HELPSHEET COLD FILE AUDIT COMPLIANCE REVIEW CHECKLIST ASSIGNMENT DETAILS Client name Type of business Reporting period, months: Audit report date: Balance sheet date : / / Qualified: Yes (Specify): Reason for selection / / Unqualified: Yes Emphasis of matter: Yes(Specify): Listed client: High Risk: Public interest: Other: (Specify): Personnel Accounting data Responsible Individual: Turnover: £ Engagement quality control reviewer: Net assets: £ Manager: Audit fee: £ Staff: Other: £ £ £ 1.0 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS A cold file review should confirm that the financial statements comply with statutory and financial reporting standard disclosure requirements. A disclosure checklist is not mandatory, but is evidence of compliance with ISA 250. Y NI N N/A Ref: 1.1 Directors report: a) Physically signed? b) Name of signatory stated? c) Small company statement correct? 1.2 Audit report: a) Physically signed? b) Signed as appropriate in correct name and as Senior Statutory Auditor / Statutory Auditor? Dated: Dated: / / / / c) Correct reference to FRSSE including effective date? d) Complies with ISA 700 to 720 and Bulletin 2010/2? Y = YES NI = Needs Improvement N = No Reg 3.16 N/A = Not Applicable Y NI N N/A 1.3 Balance sheet: a) Physically signed? b) Name of signatory stated? c) Small company statement correct? 1.4 Abbreviated accounts: a) Physically signed? b) Audit report complies with Bulletin 2008/4? c) Consistent with full financial statements? 1.5 Disclosure: a) Appropriate checklist used? b) No disclosure errors noted? 1.6 Other third-party report or return signed: a) Copy on file? b) Physically signed? c) Consistent with audited financial statements? d) Referenced to specific work? 2.0 APPOINTMENT AND REAPPOINTMENT Dated: Dated: Dated: / / / / / Ref: / Before accepting an appointment, at the planning stage of the audit and at completion an auditor should assess their independence and resources. Issues identified relating to independence and the APB Ethical standards need to be communicated to management and those charged with governance. 2.1 Appointment acceptance: a) Approved by Responsible Individual? b) Integrity of the client considered? c) Ethical standards including independence considered? d) Adequate resources and competence confirmed? e) Communication with previous auditor? 2.2 Engagement letter: a) Dated: b) Wording appropriate (eg refers to Companies Act 2006 and include the preconditions for an audit ISA 210.6)? c) Complaints and fees paragraphs (Regulations and guidance – ‘The duty on firms to investigate complaints’ and ‘Code of Ethics’.)? d) Covers services provided? 2.3 Has any change in the terms of the engagement been fully considered and new terms agreed? / Reg 3.03 ES & ISQC 1 ISA 210 / Up to date? Y NI N N/A Ref: 2.4 Continuation of client relationship (at planning): a) Approved by Responsible Individual? ISA 300 b) Integrity of the client considered? ISA 220 c) Ethical standards including independence considered? ISQC 1 d) Previous fees paid and current fee level considered? ES 4 2.4 Continuation of client relationship (cont): e) Provision of non-audit services assessed? ES 5 f) Adequate resources and competence confirmed? ISQC 1 2.5 Where ethical and independence issues have been identified: ES a) Is there informed management and if so have the persons been identified and documented? b) Have appropriate safeguards been determined? Specify: c) Is it a small company in accordance with PASE? d) Where there is informed management have the PASE alternative procedures been adopted? e) Where there is no informed management have the PASE exemptions been applied and disclosed in the notes to the financial statements and audit report? f) Have all issues been communicated with those charged with governance at planning and completion? 3.0 UNDERSTANDING THE ENTITY AND ITS ENVIRONMENT An audit must be undertaken in the light of the client’s specific circumstances. The International Standards on Auditing require certain matters to be considered and documented. Much of the information required may not change materially from year to year. It is therefore efficient to document it and then carry it forward updating regularly for changes. Such information can be kept in a permanent file, a brought forward permanent section in the current file or included within the current audit documentation (most normally within the planning section). It is not good practice to retain this information within a general correspondence file, as it can be "lost" amongst other documents and not easily accessed. 3.1 Detailed information on the entity and its environment (know your client): a) Relevant industry, regulatory and other external factors, including the applicable financial reporting framework? b) Nature of its operations? c) Ownership and governance? d) Investments and special-purpose entities? e) Structure and financing? f) Significant accounting policies and their appropriateness? g) Objectives, strategies and related business risks? h) Measurement and review of financial performance? ISA 315 Y NI N N/A Ref: 3.1 (Continued) i) Laws and regulations and compliance procedures? ISA 250A j) Related parties and their related transactions? ISA 550 k) Accounting estimates (including the outcome of prior period estimates)? ISA 540 l) Service organisations? ISA 402 3.2 Internal control and information systems: ISA 315 a) Operations and transaction flows recorded? b) Accounting records description and detail? c) Journals and error correction process documented? d) Control environment and control activities identified? e) Design and implementation of controls assessed? f) Completeness and accuracy of records assessed? g) Skills and bias of management and key staff assessed? h) Management’s risk assessment and reporting controls understood, including those in relation to fraud? 4.0 AUDIT STRATEGY, PLANNING AND RISK ASSESSMENT The audit plan together with other permanent notes should be sufficient to explain the business, how transactions are generated, how they are recorded and the control over them. It should identify the important, significant and material balances, transactions and events, the audit approach, methods and procedures to be adopted to address these areas and the risks associated therewith. The assessed risk should clearly link to the audit programmes and procedures to be adopted. 4.1 Audit strategy and plan: a) Approved by Responsible Individual? b) Dated: 4.2 New appointment or previous year not audited: a) Reliability of opening balances considered? ISA 510 b) Reliability of comparatives considered? ISA 710 c) Prior year audit report reviewed? ISA 510 4.3 Risk assessment procedures: a) Prior period information considered and updated? ISA 315 b) Analytical review adequately annotated, considered and queries identified? ISA 315 c) / / ISA 300 Appropriate? expectations Risk of material misstatement considered for transaction classes, account balances and disclosures? ISA 315 d) Risk of fraud assessed and discussed with client? ISA 240 e) Risk of revenue recognition fraud recorded? ISA 240 f) Management override of controls identified as a significant risk? ISA 240 Y NI N N/A 4.3 Risk assessment procedures (continued) g) Risk assessment (including risk of fraud) of significant related party relationships and transactions recorded? Ref: ISA 240 h) Significant related party transactions outside the normal course of business identified as significant risks? i) Accounting estimates; management bias and estimation uncertainty evaluated? If high, then has this been identified as a significant risk? ISA 540 4.4 Internal controls: ISA 315 a) Design of controls assessed as appropriate and key controls identified for testing? b) Implementation of controls confirmed and evaluated by walk through or observation tests? c) Significant deficiencies in internal controls identified? 4.5 Materiality: a) Has materiality for the financial statements as a whole been determined? b) Has separate materiality levels been set for particular classes of transactions, account balances or disclosures? c) Have disclosures been identified for which materiality is not relevant? d) Has performance materiality been set? e) Has materiality been set at appropriate levels? 4.6 Has the audit approach, methodology and procedures to be adopted to address the risks been clearly defined? 4.7 Specialist and additional audit programmes adopted for the nature of the client? 4.8 Is the audit plan specific to the client and adequately documented? 4.9 Has the requirement for an independent or hot file review been determined in accordance with the firm’s procedures? 4.10 Is there evidence of a discussion with the audit engagement team of: a) The overall audit plan? ISA 300 b) Going concern? ISA 300 4.11 Is the team discussion documented on the risk of material misstatement and fraud in respect of: ISA 315 a) Revenue recognition? b) Related party transactions? and c) Management override? d) Fraud ISA 550 ISA 320 Y NI N N/A 4.12 Have the following matters been documented as discussed with those charged with governance: a) The auditors responsibilities in relation to the audit b) Planned scope and timing of the audit c) Going concern d) Fraud e) Related parties f) Compliance with laws and regulations 5.0 AUDIT SAMPLING AND EVALUATION OF ERRORS Ref: ISA 260 Samples, where used, should be based on an assessment of audit risk, materiality and population. Samples selected should be representative of the whole population and cover the whole of the period under review. The determination of the items to be tested should be recorded to document these considerations. Tests should be recorded with sufficient detail such that the individual items tested could be subsequently identified. 5.1 Sample planning and recording: a) Are sample sizes based on risk, performance materiality and population? b) Is sample selection explained? c) Are samples representative of the transaction type and period? ISA 530 Is coverage in relation to the population summarised? d) 5.2 Misstatements and errors (items that cannot be tested must be treated as errors): a) Has a threshold been set for ‘trivial’ errors? b) Has the effect of projected errors been assessed on the population? c) Were additional procedures undertaken when errors were found? d) Are isolated errors supported by audit evidence? e) Were misstatements assessed for implication of fraud? f) Has the aggregate of uncorrected misstatements been identified? g) Has the summary been assessed and considered in relation to the audit opinion and conclusions? h) Does the summary consider the effect of uncorrected misstatements from prior periods? i) Does the representation letter include a representation that the uncorrected misstatements are immaterial both individually and in aggregate? j) Is a schedule of uncorrected misstatements attached to the representation letter? ISA 530 ISA 450 ISA 450 6.0 DOCUMENTATION AND EVIDENCE The audit evidence should be recorded in such a way that an experienced auditor with no prior knowledge of the client should be able to determine the extent of the work done and how the conclusion has been arrived at in respect of satisfaction of the financial statement assertions. Y NI N N/A Ref: 6.1 Audit programmes and conclusions: a) Appropriate proprietary audit programmes used? b) Tailored for the specific audit client? c) Appropriately completed and signed? d) Adequately annotated, cross-referenced and dated? e) Programme followed and all relevant tests undertaken? f) Are conclusions recorded for each audit section, confirming that the relevant financial statement assertions have been satisfied? 6.2 Detailed working papers: a) Initialled and dated? b) Record objectives, sampling method, extent of work, matters arising and action taken? c) Do lead schedules agree with the financial statements? d) Comparatives on lead schedules and detailed analysis? e) All material disclosures supported by working papers? f) All significant professional judgements documented? 6.3 Evidence of review: a) Evidence of review by RI? b) Evidence of review of the detailed working papers in accordance with the firm’s policies and procedures? 6.4 Where the audit work results in the audit evidence being insufficient to confirm the objective has the planning been revisited and additional tests added? 6.5 Specific audit procedures: a) Analytical review minimum steps followed and fully recorded? ISA 520 b) Accounting policies reviewed and revised? ISA 315 c) Opening balances agreed? ISA 510 d) Attendance at physical inventory counting and minimum required audit procedures followed? ISA 501 Litigation and claims minimum required audit procedures followed? ISA 501 f) Letters obtained from all banks and building societies? ISA 505 g) External confirmations received as appropriate? ISA 505 h) Journal entries, adjustments and estimates examined? ISA 330 i) Where reliance is being placed on controls have they been tested? ISA 315 e) ISA 230 ISA 220 ISA 300 Y NI N N/A Ref: 6.5 Specific audit procedures (continued): j) Evidence of going concern assessment by management and review by auditor? ISA 570 k) Subsequent events review minimum procedures evidenced and documented? ISA 560 l) Related party transactions (RPT) determined and appropriate audit evidence obtained (Note specific procedures for RPT outside the normal course of business? ISA 550 m) Compliance with laws and regulations considered? ISA 250 n) Service organisations considered and addressed? ISA 402 o) Has the competence, objectivity and work of management’s and auditor’s experts been adequately evaluated? ISA 500 & 620 p) Has appropriate audit evidence been obtained in respect of accounting estimates? ISA 540 6.6 Have all material balances and transactions been subject to appropriate audit work and adequate audit evidence obtained in respect of: a) Existence, classification, rights and obligations? b) Occurrence and completeness? c) Cut-off and allocation? d) Accuracy and valuation? 7.0 ISA 500 AUDIT COMPLETION The audit completion should evidence the checking, review and control of the audit in order to support a conclusion that: - the audit opinion is appropriate and supported by adequate audit evidence documented within the file; - the financial statements comply with relevant statutory and financial reporting standard disclosure requirements and give a true and fair view ; and - the audit work complies with International Standards on Auditing and Regulations. The completion section should record the work undertaken, matters considered, decisions made and conclusions reached. 7.1 Final conclusion and post balance sheet events: a) Signed by Responsible Individual? b) Conclusion that sufficient, appropriate audit evidence has been obtained? c) Dated: d) Specific procedures followed to confirm post balance sheet events updated to audit report date? 7.2 Justification of audit report: a) Unqualified audit report confirmed? b) Modifications to audit report adequately considered? c) Reasons for emphasis of matter or qualification documented? Specify: / / ISA 220 Appropriate? ISA 560 ISA 700, 705 & 706 Y NI N N/A Ref: 7.3 Review: ISA 220 a) Evidence of adequate review and supervision? b) Outstanding and review points satisfactorily cleared? c) Summary of significant matters and decisions? d) Consideration of appropriateness of treatment of unadjusted errors? 7.4 Review of financial statements: a) Analytical review documented at completion? b) Adequately annotated and explained? c) Final overall review evidenced? 7.5 Meetings and consultations: a) Client meeting and discussions documented? b) Consultations documented? ISA 220 c) Independent / hot file review undertaken when required? ISQC 1 7.6 Is there evidence that continuance procedures have been considered and confirmed? 7.7 Letter of representation: a) Dated: b) Representations included: / / ISA 520 Appropriate? – Management has fulfilled its responsibilities regarding the accounts ISA 580 – All relevant information and access has been provided – All transactions recorded and reflected in the financial statements – Reasonable assumptions in respect of accounting estimates including fair value measurements ISA 540 – Related party relationships advised, accounted for and disclosed ISA 550 – Post balance sheet events adjusted or disclosed ISA560 – Uncorrected misstatements are immaterial and a list is attached ISA 450 – Internal controls, risk and knowledge in respect of fraud ISA 240 – Laws and regulations ISA 250 – Going concern for 12 months ISA 570 – Litigation and claims have been advised and properly accounted for ISA 250 –Specific matters raised in the file 7.8 Have the following matters been documented communicated to those charged with governance: – Qualitative aspects of the entity’s accounting practices – Selection and application of accounting policies as ISA 260 Y NI N N/A 7.8 (Continued) Ref: ISA 260 – Significant difficulties, if any encountered during the audit – Independence issues and safeguards applied 7.9 Have significant deficiencies in internal control been communicated to those charged with governance and where different the management team in writing? 7.10 Have the risks assessed at the planning been addressed by the audit by the work and reviewed at completion? 7.11 Does the completion section sufficiently document the quality control processes applied? 7.12 Has the audit been planned and undertaken with an attitude of professional scepticism? 8.0 CONCLUSIONS 8.1 The following matters have been identified where compliance with auditing standards could be improved. Standard 8.2 ISA 200 Matters identified The following errors, omissions or inadequate detail in the financial statements in respect of statutory requirements, financial reporting standards and other applicable regulations have been identified. Ref (FRS etc) 8.3 ISA 265 Matters identified The audit report didcomply with ISA 700 and was signed as Statutory Auditor. 8.4 The following matters were identified which indicate doubt as to the appropriateness of the audit report. While this review has been carried out with all due diligence, it cannot be relied upon to be exhaustive and to have identified all areas where errors may have been made or where improvements may be required. Signed Reviewer Date / /