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Cialis Case Study: Market Segmentation & Positioning

MGMT 324, Spring 2022
Prof. Guofang Huang
The Cialis case
Due at 9AM on Feb 15, 2022
Please read the Cialis case carefully. Provide your answers/recommendations for
the following problems:
1. What are the most relevant dimensions along which to segment the
patient market for ED treatment? (group 3)
2. Of the segments identified, which would you target initially with
Cialis? Why? (group 3)
3. What was Viagra’s positioning in the marketplace in 2002? How
would you characterize the Viagra brand? (group 4)
4. What would be the most effective way to position Cialis in the
marketplace? (group 4)
Note: Your case report should include a statement of the main problem the
protagonist in the company is facing, your answers to the case study questions, and a
brief rationale for your answers. The case report should be around 350 words or less,
double spaced, 12 point font, and one inch margins.