want to they they want, even though getting what admit it. A of mine tells a story friend doctor used her condition to demand others around As an experiment her. entirely. life. People' s trading performance than like would to admit. they I think attention about and, in a cancer patient who general, to dominate prearranged with her family, reflects probably of the most flamboyant than profits alone; they some that and avoided her than their priorities more traders are interesting also playing for playing probably excitement. One of the best ways to increase profits is to do goal setting and visualizations in order to align the conscious and subconscious with I have worked with a number of traders in order to making profits. loves to trade; and He/she excuses for personality? 1. was available which would cure her. She to avoid appearing for the shot and eventually her political position was more important Perhaps her a shot told doctor found constantly it trader? traders Yes, the winning they are in for years. What that Can psychology. 173 Ed Seykota EdSeykota 172 the more examine their hypnosis, breathing, The traders they didn't and align their priorities pacing, usually either (1) get much want to be traders in is a happy circumstance that when she also gives us the means to satisfy the I sometimes have market. Although uncannilythey often them. skill first place. the skill, lack nature It a combination of gestalt, massage, and so forth. more or (2) realize successful, really skill can get someone with I use goals. visualization, Surely, some people losebecause they want to win. really lack are even though they desires, gives us true burning Those who want to win and to help them. related to the impending direction of these dreams tend to be very infrequent, dreams prove right. Have you had any I know several peoplewho claim I think one of the feelings which the conscious mind functions to have of dreams finds similar experiences? market insights during is to reconcile information intractable. a dreams. For instance, and I once I expected silver to keep on going up. When 1 down instead, ignored the signs and tried to tell myself it was corrertion. I stood to lose face and money. I couldn't just a temporary to be wrong. afford Around that time, I had dreams of being in a big, that stalled out and started going down toward an shiny, silver aircraft told a lot of my friends that it went inevitable crash. I eventually dumped and the dreams stopped. short, my silver position, even went EdSeykota 174 How judge success? do you I don'tjudgesuccess.I celebrate finding and following one's it. I think success has to do with calling regardless of financial gain. the humor in Seykota's comments; there is a great wisdom in his pithy replies. For me personally,the most what they want out of the comment was: \"Everybody gets striking he was market.\" When Seykota first made this remark, I thought I soon realizedhe was serious. cute. But deadly My reflexive merely being all want to was disbelief: It that losers to this implies premise response are who fall short of their lose and all winners (like myself) goals inner need for a constrained threshold of success\342\200\224a difficult fulfillingsome to swallow. Although my rigidly logical mind would proposition for the idea, my respect dismiss Seykota's knowledge about normally truth of the and people forces me to considerthe potential markets out of the market\342\200\224a most want statement that everybody gets what they Don't deal be fooled by of serious provocative concept. Hite Larry RespectingRisk Hite's in the financial markets was sparkedby a college interest as Moses' to the course,but his path to Wall Street was as circuitous Land of Israel.His early adult years did not offer any clue that this was a young man headed for eventual major success. his academic First, Larry was inauspicious. managing to hold performance never dual career of actorand successes, movie so often he managed Then he went any for screenwriter. very through a string of odd jobs, long. Eventually, he drifted While not recording any a into major to support himself, and enjoyedhiswork.One of his which never found its way into production, was optioned he began to view it as a source of steady income. One day, Hite heard H. L. Hunt on the radio describing how he scripts, that madehis fortune which buying up lots of cheap oil right options, gave him the opportunity for occasional windfall profits with minimal risk. That same night, Hite briefly met Brian Epstein, the manager of the ideas fused in his mind, leadingto another career Beatles,at a party. The two He \"Here is to rock himself, change. thought something [a promoter] a minimal that has the potential for making a lot of money with investment.\" Although he landed a few record contractsfor some of his groups, none ever reached true stardom. Once again, although his success he managed was limited, to earn a satisfactoryliving in a self- employed position. 176 Larry Hite Hite's real interest remained in the financial markets. hear about people working on Wall Street to become screenwriters.I may be the only person who ever workedas an actor and a scriptwriter to pay formy Wall Street career,\" he says jokingly. In 1968, Hite atop New York's clouds. We took Our interview Meanwhile, \"You often Hitefinally the futures that field, a full-time decided to pursue his primary markets, he didn't have the but held a Ph.D. in no immediate One statistics. the hint World it was blanketed with the last ones left in the we were when and finished the interview a day restaurant office. in Hite's fascinated with how to break into slightest idea Several years later, he became More than a decade passed before Hite, convinced that he had learned the ingredients necessary for successful long-term trading the initial steps that led to the ultimate formation of Mint took performance, Investment He realized that his trading ideas Company. Management needed to be subjectedto rigorous scientific testing. With an offer of partnership, over lunch at Windows of the conducted was World Trade Center, on While interest. so he began as a stockbroker. broker. commodities 177 Larry Matthews, pay, he enlisted Peter year later, he hired Michael Delman, who a systems for a defenseelectronicsfirm. Matthews designer own ideas to the table, but perhaps and Delman brought their even more the mathematical proof that Hite's significantly, their work provided were indeed statistically Hite is emphatic sound. concepts trading success that Mint's would not have been possiblewithout Matthews and of computer How did you first get interestedin markets? in college, I was When had a trenchant asa bank examiner. he turned to the I took a businesscourse with a professor who To give you an example, he also worked before day, leaving the bank following an audit, of humor. sense One bank president and, as a joke, said, \"Got you!\" The man a heart had attack on the spot. After that, they did another audit and found in class one that the bank president had embezzled$75,000.Anyway, is reviewing all the financial instruments: stocks, day, this professor bonds, and so on. Then of all\342\200\224commodities. of them most borrow somereason,the he says, \"Now Thesepeople idea that.\" The of trading we trade come to the craziest market on only 5 percentmargin\342\200\224and whole class laughed, except me. For made sense on 5 percentmargin perfect tome. Delman. to make Mint's objective was never the largest percentage return. was to aim Hite's for the best growth rate consistent Rather, philosophy with extremely rigorous risk control.It is in this perspective (return the inception of trading in April risk) that Mint really shines. From relative to 1981 through return of over mid-1988, returns only 15 percentand calendar under largest 1 percent loss a worst in any annual compounded that is most of plus 13 percentto six-month in any twelve-month period was period (not just years). Not surprisingly, Mint's spectacular growth of equity trading with $2 million; Significantly, management has Mint consistency have ranged from of plus 60 percent.Their a best an average registered 30 percent. But it is their annual impressive:their Mint performance has resulted in a under management. In 1981, they began April over $800 million. today, they manage is no evidence that there the surge of money under had any deleterious effect on performance.Hite believesthat can ultimately for a futures stellar fund. manage $2 billion\342\200\224an unprecedentedly large sum When did you Not until many weekend,there first get involved in the financial markets? years later. I was a rock were three separate promoter shootings at the time, and on one in clubs at which the I decided it was an opportune time to were working. groups I managed markets. careers and true interest\342\200\224the financial change pursue my Although I was I didn't have any idea how to really interested in futures, field. So I decided I would start out as a stockbroker. look for a job in that Street was with a very old-line Wall firm, with My first interview hushed tones. The made feel in offices that like you should speak you who interviewed me was the kind of guy [he adopts a pompously man who talks with his teeth together and lives in Connecticut. refined voice] He tells me, \"We only buy blue chips for our clients.\" with the term I was unfamiliar Not having a financial background, odd to me in the context of a staid investment \"blue chip,\" but it sounded I found that the So after the interview, I looked up its derivation. firm. Larry Hite 178 of the origin term could be traced to of the most expensivechip the color Carlo. I said to myself, \"Aha, now in Monte all about\342\200\224gambling.\" I threw away [Principlesof Security Analysis, considered market analysis] and bought came away with the idea that successful if methods that could could you beat What made you believe odds in your favor? I don't know realize that that the compute the market. that game is of Graham and Dodd by many to be the \"bible\" a book the you could called Beat I Dealer. the investment was really a matter odds, could you find and test at $207. It eventually dropped to stockcalledTexasInstruments trading $49, a decline of 77 percent. If you think we have gotten more sophisticatedin the 1980s, all you have to do is look at silver prices, which in fell to $5, a 90 percent 1980 reached a peak of $50 and subsequently decline. how develop methods to have done in it would the and get a fairly past in the future. will perform system put are the same, if you use can test a system and see you The point is that because people methods to avoid hindsight, rigorous sufficiently is our That it all then, but are inefficient. over the years I have a friend of how that idea good edge. the that the markets can change and the Isn't it possible from the different past? very I understood markets what this my copy of stock of odds,and I know 179 Larry Hite will future be I came to who is an economist. He would to me, as if talking to a child, why try to explain I was trying to do was futile, what because \"the markets are efficient.\" I have noticedthat everyone who has ever told me that the markets are efficient is poor. He argued that if I could develop a winning on a system computer, so could others, and we would all cancel each other out. The markets may change, but testing stage, before we actually partner Michael periods as a measure Delman came When we were still won't. people started up with managing the concept any money, my of using holding of system performance.Evaluating on a calendar year basis is very arbitrary. are the odds for profitableperformance What in the solely systems to know you really want in a holding period of any length. Peter determinedthat 90 percent of all the six- month and 100 97 percent of the twelve-month periods, periods, holding After over seven would be the of percent profitable. periods eighteen-month to be 90 turned out percent, 99 yearsof actual trading, the numbers In our simulations, is wrong What with that argument? Becausepeopledevelop and people will make mistakes. Some systems or from to system as each one has a system jump system Others will be unable to resist second-guessing the losing period. I go to a money management Whenever conference and sit trading signals. down with a group to have some drinks at night, I always hear the same story. \"My system worked great,but I just didn't take the gold trade, and that would have been my biggest winner.\" There is a very important here: People don't change.That message is why this whole game works.In 1637, tulips in Holland traded for 5,500 florins and then crashed to 50, a 99 percent loss. Well, you might say, will alter their then; these people were primitive; was still in its capitalism infancy. Today we are much more sophisticated.\" So a stock like Air Reduction which you go to 1929 and find traded at a high of $233 and after the crash fell to $31, a decline of 87 percent.OK, you might say, \"The Roaring '20s were crazy times, but now things are surely different.\" ahead to 1961 and you find a Move \"Trading was relatively new percent, and 100 percent. I will tell you how confident There evaluation process. a colonel in the British I am of validity of our future the is a fellow who works for us who used to army. His service specialty was be dismantling did you do it?\" \"It wasn't I asked him, \"How all over the world. of a bomb in that difficult,\" he says. \"There are different bombs; styles East. You there and is from a bomb in the Middle different go Malaysia ask a I \"Let me see what kind of bomb it is and take it apart.\" said, you bombs question. What happens when you come I came into the office one day a bomb across know?\" He looks me in the eye and says, \"You and hope it is not your last.\" impression and found record this same that, your you don't first steel-nerved of tears. I asked him what was wrong. It virtually which out that the Fed had made a major policy change, turned our which market trends. reversed fund, Overnight, many major dramatically individual on the brink Larry Hite 180 had fallen back to had gone from a starting value of $10 to nearly $15, a major Swiss bank as an account. under $12, just after he had opened on the phone.\" \"What?\" he asked them somewhat I told him, \"Get and emphatically], \"G-e-t confused. I repeated[speakingmore slowly t-h-e-m o-n t-h-e p-h-o-n-e.\" I was a broker,my When boss client when he is losing money, someoneelsewill. when I was a broker, they you I did the same thing. about their broker, I would When I called prospectsand complained in that trade?\" So I get the show that this account on the phone of event type say, \"Oh, how and explain that our simulations that I will be back to a new high. am confident that in nine months the fund some \"In fact,\" I said, \"I have borrowed just money to add to my own in a surprised \"You did that?\" he asked in the fund.\" investment really tone. I assured Well, the I did. doubled account shot immediately that him up on their straight I be clients.How could What makes this what will happen tomorrow, and the fund investment, of our biggest systems were about. you may not know is one account up. Today what so sure? I knew business so fabulous is that, that those while you can have a very good happen over the long run. The insurance business providesa perfect analogy. year-old guy and you have absolutely no idea what the will be alive olds, you can one year later. work what will Take one sixtyare that he odds one year later. However,if you take 100,000 sixty-yearof them will be alive many get an excellent estimate of how We do the same thing; for us. In a sense, we are trading I have a friend who went I can idea trade by broke we let the trading futures. same. following a computerized ratios far achieve return/risk we don't that you the above know. No matter what are doing, to average? industry information I have you can be wrong. of $100 million. He taught you a friend who has amassed a fortune in excess me two lessons. First, if you never bet your lifestyle, from a trading bad will ever happen to you. Second,if you know standpoint, nothing what the worst possible outcomeis, it gives you tremendous freedom. The truth is that, while you can't quantify can reward, you quantify risk. law of large numbers I will world's He can't understand you an example give largest I walked into how important this is. One of the advice coffee traders invited me to his house in London. When his library, I noticed he had just about every bookever written on power. He took me to one of the finest I have ever restaurants beenat. At dinner, he asked me, \"Larry, how can you know more about coffee than me? I am the largest trader in the world. I know where the boats know trade are; I know the \"You ministers.\" are right,\" I answered, \"I don't anything about coffee. In fact, I don'teven drink it.\" \"How do you \" it then?\" he asked. I told I just look at the risk.\" Well this him, great meal lasted for severalhours. Five and five times I told him that I managed Three months me what he asked times I did, the risk. that he had blown $100 million in the market. He obviously didn't get the message. And you want to know something? He doesknow more about coffee than I do. But the point is, he didn't look at the risk. I heard later coffee actuaries. system religiously. We how were tennis one day and he askedme, \"Larry, can you trade playing I told him, \"I don't trade for excitement; the way you do; isn't it boring?\" I trade to win.\" It may be very dull, but it is also very lucrative. When I start war stories with other traders and they exchanging get together I To all are the have to our trades about different me, trades, nothing say. how systems. basic could he put will occur once every few years and are many money managers who use trend-following a few of those don't second-guess their own What Mint different? makes How have you been able systems\342\200\224and quite have, no matter what to be honest, And, There Because we know me that if you don't call your taught 181 Hite Larry percent So the very first rule we live by at Mint is: Never of total equity on any trade. individual to any indifferent is absolutely critical.For account that withdrew of the money. risking trade. Keeping your example, this that riskmore 1 percent, than 1 1 am small and constant I know had a large risk one manager half the money he was trading. his position size in half, contracts. Eventually, By only Instead the same of cutting number of manager kept trading of the original money became lOpercent half Risk is a no-fooling-around game; it does not allow for 182 If you do not mistakes. the risk, manage eventually they will Hite Larry carry you So one of the key differencesbetweenyou out. we do at Mint is that we always follow the trends deviate from our methods.In fact, we have a written agreement that none of us can ever countermand our system. The trades are all the same. That is the reason why we have never had a bad trade at Mint. There are really four kinds of trades or bets: good bets,bad bets, and bets.Most bets, winning losing peoplethink that a losing trade was a bad bet.That is absolutely wrong. You can lose money even on a good bet. If the odds on a bet are 50/50 and the payoff is $2 versus a $1 risk, that is a good bet even if you lose. The important point is that if you do or bets, eventually enough of those trades you have to come out ahead. The third thing we do to reduce risk is diversify. We diversify in two ways. First, we probably trade more markets worldwide than any other best system. money manager. Second, we don't just use a single To provide balance,we uselots of different systems ranging from short term to long term. Some of thesesystems not be that good by may we really don't care; that is not what themselves, but they are there for. The fourth thing Mint does to manage risk is track volatility. When the volatility of a market becomes so great that it adversely skews the return/risk expected ratio, we will stop trading that market. we never Essentially, our approachhas three acceptance of signal, trading the When but light we will we liquidate signals. When is yellow, we will not put existing on positions in determining the liquidate is green, we take all signals. an existing position on a position. Finally, the a new lights light automatically, when the light and we do not take is red, any new positions. For example,in back to $1.00, we got Hite 1986, when coffee went from $1.30 to $2.80 and long positions on the way up at $1.70 and didn't trade the market for the rest of the price climb and subsequent collapse. Now, while we may have lost some additional profits, being of markets out like that is one of the ways we are able to achieve such out of our other and is that you have developeda way managers The secondthing and 183 Larry of trend-following when not to defining play? In any weakest the player\342\200\224even a positional can define advantage for any one. In trading, you can define three categories The trade has the best the floor, and the speculator. For and the best ways of getting out of positions. or game, you situation of players:the trade, knowledge if they are caught product example, can offset their risk have the advantage of when a bad position in the futures product not having odds are in his favor. That is an important the markets, they cash market. The floor has the advantage of the be faster than the floor. While speculator the or the speed, he doeshave knowledge choose to only bet can to play. The speculator in the speed. You can never doesn't in positional advantage. as a signal before that you used increasedvolatility use to data do of you past many days You mentioned to stop trading a market.How determine your volatility Anywhere from ten to 100 days. When say ten you to be deliberately ambiguous to 100, are you trying that range? you use different time frames within or do you mean We look at different I fully time my windows the understand However, filter? one question in that range. of your 1 percent stop-loss rule. is: Once you are stoppedout of a logic gets you providing an oppositesignal,* what direction? into the trade if the market reversesto its original that you could get stopped out on a moderate Isn't it possible price reaction and then miss a subsequent major move? the system position without back rigid risk control. If the market *For makes example, a new high, we get back in. if a long position is stopped out on a money management rule without system will still be in a long mode and no buy actually being generated, a sell signal were no matter how high prices go. (If, however, signal will be generated, generated, the system would begin monitoring for a buy signal.) a sell signal the 184 Larry Hite But suppose that you not whipped between beingstopped get continuously and out That happens, You have events but not enough to be a problem. an incredibly strong respect for in your trading career that risk. Were there ingrained you any with me, \"Larry, who would always get into fights. a motorcycle,never argue with a car. You will lose.\" will lose. If you argue with the market, you applies to trading: once asked Somebody The Hunt brothers are a perfect example. Let's say me, \"How could the Hunts lose? They were worth billions.\" of silver\342\200\224Iam worth you have a billion dollars,and you buy $20 billion exactly attitude? these numbers I first bought pork became involved in in September and sold them bellies So I formed a fund always made a profit. on this trade. It I worked. put doubledthe the At before about July, a group with I felt money. I had a friend who followedthe time, know anything I noticed commodities, same of silver. father you almost into I didn't market. I only knew about pork bellies.Hetalked me corn; corn the old crop. Since this buying the new crop com and selling to be a relatively safe supposed trade, in that I was into in one contract month position really loaded up. Shortly and literally such that I remember walking despair down getting At much the time, down long I was working for a sophisticated To this day, Sure enough, stairway \"Dear God, loud, go into a international firm, account personal to market risk? heed traumatic experiences caused by a I will in, witnessed failure you. examples He \"Look, my financial career, I have continually of other people that I have known ruined by a hard take throughout to respect risk. If you don't take being look at risk, it will a who started estate he bought at a palatial in England. but he turned arbitrageur, out to be made money. One day he take the sell signal, he actually wound up going market went down. I told him, \"Get out!\" but the long. he will come back.\" else. and everything get out, and he lost the mansion other hundred box on a streetwith a ticky-tacky a rented of his estate: \"Beverly.\" I still remember the name day, a fortune on that made tell you in the answered, another option story. market. trade. I have a cousinwho turned $5,000 One day I askedhim, \"How did you \"It is very easy. I buy but if it goes down, I don't get out I trade for a living, and an option until I can tell you into do and if it goes up, I stay I am at least even.\"I told him, is just not going that strategy have it doesn't in the long run.\" He said, \"Larry, don't worry, to work in the long run, just till I make a million. I know what I am doing. I just nevertake a loss.\" I said, \"OK...\" worth of Merrill Lynch options, In his next trade he buys $90,000 and down, and down. I talk to him about it goes down, this time, to work Not for myself, but in who owns $20,000 he didn't have would I still wonder it?\" other are example\342\200\224you $1,000 houses. To this He is still one of my best friends, and his loss of that huge house had an all on me. He had it and lost it all! And enormous emotionalimpact he his followed if he had is that The system, trade. of one because irony $100,000 Were there any him market \"The Well, thought. failure only didn't insisted, plea, a Swiss banker came what he must have providential my the staircase. out with that a bad trader. He developeda trading system he saidto me, \"I am not taking the sell signal in gold; it doesn't look of the signals are wrong 50 percent anyway.\" right to me. Besides,almost limit-down to the sake of the the as the guy Well, he may have beena great Now he lives in out but please don't let the I lose, went limit-up. on my knees and saying and just as I was making walking I was month went I don't care how debit.\" the I was short and the month I was in the thereafter, I position in another month, released a government remembervisiting Not long a short with In response, estimate. surprising crop was my offsetting was option for when from very humble beginnings;his he is a very bright guy and he got a sanitation man. Anyway, a fortune. I made at it and He was extremely good arbitrage. I have a goodfriend that if you of friends, and I like a genius. up risk position the worth When an older friend you are on The same lesson I had motorcycle, He told making that a kid and got my first I was When the position at new highs? reentering personal goes into a wide trading range, might market the 185 Larry Hite only 186 later, and he tells me he is in debt for $10,000.1 said, \"Wait a minute. You had $100,000 and you bought in options. That $90,000 should still leave you with $10,000, even after they expired worthless. How could you have a deficit of $10,000?\"He said,\"I originally bought the options at $4k. When the price went down to $1,1 figured out that if I bought another 20,000, all it had to do was go back to $2^ for me to break even. So I went to the bank and borrowed $10,000.\" it applies to any type Respectfor risk is not just a matter of trading; of businessdecision.I once worked for a firm where the company one month a very president, nice guy, hired an option trader who was brilliant, stable. One day the option a losing position.The advice. disappeared, leaving was not a trader, and he sought the president do you think what \"Larry, trader firm do?\" I told him, \"Just I should not but with stuck my get out of the position.\" Instead,he decidedto hold on to the trade. The lossgot little worse, but then the market came back, and he liquidated the a small profit. After this incident, position at a who worked at the same firm, another job.\" \"Why?\" he asked. I I told a friend are going to have to find answered,\"We work for a man who has just found himself in the middle of a mine field, and what he did was close his eyes and walk through we \"Bob, it. He now thinks that the proper technique year later, this same in options position little out, for small he decided he finished of a mine field, you are in the middle close your eyes and go forward. Less than one man had to liquidate a huge delta neutral spread whenever is to [a balancedposition price moves in either to get out of the liquidating that whose will change very of just getting at a time. By the time he had gone through all of the firm's position position, value direction]. Instead one leg capital. Besides errors in risk control,why Sometimes,becausetheir do people lose money trading? are based on a personalbias,instead trades of For there is a regular panelist on \"Wall approach. example, Street Week\" who is about sixty-five or seventy old. On the show years one day, he said that the lesson his father taught him was, \"Bonds are the cornerstoneof your portfolio.\" Think about that! Since this man first he has seen interest rates go down once out got into the business, only a statistical 187 Larry Hite Hite Larry of eight every name the Obviously, years. [Bonds go up when interest rates decline.] \"bonds\" means a lot more to him than the reality. You trade a very wide variety Do you trade them of markets. all the same way? money. Mickey Quenington, who is me to a former chief executive once introduced director, to which Hite gave 50 percent firm of this firm [E. F. Man, the for financial backing]. company in exchange ownershipin his management This guy was a tough, old Irishman and he askedme,\"How do you I answered, \"They between differentiate gold and cocoa in your trading?\" He He was outraged. me.\" to are the same are both a 1 percent bet; they see me that don't tell to mean shouted back at me, \"You you practically I think if it wasn't for the fact any difference between gold and cocoa?\" he would have thrown me out of his that he liked Mickey so much, We don't trade our marketing we trade markets, office. is always concerned once interviewed by a family the about me what I thought asked who the London from Times, reporter I don't cocoa market. I told him, \"Frankly, future direction of the London I was the last person and see markets; I see risks,rewards, money.\" finished it by saying, \"Mr. Hite doesn't care article. He in that quoted the cocoa about My wife read the market, all he cares about is money.\" able to be I'll never Now article and said,\"Great. go home; this will just all along.\" that they were right about you prove to my family that I married a very proper English her considers me a bit woman crass. who I was I assume that if you trade all marketsthe same, you probably refers to the process of believe in optimization. [Optimization many of a system for variations the past and then don't testing selecting the best- this finefor actual trading. The problem with and future link between is that the tuned approach performance past is often a very rough one.] performing version Absolutely. We get by have not being perfect.\"We we are looking for the a perfect system how rich you can the for method; are not looking optimum method. Anyone can sit down and devise a saying here: \"It hardiest for the past. is incredible 188 Hite Larry any technical indicators that there Are found to be None of them seemto prove out in you have for his firm for recommendations out trading Jack had been putting his of all recommendations, if followed that I found you you many years. did Jack how he I asked in have made money would every year. Finally, if He foot-four. six Jack was said, \"Larry, it. You have to picture that this.\" to do is have all is going, you you want to know where a market his charts on the floor and jumped up on his desk. He said, He threw overrated? indicators. Overbought/oversold testing. of indicators types Any if a market First, should, the news only able why mere important the gold market market broke sharply the best and The sale.\" that Ed Seykota are two that come to mind. in the way news do is go up can after taught me. When it has $1; The second that. Ed Seykotaactually of your percent but you you learned from a market just to be item is makes results are going to be.\"And the he was more you risk, the absolutely more big picture. Right, because I don'tknow of too many people who get rich by taking From forme. with small Boyd was extremelyimportant profits. Working to do it. the his was I knew that way the time I met him, right approach In other words, I knew with your risk, and went that the controlled traded across the board, I seeit could had to work. trend, it just if you clearly. absolutely final words? Any I have two basic rules about winning in trading as well as in life: you don't bet, you can't win. (2) If you lose all your chips, you Ed Seykota? his philosophy one day: \"You can risk 1 can risk 5 you percent, or you can risk 10 capital, he meant get a perspectiveof the by that, I assume explained better realize that it will tell you!\" it that a historic it is telling you how something. No matter many people tell you the market shouldn't be that or why nothing has changed, the high, fact that the price is at a new tells has changed. high you something Any other lessons that percent, there you something very important. For example,when of the Iran/Iraq war first came out over the newswire, gold was to move up $1.1 said to myself, \"A Middle East war has something high, doesn't respondto at it, \"Look it is telling broken out a great you consider particularly valuable? really trade off of them, I don't Although 189 Hite Larry volatile (1) If can't bet. the to Hite's trading First, elements philosophy. that the convinced Hiteis of academics, firmly many opinion that a method if can that T his means inefficient. are develop markets you to be have it doesn't much), in favor by very (and your places the odds an effective method is a necessary,but not you can win. Second, and thrive at trading, you also to win. In order to survive sufficient, condition sooner or later, it will get you. have to respect market risk. If you don't, Hite controls risk rigorously by applying four basic principles: There right. are two basic contrary to the Besides your partners, who I know were integral in developing your trading systems, were there any other traders who taught you valuable lessons? Jack Boyd, who hired me as a Absolutely. read broker/analyst. Having that Handy and Harman had said in their annual report that silver stocks totaled either three billion or seven billion ounces,I wrote a on the silver market in there is either twice half.\" job. That report report which as much I said, \"According silver to Handy as some people think went over very big with Jack and helped and Harman, or less than me land the 1. His system exceptions, 2. never and trades counter to the he always follows the market There are no system. The maximum risk on each trade is limited equity. trend. to 1 percent of total 190 Larry 3. Mint to an extreme. First, diversification carries a combination of many individual performance, different but systems, for their also their is really system not only selected Hite for their degree of lack of Part systems. Second, Mint trades in an of wide markets (nearly sixty in all), encompassing extraordinarily spectrum in and the U.S. five foreign countriesand diverse market exchanges stock interest raw rates, currencies, indexes, groups including other with correlation industrial is continually in each market in tracked or temporarily signals to liquidate where the risk/reward ratio exceeds One final some colorful observation: greatest of Ed nature gives us true Seykota's burning in to generate markets those limits. earning a modest living at rock actor, promoter), Larry he had the single endeavor for which I found this to be a striking manager. comment: order trading well-defined merely in the enthusiasm\342\200\224fund example satisfythem.\" After suspend careers (such as, scriptwriter, Hite succeededspectacularly Mostly commodities. and agricultural goods, 4. Volatility selected \"It desires, is a happy circumstance it also gives us the means when that to Stocks II Michael The Concept Steinhardt of Variant Perception Michael Steinhardt's interest in the stock market dates back to his bar gave him 200 shares of stock as a present. He recalls hanging out in the local brokerage officeas a teenager, watching the ticker tape along with the old men, while his friends were out A very bright student, his education Steinhardt completed playing stickball. from the Wharton School of the at an accelerated pace, graduating in 1960 at the age of nineteen. of Pennsylvania Steinhardt University headed straight for Wall Street, landing his first as a research job assistant. In subsequent and years, he held positionsas a financial journalist a reputation as a talented a research analyst. In 1967, having established firm and two other partners founded the investment Steinhardt analyst, mitzvah, when of Steinhardt, his father Fine and Berkowitz\342\200\224the predecessor to Steinhardt Partners. (Fine and Berkowitz left the firm in the late 1970s.) In the twenty-one years since its inception, Steinhardt's firm achieved a truly remarkable track record. has Steinhardt time, During has realized a compounded annual rate of over 30 growth a 20 percent profit incentive percent (just under 25 percent after subtracting an 8.9 percent the S&P 500 index registered only fee). In comparison, that Partners the same rate (dividends included) during growth compounded annual firm the start in 1967 with at its One dollars invested thousand period. to over $93,000 by Spring 1988 (after deducting profit would have grown in perspective, the same $1,000 investedin incentive fees). To put that 194 a basket of S&Pstocks part Steinhardt Michael only have grown to $6,400. Gain is only track recordalsodemonstrates admirable Steinhardt Partners has only witnessed two losing years. In the net loss was under 2 percent before incentive fee profit 195 Michael Steinhardt would of the story; Steinhardt's consistency. both cases, adjustments. Steinhardt's superior performance He is both of approaches. myriad trader; he is as comfortable has achieved by using a investor and a short-term been a long-term them; he will shift into other investment vehicles, such major chunks of the firm's capital as treasury if he feels that is the best investment choice. securities, To be sure, Steinhardt Partners' track record is not a solo performance. In addition to his cofounding partners, over the the firm years, has employed numerous traders and analysts. there was never However, that Steinhardt doubt was clearly in charge. any He reviews the firm's several times each portfolio he gives the firm's day. Although traders latitude to make their own judgments, Steinhardt will require a trader to his position if he has qualms rigorously justify about that position. If he feels strongly shorting Steinhardt enough, stocks as buying will override the trader the position. and the are What elements of your trading philosophy? major is not the The word \"trading\" the sense that my frequency word \"investing\" would trading implies example, if an anticipation long the be a trader in I may will time of purchase. For tonight because I expect at the and I plan to sell be bullish for the is trading. The bulk of what market, I do is for a Forexample, and for more complexreasons. duration longer I went of a sale tomorrow\342\200\224that position much of things. I think long stock index futures I go tomorrow's trade number my way of transactions is relatively but the high, if not In as more. much, mind, my apply just in 1981,1 held that markets debt when for two position and a half years. for Well, of this book, I would purposes call still what you are doing trading. liquidate Steinhardt's extreme scrutiny and of the firm's portfolio control him a of a given reputation being very demanding man to work for\342\200\224 too demanding for many of the traders who have left the firm obviously, over the years. Keeping in mind that Steinhardt's wraparound desk has been constructed in the shape of a ship's bow, it is not surprising that do you then How define the difference between First, a trader trading and investing? has one journalist a profile tagged him with doing the sobriquet, Captain Ahab. However, Steinhardt's tough side is very much related to his job role\342\200\224much as in football coaching, toughness is probably a virtue in a group of traders. managing I never I interviewed tough side. The man was relaxed, soft spoken, and patient, good humored. (Of course,our interviews were outside of market always conducted Steinhardt hours.) possesses a keen sense of humor. He has been known to call friends impersonating an IRS agent, deliberately mumble fictitious orders to brokers right saw Steinhardt's the market close, and double-talk in Corey-like manner when he wishesto pull the leg of an analyst who calls him. His conversationis also liberally before sprinkled dishisms\342\200\224\"proprietary newfangled fund products. dreck,\" for example, a Dr. Irwin I make two key distinctions. as long. In contrast,the mutual manager of a typical uncertain the about he is always long. picking a merely the best or will 70 the The investor the portfolio If he is but invested, percent I make is that of as readily short be long. always direction down? go example, he may be only market, The second distinction market, or stock,goingup involved fund\342\200\224will concerned about the primarily about investor\342\200\224for a trader market. is Is the is more concerned stocks to invest in. Thereisnovalue judgment between traders and investors, it is focus for this book. In of maintaining a certain thematic in my distinction matter any case, on both counts, To get back to my original I would certainly question: qualify you How would you as a trader. define your philosophy of trading? or reporter with is how he refers to Yid- My particular number one from that of most people.Concept style is a bit different I to develop that I is variant perception. try perceptions 196 Steinhardt Michael believe are at variance variant perceptions Couldyou me an give market view. I will are no longer so. they the with general I feel until example of variant perceptionin those play the that to make money in the markets, to get in the you have to be willing I of have tended to short stocks that were favorites way always danger. and backed by a great deal of institutional enthusiasm. Generally current of when we losta lot and months months for a year and a half. Therewasa period Genentech in that position. But of money short because I continued to have a variant I stayed about perception the future of their drug, TPA. [TPA can be injectedintravenously to dissolve in a year or two, TPA will blood clots.] It is our perceptionthat, be a minor drug that will be supplanted by more effective drugs that also cost of the entire company has been based on substantially less. The thrust this one drug. If our perception is correct,this will be earning company 20 or 30 cents per share and selling for under $10. The stockis at $27 [June 1988], down from a high of $65. [By late November, currently Genentechhad fallen below $15 and Steinhardt was still short.] But I is a first class think the general perception is still that Genentech biotechnology will produce many that company revolutionize the will stay short. That is a clear example, but short a stock because of your a question. raises it products that as my view is a variant As long industry. variant perception, are going to perception, I Let's say you go and the position don't the more it goes goesagainst you. If the fundamentals change, the attractive more the short side would Yet against you, appear. from a money management standpoint,at somepoint, the position would have to be covered.It seemsliketheremight be two basic here. in conflict trading principles There are certain and started exist in the world peaked down\342\200\224that you shouldn't stock is already reflecting problemsthat are evident However, can losses in lot, it may skew is unchanged, which example, it has the go short until for all to see. In some to Maybe that is a superficiallysafer way that sleep more comfortably using approach. I have never done it that way. My attitude has always been too short my have usually and, therefore, early positions. If I short the started and it goes up a a stock my exposure a bit, but as long as my variant I'll stay short. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Are you saying that as long as you think perceive them, are unchanged,you will much the position goesagainst you? perception as you no matter how fundamentals, tough hang trade around the position Of course, if it is triple horrible, I might to take the pressure down a little bit. I would say, \"OK,this looks awful; I see nothing but buyers. and see if I can Why don't I join the buyers In a matter of speaking, I dichotomize I make some money.\" myself. in my heart, but I try to separate I believe have a fundamental view, which I may see in the market. So the short-term fervor and intensity that from in I might periodically I am short that of be even situation, though type Right. a buyer. Might you actually go net It wouldn't based long between fluctuate just position and short fully even remotely approachflat, of the and negative bearish yourself by buying flat? is type of buying or 40 percent that because take 20,30, with it. and trade position periods, or does your those during on very short-lived perceptions.I might necessarily that. understand short stocks and you For short a stock until shouldn't already sense,I can of trading, but I have not followedthem. you off with If you are very that shibboleths may or may not be accurate, there is a general view that tended to short speaking,I have marketplace? We have been short 197 Steinhardt Michael short in a particular stock, but are not hedge on the industry, might you sometimes in that group against your stock another short position? I have tried that What it tends to do is give me two problems instead knowledge about the relatively your skimpy problem but have generally found at times, because second stock it to be unsuccessful. of one. on the other side will Usually, your to be tend you are just grasping at it to use as a hedge. If not address the that you need to hedge it, why is so great MichaelSteinhardt 198 rather than taking directly problem on a totally separate position? Let's stocks are roaring, so you a paper stock and the paper you say short stock will go up another paper stock against it. Maybe your buy If you have Who knows? more. will stock the other more; go up maybe don't compound it. the mistake; made a mistake, deal with are short Michael Steinhardt 199 example might be: BeforeI get A common exactly where I am getting risk controlrule,it could I don't No, have any elements of your some are use You Charts don't just on buying use charts at all? me blank. leave I don't look at or strength. weakness I don't use charts. or breakdowns. breakouts I don'tuse stop-lossordersor such.I don't distinctive. is so [He adoptsa JackieMason-likespeech at the stock. It has a fantastic chart. The chart has a baselike pattern.] and then if it goes up a little bit more, boy it is a real breakout, blah, this, blah, blah, blah. They all seem the same to me. I look But just from a quick and By watching an easy stocks this don't you use charts as has over the years? a stock traded see where to way informational as closely standpoint, as I do, I getsome of price sense levels, there is a call on the speakerphone. The caller is giving news a decision in a lawsuit late-breaking regarding \"The verdict against the tobacco industry. is back. Everyone was cleared exceptthe Liggett group who had to pay a $400,000fine and no punitive damages.\" Steinhardt a decision replies, \"So it was basically in favor of the defendants.\" slightly point, some Steinhardt I went say you know that a stock from to you how it went matter Let's It makesno difference has gonefrom plaintiffs the plaintiffs lost, the stocks wouldn't go up too much, never lost a case and winning another had tobacco companies really be news. That to interesting that to $40, $10 to $40? wouldn't of fundamental your overlooked some one my original theory be was story headline from screen], to Smoker's Death.\" You like that will scare somebody. let's say you are short a stockbecause and the stock is goingagainst you. How discussion, analysis when your analysis is wrong becauseyou unknown wouldn't It will perception. because the since important have element? to me. Do you have any trading rules that you could define? That situation happens act the way you think day.There Give me an exampleof know you lose, Liable for Contributing lose anyway. A phrase I won't would much I will of a variant Found Group \"Liggett example be much. Here it is [reading it wouldn't know what, is an see how Going backto our $10 stocks about a month was ago. My reasoning won the case, the stocks would go down a lot, but if the tobacco short if the that uptrends, ranges, and all that. it think philosophy? trading rules about any don't of the other At Nothing that I know have to be a a position, stops or objectives. I simply in those terms. what Besides the variant perceptionconcept, into necessarily be\342\200\224 about rules It doesn't out. a trading rule. responsiblefor. are many fairly often. You buy I go through or sell it should. stocks in the portfolio that For example, someone else is short my I am Time, a stock and it doesn't six times not directly portfolio Inc. a They are short MichaelSteinhardt 200 business is lousy, and this or that. But the stock is it. I will acting really strong and is up 10 percent from where we shorted Life position and ask for the Time go over to the person responsible is going are we going to get something that When severalkey questions: When is something going to happen that will ease to surprise the world? is ripe for a takeover? the feeling that this company If there is a monitor of the portfolio. I a am a In sense, negative That makes it I will regularly. very go through problemwith a position when to I talk because things people only difficult mea person here, the magazine because very are or when their lousy If a stock that be stocks acting like they are not is not acting like type of market action that based it should the would your thinking? change I try to assume that the guy on the other side of a trade knows as least as goes down much as I do.Let'ssay I buy Texaco at $52 and it suddenly was that a had at $52 soldTexaco Whoever perception to $50. from mine. It is incumbent on me to find out what his different dramatically perception 201 OK, that answers the questiontoo simply. Assume you wanted to be tobacco stocks as a longer-term position and the market shruggedoff today's news and closed higher tomorrow. Would you short the cover then? It depends on my reasons. If I wanted to be short the tobacco companies because I felt tobacco consumption was going to decline much more than it wouldn't matter that much. If the market rallied presently perceived, tomorrow, I would have to take advantage of it and sell some more. should. on its fundamentals, would Steinhardt Michael was. So you wouldn't care if the market didn't react to the news the way should as long as you felt the main reason for being have, short was still valid. it Yes, but if the understand variant news was terrible and the why. Sometimes action is really telling But haven't the you market stocks has were up, I would try to more information and the something. there been instanceswhereyour analysis was completely wrong? What The if you can't explain it? might explanation Sure. be superficial or serious,but you can usually get something. And you realized it At this conversation explains I would cover it anyway. I would So oncethe news is out, the That down the road? Yes, and not necessarilysoquickly. of the tobacco companies. On balance, the Let's take the situation bearish.If the tobacco sounded close the out after news that came and then come right back, tomorrow stocks go down only modestly would you cover your position? Right. somewhere was game cover the position is over for you. the only reason I was short. call in which his side of the point, Steinhardt gets a phone is filled with non sequiturs and deliberate mumbling. He then to me his occasional habit of playing practical jokes on callers. on the news. For example,I get a call from a broker who I haven't spoken and then say, \"Buy long time. I swooshsome papersaround shares of ZCU [mumbles another sentence].\" Didyou understand I said? to for 30,000 what a No Michael Steinhardt MichaelSteinhardt 202 [I laugh]. he calls legitimate didn't it? Anyway, He calls I'm in the bathroom. secretary I am and the before minutes close, it is five because back again, frantic \"Haven't and back Then at 3:58,1 call him you unavailable. say, still Of Just do the damn thing!\" that order yet? What's the problem? done him So I tell [he catch the name of the stock.\" he says, \"I didn't course, That is exactly right, but me back, and I have my another mumbles it sounded tell him sentence] and hang up before he can else. say anything and that is really the key element. That flexibility could include manager, being able to short stocks as well as buy stocks, use options, futures, and so on. That is what a hedge fund is in general terms, but the variations on the theme covera very wide continuum. What happened The flexibility aggressive fund is often labeled asa differently than mutual a typical hedge fund because fund. Could you it trades very elaborate on the meaning of a hedgefund. The A.W. has been given credit the term referredto a precise Jones Group fund. Originally, the following: said essentially for being concept, the first which hedge management do not the ability to forecast trends in the stock market, which are have are largely functions of a host of variables that beyond the consistent ability we as money managers can do, to anticipate. But, what of individuals as to which is to make accuratejudgments careful analysis, through if one balanced long not. are those that versus well So, companies are doing with short to be were strong relatively perceived positionsin stocks that risk would be market the to act poorly, positions in stocks expected General and hated if you loved Ford For example, eliminated. totally Motors,and for every dollar long Ford you were short a dollar of General Motors,you might lose on your shorts, but if your judgment was good, of a hedge fund come out ahead. So, the original would concept you to stocks. the pick ability emphasized totally Doesanyone still trade We in that the world of money way? The term No, today, the term hedge fund is somewhat of a misnomer. in which the general partner is now refers to a limited partnership traditional to more money on a performance basis, as opposed typically paid of a the assets on are manager who managed. Typically, paid managers a traditional than money hedge fund has a great deal more flexibility to the original conceptof of the entrepreneurs a hedge fund? attracted numerous hedge fund structure young, in the 1960s because it allowed them an start their own business at an early age in a way that wasn't otherwise possible. Those were times of great stocks with wonderful stories. There were quite a number of stocks showing terrific growth. opportunity Your 203 to The people that into the hedge fund came business were not theoretical practitioners of the idea of hedging, but were more interested in the idea of to be long being their own bosses, and having the flexibility a lot of stock.Although also had the of they flexibility being short, they didn't use it in any serious way. The word hedge has a very specific in the English In most of these hedgefunds, meaning language. you could seriously So they ask, \"Where were hedge is the funds Correct.They wouldn't embarrassed the name. trading were hedge?\" in name only? call themselves hedge funds; they were The term had a connotation of being short, and the short side had an anti-American ring to it. It was as if you for disaster. So they started rooting using the term [he adoptsa tone of mock by even private partnership. pomposity] Ironically, today, with seculartrends of the the disintegration and 1950s of the relatively smooth 1960s, the concept of a true it did in its early days. Why fund may make more sensethan there of the hedge fund any practitioners concept in its pure form? Becauseit is a very restricting approach. The premiseof being long and a dollarshort dollars ineffectively. How in some a lot a dollar of are Ford and GeneralMotors to going the same macroeconomic factors.If you by for the long and some dollarsfor the short, different be? They are both affected have to put up some dollars related entity requires using hedge aren't you Michael Steinhardt Michael Steinhardt 204 be lucky to realize a 10percent may year\342\200\224that is, a period over difference of a you are right. assuming is a group we are How does your own fund the hedge fund fit into is used shorting about 40 percent. mean You mutual the that doubt that the most conservativeof flexibility One typical during have been 40 percent net long. What about range encompass? net short I rememberbeing 15or20percent net 100 over time, being long. percent Yes. less than 80 percent years. So you have the flexibility of being perhaps meaningful\342\200\224sometimes investment management at one point, and, at another net short as well as net long? things I would emphasize about shift market exposure so as to make of the to Does that selection as No, I was sometimes imply that your main profitability comesfrom to net exposure adjustments for in the broad market direction? opposed being a bit facetious. arsenal. too our approach it an meaningful\342\200\224tool is its exceptionally in It is more not a big advantage like being right approaching 80 than percent stock anticipated edge, but it is of the time, or anything a 1 percent that. speaking, how important is the bias of the direction versus stock selectionasa contributing factor overallsuperior funds has had an average exposureof On average, you does net long? I would last twenty some variables, with Relatively 40 percent Yes. In contrast, to say that there are a host of except more important and they change than others, all the time. Having done it as long as I have gives me the opportunity to be 51 percent rather than 50 percent right. right It is really beyond definition, changes concept? actively. We always have some shorts.I also spend a good deal of my time thinking about net market for it. In the twenty-one exposure and risk, and planning and adjusting here has averaged our I been overall have that this, exposure doing years It fits in the sense that outlook for the general market a very critical element of your approach? your is obviously associatedwith in shorting specializes determine that direction, since on the West Coast that stocks. The has been mentioned thought exclusively neutralize their market exposure by being that maybe they should long in are short in the stock indexes as they an equal number of dollars to the party is the special ability what they bring because individual stocks, closest to this concept I have heard That is the shorts. to pick thing but they don't do it. recently, There How do you 205 market right to your performance? As I look back on of past twenty-one years, there is no set pattern In some years, we did particularly well on the In other years, we did stocks. strength of a few well-chosen well because we were on the side of the market. For example, exceptionally right in 1973-1974, when the market went down we were up enormously, because we were net There were other short. substantially, largely periods when the bulk of our money was made in bonds. I think there is a who thinks he can message in the fact that there is no real pattern: Anyone formulate success in this racket is deluding it changes because himself, too quickly. As soon as a formula is right for any length of time, its own successcarriesthe weight of its inevitable failure. successful What short the activity. made you sufficiently in 1973-1974? our The anticipation of a recession. confident of lower stockpricesto go net Michael Steinhardt 206 Michael Steinhardt the crowd must always be right. Well, against There were plenty of contrarians who bought on what? Based I felt that the higher interest rates, which, inflation in rum, rates of that period would lead to higher would slow down the economy. was you negative major 1982 bottom on the stock market in as the well? and But in 1981 and 1982,1 made an enormous amount of notes. position in treasury Although one it was rise of interest rates timing-wise, rates came other areas had to be that unless interest clear down, in long-term unattractive. When treasury relatively you could get 14 percent money by a leveraged having couldn't predict the end of the lower in order to be competitive, stocks had to sell so much on which they were selling at that it wasn't even worth focusing stocks to buy\342\200\224although you might focus on the short side. What was I assume a while of a turn in interest rates in in that was the inevitability period it was simply a matter of timing for anything else to be worthwhile; had a clear turn. In contrast to most other periods, this period that fixed income securities were by message: U.S. Treasury of the time. far value had to look at with any sense of contrarian mentality Anyone a potentially in the early 1980s as presenting interest rates great to ease as soon as business started have knew the Fed would opportunity. You to run into trouble. In addition, we had already seenan important unidirectional the quintessential topping So, in the some rate of inflation. of the pieces of the puzzle werealready Yes, and that is as much as you in place, it is too late. can hope You mention a contrarian mentality, have justified trying to pick a top at when that in that but much that lower way. rates and 9 percent, and 10percent.There bonds at what were then people buying important difference between being a theoretical terms. In orderto win as a with it in practical probably trade. you had the market run against you for quite it did. It was a very painful period, becauseas far as most of my investors were concerned,I was an equity investor. What did I know about Who was I to contradictHenry bonds? who was telling Kaufman the world that interest rates were going to the moon? Not only I was than in the past, which raises doing something that was different always the antennas of investors\342\200\224particularly those with an institutional I was doing it in an enormous size. mentality\342\200\224but Right, Were you more leveraged they are all than 100 percent on your position? can speculate: it is called margin requirements. But in treasuries, you can finance as much as 98 percent of your purchases, on maturity, depending so thereis no type of thinking interest I had three to four times the firm's capitalin five-year Yes, at one point In maturities. stocks, you have a policeman who tells you how much you in place? for, because when psychology. securities, order bonds and right timing you have to put on a position in the appropriate size.If you do it too small, it's not meaningful; if you do it too big, you can get wiped out if your timing is slightly off. The process and of your an understanding own requires courage, commitment, than unique dealing need the you contrarian, Not as strongly. time, work that life doesn't yields. high There is a very contrarian first deal of money lost by a great the preceding period for the to 8 percent went all-time Were 207 real constraint. could rates. Absolutely. People think that being a contrarian implies victory. After but someone that goes against the crowd. It is all, what is a contrarian a cliche that the crowd is always wrong\342\200\224so the guy who stands almost started long was the period between when you the treasuries and market bottom rate peak]? [interest How I started buying in the September 30,1981. spring ofl981,andI think treasuries buying bottomed on 208 How Michael did rates move against you much I don't recall,but the size of my rates in that first half year? up enough to be painful, went foray in you treasuries, substantial losses.Didn't you have trader. Here on out by incurring of self-doubt? started periods Did that prove to be the to much higher ever come at least close to saying, \"MaybeI am wrong,\" and your position? decreasing, multiples, all cases, I would in almost have been better off sticking it out. 1987was one of the that October mentioned You worst market But I Obviously, you had lots of company. find it surprising, have you being such a contrarian. I wouldn't to be heavily long in a year with such bullish euphoria. expected you in your experiences or because stocks eventually went move, or would you have been better off if you right had held on? In hindsight, the worst experience of my All the time. The summer of 1981was A number of thoughtful, investors were really very business life. intelligent so sure myself. with what I was doing\342\200\224and I wasn't unhappy liquidating, of money. position. your first major Did you because we were losing a lot we did, times At 209 backed off during that period? So you given especially this time, you had primarily beena stock Up until Michael Steinhardt Steinhardt What career. happened? No, never. One of your seemsto be that basic principles as long as you believe a position. Have you will stay with right, you are fundamentally in markets which didn't there been any exceptions\342\200\224that is, you view, but the loss just got too big? change your fundamental have There been some situations have enough courageto hang when in with I was short and simply didn't the full-boat of the position. That at the height of the \"Nifty-Fifty\" of October1987,that was probably the phenomenon. life. At the time, there was a theory that worst period in my investment as long as a company continued to sustain substantially above-average was particularly With true in 1972, the exception growth, it didn't matter how much you paid for it. Many growth were short Polaroid traded at multiples that stocks just crazy. We went times which we thought was when it was selling at sixty earnings, market to lose it then went to seventy times earnings.The seemed absurd; is the difference and we found ourselves asking, \"What track of reality, and eighty times earnings?\" By putting a between forty times earnings rate could number on the secular different estimate, growth you justify in those days. almost any multiple That is how people were thinking secular in the spring of 1987,1 wrote a letter Actually, I the reasons and was cautious why substantially market. Having was trading a level in the the at occurring continuous reduction with in the money, my exposure issue wasa unique American equity the market I came to combination markets\342\200\224a of substantial of equitiesoutstanding, coinciding As long as banks were the junk bond market was and corporate good, in the amount a more liberal attitude comfortable lending reducing done that, I kept thinking about why that was too high by historic standards that the quintessential conclusion phenomena to my investors stating debt. toward managers saw repurchasingtheir shares as the right thing to do, I felt there would be an unusual upward bias to equity prices. That to me was the most important reason in the seeming overvaluation of stocks single that existed most of 1987. through Therefore,the this situation? question important The answer was: What was going to change was a recession.And whenever would come, its impact would be horrendous because didn't have the flexibility to fight it since they had countercyclical fiscalpolicy during fall of 1987, not strengthening\342\200\224so only much was the the expansion that recession the government deviated from a phase. But during not weakening, it economy so that the Fed tightened. the was 210 What I didn't anticipate was that less-than-dramatic have as large an impact on the market as they did. What Fed tightening? Ordinarily, decline in the stockmarket, the of importance 100- or 200-point that but a decline. created have a 500-point of history, what was the significanceof Treasury Secretary as to the criticism of Germany?It was merely a disagreement of In valuation a event. currencies\342\200\224hardly retrospect, proper unique to the real world after October 19? Almost what So, nothing. happened was internal to in some sense, you have to conclude that this problem it wasn't that the market was forecastingan imminent the market; or great recession. financialdebacle In the light Baker's How then do you explain nature of the October19price extreme the break? was the combination of of the markets' and an inability changes relatively to deal with the occurred institutional mechanism changes that mostly The elements of stability\342\200\224the individual investor the 1980s. and during the specialist system\342\200\224had been greatly reduced in importance. The that led to the problem Do you believe portfolio [Portfolio insurance is the risk exposure Appendix 1 for more detail.] That was one of the new the elements of stability. sale of stock in a stock portfolio as insurance, the other decline? index futures to pricesdecline. See On one hand, you elements. On the exacerbated insurance systematic reduce the 1980s\342\200\224portfolio 19 collapse October world real modest had a reduction the creations hand, you had trading, and global asset program in of the a unidirectional impact. By that, I mean that tend to be buyers and sellers at the same participants in these strategies was not prepared time. The stock market to handle it. tended allocation\342\200\224which Where were I came in very my exposure to exert you, positionwise, much during long the coming in on exposed\342\200\22480 day. October Why? Were still bullish? you was the real might not could events 211 Michael Steinhardt Steinhardt Michael 19? to 90 percent\342\200\224and I increased trade in the sense that a contrarian My increasing exposurewas strictly when the markets have an enormous move, most of the time, it is right and extremism in that to take the view that there is a lot of emotionalism move. If you can maintain a bit of distancefrom the emotionalism, you I would have done on any that day is what tend to do well.Somy buying 300-, 400-, or 500-point down day. Did you with stay No, I reduced long position? the next two it throughout and decline your the extraordinary it was affected me as well. I thought with a lot of cash rather than situation Did you think that your months. change in confidence basic The magnitude of the it engendered that better to sit back and rethink try to hang in. the premise for being long wasno longer valid? that I had underestimated the I thought diminished market percentage loss I was down 20 percent for the As you of the forces during had October 1987? month. are there look back on the October1987experience, that you believe you There is a very that stability. What was your over impact learned mistakes from? who I speak to frequently investor said, \"All I bring good I believe he is right. is of mistakes.\" really party twenty-eight years subconscious that When make a there is some mistake, phenomenon you mistake it less for same One of the makes to make that again. likely you a of trading the way I do\342\200\224being long-term investor, shortadvantages market timer, sector analyst\342\200\224is stock term trader, individual selector, I have made so many that it has made me decisions and mistakes that wise beyond my years as an investor. to the 212 The typical you think Yes, mutual that although adheres to a buy-and-hold is basically a flawed strategy? fund concept flawed isn't quite the approach. Do I would use. I would word Michael Steinhardt Steinhardt Michael say it is 213 How did you get started as a fund When I first If you had very little I probably wasn't I guessso,but less category. More and more peopleare before. than fall into that terribly market well, but because Do you think The not that timing, the mutual fund industry mutual the investing public to find fund of enough to the whims will meet contemporary needs. sensitive is certainly products is going to change? industry that trading background. handle a losing answer or so many other questions in this business, there formula. There is nothing that can be articulated enough to lead others in a certain is no pat minimum precisely first applies. Correct. from do you time? trading years. Have you desks twenty traders years ago were who could hardly the language, made a speak and had very little discretion. So when I it was like taking from a baby. candy of money, trading, At the time, the shares at 6\\. The a dollar twenty that Brooklyn, amount was at 7, and the than the over The institutional to today. I remember once a trader direction. In other words, one losingperiodmay be sufficiently different from another so that, even for yourself, there may be no generalwisdom of intellectual power on compared started Central. that other two. as the You have traded the stockmarket for noticed any significant changesduring was minimal period? for an analyst as good did you become the trader? I can't a gambler all his life. Although has been remotely My father I there is an element of in this business. feel it, Maybe justify gambling I got that talent from my father. kids typically As is true why experience, Even in those early years, you did very well asa trader.How benefit of experience? think you managed that without The amount Howdo you cyclical paying are necessarily they qualified to do it what a buy-and-hold they have cometo recognize approach means.When I was a kid, it was common advice to buy a stock, about it. You don't hear that sort of concept and forget put it in a vault, We lost confidence in the long term. have anymore. attention to an goods My business was started with two other more became fellows who were also analysts. As our businessgrew, trading the little became the trader for had I firm, having very important. Yet, the vast majority funds had and equipment Rhoades. at Loeb a strategy. The objective of participating in the long-term to suffer growth of American equities, willing through those periods is fine, but it leaves so much on the table in terms when decline, equities of potential professional management. It is an incomplete strategy. of all an agricultural I was analytical background. analyst too limiting in the late 1960s,I only business this got into trader? seller stock didn't needed was to sell 700,000 shares of Perm in Chapter already bother to check the seller was relieved to sell that board. amount under the last trade. Meanwhile,I turned the 700,000 shares at that price. I madea half of twelve seconds. 6\\. I could million 11. The last I bought trade 700,000 at less of stock around and sold have sold three times that amount at dollars on that trade, and it took me all 214 How long did that Until the the competition; environment last? tape in 1975. Now there is a lot more on the trading desks are much brighter. Another consolidated people greatly The change products.\" Perhaps the much more short are investors now important oriented. term The traders. change is that the world has become All sorts of people who used to be now institutions define to predict secular trends has greatly be typical to see a report McDonalds' per share earnings up it would by to as themselves enterprises whosegoal is to achieve the highest rate of return, used to define themselvesas long-term investors. People's in their ability diminished. when they confidence In 1967, a brokerage firm estimating the year 2000. Those people long-term earnings because companieswere and predictable way. They believedin America and to the same type of steady growth. Today, stocksdon't lend themselves they thought could estimate in a stable growing secularanalysis. The in the of secular growth trend not having worked analysis and 1980s relates to the question of trading. In the 1950s implication 1970s and 1960s,the heroes were the long-term the wise guys. There are peoplelike investors; today, the Goldsmith, who heroes are lauds the virtues of capitalism.He talks about \"what I did for Goodyear.\" What for Goodyear? Hewas in there for seven months, made eight did he do zillion and left the management after taking He talks himself, greenmail. about what he did for Goodyear, because he is uncomfortable and has to somehow associate himself with the capitalist process. He and these other peoplehave to bitch and moan about management, but they don't know their ass from their elbow about running companies. With the of breakdown certain laws, peopleare allowed to do things they weren't allowed to do before. dollars for What would of takeover laws; the reinterpretation Department's what is and is not monopolistic. be the most important advice you could give to the layman? is that sometimes the greatest allures of this business it creates the because do very well. That is unfortunate to do well, that you don't necessarily need any professionalism impression is: and that is a great trap. So the major advice I would give anybody and when that is that this a business, you competitive Recognize very with people who have to buy or sell a stock,you are competing decide a good portion of their lives to this same endeavor. In many devoted side of your trades and, these are on the opposite instances, professionals on balance,they are going to beat you. One most Justice definitionof to? in importance. The market has becomeinstitutionalized. Individuals buy stock through mutual funds. firms don't sell customersstocksso much as Brokerage funds and other awful things they call they sell those horrible mutual \"financial 215 laws are you referring What retail buyers and sellers have diminished is that MichaelSteinhardt Steinhardt Michael of the ignoramus Is the can implicit that, most of the time, the message be better off having his money professionally novice trader would managed? The term professionally managed implies a credit I am not sure I would in this business. My point is that you should the average professional give have a goodreasonto assume that you are going to achieve a If you can get 9 percent or 10 return for investing in stocks. significantly superior in T-bonds and 7 by investing by investing percentor 8 percent percent in should stocks to offset the incrementalrisk? in T-bills, what you get that number much higher. You have to decidewhat something Probably it. should be, and whether you have a realistic chance of achieving Don't underestimate the difficulty Right, and forget the shibboleth of the that game. stocks are going to give you 216 Steinhardt Michael a higher rate of return because they are more risky. That is not true. They Michael demonstrated by the equal ease at which he goes short or long, as well than stocks when warranted other as his willingness to trade markets by are more risky; therefore, you have to be convincedthat you are going to get a higher rate of return in order to play the game. Don't assumethat in some mutual rate of by investing fund, you are going to get a higher his perception return. trading, table\342\200\224shorting, Isn't that true, though? Historically,hasn't the beat interest rate returns? market stock True, but there is a lot of statistical mumbo involved. jumbo Average return calculations depend heavily on the starting date. If you start in 1968 or 1972, for example,the numbers look a lot less appealing. of the fundamentals. hedging, \"The participation off you of good trading? elements the are Goodtrading is a peculiar ideas and the flexibility You to believe need to be wrong confidence to humility recognize in something, a considerable and balance between the number but trade. Always of times. The balance is best learned through ask yourself: know that I don't? Finally, yourself and others. you Why have In my judgment, to follow your when you have made a mistake. at the same time, you are going mistakes. There should be a respectfor the conviction does extensive the person he want to be intellectually between and experience on the other side of to sell? What honest does he with all great traders are seekersof truth. But perception is basically a contrarian approach. by just using sentiment survey numbers or other measures of bullish The markets don't pay off consensus. that sentiment is at tops and very easily. Although always very bullish bearish at bottoms, extreme bullish and bearish unfortunately, readings are also characteristic of extended trends. The trick is not being a but being a contrarian at the right time. Such judgments cannot contrarian, bemadeon the basis of simple formulae. The successfulcontrarian needs to be able to filter out the true opportunities. Steinhardt's filters are a combination of a keen sense of fundamentals and market timing. Flexibility is another essential key to Steinhardt's extremely favorable characteristics. This flexibility is return/risk performance Steinhardt's you can't variant be a successful contrarian bring to the market are,\" he says. of the great traders is their among a number when they and ability to take on a particularly large position willingness to step nerve and skill The a required trading opportunity. perceive major that time is certainly one of the elements at the right on the accelerator t raders. Steinhardt's from traders heavy exceptional separates good position in treasury I have noticed notes during 1981 and 1982is a perfect example of this characteristic. Conviction is probably an important What more things you in bond markets, futures and so on\342\200\224thebetter One trait significantly 217 Steinhardt essential to the amazing resolve contrarian trader. in maintaining Steinhardt quality for any trader, but it is has repeatedly demonstrated difficult times, as large positions during was still right. Witness his convictionin he long as he was convinced his note with positionduring the six-month climax in treasury staying immune not only to the market move interest rates in 1981, remaining to the but also him, psychological pressures of complaining against into treasuries after a career his sudden transition who questioned investors his it all, Steinhardt held on, and evenbuilt asa stocktrader. Throughout his he was Without that convinced because he remained right. position, would never heard world have the sense of conviction, probably strong of Michael Steinhardt. Steinhardt also stressesthat there are no absolute formulae or fixed and the successful trader The markets are always changing, patterns. needs to adapt to these changes.In Steinhardt's view, traders who try to to failure sooner or later. find fixed approaches will be doomed William O'Neil The Art of Stock Selection of the is an unreserved optimist and ebullient fan economic system and its possibilities.O'Neilsays, \"Great occur opportunities every year in America. Get yourselfpreparedand go for it. You will find that little acorns can grow into giant oaks. Anything is possible with persistence and hard work. It can be done, and your own determination to succeed is the most important element.\" O'Neil is living proof of his own words: a classic American the lean Great Depression years success story. Born in Oklahoma during he went on to build and raised in Texas, dual fortunes as both an investor and a successful businessman. immensely highly profitable O'Neil began his financial career as a stockbrokerfor Hayden, Stone and Company in 1958. It was there that he first began the research of his investment strategy. that led to the formulation of the key elements William O'Neil American proved remarkably effectivefrom the start. the profits in three exceptional back-toback trades\342\200\224short Korvette, and long Syntex\342\200\224he long Chrysler, to an initial investment into $5,000 $200,000. managed parlay In 1964, O'Neil usedhis investment to winnings buy a seat on the York Stock Exchange and to form William New and Co., an O'Neil firm. firm institutional research His was a in offering leader brokerage O'Neil's trading During 1962-63, concepts by pyramiding 220 O'Neil William comprehensive of the most stock market information respected securities research firms computerized highly and in William O'Neil I think it would today is one the country. William O'Neil and Co. servicesmore than 500 major institutional accounts and 28,000 individual subscribers to their Daily Graphs charting service. The firm's data base contains 120 different statistics on eachof 7,500securities. as book of the year. best-selling investment O'Neil's various business ventures not impeded his have performance as a virtuoso stock investor. During the past ten years, O'Neil has over a 40 percent profit on his stock investments. averaged annually Some of his biggest winners were the Canadian oils during the 1970s and Pic'n'Save and Price Co. during the late 1970s and early 1980s. O'Neil's most famous market calls weretwo full-page Wall Street Perhaps Journal ads heralding imminent bull markets. The of these major timing ads could hardly have been better: March 1978 and February 1982. William O'Neil and Company is a no-frills operation. Rarely have I seen a more crowded office environment. O'Neil, however, does not is not single himself out for any special rarity among chief executiveofficers, privileges. he shares In what must surely his office with two impressed me as being articulate, employees. O'Neil opinionated, and very bullish on America. be a and original. Where did you approach first your develop trading ideas? I went what launched be fair to describe your stockinvestment individualistic was certainly his boldest endeavor, in 1983, O'Neil Investor's Daily in direct competition with the Wall Street Journal. He financed the newspaper with his own funds, that knowing it would be many before he could to break even. years hope Skeptics abounded when the paper began with a press run under 30,000 in 1984, to over two million for the Wall Street Journal. By mid-1988, compared Investor's had expanded to over 110,000,and the Daily's subscribership in circulation was breakeven growth accelerating.The estimated point of 200,000 subscribersno longer seemsfar-fetched. O'Neil believes Investor's Daily can eventually to 800,000 readers. His unflagging grow in the paper stems from confidence the fact that Investor's Daily's financialtables contain statistical information unavailable anywhere else\342\200\224 and volume earnings per share (EPS) rank, relative strength, percent in the interview.) change. (These measuresare discussed In 1988, O'Neil combined his concepts in the book How to Make in McGraw-Hill. The book combines clarity Stocks, published by Money and brevity with excellent and very specific trading advice. It was the In 221 few the same through process do. I subscribed to a people that do too well. I found most that and most of them letters investment didn't like buying low-priced stocksor stockswith theories (P/E) ratios were not very did you first find an approach that When low price/earnings sound. worked? of the people that were doing very in 1959,1 did a study the market. At that time, the Dreyfus fund was a very small fund, Back only managing about doubling the $15 million. Jack Dreyfus,who managed of all of his competitors. So I got results the fund, copies in well was of their plotted on charts precisely where reports There were over 100 of these their stocks. of each had purchased they I made my first real a them on I out when laid table, and securities when had been bought stock but not Not some, most, single every discovery: prospectus and quarterly to a new high it went price. So the first thing to buy stocks price base. You the preceding move so that you don't are new highs to make beginning to find the beginning trying waste six or nine months sitting to relative of a major in a stock that is nowhere. going I studied the the I examined ratios; real stocks characteristics successes.I didn't the about how to get superior performance that are near their lows, but to buy stocks that are I learned out of broad bases and coming find and world just that were big winners they had in common limit myself years and tried to they became major in past before to preconceived notions like P/E a model based on how a lot of variablesto develop worked. Can you describe this model for picking winning stocks? other confident, CANSLIM. I use the easy-to-remember acronym chief characteristics one of the seven represents Each of the letter of this all-time name great win- 222 William stocks during their huge advances. ning The \"C\" current their over quarter stages, just before they earnings per share. The a 70 percent averageincreasein the same quarter amazed major advance. I am continually and even pension fund managers, or lower reasonfor research to go up demonstrated, the rapidly earnings? So, our first earnings per current a stock they advanced share The \"A\" million. best formula year before they began by how many individual stocks with buy common There earnings. current by at least for mediocre settle rule in stock selection is that quarterly 20 to 50 percentyear stands for annual earnings per share. In our annual studies, the prior five-yearaverage compounded earnings growth rate of outstanding stocks at their early emerging stage was performing 24 percent.Ideally, each year'searnings over increase It average share should show an the prior is a unique earnings year's earnings. combination of both strong current earnings and high growth that creates a superb stock.The EPS rank, which is published inlnvestor'sDaily, earnings increase per the past two during and compares percent earnings An EPS rank of 95 means that quarters combines a stock's percent with the past five-year average that figure to every other stockwecover. a company's current and five-year historical have outperformed 95 percent of all other companies. earnings The \"N\" in our formula stands for something new. The \"new\" can be a new product or service,a change in the industry, or new management.In our research we found that 95 percent of the greatest winners had something new that fell within these categories. The \"new\" also refers to a new high for the stock. In our seminars we find that 98 price to buy a stock at a new high. Yet, it is percent of investors are unwilling one of the great paradoxesof the stock market that what seems too high seems too low usually goes lower. usually goes higher and what The \"S\" in the formula stands for shares outstanding. Ninety-five of the stocks that performed best in our studies had less than percent million shares of capitalization during the period when they twenty-five had their best performance. The average capitalization of all of these stocks was 11.8 million while the median figure was shares, only 4.6 investors handicap themselves by restricting large-capitalization companies. By doing so, they some of the best growth companies. to only purchases eliminate The \"L\" in our formula stands for leader or laggard.The 500 bestthe 1953-1985 stocks during period had an average relative of 87 before their major price increase [The actually began. strength the past twelve a stock' s priceperformance measures relative strength during a relative strength of months compared to all other stocks.For example, performing 80 would stocks to that the given stock outperformed 80 percentof all other rule in stock selection is basic the past year.] So,another during mean the pick leading avoid values\342\200\224and to year. 223 institutional Many automatically for the earnings why should anybody in price, basic best is absolutely no are earnings poor. If, as our stocks had large profit increases before quarter if the should be up in our made the prior in investors, unchanged William O'Neil their for current stands showed stocks performing developing early O'Neil relative with companies the formula stands for institutional \"I\" in The institutional ones with the high relative strength I to restrictpurchasesto stocks. tend the laggard strength ranks above 80. stocks\342\200\224the by far the are buyers Leading stocksusually institutional some backing. However, although is not, is desired, excessivesponsorship institutional have sponsorship it would be a sourceof because the company or the market institutional stocks can large in our selling if anything went with wrong in general. This is why the most widely owned a company's be poor performers. By the time is so obviousthat performance too late to buy. probably The \"M\" largest The sponsorship. of demand for stocks. source formula almost own a stock, it is all institutions stands for market. Threeout of four stocks in the market averages. and volume on a price move will go in the same direction as a significant That is why you need to learn how to interpret daily basis for signs At any given time, has topped. market less than 2 percent of restrictive because recruiting players of .200hitters, you want to pick for a baseball or would you try only the very is best. I guess actually you have a high trades? over the years, about two-thirds closed were team, would you pick an entire lineup as possible? as many .300 hitters process,do of winning deliberately If you to get Since you use such a restrictive selection percentage in the entire stocks the fit the CANSLIM formula. The formula will market that the of my at a profit. However, I have stock purchases found that were only one or two 224 O'Neil William of every ten I have bought stocks have out to be truly turned rally is vulnerable. Second,volume most of the indicators in your CANSLIM such formula, as EPS, pick up a stock before it goes to new highs? Why not just for it buy the stock when it is still forming a base instead of waiting to go to a new high? Wouldn't tops, initially out. You can buy break never buy when base, the buy it is very easy to get shaken out and the right time, the 7 percent maximum You have stated that or figures\342\200\22480 to vulnerable as of 99 strength the higher. theresucha thing relative as well as too late. The least probability of a loss. If you frequently fluctuate 10 or 15percent will stock at exactly to my soon is the there trading action, too a sharp stock a stock may because a base is usually buy idea is to within the But if I not going to go down stop-loss point. superior stocks relative way strength Although high relative strength is good,is it being too high? In other words,might a indicate that the stock is overextendedand correction? has taken place the direction of the topped. Another important discount rate. Usually, after the has Reserve on the way up. market is to general to watch factor Fed raises is the of New number or three indicator to the line illustrates York Stock Exchangestocks advance/decline [The top. the total between difference Federal the rate two times, the market runs into trouble. The daily advance!decline line is sometimes a useful the number declining.] Frequently, the and fail to behind the market averages lag new This indicates after the reach highs. averages penetrate prior peaks in the market advance. that fewer stocks are participating each advancing versus day will line advance/decline have high the distribution to determine watch for signs of a market in normal the position. of is there days, but focus on how the leading stocks are performing. If the stocks that have been leading the bull market start breaking down, that is a major sign the market a breakout from to anticipate want don't since Another for several surges closes. upside price progress as measuredby market when the market there may not be a pickupin volume very little, if any, In this latter case, outstanding. You 225 O'Neil William When you believe that the phase,would going you advise market has entered a bearish rather than short merely liquidating general longs? You have to look at a chart to make that determination. The key point is how is, but rather how far the stock is high the relative strength extended its most recent price base. You stocks that have a beyond buy if are relative to from a sound high just beginning strength they emerge I would not a stock with base-building period. However, generally buy a high relative is than that more 10 strength already percent beyond its not prior price base. The \"M\" in the CANSLIM formula makes sense sincefew stocks a general bear market. However, that rule sounds easier in theory than in practice. After all, how do you tell the difference a market top and a normal between bull market correction? can buck Top formations in the First, the average Thistells you that market occur in one of two ways. averages only but does so on low volume. moves up to a new high, the demand for stocks is poor at that point and that the short unless they are professional I tricky. myself have only made significant the last nine bear markets. the short side of two of on profits its price looks too high. A stock because should never be sold short at the top, but at the right time. Short selling The idea is not to sell short market stocks should of individual only be considered after the general a shows signs of a top. The best chart pattern to short is one in which base and then fails. or fourth stock breaks out on the upside of its third the low end of its previous The stock should be breaking down toward the first serious base pattern on increased volume. After price break I don't normally advise peopleto sell traders.Sellingshort is quite belowthe base, there will usually be severalpullback base will now provide an area of overheadsupply, bought zone will be losing money, and a number in that eager to get out also provide attempts. as near good breakeven. timing Therefore, for short sales. The prior all investors of them who will be pullbacks to failedprice bases 226 Does William of unlimited risk present any the element special problem in short selling? No, becauseI never take unlimited risk. If a short position goes against me, I will be out after the first 6 or 7 percent loss. Before you sell any stock short, you should decide the price at which you will cover that short if a loss occurs. position CANSLIM selection process, risk formula, control overall strategy. Can you which is critical to your stock in your role obviously plays an important element of a little bit more about that talk trading? My philosophy is that all stocks are bad. There are no good stocks unless they instead, you have to cut your go up in price. If they go down in the stock market does not include losses fast. The secret for winning being right all the time. In fact, you should be able to win even if you are right only half the time. The key is to lose the least amount of money possiblewhen you are wrong. I make it a rule never to lose more than a maximum of 7 percent on any stock I buy. If a stock drops 7 percent below sell it at the market\342\200\224no my purchase price, I will automatically second-guessing, no hesitation. a Some people say, \"I can't sell that stock because I'd be taking doesn't loss.\" If the stock is below the price give you paid for it, selling you the loss; you already have it. Letting losses run is the most serious mistake made by doesn't really understand the philosophy of cutting losses quickly. If you don't have a rule like in bear markets like 1973-74, you can lose cutting a loss at 7 percent, then in that 70 or 80 percenton your holdings. I have seen people go bankrupt type of situation. probably should most If you investors. aren't not buy The public willing to cut stocks. Would your you losses drive short, then you your car without brakes? book, I repeat a story told by Fred C. Kelly, the author of of how the Why You Win or Lose, that provides the best exampleI know a selling it when investor comes to making typical procrastinates decision.A man has rigged up a turkey trap with a trail of corn leading a hinged into a big box with door. The man holdsa long piece of twine, connected to the door, that he can use to pull the door shut once enough into the box. However,oncehe shuts wandered turkeys have he can't open it again away any Besidesthe 227 William O'Neil O'Neil turkeys One day, going back to the without the would which box, door, scare on the outside. lurking he had a dozen turkeys in his box. Then one walkedout, there were twelve string he thought, \"but maybe if I wait, he will walk back in.\" While inside,\" he was waiting for his twelfth to return, two more turkeys walked turkey out. \"I should have been satisfiedwith he thought. \"If just the eleven,\" one of them walks back, I will the string.\" While he was waiting, pull three more turkeys walked out. Eventually, he was left empty-handed. His problem was that he couldn't give up the idea that some of the would return. This is the attitude of the typical investor original turkeys who can't bring himself to sell at a loss. He keepsexpecting the stock to recover. The moral is: To reduce your stock market risk, stop counting eleven. leaving have pulled the \"I should when turkeys. for selecting stocks, and you use your CANSLIM methodology out if you are wrong. Howdo you your 7 percent rule for getting decide when to liquidate a winning stock position? OK, First, you should hold a stockas long as it is performing properly. Jesse Livermore \"It is never your that makes big money, it's the said, thinking Second, sitting.\" top. Therefore, after you not be sell. upset The goal is to make substantial if the price continuesto advance Your writings people you have to realize that you will never sell the exact it is ridiculous to kick yourselfwhen a stock goes higher and diversification, disdain express consider important, on your after you get out. of factors that P/E including ratios, dividends, for a number is wrong with the conventional start with P/E thesesubjects.Let's many Could you explain indicators. overbought/oversold what you think stocks and profits wisdom regarding ratios. In my To say that a stock is undervalued is nonsense.In our research, between the P/E ratio and stockshad had P/E P/E ratios ratios the of 10 when of 50. During because it is selling at a low P/E ratio we found there was a very the best-performing started they thirty-three stocks. low correlation Some of these their major advance; others years in our survey period 228 O'Neil William at their The final William [ 195 3-1985], the average P/E ratio for the stocks best-performing P/E ratio of 15 for end of their early emerging stagewas 20, comparedto an average the same time. At the Jones Average during an had stocks these expansionphase, average P/E ratio of approximately This means that if, in the past, you were not willing to buy stocks most of the eliminated P/Es, you automatically above-average the Dow 45. with mistake a lot of investors A common is to buy make the P/E ratio looks cheap.There a stock a very good reason is usually a P/E Your thoughts on fact, more because they they pay Diversification is a hedgefor ignorance. I think you are much better off a great deal about them. By being owning a few stocks and knowing very you increase those your chances of picking superior much more carefully, which performers. stocks is important You in controlling risk. How many issues one time? For an investor you advise would with one or two; $10,000,three $5,000, four or five; $50,000,five the subjects a typical investor or six; and at any to hold or four; $25,000, $100,000 or more, sixor seven. we have just discussed,isthereanything you consider Most investors a stock's percent and of investors totallyignorant understand charts. Even a lot of professionals about charts. Just as a doctor would be foolish X-rays and EKGs, pays dividends, the have to pay high interest rates It dividends. to hold stocks that is naive If you goes down 25 percent, your How about are getting net attention a well-known performance. In weaker their posture to replace are a 4 percent yield going funds paid down because dividend and the stock else a major public misconception? is a 21 percent loss. to overbought/oversold indicators. I oncehired technical really accelerated. oversold, that charts are hocus-pocus.Only investors would be foolish not about what averages about talked using were topping. Do you trading individual to use is going on that easily any other way. They allowyou in an organized manner. stocks to follow 5 to 10 about are not to use charts. Charts cannot be a huge number of volume as a clue that the market also use volume as an indicator in stocks? indicators. professional At the very point during the 1969 market breakwhen I was trying to to liquidate stocks and move to cash, he was convince portfolio managers said the market telling them it was too late to sell because his indicators were obtained Earlier, you who specialized in such was very oversold. Oncehis indicators think provide valuableinformation different indicators? overbought/oversold I rarely pay any conventional from in out in dividends. most prominent is diversification. targets Aside a company may of your list dividends? There is no correlation betweendividends the 229 item on my selective, to ratio is low. Many beginning ago, when I was first years and watched times I at four the market, earnings bought Northrop study declined to two times earnings. in disbelief as the stock eventually is selling stocks with high P/E ratios. I mistake common Another friend's in 1962 when an investor barged into remember still my was in that Xerox a loud voice drastically office, declaring brokerage overpricedbecauseit was selling at fifty times earnings. He went short to $1,300, at $88. Xerox eventually went adjusting for stock splits. why wisdom can also watch best-performing securities. solelybecause O'Neil the market break The volume in a stock is a measure is beginning to move at least 50 percent into new high over the volume at a key point is ready to move. is an average of supply ground, daily extraordinarily and demand. When a stock should increase by in recent months. High volume volume valuable tip-off that a stock 230 William can also be used in a reverse manner. an advance, volume should dry after Volume consolidation words, there should be very a consolidation, declining During little In substantially.other market. O'Neil When prices entera up selling very coming into the volume is generally constructive. How handle a losing streak? do you in your CANSLIM formula emphasizes the importance of of the market\342\200\224at least out being bear Since most mutual phases. remain heavily that imply on the funds, long side\342\200\224during major very structure, by their throughout both bull and bear mutual funds are a poor believe you stocks in invested markets,doesthis as well\342\200\224they almost recover will market, most people get scaredand plan. Actually, long-term holding is down sharply, Would it be fair to say that like they you should buy when have to. Unfortunately, decide to switch, a good, diversified in ruining their growth fund more. funds are an absolutely to surprise you. I think mutual should own their own that I believe every person outstanding way to invest. or own account stock individual own real estate, and have an home, substantial make any Those are the only funds. mutual ways you can funds are an excellent above income Although I think mutual I mean, they but liquidate stocks, salary. to handle how is that most peopledon't know investment, problem When think. not to sit and is to funds mutual in to success them. The key the general stocks sharply. that is exactly right. Because of the emotional people do in the market is wrong. Along that is going your public tends to treat funds and stocks like they should funds? tend to hold on to their losers in individual their mutual funds when they are down individual should By that Yes, investment? This a bear cash. into The \"M\" 231 is going.I remember a $100 stock one time and it eventually selling went to $1.1 didn't have any idea it was going down that far, but what would have happenedif I had held on to it? One mistake like that and you can't come back. In contrast, in a mutual fund, you should sit through the bear markets. Since most funds will be diversified in 100 or more stocks across the American economy, when stocks recoverafter a bear market, these funds is are doing hit a losing streak, and it is not because what you If you have If bad. be market you going may wrong, that tells you the whole if it is time to start losses, five or sixstraight you want to pull back to see moving O'Neil William In my book are the biggest mistakes investors generally line, what I have a chapter on eighteencommon make? element, most of what mistakes. the is how in it for 15 years or more. That need the to do in But that, order you you will make the really big money. The markets. bear typical four, or five three, courage to sit through stock fund will go up 75 to 100 percent in a bull market, diversified growth in a bear market. but it will decline by only 20 to 30 percent you buy a fund, you want So you treat a fund to be very differently from an individual stock The following list of commonmistakesis from O'Neil's book excerpted How to Make Money in Stocks, published by McGraw-Hill in 1988. 1. Most investors never get past the starting gate because they use good selectioncriteria. They do not know what to look for to find successful stock. Therefore, stocks that are not market leaders. acting they buy particularly fourth-rate do not a \"nothing-to-write-home-about\" well in the marketplace and are not real account? Very, very differently. have a stop-losspoint, With an individual because you never stock, you absolutely know how far down the have to stock 2. A good way to ensure miserableresults is to buy on the way down in stock seems a real bargain becauseit's cheaper price; a declining than it was a few months earlier. For example, an acquaintance of mine bought Interna- William 232 O'Neil tional Harvester at $19 in March 1981 because it was down in price sharply and he made the This was his first investment, a great bargain. and seemed the low for its near a stock He bought year. As it turned classic tyro's mistake. at the was and in trouble was serious headed, time, for the out, company possible bankruptcy. 3. An even worse habit up. If you buy a stock down in your buying, rather than out your at $30 and average more buy and mistakes losers putting good by your is to average at $40 and then cost at $35, you are following up strategy money after bad. This amateur few losers. a down with big you 4. Thepublic loves it's They incorrectly 100 or 1,000shares,and feel can produce serious losses and weigh at low prices per share. wiser to buy more shares of stock in round lots of more important. this makes them feel better, perhaps to buy cheap stocks selling be better off buying price! and markups to buy low-priced stocks can drop 15 to 20 percent will not stocks. Professionals and institutions faster than most higher-priced a have much so and the $10 grade $5 stocks, poorer you normally buy earlier, for these low-quality securities. As discussed and support following needed to help propel a stock is one of the ingredients institutional sponsorship costs more in usually and your risk is greater, It stocks, higher commissions since cheap O'Neil 233 7. Investors second-rate stocks because of dividends buy or low price/earnings ratios. Dividends are not as important as earnings per share; in fact, the more a company pays in dividends, the weaker the company may be because it may have to pay high interest rates to needed replenish internally funds that were paid out in the form of dividends. An investor can lose the amount of a dividend in one or two days' fluctuation in the price of the stock. A low P/E, of course, is low because the probably record is company's past inferior. buy company names they are familiar with, names they know. you used to work for General Motors doesn't make General Motors necessarily a good stock to buy. Many of the best investments will be names you won't know very well but could and should know if you would do a little studying and research. 8. People Just sounder 30 or 50 sharesof higher-priced, must think in terms of the number of dollars you are investing, companies. You of shares you can buy. not the number Buy the best merchandise available, The appeal of a $2, $5, or $10 stock seems irresistible. But the poorest. not the companies have because stocks selling for $10 or lower are there most been inferior in the past or have had something either wrong with them else. You can't buy the best quality at the cheapest are like anything Stocks recently. You would William because 9. Most investors are not able to find information and advice. good if they had sound advice, would not recognize or follow it. The average friend, stockbroker, or advisory service could be a source of losing advice. It is always the exceedinglysmall of your friends, brokers, or minority advisory services that are successful enough in the market themselves that merit your consideration. Outstanding stockbrokersor advisory services are no more are outstanding doctors, lawyers, frequent than or baseball players. one outlJ Only of nine baseball players that sign professional contracts ever make it to the big leagues. And, of course, the majority of ballplayers that graduate from college are not even good enough to sign a professional contract. Many, 10. Over 98percent of the masses are afraid to buy a stock that go into new high It just seems too high ground, pricewise. Personal feelings and opinions are far less accurate man markets. beginningto 11. The speculators want to make a killing in the market. They want or the necessary study and preparation too fast, without doing to for an easy way essential methods and skills. They are looking what or effort time learning make a quick buck without really any spending much, the acquiring they are losses when investors majority of unskilled the losses are small and reasonable. 12. doing. and in buying on tips, rumors, stories, 6. Mainstream America delights to risk advisory service recommendations.In odier words, they are willing than on knowing on what someone else says, rather their hard-earned money and even if a are Most rumors are themselves. false, for sure what they doing is correct, the stock ironically will, in many cases, go down in price. stubbornly In a similar vein, investors procedure. Investors is exactly will sell a stock with hold onto their They could get out cheaply, and hoping they keep waiting but being emotionally involved and human, until their loss gets much and costs them bigger hold their losers. This tactic tip to them. in price. 5. First-time too is dearly. in small, easy-to-take profits and the opposite of correctinvestment a profit before they will sell one with cash a loss. Your 13. Individual investors worry too much about taxes and commissions. be to first make a net key objective should Excessive profit. worrying William O'Neil 234 about taxes usually At other on too long, trying tax shelter. lost a good weak judgment. Commission costs of buying discount aspects such as making the stocks, especially through or selling minor factor, compared are a relatively broker, a capital gain. Some investors, even sell becauseof taxes\342\200\224strong ego, can't they themselves decisions nght in the to more a first place and taking action of owning because in options too much they think it 14. The multitude speculates concentrate is a way to get rich quick. When they buy options, they incorrectly involve that volatility greater options lower-priced entirely in shorter-term, works time The limited period in options. and risk rather than longer-term what also write holders. speculators short-term options Many option against a great risk which are nothing but taking are referred to as \"naked options,\" for a potentially reward small and, therefore, a relatively unsound who has spent a lifetime stocks and the researching American economy, do you have any opinions about the quality of research provided by Wall Street firms? As someone important stock over real estateis when and liquidity. marketability lower commission and instant the substantially or to take cost at a low advantage This enables you to protect yourself quickly evolve. as trends new continually they of highly profitable One of the great advantages needed. 235 profit by holding to get a long-term convince erroneously, in the hope of achieving investments leads to unsound in the past, investors times O'Neil William investment An the S&P brokerage insufficient generally unEach companies. wrong assume, over for the consistency twenty-five years, that walk random though in each cycle. There is which reports should actually Wall Street research is that given of 80 percent be written. it seldom major problem sell recommendations. I would the on the are leaders groups with provides investor is written to determine screening analysts top-rated to turn out his or her quota of reports, even has a few industry Another that average. One major problemis that research firm analyst industry only World found in Financial article derperformed of your successas a stock don't think very much of you theory. procedure. 15. Noviceinvestors They place rarely is quibbling for more important like to put price limits on their buy-and-sell orders. the investor market orders. This procedureis poorbecause than rather a emphasizing the and quarters of point, eighths result orders Limit movement. eventually overall and larger and not getting out of stocks that should the market in your completely missing be soldto avoid substantial losses. making decisions to buy or sell. In other because and can't make up their minds. They are unsure words, they vacillate a set of a have do not are plan, know what don't doing. They they they really of what they or rules to guide them and, therefore, are uncertain 16. Someinvestors have trouble principles, should be doing. 17.Most opinions is more rather look at stocks objectively.They are always and personal and hopes favorites, they rely on their of the marketplace, which attention to the opinion than frequently 18. Investors such as stock splits, cannot paying right. are usually influenced increased dividends, firm or advisory recommendations. crucial, that are not really by things news announcements, and brokerage is neither efficient nor random. It is not efficient are too many poorly conceived opinions;it is not random there because strong investor emotions In the most general sense, trading success requires three basic trade selection process, risk control, and discipline two items. William O'Neil providesa perfect components: an effective to adhere to the first can create trends. trader. He has deviseda specific stocks selecting risk (CANSLIM),he hasa rigorous control has the discipline not to deviate from his selection and of the illustration strategies. investors and having hoping The stock market because detailed in regarding particularly successful In addition to the this traders stock selection strategy for rule, and he risk control methodology and investors should find the advice common mistakes, listed near the end of the interview, useful. chapter, specific David Ryan Stock Investment as a Treasure Hunt stocks. But that was low-priced Ryan does not believe in buying the not always the case. He remembers Wall Street flipping through a $1 stock. He ran with Journal when he was thirteen years old and finding David the paper in hand to his father and asked, \"If I go up to my room and get a dollar, told him that it didn't quite can I buy this stock?\" His father work that way. \"You have to do someresearchabout a company before in the he invest stock,\" explained. you A few the Wall Street Journal again, days later, leafing through on found an article Ward which made and Foods, Ryan Bit-O-Honey like a perfect investment, sincehe ate a Chunky candy bars. It seemed set up an account for him, and he bought lot of candy. His father ten his friends shares all to buy the candy of the stock. He recalls getting bars so the company would make more money and his stock would go start of Ryan's career as a stockinvestor. up. That was the official in the stock market as he grew older. By interest increased Ryan's the time he was sixteen years old, he was subscribingto a weekly chart investment service and attending seminars William O'Neil and other by In college, he read every bookon the stock market he market analysts. could find. William O'Neil he decided to try receptionist of his was Ryan's to get interest a job at in O'Neil's idol. After graduating college in 1982, He told the company. work and his willingness to accept any O'Neil's David 238 Ryan job, no matter how menial, just to get his foot in the door. He was even to work for free. Ryan was hired, and within four years, his willing success investment led to his appointment as the youngest vice-president as a portfolio of the company, with responsibilities manager and as clients. O'Neil's direct assistant in stock selection for institutional he won when in his own achieved of fame a regard Ryan degree a contest the 1985 stock division of the U.S. Investing Championship, run by former Stanford University Professor Norm that year was a phenomenal 161 percent.As if to His Zadeh. demonstrate return fluke, Ryan reentered the contest performance was no one-year with a 160 percent virtually duplicating his previous year's performance once again with return finish. In 1987, he won the contest second-place his another triple-digit return year. For the three years as a whole, return was a remarkable 1,379 percent. compounded for trading, most of the traders I interviewed have a love Although demonstrated none have the unbridled enthusiasm by Ryan. To Ryan, is like a terrific the whole of selection stock game\342\200\224atreasure process he is getting paid to do hunt as he describes it\342\200\224and he still can't believe The officesof the traders Ryan I interviewed clearly were I would go over our charts. Ryan's didn't seem to care about the lack ranged from a noisy, of amenities. he was suppliedwith his charts and computer be content to work in a hall closet. Did your original job at William O'Neil floor-sized room. Ryan I suspect that as long runs, he would historical did. He was my role once On your own time, I take I would and studying. it take stuff home every night and on weekends. model. Yes,I opened a $20,000 How did you back, account was shortly after I started working for the do? I ran the all account [1982]. company account up to about $52,000 by June including some of my down to $16,000. Do you know what you did starting capital. 1983. Then I gave By mid-1984, my wrong? as probably & Co. involve any market I was in, I just started studying studying? you trading at this time? Were Yes. I sat down 1983 through analysis? but unadorned the you I studied the company's past models of great winning stocks to ingrain in a stock looked like before it made a major move. I tried my mind what to get to the point where I was looking at the exact same things O'Neil I studied recommendations. it staked had the low end of the spectrum I was surprised to find or otherwise, of an office, plain to be a cubicle within workplace out. Instead Yes. kind of things What Initially, it. to the elaborate, but 239 that his in 1986, No, David Ryan and the every mistake that I had made from June of 1984. Probably my biggest mistake was that studied middle even though we were in a moderate bear market\342\200\224the Dow came down from 1,296 to 1,078\342\200\224Icontinued to play as aggressively as I had during the bull market from August 1982 June 1983.1 also made the through mistake of buying stocks that were overextended. By that I mean I was stocks that had already moved 15 to 20 percent buying above their price bases. You should only buy stocks that are within a few percent of their the risk is too great. base; otherwise, I turned it around by learning from all the mistakes that I had made. In late 1984,1 solda pieceof real estate I owned and put all the money in a stock account. David 240 you confident, Were despite your 1983 to mid-1984, becauseyou were you poor felt that Ryan during midout what had figured you performance Any studied hard very and was determinedto be the entered I was going to do very well. So in 19851 disciplined, a with that stock division the I won year U.S. Investing Championship. and in the I contest reentered subsequent years 161 percent return. 100 percent returns in 1986 and 1987 as well. I was exceeded I thought substantially doing the when they How are same thing over and over again. had all the characteristics I liked. exact you doing I was buying stocks for in individual stocks is Super Love (Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, on some of the 1977). The book has a great study greatest winners of all time. Another good one on picking stocks is Profile of a Growth Stock by Kermit Zieg and Susannah H. Zieg (Investor's Larchmont, NY, 1972). I would also recommendMarty Intelligence, Zweig's book, Books, Winning on Wall Street (Warner Inc., New York, NY, and Stan Weinstein's Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear 1986) type of market: Stocks three years. I am in last the have as quickly as they aren't moving I think the potential because this year, a much smaller amount playingwith more limited. is much for making a lot of money book every You mentioned earlier that for a while you read virtually would list What you give to reading on the markets you could find. a someone starting out who is serious about becoming successful trader? stock Essential Money in on top of the list Stocks (McGraw-Hill, New York, NY that is must reading is How I Made Market by NicholasDarvas lot of people Another by Edwin himself wrote laugh at that (Lyle is O'Neil's Two Stuart, title, but it is fun book, How to Make 1988). Another book Dollars in the Stock Inc., Secaucus, NJ, 1986).A learn a ton. Million and you reading recommend is Reminiscencesof a StockOperator Lefevre [reputedly about Jesse Livermore].Livermore for How to Trade in Stocks (Institute a very good thin volume, book I would Economic & Financial Research,Albuquerque, NM, 1986). Classic by Timing Inc., Gainesville, GA, 1978)and a book Library, an English fellow named Beckman(Milestone Publishers,London). books are good, but you leam the most from the market I buy a stock, I write down the reasons why I bought time Every it [he a out binder annotated pulls charts]. containing Doing this helps cement in my mind the characteristics of a winning stock. even Maybe more important, it helps me learn from my mistakes. All those itself. kind of things What did you learn by keepingyour trader's diary? overextended stocks,using O'Neil's criteria for stock as disciplined as possible.The more disciplined you can the are better in to the do market. The more listen to get, you going you and the more to lose. rumors, tips money you're likely Not buying selection, and reading look New has some York, NY, 1988), which sections on short on Elliott Wave analysis, which good selling. Finally, I think has some validity, there is Elliott Wave Principle by Frost and called Super in a different are to by Richard Markets (Dow, Jones-Irwin, Prechter(New this year [May 1988]? Sofar this year, I am down. We one on what Stocks Performance Yes, because I had 241 others? A good wrong? doing David Ryan being Has keepingthis diary been an important part of your success? Absolutely. Can I start with you describe your procedure for selectingstocks? through the stock charts and writing down the stocks technical action. In other words,I write down all the stocks strong out by going DavidRyan 242 I want to take a closer lookat. Your company charts follows stocks; you can't possibly lookat but in a week I probably go through of the data base. Keep in mind a majority 7,000, through 4,000 charts. So, I see are probably about 1,500 to 2,000stocksthat like to look at those Yes, because they Doesn't that trade under about As high there a lot Actually, $ 10, and I don't are usually $10? a lot But aren't sometimes down there for a reason. the best buys\342\200\224the stocks of those many rather years. I would the $15 to $20 range. wait After you have stay down do at the figure? 80, and preferably above 90. above have an EPS a lot of peoplethink. is what there until they prove themselvesby They are alreadyon the table.\" of the biggest winners, we found that, that no one is for years and up to moving rank of 99. broad once the through However, in analyzing in many cases, the down the stocks that the charts and written you look at next to screen your selection? market stock weight of the the roof. from taking off in that just sit despite may be weak and market type Perceptions\342\200\224people might continue as strongly as they of earnings What else breakdown to The relative are screen stock; hundreds had earnings comes very good earnings? holding off, these back the stock, but stocks just go right would keep the stock of situation? not believe that the earnings had in the past. are going to you using besides the EPS and the earnings your stock selections? is very important. [The relative strength strength See price change relative to all other stockssurveyed. chapter for a detailed definition.] stock's the for a while. table What would cause a stockto The say, \"It's too late to buy How about if the stock market is OK? What and the last two quarters record five-year earnings growth relative to the previous year's levels.The quarterly in the earnings growth deceleration show you if there is any comparisons the last five years may rate over a 30 For example, rate. percentgrowth in the last two but if look quarters earnings were only very impressive, it warns growth period you that the strong up 10 percent and 15 percent, factors\342\200\224the two earnings five-year may be over. Of course,those during the past two quarters\342\200\224are corngrowth record and the earnings look chapter for markets One thing that usually anticipate. me about the EPS is that I would think that the price of would run up well before the earnings starts to be growth stock That reviewed interest you, what I stocks an EPS the earnings paying any attention to? Sometimes.But the O'Neil [See experience, of the smaller OTC stocks. those in least of stocks I buy been on the Yes, (EPS) rank. EPS.] extremely positive. a lot of the OTC stocks? out knock as possible\342\200\224at In my the under of the What are you looking for surprises stocks per share 7,000 anyway. Is that a goodrule:Avoid 243 Ryan bined in our earnings a detailedexplanation basis. on a regular I don't look 7,000 David ranks the O'Neil a David 244 are you looking for in What relative Ryan David Ryan Yes. Investor's Intuitively, \"It has I would almost think already gone too far. It can't get any stronger.\" to Well, not necessarily that it can't get any stronger, but it seems a high relative me that, by definition, every stock has to have the highs, strength when it tops. How do you avoid sometimesbuying I am usually relative high strength stocks? mat because in my first step of screening the I generally rule out stocks mat are overextended from their base. charts, the the with relative continue to often stocks strength highest Very the market for months and months. For example,Microsoft had outperform it was at $50 a share.It eventually moved a relative strength of 97 when to $161. to avoid able the higher go with a relative I would rather Yes, once the relative So you are strength not the relative strength the that also the trend itself, but Right. If the relative of 99 strength starts falling off, I usually only paying better? than 95. However, get out of the stock. I checkthe starts I going in the right how you filter I would probably relative strength order, down your initial an uptrend, to relative EPS stock place relative strength takes off before that between 0 and 200.1 then I would be big earnings the relative strength, what is of shares outstanding. I am looking for stockswith million shares and preferably thirty only five to ten million shares.Stockswith more than thirty million shares aremore mature; they number have already split a few times.It is a caseof supply and demand: Because have more it takes a lot more you supply, money to move those stocks. else do you look at? What ownership, because they really power a want too much sponsorship. I would to 20 percent mutual fund is the ideal range. sponsorship institutional some want You but higher, say 1 percent Are there other any don't you important elements that go into the stock selection process? There Doesn'tthat strength, in terms of Yes. You usually then stock's checking rule out most companies that have been around for a while? list? first, top 50. should be something new that attracts people to that stock. Reebok had shoes had that were hot. Compaq a fantastic example, was a leader in the software field. Microsoft portablecomputer. very cautious, even if it is still well above 80. Am groups For strength. breaking industry group to be in the than less Yes. attention to the relative strength value of the relative strength as a filter in your To continue the screening process,after relative strength, the EPS, and the industry your next step? stock Are you implying Daily ranks the industry usually want that\342\200\224 if you are restricting yourself to industry 90. above preferably of the selection? stock At least above 80, and also use the relative strength Do you strength? 245 EPS. Many times the report comes out. don't want nothing to be playing really hot or brand General Electric because there new going are exceptions.For example,General sideways for the last their situation around. five years, and it looks Motors like on. Occasionally, is there has gone virtually to turn they are trying 246 General With might the \"new\" Motors, be the 247 DavidRyan David Ryan recent shift to high How long do you new in emerging a stock? hold typically styling? but in most Yes, entrepreneurial cases, you are going to find the I usually hold aren't that strong imagine if you go through 7,000stocks,there must a large number that meet your be quite Do you pick an objective on the No. I usually there are probably only about seventy stocks that meet the it is tough because to meet all the conditions. Then I cut those down to about seven. How do you I pickthose base down cut from seventy to seven? that have all the characteristics plus a great-looking I also look at how the stock has done in the past. For pattern. doubled before? A lot of the stocks I buy before I buy them. the stock has already doubled have and tripled technical picture. process,do Since you use an extremely rigorousselection a high percentage maximum loss lot quicker. of winners in your you trades easily make up for all the that builds another only use market orders? up, base, and then I liquidate. should is just trading and back forth, you could put in a is going to drop, just sell it. I learned to lesson about market orders in 1982 when I was trying at $15, for $14%. The next day it which was trading to buy the stock at $16k Vh points, and I couldn't bring myself the Textone, buy when I could went to $45. have bought it at $15 a day earlier. That stock eventually One element of your trading style is buying a stock when conditions fundamental the new high. Wouldn't screening that have been in place well before point? In somecases,they 50/50, in those buy? it makes a you use have picks? I allow triple in price. The profits losers. stock because I cut the losers very quickly. The is 7 percent,and usually I am out of a losing stocka I make my money on the few stocks a year that double and about you think the stock is going to make a big limit order. But if you really to be the only reason should move\342\200\224and that you are buying the stock of a point. begin with\342\200\224then there is no reason to haggle over an eighth Just buy the stock. The same thing applies to the downside; if you think jumped Yes, because that shows me there is something very unusual going on, and if the situation is that good, a doubling be the may just beginning. It is probably going to double again. To sum it up, I am looking for the stocks in the market, in terms of both earnings and the strongest people market the stock actually prefer to buy a stock that has already doubled as to a stock that is in a long base? opposed That is when Do you think You No, only stocks the stock runs until wait down. breaks In a dull stocks example, that weeks. criteria. On average, seventy stocks two companies. growth I would criteria, winners for about six to twelve months, three months, and my losers less than about my big small you have the low who might have been. But I am trying the most chance of making end bought of a base back to it near the highs the and those people are going to be happy lot of overhead resistance. money. high When to buy a stock when a stock is coming off end, there will be a lot a loss for months. to get out at even, and that sat with of people Some of creates a 248 David So, a stock which is at new highs has much more of an Ryan top no one ahead of because Right, first is at a loss and wants has a profit; Everybody opportunity. you to get out at is happy. everybody But the downside of that is if you wait for a breakoutto new highs, a lot of times the market will pull back into the trading range. How do you avoid getting whipsawed in those situations? You can tell doubles one day and the by the volume. If the volume to a new high, it is telling you a lot of peopleare interested moves in the stock and buying it. becomes very important as a filtering So volume to avoid process getting whipsawed. Yes. If the stock moves 10 percent, I would be Do you buy it the you wait for it to to buy If you buy at what and it as soon as it to buy ground, but the volume is only up decide to new to new at all? Do you of the base, or do you end even mean some require if it is just below the minimum penetration? the base. In some cases, it will break out and come That's fine, and I will stay not reenter. back to with the stock. But if the top of the base was $20 and it breaks the stock didn't the because half of at least I to sell want $193a, position No, if it just reenters back to the top of the base, but it its base, when a stock drops back into Frequently, keep on moving. In the the base. of end to the lower example, goes all the way back down to $l93/i, it will often go all the way back down if it goes from $21 down to $16. Therefore,you want to cut your losses quickly. highs, has it back into the base a price going first day you buy bearishindicator? be at a profit should Stocks Yes. the on the first day is one of the having a profit to make money on the trade. going greatest use the table in Investor's increase in percentage average volume Do you you Yes. After interested in buying, timing signal. using the relative levels? Yes, I use it to help spot stocks that Are In fact, that you are them. indicators that lists the stocks with to the past fifty-day Daily volume best it to verify are just about ready to take off. stocks you have alreadypickedout? highs. and it then was From a technical perspective,is the or do pulls back into the range, breakout? For example, between $16 and $20 goesto trading it. What do you do if two days later the stock is back do you point goes at new highs a stock you to new high wary. first day the stock breaks out consolidate for a few days? assumea stockthat $21 its base a lot stock I want 249 Ryan If it reenters open running field? the David a false I have done my weekly screento I sometimes been Can you elaborate wait for select the stock the stocks to hit that I am column as a on using volume as a trading tool? $19? When If it reenters position. its base, I have a rule to cut at least 50 percent a stock see volume of the volume starts blast off. that has been moving starts consolidating, dry up. You should see a downtrend in volume. picking up again, up it usually means the stock you want to Then when is ready to 250 David volume So, in the consolidation phase, decreasing continue to see very high volume, do you start is good. thinking Ryan David Ryan top? potential Yes, in many Yes, becausethat You in volume an increase want a decrease as the volume in a lot of peopleare that shows getting out of the stock. breaks out, but stock the when want you you look for? other volume signals When the market, or a stock, is bottoming, down it to 2,085 Dow declines the next day, and then support. want you of further absence an For example, if the demonstrates ratio P/E stocks? I do. The most profitablesituation is when you find trend that at a P/E ratio in line earnings is trading ratio. stock consolidates. Any downside. cases a stock with a strong with the broad market If you volume combined with avoid high therefore Do you If you 251 closes to see increased price progress on the from 2,200 to 2,100, trades higher on increased volume, are a lot of buyers coming It suggests that described in selecting there avoid high from catching That was a little different that have prevented you wouldn't stocks, biomedical group move? of the because fact that the whole group was P/E ratios. at high trading ratio P/E the whole Does that imply that there should be an exception made for a new industry? in. The screensyou have [See O'Neil'sCANSLIMmethodology. definition.] Did you stocks are essentially the O'Neil chapter for add any of your own elements to Yes, I learned that most of our greatest winning off with prices under thirty times earnings. [price/earnings]ratio ratio is a lot higher is not on lower important. I think P/E ratio stocks. his started O'Neil says the P/E it is, in that your success Has the basic market behavior I guess I'm When not too low P/E ratios? talking a P/E ratio that So if the ratio. buy stocks with beyonddouble exact.You are stocks. about lower P/E ratio stocks,I mean is between even and up to two stocks that have times the S&P 500 P/E S&P 500 is at fifteen times earnings, you should try to P/E ratios between 15and 30. Once you start going much the S&P 500 P/E ratio level, your has to be more timing bound to make a few moremistakeson higher P/E ratio stayed it up one of the with the best stocks Do you have any thoughts I to study it need more I think about. Instead year growth stock should these rules. the same in the 1980s versus time after time. It hasn't changedat stocks from 1960 and line winning in 1980 and they are going to have characteristics. same short, with 1960s? the Yes, the same types of stockswork all. We can take one of the greatest exactly But to be absolutely rigid want don't the 1970sand approach? recommendations Yes, you on the subject of short selling? and more However, to pick a experience. we were talking characteristics all these need to flip you for a poor fivelook should of a good growth record, you that are record and quarterly decelerating. The earnings time be to hit new lows. losing relative strength, breaking uptrends, and starting 252 David David Ryan Ryan think that short selling may be a critical element for superior performance if we go into a long bear market? Do you help. But, about three times as hard will tell you O'Neil Bill that shorting Bill says he has made substantial in two of the bear nine markets. He thinks money only past best thing you can do in a bear market is just sit it out. as stocks. buying and the fact that rally; the previous the By how well my it's before too late? it indicates losing, have five or sixstocks up. else What do you in a row that a bear market that get stoppedout, bull the is developing. a caution phase, If I flag goes the Dow difference and the advance/decline daily line [a graph Stock each day versusthe number The declining]. advance/decline tends to top out a few months before the Dow does. Exchange that the stabbed really that business the market. long. Do you have the will be able to trade successfullyalmost every you year Yes,becauseI have a very defined set of principlesthat will established for years to come. Also, I the foundation for successful trading provide stop learning. to never Do you feel you the number of New York between in the very few stocks that participated did not move as high as it did on the rate was raised for the first the discount a long time? plan net that confidence look for to signal a bear market? between Divergence of the cumulative are doing. If, during stocks individual in late August, Also, in three years. I think time for the leaders start line advance/decline rally. were there You haven't been in do you recognize a bear market How is was on low volume? the rally Because Yes, it would I think Yes, 253 Yes.If you only going are better getting as a trader? try to learn from everysingletrade to get better and better as time goes that you make, you are on. stocks advancing than Why are you so much more successful the typical stock investor? Did that happen in 1987? doing something that I love to do and find fascinating. nine hours at work, I go home and spend more time on the or eight I have the charts delivered to me on Saturdays, and I go through markets. are if you love what you on Sunday. I think hours for three or four them successful. doing, you are going to be a lot more I am Because The advance/decline before the topped market stock Were you looking for out during the first quarter of 1987, well peak in August. a top because of that? Not at that point, because a lot of the individual stocks were still doing was after the very well. The big clue that the market was really topping Dow came off its high at 2,746, there was a very feeble, low-volume rally, and then juncture, I decided the market got hit for another it was time to move out of the 90-point loss. At market. that After A lot of people who and still That have is probably only use invest mediocre, because their spare time to study the market or even losing, results. they have not found a disciplined picking stocks.They read an article and say, \"That stock, I'll buy it.\" Or they buy a stockbecausetheir it. sounds broker system for a good like recommends 254 David Ryan advice What The single you give the novice would most important mistakes. That is the I can give anybody is: Learn to become a successfultrader. way advice only from your for that next big about the market are going to make it have now than when I was only same of knowing satisfaction you move. You make it sound It chart weekly to find The it is always fun to be looking the stock with all move. The feelingisn't any 500 shares. There is still the trading found a stock before it made its big a big treasure hunt. Somewhere book] there is going to be a big winner, in here and [he pats I am trying it. conventional summarized wisdom about how to make money in stocks is advice: Buy low and sellhigh. David Ryan by the semi-facetious would disagree. His philosophycan be summarized as: Buy high will not consider buying higher. In fact, Ryan usually any stock for less than and sell selling $10. is basically due to using aprecise methodology and to follow it. As Ryan has clearly demonstrated, a trading doesn't have to be to be extremely methodology original successful. that most of his approachhas been Ryan readily acknowledges learned from the and teachings of William O'Neil. With directly writings the help of hard work and in-depth study, he has been able to apply Ryan's applying great approach winning the a game. To me it is like a giant is. the like is that to find winner\342\200\224trying characteristics that different time Every reasons for buying existing The greatest thing 255 Ryan made a lasting most recent price base].The 1983-1984 experience that mistake. has not and he on repeated Ryan, impression element of Ryan's is an essential a trader's diary Maintaining approach. comments? final Any trader? David success discipline O'Neil's trading with great effectiveness. philosophy When traders deviatefrom their own rules, they invariably tend to lose. Ryan is no exception. During mid-1983 to mid-1984,he witnessed a period of extremely poor performance. He let his previoustrading success go to his head by repeatedly breaking one of his own cardinal rules: Never buy an overextended stock [a stock that is trading far above its helped he buys a stock, Ryan the stock. Whenever annotates the chart with his he liquidates or adds to an This comments. chart is includedwith updated of characteristics in mind the his reinforce has helped key Ryan entries has his more important, reviewing stocks. past Perhaps, a new position, him avoid repeating similar trading mistakes. is to buy O'Neil's approach, approach, like William on the very best stocks He also believesin focusing value observation his portfolio. One important as opposedto diversifying Ryan his trades is that best find traders other which made, helpful, may many reservation winners are right from the start. Thus, he has little usually risk maximum he will The a of trade about getting out quickly. losing is an rule A on any trade is a 7 percentpricedecline. rigid stop-loss basic Ryan's and strength. essential ingredient to the trading approach of many successful traders. Schwartz Marty Champion Trader I interviewed Marty him to be very Schwartz opinionated spills occasionally intensity subject over into anger when a raw trait philosophy I found hours. about the admits trading). In fact, Schwartzreadily in trading. with None of this \"going In his view, the marketplace for Schwartz. as program a useful at his office after trading and intense of trading. This nerve is hit (such that he finds anger the market is an flow\" arena and other traders are the adversaries. I was also struck dedication to his daily work routine. by Schwartz's I arrived and continued to run He was doing his market analysis when I left that evening, his calculations our interview. When through during his analysis no doubt followed was still that his daily he appeared very tired, I had finish his work that evening. Schwartz has unfinished. he would Although work routine religiously during the past nine years. Schwartz spent a decadelosing on his trading before he money as a remarkably successfulprofessional found his stride trader. During his earlier years, he was a well-paid securities analyst, as he who, describes it, was always broke because of market losses. he Eventually, in his the of changed trading methodology, process transforming a repeated loser to an amazingly consistent winner. Not himself from only in every year since he has Schwartz scored enormouspercentage gains turned full-time trader more than 3 percent of in 1979, but his equity he has done so without on a month-end to month-end ever losing basis. 258 Marty Schwartz Schwartz tradesindependently from an office at home. Heis proud fact that he has no employees. Solitary traders of this type, no of the matter how are usually successful, to unknown the public. of astounding. In nine of the entered (typically with four-month trading single entry he a one-year entry into these contestsis his way Schwartz's (In of telling around. In terms of risk/reward is the best trader he the one a near breakeven result.) he scored a 781 percent contest, he witnessed contest in short stake of $400,000),he made more contestants combined.His average return in these nine contests was 210percent\342\200\224nonannualized! four-month remaining half.\" Most of those who championships ratios, In his return. the world that he may well the top 5 percent School. military Vietnam about early days. your back do you From whenever you think is appropriate. relevant to go back to my childhood, quite frankly. Should I lay down on the couch? I grew up in New Haven in a family of modest means.I was very hard working. When I was seven or eight I would go with out a snow shovel and come back with $10 after a snowstorm. Even now, I still put in about twelve hours a day. I feel Well it is very not uncomfortable the work; that's why doing here. I calculate a lot my than own charts. My attitude is that I'm someone of mathematical competing doing it now as you are sitting ratios and oscillators, and I post want to be better prepared against. The way I prepare myself is by doing my work each night. As because I grew it was was my ticket, probably up, I realizedthat education emphasized in my family. I studied hard and was strongly an honor student in high school. school class. Perceiving that I wasn't going in 1967,1 officers. have to be somewhat crazy to be in the Marines; it is a very unusual organization. Theypush you to the edge and then rebuild you in a for that their own mold. However, I have developed great respect been Marine the because Corpshistory, they've bureaucracy, throughout have As a second lieutenant consistent in their training you procedure. be well skilled. so must They put you forty-six lives under your control, cut the mustard, you didn't you under a lot of pressure.If you couldn't rate that I believe approached 50 get the bars. We had an attrition percent. I was at that I am I always graduating that was recruiting want me to go? high myself, were in including Business was accepted to the Columbia had ended At the time, the government just graduate school and combat in at Columbia deferments. Since I was unhappy unit reserve didn't Corps appeal to me, I joined a U.S.Marine You How far of their there, matriculated me. After me great realization. first to be at the top of everything was a difficult had to get a It was the first time in my life I had to struggle. I even the concept. But when I for calculus because I just wasn't getting tutor bulb clicked on, it was like looking at a finally got it, when the light I really experienced the joy of learning and working magnificent painting. to an end; now, I found a means there. Before, studying was only hard had a profound influence on itself was a real joy. Amherst that learning be. Please start by telling which was one of the College, orientation to freshman they said, my life. When I went experiences \"Lookto your left and right and realize that half of you are going to be in the top half of the class and half of you are going to be in the bottom of a starting than all the other money ten I was acceptedto Amherst Schwartz, in the a degree of fame through however, has attained entries repeated U.S. Trading Championships,run by Norm Zadeh, a Stanford His performance in these contests has been nothing professor. University 259 Marty Schwartz home; Jewish time. that the only reservist in was the deal I made when person there, and they weren't School Candidate Officers in Quantico but I came I was also the only too favorably disposed toward drew the Star of David on my There were 199 regularswho I was went to Vietnam, recruited. Jews. One time, the platoon sergeant to knock the crap out of him, forehead with a magic marker. I wanted of what it the historic but I figured he didn't really know significance that I knew he was just trying to find any kind of pressurepoint meant. I had to do wasscrubthe magic would make me break. The hardest thing off my forehead. That's a bitch [helaughs].Anyway, marker Ipersevered Marty Schwartz 260 and made achievement.The of the it through feeling successfully. I consider that a really fine as time passes, and you forget the real pain No, Marine training me the confidence to believe gave that I could Just as perform at levels beyond my previous expectations. Amherst had strengthened my mind, the Marines strengthened my body. if I The two experiences convinced me that I coulddo almost anything and provided for my successful worked hard enough the groundwork trading. That's not to say it worked right away, because it didn't. After out of the Marines, I returned to Columbia and held getting rigorous some boring part-time jobs while time job was as a securitiesanalyst health and retail field, and I stayed I completed my M.B.A. My first fullat Kuhn Loeb. I specialized in the there for two years. I found that, on Wall Street, the best way to receive a pay increasewas to change jobs. The company you work for never wants to pay you as much as a company trying to recruit you. I left for XYZ in 1972.1 want to leave out the firm's name and other particulars for reasons that will soon become obvious. This provedto be one of the most difficult in my life and career. XYZ had thirty periods divided into three subgroups often. Because the research want to work, he had one of the senior analysts of each group reviewthe work of the analysts. The policywas that our research reports would be circulatedand critiqued the by the other analysts within to sent out. being subgroups prior I had written a bearish report on hospital management stocks, that the rate of return. saying industry would eventually go to a utility As part of the normal routine, the draft was circulated among the other one of whom got drunk one night on a flight home from analysts, him a copy of the California and told a client about my report. He even sent in progress. What right did he have to send out my work? The report to the report's release, becausethe client stocks began plummeting prior a started rumors that negative report was about to be issued. spreading a bitter experience. I had to testify for six hours before the It was analysts, directordidn't Stock Exchange. My company's counseltold me, \"We will we will our interests diverge at any point, represent you, but should New York inform you.\" the did you know what had happened? time, improves experience. The At 261 Schwartz Marty but I assumed that I did. I was totally I didn't, would everything be all right if I told the realized I had an exchange confessed because drug analyst eventually it all together. It was a official found out what happened by piecing I shut the door of my for me, and I was very sour. rotten, bitter experience the drive, the desire to office and stopped working. I lost the spark, truth, which the exchange exonerated; beenset up.The succeed. What were I was still whole negative you doing doing at that time? but I didn't have my heart in it. Besides that it was early 1973, and I felt the market was experience, reports, in technical analysis. At the topping out. I had become very interested a line had formed the advance/decline time, major top many months I was covering were going to go earlier. I felt that the market and the stocks down. Still, peoplewanted to know how many widgets a company was I the to write bullish reports, because spirit sellingand at what price. lost if stockpricesare going down, who cares how many widgets are being sold.I was covering growth stocks, which in those days sold at forty or It was all so ridiculous! times fifty earnings. Were ever you discouraged happened from to the bearish writing bearish reports? Also, what report that was leaked? wrote bearish reportson Wall Street at that time. I was allowed the bearish report on the hospital management industry, but I don't believe ever intended to publish it. Of course, after it was they leaked, they were forced to rush it to the printer to save their scalps. Nobody to complete What eventually happened? I lost my job in the bear market and was out of work for four months. That was a very interesting because I believe you learn the most period, 262 Schwartz Marty in those days was a lot of adversity. I had about $20,000, which a real lunatic who had developed and I was going to trade. I found money, At the time, he had to rent commodities. for trading computerprograms through machine to run time on a monster any PC. He was using different some of my money in dreams of glory. with dissipated Having was in for a shock. was tainted. \"Oh, involved get averages, today you could do on I put that sort of thing. and I lost most of it\342\200\224along with my I decided I had to go back to work. I I had been totally honest and forthright, I Although my capital, aren't you the guy who wrote that It didn't report?\" I had been totally ethical and exonerated.Peopledon't want matter that to him, that programs moving with any controversy, even if it wasn't of your own making. & Hanly, which, helped me get a job at Edwards who a of had firm, analysts group although Imet Bob Zoellner, the managing partner real stars. It was there that became of the firm. He was a great, great trader.Healmost single-handedly kept the firm afloat in 1974 by shorting stocks and making money in the firm's side. He capital account, while they were losing money on the operating started his own hedge fund in 1976 and went on to become an A a retail-oriented extraordinary success. I always had a good noseas a securities analyst, and it has I noticed that the head of research,who me in good stead. When I started out to lunch went out to lunch, regularly, going began for another job. So, when I had another job lined up at Loeb the firm went bankrupt in fall stood never 1975, Rhoades. and she had a profound effect on me. In 1976,1 met my wife-to-be it was the She made me realize that my life was not a dress rehearsal; I had steadily earned real thing and I had been screwing it up. Although I lost money because I almost broke was still consistently salaries, good in the market. 1978. We got married in March By that time, I was married made on business Hutton. E. F. trips harder going Being workingat from friends are twenty-five, and harder. When college in seeing you but when is different cities around the country you get in very exciting, the had to me out it gets real stale. My wife literally push your thirties, door when I had to go on these trips. 263 what I calledthe \"tap dances,\" which made you feel like of meat. You meet with portfolio managers to give them your views on the stocks you follow, so that they will give commission business to your firm. On a typical trip, you might have five appointments I resented a piece for dinner, Houston, fly to San Antonio that night to be ready for breakfastthe next in I wanted a family, to have but I felt and then fly morning. to Dallas later I got sick of it. that I wasn't able to handle it I was afraid of being because I had resisted getting married at that point, I wondered whether it had been a seem to know to handle failure self-fulfilling prophecy. how People because It almost becomes a negativecause and they can produce it themselves. effect cycle, whereby they produce it, they know how to handle it, and financially. tapped out. they wallow had become But, in it. By mid-1978,1 had been a security analyst intolerable. I knew I had to do something of mine friend it was interviewing Schwartz Marty for eight different. years and it I always knew I wanted to work for myself, have no clients,and answer to no one. That, to me, was the ultimate goal. I had been brooding for years,\"Why I doing well when wasn't I was groomed to be successful?\" I decided it was now time to be successful. When a brokerage firm wants to hire you, they'll give you Once are anything. there, they are far less responsive. So, when you I was I asked for a quote machine being romanced by Hutton, in my office. I was the only securities analyst that had a quotemachine. During my last I started closing the door to my office so that year at Hutton, I could watch the market. I talked to my friend Bob Zoellner severaltimes a day, and he taught me how to analyze market action.For when the example, gets good newsand goes down, it means the market is very weak; bad news and goes up, it means the market is healthy. that year, I started taking trial During to a lot of subscriptions market it gets when different myself a synthesizer;I didn't methodology, but I took a number of different and molded them into my own approach. a guy, Terry and had an Laundry, who lived in Nantucket a new methodologies I found unorthodox engineering approach as going the Magic T Forecast.He was an MIT a math background, and that appealed to me. that the market spent the same amount of time going called with graduate His basic theory up I consider newsletters. necessarily create was down. Only the amplitude was different. Marty Schwartz than they go 264 In my experience, markets comedown Doesn't that contradict the theory? The market the price in fact, quicker use to measure you For the record, what is the name of process. element Did you make a complete to me. book? Laundry's I always laugh at people who say, \"I'venever technician.\" I love that! It is such an arrogant, nonsensical used fundamentals for nine years and got rich as a technician. were still doing fundamental But you Yes, to earn You're There is no book. He just extolledhis theory through his various He also had there are occasionally determining mathematicalprobabilities. Although situations where the market goes three standard deviations instead of 98 percent of the moves will stop at based on the likelihood that two, two standard deviations, I'll take that bet any day of the week. And, if I control and stop myself out X dollars I am going to use risk am wrong, away. That is the most critical element. Anyway, I subscribedto all these letters, developed a like crazy. By mid-1979,1hadrun and traded $5,000 up to $140,000 methodology, in two just years. from a loser able to separate my When I was I was able to accept being wrong. more upsetting happen. I figured winner, I said, Before, it out, but it can't if I'm from making money. When I was wrong was admitting to try to will things to When I becamea the hell out, wrong, I'm getting I used and can happen wife my I response. analysis as an analyst? said to me, \"Go out on own. your wanted to work for yourself. The '11 go back to doing what you were doing you've is that a rich always you I always picturedmyself but it came when time to take I had $140,000, of which as being brave, courageous, and strong, the chance, I was scaredout of my mind. about $30,000 was tied up in and deals tax $92,500 was used to pay for a seat on the American Stock Exchange. That left me with about $20,000 on the floor as a market when I went I borrowed $50,000 from maker. which gave me $70,000 of in-laws, my capital. working off losing in I started involved in Mesa Petroleum first my two days in the I got business. options because Zoellner,whom I I called him undervalued. they were significantly from the I must have \"Are sure are day floor, you you right?\" had a grand total of ten options. I was down and dying. I was $1,800 petrified because,in my mind, I was down almost 10 percent, since didn't consider my in-laws' money part of my own working capital. The thought profoundly respected, the second I started going up and I never looked back. The next year months, I was ahead by $100,000. I earned $600,000.After 1981,1 never earned less than seven figures. I remember talking to a good friend of mine in 1979 and saying, \"I don't think anybody can make $40,000a month Now I can trading options.\" do that in a day without a problem. day, Mesa options After the first four were doing be wrong. my money and go on to the next that my winners are always in front so what! a mistake, to take a loss. If I make philosophy painful to save needs money. it out, therefore \"I figured because I want the than losing the to a winner? ego met before.\" third When did you turn a salary. But thirty-four that worst After it was kind of funny. some pamphlets. Actually, for his I mentioned him in a Barron's article, he got a lot of inquiries have any His response was, \"I don't He is a little eccentric. pamphlets. made have them and some He should printed money. copies available.\" of indicators that I used to I developed and synthesized a number determinewhen the market was at a lower-riskentry point. I focused on newsletters. to technical fundamental from transition Absolutely. is not the price high. That, had different theory and it has been extremelyhelpful I learned, that time the which precedes high, but an oscillator high, his work. The is a major cornerstone of properties up. 265 analysis? it goes down may be a distributive before movement them M-tops. The point I call a lot Schwartz Marty trade.\" You very well on the floor. Why did you leave? By living of me, it is not so It was very slow during upstairs office to eat my lunchtime lunch. While in those years. I used to go to an I was at my desk eating a sandwich, 266 Marty Schwartz I came to realize that I would do my charts and look for different ideas. than I could see much more sitting at the desk, looking at a machine, being at a post, trading an option. On the floor, the specialists chose the because they paid machines, they wanted to keep on the quote symbols to find what you the rent on them. So you always had to run around wanted to see. I felt much more comfortable upstairs. a year and a half later, after I started earning a lot of money, About the floor wasn't big enough. There was a much bigger arena to play in. Another reason for my move was the fact that, in 1981, a changein the than tax laws made it more lucrative to trade futures stocks and options. In my futures I didn't try to make two one year, four the trading, more in my futures next, eight the next, etc. I didn't earn significantly I used my profits to invest in in 1987 than I did in 1982, because trading to enhance the quality of my life. real estate and other things I was brokein the 1970s, and I never wanted to be brokeagain. My bad is was that if you make money every month, nothing philosophy won't be the richest You'll never to to person. happen you. So,you going does it make? I'm proud be the richest person anyway. What difference of my futures trading, because I took $40,000and ran it up to about $20 with drawdown. million never more than a 3 percent Did you continue trading stocks during this period? a little longer but with a different mentality. I traded stocksfrom time horizon. I don'tfeelthe same pressure when I own 100,000 shares of stock as when I own 100 S&Ps. Yes, Will you No, I find trade stocks it harder as readily from the to trade stocks from short side as the long side? it is just easier to short for the buck. Also, I hate the you to death. I'll give have I met a lesstalented the con amount disproportionately large S&P, group of money normal the short because you get so much more bang to they are always trying my view on specialists: Never in my of people who make a relative to their skills. Having most extraordinary the specialists markets, get out'/\302\253lower. their daughters %, they So, they marry the Ican't standmost advantage one could ever askfor. In can always define their risk. If they have a can buy the stock, knowing can always they are protected. I always tell my friends to have son of a specialist. established institutions. Ihaveame-against-them I believe mentality, which more helps me be a better, trader. aggressive It helps as long as I maintain an intellectual bias in my work and in money discipline management. What was your experience during the of the week crash? I again. Why? at the I have thought in long. came time, was the it, and about on October Because 16, the do the same thing 108 points, which, fell point decline one-day biggest I would market October 19 stock in the history of the stock exchange.It looked climactic to me, and I thought that was a buying was that it was a Friday. opportunity. The only problem a down Usually Friday is followed by a down Monday. I don't think Monday would have been nearly as bad as it was, if Treasury SecretaryJames Bakerhad not started verbally bludgeoning the Germans about interest rates over the weekend. He was so Once I heard Baker, I knew I was dead. belligerent. So, you knew that you were in Yes. Also, Marty side. system; 267 bid for 20,000down Zweig, who over trouble is a friend on Friday evening, talking about of the weekend? mine, was on \"Wall a possible Street depression. I called there day, and he saidhe thought was another 500 points Of course, he didn't know it was going to happen in Marty the next risk in the market. one specialist you book is the Week\" Because of the uptick rule? No, Schwartz Marty day. What made him so bearishat the time? I his life the specialist think monetary bonds were sinking indicators rapidly were terribly time. at the negative. Remember, the 268 Marty What that Monday? When happened did you Schwartz get out? The high in the S&P on Monday was 269.1liquidated my long position it is very hard to pull the of that because at 267'a. I was real proud I think I was long 40 contracts on a loser. I just dumped everything. trigger lost and I into that $315,000. day, coming of the most suicidal tilings One you can do in trading is to keep that I could have lost $5 million done I a Had that, losing position. adding to It was painful, day. bit I was and bleeding, I honored but my risk points and bullet. the came into play. another example wheremy Marine training They teach you never to freeze when you are under attack. One of the is either in the Marine Corps officer'smanual tactics go forward or out of you. Even hell beat the are sit there if backward. Don't getting just you That's retreating is offensive,becauseyou same thing the in market. powder to make your still The most important comeback. doing something. It is the is to keep enough thing I did real well after October 19.In fact, my most profitable year. 1987 was You liquidated think about I thought are your long position very wellon October19.Did you actually going short? is not the time to worry I said to myself, \"Now it is the time to worry about keeping what you I try to play made.\" Whenever there is a really have period, rough in protecting what you have. defense, defense, defense.I believe The day of the crash, 1 got out of most of my positions and protected to the Dow down 275 points, I went Then at 1:30 P.M., with family. my I went to hour Half an out. box took later, and my gold my safe deposit I started cash out. checks to another bank and started writing get my I had never seen bills and preparing for the worst. Treasury buying about anything about making like what it, but money; was going 269 what was going on. The banks weren't meeting they had known any of the calls at the brokerage firms. On Tuesday morning, we were within hours of the whole thing So my caution was well totally collapsing. advised. to my father my fear of a depressionis related graduating college in 1929. If you talk to people who got out of college at that time, it is as though a ten-year their lives. There was period is missing from I think substantial That stuck with just nothing going on in this country. always it so much. I think that is one of the reasons why I me, because I feared don't try to increase my earnings On the of the crash, geometrically. day when I looked at my son in his crib, I thought, I don't want him ever to ask me, \"Dad, why didn't you do everything have done?\" you could When did you start need to make any more at that point. family's security. I didn't money On Wednesday,the market got up to an area where I thought it should be shorted. I ended Wednesday short twelve S&P contracts, which for me was a miniscule position. That Bob Prechter Wave Theorist, a [editor of the Elliott night, widely followed advisory letter]put out a negative hotline message. The next the market was under tremendous pressure,partially morning, of because fund that managers position. It but mainly because recommendation, in the country was trying to liquidate has been I called the the banks going under? from people on the subsequently, Why not? The stories I heard, have would business of the side operations stoppedthe hearts of the public if again? trading because I started out trading Wednesday of that week. It was funny only one or two S&P contractsat a time. The S&P was in full point trading increments [equivalent to $500percontract, to $25 for a compared minimum tick], and I didn't know how to handicap what was going on. From but past experiences,I knew we were in some sort of opportunity period, were the rule book. attitude is: risk Never they rewriting My your on. You were seriouslyworriedabout Schwartz Marty stated that S&P he lost $800 million pit just before the opening one of the biggest a monster long during that that period. morning, and my clerk said, \"Decembersare offered at 230, offered at 220, offeredat 210, at 200 even.\"I yelled,\"Cover!\" I made a quarter of a million trading dollars on twelve contracts! It was one of the most memorable trades of my life. Marty Schwartz 270 What are your for about thoughts it. There used to I hate program become be to move power the market, and the locals have been successful. But I hate Some people say that all but market, to it and trading isa bunch of program criticism nonsense. people. idiots. are I can prove to any one of them that they are idiots. is something closesnear the high I would like the or low of the to investigate. regulators day much more frequently the market has closed within to. During the last two years, the high or low of the day about 20 percent of the time. that type of distribution is impossibleby chance. Mathematically, You program trading as if it is immoral. stocks against futures? trading talk about about unethical Becausethe they floor traders program do. You have the so-called it used 2 percent of What is to also have the other side of the equation wall in investment banking, where Chinese the arbitrageurs and investment bankers on the same I would like the SEC talk to each other. Well, for fear they might don't want to explain to alongside me principal they can allow traders for the firm's how agency program traders sitting own account. is (a) a case of on inside trading trade. It is not relative signals to futures, and they not are a program has a firm or un- are overpriced stocks when a trading doing any customer business\342\200\224 The market than For and (c) an outright computer program that How do you prove it? There gave just frontrunning, derpriced No, they in which situations Let me give you an example.Let'ssay trade. very intelligent which frontrunning, a firm has information about a time. example, when the state of of stock and moved it into the bonds, this firm knew about it the day before. Since they knew they were going to be selling$2 billion worth of stock the next day, from 4:00 to 4:15, to set up the trade. That stinks. contracts they sold thousands of futures information, (b) are of element swap a day ahead of debt/equity New Jersey sold $2 billion worth The exampleyou Well, they are idiots. No, someof them Your example introducesan obscures the basic question.What I am trying to get at is: What is immoral about buying stock and selling futures the reverse (or trade) because prices in the two markets are out of line? BecauseI've seen simply it. this 271 wield not just paranoid, becauseI've adjusted I'm accomplices. ebb and flow in the firms doing program trading a natural it. Those killed trading extraordinary of [See Appendix 1 trading? program definition.] Marty Schwartz you an example first. If these brokerage firms need an 80to take off a customerprogram, own they will take off their at a 50-cent discount. They have the edge and can run in front Let me give cent discount position clients because their transaction to themselves. of their costs are lower\342\200\224they're not commissions paying I keep trying to separate these is no frontrunning there where their somebody trading If that is their own money, methodology, things out. Let's take an example or customer business\342\200\224just to take out an arbitrage profit. trying why is it worse any than your methodology? it is a dumb game. Anybody Because earn 80 basis points above the idiots I tried to get away from needs to earn 80 basispoints sell flow, them which who on a basket of stocksto yield when I left security analysis. Who over Treasury this bill of goods becauseit on Wall puts is an idiot! They are T-bill is a the the same hell bills? The brokerage firms way of creating more order Street today has becomethe ultimate power. Marty Schwartz 272 even for some entity is wrong, Are you saying programtrading is not trading customer money? I grew up a security being value. something for analyst, things analyzing and buying and in out, serves no useful purpose. 273 like an imbecile,I sold more with the S&P locked at the 500-pointlimit less than an hour left in the trading session. who was with me at the was out that day. wife, time, My working The next day she came into work, and every ten minutes she would say, \"Get smaller, losses, get smaller.\" I kept taking just getting out of the me and against stocks against stock index futures, Trading that Schwartz Marty position. you get hit, you are very upset emotionally. Mosttraders it back immediately; they try to play bigger. Whenever you Whenever They are buying the and selling, and you are buying and selling.What's difference? I am trying to earn that style any more right than the style which the market? makes What when I trade. infinity to arbitrage is trying constitutional right and they are able to do it, but there I scream at the kids who a abusesas some incredible are consequence. no ethics! no integrity, \"You have SOBs firms: work for these brokerage kill Now are to the You You know what will happen? they game.\" going at me. When they stopped are swearing program doing proprietary I said, \"No, it is not wish!\" said, \"Are you happy? You got your trading they which comes when the tell them I didn't finished conclusion, yet.\" quite I guessit is their a year, and they find out earning $300,000 or more and can't get the bricks when are are worth; hitting they really they Then it will have come full circle. a job for $50,000. they no longer are what Speaking of circles, Let's on. go What we seem to stands be moving in one on this subject. > 1982. I had time was in November gut-wrenching net worth then, and I took a $600,000lossin one day. most smaller What in the a much congressional time was one of the the Republicans races. The market largest try to get That is all your losses back at true point did much better than ran advances up 43 points, in history. once, you are most often doomed to fail. in everything\342\200\224investments, trading, gambling. I learned from the crap table at Las Vegas to keep only X dollars in my pocket and never to have any credit, because the worst thing you can do is to send after bad. If you can physically removeyourself from the good money which is the same in futures as premises, flat, you thing trading getting can see things in a whole different perspective. After a devastating loss, I always play very small and try to get black ink, black ink. It's not how much money I make, but just getting my rhythm and confidence back. I shrink my size totally\342\200\224to a fifth or a tenth of the position that I trade normally. And I think I ended it works. a $600,000 hit up losing only $57,000 in November 1982, after taking on November 4. Is thereany you and that you could isolate as responsiblefor 1982, loss? Day, when the futures market is already locked-limit against market looks like it is 200 points higher is pretty stupid. to shorts Adding mistake trading Election that the cash When you look back, do you I think because say, \"Why I had huge gains the month biggest setbacksafter happened? It was Election Day, and to make out as your most dramatic trading experience? The try Do you still trading principles make my biggest victories. did I do it?\" before. I've always mistakes? By that, I mean deviations consider valid\342\200\224not losing trades. you trading had my I was careless. from expected which I was short, at that and You always make trading mistakes. I made one just recently\342\200\224a terrible I was short the S&P and short the bonds, and I got nervous be- mistake. 276 Marty Why the difficulty in this Schwartz area? to my fears of some cataclysmic I'm I think it all relates event. like W. C. Fields: I have several bank accounts and a few safe deposit boxeswith gold and cash. I'm extremely well diversified. My thought process is that if I screw up in one place, I'll always have a life else. preserver someplace Any other If you're Yes. especially than you thought off staying with S&P of? ever very nervous and about a position overnight, and you're able to get out at a much better price trades, you're usually better possible when the market the position. For example, the other day I was short the and got nervous becausethe session. The next morning, I was so relieved that unchanged. night bond the I could market stock was very strong market was virtually get out without a loss, my position. That was a mistake. A little later that day, the When your worst fears aren't realized,you probably collapsed. increase What your on That's my philosophy: January 1, I'm poor. Do you trade smaller in It is just that necessarily. No, I always success. my losses S&P should were just evaluated for a money management deal. records Over my My entire career as a full-time based on month-end data, my biggest trader, 3 percent. I had my worst two months was around the birth drawdown of my two children, because I was worriedabout whether I was going to get the tennis ball in the right place in Lamaze class. My philosophy has always been to try to be profitable every single I even try to be profitableevery day. And I've had some single runs\342\200\224over 90 percent of my months have been profitable. extraordinary in virtually I'm proud of the fact that, particularly every year, I didn't month. before April. I probably don't makeas much money I'm more concerned about controlling the but quickly is greater. in January? quickly. That is probably the key to my trade back on, but if you go flat, you see things differently. Greater clarity? Much that is not position plenty of money you have for I felt challenge. that working money, I wonder, trading on your what with own, managing you are in after years of possible a making motive could other people's money? and this presents a wholenew stale, risk can't be 1987,1 realized that downside an to get more personal leverageis with way getting a little after October adequately measured.The outside pool of money. How much the pressure you feel when puts you in a catatonic state. managed bothering I was Also, because clarity greater Getting back to as I could because of that, put always the attention my more losses take can You January? I covered has been your worst drawdown percentagewise? downside. slate? the position. havea losingmonth a clean Do you take your a weekend, over You start off every year with Not rules you can think 277 Schwartz Marty money are you going to be managing? I don'twant but I'm only taking on one to be specific about the amount, I don't want to deal with or two large pools of money. multiple deal more money if I I'm certain I couldraisea great investors, even though went with a public underwriting. 278 Schwartz Marty headaches. people you have involved, the morepotential when I met a large fund manager, he asked me how many When employees I had. I told him, \"None.\" He told me he had seventy. he wants to quit, it will be more difficult because he'll have their lives in his hands. I don't want that kind of pressure. The more For example, You seem rather isolatedhere.Do like you the year and in took to a downtown and passed significantly. Now, I have half a dozen peopleI talk the phone daily. I've taught to a number of them, my methodologies own. they have methodologies of their diminished to best advice you can give to the ordinary guy a better trader? you ever tried training I hired four but nobody people, tried to clone myself methodologies, but can't teach them people to be traders and lasted. They all the intellectual learning became I taught side is only work. didn't it working your the mistake for you? I my of it. You they would rather lose money than is the ultimate out when hell What I'm with I became a winning do you tell people who for out trader my ego, making money is more I always try business even.\" Why is getting the ego. protects of a trader rationalization successfulthan I have the freedom can go on vacation you your I tell them, \"Think wrong. What position? \"I'll get they're a losing even so important? when advice? that of going you might because that's what I always wanted, both financially at any moment. I live in Westhampton ever dreamt, Because it I was able to say, \"To important.\" people that are thinking to encourage themselves. seek admit in into this become more happened and to get your capital. their bets as soonas they wiped out. money is not your position Most people start making make money. attempts encourage those whose initial Here is a trader who was unsuccessful a ten-year over period, managing to lose enough money to keep himself was near broke, despite consistently earning good salaries.Yet, Schwartz the world's of best rum around and become one able to eventually things to me.\" I structurally. Beach half of story should have met with failure. Schwartz's traders. How did he do it? There a methodology worked elements. First, he Throughout his losing years, his trades.It was not fundamental to determine Schwartz used analysis he became until he immersed himself in technical that analysis successful. The point here is not that technical analysis is better than that fundamental but rather that technical analysis was the methodology analysis, was right for him. Some of the other traders interviewed in this book, been such as James Rogers, have using fundamental very successful The key lesson exclusion of technical to the complete analysis. analysis is that each trader must find his or her own best approach. to success was a The second element behind Schwartz'stransition when successful his he describes he became in attitude. As it, change over his desire to be right. desire to win took precedence Risk control is an essential elementof Schwartz's style, as trading attested to by his incredibly low drawdowns. He achievesthis risk found Why do most traders losemoney? Because of increasing That is a quick way Marty stomach. your in making on all part thing get out of hand. Also, don't increase to trying and intimidated. them The most important losses. losses size until you have doubledor tripled at trading Have lifestyle. is the What become letting years to be able to accept working alone. I used to go office because a lot of my friends were there. But, as time fewer of those people were still there, the attraction me several It the other half. I have a wonderful York New My kids think all fathers work at home. Leam to take alone? working 279 Schwartz Marty that were two essential for him. his on any trade. No doubt, point\" as well after size losses, position large sharply to his success. The extended winning streaks, contributes heavily size after a rationalefor position destabilizingloss is apparent. reducing control by always approach of knowing his \"uncle reducing as Marty Schwartz 280 However, the reason deserves further experienced his for the majority a winning for taking the same action after streak As Schwartz explains it, he has always elaboration. biggest losses after his biggest gains.I suspect of traders. Winning streaks lead to this complacency, and leads to sloppy trading. cite similar rules (such as disciplineand hard work) as the reasons for their success. it is always a treat when a top Therefore, with trader provides a rule that is unique and rings true. I was fascinated Schwartz's a position that you are observation about maintaining worried about, when the market action doesn't justify fears. The your is that if off hook the market is letting the concept you easily on a implicit for which there was a basis for fear (such as a fundamental position in the to the position or a technical adverse breakout development forces in favor of the there must be strong direction), opposite underlying complacency Most direction traders of the original position. Part III is true A Little Bit of Everything James B. Rogers, Jr. Buying Jim Rogersbegan In 1973, he formed trading the the stock Quantum and Value market with Selling a paltry Hysteria $600 in 1968. George Soros.The Fund with partner Quantum proved to be one of the best-performing hedge funds, and in 1980, a small retired. \"Retired\" is the amassed fortune, Rogers having of his personal portfolio, word uses to describe the management Rogers an endeavor that requires considerable ongoing research. His retirement includes also teaching investment courses at the Columbia University Graduate School of Business. I was eagerto interview because of his stellar reputation as Rogers one of the shrewdest investorsof our time and because his comments on interview shows television financial and in the print media always with rare clarity. Since I did seemed to strike a note of common sense I sent him a letter requesting an interview, not know Rogers, explaining that I was working on a book on great traders. I includeda copy of my book on the futures which I inscribed with a quotation markets, previous from Voltaire that I deemed particularly appropriate: \"Common senseis Fund not so common.\" Rogers indicate his called a few days willingness the probably person many years. Furthermore, I never get in at the right not later to participate. to thank \"However,\" me for the he book cautioned, and to \"I am hold for you want to interview. I often positions one of the world's worst traders. I'mprobably I had time.\" He was referring to the distinction James B.Rogers, 284 Jr. made in my letter, indicating that I was interested in great traders rather than great investors. As I use the term, a \"trader\" be primarily would concerned with which the stock market washeading, direction while an \"investor\" would concentrate on selectingstockswith the best chance of outperforming the market In other words, the investor overall. was always long, while the trader might be long or short. I explained use of these terms to my Rogers and stressedthat he was indeed the type of person I wished to Jr. What made you so bullish Thebull market had started at Rogers' home, a baronial, furnished eclectically on a fall-likespring The atmosphere afternoon. seemed more reminiscentof a comfortable English manor than a home in New York City. In fact, if my only exposure to New York City was that afternoon's arrived conversation with Rogers in his antique-filled with its room, sitting views of the I would conclude that New York Hudson, pleasant City was an eminentiy peaceful place to live. After greeting me, Rogers \"I still think you have the wrong stated, man.\" Once again, he immediately was referring to the fact that he did not consider himself to be a trader. note on which is the As I told you in our I remember when the following interview begins. a trader. phone conversation, I don't consider myself to buy German stocks in 1982,1 said to the I went broker, \"I want you to buy me X, Y, and Z stocks.\"The broker, who didn't know me, asked,\"What do I do next?\" I said,\"You the stocks buy and send me the confirmations.\" He asked, \"Do you want me to send some I research?\" \"Please do don't that.\" He \"Do you said, you asked, me to send you opinions?\" I said, \"No, want don't.\" He no, asked, \"Do you want me to call you prices, becauseif you tripled, I might be with prices?\" I said, \"No, these do, once I see that to sell them. I plan tempted stocks to own don't even give me have doubled and German stocks for bull years, because I think you are about to have the biggest you've had in two or three generations.\" Needless to say, the broker was dumbfounded; he thought I was a madman. Now I don't consider that it was determining that there was trading; about to be a major in a market and a position. change taking By the way, I got that one right. I bought the German stocks at the end of 1982 and sold them out in late 1985 and early 1986. at least market on Germany at that time? here in August 1982. More important, the previous since kind of bull market all-time had market in 1961, twenty-one years earlier. The German high In the then. since and had crumbled in 1962 essentially gone sideways value basic was So there had boomed. meantime, the German economy there. I'm or sell something, I always try to make sure I'm then first. If there is very good value, to lose any money even if I'm wrong. not going to lose much money I buy Whenever I This not had any had Germany interview. townhouse, 28S B. Rogers, James not going probably But you could have market that bought ten years earlier on the same theory. That's absolutely thosereasonsand it in 1971 for exactly right. You could have bought stocks sit for ten years, while we had German watched You But this time there was a catalyst. the At the time, catalyst happen. a major bull market always need a catalyst to make big things in the U.S. were going German elections. I figured the Socialists was the upcoming Christian the the opposition and I knew that to be thrown party, out, investment. to encourage Democrats, had a platform designed Christian conservative if the was that assessment basic My after having been out of power for so many Democrats won the election years, they were going to make major changes.I also knew that many in capital from investing back German companies were holding of a conservative in in 1982 and victory. equipment anticipation expansion real would be a did there win, explosion Therefore,if the conservatives of pent-up capital investment. Was the election a toss-upat the time? three Not in my mind. I mean in terms of the I guessso,because tot same day. when polls. the conservatives did win, the market exploded 286 James What if they had I still didn't think Jr. lost? James B.Rogers, have before. I had and that lost any Yes. that there was going every anticipation the bull market would last for two, three, will years. trade. Yes, when conviction I don't bother do; otherwise, doing it. One of the best rules can learn about investing is to do nothing, absolutely nothing, is something to do. Most people\342\200\224not that I'm better than most people\342\200\224always have to be playing; they always have to be doing something.They make a big play and say, \"Boy, am I smart, I just tripled else with that my money.\" Then they rush out and have to do something money. They can't just sit there and wait for something new to develop. anybody there unless Do you you give always wait ever say, \"I it a shot\"? think What you just for a situation described is money market this there there and pick it up. I do nothing in the something to way. make lying to line up in your favor? Don't going to go up, so I'll in the of any examples? after they had gone straight Yes. Two yearsago, I went short soybeans is because that same so it I remember reason to The $9.60. vividly up of whom was one of to with a I dinner traders, went group evening, \"I really I he had said, reasons the about all soybeans. bought why talking all I know is that all the bullish arguments are wrong; can't tell you why I'm shorting hysteria.\" How do you pick the time I wait until In the midst of it all, I just wait to the move, for poorhouse. corner, and all I have to do is go over in the meantime. Even people who lose say, \"I just lost my money, now I have to do it back.\" No, you don't. You should sit there until you market find No, I don'tknow 1980, the you Yes, I sold Trade as little as possible. gold gold you wait a reversal day? reversal is why someonewho I don't waits think of myself as a trader. I think for something to come along.I wait like the proverbial\"shooting fish in a barrel.\" of myself for for some sign of an end to the days. example of hysteria. In late 1979-early an incredible accelerated advance. witnessed that market? at $675. That was almost $200 too That the hysteria? a classic market go short go against or do about That brings to mind Did something. example, to starts moving in gaps. the market is probably is a very fast way until money other you put on a Can you think I usually oriented? Occasionally, going the like you have a great dealof It sounds trades fundamentally charts however, the Commodity ResearchBureau show an market will for a the chart Sometimes a catalyst. provide in the charts. see You will or down. either incredible spike hysteria up be like to take a look to see if I shouldn't When I see hysteria, I usually for the money meaningful 287 Jr. Are all your I would reasons I mentioned to be a major change, or four B. Rogers, early! as a situation that is I told only you I'm not a good trader. I'm nearly about four days before the top. always too early, but it was James B. Rogers,Jr. 288 I didn't say been a pretty it must have way off timewise, but pricewise When you do a trade like that, isn't there were you ride. scary James B.Rogers, The reason I asked is that between and Yes, Yes, gold where you have secondthoughts? a point it goes to $676 [he laughs]. when But you Does because case, last. It was the market's gold Was that a matter final Both.Gold was think of hysteria. it was\342\200\224Ilike your Just about every time you go against you see panic, do you go against automatically it? The panic,the to see in and of itself is only a catalyst to make me look hysteria, is going on. It doesn't mean I'm going to do anything. In the what case of the gold market, 1980 early bearish for gold. Volcker Chairman a months few and I knew that because you that of the world that was the Federal Reserve we were going to beat inflation. to be bearish on oil at the time, went down, gold would go down thought the time, everybody But, did you I knew just earlier and said that if oil believe in that it was not true. the rest that as well. and oil should move together, or gold rest of the world believed that? the world I usually main item then break going to down anyway do a trade based on a make any sense, simply becauseyou really sometimes of the world believesit? believed the relationship that. was true? like to look at was that I thought Volcker meant the back of inflation. was just the is the I think what The fact, it when the truth. that oil was ready to fact The he said he was go kicker. when the Fed the decisive step came in October 1979, rates interest to controlling from its controlling policy changed market Yet the gold apparently didn't believe moneysupplygrowth. In that after months it went for several point. it, because up in their to pay situations like hysteria that, are the markets too wound up fundamentals? attention to changing Actually, It is amazing how sometimessomething Absolutely. important will I am experienced and the market will keep going despite Now, that enough to know that just because I see something doesn't mean sees it. A lot of peopleare going to keep buying or sellingjust everyone becausethat has been the thing to do. that. happen, the So,just because October the such as isn't important. market present if it doesn't keeps Fed going is a hysterical blowoff, then itself. to some important news, doesn't mean that it policy, respond 1979 change in All the better. If the market especially that doesn't know I had a view become because you thought Was that At had he meant it. I also happened I believed mean you will that Rarely. its of gold being overpriced? but basically overpriced, of a market in be right if you can stick it out. will So when the fingerprint of terminology\342\200\224the \"fingerprint\" couldn't that of time, gold and oil period dying gasp. recognizing or was it a matter blowoff, panic, you it was chaos. It was something short together. relationship you Yes, in that I have always felt that the relationship oil was a coincidental correlation. all it was. For one very was that moved the trade? with stayed 289 Jr. the way it shouldn't you know go, an opportunity will James B. Rogers,Jr. 290 Can you of a more think Yes,October 19 is my birthday, October 1987. and the of 1987,1 Did you have any that idea the break could be as largeas it was? interviewed me in January told him, 1987,1 \"Somewherealong the way, the market is going to go down in one 300 points He looked I were a madman. I envisionedthat at me as though the day.\" John Train When would be around 300 points would only be 10 percent. 12 percent in one day. Ten percent in one the kind of markets we were day was not such a big move, given then. The market had seena number of 3, 4, and 5 having already percent days. So I said, \"Why can't the market go down 300 points in a it would be 508 points. day?\" Little did I know Dow In 1929, the market and 3,000, went down Why pick 1937 as a comparisonin you for a prediction your world. the the atmosphere. Money was flooding Every stock market in the world was at an all-time high. You had all these stories of a million dollars a half three years out of school,making young guys, in a are near Whenever see that That is not market, you reality. you year. for a into the summer a top. So, I went collapse. positioned you short I was short stocks another fast way the Dow was that we were going to have a major, horrible to say went down 49 percentin collapse, as opposedto say 1973-1974, but it took two years. Why did you use 1937as an analogy Because 1929-1930went going to have a bear market convinced between we were on as opposed fast, deep, when the market went to 1929-1930? to be a major depression.I knew When did you the a financial and economic collapse. cover week everybody thought poorhouse. options Buying for the SEC is and you cover your positions? of October that 19. If you the financial remember, by that time, structure of America was over. then because we had hysteria going the other way? we of hysteria. Under case right. That week was a textbook to step in there have if you are still solvent, you time it was the end one it. to be the that was and go against Maybe going But 95 of the world, and I would have been wipedout too. percent of the That were is exactly those kind time by a major financial collapse. I was I was differentiating going to have a depression. caused options. Someone did a study What I months. 50 percent, down not six and short calls. I don'tbuy to the discovered that 90 percent of all options expire as losses.Well, I figured out that if 90 percent of all long option positions lose money, that meant make money. If I want to use that 90 percent of all short option positions options to be bearish,I sellcalls. Did was trying or long puts? stocks Were stock market collapse? Becausein 1937, collapse? It was During did 291 Jr. Why were you expecting a financial recent example? end by the way. At the had we that would have beginning predicted one more big move up in the stock market and then witness the worst 1937. But I didn't know it was going to happen on my bear market since It was the best birthday I ever had. birthday. present of 1986 B. Rogers, James when of conditions, you go against that money. BetweenOctober1987and That was one of the few of hysteria, January 1988,1 you are going to make didn't have any in my whole life that shorts. have any I always try to have both long or bearish, case I'm wrong. Even in the best of times, times shorts. Whether I am bullish and short positions\342\200\224just in kind I didn't JamesB.Rogers, 292 there is always somebody fouling there is somebody doing well. Are you implying to be wanted you that after up, and Jr. I was even in the worst of times, find any stocks short? So all those guys who came in on Monday to sell had very, very good to sell, and there were no buyers around. Therewere no buyers, there was no reason for people to buy. Even the buyers were because reasons scaredand I thought that away, everything if I were right the world wasn't coming to an end right that I stocks those was going to go up\342\200\224including In seams. at the were [ 1988], January coming apart knew, fundamentally, I started putting and a couple of shorts back on, and even though money on one of those shorts, comfortable having the protection happy to do it because of some short positions. 1 am of people blame the October1987breakon A lot program I am losing I feel more trading. Do you consider that scapegoatism? the who blame it on that do not understand look for and people who lose money always and on short sellers the In blamed crash 1929, margin they scapegoats. There were lots of goodreasonswhy the stock market went requirements. down. What they should focus on is why there were sellers on October Absolutely. The market. Politicians 19, but no people buyers. I remember why I became even more bearish on the weekend Alan Reserve 19. The weekbefore, [Federal Chairman] much better was the of trade balance announced that getting Greenspan and things were under control. Two later, the balance of trade days of the world. in the worst the history were came and out, they figures doesn't have either fool or liar. He is a a I \"This said, guy Right away on weekend before October Then the 19,you any idea what is going on.\" we were going to stick the world had Secretary] Baker telling [Treasury before October the dollar go, because the Germans by letting monetary and fiscal policy as Bakerhad demanded. like the trade wars of the 1930sall over again. it to the loosening Germans weren't It looked already short! I calledSingaporethat to add to my shorts. [Singaporeopensearlier we do.] than in a panic\342\200\224and I was night Sunday the collapse, you couldn't 293 James B. Rogers,Jr. that bearish Monday. Are you saying the crash was causedby and Greenspan Baker? There were a lot of causes:Greenspan, the fact that money was Baker, the of the of balance trade, and you had a market tight, steady worsening that had spiked up to 2,700 six weeks earlier. If you check, you will see were going up, the rest that, 1987, while the S&P and the Dow during of the market was quietly eroding away. In December 1986,1 shorted the financial stocks, and throughout though the Dow and the Were there Yes, one me about S&P were 1987,1 didn't loseany going through even money, roof. the any times you faded hysteria and lost? of my greatest lessons happenedin bear markets. In January 1970, all the money I had\342\200\224which wasn't options, I took puts. In May 1970, the bottom, I sold market caved my puts. I had tripled my my a time early days and taught when I still very bought much\342\200\224and bought in, and the day the market hit I was a genius! \"I'm money. going to be the next Bernard Baruch,\" I said to myself. to rally and this time to My plan then was to wait for the market sell short instead of buying so that I would make money faster.Sure puts the market I had and went short. rallied, and I took everything enough Needless to say, two months later, I was completely wiped out because I didn't know what I was doing. One of the stocks I had shorted was Memorex. I soldMemorex at 48. In those days, I didn't have the staying power\342\200\224psychologically, I ended and, most important, financially. up covering my shorts at 72. Memorexeventually went to about 96 and then went straight down to 2. emotionally, 294 B. Rogers, James right to short that out. The market wiped completely that I now dead right. That is one of the reasons I was dead right, absolutely, at 48.1 just ended up getting stock didn't care that I was Jr. flat-out, perfectly know about hysteria. did What learn you from that That the market is going to go higher it will. I think everybody any I had a tendency it. I would knew think just read things that if I knew in the What I now know is that information. inside to it can and lower than I think than So something, I didn't have don't know what paper; they one I know. Most peopledon't have the foresight to look six months, me that anything taught experience year, or two years out. The Memorex can happen in the stock market, because there are a lot of people in the what is going on. market who don't understand if the stock market falls even see the doing well? Absolutely. Unless the politicians economy looking for have already seen? we Yes, eventually a very I expect Do you expect a very The Right now [April However, the 1988], recession trade another looking mainly we get a financial collapsewithout actually for a financial you collapse. example before. dollar keeps I don't getting expect the weaker\342\200\224which American economy will do economy is what a very serious having well\342\200\224steel, I used to collapse 1937 as an the magnitude of the can be done at this point? The basic than it is saving. problem and this will again, eventually deficit? trade the deficit is there problem, in the world today is that You need to do everything and investment: Eliminate dual taxation of dividends; textiles, parts you can anything are not deficit. that of the mining. investing. 401Ks. is consuming more can to encourage saving America you of savings, the capital gains tax, and the back more incentives for attractive bring At the same time, you need to do everything taxation to utilize consumption. Change our tax structure taxes consumption rather than saving and there are lots of government spending dramatically\342\200\224and to discourage a value added tax, because as the I expect\342\200\224many agriculture, worse dollar crisis. see as the main cause of IRAs, Keoghs,and lots of times. That is why the financial collapse? an economic it into recession? Sure.It has happened it up. low, you can still The budget deficit, by and large, causes the trade deficit. You going to get rid of the trade deficit until you get rid of the budget collapse. Can do Given I'm still foul will start getting figures as well? may foul it up and turn politicians low. 1987 October to trigger is going What What deep the There are lots of things the tariffs, protectionism. can do to it foul I'm and sure have. politicians up, will\342\200\224they always they I know we will have a financial crisis. And, if the politicians get it wrong, we may get an economic collapseas well. pronounced bear market beyondwhat the market to break the October below taxes, Raising precipitate Are you 295 By doing what? experience? particular James B. Rogers,Jr. Cut which ways of doing it without hurting the economy too badly.We would have James B. Rogers,Jr. 296 problems,but the are would not be nearly as bad as when they the bullet, then we are going to have a problems on us. If we don't bite forced 1930s-type collapse. answer Your specific there are relatively painlessways \"dramatically.\" Could you provide that implies spending examples? government to two governmentspends $5 billion this their country examples; guns army of occupation weren't from us, because they don't have a very good defenseindustry about those those are very unlikely actions. No politicians solutions. it is not They has to be more That is going to continue until we are forced into solving our problems.Then it is going to be a disaster. If the politicians keeping election. It act, do we eventually face a choicebetween or a deep recession? don't high inflation is going to be an are I suspect will What extreme. happen\342\200\224and I am just speculating, I don't have to make this decision yet\342\200\224isthat somewhere the politicians will say, along the line a recessionwill develop. Initially, \"We've got to bite the bullet and suffer through this. This is goodfor us; it will help clean out our system.\" People are going to buy that for a while. Then it is going to start to hurt. Then it is really going to start to hurt. At that point, the politicians are going to give up, and they are going to start to inflate out at that their way out of it. But is to really print money! point scenario, we start off In that Right, but real very we a recession with have wild inflation could is that possibility three years forward What will we to inflate way your and end up with very deflation. Another have exchange controls. investment decisions for two or first and then eventually have to make my I don't Fortunately, By the only way inflation. high now. right kind of exchange controls? exchange controls I mean limitations go to Europe, you can't of the country without What happens to the that? are even talking that. With the present cast of jerksin Washington, I understand to foul things are going up. going to happen. The politicians to be done. They are going their votes and winning the next to do what about out establishment. But going concerned very forty-three years ago! Most people was made to send the decision even born when but sitting around, there our troops to Europe. They are doing nothing fat, and chasing girls. The GAO has said that we beer, drinking getting war in Europe. Yet don't have enough bullets to fight even a thirty-day those guys there. I would submit us $150 billion a year to keep it costs those a year and bring billion to you that if we stop spendingthat $150 the themselves. And kicker defend troops home, the Europeans would is: Do you know who they would buy their guns from? They would buy sent there as an in not 297 cut some I could give you a dozen. The U.S. a year to support the domestic price of sugar so when it is selling Americans can pay 22 cents a pound that wholesale, We would dollars! 8 centsa in world market. billion for the Five pound told every sugar grower, \"We'll be better off if the government you give and a Porsche $100,000 a year for the rest of your life, a condominium, if you just get out of the sugar business.\" We would savebillionsof would be better off because we would dollars a year, and the whole country all be paying less for sugar. do you know what our If you really want to save a big number, and fifty billion dollars. Do of trade deficit is? Onehundred annual balance know American what it costs us each year to keep troops stationed you American in Europe? One hundred and fifty billion dollars. troops were I'll give you James B. Rogers,Jr. the dollar getting weaker government's values relative The dollardisappears. What on capital flows. If you to want more than $1,000. You can't ship money take would and weaker. bring approval. of currencies on exchange The politicianswould in a situation like controls is the then try to bring JamesB.Rogers, 298 exchange controls, which in Draconian would just make Jr. the situation James B.Rogers, But, sooner 299 Jr. or later, the market bond collapses. worse. you say disappear, When like the are you don't You talk becoming peso? Argentine it happen? Remember couldn't damn about a greenbackdollar.\" a give Why not? Why \"I the dollar about talking the Civil the collapse of the dollaras if it's about In 1983, we were the largest creditor nation War expression, an inevitability. in the world. In 1985,we becamea debtor nation for the first time since 1914.By the end of 1987, all of the foreign debts of every than our foreign debtswere greater nation south Argentina,and of the Rio Grande put together: Brazil, Mexico, Sooner or later, we repeat the English experience of not bond market. But I don't know when sooner or later having is. It could be three years; it could be ten. Absolutely. a long-term How far did Britishbonds fall in the situation you are referring to? About 70 What kind of things do you look at in deciding which scenario will first: deflation or inflation? happen percent. Peru, Moneysupply, all the rest. trade deficits, inflation the deficits, government figures, markets, and government policy.I look at all those things for the U.S. and key foreign countries as well. It is one big, three-dimensional if you had a three-dimensional puzzle, you However, puzzle. could it is not one in which eventually put together. But this puzzle you can spread out the pieces on a great big table and put them all together. The picture is always changing. Every day some pieces get taken away financial Can I paraphrasethe meaningful continued chain of events you imply as follows:Nothing situation. be done to change the budgetdeficit that the trade deficit will deficit guarantee budget will bad or even gets worse. That, in turn, or sooner later, the dollar will come under extreme situation stays Absolutely. That's why I'm guarantees The that pressure. and others market bond fit into this scenario? into this are going to stop putting money point, foreigners the American That means the dollar. of because weakening country savings public will have to finance the debt. We have only a 3 to 4 percent would that interest rates to finance rate. To getthe American debt, public have to be very high. If the Federal Reserve tries to avoid high rates by then the dollar just disappearsand the Fed loses more money, printing and 25 control completely. That is the case where you get hyperinflation to have high rates. we are going to 30 percent interest rates. Either way, At You some decide to bite might start out with lower rates first if the politicians will But a recession. then, eventually give up they by having the bullet and start printing money. in. we are on the topic of While How doesthe get thrown not long the dollar. outlook for In 1934, they declined every down do you have a long-term because of gold at $35 an ounce and gold production 1935 and 1980. Productionkept going year there was no incentive to lookfor gold. During that whole set the price between forty-five-year period, the especially scenarios, gold? during the consumption 1960s and 1970s, when of gold kept going up, the electronic at the same time, the we had got bigger and bigger, while supply down. You would have had a great bull market in gold in the going what. Even if inflation was at zero percent, 1970s, no matter you still would have had a big bull market in gold during the 1970s, of because demand. and supply revolution.Demand was 300 James The situation like taking has changed to $875 $35 Jr. in the 1980s. There is nothing entirely the price of gold from B. Rogers, to make peoplego into the year since 1980. Just every Gold production has gone up for mine openings and expansions,gold projections to go up every is scheduled year until at least 1995. At the production in the recovery same time, there have beenmajor advances technological there is for In much more available than there short, gold processes gold. used to be, and that trend will continue at least into the mid-1990s. I own some gold as an insurance is but I don't think gold policy, of the in inflation 1990s that it was the to be the 1970s, hedge going great I don't know what the because supply and demand is so different. to decide of the 1990s will be yet, but fortunately, I don't have inflationhedge gold business. based on James B.Rogers, In a situation 301 Jr. like that, I would the price of gold would go up to disruptions in mine think sharply,because the panic of related the revolution is going on, the production. known While will go down. Themove will ask, buy after also bring down go up, but after that, it confuse everybody. They down?\" But you will want to of the revolution will euphoria will price will completely \"Why is the price of goldmoving that move down, because the chaos. We have talked about your long-term and bonds,currencies, Any gold. for the stock market, about oil? views thoughts today. The supply/demand negative. But if you picture you put your own words, \"the are that together dollar for gold is obviously in which, using a situation painting with disappears,\" wouldn't such an event swamp the internal supply/demandbalanceof gold? Certainly, do worse, In other It may do better, it may power. gold may keep its purchasing but it's not going to be the best market. words, gold was yesterday's inflation Yes, when price for Given the scenario you are talking about\342\200\224the stock the dollar going down, etc.\342\200\224isthere anything going down, average guy can do to protect himself? else about add something gold. Remember that threeI where there are always pieces was about, puzzle talking Don't forget South Africa in that puzzle. Gold and added. beingremoved is more complicatedbecauseof the South African situation. I fully that the Africa to eventually blow up, becauseI think expect South governmenthas tomorrow itself too far into a corner. If there were a revolution painted whites would African and the blacks took over, the South dump all their gold. So the general market that the European and Far Eastern currencies; buy Treasury bills; buy farm land. How did you first get interested in trading? decades. I should dimensional down. mind saying that. It certainly is going to go under $12. Whether is that of oil was $11 or $7 or $3,1don't know. [The price approximately $16 at the time of this interview.] Buy always fight the last war. Portfolio managers always invest in the last bull market. The idea that has always been the great store gold of value is absurd. Therehave been many times in history when gold has power\342\200\224sometimes it will some day\342\200\224the guarantee You can put that in writing; I don't hits\342\200\224and I hedge. Generals lost purchasing recession the of oil is going to go way price would actually go down a lot. Investing. I stumbled onto Wall Street. In 1964,1 had just finished on to going graduate school. I got a summer job through a I who met, guy happened to work for a Wall Street firm. I didn't know about Wall Street at the time. I didn't know the difference anything between stocks and bonds. I didn't even know that there was a difference betweenstocksand bonds. All I knew about Wall Streetwas that it was somewhere in New York and something unpleasant had happenedthere college and in 1929. was James B. Rogers,Jr. 302 that After I went to Oxford during summer, all the Americans I knew at more interested in the Financial reading Were you trading while were I was an odd lotter.The lightly. Very you Oxford Whereas 1964-1966. were interested in politics, the at Oxford? I was investing in the If I had laughs] So actually you lost much money in either of those started making moneyright off the on August 1,1968, right at the top. But I still had market left, and in January 1970,1 figured out it was going to be a know how I figured it out. As I mentioned earlier, I I don't bear market. I had and bought all the money took By May, I had tripled my puts. and I In started stocks, by September, I was wiped shorting money. July, out. Those first two years were great: I went from being a genius to a I came into market money Not exactly deeppockets. [He in anything. Successfully? money at Oxford.I would get my scholarship of the year and invest as long as I could. beginning in the stocks you were covering? investing you I invested was my scholarship at Were I was Times. money 303 James B. Rogers,Jr. some two years\342\200\224 fool. bat? Soyou the money were back to ground zero in September 1970.What happened then? That was the bull market Yes, I was making money. the time I left Oxford in the summer of 1966, the bear but I had of 1964-1965. market already paid off my bills. I was lucky.If I had during 1965-1967,1 probablywould What happened after have gotten By had started, gone to Oxford wiped out. to work to say, \"We put the need money a sofa.\" need everything a TV.\" I said, \"What do I could. we need a TV spirit personified. Were you kind get on Wall Street? Junior analyst. Machine advertising build their stores, stocks at this time? I didn't care entrepreneurial up great retail chains, I was plowing everything agencies. just commodities. day one. almost Currencies these different markets? the very beginning. Bonds and stocks I kept too. When I was at Oxford, early fairly were as I could, because I knew they going to from as much money in dollars and it did\342\200\224a devalue sterling year any day. I knew it was coming, Even then, I had a strong I left. Once again, I was a little early. after currencies. in commodities 1960s, I also got involved by buying for a I remember in the In business, interviewing gold. my early years in Wall Street Jourread the do fellow asked \"What me, you job. The In the late stocks? tools and then who into did you get involved in When awarenessof Covering what trading I traded all of them while.\" of job did you the market. rid of me. I was the Just like those guys Bonds,stocks,currencies, from What got into I My first wife a TV for? Let's in the market, and wecouldhave ten TVs.\" She said, \"We I said, \"We could have ten sofas if we just put the money in the market for a little or a sofa. The wife about back back on Wall Street. I invested went and put it I had everything back and plow everything into the market. Oxford? I was in the army for a coupleof years, and since I didn't have any money, I couldn't follow the market. In 1968, the day I got out of the army, used I saved 304 B. Rogers, James nalT I said, \"One of the first things I read is the page.\" commodity Jr. The because he did too. This wasbackbefore guy was stunned, commodities were commodities. He offered me a job, and when I turned him he almost strangled me. This already trading zero in pickingup tradingwise to September 1970, up to your build did you start where ultimate trading success? taught me a lot. Sincethen\342\200\224Idon't losses early My was in 1970, and I was interview commodities. from ground Going down, job like to say this kind very few mistakes. I learned quickly not to do anything unless you know what you are doing. I learned that it is better to do nothing and wait until you get a conceptso right, and a price so that even if you are it is not nght, wrong, going to hurt you. of thing\342\200\224Ihave made James B. Rogers,Jr. Did and George you No.If you you have a losingyear after that get started? and We partner. junior partner, one secretary. How did you know George Soros? because Did you come up with the idea, for example, the timing of when to doit? he decide did sort Yes, for him at Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder. new brokerage firm regulations did not allow a percentageof the trading kind understand of trading it, that fund We invested in long and trader and I was shorting the dollar,and of. if you disagreed on a market? What if we disagreed, both had you we just did nothing. to agree on a trade to doit? do the trade no rules. Sometimes we would disagreeand were anyway, because one of us felt more strongly. But that type of scenario and once weworked in agreement, rarely came up, sincewe were usually or wrong. either was the trade it clear that was right pretty things through, I hate to formed. was a consensus When we thought something through, is a disaster, but we almost use that word, because consensusinvesting always seemedto come to work had to We left you to get but we couldn't profits. We could have stayed, have managed money. So we started our own firm. What of labor,he was the There Fund George Soros was the senior partner, and I was the started off with one senior partner, one junior 1973 the division analyst. So, How did the Quantum in down broke point? No. In 1970,1went make independent trading decisions? the Usually Did 305 left We leave\342\200\224fortunately. differently you were trading leveragedproducts When currencies, how did you short\342\200\224all over bonds, currencies, the world. what your as commodities and allocation was? to the hilt. When of money, we were always leveraged would look at the we of ran out and money, something item to the least attractive out whatever be and appeared push portfolio to buy corn and ran out of at that point. For example, if you wanted we ran out we bought Fund? the As I typical fund. or sell something else. It was corn you either had to stop buying out this know how amoebas You an amoebic grow\342\200\224they grow process. the other way. It was way, then they run into pressure so they grow out money, stocks, determine such and Until did you do for the Quantum was managed from together. commodities, everything\342\200\224 a very amoebic portfolio. James B. Rogers,Jr. 306 the risk of your positions on an individual lost money in one market and had to reduce your market? might just as easily cut back in another evaluated never You basis? So, if you portfolio, you Right. We would always attractive in the portfolio. positions Even today, that I sounds it was imagine on what cut back like thought a very unconventional unique probably we terms in was certainly unique. I still don't admit, I find it amusing in my \"How do I have the same I don'tseehow what of its investment strategy. you can invest in American Malaysian palm part of a big, three-dimensionalpuzzle How do you the reading anybody, and people steel without understanding say, question. is going on in find enough itself seems I do not do it nearly a great deal of time oil. As I explainedbefore, it that is always is all changing. time to spend on all thosemarkets?Just to be a monumental chore. as I usedto. Over the years, I have spent a lot of stuff into my head. I have developed pouring a great deal of perspective on many markets. When I teach, students are always astonished by the range of historical markets that I am familiar with. I know about these markets because I have pored over many as actively bull for so many years. market in cotton 1861, I start by caused you learn finding the anomalous like in to $1.05. When I seea picture you say you are retired. retirement, I'm more active than you follow all these things?\" Now cotton went from \\ cent when great times, fund. Backthen, know when I knew about the so many How do you find out about a marketlikethat? and I still do all these markets. People say to me, \"You're retired? We have a full staff and can't even keep up with all these markets. What do are short stocks all over the world!\" you mean you are retired?You I must example, stock books were the least anybody who trades all the markets. all the currencies, commodities, By all the markets, I mean bonds, and stocks\342\200\224long and short\342\200\224alloverthe world. I am retired now, It an and bond, commodity, As 307 B. Rogers, Jr. James years in a long-term historical chart. \"What 1861 cotton market, I ask myself, I to it out. Then From that, happen?\" try figure the that? Why did that amount. an enormous In fact, one of I teach at Columbia, which the kids call find a each student to Bears,\" requires major historical market or whether the move was up or It doesn't matter which move. market, known to tell me what one couldhave down. My instructions are for them at the time to see the big move coming. When rubber was at 2 cents ever go up?\" Yet it went up twelvefold. can rubber everyone said, \"How ask them, \"What could you have seen at the Somebodysawit. I always time?\" I always nail them. They will say, \"I knew the market would go up becausethere was going to be a war.\" But I will make them tell me how could have known at the time that there was a war coming.The they of them historical perspective across a broad spectrum course gives markets and teaches them how to analyze. I have lived through or studied hundreds, possibly even thousands, it is IBM or oats, whether of bull and bear markets. In everybull market, seem to come up with reasons why it must go on, and the bulls always of times, \"We are going to run on, and on. I remember hearing hundreds \"Oil has to sell at out of supply.\" \"This time is going to be different.\" \"Gold is different \"Oil is a a barrel.\" not $100 commodity [he laughs].\" for from every other commodity.\" 5,000 years it has not Well, damn, There have been some other been different from every commodity. and other periods when it has periodswhen gold has been very bullish, about it. Sure, it mystical gone down for many years. There is nothing a store of value, but so has wheat, corn, copper\342\200\224everything. has been of years. Some are more All these things have been around for thousands have valuable than others, but they are all commodities. They always the courses \"Bulls and been, and they always will be. 308 James B. Rogers,Jr. I guessthe is a prime recentexampleof 1987 stock market time is going to be different\" and developing, for again. In 1968, one of learned thesis on why the bull market had why great there was a shortageof stocks up years\342\200\224right at the all over top. In 1987, you While editing magazinestory Exchange current (August example this about p. 29). One could hardly of \"this time is going to be different.\" comes actually The explosive growth the boom could go bust. worries The some Western financial this value. begins of the interview. experts, who fear If that happened, investors with heavy losses in Tokyo could be forcedto pull money out of other markets, another triggering crash. Japanese stocksare at astronomical prices in already trading with the profits of the comparison that issued the shares, at least companies by American standards. On the New York Stock such Exchange, price-earnings ratios run about 15 to 1, while in Tokyo the multiples are often four times as high. & Telephone trades at 158 times Nippon Telegraph its earnings. \"Japanese authorities have allowed a speculative bubble to grow,\" warns George Soros, manager of the New York City-based Quantum \"At no Fund, time in the past has a bubble of this magnitude been deflated in an orderly manner.\" Such worries attribute the companies high are groundless, price-earnings to understate earnings argue analysts in ratios in to keep part Tokyo. to accounting The Japanese rules that their taxes lower. Another rise. purchase some when starts peope to go The whole processthen gets it has because it repeats overpriced tremendously becausethe fundamentals are turning more and more peoplesell.Next, on the downside. The market itself and it starts to go down. poor. As the More peoplesell economics deteriorate, because it has been the knows it is going to go to nothing, thing to do. Everybody Then the market the hysteria stage and gets very reaches underpriced. That's when you can buy it for a pop. But for a long-term investment, base. have to wait a few years and let the market you usually sell. people sell just so they Talking sold a 1\\ about extreme bull markets, I recently acre plot $250,000 twenty-five years [During 1634-1636, a speculative frenzy causing such an enormousriseand collapse the event is still read that for $450 million Is the ago. Japan tulipmania in Tokyo famous in Australia that bought they of our swept tulips in tulip for day? Holland, bulb prices that today.] allow factor up prices is so-calledcross-holding of stock. Because many companies hold large blocks of other companies' stock, which out Japanese of traditionare seldom traded, fewer shares are available for so their propping is very low, there comesa a market in a Time subject up slightly later in the same cycle. When always market for a better ask cases of market different between similarity Stock [he of money\342\200\224 Tokyo It's time everybody item the incredible 8, 1988, Japanese stockmarket that I came across the following bull market on the chapter, of hysteria? become undervalued. The buy and more up people buy because it is a sound or because the charts look good. In the next stage, fundamentally thing to do calls me up people buy because it has been the thing to do. My mother the stock \"Because and says, \"Buy me XYZ stock.\" I ask her, \"Why?\" has tripled,\" she answers. stage: People Finally, there comes the magical is going to go are hysterical to buy, because they know that the market economic logical up forever, and prices exceed any kind of rational, started again: \"There is a shortageof stocks, because is buying in all this stock.\" At the bottom of the bear market a laugh that builds there is going to be a steadily] shortage I assure you\342\200\224with a gigantic surplus of stocks. hearing it Is there a lot 309 \"this There was going to be a of stocks shortage Wall Street houses published a major to keep going Jr. complacency. Right. the the B. Rogers, James prices I guaranteethat collapse\342\200\224possibly the Japanese the within going to go down 80 to are going to go down stock market is going to have a major of our stocks next year or two. Many in the bear market. 90 percent 80 to 90 percent. A lot are more of theirs 310 JamesB.Rogers, Is there any way the can take advantage U.S. trader average Jr. of that? Wouldn't you Japanese puts. You them. can short the Japanese index, which trades in Singapore Most American brokerscan do it for you. There are at least Osaka. major Japanese Board stocks, short Japanese short Japanese calls, buy indexes, A lot of Japanesestockstrade here and you can just short corporations which have traded on the Chicago a collapse is coming, you Japan, because they might change the rules on you at any time. I don't know if you remember the Kuwaiti stock market of 19801981. In that market, you could buy stocks with a check. You postdated could buy $ 10 million worth of stockswith a postdated check; you could $100 million worth of stock that way. It didn't matter. buy Everybody was doing it. In the end, there was a passportclerkwho owned $10 billion worth of stocks! All of it on checks. postdated was a very clear exampleof Although that market I didn't hysteria, short it. I thought it that long [he snaps about fingers].The reason I didn't go short was rules so that because I knew when the market caved in, they would create get my money out. Of course,the market eventually collapsed. If I had gone short would have blamed it on they me and said I causedthe damn thing by shorting. People were even blamingme for the October crash last year, because I said it was going to claim I caused oil pricesto happen. Some people because I said collapse, the price of oil was going to go down. I wish I were that influential or I would never powerful. To get back to Japan, to have more. But I have a few Japanese shorts, and I do in Japan, whatever I know when I'm going the crisis comes, I don't want to be around near the bottom, because the Japanese are going to protect themselves.And whatever do to they protect themselves,it ain't I guarantee going to be good for Jim Rogers. that. You may not be ableto get your Yes, they could freezethe of currency. money Suppose side of the out? God knows what they They could will do. have three different that CBOE? and the of currencies they create two levels trade can't meet his obligation. on the guy other The clearinghouseis responsible. to hear it. That's the I've had in a long If the to be careful. stock time. Still, whatever I do, I'm going Japanese or 20,000 that's fine. But you better market goes from 30,000to 24,000 out of it before the last bit if it goes to 12,000. If you think about getting that long, you may get your wait out, but it is going to be very profits OK, fine, I'm happy best news painful. Why I did you leave the Quantum Fund? want didn't to have to do the same thing more than one career. for the rest of my life. I always When I came to New York in wanted 1968,1 was than I knew a poor boy from Alabama. By 1979,1 had made moremoney had started with existed in the world. Also, we were getting big. We very to know wanted and by 1979, we had fifteen people.They three people, in any interested when they could go on vacation, get raises,etc.I wasn't of that; I was interested in investing. I didn't want to get bigger. In September 1979,1 decidedit would be my last year. But then, in the stock in October, there was a big collapse market, which we sailed on one more year. to so fun that I decided It was much stay right through. left in I 1980. Was 1980 the start of your \"retirement\"? Yes, in 1980,1 just cashed in my Is that the point you currency. if you were short a Japanesemarket five options Options Exchange. Although I think to be very careful about going short have and be protected on an American exchange like the traded Short Japanese 311 James B. Rogers,Jr. became chips an independent tiers The term I really and retired. prefer is \"unemployed.\" trader? 312 Well, you teach at Columbia. That's I did it as a part-time unemployed. I couldplay It has so that teaching. I thought that, I still think course here and the Dean kept pestering me think people should go to business of people, business school was a waste is right \"I don't many one thing I wanted to learn in my retirement a deal with the Dean to teach one squash. So I made He agreed. I was\342\200\224I'm still for But so. semester per Columbia gym. for free, in return for lifetime access to the I thought I got a great deal, but he was smarter than really Oh, it's good fun, Columbia yes. are courses And about My into October best. bonds skyrocketed. one Sunday Nixon night, Japan and short that he was taking were long announced off the gold standard. losingheavily on both sides. Did you have to liquidate your You can't liquidate at a time off the right positions like that. Who can you bat? to in Japan? sell Who could you buy from in the U.S.? If you covered your shorts, you made things worse. In a situation like that, you have to figure out whether was going to be a major fundamental you are right or wrong. If there loss. But if fundamentally you the best is first loss the forever, change do then are basicallycorrect, nothing but sit there and let the market you you. hysteria wash around Did it. is terrific. analysis, trading your positions? So, you really had to ride out and the \"Bulls and Bears\"course experiences, stand out as do any Thereis no What was such thing the analysis a rather as a paper loss. A treacherous paper loss paper loss. is a very real loss. that gave you the confidenceto with your world. America had to solve our country's stay positions? 19 birthday August you stay with Yes. before. Of the multitude of your particularly dramatic? probablythe enjoy you teaching? Security analysis,investment we talked a very exciting time. We teaching. I take it, at this point, you What started teaching so you You actually dramatic experiences? I didn't evenknow it had happened. I had and I came in Monday on my motorcycle, morning been off somewhere That week the Japanese stock market without having read the papers. 20 percent, and the U.S. stock market went up. We were went down America facetious? being was how to play and 313 Jr. was 1971 August squash? play school.\" worth 1983 developed into much more. But when I started out, I didn't even I just wanted to learn how to play squash. I'm dead serious.Columbia to teach a course.I told him, Lots. in to teach. could time. thing starting America, it was the love of You're not James B.Rogers, Any negative squash. I thought want B. Rogers, Jr. James present that I talked 1982 is another. I put throughout 1981 and 1982, and in earlier was part of my net about a gigantic August 1982, they Our analysis was that simply taken a short-term long-termproblems. this was step, not the end of the and it was not going 314 B. Rogers, James Did that position actually turn out to be OK? Jr. $ James B.Rogers, But involves staying with a your whole style of trading So isn't what you are saying contradictory? years. actually, trend for It that, The Nixon announcement was just another step in the out fine. turned of the Bretton dissolution among otherthings, and the stabilization] own bear market. Woods Agreement 1944 [a international pact guidelines for foreign exchangerate decline of America.America was in its rallying established saw it as a cosmetic move you So, stayed you with your that wasn't to change the going position. kind You have to see the Is implemented to principle: When you should sell the a trend, counteract measures government rally are after the action? government What is the to see biggest the What public regarding fallacy a right. The market is nearly always wrong. I else? make money but don't examined way until you have fully world is always changing. Be awareof change. situation. the Also, Buy the never play commodities.\" You should be flexible in and alert to anything. If you were counseling the average investor, Don't do anything market behavior? conventional wisdom in the market. You have to leam to go counter to the markets. You have to learn how to think for yourself; to be able to see that the emperor has no clothes.Mostpeople can'tdo it. Most people want to follow a trend. \"The trend is your friend.\" that is valid for a few minutes in Chicago, Maybe but for the most part, is rarely a way to get rich. You following what everyone else is doing may way, opposite that way for a while, but keeping it is very hard. you tell what would doing. If you make 50 him? of that. Never, ever, follow go the be written is always market can assureyou by? if you shouldn't until you know what you are in the third you two years in a row and then year, actually be worse off than if you just put your money in a money Wait for something to come along that you know is right. fund. market Then take your profit, put it back in the money market fund, and just wait You will come out way ahead of everybody else. again. lose percent That live So many to buy or sell anything. people change. You should be willing \"I could never buy utilities,\" of kind that never \"I could stock,\" buy say, investing down as an axiom that you always invest against the central banks. When the central banks try to prop up the other go currency, way. and early, following,\" going to go on for years. By \"trend it just and it because selling goes up just What trading rules do you \"I could Absolutely. It should different. justified\342\200\224is change early, buy down. it goes go the opposite remember that a general that is economically balance supply/demand only buy markets that are I meant buying a market Look for hysteria Right. that of trend\342\200\224atrend That because trend, and 315 Jr. 50 percent would Are you ever wrong on a major position play? That is, are one of or are they so well selected that your almost sure shotsever wrong, they just I don't want invariably to make go? it sound like I don'tknow I know how to lose money better than money\342\200\224because how most time. But you not been a major mistake in a long I don't trade that often. It is not as though to lose there has to remember that people\342\200\224but have I'm making three decisions a 316 month. I may make I'll stay them. with How often there Well, decisions three a year, or five James B. Rogers, Jr. decisions a year, and is a difference I make between making a trade and deciding to buy I sell around the trades, do anything. Then I won't until all the pieces Very few investors or traders areassuccessful makes you I as you have been over fundamentals assessing you all the are looking people can analyze the same until sets you besides the fact that you are very selectivethat apart? I have no boundaries.I am every week. I use them you don't pattern before I look totally flexible. I am open to everything, Not what What know is that Motors. is going for knowledge, to see what on in the world by looking A will has happened. happen? what has happened, you'll never to me that there is a what is going to happen. The charts say bull market. They give me facts,but that's it. I don't say\342\200\224what has happened. If you don't know term you used earlier, reversal?\342\200\224there what a reversal is. is a reversal here. I don't know even reversal and about speculating in everything. I have no more compunction Singapore dollars or shorting Malaysian palm oil than I do about buying at charts to see what is\342\200\224 simply I pursue General who of money. ever lookat chartsand say, \"I've seen this type of and it usually means the market is topping.\" But runaway else time. I don't do anything you know you've got it right. As an example, until see American you agriculture hit a low, then no matter what the world is going to stop eating\342\200\224you can't happens in the world\342\200\224unless is now so competitive, and so go wrong. American agriculture many have been washed out, that it has to go up. You marginal farmers just watch American agriculture deteriorate, and then deteriorate, deteriorate, you or late. In my case, usually a little bit early. But, buy. You may buy early so what? The worst that happens is you bought it too early. Who cares? Is thereanything for one charts. at and so consistentlybe correctin variables. Just don't do anything at at them on. I learn a lot about what is going few all the services and make a lot Yes,I look that. But still, very market, technician. Excluding, of course, technicians a rich met haven't play. I can understand and not everything happens Do you use charts yourself? don't currencies, bond opinion about chart reading? is your What It different? I don't play. I just one scenario for the fit. sell their technical time. What you have when happens meshes? do you make a trade? I've owned bonds since1981, but but basically I own them. I went short the dollar at the end of 1984.Now, I have made a fair amount of trades in currencies since the end of 1984,but it is a lot of trades basically one trade with around it. position. What the stock market, one for in 1981. bonds 317 James B. Rogers,Jr. Don't tell me. It might and I don't want mess to know. up my mind. I don't know about those things, James B. Rogers,Jr. 318 Dothe markets behave now because so much differently any by trend-oriented is being managed No. They not 319 James B. Rogers,Jr. money systems? but there may always have been on a computer, always have been systems.I guarantee that can 100 years in the back you go market and not find a single decade where there hasn't been somekind of system, some kind of new formula developed to play the markets. Jim Rogers' but many in its entirety, to emulate unique approach may be difficult to all traders. of his trading are of relevance great principles Hisbasic are: concepts 1. Buy value. If you buy value, you will not lose much even if your timing is wrong. today are basicallythe sameas the markets So the in the markets 2. Wait 1970s, 1960s, and 1950s. The same as the markets periods of time. To avoid the in nineteenth go up and down. Theyhave markets for very long Bottoming markets can go nowhere in a dead market, wait up your money tying direction. is a catalyst to change the market a catalyst. for century. not changed The same things the rules of supply until make there and 3. Sell hysteria. demand. This principleis sound, easy. Rogers'methodology Do you have any goals at this point? I'm the a wonderful that pastime more and wean myself First, investing it is hard to give up. I haven't changed There are two markets. I was twenty-two when I'd like to be able to adventure. for looking more from years old. problems. is such from I always wanted to read and know that was going on and figure out the future. The second is problem what do I do with my funds if I just stop? If I turn it over to I would be broke in five years, and then I my friendly broker at XYZ, would have to go backto work. Any last words? validated, and arrive at the long-term same scenario, Ninety percent investor\342\200\224or trader, get away hold eventually is really just common sense. But common sense\342\200\224how many the exact same of them will to use facts and not focus on the from conventional wisdomis not astonishing how people can look at the exact see what is going to happen. thing, but the good something else. The ability same your term\342\200\224will see it is very common. to its application is far from correct be sure high projections with uncanny the to sit could be a of ability accuracy, tight type accuracy. trends economic lethal virtue. And, even if you can predict long-term the problem of there still remains of accuracy, with a sufficient degree the steamroller of when financial able to sit tight, particularly being to is counter market hysteria position. your running would have been able to sell traders I doubt For example, many short while it surged to $875 in only four days, and gold at $675, stay then Good investing few peoplehave but as follows: Wait for be paraphrased is wrong, go against the the market you are right, and then hold The on tight. tricky parts are the last two steps. Very few traders have the maze skills and intuitive insights to wade through Rogers' analytical of facts and statistics in the \"three-dimensional puzzle\" of world markets hysteria if fundamentally Without everything to see whether examine hysteria, can this the position liquidating necessary to duplicate outstay this type shots. Perhaps caution label attached: method long-term subsequent this feat, you probably of market or the same picking your to apply the through the at a large profit. Even if you lack high have collapse, the steel the financial nerves resources to degree of accuracy in this particular concept should comewith a Warning! Any attempts by the unskilled practitioner herein can lead to financial ruin. described 320 James B. Rogers, Jr. 4. Bevery selective. Wait for the right trade to come along. Never trade for trading's sake.Have the patience to sit on your money until the high probability sets up exactly trade right. Weinstein Mark 5. Be flexible. Biases against certain markets field of opportunity. distinct as well markets ortypes of trades limit your who says, \"I will never go short,\" has a to the trader who is willing to go short disadvantage compared as long. The trader who is open to examining a broad range of has a distinct advantage over someonewho is willing to parA trader High-PercentageTrader ticiggjB4H-\302\253nly-\302\251Hejiiarket. ^^. conventional wisdom,.Veepthis principle in mind and the Dow has already moved yoiTwillJxJess likely to buy stockj^after from to 2,600 and everyone is convincedthat there is a shortage 1,000 of stocks. Never follow 7. Know to liquidate a losing position. If you is going against you because your original analysis was flawed (such as when you realize you overlooked an important fundamental then as Rogers states: \"The first loss is the best loss.\" factor), if the market is going against you, but you are convinced However, your then sit out the hysteria. As a cautionary original analysis was right, word, this latter condition should be applied only by traders who fully understand the risks involved. believe when to hold the market and when After a brief period as a real estate broker, Weinstein Mark became a that he virtually threw start in trading was so naive withdrew to Weinstein After that his money away. early failure, stake. With the exception the markets and earn another trading seriously study trader. full-time His of one disastrous from that trading Weinstein experience, point on. He has intensively including stocks, commodities. Although variety of markets, options, stock indexfutures, currencies, and he is reluctant to divulge specific details, it is clear Weinstein all these trading arenas. a mutual friend. Although through his desire for anonymity project, very intrigued by reluctant to tell his story. He would call me and the schedule was a successfultrader a wide stock that he has profited handsomelyin I met Mark traded the interview.\" Then the say, \"OK, he was I will do it, let's made him day he would call and say, \"I This pattern was repeated publicity.\" next I don't want the with each decision accompanied by lengthy several times, phone the interview. the merits and drawbacks of doing conversations regarding have done three we could Finally, in exasperation, I said, \"Mark, it.\" That was our last about interviews in the time we have spent talking later when, months until about two the matter conversation regarding who had to of traders the caliber agreed participatein this impressed by the interview. to do decided book, Weinstein Because the met me at my office one summer Weinstein evening. changed my mind. Mark Weinstein 322 after 5:00 P.M.,we were forced warm, was at least less stifling. although The interview was conducted over a dinner and soda. of deli sandwiches our phone I knew Weinstein had a strong conversations, Through to go off in many in any conversation\342\200\224that's directions how tendency his mind works, one topic leadshim to think of five others and their various interrelations. Dreading a mammoth editing task, I stressedto Weinstein the need for remaining focused on the specific I questions. could tell that Weinstein was making an extra effort to heed this advice. This fact notwithstanding, the interview lasted five hours and yielded a out off the air-conditioning turns building into a corner lobby, which, 200-pagetranscript. Did your Back did you first get involved in trading? in 1972, when I was a real estate commodity broker. He and Didyour friend get you I had I had a friend to school gone together. interested in the who was take much to get me interested because my father's hobby was and I used to watch him at gambling. He was very good at percentages, the crap tables.In a sense,I think being a trader is in my genes. Also, and science trading fascinated me because of my mathematics and because I had a commodity friend who was broker background in college It didn't into realize I didn't had been rising for some I went long. It wasn't even a bad reaction. I just got late. I didn't in on the when the move too going. Also, my margin to keep the position and I didn't want to put up any more money. have on guts turned then was that time and was alreadyoverbought market enough me, It sounds to me like your friend let you put on a position that out of line with money management principles. any clearly one of those was know anything collection of TV Did you have I knew that what know about the markets at the time? If I flipped through nothing. Absolutely was get-rich-quick schemes. a markets? you to follow the analyst's he also followed it. What and Yes, Did you broker, advise friend broker recommendation? It How 323 Mark Weinstein a chart book, it looked like a test patterns to me. any idea of the risk involved? the chances I was Didn't it occur of my winning were very slim because I didn't doing. to you that you should learn something beforeyou started? strategies. computer No, because Do you remember your first trade? estate Was I remember it exactly. and I went long corn I opened based up a commodity account on a recommendationmade grain analyst. Three days later, I was out $7,800. with $8,400, by the firm's I was desperate for a change; like being a real the money that you invested a substantial part of at the time? It I didn't broker. was all the money I had. your savings Mark 324 did you get enough money When come to Weinstein back into the markets? seven days a six or seven months. I worked apartments as I could get my hands on. I also took out $24,000.1 co-ops. By that time, I had savedup about to open an account. $20,000 $4,000 to live on, and used the remaining It me took week and sold a few approximately as many rented Did you have a method make effort any to learn anything the about markets would be after two All the the concept with learned how to chart, and became familiar that if I of overbought and oversold markets.I figured gold market, market and left myself enough money for bought a severely oversold in drastic two calls, I couldn't lose unless something happened margin the economy. That was my method. if you use that approach in But a trending you are going to market, get killed. It worked What in that were your market. But a lot It couldn't bliss. trading results the secondtime I did well for severalyears fortune. I guess ignorancewas of that was after due that around? them. about it Sometimes trading? I was losing friends left with charts plastered on every wall. and all night. day apartment So this was really and right. I probably I sat in a studio looked like a I had left. friends to the madman endeavor. a full-time Not only an endeavor\342\200\224it was an obsession! I slept with it; I dreamt about it. Sometimes I would about what I would do stay up all night thinking If the next I didn't need sleep, I would have done it twenty-four day. hours a day. At that point, it wasn't the money that was motivating me. I was hooked on the game: on the challenge of trying to figure out the and managed to build Did you a small wake sometimes up with a feeling that market was going higher or anything like knew you the gold that? to luck. have all beenluck.What were you doing right when you No, it had nothing to do with the direction of the extension of what I was doing during the it to sleep that I ended consciously that I know now, there was very little that I was doing seemed I had I think just good markets.In those days, commodities right. a lot better than they do now. Very few people to follow chart patterns so the markets were much about technical analysis then, knew anything as much as I could about more orderly. I got a break by learning it was working at a time when technical pretty well. analysis relation all day spending and gut reaction. system after two hours. sometimes days; \302\253 market. were making money? In risk? controlling in the interim? Yes.I studied for onmy nervous No, and I still don't. I depended I coveredpositionswhen I did not feel right Were you Did you 325 Weinstein Mark up exploring day. It was market. take so much I would I had unconsciously what just an of been doing day. to what Did Well, you have any goals when you set out? the great was particularly dream until American true I started dream is to make a million in those vacationing days. I never really and traveling dollars, had in Europe. and that a materialistic Mark Weinstein Mark Weinstein trading? What 326 this? was When It was in the Had you passed How many years after you started I had been trading for about mid-1970s. the three or four years. dollar mark by that point? million start made enough money to be able to relax, At that to I about things wanted point, I was feeling and think buy. vacationing, the could money I spent with replace confident enough to know that I Yes,and I had was to start profits. I figured the next logical step my in I was making. I saw a castle the south of France that I the money appreciating that the castle had a moat around I was particularly wanted. impressed to me. It was on the market for there and the idea of living appealed trading 327 happened? On my next trade, I put on a large long position in soybeans. The market closed up the first day, and I had about a 25 percent on profit my money. I was planning to get out of the position at the end of the week. The I made was having a specific biggest mistake of I what wanted out of target trade. the The target being determined not by market analysis,but rather the $350,000 you wanted to make on the trade. Did you trade because differently you were trying to make money for a specific by purpose? it, only and I figured $350,000, it would take about $50,000 a year to keep it up. That doesn't sound likea lot of money to make I don't to You already make had the money to buy the castle; it. didn't take No, I camebackand your decided money out of the account to that making buy the money was going the castle. to be my goal. In other words,your castle. Exactly. market session, risk and took judgment. went on too large a position.I was I was up again the next not being guided by my material but collapsed suddenly day, locking limit-down. Did you get stuckwith next Yes, I couldn't get office it at it in terms of how much looked I had the money, I still Even though in their have who $17 million business in this it cost. I know people car. a new and won't buy trading account Soyou any type of rational your position at limit-down? mistake. understand. you didn't have using late in the I came back to the U.S., I $5 million. When castle almost immediately. That the money to pay for the was a tremendous I didn't desires.The a castle. worth Today it is probably wanted for consider the Yes, $350,000 in profits was going to go for the would I take come The next day I showedup at the brokerage all day to see if opened offered limit-down. I waited off of locked limit-down, but it didn't. that you out. the market and it would have liquidated your position if you could have. If the market had traded, I would have sold out Do you remember your emotions at the at any time? I was in a state of shockand whatsoever. office had no decision-making fall asleep, and found myself somehow trade the next day. On the third a half an hour before the opening,and they I couldn't market would about price. capability left almost praying the day, I called the told me it didn't even bother going in because that I was certain they were in the office. like there was any look face the couldn't situation. down is that? Why There werea few to make able people thrill out of my getting a big other the kind professional of money traders in the office who werenever this situation When I had been making. all those years to developed, they were almost relieved. It seemed justify The heartless. were did. I like really not They of their taking positions that was was and, broker, frankly, was who my really upset only person account. the afraid of becausehe was losing probably Did the other traders kid you it? about to the office. think they relished your predicament becauseit made seem less deficient as traders? Do you How much went beyond that. I think there others lose just enjoy watching Once you stopped going into are a lot of peoplein this business $ 125 thousand salary was that Before I had nearly 10 what percent in my trading account. So I $1.5 million of my equity level prior to the trade each I was devastated. bleed myself watching who I felt like I was wounded in a trench and to death. The market went limit-down five days in and I lost over $600,000. On park holding hands did you do during the business the a girl true\342\200\224maybe fifth state. I thought getting just luck that I had with other brokerage I was too embarrassed, and houses, trying own I didn't to get I didn't know hostile because what feelings about nothing losing it all, more going the large monetary loss,or your devastating, from success to failure? derision. was kidding you? of him. I was starting to get paranoid and could be done. I went to a competing firm and to think was Which It own broker up price quotes. broker? want to take the on her out of was everybody made money all those about what that a in a sitting crying I started to think it was day, I remember I had picked up, literally in a psychotic altogether. was telling me with the that if I continued years. I worried trading, I could wind and being forcedto go back to some job I didn't like. Why didn't you just call your Your trade, was losing nearly relative to your account size? loss in perspective that put lap. I was practically office, a day. This was at a time when the average annual was not born rich, and I couldn't stop thinking of day. day? I checked $15,000.1 my loss in those terms. them money. the were you losing each day? About row, It again. Could you about it behind my back. They They overconsoled me and then laughed I stopped coming to see me come in and fall apart. That is why wanted 329 spoke to their grains analyst. I was looking for someoneto hold my hand. He told me I would be OK, because the fundamentals were still strong and there would be a tremendous demand for soybeans if the market went down another Of on the fourth course, day. day, the market locked limit- I I didn't hope. Weinstein Mark Weinstein Mark 328 was the money and the were: My exact thoughts American to go short, and not being able to get out and the fact that limit situation, Here I am, a person who thought what I found out un-American of a position. was really I couldn't it was act. unwas Mark Weinstein 330 So felt cheated you I definitely felt limit with price not by being moves. with from public work actually were that created to supposedly against them by the market should be totally of restraints. free did you begin trading again? When months, I started trading AMEX stocks, I missed the leverage of the commodity After a few amazingly slow. think I could Around There is talk about putting limits that Would reducingvolatility. on stock markets as a way actually be jumping from the of pan frying into the fire? him about first week at his Now, he the average can at least get out and finds out that at some he can't investor knows that if he wants to get out, price. Imagine if this guy calls his broker even get out of the In other words, you idea of limits are really saying that those who are expounding the going to make matters worsefor earlier I never went trade, I realized that short. the I felt it was business un-American. After I was in was options trader. I join collapsed. completely lose? felt extremely hostile,but I didn't want to show it I was so upset that I walked promised me any results. out office and didn't come back for two He tried days. reaching me that time, but I didn't return his calls. Finally, he got a message a mutual friend. through of the small the of benefit the the height trade, never me Was he upsetthat investors. comment implied that, prior to the soybean side of the markets. Is that the right? traded long always Yes. I didn't $40,000.1 he because during It is absolute lunacy.It is a law that is being proposedfor Your and he suggestedthat it him. In my office he told me to buy Teledyne calls right before he was sure they were going up. I followed his advice, How much did you to sophisticated markets. market. investor. institutional calls the About are my experiences because expiration but I found stocks. successfully support myself trading that time, I ran into a friend who is a great I told and Absolutely. chart to do commodities. people preventing getting out of their losing positions? I think Yes. last? experience Months. I didn't want to trade commodities anymore. I rippedevery off my walls. I tore up in my house that had everything wrong is something this anything Are you implying that price limits protect the there 331 How long did the emotional impact of able to get out? To this day, I think cheated. Weinstein Mark soybean i office, he told me that opposite account, and that the really lose any money. That sounds like an awfully of capitalism, and it really made no difference what side of the market you were on. made money was that the people who were short about All I could think and I lost money. given you bad advice? in another trade the had back to the I came When you he It wasn't trust a practical in anyone\342\200\224even of self-reliance odd type joke. He was trying him. It was his way in being a good trader. he of practical to teach had done the exact was mine. So I didn't trade joke. me not to place blind of teaching me the importance Weinstein Mark 332 How did you do after that I did pretty well. My 333 I know you once entered an options trading point? knew friend It was 47 him. originally organized traders together, each contest.Each trader Did you trade options based onthe methodologies Yes, combined with technical own my he taught you? believe he didn't Hasthe fact that in it. He was a tape reader. 100 have been extraordinarily successful as a his mind about technical analysis? trader changed you percent technical for me, and the He thinks technical analysis is just a crutch we was a point at which There I make money is experience. real reason to my office one day and watched for a few years. He came separated made it.\" finally me like a father and said, \"You at all. Not me trade. Heembraced I told him that not only just about everything certain It has because things nothing by two traders of whom put a $100,000 opened on the CBOE up $5,000 account with floor. They got in a winner-take-all same clearing pyramiding [using the firm. How long was the contest for? analysis. Your friend didn't use technicalanalysis? No, you tell me Can contest. about it? was a phenomenal options trader. He from amount and I learneda tremendous market the about everything Weinstein Mark but I had learned had I gained a lot of experience, technical was about analysis, including there created myself. He said,\"You never give up, do you? that way You are trading analysis. to do with technical I had Three months. What were your results? I turned the $100,000 into over $900,000 without profits to increase leverage]. That's a ratherphenomenal Yes, performance. but the markets were very What did you good at that time. you went out on your own in when trade any 1980? everything. I continued to trade stockoptions.When stock index trading began in the early 1980s, that became a primary market for me. I also traded the In fact, markets. the last two commodity I traded of experience.\" futures friend eventually Why did you and your option trading There was a conflict in our trading separate? who was trader styles. He was a great more he would knew he because loss, in the ahead out long come and way willing to take an occasionallarge make than up for it with large gains that way. I preferred trading I was uncomfortable trading run. However, to to eradicate losing trades. I wasn't willing for small profits and trying technical, was purely approach take the same type of risk. Also, my to decided in 1980,1 reader. a Anyway, was he tape whereas basically later. go off on my own. We got together again years during years, my trading Do you remember shifted has your to nearly 90 percent commodities. first soybean trade after the debaclein the 1970s? For a long time, I avoided trading the commodity soybeans. markets eventually get back the money But, as I began to find effortlessly, I knew I lost in soybeans. deep down myself that I would I neverforgot about it. Mark Weinstein 334 like you were looking for sounds It Weinstein Mark it. Either you revenge. chart book, my eyes Every time I lookedat a commodity I would over to the soybean chart, then quickly flip the page. would edge When for years beforedoing anything. the market I watched peripherally were near a low, but I didn't they soybeans went down to $4.75,1 knew want to buy them until I was sure I couldn't loseon the trade. I was like for a Sicilianwhose wife had been murdered ten years earlier, waiting convinced technical When for analysis the perfect moment my revenge. in on the long side. me that the market had bottomed for real, I jumped is always didn't the have exactly. Yes, Where did you buy the You mentioned earlier that one of the reasons you split with your former was trading partner was that your own trading style geared to extremely low risk. Since1980,what was the worst percentage drawdown you have experienced? I loseso before caused prices I haven't did you get out? I got out was $10.46.] of some at $7.25, How much did you Let's just say I made The way you talk make my about and the rest at on that money $9.92. [The high of the like that trade had any losing your worst single trading months. in Yes. Of course, have made a lot cautious, but I could that month since 1980! single every is the way more if I wasn't money so I trade. Do you remember your worst losing week? I losing I had What was the reason? had haven't any is an that during time, but I have had some a few about How can you be sure that you are weeks when you lost money trading? The reason have had I am sure is that three losing days trades I made during believe anyone ever getswipedout some other reason for is always in the market because of bad luck; there weeks statement. incredible not simply forgetting J I don't was You have made money That inexperienced. way: What losing days. was a greatrelief I realized that there was a reasonwhy it was a total catharsis. first in the the lost place. money BecauseI was of trade? you. Yes, type move back in spades. it, it sounds it this put month? skyrocket.] Where let's Well, the 1988 drought really keep track of that I don't that infrequently number. beans? Around $6.18. [Thiswas shortly for you did the trade, or you a mistake involved. off when were There experience. to 335 because my of my position. quote that machine I remember in time, the last two all my losses. For example,I years. Out of the I had 17 losers,but was down, and when that nine thousands of them happens of were I just get out 336 and a win is somewhere in to believe. win ratio your percent\342\200\224thatis 50 percent on hard really Mark Weinstein of their trades, quently would be spectacular,yet of 75 percent ratio that implying be happy winning would traders Most Mark Weinstein the are you a variety the years. [Leigh Stevens is a mutual few past trades during me who introduced I told him about hundreds Leigh. of my friend to Weinstein.] OK reader,I know are saying: '\"No losing weeks,but I've had I admit Weinstein's some losing days.' Giveme abreak.\"Frankly, his claims by examining I could not verify statements sound preposterous. in maintaining the are vigorous account statements becausehis partners what you as it is a private trading activity partnership's were of his partners a number In to the fact, public. trading firm, open successful in were and interview this to nearly adamantly opposed statement account The only from Weinstein participating. dissuading was his me show to or was entry able, Weinstein independent willing, which did indeed confirm that he in the option trading contest, with 100 percent months a $ 100,000 account ninefold in three multiplied of the confidentiality not winning Wave an I spoke to Leigh, who has known Weinstein unsatisfied, him trade. I have known has Leigh and watching days many spent years him as honest, low-keyed, describe for three years and can confidently of about 100 of Weinstein's that and levelheaded.Leigh confirmed tradeshe had personally told him about on the this literally, percentage one that witnessed and several hundred phone (right after he put was a loser. Even rate is somewhat lower than his win/lossratio is incredibly high. own How can he do it? Weinstein's but to put of faulty memory it in perspective, helpful. Weinstein employs monitor is virtually timing nearly perfect does he He passes up many trades that he believes have a high of working, but for which he lacks the same degree of near probability absolute confidence. Because of the combination of a lifetime devotion to studying the markets, intensive real-time analysis, innate market sense and incredibly rigorous trade selection,virtually all of Weinstein's trades are at leastmarginally at some minutes of point within twenty a breakeven or better result. that Weinstein usually plays for quick profits and covershis trades within hours or even minutes. Even on position will take some profits quickly trades,Weinstein to assure a net usually profitable outcome.He also trades markets in rotation, quickly shifting his profits from market to market, the profit potential always seeking with the lowest Weinstein the support of perceived risk. Finally, enjoys a floor network that often puts him on the right side of the bid-asked profitable entry. That is all Weinstein It helps to understand to assure needs spread. comments but that belies their page, description. When like boasting on the written be a much closer would sound may tone\342\200\224naivete talks about trades, his commentsare Weinstein peppered is going lower,\" \"This phrases such as, \"It's obviousthe market is so easy.\" It is clear he has no conception of how difficult trading the with market is for of us. rest I still believe implies, How do you explain your time? Because I have traders are the own custom-designed state-of-the-art technical indicators designed to constantly Rather than use the standard momentum. markets has forced response further to this query elaboration his uses and he feels the a trade. on put follows, some Finally, add to this one sense of market timing. when Only uncanny would be I thought computersystems in market measure changes values for these indicators,Weinstein to he incorporating retracements, last essential (I mean not as a euphemism for dishonesty), Weinstein'sactual winning analysis Fibonacci cycles, on), he could them if because Weinstein more chart analysis. up right Weinstein's Still remember only of methodologies,including everything lines trades. for with comprehensive analysis and Elliott ingredient: You can checkwith market conditions. Hecombinesthis for changing adjusts intensive real-time of 99 vicinity 337 his own values, which he fre- am trading of market combination of a real ones properly, conditions experience ability to win such a high percentage of the fear of the who markets. I have found that the greatest are most afraid of the markets. My fear of the me to hone my timing it is like a pool player is not with running right, I don't trade. and my nervous great precision. When I racks. If my gut feel My timing system. If my nervous is a system tells Mark Weinstein 338 out of the position, it is because the market action triggers and experience that I have seen before. in my knowledge something I also don't losemuch on my trades, because I wait for the exact to itself right moment. Mostpeoplewill not wait for the environment tip until I wait still while it is when forest into the dark, off. They will walk in the and animal world is the fastest the cheetah it gets light. Although sure it is until it wait will on the plains, absolutely can catch any animal for just catch its prey. It may hide in the bush for a week, waiting it can the right moment. It will wait for a baby antelope, and not just any baby when then, one that is also sick or lame. Only antelope, but preferably That, to me, is the there is no chance it can lose its prey, does it attack. me to get trading. of professional epitome gets at one time, but that is why a pigeon is a pigeon.You will I day it is just too fast. That is the way never be able to shoot a sparrow, am sure that trade. For example,there are times during the day when I and I am out is going up, but I don't try to pick the bottom, the S&P where the momentum is greatest. it tops. I just take the mid-range before eats. like a sparrow That, to me, is trading a pigeon Am I paraphrasingyou positiontrading The common and is that to know when How do you correctly? the denominator The cheetah is your analogy for is your analogy for day trading. is that both animals wait for can't-Iose sparrow circumstances. How do you pick your trades? do works all the You have time. that? I use all forms of technicalanalysis,but feel. I do not believe in mathematical systems interpret through gut that markets in the same way. Using myselfas the always approach to achieve the same output\342\200\224profit! \"system,\" I constantly change the input Is there feel. I am to put you can single out on a trade? looking for a market that anything deciding always the other say they as the is losing most important momentum, behave the stock and commodity and then go markets, would you differently? Absolutely. In contrast to the commodity markets, the to enjoy a meaningful rarely gives you the opportunity Why element way. Having traded both stock market very trend. is that? Because when one price level, institutions scale specialists sell out, out as the market goes and they don't sell out at they up. Similarly, when they scale in as the market goes down. This leads to choppier price action and is the reason why many good commodity traders that know lose every time they go into the stock market. buy, But you win doing Wave and Elliott charts, different I use many types of technical input: sentiment, Fibonacci averages, moving numbers, Gann analysis, cycles, is unreliable technical that think oscillators. analysis and various People because they tend to pick the one thing they are comfortable with. The technical approach each method. single them they Exactly. no to use It is experience and gut I often them 339 problem in in my garden. watch the sparrows a at time and fly a little take When I feed bread, piece just they of bread. bits small and on back forth, taking flying They keep away. to bread of at a stabs have to make a hundred get what piece may They When I trade at home, Weinstein Mark consistently in the stock market, as well.What are I you differently? I don't try to figure out where the market is going before the action; I let the market tell me where it is going. Also, there is such a variety of technical input in the stock market (divergence,advance/decline, sentiment, Mark Weinstein 340 put/call ratios, and so on), that you will almost always get a signalbefore is about to do something. the market Weinstein Mark profits. The media owesit to the public to report that the market down not only on profit taking, but on a lot of loss taking as well. are the trading What Is your method market than analysis therefore of technical in the different in the individual I look stocks; they all have uieir own personalities. For before a major Motors will usually rally example, IBM and General a major market top. As another market bottom and fail to rally before I have never seena real good rally without the utilities leading example, to come me market. The utilities go up when interest rates are expected managers jump into portfolio down, and when interest rates comedown, done before because well trading the indexes, become a very experienced trader of extremely stocks and What I had is the public's biggest misconception is not going direction because ofa newsitem\342\200\224even a dramatic is the way the media saying it would be wonderful place that the market if everybody truth is, most people losemoney, because they take meir losses. I know wonder under the category reports me reasonsfor why the hell they lost me market of misconceptions being down. They is down because of profit taking. I think was always taking But, the profits. and the reason markets go down is educated people who watch the news money when everyone else is taking the most limitations. own person. Don't trade until out of the 6. Your get arrogant, you forsake risk control. humble. has limitations\342\200\224even Everyone the best Think against the an opportunity herd, presents as they must lose in time. itself. Knowing when to stay as knowing when to be in them. has to be flexible enough to changewhen the The mistake most people make is they the same keep is as important markets strategy I thought time. didn't behave the They say, \"Damn, the market it would.\" Why it? should Life and the markets just don't work that way. Don't get too complacentonce you way thing who trade Another item I would and 5. about the one. are always 4. Be your 7. to reverse by? traders. strategy all the traders that have floor the markets gamble.I know that can't call You made money for twenty gambling. straight years. is that Another expect the always people major misconception was market to reactto news. For example, when John F. Kennedy but then broke the market quickly assassinated, very sharply, initially baffled rebounded to new highs. This priceaction many people. the market reverse blamed the to watch sold on the news only Investorswho failed to realize is for pushing the market higher. What institutions they and technically that is fundamentally a market that poised to move higher people 3. Understand your options. markets? That are environmentchanges. do you think live homework. be arrogant. When you Don't The besttraders at the stocks. I have do your 1. Always 2. I ever traded index futures, rules you goes stock markets? commodity 341 in the world is holding on profits. The toughest That is becauseonce you a second goal that is usually the have made to profits. attained a goal, you then set same as the first one: to make more money.Consequently, for many people, attainment of that second goal is not as rewarding. Theymay to question what they really want from trading and trigger a begin have self-destructprocessin which Any final advice you have they wind up losing. for the beginning trader? how to lose; it is more important than learning how to when you are always going to be a winner, you lose, will of and end the market you feelings develop hostility up blaming instead of trying to leam why you lost. Limit losses quickly. To paraphrase from Reminiscences of a Stock most traders hold on to their losses too Operator, long because they hope the loss will not get larger.They take profits too soon, because they fear the profit will diminish. Instead, traders should feara larger loss and hope for a largerprofit. You have win. If you to leam think Mark 342 Weinstein's most traumatic material goal interfere surfaced in other interviews. It invariably translate the profit or loss of a trade trades potential The cornerstone of Weinstein's in which everything appears odds of winning expect trading seems into about is sound material terms. is to wait trading approach to be lined up exactly right, for those and the overwhelming. advice that for only those trades onefeels most in this is echoed by a number of traders book. Although viewing markets as nonrandom long believed that price movements) run, I have (i.e., intraday were largely random. Weinsteinhas shaken this belief. very short-term market Part is a common Even though most ofus can never to remotely approach Weinstein's confidence in the trades he seem selects, the conceptof waiting confident This when he let a theme that has to be a mistake to occurred experience with his trading. Weinstein over the long fluctuations The View from the Floor W Gelber Brian Broker Brian Gelber began his career asa broker, firm's financial futures Trade. After for advising successfully account. In the the dual distinction his own enjoyed brokers prominent In January managing on the floor of the operations of being accounts. Board of trading, Gelber (if not the most) local traders. the direct to his own trading, and futures in government a group of traders in both cash and othermarkets. He is the presidentof Gelber Group,GelberManagement, companies brokerage Chicago In addition Gelber supervises involved are a major floor and one of the largest Gelber to include 1986, expandedhis trading on the management of customer securities Trader clients, he begantrading institutional days of T-bond futures one of the most early Turned and in clearing, Gelber brokerage, and a group Securities. money of companies: These management. relaxed personality seemed almost out of place with his the level of someone Instead of of high intensity expected profession. in multimillion who trades and supervisestrading dollar bond positions daily, I found a man who talks about his work as if he were describing Gelber's a pleasant not vacation. our meeting took place during Although to be overly concerned with seem the bond relaxed, despite leaving the trading conduct our interview. \"I'll probably quite trading market. hours, Gelber did In fact, he seemed desk for his private office to do better by staying he here,\" 346 Brian Gelber remarked, obviously what reflecting at the market low-opportunity he perceived to be a read the bold headline the week describing Saliba's experienceduring of the October 19,1987,stockmarket crash: He Made $4 \"Victory! in Seventy-Two million in twenty cover?\" It was summarize specifically maintain relatively of jobs? kind What time. In response to a query regarding other tradersI was I interviewing, mentioned that one, TonySaliba,had made the cover of the current issue of Success magazine. Gelber askedme if I had a copy. I pulled out the from my attache case and handed it to him. He smiled as he magazine Million 347 Brian Gelber Hours.\" Jokingly, Gelber asked, \"I made $4 on that day; how come I'm not on a magazine to be boastful.It did,however, very a basic truth about great traders: Many, if not most, low profiles and are thereforevirtually unknown to the Unloading railroad cars. Thenone day I walked into a Thomson McKinnon office and said, \"Hey, I have a broker's license.\"The fellow there of money a large amount said he would pay me $800 a month. That was for me at the time. All I had to do was go in and cold call; any accounts I openedwould be mine. But you knew virtually at all nothing about markets at that time. minutes not meant public. I had read a couple of books,and I knew something I worked for. for the first fellow about charts\342\200\224having them kept What books did you read? There weren't too many around at that time. How did you The book get in this industry? started by Robert Street, from college graduating In Salt Lake City, I answered After in 1976,1 backpacked around an ad for a commodity have any idea what it was, but I figured it was stockbroker. I got my license while working for a guy a boiler room operation. basically running didn't You really started out the wrong country. something was like a who side of the business. in, there was a guy seated at the back end of a penny He spent his days on the phone trying to convince people or $10,000 to speculate onhis charting $5,000 It was system. When I walked stock office. to give him on the broker position.I a real fly-by-night I learned the most from was Technical Analysis of Stock Trends and John Magee (John Magee, Inc., 109State D. Edwards Boston, MA). What other books would you recommend to people? Lefevre's of account The first book we have our traders read is Edwin in 1985 Jesse Livermore, Reminiscencesof a StockOperator [Reprinted SC] 1923 edition by Trader Press, Inc.,Greenville, from the original a dozentimes. at least I've read it the McKinnon, the time that I started at Thomson around Anyway, McKinnon Thomson was just coming into its own. Ginnie Mae market I them to run a Ginnie Mae desk. I told had just hired a trading group more about the Ginnie Mae market. was interested in learning Why were you attracted to that market? operation. I kept keeping his charts for him, while registered. getting to myself, \"This guy is pretty much of a crook.\" I got my license saying and quit. Then I bummed around for another few months, just working I was temporary jobs to pay the rent. the than market and seemed more manageable more I figured my business would steadily if I grow in Ginnie trades of number I a had made that market. on focused Also, wereall losers. ones but the a Maes. The first trade was winner, following It was a new conventional commodities. 348 Brian It was magnetic; I felt me want made that I could make money there, but to learn more about it. I kept Gelber and losing, 349 Gelber Brian Who were those trades for? Just accounts It soundslike you had Yes,becauseI had failed. a minor to pursue it. compulsion understand I had opened they could that who really didn't by cold calling\342\200\224people were lost, they always lose, and when they upset. me taught banker a few things, and account Did you desk the traders at the Ginnie Mae Anyway, I went out and opened almost every mortgage giving the understand Ginnie Mae market at that How then did you Pretty much. Using chart time? understand anything about it. I snowballedthem asked they were people at first, but I listened and I learned Initially, I was confused by what they were doing, and confused by what I was trying to sell them. equally futures as an got customers lose becausethe researchwas pretty lost because their time was longer term. research No. They the all pure hedging in commissions. Was this all in the my first few good at it. and their brokers that is a basic problembetweenmost to information market to It is almost your customers. impossible get for the customer to acton it. customer enough quickly What At that commodity point, markets accounts. By May 1977,1 was making $2,000 a That was a tremendousamount of money for me. Ginnie was mostly day to day, while I think Exactly. through market Yes, horizon wrong? So there was a mismatch? instrument. Were these hedging accounts? month brokers Newer from the questions me. meetings. ThenI really McKinnon analysts, definitely tend to rely on of Thomson research on yourself? And with that limited knowledge,I bumbled Right. analysis? research. firm's their sell you understood least At suggestions? trading Believe it or not, more off the and secondarily off my charts. Did your they them in Salt Lake. I first started opening accounts,I didn't When Were you Mae market? yes. Previously, I had donesomebrokeragein such as wheat, hogs, and pork bellies. other beat the is that even if a broker can actually that to the customer. he translate can't short term, trading you are saying Insurmountable odds, becauseyou trigger, and the information So, one of the points trade with a longer-term Yes, you have to. have changes two people who have to pull the so quickly. of advice you would give to speculatorsis to perspective? 350 Gelber Brian talk about floor trading.I know, at one point, you were both a and trader in the T-bond futures market.The question I think a lot of people would ask is: If you receive a large customer Let's floor 351 Gelber Brian But you were. broker sellorderat the you're thinking how do you handle it? long position, I never time same of closing out own your was a wild same market. It idea of being long and having a large customer me 2 or 3ticksnever made any difference. customers that they were often going opposite so the scalped, against ways. one. all your customer orders were going one way against your own position? Did you ever end up trapped in a position because you had to execute all the customer orders first? did a good job, but it probably traders most of the significant size there is no doubt the on life. floor or just traders, customers? all are either brokersor traders They Is that about half a dozen times, and it probably cost me a grand total of a half million dollars over a number of years. But measured against the amount of money I was making, it didn't kill me. took years off my about now. That is the only to go; way it. true of most floors, or just the T-bond floor? to me happened That was the costof doing business? the T-bond floor.In the S&P and in the New York markets, some of the big brokers are also big traders. Primarily, Given today's of dual confidence Right. own It must be a gut-wrenching get out, but not the when exhausted and do it again. This just get up the next day it was a great experience, I really three years, and while shouldn't have done it. You can't be a great brokerand a great trader. I do somealsohandle But what if some important newswas breaking,and Yes,that and was totally hours for on Are OK,that'san easy and the biggest broker in trader biggest long I went home. Then I would went order movethe market Besides, I had so many time. I was the I worked very being able situation though, knowing you want to act because of a conflict with customer to It account] are people who violate the orders and tradingone's customer trading [handling to likely get caught? increased scrutiny, very difficult to create a flawlessaudit is still trail in an open outcry market. orders. Usually, you acting as a broker and thinking, to sell 1,000lots; how can I do it best?\" Then, when you the order, you might say to yourself, \"Oh damn, I'm still are get out of too busy I have with long; I have to this thing.\" Is there a built-in disadvantage customerorders? Absolutely. \"OK, are done As a trader; if you I tell for a floor are trading at 95.00and the market gets hit with some for of orders bearish news. The broker executesa largeamount from 95.00 customers and his own account, and the market goesstraight to 94.00. His Alls are 94.31, 94.30, 94.29 and all his customersget How does he or lower. [Bond prices trade in 32nds.] fills at 94.27 Say bonds explain his way He could give the people I hire, \"If are a trader, you out of that one? trader who also handles are a broker, you are not a broker.\" you are not his order he could fill both orders order. There are always crooks or his customers' orders to another and put another broker's number to get around extra scrutiny. ways will always be difficult to catch. broker. Or his own on The smart 352 Brian Gelber Is the temptation dual in too great? trading It's odd you say that, because you No. After been having say that dual trading is good but it is too heavy a burden for the marketplace, rules the Should be changed to disallowdual is a difficult question. What integrity of the or the that dual trading adds probably more important may would still is more individual? tremendous than liquidity to the the fact that a small a way to steal. That is their were perception system, and that is banned, the stealers of how did you start trading for you the T-bond your own account on the floor? 1979 my personality. get into trading? know the some of my customers said, \"You because trading six I at but after resisted trade?\" don't so market first, well, why you just there it evolved. I From started months of holding just out, trading. Do you remember your first trades? $50,000 more.SinceI was as a broker, about $50,000 per month making I But didn't like even month. I that broke was attitude that basically my and a started I size down cut the at all. So, trading my position feeling the bear market of 1979. The little more actively. This happenedduring problemwas that I was bullish all the way down. Why were you bullish? customers example,I was you could out as a customer's man, just the opposite. I had started 1981,1 built a massive customerbase.We were a powerful force in the market at that time. Probably the saddest thing I ever did was to becamea trader too. I was a great broker in my twenties, and if I had parlayed that for ten years, I probably would have ended up where I am now without enduring all the pains of trading. I consider trading to be an unrewarding, unglamorous game. it was and from you higher echelon. I trade was a long position,and I made some money. Then I put like being was almost on a long bond/short Ginnie Mae spread,which I I had lost all the and The market went made, down, plus money long. market? to give up your floor brokerage so that on trading? Actually, did an even I started My tempted good at My first In 1979. concentrate at it, and it suited to make In September 1977,1moved to Chicago and became a broker on the Tbond floor. I was just twenty-five and I got lucky. I went to New York in November 1977 and met with seven of eight big-name companies, whom I was at the right place at the right time. accounts. opened When far more successful than percentage of dual business. did you first get involved in When important, the efficiency of the There is no doubt in my mind is that as a broker I was point my guess So, why trading? cheat. Besides, even if dual trading find money in this Were I was really traders been it, I would through individual. market have most traders. for efficiencyin the That 353 Gelber Brian kept go much higher.* For telling me that rates couldn't the orders for CitiBank and Citicorpand they handling buying all the way down. These were renowned people saying an opinion and backing it up with deeds. had they were that through *Bondprices fall when interest rates rise.This is a basic concept that is sometimes confusing to the novice. Thereason that bond prices decline if rates increase can be explained as follows: If rates rise, itmeans that all existinglower-yieldinginstruments are lessattractive their prices must bonds, to investors. To induce an investor to purchase these lower-coupon so that the return is equivalent to the return on the higher-coupon bond fall sufficiently purchased at face value. Brian Gelber 354 What would you Bank. Back then, of various institutions. I was told What So, you don't pay much attention to those of opinions types anymore? I listen them to I don't read the in passing. portfolio managers anymore. it does much for any trader. did much never It words, the problem wasn'tthe fact In other to other people, but that how know you were to decide which of The 1979experience losing opinion\342\200\224a sound market You really based money opinion by intelligent successes coming people that on someone was just else's absolutely to the wrong people. the right should or wrong is buying people. I was a lot of stuff; when Could you have done it without I would hope As You were commercial them; accounts? that it wasn't a self- did that streak From over Then time, to saying, opposed I started to get a grip on how to make have an opinion and I want to express \"I it in the market,\" I started asking, \"How do I make money out a trading of all learned that an opinion isn't worth that listen to the market. I became a reactive of being until bull 1986, market although in bonds. able to read the tape? this?\" much. trader It is more important as opposed to an opinionated trader. customers they were bearish on bonds from I never had a losingyear during the mid-stages of the 1985 I was attentive and had good instincts. point? I had of my standpoint, in Was your trading successa matter Yes. What had you learned by that end? just hip. In 1980,one the But if it was, fine. I don't know. prophecy. fulfilling days. losing I could have done it without that I did struggle right. had any I hardly months go up.\" had no strategy, no plan, no system. the shootingfrom from? I learned how to read the tape and developed good instincts. We were and in bonds back then\342\200\224we, meaning such my customers big players we picked to trade could virtually stop the market. myself\342\200\224that the spots It some of the support and resistance We were actually points. creating there was a streak of didn't take that much to do it back then. I think When to all wrong. you were listening that listening were of interviews Barron's for me, and I don'tthink a naive kid saying, \"Here is a major accountthat the money. money not to listen to your customersthen? you Where were your That's away then. back I didn't would have thrown in 1979,1 done Citi- take Let's Now, if Citibuying because they were buying. I might Bank was buying, conclude that they were just reallocating their assets or changing the duration of their portfolio. Today, I have little the for views of because their outlook tends regard portfolio managers, to cover a much time perspective than mine. I didn'tunderstand longer that 355 Gelber customers as I had over again. in the same situation? today the characteristics I know Now, do Brian was Solomon Brothers.At the time, 65 to 80. If I had listened to my big It soundslike you are are not. traderor you saying Well, to a certain extent, that have to be, but it helps. that may either you are born to be a good be true. My feeling is that you don't Brian Getber 356 Is it a matter Your Yes. of having a sixth senseabout the market? often tells you what gut who don't have the Are people their time? Or can almost Beingon the floor sounds like a very intense thing in, day out. Doesit physically you down? grind to do. natural anybody for trading wasting if he or she works be successful instincts at it hard enough? has nothing to do with it. About two weeks ago, a very who works forme said,\"This is a very frustrating business. fellow bright I make how hard I work; it has no bearing on whether matter It doesn't You know to have to that not.\" and or yourself knowledge put money hard Working work in I'll like a cliche.What sounds That do give you an example. I think working for me who is better. you mean by \"know yourself\"? is a guy I'm a good trader, but there I could go out there and beat my head and try to outdo him, or I can just be myself. Let him he make whatever can, and I'll make whatever I can. This is my view of a year in the life of a trader:Four out of twelve months you are hot. You are so excited that you can't sleep at night. You can't wait to get to work the next day; you're just rolling. Two months are so cold, you are miserable.You out of the year, you are cold. You can't at night. You can't figure six months other sleep to come from. The make and lose. You you are can't out year, you thinking you never sleep, becauseyou It is an all-consuming too much about trading. why you need to know The net when just around after end the the opposite up jumping because I know happen there. yourself\342\200\224to a big success, don't, might is that result then earth. Or, out how to make money. going in make and lose, to figure harder to maintain corner, moderate your thing. emotions. That is If you high as a kite. You are not prepared the market suddenly brings you to back you are situation, when you out of a window. Why myself. I need to interact are did with matter how good That's right. It's exactly Out of every Howmany like that. end will up losing half. least attribute The reason I have so consistent been the market has been and that If it is in line the market and is that I'm a great truly to tell you listen to what major locals their opinion. they say and calls me up three has rallied, and he is asking me what selling and is not sure of his position. tell with will want only they For example, if one of the he What traders. do you listener. I twenty-five traders each day. Mosttraders to about probably talk most to? success your when how everything they came in with? You have been more successfulthan that age and no to a certain get were\342\200\224 100 people who go to the floor to become traders, at least a million dollars within five years? What does that doesn't you five or less. Maybe At performance. make will consistently losing, you I leave the floor? Again, people your like professional sports.You It sounds because I honestly constantly your to push to your opinion; are older fellows. When you are in day mental the next trade is going you are trying because sleep, where out of the in the be doing to and thirties, you can rebound pretty well from the physicaland rebound stress. As you get older, you don't as well, and you have twenties many desk the against Absolutely. You can seethat market. the 357 Brian Gelber don't listen I am different how they say days in a row I think, I know it. you? what the other traders I talk probably go higher. to are doing, it tells me 358 Brian Gelber Getber Brian are nervous of them So if you talk to twenty-five people, and twenty are short, about the market going higher becauseimplicitly they side? on the that should be tell does that long trading you you By \"trying is right, and I'll go with the but Sometimes, I've to read people very been well, even though no one thinks been Right, You can't I listen. For example, now. All I have to do is to be short. I knew that I say to a trader, Is reading fine. When \"You're cold, you the guy is cold, he iscold. can't trade.\" You have to course. their other traders a key componentof your personal I felt that the industry had developed to the point where my brokerage skills wereno longer needed. All anyone wanted to know was: \"Where's the next tick?\" \"How can I move size?\" The price to be paid for my skills was to talk to people I know very realization that when don't you do well. terms of customer trading. The business? market had gotten so voluminous It got to the point where that my style of swing trading was just trying the next tick instead of the to read was worthless. volume was too big; capitalization was too market from the floor. The Because don't in next I 8 ticks. big. I couldn't read the well. other things are important to your trading too hard, you too low. Customerbusinessand there were too many players? success? In the early days of T-bond futures the depth was low trading, and you could read when people were overextendedlong or short. You couldn't do that anymore. Exactly. The so Why couldn't you play the same game? to read them. how I know these people, so I understand Yes, I'm pliable. I don't want to hear what Jack Schwager says,becauseI don't know him. What were trading right now? I only want off the floor, sinceyou for coming motivation is cold? the one time he gets hot, let them run low? there? You are talking and fairly I've successful able particular long there, you just lay misunderstand me. I'm not that good at that, but I have gotten over the last couple of gotten older. I've learned that lesson years.After Richard Dennis left the floor, he said:\"The first year I left the floor was the most painful for me, and I have paid the experience tuition I ever have.\" It was the same with me. largest better as and people doing this since 1976.I've always I have one trader here who is cold as ice right listen to him. Last night, he told me he wanted was going to be long. as he a lot of money away. thrown having aren't opportunities What was the As not and ten are bearish? bullish are fifteen when you talk to twenty-five confusing get reasons I'm sitting in here with you for so long The markets haven't tradedwell in weeks, and we are proud of ourselvesfor Sowhen is no trade? Don't I'm I know somebody else is hot, and I'll go with their opinion. if matter It doesn't not picky about how I make my opinion my money. I make is right or wrong. All that matters is whether money. it the there it. Sometimes, Doesn't do you mean pressing when hard,\" hours. trading during opinion too Pressing is one of and that is a big in the industry of people Yes. I know a large number plus. I listen to them. I go with the people who are hot. Sure, I can form I do in the my own opinion, but that is not what makes me do the things market. Sometimes,Iknow my 359 care, you do well, and when you try Brian Gelber 360 Did your performance start decreasing;did Is that see the wall? the on handwriting you trading for the first time and I In 1985,1 made under trader, I had always been a very consistent knew something was wrong. that found and my results at looked my each year. I more money making were losses and greater. 4 ticks, my were smaller, meaning 3 and profits active pit trader. I found more was to become a much dollars a million reaction first My was the risk/reward and I was taking on tremendous positions that a make to I had change. was when I became convincedthat That insane. Were you just period on any all I was doing here trading, and was hard pretty The point too. you didn't really hard is that a couple in place. running of times, but I had some good I found that harder and harder, I don't like to work and physically I was just mentally as in previous hard at No, we are volatility pit is a very stimulating to force yourself to be motivated environment. each system interesting would you have Off the floor, you and we have to volatility. Our belief is that we've found through Although related quirks offers clues to trend direction. that this system gives you For an automated, good we do not signals, blindly would you consider what system, computerized good resultsin terms annual return? of average to 50 percent, 40 maximum with equity drawdowns under 10 percent. But The tools. One particularly the trades. About years, We only use technicalindicators traders.\" \"discretionary as trading myself. exhausting real trade following. use trading systems? backtesting stayed in the pit? Yes. Do you systems that during I can still countertrend better. No, it has changed. I've gotten well, but I found you can also make a lot of money trend follow as I worked had been doing as well If you get hit true? still developed is based on trade? particular I did get hit Actually, winners that lucky 361 Brian Gelber have larger maximum will always systems than drawdowns that. have That is why difficult day. That was a very we haven't directly traded money on them. transition. Is it harder Not in the Do you to trade off the floor? long run. My profitability in 1987 any system I haven't seenone yet, and 1988 has been pretty good. can compete with although Therearesometraderswho difficult. very that your first year off the the market trade to still were trying that you Was the main problem as you did on the floor? You think floor mentioned Yes, that was the number transition occurred during my style to lose because was that was one reason. The secondreason bull market. I was bound the 1986 runaway trends. on based following was not the What is it that keeps Most traders who their are career can't too worried have trader? may be one somewhere. the skills, but who don't succeed. them from becomingsuccessful? fail have wrong. Even thosewho there a good are large egos and willing admit it later about losing. on. Also, admit can't to admit that they that they are wrong are early in some traders fail becausethey 362 Gelber Brian In other losses, but words, successful trading isa matter not being afraid of them. is a good way to put it. I'm not afraid to lose. When afraid to lose, you're finished. to accept lossesa characteristicof ability It sounds on treating That Is the to avoid of trying Gelber Brian you start being trader? a winning the market; he Yes. Tom Baldwin is a good example.He only trades to himself, doesn't trade size or equity. By that I mean, he doesn't say I have to sell \"I am long 2,000 contracts.Oh my God, that is too many, some.\"He never looks at it that way. He will sell either when he thinks his position is that has gone up too far, or when he thinks the market wrong. trade particular that stands like part of your each What did you the long bond was being corneredby the Japanese, 92.00. I was from limit bid. I had never lost so much because I did things $1 million, differently and the than market only a few ticks away so fast, and it was was money, cornered when you said the Japanese earlier mean the Japanese share. This was the to want first buy securities\342\200\224they time their big thing is market buy something, the U.S. got a good feel of how the Japanese them all. drove us to the buy highs in That's gradually at first trade So, the Japanese apparently, low for all the I don't think risk they implied that big early in the the market? would buy, prices weren't as fazed by the yield in a long bond position. being so look at it in terms of yield. Rather, they view things as if they are, they buy. Every time they would go up, and they would buy some more. whether prices are going up, their positionin time? and then play with bond the right. and The bond market has collapsedagainsincethen; don't the do. I normally What specifically? I usually is based there the was a big, emotional rally on a Monday morning. I had thought over 91.00. So I and here it was trading at 90.00, was too high market down backed above that level. The market sold1,100contracts scale-up that I had this Just as I was thinking and was offered 1,000lots at 91.00. reversed and soared to trade nailed, in less than five minutes the market down philosophy market? Was this the move that In 1986,when money-management independently. year I sold a little bit more Right. Anyway, up at the highs, and from that point concerned on, I was only with covering. I waited patiently, and the market started coming back down. I ended up losing only $400,000 for the not all that bad considering where I was earlier. day, But that trade had a big emotional impact on me.I was flabbergasted the market by I had forgotten action. that markets could run away like that. I couldn't believehow wrong I had been. When In your trading experience,is thereone out as the most dramatic? 363 year. money I like to make money I have made. Sure. who Do you know who bought desperately needed did they get out of the most at the highs? The U.S.dealers to cover becausethey had sold on the way up. Brian Gelber 364 Are the Japanese smarttraders then? No, they and they just have a style. They are cannonball of mine all go together. A friend traders. They at one of the go one way, I was shops Japanese is the basis [the price spreadbetweencash T-bonds and T-bond cash trader had noticed that futures] going out?\" Naively, the Japanese friend much. while futures didn't go up very My prices had gone way up, Of course, the bond available. every told him, \"Well, you just bought their trading. to go out.\" The Japanese 1987 as they did They the impact of really understand didn't in market did much the same thing in the U.S. equity of it, control in bonds in 1986. They practicallytook higher. buying because prices kept going stocks and selling bonds in F11 never forgive myself for not buying in 1987. trade one That was going to be my number 1987. Was the reasoning that the bond market had already run way up, were out Did you just believe the two markets while stocks hadn't? of line valuewise? Also, we knew the Japanese U.S. stocks. Having already capitalization the trade was even more obvious. the bond market, were buying learned Then why didn't between spread $19,000 between the high- T-bond contract is the What a few basis. days, Japanese buying to $30,000. key trading rule you had live by? Never add to a loser. the does What He overtrades and How do you handle I instinctively to wipe trader average do wrong? for tips. begs a losing streak? trade smaller and sometimes the slate clean and start fresh. I just take a break.Itisa good bad, but still have somegoodpositions them as well? you liquidate When you are going Absolutely. They are bound I found the T-bond market I went in subjects to turn Gelber. Brian art the Henoted against for short-term trading. trading even and the most interesting you on, do too. the Japanese portions These subjects, however, did not of trading. a tendency losses, of dual trading among caveats providedby was trading on a one-to-one contractvalue on a four-day vacation, and in just stock market had pushed the spread you trigger. with the S&P and the since their buying style in you do it? and $25,000 before the vacation, for the spread to break out above its trading range. I wanted it above $26,000. At a $30,000 I spread, just couldn'tpull the into the The buy the spread you waiting to buy habit That's right. 365 the idea? \"Why is going didn't Why about every long bond just told me about a Japanese trader who bought back and asked, he called later minutes fifteen About on the screen. basis Brian Gelber On a more practical note, impact on the U.S. conversation of my provide one any insights of the primary concerned the misuse of brokerageresearch. for the broker and clientto use longer-term research Gelber This of information often leads to misapplication when the research is right. Brian 366 Clearly, Gelber's flexibility and suppression of ego Gelber are key elements of to hot traders, he notes, \"I'llgo with their I is whether All that matters It doesn't matter if I'm right. success. Referring opinion.... make money.\" Gelber's reaction to losing streaksis one cited by a fresh. the slate clean and starting He advises wiping number of traders. achieve to the trader allows greater clarity. of everything Getting out can still attractive, always be appear Liquidated positions, if they confidence. his the trader has regained once reentered Finally, Tom Baldwin TheFearlessPit The trading of traders top of their Trader market is an imposing place. Scores pit of an active futures over each other, while shouting push buy and sell orders at the miraculous that this efficiently as a processfor In the frenzied world of futures orders. executing pits, the T-bond ring, with over 500 traders, stands out as the unchallenged giant. The pit is so large that one side of the ring often does not know what is happening on the other side. To the lungs. bedlam institutionalized uninitiated, it seems functions actually is the single largest individual By most accounts,Tom Baldwin in trader the T-bond pit. His trading size puts him in the same leagueas the institutional primary players. Single trades as large as 2,000 contracts are not unusual for him. On a typical ($200 million face value T-bonds) he may trade over 20,000 contracts of $2 billion in (the equivalent day, face value trading T-bonds T-bonds). Baldwin is in his early a scant six years ago. Baldwin'sentry recipe for failure than into the world success. thirties, of floor trading In 1982, with no prior having begun sounds more like a trading experience, Baldwin left his job as a product for a meat-packing firm to manager lease a seat on the Chicago Board of Trade. Hisstakewas only $25,000. Out of this skimpy capitalbase,he had to pay over $2,000 per month to lease the seat, and at least As if this were not enough, another $1,000 per month his wife was pregnant for at the living time. expenses. TomBaldwin 368 is not one to play it safe. His aggressive riska of his success. He turned elements is one of key taking posture was his first before millionaire He wasa year profit from the beginning. to discuss the he declines back. looked never has and Although up $30 million appearsto be a conservative estimate. extent of his winnings, Baldwin Obviously, the The true figure could be significantly higher. with Baldwin essential to this project, I consideredan interview floor trader in the successful of his prominence as the most because to be was not market. however, eager futures Baldwin, world's largest interviewed. he Although had done some interviews to do reluctant obviously grown generous intervention\342\200\224the any more. in the past, Brian Without he had Gelber's and admire eachother's taken place. have would never interview trading abilities\342\200\224this be either abrasive or could Gelberhad warned me that Baldwin an As former. example, Gelber said that gracious, but to be prepared for the of how he first got involved would probably answer the question Baldwin in trading with the curt response: \"I went down to the floor and began of his answer. was very close to the spirit As it turned out, this trading.\" office several minutes after the end of the I arrived at Baldwin's arrived a few minutes later. Sincehe had just Baldwin day's trading. had not yet been delivered, the furniture and the offices to new moved sill. on a window was conducted interview sitting nor attitude was neither abrasive gracious;aloof might Baldwin's that the minute it. I had the distinct be the best way to describe impression two are friends question, Baldwin would be gone.It was each time was intensified St. Patrick's Day, and this impression at a local Baldwin meet would or she that he office the left someone saying to I decided them. to was anxious Tom that sense join bar. I could I hesitatedin asking conduct the interview the next completely impromptu, shooting off a new question the prior one. Often his responseswere the second he finished answering a rare bird; one false step I felt like a photographerstalking short. quite and the bird would fly off. of an not be able to think that, at some point, I would into the This happened about forty minutes immediate question. follow-up a for index at down cards, searching I interview. my quickly glanced touched I had on a focused already lead. Unfortunately, question my eyes a different perspective, it was too I tried to ask it from upon, and though I knew Tom Baldwin late. The game himself. Howdid you 369 over. Baldwin said he had get interested in was first to get going and excused trading? taken some classesin commodities in graduate school. I wanted to trade, but I didn't have the money to buy a seat. In 1982,1 found out I could lease a seat, and that's when I began. I had Did you always want of trading? to trade as a local as opposedto any other type Yes. Howdid you to trade? learn One lot at a time. I always had an opinion. All day long I stood there and developed an opinion.As I came to see that my opinion was right, I was if I didn't make the trade. even reinforced, Then when I traded, I knew from there six hours a day, every day, that most of the time I standing was right. I would see the same scenariosdevelop over and over again. Are you talking market about patterns or traders doing certain things? Both. Market players would patterns would over and over again, or market again, and you just trade occur do the same thing and over over it. What were your first few months like? Were you profitable initially? I think the most I was ever out profitably. down was 19 ticks, so I pretty much started 370 Tom what was it that to the pits with no background, on market? the of an to be edge right enough you gave Coming TomBaldwin Baldwin there But you any experience need don't You smarter it. You are To get as much out of a feel On to do it. The more you know, the worse it at all education The you of taken full it. I've get You just never know. You have to out it, and if you are in the right position, though, your trades will average, Yes. I probably average put on a or just 1 tick you scalping\342\200\224when holding I try to make it short. Are we talking about 4-tick profits time net out points the market, watch just go with 10 percent. still using the same basic trading style yon technical input? Yes. I use charts. get Do you use No. charts If look at the Bar intraday charts, since you are trading short term? the past six months. covering it. at a few ticks? you primarily on big positions. is probably charts and say, \"I'm basically scalp from the long side? Not necessarily. very, very short. Is the I would start with an opinion, do you but if I saw something to fact that you started off with a chart-influenced trading bias winning? Yes. minutes? is less Were risk. The object is always: there periods when you were unsuccessful, or did consistent? risk. Minimize your Have you always been a scalp-typetrader? Well, I evolved Consistent. Didn't you have any from a pure bullish,\" my mind, I would adjust. a key element behindyour Yes, or seconds. Just becausethat speculator. versus scalp? Right. change I assumeyour are are position for? looking as I can a trade. for is, trading\342\200\224that you trades with. out started Do you use any what well below percentage, Basicallythen, to fall back on. you. For your type of trade, are. small a day, all day, every day. don't need any dumber you are, the you is for have didn't six hours now, what percentage of your Right A I workedhard. I stood 371 scalper to a combination of scalper losing and Yes, I had one or two. months? you remain Tom 372 Baldwin Tom Baldwin 373 Is that a characteristic of winning But not two together? the They have less fear than traders: losers? No, never. Yes. What come to trade on the floor of those who percentage after five years, versuslosing around their stake are still and dropping out? Can you size up a new trader on the floor and makeit or not? Less than less than What 20 That is really the percent. Yes. are successful to the point of percentage at least a couple keeping It is like small of traders. fraction any other industry. How many people get to be president Motors? General What kind of things would tip you separates the 1 percent No. Paying attention or gold. Watching Jones a lot of hard work, for one. It's perseverance. You you have to have a total to do it. Also, business, money. You can't trade for money. in Do you mean our as long have disregard with for can't Exactly. Mostpeopledo. guess Right. another way of saying it is you the traders are doing, suchas the Dow in the pit. Patterns? Yes. In other words, standing have to have almost no fear. there are not paying enough attention. They are to a trade here and are but not trying pick there, they they absorbing everything that is going on. are usually too high. They can't stand way to pick it up. Because it is like any job, if you stand there long enough, you have to pick it up. It is just a matter of how long you can afford to stand there before you do. Right. I other markets to what to love with as you like the position, you stay \"I'm $1 million on this trade, and losing That you can't think, You I could have bought a great house.\" $1 million real terms. translate it into it? fundamentals? mean from the other 99 percent? It is he is a loser? that losers don't work hard enough. Mostpeoplewalk in and there think is a 50/50chance on any trade. They don't think there is to it than that. don't concentrate. anything more They They don't watch the factors that affect the market. You can seeit in their eyes; it is almost as if there is a wall in front of their face. By factors, do you Do you have an opinion about what Yes. off Mostimportant, In other words, a very of and making million? percent. Right. if he is going to and it's probably of thumb, that. of One rule tell there Also, their expenses and hack it long enough Tom Baldwin 374 Do you really believe that? but if he stands trader, the average guy might not be a million-dollar have to pick it up. It is just like a job. You there for five years,he would don't start any job and feel comfortable in the first six months. You did. Yes, but I did start as a one-lottrader. becauseI had to make money. I only At what successful at And had I wasn't $25,000 really comfortable, to my name. were you confident that you were going point to be are probably ahead after their first five trades. like free money.\" then they forget that But They think, the reason made on their trades was because they they money early waited a long time. They said, \"I bet this is a good spot to buy it because I've seen the market act this way a lot of times.\" And they made money. But all of a sudden,they are doing a trade every day. The next lose on a few trades, and thing that happens is they don't know how to take a loss.They made to start, and invariably money before they know it, they are even. Now they hesitate. \"Where do I get I bet Right, most people is great, \"This just keeps going. Now they they hesitate, the market and \"If I sell I'm going to lose $1,000.\" it here, losing money they say, don't like to lose when $1,000, They they're getting paid $500 a week. all a of are the about Now, sudden, they thinking money. The out?\" it? minute are You are never really confident in this question. you can always be wipedout pretty quickly. The way I trade is: Live by the sword, die by the sword. There is always the with a big position in a fluke move with the I could get caught potentialthat me. On the other hand, there is no doubt limit the market going against I walk into could in my mind that any market in the world and make That is an interesting because business, for the right spot? Waiting Well, 375 Baldwin Tom Once you think Yes.That is what the money, you are dead? about happens to the usually public. money. What of your percentage One day out Has that percentage changed over That Get often. is over a long period of From your public trader\342\200\224do perspective, time? forcing trait If I can. My what does the average trader\342\200\224that is, point is that is a losing trade, I wait Then I try and I have a lot of patience and I wait. If I know it what I think is the optimum time to bail out. for reverse. wrong? trade too much. They don't pick When they see the market moving, they an important out. Quickly? time. They they end up is your own way of handling losses? What days are losers? the trade many people their want enough. spots selectively to be in on the action. So, rather than waiting don't have. patiently. Patience So, if you realize you don't likethe trade anymore, but you'll pick your time? is Right, but I will get out. you'll get out, Tom Baldwin 376 Let's say you It are At what street. far it has gone against you. If it's how depends at some that on a day when the marketisa one-way do point you just have to cough it up? doing point you just throw it in. You just start bailing out. But you usually have a feel for when that times you a long way, days happen maybe three or Those a year. four against is the thing to do? Baldwin Tom Your trading size has obviously since you grown quite dramatically first got into the business. Has that made it harder to trade? Yes, you has it happened before. You need to changeyour to adapt. have selling, becausethe is continually market What changes have you seen in Well, you can trade at each hundred Yes, because 377 the changing bigger size. Now you tick. It doesn't move the can market ways. since you got in? market bond subtle in and of buying method trade usually as much. a couple of How about a thousand lots? in a trade, you are better But normally, if you are just a bit behind in your direction and try to sell if you let the market movea little off to dump it in instead of just trying on strength, or buy on weakness, a hurry? It on the liquidity depends is amazing how much at the time. Lots of there liquidity On average, if you had move the market? to dump Dependingon the time of day and the times is when you a thousand, how can get out. It you want to get much out. would that Right. Is that a key element to your Yes. Never give up will just get discipline. Great. out on a trade. trading style? said, \"Yes, Many traders who are in a losing it is going to be a losingtrade, of getting out here at 7, maybe if I wait minute, I can sellat 10.\" and just 1 or 2 ticks. Not much at all? trade have to have because you they were taught that if they just had around. But Those traders will always be some patienceand maybe liquidity, but No, not size been an impediment at Has instead sweat it out for another much. Yes,it is harder. the floor knows all if the liquidity is that good? Generally, when you get into a big position, the rest of about it because they stood there and watched you. At when they think they know. They all put their hands down and wait think are It is natural for a trader to be they you wrong. skeptical. least Is it a matter of just wanting to get out willing to stand the pain a little it? off. Is that a fair way of putting were to stop the pain? And longer, they would if they be better I would success, Yes. might They give up too quickly. In most cases, if you don't give up, you a five-yard loss into a two-yard loss. be able to turn think almost they Lots of times would that that because you have a long-term record of more often coattail you. is true, and that When you go to offer them, they also makes it harder to get in are all offering too. and out. 378 Tom How do you handle those situations? You have your spot. You go for it. to pick come in and then Does it become Do you to wait for the big paper order to the pit want sometimes you are selling when you are really buying? Yes,sometimes. But you can't trade big size when generally, Whenever you are long and want to liquidate, also the other, You want you just wait is, have one off the to trade by seeing how the new fundamental comes out one way to be first. the opportunity before the crowd does.Are there them. I use information? what I am going to do if a number and I usually to get new the first by being I know information. or you normally right trade stand on that type of trade? Yes. Right. of things kinds What do you look for Key points such as the high and consolidation areas. Do you charts use in and low for the done tens of thousands of trades. Doesany as out particularly emotional? You've a chart? week, the halfway backpoint, or long-term perspective? for short-term 100-lot first The kind What You Short come out, numbers fundamental important any market respondsto the Yes, but doing that. So, frequently, if you are for the bid to come in? fundamentals? use Do you use the fundamentals indirectly, that a chess game, where you like that thinking have 379 Tom Baldwin Baldwin I did. It was a milestone. was that for you? of jump to go from one lot to five lots to ten tend term. single lots to twenty lots to fifty remember that trade? lots. term Short I guess as possible, in your short case meaning? as possible. and minimize your You get So, you in a trade, make money as fast as risk. that a lot of times, bonds will take out one- and twoweek highs or lows by a few ticks and then pull back. The price like a trap for the breakout action almost seems Is that a players. I've noticed market? pattern in the bond Yes. It always has been. probably went from 50to 100?Do you at 64.25 and a was trading bigger risk. The market a size on he brokerbid 25 for 100 lots. But he didn't put it, just bid 25. So I said, \"Sold.\" He thought I was being funny and said, \"I'll buy the I had never traded that big before. I'll So I said, \"Well, 100,\" knowing sell you 100.\" The market went to 24 offered instantly. Yes, it was It almost a much sounds Well, almost. But like you did your first I wasn't a very 100-lot as a dare? good trader then. I immediately Tom Baldwin 380 ten more. I was trying then bought ten, to 22 offered. By the time I got out, to bid at 23, and the market went ten different 100 lots. I had because I didn't know how to cover But the trade worked out for people in the trade, Are you always in there days when you have lost days when I've lost control. were you? Oh yes. Well, actually, the word got out that this small trader had done a 100-lot.SoI had to go up to the office to talk to the clearing firm after that stand out? couple. You have to say that Any A close. long had you been trading at that about any day you lose a couple of dollars. million How or are control, control? There the 381 Baldwin Tom time? Were those Yes, one-way days one-way street markets? Six months. That was pretty early on.I assume to handle 100 lots? inadequate Right. I had Even at $100,000, that Yes, only probably was really you made $100,000 by then. Maybenot cover wouldn't even that. you for much of a move. [In bonds, 1 point equals 32 ticks (the smallest price I told them, \"Look,I just thought it was a great trade at the time, and I'll probably How long was it before never you do it again.\" I'm What was position your When did you Five full start maker, I take the other side at the October 1987low in bonds? getting long? You points! mean 81? days. Yes. The day You I'm a market Because for 50 ticks, I can guarantee So, if the market goes one way and at some the wrong way, point, it is going to be a loss. going Five points higher. 100 lots again? traded streets. trend. I was long. 1 point. movement).] Two capitalization your of the just never thought about the risk side of it? No, if a guy bids 25 for 100, and I think \"Sold.\" Is thereany it is a great trade, I just say below 77,1 was long thousands of contracts. were also heavily That was the day long. we gapped sharply lower. Who The commercials just kept selling. element better be careful that That came later. that traders it broke trader that in your mindset as a I'm always in the game? says: I had Didyou Yes. have second thoughts? was selling? Other 382 you think if the market went down to Did Baldwin Tom maybe 76, it could 70? No.At that point, you had to say it all over was go to Tom 383 Baldwin You have to pay your dues to Are there peopleon the because ahead they just right side of the and experience. analysis No, Was that an example of your being patient in picking get out, even when the initial trade was wrong? your spot to not market? for long. make it, but it is what you ever use any trading No. They wouldn't be there if they Do you think Sure.Why systems for systems trading do they weren't are not good traders, but are way are happened to do a coupleof big trades on the Can anybody really get by just on luck? The rule of thumb is if you have lasted a year, you will you are influenced by because you respect doing? Oh, yes. They are wrong. For example, if trading approach. So, that is actually part of your trader X is a goodtrader,and he is on a roll, and you are thinking are a losing game? indicators. of selling\342\200\224 exist? And he does, then you know you're right. But if he is buying? Becausepeoplearen'tconfident system, you in their could make own ability. If you millions. Why would had you a really sell it Then you Are there Doesluck have who anything? You tell me. good trading for $29.95? they floor hard. Are there traders that Right. Do the Right. and done. Why? Technical luck. get anything to do with trading? Trading is like any other job. You work hard, put in the time and effort, and make your own luck. I was lucky that the first 100-lot I sold was a winner. But why was I lucky? BecauseI stood there all day for over six and honing market feeling. When the opportunity months, developing occurred, I didn't hesitate. hesitate. Maybe you don't get into the trade. traders who can't succeedbecausetheir ego is too big to ever be influenced? Yes. Is part of the success a willingnessto Right. You have to adapt to your success. not always do your own thing? If you make a lot of money, 384 all of a suddenyou you were right As soon as you start to think \"I'm think, you are infallible.You of all those little because was factors Tom Baldwin Tom Baldwin the reason you followed. could a floor forget that the guy who is going to lead the way,\" you seconds, the Actually, let ego get in to swallowyour ahead, doesn't mean thought that the and get pride After you get way money only in the sense that ego cannot to be a good trader? egomaniac traders have no ego. To bea great best have a big enough yourself. You an way trader, you have confidence of a trade that is a loser; you have to in you have out. anything a temptation to say, the extra anymore, maybe I shouldcashin the chips? I never way. Obviously, when I started, I needed to make money to support my family, but I never had a goal to make dollars. I said, \"Hey, this is great, maybe I can make $100,000.\" You passed that a very long time ago. a million have any other goals? Do you You just do what Yes. And I hope it you do because you enjoy it? lasts. incredible trading achievements madehim an ideal interview candidate for this book. However, I did not really expect his comments to be pertinent to myself or other off-the-floor traders. After all, what Baldwin's most traders tend to think of their monetary implications\342\200\224a terms lossesin in the way of making trading For example, assume you on a trade, and quickly find frame of gains of mind and that only decisions. yourself to risk up to $5,000 down by $2,000. If, at this point, originally planned extra of the trade in terms of money (for example,\"the you start to think can pay for my vacation\,")you might well liquidate the position, $3,000 to get out still believed in the trade. It is one thing even though you because no longer you on liquidate impulse like the position, but it is quite simply because have you another translated matter to the risk into terms. interesting point made by Baldwin is an unconventional wait and choose instead, get out of a losing trade too hastily; of most advice. in face to the time. This advice seems trading fly your After all, isn't one of the basic tenets of trading success to cut your contradicts the I don't think statement Baldwin's lossesquickly? However, time to bail out of a rule. I believe he is saying that often the worst Another one: Don't price move against you. Baldwin's point is that be able to find a more just a little longer, you may pain by bearing this for Of favorable circumstance course, philosophy should liquidating. the be appliedonly by disciplined traders: those with ability to maintain position is during a violent the a risk controlstrategy. No. and time horizon is measured in minutes for weeks to traders who hold positions the interview surprise, keepingscore.By contrast, tangible is there relevant yielded some relevant insights. made important point by Baldwin washis emphasison not in of terms trading money.To him, money is only a means of viewing gets have to be somewhat of whose was most Perhaps the Right. you say To my doesn't make a difference whether it is your idea or really or losing is all that counts. Where the idea somebody else's. Winning came from isn't important? Do trader, that or months? get slammed. So, it 385 Tony Saliba \"One-Lot\" Triumphs* Tony Saliba came to the floor of the Chicago Board Options Exchange Saliba was ready to try it on his to back him for $50,000, and after a another trader favorable self-destructed. He pulled back from the brink of start, nearly his trading and has been successful ever disaster by altering techniques, m 1978.After own. He found a half-year of clerking, since. as trying to do a little better style can be described to water while take in, out, being positioned treading day day of the rare spectacular trading His fortune has been advantage opportunity. of a handful such events. Two of these built largely only by exploiting and situations\342\200\224the the October 1987 stock Teledyne price explosion in the interview. market collapse\342\200\224are discussed The impressiveaspect of Saliba's achievements is not the trading few spectacular gains he has registeredin his career. Rather, it is that a trading approach exemplified these gains have been achieved by using control. In incrediblerisk at one fact, by point, Saliba managedto string months consecutive of together profits exceeding $100,000. seventy a few have become multimillionaires traders several Quite by scoring hits. A much smaller number have to hold on to their big managed gains. occasional dramatic gains and Only the rare trader can boast both Saliba's trading trading profits. than consistent \342\231\246Readers unfamiliar understand the trading-related with options may wish to first references in this chapter. read Appendix 2 in order to Tony Saliba 388 Although extensive, is the homework required for Saliba's successfultrading he has nonetheless managedto diversify into a wide range of real estate investments, a software company, chain. Overall,his extracurricular endeavors business but they have indulged his proven only modestly profitable, other ventures, have for appetite variety. form generation of his were being conducted, Saliba was business venture of his life: negotiating a French bank to back him with several hundred million dollars to a major and train a trading company. His goal is to discover involved in the successful the one facing the screen.\" I'm God including During the time theseinterviews with was, \"Thank a restaurant and 389 Tony Saliba most important traders. Saliba is a likable person who makes you feel like you're one of best friends within five minutes of meeting. He is a person who genuinely likes people\342\200\224and it shows. On the evening before our scheduled Saliba had a minor meeting, on the in the Chicago club marble floor at the health accident, slipping BoardOptions scheduled As I at showed the time, Exchange building. up his aide told me that Tony would not be in that morning due to the accident. I left a message. Saliba called later that day, and to spare me the inconvenience of missing my flight that evening, or making another trip to Chicago, he arrangedto meet me several hours later. We talked at the LaSalle Club bar, which was sufficiently empty to not cause a major distraction. Initially, I was too intensely focused on to pay directing the interview any attention at all to the largemovie screen at the front of the bar. Later on, however, I glanced at the as I relaxed, screen as Saliba was answering one of my questions. I instantly recognized the train scene from the movie Risky in which the Business sensuous Rebecca Tom Cruise. seduces DeMornay I have a bad habit of severely overschedulingmy appointments, and as Saliba was my third interview to feel of the day, I was beginning the strain. My first thought was, \"Keep your eyes off the screen, you are time keeping having a hard enough your mind focusedas it is.\" My second thought was, \"It would be incredibly rude not to pay full attention to Tony, over to spare me the hobbled especially after he literally inconvenienceof having to reschedule our interview.\" My third thought to become a trader? What led I was a caddy for some grain a friend of mine asked me if I would college, you traders I was in when In school. high I like to be a broker. thought for. So, I he answered. I said, \"What he said, \"you do it on the phone.\" is in Indianapolis?\" \"None,\" exchange I had this impression of: \"Hello New York, buy; sell.\" When I Chicago, I I a found was salesman. out got there, I asked the guys in the office, \"Who makes all After a few months, the in this business?\" money They saidyou have to be on the floor. Right there I decided to go to the Chicago Board Options On the Exchange. floor, I met one of the traders I had caddied for years ago, and he he meant that same doing the thing said,\"Yes. Great! grubstaked me with $50,000. Where?\" as the guys I had caddied \"Indianapolis,\" Isn't that unusual, giving to a $50,000 kid who used to caddy for you? It was, because except that of his high for only $10,000, he very wealthy and needed to get off the floor He owned a seat that he had bought pressure. and just needed the ability going to help him account. I was What made him think He had was blood some heard and he basically took you rumors do could make around the floor that on me. I went from $50,000 to about $75,000in all these volatility it as a trader? I was a hotshot clerk, a chance happened? market becomesmore in a customer that. What on to trade spreads two weeks. I had put [an option position that will gain if the volatile] and they the first were getting pumped up. Tony Saliba 390 Did you think, \"Boy, I thought, \"This is it!\" I mean, I wasa was taking the letting liquidating, Didyou this is easy\"? genius.But what I was really doing were side of positions the other brokers opposite them out of the market with their profits, while I was left and implied volatilities were very This was spring 1979 1978 was a very volatile because year. Well, the market went high six and the volatility and option premiums collapsed.Within nowhere, The I had lost almost everything. weeks $50,000 was down to original the bag. holding only about was feeling $15,000.1 DC 10 crash at O'Hare was when bottom. I hit in May Tony Saliba suicidal. Do you 1979, when all those remember people the big died? That feel better You had a stop on your Exactly, exactly.I had give it one you had a cushion? because \"This is great, I've still I said, Yes. 391 more on my career. So, I decidedto go back and shot. Did the fellow who staked you ever say grand in my account.\" fifteen so to speak? life a stop got know how you had lost? Didhe much anything? question, Jack. Hecalledme every night. I' ve grubstaked many then, and three or four of them have lost more than fifty grand guys each. This man was a multimillionaire, and he acted as if this was the end of the world. Oh, good Was that a metaphor for your since mood? have exchangedplaceswith one of those people in on that day. I felt that bad. I thought, \"This is it; I've ruined Yes. I would that plane my Did he ever ask you for the No, he just moaned and groaned. life.\" Did you feel guilty you had lost someone else's money? because about much Yes,and I felt do with like a failure. plug.\" Had you started out confident? on my because before I started trading Initially, I was very confident and picked his brain own, I had clerked for a broker for four months clean. And now you thought the game was over? Yes. In June 1979,1decidedthat I better find another job. I went to the for that my dad built of restaurants Levy brothers, who owned a chain time them. They said, \"Any you want a job, you can run one of our I am going to give it one more line. restaurants.\" So, I said, \"Hold that month,\" and inheritance his So, money rest of the money back? he made in He had become wealthy another option trading. He had bought life. He told me, \"If you lose I spent the next few weeks winding the through He really didn't know business. seat to have something to $5,000 down more, we'll pull the my positions. During that time, I sought advice from the more experienced brokers on the floor. They said, \"You have to be disciplinedand you have to do your homework. If you do those two can make things, you money down here. You might not get rich, but you can make $300 a day, and at the end of the year that's $75,000.You have to look at it that way.\" It was like a light bulb went on. I realized that this chipping away was what I should be approach doing,not putting myself at a big risk, trying to collect a ton of dough. At the time I was in which was a very volatile Teledyne options, market. So, I switched to Boeing,which was a very tight, narrow range to make a quarter or an type of market. I becamea spreadscalper trying of a point on a trade. eighth I stuck strictly to my goal of trying to average $300 a day and it was working. This period taught me to be regimented and disciplined. 392 Tony day, I live by the credo of hard To this I teach Anyway, in position and discipline. homework, same this at time, I still had the remnants of a big spread of liquidating. It was a the process market. One day after I had been a rising Teledyne that would lose in for about five weeks, Teledynestarted moving up sharply. I trading Boeing into the Teledyne was not going to let it get me again.I rushed pit to take and all off. I was hearing floor brokerscomein with orders, position the same to them. I was adapting of a suddenI found myself responding of instead in Boeing to I had learned except Teledyne, technique and dollars. for halves I was or a for an scalping eighth quarter, scalping I was doing getting you trading were size What didn't like me because way. They wanted to do ten- or twenty-lot did On the and it's first come, first floor, bids someone do 99 For the most part, you take Oh, did who If you served. have 100 to sell first for just one, you have guy. The broker could ignore you the if he wants, rules. you ignored? did, The brokers but the market makers on the are the order fillers, the locals who trade for themselves.On the are separate. the best ego get dented by these really traders successful railing on for almost a year, it went day in, day to pick up your trading a little tempted out. bit? started turning it around, he told me to increasemy size. He said, \"Tony, a banker makeshis first loan and he is very careful, but as he gets more comfortable, hemakeshis loansbigger.You need to increase your size.\" How did the floor did. and the options makers are the two exchange, harassment they introduced you puts were taking in June on the floor finally end? 1980, the lead trader, who had given me the hardest time, hated them. He said they were bad for the business and he didn't want to trade them. I seized that opportunity to really study what would mean to us, and I wasone of the first market makers to puts you mean order fillers? floor time. The individual trader in the crowd. He had virtually a legend in his own time. He started me right from the beginning. He made life my the longest miserable. trading Actually, Yes. was and leaning on me and ribbing start By brokers, gave for was I did, but not for that reason. My backer, who had given me such a hard time when I was down, was the prod. Although he didn't know that much about trading, he did give me one pieceof very useful advice. Once I with the number two The brokersnever called me \"one-lot\" me the hardest time made millions When Were yes. a lot of ribbing? I! They W\302\253reyou to do his one before you but if he does,he's breaking Did Oh, yes.And, you get someone to take one lot? options in Teledyne? I was orders. Exactly. How trader one-lot you? words, you were just a nuisance. In other you the only Were Did your at the time? lot at a time. The guys one in their 393 that I was in position my Saliba Tony that. guys my work, Saliba puts. it opens up a whole range of new strategies. market Oh, unbelievable. they had These other guys were set in their ways, only been there a couple of years.Soonerthan you even though might think, 394 this Tony Saltba one trader befriended me and suggested that we work on advanced We started working strategies, getting real number together. creative and No, we did everything Didn't 395 do you mean you were By buying butterflies, long the the wings [that is, the higher and lower strike price you by hand. a computer? on Writing out all these \"what-ifs.\" still have to be guessingright on priceand volatility direction? options]? Long the wings. Your risk is limited, and if the market does not move time decay works in your favor. [Barring a favorable widely, pricemove or an increase in volatility, the value of an option erodes steadily over time. In a relatively flat market, the premium erosion in options with a strike price near the market in butterfly price\342\200\224\"middle\" spread\342\200\224will be greater than that of options further removed from the strike price\342\200\224 in spread.] Of course, I tried to buy the butterflies as \"wings\" cheapas I could.If I chained we didn't have that had a market to peg direction, because we were setting up spreads be highly overvalued because might big edge. For example,one option firms. the member it was among popular I felt I was doing more of the work, while this top trader Eventually, the market. He would to muscle in the was counting on his ability pit also stray from the strategies we had worked out and even started doing are you doing?\" He would to try to hurt me. I would say, \"What things You or long middle abstract. you working these out Were Saliba Tony would have to guess right on volatility. However, my mind.\" just answer,\"I changed I started on my own.\" it, I'm working Finally, I just said, \"Forget interest rates went through the roof in 1981 taking on more size. When and I started making a well and early 1982, my strategies workedreally had days when I was Then in the bull market in 1982,1 lot of money. in couldn't believe The a $200,000 my clearinghouse guys day. making tons of was the there sheets; just paper. Then wide. fairly enough of them I would do an explosionposition month. do What you mean That's basically together, my profit zone in would a more be distant by the term \"explosionposition\"? own term. An explosion positionis an option risk and open-ended potential, which will profit from a large price move or an increase in volatility. For example,a position of consisting long out-of-the-money calls and long out-of-the-money would be an explosion position. puts my has limited position that It soundslikethe basicunifying that as option feature of the explosion position is moves, the delta [the expectedpricechange in the market the in the price of the position given a one-unit change in your favor. So, you are really increases betting underlying market] on volatility. What kind of trades were you doing? Exactly. I was doing everything. I consider myself a matrix trader. I trade else. My basic strategy, at one strike short or was buying butterflies [a long however, position in and strike lower higher position price balanced by an opposite IBM 140 calls, two options\342\200\224forexample, long one IBM 135 call, short that with an explosion and long one IBM145call]and offsetting everything position. on the screen as it interrelates to everything In effect, this is the opposite of what you do with the Yes. I put me, butterfly. on the butterfly in the front month, where time is working and the explosion positionin the mid- or back-month. Then I complement that position. with scalping to help pay for the time decay for in the explosion 396 Tony In other words, the explosionpositionis your big move, while What One of my Exactly. one position with offsetting always you words, were you always delta total in will remain equity either neutraP. [An another? position option roughly unchanged In other in which for small pricechanges but once in a while I would take a significant net before I was thirty I was before in The stock had dropped sharply 1984. and I was building up the stock started in the out-of-the-money Octobercalls.Well, where Pacific from the Coast but back these Exchange, guys inching up, were on list also just kept leaning my longs. They Teledyne, they of shying away, I steppedup Instead on the close every night. batteringthem a position want buy them. \"You ten on for over trading and would This went Why were these stock to sell them at Vk, I'm Vu bid Program at Buying back their own $200 138, and then inched its way back per Share.\" I thought made five months know. the $180 calls. Overnight, I to $300. I'd stay the business in somehow, but off the floor. work How long did your last? retirement About four months. bored? I missed So, in the I missed markets. the money beginning, The next four to the excitement. was the goal, but once you got it there became\342\200\224 Yes, it became secondary. Maybe if I had specialin my life, I might not I understand up going to do? were It made me feel like something; stock? The stock was at $155, and I owned The stock eventually went millions. were great. I didn't really Yes. On think it was going to go up anymore. up to 150.1 guess they didn't of news because in 9 at 9:20 Teledyne they stopped trading May a Stock news comes across the tape: \"TeledyneAnnounces pending. The Repurchase you Were you days. down from 160to Did you know what for fifty.\" Pacific Coast traders leaningonthe calls? had gone million. $8-9 position. was your first really big trade? Teledyne Yes. I was a millionaire Well, How far were you up then? About The in life was to becomea millionaire goals retire. direction.] Usually, What after that? twenty-five. I had decided to retire when I was thirty. On May 5, 1985, my thirtieth I walked off the floor and said birthday, good-bye to everybody and that I was it. was never going to comeback to the floor. and Were 397 happened is paying the bills, that is, the time of the explosion position. cost decay scalping your Saliba Tony in case of a bet money Saliba October I was one expecting and kids, or someone best trading periods was the weekof crash. Tell me about it. of your 1987 stock a big move, but So, I started building a wife was my life. gone back. But trading it gave me a reason for being. have the same I didn't know if it would be up type position that I had the or down. in Teledyne. 398 The spread combined with butterfly the Yes. But you said you What was the Yes,but What told you the market was going to Still, you feel you expect Actually, I thought were it in the wild that gyrations a big have story move? were occurring by late the move to be on the downsideby going to be on the it was going to attack the On Wednesday old highs that confident the that 1988], it sounds [April was the cover like you knew the I'm on the floor. But trading, it that way that article is completely They make it sound That's not the story. I was concerned about the positionsheld firm. One guy by my clearing in particular had a huge position, which he wasn't closing, and I had to spend a great deal of time on the phone. Now, that's not as dramatic as the way the magazine wrote it up, but that's what really happened. I thought They like I planned again. wrote to sell magazines. and plotted to avoidthe floor that day. the Didn't you also sellyour I end of the week? is a high the follow-through on Did you have any inkling correlation betweenthe the next Moniday\342\200\224at of the least action on the on a Friday the confident hit that for the there magazine market to bounce didn't Becauseit was Success Yes,if I'm At first, upside. in misleading. fell apart. before the crash, the market if it had but of churned. kind back, Now, Thursday, the market then I would have been confused.But instead, rallied on Friday, I down. At that we were on was sure cracked point, going Friday. and one. market seat that day? You must have been really was going down to sella seat. seat before the market opened.I figured if I didn't hit the bid I had seven seats; I seat, someone else would.Anyway just sold opening. sSze of the impendingmove on the Was this the first a exactly liquid market. time you traded a seat?I mean seats aren't Monday? Do you know thought awfully your I always have insurance. I am; time? week the of it following been way once told me, off first until hand market would collapse. It saysyou even deliberately chose to go to the office instead of the floor to avoid beinginfluenced out of your position by all the confusion on the floor. Isn't that highly unusual for you to go to the office insteadof the floor on a trading day? When did you change your mind? Yes,and have must A trader second, other hand is on second.\"That's the September. we was going down? market going sharply lower on Monday morning.According could calls that out-of-the-money to have some insurance. you never take your wanted I just \"Saliba,in stealing decay. Did the thought bought in this case? position explosion In this case, it was formed by buying out-of-the-money puts and out-ofI the-money calls in the back months. To counterbalance this position, time from had butterfly spreads in the front month, which would profit You 399 back to about unchanged.I actually Friday for protection. position. explosion Saliba Tony Saliba Tony what thought was going to happen Monday? lower, open go down sharply, and then bounce I really the market would I Yes, it was the first time I did it like that: trading the seat round one day. But I have traded seatsbefore. I trade them depending turn in on my 400 mood in our Saliba Tony in the market. Onbalancethough, I want Saliba Tony to be long seats. I believe 401 wanted volatility. But everybody industry. But in that I figured, circumstance, I have \"Hey, did it That's when the register really started ringing. was so close to the earth that everybody needed like a good trade? seem a lot of exposurein seats\342\200\224afew dollars million some protection.\" I sold that seat for $452,000 it back the next afternoon for $275,000. the morning and bought take worth\342\200\224Ibetter the only did you the sun in Let's take the of the fence: What side other did the who got traders do wrong? that Monday? make That has causedmea lot the day that zinc ointment, and I was that had some left. guy buried in October How much It was I would rather of headaches. not say. puts. your big money wasmadein the out-of-the-money did you keep as of Monday'sclose? What percentage of that position Obviously, would be a normal day. They started They took for granted that Monday out long, thinking the market was just correcting and was due for a bounce.Then they bought on the way down; they bought every dip. Did sometraders just freeze? About 95 percent. You kept most of it! But temptingto take it? just the profits were so huge. Wasn't it Sure, some Are you hadn't cover was because I felt my long puts The reason I didn't gone to parity. The puts that were thirty points inup enough. They all went at $30. In other words, the option premiums the-money weretrading wasn't of intrinsic value; the market consisted almost giving them entirely I thought market Given the enormous time value volatility, premium. any that was crazy. So,you you figured Yes, and do you insurance at the know would wait till what You were basicallybuying I could what they wanted more of: Half wanted calls. the next day. more hundreds of my the world looking for something all the Why in and to get them today?\" going to do, he just but not knowing do earner. you think? stood there. He didn'tsay kept going over his sheets, what to do. So he missed to the marketso different from the way your friend responded? sure more slate, so that his position what but you risk was. I always about it. I walk into I can take advantage of what to worry A clean slate soundslikeyou know But was the way you responded short calls. didn't annual say, \"Hey, Jack, what opportunity. I don't have volatility. have done. The next day they I walk to me. He lookedshellshocked. Hejust a word He wasn't I did to hedge myself? I bought close on Monday. I covered It was the best thing did. I have one friend, who is a million-dollar On Tuesday morning, obviously hold come positions define the pit every is going in with day with I'm always hedged, and a clean on. a flat position every day, overnight. wanted puts, and half the world I mean that my risk, and I'm always prepared. 402 Tony Do you always know the maximum Do you always know what your Yes. between. something in My case. Tony Saliba Why do so many come to the floor end up who traders How do you the biggest Is that what you do? they lose sight and marketplace, ethic. Those are the of that come on the floor is traders problem with some they are bigger than think period? it. Yes.I either they a losing How do you lose money? It is either bad day trading or a losing position. If it's a bad position that is the problem, then you should just get out of When that handle losing everything? I think 403 limited. is always loss that you hold? worst case is? or it explodes, could happen? The market sits, I know my worst But no matter what happens, what Now, in a position risk Saliba don't fear the and the hard work market. the it or neutralize springs it, then because you are back afloat. a leak, you don't drill to making another hole to let the water out. They their discipline who get blown out. But most guys traders liquidate are in a boat that you on the What if your trading lossesare due What do you your bad decisions? do then? floor really work hard. the is What biggest the public has about the misconception marketplace? The idea that the market has to go up for them to make money. You can With if you use the right kind of market strategies. there are and the markets, futures, options, enough tools underlying availableto set up a game plan for any situation. make in any money In other words, the public hastoo much way: The market about program trading Yes, it is the American never said anything bull market. Once the program trading became of a bullish Take a day off. If I get myself all wound in the sun up, I like to lay out and bake for a while and let all the strenuous stuff go out of my head. What are the elements Clear thinking, ability is number one: of good trading? to stay focused, and extreme discipline. Discipline Take a theory and stick with it. But you also have to be open-minded enough to switch tracks if you feel that your theory has You have to be able to say, \"My method worked for wrong. this of but we are not in that type of market anymore.\" market, type been proven bias? to go up. The government we were in a three-year when has started going down, all of a sudden, a major concern, and they set up commissions market Trading rules you live by. I scalein and scale out of my positions, so that I can spread out my risk. I don'tliketo do all of a large order right up front. galore. For the average person, like my mom or dad and their relatives, the biggest misconception is that they think when the market goesup, you and when it goes down, you lose. People need to approach make money, and say, \"I'm going to be a little more neutral it from a long standpoint in this because category and short it is infinite.\" in this category, but limit my short-side risk What else? the marketplace. Never take anything for granted. respect Do your homework. Recapthe day. Figure out what you did right and what did wrong. That is one part of the homework; the other part is you do I want to happen tomorrow?What projective.What if the opposite happens Always 404 What happens if nothing occurs? and plan, rather ifs.\" Anticipate you made your first When Think happens? Saliba all the \"what- react. than few through Tony it away to limit your worst casepossibility? My trading strategies were growing I made some more, I started putting No. after real estate, stores,exchangeseats, and new capital. Then investments: other into money Then when the like that. things I needed and to use that term\342\200\224onMonday, of cash anywhere, have a big chunk T-bills. of million dollars out of the flow and bought later, I used the money to buy an annuity. market crashed\342\200\224I hate I didn't realized that your trading style issofocused because I guess first time you felt the need for seemedto be saying do with nothing to Yes. What shut they set have $10 million How in your trading account, but were level. First, I wanted to become I was twenty-five. Then I was thirty. I did it before to make so much a year, and I did that. Originally, I set goalson all numbers, a software do you I know family fulfillment. is that all the How do you money in the world You it was thought at one time. YesI did. And to be honest, money is important because it is influential. See that guy standing over there? I don't know him from Adam. But say he came over to talk to us. If he made a really bad first impression on me, I might not have much respect for him. But if you then told me that is worth $50 million, and he made it on his own, that would guy of him. That not be but that's the completely fair, change my opinion may way it is. How does trading affect your personal I'm able to handle it well from a business life? standpoint it clobbers they me. It doesn't require. People Unless it is about business, Are that conscious like this standpoint, allow me to give but a social to women from the time like to just sit and talk sometimes. you, I'm out of here. with you always of time? a monetary but I want to do somethings and net was when the market could occur and have All isn't the answer. and friends that be fun. For example, I'm currently company losses, the have that I don't judge success?I don'tknow. goals? a millionaire before I decidedI wanted Now, if you limiting down the game? Until recently, goals a catastrophe 19,1 so I took a couple Then, a few weeks but needy, you. happens How do you the a safety that on October 405 success,but I don't feel like I'm a success.I really don't. I feel like I've madea lot of money, and I've been successfulat this one area in my life. I help the did you sock some of million, Tony Saliba the that numbers are not working company. I also want aren't so important Yes.Most people and watch TV?\" aren't. They say, \"Well, don't you ever just sit home anymore. only profitable, but will also on setting up a trading to do the family-type thing. judge success? I used to judge success as being the best in your field, like Bruce Springsteenin rock music. In my industry, it would have to be dollarI'm a of life. A lot of people think wise. Now, I think it is more quality Do you? have the TV on, but my head is always on trading. Well, I might Last a dinner date at midnight. I was tired and wanted night I came back from to go to bed, but I was up until 2:00 A.M. figuring out trades. It's an addiction. I used to be much worse. I got lots of grief from former I would take my work with because me on dates. I don't do girlfriends that but I'm still about more, any always thinking trading. 406 What Tony makes Saliba Tony Saliba you different? it I can do anything, and I'm not afraid of hard work. Right now, for example, I'm working on a deal with a French bank to put together a trading I can't wait until this venture starts up, so that I can company. start working with these kids, training them to be traders.I don'tknow how much the bank is going to give me,but I could have hundreds exactly of millions to work with. I love that type of challenge. to realize that many of the great traders interviewed in this not immediately successful. Saliba's initial trading was so disastrous that it brought him to a near suicidalstate of experience mind. However, what these traders share is a senseof self-confidence and persistence. In the case of early failure, these traits are enough to lead to eventual success.Besidesallowing him to make a comeback from his into early poor start, Saliba's persistence also came play at other points in his trading career. For example, many others faced with the type of constant ridiculethat Saliba was subjected to in the Teledyne pit It is important book were might have abandonedtheir strategy. This same Teledyne example also illustrates another important of the superior characteristic trader: the maintenance of rigid risk in difficult circumstances. It must have been very tempting for control, even Saliba to trade a larger position in the Teledyne pit when size he was he maintained his discipline and Instead, being derided as \"one-lot.\" continued to trade small until his capital had grown to allow him sufficiently to increase his position size. Working is preparedfor hard and scenarios examining many different is a critical elementof Saliba's all contingencies he so that success. he can take advantage of situations By anticipating all the \"what-ifs,\" such as the October 19 stock slide,instead of being immobilized by such events. For many of someone image out of markets with people, using great less glamorous.In the the concept of a great trader conjuresup an moving in and a shoot-from-the-hip agility majority approach, and a near sixth of cases, sense. The reality is far exceptional traders owe their work and preparation. In fact, similar to Tony Saliba, do their of the traders will \"homework\" successful every many very or other business from interfering with their leisure night, not allowing success to hard of market analysis. When they stray from that discipline, up costing them money.In Saliba'sown words, referring to a recently missed trade due to his failure to have his orders in while on a business trip, \"It cost me ten grand, and all those little ten grands can add up.\" daily I think 407 regimen usually ends PartV TkgPsyc^ogy of Trading Dr. Van The Dr. Van the K. Tharp University interest strongest applies of Trading Psychology is a research psychologistwho his Ph.D. from received Health Sciences Center, in 1975. He has how stress affects human performance. His of Oklahoma, spent his career studying winning K. Tharp is in the psychology of winning\342\200\224especially In 1982, Dr. Tharp a test that measures to the markets. developed as his Investment and traits. winning losing Psychology Inventory, Thousands of investors and speculators\342\200\224myself included\342\200\224have taken and a ten-minute phone this test, which includes a written evaluation Dr. Tharp has written Five books on successful which consultation. investing his is a the core investment course. He editor for of contributing provide has also written Technical Analysis of Stocksand Commodities and numerous articlesfor other financial publications. Dr. Tharp is a frequent on Financial television and radio programs,and has spoken at many guest investment conferences. Dr.Tharp full time to counseling traders and continuing his research on A recent focus of this research has been interviewing a model for success. His traders so that he could create currently from his office in Glendale, trading success. and studying top devotes himself California, basic theory is that by teaching the winning traits of the top traders (not he can dramatically improve the methodologies), specific trading of less successful traders and investors. In his most recent performance to turn his most successful clients into \"superproject,he is attempting 422 Dr. Van traders\" by extending his normal program of two two-day K. Tharp sessions into an ongoing semiannual process. Dr. Tharp, he askedwhether he could do a video as part of his ongoingresearch. SinceI thought such I interviewed After tape interview of me in improving might be helpful my own trading performance, The interview for lasted over four hours. Dr. Tharp agreed. has a particularly After an initial response to a probing questioning style. question,he would ask, \"What else?\" and repeat this process several times. When I could no longer think of any additional responses, he an interview I eagerly would have me shift the direction of my gaze (he later explainedthis chapter.) have liked to provide my personal impression of Dr. course, which includes five books and four tapes. However, although I reviewedthe material briefly as background for this the combination of simultaneously working at a full-time chapter, job and writing this book did not leave me with enough time (or energy) to give the course the serious attention it calls for\342\200\224a I plan personal project for later. I can, however, attest to the fact that one of the traders interviewed in this book served as a subjectin Dr. Tharp's project on success and was duly impressed with his intellect modeling and insight into basic Tharp's successful 413 K. Tharp market, I had to conclude that the losses had something to do with me. in a class in prosperity at that same time period,I enrolled During taught in of Religious Science. One of the principles Church local the I had read a that class is that what happens to you reflects your mindset. of trading, and while I considered most of that lot on the psychology to test it out. I decided to do so by to be \"folklore,\" I wanted information a test to measure Investment Psychology Inventory, developing my investment strengths and trading. and psychology get interested in the connection class the What did you there any major affect research interest after graduate school was how various human performance. After receiving my Ph.D. in I spent about eight years doing fairly standard psychology, psychological For example, research. I helped standardize the current Field Sobriety Test the country are still using. I was While Battery that police throughout In doing that, I also learned how to lose money trading fact, I options. lost money so fast and so consistently that when I finally of the out got drugs class. editor in analyzing learn the responses to your test? Were surprises? I had severalmeasuresof success built into the test, so I could rank the literature according to \"success level.\"The investment responses I designed As a result, be areas that ten different important. might suggested of statistical number a I did areas. of those each to measure questions betweeneach correlation a significant analyses of the data and found that those ten areas success. In addition, I found and investment area I the label into three major clusters, which could be grouped and discipline factor, and the the management psychological factor, I've since refined the test, I still use the same Although decisionmaking factor. the ten original areas, and three major clusters. In addition, I still keep between trading? My primary that would take it, McMaster took it and then I was subscribing. to which to a thousand close offered it to his subscribers. Overall, I received as a career. responses and that really roused my interest in this area No one in I've added an extra How did you first as a creativeproject for so I sent it to R. E. McMaster,the weaknesses, of a newsletter instruction was intended to facilitate accessing different of my brain), parts and sure enough I would think of another point I had somehow overlooked. I felt that this interview some important yielded personal of these self-realizations is briefly (One insights. discussed in the next I would Dr. Van one\342\200\224intuition. What are the eleven Well, the psychological rounded is not significantly because lack a wellhas five areas. These include to make motivation the money, attitude, for results. Motivation and responsibility with success, but I keep correlated to make money it in the test is very significant. motivation plus high conflict in the decision-making area. These include factors of technical factors in the market, an aptitude for knowledge to think and the ability common biases, sound decisions without of such There are three making factor personal life, a positive lack of conflict, a solid areas you measure? 414 Dr. Van K. Tharp Incidentally, knowledge of technical factors has little relationship to success basedon the test scores. Also, there are three management-discipline factors. One needs risk control and the ability to be patient. In addition, I also include intuition in this category. I have not found Although between any relationship intuition and trading success, I keep the factor in the test because it is independently. to me. interesting those areas, what Given are the characteristics of the losing trader? of a losing trader would be someonewho is has little protection from has a negative outlook stress, on life and expects the worst, has a lot of conflict in his/her personality, and blames others when things go not have wrong. Such a personwould a set of rules to guide their behavior and would be more to be a likely The profile composite and highlystressed crowd follower. In addition, losing traders impatient. They want action the composite profile would now. suggest. tend to be disorganized and Most losing traders are not as bad as They just have part of the Have in your ideas and concepts changedfrom your I designed the believethat it's test traders. How did you get started in that? I started using the test regularly, people began to ask me what to their particular problems. Since investment is a psychology rather unique area of study, I found I didn't know how to respond to As a result, I decided to write many of their questions. a on do about each of the investors ten areas\342\200\224both to learn with a source of help.The pamphlet about the areas myselfand to provide first pamphlet turned into a book. I point to cover the subject matter in five workbooks which would constitute a course in the psychology of investing/trading. After I finished the second workbook, I started in training decided at that Neuro-Linguistic (NLP). NLP is really a science of how to duplicate I was able to success, and of those incorporate a number techniques into my course. The development of the course naturally led to a private Programming service. consulting were early anyone I so. a matter of learning how. Too many people get stuck by the just beliefs they hold, yet they in old contrast, are constantly those beliefs. to beliefs, continue to cling My to their utility. them value and I think it's becauseI according evolving, are I'm willing to admit most of my beliefs probably wrong. For Thus, example,there may be people who could not be successfulin trading even if they were committed to doing so. But right now, it's most useful for me to believethat anyone can win. When I hold that belief, I am much become winners. more effectiveat helping people Could you provide somespecific succeeded wanted many they and who couldn't. Now, to predict who could win can win if they are committed to do Primarily, or failed case me examples of people who in consultation? One trader who came to me You now consult with what research? losing profile. After 415 Dr. Van K. Tharp to get him hadn't trading before been able to trade for over a year.He As a he did the full consultation. morning for about forty-five minutes. I he had a and made an educated guess that gathered some information conflict problem. He then went through an exercise that took about ten the results of that minutes. It took him two weeks to mentally integrate a lot of He'd was he that but after money spent trading again. exercise, and none of it had worked. and donea lot of things to correct the problem the weeks of integrating and two exercise ten-minute it took a Yet, only result, I had him drop by one to solve his problem. that with another person who was unable to afford my didn't work. His fee, for whom a simple exercise of that nature consulting he was in his problemhad nothing to do with his investing. Although results I tried boy in that he couldn't acceptadult his mother, and his wholelifestyle supported to able trade to be was to reason he wanted The a child. only being without a him that I have I doubt could major that continue helped lifestyle. he which was his to his on commitment unwilling lifestyle, change part to give. late forties, he was still responsibilities. He a little still lived with 416 Dr. Van K. Tharp client made minor after two days of adjustments to do the follow-up because he thought it would be superfluous. But he eventually decided to do it. I spent two days listening to him talk and then we did a simpleexercise At the end of that he was a totally exercise, changed person Another reluctant was He consulting. probably another together. took him it probably (although exercise). $650,000 trading in the whether BeforeI take someone sort of methodology frame, day trade same or to that they have some I determinewhat evidence for example, convince me? Have tested they they time, think works. testing amount signals that one I think that test their lack of skill is, in itself, a People don't developa systematic approach of poor judgment, lack of goals, because to trading. psychological impediment or don't distinguish skill successfully. At the internal market's patterns\,") how do you are related to lack of to a hindsight evaluation, can follow. I also am it is difficult to make or trading in a short money day trading so I am skepticalabout who wants me to help them anyone that time the (for on as a client, I need to know that Can they, they have of that. that methodology? Does their or is it based on actual trading convinced about approach impediments to success? psychological approach etc. So, perhaps the area they need help in is overcoming resistance to developing a systematic to the market. If approach somebodycame to me and said that was the problem they wanted help I would have no problem at all accepting with, that person as a client. conflict, internal What are the peoplefrom primary being psychological winning impediments that keep most How can they traders? deal with each of those problems? is that when What typically bring their to act out those problems,but happens personal but a few decide that they need a system to trade leaving the markets, more effectively.Those peoplewho do adopt a systems approach from dealing with the market end up transferring their problems usually just to dealingwith their system of trading. with One of the basic problems that most traders face is dealing successful rules to risk. For example, two trading speculative primary are: Cut your losses those two Most short and let your profits run. rules. For example, if making money cannot people is important to is to most people who play investment games\342\200\224then you will a small losses turn As small losses. trouble have result, taking probably the moderate to take. which are harder into moderate even losses, Finally, losses turn into big losses, which you are forced to take\342\200\224allbecause it have a profit, when to take a small loss. Similarly, was so hard people want to take it right away. They think, \"I'd better take this now they it is to the profit becomes, the harder it gets away.\" The before bigger is that most people to take it now. The simple truth resist the temptation are risk-aversivein the realm of profits\342\200\224they prefer a sure, smaller gain in the realm a larger gain\342\200\224and risk-seeking for to a wise gamble of losses\342\200\224they prefer an unwise gamble to a sureloss.As a result, most cut of what is required for success.They people tend to do the opposite run. losses their profits short and let their is not a mistake If you think of trading as a game and that much easier to follow these it becomes the rules of the game, then following at the beginning of the day and rules You should review your two rules. If you followed your at the end of the review your trading rules, day. even if you lost money, pat yourselfon the back. If you didn't follow then mentally rehearse what rules, you did and give yourself more your in choices the future. appropriate you\342\200\224asit a nonquantifiable uses problems trading over made the chart from direction impending of that effects 417 Van K. Tharp deal with or sell whenever I get a feeling \"I buy the later and said he had markets. In the case of a trader who example, to integrate a week me two months called He Dr. problems with not approach The markets people them. to solve the markets, are a natural they place them. Most people end up The secondmajorproblem people have is dealing with stress. Stress and the biological fight/flight response. worry really takes two forms: information. If your for processing Our brains have a limited capacity with worry, that worry takes up most of the decision mind is preoccupied left to perform and you don't have enough capacity effectively. is that it causes One aspect of the fight/flight people to response to earlier their focus. revert narrow well-practicedresponse They make under stress is a common decision that people For example, patterns. did when they were a beginner.They not to decide. they They do what do anything simple. Simple do what their broker advises. In short, they space, 418 Dr. Van are rarely correct. When solutions be crowd to The followers. Crowd follow. is a sure following A second are stressed, they also tend to of others providesa simpleexample people behavior don't have to make decisions,but to lose way money in the markets. followers effect important Dr. Van K. Tharp of the fight/flight I find response is that it people to expend moreenergy.When faced with stressful events, people give more effort to the few alternatives they do consider. They keep on doing what they were doing\342\200\224only they do it harder. Putting more energy into trading decisions doesnot make more money. you Instead you will tend to make quick, irrational which use up choices, some of that excess energy. You probably more into a losing put energy positionby actively it out. The result is a biggerloss. resisting closing In the fight/flight to narrow your summary, causing you response will decrease your performance by choices and concentrate more energy on the alternatives. remaining The solution for dealingwith stress is to work on the causes and to I would develop stressprotectors. recommend that people with this problem go into a stress management Also, it is important to program. understand that many stressful events are such because of the way you them. Change those perceptionsand perceive you will change the event itself.For example,winners differ from losers in their attitude typically about losses. Most people becomeanxious about losses, yet successful speculators have learned that an essential ingredient to winning is to make it OK to lose. Sincemost in our culture are taught people that only winning is acceptable, most investorsmust their beliefs about change losses to become successful. major problem that people have is dealingwith conflict. have different parts of themselves,each of which has a positive intention. For example, someone might have a part to make money, a to protect him from failure, a part to make him feel part about third The People good which himself, a part you establish subconsciously. What carry out their major conflicts. I'm not saying helping just people looks after the welfare these of the allow parts, you usually is the happens parts continually family, etc. Now, once to operate new behaviors to adopt them those new behaviors can produce Sometimes, This model of conflict is one of my most useful beliefs. intentions. people actually have parts, but it is very useful in solve their trading for me to believe that. problems You that have to make them aware of their parts and then conduct negotiation between the parts so that each part is satisfied. If possible, so that they join together. also want to integrate the parts you crowd causes help 419 K. Tharp a formal the with of people having different parts in conflict Could you provide an difficult to conceptualize. concept other a little each example? I worked was not a good model for him, he developed a result, He couldmake than trader whose father a floor with about that, this part however, was in that he was an alcoholic.As a part to protecthimself kicked in to make sure that being like his father. if he made any more from but per year trading, $75,000 he would not become successful.He was the one who made $650,000 in about after we had completedthe parts negotiation. Are you implying level common is that? Halfthe that because subconscious two too months actually want to lose on a people intention? How it fulfills some other positive some I work with traders His father successful. fairly have problems of this nature. I think it's very common. So far, to peoplehave A fourth trading with the major control their emotional cited you've impediments problem as poor risk attitudes, stress, and conflict success. Are there any other major problems markets? is that many people allow their In fact, most trading trading. in some control problems emotions appear manner. I know of at least ten to to involve methods of helping An easy method that can adopt states. people people control their mental and muscle tension. right away is simply to controlposture,breathing, find that you change your If you change those factors, you will probably emotional state. there decisions. Although Finally, the last major problemis making are many facets to decision-makingproblems,what most people do is the markets. normal method of making decisionsto trading their bring in order to buy a new car. For example, think about what you go through to think about the model, You have make, deal, service, cost, accessories, 420 Dr. Van K. Tharp etc. And it probably takes you a weekor more to evaluate those factors and make a decision.Most people bring that same method of making decisions to trading and it just doesn't work. It takes too much time. So, the solution is to adopt a trading that to act. But system gives you signals most with a trading people system continue to apply their method normal decisions to the signals given to them by their trading of course, that doesn't work. The best method that I've of making And, dealing them circuit long, ineffective through a process with decision-making Do if they traders learn to eliminate negative emotions? emotions are the that negative assumes that Well, cause of trading a symptom of the basic problem. In most even necessary to solve specificproblemsto it's cases, I don't believe have to teach people to do things in an produce success\342\200\224you simply problems. I think manner. effective are just they The teaching process, however, involves working with that. think, and most trainers do not emphasize I Right now, I consider myself to be an expert modeler. By that, mean that if someone can do something then I can figure out how well, else. I'm concentrating on they do it and teach those skillsto anyone and investment excellence. So naturally, I believe that modeling trading I can teach anyone who is committed to being a successfultrader to be one of the best. how As a nontrading example, most martial you can duplicatetheir results. believe that it takes years of practice to break a board with experts someone for about fifteen minutes bare hand. I was able to observe your and then break two k-inch pine boards with my hand. I even showed my son (who was ten at the time) how to do it. That's the power behind modeling. What happens with people competent. superior because they traders have better because of better Better emotionalcontrol, but keener analytical skills, or I think that both of those factors are So does it take to duplicate what There mental are three states, tradersuse those successfultrading? primary factors involved in duplicating and mental strategies. If you duplicate three factors for every aspect of the success\342\200\224beliefs, way the best task, then trading the well, are unconsciously they do them at driving who someone competent tries to explain someone else, much of what is important is left out. Thus, my focus and help people install those to discover the missing pieces. pieces is unconsciously he what talk about the first factor: beliefs.How to trading success? Let's are or she beliefs is doing to is important Let me give from another modeling project.The Army you an example in the U.S. They the rifle skills of the two best sharpshooters modeled were then able a training to develop class for Army recruits four to two in which reduced the training increasing days, the qualification rate from 80 to 100 percent. In addition, they were able to help the top shooters to use the same knowledge improve their skills. time they The information they gathered from about shooting while beliefs was particularly revealing. two top shooters, for example,believed: \342\200\242 well \342\200\242 Hunting is fun. \342\200\242 Mental rehearsal \342\200\242 If I overemphasized. means which most people are unconsciouslycompetent a car. You don't even think about it when you do it. When Shooting control? emotional is that they experts example, The Are most They do things For automatically. most people can be successful that believe you too is a little process 421 K. Tharp arts problems is to short called anchoring.That involved to explainhere. system. found of Dr. Van is important for my survival. is important to successful performance. miss a shot, it has something to do with my performance. when they were in competition together, the two in won. And you could tell the difference between always believed that it accordance with their beliefs. For example, the best shooter the prior evening, to rehearse an entire 1,000-round match was important whereas the second best shooter only believed that mental rehearsal was to important. In addition, the best shooter believed that it was important One of the two top shooters, Dr. Van 422 hit the center of the Dr. Van K. Tharp eye on each shot (even though you didn't get whereas the second best shooter believed that it bull's extra points for that), only important to hit the bull's eye. Can you understand why one was better than the other just from their beliefs? with the beliefs of new Now, contrast the beliefs of top shooters recruitscoming into the Army. The latter believe: might was \342\200\242 Guns shoot this weapon too many \342\200\242 If they miss the target, \342\200\242 If they I think, on beliefs just shooters interviews \342\200\242 is NOT \342\200\242 It is OK to lose in Money Trading \342\200\242 Mental won They've the In contrast, that in working with top it becomes In addition, top you five critical Most people of the primary have think other start. beliefs, I think reasons they these five to make a lose. Because much easier to follow those two and golden extensive rules. planning, mind all the trial and error in their top traders have alreadygone through before they begin. As a result, they in the know they are going to win the little setbacks much easier to deal with. long run, and that makes rehearsal would win. At this point, they they had both the commitment necessary to producesuccess.In had the entire constellation of beliefsI just described. As the belief that and the also major differences betweenjustified confidence. First of all, justified confidence of beliefs, such as the one I just described. comesfrom a constellation If a trader has confidence in a lot of and nothing else, he is probably trouble. Second, justified confidence comes from extensive testing of some sort of model of trading. If you don't have a model that have you a result, I believethat there are three and misplaced properly tested, justified confidence then your comes confidence is probably with an extensive commitment misplaced. Third, to being Most people who want to be traders are not think they are. There is a poemby W. N. Murray, of committed\342\200\224theyjust the Scottish the moment that one Himalayan expedition, that says: \"That commits then Providence moves too.\" oneself, definitely If you are really committed, then not only are you certain that you are doing the right thing, but somehow events just seemto occur to help then you. If you are really committed to being a trader, you probably I'm have an understanding at some level of what about. You talking even understand that that those events probably help you might be big losses. If you are not committed, on the other hand, then you are \"I don't understand what is saying. I'm committed, probably saying, Tharp but events have not been helping me.\" certainly successful approach trading worked with began their careers with an They developedand refined models of how to rehearsed what they wanted to do extensivelyuntil of the markets. confidence trouble taking losses and letting profits of trading as a game and play by certain because of mental had justified and misplaced confidence? that I've traders extensivestudy addition, they believe: top traders the game before they they when The between distinguish confidence markets. most money is soimportant, rules, then top is important for success. important. lot of money, and that is one run. trader they the why the raw recruits. I find there are a lot more than are among the to understand important. rehearsal \342\200\242 expert trade. Theymentally is a game. \342\200\242 Although is misaligned. of these beliefs confirmedin book. Generally, in your begin might go deaf. they of my findings some some find can times, the gun means than better explain traders. You might it alone, you were so much Now, let me You mentioned that winners know they've won the game before they start. I can seehow suchconfidence would be easily Although of this the beneficial for the established impact winning trader, might trait actually be reversedfor the novice trader? For example, in your week on skis, confidence about your ability to go down the first not be such a great quality. How does the less expert slope might they kill people. are evil; 423 K. Tharp as a trader. Dr. Van 424 you Dr. Van 425 K. Tharp states\" as the second critical factor notice how other people walk. Duplicatea dozen explain what you mean by that? yourself and you mentioned \"mental Earlier, in modeling success.Could K. Tharp I'm not saying If you of ask two to list their people types\342\200\224problems don't problems, and mental state control own they don't own consist of blaming Problems problems. trading they or investment they the are markets, insider floor traders or locals,blaming trading, blaming their a natural We have for what their broker, or blaming goes wrong. system for what other than ourselves happens. tendency to blame something Society promotes it. For example,the recent media coverage of program in the stock lost that investors who money implies trading virtually rather than because of any fault of this activity, market did so because of their own. Yet, when you something other than yourself, you blame it was the result of something because can continue to repeat the mistake blaming control. beyond your thing an investor cando, when things go wrong, is to I don't mean that you determine how he or she produced those results.Now, that I at some mean mistakes either. should blame yourself for your point those results. in time, for any situation, you made a choice that produced to Determine what that choice point was and give yourselfother options in the future. Change the a similar choice point take when you encounter the and you will change decision at similar choice points in the future can make it so results you get. And by imagining now, easy doing you in the future. to select those alternatives When people own their own problems, they discover that their Common examples sort mental state. of results usually stem from some The best are: \342\200\242 I'm too impatient with the markets. think they will happen. Once you state problems. These are just a few examplesof mental it because this about can do a mental state something problem, you identify one mentioned how I've control. sort of problem is within already your use mental body posture, state. To try one's breathing, and muscle controlto manipulate and mall into a out for yourself, go this shopping state mental Well, are in simple suppose you example, are chair. Walk away about four chair. Noticeyour most I call discipline. people that they can use right For procedure away. at your desk and you become aware that you state that you a mental is what manipulation teach peoplea very would feet like and then to change. Get up out of the look at how you looked in that your facial expressions.Then your breathing, would if look had the sort of mental state you imagine you you would like. When you can see that sit down in the chair again clearly, and assume the position that you just imagined. That exercise works for almost any situation as it involves several important posture, how posture, principles\342\200\224changing your body and imagining a more seeing yourself from state. a more objective viewpoint, element you cited resourceful Please elaborate on mental earlier as critical to duplicating third strategies\342\200\224the Could success. you provide some examples? People about what their can control someone how mental state? To optimistic losers not. are Can you give a practicalexampleof at the markets. \342\200\242 I'm too your mental state is the magic of the answer. But when you admit come a long way. The yourself, you've are for the results you responsible you get is the key to successful Winners know are investing. they responsiblefor their results; at the wrong afraid controlling It's just part realization that \342\200\242 I'm time. that success. trading one. each that the answer is within \342\200\242 I get angry can solution to for so walks or how your mental state changeswith notice strategies, you have to understand same modalities as their five understand how in the think of visual senses, people think. that is, in terms images, sounds, feelings, people, smells. Those five modalities are to mental strategies as the to a great novel, or as musical notes are to a great symphony. elements, strategy for and but the way is really the Rather beyond the than scope in which the sequence explain of this elements in which some are put together. tastes and alphabet It's A is not the mental you think. a complex topic in detail, I think is which interview, let me give you two examples. First, Dr. Van 426 that you K. Tharp system that gives you specific signals. or as a particular chart pattern Since most signals visual, that on your computer, imagine certain signals system gives you visual your signals.Now, try on the following strategy: imagine a trading have such are \342\200\242 See the signal. \342\200\242 yourself \342\200\242 Feel bad Could you it is familiar. that Recognize \342\200\242 Tell what might go wrong trade effectively \342\200\242 See the using that strategy? Would you even take if you used the following strategy? signal. \342\200\242 it is familiar. that Recognize Could you take it. about it. the signal? Probably not! What \342\200\242 Feel if you strategies are quite the two that signal? Probably. So even though of they lead to very different results in terms similar, trading. If you are trading a system, you need a simple strategy last one in order to use it effectively. Two of the top traders that you success have different completely used in your trading like the research in modeling styles. One is very more intuitive the other uses a much while their Could you contrast their differencesand compare mechanical, approach. similarities? because they are extensive. In similarities between two excellenttraders those can begin to assume that then you let me talk about their fact, you find extensive First, when similarities, so different, for example, Both essential to successful trading. are similarities traders, research did extensive and markets work the for how developed models seem who Although their ideas are very different, I think the some sort of model is probably very of developing and testing process I important. In addition, both traders share all the same beliefs that traders are both as common to successful traders.Third, mentioned earlier to test those 427 in life and as a trader. believe very aware of their purpose They they are and they just go with the flow. picture\" part of a \"bigger The mechanical trader is very logical. He constructs his models in his language and visually in his imagination. He is very precise tend to focus on his concept of how to trade models thinking. His and of how the economy works.Hedoes not believe that his models successfully are adequate until can be converted into for the they algorithms his own that a match mental As result of this belief, he computer processes. has computerizedhis models,modifying both his constructed image and his computer output, until both models match\342\200\224in his words, \"until they both look right.\" This is a very slow and laboriousprocess.I think it hinders his decision making on everyday and he tends to agree events, with but it helps him in the long run. When his mental image and me, the model match, he virtually himself takes out of the trading computer picture. The computer is easy for him. does everything, so at that point, decision making in contrast, has developed a model of how he trader, than a model of how to trade markets operate, rather He also believes that the markets are constantly successfully. evolving and it is more important to keep up with that in the market than to changes test his models by developing an algorithm to computerize them. He trades from of what his expectations the markets will do, which are visualizations. But I think that he tends to convert his visualizations into but they are difficult feelings. Feelings actually are a mode of thinking, to communicate to others or to computerize.As a result, he believes that exercises such as computerizing a trading are a waste of time. system Rememberthat his main emphasis is to explain how markets work (rather than how to trade), and he believes that the markets are constantly a result, he has difficulty how he trades to anyone evolving.As explaining else. He just calls it intuitive. At the same time, he makes day-to-day decisions contrast to the mechanical trader who is easily\342\200\224adistinct uncomfortable he has proven his work by computerizing until it. thinks from trade K. Tharp The intuitive about it. good Dr. Van What are the most difficult I think there problems to solve? models. to trading. two difficult are not People going are only problems. One is lack of commitment to do what I tell them are committed to becominga good trader, so I don't to do unless they see many noncom- Dr. Van 428 mitted traders. It's only occasionally, that I see traders with to remain a little consultation, wanted of accomplishing that, of seeing noncommitted second The most boy, was and a classic I do when this a free or reduced-rate of problem. sort K. Tharp was trying to use trading The man as who a means example. I don't make the mistake traders too often. situation is the difficult trader who does not own to repeat his problems because his problems. This personcan continue see these people. don't he never gets at the source. Once again, I usually When people come to me, they realize that they produce their own although, to some extent, everyonehas problems that they problems, don't own\342\200\224even my into debt. At that point, I refer them to Gamblers Anonymous his compulsiveness working with together. The from the markets into working 429 In a sense, I felt that him. we had only started working more I thought about it, the more the question kept into my mind: \"What if we pushed this to the limits? What is he So the idea of the super-trader capableof accomplishing?\" was program born from thosethoughts. I called him up and suggested the idea to him. Naturally, he was all for it. popping About four of my program. a regular basis (usually now graduated to the super-trader to work with these people have clients It simply means that I continue idea is to stretch The semiannually). on their for that, but I have Many people aren't ready who are. Who knows, in three or four years, I might just have about fifty top traders that I work with on a continual basis! Incidentally, I find that my best clients now make excellentmodels to use to study top traders. limits. the to performance my clients or I have had one compulsive trader to some localsourceforhelp. However, among my clients. He's now in my super-trader program. I've simply channeled K. Tharp enough among clients. Among the people who come to see me, I think the most difficult the crave is the compulsive gambler. Sincethese peopletypically type until to want are not action of the markets, they are my help likely they heavily Dr. Van on I sometimeshave involve which dreams are rather these direction. Although percentage of the time.Is this impending infrequent, they market prove a high right unusual? himself. is always the answer problems correcting trading would a on trading class to one For teaching approach though. example, in the first session and a simple be to give everyonethe fundamentals the remaining in the second. You could then spend trading system That would that their with sessions system. problems trading dealing could conduct other On the class. hand, you probably be a very effective Then them the fundamentals. the same class by giving might give you and mental strategies necessary to trade them the beliefs, mental states, I'm willing to bet the system. the Finally, you might give them system. than the first. At least the second method would be more effective that I'm heading. that is the direction I'm not sure that that it's quite because people tell me that all the time, and intuitive especially top traders. For example,both the mechanical super-traders that we talked about earlier expressed that they had dreams about the market that were amazingly accurate. But most traders say that I imagine such dreamsare infrequent regularly. This phenomenon might imagine\342\200\224in interpret their dreams, must admit that very direction of your super-trader program. one trader called and Eve one year, when that It all began on Christmas I had finished months since told me that he had made $650,000 in the two so that they enough may form. symbolic it interests symbolic on them not trade But most people do not so they miss the although could occur more frequently even predictions. one than bother to However, me, I have not investigated this I area extensively. I know of lots of level who claim that some of Michael Jackson claims he doesn'twrite his songs\342\200\224they just come to him. Paul McCartneysaid that he heard the song \"Yesterday\" in a dream. Einstein essentially dreamedthe theory of relativity. I think there are probably a lot of famous examples of this sort. It all boils down to what intuition really is, but their creativity and Talk about the origins,concepts, common people comes from of genius their dreams. don't ask me to explainit. I don'tunderstand it\342\200\224YET! Dr. Van K. Tharp 430 that the reason you have not tried trading again is that you with your objectivity in dealing with perceive that it would interfere about successful have learned you your clients. Yet, given all that trading during the past five years, I imagine there must be some this conflict? handle What to try it again. How do you temptation do you envision as the long-termresolution? I assume There about two reasons are I don't trade.The objectivity conflicting positions,then I may is the reason you someone mentioned other they writing, people, giving talks, and so on. I'm very happy doing that. It is also a sixty-hour then I would have to I trading, per week job right now. If wanted to start devote almost as much time to doing that, at least at the beginning. Why I love doing? Player should I do that and give up what I already know are not that effective at coaches, in the history of most sports, usually or either coaching playing. also assumes that I am committed to trade, and as a Your question more into I find that as I get more and there is a conflict. Actually, result in interest trading helping others become successful,I have less and less myself. constantly I'm investing work off forme. in myself and in my business right now. my skills and knowledge, and that I dilute that effort? Perhaps sometime I at improving is paying should in the Why I can do, or perhaps I'll that I have done everything future, to change what I'm doing, or perhapsI'll just want a break. For want I might with three to four years from now fifty just be working example, I'll trade. also then If that traders. or more top quality maybe happens, But for the near future, it doesn't seem very likely. I will A Personal Experience and I have trade not be very objective about what is that I am fully however, reason, An equally important to doing what I am doing. I love helping are doing. committed first with clients. If I'm helping Trade The In the the interviews for this of conducting course realize that one of my primary self-discovery.Although (substantially I had occasions), extent of my as the fact I had book, project about a probing Ed Seykota.This trips to was a quest for winnings and trading, as well anticipated major were small potatoes comparedto for this book, on one evening, my trading by Dr. Van Tharp, conversation about my trading back-to-back Given the my trading. knowledge and experience about markets that on numerous occasions I had correctly about I came been a net profitable trader over the years a small initial stake on two separate multiplying a definite sense of failure In one of my at length entire I have price moves, I felt that my I should have made. what decide motives for the experience I was interviewed and the very next evening, with the very perceptive caused me to focus intensely that had prevented me from reaching what I perceived to be as a trader. As of this self-examination, I came to realize that one of errors had been failing to exploit great moves my I had that major price initial correctly anticipated. Invariably, would be far too my position the potential I perceived in such trades. This mistake was small, given then of the position. compounded by a highly premature liquidation I would take profits on the first leg of the price move, with Typically, the intention of reentering the position on a correction. The problemwas on the flaws my true potential a result The 432 that subsequent corrections usually refusing to chase the market, short fell I ended Trade of my reentry points and, the rest of the price up watching I vowed to myself that the next I was on the sidelines. while to would arise, I would make a concentratedeffort time such a situation of the trade. come closer to realizing the true potential I did not have to wait very long. Two weekslater, while on a plane I was thinking about my interviews, to Chicago to conductsomefurther I the review of the price charts previous evening. recalledthat I had come moveunfold that precious metal prices were ready impression away with the distinct the foreign to move higher, even though currency markets appeared to further vulnerable price erosion. Suddenly, the trade I should have made becamecrystal clear. Given my combination of expectations,a trade of would be particularly currencies metals and short foreign in the same move direction, the markets these normally (Since in less risk than an outright long position combined positionimplied this on trade some charts note to made a mental I precious metals.) generate precious long attractive. first opportunity. at my a quote machine capable of generating morning, I found I various First, and sat down to evaluate price relationships. next The price charts looked decided at the interrelationships that silver reviewed the was my interrelationships between preferred between silver, gold, and platinum buy among and the metals. Then I the various foreign currencies that the Swiss franc appeared to be the weakest currency. of the charts reviewed I then made these two determinations, Having from ten years time for various ratio franc spectrums,ranging silver/Swiss month. to one that we were at the brink of led me to the conclusion This analysis of silver relative to the Swiss franc. advance a possible multiyear me I had intended not to trade because my traveling prevented Although of the trade seemed to the markets, the potential attention from paying I had to put on at least a base position. To be done that so dynamic in a ratio trade requires approximately equal dollar positions properly, it that at the I levels, market. calculated each prevailing price quickly balance one to silver three contracts would long require approximately short Swiss franc contract. franc price ratio. I lookedat a short-term chart of the silver/Swiss in the directhe price ratio had already moved sharply To my dismay, and decided The Trade of my tion 433 intended trade since my about realization it the previous on that morning's opening, the trade could have been implemented at much more favorable price levels.As I was trying to decide what to do, the silver/Swiss franc ratio continued to move higher and I decided that I had to act to prevent the possibility of missing higher. this trade I called in an order the altogether. immediately establishing minimum position of long three silver contracts and short one Swiss franc contract. No sooner had I placed the order than the price ratio morning.Even seemed to reachits peak and began retreating. The ratio pulledback two during days. As it turned out, I had managed to implement the trade at the exact worst possible moment in time since the inception of my idea. However, the silver/Swiss franc price ratio and a few days later I was well ahead. recovered, quickly At this point, I thought about my recent realization regarding my continued failure to adequately profit from major price moves. I decided to maintain for my position and, moreover, selecteda reaction point the The correction came about a week I later and doubling up position. followed my game plan. My timing as the trade once again proved good, rebounded in my favor\342\200\224this time with double the initial position. Given the long six my account size (approximately $70,000 at the time), silver/short two Swiss franc position was about twice as large as the one I normally would have held. My efforts to correct my aforementioned flaw seemed to be paying as the trade raced in my favor off, trading two weeks. Within a month of putting on the trade, during the following account was over 30 my up percent. I now faced a dilemma: On the one hand, my new-found realizationsuggested that I hang on to the trade for the long run. On the other one of other rules is if that you are ever lucky enough to hand, my realize a very take it, because you will large profit on a trade very quickly, to reenter the trade at considerably more usually get an opportunity favorable levels. The second rule came to mind when the silver/Swiss franc price ratio began falling. the next further examination of the A cursory prudent to reach to take a decision. new job, while little time doing the at least partial at the and energy necessary I should profits. However, the suggested it might be have done more analysis of having undertaken a book, left me with very charts price combination same time writing this to focus on other areas\342\200\224trading included. Instead of to stay with the trade. work, I made a snap judgment 434 The trade now moved swiftly against me, and within The Trade a week, I had given a significant portion of my earlier gains. a week earlier, I had rationalized that my substantial Although of a comfort cushion in the event of a profits would give me enough back reaction, now that such a reaction had occurred,I found misjudged my comfort level. Suddenly, that I had seriously I was concerned that I might ride the trade into a loss. I give back all my profits, and possibly even decide to blow out of the trade or stay with it as whether could not initially planned. That a developer to a friend of mine, who is night I had a dream.I was talking of software for the analysis of futures and options markets, but not a trader. In my dream, he had begun trading. about trading and my current dilemma regarding the We were silver/Swiss talking franc position. since.\" with one of the columns indicating equity. I glanced at the sheet and was astounded to see that the last figure exceeded $18 million. I exclaimed, I hope you plan to take \"Bert, you have made $18 million in the market! a few million out for safekeeping.\" \"No, I need all the money for I said. \"Take $3 or $4 million \"But that is crazy,\" out, trading,\" he replied. and that way you will be sure then that no matter what will happens, you come out way ahead.\" \"I know what I am doing, and as long as I do my homework on the markets every day, I am not concerned,\" he replied. His answerhad implied, do quite correctly, that I did not diligently unstated, my homework on the markets every day. His point, although was quite clear: If I did my work on the markets every day, I wouldn't have any trouble understanding he did not need to pull out several why million dollars in profits from his accountto feel confident that he would not lose back all his profits in trading. \"You to do your work on say you don't have enough time each day the markets. You are too busy with and new book. job your writing your letme He show started Here, you something.\" citing assumptions regardhis a sheet month-to-month in front of him, ending 435 Trade ing the sales of my book, per copy sold, and the total hours He then scribbled various calculationson royalties I had spent writing he \"Here,\" pad. He arrived at a final figure of $18.50 per hour. yellow his voice The tone of on book.\" said, \"this is what you are making your in my of dollars implied that I was crazy to jeopardize tens of thousands is the $18.50 estimate sum. (Actually, trading for such a paltry but remember this was a dream.) overinflated, probably wildly after It was no coincidence that this dream occurred the night with his interview Schwartz of the section the dealing Marty editing that I realized the markets. on his homework in daily diligence doing to do have there are no shortcuts.If you want to be a good trader, you the your have book. markets every day. If to make time. The costs for straying work on the of lost there from is not enough time, you this daily discipline, well as losses, a can be very in as profit opportunities out was: If you my subconscious seemed to be crying time are going to be seriousabout trading, you have to reestablish your terms My friend commented on my predicament, gets what \"Everybody want out of the markets.\" I replied,\"You sound they just like Ed he did Seykota.\" This soundeda bit odd to me, since as far as I knew, not even know Seykota. To my surprise, he answered, \"I have been for a while and I have been winning in my trading ever talking to Ed Seykota Hehad The substantial. The priorities. message Postscript Dreams and Trading The dreams between relationship Readers may look up Seykota's is a fascinating and trading subject. and Tharp's commentson this matter. in which this topic was prominently trader decided to rescindhis approval for use the instance, of our conversation in the book. I was somewhat puzzled by his decision, was another There interview In that discussed. sincethe chapter was have found so offensive possibly \"Absolutely nothing,\" human.\" It turned in any complimentary. as to back out and that he was adamantly Even the offer of anonymity book. I did,however, manage to get conversation have been In 1980, the year when night say, \"Hey Jerry, where \"$4.07.\" cents? Are my entire you me sound almost in a inclusion opposed failed to his appearance to change his decision. dream-related in the following references corn set its record high, I had the following now?\" made his changed.) One limit. you I asked. his permission to use the of the interview. (The name portion could \"What completely?\" \"In he replied. fact, you out that he was upset about book recently published basically I was dream. I'm talking is corn going to?\" \"To $4.15.\" long the position and I to myself \"Where is corn all that risk for an extra eight mean you are taking I woke up in a flash. I knew I had to get out of crazy?\" \"You corn position as soonas the market opened the next day. 438 Postscript next The selling. the market opened up a little higher, and I started morning, moved a little higher, and I sold more The market The heavily. I thought the floor broker up some more.For a minute, had executedmy order backwards. He hadn't. a few minutes Anyway, later, I'm completelyout of my position and the phone rings. It's my friend Carl, another good trader, who had also been long corn. He says,\"Jerry, is that you doing all the I selling?\" tell him, \"Yes, I just got out of my entire are you position.\" \"What where is corn going to?\" \"About doing?\" he shouts. I say, \"Carl, $4.154.20,\" he replies. \"Where is corn now?\" I ask him. I hear an immediate click over the phone. He didn't even waste time any market moved saying And was that the top of the corn good-bye. market? It might have gone up another day, but that was just about the it started falling, I could never have unloaded a position of high. Once my size. There I found this trader's narration of his dream particularly since fascinating, I have occasionally had similar I have found experiences. that Usually, when you feel strongly about a trade (either getting in or getting enough out) to dream about it, the message should be heeded. Of course,like else, this does not work all the time, anything but I believe it places the odds more As in your favor. I interpret it, the dream is the means by which our subconscious penetratesthe barriers we sometimes erect in accepting the true analysis of a market. For example, if I am bullish and not in a market, I might it is prudent to wait for a reaction before entering the trade\342\200\224even if a realistic assessment would suggest that such a development is unlikely. This is because entering the market at a higher price is a confirmation to some extent, I have alreadyfailed that, is, by not (that sooner)\342\200\224a distasteful In such a case, a dream buying acknowledgment. that the market was going to run on the upside might be the away subconscious' of mental way breaking through impediments. rationalize that Word Final by the to technical time the success. holy grail to trading \"market wizards\" cover the entire is no The purely from spectrum in between. fundamental\342\200\224and everything they typically hold a trade styles of the traders are very minutes from ranges employed purely of The length methodologies to years. Although denominators different, many common had a driving desire to become were evident: 1. All interviewed those traders\342\200\224in their 2. cases, many goal. All reflected confidence that run. Almost invariably, and safest investment they for 3. Each trader had found remained true to that word most frequently 4. overcoming successful significant obstacles to reach The top traders substantial amount they could continue their to win over their own trading considered the long as the best money. a methodology that worked for him and was the that discipline approach. It is significant mentioned. take their of their trading very seriously; most devote a waking hours to market analysis and trading strategy. 5. Rigid risk control is one of the key elements of virtually all those interviewed. in the trading strategy 440 6. Final In a variety of ways, many having the patience to wait present 7. of the traders stressed the for the right trading opportunity Word of importance to itself. The importance emphasized 8. All the of acting independent of the crowd was a frequently point. top traders 9. They all love what understand they that losing is part of the game. are doing. 1 Appendix ProgramTradingand Portfolio Insurance in recent that has received widespreadpublicity years is of financial never in the history markets has program trading. Perhaps One subject there been more criticism understood. I to opposed would program source of confusion describe both encompassing a trading approach that was less about a guess that less than one out of ten people of the term. One trading even know the definition is used interchangeably is that program trading to a and as more term general original activity venture the various computer-supported trading strategies (for example, insurance). portfolio trading represents Program market is bought against an equal in which one a classicarbitrage activity short sale in a closely related market from short-lived small, near risk-freeprofits, resulting between such markets. Program price relationship tradersbuy or sell an actual basket of stocksagainst an equal dollar value the actual stocks to position in stock index futures when they perceive be underpricedor overpriced to futures. In effect, program relative tends to keep actual stock and stock index futures trading prices in line. Insofar as every program-related is sale of actual stocks offsetby a time and most program trades are first initiated as long purchase at another in of the uptick stock/short futures (because positions requirement that program trading is responsible for stocks), shorting actual arguments stock market declinesare highly tenuous. Moreover, since the bulk of in order to realize distortions in the 442 Appendix 1 economic evidence tends that indicates to reduce between related markets arbitrage volatility, relationship and program trading is questionable at best. between the increased volatility Portfolio insurancerefers to the systematic sale of stockindex as the value of a stock in order to reduce risk declines portfolio Once the net long exposure is increasedbacktoward exposure. reduced, full position as the representative stock index price increases. The theory futures portfolio underlying insurance presumes smoothly. When prices witnessan October 19, sell levels, triggering far below the theoretical underlying a greater span question that trading, as an avalanche levels. Although defined never be answered. tremendous confusion restrictions regarding severely impededthis severely delayed Basics* insurance executed have insurance. (It is doubtful the openings that crash This is a program of the week of of individual stocks, related to prevailing price levels, and exchange the use of the automated order entry systems activity.) the Options\342\200\224Understanding be argued that reasonably a similar price decline over above, played much of a role in October 19, sincethe were portfolio insurance may forces would have resultedin of days in the absence of portfolio can move prices portfolio of sell orders which 2 Appendix huge move, the results of the This occurred on theory. the decline on October19,it could accelerated the abrupt, market differ substantially from the 1987, when prices gapped beyondthreshold may strategy that a of a basic types of options: calls and puts. The purchase with the right\342\200\224but not the obligation\342\200\224 call option provides the buyer the underlying item at a specified to purchase price,called the strike or date. Aput the and time to at exercise price, any expiration including up There are two option provides the buyer with the right\342\200\224but not the obligation\342\200\224to sell item at the strike price at any time prior to expiration. the underlying a put while a put is a bearish trade, that buying selling (Note,therefore, As an The price of an option is calleda premium. is a bullish trade.) 130 call gives the purchaser the right an IBM April of an option, example the life to buy 100 shares of IBMat $130 per share at any time during of the option. The buyer of a call seeks to profit from an anticipated price rise by locking in a specified purchase price. The call buyer'smaximum possible will be equal to the dollar amount loss option. This expirationif the example, if option would loss would of the expire worthless. from 1984). market 130 If at expiration,the Jack D. Schwager, A CompleteGuide & Sons, New Yoik,NY, premium paid for the on an option held until strike price was above the prevailing the IBM was trading at $125 when *Adapted Wiley maximum occur price. For expired, the of the underly- option price to the Futures Market (John 444 Appendix! the strike price, the option would have somevalue ing market was above would hence be exercised. However,if the difference between the market price and the strike price was less than the premium paid for the the net result of the trade would still be a loss. In order for a call option, to realize a net profit, the difference buyer between the market price and the strike price would have to exceed the premium paid when the call was purchased (after adjusting for commission cost). The higher the market price, the greater the resulting profit. The buyer of a put seeks to profit from an anticipated price decline in a sales price. Like the call buyer, by locking his maximum possible loss is limited to the dollar amount of the for the option. premium paid In the case of a put held until expiration, the trade would show a net profit if the strike price exceeded the market price by an amount greater than the premium of the put at purchase (after adjusting for commission cost). Whereas the buyer of a call or put has limited risk and unlimited potential gain, the reverse is true for the seller. The option seller (often called the writer) receives the dollar value of the premium in return for the obligation to assume an opposite position at the strike undertaking price if an option is exercised. For example, if a call is exercised, the seller must assume a short in the underlying market at the strike position price (since by exercising the call, the buyer assumes a long position at and that price). The seller of a call seeksto sideways to In such a situation, the modestly decliningmarket. premium earned by a call provides the most attractive selling trading opportunity. However, if the trader expected a large price decline,he would be better usually off going short the underlying profit from market or buying an anticipated a put\342\200\224trades with open- the seller of a put seeks potential. In a similar fashion, to profit from an anticipated sidewaysto modestly rising market. Some novices have trouble understanding a trader would not why always prefer the buy side of the option (call orput, depending on market opinion), since sucha trade has unlimited potential and limited risk.Such confusion reflects the failure to take probability into account. Although the option seller's theoreticalrisk is unlimited, the price levels that have the of occurrence (i.e., prices in the vicinity greatest probability of the market price when the option trade occurs) would in a net gain to result ended profit the option probability seller. Roughly speaking, the option buyer accepts a large for a small probability of a large gain, of a small loss in return 445 2 Appendix the option seller accepts a small whereas for a large probability exchange of of a large loss in efficient market, In an gain. consistent option seller should probability a small option buyer nor the over the long run. have any significant advantage value intrinsic consists of two components: The option premium the amount is value of a call option by plus time value. The intrinsic market price. (The intrinsic which the current price is above the strike market price is the current value of a put option is the amount by which value is that part of the below the strike price.) In effect, the intrinsic at the were exercised that could be realized if the option the consistent neither premium market current option. The intrinsic price. if the premium were lessthan Because Why? trader could buy market resulting and market said and puts with with a strike price closest to has out-of-the-money date. calls with strike prices below prices above the market price) are no intrinsic value are called have (i.e., the are called at-the-moneyoptions. value equal to zero, will that the market price will expiration strike Options options. price An for an intrinsic costs). value in-the-money. Options that out-of-the-money market the position, price to be price value, a the offset and the option exercise immediately the that a net (assuming gain thereby realizing trader covers at least transaction that have intrinsic Options the value servesas a floor which by definition option, still have some value because of the move An in-the-money an intrinsic possibility the strike price prior to the option will have a value greater than beyond the value because a positionin the option will be preferred to a intrinsic market. Why? Because both the option and the position in the underlying price market positionwill gain equally in the event of a favorable of the The limited. is loss maximum portion the but movement, option's value is called the time value. intrinsic the that exceeds premium an option's time that influence factors The three most important value are: (1) Relationship options of-the-money the market expiration. price will Deeply between the will have little move in-the-money to the and market strike time value out- price\342\200\224Deeply since it is unlikely that strike price\342\200\224or beyond\342\200\224prior have little time value, because to options market\342\200\224both the underlying these options offerpositionsvery similarto for all but an extremely adverse amounts lose and will equivalent gain the fact option, pricemove. In other words, for a deeply in-the-money 446 Appendix risk is limited is not that far worth (2) Time a longer until remaining until expiration, the very much, because the strike price isso market price. the prevailing from 2 of the greater time more expiration\342\200\224The the value This option. remaining is true because of the intrinsic value the probability to amount increasing prior expiration. by any specified (3) Volatility\342\200\224Time value will vary directly with the estimated of price variability] of the underlying volatility [a measure of the degree life market for the remaining span of the option. This relationship is a result of the fact that greater volatility the probability of the raises intrinsic value increasing by any specified amount prior to expiration. In other words, the greater the volatility, the greater the probable price range of the life span increases market. volatility Although determination of option volatility of a market contrast, the time is an extremely important premium values, it should is never preciselyknown remaining factor in the that the future after the fact. (In be stressed until until expiration and the relationship between price and the strike price can be exactly specifiedat Thus, volatility must always be estimatedon the basis of The future volatility estimate implied by market historical volatility data. market the current any juncture.) prices historical be higher or lower than premiums), which may is called the volatility. volatility, implied (i.e., option the