2024 Business Plans and Objectives Manush Fragrance : To sell quality perfumes to both male and females largely to hit a goal target of 100 bottles or more each month. To satisfy the customers needs of quality long lasting frangances. Target Markets: Majority female fragrances consuming 65 % of the female market and 35 % male. Target locations: Manush targets to hit Botswana, Zimbabwe and hopefully hitting South Africa and Zambia. Expected Costs: Shipping: Bottles: 32 Bottles of 30 mls Price Cost: 80 yuan per bottle at wholesale resell $ 12 Cost 26 First starter= 2080 yuan ( $ 292) 50 Second batch = 4000 yuan ($ 560) 100 Third batch = 8000 yuan ($ 1121.12) As we progress during the course of the year the company targets to keep increasing it’s revenue to a reached goal of 500-1000 bottles. Selling Perfume Price: 30 USD cost of 30 mls Expected Grand Sales Total 26 Batch: 780 USD (5565 yuan) 50 Batch: 1500 USD ( 10703 yuan) 100 Batch: 3000 USD ( 21407 yuan) Expected Target Profits 26 Batch : 488 USD (3485 yuan) 50 Batch: 939 USD (6703 yuan) 100 Batch: 1878 USD ( 13407 yuan)