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Acid Rain Effects on Biodiversity

Effects Of Acid Rain On
● What is acid rain?
● Causes of acid rain
● How does it affect Biodiversity and the environment?
● How do we minimize it?
● Conclusion
● References
What is Acid Rain?
Acid rain results when sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOX) are
emitted into the atmosphere and transported by wind and air currents.
The SO2 and NOX react with water, oxygen and other chemicals to form
sulfuric and nitric acids.
These then mix with water and other materials before falling to the ground.
What causes Acid Rain?
The primary cause of acid rain is air pollution. Natural sources of acid rain include
erupting volcanoes that contain some chemicals which can cause acid rain. Since
this is not a frequent phenomena, leading causes of acid rain today are due to
human activities. Burning of fossil fuels, the running of factories and automobiles are
a few other reasons behind acid rain.
Forms of Acid Deposition
Wet Deposition
Wet deposition is what we most commonly think of as acid rain. The sulfuric and
nitric acids formed in the atmosphere fall to the ground mixed with rain, snow, fog, or
Dry Deposition
Acidic particles and gases can also deposit from the atmosphere in the absence of
moisture as dry deposition. The acidic particles and gases may deposit to surfaces
(water bodies, vegetation, buildings) quickly or may react during atmospheric
transport to form larger particles that can be harmful to human health.
How does it impact biodiversity?
Acid rain causes a cascade of effects that harm or kill individual fish, reduce fish
population numbers, completely eliminate fish species from a waterbody, and
decrease biodiversity.
The ecological effects of acid rain are most clearly seen in the aquatic, or water,
environments, such as streams, lakes, and marshes. Acid rain flows into streams,
lakes, and marshes after falling on forests, fields, buildings, and roads.
Acid rain also falls directly on aquatic habitats.
Acid rain primarily affects sensitive bodies of water, which are located in watersheds
whose soils have a limited ability to neutralize acidic compounds i.e. buffering
capacity. Lakes and streams become acidic when the water itself and its surrounding
soil cannot buffer the acid rain enough to neutralize it.
In areas where buffering capacity is low, acid rain releases aluminum from soils into
lakes and streams; aluminum is highly toxic to many species of aquatic organisms.
Some types of plants and animals are able to tolerate acidic waters. Others,
however, are acid sensitive and will be lost as the pH declines.
pH tolerance of some aquatic animals
Together, biological organisms and the environment in which they live are called an
ecosystem. The plants and animals living within an ecosystem are highly
For example, frogs may tolerate relatively high levels of acidity, but if they eat insects
like the mayfly, they may be affected because part of their food supply may
disappear. Because of the connections between the many fish, plants, and other
organisms living in an aquatic ecosystem, changes in pH or aluminium levels affect
biodiversity as well.
Thus, as lakes and streams become more acidic, the numbers and types of fish and
other aquatic plants and animals that live in these waters decrease.
The Shannon index (H’) is used to evaluate the biodiversity within an environment.
The higher the value of this index, the greater the biodiversity.
The graph below shows the Shannon index applied to benthic macroinvertebrates
(invertebrates living on the bottom of watercourses) as a function of the acidity of a
watercourse. We can see here that the lower the pH of the watercourse, the lower
the biodiversity (Gerold, 2010).
Similarly, the higher the aluminium concentration, the lower the biodiversity. Finally,
the lower the concentration of calcium or magnesium, the lower the biodiversity.
An acidified river or lake, therefore, has a low biological diversity.
Effect on Forests
Acid rain makes trees vulnerable to disease, extreme weather, and insects by
destroying their leaves, damaging the bark and arresting their growth. Forest
damage due to acid rain is most evident in Eastern Europe – especially Germany,
Poland and Switzerland.
3. Effect on Soil
Acid rain highly impacts soil chemistry and biology. It means soil microbes and
biological activity as well as soil chemical compositions such as soil pH are
damaged or reversed due to the effects of acid rain.
High soil acidity also denatures enzymes for the soil microbes. On the same
breadth, hydrogen ions of acid rain leach away vital minerals and nutrients such as
calcium and magnesium.
Episodic Acidification
Melting snow and heavy rain downpours can result in what is known as episodic
acidification. Lakes that do not normally have a high level of acidity may temporarily
experience effects of acid rain when the melting snow or downpour brings greater
amounts of acidic deposition and the soil can’t buffer it. This short duration of higher
acidity can result in a short-term stress on the ecosystem where a variety of
organisms or species may be injured or killed.
Solutions to the problem
Since Acid Rain and air pollution are directly correlated, decreasing air pollution will
also result in a decrease of acid rain.
Alternative Energy Sources
Besides fossil fuels, there is a wide range of alternative energy sources that can
generate electrical power. These include wind energy, geothermal energy, solar
energy, hydropower, and nuclear power.
Individual, National/State, and International Actions
Millions of people, directly and indirectly, contribute to SO2 and NOx emissions.
Mitigation of this challenge requires individuals to be more informed about energy
conservation and ways of reducing emissions such as: turning off lights or electrical
appliances when not using them; use public transport; use energy-efficient electrical
appliances; and use of hybrid vehicles or those with low NOx emissions.
As of today, all energy sources have environmental and economic costs as well as
benefits. The only solution is using sustainable energy that can protect the future.
This will cause major air pollution causes to diminish and greatly reduce acid rain.
Less acid rain will help protect and sustain habitats and minimise disruptions in the
food chain.
This will lead to protection of biodiversity and prevent the loss of species from
man-made causes.