NRC Publications Archive Archives des publications du CNRC Supplement to the National Building Code of Canada: 1990 National Research Council of Canada. Associate Committee on the National Building Code For the publisher’s version, please access the DOI link below./ Pour consulter la version de l’éditeur, utilisez le lien DOI ci-dessous. NRC Publications Archive Record / Notice des Archives des publications du CNRC : Access and use of this website and the material on it are subject to the Terms and Conditions set forth at READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS WEBSITE. L’accès à ce site Web et l’utilisation de son contenu sont assujettis aux conditions présentées dans le site LISEZ CES CONDITIONS ATTENTIVEMENT AVANT D’UTILISER CE SITE WEB. Questions? Contact the NRC Publications Archive team at If you wish to email the authors directly, please see the first page of the publication for their contact information. Vous avez des questions? Nous pouvons vous aider. Pour communiquer directement avec un auteur, consultez la première page de la revue dans laquelle son article a été publié afin de trouver ses coordonnées. Si vous n’arrivez pas à les repérer, communiquez avec nous à Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays Copyright © NRC 1941 - 2019 World Rights Reserved © CNRC 1941-2019 Droits réservés pour tous pays 1941-2019 Droits 1-.--' I I L 11> The Secretary Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes National Research Council Ottawa, Ontario KIAOR6 FIx I stamp I here ..J Droits ré PLEASE MAIL THIS CARD TODAY The Supplement to the National Building Code of Canada 1990 is subject to periodic review, which may result in amendments being published from time to time. Also, the NBCINFC News contains explanatory articles and comments on the contents of the National Building Code and the National Fire Code, together with an announcement of the Code changes and the schedule of any seminars held across the country to discuss these changes. To receive your free copy of any amendments to the Supplement and the NBCINFC News, we ask that you complete this card and return it immediately. 4\ Name Address Area of Work (please check box) Architect Engineer Builder Contractor Other Specialization Owner I Developer Manufacturer Student I Educator Government employee ARCHIVES' pays Supplement to the National Building Code of Canada 1990 Issued by the Associate Committee on the National Building Code National Research Council of Canada pays First Edition 1980 Second Edition 1985 Third Edition 1990 ISSN 0700-1207 ©National Research Council of Canada 1990 Ottawa World Rights Reserved NRCC No. 30629 Printed in Canada Second Printing Includes revisions and errata of January 1991 and 1992 pays Table of Contents .•...••••••••.•....•••••••..•.•.•••••.•..•...••••..•.•.. v Preface Committee Members •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• vii Chapter 1 Climatic Information for Building Design in Canada ••••••••••••• 1 Chapter 2 Fire-Performance Ratings •••••••••••• 31 Chapter 3 Measures for Fire Safety in High Buildings .............................. 67 Chapter 4 Commentaries on Part 4 of the National Building Code of Canada 1990 ............................... 131 iii pays iv pays F Preface The Supplement to the National Building Code 1990 is published by the Associate Committee on the National Building Code and contains material intended to assist the Code user in applying the Code. However, the user is not precluded from using other approaches provided that they are acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. The Supplement is made up of the following four chapters: Chapter 1 Climatic Information for Building Design in Canada This Chapter contains information on the climatic loads to be expected in all parts of Canada. It is through the use of these climatic factors, with appropriate adjustments for climate variation in different localities, that the Code can be used nationally. Chapter 2 Fire-Performance Ratings This Chapter provides a guide to the determination of the combustibility, flame spread rating and smoke developed classification of construction materials and fire-resistance ratings of construction assemblies in relation to the provisions of the Code. It gives a procedure for calculating the fire-resistance rating of construction assemblies based on generic descriptions of materials used in the assemblies. Chapter 3 Measures for Fire Safety in High Buildings This Chapter contains material in support of the high-rise requirements in Part 3. Chapter 4 Commentaries on Part 4 Chapter 4 consists of explanatory material and related technical information useful to the designer in the application of the design requirements in Part 4 of the Code. Comments and inquiries on aspects of this supplement pertaining to the interpretation and use of the National Building Code should be addressed to the Secretary, Associate Committee on the National Building Code, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario KIA OR6. Requests for technical information of a non-Code nature are also welcome and should be directed to the Technical Information Group, Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario Kl A OR6. Related Documents The National Research Council of Canada publishes other code-related documents that are of interest to code users. National Building Code of Canada 1990 A model set of technical requirements designed to establish a standard of safety for the construction of buildings, including extensions or alterations, the evaluation of v pays buildings undergoing a change of occupancy and upgrading of buildings to remove an unacceptable hazard. National Fire Code of Canada 1990 A model set of technical requirements designed to provide an acceptable level of fire protection and fire prevention within a community. Canadian Plumbing Code 1990 Contains detailed requirements for the design and installation of plumbing systems in buildings. Canadian Farm Building Code 1990 A model set of minimum requirements affecting human health, fire safety and structural sufficiency for farm buildings. Canadian Housing Code 1990 (NEW) A compilation of all requirements from the National Building Code 1990 that apply to houses, including detached, semi-detached and row houses without shared egress. Measures for Energy Conservation in New Buildings 1983 A set of minimum requirements that provide the basis for improving the energy use characteristics of new buildings. Commentary on Part 3 (Use and Occupancy) of the National Building Code 1990 Discusses the overall arrangement and the basic concepts and terminology of Part 3, and provides examples to illustrate and explain the more complicated requirements in that Part. Commentary on Part 9 (Housing and Small Buildings) of the National Building Code 1990 (NEW) Describes the principles behind many of the requirements of Part 9 and some of the historical background where this will assist users in understanding the objectives of certain provisions. ACNBC Policies and Procedures 1990 Contains the terms of reference and operating procedures of the ACNBC and its standing committees, a statement on the supporting role of the Institute for Research in Construction of NRC and the membership matrices for the various standing committees. vi Copyright. Copyright in the National Building Code is owned by the National Research Council of Canada. All rights are reserved. Reproduction of the Council's copyright material by any means is prohibited without the written consent of the NRC. Requests for permission to reproduce the National Building Code must be sent to: Head, Codes Section, Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A OR6. Ce document est egalement publie en ヲイ。ョセゥウN@ pays Associate Committee on the National Building Code and Standing Committees Associate Committee on the National Building Code J. Longworth (Chairman) J.E Berndt (2) (Deputy Chairman) R.W. Anderson O.D. Beck DJ Boehmer R Booth (1) K.W. Butler J.N. Cardoulis (l) H.E. Carr S. Cumming G.s. Dunlop V.C. Fenton S.G. Frost B. Garceau E Henderson(1} D. Hodgson R.M. Horrocks J.C. Hurlburt G. Levasseur E.1. Lexier L. Lithgow (l) (2) (3) E.J. Mackie P. Masson (1) W.M. Maudsley (1) D.O. Monsen J.R Myles EL. Nicholson E-X. Perreault J. Perrow L. Pringle 0) R. Sider 0) M. Stein A.D. Thompson A.M. Thorimbert J.E. Turnbull E. Y. Uzumeri H. Vokey RJ. Desserud (2) RH. Dunn 0) R.A. Hewett (2) R.A. Kearney (3) Term completed during preparation of the 1990 Code IRC staff who provided assistance to the Committee IRC staff whose involvement with the Committee ended during the preparation of the 1990 Code. Standing Committee on Occupancy DJ Boehmer (Chairman) D.E.R Anderson C. Czarnecki w.s. Drummond C. T. Fillingham J.-C. Labelle A.E. Larden RL. Maki (1) L.S. Morrison J.-P. Perreault G. Sereda C. Simard C.A. Skakun W. T. Sproule G.C. Waddell (I) RT. Wayment E.K. Zorn (l) A.J .M. Aikman (2) J.E Berndt (3) RB. Chauhan (2) M. Galbreath (3) G.C. Gosselin (3) A.K. Kim (2) H.W. Nichol (2) Standing Committee on Structural Design V.C. Fenton (Chairman) L.D. Baikie R.L. Booth (1) W.G. Campbell (1) A.G. Davenport B. deV. Batchelor G.A. Dring T.A. Eldridge M.J. Frye R. Gagne M.1. Gilmor (1) R. Halsall D.J.L. Kennedy L.C. King E. Lerner J.G. MacGregor B. Manasc (I) C. Marsh A.M. McCrea M.J. Newark W. Noseworthy RE Riffell J.K. Ritchie R Schuster R. V. Switzer S.M. Uzumeri G.L. Walt (1) D.E. Allen (2) D. A. Lutes (2) vii pays Standing Committee on Fire Performance Ratings E.Y. Uzumeri (Chairman) J.R. Bateman H.J. Campbell D.B. Grant (4) H.A. Grisack F.P. Higginson H. Jabbour H.A. Locke W.M. Maudsley (l) R.J. McGrath P. Mercier-Gouin (1) J. Rocheleau (1) G.D. Shortreed D.C. Stringer J.U. Tessier C.R. Thomson L.W. Vaughan R.B. Chauhan (2) G.C. Gosselin (3) T.T. Lie (2) R. A. Kearney (2) J-J. Shaver (3) NBC/NFC French Technical Verification Committee F.-x. Perreault (Chairman) R. Ashley (1) G. Bessens G. Harvey S. Lariviere H.C. Nguyen (1) G. Pare (1) (2) (3) (4) J.-P. Perreault 1. Wagner D. Chaput (3) L. Pellerin (3) L.P. Saint-Martin (2) J. Wathier (2) Term completed during preparation of the 1990 Code IRC staff who provided assistance to the Committee IRC staff whose involvement with the Committee ended during the preparation of the 1990 Code. Deceased viii pays Chapter 1 Climatic Information for Building Design in Canada Introduction ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 General •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 January Design Temperatures ........................ 4 July Design Temperatures Heating Degree-Days .............................. 5 ...................................... 6 Rainfall Intensity ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 One-Day Rainfall •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 Annual Total Precipitation .............................. 7 Snow Loads ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 Wind Effects •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8 Seismic Zones ............................................... 10 References •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 0 Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 13 1 pays 2 pays Chapter 1 Climatic Information for Building Design in Canada Introduction The great diversity of climate in Canada has a considerable effect on the performance of buildings, consequently, their design must reflect this diversity. This Chapter explains briefly how the design weather values are computed and to present recommended design data for a number of cities, towns and smaller populated places. Through the use of such data appropriate allowances can be made for climate variations in different localities of Canada and the National Building Code can be applied nationally. The design data in this Chapter are based on weather reports supplied by the Atmospheric Environment Service, Environment Canada. They have been collected and analysed, where necessary, for the Associate Committee on the National Building Code by Environment Canada, and appear at the end of this Chapter under the heading Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada. Environment Canada has also devised appropriate methods and estimated the design values for all the locations in this table where weather observations were lacking or inadequate. As it is not practical to list values for all municipalities in Canada, recommended design weather data for locations not listed can be obtained by writing to the Energy and Industrial Applications Section, Canadian Climate Centre, Atmospheric Environment Service, Environment Canada, 4905 Dufferin Street, Downsview, Ontario M3H 5T4. It should be noted, however, that these recommended values may differ from the legal requirements set by provincial or municipal building authorities. The information on seismic zones has been provided by the Earth Physics Branch of the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources. Information for municipalities not listed may be obtained by writing to the Division of Seismology and Geomagnetism, Earth Physics Branch, Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Ottawa, Ontario KIA OY3, or to the Pacific Geoscience Centre, Earth Physics Branch, P.O. Box 6000, Sidney, B.C. V8L 4B2. General The choice of climatic elements tabulated in this Chapter and the form in which they are expressed have been dictated largely by the requirements for specific values in several sections of the National Building Code of Canada. Heating degree-days and annual total precipitation are also included. The following notes explain briefly the significance of these particular elements in building design, and indicate what observations were used and how they were analysed to yield the required design values. To estimate design values for locations where weather observations were lacking or inadequate, the observed or computed values for the weather stations were plotted on large-scale maps. Isolines were drawn on these working charts to show the general distribution of the design values. In the table, design weather data are listed for over 600 locations, which have been chosen for a variety of 3 pays reasons. Incorporated cities and towns with populations of over 5000 have been included unless they are close to other larger cities. For sparsely populated areas, many smaller towns and villages have been listed. The design weather data for weather stations themselves are the most reliable and hence these stations have often been listed in preference to locations with somewhat larger populations. A number of requests for recommended design weather data for other locations have been received, and where most of the elements could be estimated, they were also added to the list. In some cases the values obtained from the large-scale charts have not been rounded off. As previously noted in the Introduction to this Chapter, Environment Canada will estimate data for locations not listed in the table using the list of observed or computed values for weather stations, the large-scale manuscript charts and any other relevant information that is available. In the absence of weather observations at any particular location, a knowledge of the local topography may be important. For example, cold air has a tendency to collect in depressions, precipitation frequently increases with elevation and winds are generally stronger near large bodies of water. These and other relationships affect the corresponding design values and will be taken into consideration where possible in answering inquiries. know the most severe weather conditions under which the system will be expected to function satisfactorily. Failure to maintain the inside temperature at the pre-determined level will not usually be serious if the temperature drop is not great and if the duration is not long. The outside conditions used for design should, therefore, not be the most severe in many years, but should be the somewhat less severe conditions that are occasionally but not greatly exceeded. Winter design temperature is based on an analysis of winter air temperatures only. Wind and solar radiation also affect the inside temperature of most buildings, but there is no convenient way of combining their effects with that of outside air temperature. Some quite complex methods of taking account of several weather elements have been devised and used in recent years, but the use of average wind and radiation conditions is usually satisfactory for design purposes. January Design Temperatures The winter design temperature is defined as the lowest temperature at or below which only a certain small percentage of the hourly outside air temperatures in January occur. In previous issues of these climatic data the January design temperatures were obtained from a tabulation of hourly temperature distributions for the 10 year period 1951 to 1960 for 118 stations. Hourly data summaries (1) (which include temperature frequency distributions) based on the 10 year period 1957 to 1966 have been published for several stations each year since 1967 and are now available for 109 stations. They provide a second set of January design temperatures. For the 69 stations that appeared in both lists, the current design temperature is the average of these two, and is, therefore, based on the 16 year period 1951 to 1966 with a 4 year overlap. For the 89 stations that appeared in only one of the lists, the design temperatures were adjusted to make them more consistent. A building and its heating system should be designed to maintain the inside temperature at some pre-determined leveL To do this, it is necessary to The January design temperatures for all the other locations in the table are estimates, and, where necessary, have been adjusted to make them more All the weather records that were used in preparing the table were, of necessity, observed at inhabited locations, and hence interpolations from the charts or the tabulated values will apply only to locations at similar elevations and with similar topography. This is particularly significant in mountainous areas where the values apply only to the populated valleys and not to the mountain slopes and high passes, where, in some cases, very different conditions are known to exist. 4 pays representative of the 16 year period. Most of the adjustments were less than one Celsius degree and only about 16 exceeded 1.5°. The adjustments mentioned above indicate the variation in the design temperature from one decade to another. The design temperatures for the next 20 to 30 years may differ from the tabulated values by one or two Celsius degrees and, of course, the year to year variation will be much greater. Most of the temperatures were observed at airports. Design values for the core areas of some large cities could be 1 or 2° milder, but values for the fringe areas are probably about the same as for the airports. No adjustments have been made, therefore, for the city effect. The 2.5 per cent January design temperature is the value ordinarily used in the design of heating systems. In special cases, when the control of inside temperature is more critical, the 1 per cent value may be used. July Design Temperatures A building and its cooling and dehumidifying system should be designed to maintain the inside temperature and humidity at certain pre-determined levels. To do this, it is necessary to know the most severe weather conditions under which the system will be expected to function satisfactorily. Failure to maintain the inside temperature and humidity at the pre-determined levels will usually not be serious if the increases in the temperature and humidity are not great and if the duration is not long. The outside conditions used for design should, therefore, not be the most severe in many years, but should be the somewhat less severe conditions that are occasionally but not greatly exceeded. The summer design temperatures in this Chapter are based on an analysis of July air temperatures and humidities only. Wind and solar radiation also affect the inside temperature of most buildings and may in some cases be more important than the outside air temperature. However, no method of allowing for variations in radiation has yet become generally accepted. When requirements have been standardized, it may be possible to provide more complete weather information for summer conditions, but in the meantime only dry-bulb and wet-bulb design temperatures can be provided. The frequency distribution of combinations of drybulb and wet-bulb temperatures for each month from June to September have been tabulated for 33 Canadian weather stations by Boughner. (2) If the summer dry-bulb and wet-bulb design temperatures are defined as the temperatures that are exceeded 2.5 per cent of the hours in July, then design values can be obtained directly for these 33 stations. The dry-bulb design temperatures in previous editions of this Chapter were based on the values for these 33 stations and a relationship between the design temperatures and the mean annual maximum temperatures. Hourly data summaries (1) (which include temperature frequency distributions) based on the 10 year period 1957 to 1966 are now available for 109 stations. They provide a second set of July dry-bulb design temperatures. For the 109 stations the current dry-bulb temperatures are the averages of the values in these two sets. For all the other locations in the table the previous values have been adjusted to make them consistent with the calculated values. The adjustments exceeded one Celsius degree in only about 20 cases. All values were converted to degrees Celsius and rounded off to the nearest degree. The July wet-bulb design temperatures have been obtained in the same way, with one exception. The previous values were obtained directly for the 33 stations in Boughner's publication, (2) and all the rest were estimated from these 33 without using any intermediate statistic. The current values for the 109 stations with hourly data summaries are averages between the previous values and the values from the hourly data summaries. For all the other locations the previous values have been adjusted to make them consistent. The adjustments exceed one Celsius degree in only 6 cases. All wet-bulb values were converted to degrees Celsius and rounded off to the nearest degree. 5 pays Heating Degree-Days The rate of consumption of fuel or energy required to keep the interior of a small building at 21°C when the outside air temperature is below 18°C is roughly proportional to the difference between 18°C and the outside temperature. Wind speed, solar radiation, the extent to which the building is exposed to these elements and the internal heat sources also affect the heat required, but there is no convenient way of combining these effects. For average conditions of wind, radiation, exposure and internal sources, however, the proportionality with the temperature difference still holds. Heating degree-days based on temperature alone are, therefore, still useful when more complex methods of calculating fuel requirements are not feasible. Since the fuel required is also proportional to the duration of cold weather, a convenient method of combining these elements of temperature and time is to add the differences between 18°C and the mean temperature for every day in the year when the mean temperature is below 18°C. It is assumed that no heat is required when the mean outside air temperature for the day is 18°C or higher. The degree days below 18°C have been computed day by day for the length of record available over the period 1951 to 1980, and an average annual total determined and published by the Atmospheric Environment Service. (3) These values are given in the table to the nearest degree-day. A difference of only one Celsius degree in the annual mean temperature will cause a difference of 250 to 350 in the Celsius degree-days. Since differences of O.5°C in the annual mean temperature are quite likely to occur between two stations in the same city or town, heating degree-days cannot be relied on to an accuracy of less than about 100 degree-days. Rainfall Intensity Roof drainage systems are designed to carry off the rainwater from the most intense rainfall that is 6 likely to occur. A certain amount of time is required for the rainwater to flow across or down the roof before it enters the gutter or drainage system. This results in the smoothing out of the most rapid changes in rainfall intensity. The drainage system, therefore, need cope only with the flow of rainwater produced by the average rainfall intensity over a period of a few minutes, which can be called the concentration time. In Canada it has been customary to use the 15 min rainfall that will probably be exceeded on an average of once in 10 years. The concentration time for small roofs is much less than 15 min and hence the design intensity will be exceeded more frequently than once in 10 years. The safety factors included in the tables in the Canadian Plumbing Code will probably reduce the frequency to a reasonable value and, in addition, the occasional failure of a roof drainage system will not be particularly serious in most cases. The rainfall intensity values tabulated in the previous edition of this Chapter were based on measurements of the annual maximum 15 min rainfalls at 139 stations with 7 or more years of record. They were the 15 min rainfalls that would be exceeded once in 10 years on the average, or the values that had one chance in 10 of being exceeded in anyone year. It is very difficult to estimate the pattern of rainfall intensity in mountainous areas, where precipitation is extremely variable. The values in the table for British Columbia and some adjacent areas are mostly for locations in valley bottoms or in extensive, fairly level areas. Much greater intensities may occur on mountainsides. One Day Rainfall If for any reason a roof drainage system becomes ineffective, the accumulation of rainwater may be great enough in some cases to cause a significant increase in the load on the roof. Although the period during which rainwater may accumulate is unknown, it is common practice to use the maximum one day rainfall for estimating the additional load. -pays • For most weather stations in Canada the total rainfall for each day is published. The maximum 1/1 day" rainfall (as it is usually called) for several hundred stations has been determined and published by the Atmospheric Environment Service. (4) Since these values are all for predetermined 24-h periods, beginning and ending at the same time each morning, most of them have probably been exceeded in periods of 24 h including parts of two consecutive days. The maximum "24 h" rainfall (i.e. any 24-h period) according to Hershfield and Wilson is, on the average, about 113 per cent of the maximum 1/1 day" rainfall. (5) Most of the one day rainfall amounts in the table have been copied directly from the latest edition of Climatic Normals.(4) Values for the other locations have been estimated. These maximum values differ greatly within relatively small areas where little difference would be expected. The variable length of record no doubt accounts for part of this variability, which would probably be reduced by an analysis of annual maxima instead of merely selecting the maximum in the period of record. Annual Total Precipitation The total amount of precipitation that normally falls in one year is frequently used as a general indication of the wetness of a climate, and is therefore included in this Chapter. Total precipitation is the sum in millimetres of the measured depth of rainwater and 0.1 of the measured depth of snow (since the average density of fresh snow is about 0.1 that of water). Most of the average annual total precipitation amounts in the table have been copied directly from the latest edition of Climatic Normals, (4) where averages for the 30 year period 1951 to 1980 have been tabulated. For all other locations the values have been estimated. Snow Loads The roof of a building should be able to support the greatest weight of snow that is likely to accumu- late on it. Some observations of snow on roofs have been made in Canada, but not enough to form the basis for estimating roof snow loads throughout the country. Similarly, observations of the weight, or water equivalent, of the snow on the ground are inadequate. The observations of roof loads and water equivalents are very usefuL as noted below, but the measured depth of snow on the ground is required to provide the basic information for a consistent set of snow loads. The estimation of the design snow load on a roof from snow depth observations involves the following steps: (1) The depth of snow on the ground which has an annual probability of exceedence of l-in30 is computed. (2) The appropriate unit weight is selected and used to convert snow depth to loads, Ss' (3) The load, Sr' due to rain falling on the snow is computed. (4) Because the accumulation of snow on roofs is often different from that on the ground, certain adjustments should be made to the ground snow load to provide a design snow load on a roof. The annual maximum depth of snow on the ground has been assembled for 1618 stations for which such data has been recorded by the Atmospheric Environment Service (AES). The period of record used varies from station to station, ranging from 7 to 38 years. These data were analysed using a Fisher-Tippett Type 1(6) extreme value distribution as reported by Newark et al. (7) The resulting values are the snow depths which have a probability of l-in-30 of being exceeded in anyone year. The unit weight of old snow generally ranges from 2 to 5 kN / m 3, and it is usually assumed in Canada that 1 kN/m3 is the average for new snow. Average unit weights of the seasonal snow pack have been derived for different regions across the country(8) and an appropriate value has been assigned to each climatological station. Typically the values average 2.01 kN / m 3 east of the continental divide (except for 2.94 kN/m 3 north of the treeline), and range from 7 pays 2.55 to 4.21 kN/m3 to the west of the divide. The product of the 1-in-30 snow depth and the average unit weight of the seasonal snow pack at a station is converted to the snow load (SL) in units of kilopascals (kPa). The values of ground snow load at AES stations were normalized assuming a simple linear variation of the load with elevation above sea level in order to account for the effects of topography. They were then smoothed using a weighted moving-area average in order to minimize the uncertainty due to snow depth sampling errors and site-specific variations. Interpolation from analysed maps of the smooth normalized values yielded a value for each location in the Table, which could then be converted to the listed code values (S) by means of an equation in the form: Ss = smooth normalized SL + bZ where b is the rate of change of SL with elevation at the location and Z is the location's elevation above mean sea level (MSL). Although they are listed in the Table of Design Data to the nearest tenth of a kilopascal, values of Ss typically have an uncertainty of about 20 per cent. Areas of sparse data in northern Canada were an exception to this procedure. In these regions, an analysis was made of the basic SL values. The effects of topography, variations due to local climates, and smoothing were all subjectively assessed, and values derived in this fashion were used to modify those derived objectively. Tabulated values cannot be expected to indicate all the local differences in S5' For this reason, values should not be interpolated from the Table for unlisted locations. The values of Ss in the Table apply only to the named point at a specific latitude and longitude as defined by the Gazetteer of Canada (Energy, Mines and Resources Canada) available from Mail Order Services, Canadian Government Publishing Centre, DSS, Ottawa, Ontario, KIA OS9. Values at intermediate locations can be easily obtained from Environment Canada maps of smooth normalized SL (available for selected locations in Canada from the National Climatalogical Information Services, Environment Canada, 4905 Dufferin Street, Downsview, B Ontario, M3H 5T4), and the value of the location's elevation above MSL (which can be obtained from 1:50000 or 1:250000 maps in the National Topographic Series available from the Canada Map Office, Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Ottawa, KIA OE9). Instructions for this purpose are provided with the Environment Canada maps. The heaviest loads frequently occur when the snow is wetted by rain, thus the rain load (Sr) was estimated to the nearest 0.1 kPa and is provided in the Table. Values of Sr' when added to provide a 1-in-30 year estimate of the combined ground snow and rain load. The values of Sr are based on an analysis of about 2100 climate station values of the 1in-30 year one-day maximum rain amount. This return period is appropriate because the rain amounts correspond approximately to the joint frequency of occurrence of the one-day rain on maximum snow packs. For the purpose of estimating rain on snow, the individual observed one-day rain amounts were constrained to be less than or equal to the snowpack water equivalent which was estimated by a snow pack accumulation model reported by Bruce and Clark.(9) The results from surveys of snow loads on roofs indicate that average roof loads are generally less than loads on the ground. The conditions under which the design snow load on the roof may be taken as a percentage of the ground snow load are given in Section 4.1 of the National Building Code 1990. The Code also permits further decreases in design snow loads for steeply sloping roofs, but requires substantial increases for roofs where snow accumulation may be more rapid due to such factors as drifting. Recommended adjustments are given in Chapter 4 of this Supplement. Wind Effects All structures should be built to withstand the pressures and suctions caused by the strongest gust of wind that is likely to blow at the site in many years. For many buildings this is the only wind effect that needs to be considered, but tall or slender structures should also be designed to limit their vib- pays rations to acceptable levels. Wind induced vibrations may require several minutes to built up to their maximum amplitude and hence wind speeds averaged over several minutes or longer should be used for design. The hourly average wind speed is the value available in Canada. The provision of velocity pressures for both average wind speeds and gust speeds for estimating pressures, suctions and vibrations involves the following steps: (1) The annual maximum hourly wind speeds were analysed to obtain the hourly wind speeds that will have one chance in 10,30 and 100 of being exceeded in anyone year. (2) An average air density was assumed in order to compute the velocity pressures for the hourly wind speeds. (3) A value of 2 was assumed for the gust effect factor to compute the velocity pressures for the gust speeds. The actual wind pressure on a structure increases with height and varies with the shape of the structure. The factors needed to allow for these effects are tabulated in Section 4.1 of the National Building Code of Canada 1990 and Chapter 4. The other three steps are discussed in more detail in the following paragraphs. Until recently the only wind speed record kept at a large number of wind-measuring stations in Canada was the number of miles of wind that pass an anemometer head in each hour, or the hourly average wind speed. Many stations are now recording only spot readings of the wind speed each hour, and these may have to be used for design at some future time. For the present, however, the older hourly mileages are the best data on which to base a statistical analysis. The annual maximum hourly mileages for over 100 stations for periods from 10 to 22 years were analysed using Gumbel's extreme value method to calculate the hourly mileages that would have one chance in 10,30 and 100 of being exceeded in anyone year. Values of the l-in-30 hourly mileages for the additional 500 locations in the table have been estimated. To obtain the l-in-l0 and l-in-l00 values for these locations, the value of the parameter 1/ a, which is a measure of the dispersion of the annual maximum hourly mileages, was estimated. The 100 known values were plotted on a map from which estimates of 1/ a were made for the other locations. Knowing the l-in-30 hourly mileages and the values of l/a, the l-in-l0 and l-in-l00 values could be computed. Pressure, suctions and vibrations caused by the wind depend not only on the speed of the wind but also on the air density and hence on the air temperature and atmospheric pressure. The pressure, in turn, depends on elevation above sea level and varies with changes in the weather systems. If V is the design wind speed in miles per hour, then the velocity pressure, P, in pounds per square foot is given by the equation P CV 2 where C depends on air temperature and atmospheric pressure as explained in detail by Boyd. (10) The value 0.0027 is within 10 per cent of the monthly average value of C for most of Canada in the windy part of the year. This value (0.0027) has been used to compute all the velocity pressures corresponding to the hourly mileages with annual probabilities of being exceeded of l-in-l0, l-in-30 and l-in-l00. The pressures were then converted from psf to kPa and are shown in the table in columns headed only by the numerical values of the probabilities. The National Building Code requires the design gust pressures for structural elements to be twice the corresponding hourly pressures in the table. Because wind speeds are squared to get pressures, this statement is equivalent to saying that the gust factor is the square root of 2. In Chapter 1 of this Supplement, the velocity pressure, P, and the design wind speed, V, are meterological terms, wind pressure, q, and the equivalent to the イ・ヲセ」@ reference wind speed, V, which are engineering terms used in Commentary B of Chapter 4. 9 pays For buildings over 12 m high, the gust velocity pressures and suctions must be increased according to a table in Section 4.1 of the National Building Code of Canada 1990 which is based on the assumption that the gust speed increases in proportion to the 0.1 power of the height. The average wind speeds used in computing the vibrations of a building are more dependent on the roughness of the underlying surface. A method of estimating their dependence on roughness and height is given in Chapter 4. The calculations for building vibrations in Chapter 4 have been drawn up for wind speeds measured in metres per second. The equation P=CV2 could be used to convert the tabulated pressures to wind speeds provided constant C was converted to e SI units. If P is in Pascals and V in metres per second, the value of C would be 0.64689. In SI units, however, the equation can be written in the form P lpV2 2 where p is the air density in kg/ m 3. The density of dry air at O°C and the standard atmospheric pressure of 101.325 kPa is 1.2929 kg/m3. Half this value, or 0.64645, is very close to the converted value of C. The difference (less than 1 in 1000) is negligible and, therefore, the density of air at O°C and standard atmospheric pressure has been adopted for converting wind pressures to wind speeds. The following table has been arranged to give speeds to the nearest m/ s for all pressures appearing in the main table. The value "P" is assumed to be equal to o.00064645V2. Seismic Zones The parameters used in establishing the seismic zones are the ground acceleration and ground velocity that have a 10 per cent probability of being exceeded in 50 years. The zones are based on a statistical analysis of the earthquakes that have been experienced in Canada and adjacent regions using a method that provides for inclusion of geological and 10 Conversion of Wind Pressures to Wind Speeds P kPa 0.14 to 0.15 0.16 to 0.17 0.18 to 0.19 0.20 to 0.22 0.23 to 0.24 0.25 to 0.27 0.28 to 0.29 0.30 to 0.32 0.33 to 0.35 0.36 to 0.38 0.39 to 0.42 0.43 to 0.45 V m/s 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 P kPa 0.46 to 0.48 0.49 to 0.52 0.53 to 0.56 0.57 to 0.60 0.61 to 0.64 0.65 to 0.68 0.69 to 0.72 0.73 to 0.76 0.77 to 0.81 0.82 to 0.86 0.87 to 0.90 0.91 to 0.95 V m/s 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 P kPa 0.96 to 1.00 1.01 to 1.06 1.07 to 1.11 1.12 to 1.16 1.17 to 1.22 1.23 to 1.28 1.29 to 1.33 1.34 to 1.39 1.40 to 1.45 1.46 to 1.52 1.53 to 1.58 1.59 to 1.64 V m/s 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 tectonic information in support of the seismic data.(11,12) The assigned zones reflect the opinions of experts in the fields of seismology, geology and engineering, from industry, government and universities, comprising members of the Canadian National Committee on Earthquake Engineering and various relevant committees responsible to the Associate Committee on the National Building Code. The velocity and acceleration zones and assigned zonal velocity ratio, v, for each zone, as a fraction of a velocity of 1 m/ s, are shown in the table. The zone boundaries in terms of peak horizontal velocity and peak horizontal acceleration, are shown in Table J-1 of the Commentary on Effects of Earthquakes in Chapter 4 of this Supplement. References Hourly Data Summaries. Dept. of Transport, Meteorological Branch and later Dept. of the Environment, Atmospheric Environment Service, various dates from May 1967 to March 1974. (2) Boughner, C.C., Percentage Frequency of Dryand Wet-bulb Temperatures from June to September at Selected Canadian Cities. Dept. of (1) pays -= (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Transport, Meteorological Branch, Canadian Meteorological Memoirs, No.5, Toronto, 1960. Environment Canada, Canadian Climate Normals. Vol. 4, Atmospheric Environment Service, Downsview, Ontario, 1982. Environment Canada, Canadian Climate Normals. Vol. 3, Atmospheric Environment Service, Downsview, Ontario, 1983. Hershfield, D.M. and Wilson, W.T., Generalizing Rainfall Intensity - Frequency Data. International Association of Scientific Hydrology, General Assembly, Toronto, Vol. I, 1957, pp. 499-506. Gumbel, E.J., Statistics of Extremes. Columbia University Press, New York, 1958. Newark, M.J., Welsh, L.E., Morris, R.J. and Ones, W.V. Revised Ground Snow Loads for the 1990 NBC of Canada. Can. J. Civ. Eng., Vol. 16, No.3, June 1989. Newark, M.J., A New Look at Ground Snow Loads in Canada. Proceedings, 41st Eastern Snow Conference, Washington, D.C., Vol. 29, pp. 59-63, 1984. Bruce, J.P. and Clark, R.H., Intro. to Hydrometeorology. Pergammon Press, London, 1966. Boyd, D.W., Variations in Air Density over Canada. National Research Council of Canada, Division of Building Research, Technical Note No. 486, June 1967. Basham, P.W. et al., New Probabilistic Strong Seismic Ground Motion Maps of Canada: a Compilation of Earthquake Source Zones, Methods and Results. Earth Physics Branch Open File Report 82-33, p. 205, 1982. Heidebrecht A.C. et al., Engineering Applications of New Probabilistic Seismic GroundMotion Maps of Canada. Can. J. Civ. Eng., Vol. 10, No.4, pp. 670-680, 1983. 11 pays 12 pays Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada Design Temperature Province and Location e e e e January 2.5% 1% °C °C July 2.5 % Dry °C Wet °C DegreeDays Below 18°C 15 Min. Rain mm One Day Rain mm Ann. Tot. Ppn. mm Hourly Wind Pressures Ground Snow Load kPa Seismic Data Zonal Velocity Z! Ratio v v I Ss SR 1/10 kPa 1/30 kPa 1/100 kPa Za British Columbia 100 Mile House Abbotsford Agassiz Albemi Ashcroft - 28 -10 -13 -5 - 25 - 31 -11 15 -7 - 28 30 29 31 31 34 18 20 20 18 20 5154 3146 2984 3312 3666 10 10 8 10 10 51 83 116 125 45 386 1513 1693 2033 222 2.4 1.8 2.2 2.7 1.0 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.1 0.30 0.42 0.55 0.47 0.28 0.36 0.55 0.75 0.58 0.35 0.43 0.71 1.00 0.70 0.43 1 4 3 5 1 1 4 3 5 2 0.05 0.20 0.15 0.30 0.10 Beatton River Burns Lake Cache Creek Campbell River Carmi 37 - 30 25 -7 - 24 - 39 - 33 28 -9 - 26 25 25 34 26 33 18 17 20 18 20 6977 5773 3800 3448 5212 13 10 10 10 10 50 48 63 105 98 485 490 250 1656 561 3.0 3.5 1.2 3.0 3.5 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.22 0.30 0.29 0.46 0.24 0.27 0.36 0.35 0.58 0.33 0.34 0.43 0.43 0.72 0.44 0 1 1 6 1 1 3 2 6 1 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.40 0.05 Castlegar Chetwynd Chilliwack Comox Courtenay 19 - 35 12 7 -7 - 22 - 38 -13 9 -9 32 27 30 27 28 20 18 20 18 18 3683 5801 2990 3197 3197 10 15 8 10 10 51 63 122 113 103 642 467 1594 1215 1484 2.5 2.2 2.0 2.4 2.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.23 0.32 0.48 0.45 0.45 0.30 0.37 0.63 0.58 0.58 0.39 0.44 0.83 0.74 0.74 1 0 4 6 6 1 1 4 6 6 0.05 0.05 0.20 0.40 0.40 Cranbrook Crescent Valley Crofton Dawson Creek Dog Creek - 27 - 20 -6 - 36 28 30 - 23 8 - 39 - 30 32 31 28 27 29 19 19 18 18 18 4727 4303 3170 6232 5139 10 10 8 18 10 43 52 76 67 47 411 789 1042 474 388 2.7 3.8 1.1 2.3 1.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.22 0.22 0.48 0.31 0.31 0.29 0.29 0.58 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.69 0.44 0.44 1 1 5 0 1 1 1 5 1 2 0.05 0.05 0.30 0.05 0.10 Duncan Elko Fernie Fort Nelson Fort St. John 6 -8 28 -31 - 29 - 32 -40 - 42 - 36 38 29 29 29 28 26 18 19 19 18 18 3170 4426 4817 7087 6122 8 13 13 13 15 110 54 106 81 80 1042 605 1128 452 493 1.6 4.0 4.1 2.2 2.5 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.48 0.27 0.33 0.19 0.31 0.58 0.37 0.43 0.24 0.36 0.69 0.50 0.55 0.29 0.42 5 1 1 0 0 5 1 1 1 1 0.30 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Glacier Golden Grand Forks Greenwood Hope - 27 28 20 - 20 16 -30 -31 - 22 - 22 -18 27 29 35 35 32 17 17 20 20 20 6233 4930 4046 4524 3148 10 8 10 10 8 71 59 41 107 106 1833 477 447 511 1636 8.5 3.4 2.5 2.9 2.5 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.24 0.27 0.26 0.29 0.41 0.29 0.32 0.36 0.39 0.55 0.35 0.38 0.48 0.52 0.73 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.15 Kamloops Kaslo Kelowna Kimberley Kitimat Plant Kitimat Townsite Ullooet , Lytton Mackenzie - 25 - 23 -17 26 16 -16 - 23 -19 - 35 28 - 26 20 - 29 -18 -18 25 - 22 38 34 29 33 31 23 23 33 35 26 • 20 19 20 19 16 16 20 20 17 3650 4046 3730 4911 4107 4275 3684 3301 5897 13 10 10 10 13 13 10 10 10 57 51 64 49 185 119 114 77 63 252 828 317 520 2702 2299 356 450 692 1.3 2.5 1.1 4.0 5.0 5.9 1.9 2.5 3.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.7 0.7 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.30 0.22 0.34 0.22 0.27 0.27 0.32 0.31 0.24 0.37 0.28 0.43 0.29 0.33 0.33 0.39 0.39 0.29 0.45 1 0.36 1 0.53 1 0.37 1 0.40 2 0.40 12 0.49 1 0.49 2 0.35 0 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 2 2 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Column 1 14 15 16 17 13 pays Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada (Cont'd) Design Temperature Province and Location January °C DegreeDays Below Wet 18°C °C July 2.5 % 2.5%1 1 % Dry °C : 15 Min. Rain mm One Day Rain. mm Ann. Tot. Ppn. mm i e S5 SR 1/10 kPa 1/30 kPa I 1/100 kPa Masset McBride 7 -34 -9 -37 17 30 15 18 3855 5078 13 13 76 50 1403 652 1.6 3.9 0.4 0.2 0.49 0.27 0.58 0.32 0.68 0.38 6 0 6 1 0.40 0.05 McLeod Lake Merritt Mission City Montrose Nakusp - 35 - 26 -9 -17 24 37 - 29 -11 20 -27 27 34 30 32 31 17 20 20 20 19 5800 4348 3064 3683 3988 10 8 13 10 10 63 57 98 51 51 802 319 1701 642 811 3.7 2.3 2.2 3.7 2.9 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.24 0.32 0.47 0.22 0.24 0.29 0.39 0.60 0.30 0.30 0.35 0.49 0.77 0.41 0.37 0 1 4 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.05 0.05 Nanaimo Nelson Ocean Falls Osoyoos Penticton -7 - 20 12 -16 -16 -9 24 14 -18 18 26 31 23 33 33 18 19 16 20 20 3065 3734 3627 3289 3502 8 10 13 10 10 92 66 234 35 45 1019 669 4387 320 274 1.6 4.6 3.5 0.5 0.9 0.4 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.47 0.22 0.47 0.30 0.40 0.58 0.29 0.55 0.43 0.52 0.71 0.37 0.65 0.59 0.68 4 1 2 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 0.20 0.05 0.20 0.05 0.05 Port Alberni Port Hardy Port McNeill Powell River Prince George 5 5 -5 -9 - 33 -7 -7 -7 11 - 36 31 20 22 26 28 18 16 17 18 18 3152 3674 3459 3056 5376 10 13 13 8 15 140 131 127 80 50 1987 1785 1555 1174 628 2.7 0.8 1.0 1.7 3.1 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.47 0.49 0.49 0.42 0.25 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.55 0.30 0.70 0.66 0.68 0.71 0.36 5 6 6 5 0 5 6 6 5 2 0.30 0.40 0.40 0.30 0.10 Prince Rupert Princeton Qualicum Beach Quesnel Revelstoke -14 - 27 7 - 33 - 26 -16 30 -9 - 35 -29 19 32 27 30 32 15 20 18 17 19 3987 4531 3236 4938 4201 13 10 10 10 13 141 37 102 72 78 2463 372 1317 558 1006 1.7 1.8 2.0 1.7 5.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.42 0.24 0.46 0.25 0.24 0.50 0.32 0.58 0.29 0.29 0.59 0.42 0.72 0.34 0.35 3 2 4 0 1 5 2 4 2 1 0.30 0.10 0.20 0.10 0.05 Salmon Arm Sandspit Sidney Smith River Smithers 23 -6 -6 -46 - 29 - 26 -7 -8 48 -31 33 15 26 26 25 20 15 18 17 17 3945 3668 3083 7616 5431 13 13 8 8 13 43 80 102 68 60 533 1281 874 481 495 2.7 1.6 1.0 2.5 3.4 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.29 0.54 0.46 0.19 0.31 0.35 0.63 0.55 0.25 0.37 0.43 0.74 0.66 0.33 0.44 1 6 5 1 1 1 6 5 2 3 0.05 0.40 0.30 0.10 0.15 Squamish Stewart Taylor Terrace Totino -11 23 - 36 - 20 -2 -13 25 - 38 - 22 -4 29 23 26 25 19 20 16 18 16 16 3379 4654 6122 4380 3316 10 13 15 13 13 112 178 56 117 174 2285 1870 432 1234 3288 2.9 7.2 2.1 5.5 1.0 0.6 0.7 0.1 0.5 0.4 0.38 0.32 0.32 0.27 0.54 0.50 0.39 0.37 0.33 0.63 0.65 0.48 0.44 0.40 0.74 3 2 0 2 5 3 4 1 4 5 0.15 0.20 0.05 0.20 0.30 17 -2 - 20 -4 33 19 20 16 3574 3120 10 13 51 140 703 3335 2.4 0.9 0.1 0.4 0.17 0.54 0.24 0.63 0.33 0.74 1 5 1 5 0.05 0.30 -9 -10 25 29 17 20 3307 3102 10 8 172 102 1935 1322 4.4 1.5 0.6 0.2 0.49 0.46 0.58 0.58 0.72 0.72 4 4 4 4 0.20 0.20 -9 -11 30 20 3264 10 117 2201 1.8 0.2 0.47 : 0.60 0.20 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0.77 4 4 14 15 16 Trail Ucluelet Vancouver & Region Burnaby (Simon Fraser Univ.) Cloverdale Haney Column 1 14 Seismic Data Zonal Velocity Za Zv Ratio v Hourly Wind Pressures Ground Snow Load kPa -7 8 i i ! 13 i 17 pays Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada (Cont'd) Design Temperature Province and location e e e e e e e January 2.5% 1% °C °C July 2.5 % Dry °C Wet °C DegreeDays Below 18°C 15 Min. Rain mm One Day Rain mm Hourly Wind Pressures Ground Snow load kPa Ann. Tot. Ppn. mm Ss SR Seismic Data 1/10 kPa 1/30 kPa 1/100 kPa Za Zv Zonal Velocity Ratio v Ladner langley New Westminster North Vancouver - 6 -8 8 -10 8 10 -7 9 27 29 29 26 19 20 19 19 3253 3117 2947 2978 10 8 10 10 62 118 132 100 982 1504 1578 1889 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.7 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.45 0.45 0.44 0.44 0.55 0.58 0.55 0.55 0.67 0.73 0.68 0.68 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 Richmond Surrey (88 Ave. & 156 St) Vancouver Vancouver (Granville & 41 Av) West Vancouver -7 9 -8 -10 -7 -9 - 6 -8 8 -10 27 29 26 28 28 19 20 19 20 19 3030 3067 2924 2880 3250 8 10 10 10 9 114 131 94 93 139 1113 1574 1329 1324 1933 1.4 2.2 1.6 2.5 1.9 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.45 0.46 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.55 0.58 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.67 0.72 0.67 0.67 0.67 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 Vernon Victoria & Region Victoria (Gonzales Hts) Victoria (Mt Tolmie) Victoria 20 23 33 20 3887 13 40 381 2.0 0.1 0.32 0,39 0.49 1 1 0.05 -5 -6 -5 -7 8 -7 23 24 24 17 16 17 2947 3150 3016 9 9 5 83 74 81 647 790 845 1.4 1.9 1.0 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.49 0.49 0.48 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.69 0.69 0.70 6 6 5 5 5 5 0.30 0.30 0.30 Williams lake Youbou 31 - 34 5 -7 29 31 17 19 4920 2945 10 10 37 114 400 1874 2.2 3.5 0.2 0.6 0.30 0.46 0.35 0.55 0.41 0.66 1 4 2 4 0.10 0.20 Alberta Athabasca Banff Barrhead Beaverlodge Brooks - 35 - 30 - 34 35 32 38 - 32 - 37 - 38 - 34 28 27 28 28 32 19 17 19 18 19 6256 5657 6088 5983 5307 18 18 20 25 18 88 53 102 101 89 506 471 467 467 351 1.4 3.3 1.6 2.2 1.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.30 0.39 0.32 0.27 0.39 0.37 0.45 0.39 0.33 0.48 0.45 0.52 0.49 0.40 0.57 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.00 Calgary Campsie Cam rose Cardston Claresholm 31 - 34 - 33 - 30 - 31 33 37 - 35 33 -34 29 28 29 29 29 17 19 19 18 18 5321 6088 5885 4870 4848 23 20 20 20 15 95 111 92 102 97 437 467 448 550 466 1.0 1.6 1.8 1.4 1.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.40 0.32 0.21 0.74 0.66 0.46 0.39 0.29 0.93 0.80 0.54 0.49 0.39 1.15 0.96 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cold lake Coleman Coronation Cowley Drumheller 36 - 31 31 31 - 31 -38 34 - 33 34 - 33 28 28 30 29 29 20 18 19 18 18 6166 5404 5879 5207 5283 15 15 20 15 20 94 62 99 74 73 460 569 374 501 348 1.6' 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.31 0.54 0.23 0.73 0.32 0.37 0.69 0.32 0.91 0.39 0.44 0.87 0.43 1.13 0.49 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.00 Edmonton Edson Embarras Portage Fairview Fort Macleod - 32 - 34 - 41 38 31 - 34 - 37 -44 -40 - 33 28 28 27 27 31 19 18 19 18 18 5782 6027 6937 6166 4692 23 18 10 15 16 114 79 82 64 98 488 553 409 432 434 1.6 1.9 1.7 2.4 1.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.32 0.36 0.31 0.26 0.68 0.40 0.43 0.37 0.32 0.83 0.51 0.50 0.45 0.39 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.00 • - 39 41 28 19 6661 • 13 61 472 1.3 0.1 0.27 0.32 0.38 , 0 0 0.00 10 11 Fort McMurray Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 1 15 16 17 15 pays Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada (Cont'd) Design Temperature Province and Location e e e e 2.5% 1% °C DegreeDays Below Wet 18°C °C July 2.5 % Dry °C 15 Min. Rain mm One Day Rain. mm Ann. Tot. Ppn. mm Hourly Wind Pressures Ground Snow Load kPa Ss SR 1/10 kPa 1/30 kPa 1/100 kPa Seismic Data Zonal Velocity Za Zv Ratio v Fort Saskatchewan Fort Vermilion Grande Prairie Habay - 32 - 35 -41 - 43 - 36 - 39 41 43 28 28 27 28 19 18 18 18 5783 6999 6136 7300 20 13 23 13 78 60 78 63 423 383 453 387 1.5 1.9 2.0 2.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.31 0.22 0.37 0.20 0.39 0.26 0.44 0.24 0.49 0.32 0.52 0.28 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Hardisty High River Hinton Jasper Keg River -33 -31 - 34 - 32 - 40 - 35 - 33 -38 - 35 - 42 30 28 27 28 28 19 17 17 18 18 5965 5455 5679 5570 6832 20 18 13 10 13 56 111 70 108 60 412 455 502 475 444 1.6 1.2 2.7 3.0 2.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.24 0.51 0.36 0.37 0.19 0.32 0.60 0.43 0.43 0.24 0.42 0.72 0.50 0.50 0.29 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Lac la Biche Lacombe Lethbridge Manning Medicine Hat -35 - 33 ·30 - 39 31 38 - 35 - 33 -41 - 34 28 29 31 27 33 19 18 18 18 19 6196 5823 4787 6850 4868 15 23 20 13 23 82 71 93 51 122 517 443 418 404 348 1.5 1.9 1.1 2.1 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.31 0.24 0.64 0.21 0.39 0.37 0.31 0.76 0.26 0.49 0.44 0.40 0.91 0.32 0.60 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.00 Peace River Pincher Creek Ranfurly Red Deer Rocky Mountain House - 37 - 40 - 32 - 34 -34 37 -32 35 31 - 33 27 29 29 29 28 18 18 19 18 18 6469 5028 6015 5933 5613 15 18 18 23 20 48 128 89 154 77 375 551 439 498 556 1.7 1.4 1.7 1.8 1.7 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.24 0.70 0.23 0.31 0.26 0.29 0.88 0.29 0.37 0.32 0.36 1.08 0.36 0.44 0.39 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.05 Slave Lake Stettler Stony Plain Suffield Taber - 36 32 - 32 - 32 -31 - 39 -34 - 35 34 ·33 27 30 28 33 31 19 19 19 19 19 6302 5669 5713 5095 4772 15 20 23 20 20 76 165 102 69 93 482 431 529 338 382 1.7 2.0 1.6 1.2 1.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.28 0.24 0.32 0.43 0.57 0.34 0.32 0.40 0.52 0.69 0.41 0.42 0.51 0.64 0.82 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 Turner Valley Valleyview Vegreville Vermilion Wagner - 31 37 34 -35 36 - 33 - 40 - 36 -38 ·39 28 27 29 29 27 17 18 19 20 19 5786 5770 6208 6168 6264 20 18 18 18 15 82 51 69 75 72 574 519 404 438 476 1.3 2.1 1.7 1.6 1.7 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.51 0.35 0.25 0.23 0.28 0.60 0.43 0.32 0.28 0.34 0.71 0.51 0.40 0.34 0.41 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.05 Wainwright Westaskiwin Whitecourt Wimborne - 33 36 - 33 - 35 35 38 31 34 29 29 27 29 19 19 18 18 6000 5741 6151 5783 20 23 20 23 63 78 89 89 380 494 553 458 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.24 0.24 0.32 0.30 0.32 0.32 0.39 0.37 0.41 0.42 0.48 0.45 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.00 - 32 - 34 - 32 -34 - 34 -36 - 34 36 - 36 39 32 32 31 30 29 21 20 20 22 21 5462 5428 6060 6129 6402 33 28 23 25 20 78 63 104 104 67 397 351 352 425 379 1.5 1.1 1.9 1.6 1.6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.44 0.49 0.48 0.28 0.28 0.52 0.60 0.60 0.32 0.34 0.63 0.74 0.76 0.37 0.41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Saskatchewan Assiniboia Battrum Biggar Broadview Dafoe Column 1 16 January 2 3 15 16 17 pays a Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada (Cont'd) Design Temperature Province and Location January 2.5% 1% °C °C July 2.5 % Dry °C Wet °C DegreeDays Below 18°C 15 Min. Rain mm One Day Rain mm Ann. Tot. Ppn. mm Ground Snow Load kPa S5 SR Hourly Wind Pressures 1/10 kPa 1/30 kPa 1/100 kPa Seismic Data Zonal Velocity Ratio Za Zv v Dundurn Estevan Hudson Bay Humboldt Island Falls - 35 32 37 - 36 39 -37 - 34 - 39 39 -41 31 32 29 28 26 20 22 21 21 20 5877 5497 6538 6346 7319 10 36 18 20 10 122 68 62 76 69 380 434 468 376 514 1.4 1.5 1.8 1.9 1.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.39 0.42 0.28 0.29 0.45 0.48 0.51 0.34 0.36 0.56 0.57 0.62 0.41 0.44 0.70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Kamsack Kindersley Lloydminster Maple Creek Meadow Lake - 35 - 33 35 31 36 -37 - 35 -38 -34 39 29 32 29 31 28 22 20 20 20 20 6318 5814 6056 4951 6199 20 23 18 28 15 116 91 104 77 63 386 316 449 387 456 1.9 1.3 1.8 1.1 1.6 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.32 0.45 0.30 0.47 0.36 0.37 0.58 0.37 0.58 0.45 0.44 0.73 0.46 0.71 0.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Meltort Melville Moose Jaw Nipawin North Battletord - 37 - 34 - 32 - 38 - 34 40 - 36 - 34 - 41 - 36 28 29 32 28 30 21 21 21 21 20 6460 6176 5435 6407 6071 18 23 28 18 20 101 59 81 60 93 411 400 378 404 359 1.9 1.6 1.3 1.8 1.6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.26 0.32 0.36 0.27 0.45 0.32 0.37 0.43 0.34 0.62 0.40 0.43 0.51 0.43 0.83 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Prince Albert Qu'Appelle Regina Rosetown Saskatoon 37 - 34 34 - 33 - 35 -41 36 36 - 35 - 37 29 30 31 32 30 21 21 21 20 20 6559 6109 5901 5982 5997 20 25 28 25 23 74 104 102 85 84 398 437 380 339 354 1.7 1.6 1.3 1.6 1.6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.26 0.34 0.34 0.47 0.36 0.34 0.39 0.39 0.58 0.44 0.44 0.46 0.46 0.71 0.54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Scott Strasbourg Swift Current Uranium City Weyburn 34 - 34 32 44 - 33 -36 -36 - 34 46 35 31 30 32 26 32 20 21 20 19 22 6243 5945 5427 7860 5589 20 25 33 8 33 68 100 66 47 97 355 402 351 345 382 1.7 1.4 1.3 1.8 1.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.44 0.33 0.46 0.37 0.38 0.58 0.39 0.56 0.45 0.45 0.75 0.46 0.69 0.54 0.53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Yorkton - 34 37 29 21 6243 23 95 430 1.6 0.1 0.32 0.37 0.44 0 0 0.00 iManitoba Beausejour Boissevain Brandon Churchill Dauphin 33 - 32 33 39 - 33 - 35 - 34 -35 -41 ·35 28 32 31 24 30 23 23 22 18 22 5951 5732 6046 9190 6152 28 33 36 8 25 66 146 141 52 100 540 506 468 402 496 1.7 2.0 1.9 2.6 1.7 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.31 0.44 0.37 0.48 0.31 0.37 0.52 0.45 0.59 0.37 0.45 0.63 0.54 0.72 0.44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Flin Flon Gimli Island Lake Lac du Bonnet Lynn Lake - 38 ·34 - 36 34 40 - 40 - 36 - 38 ·36 ·42 27 29 26 28 27 20 23 20 23 19 6846 6166 7342 6150 8029 13 28 13 28 8 77 125 63 76 77 466 534 567 567 480 2.0 1.7 2.4 1.7 2.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.42 0.30 0.37 0.28 0.47 0.52 0.37 0.43 0.34 0.58 0.65 0.45 0.50 0.41 0.71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Morden ·31 33 31 23 5561 28 143 527 2.0 0.2 0.40 0.48 0.56 0 0 0.00 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 e • Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 17 17 pays Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada (Cont'd) Design Temperature Province and Location January i 2.5% 1% °C DegreeDays Below Wet ac 18°C July 2.5 % Dry DC 15 Min. Rain mm One Day Rain. mm Ann. Tot. Ppn. mm Hourly Wind Pressures Ground Snow Load kPa Ss SR 1/10 kPa 1/30 kPa Seismic Data Zonal Velocity 1/100 kPa . Za Zv Ratio v Neepawa Pine Falls Portage la Prairie Rivers - 32 - 34 - 31 -34 - 34 -36 - 33 -36 30 28 30 30 22 23 23 22 5985 6176 5821 6075 33 25 36 33 85 67 131 139 474 540 512 472 2.0 1.7 1.9 1.9 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.33 0.29 0.36 0.36 0.40 0.35 0.43 0.43 0.49 0.43 0.51 0.51 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sandi lands Selkirk Split Lake Steinbach Swan River -32 33 38 - 33 36 - 34 35 40 - 35 38 29 29 27 30 29 23 23 19 23 22 5920 5893 8250 5892 6308 28 28 10 28 20 89 89 51 83 85 580 507 483 515 496 2.0 1.7 2.3 1.8 1.8 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.31 0.33 0.51 0.31 0.30 0.37 0.39 0.60 0.37 0.35 0.44 0.47 0.71 0.44 0.42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 The Pas Thompson Virden Winnipeg - 36 42 33 - 33 - 38 - 45 - 35 - 35 28 26 30 30 21 19 22 23 6787 8017 5933 5871 15 10 33 28 78 51 104 84 496 542 486 506 1.9 2.2 1.8 1.7 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.35 0.49 0.36 0.35 0.43 0.58 0.43 0.42 0.52 0.68 0.51 0.49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ontario Ailsa Craig Ajax Alexandria Alliston Almonte -17 - 20 - 24 23 - 26 19 - 22 26 25 - 28 30 30 30 29 30 23 23 23 23 23 4000 4080 4700 4400 4774 25 23 28 28 25 89 76 76 114 76 920 800 940 740 736 2.0 0.9 2.2 1.8 2.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.40 0.43 0.30 0.22 0.30 0.50 0.52 0.37 0.29 0.37 0.62 0.64 0.45 0.38 0.46 0 1 4 1 4 0 1 2 0 2 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.10 Armstrong Arnprior Atikokan Aurora Bancroft 39 - 27 34 21 -27 42 - 29 37 - 23 - 29 28 30 29 30 29 21 23 22 23 22 6991 4791 6209 4325 4919 23 23 25 28 25 99 76 93 102 83 738 746 724 800 880 2.5 2.3 2.2 1.8 2.8 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.21 0.27 0.21 0.30 0.23 0.25 0.34 0.25 0.39 0.29 0.29 0.42 0.29 0.50 0.36 0 4 0 1 2 0 2 0 0 1 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.05 0.05 Barrie Barriefield Beaverton Belleville Belmont - 24 - 22 - 24 - 22 17 - 26 24 - 26 24 19 29 27 30 29 30 22 23 22 23 23 4575 4200 4400 4129 4000 28 23 28 23 25 127 114 140 106 89 950 870 860 855 980 2.3 1.9 2.0 1.6 1.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.21 0.35 0.24 0.32 0.35 0.29 0.43 0.32 0.39 0.45 0.39 0.52 0.42 0.48 0.58 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.00 Big Trout Lake Borden CFB Bracebridge Bradford Brampton - 38 23 - 26 - 23 19 - 40 25 - 28 25 - 21 25 29 29 30 30 20 22 22 23 23 7699 4550 4800 4241 4321 13 28 25 28 28 84 114 114 114 178 581 810 1020 716 816 2.9 2.0 2.8 1.9 1.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0,4 0.4 0.33 0.21 0.19 0.24 0.32 0.39 0.29 0.25 0.32 0.39 0.46 0.39 0.33 0.42 0.49 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 17 - 21 . - 23 ·26 I -17 -19 - 23 - 25 - 28 -19 30 29 29 29 31 23 23 23 21 23 3922 4200 4230 5293 3818 23 23 25 25 23 103 76 89 102 77 746 830 974 1066 777 1.2 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.31 0.42 0.32 0.20 0.36 0.37 0.50 0.39 0.26 0.43 0.44 0,60 0.49 0,34 0.51 1 1 3 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0,05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 e Brantford Brighton Brockville Burk's Falls Burlington Column 1 18 2 I i I 17 pays Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada (Cont'd) Design Temperature Province and Location January 2.5% 1 0/0 °C °C July 2.5 % Dry °C Wet °C DegreeDays Below 18 c C 15 Min. Rain mm One Day Rain mm Ground Snow Load kPa Ann. Tot. Ppn. mm S5 S;; Hourly Wind Pressures 1/10 kPa 1/30 kPa 1/100 kPa Seismic Data Zonal Velocity Ratio Za Zv v Cambridge Campbellford Cannington Carleton Place Cavan 18 23 -24 - 25 - 22 - 20 26 26 - 27 25 29 30 30 30 30 23 23 23 23 23 4100 4400 4550 4700 4425 25 25 28 25 28 108 111 127 69 76 899 811 890 787 770 1.5 1.6 2.0 2.3 1.8 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.26 0.29 0.24 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.37 0.32 0.37 0.39 0.39 0.47 0.42 0.46 0.50 1 1 1 4 1 0 1 1 2 1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.05 Centralia Chapleau Chatham Chesley Clinton -17 - 35 16 19 -17 -19 - 38 -18 21 19 30 27 31 29 29 23 21 24 22 23 4041 6214 3607 4450 4100 25 23 28 28 23 80 104 107 76 89 1033 834 808 1120 950 2.1 3.7 0.9 2.6 2.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.37 0.19 0.32 0.33 0.37 0.48 0.25 0.39 0.43 0.48 0.60 0.31 0.48 0.55 0.60 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 Coboconk Cobourg Cochrane Colborne Collingwood - 25 - 21 - 34 - 21 - 22 27 - 23 - 36 - 23 - 24 29 30 29 29 29 22 23 21 23 22 4750 4241 6398 4050 4242 25 23 20 23 28 127 76 87 76 128 909 822 885 830 858 2.3 1.1 2.6 1.5 2.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.22 0.46 0.26 0.44 0.25 0.29 0.55 0.32 0.52 0.34 0.37 0.65 0.39 0.62 0.45 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Cornwall Corunna Deep River Deseronto Dorchester - 23 -16 - 29 - 22 -18 25 18 32 24 - 20 30 31 30 28 30 23 23 22 23 23 4418 3800 5125 4100 4050 28 23 23 23 28 71 89 89 89 89 928 800 790 870 890 2.0 0.9 2.3 1.7 1.7 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.30 0.35 0.20 0.32 0.33 0.37 0.43 0.24 0.39 0.43 0.46 0.52 0.28 0.48 0.55 4 0 4 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.05 0.00 Dorion Dresden Dryden Dunnville Durham - 33 16 - 34 -15 20 - 35 -18 - 36 17 - 22 28 31 27 30 29 21 24 22 24 22 5900 3738 6087 3851 4671 20 28 25 23 28 76 76 114 102 86 685 765 698 905 1040 2.6 0.9 2.2 1.8 2.6 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.25 0.32 0.21 0.33 0.31 0.29 0.39 0.25 0.39 0.39 0.34 0.48 0.29 0.45 0.50 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.05 Dutton Earlton Edison Elmvale Embro -16 - 33 - 34 - 24 18 18 - 36 - 36 - 26 - 20 31 30 28 29 29 24 21 22 22 23 3800 5915 6050 4300 4200 28 23 25 28 28 89 99 89 127 89 870 822 680 900 890 1.2 2.4 2.2 2.4 1.8 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.34 0.32 0.20 0.24 0.33 0.43 0.40 0.24 0.32 0.43 0.53 0.51 0.28 0.42 0.54 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.00 Englehart Espanola Exeter Fenelon Falls Fergus - 33 25 -17 - 25 - 20 36 27 19 27 - 22 30 28 30 30 29 21 21 23 23 23 5900 4950 4101 4650 4615 23 23 25 25 33 87 89 89 133 118 892 840 962 859 880 2.3 2.1 2.2 2.1 2.0 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.29 0.28 0.37 0.25 0.26 0.37 0.37 0.48 0.32 0.32 0.47 0.48 0.60 0.41 0.40 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.05 Forest Fort Erie Fort Erie (Ridgeway) Fort Francis -16 15 15 - 33 -18 -17 -17 35 31 30 30 29 23 24 24 22 3839 3707 3650 5624 23 23 28 25 87 102 102 • 114 834 995 990 696 1.8 2.4 2.3 2.1 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.39 0.36 0.37 0.21 0.48 0.43 0.43 0.25 0.58 0.50 0.50 0.29 0 2 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.00 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 Column 1 10 2. 0 i 17 19 pays Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada (Cont'd) Design Temperature Province and Location 2.5% 1% °C I July 2.5 % DegreeDry °C Wet °C Days Below 18°C 15 Min. Rain mm One Day Rain. mm Ann. Tot. Ppn. mm Hourly Wind Pressures Ground Snow Load kPa Seismic Data Zonal Velocity Z, Z, Ratio v , S5 SF 1/10 kPa 1/30 kPa 1/100 kPa 22 - 24 28 23 4150 23 89 870 1.9 0.4 0.35 0.43 0.52 2 1 0.05 35 -16 16 23 37 -38 18 -18 25 -40 28 31 29 29 29 21 24 23 21 22 6753 4000 3900 4930 6626 20 28 23 23 23 65 66 84 92 62 697 850 910 866 817 2.7 1.4 2.2 2.4 2.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.20 0.31 0.40 0.30 0.21 0.24 0.39 0.50 0.36 0.25 0.28 0.49 0.62 0.43 0.29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26 Gravenhurst Gravenhurst (Muskoka Airport) - 26 16 Grimsby -19 Guelph 24 Guthrie 28 28 18 21 26 29 29 30 29 29 22 22 23 23 22 4800 4911 3618 4304 4520 25 25 23 28 28 114 115 123 103 127 1020 1009 876 833 870 2.5 2.6 0.8 1.7 2.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.19 0.19 0.36 0.25 0.21 0.25 0.25 0.43 0.30 0.29 0.33 0.33 0.50 0.36 0.39 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Haileybury Haldimand (Caledonia) Haldimand (Hagersville) Haliburton Halton Hills (Georgetown) 32 -17 16 - 27 19 35 19 -18 29 - 21 30 30 30 29 30 21 23 23 22 23 5427 3850 3987 4993 4355 23 23 25 25 28 65 104 283 103 128 849 913 842 971 837 2.2 1.1 1.2 2.7 1.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.32 0.31 0.33 0.19 0.27 0.39 0.37 0.39 0.25 0.34 0.49 0.44 0.46 0.31 0.42 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Hamilton Hanover Hastings Hawkesbury Hearst -17 -19 - 23 25 - 34 -19 21 - 26 27 - 36 31 30 30 30 28 23 22 23 23 21 3827 4340 4400 4800 6500 23 28 28 23 20 117 76 89 89 63 799 877 790 961 846 0.8 2.4 1.8 2.1 2.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.36 0.34 0.29 0.31 0.20 0.43 0.43 0.37 0.37 0.25 0.50 0.54 0.47 0.45 0.32 1 1 1 4 0 0 0 1 2 0 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.00 Honey Harbour Hornepayne Huntsville Ingersoll Iroquois Falls - 24 - 37 - 26 -18 - 33 - 26 - 40 - 29 - 20 - 36 29 28 29 30 29 22 21 22 23 21 4400 6545 4780 4000 6200 23 20 25 28 20 127 83 104 89 63 950 734 971 890 780 2.5 3.3 2.7 1.6 2.7 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.25 0.19 0.19 0.33 0.30 0.34 0.25 0.25 0.43 0.37 0.45 0.31 0.33 0.54 0.45 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.05 Jellicoe Kapuskasing Kemptville Kenora Killaloe - 36 - 33 - 25 - 33 - 28 - 39 - 35 - 27 -36 - 31 28 28 30 28 30 21 21 23 22 22 6600 6438 4622 5938 5082 20 20 25 25 23 76 80 73 128 62 710 858 867 623 674 2.5 2.6 2.1 2.1 2.5 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.21 0.23 0.30 0.20 0.24 0.25 0.28 0.37 0.24 0.29 0.29 0.34 0.46 0.28 0.36 0 0 4 0 3 0 0 2 0 1 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.05 Kincardine Kingston Kinmount Kirkland Lake Kitchener -17 - 22 - 26 - 33 -19 -19 - 24 - 28 - 36 - 21 28 27 29 30 29 22 23 22 21 23 4100 4251 4800 6113 4146 23 23 25 20 28 76 119 102 97 175 890 870 950 856 897 2.4 1.9 2.5 2.7 1.8 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.40 0.35 0.20 0.29 0.27 0.50 0.43 0.26 0.37 0.34 0.62 0.52 0.34 0.46 0.42 0 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Lakefield Lansdowne House - 24 - 39 - 26 - 41 30 28 23 21 4550 7199 28 18 89 78 770 666 2.0 2.7 0.4 0.2 0.27 0.24 0.34 0.29 0.43 0.35 1 0 1 0 0.05 0.00 2 3 4 5 v I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Gananoque Geraldton Glencoe Goderich Gore Bay Graham Column 1 20 January I pays p Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada (Cont'd) I Design Temperature Province and Location January 2.5% 1% °C °C July 2.5 % Dry °C Wet °C DegreeDays Below 18°C 15 Min. Rain mm ! One Day Rain mm Ground Snow Load kPa Ann. Tot. Ppn. mm Ss I Hourly Wind Pressures Seismic Data 1/10 kPa 1/30 kPa 1/100 kPa Za Zv SR Zonal Velocity Ratio v Leamington Lindsay Lion's Head -15 - 24 -19 17 26 - 21 31 30 27 24 23 22 3556 4513 4490 28 25 25 106 97 76 816 856 890 0.7 2.1 2.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.35 0.26 0.33 0.43 0.34 0.43 0.52 0.43 0.54 0 1 1 0 1 0 0.00 0.05 0.05 Listowel London Lucan Maitland Markdale 19 18 -17 23 - 20 - 21 - 20 -19 25 22 29 30 30 29 29 23 23 23 23 22 4811 4133 4150 4200 4700 30 28 25 25 28 144 83 118 76 76 951 909 927 960 1030 2.4 1.7 2.1 2.0 3.1 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.34 0.36 0.39 0.32 0.29 0.43 0.48 0.50 0.39 0.37 0.53 0.61 0.63 0.49 0.47 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.05 Markham Martin Matheson Mattawa Midland - 20 - 36 - 33 29 23 22 - 39 - 36 - 31 26 31 29 29 30 29 24 22 21 22 22 4245 6248 6250 5300 4257 25 25 20 23 25 79 114 76 89 96 802 751 830 830 1035 1.2 2.4 2.6 1.9 2.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.39 0.21 0.30 0.24 0.25 0.48 0.25 0.37 0.29 0.34 0.59 0.29 0.46 0.35 0.45 1 0 1 3 1 0 0 1 1 1 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.05 Milton Milverton Minden Mississauga Mississauga (Port Credit) 18 -19 -26 -18 -18 20 21 - 29 - 20 - 20 30 29 29 30 30 23 23 22 23 23 4138 4550 4967 4000 3900 25 30 25 25 25 127 76 94 140 140 875 980 971 760 760 1.2 2.2 2.5 1.0 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.32 0.31 0.19 0.37 0.37 0.39 0.39 0.25 0.45 0.45 0.48 0.49 0.31 0.55 0.55 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Mitchell Moosonee Morrisburg Mount Forest Nakina -18 36 ·23 - 21 ·35 -20 -38 - 25 23 37 29 28 30 29 28 23 21 23 22 21 4519 7011 4550 4694 6816 28 18 25 30 20 72 63 114 84 70 840 728 928 964 811 2.2 2.0 2.1 2.5 2.6 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.35 0.19 0.30 0.29 0.20 0.45 0.24 0.37 0.37 0.24 0.57 0.29 0.46 0.47 0.28 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.05 0.00 Nanticoke (Jarvis) Nanticoke (Port Dover) Napanee New Liskeard Newcastle ·16 -15 22 32 - 20 18 ·17 -24 - 35 22 30 30 28 30 30 23 24 23 21 23 3875 3881 4150 5664 4200 28 25 23 23 23 102 102 89 82 76 850 948 870 749 810 1.3 1.1 1.7 2.1 1.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.33 0.36 0.32 0.31 0.46 0.39 0.43 0.39 0.39 0.55 0.47 0.51 0.48 0.49 0.65 1 1 2 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Newcastle (Bowmanville) Newmarket Niagara Falls North Bay Norwood - 20 - 22 -16 - 28 24 - 22 24 -18 - 30 - 26 30 30 30 28 30 23 23 23 21 23 4220 4395 3662 4990 4531 23 28 23 28 28 76 102 95 96 89 803 797 942 930 785 1.3 1.8 1.8 2.0 1.9 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.46 0.26 0.33 0.26 0.29 0.55 0.34 0.39 0.31 0.37 0.66 0.44 0.47 0.37 0.47 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Oakville Orangeville Orillia Oshawa Ottawa 18 -21 - 25 ·19 ·25 - 20 23 - 27 21 27 30 29 29 30 30 23 23 22 23 23 3915 4775 4690 3968 4634 23 30 25 23 23 74 101 147 76 93 799 789 907 864 846 0.8 2.1 2.2 1.3 2.2 0045 0.4 0.37 0.25 0.19 0.43 0.30 0.32 0.26 0.52 0.37 0.54 0.41 0.35 0.64 0.46 1 1 1 1 4 0 0 1 1 2 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 004 0.4 004 004 004 004 • Column 1 17 21 pays Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada (Cont'd) Design Temperature Province and Location January 2.5% 1% DC DegreeDays Below Wet D DC 18 C July 2.5 % Dry DC 15 Min. Rain mm One Day Rain. mm Ann. Tot. Ppn. mm I Ss SR Seismic Data 1/10 kPa 1/30 kPa 1/100 kPa Za Zonal Velocity Zv Ratio v 30 31 28 22 21 23 23 21 4236 6595 4025 3900 4730 28 20 23 23 23 138 80 89 89 123 1024 902 860 860 1094 2.6 2.2 1.3 1.9 2.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.33 0.19 0.31 0.40 0.24 0.43 0.25 0.37 0.50 0.34 0.55 0.31 0.45 0.61 0.46 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.05 17 - 31 26 27 31 30 30 29 30 30 23 22 22 23 22 3700 4873 4275 4650 5160 23 23 25 25 23 102 103 127 76 119 870 770 1025 920 800 2.1 2.3 2.6 2.1 2.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.33 0.22 0.25 0.29 0.19 0.39 0.26 0.34 0.37 0.24 0.46 0.32 0.45 0.46 0.29 1 4 1 3 4 0 2 1 1 2 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.10 - 23 16 -19 21 -18 25 18 21 23 20 30 31 30 29 29 23 24 23 23 23 4411 3824 4250 3999 4150 28 25 23 23 28 87 76 102 76 89 793 873 780 947 920 1.8 1.2 0.9 1.8 1.7 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.29 0.35 0.43 0.37 0.30 0.37 0.43 0.52 0.45 0.37 0.47 0.52 0.64 0.54 OA6 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.05 29 15 15 17 21 32 17 -17 19 - 23 30 30 30 28 30 22 24 24 22 23 5150 4050 3707 4240 4044 23 25 23 23 23 89 102 102 76 76 790 940 985 860 801 2.3 1.1 2.1 2.6 1.1 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.20 0.34 0.37 0.40 0.46 0.24 0.43 0.43 0.50 0.55 0.28 0.53 0.50 0.62 0.65 4 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 0.10 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.05 Port Perry Port Stanley Prescott Princeton Raith 22 15 23 17 - 35 - 24 17 - 25 -19 -37 30 31 29 29 28 23 24 23 23 22 4250 4075 4200 4000 6490 25 25 25 25 20 89 84 76 89 76 800 902 970 860 750 2.2 1.1 2.0 1.4 2.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.31 0.34 0.32 0.30 0.21 0.39 0.43 0.39 0.37 0.25 0.50 0.53 0.49 0.46 0.29 1 0 3 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0.05 0.00 0.10 0.05 0.00 Rayside-Balfour (Chelmsford) Red Lake Renfrew Richmond Hill Rockland - 28 34 - 27 20 - 26 - 30 36 - 30 - 22 - 28 29 28 30 31 30 21 22 23 24 23 5451 6350 4912 4427 4800 25 18 23 25 23 76 110 76 88 89 860 589 780 805 900 2.3 2.2 2.3 1.4 2.2 0.29 0.22 0.26 0.39 0.30 0.39 0.26 0.32 0.48 0.37 0.53 0.31 0.39 0.59 0.45 1 0 4 1 4 0 0 2 0 2 0.05 0.00 0.10 0.05 0.10 Sarnia Sault Ste Marie Schreiber Seaforth Simcoe -16 25 - 35 17 -17 -18 - 28 - 38 -19 -19 31 29 27 30 30 23 21 21 23 23 3953 4943 6129 4300 3926 23 25 20 25 28 98 117 93 89 115 890 973 860 910 934 1.0 2.8 3.0 2.3 1.2 0.35 0.32 0.25 0.37 0.33 0.43 0.37 0.29 0.48 0.39 0.52 0.43 0.34 0.60 0.47 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 Sioux Lookout Smiths Falls Smithville Smooth Rock Falls - 34 -25 -16 - 34 - 36 - 27 -18 - 36 28 30 30 29 22 23 23 21 6278 4448 3750 6400 28 28 23 20 116 76 114 63 713 782 900 850 2.2 2.1 1.4 2.5 0.25 0.37 0.39 0.29 0.29 0.46 0 3 OA6 1 0.36 • 1 0 2 0.4 0.3 0.21 0.29 0.33 0.24 0.00 0.10 0.05 0.05 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Owen Sound Pagwa River Paris Parkhill Parry Sound -19 34 -17 16 - 24 -21 -36 19 18 26 Pelham (FonthiU) Pembroke Penetanguishene Perth Petawawa -15 28 - 23 25 - 29 Peterborough Petrolia Pickering (Dunbarton) Picton Plattsville Point Alexander Port Burwell Port Colborne Port Elgin Port Hope Column 1 22 Hourly Wind Pressures Ground Snow Load kPa OA OA 0.3 OA OA 0.4 0.4 OA 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 OA 15 a 0 16 17 I pays Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada (Cont'd) Design Temperature Province and Location January 1250/011 % °C ; °C July 2.5 % Dry °C Wet °C oegree-115 One Day Rain mm Days . Min. Below Rain mm 18°C i Ground Snow Load kPa Ann. Tot. Ppn. mm ! Ss SA I 1/10 kPa 1/30 kPa I Seismic Data 1/100 kPa I Za Z" Zonal Velocity Ratio v 27 29 28 21 5280 28 89 950 2.6 0.4 0.23 0.29 0.36 1 1 0.05 Southampton St. Catharines St. Mary's St. Thomas Stirling -17 16 18 -16 23 -19 18 - 20 -18 - 25 28 30 30 31 30 22 23 23 23 23 4236 3664 4200 3985 4464 23 23 28 25 25 88 89 105 86 866 807 970 912 783 2.5 0.9 2.0 1.3 1.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.38 0.36 0.35 0.33 0.28 0.48 0.43 0.45 0.43 0.36 0.59 0.50 0.58 0.54 0.46 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.05 Stratford Strathroy Sturgeon Falls Sudbury Sundridge -18 -17 -27 -28 - 27 - 20 -19 -29 30 - 29 29 31 29 29 28 23 23 21 21 21 4429 3943 5200 5043 5250 28 25 28 25 28 126 76 89 112 102 1046 894 850 794 950 2.1 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.33 0.36 0.25 0.29 0.23 0.43 0.45 0.32 0.40 0.29 0.54 0.57 0.40 0.55 0.37 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.05 Tavistock Temagami Thamesford Thedford Thunder Bay 18 -30 18 16 -31 20 - 33 20 18 - 33 29 30 30 31 28 23 21 23 23 21 4450 5300 4200 3850 5673 28 25 28 23 20 89 89 89 89 98 950 870 975 840 712 1.9 2.4 1.7 1.9 2.7 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.34 0.27 0.33 0.41 0.25 0.43 0.34 0.43 0.50 0.29 0.53 0.42 0.55 0.61 0.34 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 Tillsonburg Timmins Timmins (Porcupine) Timmins (South Porcupine) 17 - 34 - 34 -34 -19 - 36 - 36 -36 30 30 30 30 23 21 21 21 4050 6225 6049 6200 25 18 18 18 102 133 76 76 914 862 836 820 1.2 2.8 2.7 2.7 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.31 0.25 0.27 0.27 0.39 0.32 0.34 0.34 0.50 0.40 0.42 0.42 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.05 Toronto (Metropolitan) Etobicoke North York Scarborough Toronto Trenton - 20 20 - 20 -18 21 22 22 - 22 - 20 23 31 31 31 31 29 24 24 24 23 23 3781 3999 4110 3646 4102 26 25 25 25 23 84 82 85 121 97 757 782 821 801 855 1.0 1.1 1.1 0.8 1.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.35 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.43 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.58 0.52 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Trout Creek Uxbridge Vaughan (Woodbridge) ViHoria Walkerton 27 22 -20 15 -18 - 29 - 24 - 22 -17 - 20 28 30 31 30 30 21 23 24 24 22 5300 4483 4200 3800 4310 28 25 26 25 28 89 83 121 114 125 940 800 768 900 962 2.5 2.2 1.0 1.2 2.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.24 0.29 0.39 0.35 0.35 0.29 0.37 0.48 0.43 0.45 0.36 0.48 0.59 0.52 0.57 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Wallaceburg Waterloo Watford Wawa Weiland -16 -19 16 - 35 -15 -18 - 21 18 - 38 -17 31 29 31 26 30 24 23 24 21 23 3658 4146 3850 5756 3733 28 28 25 20 23 100 102 76 100 118 760 895 880 1030 938 0.8 1.8 1.7 3.8 2.0 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.32 0.27 0.34 0.24 0.33 0.39 0.34 0.43 0.28 0.39 0.48 0.42 0.53 0.33 0.47 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.05 West Lome Whitby -16 20 -18 22 31 30 24 23 3800 4080 28 23 102 76 870 840 1.2 1.1 0.4 0.4 0.34 0.43 0.43 0.52 0.53 0.64 0 1 0 1 0.00 0.05 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 South River e Hourly Wind Pressures I Column 1 77 ! i i i 17 23 pays Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada (Cont'd) Design Temperature Province and Location January 2.5% 1% °C DegreeDays Below Wet 18°C °C July 2.5 % Dry °C 15 Min. Rain mm One Day Rain. mm Ann. Tot. Ppn. mm Hourly Wind Pressures Ground Snow Load kPa Seismic Data Zonal Velocity Ratio v 1/10 kPa 1/30 kPa 1/100 kPa Za Zv 0.48 0.24 0.43 0.59 0.28 0.55 1 0 1 1 0 0 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.36 0.45 0.39 0.43 0.44 0.57 0.50 0.52 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.32 0.37 0.36 0.36 0.35 0.39 0.46 3 3 2 2 4 2 3 1 2 2 0.10 0.10 0.86 0.58 0.45 0.41 0.41 4 4 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 0.10 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.44 0.45 0.36 0.44 0.41 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 3 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.34 0.32 0.37 0.43 0.40 0.43 0.38 0.45 5 4 2 3 3 4 3 1 2 2 0.20 0.15 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.41 0.32 0.35 0.45 0.35 4 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 1 Ss SR 1.7 4.1 2.5 0.4 0.4 0.38 0.20 0.4 0.33 0.29 0.35 0.31 Whitby (Brooklin) White River Wiarton - 20 - 39 18 - 22 42 - 20 30 28 28 23 21 22 4250 6479 4486 23 20 25 76 102 105 840 823 965 Windsor Wingham Woodstock Wyoming 16 18 -18 16 -18 - 20 - 20 18 31 30 29 31 24 23 23 24 3622 4250 4131 3800 28 28 28 25 78 89 132 76 849 1040 862 880 0.7 2.4 1.7 1.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 Quebec Acton-Vale Alma Amos Asbestos Alymer - 24 30 - 34 26 25 27 - 32 36 - 28 - 28 30 29 28 29 30 23 21 21 22 23 4900 5830 6289 4794 4700 20 20 20 23 23 89 76 74 69 89 1092 975 865 1114 890 2.1 3.0 2.9 2.6 2.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.4 Baie-Comeau Beauport Bedford Beloeil Brome 27 - 25 - 23 - 24 24 29 - 28 25 26 - 26 25 28 29 30 29 19 22 23 23 22 5969 5170 73 114 76 76 76 988 1170 1030 1020 1170 3.9 3.1 1.9 2.2 2.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.55 0.38 0.31 0.28 0.28 0.69 0.48 4700 4600 4700 18 20 23 23 23 Brossard Buckingham Campbell's Bay Chambly Chicoutimi 24 26 - 28 - 24 - 30 - 26 - 28 - 30 26 32 30 30 30 30 28 23 23 23 23 21 4600 4934 4750 4550 5435 23 23 23 23 18 76 60 89 76 71 1070 985 850 1020 954 2.2 2.4 2.4 2.1 2.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.31 0.30 0.24 0.31 0.25 0.37 0.37 0.29 0.37 0.32 Chicoutimi (Bagotville) Chicoutimi (Kenogami) Coaticook Contrecoeur Cowansville - 31 29 24 - 24 24 33 - 31 - 26 - 27 - 26 28 29 28 30 29 21 21 22 23 22 5805 5587 4863 4710 75 74 113 89 76 922 940 1023 1040 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.34 0.32 1050 2.2 2.8 2.1 2.6 2.1 0.27 0.25 0.27 0.27 4750 18 18 23 20 23 Deux-Montagnes Dolbeau Drummondville Farnham Fort-Coulonge - 25 - 31 25 - 24 28 27 33 - 28 26 - 30 29 28 30 29 30 23 21 23 23 23 4600 6000 4702 4632 4900 23 28 20 23 23 76 63 161 88 105 970 890 1004 1050 880 2.2 3.2 2.3 2.0 2.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.24 0.34 0.26 0.29 0.37 0.29 Gagnon Gaspe Gatineau Gracefield Granby - 33 - 23 - 25 - 28 - 25 - 35 25 28 31 27 24 25 30 30 29 19 19 23 22 23 7463 5438 4600 63 114 60 89 67 1020 968 902 5100 4604 20 15 23 25 23 1144 4.2 3.9 2.3 2.4 2.1 0.4 '0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.37 0.81 0.30 0.24 0.26 0.43 0.98 0.37 0.29 0.32 0.50 1.17 0.46 0.35 0.39 1 4 4 3 1 1 2 2 2 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Column 1 24 850 0.35 0.24 0.23 0.24 0.26 0.30 0.31 0.28 0.22 0.24 0.31 0.37 0.34 0.34 0.00 0.10 0.15 0.05 pays Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada (Cont'd) Design Temperature Province and Location January July 2.5 % 2.5% 1% cC °C Dry °C Wet °C DegreeDays Below 18cC 15 Min. Rain mm One Day Rain mm Ann. Tot. Ppn. mm Ground Snow Load kPa I Harrington-Harbour Havre-St-Pierre Hemmingford Hull Iberville - 25 27 - 23 25 24 - 27 - 29 - 25 - 28 26 17 22 29 30 29 16 18 23 23 23 6084 6019 4588 4600 4448 15 15 25 23 23 104 89 76 89 76 1234 1008 911 875 984 Inukjuak Joliette Jonquiere Kuujjuaq Kuujjuarapik 38 - 25 - 29 - 39 36 40 28 - 31 - 41 - 38 17 29 29 24 29 16 23 21 17 17 8986 4876 5700 8561 8160 8 20 18 8 10 40 94 76 36 73 La-Malbaie La-Tuque Lac-Megantic Lachute Lennoxville 26 29 27 - 25 - 28 - 28 31 29 - 27 30 28 29 27 29 29 21 22 22 23 22 5343 5364 5292 4955 4820 20 23 23 23 23 Lery Loretteville Louiseville Magog Malartic - 23 - 25 25 - 26 33 - 26 - 28 28 - 28 36 29 28 29 29 29 23 22 23 22 21 4550 5200 5203 4724 6200 Maniwaki Masson Matane Mont-Joli Mont-Laurier - 29 - 26 - 24 - 24 - 29 32 28 26 - 26 - 32 29 30 24 25 29 22 23 20 20 22 25 28 28 23 - 23 24 - 23 26 26 - 26 - 26 23 23 23 23 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 Montmagny Montreal & Region Beaconsfield Dorval Laval Montreal (Stade Olympique) Montreal-Est Montreal-Nord Outremont Pierrefonds St-Lambert St-Laurent Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue Verdun Column 1 2 . Hourly Wind Pressures セ@ 1/10 kPa sセ@ Seismic Data Zonal Velocity Ratio v kPa 11100 kPa Za Zv 0.94 0.93 0.37 0.37 0.37 1.22 1.14 0.45 0.46 0.45 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 2 2 2 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.10 2.2 2.0 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.72 0.75 0.30 0.30 0.31 387 883 925 504 637 4.0 2.8 2.8 4.4 4.1 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.63 0.25 0.25 0.53 0.64 0.81 0.30 0.32 0,66 0.76 1.03 0.36 0.40 0.81 0.92 0 3 4 1 0 0 2 3 0 0 0,00 0,10 0.15 0,05 0.00 165 114 72 89 104 845 952 997 1062 1058 2.8 3.1 2.9 2.2 1.8 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.39 0.20 0.45 0.31 0.23 0.50 0.24 0.58 0.37 0,29 0.63 0,28 0.73 0.44 0.36 6 3 3 4 2 6 2 2 2 1 0.40 0.10 0.10 0.10 0,05 23 20 20 23 20 76 102 114 71 76 970 1070 925 1108 940 2,1 3.4 2.7 2.1 3.0 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.31 0.38 0.22 0.26 0.24 0,37 0.48 0.26 0.32 0.29 0.44 0.58 0.32 0.39 0.35 4 4 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 0.10 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.05 5348 4809 5580 5450 5436 28 23 18 18 28 75 102 79 74 154 867 912 994 898 973 2.2 2.2 3.4 3.7 2.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.24 0.30 0.53 0.54 0.24 0.28 0.37 0,69 0.70 0.28 0.34 0.45 0.88 0.90 0,33 4 4 3 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 0.10 0.10 0,10 0.10 0.10 22 5065 20 89 1097 2.7 0.5 0.39 0.50 0.63 5 4 0.20 30 30 29 30 23 23 23 23 4550 4538 4600 4463 23 23 23 23 76 70 89 87 970 946 1050 1071 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.31 0,31 0.32 0.31 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 26 - 26 26 26 26 30 30 30 30 30 23 23 23 23 23 4468 4600 4600 4600 4550 22 23 23 23 23 23 87 89 89 76 89 1071 1070 1070 970 1070 2.5 2.4 2.6 2.2 2.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.31 0.31 0.31 0,31 0.31 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 0.10 0.10 0.10 0,10 0.10 - 26 - 26 - 26 30 29 30 23 22 23 4491 4550 4550 23 23 89 92 89 982 920 1070 2.3 2,1 2.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.44 0.44 0.44 4 4 4 2 2 2 0.10 0.10 0.10 7 8 3 4 5 9 10 1----"1 12 ! 13 14 i 15 16 17 25 pays Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada (Cont'd) Design Temperature Province and Location 2.5 "/" 1% °C DegreeJuly 2.5 % Days Below Dry Wet 18°C °C °C I 15 lone Min. 1 Day Rain Rain. mm mm Ann. Tot. Ppn. mm Hourly Wind Pressures Ground Snow Load kPa 1i10 kPa Ss SR 1/30 kPa • 1/100 kPa Seismic Data Zonal Velocity Za Zv Ratio - 25 - 38 - 33 28 40 - 36 30 23 29 23 19 21 5000 8033 5900 20 15 20 114 60 89 975 784 900 2.6 3.2 2.9 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.23 0.29 0.26 0.28 0.34 0.32 0.34 0.40 0.39 3 0 2 2 1 1 0.10 0.05 0.05 Perce Pincourt Plessisville Port-Cartier Povungnituk 22 23 - 26 29 - 36 - 25 - 26 - 28 32 38 25 29 29 25 23 19 23 23 19 18 5400 4600 5250 6150 8986 15 23 20 15 5 102 76 102 76 49 970 970 1090 1090 387 3.5 2.1 2.6 3.8 4.1 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.82 0.31 0.26 0.67 0.62 0.98 0.37 0.32 0.83 0.81 1.16 0.44 0.39 1.01 1.03 1 4 3 4 1 1 2 2 1 0 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05 Quebec City & Region Ancienne-Lorette Levis Quebec Sillery Ste-Foy - 25 - 25 - 25 25 25 - 28 - 28 - 28 - 28 - 28 28 28 28 28 28 22 22 22 22 22 5165 5400 5165 5400 5400 20 20 20 20 20 77 114 131 114 114 1174 1140 1174 1150 1140 3.1 3.0 3.3 2.8 3.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 Richmond Rimouski Riviere-du-Loup Roberval Rock-Island - 25 - 25 - 25 - 30 24 27 - 27 27 - 33 -26 29 25 27 28 28 22 20 21 21 22 4800 5260 5533 5884 4900 23 20 23 25 23 89 89 102 103 76 1040 827 879 914 1100 2.0 3.5 3.0 3.2 1.8 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.24 0.48 0.41 0.22 0.30 0.29 0.60 0.52 0.26 0.37 0.36 0.75 0.66 0.32 0.46 2 3 6 3 2 2 2 5 2 1 0.10 0.10 0.30 0.10 0.05 Rosemere Rouyn Salaberry-de-Valleyfield Schefferville Senneterre - 24 33 - 23 - 38 - 34 - 26 - 36 25 40 36 29 29 29 24 29 23 21 23 17 21 4650 5900 4435 8294 6373 23 20 25 13 23 89 89 71 51 115 1070 900 903 769 953 2.4 2.8 2.1 4.1 3.0 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.32 0.26 0.31 0.33 0.24 0.37 0.32 0.37 0.39 0.29 0.44 0.39 0.44 0.46 0.35 4 2 4 0 2 2 1 2 0 1 0.10 0.05 0.10 0.00 0.05 Sept-lies Shawinigan Shawville Sherbrooke Sorel ·30 26 27 - 28 24 - 32 - 29 - 30 -30 27 24 29 30 29 30 18 23 23 22 23 6154 5047 5074 4568 4672 15 20 23 23 20 115 104 86 109 100 1125 1061 860 950 957 3.8 2.8 2.6 2.0 2.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.69 0.19 0.26 0.21 0.24 0.84 0.24 0.32 0.26 0.29 1.03 0.29 0.39 0.33 0.35 3 3 4 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 St-Felicien St-Georges-de-Cacouna St-Hubert St-Hubert-de-Temiscouata St-Hyacinthe - 31 - 25 24 - 26 24 - 33 27 - 26 -28 -27 28 27 30 26 30 21 21 23 21 23 5950 5450 4568 5400 4533 25 23 23 25 20 55 102 78 89 82 870 900 1018 960 1034 3.2 2.9 2.3 4.0 2.1 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.22 0.41 0.31 0.41 0.27 0.26 0.52 0.37 0.52 0.32 0.31 0.66 0.44 0.66 0.38 3 6 4 5 3 2 5 2 4 2 0.10 0.30 0.10 0.20 0.10 St-Jean St-Jerome St-Jovite St-Nicolas Ste-Agathe-des-Monts - 24 - 25 -27 - 25 - 27 - 26 29 27 29 30 1 27 -28 28 - 29 27 4 3 23 23 22 22 22 4450 5001 5250 5100 5544 76 77 102 102 66 970 1034 960 1120 1164 2.0 2.5 2.6 3.2 3.1 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.31 0.29 0.25 0.37 0.27 0.37 0.34 0.30 0.45 0.32 0.45 0.40 0.36 0.55 0.38 3 2 4 2 4 12 4 3 4 2 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.10 5 6 23 23 25 20 23 . 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 2 I I I V Nicolet (Gentilly) Nitchequon Noranda Column 1 26 January 16 i pays 'pi Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada (Cont'd) Design Tom ....or!:ltmo Province and Location January 2.5% 1% DC °C DegreeDays Below 18°C July 2.5 % Dry °C I Wet DC 15 Min. Rain mm One Day Rain mm Ann Tot. Ppn. mm Hourly Wind Pressures Ground Snow Load kPa I i ! I 1/10 1/30 kPa kPa Ss SR 004 0.31 111 00 kPa 0045 Sutton Tadoussac Temiscaming Thetford Mines Thurso - 24 - 26 - 30 26 26 26 28 - 32 - 28 - 28 29 27 30 28 30 22 21 21 22 23 4775 5351 5118 5341 4802 23 20 23 20 23 51 89 89 100 60 1135 982 914 1154 914 2.2 3.1 2.3 3.0 2,2 0.4 0040 004 0,24 0.36 0.30 0.37 0.51 0.29 0.45 0.37 Trois-Rivieres Val-d'Or Varennes Vercheres Victoriaville 25 33 - 24 - 24 - 26 - 28 - 36 - 26 26 28 29 29 30 30 29 23 21 23 23 23 4993 6199 4600 4620 4920 20 20 23 23 20 111 68 89 89 79 1025 920 1020 1000 1073 2.6 3.1 0.4 0.3 204 004 004 204 0.5 0.26 0.29 0.34 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.35 2.5 0.22 0.24 0,28 0,27 0,26 Ville-Marie Waterloo Windsor 31 - 24 25 34 - 27 - 27 30 29 29 21 22 22 5669 4700 4800 23 23 23 108 76 127 816 1050 1200 2.1 2.3 2.1 004 0.30 0.26 0.23 New Brunswick Alma Bathurst Campbellton Chatham Edmundston - 21 23 26 - 24 - 27 23 26 - 28 - 26 29 26 30 29 30 28 20 21 22 21 22 4593 4986 5205 4934 5271 18 20 20 20 23 179 132 102 73 80 1391 949 1050 1097 1121 2,1 3.2 3.3 3.1 3.1 004 Fredericton Gagetown Grand Falls Moncton Oromocto 24 23 - 27 - 22 - 23 - 27 - 26 - 30 24 - 26 29 28 28 28 29 21 21 22 21 21 4740 4483 5272 4763 4707 23 20 23 20 23 110 127 159 132 104 1109 1093 1012 1179 1077 Sackville Saint John Shippegan St Stephen Woodstock - 21 - 22 22 22 - 26 23 24 - 24 - 25 - 29 27 25 28 27 30 21 20 20 21 22 4527 4768 4900 4600 4866 18 18 18 20 23 94 125 63 127 81 Nova Scotia Amherst Antigonish Bridgewater Canso Debert 21 - 20 -15 17 22 - 24 23 -19 - 25 27 27 27 25 27 21 21 20 20 21 4700 4550 4208 4477 4553 18 15 15 15 18 17 19 25 28 20 21 3957 4217 -16 18 26 20 2 3 4 5 Digby Greenwood Halifax & Region Halifax Column 1 -15 17 17 i i 0.5 004 0.4 0.4 0,5 0.5 3 6 3 3 4 2 5 1 2 2 0.10 0.30 0.05 0.10 0.10 0,38 0.39 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 0.10 0.05 0.10 0,10 0,10 0.37 0.32 0.29 0.45 0,39 0.36 2 3 2 1 2 2 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.50 0.65 0.54 0.60 0.47 0.51 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 0.05 0.05 0,05 0.05 0.15 0.46 0.62 0.72 0.57 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.63 0.55 0.34 0.66 0.59 0.77 0.67 0.42 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.66 0.60 0.67 0.68 0.63 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.50 0,62 1 11 0,61 11 1 0.05 0.05 0,64 0.35 0.56 0045 0041 0.5 0.5 0.38 0,34 0.37 0,29 0,30 0.48 0.37 0.39 2,8 2.5 3.3 2.7 2.7 0.5 0.5 0.5 0,5 0.5 0,30 0.36 0.29 0.46 0.35 0.37 0.48 0.37 0.58 0.45 1135 1444 1000 1140 945 2.3 2.1 3,1 2.3 2.8 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0.5 0041 0.52 0.38 0.52 0048 102 102 107 114 93 1050 1170 1487 1344 1296 2.2 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.9 0.5 0.5 0.5 0,5 0.5 0.41 0.41 0.49 0.39 0.52 0.50 0.52 0.58 0.50 15 15 123 113 1254 1099 2.0 204 0,5 0,5 0.40 0.36 0048 3880 15 140 1282 1.7 0.5 0040 0.52 , 0.67 6 7 8 9 ! 10 Qセ@ 0045 0.27 0041 i 12 i Seismic Data Zonal Velocity Ratio Za Zv v 0043 13 0048 14 1 11 0.05 15 16 17 27 pays Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada (Cont'd) Design Temperature Province and Location I DegreeDays Below Wet 18°C °C January: July 2.5 2.5 % 1% °C Dry °C I 15 Min. Rain I mm Ann. Tot. Ppn. mm One Day Rain. mm I i I I I ウ・ェュcセ@ Hourly Wind Pressures I Ground Snow Load kPa I Data Zonal 1/10 kPa Ss SR 1130 111100 kPa i I Velocity 1 Z kPa a i Z. Ratio v V I I -16 18 26 20 4186 18 132 1361 1.4 0,5 0.40 0.52 0.67 1 1 0.05 Kentville Liverpool Lockeport Louisburg Lunenburg 18 -14 -14 15 -15 - 20 16 -16 -17 -17 28 27 25 26 26 21 20 20 20 20 4194 4029 3950 4546 4200 18 15 15 15 15 145 203 127 102 127 1177 1308 1400 1427 1400 2.2 1.5 1.3 1.9 0.36 0.44 0.44 0.52 0.43 0.48 0.55 0.55 0.60 0.55 0.62 0.69 0.68 0.71 0.70 1 1 1.7 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.05 New Glasgow North Sydney Pictou Port Hawkesbury Springhill - 21 -16 - 21 19 - 20 - 23 18 - 24 - 22 23 27 27 27 27 27 21 21 21 21 21 4350 4500 4300 4300 4300 15 13 15 15 18 102 89 102 76 102 1140 1350 1140 1300 1140 2.0 2.2 2.0 1.9 2.8 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0,5 0.40 0.47 0.40 0.59 0.39 0.50 0.55 0.50 0.69 0.50 0.62 0,65 0.62 0.80 0.64 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.05 0,05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Stewiacke Sydney Tatamagouche Truro Wolfville Yarmouth - 21 -16 21 21 -19 13 23 -18 - 24 - 23 21 -15 27 27 27 27 28 22 21 21 21 21 21 19 4400 4541 4423 4661 4150 4065 18 13 18 18 18 13 102 97 89 133 127 173 1070 1400 1058 1139 1075 1282 1.6 2.1 2.0 1.8 2.2 1.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0,39 0.47 0.40 0.37 0.36 0.41 0.50 0.55 0.50 0.48 0.48 0.51 0.63 0.65 0.62 0.60 0.62 0.63 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0,05 Prince Edward Island Charlottetown Souris Summerside Tignish 20 -19 - 20 20 - 22 21 22 - 22 26 27 27 27 21 21 21 20 4689 4655 4578 4704 13 13 13 13 164 89 119 102 1169 1039 1039 1032 2.4 2.4 2.8 2,9 0.5 0.5 0.5 0,5 0.46 0.41 0.52 0.61 0.55 0.50 0.63 0.72 0.66 0.60 0.76 0.85 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0,05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Newfoundland Argentia Bonavista Buchans Cape Harrison Cape Race -13 -17 - 21 29 -14 -15 19 - 24 - 31 16 21 24 26 27 19 18 19 19 16 18 4451 4966 5601 6887 4977 15 18 13 15 18 102 104 84 110 157 1068 985 991 861 1379 2.2 2.5 4.3 5.7 2.1 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.57 0.52 0.46 0.46 0.79 0.69 0.63 0.55 0.55 0.96 0.83 0.77 0.66 0.66 1.17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0,05 0.05 Channel-Port aux Basques Corner Brook Gander Grand Bank Grand Falls -15 -19 -18 14 - 21 -17 - 22 - 21 -16 - 24 19 26 27 20 26 18 19 19 18 19 5040 4750 5683 4513 4948 13 13 18 15 15 110 83 98 107 72 1452 1134 1130 1297 991 2.7 3.4 3.4 2.2 3.1 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.55 0.58 0.46 0.59 0.46 0.63 0.69 0.55 0.69 0.55 0.73 0.82 0.66 0.81 0.66 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 0,05 0.05 0.05 0,10 0.05 Happy Valley - Goose Bay Labrador City St Anthony St John'S Stephenville - 31 - 35 - 24 14 1-17 - 33 37 - 27 -16 ·20 27 23 22 24 24 19 18 18 20 19 6585 7900 5945 4824 4811 20 15 13 18 13 79 63 67 121 84 946 875 1081 1514 1167 4.8 3.9 4.6 2.6 3.2 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.29 0.31 0.57 0.60 0.62 0.34 0.37 0.76 0.73 0.72 0.40 0.44 1.01 0.89 0.84 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.05 0,05 15 16 Dartmouth I I I I I 28 I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I I 11 13 14 1 17 pays Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada (Cont'd) Design Temperature Province and Location January 12.5% 1 0/0 °C °C July 2.5 % Dry °C Wet °C Hourly Wind Pressures I DegreeDays Below 18°C i 15 Min. Rain mm One Day Rain mm Ground Snow Load kPa Ann. Tot. Ppn. mm Seismic Data • Zonal Velocity Ratio v ! 1/10 kPa Ss SR I 1/30 kPa 1/100 kPa Za Zv 35 -15 35 37 -17 37 23 24 23 18 20 18 7650 4800 7939 15 18 15 70 102 47 950 1400 895 4.2 2.7 3.9 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.31 0.56 0.31 0.37 0.69 0.37 0.44 0.84 0.44 0 1 1 0 1 1 0.00 0.05 0.05 Yukon Aishihik Dawson Destruction Bay Snag Teslin 44 - 50 43 51 - 41 46 - 51 - 45 53 - 43 23 26 24 23 25 16 16 15 16 16 8155 8409 8200 8773 7213 8 8 8 8 8 45 53 51 53 38 256 306 300 339 327 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.0 1.7 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.29 0.20 0.30 0.20 0.19 0.35 0.24 0.35 0.24 0.25 0.42 0.28 0.42 0.28 0.34 3 2 4 3 1 5 4 6 5 4 0.30 0.20 0.40 0.30 0.20 Watson Lake Whitehorse - 46 -41 48 43 26 25 16 15 7766 6988 8 8 46 31 425 261 2.2 1.7 0.1 0.1 0.19 0.28 0.24 0.34 0.30 0.42 1 2 2 4 0.10 0.20 Northwest Territories Aklavik Alert Arctic Bay Baker Lake Cambridge Bay 44 43 43 45 - 45 - 46 - 45 45 - 46 46 24 13 14 21 16 16 9 10 15 13 9849 13186 11693 10990 12037 5 3 3 3 3 51 19 38 36 34 208 154 118 235 136 2.1 1.5 1.9 2.7 1.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.37 0.54 0.40 0.42 0.30 0.52 0.69 0.50 0.50 0.34 0.72 0.87 0.62 0.59 0.39 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0.10 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 Chesterfield Inlet Clyde River Coppermine Coral Harbour Eskimo Point - 40 41 - 44 41 40 - 41 - 43 - 45 43 - 41 20 15 20 18 21 14 9 13 13 16 10768 11006 10758 10751 10100 5 5 5 5 5 58 37 64 43 63 259 206 202 270 300 2.8 3.2 2.4 3.5 2.7 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.44 0.61 0.33 0.88 0.49 0.52 0.80 0.42 1.20 0.59 0.62 1.02 0.52 1.59 0.71 0 5 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 0.00 0.15 0.05 0.05 0.00 Eureka Fort Good Hope Fort Providence Fort Resolution Fort Simpson 47 - 46 - 44 - 42 45 48 - 48 46 44 - 47 12 27 24 26 27 9 17 18 18 18 13733 9415 8031 8043 8101 3 5 8 8 8 42 70 78 39 86 64 282 280 307 351 1.5 2.7 2.2 2.1 2.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.47 0.48 0.26 0.29 0.30 0.60 0.67 0.32 0.36 0.37 0.76 0.93 0.39 0.44 0.46 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Fort Smith Frobisher Bay Hay River Holman Inuvik 43 40 41 - 43 -46 - 45 - 42 - 43 45 48 28 16 26 18 25 19 11 18 12 16 7786 9928 7902 11086 10101 8 5 8 3 5 67 53 51 51 33 349 433 340 178 266 2.1 2.7 2.2 1.9 2.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.30 0.56 0.26 0.63 0.39 0.37 0.69 0.32 0.78 0.55 0.46 0.84 0.39 0.95 0.76 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 Isachsen Mould Bay Norman Wells Nottingham Island Port Radium -46 48 - 45 - 47 46 - 47 38 .i -40 - 44 - 46 12 10 27 14 22 9 8 17 13 16 13535 13047 8903 9716 9114 3 3 5 5 5 20 48 49 56 52 93 86 328 279 216 1.5 1.4 2.5 4.2 2.8 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.68 0.47 0.41 0.46 0.83 0.60 0.58 0.58 0.48 1.00 0.76 0.79 0.72 0.59 4 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Rae-Edzo - 44 46 24 17 8800 2 3 4 5 6 Twin Falls Wabana Wabush Column 1 5 7 51 8 I 275 9 2.1 10 0.38 0.1 11 •• i 0.34 0.43 12 13 i i 0.53 0 14 15 16 1 I 0.05 17 I 29 pays Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada (Cont'd) Design Temperature I Province and Location January 1 I 1 2.5 % 1% cC I Rankin Inlet Resolute Resolution Island ; Tungsten Yellowknife ! Column 1 30 1- 40 i - 44 I! - 43 I 2 41 -45 37 51 - 45 3 I July 2.5 % DegreeDays I . Below Dry Wet D DC 18 C cC 20 11 8 26 25 4 15 9 7 16 17 5 10700 12594 8878 7900 8530 6 1 15 Min. Rain mm One Day Rain. mm Ann. Tot. Ppn. mm 5 3 5 5 5 51 25 70 51 45 280 131 313 645 267 7 8 I 9 ! Ground Snow Load kPa_ SA Ss 2.8 1.6 4.8 6.6 2.0 10 i 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 11 Hourly Wind Pressures ! 1/10 kPa 0.46 0.52 0.85 0.29 0.34 12 ! 1/30 ! kPa i Seismic Data Zonal I Velocity 11100 I kPa; Za ZV Ratio v I ; 0.55 0.66 0.63 0.77 1.10 ; 1.41 0.39 052 0.43 0.53 1 13 I i 14 Il i 1 1° /15 0 1 0 2 1 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.05 16 17 ! pays Chapter 2 Fire-Performance Ratings Section 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 Section 2 2.1 RNセ@ 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 General Introduction ........................ 33 Interpretation of Test Results ................................ 35 Aggregates Used in Concrete ............................. 36 Types of Concrete •••••••••••••• 36 Gypsum Wallboard .............. 36 Equivalent Thickness ••••••••• 36 Contribution of Plaster or Gypsum Wallboard Finish to Fire Resistance of Masonry or Concrete •••••••••• 37 Tests on Floors and Roofs .39 Moisture Content ................ 40 Permanence and Durabi lity •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 40 Structural Steel Members •• 40 Restraint Effects •••••••••••••••• 40 Fire-Resistance Ratings Masonry and Concrete Walls ......•..•........••..•........•••. 40 Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Floor and Roof Slabs ......................•..•........• 42 Wood and Steel Framed Walls, Floors and Roofs •••••• 44 Solid Wood Walls, Floors and Roofs ............................ 50 Solid Plaster Partitions •••••• 51 Protected Steel Columns ••• 53 Individually Protected Steel Beams ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 56 31 pays 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 Section 3 3.1 Section 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 Section 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 Reinforced Concrete Columns •••••••..•••...•••......••••.• 56 Reinforced Concrete Beams ................................. 58 Prestressed Concrete Beams •..................•••........•.• 59 Glued·Laminated Timber Beams and Columns •••••••••• 60 Flame-Spread Ratings and Smoke Developed Classifications Interior Finish Materials •••• 61 Noncombustibility Test Method ........................ 64 Materials Classified as Combustible ....................... 64 Materials Classified as Noncombustible ................. 64 Protection of Openings in Fire-Rated Assemblies Scope ••...........•.••.•.......•••..... 64 Installation of Fire Doors and Fire Dampers ............... 64 Fire Stop Flaps ••••••••••••••••••• 65 Appendix A Fire Test Reports ................ 65 Obsolete Materials and Assemblies ......................... 66 32 pays Chapter 2 Fire-Performance Ratings Section 1 General struction and Materials" and describes methods for determining these ratings. The contents of this Chapter have been prepared on the recommendations of the Standing Committee on Fire Performance Ratings, which was established by the Associate Committee on the National Building Code (ACNBC) for this purpose. (3) Section 3 assigns flame-spread ratings and smoke developed classifications for surface materials related to CAN /ULC-S102-M, "Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials" and CAN /ULC-SI02.2-M, "Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Flooring, Floor Covering, and Miscellaneous Materials and Assemblies." The fire-performance ratings contained herein are presented in a form closely linked to the performance requirements and the minimum materials specifications of the National Building Code of Canada. These ratings have been assigned only after careful consideration of all available literature on assemblies of common building materials, where they are adequately identified by description. The assigned values based on this information will, in most instances, be conservative when compared to the ratings determined on the basis of actual tests on individual assemblies. 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1. (1) The fire-performance ratings set out in this document are for use with the National Building Code of Canada. They apply to materials and assemblies of materials which comply in all essential details with the minimum structural design standards described in Part 4 of the National Building Code of Canada. Additional requirements, where appropriate, are described in other Sections of this Chapter. (2) Section 2 of this Chapter assigns fireresistance ratings for walls, floors, roofs, columns r and beams related to CAN/ULC-S101-M, "Standard Methods of Fire Endurance Tests of Building Con- (4) Section 4 describes noncombustibility in building materials when tested in accordance with the specification CAN4-S114-M, "Standard Method of Test for Determination of Non-Combustibility in Building m。エ・イゥャウNセG@ (5) Section 5 contains requirements for the installation of fire doors and fire dampers in fire-rated stud wall assemblies and the installation of fire stop flaps in fire-rated membrane ceilings. 1.1.2. (1) Where reference is made in this Chapter to the National Building Code of Canada, such reference shall be to the 1990 edition. (2) Where documents are referenced in this Chapter, they shall be the editions designated in Table 1.1.A. 1.1.3. (1) The standard fire tests to which reference is made in the National Building Code of Canada are the basis for compliance with the National Building Code requirements. (2) The ratings shown in this document apply if more specific test values are not available. The 33 r2 r2 pays Issuing Agency , Table 1.1.A. Forming Part of Sentence 1.1.2.(2) Documents Referenced in Chapter 2 of the Supplement to the National Building Code of Canada 1990 Document Title of Document Number Reference ASTM C330-89 Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete 1.4.3.(2) CGSB CGSB CGSB CGSB 4-GP-36M-1978 4-GP-129-1972 CAN/CGSB-11.3-M87 CAN/CGSB-34.16-M89 Carpet Underlay, Fibre Type Carpets, Commercial Hardboard Sheets, Asbestos-Cement, Flat, Fully Compressed Table 3.1.B. Table 3.1.B. Table 3.1.A. Table 3.1.A. CSA CAN/CSA-A23.1-M90 1.4.3.(1 ) CSA CAN3-A23.3-M84 Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction Design of Concrete Structures for Buildings CSA CSA CSA A82.5-M 1978 A82.22-M1977 A82.27-M1977 Structural Clay Non-Load-Bearing Tile Gypsum Plasters Gypsum Board Products CSA A82.30-M1980 Interior Furring, Lathing and Gypsum Plastering CSA CSA A82.31-M1980 A101-M83 Gypsum Board Application Thermal Insulation, Mineral Fibre, for Buildings CSA CSA CSA A126.1-M1984 CAN/CSA-A247-M86 CAN3-086-M84 Vinyl Asbestos and Vinyl Composition Floor Tile Insulating Fibreboard Engineering Design in Wood (Working Stress Design) '2 CSA CSA CSA 0115-M1982 0121-M1978 0141-1991 Hardwood and Decorative Plywood Douglas Fir Plywood Softwood Lumber e CSA CSA CSA CSA 0151-M1978 0153-M1980 CAN3-0188.1-M78 CAN3-0437 -M85 Canadian Softwood Plywood Poplar Plywood Interior Mat-Formed Wood Particleboard Waferboard and Strandboard NFPA NFPA 80-1990 Fire Doors and Windows , , I Column 1 34 2 2.8.2.(1 ) Table 2.8.A. Table 2.6.A. Table 3.1.A. 1.5.1. 1.5.2. Table 3.1 .A. 1.7.3.(1 ) 2.3.12.(1 ) Table 2.5.A. 2.3.12.(1 ) Table 2.3.F. Table 2.6.E. Table 3.1.B. Table 3.1.A. 2.11.2.(1 ) 2.11.2.(3) Table 3.1.A. Table 3.1.A. 2.3.10.(2) Table 2.4.A. Table 3.1.A. Table 3.1.A. Table 3.1.A. Table 3.1.A. 5.2.1. 5.2.2. 3 4 I pays Table 1.1.A. (Cont'd) Forming Part of Sentence 1.1.2.(2) Issuing Agency r Document Number Title of Document ULC CAN/ULC-S101-M89 Standard Methods of Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and Materials ULC CAN/ULC-S102-M88 ULC CAN/ULC-S102.2-M88 ULC CAN4-S114-M80 Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics o'f Flooring, Foor Covering, and Miscellaneous Materials and Assemblies Standard Method of Test for Determination of Non-Combustibility in Building Materials ULC S505-1974 Standard for Fusible Links for Fire Protection Service Reference 1.1.1.(2) 1.12.2. 1.12.3.(1) 2.3.2. 1.1.1.(3) 1.1.1.(3) Table 3.1.B. 1.1.1.(4) 4.1.1. 4.2.1. 5.3.2. I 2 3 construction of an assembly that is the subject of an individual test report must be followed in all essential details if the fire resistance reported is to be applied as a fire-resistance rating for use in the National Building Code. 1.2 Column 1 1.1.4. The authority having jurisdiction may allow higher fire-resistance ratings than those covered in this Chapter, where supporting evidence justifies a higher rating. Additional information is provided in summaries of published test information and the reports of fire tests carried out by the Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council of Canada, included in the bibliography listed in Appendix A to this Chapter. 1.1.5. Assemblies containing materials for which there is no nationally recognized standard are not included in this Chapter. Many such assemblies have been rated by Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada. This information is published in their "List of Equipment and Materials," Volume II, Building Construction. Copies of this document may be obtained from Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada, 7 Crouse Road, Scarborough, Ontario MIR 3A9. 4 Interpretation of Test Results 1.2.1. The fire-performance ratings set out in this Chapter are based on those that would be obtained from the standard methods of test described in the National Building Code. The test methods are essentially a means of comparing the performance of one building component or assembly with another in relation to its performance in fire. 1.2.2. Since it is not practicable to measure the fire resistance of constructions in situ, they must be evaluated under some agreed test conditions. A specified fire-resistance rating is not necessarily the actual time that the assembly would endure in situ in a building fire, but is that which the particular construction must meet under the specified methods of test. 1.2.3. Considerations arising from departures in use from the conditions established in the standard test methods may, in some circumstances, have to be taken into account by the designer and the authority having jurisdiction. Some of these conditions are covered at present by the provisions of the National Building Code. 35 pays 1.3 Aggregates Used in Concrete 1 .3.1. Low density aggregate concretes generally exhibit better fire performance than natural stone aggregate concretes. A series of tests on concrete masonry walls, combined with mathematical analysis of the test results, has allowed further distinctions between certain low density aggregates to be made. 1.4 Types of Concrete 1.4.1. (1) For purposes of this Chapter, concretes are described as Types S, N, L, L1, L2, L40S, L120S or L220S as described in Sentences (2) to (B). (2) Type S concrete is the type in which the coarse aggregate is granite, quartzite, siliceous gravel or other dense materials containing at least 30 per cent quartz, chert or flint. (3) Type N concrete is the type in which the coarse aggregate is cinders, broken brick, blast furnace slag, limestone, calcareous gravel, trap rock, sandstone or similar dense material containing not more than 30 per cent of quartz, chert or flint. (4) Type L concrete is the type in which all the aggregate is expanded slag, expanded clay, expanded shale or pumice. (5) Type L1 concrete is the type in which all the aggregate is expanded shale. (6) Type L2 concrete is the type in which all the aggregate is expanded slag, expanded clay or pumice. (7) Type L40S concrete is the type in which the fine portion of the aggregate is sand and low density aggregate in which the sand does not exceed 40 per cent of the total volume of all aggregates in the concrete. (8) Type L120S and Type L220S concretes are the types in which the fine portion of the aggregate is sand and low density aggregate in which the sand does not exceed 20 per cent of the total volume of all aggregates in the concrete. 1.4.2. Where concretes are described as being of Type S, N, L, L1 or L2, the rating applies to the concrete containing the aggregate in the group that provides the least fire resistance. If the nature of an aggregate cannot be determined accurately enough to 36 place it in one of the groups, the aggregates shall be considered as being in the group that requires a greater thickness of concrete for the required fire resistance. 1.4.3. (1) The descriptions of the aggregates in Type S and Type N concretes apply to the coarse aggregates only. Coarse aggregate for this purpose means that retained on a 5 mm sieve using the method of grading aggregates described in CAN/CSA-A23.1-M, r "Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction." (2) Increasing the proportions of sand as fine aggregate in low density concretes requires increased thicknesses of material to produce equivalent fireresistance ratings. Low density aggregates for Type L and Types L-S concretes used in load bearing components shall conform to ASTM C330, "Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete." 1.4.4. Non-Ioadbearing low density components of vermiculite and perlite concrete, in the absence of other test evidence, shall be rated on the basis of the values shown for Type L concrete. 1.5 Gypsum Wallboard 1.5.1. Where the term gypsum wallboard is used in this Chapter, it is intended to include, in addition to gypsum wallboard, gypsum backing board and gypsum base for veneer plaster as described in CSA AB2.27-M, "Gypsum Board Products." 1.5.2. Where the term Type X gypsum wallboard is used in this Chapter, it applies to special fireresistant board as described in CSA AB2.27-M, "Gypsum Board Products." 1.6 Equivalent Thickness 1.6.1. The thickness of solid-unit masonry and concrete described in this Chapter shall be the thickness of solid material in the unit or component thickness. For units that contain cores or voids, the Tables refer to the equivalent thickness determined in conformance with Articles 1.6.2. to 1.6.6. 1.6.2. Where a plaster finish is used, the equivalent thickness of a wall, floor, column or beam protection shall be equal to the sum of the equivalent thick- pays nesses of the concrete or masonry units and the plaster finish measured at the point that will give the least value of equivalent thickness. 1.6.3. (1) Except as provided in Sentence (3), the equivalent thickness of a hollow masonry unit shall be calculated as equal to the actual overall thickness of a unit in millimetres multiplied by a factor equal to the net volume of the unit and divided by its gross volume. (2) Net volume shall be determined using a volume displacement method that is not influenced by the porous nature of the units. (3) Gross volume of a masonry unit shall be equal to the actual length of the unit multiplied by the actual height of the unit multiplied by the actual thickness of the unit. (4) Where all the core spaces in a wall of hollow concrete masonry or hollow-core precast concrete units are filled with loose fill materials such as expanded slag, burned clay or shale (rotary kiln process), vermiculite or perlite, the equivalent thickness rating of the wall shall be considered to be the same as that of a wall of solid units, or a solid wall of the same concrete type and the same overall thickness. 1.6.4. The equivalent thickness of hollow-core concrete slabs and panels having a uniform thickness and cores of constant cross section throughout their length shall be obtained by dividing the net crosssectional area of the slab or panel by its width. 1.6.5. The equivalent thickness of concrete panels with tapered cross sections shall be the cross section determined at a distance of 2 t or 150 mm, whichever is less, from the point of minimum thickness, where t is the minimum thickness. 1.6.6. (1) The equivalent thickness of concrete panels with ribbed or undulating surfaces shall be (a) ta for s less than or equal to 2 t, (b) t + (4 tis 1)(ta t) for s less than 4 t and greater than 2 t, and (c) t for s greater than or equal to 4 t where t = minimum thickness of panel, average thickness of the panel (unit cross-sectional area divided by the unit width), and s = centre to centre spacing of ribs or undulations. (2) Where the total thickness of a panel in Sentence 0) exceeds 2 t, only that portion of the panel which is less than 2 t from the nonribbed surface shall be considered for the purpose of the calculations in Sentence 0). ta 1.7 Contribution of Plaster or Gypsum Wallboard Finish to Fire Resistance of Masonry or Concrete 1.7.1. (1) Except as provided in Sentences (2), (3) and (4) and Article 1.7.2., the contribution of a plaster or gypsum wallboard finish to the fire resistance of masonry or concrete wall, floor or roof assembly shall be determined by multiplying the actual thickness of the finish by the factor shown in Table 1.7.A., depending on the type of masonry or concrete to which it is applied. This corrected thickness shall then be included in the equivalent thickness as described in Subsection 1.6. (2) Where a plaster or gypsum wallboard finish is applied to a concrete or masonry wall, the calculated fire-resistance rating of the assembly shall not exceed twice the fire-resistance rating provided by the masonry or concrete because structural collapse may occur before the limiting temperature is reached on the surface of the non-fire-exposed side of the assembly. (3) Where a plaster or gypsum wallboard finish is applied only on the non-fire-exposed side of a hollow clay tile wall, no increase in fire resistance is permitted because structural collapse may occur before the limiting temperature is reached on the surface of the non-fire-exposed side of the assembly. (4) The contribution to fire resistance of a plaster or gypsum wallboard finish applied to the non-fire-exposed side of a monolithic concrete or unit masonry wall shall be determined in conformance with Sentence 0), but shall not exceed 0.5 times the contribution of the concrete or masonry wall. 37 pays Table 1.7.A. Forming Part of Sentence 1.7.1.(1) Multiplying Factors for Various Masonry or Concrete Construction Type of Masonry or Concrete Solid Clay Brick, Cored Clay Brick, Concrete Unit Unit Masonry and Clay Tile, Monolithic Masonry, Type Ll Type of Concrete, Type L40S Monolithic Concrete, or L 20S and 2 Surface Protection Type N or S and Unit Masonry, Monolithic Concrete, Type L120S Type L Portland cement-sand plaster, lime sand plaster or portland cement-sand plaster with asbestos fibres ! . Concrete Unit Masonry, Type L2 1 0.75 0.75 0.50 Gypsum-sand plaster, wood fibred gypsum plaster or gypsum wallboard 1.25 1 1 1 Vermiculite or perlite aggregate plaster Column 1 1.75 2 1.5 1.25 4 1.25 5 3 I • 1.7.2. When applied to the fire-exposed side, the contribution of a gypsum lath and plaster or gypsum wallboard finish to the fire resistance of masonry or concrete walt floor or roof assemblies shall be determined from Table 2.3.A. or 2.3.B. 1.7.3. (1) Gypsum plastering shall conform to CSA A82.30-M, "Interior Furring, Lathing and Gypsum Plas tering./I (2) Portland cement-sand plaster shall be applied in 2 coats; the first coat containing 1 part portland cement to 2 parts sand by volume, and the second coat containing 1 part portland cement to 3 parts sand by volume. (3) Plaster finish shall be securely bonded to the wall or ceiling. (4) The thickness of plaster finish applied directly to monolithic concrete without metal lath shall not exceed 10 mm on ceilings and 16 mm on walls. (5) Where the thickness of plaster finish on masonry or concrete exceeds 38 mm, wire mesh with 1.57 mm diam wire and openings not exceeding 50 mm by 50 mm shall be embedded midway in the plaster. 38 1.7.4. Gypsum wallboard and gypsum lath finishes applied to masonry or concrete walls shall be secured to wood or steel furring members in conformance with Article 2.3.11. 1.7.5. The following examples are included as a guide to the method of calculating the fire resistance of concrete or hollow masonry walls with plaster or gypsum wallboard protection: Example (1) A 3 h fire-resistance rating is required for a monolithic concrete wall of Type S aggregate with a 20 mm gypsum-sand plaster finish on metal lath on each face. (a) The minimum equivalent thickness of Type S monolithic concrete needed to give a 3 h fire-resistance rating 158 mm (Table 2.1.A.). (b) Since the gypsum-sand plaster finish is applied on metal lath, Article 1.7.2. does not apply. Therefore, the contribution to the equivalent thickness of the wall of 20 mm gypsum-sand plaster on each face of the concrete is 20 x 1.25 25 mm (see Article 1.7.1.). (c) The total contribution of the plaster finishes is 2 x 25 = 50 mm. pays (d) The minimum equivalent thickness of concrete required is 158 mm - 50 mm = 108mm. (e) From Table 2.1.A., the 108 mm equivalent thickness of monolithic concrete gives a contribution of less than 1.5 h. This is less than half the rating of the assembly so that the conditions in Sentence 1.7.1.(2) are not met. Thus the equivalent thickness of monolithic concrete must be increased to 112 mm to give 1.5 h contribution. (f) The total equivalent thickness of the plaster finishes can then be reduced to 158 mm - 112 mm 46 mm. (g) The total actual thickness of the plaster finishes required is therefore 46 mm + 1.25 = 37 mm (Article 1.7.1.) or 18.5 mm on each face. (h) Since the thickness of the plaster finish on each face exceeds 16 mm, metal lath is still required (Sentence 1.7.3.(4». (0 Since this wall is symmetrical with plaster on both faces, the contribution to fire resistance of the plaster finish on either face is limited to one-quarter of the wall rating by virtue of Sentence 1.7.1.(2). Under these circumstances, the conditions in Sentence 1.7.1.(4) are automatically met. Example (2) A 2 h fire-resistance rating is required for a hollow masonry wall of Type N concrete with a 12.7 mm gypsum wallboard finish on each face. (a) Since gypsum wallboard is used, Article 1.7.2. applies. The 12.7 mm gypsum wallboard finish on the fire-exposed side is, therefore, assigned 15 min by using Table 2.3.A. (b) The fire resistance required of the balance of the assembly is 120 min -15 min = 105 min. (c) Interpolating between 1.5 hand 2 h in Table 2.1.A. for 105 min fire resistance, the equivalent thickness for hollow masonry units required is 95 mm + (18 mm x 15/ 30) = 104 mm. (d) The contribution to the equivalent thickness of the wall of the 12.7 mm gypsum wallboard finish on the non-fire-exposed side using Table 1.7.A = 12.7 x 1.25 = 16mm. (e) Equivalent thickness required of concrete masonry unit = 104 - 16 = 88 mm. (f) The fire-resistance rating of a concrete masonry wall having an equivalent thickness of 88 mm = 1 h 20 min. As this is more than 1 h, the conditions of Sentence 1.7.1.(2) are met and the rating of 2 h is justified. Example (3) A 2 h fire-resistance rating is required for a hollow masonry exterior wall of Type L 220S concrete with a 15.9 mm Type X gypsum wallboard finish on the non-fire-exposed side only. (a) According to Table 2.1.A., the minimum equivalent thickness for Type L 220S concrete masonry units needed to achieve a 2 h rating is 94 mm. (b) Since gypsum wallboard is not used on the fire-exposed side, Article 1.7.2. does not apply. The contribution to the equivalent thickness of the wall by the 15.9 mm Type X gypsum wallboard finish applied on the non-fire-exposed side is 15.9 xl 16 mm (see Sentence 1.7.1.(1) and Table 1.7.A.). (c) Therefore, the equivalent thickness required of the concrete masonry unit is 94 - 16 = 78 mm. (d) The contribution to fire resistance of a 78 mm L 220S concrete hollow masonry unit is 85 min. The contribution of the Type X gypsum wallboard finish is 120 85 = 35 min, which does not exceed half the 85 min contribution of the masonry unit or 42.5 min, so that the conditions in Sentence 1.7.1.(4) are met. (e) The rating of the wall (120 min) is less than twice the contribution of the masonry unit (170 min) so that the conditions in Sentence 1.7.1.(2) are also met. 1 .8 Tests on Floors and Roofs 1.8.1. All tests relate to the performance of a floor assembly or floor-ceiling or roof-ceiling assembly above a fire. It has been assumed on the basis of 39 pays experience that fire on top will take a longer time to penetrate the floor than one below, and that the fire resistance in such a situation will be at least equal to that obtained from below in the standard test. 1.9 Moisture Content 1.9.1. The moisture content of building materials at the time of fire test may have a significant influence on the measured fire resistance. In general, an increase in the moisture content should result in an increase in the fire resistance, though in some materials the presence of moisture may produce disruptive effects and early collapse of the assembly. 1.9.2. Moisture content is now controlled in standard fire test methods and is generally recorded in the test reports. In earlier tests, moisture content was not always properly determined. 1.10 Permanence and Durability 1.10.1. The ratings in this Chapter relate to tested assemblies and do not take into account possible changes or deterioration in use of the materials. The standard fire test measures the fire resistance of a sample building assembly erected for the test. No judgment as to the permanence or durability of the assembly is made in the test. 1.11 Steel Structural Members 1.11.1. Since the ability of a steel structural member to sustain the loading for which it was designed may be impaired because of elevated temperatures, measures shall be taken to provide thermal protection. The fire-resistance ratings, as established by the provisions of this Chapter, indicate the time periods during which the effects of heat on protected steel structural members are considered to be within acceptable limits. 1.12 Restraint Effects 1.12.1. In fire tests of floors, roofs and beams, it is necessary to state whether the rating applies to a thermally restrained or thermally unrestrained assembly. Edge restraint of a floor or roof, structural continuity, or end restraint of a beam can significantly extend the time before collapse in a standard test. A restrained condition is one in which expan40 sion or rotation at the supports of a load-carrying element resulting from the effects of fire is resisted by forces or moments external to the element. An unrestrained condition is one in which the loadcarrying element is free to thermally expand and rotate at its supports. 1.12.2. Whether an assembly or structural member can be considered thermally restrained or thermally unrestrained depends on the type of construction and location in a building. Guidance on this subject can be found in Appendix A1 ofCAN/ULC-S101-M, "Standard Methods of Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and Materials." Different acceptance criteria also apply to thermally unrestrained and thermally restrained assemblies. These are described in CAN4-S101-M. r 1.12.3. The ratings for floors, roofs, and beams in this Chapter meet the conditions of CAN/ULC-S101- r M, "Standard Methods of Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and Materials" for thermally unrestrained specimens. In a thermally restrained condition, the structural element or assembly would probably have greater fire resistance, but the extent of this increase can be determined only by reference to behavior in a standard test. Section 2 FireResistance Ratings 2.1 Masonry and Concrete Walls 2.1.1. The minimum thicknesses of unit masonry and monolithic concrete walls are shown in Table 2.1.A. Hollow masonry units and hollow-core concrete panels shall be rated on the basis of equivalent thickness as described in Subsection 1.6. 2.1.2. (1 ) Ratings obtained as described in Article 2.1.1. apply to either loadbearing or non-Ioadbearing walls, except for walls described in Sentences (2) to (6). (2) Ratings for walls with a thickness less than the minimum thickness prescribed for load bearing walls in the National Building Code of Canada 1990 apply to non-Ioadbearing walls only. pays Table 2.1.A. rormlng PrtfAt'1211 a 0 nce ... Minimum Equivalent Thicknesses(l) of Unit Masonry and Monolithic Concrete Walls Loadbearing and Non-Loadbearing, mm Type of Wall Fire-Resistance Rating 1.5 h 2h 30 min 45 min 1h Solid brick units (80 per cent solid 76 128 63 108 and over), actual overall thickness 90 I ! Cored brick units and hollow tile 72 102 50 60 units (less than 80 per cent solid), 86 equivalent thickness Solid and hollow concrete masonry units, equivalent thickness Type S or N concrete (2) 73 44 95 113 59 42 54 102 Type L120S concrete 66 87 42 54 64 82 97 Type L1 concrete 42 54 64 81 94 Type L220S concrete 79 42 54 63 91 Type L2 concrete Monolithic concrete and concrete I panels, equivalent thickness 77 112 130 60 90 Type S concrete i 74 108 124 87 Type N concrete 59 72 49 62 103 Type L40S or Type L concrete 89 4 5 6 2 3 Column 1 3h 4h 152 178 i ! 122 I 142 I I i i ! i ! I Notes to Table 2.1.A.: See definition of equivalent thickness in Subsection 1.6. (1) (3) Masonry cavity walls (consisting of 2 wythes of masonry with an air space between) that are loaded to a maximum allowable compressive stress of 380 kPa have a fire resistance at least as great as that of a solid wall of a thickness equal to the sum of the equivalent thicknesses of the 2 wythes. (4) Masonry cavity walls that are loaded to a compressive stress exceeding 380 kPa are not considered to be within the scope of this Chapter. (5) A masonry wall consisting of 2 types of masonry units, either bonded together or in the form of a cavity wall, shall be considered to have a fireresistance rating equal to that which would apply if the whole of the wall were of the material that gives the lesser rating. (2) i 142 129 122 116 111 158 150 124 7 167 152 143 134 127 ! i 180 171 140 8 Hollow concrete masonry units made with Type S or N concrete must have a 28-day compressive strength of at least 7.5 MPa. (6) A non-Ioadbearing cavity wall made up of 2 precast concrete panels with an air space or insulation in the cavity between them shall be considered to have a fire-resistance rating as great as that of a solid wall of a thickness equal to the sum of the thicknesses of the 2 panels. 2.1.3. If wood joists are built into a masonry walt the thickness of masonry material between the end of the joist and the fire-exposed side of the wall shall be not less than the equivalent thickness shown in the Tables for the fire resistance required. 2.1.4. On monolithic walls and walls of unit masonry, the full plaster finish on one or both faces multiplied by the factor shown in Table l.7.A. shall 41 pays be included in the wall thickness shown in Table 2.1.A., under the conditions and using the methods described in Subsection 1.7. (f) 2.1.5. (1) Except as permitted in Sentence (2), portions of loadbearing reinforced concrete walls, which do not form a complete fire separation and thus may be exposed to fire on both sides simultaneously, shall have minimum dimensions and minimum cover to steel reinforcement in conformance with Articles 2.8.2. to 2.8.5. (2) A concrete wall exposed to fire from both sides as described in Sentence 2.1.5.(1) has a fireresistance rating of 2 h if the following conditions are met: (a) its equivalent thickness is not less than 200mm, (b) its aspect ratio (width/thickness) is not less than 4.0, (c) the minimum thickness of concrete cover over the steel reinforcement specified in Clause (d) is not less than 50 mm, (d) each face of the wall is reinforced with both vertical and horizontal steel reinforcement in conformance with either Clause 10 or Clause 14 of CAN3-A23.3-M, "Design of Concrete Structures for Buildings," (e) the structural design of the wall is governed by the minimum eccentricity requirements of Clause of CAN3-A23.3-M, "Design of Concrete Structures for Buildings," and 2.2 the effective length of the wall, klu' is not more than 3.7 m where k = effective length factor obtained from CAN3-A23.3-M, "Design of Concrete Structures for Buildings," lu = unsupported length of the wall in metres. Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Floor and Roof Slabs 2.2.1. (1 ) Floors and roofs in a fire test are assigned a fire-resistance rating which relates to the time that an average temperature rise of 140°C or a maximum temperature rise of 180°C at any location is recorded on the unexposed side, or the time required for collapse to occur, whichever is the lesser. The thickness of concrete shown in Table 2.2.A. shall be required to resist the transfer of heat during the fire resistance period shown. (2) The concrete cover over the reinforcement and steel tendons shown in Table 2.2.B. shall be required to maintain the integrity of the structure and prevent collapse during the same period. 2.2.2. The fire resistance of floors containing hollow units may be determined on the basis of equivalent thickness as described in Subsection 1.6. 2.2.3. (1) For composite concrete floor and roof slabs consisting of one layer of Type S or N concrete and another layer of Type L40S or L concrete in Table 2.2.A. Forming Part of Sentence 2.2.1.(1) Minimum Thickness of Reinforced Concrete Floor or Roof Slabs, mm Fire-Resistance Rating Type of Concrete 30 min 45 min 1 h 1.5 h 2h 77 112 Type S Concrete 60 90 130 74 87 108 124 Type N concrete 59 72 103 Type L40S or Type L concrete 49 62 89 Column 1 2 4 3 5 6 42 3h 158 150 124 7 4h 180 171 140 8 pays Table 2.2.B. 19 Part of Sentence 2.2.1.(2) Minimum Concrete Cover over Reinforcement in Concrete Slabs, mm Fire-Resistance Rating Type of Concrete 1h 1.5 h 2h 30 min 45 min 20 20 20 Type S, N, L40S or L concrete 25 I 20 Prestressed concrete slabs Type S, 20 25 25 32 39 N, L40S or L concrete 4 2 6 Column 1 3 5 which the minimum thickness of both the top and bottom layers is not less than 25 mm, the combined fire-resistance rating may be determined using the following expressions: (a) when the base layer consists of Type S or N concrete, R 0.0002 t 2 - 0.0001 d· t + 10, and t (b) when the base layer consists of Type L40S or L concrete, R 2 0.00009 t 2 + 0.00018 d· t - 0.00009 d + where R = fire resistance of slab, h, t = total thickness of slab, mm, and d thickness of base layer, mm. 50 64 7 8 , 2.2.4. (1) The contribution of plaster finish securely fastened to the underside of concrete may be taken into account in floor or roof slabs under the conditions and using the methods described in Subsection 1.7. (2) Plaster finish on the underside of concrete floors or roofs may be used in lieu of concrete cover Table 2.2.C. Forming Part of Sentence 2.2.3.(2) : ; (3) The minimum concrete cover over the main reinforcement for composite concrete floor and roof slabs with base slabs of less than 100 mm thick shall conform to Table 2.2.D. For base slabs of 100 mm or more thick, the minimum cover thickness requirements of Table 2.2.B. shall apply. 4h 39 (4) Where the top layer of a 2-layer slab is less than 25 mm thick, the fire-resistance rating for the slab shall be calculated as though the entire slab were made up of the type of concrete with the lesser fire resistance. ! (2) If the base course described in Sentence 0) is covered by a top layer of material other than Type S, N, L40S or L concrete, the top course thickness may be converted to an equivalent concrete thickness by multiplying the actual thickness by the appropriate factor listed in Table 2.2.C. This equivalent concrete thickness may be added to the thickness of the base course and the fire-resistance rating calculated using Table 2.2.A. 3h 32 Multiplying Factors for Equivalent Thickness Base Slab I Base Slab Top Course Material Normal Density Low Density Concrete Concrete (Type S or N) (Type L40S or L) Gypsum wallboard 2.25 3 Cellular concrete (mass density 400 2 560 kg/m 3 ) 1.50 Vermiculite and perlite concrete (mass density 1.75 1.50 560 kg/m 3 or less) Portland cement with sand aggregate 1 0.75 1 Terrazzo 0.75 Column 1 2 3 43 pays Table 2.2.D. Forming Part of Sentence 2.2.3.(3) Minimum Concrete Cover under Bottom Reinforcement in Composite Concrete Slabs, mm I FIre- R't eSls ance R' atmg Base Slab Concrete Type 2h 1h 1.5 h 3h 30 min 45 min Reinforced concrete 15 20 25 40 Type S, N, L40S or L 15 30 Prestressed concrete 25 40 I 50 20 30 65 Type S 20 25 45 Type N 20 35 60 40 20 20 25 30 50 I Type L40S or L 4 7 5 6 Column 1 2 3 セ@ 1----- I I I I 4h I I 55 75 70 60 8 Wood and Steel Framed Walls, Floors and Roofs referred to in Sentence 2.2.1.(2) under the conditions and using the methods described in Subsection 1.7. 2.3 2.2.5. 2.3.1. The fire-resistance rating of walls, floors and roofs, incorporating wood, steel, light-gauge steel members and open-web steel joists for ratings up to and including 1.5 h shall be determined by this Subsection. (1) In prestressed concrete slab construction, the concrete cover over an individual tendon shall be the minimum thickness of concrete between the surface of the tendon and the fire-exposed surface of the slab, except that for ungrouted ducts the assumed cover thickness shall be the minimum thickness of concrete between the surface of the duct and the bottom of the slab. For slabs in which several tendons are used, the cover is assumed to be the average of those of individual tendons, except that the cover for any individual tendon shall be not less than half of the value given in Table 2.2.B. nor less than 20 mm. Except as provided in Sentence (3), in post-tensioned prestressed concrete slabs, the concrete cover to the tendon at the anchor shall be at least 15 mm greater than the minimum cover required by Sentence 0). The minimum concrete cover to the anchorage bearing plate and to the end of the tendon, if it projects beyond the bearing plate, shall be 20 mm. (2) (3) The requirements of Sentence (2) do not apply to those portions of slabs not likely to be exposed to fire, such as the ends and tops. 2.2.6. Minimum dimensions and cover to steel tendons of prestressed concrete beams shall conform to Subsection 2.10. 44 2.3.2. The ratings in this Subsection apply to both loadbearing and non-Ioadbearing wood framed walls, to non-load bearing steel framed walls and to load bearing floors and roofs. Loadbearing conditions shall be as defined in CAN/ULC-SI0I-M, "Standard Methods of Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and Materials." 2.3.3. The fire-resistance rating of a framed assembly shall be calculated by adding the time assigned in Article 2.3.4. for the membrane on the fire-exposed side plus the time assigned in Article 2.3.5. for the framing members plus the time assigned in Article 2.3.10. for additional protective measures such as the inclusion of insulation or the reinforcement of a membrane. The assigned times in Articles 2.3.4., 2.3.5. and 2.3.10. are not intended to be construed as the fire-resistance ratings of the individual components of an assembly. These assigned times are the individual contributions to the overall fire-resistance rating of the complete assembly. 2.3.4. The fire-resistance rating of a framed assembly depends on the time during which the membrane on the fire-exposed side remains in place. r pays ! Table 2.3.A. Forming Part of Article 2.3.4. Time Assigned to Wallboard Membranes on Fire Exposed Side between failure of the membrane and collapse of the assembly. Time! min 12.5 mm fibreboard 5 8.0 mm Douglas Fir plywood phenolic bonded 5 10 11.0 mm Douglas Fir plywood phenolic bonded 14.0 mm Douglas Fir plywood phenolic bonded 15 9.5 mm gypsum wallboard 10 15 12.7 mm gypsum wallboard 12.7 mm Type X gypsum wallboard 25 15.9 mm gypsum wallboard 20 15.9 mm Type X gypsum wallboard 40 25 Double 9.5 mm gypsum wallboard 12.7 mm and 9.5 mm gypsum wallboard 35 Double 12.7 mm gypsum wallboard 40 50(1) Double 12.7 mm gypsum wallboard 80(2) Double 12.7 mm Type X gypsum wallboard 40(3) 4.5 mm asbestos cement and 9.5 mm gypsum wallboard 4.5 mm asbestos cement and 12.7 mm gypsum wallboard 50(3) ICorllf,Ju::>llt,; 3 mm asbestos cement on 11 mm fibreboard 20 Column 1 2 Notes to Table 2.3.A.: (1) Wire mesh with 1.57 mm diam wire and 25 mm by 25 mm openings must be fastened between the two sheets of wallboard. (2) Applies to non-Ioadbearing steel framed walls only. (3) Values shown apply to walls only. Description of Finish i Tables 2.3.A. and 2.3.B.list the times which have been assigned to membranes on the fire-exposed side of the assembly based on their ability to remain in place during fire tests. This is not to be confused with the fire-resistance rating of the membrane, which shall also take into account the rise in temperature on the unexposed side of the membrane. 2.3.5. When the membrane on the fire-exposed side of a framed assembly falls off, there is a brief period of time before structural failure occurs during which the studs or joists are exposed directly to flame. Table 2.3.C. lists the times which have been assigned to the framing members based on the time involved 2.3.6. Interior vertical fire separations shall be rated for exposure to fire on each side, and it is assumed, therefore, that membrane protection will be provided on both sides of the assembly. In the calculation of the fire-resistance rating of such an asserrlbly, however, no contribution to fire resistance should be assigned for a membrane on the non-fire-exposed side, since this membrane may fail when the structural members fail. 2.3.7. When an exterior wall assembly is required to be rated from the interior side only, such wall assemblies may have an outer membrane consisting of sheathing and exterior cladding combinations listed in Table 2.3.D. or may be any membrane that is assigned a time for contribution to fire resistance of at least 15 min in Table 2.3.A. or 2.3.B. 2.3.8. In the case of a floor or roof, the standard test provides only for testing for fire exposure from below. Floor or roof assemblies of wood, light-gauge steel members or open-web steel joist framing shall have an upper membrane consisting of a subfloor and finish floor conforming to Table 2.3.E. or any other membrane that has a contribution to fire resistance of at least 15 min in Table 2.3.A. 2.3.9. (1) Insulation used in the cavities of a wood floor assembly will not reduce the assigned fireresistance rating of the assembly provided: (a) the insulation is preformed of rock, slag or glass fibre conforming to CSA A101-M, "Thermal Insulation, Mineral Fibre, for Buildings" ha ving a mass of not more than 1.1 kg/m 2 and is installed adjacent to the bottom edge of the framing member, directly above steel furring channels, (b) the gypsum wallboard ceiling membrane is attached to (i) wood trusses in conformance with Sentence 2.3.11.(2) by way of steel drywall furring channels spaced not more than 400 mm o.c., and the channels are secured to each bottom truss member with a double strand of 1.2 mm galvanized steel wire, or 45 pays Table 2.3.B. Forming Part of Article 2.3.4. Type of Lath Time Assigned to Lath and Plaster Protection on Fire Exposed Side, min (1) Type of Plaster Finish Portland Cement, , Gypsum and Plaster Portland Cement and Sand (2) or Sand or Sand and Asbestos Thickness Fibre (1.4 kg/bag Gypsum Wood Fibred mm Lime and Sand I of cement) 10 20 13 5 20 13 35 13 40 16 50 19 35 50 19 20 40 65 25 23 80 30 50 26 4 5 2 3 i I Wood lath 12.5 mm fibreboard 9.5 mm gypsum lath 9.5 mm gypsum lath 9.5 mm gypsum lath Metal lath Metal lath Metal lath Column 1 Notes to Table 2.3.B.: Values shown for these membranes have been limited to 80 min because the fire resistance ratings of framed assemblies derived from these Tables shall not exceed 1.5 h. (1) (2) i 46 55 65 80(1) 80(1) 80(1) 80(1) 6 For mixture of portland cement-sand plaster, see Sentence 1.7.3.(2}. Table 2.3.0. Forming Part of Article 2.3.7. Table 2.3.C. Forming Part of Article 2.3.5. Time Assigned for Contribution of Wood or Light Steel Frame Time assigned Description of Frame to Frame min Wood studs 400 mm o.c. 20 Steel studs 400 mm o.C. 10 Wood floor and wood roof joists 400 mm o.c. 10 Open web steel joist floors and roofs with ceiling supports 400 mm o.c. 10 Wood roof and wood floor truss assemblies 600 mm o.c. 5 Column 1 2 Gypsum and Perlite or Gypsum and Vermiculite I Membrane on Exterior Face of Wood or Steel Stud Walls Exterior Cladding Sheathing 16 mm T &G lumber Lumber siding 7.5 mm exterior grade plywood Wood shingles and shakes 12.7 mm gypsum board 6 mm plywood exterior grade 6 mm hardboard Metal siding Stucco on metal lath I Masonry veneer 9.5 mm exterior grade \ None plywood i 2 Column 1 I pays Table 2.3.E. Ing Part 0 fA' rtlc Ie 2.3.8. Flooring or Roofing over Wood, Cold Formed Steel Members or Open-Web Steel Joists Subfloor or Roor Deck Finish Flooring or Roofing Structural Members Type of Assembly i I 12.5 mm plywood or 17 mm T & G softwood Wood or steel joists and wood trusses Floor 50 mm reinforced concrete or 50 mm concrete on metal lath or formed steel sheet, or 40 mm reinforced gypsum-fibre concrete on 12.7 mm gypsum wallboard Steel joists I I Steel joists Column 1 Finish flooring 12.5 mm plywood or 17 mm T & G softwood Wood or steel joists and wood trusses Roof Hardwood or softwood flooring on building paper Resilient flooring, parquet floor felted synthetic fibre floor coverings, carpeting, or ceramic tile on 8 mm thick panel-type underlay Ceramic tile on 30 mm mortar bed 50 mm reinforced concrete or 50 mm concrete on metal lath or formed steel sheet or 40 mm reinforced gypsum-fibre concrete on 12.7 mm gypsum wallboard 2 (ii) wood joists by way of drywall or resilient steel furring channels spaced not more than 400 mm o.c. in conformance with Sentences 2.3.11.(2) and (3), and (c) a steel furring channel is installed midway between each furring channel mentioned in Clause (b) to provide additional support for the insulation. 2.3.10. Preformed rock or slag fibre insulation provides additional protection to wood studs by shielding the studs from exposure to the furnace and thus delaying the time of collapse. The use of Finish roofing material with or without insulation 3 reinforcement in the membrane exposed to fire also adds to the fire resistance by extending the time to failure. Table 2.3.F. shows the time increments that may be added to the fire resistance if these features are incorporated in the assembly. 2.3.11. (1) The values shown in Tables 2.3.A., 2.3.B. and 2.3.H. apply to membranes supported on framing members spaced in conformance with Table 2.3.C. (2) Wood studs and wood roof and floor framing members are assumed to be not less than 38 mm by 89 mm. Wood trusses are assumed to 47 p pays Table 2.3.F. Forming Part of Article 2.3.10. Time Assigned for Additional Protec'tion Description of Additional Protection Add to the fire-resistance rating of wood stud walls if the spaces between the studs are filled with preformed insulation of rock or slag fibres conforming to CSA A101, ''Thermal Insulation, Mineral Fibre, for Buildings" and with a mass of not less than 1.22 kg/m2 of wall surface (1) Add to the fire-resistance rating of non-Ioadbearing wood stud walls if the spaces between the studs are filled with preformed insulation of glass fibres conforming to CSA A101, "Thermal Insulation, Mineral Fibre, for Buildings" and having a mass of not less than 0.6 kg/m 2 of wall surface Add to the fire-resistance rating of plaster on gypsum lath ceilings if 0.76 mm diam wire mesh with 25 mm by 25 mm openings or 1.57 mm diam diagonal wire reinforcing at 250 mm o.c. is placed between lath and plaster Add to the fire-resistance rating of plaster on gypsum lath ceilings if 76 mm wide metal lath strips are placed over joints between lath and plaster Add to the fire-resistance rating of plaster on 9.5 mm thick gypsum lath ceilings (Table 2.3.B.) if supports for lath are 300 mm o.c. Column 1 Note to Table 2.3.F.: (1) There is no test data to justify the 15 min additional protection for preformed glass fibre insulation. consist of wood chord and web framing members and connector plates fabricated from at least 1 mm thick galvanized steel with projecting teeth at least 8 mm long. Dimensions for dressed lumber are given in CSA 0141, "Softwood Lumber." (3) The allowable spans for wood joists listed in Part 9 of the National Building Code of Canada 1990 are provided for floors supporting specific occupancies. (4) Except as otherwise required in this Chapter, metal studs shall be of galvanized steel not less than 0.5 mm thick. (5) The thickness of plaster finish shall be measured from the face of gypsum or metal lath. (6) Gypsum wallboard installed over framing or furring shall be installed so that all edges are supported, except that 15.9 mm thick Type X gypsum wallboard may be installed horizontally with the horizontal joints unsupported. 48 Fire Resistance min 15 5 30 10 10 2 (7) Except as required in Article 2.3.9., resilient or drywall furring channels may be used to attach a gypsum wallboard ceiling membrane to a floor or roof assembly provided the channels are of galvanized steel not less than 0.5 mm thick and are placed at a spacing of not more than 600 mm o.c. perpendicular to the framing members with an overlap of not less than 100 mm at splices and a minimum end clearance between the channels and walls of 15 mm. 2.3.12. (1) Except as provided in Sentences (2) to (6), the fastening of lath and plaster or gypsum wallboard finish shall conform to CSA A82.30-M, "Interior Furring, Lathing and Gypsum Plastering" or CSA A82.31-M, "Gypsum Board Application." (2) Where membrane protection referred to in Tables 2.3.A., 2.3.B. and 2.3.H. is applied to steel framing or furring, fasteners shall penetrate at least 10 mm through the metal. I pays (3) Except as provided in Sentences (4) and (5), where membrane protection referred to in Tables 2.3.A., 2.3.B. and 2.3.H. is applied to wood framing or furring, minimum fastener penetrations into wood members shall conform to Table 2.3.G. for the time assigned to the membrane. (4) Where membrane protection is applied in 2 layers, the fastener penetrations described in Table 2.3.G. shall apply to the base layer. Fasteners for the face layer shall penetrate at least 20 mm into wood supports. Table 2.3.G. Forming Part of the Article 2.3.12. Minimum Fastener Penetrations for Membrane Protection on Wood Frame, mm Type 1 Assigned Contribution of Membrane of to Fire Resistance, (1) min Membrane 5-25 30-35 40 50 55-70 80 Single layer 20 32 29 Double layer 20 20 29 20 35 44 Gypsum or fibreboard lath 20 20 23 23 29 ,29 2 7 [Column 1 3 4 5 6 Note to Table 2.3.G.: (1) Assigned contributions of membranes to fire resistance are determined in Tables 2.3.A., 2.3.B. and 2.3.H. (5) Where adhesives are used to attach the face layer of gypsum wallboard in a double layer application for walls, the top and bottom of the face la yer shall be secured to the supports by mechanical fasteners having lengths as required in Sentences (2) and (4) and spaced not more than 150 mm o.c. for wood supports and not more than 200 mm o.c. for steel supports. (6) In a double layer application of gypsum wallboard on wood supports, fastener spacing shall conform to Section 9.29 of the National Building Code of Canada 1990. 2.3.13. (1) Where a beam is included with an openweb steel joist or similar construction and is protected by the same continuous ceiling, the beam is assumed to have a fire-resistance rating equal to that assigned to the rest of the assembly. (2) The ratings in this Supplement assume that the construction to which the beam is related is a normal one and does not carry unusual loads from the floor or slab above. 2.3.14. Metal studs in walls required to have a fire-resistance rating shall be installed with not less than 12 mm clearance between the top of the stud and the top of the runner to allow for expansion in the event of fire. Where attachment of the studs is necessary for alignment purposes during erection, such attachment shall be made to the bottom runners only. 2.3.15. Where the fire-resistance rating of a ceiling assembly is to be determined on the basis of the membrane only and not of the complete assembly, the ratings may be determined from Table 2.3.H., provided no openings are located within the ceiling membrane. Table 2.3.H. Forming Part of Article 2.3.15. Fire-Resistance Rating for Ceiling Membranes FireDescription of Membrane Resistance Rating, min 19.5 mm gypsum wallboard and 12.7 mm gypsum 30 wallboard IDouble 12.7 mm gypsum wallboard 30 115.9 mm Type X gypsum wallboard with at least 30 75 mm mineral wool batt insulation above wallboard 19 rnm gypsum-sand plaster on metal lath 30 Double 14.0 mm Douglas Fir plywood phenolic 30 bonded Double 12.7 mm Type X gypsum wallboard 45 25 mm gypsum-sand plaster on metal lath 45 Double 15.9 mm Type X gypsum wallboard 60 32 mm gypsum-sand plaster on metal lath 60 Column 1 2 ! ! I Mセ@ 49 . pays 2.3.16. Except as provided in Article 2.3.15., where a floor or roof assembly of combustible construction is assigned a fire-resistance rating on the basis of this Subsection and incorporates a ceiling membrane described in Table 2.3.A. or 2.3.B., the ceiling membrane may be penetrated by openings leading to ducts within concealed spaces above the membrane provided: (a) the assembly is not required to have a fireresistance rating in excess of 1 h, (b) the area of any openings does not exceed 930 cm2 (see Sentence (2», (c) the aggregate area of openings does not exceed 1 per cent of the ceiling area of the fire compartment, (d) the depth of the concealed space above the ceiling is not less than 230 mm, (e) the dimension of any opening does not exceed 310 mm, (0 supports are provided for openings with any dimension exceeding 150 mm where framing members are spaced greater than 400 mm o.c., (g) individual openings are spaced not less than 2 m a part, (h) the ducts above the membrane are sheet steel and are supported by steel strapping firmly attached to the framing members, and (0 the clearance between the top surface of the membrane and the bottom surface of the ducts is not less than 100 mm. (2) Where an individual opening permitted in Sentence (1) exceeds 130 cm2 in area, it shall be protected by (a) a fire stop flap conforming to Subsection 5.3, or (b) thermal protection above the duct consisting of the same materials as used for the ceiling membrane, mechanically fastened to the ductwork and extending 200 mm beyond the opening on all sides (see Figure 2.3.(a». 2.3.17. (1) Except as permitted in Article 2.3.15., where a floor or roof assembly of noncombustible construction is assigned a fire-resistance rating on the (1) 50 basis of this Subsection, and incorporates a ceiling membrane described in Table 2.3.A. or 2.3.B., the ceiling membrane may be penetrated by openings leading to ducts located within concealed spaces above the membrane provided: (a) the area of any opening does not exceed 930 cm2 (see Sentence (2», (b) the aggregate area of openings does not exceed 2 per cent of the ceiling area of the fire compartment, (c) the dimension of any opening does not exceed 400 mm, (d) individual openings are spaced at least 2 m apart, (e) openings are located at least 200 mm from major structural members such as beams, columns or joists, (f) the ducts above the membrane are sheet steel and are supported by steel strapping firmly attached to the framing members, and (g) the clearance between the top surface of the membrane and the bottom surface of the duct is at least 100 mm. (2) Where an individual opening permitted in Sentence (1) exceeds 130 cm2 in area, it shall be protected by (a) a fire stop flap conforming to Subsection 5.3, or (b) thermal protection above the duct consisting of the same materials as used for the ceiling membrane, mechanically fastened to the ductwork and extending 200 mm beyond the opening on all sides (see Figure 2.3.(a». 2.4 Solid Wood Walls, Floors and Roofs 2.4.1. The minimum thickness of solid wood walls, floors and roofs for fire-resistance ratings from 30 min to 1.5 h is shown in Table 2A.A. 2.4.2. (1) The fire-resistance rating of the assemblies described in Table 2.4.A. may be increased by 15 min if one of the finishes described in Clauses (a) to (c) is applied on the fire-exposed side: (a) 12.7 mm thick gypsum wallboard, pays (b) 20 mm thick gypsum-sand plaster on metal lath, or (c) 13 mm thick gypsum-sand plaster on 9.5 mm gypsum lath. (2) Fastening of the plaster to the wood structure shall conform to Subsection 2.3. 2.4.3. Supplementary ratings based on tests are included in Table 2.4.B. The ratings given shall apply to constructions that conform in all details with the descriptions given. Table 2.4.B. Forming Part of Article 2.4.3. Fire-Resistance Rating of Non-Loadbearing Built-up Solid Wood Partitions (1) Construction Details Figure 2.3.{a) Thermal protection above a duct Table 2.4.A. Forming Part of Article 2.4.1. ! Minimum Thickness of Solid Wood Walls, Roofs and Floors, mm(1) Fire-Resistance Rating 1 h 1.5 h Type of Construction 30 min 45 min Solid wood floor with building paper and finish flooring on top (2) Solid wood, splined or I tongued and grooved floor with building paper and finish flooring on top (3) Solid wood walls of load bearing vertical plank (2) Solid wood walls of nonI loadbearing horizontal plank (2) Column 1 i I 89 114 165 235 64 76 - - 114 140 184 89 3 89 4 140 5 I 89 I Solid panels of wood boards 64 mm to 140 mm wide grooved and joined with wood splines, nailed together, boards placed vertically with staggered jOints, 3 boards thick Solid panels with 4 mm plywood facings(2) glued to 46 mm solid wood core of glued, tongued and grooved construction for both sides and ends of core pieces with tongued and grooved rails in the core about 760 mm apart , Column 1 Notes to Table 2.4.A.: (1) (2) (3) See CSA 0141, "Softwood Lumber" for sizes. The assembly shall consist of 38 mm thick members on edge fastened together with 101 mm common wire nails spaced not more than 400 mm o.c. and staggered in the direction of the grain. The floor shall consist of nominal 64 mm by 184 mm wide planks either tongued and grooved or with 19 mm by 38 mm splines set in grooves and fastened together with 88 mm common nails spaced not more than 400 mm o.c. 58 0.5 h 54 1h 2 3 Notes to Table 2.4.B.: (1) I 89 2 Actual Overall Fire-Resistance Thickness Rating mm h (2) The ratings and notes are taken from "Fire Resistance Classifications of Building Constructions," Building Materials and Structures Report BMS 92, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, 1942. Ratings for plywood faced panel are based on phenolic resin glue being used for gluing facings to wood frames. If other types of glue are used for this purpose, the ratings apply if the facings are nailed to the frames in addition to being glued. 2.5 Solid Plaster Partitions 2.5.1. The minimum thickness of solid plaster partitions for fire-resistance ratings from 30 min to 4 h is shown in Table 2.5.A. 51 pays Table 2.S.A. Forming Part of Article 2.5.1. Minimum Thickness of Non-Loadbearing Solid Plaster Partitions, mm Fire-Resistance Rating Type of Plaster on Metal Lath (1) 45 min 1h 1.5 h 30 min 2h 50(3) Portland cement-sand (2) or Portland cel11ent-lime-sand 50 (3) 50(3) Gypsum-sand 64 Gypsum-vermiculite, Gypsum-perlite, 50(3) 50(3) 50 (3) Portland cement-vermiculite or Portland cement-perlite 58 64 ,J 4 Column 1 5 6 Notes to Table 2.S.A.: Metal lath shall be expanded metal lath or welded woven wire fabric supported on 19 mm vertical light steel studs spaced not more than 600 mm o.c. Plaster shall be applied to both sides of the lath. (ll (3) Notes to Table 2.6.A.: Applies to cast-in-place concrete reinforced with S.21 mm diam wire wrapped around column spirally 200 mm o.c., or 1.S7 mm diam wire mesh with 100 mm by 100 mm openings. (21 The space between the protective covering and the web or flange of the column shall be filled with concrete, cement mortar or a mixture of cement mortar and broken bricks. (3) Concrete masonry reinforced with S.21 mm diam wire or wire mesh with 1.19 mm diam wire and 10 mm by 10 mm openings, laid in every second course. (4) Brick cover 77 mm thick or less shall be reinforced with 2.34 mm diam wire or 1.19 mm diam wire mesh with 10 mm by 10 mm 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 39 32 50 50 50 50 50(6) 50(6) 50 50 50 50 50(6) 50(6) 50 50 50 50 64 50 50 50 2 3 (1) 52 (5) 161 (7) 4h - - 83 7 102 8 For mixture for portland cement-sand plaster, see Sentence 1.7.3.(2). CSAA82.30-M, "Interior Furring, Lathing and Gypsum Plastering" does not permit solid plaster partitions less than SO mm thick. Table 2.6.A. Forming Part of Article 2.6.1. Minimum Thickness of Concrete or Masonry Protection to Steel Columns, mm Fire-Resistance Rating Description of Cover 1h 1.5 h 2h iMonolithic concrete . Type S concrete (1) (column spaces filled) (2) Type N or L concrete (1) (column spaces filled) (2) Concrete masonry units (3) or precast reinforced concrete units Type S concrete (column spaces not filled) Type Nor L concrete (column spaces not filled) Clay or shale brick (4) (column spaces filled) (2) Clay or shale brick (4) (column spaces not filled) Hollow clay tile (5) (column spaces filled) (2) Hollow clay tile (5) (column spaces not filled) Column 1 3h (7) 6 3h 4h 64 50 77 89 89 77 115 102 64 77 77 102 (7) (7) 7 8 openings, laid in every second course. Hollow clay tiles and masonry mortar reinforced with 1.19 mm diam wire mesh with 10 mm by 10 mm openings, laid in every horizontal joint and lapped at corners. Hollow clay tiles shall conform to CSAA82.S.-M "Structural Clay Non-Load-Bearing Tile." SO rnm nominal hollow clay tile, reinforced with 1.19 mm diam wire mesh with 10 mm by 10 mm openings laid in every horizontal joint and covered with 19 mm gypsum-sand plaster and with limestone concrete fill in column spaces, has a 4 h fire-resistance rating. I pays {.. Table 2.6.B. Forming Part of Article 2.6.1 . . Minimum Thickness of Plaster Protection to Steel Columns, mm Fire-Resistance Rating (1, 2) Description 1h 1.5 h 2h セTUュゥョ@ Gypsum-sand plaster on I 9.5 mm gypsum lath (3) 13 13 20 13 Gypsum-perlite or vermiculite plaster on 9.5 mm gypsum lath (3) 13 13 13 20 25 ---I Gypsum perlite or vermiculite plaster on 12.7 mm gypsum lath (3) 13 13 13 20 25 Gypsum perlite or vermiculite plaster on double 12.7 mm gypsum latll (3) 13 13 13 20 25 25 Portland cement-sand plaster on metal lath (4,5) 25 25 4 Column 1 2 5 3 6 3h 4h - - 32 50 25 32 - - 7 8 i ! I ! I Notes to Table 2.6.B.: Fire-resistance ratings of 30 min and 45 min apply to columns whose MID ratio is 30 or greater. Fire-resistance ratings greater than 45 min apply to columns whose MID ratio is greater than 60. Where the MID ratio is between 30 and 60 and the required fireresistance rating is greater than 45 min, the total thickness of protection specified in the Table shall be increased by 50 per cent. (To determine MID, refer to Article 2.6.4.) (2) Where the thickness of plaster over gypsum lath is 25 mm or more, wire mesh with 1.57 mm diam wire and openings not exceeding 50 mm by 50 mm shall be placed midway in the plaster. (3) Lath held in place by 1.19 mm diam wire wrapped around lath 450 mm o.c. ( 4) il) Table 2.6.C. Forming Part of Article 2.6.1. Minimum Thickness of Gypsum-Sand Plaster on I Metal Lath Protection to Steel Columns, mm Fire-Resistance Rating MID (1) 30 min 45 min 1 h 1.5 h 2h 3h - 30 to 60 16 16 32 16 16 16 32 lover 60 to 90 -! over 90 to 120 25 39 16 16 over 120 to 180 16 16 25 16 over 180 16 16 16 16 25 39 7 Column 1 2 4 5 3 6 ! セ@ Note to Table 2.6.C.: To determine the MID ratio, refer to Article 2.6.4. (1) (5) Expanded metal lath 1.36 kg/m 2 fastened to 9.5 mm by 19 mm steel channels held in vertical position around column by 1.19 mm diam wire ties. For mixture for portland cement-sand plaster, see Sentence 1.7.3.(2). 2.6 Protected Steel Columns 2.6.1. The minimum thickness of protective covering to steel columns is shown in Tables 2.6.A. to 2.6.F. for fire-resistance ratings from 30 min to 4 h. Table 2.6.0. Forming Part of Article 2.6.1. Minimum Thickness of Gypsum-Perlite or Gypsum-Vermiculite Plaster on Metal Lath Protection to Steel Columns, mm Fire-Resistance Rating MID (1) 30 min 45 min 1 h 1.5 h 2h 3h 4h 30 to 60 16 16 20 32 35 over 60 to 90 16 16 16 20 26 35 45 over 90 to 120 16 16 I 16 16 26 35 45 over 120 to 180 16 16 16 20 32 35 16 16 16 over 180 16 16 16 26 35 4 Column 1 7 2 5 3 6 8 i Note to Table 2.6.0.: (1) To determine the MID ratio, refer to Article 2.6.4. 53 pays I Table 2.6.E. Forming Part of Article 2.6.1. Steel Columns with Sheet-Steel Membrane and Insulation as Shown in Figures 2.6(a) and 2.6(b) Type of Protection I Steel Thickness mm Fastening (2) (1) Insulation I FireResistance Rating 45 min See Figure 2.6.(a) 0.51 NO.8 sheet-metal screws 9.5 mm long, 200 mm o.c. 50 mm mineral, wool batts (3) See Figure 2.6.{b) 0.64 Self-threading screws or NO.8 sheet-metal screws, 600 mm o.c. 2 layers 12.7 mm gypsum wallboard 1.5 h Figure 2.6.{a) 0.64 NO.8 sheet-metal screws, 9.5mm 19 200 mm o.c. 75 mm mineral wool batts (3) 12.7 mm gypsum wallboard 2h i • See Figure 2.6.(b) Column 1 0.76 Crimped joint or NO.8 sheet-metal screws, 300 mm o.c. 2 4 (3) ! Notes to Table 2.6.F.: (1) To determine the MID ratio, refer to Article 2.6.4. (21 See Article 2.6.5. 54 2h allboard 3 Notes to Table 2.6.E.: (1) Minimum thickness, galvanized or wiped-zinc-coated sheet-steel. (2) Sheet-steel shall be securely fastened to the floor and superstructure, or where sheet-steel cover does not extend floor to floor, Table 2.6.F. Forming Part of Article 2.6.1. Minimum MID Ratio for Steel Columns Covered withType X Gypsum Wallboard Protection (1) Minimum Thickness of Fire-Resistance Rating Type X Gypsum Wallboard I Protection, (2) mm 1 h 1.5 h 2h 3h 12.7 75 15.9 55 25.4 35 60 28.6 35 50 40 75 31.8 35 38.1 35 35 55 41.3 45 35 35 44.5 35 35 35 47.6 35 35 35 50.8 75 35 35 35 63.5 35 35 I 35 45 2 4 [ Column 1 3 5 rayers 15.9 mm gypsum i 5 fire stopping shall be provided at the level where sheet-steel protection ends. In the latter case, an alternate type of fire protection shall be applied between the fire stopping and the superstructure. Conforming to CSA A101-M, "Thermal Insulation, Mineral Fibre, for Buildings" Type 1A, minimum density 30 kg/m 3 : column section and batts wrapped with 25 mm mesh chicken wire. 2.6.2. For hollow-unit masonry column protection, the thickness shown in Tables 2.6.A. to 2.6.0. is the equivalent thickness as described in Subsection 1.6. 2.6.3. The effect on fire-resistance ratings of the addition of plaster to masonry and monolithic concrete column protection is described in Subsection 1.7. 2.6.4. (1) The ratio MID to which reference is made in Tables 2.6.B., 2.6.C., 2.6.0. and 2.6.F. shall be found by dividing "M" the mass of the column in kilograms per metre by "0", the heated perimeter of the steel column section in metres. (2) The heated perimeter "0" of steel columns, shown as the dashed line in Figure 2.6.(c), shall be equal to 2 (B + H) in Examples (1) and (2), and 3.14B in Example (3). In Figure 2.6.(d), the heated perimeter "0" shall be equal to 2 (B + H). I i pays sheet metal screws example (1) rOil L _ _ .J example (2) Figure 2.6.(a) Column protected by sheet-steel membrane and mineral-wool insulation example (3) screw or crimp joint Figure 2.6.(c) Example (1), standard or wide-flange beam, Example (2) hollow structural section (rectangular or square), Example (3), hollow structural section (round) 2.6.5. Figure 2.6.(b) Column protected by sheet-steel membrane and gypsum wallboard (1) Where Type X gypsum wallboard is used to protect a steel column without an outside sheetsteel membrane, the method of wallboard attachment to the column shall be as shown in Figure 2.6.(d) and shall meet the construction details described in Sentences (2) to (7). (2) The Type X gypsum wallboard shall be applied vertically without horizontal joints. (3) The first layer of wallboard shall be attached to steel studs with screws spaced not more than 600 mm o.C. and other layers of wallboard shall be attached to steel studs and steel corner beads with screws spaced at a maximum of 300 mm o.c. Where 55 pays 1 01 サ「ャセ@ B wallboard with 25.4 mm screws spaced not more than 300 mm o.c. (7) In a 4-layer system, metal angles shall be fabricated of galvanized steel and shall be at least 0.46 mm thick with legs at least 51 mm long. "I 2.7 Individually Protected Steel Beams 2.7.1. The minimum thickness of protective covering on steel beams exposed to fire on 3 sides for fireresistance ratings from 30 min to 4 h is shown in Table 2.7.A. 1 layer 2 layers 2.7.3. The effect on fire-resistance ratings of the addition of plaster finish to concrete or masonry beam protection is described in Subsection 1.7. 6 5 3 layers 4 layers 1. structural member 2. steel studs 3. gypsum wallboard (type X) 4. steel corner bead 5. tie wire 6. sheet metal angle Figure 2.6.(d) Columns protected by Type X gypsum wallboard without sheet-steel membrane a single layer of wallboard is used, attachment screws shall be spaced not more than 300 mm o.c. (4) Steel tie wires spaced at a maximum of 600 mm o.c. shall be used to secure the second last layer of wallboard in 3- and 4-1ayer systems. (5) Studs shall be fabricated of galvanized steel, be at least 0.53 mm thick, and at least 41.3 mm wide with legs at least 33.3 mm long and shall be 12.7 mm less than the assembly height. (6) Corner beads shall be fabricated of galvanized steel, shall be at least 0.41 mm thick and shall have legs at least 38.1 mm long attached to the 56 2.7.2. Concrete is referred to as Type S, N or L, depending on the nature of the aggregate used. This is described in Subsection 1.4. 2.7.4. The fire resistance of protected steel beams depends on the means used to hold the protection in place. Because of the importance of this factor, no rating has been assigned in Table 2.7.A. to masonry units used as protective cover to steel beams. These ratings, however, may be determined on the basis of comparison with column protection at the discretion of the authority having jurisdiction, if satisfactory means of fastening are provided. 2.7.5. A steel beam or steel joist assembly that is entirely above a horizontal ceiling membrane will be protected from fire below the membrane and will resist structural collapse for a period equal to the fireresistance rating determined in conformance with Subsection 2.3. The support for this membrane shall be equivalent to that described in Subsection 2.3. The rating on this basis shall not exceed 1.5 h. 2.8 Reinforced Concrete Columns 2.8.1. Minimum dimensions for reinforced concrete columns and minimum concrete cover for vertical steel reinforcement are obtained from Articles 2.8.2. to 2.8.5., taking into account the type of concrete, the effective length of the column and the area of the vertical reinforcement. pays Table 2.7.A. Forming Part of Article 2.7.1. Minimum Thickness of Cover to Individually Protected Steel Beams, mm (1) Fire-Resistance Rating Description of Cover 30 min 45 min 1 h .5 h 2h Type S concrete (2) (beam spaces filled solid) 25 25 25 25 32 Type N or L concrete (2) (beam spaces filled solid) 25 25 25 25 25 Gypsum-sand plaster on 9.5 mm gypsum lath (3) 13 13 13 20 Gypsum-perlite or vermiculite plaster on 9.5 mm gypsum lath (3) 13 13 13 13 25 Gypsum-perlite or gypsum-vermiculite on 12.7 mm gypsum lath (3) 13 13 20 25 13 Gypsum-perlite or vermiculite plaster on double 12.7 mm gypsum lath (3) 13 13 25 13 20 Portland cement-sand on metal lath (4) 23 23 23 Gypsum-sand on metal lath (4) (plaster in contact with lower flange) 16 20 25 39 Gypsum-sand on metal lath with air gap between plaster and lower flange (4) 16 16 16 25 25 Gypsum-perlite or gypsum-vermiculite on metal lath (4) 16 16 16 23 23 Column 1 2 4 3 5 6 Notes to Table 2.7 .A: Where the thickness of plaster finish applied over gypsum lath is 26 mm or more, the plaster shall be reinforced with wire mesh with 1.57 mm diam wire and 50 mm by 50 mm openings placed midway in the plaster. (2) Applies to cast-in-place concrete reinforced by 5.21 mm diam wire spaced 200 mm o.c. or 1.57 mm diam wire mesh with 100 mm by 100 mm openings. (1) 2.8.2. (1) The minimum dimension, t, in millimetres of a rectangular reinforced concrete column shall be equal to (a) 75 f (R + 1) for all Types Land L40S concrete, (b) BO f (R + 1) for Type S concrete when the design condition of the concrete column is defined in columns (2) and (4) of Table 2.B.A, BO f (R + 0.75) for Type N concrete when the design condition of the concrete column is defined in columns (2) and (4) of Table 2.B.A., and (d) 100 f (R + 1) for Types Sand N concrete when the design condition of the concrete column is defined in column (3) of Table (c) 3h 50 39 4h 64 - - - 50 I 39 25 - 50 39 - - - 48(5) 35 7 - 8 Lath held in place by 1.18 mm diam wire wrapped around the gypsum lath 450 mm o.c. (4) Expanded metal lath 1.63 kg/m2 fastened to 9.5 mm by 19 mm steel channels held in position by 1.19 mm diam wire. (5) Plaster finish shall be reinforced with wire mesh with 1.57 mm diam wire and 50 mm by 50 mm openings placed midway in the plaster. (3) where f = the value shown in Table 2.B.A., R = the required fire-resistance rating in hours, k = the effective length factor obtained from CAN3-A23.3-M, "Design of Concrete Structures for Buildings," h the unsupported length of the column in metres, and p the area of vertical reinforcement in the column as a percentage of the column area. (2) The diameter of a round column shall be not less than 1.2 times the value "t" determined in Sentence 2.B.2.(1) for a rectangular column. 2.B.A. 57 I pays Table 2.B.A. (1) Forming Part of Article 2.8.2. Values of Factor" f " Values of Factor f to be Used in Applying Article 2.8.2. (3,4) Overdesign Factor (2) Where kh is not more than 3.7 m i I I 1.00 1.25 1.50 Column 1 1.0 0.9 0.83 2 I I Where kh is more than 3.7 m but not more than 7.3 m t is not more All other than 300 mm cases p is not more than 3 per cent 1.2 1.1 1.0 3 1.0 0.9 0.83 4 Notes to Table 2.B.A.: For conditions that do not fall within the limits described in Table 2.8.A., further information may be obtained from Reference (7) in Appendix A. (2) Overdesign factor is the ratio of the calculated load carrying capacity of the column to the column strength required to carry the specified loads determined in conformance with CAN3-A23.3-M, "Design of Concrete Structures for BUildings." (3) Where the factor "f" selected from Column 3 results in a "t" greater than 300 mm, the appropriate factor "f" in Column 4 shall be applicable. (4) Where up" is equal to or less than 3 per cent and the factor "f" selected from Column 4 results in a "t" less than 300 mm, the minimum thickness shall be 300 mm. (1) 2.8.3 (1) Where the required fire-resistance rating of a concrete column is 3 h or less, the minimum thickness in millimetres of concrete cover over vertical steel reinforcement shall be equal to 25 times the number of hours of fire resistance required or 50 mm, whichever is less. (2) Where the required fire-resistance rating of a concrete column is greater than 3 h, the minimum thickness in millimetres of concrete cover over vertical steel reinforcement shall be equal to 50 plus 12.5 times the required number· of hours of fire resistance in excess of 3 h. 58 (3) Where the concrete cover over vertical steel in Sentence (2) exceeds 62.5 mm, wire mesh reinforcement with 1.57 mm diameter wire and 100 mm openings shall be incorporated midway in the concrete cover to retain the concrete in position. 2.8.4. The structural design standards may require minimum column dimensions or concrete cover over vertical steel reinforcement differing from those obtained in Sentences and (2). Where a difference occurs, the greater dimension shall govern. 2.8.5. The addition of plaster finish to the concrete column may be taken into account in determining the cover over vertical steel reinforcement by applying the multiplying factors described in Subsection 1.7. The addition of plaster shall not however, justify any decrease in the minimum column sizes shown. 2.8.6. The fire-resistance rating of a reinforced concrete column that is built into a masonry or concrete wall so that not more than one face may be exposed to the possibility of fire at one time may be determined on the basis of cover to vertical reinforcing steel alone. In order to meet this condition, the wall shall conform to Subsection 2.1 for the fireresistance rating required. 2.9 Reinforced Concrete Beams 2.9.1. The minimum thickness of cover over principal steel reinforcement in reinforced concrete beams is shown in Table 2.9.A. for fire-resistance ratings from 30 min to 4 h where the width of the beam or joist is at least 100 mm. 2.9.2. No rating over 2 h may be assigned on the basis of Table 2.9.A. to a beam or joist where the average width of the part that projects below the slab is less than 140 mm, and no rating over 3 h may be Table 2.9.A. mg Part of Article 2.9.1. Minimum Cover to Principal Steel Reinforcement in Reinforced Concrete Beams, mm Type of Fire-Resistance Rating Concrete 30 min 45 min 1 h 1.5 h 2 h 3h 4h Type S, Nor L 20 20 20 25 25 39 50 7 Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 pays 2.9.3. For the purposes of these ratings, a beam may be either independent of or integral with a floor or roof slab assembly. the surface of the beam. For beams in which several tendons are used, the cover is assumed to be the average of the minimum cover of the individual tendons. The cover for any individual tendon shall be not less than half the value given in Table 2.l0.A. nor less than 25 mm. 2.9.4. Where the upper extension or top flange of a joist or T-beam in a floor assembly contributes wholly or partly to the thickness of the slab above, the total thickness at any point shall be not less than the minimum thickness described in Table 2.2.A. for the fire-resistance rating required. 2.10.3. The ratings in Table 2.10.A. apply to a beam that is either independent of or integral with a floor or roof slab assembly. Minimum thickness of slab and minimum cover to steel tendons in prestressed concrete slabs are contained in Subsection 2.2. 2.9.5. The addition of plaster finish to a reinforced concrete beam may be taken into account in determining the cover over principal reinforcing steel by applying the multiplying factors described in Subsection 1.7. 2.10.4. The addition of plaster finish to a prestressed concrete beam may be taken into account in determining the cover over steel tendons by applying the multiplying factors described in Subsection 1.7. 2.10 Prestressed Concrete Beams 2.10.5. (1) Except as provided in Sentence (2), in unbonded post-tensioned prestressed concrete beams, the concrete cover to the tendon at the anchor shall be at least 15 mm greater than the minimum required away from the anchor. The concrete cover to the anchorage bearing plate and to the end of the tendon, if it projects beyond the bearing plate, shall be at least 25 mm. (2) The requirements in Sentence (1) do not apply to those portions of beams not likely to be exposed to fire (such as the ends and the tops of flanges of beams immediately below slabs). assigned where the average width of the part that projects below the slab is less than 165 mm. 2.10.1. The minimum cross-sectional area and thickness of concrete cover over steel tendons in prestressed concrete beams for fire-resistance ratings from 30 min to 4 h are shown in Table 2.10.A. 2.10.2. The cover for an individual tendon shall be the minimum thickness of concrete between the surface of the tendon and the fire-exposed surface of the beam, except that for ungrouted ducts the assumed cover thickness shall be the minimum thickness of concrete between the surface of the duct and Table 2.10.A. rtlc e .1 .. t-ormmg Part 0fA'I201 ! Minimum Thickness of Concrete Cover over Steel Tendons in Prestressed Concrete Beams, mm (1) Fire-Resistance Rating Area of Beam Type of cm 2 Concrete 45 min 1h 1.5 h 2h 30 min 3h Type S or N 260 to 970 25 50 64 39 45 64 Over 970 to 1940 25 26 39 77 26 Over 1940 50 25 39 39 77 Type L 25 Over 970 25 25 50 39 7 Column 1 4 2 5 6 8 3 Note to Table 2.10.A.: Where the thickness of concrete cover over the tendons exceeds 64 mm, a wire mesh reinforcement with 1,57 mm diam wire and 100 mm by 100 mm openings shall be (1) 4h ! - 102 102 9 incorporated in the beams to retain the concrete in position around the tendons. The mesh reinforcement shall be located midway in the cover. 59 pays 2.11 Glued·Laminated Timber Beams and Columns This Subsection applies to glued-laminated timber beams and columns required to have fire-resistance ratings greater than those afforded under the provisions of Article of the National Building Code of Canada 1990. 1.6 イMセ@ 2.11.1. 2.11.2. The fire-resistance rating of glued-laminated timber beams and columns in minutes shall be equal to (a) 0.1 fB [4 - 2(B/0)] for beams which may be exposed to fire on 4 sides, (b) 0.1 fB [4 - (B/O)] for beams which may be exposed to fire on 3 sides, (c) 0.1 fB [3 - (B/O)] for columns which may be exposed to fire on 4 sides, and (d) 0.1 fB [3 (B/20)] for columns which may be exposed to fire on 3 sides, where f = the load factor shown in Figure 2.11.(a), B the full dimension of the smaller side of a beam or column in millimetres before exposure to fire (see Figure 2.11.(b», o = the full dimension of the larger side of a beam or column in millimetres before exposure to fire (see Figure 2.11.(b», k = the effective length factor obtained from CAN3-086-M, "Engineering Design in Wood," and L = the unsupported length of a column in millimetres. (2) The allowable load on a beam or column shall be determined by using the allowable stresses specified in CAN3-086-M, "Engineering Design in Wood." (1) 60 1. 5 1.4 '+- セ@ 1--------------" i 1. 3 -g .3 1. 2 1.1 1--------------""10. columns KL セ@ 12 B and all beams QNᄚoセMRUW@ Applied load/allowable load l1 ), % Figure 2.11.(a) Factors to compensate for partially loaded columns and beams Note to Figure 2.11.(a): (1) See Sentence 2.11.2.(2) pays Section 3 Flame-Spread Ratings and Smoke Developed Classifications 3.1 Interior Finish Materials 3.1.1. Tables 3.1.A. and 3.1.B. show flame-spread ratings and smoke developed classifications for combinations of some common interior finish materials. The values are based on all the evidence available at present. Many materials have not been included because of lack of test evidence or because of inability to classify or describe the material in generic terms for the purpose of assigning ratings. beam "-"-B- 3.1.2. The ratings shown in Tables 3.1.A. and 3.1.B. are arranged in groups corresponding to the provisions of the National Building Code of Canada 1990. The ratings apply to materials falling within the general categories indicated. 3.1.3. In Tables 3.1.A. and 3.1.B., the upper nurnber of each entry relates to flame spread and the lower number to smoke developed limit. For example: 25/50 represents a flame-spread rating of 0 to 25 and a smoke developed classification of 0 to 50. 150/300 - represents a flame-spread rating of 75 to 150 and a smoke developed classification of 100 to 300. x/x applied to floors means a flamespread rating over 300 and a smoke developed classification over 300, and J.-.-..----1-- beam Figure 2.11.(b) Full dimensions of glued-laminated beams and columns X/X - applied to walls and ceilings means a flame-spread rating over 150 and a smoke developed classification over 500. 3.1.4. Thin surface coatings can modify flamespread characteristics either upward or downward. Table 3.1.A. includes a number of thin coatings that increase the flame-spread rating of the base materiat so that these may be considered where more precise control over flame spread hazard is desired. 61 pays Table 3.1.A. Forming Part of Article 3.1.1. Assigned Flame-Spread Ratings and Smoke Developed Classifications for Combinations of Wall and Ceiling Finish Materials and Surface Coatings I Paint or Varnish not more than 1.3 mm Thick, Minimum Thickness Unfinished Cellulosic Wallpaper not Applicable mm more than One Layer Standard i Materials I i I I e Asbestos cement board Brick concrete tile Steel, copper aluminum Gypsum plaster Gypsum wallboard Lumber Douglas Fir plywood (1) Poplar plywood (1) Plywood with Spruce face veneer (1) Douglas Fir plywood (1) Fiberboard low density Hardboard Type 1 Standard Particleboard Waferboard Column 1 CAN/CGSB-34.16 None None None 62 25150 25/50 150/300 None 0.33 CSA A82.22 None CSA A82.27 None 9.5 16 25/50 150/300 11 150/100 CSA 0121 CSA 0153 150/300 i CSA 0151 CSA 0121 6 150/100 150/100 CSAA247 11 X/100 150/100 CGSB-11.3 9 6 12.7 150lX 150/300 150/300 150/300 (2) (2) 4 5 CAN3-0188.1 CAN3-0437 2 Notes to Table 3.1.A.: The 'flame-spread ratings and smoke developed classifications shown are for those plywoods without a cellulose resin overlay. (1) 010 3 (2) (2) Insufficient test information available. (2) p pays Table 3.1.B. Forming Part of Article 3.1.1. Flame-Spread Ratings and Smoke Developed Classifications for Combinations of Common Floor Finish Materials and Surface Coatings (1) IYIOlt,;IIOI;:) Applicable Standard Hardwood or softwood flooring either unfinished or finished with None a spar or urethane varnish coating Vinyl-asbestos flooring not more than 4.B mm thick applied over CSA A126.1 plywood or lumber subfloor or direct to concrete CGSB 4-GP-129 Wool carpet (woven), pile weight not less than 1120 g/m 2, applied with or without felt underlay (2) Nylon carpet, pile weight not less than 610 g/m 2and not more CGSB 4-GP-129 than BOO g/m 2, applied with or without felt underlay (2) Nylon carpet, pile weight not less than 610 g/m 2and not more CGSB 4-GP-129 than 1355 g/m2, glued down to concrete CGSB 4-GP-129 Wool/nylon blend carpet (woven) with not more than 20 per cent nylon and pile weight not less than 1120 g/m 2 CGSB 4-GP-129 Nylon/wool blend carpet (woven) with not more than 50 per cent wool, pile leig not less than 610 g/m 2and not more than BOO g/m 2 CGSB 4-GP-129 Polypropylene carpet, pile weight not less than 500 g/m 2and not more than 1200 g/m2, glued down to concrete 1 2 Coil .. i i I ! '---" Notes to Table 3.1.B.: Tested on the floor of the tunnel in conformance with provisions of CAN4-S1 02.2-M, "Standard Metl10d of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Flooring, Floor Covering, and Miscellaneous Materials and Assemblies." (1) 3.1.5. (1) Information on flame-spread rating of proprietary materials and fire-retardant treatments that cannot be described in sufficient detail to ensure reproducibility is available through the listing and labelling service of Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada or other recognized testing laboratory. (2) A summary of flame spread test results published prior to 1965 has been prepared by the Institute for Research in Construction of the National Research Council of Canada (see Item (1) in Appendix A). 3.1.6. (1) The propagation of flame along a surface in the standard test involves some finite depth of the (2) Finished or Unfinished 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 500 300 500 300 500 300 500 300 500 3 Type 1 or 2 underlay as described in CGSB 4-GP-36M, "Carpet Underlay, Fiber Type." material or materials behind the surface, and this involvement extends to the depth to which temperature variations are to be found during the course of the test; for many commonly used lining materials, such as wood, the depth involved is about 25 mm. (2) For all the combustible materials described in Table 3.1.A., a minimum dimension is shown, and this represents the thickness of the test samples on which the rating has been based; when used in greater thicknesses than that shown, these materials may have a slightly lower flame-spread rating, and thinner specimens may have higher flame-spread ratings. (3) No rating has been included for foamed plastic materials because it is not possible at this time to identify these products with sufficient accuracy on 63 pays a generic basis. Materials of this type which melt when exposed to the test flame generally show an increase in flame-spread rating as the thickness of the test specimen increases. 3.1.7. In Tables 3.1.A. and 3.1.B., the standards applicable to the materials described are noted because the ratings are dependent on conformance with these specifications. Section 4 Noncombustibility 4.1 Test Method 4.1.1. Noncombustibility is required of certain components of buildings by the provisions of the National Building Code of Canada 1990, which specifies noncombustibility by reference to CAN4Sl14-M, "Standard Method of Test for Determination of Non-Combustibility in Building Materials." 4.1.2. The test to which reference is made in Article 4.1.1. is severe, and it may be assumed that any building material containing even a small proportion of combustibles will itself be classified as combustible. The specimen, 38 mm by 51 mm, is exposed to a temperature of 750°C in a small furnace. The essential criteria for noncombustibility are that the specimen does not flame or contribute to temperature rise. 4.2 Materials Classified as Combustible fibred gypsum plaster would also be classed as combustible. 4.2.3. The addition of a fire-retardant chemical is not sufficient to change a cOITtbustible product to a noncombustible product. 4.3 Materials Classified as Noncombustible 4.3.1. Noncombustible materials include brick, ceramic tile, concrete made from portland cement with noncombustible aggregate, asbestos cement, plaster made from gypsum with noncombustible aggregate, metals commonly used in buildings, glass, granite, sandstone, slate, limestone and marble. Section 5 Protection of Openings in Fire-Rated Assemblies 5.1 Scope 5.1.1. (1) This Section specifies requirements for (a) the installation of fire doors and fire dampers in gypsum wallboard-protected stud wall assemblies, and (b) fire stop flaps for installation in fire-rated membrane ceilings. 5.2 Installation of Fire Doors and Fire Dampers 4.2.1. Most materials from animal or vegetable sources will be classed as combustible by CAN4S114-M, "Standard Method of Test for Determination of Non-CoITtbustibility in Building Materials," and wood, wood fibreboard, paper, felt made from animal or vegetable fibres, cork, plasticS, asphalt and pitch would therefore be classed as combustible. 5.2.1. Fire doors and fire dampers in gypsum wallboard-protected steel stud non-loadbearing walls required to have a fire-resistance rating shall be installed in conformance with Section 9.24 of the National Building Code of Canada 1990 and the applicable requirements of NFPA 80, "Fire Doors and Windows." 4.2.2. Materials that consist of combustible and noncoITtbustible elements in combination will in many cases also be classed as combustible, unless the proportion of combustibles is very small. Some mineral wool insulations with combustible binder, cinder concrete, cement and wood chips and wood- 5.2.2. Fire doors and fire dampers in gypsum wallboard-protected wood stud walls required to have a fire-resistance rating shall be installed in conformance with Section 9.23 of the National Building Code of Canada 1990 and the applicable requirements of NFPA 80, "Fire Doors and Windows." 64 I pays ... Appendix A to Chapter 2 5.3 Fire Stop Flaps 5.3.1. Fire stop flaps shall be constructed of steel at least 1.5 mm thick, covered on both sides with painted asbestos paper at least 1.6 mm thick and equipped with pins and hinges of corrosion-resistant material (see Figure 5.3.(a». 5.3.2. Fire stop flaps shall be held open with fusible links conforming to ULC-S505, "Standard for Fusible Links for Fire Protection Service" or other heatactivated devices having a temperature rating approximately 30°C above the maximum temperature that would exist in the system either with the system in operation or shut down. fusible link spring catch diffuser opening blade membrane ceiling hinge :::---"---- diffuser (a) Hinged type Sliding closure Z[ーMLセ] spring mechanism held by fusible link membrane ceiling diffuser (b) Sliding type Figure 5.3.(a) Typical fire stop flaps Fire Test Reports Summaries of available fire-test information have been published by the Institute for Research in Construction (formerly the Division of Building Research) as follows: M. Galbreath, Flame Spread Performance of (1) Common Building Materials. Technical Paper No. 170, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, April 1964. NRCC 7820. (2) M. Galbreath and W.W. Stanzak, Fire Endurance of Protected Steel Columns and Beams. Technical Paper No. 194, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, April 1965. NRCC 8379. (3) T.Z. Harmathy and W.W. Stanzak, ElevatedTemperature Tensile and Creep Properties of Some Structural and Prestressing Steels. American Society for Testing and Materials, Special Technical Publication 464, 1970, p. 186 (DBR Research Paper No. 424). NRCC 11163. (4) T.Z. Harmathy, Thermal Performance of Concrete Masonry Walls in Fire. American Society for Testing and Materials, Special Technical Publication 464, 1970, p. 209 (DBR Research Paper No. 423). NRCC 1116l. (5) L.W. Allen, Fire Endurance of Selected NonLoadbearing Concrete Masonry Walls. DBR Fire Study No. 25, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, March 1970. NRCC 11275. (6) A. Rose, Comparison of Flame Spread Ratings by Radiant Panel, Tunnel Furnace, and Pittsburgh-Corning Apparatus. DBR Fire Study No. 22, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, June 1969. NRCC 10788. (7) T.T. Lie and D.E. Allen, Calculation of the Fire Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Columns. DBR Technical Paper No. 378, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, August 1972. NRCC 12797. (8) W.W. Stanzak, Column Covers: A Practical Application of Sheet Steel as a Protective Membrane. DBR Fire Study No. 27, Division of 65 (9) (10) (11 ) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) 66 Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, February 1972. NRCC 12483. W.W. Stanzak, Sheet Steel as a Protective Membrane for Steel Beams and Columns. DBR Fire Study No. 23, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, November 1969. NRCC 10865. W.W. Stanzak and T.T. Lie, Fire Tests on Protected Steel Columns with Different CrossSections. DBR Fire Study No. 30, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, February 1973. NRCC 13072. G. Williams-Leir and L.W. Allen, Prediction of Fire Endurance of Concrete Masonry Walls. DBR Technical Paper No. 399, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, November 1973. NRCC 13560. G. Williams-Leir, Prediction of Fire Endurance of Concrete Slabs. DBR Technical Paper No. 398, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, November 1973. NRCC 13559. A. Rose, Flammability of Fibreboard Interior Finish Materials. Building Research Note No. 68, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, October 1969. L.W. Allen, Effect of Sand Replacement on the Fire Endurance of Lightweight Aggregate Masonry Units. DBR Fire Study No. 26, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, September 1971. NRCC 12112. L.W. Allen, W.W. Stanzak and M. Galbreath, Fire Endurance Tests on Unit Masonry Walls with Gypsum Wallboard. DBR Fire Study No. 32, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, February 1974. NRCC 13901. W.W. Stanzak and T.T. Lie, Fire Resistance of Unprotected Steel Columns. Journal of Structural Division, Proc., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 99, No. ST5 Proc. Paper 9719, May 1973 (DBR Research Paper No. 577) NRCC 13589. T.T. Lie and T.Z. Harmathy, Fire Endurance of Concrete-Protected Steel Columns. A.C.1. Journal, January 1974, Title No. 71-4 (DBR Technical Paper No. 597) NRCC 13876. (18) T.T. Lie, A Method for Assessing the Fire Resistance of Laminated Timber Beams and Columns. Can. J. Civ. Eng., Vol. 4, No.2, June 1977 (DBR Technical Paper No. 718) NRCC 15946. (19) T.T. Lie, Calculation of the Fire Resistance of Composite Concrete Floor and Roof Slabs. Fire Technology, Vol. 14, No. I, February 1978 (DBR Technical Paper No. 772) NRCC 16658. Obsolete Materials and Assemblies Building materials, components and structural members and assemblies in buildings constructed セ。Gケ@ before the present edition of the sオーャ・セョエ@ have been assigned ratings based on earlIer edItIons of this document or older reports of fire tests. To assist users in determining the ratings of these obsolete assemblies and structural members, the following list of reference documents has been prepared. Although some of these publications are out of print, reference copies are available at the Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ont., KIA OR6. (1) M. Galbreath, Fire Endurance of Unit Masonry Walls. Technical Paper No. 207, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, October 1965. NRCC 8740. (2) M. Galbreath, Fire Endurance of Light Framed and Miscellaneous Assemblies. Technical Paper No. 222, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, June 1966. NRCC 9085. (3) M. Galbreath, Fire Endurance of Concrete Assemblies. Technical Paper No. 235, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, November 1966. NRCC 9279. (4) Guideline on Fire Ratings of Archaic Materials and Assemblies. Rehabilitation Guideline #8, U.s. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Germantown, Maryland 20767, October 1980. (5) T .Z. Harmathy, Fire Test of a Plank Wall Construction. Fire Study No.2, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, July 1960. NRCC 5760. (6) T.Z. Harmathy, Fire Test of a Wood Partition. Fire Study No.3, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, October 1960. NRCC 5769. pays Chapter 3 Measures for Fire Safety in High Buildings Introduction •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 69 Section 1 Scope of Measures for Fire Safety in High Buildings •••••• 70 Section 2 Measures for Life Safety in High Buildings Measure A Fully Sprinklered Buildings ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 88 Measures Band COpen Corridor Access to Stairs and Elevators •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 89 Measures D and E Protected Vestibule Access to Stairs and Elevator Shafts ......................... 91 Measures F and G Pressurized Stair and Elevator Shafts ••••••••• 95 Measure H Fully Pressurized Buildings ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 99 Measures I and J Partially Pressurized Buildings ••••••••••••• 101 Measure K Vertically Divided Buildings ................................. 103 Measure L Areas of Refuge •• 105 Measure M Residential Buildings with Balconies ••••••• 107 Measure N Connected Buildings ................................. 108 Section 3 Venting of Floor Areas ....... 108 Appendix A Graphs for Applying Smoke Control Measures •••••••••••••• 112 Appendix B Assumptions Used in Developing Fire Safety Measures ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 118 67 Appendix C Check of a Smoke Control Systell1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 27 References •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 28 6B pays ... Chapter 3 Measures for Fire Safety in High Buildings Introduction Experience has shown that the time required for the complete evacuation of a high building can exceed that which is considered necessary for the safe egress of all occupants. Studies of the "chimney effect" and observations of smoke movement in fires have shown that present measures for containing a fire on a lower storey will not usually prevent the movement of smoke through the elevator, stair or other vertical shafts to the upper storeys of a high building. Occupants of high buildings, and particularly those on upper storeys, may be faced with severe smoke conditions from fires occurring in storeys below them before their own evacuation is possible. The measures described in this Chapter are designed to implement the requirements of NBC Subsection 3.2.6. by providing safe conditions for the occupants of a high building who may have to remain in the building during a fire, by protecting exit routes and by assisting fire fighters with the provision of efficient access to the fire floor. The knowledge requirements of these measures are well within the capabilities of the competent designer. The designer should appreciate, however, that the successful application of the measures requires a clear understanding of the principles that govern smoke movement, as well as an awareness of the assumptions on which the measures are based. The assumptions regarding building characteristics associated with each measure are included in the text. If the building under consideration has characteristics that are significantly different from these, appropriate adjustments must be made to the design. This is particularly true of methods employing airhandling systems where, for example, a realistic assessment of the leakage characteristics of the enclosures of spaces into which air is introduced may be critical. In this context, special attention is drawn to the building pressurization approach used in conjunction with a smoke shaft. The recommendations contained in this Chapter for this approach were developed assuming a building with fairly uniform leakage characteristics. Where a building departs substantially from this model, the design must be adjusted to compensate. An example of the latter condition would be a building which contains at the lower levels a large shopping complex of much greater floor area than at the higher levels. The designer is cautioned that the tabular and graphical information presented herein have been developed for buildings having the characteristics listed in this document. It will be for the designer to judge the extent to which the building under consideration has characteristics that will allow the application of this information. This is particularly important where a designer intends to develop an original smoke control approach. The National Building Code requires that a check be made of the smoke control system when requested by the authority having jurisdiction in accordance with the procedures described in Appendix C of this Chapter. This check will indicate deficiencies caused by inexact estimates of the leakage characteristics or of air supply requirements and, in all but the most extreme cases, will provide an opportunity for appropriate adjustments before the system is put into service. 69 Section 1 Scope of Measures for Fire Safety in High Buildings Where Measures C, E, G and J in Section 2 are applied, it is assumed that occupants of all floors will move immediately into the stairshafts and will then proceed slowly to the outdoors following the sounding of a general fire alarm. This Chapter includes a number of detailed measures that may be incorporated in a building in order to comply with the requirements relating to control of smoke that are included in Subsection 3.2.6. of the National Building Code. It is not the intention to exclude other means of attaining the same objectives. Where smoke control methods other than those described in this Chapter are developed, they may be based on the information in Appendix B of this Chapter. Where Measure K in Section 2 is applied (i.e. the building is divided vertically into two zones), it is assumed that occupants of the floor on which the fire originates will leave by exit stairs, and that the occupants of all other floors in the zone in which the fire is discovered will move through vestibules or bridges to floor areas on the same level in the fire-free smoke control region immediately following the sounding of a fire alarm. Occupants may remain in these areas of refuge until further directed by the fire department officer. Smoke control measures required by NBC Subsection 3.2.6. vary depending on the height and occupancy of a building. In a sprinklered building, the requirements for control of smoke movement are minimal (see Measure A, Section 2). In very tall buildings, limits are placed on the penetration of smoke into exit stairs, elevators for fire fighters and all floor areas other than the one on which fire occurs. Such limits are achieved by Measures B, 0, F, H and I in Section 2. In certain buildings of lesser height and limited popUlation, exit stairs and elevators for fire fighters are protected and smoke may be expected to enter upper floor areas. This situation applies where Measures C, E, G and J, described in Section 2, are employed. In other buildings, the spread of smoke into shafts and floor areas is accepted, but areas of refuge are provided that are maintained smoke free, that can be reached by all people in the building within a few minutes and that are linked to outdoors by safe means of egress. They are described in Measures K and L in Section 2. Where Measures A, B, 0, F, H and I in Section 2 are applied, it is assumed that in the event of fire occupants of the floor on which the fire occurs will leave by exit stairs immediately following the sounding of a fire alarm, and that occupants of the floor immediately above the floor on which the fire occurs will be advised to leave by the first fire department officer on the scene or other person assigned this responsibility. Occupants of all other floors may remain on their floors unless otherwise directed. 70 Where Measure L in Section 2 is applied, it is assumed that occupants of the floor on which the fire originates will leave by the exit stairs, and that occupants of all other floors will move by corridors or stairs to areas of refuge that are distributed throughout the building immediately following the sounding of the fire alarm. Occupants may remain in these areas of refuge until otherwise directed. In a residential building where reliance is placed on balconies as places of refuge from smoke, as described in Measure M in Section 2, occupants may remain in their suites when a general fire alarm is given, but should be prepared to move on to their balconies if conditions in the suite should become untenable. It is assumed that the cumulative population of storeys below grade divided by 1.8 times the width of all exit stairs at the storey under consideration will not exceed the 300 limit referred to in NBC Article, and that occupants of storeys below grade will evacuate the building by the stairshafts immediately after the discovery of a fire in a storey below grade. It is also important that fire fighters are provided with a smoke-free access to fire floors below grade. Measures A, B, C, 0, E, F, G, Land M include provisions designed to separate the exit stairs serving storeys above grade from those serving storeys below grade, and to limit entry of smoke into these shafts. Elevator shafts and service shafts are required to be pays pi provided with a separation near grade, or be designed to limit their functioning as paths of smoke movement into upper floor areas. In Measures H, I and J, no special precautions are necessary to protect shafts in storeys below grade, because the system of pressurization plus venting of the fire floor protects all shafts, whether or not these penetrate storeys below grade. In Measure K, the separation into two zones is maintained in storeys below grade. Smokefree access will thus be available to any floor on which the fire occurs. Synopsis of Measures for Fire Safety in High Buildings (7) Voice communication system required if building is more than 36 m high (NBC Article (8) Fire protection required for electrical feeders to emergency equipment (NBC Article (9) Power to operate emergency lighting, fire alarm and voice communication systems (NBC Article (10) Emergency power to operate elevators required if building is more than 36 m high (NBC Article Each of the measures is illustrated by a sketch with notes describing the applicable conditions (Figures 1 to 18). These sketches are intended as a guide to the detailed requirements and as an aid to finding the relative clauses, but they are not intended to limit in any way the scope of the detailed provisions which in general provide a wider range of choice than can be shown in the sketches and notes. A summary of requirements applicable to all buildings, regardless of the measure being used, is given in the following paragraph. Requirements Common to all Measures for Fire Safety in High Buildings (1) Elevators controlled by keyed switch (NBC Article (2) Elevator for fire fighters required (NBC Article (3) Means of venting each floor area to outdoors by smokeshaft, windows or building exhaust system (NBC Article (4) Certain floor areas in the building to be sprinklered (NBC Articles, and (5) Limits on flame-spread rating and smoke developed classification for interior finish materials in certain locations (NBC Article (6) Central alarm and control facility required (NBC Article 71 Measure A Fully Sprinklered Building 1. 2. 3. Door to outdoors in each stairshaft held open during a fire emergency (2A(2».* Stairshaft serving floors below the lowest exit level is separate from stairshaft serving floors above that storey (2A(3». Stairshaft serving floors below the lowest exit level is pressurized during a fire emergency (2A(3». Elevator shaft terminates not lower than the first floor below the lowest exit storey or has elevator vestibules in every storey below the lowest exit storey (2A(5». Vertical service spaces, other than elevator shafts, provided with firestops at the first floor below the lowest exit storey or vented to outdoors at top during a fire emergency (2A(6». Air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in a system that serves more than two storeys (NBC Sentence». Figure 1 Typical floor plan, Measure A Measure A satisfies NBC Sentence for any major occupancy classification. No limit on height. All floor areas sprinklered (NBC Sentence». Limits on flame-spread ratings and smoke developed classifications described in NBC Sentence are relaxed (NBC Sentence». 72 * First number indicates Section number. Letter indicates Measure. Last number indicates number of Sentence in that Measure. pays Measure B Open Corridor Access to Stairs and Elevators (including restrictions on movement of smoke from floor to floor) 1. ttttm 1 LIT - 2. 3. 3 4. 4 Stairshaft serving floors below the lowest exit level is separate from stairshaft serving floors above that storey (2B(3».* Stairshaft serving floors below the lowest exit level is pressurized during a fire emergency (2B(3». Elevator shaft terminates not lower than the first floor below the lowest exit storey or has elevator vestibules in every storey below the lowest exit storey (2B(4». Vertical service spaces, other than elevator shafts, provided with fires tops at the first floor below the lowest exit storey and at intervals of not more than five storeys or vented to outdoors at top during a fire emergency (2B(5». Open corridor or balcony providing access to stairs and elevator for fire fighters (2B(2). Elevator shaft and stairshaft heating restrictions. Air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in a system that serves more than two storeys (2B(6». Certain dampers close in air handling ducts during a fire emergency (2B(8». --J 1 1 +H セ@ * First number indicates Section number. Letter indicates Measure. Last number indicates number of Sentence in that Measure. Figure 2 Typical floor plan, Measure B Measure B satisfies NBC Sentences, (3) and (4) for any major occupancy classification. No limit on height. 73 Measure C Open Corridor Access to Stairs and Elevators (no additional restrictions on movement of smoke from floor to floor) 1. 2. 3. Stairshaft serving floors below the lowest exit level is separate from stairshaft serving floors above that storey (2C(3».* Stairshaft serving floors below the lowest exit level is pressurized during a fire emergency (2C(3». Elevator shaft terminates not lower than the first floor below the lowest exit storey or has elevator vestibules in every storey below the lowest exit storey (2C(4». Open corridor or balcony providing access to stairs and elevator for fire fighters (2C(2». Elevator shaft and stairshaft heating restrictions. Air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in a system that serves more than two storeys (2C(5». 3 * First number indicates Section number. Letter indicates Measure. Last number indicates number of Sentence in that Measure. Figure 3 Typical floor plan, Measure C Measure C satisfies NBC Sentence for Group A, C, D, E or F major occupancy classification. Limit on population (NBC Sentence». Limited to buildings not more than 75 m high (NBC Sentence». 74 I jDP pays .... Measure D Protected Vestibule Access to Stairs and Elevators (including restrictions on movement of smoke from floor to floor) 1. #H+H I 5 1 , J L r 2. 5 -,J 00 3. 4. L4 J r 1 5. 1 5 #H+H I Figure 4 Typical floor plan, Measure 0 Measure 0 satisfies NBC Sentences, (3) and (4) for any major occupancy classification. Door to outdoors in each stairshaft held open during a fire emergency (20(7».* Stairshaft serving floors below the lowest exit level is separate from stairshaft serving floors above that level (20(8». Stairs haft serving floors below the lowest exit level is pressurized during a fire emergency (20(8». Elevator shaft terminates not lower than the first floor below the lowest exit storey or has elevator vestibules in every storey below the lowest exit storey (20(13». Shaft containing an elevator for fire fighters is provided with vent to outdoors at bottom during a fire emergency if the vestibule protection is by pressurization (20(9». Vertical service spaces, other than elevator shafts, provided with fires tops at the first floor below the lowest exit storey and at intervals of not more than five storeys or vented to outdoors at top during a fire emergency (20(11». Vestibule vented to outdoors during a fire emergency or pressurized (20(5». Vents to vestibules openable from central control facility if building is more than 36 m high (20(6». Air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in a system that serves more than two storeys (20(14». Certain dampers close in air handling ducts during a fire emergency (20(15». No limit on height. * First number indicates Section number. Letter indicates Measure. Last number indicates number of Sentence in that Measure. 75 Measure E Protected Vestibule Access to Stairs and Elevators (no additional restrictions on movement of smoke from floor to floor) 1. 2. 3. 4. Figure 5 Typical floor plan, Measure E Measure E satisfies NBC Sentence for Group A, C, D, E or F major occupancy classification. Limit on population (NBC Sentence». Limited to buildings not more than 75 m high (NBC Sentence». 76 * Door to outdoors in each stairshaft held open during a fire emergency (2E(6».* Stairshaft serving floors below the lowest exit level is separate from stairshaft serving floors above that level (2E(7». Stairshaft serving floors below the lowest exit level is pressurized during a fire emergency (2E(7». Elevator shaft terminates not lower than the first floor below the lowest exit storey or has elevator vestibules in every storey below the lowest exit storey (2EOO». No special protection against smoke for elevator shafts or vertical service spaces other than a shaft containing an elevator for fire fighters. Shaft containing an elevator for fire fighters is provided with vent to outdoors at bottom during a fire emergency (2E(8». Vestibule vented to outdoors during a fire emergency or pressurized (2E(4». Vents to vestibules openable from central control facility if building is more than 36 m high (2E(5». Air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in a system that serves more than two storeys (2E01». First number indicates Section number. Letter indicates Measure. Last number indicates number of Sentence in that Measure. pays .... Measure F Pressurized Stairshafts and Elevator Shafts (including restrictions on movement of smoke from floor to floor) 1. 2. 3. Figure 6 Typical floor plan, Measure F Measure F satisfies NBC Sentences, (3) and (4) for any major occupancy classification. No limit on height. * Door to outdoors in each stairshaft held open during a fire emergency (2F(2». * Stairs haft pressurized during a fire emergency (2F(2». Stairs haft serving floors below the lowest exit level is separate from stairshaft serving floors above that level (2F(3». Stairshaft serving floors below the lowest exit level is pressurized during a fire emergency (2F(3». Shaft containing an elevator for fire fighters is pressurized during a fire emergency (2F(4». Vertical service spaces, other than elevator shafts, provided with firestops at the first floor below the lowest exit storey and at intervals of not more than five storeys or vented to outdoors at top during a fire emergency (2F(7». Air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in a system that serves more than two storeys (2F(11). Certain dampers in air-handling ducts close during a fire emergency (2F(12». First number indicates Section number. Letter indicates Measure. Last number indicates number of Sentence in that Measure. 77 Measure G Pressurized Stairshafts and Elevator Shafts (no additional restrictions on movement of smoke from floor to floor) 1. 2. 3. Door to outdoors in each stairshaft held open during a fire emergency (2G(2». * Stairshaft pressurized during a fire emergency (2G(2». Stairshaft serving floors below the lowest exit level is separate from stairshaft serving floors above that level (2G(3». Stairshaft serving floors below the lowest exit level is pressurized during a fire emergency (2G(3». Shaft containing an elevator for fire fighters is pressurized during a fire emergency (2G(4». No special protection against smoke for elevator shafts or vertical service spaces other than a shaft containing an elevator for fire fighters. Air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in a system that serves more than two storeys (2G(7». Figure 7 Typical floor plan, Measure G Measure G satisfies NBC Sentence for Group A, C, 0, E or F major occupancy classification. Limit on population (NBC Sentence». Limited to buildings not more than 75 m high (NBC Sentence». 78 * First number indicates Section number. Letter indicates Measure. Last number indicates number of Sentence in that Measure. セ@ pays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t Measure H Building Fully Pressurized 1. セS@ Sセ@ 2. 3. 4. 4 Figure 8 Typical floor plan, Measure H Measure H satisfies NBC Sentences, (3) and (4) for any major occupancy classification. No limit on height * All floor areas pressurized during a fire emergency (2H(2».* Provision for modulating air supply for building pressurization during warm weather (2H(4»). Fire floor provided with means of venting to outdoors by smokeshaft or windows (2H(7». A proportion of air for building pressurization directed into stairshafts (2H(2». Doors to outdoors in stairshafts not held open during a fire emergency (2H(5». Except as required for venting, all openings in perimeter walls and roof are kept closed during a fire emergency (2H(5». Except as required for pressurization, air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in a system that serves more than two storeys (2H(4». Certain dampers in air handling ducts are closed during a fire emergency (2H(6». First number indicates Section number. Letter indicates Measure. Last number indicates number of Sentence in that Measure. 79 Partially Pressurized Building (including restrictions on movement of smoke from floor to floor outside core) Measure I 1. 1 iセ@ 2. 2 3. 4 3 4. Figure 9 Typical floor plan, Measure I Enclosing wall of core is a fire separation with self closing doors. Central core is pressurized during a fire emergency (21(2».* All openings in perimeter walls and roof of core kept closed during a fire emergency (21(3». Fire compartment is vented to outdoors during a fire emergency by smokeshaft or windows (21(4». Vertical service spaces, other than elevator shafts, outside core provided with fires tops at the level of the first floor below the lowest exit storey and at intervals of not more than five storeys or vented to outdoors at the top during a fire emergency (21(6». Doors to outdoors in stairshafts not held open during a fire emergency except as required for pressurizing the core (21(3». Air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in a system that serves more than two storeys (21(7». Certain dampers in air handling ducts are closed during a fire emergency (21(8». Measure 1 satisfies NBC Sentences, (3) and (4) for any major occupancy classification. No limit on height. 80 * First number indicates Section number. Letter indicates Measure. Last number indicates number of Sentence in that Measure. I pays ..... Measure J Partially Pressurized Building (no additional restrictions on movement of smoke from floor to floor outside core) 1. 2. * Enclosing wall of core is a fire separation with self closing doors. Central core is pressurized during a fire emergency (2} (2». * All openings in perimeter walls and roof of core are kept closed during a fire emergency (2}(3». Doors to outdoors in stairshafts not held open during a fire emergency (2}(3». Air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in a system that serves more than two storeys (2}(4». First number indicates Section number. Letter indicates Measure. Last number indicates number of Sentence in that Measure. Figure 10 Typical floor plan, Measure J Measure} satisfies NBC Sentence for Group A, C, 0, E or F major occupancy classification. Limit on population (NBC Sentence». Limited to buildings not more than 75 m high (NBC Sentence». 81 Measure K Vertically Divided Building (with spatial separation) 1. 2. 3. 4. Door to outdoors in each stairshaft held open during a fire emergency (2K(13».* One elevator for fire fighters and one stairshaft in each smoke control region (2K(4». If bridges do not occur at each storey, two stairshafts are required in each smoke control region (NBC Building designed as two smoke control regions with spatial separation between (2K(2». 5. 5 4 6 6. * Figure 11 Typical floor plan, Measure K Measure K satisfies NBC Sentence for buildings of Group A, C, 0, E or F major occupancy classifica tion. No limit on height. 82 Bridges at intervals of not more than five storeys, except that in buildings of Group C major occupancy more than 75 m high, the bridge is at each storey (2K(3». Bridges vented to outdoors or pressurized during a fire emergency (2K(11». Fire separation in storeys below grade to maintain separation between smoke control regions (2K(15». Air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in a system that serves more than two storeys (2K(14». First number indicates Section number. Letter indicates Measure. Last number indicates number of Sentence in that Measure. pays ... Measure K Vertically Divided Buildings (with fire separation) 1. 2. 1 I 5 1tH11t1 3. 2 J -'IIDCI°1'-- 3 4. セ@ 5 2 1tH11t1 I 1 5. Door to outdoors in each stairshaft held open during a fire emergency (2K(13».* One elevator for fire fighters and one stairshaft in each smoke control region (2K(4». If vestibules do not occur at each storey, two stairshafts are required in each smoke control region (NBC Building designed as two smoke control regions with fire separation between (2K(2». Fire separation in storeys below grade to maintain separation between smoke control regions (2K(15». Vestibule at intervals of not more than five storeys, except that in the case of buildings of Group C major occupancy more than 75 m high, the vestibule is at each storey (2K(3». Vestibules vented to outdoors or pressurized during a fire emergency (2K(11». Vent to outdoors in each smoke control region on floors below mid height of building (2K(12». Air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in a system that serves more than two storeys (2K(14». Figure 12 Typical floor plan, Measure K Measure K satisfies NBC Sentence for buildings of Group AI C I D, E or F major occupancy classification. * First number indicates Section number. Letter indicates Measure. Last number indicates number of Sentence in that Measure. No limit on height. 83 pays Measure L Areas of Refuge (duplicate groups of areas of refuge at every fifth storey except as required in item 5) 1. 2 2. 3. 4. Figure 13 Typical floor plan, Measure L 5. Measure L satisfies NBC Sentence for buildings of Group A, C, D, E or F major occupancy classification. No limit on height. * 84 Stairshaft and shaft containing an elevator for fire fighters protected by area of refuge or vestibule (2L(II».* Door to outdoors in each stairshaft held open during a fire emergency (2L(14». Stairshaft serving floors below the lowest exit level is separate from stairshaft serving floors above that storey (2L(15». Stairshaft serving floors below the lowest exit level is pressurized during a fire emergency (2L(15». Stairshaft and shaft containing an elevator for fire fighters is protected at intermediate floors by pressurized vestibules (2L(11». Shaft containing an elevator for fire fighters termina tes not lower than the first floor below the lowest exit storey or has elevator vestibules in every storey below the lowest exit storey (2L(13». Shaft containing an elevator for fire fighters provided with vent to outdoors at bottom during a fire emergency (2L(16». No special protection against smoke for elevator shafts or vertical service spaces other than a shaft containing an elevator for fire fighters. Two areas of refuge on each fifth floor pressurized during a fire emergency (2L(10», or areas of refuge staggered on intermediate storeys (see Figure 15), except that in buildings of Group C major occupancy more than 75 m high the areas of refuge shall be located on each storey. Air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in a system that serves more than two storeys (2L(18». First number indicates Section number. Letter indicates Measure. Last number indicates number of Sentence in that Measure. pays •.... Measure L Areas of Refuge (areas of refuge located in pairs) 1. i I I I I area of refuge 5 I MセG@ ,- 80 2. area of refuge 5 3. Figure 14 Typical floor plan, Measure L 4. A A v v § § §' area of refuge :E § E area of refuge セ@ .. § ........ セ@ § E .. 1§ セ@ ••• ,>. セ@ § セ@ v • area of refuge E area of refuge stairshaft § .l v Figure 15 Typical cross section showing areas of refuge on intermediate floors * Stairshaft and shaft containing an elevator for fire fighters protected by area of refuge or vestibule (2L(ll».* Door to outdoors in each stairshaft held open during a fire emergency (2L(14». Stairs haft serving floors below the lowest exit level is separate from stairshaft serving floors above that storey (2L(15». Stairshaft serving floors below the lowest exit level is pressurized during a fire emergency (2L(l5». Two areas of refuge are pressurized during a fire emergency (see Figure 14 for area of refuge every fifth storey), except that in buildings of Group C major occupancy more than 75 m high, the areas of refuge are located on each storey (2L(10». No special protection against smoke for elevator shafts or vertical service spaces other than a shaft containing an elevator for fire fighters. Shaft containing an elevator for fire fighters terminates not lower than the first floor below the lowest exit storey or has elevator vestibules in every storey below the lowest exit storey (2L(13». Shaft containing an elevator for fire fighters is provided with vent to outdoors at bottom during a fire emergency (2L(16» Air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in a system that serves more than two storeys (2L(18». First number indicates Section number. Letter indicates Measure. Last number indicates number of Sentence in that Measure. Measure L satisfies NBC Sentence for buildings of Group A, C, Df E or F major occupancy classifica tion. No limit on height. 85 pays Measure M Building with Balconies 1. 2. 3. * Figure 16 Typical floor plan, Measure M Measure M satisfies NBC Sentence for buildings of Group C major occupancy classification. 86 Door to outdoors in each stairshaft held open during a fire emergency (2M (2». * Stairshaft serving floors below the lowest exit level is separate from stairshaft serving floors above that level (2M(3». Stairshaft serving floors below the lowest exit level is pressurized during a fire emergency (2M(3». Each suite is provided with a balcony (NBC». Elevator shaft terminates not lower than the first floor below the lowest exit storey or has elevator vestibules in every storey below the lowest exit storey (2M(4». Air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in a system that serves more than two storeys (2M(5». First number indicates Section number. Letter indicates Measure. Last number indicates number of Sentence in that Measure. p pays ... Measure N Connected Buildings building A 1, Vestibule vented to outdoors or pressurized building B grade ,.,.., . Lセ@ NLBセ@ 1 I tunnel セ@ Figure 17 Section through building linked by underground tunnel building A 2, Vestibules vented to outdoors or pressurized building B 2 BセLN@ 2 I grade セGi|@ iセB@ 1 Figure 18 Section through buildings joined at firewall Measure N satisfies NBC Article for connected buildings. 87 pays Section 2 Measures for Life Safety in High Buildings Measure A Buildings Fully sーイゥョォャ・セ、@ General The steps described in this Measure amount to an adequate smoke control measure, satisfying the requirements of NBC Sentence Reliance is placed on the full sprinkler installation to limit fire spread and hence the generation of smoke. Some additional protection of exit stairs is afforded by the provision of an opening to the outdoors at the foot of the stairshaft. In cold weather, when stack action is likely to be most significant, this measure may give a general increase in air pressure in the stairshaft, thus restricting entry of smoke. In this Measure is included the requirement that elevator shafts and service shafts should not be continuous from above to below grade, except when vestibules are provided at elevator doors in below grade storeys. Where Measure A is adopted and a fire is detected by an automatic device or a manual pull station is actuated, it is intended that a fire alarm will sound on all floors simultaneously, and that the occupants of the fire floor will walk downstairs to the street floor or to a safe intermediate floor area. Occupants of other floors may remain where they are until advised to evacuate by the person operating the central alarm and control facility. Measure A (1 ) The requirements of NBC Sentence may be met by incorporating the requirements in Sentences (2) to (8). (2) A stairway serving storeys above the lowest exit level has a vent or door to the outdoors at or near the bottom of the stairshaft, as described in Sentence (4). (3) A stairway serving floors below the lowest exit level 88 (a) has a vent or door to the outdoors at or near the top of the stairshaft that has an openable area of not less than 0.1 m 2 for each storey served by the stairway, less 0.01 m 2 for each weathers tripped door and 0.02 m 2 for each non-weatherstripped door opening into the stairs haft, (b) is enclosed in a shaft that does not pass through the floor above the lowest exit level and is separate from a shaft that contains a stairway serving upper storeys, or is enclosed in a shaft that contains a stairway serving upper storeys, but is separated from that stairway at the lowest exit level by a fire separation having a fireresistance rating not less than that required for the shaft enclosure, and (c) is provided with equipment capable of maintaining a flow of air introduced at or near the bottom of the stairshaft, at a rate equal to 0.47 m 3 / s for each storey served by the stairway. (4) A stairshaft required to be vented to the outdoors by Sentence (2) or by other provisions in this Chapter is provided with a vent or door that (a) has an openable area of 0.05 m 2 for every door between the stairshaft and a floor area, but not less than 1.8 m 2, (b) opens directly to the outdoors or into a vestibule or exit corridor that has a similar opening to the outdoors, and (c) has a door or closure that is openable manually and can remain in this open position during a fire emergency. (5) Any elevator shaft that passes through the floor above the lowest exit storey does not penetrate the floor of the storey immediately below the lowest exit storey, except where there is a vestibule between the shaft and each floor area below grade as described in Sentence (3) of Measure D. (6) A vertical service space, other than an elevator shaft, that passes through the floor above the lowest exit storey, is provided with a tight-fitting noncombustible seal or fire stop at the floor level of the storey immediately below that storey, except where the vertical service space is vented to the outdoors at the top as described in Sentence (0) of Measure F. pays (7) A supply of air required by Sentence (3) is carried in ducts as described in Sentence (13) of Measure F. (8) The central control facility required by NBC Article is provided with additional controls capable of (a) opening closures to vents in shafts that may be required by Sentence (6), (b) stopping air handling systems as required by NBC Sentence, and (c) initiating the mechanical air supply to stairshafts as may be required in Sentence permanentopening corridor or balcony (3). Measures Band C Open Corridor Access to Stairs and Elevators General Measures Band C can be applied to a building where habitable floor areas are approached along access ways open to the outdoors. Each corridor that provides access to stairs or elevators is permanently open to the outside as shown in Figures 2 and 19. The situation is illustrated by the pressure characteristic diagram shown in Figure 20. Air flow through openings that may exist in floors is likely to be more pronounced than with other smoke control methods because of the reduction in the influence of vertical shafts, so it is desirable that openings through the floor-ceiling assembly be minimized. This should not, however, present an immediate smoke problem except on the floor directly above the floor where a fire occurs. Measure C is the same as Measure Bt except that no steps are taken to limit smoke movement into upper storeys through vertical service spaces or shafts in Measure C. Where shafts enclosing plumbing and electrical services penetrate floor spaces and a decision has been made to use Measure B for control of smoke movement, these shafts should be sealed at least at every fifth storey at a horizontal fire separation and at the floor immediately below the lowest exit storey or have vents to the outside at the top. In the latter case there is still some possibility that smoke may pass into the uppermost floor because the air pressures in these floor areas are in the same range as the Section through corridors or balconies Figure 19 Illustration of Measures Band C designs floor eas r I t 1 Section through building showing air flow Figure 20 outSide air pressure PreSSure characteristics Lower Higher Pressure characteristics in a Measure B design outside pressures. It is therefore important that any leakage areas in the enclosing walls between floor areas and shaft be kept to a minimum. In order to avoid creation of pressures that may interfere with the opening of doors to stairshafts and elevator shafts t it is recommended that the building heating system be so designed that temperatures in 89 heated stairshafts and elevator shafts be not more than 12°C above outside air temperature. Where Measure B is adopted and a fire is detected by an automatic device or a manual pull station is actuated, it is intended that a fire alarm will sound on all floors simultaneously, and that the occupants of the fire floor will walk down stairs to a safe floor area. In buildings more than 36 m high, occupants of other floors may remain until advised to evacuate by the person operating the central alarm and control facility. Where Measure C is adopted, and a fire is detected by an automatic device or a manual pull station is actuated, it is intended that a fire alarm will sound on all floors simultaneously, and that occupants of all floors will walk down stairs to the street floor or to a safe intermediate floor area. Measure B (including restriction on the movement of smoke from floor to floor) (1) The requirements of Sentences 0), (2) and (3) of NBC Article may be met by incorporating the requirements in Sentences (2) to (9). (2) All public corridors leading to the required exit stairs and elevators for fire fighters from every floor area on a floor above the lowest exit storey are provided with permanent openings to the outdoors that (a) are distributed along the length of the corridor, (b) have the top of the opening not more than 250 mm below the ceiling of the corridor, and (c) have an aggregate open area that is not less than 10 per cent of the floor area of the corridor or 1 m 2, whichever is greater. (3) A stairway serving storeys below the lowest exit level is protected as described in Sentence (3) of Measure A. (4) Any elevator shaft that passes through the floor above the lowest exit storey does not penetrate the floor of the storey immediately below the lowest exit storey except where there is a vestibule between the elevator door or doors and each floor area below grade as described in Sentence (3) of Measure D. 90 (5) A vertical service space, other than an elevator shaft, within a heated floor area is provided with (a) tight-fitting noncombustible fire stops located at the level of the floor immediately below the lowest exit storey and at the level of certain other floors that are fire separations provided the space between fire stops is not more than five storeys, or (b) a vent to the outdoors as described in Sentence (0) of Measure F. (6) Except for exhaust from kitchens, washrooms and bathrooms in dwelling units, air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in an air handling system that serves more than two storeys. (7) Supply, return and exhaust ducts more than 130 cm 2 in cross-sectional area at the point of entry to a vertical service space in an air handling system that is required to shut down by the provisions of Sentence (6) are provided with dampers that will close when the air moving fans are stopped. (8) Where a supply of air is required by the provisions of Sentence (3), it is carried in ducts as described in Sentence (3) of Measure F. (9) The central alarm and control facility required by NBC Article is provided with additional controls that are capable of (a) stopping the air handling systems and closing dampers as required by Sentences (6) and (7), (b) opening closures to vents in vertical service spaces where required by Sentence (5), and (c) initiating the air supply to stairshafts as may be required by Sentence (3). Measure C (no restriction on the movement of smoke from floor to floor) (1) The requirements of Sentences (2) and (3) of NBC Article may be met by incorporating the requirements of Sentences (2) to (7). (2) The public corridors leading to the required exit stairs and elevators for fire fighters from every floor area on a floor above the storey on which egress directly to the outdoors occurs are provided with permanent openings to the outdoors that pays (a) are distributed along the length of the corridor, (b) have the top of the opening not more than 250 mm below the ceiling of the corridor, and (c) have an aggregate open area that is not less than 10 per cent of the floor area of the corridor or 1 m 2, whichever is greater. (3) A stairway serving storeys below the lowest exit level is protected as described in Sentence (3) of Measure A. (4) Any elevator shaft that contains an elevator for fire fighters and passes through the floor above the lowest exit storey does not penetrate the floor of the storey immediately below the lowest exit storey except where there is a vestibule between the elevator door or doors and each floor area below grade as described in Sentence (3) of Measure D. (5) Except for exhaust from kitchens, washrooms and bathrooms in dwelling units, air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in an air handling system that serves more than two storeys. (6) Where a supply of air is required by Sentence (3), it is carried in ducts described in Sentence (13) of Measure F. (7) The central alarm and control facility required by NBC Article is provided with additional controls that are capable of (a) stopping the air handling systems as required by Sentence (5), and (b) initiating the air supply to stairshafts as may be required by Sentence (3). Measures D and E Protected Vestibule Access to Stairshafts and Elevator Shafts General In Measures D and E movement of smoke through stairshafts and elevator shafts is limited by the provision of vestibules that are either open to the outdoors during a fire emergency or have outdoor air injected into them. Stairshafts are further protected by opening a door to the outdoors at the bottom of the shaft. Where vestibules are protected by the injection of outdoor air, the elevator shaft is provided with a large opening to the outdoors at the bottom. Where NBC Article requires the movement of smoke into floor areas to be limited, service shafts are either sealed at intervals or provided with an opening to the outdoors at the top of the shaft as described in Measure B. A typical plan of a building in which this method of smoke control is appropriate is shown in Figure 4. Measure E is the same as Measure D, except that no measures are taken to limit movement of smoke into upper storeys in Measure E. Where a vestibule has a vent or opening to the outdoors that is much larger than the leakage area around doors between the vestibule and other parts of the building, the air pressure in the vestibule will be approximately equal to the outdoor pressure at the same level. This is illustrated in Figure 7. In cold weather in storeys below the neutral pressure plane, air pressure in the vestibule will be substantially higher than that in the floor area. Air will tend to flow from the vestibule into the floor area. In upper storeys the air pressure in the vestibules will be less than that in the floor area, and air will flow from the floor area to the vestibule. The vent or opening at the foot of the stairshaft referred to above has the effect of increasing pressure in the shaft, so that it approaches outdoor air pressure at ground level (see Figure 21). On upper storeys the pressure in the stairshaft will be higher than that in the vestibules, and smoke that may enter the vestibules will not pass into the stairshaft. In warm weather when outdoor air may be as warm or warmer than that inside a building, the stack effect is likely to be minimal. In these circumstances, the major problem is expansion of the hot gases on the fire floor. This will tend to force air around doors into the vestibule. The large vent opening, however, will create a situation where the greater proportion of the air entering the vestibule will pass to the outdoors and a much smaller quantity may enter the shafts. The effect of wind is variable and difficult to predict. In warm weather the effect may be to protect vestibules on one side of the building and to allow smoke to enter those on the other side. Where air is injected into vestibules, the pressure characteristics in cold weather are likely to be as shown in Figure 22. The rates of air injection should 91 pays floor outside air pressure & pressure in vestibules pressure in top vented service shaft Section through building showing airflow Elevator and stair shafts are shown separate because access from floor area to shaft is by a vestibule open to exterior Pressure characteristics Lower Higher Figure 21 Pressure characteristics in a Measure 0 building with vented vestibules (f) ro セ@ ro (5 0 ;;::: (f) <ll セ@ u; <ll > ro <ll <ll ro @セ (5 u; 0 ;;::: <ll > pressure In vestibules Section through building showing airflow Pressure characteristics Lower Higher Figure 22 Pressure characteristics in a Measure 0 building having air injected into vestibules be sufficient to keep the pressures in the vestibules a little higher than the pressure in the shaft. This limits the possibility of movement of smoke into the vestibules from the floor areas. In cold weather vents at the bottom of the stairshafts and elevator shafts provide additional protection. doors where Measure 0 (but not Measure E) requires that movement of smoke into upper floors be limited. However, some smoke may pass from top vented service shafts into the top floor or floors, because air pressures at the top of the shafts and in the floor area of the top storey are approximately equal. Service shafts that will not be used in a fire emergency are provided with vents at the top to the out- Stack action and the operation of smoke control measures may provide pressures that will interfere 92 pays p with the normal operation of certain doors. Where a vestibule is vented to the outdoors, this may apply to any door between a vestibule and an elevator shaft that is farther above or below the mid-height of a building than the height given by Graph 8 in Appendix A of this Chapter and to any door between a vestibule and a stairshaft that is farther above grade than the height given by Graph 8. Where a vestibule is pressurized, this may apply to any door between a vestibule and a floor space that is farther above grade than the height shown in Graph 8. As an alternative to the provision of a mechanical air supply for a vestibule to an elevator shaft, as described in Sentence (5) of Measure 0, the mechanical air supply can be introduced directly into the shaft as described in Sentence (4) of Measure F provided there are no open vents to the elevator shaft as described in Sentence (9) of Measure O. Where a mechanical air supply is required by Sentence (5) of Measure 0 and Sentence (4) of Measure E, it may be desirable to heat the air supply and to provide two air intakes in separate locations on the building face as discussed in the general provisions to Measures F and G. Where Measure 0 is adopted, and a fire is detected by an automatic device or a manual pull station is actuated, it is intended that a fire alarm will sound on all floors simultaneously, and that the occupants of the fire floor will walk down stairs to the street floor or to a safe intermediate floor area. Occupants of other floors may remain until advised to evacuate by the person operating the central alarm and control facility. Where Measure E is adopted, and a fire is detected by an automatic device or a manual pull station is actuated, it is intended that a fire alarm will sound on all floors simultaneously, and that occupants of all floors will walk down stairs to the street floor or to a safe intermediate floor area. Measure D (including restriction on the movement of smoke from floor to floor) (1) The requirements of Sentences (1), (2) and (3) of NBC Article may be met by incorporating the requirements of Sentences (2) to (17). (2) Between each floor area and each stair shaft or elevator shaft that contains an elevator for fire fighters, a vestibule is provided as described in Sentence (3). (3) Where a vestibule is required by Sentence (2) or by other provisions of this document (a) a fire separation is provided between a public corridor and the vestibule that has a fire-resistance rating of not less than 45 min, (b) a fire separation is provided between a floor area, other than the corridor described in Clause (a), and the vestibule that has a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for an exit in NBC Article, (c) a fire separation is provided between a stair or elevator enclosure and the vestibule that has a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for an exit in NBC Article, and (d) a door in the fire separation described in Clauses (a), (b) or (c) (except for an elevator door) is provided with a self-closing device as required by NBC Subsection 3.1.8., and opens in the direction of travel from the floor area to the exit stairway. (4) On each floor any vestibule that has a door to an exit stair may also have a door to an elevator for fire fighters, but two exit stairs may not open onto the same vestibule. (5) Each vestibule described in Sentence (2) that provides access to a stairshaft or an elevator shaft (a) has a vent opening to the outdoors that has an opening area not less than 0.1 m 2 for each door that opens onto the vestibule, but not less than 0.4 m 2, or (b) has equipment capable of providing for a vestibule to a stairshaft or an elevator shaft a mechanical air supply not less than that obtained from Graph 3 in Appendix A of this Chapter. (6) The vent to each vestibule referred to in Clause (5)(a) may be provided with a closure that is openable manually, and in a building that is more than 36 m high, it can be opened from the central control facility as provided in Sentence (17). 93 pays (7) A stairway serving storeys above the lowest exit level is vented to the outdoors at the bottom of the stairshaft as described in Sentence (4) of Measure A. (8) A stairway serving storeys below the lowest exit level is protected as described in Sentence (3) of Measure A. (9) Each elevator shaft protected by a vestibule having a mechanical air supply as described in Clause (5)(b) has a vent at or near the bottom of the shaft, opening directly to the outdoors or into a vestibule or corridor that has a similar opening to the outdoors, having an openable area not less than 0.02 m 2 for every door into the shaft, other than doors at street floor level. (10) The vent at the bottom of an elevator shaft referred to in Sentence (9) may be provided with a closure which is openable manually and is designed to remain open during a fire emergency. (11 ) A vertical service space other than an elevator shaft is provided with (a) a tight-fitting noncombustible fire stop at the level of the floor immediately below the lowest exit storey, and at the level of certain other floors that are fire separations, provided the space between fire stops is not more than five storeys, or (b) a vent to the outdoors as described in Sentence (10) of Measure F. (12) Except as provided in Sentence (13), an elevator shaft other than a shaft that contains an elevator for fire fighters is protected against entry of smoke by a vestibule as described in Sentence (5). (13) The provisions in Sentence (12) are waived for an elevator shaft that serves floor areas below the lowest exit storey and does not penetrate the floor immediately above that storey. (14) Except for air moving fans supplying vestibules as provided in Clause (S)(b), and except for exhaust from kitchens, washrooms and bathrooms in dwelling units, air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in an air handling system that serves more than two storeys. (15) In an air handling system that is required to shut down by the provisions of Sentence (14), supply, return and exhaust ducts more than 130 in cross-sectional area at the point of entry to a verti94 cal service space are provided at that point with dampers that will close when air moving fans are stopped. (16) Where a supply of air is required by the provisions of Sentences (5) and (8), it is carried in ducts described in Sentence (13) of Measure F. (17) The central alarm and control facility required by NBC Article is provided with additional controls that are capable of (a) opening closures to vents to the outdoors in vestibules on all floors as required by Sentence (6), and in elevator shafts as required by Sentence (9), (b) stopping air handling systems and closing dampers in ducts as required by Sentences (14) and (15), (c) initiating the mechanical air supply to vestibules required by Clause (5)(b), and (d) opening closures to vents in vertical service spaces where required by Sentence (11). Measure E (no restriction on the movement of smoke from floor to floor) (1) The requirements of Sentences (2) and (3) of NBC Article may be met by incorporating the requirements in Sentences (2) to (13). (2) Between each floor area and each stairshaft or each elevator shaft that contains an elevator for fire fighters, a vestibule is provided as described in Sentence (3) of Measure D. (3) On each floor any vestibule that has a door to an exit stairshaft may also have a door to an elevator for fire fighters, but two exit stairs may not open onto the same vestibule. (4) Each vestibule described in Sentence (2) that provides access to a stairshaft or an elevator shaft (a) has a vent opening to the outdoors that has an openable area of not less than 0.1 m 2 for each door that opens onto the vestibule but not less than 0.4 m 2, or (b) has equipment capable of providing for a vestibule to a stairshaft or an elevator shaft a mechanical air supply not less than that obtained from Graph 3 in Appendix A of this Chapter. pays (5) The vent to each vestibule referred to in Clause (4)(a) is provided with a closure that is openable manually, and in a building that is more than 36 m high can be opened from the central control facility as provided in Sentence (13). (6) A stairway serving storeys above the lowest exit level is vented to the outdoors at the bottom of the stairshaft as described in Sentence (4) of Measure A. (7) A stairway serving storeys below the lowest exit level is protected as described in Sentence (3) of Measure A. (8) Each elevator shaft protected by a vestibule having a mechanical air supply as described in Clause (4)(b) has a vent at or near the bottom of the shaft opening directly to the outdoors, or into a vestibule or corridor that has a similar opening to the outdoors, having an openable area not less than 0.02 m 2 for every door into the shaft other than doors at street floor level. (9) The vent at the bottom of an elevator shaft referred to in Sentence (8) may be provided with a closure that is open able manually and is designed to remain open during a fire emergency. (10) Any elevator shaft that contains an elevator for fire fighters and passes through the floor above the lowest exit storey does not penetrate the floor of the storey immediately below the lowest exit storey except where there is a vestibule between the elevator door or doors and each floor area below grade as described in Sentence (3) of Measure O. (11) Except for air moving fans supplying vestibules as provided in Clause (4)(b), and except for exhaust from kitchens, washrooms and bathrooms in dwelling units, air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in an air handling system that serves more than two storeys. (12) Where a supply of air is required by the provisions of Sentences (4) and (7), it is carried in ducts described in Sentence (13) of Measure F. (13) The central alarm and control facility required by NBC Article is provided with additional controls that are capable of (a) opening closures to vents to the outdoors in vestibules on all floors as required in Sentence (5), (b) (d stopping air handling systems as required by Sentence (11), and initiating the mechanical air supply to vestibules as required by Clause (4)(b). Measures F and G Pressurized Stairshafts and Elevator Shafts General Measures F and G are suitable for use in buildings that have central cores containing elevator shafts and stairshafts and in buildings that have a spine corridor. The objective is to inject sufficient air from outdoors to provide air pressures in stairshafts and in one or more protected elevator shafts that will be at least equal to the outdoor air pressure at ground level. Protected elevator shafts may, in addition, be provided with vestibules on each floor in order to reduce the effect of the large leakage areas around elevator doors, which may otherwise require injection of excessive quantities of air in order to achieve the desired pressurization. An opening to the outdoors at the bottom of each stairshaft is required in conjunction with air injection in order to maintain the desired pressure conditions, though some doors on upper floors may be held open for a time, and to provide for dilution of smoke that may enter the stairshaft. A typical plan of a building where this method of smoke control is appropriate is shown in Figure 6. Measure G is the same as Measure F, except that no provisions are made in Measure G to limit movement of smoke into upper floors by way of service shafts and unprotected elevator shafts. Where NBC Article requires that movement of smoke into floor areas be limited, service shafts, other than elevator shafts, are either sealed at intervals or vented to the outdoors at the top, as described in the general provisions of Measures B and C. This system is, however, likely to be more efficient than that achieved by Measure 0, because injection of air into some shafts has the effect of increasing the air pressure in all floor areas. This is illustrated in Figure 23, where the pressure in the floor area of the top storey is greater than that at the top of the vented shaft. 95 pays floor floor セA。イ・ウ@ Table 1 Maximum Height of Building Not Requiring Airflow Modulation floor __セ。イ・ウ@ l-+-1- -セiMQ@ -"" - _Ql ャMKlセ@ Minimum January Design Temperature, °C Maximum Height of Building, m 1------1 -7 1------1 -18 E 1-------1 -29 -40 94 70 55 46 2 1------1 ..t-+-i セ@ セ@ r---+--I セ@ Section through building showing air flow Figure 23 Pressure characteristics Lower Higher Pressure characteristics in a Measure F building Treads and landings in a stairshaft present an obstacle to free flow of air. Where air is injected only at the top of a stairshaft, there is likely to be a pressure gradient between the top and the bottom of the stairshaft. This may produce pressure differences of sufficient magnitude to interfere with the opening of doors into the stairshaft in the upper part of the building. This is discussed more fully in Appendix B of this Chapter. Stack action and the operation of smoke control measures may produce pressures across certain doors that will interfere with their normal operation. These pressures may affect any door between a floor space and a stairshaft or an elevator vestibule that is farther above grade than the height shown in Graph 8 in A ppendix A of this Chapter. In order to avoid excessive pressures across doors when outdoor temperatures are appreciably above the January design temperatures, it is recommended that the air flow into elevator shafts in buildings employing Measures F or G be reduced, but not to less than that obtained by the factor Fs = 5.59 according to the proportion of the air flow referred to in Sentence (4) of Measure F and Sentence (4) of Measure G. The flow reduction factors are shown in Graph 6 in Appendix A of this Chapter. The limits are such that no modulation is required for a building whose maximum height is not more than the value in Column 2 of Table 1, provided the January design temperature is not less than the corresponding value in Column 1. 96 Column 1 Heating of the air supply referred to in Sentences (2) and (4) of Measure F or Sentences (2) and (4) of Measure G may be necessary, since to maintain the efficiency of the smoke control measures the temperature of the incoming air should be not less than the mean of indoor and outdoor temperatures at the time. To avoid damage to water systems, the temperature of air entering critical locations should be not less than O°C. To maintain tolerable conditions for occupants, the temperature of air entering occupied spaces should be not less than 10°C. Where a mechanical air supply is specified in Sentences (2) and (4) of Measure F or Sentences (2) and (4) of Measure G, the air should be drawn from at least two remote locations, each on a different face of the building. Each air intake should be provided with a damper that will close on a signal from a smoke detector in the duct following 30 s exposure to smoke or other products of combustion. The damper should have a manual override to reopen it when the smoke condition that caused it to close has cleared. Where Measure F is adopted, and a fire is detected by an automatic device or a manual pull station is actuated, it is intended that a fire alarm will sound on all floors simultaneously, and that the occupants of the fire floor will walk down stairs to the street floor or to a safe intermediate floor area. Occupants of other floors may remain until advised to evacuate by the person operating the central alarm and control facility. pays ... Where Measure G is adopted, and a fire is detected by an automatic device or a manual pull station is actuated, it is intended that a fire alarm will sound on all floors simultaneously, and that occupants of all floors will walk down stairs to the street floor. Measure F (including restriction on the movement of smoke from floor to floor) (1) The requirements of Sentences (1), (2) and (3) of NBC Article may be met by incorporating the requirements in Sentences (2) to (14). (2) A stairshaft serving storeys above the lowest exit level has (a) a vent or door to the outdoors at or near the lowest exit level of the stairshaft, as described in Sentence (4) of Measure A, except that the vent or door will open when the air supply referred to in Clause (b) is initiated, and (b) equipment capable of providing to the shaft a mechanical air supply of not less than 4.72 m 3 /s plus 0.094 m 3 /s for every door opening into the stairshaft. (3) A stairway serving storeys below the lowest exit level is protected as described in Sentence (3) of Measure A. (4) An elevator shaft that contains an elevator for fire fighters is provided with equipment capable of maintaining a flow of air to the shaft that is not less than that obtained from Graph 4 in Appendix A of this Chapter. (5) Where an elevator shaft referred to in Sentence (4) is provided with a vestibule on every floor, the vestibule enclosure conforms to Sentence (3) of Measure D. (6) Any elevator shaft that contains an elevator for fire fighters and passes through the floor above the lowest exit storey does not penetrate the floor of the storey immediately below the lowest exit storey, except where each floor area below the lowest exit storey is provided with a vent to the outdoors that (a) has a net area of not less than 0.2 m 2 for every 1 000 m 2 of floor area, (b) will remain open during a fire emergency, and (c) may be incorporated in the conventional exhaust duct system serving storeys below grade. (7) A vertical service space, other than an elevator shaft, is provided with (a) a tight-fitting fire stop at the level of the floor immediately below the lowest exit storey and at the level of certain other floors that are fire separations provided the space between fire stops is not more than five storeys, or (b) a vent to the outdoors as described in Sentence (10). (8) Except as provided in Sentence (9), an elevator shaft, other than a shaft that contains an elevator for fire fighters, is pressurized as described in Sentence (4). (9) The provisions of Sentence (8) are waived for an elevator shaft that serves floor areas below the lowest exit storey and does not penetrate the floor immediately above that storey. (10) Where a vent to the outdoors is required by Sentence (7) or other provisions of this document, the vent (a) if it is a vertical service space in a building in which other shafts are not mechanically pressurized, has an openable area that is not less than that obtained from Graph 1 in Appendix A of this Chapter, or if it is in a building in which other shafts are mechanically pressurized, has an openable area that is not less than that obtained from Graph 2 in Appendix A of this Chapter, (b) if it is in a shaft serving floor areas above the lowest exit storey, is located at or near the top of the shaft where the top of the shaft is above the mid-height of the building, or at or near the foot of the shaft at or near the exit level where the top of the shaft is below the mid-height of the building, (c) if it is in a shaft serving floor areas below the lowest exit storey, is located at or near the top of the shaft, and (d) if it is provided with a closure, is openable both manually and on a signal from a smoke detector located at or near the top 97 pays of the shaft and by a control device located at the central alarm and control facility referred to in NBC Article (11) Except for air moving fans supplying stairs and elevators as provided in Sentences (2), (3) and (4) and, except for exhaust from kitchens, washrooms and bathrooms in dwelling units, air moving fans in an air handling system that serves more than two storeys are capable of being stopped as provided in Sentence (14). (12) In an air handling system that is required to shut down by the provisions of Sentence (11), supply, return and exhaust ducts more than 130 cm2 in cross-sectional area at the point of entry into a vertical service space are provided with dampers that will close when air moving fans are stopped. (13) Where a supply of air is required by the provisions of Sentences (2), (3) or (4) or by other provisions of this document, the duct system is installed in a service space conforming to NBC Section 3.5 or is otherwise protected against the effect of fire from the point of fresh air intake to the shaft or to the storey that contains the protected floor area, vestibule or area of refuge that is required to be so protected. (14) The central alarm and control facility required by NBC Article is provided with additional controls that are capable of (a) stopping air handling systems and closing dampers in ducts required in Sentences (11), (12) and (13), (b) initiating the mechanical air supply to stairshafts and elevator shafts required in Sentences (2), (3) and (4), and (c) opening closures to vents in vertical spaces where required in Sentence (7). Measure G (no restriction on the movement of smoke from floor to floor) (1) The requirements of Sentences (2) and (3) of NBC Article may be met by incorporating the requirements in Sentences (2) to (9). (2) A stairs haft serving storeys above the lowest exit level has (a) a vent or door to the outdoors at or near the lowest exit level of the stairshaft described in Sentence (4) of Measure A, except that the vent or door will open 98 when the air supply referred to in Clause (b) is initiated, and (b) equipment capable of providing to the stairshaft a mechanical air supply of not less than 4.72 m 3 /s, plus 0.094 m 3 /s for every door opening into the stairshaft. (3) A stairway serving storeys below the lowest exit level is protected as described in Sentence (3) of Measure A. (4) An elevator shaft that contains an elevator for fire fighters is provided with equipment capable of maintaining a flow of air to the shaft that is not less than that obtained from Graph 4 in Appendix A of this Cha pter. (5) Where an elevator shaft referred to in Sentence (4) is provided with a vestibule on every floor, the vestibule enclosure is as described in Sentence (3) of Measure D. (6) Any elevator shaft that contains an elevator for fire fighters and passes through the floor above the lowest exit storey does not penetrate the floor of the storey immediately below the lowest exit storey, except where each floor area below the lowest exit storey is provided with a vent to the outdoors that (a) has a net area of at least 0.2 m 2 for every 1 000 m 2 of floor area, (b) will remain open during a fire emergency, and (c) may be incorporated in the conventional exhaust duct system serving storeys below grade. (7) Except for air moving fans supplying stairshafts and elevator shafts as provided in Sentences (2), (3) and (4) and, except for exhaust from kitchens, washrooms and bathrooms in dwelling units, air moving fans in an air handling system that serves more than two storeys are capable of being stopped as provided in Sentence (9). (8) Where a supply of air is required by Sentences (2), (3) and (4)1 it is carried in ducts as described in Sentence (13) of Measure F. (9) The central alarm and control facility required by NBC Article is provided with additional controls that are capable of (a) stopping air handling systems as required by Sentence (7), and pays (b) initiating the mechanical air supply to stairshafts and elevator shafts as required by Sentences (2), (3) and (4). Measure H Buildings Fully Pressurized General Measure H is appropriate for buildings having central cores that contain stairshafts and elevator shafts and windows that are not normally opened, as shown in Figure 8. The air pressure in the whole building is increased so that at grade level it is at least equal to outdoor air pressure. When a vent to the outdoors is provided on the fire floor by a window in an exterior wall, by an opening into a smoke shaft as described in Section 3 or by the building mechanical exhaust system if the building is sprinklered, the pressure in the floor area is reduced substantially, as is shown in Figure 24. Air will then flow from the shafts and other floor areas into the fire floor. The combination of building pressurization and venting of the fire floor provides that smoke will not pass into other floor areas or shafts other than the smoke shaft. It is important that air be uniformly distributed throughout the building. This may be achieved by supplying the air through the conventional duct system or through vertical shafts. A minimum proportion of the air is required to be injected directly floor areas air pressure effect of Section through building showing airflow Figure 24 Pressure characteristics Lower Higher Pressure characteristics in a Measure H building into stairshafts. This is designed to reduce the possibility, particularly in warm weather, that a substantial drop in pressure will occur in these shafts when a door to the outdoors at grade is opened, with the consequent danger that smoke will enter the shafts. Where venting is by smoke shafts, the air supply to the floor on which fire occurs should be cut off by closing the dampers on that floor in order not to overload the smoke shaft. The total air flow for building pressurization is modulated relative to outdoor air temperature. This is intended, in part, to limit the potential pressure drop in stairshafts and elevator shafts referred to above and, in part, to avoid excessive pressures across doors to stairshafts and elevator shafts that would interfere with their normal use. This requirement for modulation of air flows applies generally to higher buildings. The conditions described in Sentence (3) of Measure H are such that no modulation is required where the January design temperature and the building height are as shown in Table 1. In Toronto, for example, where the January design temperature is -18°C, no modulation of air flow would be required for a building not more than 70 m high. This measure is not appropriate for a building where windows may normally be held open. The air flow requirements in Graph 5 in Appendix A of this Chapter are based on an assumed air leakage through the external walls that is appropriate to modern air-conditioned buildings having reasonably tight-fitting non-openable windows. If the leakage area is other than that noted above, the air flow requirement must be adjusted proportionately, as described in the notes to Graph 5. Stack action and the operation of smoke control measures may produce pressures across certain doors that will interfere with their normal operation. This may apply to any door between a floor space and stairshaft or an elevator shaft that is farther above grade than the height shown in Graph 8 in Appendix A of this Chapter. 99 pays Where a mechanical air supply is required by Sentence (2) of Measure H, it may be desirable to heat the air supply and to provide two air intakes in separate locations on the building face, as discussed in the general provisions to Measures F and G. Where a floor area is subdivided by walls, provision should be made for a free air passage from any part of the floor area to the vent or vents required by Sentence (6) of Measure H. Such provisions for venting need not apply to public corridors or washrooms that normally have a minimum of combustibles. There should be no problem where vents are on outside walls, and each room or space can be vented directly to the outdoors. Where a smoke shaft is used, however, a fire may occur in a space adjacent to a stairshaft or elevator shaft which is separated by partitions from the smoke shaft vent. The solution may be to vent each space to the smoke shaft through the ceiling plenum or to provide suitable openings in the partitions. Where each room or space opens on to a corridor leading to stairshafts and elevator shafts, location of the smoke shaft vent in the corridor will be effective in limiting movement of smoke to other floors, but may also present problems to the fire fighter, who may have to approach the fire through a smoke-filled corridor. Where Measure H is adopted, and a fire is detected by an au tomatic device or a manual pull station is actuated, it is intended that a fire alarm will sound on all floors simultaneously, and that the occupants of tj,(> fire floor will walk down stairs to the street floor or to a safe intermediate floor area. Occupants of other floors may remain until advised to evacuate by the person operating the central alarm and control facility. Measure H (1) The requirements of Sentences (1), (2) and (3) of NBC Article may be met by incorporating the requirements in Sentences (2) to (9). (2) The building air handling system is designed and installed so that (a) supply fans are capable of maintaining an air flow into the building not less than that obtained from Graph 5 in Appendix A of this Chapter when the outdoor air temperature is equal to the January design 100 temperature on a 2.5 per cent basis, and a portion of the air flow referred to in Clause (a) is directed into each stairshaft in a quantity equal to 0.094 m 3 / s for every weatherstripped door into the stairshaft and 0.142 m 3 /s for every non-weatherstripped door into the stairshaft. (3) Exit stairs shall discharge to the outdoors through a vestibule described in Sentence (3) of Measure 0 and be provided with a mechanical air supply of not less than 0.094 m 3 / s per weatherstripped door and 0.189 m 3 /s per non-weatherstripped door in the vestibule, except that the vestibule may be a corridor, lobby or other space. (4) When smoke control measures are initiated by the controls referred to in Sentence (9) (a) all main return and exhaust fans are stopped, (b) supply fans provide the air flow into the stairshafts described in Clause (2)(b), and (c) supply fans maintain an air flow into the building controlled in relation to outdoor air temperature, so that the total air flow into the building is substantially equal to the proportion of the air flow referred to in Clause (2)(a) shown in Graph 6 in Appendix A of this Chapter, but not less than the air flow obtained when the factor Fb equals 0.0025. (5) All openings in external walls and roofs, including vents to vertical service spaces other than those referred to in Sentence (7), have closures that will close as provided in Sentence (9). (6) All return and exhaust ducts more than 130 cm2 in cross-sectional area at the point of entry to a vertical service space are provided with dampers that will close on the floor on which fire occurs as required by Sentence (9), other than those covered by Sentence (7). (7) In order to achieve a reduction in air pressure on the floor on which fire occurs relative to that on other floors, means of venting each floor space to the outdoors are provided as described in Section 3. (8) Where a supply of air is required by Sentence (2), it is carried in ducts as described in Sentence (13) of Measure F. (b) pays pta (9) The central alarm and control facility required by NBC Article is provided with additional controls capable of (a) stopping main return and exhaust fans and maintaining the air flow in the supply systems as provided in Sentence (2), (b) closing the closures and dampers required in Sentences (5) and (6), and (c) opening closures to the vent openings on the fire floor as provided in Sentence (7). Measures I and J Partially Pressurized Buildings General Measures I and J are very similar to Measure H, except that they may be applied to buildings where windows may be open during normal use. They are thus particularly suitable for controlling smoke movement in residential buildings. Plans of typical buildings where Measures I and J are appropriate are shown in Figures 9 and 10. The central core, which includes exit stairshafts, elevator shafts and public corridors, is separated from the remainder of the floor areas. It is important that the leakage area of walls around the core be less than that of the exterior walls of the building. Measure Jis the same as Measure I, except that no provision is made in Measure J to limit smoke movement into upper floors by way of vertical shafts and ducts that are outside the core. leakage areas exceed those given in the notes to Graph 5, the air flow should be increased in direct proportion. Stack action and the operation of smoke control measures may produce pressures across certain doors that will interfere with their normal operation. This may apply to any door between a suite and a corridor that swings into the corridor and is farther above grade than the height shown in Graph 8 in Appendix A of this Chapter. Within a suite that is subdivided by partitions, the space that includes the vent to the outdoors described in Sentence (4) of Measure I should be in the same space as the door to the public corridor or linked to it by a leakage area of not less than 0.05 m 2 • Where a mechanical air supply is required by Sentence (2) of Measure I and Sentence (2) of Measure J, it may be desirable to heat the air supply and to provide two air intakes in separate locations on the building face as discussed in the general provisions to Measures F and G. Where Measure I is adopted and a fire is detected by an automatic device or a manual pull station is actuated, it is intended that a fire alarm will sound on all floors simultaneously, and that the occupants of the fire floor will walk down stairs to the street floor or to a safe intermediate floor area. Occupants of other floors may remain until advised to evacuate by the person operating the central alarm and control facility. Air is injected into the core so that the air pressure in the core at the ground floor is equal to exterior air pressure at the same leveL Provision of a vent to the outdoors in the fire suite will cause air to flow from ad jacent parts of the building into the fire suite. This is the only method, apart from Measure B, that enables smoke to be confined to the fire suite. Where Measure J is adopted and a fire is detected by an automatic device or a manual pull station is actuated, it is intended that a fire alarm will sound on all floors simultaneously, and that occupants of all floors will walk down stairs to the street floor or to a safe intermediate floor area. Where movement of smoke from floor to floor outside the central core is to be limited as in Measure I (but not J), all vertical service shafts, other than elevator shafts, penetrating floor areas must be sealed at intervals or vented to the outdoors at the top, as discussed in the general requirements of Measure D. Measure I (including restriction on the movement of smoke from floor to floor) (1) The requirements of Sentences (1), (2) and (3) of NBC Article may be met by incorporating the requirements in Sentences (2) to (10). (2) The building air handling system is designed and installed so that supply fans are capable of maintaining an air flow into the space that includes all required exit stairshafts, all shafts The air flow requirements in Graph 5 in Appendix A of this Chapter are based on the air leakage characteristics of typical corridor walls and doors. If the 101 pays containing elevators for fire fighters and public corridors, not less than that obtained from Graph 5 in Appendix A of this Chapter, when the outdoor air temperature is equal to the January design temperature on a 2.5 per cent basis. (3) Any vent at the top of a vertical service shaft within the central core and all other openings penetrating the space that includes the stairshafts, elevator shafts and public corridors are provided at the point of penetration with closures that will close in the event of a fire, as provided in Sentence (10). (4) Means of venting each fire compartment to the outdoors are provided by (a) an opening in an exterior walt such as an openable window or panel, having an openable area of not less than 0.4 m 2, (b) an opening into a smoke shaft, as described in Section 3, operated by a smoke detector, or (c) an exhaust system, such as a kitchen or washroom exhaust, that has an air flow to the outdoors of not less than 0.189 m 3 / s per fire compartment served, provided the exhaust system is designed to function as a smoke shaft and meets the relevant requirements of Section 3. (5) Where a closure is provided in an opening referred to in Clauses (4)(a) or (b) it will open (a) by operation of a fusible link, or (b) on a signal from a smoke detector in the room or suite. (6) A vertical service space that is outside the pressurized space referred to in Sentence (2) is provided with (a) a tight-fitting noncombustible seal or fire stop (D at the level of the floor immediately below the storey in which egress directly to the outdoors occurs, and (ii) at the level of certain other floors that are fire separations, provided the space between fire stops is not more than five storeys, or (b) a vent to the outdoors as described in Sentence (10) of Measure F. (7) Except as otherwise provided in Sentences (2) and (4), and except for exhaust from kitchens, 102 washrooms and bathrooms in dwelling units, air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in an air handling system that serves more than two storeys. (8) In an air handling system that is required to shut down by Sentence (7), supply, return and exhaust ducts more than 130 cm 2 in cross-sectional area at the point of entry to a vertical service space are provided with dampers that close when the air moving fans are stopped. (9) Where a supply of air is required by Sentence (4), it is carried in ducts as described in Sentence (13) of Measure F. (10) The central alarm and control facility required by NBC Article is provided with additional controls that are capable of (a) stopping return and exhaust fans, closing dampers in ducts and maintaining the air flow in the supply system to the space that includes stairshafts, elevator shafts and corridors as provided in Sentences (2) and (7), (b) (c) causing dampers and closures in the enclosing walls of the space that includes stairshafts, elevator shafts and corridors to close as required by Sentence (3), opening closures to vents in vertical service spaces where required by Sentence (6), (d) (e) opening closures in vents referred to in Sentence (4), individually or in groups limited to one floor at a time, and initiating the air flow in the exhaust system from any floor, where required by Clause (4)(c). Measure J (no restriction on the movement of smoke from floor to floor) (1) The requirements of Sentences (2) and (3) of NBC Article may be met by incorporating the requirements in Sentences (2) to (6). (2) The building air handling system is designed and installed so that supply fans are capable of maintaining an air flow into the space that includes all required exit stairshafts, all shafts containing elevators for fire fighters and public corridors, not less than that obtained from Graph 5 in pays Appendix A of this Chapter, when the outdoor air temperature is equal to the January design temperature on a 2.5 per cent basis. (3) Any vent at the top of a vertical service shaft within the central core, and all other openings penetrating the space that includes the stairshafts, elevator shafts and public corridors, are provided at the point of penetration with closures that will close in the event of fire, as provided in Sentence (4). (4) Except as otherwise provided in Sentence (2), and except for exhaust fans from kitchens, washrooms and bathrooms in dwelling units, air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in an air handling system that serves more than two storeys. (5) Where a supply of air is required by Sentence (2), it is carried in ducts as described in Sentence (13) in Measure F. (6) The central alarm and control facility required by NBC Article is provided with additional controls that are capable of (a) stopping return and exhaust fans and maintaining the air flow in the supply system to the space that includes stairshafts, elevator shafts and corridors as provided in Sentence (2), and (b) causing dampers and closures in the enclosing walls of the space that includes stairshafts, elevator shafts and corridors to close as required by Sentence (3). Measure K Buildings Vertically Divided General In Measure K a degree of protection for occupants is achieved by providing either a spatial separation or a fire separation between two parts of the building as shown in Figures 11 and 12. Under these conditions, except as subsequently noted, air pressures on either side of the division will be symmetrical and smoke should not pass from one side to the other. Smoke from fire in one part of the building may be expected to pass into the stairshafts, elevator shafts and floor areas on the fire side, while the equivalent spaces on the other side will remain smoke free. Vestibules and bridges are provided as means of access to refuge areas for occupants of floor areas in the part of the building that is exposed to fire and smoke. Vestibules or bridges are either vented to the outdoors or pressurized mechanically in order to prevent their acting as paths for the transmission of smoke. In vented vestibules below the neutral pressure plane of the building, air will normally flow from the vestibules to the floor areas and no smoke should enter the vestibules. In vestibules above the neutral pressure plane, air will flow from the floor area to the vestibule and thence to the outdoors. If a window breaks in the fire area, the pressure in the fire area will be the same as that in the vestibule and no smoke transfer should occur. Where vestibules are mechanically pressurized, the air flow will always be from the vestibule to the floor areas on either side, thus limiting the possibility of smoke entering the vestibule. Provision of an opening to the outdoors at the foot of a stairshaft will increase the air pressure in the shaft in winter and thus reduce the probability of entry of smoke from a floor on which a fire occurs. Where a dividing wall is used to separate the two parts of a building (Figure 12), breakage of a window in a fire compartment below the neutral pressure plane can be undesirable. The pressure in the fire compartment will increase to a level approximately the same as exterior pressure, and this may cause substantial smoke flow through the dividing wall from the fire side to the other side of the building. This consideration does not apply to a spatial separation as shown in Figure 11. Provisions have been included to allow windows below the mid-height of a building on the side away from a fire to be opened manually in order to bring the pressure in that space to the exterior pressure and to eliminate the pressure difference across the dividing wall. While the most efficient solution to the problem of moving occupants to a place of safety is to have bridges or connecting vestibules at each floor level, the requirements in Measure K are that such bridges or vestibules should be at intervals of not more than five storeys, and in the case of residential buildings more than 75 m high, the bridges or vestibules should be on each storey. The approaches to the 103 pays bridges or vestibules are by stairs and corridors whose width is controlled by Sentences (6) and (7) of Measure K. These provisions combine to enable all occupants to reach a place of safety in about three minutes. Stack action and the operation of smoke control measures may produce pressures across certain doors that will interfere with their normal operation. This may apply where a building has vestibules vented to the outdoors (a) at any door that swings into a vestibule from a floor space farther below the midheight of the building than the distance shown in Graph 8 in Appendix A of this Chapter, (b) at any door that swings out of a vestibule from a floor space that is farther above the mid-height of the building than the distance shown in Graph 8 in Appendix A of this Chapter, (c) at any door between a floor space and an elevator shaft that is farther above or below the mid-height of the building than the distance shown in Graph 8 in Appendix A of this Chapter, (d) at any door between a floor space and a stairshaft that is farther above grade than the height shown in Graph 8 in Appendix A of this Chapter. In a building that has vestibules that are pressurized, pressures that may interfere with the normal operation of doors may occur with any door between a vestibule and a floor space where the rate of air injection exceeds 0.165 m 3 / s for each weatherstripped door, or 0.33 m 3 / s for each door that is not weathers tripped, and any door between a floor space and an elevator shaft that is farther above or below the mid-height of the building than the height shown in Graph 8 in Appendix A of this Chapter. Where a mechanical air supply is required by Sentence (11) of Measure K, it may be desirable to heat the air supply and to provide two air intakes in separate locations on the building face as discussed in the general provisions to Measures F and G. Where Measure K is adopted and a fire is detected by an automatic device or a manual pull station is actuated in a smoke control region of the building, it 104 is intended that a fire alarm will sound on all floors in that smoke control region, and that the occupants on all floors will move through the dividing vestibules or bridges to the other smoke control region. Measure K (1) The requirements of Sentences (1), (2) and (3) of NBC Article may be met by incorporating the requirements of Sentences (2) to (17). (2) The building is designed as (a) (b) a structure divided into two smoke control regions by a continuous vertical fire separation that has a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for a floor in NBC Subsection 3.2.2., or two or more smoke control regions separated by spatial separations that conform to the provisions of NBC Subsection 3.2.3. (3) Bridges or vestibules are provided at intervals of not more than five storeys to permit movement of occupants from one smoke control region to the other, except that in the case of residential buildings more than 75 m high, the bridges or vestibules are located on each storey. (4) In each smoke control region referred to in Sentence (2), there is not less than one exit stairshaft and one elevator in a shaft that meets the requirements of NBC Article and that is not common to both smoke control regions. (5) The floor area on either side of a bridge or vestibule is of sufficient size to accommodate its own normal population, plus the occupants of the one to five storeys of the adjacent smoke control region who may have to enter the floor area during a fire emergency, assuming 0.5 m 2 per ambulatory person and 1.5 m 2 per non-ambulatory person. (6) The width of each bridge or vestibule and each connecting corridor and door on the same storey is sufficient to provide not less than 3.67 mm of width for each person who may have to use these passages to reach the floor area referred to in Sentence (5) from the adjacent smoke control region. (7) The width of each stair or ramp that provides access to a floor having a bridge or vestibule from intervening floors is sufficient to provide not less than 5.5 mm of width for each person who pays may have to use the stair to reach the bridge or vestibule referred to in Sentence (6). (8) Between each bridge or vestibule and public corridor is a fire separation that has a 45 min fire-resistance rating. (9) Between each bridge or vestibule and a floor area other than the public corridor referred to in Sentence (8), is a fire separation that has a fireresistance rating as required for exits in NBC Subsection 3.4.4. (10) Each door opening into a bridge or vestibule conforms to NBC Articles and and is suitably identified as an access to an area of refuge. (11 ) Each bridge or vestibule is provided with (a) a vent opening to the outdoors that has an open area not less than 1 m 2 and that may be provided with a closure that is openable manually, or (b) a mechanical air supply not less than that obtained from Graph 7 in Appendix A of this Chapter that will be initiated as provided in Sentence (17). (12) Where the building is divided into two smoke control regions by a fire separation as described in Clause (2)(a), each floor area below the mid-height of each smoke control region is provided with a vent opening to the outdoors that has an open area of not less than 1.5 m 2 and that is normally closed but can be opened manually. (13) Each stairshaft is vented to the outdoors as described in Sentence (4) of Measure A. (14) Except as provided in Sentence (11), and except for exhaust from kitchens, washrooms and bathrooms in dwelling units, air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in an air handling system that serves more than two storeys. (15) Floor areas below the lowest exit storey are divided by a fire separation that has a fireresistance rating not less than that required in Clause (2)(a) and is in a location corresponding to the fire or spatial separations required for upper storeys. Doorways protected by pressurized vestibules are provided in the separations as described in Clause (11)(b). (16) Where a supply of air is required by Sentences (11) and (15), it is carried in ducts as described in Sentence (13) of Measure F. (17) The central alarm and control facility required by NBC Article is provided with additional controls that are capable of (a) closing doors in fire separations required by Sentences (8), (9) and (15) between floor areas and vestibules, (b) initiating the mechanical air supply to the vestibules where required by Clause (11)(b) and Sentence (15), and (c) stopping air handling systems where required by Sentence (14). Measure L Areas of Refuge (smoke free areas) General Measure L is intended to provide refuge areas which occupants may enter during a fire. It may be used for buildings that have many openings between floors so that it is impracticable to confine smoke to one floor level. This measure is basically the same as described in Measure D, except that larger quantities of air must be injected into each area of refuge than into a comparable vestibule in order to maintain tolerable conditions for the occupants. A typical floor plan is shown in Figure 13. The area of refuge may include normally occupied space in the building, and because fire may occur in one of these spaces, provision is made for alternative groups of areas of refuge. Except in the case of Group C buildings more than 75 m high, areas of refuge may be provided on every fifth floor if the access routes are made wide enough to allow all occupants to reach the area of refuge within three minutes (see Figure 14). Stairshafts and elevators for fire fighters must be protected on intermediate floors by vestibules or by pressurization of the shafts. Stack action and the operation of smoke control measures may produce pressures across certain doors that will interfere with their normal operation. This may apply to any door between an area of refuge and 105 pays a floor space that is farther above grade than the height shown in Graph 8 in Appendix A of this Chapter. Between every area of refuge and the floor space the building should have a vent fitted with a selfclosing damper that will permit air to move from the area of refuge to the floor space but not vice-versa. It should have an openable area not less than 6 cm 2 for every 0.005 m 3 / s of air injected into the area of refuge in excess of that specified in Measure D for a pressurized vestibule. Where Measure L is adopted and a fire is detected by an automatic device or a manual pull station is actuated, it is intended that an alarm will sound on all floors simultaneously, and that occupants of all floors will move to areas of refuge distributed throughout the building and await instructions over the voice communication system. Where a mechanical air supply is required by Sentence (9) of Measure L, it may be desirable to heat the air supply and to provide two air intakes in separate locations on the building face, as discussed in the general provisions to Measures F and G. Measure L (1) The requirements of Sentences (1), (2) and (3) of NBC Article may be met by incorporate ing the requirements of Sentences (2) to (20). (2) Two independent groups of areas of refuge are distributed through the building so that there is an area of refuge in each group at least at every fifth storey, and each group is linked by a common exit stair to the exterior at grade. (3) On any floor area any area of refuge that has a door to an exit stair may also have a door to a elevator for fire fighters, but two exit stairs may not open on to the same area of refuge if no other vertical shaft is common to the two independent systems described in Sentence (2). (4) Each group of areas of refuge referred to in Sentence (2) can accommodate all the occupants of above grade storeys at the rate of 0.5 m 2 of floor area per ambulatory person or 1.5 m 2 per non-ambulatory person. (5) The width of corridors and doors leading to an area of refuge on the same storey is sufficient to 106 provide 3.67 mm of width for each person who Il1ay have to use these passages to reach the area of refuge. (6) The width of stairs or ramps leading to an area of refuge from intervening floors is sufficient to provide 5.5 mm of width for each person who may have to use the stairs or ramps to reach the area of refuge. (7) Between each area of refuge and a public corridor is a fire separation that has a 45 min fireresistance rating. (8) Between each area of refuge and a floor area other than the public corridor referred to in Sentence (7), is a fire separation that has a fireresistance rating as required for exits in NBC Subsection 3.4.4. (9) Each door opening into an area of refuge conforms to the provisions for doors in NBC Article and is suitably identified as an access to an area of refuge. (10) Each area of refuge is provided with a mechanical air supply not less than that required for a vestibule providing access to a stairshaft or an elevator shaft in Clause (5)(b) of Measure D, and obtained from Graph 3 in Appendix A of this Chapter, or not less than 0.002 m 3 / s for each occupant of the area of refuge during a fire emergency, whichever is greater. (11) Any door in an exit stairshaft or in a shaft that contains an elevator for fire fighters that does not open directly into an area of refuge is provided with a pressurized vestibule as described in Sentence (5) of Measure D, except where the stairshaft or elevator shaft is pressurized as described in Sentences (2) and (4) of Measure F. (12) Except as provided in Sentence (11), an elevator shaft that contains an elevator for fire fighters is provided with a pressurized vestibule as described in Sentences (2), (3) and (5) of Measure D or is pressurized as described in Sentence (4) of Measure F. (13) Any elevator shaft that contains an elevator for fire fighters or opens into an area of refuge and passes through the floor above the lowest exit storey does not penetrate the floor of the storey immediately below the lowest exit storey, except where there is a vestibule between the elevator door pays or doors and each floor area below grade as described in Sentence (3) of Measure D. (14) A stairshaft serving storeys above the lowest exit level is vented to the outdoors at or near the bottom of the stairshaft as described in Sentence (4) of Measure A. (15) A stairway serving storeys below the lowest exit level is protected as described in Sentence (3) of Measure A. (16) Each elevator shaft protected by a vestibule or area of refuge having a mechanical air supply as described in Sentences (9) and (10) has a vent at or near the bottom of the shaft opening directly to the outdoors or into a vestibule or corridor that has a similar opening to the outdoors having an openable area not less than 0.023 m 2 for every door into the shaft, other than doors at street floor level. (17) The vent at the bottom of an elevator shaft referred to in Sentence (16) may be provided with a closure which is openable manually and is designed to remain open during a fire emergency. (18) Except for air moving fans serving areas of refuge and vestibules as provided in Sentences (10), (11) and (12), and except for exhaust from kitchens, washrooms and bathrooms in dwelling units, air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in an air handling system that serves more than two storeys. (19) Where a supply of air is required by Sentences (10), (11), (12) and (15), it is carried in ducts as described in Sentence (14) of Measure F. (20) The central alarm and control facility required by NBC Article is provided with additional controls that are capable of (a) closing doors in fire separations required by Sentences (7) and (8) between floor areas and areas of refuge or vestibules, (b) stopping air handling systems as required by Sentence (18), (c) opening closures in vents to the outdoors in elevator shafts that may be required by Sentence (12), and (d) initiating the mechanical air supply to the areas of refuge, vestibules and shafts as may be required by Sentences (10), (11), (12) and (15). Measure M Residential Buildings with Balconies General In residential buildings the greater part of the requirements for control of smoke movement are waived where each suite has direct access to a balcony. The protective features are limited to stopping air handling systems, providing an opening to the outdoors at the foot of stairshafts serving upper floors and protection of stairshafts in storeys below grade. A typical arrangement is shown in Figure 16. Where Measure M is adopted and a fire is detected by an automatic device or a manual pull station is actuated, it is intended that occupants on the fire floor will evacuate if possible, and that occupants of other floors may remain in their suites to await instructions. Measure M (1) The requirements of NBC Sentence may be met by incorporating the requirements of Sentences (2) to (7). (2) A stairshaft serving storeys above the lowest exit level has a vent or door to the outdoors at or near the bottom of the stairshaft, as described in Sentence (4) of Measure A. (3) A stairway serving storeys below the lowest exit level is protected as described in Sentence (3) of Measure A. (4) Any elevator shaft that passes through the floor above the lowest exit storey does not penetrate the floor of the storey immediately below the lowest exit storey, except where there is a vestibule between the elevator door or doors and each floor area below grade as described in Sentence (3) of Measure D. (5) Except for exhaust from kitchens, washrooms and bathrooms in dwelling units, air moving fans are stopped during a fire emergency in an air handling system that serves more than two storeys. (6) Where a supply of air is required by Sentence (3), it is carried in ducts as described in Sentence (13) of Measure F. 107 pays (7) The central alarm and control facility required by NBC Article is provided with additional controls that are capable of (a) stopping air handling systems as required by NBC Sentence, and (b) initiating the mechanical air supply to stairshafts as may be required by Clause (3)(c). Measure N Connected Buildings General The measures described here are intended to prevent movement of smoke from one building to another. They are of particular significance where two buildings of unequal height are joined together. The techniques suggested are the provision of a large opening to the outdoors in a connecting vestibule so that smoke entering through leakage areas around doors will be vented to the outdoors, or pressurization to maintain a higher pressure in the vestibule than in adjacent spaces as illustrated in Figures 17 and 18. The requirements for protection of openings are described in terms appropriate to a doorway. Any other openings should be avoided if possible. Where they occur, they should be protected by the provision of an air lock that gives the same standard of protection as the vestibule described in Sentence (3). Measure N (1) The requirement of NBC Sentence that limits movement of smoke from one building to another may be met by incorporating in the link between the buildings the requirements in Sentences (2) and (3). (2) Between one building and the other is a firewall as described in NBC Subsection 3.1.10. (3) Any opening in the firewall is protected against passage of smoke by a vestibule described in Sentence (3) of Measure D and has (a) a vent to the outdoors that has a net area of 10(O.023d + 0.00045a) m 2, where d is the number of doors having a perimeter not more than 6 m that open into the vestibule, or if the perimeter of doors exceeds 6 m, the value of d is increased in direct 108 (b) proportion to the increase in the perimeter, and a is the area in square metres of enclosing walls, floors and ceilings whose outer face is in contact with the outside air, except that where the outer face of a wall is in contact with the ground or fill, it is assumed that there is no leakage through that portion, and the value of a is assumed to be zero, or equipment capable of maintaining a supply of air into the vestibule sufficient to ensure that the air pressure in the vestibule when the doors are closed is higher by at least 12 Pa than that in adjacent floor areas when the outdoor temperature is equal to the January design temperature on a 2.5 per cent basis. Section 3 Venting of Floor Areas (1) The requirements of NBC Sentence and of Measures H or I are met by incorporating in a floor area windows or wall panels as described in Sentence (2), by smoke shafts as described in Sentences (3) to (7) or by the use of building exhaust systems as described in Sentence (8). (2) Where windows or wall panels are used for venting as required in Sentence (1), they must (a) be uniformly distributed along the exterior wall of each storey, (b) have a total area of not less than one per cent of the exterior wall area of each storey, (c) be readily openable from the interior without the use of wrenches or keys, (d) be readily identified from the interior, and from the exterior where they are accessible to fire fighters, and (e) be designed so that when opened they will not endanger persons outside the building during a fire. (3) Where one or more smoke shafts or vertical service spaces are used for venting to meet the requirements of Sentence (1), they must (a) have an opening or openings into each storey with an aggregate area not less than I pays that obtained from Table 2 for the height of the shaft, the area of the largest floor area served by the smoke shaft and the leakage characteristics of the shaft wall and dampers obtained from Tables 3 and 4, (b) have an aggregate unobstructed crosssectional area equal to that provided in Clause (a), and (c) be designed to comply with the requirements of Sentence (4). (4) Each smoke shaft or vertical service space described in Sentence (3) must (a) be separated from the remainder of the building by a fire separation that has a fire-resistance rating at least equal to that required for the floor assembly through which it passes, or be designed as a chimney conforming to Part 6 of the National Building Code of Canada 1990, except that flue liners need not be provided, (b) have an opening to the outdoors at the top that has an area not less than the crosssectional area of the shaft which may be protected from the weather, (c) terminate not less than 900 mm above the roof surface where it penetrates the roof, and (d) contain no combustible material, fuel lines or services that are required for use in an emergency. (5) Each opening required by Clause (3)(a) must be located so that the top of the opening is not more than 250 mm below the ceiling, except that the opening may be above the ceiling if the ceiling freely allows passage of air and the opening into the smokeshaft is provided with a closure that (a) has a fire-protection rating conforming to NBC Sentence, except that the temperature on the unexposed face of the closure is not more than 250°C after 30 min during the fire test and there is no combustible material within the distances described in Table 5, and except that paint or tightly-adhering paper covering not more than 1 mm thick shall be exempted from these requirements when applied to a noncombustible backing, (b) can be opened from a remote location such as a stairshaft, the storey immediately below or the central alarm and control facility, and (c) must not open automatically on any floor, other than the fire floor, when smoke or hot gases pass through the shaft. (6) Closures for openings described in Clause 4(b) are to be openable from the outside and will open automatically on a signal from a smoke detector in the shaft, by operation of the fire alarm system and when a closure required in Sentence (5) opens. (7) A smoke shaft opening referred to in Sentence (2) or (3) that is less than 1070 mm above the floor must conform to NBC Article (8) In a sprinklered building the air handling system may be used for smoke venting provided (a) the system can maintain an exhaust to the outdoors at the rate of six air changes per hour from any floor area, and (b) emergency power to the fans required by (a) is provided as described in NBC Article (9) Where a damper is required by Sentence (5), the leakage area between damper components and between damper and frame must be not more than 3 per cent of the openable area of the damper. 109 pays 110 Table 2 Minimum Size of Vent Openings into Smoke Shafts from Each Floor Area, m2 (1,3) Building Height, m Floor Leakage 146 110 183 220 37 73 Area, m2 Area,%(2) 18 0.16 0.18 0.19 0.10 0.11 0.13 0.15 200 0.32 0.36 0.37 0.39 0.25 0.29 0.22 500 0.53 0.67 0.71 0.59 0.63 0.43 0.48 1 000 1.22 1.29 1.16 1.01 1.08 0.83 0.91 2 000 1.67 1.75 1.82 1.21 1.46 1.55 1.33 3 000 a 2.02 2.15 2.35 2.25 1.62 1.75 1.90 4 000 2.74 2.86 2.17 2.34 2.46 2.63 2.01 5 000 2.91 3.10 3.23 3.37 2.57 2.76 2.39 6 000 0.12 0.19 0.22 0.27 0.35 0.10 0.15 200 0.40 0.49 0.69 0.57 0.27 0.35 0.23 500 1.01 1.19 0.71 0.72 0.86 0.44 0.50 1 000 1.81 2.10 1.15 1.56 1.33 0.97 2 000 0.85 1 1.26 1.42 1.67 1.91 2.23 2.56 2.97 3 000 2.18 2.49 2.37 3.79 1.88 3.28 4 000 1.66 4.60 2.32 2.69 3.05 3.51 3.99 2.07 5 000 4.14 4.68 5.37 2.47 2.76 3.18 3.59 6 000 1.28 0.24 0.13 0.18 0.37 0.61 200 0.10 1.13 2.10 0.52 0.24 0.29 0.39 0.75 500 3.27 0.72 0.94 1.30 1.90 0.46 0.55 1 000 5.36 1.73 1.34 2.32 3.28 0.88 1.05 2 000 1.31 2.47 3.29 4.58 7.28 1.95 2 1.53 3 000 2.01 3.20 4.23 9.12 1.73 2.55 5.83 4 000 2.15 5.15 7.05 10.90 3.92 2.49 3.13 5 000 4.63 2.57 3.73 6.07 8.26 12.65 2.96 6 000 0.11 0.14 0.21 0.37 0.88 2.06 200 1.58 9.00 0.76 0.31 0.47 0.25 500 11.99 1.33 2.60 0.47 0.59 0.86 1 000 1.12 1.60 2.41 4.47 17.46 0.91 2 000 2.31 5.21 22.48 1.64 1.35 3.43 3 000 3 2.17 4.43 7.91 27.29 1.79 3.02 4 000 3.71 2.22 2.68 5.42 9.55 31.95 5 000 4.40 11.18 36.47 2.65 3.20 6.39 6 000 24.83 0.11 0.15 0.28 0.70 200 29.18 0.25 0.34 0.58 1.33 500 1.06 2.27 36.07 1 000 0.49 0.63 1.21 1.97 3.99 48.56 0.95 2 000 1.41 2.84 60.15 4 1.78 6.63 3 000 71.15 2.34 3.70 7.22 1.86 4 000 81.81 2.21 2.90 4.55 8.79 5 000 3.46 5.40 10.33 90.05 2.75 6 000 0.11 0.16 0.36 3.33 200 0.28 0.36 0.76 5.09 500 1.37 7.67 0.50 0.69 1 000 1.31 2.54 12.35 0.99 2 000 16.75 1.46 1.94 3.65 3 000 5 4.75 20.99 1.92 2.55 4 000 25.11 2.40 3.16 5.84 5 000 29.11 3.74 6.92 2.87 6 000 4 7 8 Column 1 5 6 9 2 3 256 0.20 0.41 0.75 1.34 1.90 2.44 2.88 3.47 0.43 0.83 1.43 2.48 3.47 4.40 5.32 6.20 4.60 6.11 8.29 12.14 15.63 19.97 22.15 25.39 293 0.22 0.43 0.77 1.39 1.97 2.53 3.07 3.58 0.55 1.04 1.73 2.95 4.08 5.16 6.21 7.23 89.57 94.50 102.11 116.80 130.83 144.03 157.05 169.29 10 11 pays ... Notes to Table 2: (1) The minimum size of a vent opening into a smoke shaft is obtained from Table 2 and is dependant on the floor area and total leakage area of the smoke shaft walls and dampers. This total leakage area may be estimated by adding the leakage areas for the shaft wall obtained from Table 3 and for the dampered openings obtained from Table 4 provided the cross-sectional area of the smoke shaft, the opening into the Table 3 Leakage Area of Smoke Shaft Wall Leakage Area as a Per Cent Wall Construction of Wall Area 0.5 Monolithic concrete 1.5 Masonry wall unplastered Masonry wall plastered 0.5 1.0 Gypsum board on steel studs r---2 Column 1 Table 4 Leakage Area of Dampered Openings in Smoke Shaft Leakage Area as a Per Cent Type of Damper (1) of Damper Area (2,3) 2.5 Curtain fire damper Single-blade fire damper 3.5 4.5 Multi-blade fire damper Column 1 2 (2) (3) shaft and the opening to the outdoors at the top of the shaft are equal. Leakage area is the total of the leakage area of smoke shaft wall obtained from Table 3 and the leakage area of dampered opening in smoke shafts obtained from Table 4. The size of the vent opening refers to the free or unobstructed area of the opening. Table 5 Minimum Distance from Damper to Combustible Material Area of Damper (1) Minimum Distance Minimum Distance m2 in Front of or to the Sides or Above Damper, m Below Damper, m 0.20 0.5 0.35 1.0 0.50 0.25 1.5 0.60 0.30 2.0 0.70 0.35 2.5 (2) 0.80 0.40 I 2 Column 1 3 Notes to Table 5: (1) For damper areas between those given in Table 5, interpolation may be used to determine the appropriate distances, For damper areas greater than 2.5 m2, the minimum distance in front of or above the damper shall be one half of the square root of the damper area, and the minimum distance to the sides or below the damper shall be one quarter of the square root of the damper area. Notes to Table 4: For descriptions of dampers refer to NBC Article (2) Values include allowance for 0.5 per cent leakage between frame and wall construction. (3) These leakage data contemplate clearances applicable to 'fire dampers which have been tested in accordance with CAN4-S112-M82, "Standard Method of Fire Test of FireDamper Assemblies." (1) 111 pays Appendix A to Chapter 3 Graphs for Applying Smoke Control Measures 100 100 90 a c u qIセ@ Q..c III '<-0) a セ@ III III 0)セ@ III III C 70 セcjI@ III 0) C CJ) a , a E U セ@ C 0) Cii 0)セ@ III 50 セR@ III C 60 50 .ou III 0) C CJ) 0) , Q.CJ) 40 a ::J Nセ@ 20 セ@ C 40 セ@ E U 30 10 30 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 0 200 250 300 0 Height of shaft, m Graph 1 Vent to a vertical service space where no other shaft in the building is pressurized Notes to Graphs 1 and 2: (1) Curve A applies to a vertical service space that is enclosed by unplastered unit masonry or by plaster and steel stud construction with all openings in the shaft sealed to the degree required by Articles to of the NBC 1990. (2) Curve B applies to a vertical service space that is enclosed by monolithic concrete or by plastered unit masonry with all openings in the shaft sealed tightly to minimize air leakage. 112 III aIII 60 70 a > ::J Nセ@ C,<0) .ou qNセ@ 80 Q..c c'<0) a 0) u 0) qIセ@ セcjI@ セR@ 90 80 0) > a c 50 100 150 200 250 300 Height of shaft, m Graph 2 Vent to a vertical service space where other shafts in the building are pressurized A shaft having a vent that is 100 per cent of the cross-sectional area of the shaft is acceptable for buildings up to 1.5 times the height shown by the appropriate curve in Graphs 1 and 2. (4) The total leakage area, based on measurements arrived at in typical high buildings, is assumed to be 0.025 m 2 for every 10m2 of shaft wall area in the case of Curve A and 0.015 m 2 for every 10m2 of shaft wall area in the case of Curve B. (3) I pays .... セM 0.25 __Mセ __ 0.20 LL"" c5 13 rn LL 0.15 0.10 セM@ o 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Height of building, m Graph 3 Factor for mechanical air supply to a vestibule Notes to Graph 3: (1) The air supply to each vestibule in cubic metres per second equals F3d + 0.071e + 0.094s where F3 is a factor obtained from Graph 3, d the number of doors having a perimeter not more than 6 m between each vestibule and a floor area, e = the number of doors having a perimeter not more than 6 m between each vestibule and an elevator shaft, and the number of doors having a perimeter s not more than 6 m between each vestibule and a stairshaft. The quantity uF3d + 0.071e + 0.094s" represents the total leakage from the vestibule. (2) (3) (4) (5) If the perimeter of a door exceeds 6 m, the value of d, e or s must be increased in direct proportion to the increase in the perimeter. A double leaf door is counted as two doors in this formula. A door provided with tight-fitting weatherstripping is counted as one half of a door. The height of the building is the number of metres between the roof and the floor level of the lowest basement floor. 113 pays 16 14 January design temperature 12 10 v LL c5 t5 til LL ッセM@ o 350 Height of shaft, m Graph 4 Factor for air supply to an elevator shaft Notes to Graph 4: (1) The air supply to each elevator shaft in cubic metres per second equals F/O.023d4 + 0.0014a 4) where F4 is the factor obtained from Graph 4 d 4 total number of doors having a perimeter not more than 6 m that open into the elevator shaft, and a 4 = area of enclosing walls of the shaft in square metres. The expression "O.023d 4+ O.0014a/, represents the total leakage area in the walls of the shaft. (2) If the perimeter of a door exceeds 6 m, the value of d 4 must be increased in direct proportion to the increase in the perimeter. 114 (3) (4) (5) (6) A double leaf door is counted as two doors in this formula. A door provided with tight-fitting weatherstripping is counted as one half of a door. If the enclosing walls of the shaft are of monolithic concrete or of unit masonry plastered on one side, the value of a 4 may be halved. If an elevator shaft is provided with vestibules on each floor, the enclosing walls considered in this formula may be taken as including those of the vestibules if it leads to an economy in air supply requirements. In this case d 4 above refers to doors between the vestibules and the floor areas and doors between the elevator shaft and the vestibules do not enter into the calculation. p ll.................................................................................................. セ」@ .. pays セ@ 0.007 January design temperature 0.006 0.005 オNセ@ <5 0.004 t) (\l u.. 0.003 0.002 0.001 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Height of building. m Graph 5 (4) Factor for air supply for building pressurization (5) Notes to Graph 5: (1) If Measure H is used, the air supply delivered to the whole building in cubic metres per second equals (2) (3) where is a factor obtained from Graph 5, and as area of all exterior wall surfaces of the building in square metres measured between ground level and underside of the roof. (Where the outer face of a wall is in direct contact with the ground or fill, it is assumed that there is no leakage through that portion, and the value of as is assumed to be zero.) Graph 5 is based on an air leakage rate of 0.003 m 31s per square metre of exterior wall at a pressure difference of 75 Pa, based on the measured leakage rate in high buildings having fixed windows and curtain wall panels. This is equivalent to a leakage area in exterior walls of 0.045 m 2 per 100 m 2 of wall area. If the leakage area in a building differs significantly from this, the air supply should be adjusted in direct proportion, (6) (7) (8) (9) The height of building is measured between the underside of the roof and the floor level of the lowest basement floor, If Measure I or J is used, the air supply delivered to the space that includes stairshafts, elevator shafts and corridors in cubic metres per second equals FS(a 6 + 51d6 ) where is a factor obtained from Graph 5 that is not less than 0.0025, a 6 = area in square metres of the walls enclosing the space that includes stairshafts, elevator shafts and associated corridors on all floors, and d 6 total number of doors having a perimeter not more than 6 m in the wall area described in a 6 , If the enclosing walls described above are of monolithic concrete or of unit masonry plastered on one side, the value of a6 may be halved. If the perimeter of a door exceeds 6 m, the value of d 6 must be increased in direct proportion to the increase in the perimeter, A double leaf door is counted as two doors in this formula. A door provided with tight-fitting weatherstripping is counted as a one half of a door. 115 pays 1.0 0.8 January design temperature 0 セ@ t3 0.6 c 0 t5:::J "0 セ@ セ@ 0 0.4 u: 0.2 -40 -30 -20 -10 10 20 30 Outdoor temperature, °C Notes to Graph 7: Graph 6 Flow reduction factors (1) 2.0 セMイG@ J!2 E 1 .5 セ@ :::J ..0 セ@ (2) Q) > ..c u m 1.0 .8 (3) 0.5 (4) ッセM@ o 50 100 150 200 250 Height of building, m Graph 7 Air supply to vestibule in a vertically divided building 116 300 350 (5) Curve A shows the air supply to each vestibule in cubic metres per second for a vestibule that has four doors (or two double doors), each door having a perimeter of not more than 6 m, between the vestibule and the floor areas on either side of the building. Curve B shows the air supply to each vestibule in cubic metres per second for a vestibule that has two single doors, each door having a perimeter of not more than 6 m, between the vestibule and the floor areas on either side of the building. If the perimeter of a door exceeds 6 m, the air supply must be increased in direct proportion to the increase in the perimeter. If the doors are provided with tightfitting weatherstripping, the air supply may be halved. The height of building is the distance between the roof and the floor level of the lowest basement floor. L pays 75 セMイ@ 60 E .E 45 OJ '0:; I 30 15 セM -50 -45 -40 -35 -30 - 25 -20 - 15 10 -5 January design temperature, °C Graph 8 Height of the shaft relative to grade, or the neutral pressure plane at which pressure across a door may exceed 95 Pa 117 pays Appendix B to Chapter 3 Assumptions Used in Developing Fire Safety Measures The objectives of the measures for fire safety in high buildings are (a) to provide for the safety of the occupants of a building, either by maintaining the tenability of the occupied floor spaces during the period of a fire emergency or by making it possible for occupants to move to a place of safety, (b) to maintain tenable conditions in which occupants may remain in exit stairs leading from floor spaces to the outdoors, and (c) to maintain tenable conditions in elevators that can be used to transport fire fighters and their equipment from the street floor to the floor immediately below the fire floor. It is assumed that the fire fighters will use one of the protected stairshafts referred to in (b) to walk up to the fire floor from the floor below. The first of these objectives may be met by the evacuation of all occupants to the outdoors in from seven to ten minutes, by the movement of occupants to safe areas within the building in from three to five minutes (as in Measures C, E, G,], K, Land M) or by maintaining the tenability of all floor areas except those on the fire floor and the floor above the fire floor (as in Measures A, B, 0, F, H and I). The requirements in the National Building Code covering wid ths of exits and travel distances to exits make it possible for occupants of a floor on which a fire occurs to leave that floor within one or two minutes provided their escape route is not cut off by the fire. The objectives of the measures are to maintain certain spaces substantially smoke free for a significant period of time during a fire emergency, and hence some criterion of tenability is called for. The criterion for long term tenability is that a space shall not include more than one per cent by volume of the contaminated atmosphere from the fire region. The criterion of tenability is based on visibility and carbon monoxide concentration. 118 Mechanisms of Smoke Movement in Buildings Movement of a smoky atmosphere within a building is not significantly different from that of a normal atmosphere at the same temperature. The principal constituent of both atmospheres is nitrogen. The fact that the concentrations of other component gases will differ and that a smoky atmosphere will contain particulate matter will not influence its overall density to an extent that will significantly affect its movement. The mechanisms to be discussed do, therefore, relate to the movement of a smoky atmosphere as well as a normal atmosphere. Air Circulating Systems An obvious mechanism for the dispersal of smoke within a building is the recirculating air handling system. Assuming that the system has been competently designed, the approximate extent of the recirculation under any particular circumstances is known, and hence the build-up in any area of contamination can be predicted. Effect of Wind Exterior winds create pressure differentials within buildings, which lead to internal air movement, principally horizontal. Some upward movement also results, however, from the non-uniformity of the wind profile up the side of a building. In addition, if one side of the building is facing the wind, only that face will be subjected to a positive pressure, the remainder being subjected to negative pressure. Expansion Another smoke movement mechanism, which is of considerable significance during the early stages of any fire that is not well vented to the outdoors, is the expansion process associated with heating. The leakage characteristics of virtually any building are such that the rate of temperature rise occurring in the fire region cannot create pressure differentials greater pays .... than about 250 Pa (gauge). Instead, the volume of the atmosphere increases linearly with absolute temperature. During the development of a fire in a compartment, absolute temperature may be expected to triple, and the volume of gas will increase by approximately the same factor. At least two-thirds of the original atmosphere in the fire region will, therefore, be displaced by this mechanism. warm air cold air neutral Generation of gases as a result of combustion has also been considered. The volume created by this phenomenon cannot, however, exceed 20 per cent of the original volume, and is not likely to be significant compared to expansion due to temperature rise. Stack Effect Whenever a temperature differential exists between the interior and exterior of an enclosure, a phenomenon known as stack or chimney effect prevails. Figure B-1 illustrates the case where the interior temperature is higher than the exterior, and there is an inflow of cold air at low levels and a corresponding outflow at high levels. This effect can result from building heating and from temperature differentials created by the fire itself and is particularly important in Canadian buildings because of the cold winter conditions. The pressure differentials generated by stack effect can be calculated by considering the densities of the internal and external atmospheres. Figure B-1 represents a simplified model in which air flows in at a low level and out at a high level, while there is an intermediate level where there is no pressure differential between interior and exterior. This level is referred to as lithe neutral pressure plane." Taking the pressure at the neutral plane as Po, the pressures at the lower or upper openings can be derived, for they are associated with the weights of the columns of gas above them. The resulting expression for the pressure difference across the lower opening is where op = pressure difference, hl is defIned in Figure B-1, To = absolute outdoor temperature, h, I L==J> Figure B·1 e Pe g Stack action difference between indoor and outdoor temperature, = density of indoor air, and acceleration due to gravity. Substituting H (h 1 + h) will give the total of the pressure head (the sum of the pressure differentials across the upper and lower openings) generated by stack effect. Importance of Mechanisms Responsible for Smoke Movement Expansion due to heating of the atmosphere in a fire compartment is largely a transient phenomenon occurring at the development stage of a fire. Twothirds of the atmosphere of the fire region is likely to be displaced and, if the region were not vented to the exterior, there could be a significant movement of smoke laden atmosphere to other parts of the building. Dispersed evenly throughout the building, and taking into account leakage to outdoors, this displaced atmosphere could render untenable a space equal to about 50 times that of the fire region. Pressures Due to Stack Effect In discussing the steady state conditions responsible for smoke movement, total pressure heads generated may be compared. These pressure heads are tabulated in Table B-1 together with the flow rates that they will create beneath a typical door having a 119 pays Table 8·1 Magnitudes of Pressures Developed by Thermal and Wind Effects Height of Flow Heated Compartment, m Wind Beneath BOO°C Pressure Speed Door with Gap 50°C above Head,Pa km/h 900 x 12.5 mm above ambient m3/s ambient I (i.e,. on fire) 2.9 10.3 23 0.045 25 0.064 5.B 20.6 50 33 0.100 125 14.5 51.6 52 29.1 0.142 103.3 73 250 104 I 0.201 5B.2 206.4 500 4 Column 1 2 5 3 free space of 900 mm x 12.5 mm beneath it. In Columns 2 and 3, the total head given by stack action resulting from a fire in a single storey is also given by stack action associated with building heating during cold weather in a building three to four storeys high. Assuming that a building is compartmented, fire other than one in a shaft should be confined to a single storey. The total pressure head generated by the fire is thus not likely to exceed about 25 Pa. As buildings are generally heated in their entirety, stack effect associated with building heating can give a total head significantly more than 25 Pa if the building is more than about four storeys high. Thus combating stack action associated with building heating in high buildings is likely to pose more of a problem than combating stack action directly associated with a fire. In high buildings emphasis should be placed on the building heating rather than the fire stack action problem. Effect of Wind Column 4 of Table B-1 indicates that pressures resulting from winds can be substantial. As mentioned earlier, the greater part of the resulting airflow is horizontal. This does not create as great a hazard as vertical movement via the shafts in a building. An upward flow does exist, however, and its effect is virtually identical to that of stack action associated with building heating. Combating the latter will, therefore, take account of the more hazardous influence of winds. 120 Contribution of Air Handling Systems The effect of recirculating air handling systems is not shown in Table B-1, but it is substantial and hence it must be considered when smoke control techniques are being devised for buildings including such systems. Significance of Smoke Movement Mechanisms Given the considerations just discussed, the most significant smoke movement mechanisms to be combated are (1) operating recirculating air-handling systems, (2) the expansion process occurring during the initial stages of a fire, and (3) stack action associated with building heating. Techniques for Avoiding Widespread Smoke Contamination Techniques for avoiding widespread smoke contamination in a high building can be divided into the following categories: (1) Avoidance of any significant fire. The first approach in this category is to exclude or limit combustible materials from a building. Calculations of air movement due to stack effect have indicated that the destruction by fire of very small quantities of combustible material can produce enough smoke to produce untenable conditions in upper floors and vertical shafts of a high building. Limits on the use of smoke producing materials are thus unlikely to be adequate as a sole means of smoke control. Automatic extinguishment of a fire can also be considered as an approach to limiting smoke generation provided the quantity of combustibles destroyed is held within strict limits. (2) Compartmentation. Where a floor area is divided into a number of fire compartments, the potential size of a fire will be limited to the contents of one compartment. In addition there will be, in some circumstances, dilution of smoke moving from the fire compartment to other floors. Where the fire occurs below the neutral plane, in cold weather the path of smoke travel may be along a corridor to stairshafts and elevator shafts. In this pays case the smoke in the corridor will be diluted by clean air coming from other compartments. In an ideal situation (uniform compartments, no expansion and no wind), dilution of the smoke laden air will be in proportion to the number of compartments. Breaking of a window in the fire compartment will, however, increase the pressure in that space and will reduce the effect of dilution. Where smoke travel occurs through a vertical shaft from a compartment involved in fire to higher compartments, the level of contamination will not be related to the number of units on one floor, but will likely be restricted to units on other floors that are ad jacent to the vertical shaft. The result of compartmentation is, therefore, likely to be beneficial, but does not eliminate the need for smoke control measures. (3) Location of shafts outside the building envelope. The vertical transfer of smoke to the upper storeys of a building from fire on a lower storey occurs largely by the vertical shafts in the building rather than through the floors, about 95 per cent or more in the case of a typical20-storey building. Separation of the shafts from the building would thus largely solve the problem. This approach constitutes one of the suggested methods of smoke control. (4) Dilution. Dilution by a factor of about 100 of the smoke gases issuing from a fire region will provide a tenable atmosphere. This feature could form the basis of a smoke control method, air being injected into the building at appropriate rates at those locations where smoke is being discharged from the fire region into adjacent parts of the building. When cold weather conditions are considered, however, dilution alone is not likely to be very practical. In general, it would be better if the injection of air were directed to modifying the pressure pattern within a building in order to limit any undesirable movement of smoke. Dilution as a means of reducing smoke contamination should, nevertheless, be considered as an important secondary factor governing a designer's choice of smoke control method. Its importance is in dispersing contamination that might develop as a result of delay in implementing smoke control measures, or of other occurrences such as the opening of a number of doors that might interfere with the operation of a smoke control measure. The amount of air required to dilute a contaminated atmosphere to a tenable level can be calculated approximately. If no mixing were to occur between the contaminated and the clean air, and the contaminated air were to move out ahead of the clean air, one volume of the clean air injected into a compartment would prod uce a smoke free atmosphere. In practice, however, some mixing does occur. If perfect mixing is assumed in a compartment that has reached a level of contamination equivalent to that of the fire compartment, and no more smoke is entering, the amount of clean air needed to create the one per cent tenable atmosphere discussed would be five times the volume of the compartment. If, however, we are considering a compartment isolated from the fire compartment by a fire separation and self closing doors, it is more reasonable to assume that the level of contamination likely to occur is about one-fifth of that in the fire compartment. In these circumstances, injection of three volumes of clean air would be sufficient to produce a tenable atmosphere. If clean air is injected at the rate of one volume every two minutes, the atmosphere in the compartment would be satisfactory in about six minutes. These figures are based on the expression c coe at where Co = initial concentration of contaminant, c final concentration of contaminant, a rate of diluent air flow in number of air changes per minute, time in minutes between occurrence of initial and final concentration, and e 2.718. Based on this calculation, assuming perfect mixing of the contaminated air and the diluent air, c/ Co = 0.368 after injection of one volume of clean air, 0.135 after injection of two volumes of clean air, 0.050 after injection of three volumes of clean air, 0.018 after injection of four volumes of clean air, and 121 pays 0.007 after injection of five volumes of clean air. (5) Adjustment of pressure differential distribution. This category of smoke control technique involves modification of the pressure pattern within the building. The pressure distribution within a building is illustrated by the pressure characteristic diagrams in Figure B-2. The graphs represent in an exaggerated manner, the pressure differences between floor areas, shafts and exterior at the same height above ground. The pressure difference shown amounts to little more than 500 Pa, whereas the total pressures involved are about 100 kPa. The graphs do relate pressure to heights, and thus cannot be used to determine pressure difference between one floor and another at a different height. Given any set of characteristics as in Figure B-2, the important feature is that, during cold weather, air flow from one region to another at the same level will be towards the region that is at a lower pressure. In the typical building whose characteristics are illustrated, smoke generated at a low level will flow into shafts, up through the shafts and out into floor spaces at the higher levels. Shafts provide the major paths for the spread of smoke within a building, so one should note the effect of venting on their characteristics. Figure B-3 shows the characteristics of a simple heated shaft under three different venting arrangements, the second and third (Figures B-3(b) and B-3(c» having obvious advantages in controlling smoke movement in buildings. In Figure B-3(b) the shaft is vented to the outdoors at the top, and smoke entering the shaft at any level would not leave it until it reached the top opening. If a corresponding condition were established within a building, the shaft would, therefore, not constitute a path for the transmission of smoke from low level to high level floor spaces. In Figure B-3(c) the shaft is vented to the outdoors at the bottom, fresh air enters the shaft at the lowest level and leaves it through any leakage area at any other level in the shaft. Such a condition for a shaft in a building would be most valuable, for as well as being eliminated as a path for smoke dispersal, the shaft also has a clear atmosphere. These conditions, however, may not be sustained long as the atmosphere in the shaft will 122 floor areas pressure difference between floor and outside air Seclion through building showing airflow Figure B·2 Pressure characteristics lower Higher Pressure characteristics of a typical building 1:: OJ iii :r: (a) Vented top and bottom (b) Top vented (c) Bottom vented Figure B·3 Shaft characteristics pays F cool as a result of the influx of cold air, and the characteristic will approach that of the exterior atmosphere. Injection of warm air into the shaft is necessary to maintain these conditions over a prolonged period. Where a smoke control method is concerned with changing the pressure pattern within a building, many of the measures involved are based on the preceding concept of changing the pressure characteristic of a shaft. Since shafts are the principal paths by which smoke disperses throughout a building, the aim will be either to decrease or to increase shaft pressures substantially. 80th measures will eliminate vertical smoke transfer by the shaft between floor spaces. Top venting the shaft as in Figure 8-3(b) or use of mechanical exhaust to approach these pressure characteristics will, however, also result in the entry of smoke into the shaft, while pressurizing the shaft, such as by mechanical injection, will maintain a tenable atmosphere in the shaft. (6) Smoke shafts. A smoke shaft differs from a vented service shaft in that an opening is provided into the shaft from the fire floor in addition to the opening to the outside at the top of the shaft. Until windows in outer walls are broken, a smoke shaft alone can be an effective means of limiting movement of smoke into other floors and shafts. In cold weather, the shaft air is warmer than the outdoor air and the shaft will begin to function as a vent as soon as the dampers are opened. During warm weather there will be some delay, as the smoke shaft cannot function as a vent until hot air has entered the shaft as a result of initial expansion in the fire region. The pressure conditions that prevail during cold weather are shown in Figure 8-4. The air pressure on the fire floor, having an opening into the smoke shaft, is below that in adjacent unvented shafts and adjacent floor areas. Air flow will be from the adjacent floor areas and shafts into the fire floor, and from the fire floor into the smoke shaft. If, however, a window is broken on a fire floor at a lower level, the air pressure in the fire region will be increased to approximately that of outdoor air at the same level. Smoke may then flow into stairshafts and elevator shafts and adjacent floor areas. During warm weather, breaking of a window will allow venting of smoke to the outdoors for a fire on any floor, except when wind is blowing towards the open window. In Floor セエ@ Mセ@ ,, ,, \ Mセ@ Mセ@ \ \ \ ideal' F=-=-=i セ@ _ Fire floor __0 J:-+-: セ@ J--+---j - -- Section through building showing airflow Figure 8-4 セ@ pressure in smoke shaft wl!hc,P T opening;-to fire \ ヲャセッイ@ Pressure characteristics Lower Higher Pressure differences produced by a smoke shaft this event, breaking of the window will cause the action of the smoke shaft to be overwhelmed. The smoke shaft, therefore, is not fully effective as a sole method of smoke control in a floor area with windows, but can be used in conjunction with building pressurization as part of a smoke control method. The size of a smoke shaft is related to conditions to be established in the event of a fire at a lower level of the building and is dependent on the leakage characteristics of the building. Any increase in the air leakage through the walls of the building and the shafts requires a corresponding increase in the size of the smoke shaft. In Figure 8-4 the idealized smoke shaft pressure characteristic is indicated by a dotted line and assumes no pressure losses inside the shaft. As the smoke shaft is open to the outside at the top, pressure at the top level of the smoke shaft is equal to that of outside air. Assuming an air temperature inside a smoke shaft equal to that of the building, as may occur in the case of a small fire, the slope of the smoke shaft pressure characteristic is the same as those of the vented shafts. In Figure 8-4 the total pressure (APT) acting across the vent opening at the bottom is represented by the horizontal distance between floor space and smoke shaft pressure characteristics. The value of APT is about one half of the total pressure head generated by stack action over the height of the building. The values of APT are plotted against building height 123 pays for various outside temperatures in Figure B-5. The movement of air through the smoke shaft causes a decrease in building pressures, which results in the shifting of the floor space pressure characteristic to the left in the pressure diagram. This results in セ@ lower effective value of セー@ T' The values of セー@ T In Figure B-5 have been adjusted to take this factor into account. So far it has been assumed that no pressure losses occur inside the smoke shaft. Friction, momentum and dynamic pressure losses can, セッキ・カイL@ occur inside the smoke shaft, as a result of aIr flow through the open vent of the fire floor, as well as through leakage openings in the walls of the smoke shaft. The smoke shaft pressure characteristic including pressure losses is also ウィッセョ@ in Figure B-4 as a solid line. The actual pressure dIfference across the open smoke vent セー@ is less than セー@ T' the differrepresenting the presence between the two カセゥオ・ウ@ sure losses inside the smoke shaft. The flow requirement to achieve the desired venting action depends on the pressure differences across the fire floor enclosure caused by stack action, and on the air tightness of the various interior and exterior. ウ・ーセイ。ᆳ tions of the building. The flow rates shown In FIgure B-6 were calculated initially for a 20-storey building having a floor plan measuring 36 m by 36 m, with assumed leakage through walls and floors consistent with the results of air movement measurement obtained in several multi-storey buildings. Extrapolation was made for buildings of various heights, floor areas and outside temperatures using the following relationships: (1) QV is proportional to FA, (2) QV is proportional to (H)l/2, and (3) QV is proportional to (Ti - To)I/2 To where QV is the required flow rate through the floor vent of the smoke shaft, FA is the flow area of a typical floor, H is the height of building, T is the indoor absolute temperature, and TIo is the outdoor absolute temperature. A number of other considerations may have to be taken into account in applying measures for control of smoke movement. 124 500 Mセイ⦅@ Outside temperature 400 300 a:l Il.. 0: <J 200 100 ッセM@ o 50 100 150 200 250 300 Height of building, m Figure B·5 Available total pressure versus building height (7) Make-up air. In the case of smoke control systems that depend on a supply of.make-u.p 。セイ@ from outside the building for pressurIzatIon or dIlutIon, the air intakes should be located so that there is little possibility of smoke or other products of combustion being drawn into the air handling system. The source of the smoke could be a fire in the building. The smoke could reach the air intakes as a result of siting the intakes close to the discharge from a smoke shaft or as a result of wind patterns directing smoke that has been vented out through the building envelope towards the intakes. Other sources of smoke are vents from fuel fired equipment, including furnaces and emergency electricity generators, and fire in an adjacent part of a building separated from the building under consideration by fire separations and vestibules, as would occur in the use of Measure K. Air intakes located near ground level should be sited so that exhausts from emergency and other vehicles are not likely to be drawn into the air handling system. L pays 12.0 ...--.....,..--...,...--..,.--.......,r---....,..----, outside temperature 10.0 8.0 セ@ E セ@ a) 6.0 セ@ o u:: when the pressure across a door exceeds 100 Pa. Pressure differences of this magnitude may occur in cold weather where a door communicates with a space that is substantially at outdoor air pressure. This commonly occurs at the entrance doors to high buildings during normal use. The problem is resolved in this case by use of revolving doors or by special hinges which permit the door to rotate about the centre until a sufficient opening is formed to relieve the pressure on the door. It may also occur when windows on a fire floor are broken or where vestibules vented to the outdoors are employed, as in Measure D in Section 2. Situations where such problems may arise are indicated in the explanatory notes to each smoke control measure. Explosions in Smoke Shafts 4.0 Note: Values are for floor area of 2000 m2, for other areas adjust values in proportion 2.0 ッセM@ An explosion may occur in a smoke shaft during a fire. The maximum over-pressure predicted on the basis of a British report would probably not exceed about 16.5 kPa. This has been considered, and because it is a somewhat remote possibility, no special precautions are recommended. a 50 100 150 200 250 300 Height of building, m Figure 8·6 Required venting capacity of smoke shaft Breaking of Windows on the Fire Floor Where the room in which a fire occurs has windows, they will probably be broken at a fairly early stage. This will result in a change of pressure in the fire region to substantially that of outdoor air pressure at that level. In Figure B-2, for a fire at a low level in the building during cold weather, breaking of windows will greatly increase the pressure in the region involved. As a result more smoke may be expected to pass into adjacent floors and vertical shafts. This has been taken into consideration in the measures described in Section 2. Pressures Across Doors Problems may occur where air pressures across typical hinged doors and sliding elevator doors interfere with their normal use. This may occur Pressure Drop in Stairs Recent studies have shown that air supply requirements for stairwells with an open door at grade level can cause a substantial pressure drop due to friction. If the air is injected only at the top of particular designs of stairwell in a high building, a non-uniform pressure distribution over the height of the stairshaft may occur. This may produce an undesirably high pressure differential across stairwell doors at high levels. This problem may be avoided by injection of the air at several levels rather than only at the top. Warm Weather Conditions The smoke control techniques have been developed to function under cold weather conditions; their performance under warm weather conditions has, however, been carefully considered. Undesirable pressures may be created across certain doors, and certain spaces such as a stairshaft may be contaminated when the door to the outdoors is open. Where air injection is used, modulation of the supply with exterior temperature can be a solution to the problem, although such action reduces the effect of the air supply in diluting transient smoke contamination. 125 pays Where no interior-exterior temperature differential exists, building heating does not cause stack action and its influence as a smoke movement mechanism disappears. Assuming air handling systems to be shut down, expansion becomes a major factor in spreading smoke throughout a building. Under these conditions the influence of a simple vent opening in an external wall can be readily assessed. Flow through all openings in the walls around the fire region will be roughly in proportion to their area. If the area of the vent to the exterior is ten times the area of the openings communicating to the remainder of the building, only about ten per cent of the displaced smoke laden atmosphere will pass into other parts of the building. During cold weather, expansion may be responsible for a slight overall increase in pressure of about 25 Pa in the fire region for about 20 minutes. 126 pays f Appendix C to Chapter 3 Check of a Smoke Control System The efficiency of a smoke control system may be checked by measuring pressure differences and the directions of air flow around doors and through separating walls of compartments. A pressure roeter can be used to measure pressure differences on either side of a door or partition. Where this is impracticable, a punk stick held near a crack will give an indication of the direction of air flow. Measurements of air flow may be taken on the intake side of supply fans or in supply ducts to determine whether the specified air flow is being provided. In general, air flow should be from the spaces which may be occupied during a fire emergency (e.g., stairshafts) toward the space in which the fire is assumed to have occurred. For each method of smoke control measurements may be taken at certain critical locations to check the overall efficiency of the system. In buildings designed by Measure H, C, D or E, where protection is obtained by venting corridors or vestibules to the outdoors, inspection of the building to determine whether the requirements have been met should be sufficient. In buildings incorporating Measure H, C, D, E, F or G, service shafts may be vented to the outdoors at the top. In this case a check may be made of the wall between the shaft and the uppermost occupied floor areas, to ensure that the direction of flow is from each floor area into the shaft, when the vent to the outside is open and the outdoor air temperature is significantly less than that indoors. In a building incorporating Measure D or E, where mechanically pressurized vestibules are used, and in a building incorporating Measure L, a check may be made to ensure that the pressure in each vestibule or area of refuge is greater than that in the adjacent floor areas at each floor level. In a building incorporating Measure F or G, the efficiency of a protected elevator shaft can be checked by using a meter to measure pressure differences between the shaft and the outdoors at grade, before and after actuation of the air injection system. The difference between the two readings gives the mechanical pressurization of the shaft, which should be at least equal to one half of the calculated pressure difference caused by stack action over the height of a building for the January design temperature and the design flow rate specified in Sentence (4) of Measure F or Sentence (4) of Measure G. Where the air flow is modulated, the mechanical pressurization should vary between 50 Pa when the outdoor temperature is equal to that indoors, and one half of the pressure difference noted above when the outdoor temperature is equal to the January design temperature. Flow rates into the elevator shaft may be checked against that specified in Sentence (4) of Measure F and Sentence (4) of Measure G. Stairshafts may be checked with the air injection system operating and the door or vent to the outdoors open. Flow rate through the shaft should be equal to that required by Sentence (2) of Measure F and Sentence (2) of Measure G. Top vented service shafts may be checked as described for a building incorporating Measure H, C, DorE. In a building incorporating Measure H, the efficiency of the system may be checked by measuring pressure differences between floor areas at grade and outdoors before and after actuation of the air injection system. The magnitude of the mechanical pressurization is obtained as described above in the case of elevator shafts in a building incorporating Measure F or G and should be equal to half the pressure difference caused by stack action over the height of the building for the January design temperature and the design flow rate specified in Sentence (2) of Measure H. The effect of modulating air flow for different temperature conditions is also as described for elevator shafts. Flow rates into the building may be checked against those required in Sentence (2) of Measure H. A check may be made on each floor individually, with the air injection system operating and the damper to the smoke shaft or panel to the outdoors open. Under these circumstances, air flow should be from the stairshafts, 127 pays elevator shafts and service shafts into the floor area that has a damper or panel open. References In a building incorporating Measure I or J, pressure differences should be measured between the central core at grade and a suite that has a number of windows open to the outdoors before and after actuation of the air injection system. The magnitude of mechanical pressurization is obtained as described above in the case of elevator shafts in a building incorporating Measure For G and should be equal to one half of the pressure difference caused by stack action over the height of the building for the January design temperature and design flow rate specified in Sentence (2) of Measure I. The effect of modulating air flow for different temperature conditions is also as described for elevator shafts. Flow rates into the central core may be checked against those required in Sentence (2) of Measure I. General In a building incorporating Measure K, inspection should indicate whether or not there is a continuous separation between two parts of the building, extending from the roof through storeys below grade. Where pressurized vestibules are used, a check may be made to ensure that the direction of air flow is from each vestibule into adjacent floor areas at each level. The check should also be made on a low level floor with the floor space vents referred to in Sentence (12) of Measure K, or other windows in the two halves of the building open on that floor. This represents the condition when the fire has broken windows in one half of the building and the compensating vent in the other half of the building has been opened manually. In a building incorporating Measure L, the method of checking is the same as in a building incorporating Measure 0 or E, except that flow rates into areas of refuge should be measured to ensure that they meet the requirements of Sentence (9) of Measure 1. Doors to stairshafts, elevator shafts and vestibules that are indicated in the notes relating to each measure as being in locations subject to pressure differences that may interfere with normal opening should be checked when the outdoor temperature is near the January design temperature, with the air injection system operating and a number of windows open to the outdoors on each floor in turn. 12B (1) High-Rise Building Fires and Fire Safety. Fire Journal and Fire Technology, NFPA No. SPP18, 1972, 164 pp. (2) N.B. Hutcheon, Safety in Buildings. CBD 114, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Otta wa, June 1969. (3) M. Galbreath, Fire in High Buildings. DBR Fire Study No. 21, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, April 1968. NRCC 10081. (4) G.W. Shorter, Fire in Tall Buildings. Fire Fighting in Canada, October 1967. Evacuation (5) M. Galbreath, Time of Evacuation by Stairs in High Buildings. Fire Fighting in Canada, February 1969. (6) J.1. Pauls, Evacuation and Other Fire Safety Measures in High-Rise Buildings. ASHRAE Trans., Vol. 81, Part 1, 1975, pp. 528-533. Smoke Movement and Control (General) (7) A.G. Wilson and G.W. Shorter, Fire and High Buildings. Fire Technology, Vol. 6, No.4, November 1970, pp. 292-304. NRCC 11789. (8) J.H. McGuire, G.T. Tamura and A.G. Wilson, Factors in Controlling Smoke in High Buildings. ASHRAE Symposium Bulletin, January 1970, pp. 8-13. NRCC 12016. (9) N.B. Hutcheon and G.W. Shorter, Smoke Problems in High-Rise Buildings. ASHRAE Journal, Vol. 10, No.9, September 1968, pp. 5761. NRCC 10427. (10) J.H. McGuire and G.T. Tamura, Smoke Control in High-Rise Buildings. CBD 134, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, February 1971. (11) G.T. Tamura and J.H. McGuire, Smoke Movement in High-Rise Buildings. CBD 133, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, January 1971. (12) J.H. McGuire and G.T. Tamura, The National Building Code Smoke Control Measures - An pays (13) (14) (15) (16) Overview, Engineering Digest, Vol. 25, No.9, October 1979, pp. 35-38. NRCC 17920. G.T. Tamura, Review of the DBR/NRC Studies on Control of Smoke from a Fire in High Buildings. ASHRAE Trans. Vol. 89, Part IB, 1983, pp. 341-361. NRCC 23054. G.T. Tamura, Smoke-Control Systems in HighRise Buildings, 1976-1980 Survey. Engineering Digest, Vol. 30, No.7, August 1984, pp. 32-34. NRCC23874. G.T. Tamura and P.J. Manley, Smoke Movement Studies in a 15-Storey Hotel. ASHRAE Trans., Vol. 91, Part 2B, 1985, pp. 1237-1253. NRCC 26359. J.H. McGuire and G.T. Tamura, Simple Analysis of Smoke-Flow Problems in High Buildings. Fire Technology, VoL II, No. I, February 1975, pp. 15-22. NRCC 14773. Specialized Aspects of Smoke Control (17) G.T. Tamura and C.Y. Shaw, Basis for the Design of Smoke Shafts. Fire Technology, Vol. 9, No.3, August 1973, pp. 209-222. NRCC 13851. (18) G.T. Tamura and A.G. Wilson, Natural Venting to Control Smoke Movement in Buildings via Vertical Shafts. ASHRAE Trans., Vol. 76, Part II, 1970, pp. 279-289. NRCC 12357. (19) G.T. Tamura, Analysis of Smoke Shafts for Control of Smoke Movement in Buildings. ASHRAE Trans., VoL 76, Part It 1970, pp. 290297. NRCC 12356. (20) G.T. Tamura, J.H. McGuire and A.G. Wilson, Air-Handling Systems for Control of Smoke Movement. ASHRAE Symposium Bulletin, January 1970, pp. 14-19. NRCC 12017. (21) N.B. Hutcheon, Fire Protection in Air System Installations. Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning, Vol. 40, No. 12, December 1968, p. 102. NRCC 10545. (22) G.T. Tamura and C.Y. Shaw, Experimental Studies of Mechanical Venting for Smoke Control in Tall Office Buildings. ASHRAE Trans., Vol. 84, Part I, 1978, pp. 54-71. NRCC 17234. (23) G.T. Tamura, Experimental Studies on Exterior Wall Venting for Smoke Control in Tall Office Buildings. ASHRAE Trans., Vol. 84, Part 2, 1978, pp. 204-215. NRCC 17279. (24) G.T. Tamura, The Performance of a Vestibule Pressurization for the Protection of Escape Routes of a 17-Storey Hotel. ASHRAE Trans., Vol. 86, Part I, 1980, pp. 593-603. NRCC 19017. (25) G.T. Tamura and C.Y. Shaw, Field Check on the Building Pressurization Method for Smoke Control in High-Rise Buildings. ASHRAE Journal, Vol. 23, No.2, February 1981, pp. 2125. NRCC 19199. (26) G.T. Tamura, A Smoke Control System for High-Rise Office Buildings. ASHRAE Journal, Vol. 24, No.5, May 1982, pp. 29-32. NRCC 20317. (27) G.T. Tamura and K. Tsuji, Simplified Method for Designing a Mechanical Smoke Exhaust System for High-Rise Buildings. ASHRAE Trans., Vol. 91, Part 2 B, 1985, pp. 642-656. NRCC 26341. (28) G.T. Tamura, Experimental Studies on Pressurized Escape Routes. ASHRAE Trans., Vol. 80, Part 2, 1974, pp. 224-237. NRCC 14566. (29) G.T. Tamura and J.H. Klote, Experimental Fire Tower Studies of Elevator Pressurization Systems for Smoke Control. ASHRAE Trans. Vol. 93, Part 2, 1987. NRCC 29121. (30) J.H. Klote and G.T. Tamura, Experiments of Piston Effect on Elevator Smoke Control. ASHRAE Trans. Vol. 93, Part 2, 1987. NRCC 29120. Computer Studies (31) H. Yoshida, C.Y. Shaw and G.T. Tamura, A Fortran IV Program to Calculate Smoke Concentrations in a Multi-Storey Building. Computer Program No. 45, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, June 1979. (32) G.T. Tamura, Computer Analysis of Smoke Control with Building Air Handling Systems. ASHRAE Journal, Vol. 14, No.8, August 1972, pp.46-54. NRCC 12809. (33) C.Y. Shaw and G.T. Tamura, Fortran IV Programs for Calculating Sizes and Venting Capacities of Smoke Shafts. Computer Program No. 36, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, June 1973. 129 pays (34) C.T. Tamura, Computer Analysis of Smoke Movement in Tall Buildings. ASHRAE Trans., VoL 75, Part II, 1969, pp. 81-92. NRCC 11542. Air Leakage Studies (35) C.Y. Shaw, D.M. Sander and C.T. Tamura, Air Leakage Measurements of the Exterior Walls of Tall Buildings. ASHRAE Trans., Vol. 79, Part II, 1973, pp. 40-48. NRCC 13951. (36) C.T. Tamura and A.C. Wilson, Pressure Differences Caused by Wind on Two Tall Buildings. ASHRAE Trans., Vol. 74, Part II, 1968, pp. 170181. NRCC 10628. (37) C.T. Tamura and A.C. Wilson, Pressure Differences Caused by Chimney Effect in Three High Buildings and Building Pressures Caused by Chimney Action and Mechanical Ventilation. ASHRAE Trans., Vol. 73, Part II, 1967. NRCC 9950. (38) C.T. Tamura and A.C. Wilson, Pressure Differences for a Nine-Storey Building as a Result of Chimney Effect and Ventilation System Operation. ASHRAE Trans., Vol. 72, Part I, 1966, pp. 180-189. NRCC 9467. (39) C.T. Tamura and C.Y. Shaw, Air Leakage Data for the Design of Eleva tor and Stairshaft Pressurization Systems. ASHRAE Trans., Vol. 82, Part II, 1976, pp. 179-190. NRCC 15921. Associated Elementary Theory (40) A.C. Wilson and C.T. Tamura, Stack Effect and Building Design. CBD 107, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, November 1968. (41) A.C. Wilson and C.T. Tamura, Stack Effect in Buildings. CBD 104, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, August 1968. 130 pays Chapter 4 Commentaries on Part 4 of the National Building Code of Canada 1990 Introduction ..........•..•.................••••..••... 133 Commentary A Serviceability Criteria for Deflections and Vibrations ......................... 134 Commentary B Wind Loads ....................... 141 Commentary C Structural Integrity •••••.•••• 172 Commentary D Effects of Deformations in Building Components ••••••• 174 Commentary E Load Combinations .......... 178 Commentary F Limit States Design .......... 180 Commentary G Tributary Area .................. 184 Commentary H Snow Loads ...................... 187 Commentary I Rain Loads ........................ 200 Commentary J Effects of Earthquakes .... 202 Commentary K Glass Design ••••••••••••••••••••• 221 Commentary L Foundations ...................... 229 Commentary M Structural Integrity of Firewalls ........................... 256 Appendix A List of Referenced Standards ........................ 259 131 pays 132 I pays r Chapter 4 Commentaries on Part 4 of the National Building Code of Canada 1990 Introduction The purpose of these Commentaries is to make available to the designer detailed design information which will assist in the use of the National Building Code. The Commentaries are provided as background information and, in some cases, as suggested approaches to certain design questions, but not as mandatory requirements. Because the information provided in these Commentaries cannot cover all conditions or types of structures that occur in practice, and also because new information may become available in the future, the designer should try to obtain the latest and most appropriate design information available. For unusual types of structures, specialized information such as theoretical studies, model tests or wind tunnel experiments may be required to provide adequate design values. Building Code on provisions for earthquake engineering in the Code. Commentary L (Foundations) was prepared with the assistance of a task group appointed by the Standing Committee on Structural DeSign and consisting of the following members: V. Milligan (Chairman), L. Brzezinski, D. Klajnerman, W.E. Lardner and E.Y. Uzumeri. Commentary M (Structural Integrity of Firewalls) has been developed to provide guidance to the new requirement in Sentence} of the National Building Code for the design of firewalls. These commentaries were prepared with the assistance of the following: W.R. Schriever D.E. Allen D.A. Lutes A.G. Davenport W.G. Plewes J.H. Rainer D.A. Taylor W.A. Dalgliesh J.G. MacGregor D.J.L. Kennedy Commentary J (Effects of Earthquakes) was prepared with the assistance of the Canadian National Committee on Earthquake Engineering, which advises the Associate Committee on the National 133 pays Commentary A Serviceability Criteria for Deflections and Vibrations 1. The advent of stronger materials, lighter, more rigid cladding, smaller damping, longer spans and more accurate strength calculations taking account of the interaction of components, means that excessive deflections and vibrations now have a greater influence in structural design than before. Excessive deflections and vibrations are usually controlled in codes by limiting the member deflection under specified load to some ratio of the span (L), for example, L:360 (for cantilevers, L may be taken as twice the length of the cantilever). Table A-1 summarizes deflection criteria in this form in various standards pertinent to the National Building Code of Canada 1990. These deflection criteria depend on the types of construction and materials and on the conditions of use. As an aid to the designer, the problems associated with excessive deflection and excessive vibration are briefly discussed and references are given. Deflections 2. Excessive structural deflections can create a variety of problems: cracks or crushing in nonstructural components such as partitions, lack of fit for doors, walls out of plumb or eccentricity of loading caused by rotation, unsightly droopiness and ponding. Cracks, besides being unsightly, may transmit unwanted sound through partitions, or water and cold air through exterior surfaces, and thus promote corrosion. Control of cracking in structural concrete is covered separately in CAN3A23.3-M84, "Design of Concrete Structures for Buildings." 3. A number of alternative design solutions can prevent problems caused by excessive deflection. Partition cracking, for example, can be avoided either by making the supporting structure stiff 134 enough or by providing flexible joints in the partitions. Similarly, to avoid cracking, plastered ceilings should be hung from the floor beams, not rigidly attached to them. 4. The deflection criteria in Table A-1 apply to conventional forms of construction under conventional conditions of use. The most severe deflection requirement, 1:480, for members supporting plastered ceilings or partitions, (1) may not be sufficient to prevent cracking of plaster or rigid partitions. (3) For new or unusual cases, more detailed deflection criteria are suggested in Reference (2); case histories of damage due to excessive deflections (including also differential settlement and temperature movements) are given in References (4) to (7). Vibrations 5. Two types of vibration problems arise in building construction: continuous vibrations and transient vibrations. Continuous vibrations arise due to the periodic forces of machinery or certain human activities such as dancing; these vibrations can be considerably amplified when the periodic forces are synchronized with a building frequency - a condition called resonance. Transient vibrations are caused by footsteps or other impact and decay at a rate which depends on the available damping. 6. Transient vibrations in floor systems due to foot impact may cause discomfort or annoyance to the occupants as a result of, for instance, china rattling. In Table A-1 the deflection criteria of L:360 for wood floors m and L:320 for steel floors which do not support brittle materials attempt to control such vibration effects. These criteria apply only to conventional floors with spans less than approximately 6 m and frequencies greater than about 10 Hz. They do not apply to long span floors, particularly for those without partitions, or for floors for special purposes; Reference (8) contains further information and criteria on these cases. Reference (9) contains criteria for footbridges. References (1) and (10) contain further information for light residential floors with wood decks. pays Table A·1 Summary of Maximum Deflection/Span Ratios in NBC 1990 and Pertinent CSA Standards(1) CAN3-086-M84 CAN/CSA-086.1-M89 Wood I i Roof or floor members supporting plastered ceilings, partitions, etc. Floor members not supporting plastered ceilings, partitions, etc. Roof members not supporting plastered ceilings, etc. Wall members Column 1 CAN3-A23.3-M84 Concrete CAN/CSA-S 16.1-M89 Structural Steel 1:480 (3) or 1:240 (3) 1:360 1:360 (4) 1:300 (5) 1:180 (4) 1:180 (6) or 1:240 (6) 1:360 (2) or 1:180 (2) 1:360 (2) or 1:180 (2) 1:180 (2) - Notes to Table A·1 : De'fiection under live load only unless otherwise noted. (2) Modulus used for calculations based on short term test. 1:360 applies to deflection under sustained load. (3) Deflection which occurs after attachment of non-structural elements, including creep deflection due to sustained load plus immediate deflection due to additional live load. The lower figure applies when non-structural elements are not likely to be damaged by large deflections. 7. The undesirable effects of continuous vibrations caused by machines can be minimized by special design provisions, (11) such as locating machinery away from sensitive occupancies, vibration isolation or alteration of the frequency of the structure. Floor Vibrations in Assembly Occupancies 8. A new NBC Sentence requires an investigation by means of a dynamic analysis for floor structures (including footbridges) supporting assembly occupancies when the fundamental vibration frequency is less than 6 Hz. This requirement has been introduced because of recent problems with long-span floor structures used for rhythmic activities.(12-17) The following provides guidance for the 1:360 1:240 (7) or 1:360 1:180 (8) or 1:240 - 2 (1) NBC 1990Part 9 3 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 4 ! 5 Immediate live-load deflection. Includes a warning on ponding for roof members. Includes a warning clause on vibrations. 1:180 applies to sheet metal or elastic membrane roof cover and 1:240 to asphaltic built-up roofs. Includes a warning clause on ponding. For bedrooms only. If there is no ceiling. designer in carrying out a dynamic analysis for such cases, and also suggests criteria to limit floor vibrations during rhythmic activities to levels acceptable for human occupancy. Overloading and Fatigue 9. Dancing, foot stamping, jumping exercises and marching are rhythmic activities that create periodic forces with rhythmic frequency in the range 1 to 4 for rhythmic events involving a group of people, the most critical range is 1.5 to 3 Hz. Typical loading cases are shown in Figure A-1. For many rhythmic activities, such as dancing, the periodic forces can be approximated by a sinusoidal dynamic load causing vibration at the rhythmic frequency. In the case of jumping exercises, however, the periodic 135 pays forces shown in Figure A-I can also create significant sinusoidal load at double the rhythmic frequency, and some sinusoidal load at triple the rhythmic frequency. The dynamic load for any sinusoidal component can be represented by aw p sin 21tft, where f is the forcing frequency, w p is the weight of participants in kPa and a is a dynamic load factor which depends on the activity and, for jumping, the harmonic multiple of the rhythmic frequency. Table A-2 gives estimated values of forcing frequencies and dynamic load based on an estimation of density of participants and dynamic load factor, a, for typical rhythmic events.(15,lh) If the fundamental natural frequency of the floor structure, (" is large compared to the forcing frequency, f, the dynamic load has the same effect as a static load of the same magnitude, but if the structural frequency approaches the forcing frequency, the dynamic effect increases with each cycle of vibration to a maximum (Figure A-2) whose ratio to the static effect is given by (11) lime 0) For a floor with many people on it, the damping ratio, セL@ is about 0.04 for a solid concrete floor, 0.06 for a concrete and steel floor and 0.12 for a wood Time Figure A·1 Load during rhythmic event Activity Table A·2 Estimated Loading During Rhythmic Events Weight of Participants (1) Dynamic Load Forcing Factor, (2) a Frequency f, Hz Wp ' kPa Dynamic Load, aw p ' kPa ! 0.6 (2.5 m2/couple) Dancing 1.5 3 0.5 0.3 Lively concert or 1.5 (0.5 m2/person) 1.5 - 3 0.4 sports event 0.25 Jumping exercises 0.2 (3.5 m2/person) 2 - 2.75 1.5 First harmonic 0.3 0.2 (3.5 m2/person) 4-5.5 0.12 Second harmonic 0.6 0.2 (3.5 m2/person) 6 -8.25 0.1 Third harmonic 0.02 Column 1 2 4 3 5 Notes to Table A·2: (2) Values of a based on commonly encountered events with a (1) Density of participants represents maxima for commonly minimum of 20 participants. Values of a should be encountered conditions. For special events the density of increased for well coordinated events with fewer than 20. participants can be greater. 136 pays 65 Figure A·2 fa =2.6 Hz) Resonance during rock and roll (precast stands, floor, and about half these values with few people. Damping ratios vary from these suggested values, depending on the influence of non-structural components such as partitions. The dynamic response factor, p, is shown in Figure A-3. simply-supported beams on girders supported by columns is obtained from: fo= . 2n where 10. The fundamental structural frequency, fo' should be determined from the dynamic properties of the floor structure, taking into account the flexibility of supports. An approximate determination for セ@ セb@ Hセb@ + セgI@ rg V セ@ + セウG@ = 0.77 = the elastic deflection of the beam due to bending and shear, (2) (3) the elastic deflection of the girder due to bending and shear, and 5 セウ@ セMイ@ axial strain. Each deflection is the elastic component resulting from the total weight supported by the member, including people, and is relative to its supports. Both supports are considered and the most flexible one used. For cantilever and two-way slabs, the factor 0.77 is replaced by 0.65. In the case of beams and girders continuous over supports, the elastic deflection, セb@ or セgG@ should be determined by assuming that adjacent spans deflect in opposite directions with no change in slope over the supports and that the weight supported by each span always acts in the direction of deflection. 4 3 dynamic effect 2 o セM@ o 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 fJf Figure A·3 = the elastic shortening of the column due to Dynamic response factor, Equation (1) 3.0 11. The total structural effect of a rhythmic activity can, therefore, be represented by the static effect of the load w t + pajw p' where w t is the total weight supported. In the case of jumping forces, the dynamic loading component paw p is replaced by 137 pays 2:p.a.w where a. and p. are the dynamic load and response factors for each harmonic multiple, i, of the rhythmic frequency. Overloading occurs if the total load, including static and dynamic components, is greater than the total specified load that the structure is allowed to carry. Potential for fatigue damage can be assessed by estimating the stress range corresponding to 2 pjajwp and the total number of cycles of dynamic load ajw p expected during the life of the structure for each harmonic. IIp I I 13. The maximum acceleration of a floor structure during a rhythmic event can be determined from (15) amax/g 1.3awp/w, 1.3awp /wt (f;f -1 (4) where the approximation is valid away from the resonance frequency f = (" The symbols are defined in Paragraph 9. In the case of jumping, the maximum acceleration can be determined from (16) Human Reaction 12. Floor vibration is much more likely to annoy people than to cause overloading or fatigue. An acceptable level of vertical vibration depends very strongly on the activity of the people who feel the vibration. People in offices or residences become annoyed when accelerations from continuous vibration exceed approximately 0.5 per cent gravity, whereas people participating in rhythmic activities will accept approximately 5 per cent gravity. When a floor structure is shared with a more sensitive occupancy, then the limit should be based on that occupancy. People such as diners who share a floor structure with dancing, or weight lifters who share a floor structure with aerobics will accept approximately 2 per cent gravity. Other factors besides occupancy affect the acceptability of vibration, in particular the remoteness of the source of vibration from the people affected. For this reason, Table A-3 shows a range of acceleration limits for each occupancy. The lower value is generally recommended for design. (5) where a. is the maximum acceleration for the ith harmonic loading component, which is determined from Equation (4) by setting f equal to i times the jumping frequency. 1 14. If a natural frequency of the floor structure corresponds to a harmonic forcing frequency, resonance occurs and the accelerations during a rhythmic event become very large, usually greater than the recommended criterion. Generally, therefore, the fundamental natural frequency of the floor structure should be greater than the highest significant harmonic forcing frequency. The following criterion is recommended (15) (6) where f = a,,/g= Table A-3 Recommended Acceleration Limits for Vibrations due to Rhythmic Activities Occupancies Affected by the Vibration Office and residential Dining and weightlifting Rhythmic activity only 138 Acceleration Limit, % gravity 0.4 - 0.7 1.5 - 2.5 4-7 K= forcing frequency (i times the jumping frequency for jumping exercises), acceleration limit, 1.3, except for jumping exercises, where K = 2.0 is recommended.(16) 15. Table A-4 contains examples of the application of Equation (6) to typical floor structures using the acceleration limits recommended above. If the rhythmic activity is restricted to a portion of the floor span, then an appropriate reduction can be made to w p ' the weight of participants effectively acting on the floor span.(16) Similarly, extra mass (other than the I .-.. pays IF Table A·4 Application of Structural Criteria for Human Reaction Activity and Construction Forcing Frequency f, Hz I . I Effective Weight of Participants wP' kPa Dancing and Dining aig = 0.02 Solid concrete 5 kPa 3 2.5 kPa 3 Steel I Wood 0.7 kPa 3 Lively Concert or Sports Events aig = 0.05 Solid concrete 5 kPa 3 Steel joist 2.5 kPa 3 Wood 0.7 kPa 3 Jumping Exercises only aolg = 0.06 8.25(1) Solid concrete 5 8.25 (1) Steel joist 2.5 kPa 5.5 (1) Wood 0.7 kPa Jumping Exercises Shared with Weight Lifting 8.25(1) Solid concrete 5 kPa 5.5(1) Steel joist 2.5 kPa 5.5(1) Wood 0.7 kPa Column 1 2 Notes to Table A·4: Equation (6) is applied to three harmonics (i.e. f == 2.75 Hz, 5.5 Hz and 8.25 Hz) and the governing harmonic is used. (1) floor) supported by the vibrating structure, including the supports, can be taken into account in determining the total weight, w t • (6 ) 16. Measures to avoid or correct unacceptable vibration include: (a) provision of sufficient stiffness, Equation (6), (b) relocation of the rhythmic activity or the sensitive occupancy, (c) prevention of transmission of floor vibration to sensitive occupancies, for example, by placing or altering partitions, (d) increasing the damping sufficiently to reduce resonance response, or Total Weight Wt' kPa Minimum Structural Frequency, fo' Hz Equation (6) 0.6 0.6 0.6 5.6 3.1 1.3 6.4 8.1 12.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 6.5 4.0 2.2 4.8 5.7 7.2 . ! 5.2 2.7 0.9 8.8(2) 9.2 12.8 0.12 0.12 0.12 5.12 2.62 0.82 9.2 10.6 17.2 3 4 5 0.2 0.2 0.2 aolg = 0.02 (2) This can be reduced if, according to Equation (4), damping times mass is sufficient to reduce third harmonic resonance to an acceptable level. (e) increasing the span to where the fundamental natural frequency becomes less than a significant rhythmic frequency; this would require a special investigation. Case histories of problems are described in References (14) and (17), including a case where unacceptable aerobics vibration in a tall office building occurred due to vertical spring action of the columns. If an existing floor is intended for a rhythmic activity, a performance test should be carried out before alterations are made. 139 pays References 0) W.A. Russell, Deflection Characteristics of (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 140 Residential Wood-Joist Floor Systems. Housing and Home Finance Agency, Housing Research Paper 30, Washington, D.C., April 1954. Allowable Deflections. Subcommittee 1, ACI Committee 435. Journal Am. Concrete Inst., Vol. 65, No.6, June 1968, p. 433. W.G. Plewes and G.K. Garden, Deflections of Horizontal Structural Members. Canadian Building Digest No. Division of Building Research, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, June 1964. H. Mayer and H. Rusch, Bauschaden als Folge der Durchbiegung von Stahlbeton-Bauteilen (Building Damage Caused by Deflection of Reinforced Concrete Building Components). Deutscher Ausschuss fur Stahlbeton, Heft 193, Berlin 1967. National Research Council of Canada Technical Translation TT]412, 1970. O. Pfeffermann, Les Fissures dans les Constructions Consequences de Phenomenes Physiques Naturels. Annales de l'Institut Technique du Batiment et des Travaux Publics, No. 250, October 1968. A.W. Skempton and D.H. MacDonald, The Allowable Settlements of Buildings. Proc., Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 5, Part lIt 1956, p. 727. F.R. Khan and M. Fintel, Effects of Column Exposure in Tall Structures - DeSign Considerations and Field Observations of Buildings. Journal Am. Concrete Inst., Vol. 65, No.2, February 1968, p. 99. CSA Standard CAN3-S16.l-M89. Steel Structures for Buildings - Limit States Design. Appendix Guide on Floor Vibrations. Ontario Highway Bridge Design Code 1984. Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications. D.M. Onysko, Performance of Wood-Joist Floor Systems. Forest Products Laboratory Information Report OP-X-24, Canadian Forestry Service, Department of the Environment, Ottawa, January 1970. (1) W-J. Smith, Vibrations of Structures; Applications in Civil Engineering Design. Chapman and Hall, London, 1988. (2) Pop Concert Shock for Loading Code. New Civil Engineer International, May 1981, p. 18. (3) G. Pernica, Dynamic Live Loads at a Rock Concert. Can. J. Civ. Eng., June 1983, pp. 185191. (4) H. Bachmann and W. Ammann, Vibrations in Structures Induced by Man and Machines. Structural Engineering Document 3e. International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, Zurich, 1987. OS) D.E. Allen, J.H. Rainer and G. Pernica, Vibration Criteria for Assembly Occupancies. Can. J. Civ. Eng., Vol. 12, No.3, September, 1985. (6) D.E. Allen, Floor Vibrations from Aerobics. Can. J. Civ. Eng., October 1990. (7) D.E. Allen, Vibrations from Human Activities. Concrete International - Design and Construction, American Concrete Institute, June 1990. pays ... Commentary B Wind Loads 1. Three different approaches to the problem of determining design wind loads on buildings are mentioned in Subsection 4.1.8., "Effects of Wind" of the 1990 edition of the National Building Code. (1) 2. The first approach, the "simple procedure," is appropriate for use with the majority of wind loading applications, including the structure and cladding of low and medium rise buildings and the cladding design of high rise buildings. These are situations where the structure is relatively rigid. Thus, dynamic actions of the wind do not require detailed knowledge of the dynamic properties of the buildings and can be dealt with by equivalent static loads. Numerical values for all the factors involved are provided in the NBC except for climatic data, which is given in Chapter 1 of this Supplement and pressure coefficients given in this Commentary. 3. The two other approaches to wind load analysis are referred to in Article of the 1990 NBC, and are required whenever the building is likely to be susceptible to wind-induced vibration. This may be true, for example, of tall and slender structures or doubly cantilevered canopies for which wind loading plays a major role in the structural design. Here the designer is required to use either (a) special wind tunnel tests or other experimental methods, or (b) a dynamic approach to the action of wind gusts to be called the "detailed procedure." structures, but not cladding and components.(S) It consists of a series of calculations involving (a) the intensity of wind turbulence for the site as a function of height and of the surface roughness of the surrounding terrain, and (b) properties of the building such as height, width, natural frequency of vibration and damping. The end-product of the calculations is the gust effect factor, C g , which is multiplied by the reference wind pressure, q , the exposure factor, Ce , and the pressure coefficient C p ' to give that static design pressure which is expected to produce the same peak load effect as the dynamic resonant response to the actual turbulent wind. The format of the simple procedure in the NBC has been arranged to permit an easy transition to this more detailed consideration of wind effects. Reference Wind Speed, V, and Pressure, q 6. In both the simple and detailed procedures the reference wind speed, V, is determined by extreme value analysis of meteorological observations of hourly mean wind speeds, taken at sites (usually airports) chosen in most cases to be representative of a height of 10 m in an open exposure. The reference wind pressure, q, is determined from V by the following equation: q (in kPa) CV 2 (1) 7. The factor C depends on the atmospheric pressure and the air temperature. The atmospheric pressure in turn is influenced mainly by elevation above sea level, but also varies somewhat in accordance with changes in the weather. 4. Wind tunnel testing is appropriate when more exact definition of dynamic response is needed and for determining exterior pressure coefficients for cladding design on buildings whose geometry deviates markedly from more common shapes for which information is already available. Information on modern wind tunnel techniques can be found in References (2), (3) and (4). 8. The following value of C is chosen to represent Canadian conditions: if y is in kilometres per hour, C 50 x 10-6 if V is in metres per second, C = 650 X 10-6 • 5. The "detailed procedure," is intended primarily for determining the overall wind loading and amplified resonant response of tall buildings and slender In Chapter 1 of this Supplement, the velocity pressure, P, and the design wind speed, V, are meterological terms, equivalent to the イ・ヲセ」@ wind pressure, q, and the reference wind speed, V, which are engineering terms used in this Commentary. 141 pays 9. Chapter 1 of this Supplement contains a description of the procedures followed in obtaining the reference wind pressures, q, for three different levels of probability of being exceeded per year (1 in 10, 1 in 30 and 1 in 100), the values commonly referred to as having return periods of 10, 30 and 100 years. These values of q are tabulated in Chapter 1 for many Canadian locations along with other climatic design data. A reference giving more detail on the choice of the conversion factor, C, from wind speed to pressure and a table for converting from pressure in kilonewtons per square metre to speed in metres per second are also supplied in Chapter 1. Exposure Factor, C e Simple Procedure 10. The exposure factor, Ce , reflects changes in wind speed and height, and also the effects of variations in the surrounding terrain and topography. Hills can significantly amplify the wind speeds near the ground and this should be reflected in the exposure factor. Representative values for use with either the simple or detailed procedure are presented in Paragraph 18. 11. For the simple procedure, Ce is based on the 1/5 power law which is appropriate for wind gust pressure in open terrain (1 /10 power law for wind gust speeds). The wind gust referred to lasts about 3 to 5 s and represents a "parcel" of wind which is assumed effective over the whole of most ordinary buildings. 12. The reference height which is used in determining the exposure factor is related to the manner in which the pressure coefficient, C p , is defined. In this Commentary, the reference heignt applicable to low rise structures is the mean height of the roof or 6 m, whichever is greater. The eave height may be substituted for the mean height if the slope of the roof is less than 10°. For tall buildings, the reference height for pressures on the windward face corresponds to the actual height above ground; for suctions anywhere on the leeward face of tall buildings, the reference height is half the height of the structure. 142 Where required in this Commentary, the definition of the reference height is given along with that of C . In instances where the reference height is not specified, it should be taken as equal to the height above ground of the element considered. Detailed Procedure 13. For the detailed procedure, the exposure factor, Ce , is based on the mean wind speed profile, which varies considerably depending on the general roughness of the terrain over which the wind has been blowing before it reaches the building. This dependence on terrain is much more significant than is the case for the gust speed profile ( variation of gust speed with height) and hence three categories have been established as follows: Exposure A (open or standard exposure): open level terrain with only scattered buildings, trees or other obstructions, open water or shorelines thereof. This is the exposure on which the reference wind speeds are based. Z )0.28 Ce =(10 ' Ce 2 1.0 (2) Exposure B: suburban and urban areas, wooded terrain or centres of large towns. , Ce セ@ 0.5 (3) Exposure C: centres of large cities with heavy concentrations of tall buildings. At least 50 per cent of the buildings should exceed 4 storeys. C e = 0.4 Hセ@ t72, C e セ@ 0.4 (4) In Equations (2) to (4), Z is the height above ground in metres. 14. Exposure B or C should not be used unless the appropriate terrain roughness persists in the upwind direction for at least 1.5 km, and the exposure factor should be varied according to the terrain if the roughness differs from one direction to another. I pays Use of Exposure Factors 15. Exposure factors can be calculated from Equations (2) to (4) or obtained directly from the graphs in Figure B-1. The exposure factor is needed in three different capacities in the detailed procedure. Firstly, the square root of CeH' the value of Ce at the top of the building, H, is needed to determine the hourly mean wind speed at the top of the structure being designed, V H (5) 16. Secondly, C eH appears in Equation (8) used for calculating the gust effect factor, Cgo Here again, C eH is the value of C e evaluated at the top of the structure. 17. Thirdly, C e is used in the calculation of pressures for the windward and leeward faces of tall, slender buildings. For the windward face, C e corresponds to that for the height, Z, to the point in question and therefore increases with height in accordance with Equations (2), (3) or (4) as is appropriate. For the leeward face, C e is evaluated at half the height, H, of the building. Speed-Up over Hills and Escarpments The reference wind speed, V, can be obtained from the reference wind pressure and the conversion table in Chapter 1 or by applying Equation (1). 400 /A ! I I 300 @ セ A II / / I 200 I 100 80 60 / i E 1:i c :l cl ・クーセイe@ 40 Q) > .c. OJ "Qi I 10 • I 1 ffi# I . / I II ! ! I 00 I 1 0.1 • i I AI / / I I / I 20 0 .0 tll I / V 0 0, / I B/ / 30 IJ . i 0.2 0.30.4 0.60.8 1 3 4 5 6 8 10 Exposure factor, C e Figure B·1 Exposure factor as a function of terrain roughness and height above ground 18. Buildings on a hill (with a maximum slope> 1 in 10), particularly near a crest, may be subject to significantly higher wind speeds than buildings on level ground. The exposure factor at height z above the local ground elevation is then equal to that over flat terrain multiplied by a factor (1 + セsHzᄏR@ where セsHコI@ is the "speed-up factor" for the mean wind speed. This can be applied in both the simple and detailed procedures. This effect is illustrated in Figure B-2. Near the crest, and within a distance I x I < kL, the exposure factor is modified to C:(z) Ce(z) (1 Kセュ。クHャ@ セI・HM。zOlイ@ (6) e where Ce(z) is the exposure factor over flat terrain given in equation (2), (3) or (4), C;(z) is the corresponding modified value for use on the hill, セsュ。ク@ is the relative speed-up factor at the crest near the surface and a is a decay coefficient for the decrease in speed-up with height. The values of a and セsュ。ク@ depend on the shape and steepness of the hill. Representative values for these parameters are given in Table B-1. The definitions of the hill height H and length L, shown in Figure B-2, are as follows: H is the height of the hill or the difference in elevation between the crest of the hill and that of the terrain surrounding the hill upstream; L is the distance upwind of the crest to where the ground elevation is half the height of the hill. The maximum slope of the hill is roughly 143 pays H/2L for rounded hill shapes. In these expressions, it is assumed that the wind approaches the hill along the direction of maximum slope the direction giving the greatest speed-up near the crest. "speed up" l These formulae suggest that hills with slopes less than 1 in 10 are unlikely to produce significant speedup of the wind. A more extended discussion of this question and other simplied models for three-dimensional hills are given in Reference (6). Background material may be found in References (7) and (8). Wind tunnel tests and computational methods may be used to obtain design information in other cases. The speed-up principally affects the mean wind speed and not the amplitude of the turbulent fluctuations. This leads to a correction in the gust effect factor referred to below. Escarpment Dynamic Response and Gust Effect Factor, C g Figure B·2 Definitions for wind speed-up over hills and escarpments General 19. In this section, procedures are recommended for determining the dynamic response and "gust effect factorff referred to in Sentence of the NBC. This factor, denoted Ch , is defined as the ratio of the Table B·1 Parameters for Maximum Speed-Up Over Low Hills k Hill Shape 2-dimensional ridges (or valleys with H negative) 2-dimensional escarpments 3-dimensional axisymmetrical hills Column 1 セsュ。ク@ a x<O x>O 2.2 H/L 3 1.5 1.5 1.3 H/L 1.6 H/L 2 2.5 4 3 1.5 1.5 4 4 1.5 5 (1) Note to Table B·1: For H/L > 0.5, assume in the formulae that H/L =0.5 and substitute 2H for L in Equation (6). (1) 144 I pays ,-jP. maximum effect of the loading to the mean effect of the loading. The dynamic response includes the action of (a) random wind gusts acting for short durations over all or part of the structure, (b) fluctuating pressures induced by the wake of the structure, including "vortex shedding forces", and (c) fluctuating forces induced by the motion of the structure itself through the wind. These forces act on the external surfaces of the structure as a whole or on cladding components and may also affect internal surfaces. They may act longitudinally, laterally or torsionally and further they may be amplified by resonance of the structure at one or other of its natural frequencies. All structures are affected to some degree by these forces. The total response may be considered as a superposition of a "background component," which acts quasi-statically without any structural dynamic magnification, and a "resonant" component due to excitation close to a natural frequency. For the majority of structures, the resonant component is small and the dynamic factor can be simplified by considering the background component only and treated using normal static methods. For structures that are particularly tall, long, slender, light-weight, flexible or lightly damped, the resonant component may be dominant. The majority of structures can be treated using the "simple procedure." loading, can be identified as The form of the fluctuating wind loading effect, a, varies with the excitation, whether due to gusts, wake pressures or motion induced forces. For a large class of smaller structures, only the added loading due to gusts must be dealt with and simplified methods are adequate. Simple Procedure 20. For small structures or structures and components having a relatively high rigidity, a simplified set of dynamic gust factors is C g = 2.5 for cladding elements and small structural components, 2.0 for structural systems including anchorages to foundations. For some structures, peak pressure coefficients have been determined directly from wind tunnel tests, and composite values of (C C) are obtained incorporating the aerodynamic shape factors. Detailed Procedure 21. In the detailed procedure, the value of 。Oセ@ be expressed 。Oセ@ p (7) K= Ce,H = where @セ 0' gp the mean loading effect, the "root-mean square" loading effect, and a statistical peak factor for the loading effect. According to this expression a dynamic factor, equal to the ratio of the peak loading to the mean can (9) where A general expression for the maximum or peak loading effect, denoted W p ,is W p ]セKァ。@ (8) C g = 1 + g p (0'/11) r a factor related to the surface roughness coefficient of the terrain, 0.08 for Exposure A, 0.10 for Exposure B, 0.14 for Exposure C, exposure factor at the top of the building, H, evaluated according to Paragraph 13 or Figure B-1. Over hills the value should be used (see Equation (6). background turbulence factor obtained from Figure B-3 as a function of W /H, height of windward face of the building, width of windward face of the building, c; B = H= W= 145 pays ----------_....._--_....._---------------_ s size reduction factor obtained from Figure 8-4 as a function of W /H and the reduced frequency no H/V H natural frequency of vibration, Hz, mean wind speed (m/ s) at the top of structure, H, gust energy ratio at the natural frequency of the structure obtained from Figure 8-5 as a function of the wave number, nO/V H , and critical damping ratio. I F = セ@ = 400 300 200 100 80 E _ _ .. inherent or structural damping. Aerodynamic damping in the along-wind direction becomes significant at high wind speeds, but plays no useful role in limiting cross-wind motion due to vortex shedding. Spread footings on soft or medium stiff soil provide additional damping in comparison to piled foundations or spread footings on stiff soil and rock. Measured damping values from more than 20 stacks are tabulated in Reference (9) and results from 5 more stacks are given in Reference (10). The logarithmic decrement mentioned therein is 21t times the critical damping ratio. Sachs (9) concludes by stating a range of 0.0016 to 0.0080 for セ@ for the total damping of closed circular, unlined welded steel stacks, and suggests that the minimum value be used in design. Corresponding ranges for lined welded steel stacks and for unlined reinforced concrete stacks are given as 0.0048 to 0.0095 and 0.0095 to 0.0191, respectively. 23. The peak factor, gp' in Equation (7) gives the number of standard deviations by which the peak load effect is expected to exceed the mean load effect, and is given in Figure 8-6 as a function of the average fluctuation rate. The average fluctuation rate, v, can be estimated as follows: 60 as ... 40 :s u 2 1ii '0 .E 0> iD J: v=no",\/ @セ Vi ウfKセb@ 10 8 . .Mセ@ (10) where no = natural frequency of vibration, Hz, s, F Lセ@ 8 as defined for Equation (8). QセM@ '"'''/ . Explanatory Notes Regarding crill and gp dx o 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Background turbulence factor. B Figure 8·3 Background turbulence factor as a function of width and height of structure 22. Suggested values for セ@ must be based mainly on experiments on real structures. Expressed as a fraction of critical damping, values commonly used in the design of buildings with steel frames and concrete frames are 0.01 and 0.02, respectively. Masts and stacks, on the other hand, may have much lower 146 24. The response of a tall, slender building to a randomly fluctuating force can be evaluated rather simply by treating it as a rigid, spring-mounted cantilever whose dynamic properties are specified by a single natural frequency and an appropriate damping value. The variance of the output quantity or loading effect is the area under the spectrum of the input quantity (the forcing function) after it has been multiplied by the transfer function. The transfer function is the square of the well-known dynamic load magnification factor for a one-degree-of-freedom oscillating mechanical system. pays 5. 0 1---.Io;:--I---+--oIci-+--14. 0 セMKN、 SNPセMKT」エイ@ 2. 0 iMKセ@ I>T O. 7 セMKiエᄋ@ 0.5 I---+--+--+--t-++--I-+-+++-+---I--I-O. 3 t---l--l- 0.2 I---l--l- __セMl@ oN|セMl@ __セ@ 0.00\ Size reduction factor, S Figure 8-4 Size reduction factor as a function of width, height and reduced Irequency of structure IJ.. II セ@ 0 >0) m c Q) iii :::l (!) 1. 00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.30 0.20 O. 10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.0001 • - =±=t=-- I セMLN@ I ..,....... ..... 1/ II I I II mit x2 F= _ _ o_ HャKクセITOS@ Xo = (1220 no/V H) I セe@ "- .... I I 0.001 1111 I セL@ II I IIII • 0,01 O. 1 1.0 Wave number, waves/m, noNH Figure 8-5 Gust energy ratio as a function of wave number 147 pays 25. In the case of wind as the random input, the spectrum of the wind speed must first be multiplied by another transfer function called the "aerodynamic admittance function," which in effect describes how the turbulence in the wind is modified by its encounter with the building, at least insofar as its ability to produce a loading effect on the structure is concerned. to create a new peak or hump centred at the natural frequency of the structure, usually well to the right of the broad peak, which represents the maximum density of input power of the wind. 27. The area under the loading effect spectrum, the square root of which is the coefficient of variation a I Il, is taken as the sum of two components: the area under the broad hump, which must be integrated numerically for each structure, and the area under the resonance peak, for which a single analytic expression is available. These components are respecrepresented in Equation (9) by B and ウfOセL@ tively. The factor K/C eH can be thought of as scaling the result for the appropriate input turbulence level. If resonance effects are small, then sF I セ@ will be small compared to the background turbulence B, and vice versa. 26. For the purposes of calculating alll, the spectrum of the wind speed is represented by an algebraic expression based on observations of real wind. The aerodynamic admittance function is also an algebraic expression, computed on the basis of somewhat simplified assumptions but appearing to be in reasonable agreement with the limited experimental evidence at present available. The spectrum of wind speed is a function of frequency having the shape of a rather broad hump (Figure B-5). The effect of the aerodynamic admittance is to reduce the ordinates of the curve to the right of the hump more and more as the frequency increases. This is partly a reflection of the reduced effectiveness of small gusts in loading a large area. The effect of the dynamic load magnification factor or mechanical admittance is 28. The peak factor, gp' depends on the average number of times the mean value of the loading effect is crossed during the averaging time of 1 h (3600 s). The functional relationship in Figure B-6 holds when the probability distribution of the mean loading effect is normal (Gaussian). (11) 5.0 4.0 セ@ .E .:£ til Q) c.. .;,<> 3.0 2.0 1. 0 t--I--!-+-+---+-I- oセMl@ 0.02 O. 04 0.06 II. Figure 8·6 148 O. 1 0.2 0,4 0.6 0.8 1 Average fluctuation rate, cycles/second Peak factor as a function of average fluctuation rate pays ...... Sample Calculation of C g Vortex Shedding 29. To illustrate the calculation of a gust effect factor the following sample problem will be worked in detail: 30. Slender free standing cylindrical structures such as chimneys, observation towers and in some cases, high rise buildings, should be designed to resist the dynamic effect of vortex shedding. When the wind blows across a slender prismatic or cylindrical body, vortices are shed alternately from one side and then the other, giving rise to a fluctuating force acting at right angles to the wind direction along the length of the body. A structure may be considered slender in this context if the ratio of height to diameter exceeds 5. The wind speed, VH , at the top of the structure when the frequency of vortex shedding equals the natural frequency, n, of the structure is given by: Required: To obtain the gust effect factor for a building with the following properties: 183m Height 30.5 m Width 30.5m Depth 0.2 Hz Fundamental natural frequency 0.015 Critical damping ratio Exposure B Terrain for site Reference wind speed at 10m open terrain 27.4 m/s Step 1: Calculate required parameters C eH 1.90 (from Figure B-1) Mean wind speed at top of building, Vw from Equation (5) 27.4 x V1.90 = 37.5 m/s (Figure B-1) Aspect ratio W /H 30.5/183 = 0.17 Wave number for calculation of F: n/V H 0.0053 Reduced frequency for calculation of s: nnH/V H 0.975. Step 2: Calculate (j / Jl, from Equation (9) (1) K= 0.10 for Exposure B (2) B = 0.62 (from Figure B-3) (3) s = 0.11 (from Figure B-4) (4) F 0.28 (from Figure B-5) (5) セ]@ 0.015 (given) (6) 1/ -- (0.62 + 0.11 x 0.28) = 0.375. V 1.90 0.015 Step 3: Calculate v, from Equation (10) (1) no 0.2 Hz (given) (j/Jl= _ __0_.1__1_x .0. . . . . .2_8___ 0.11 x 0.28 + 0.015 x 0.62 Step 4: Obtain peak factor gp: (1) gp = 3.75 (from Figure B-6). (2) v=0.2 Step 5: =0.175/ s. (from Equation (8» = 1 + 3.75 x 0.375 = 2.41. (11) where n frequency in Hz, S = Strouhal Number, VI! the mean speed at the top of the structure in m/s, and D = diameter in metres. 31. For circular and near-circular cylinders, the Strouhal number is a function of the Reynolds number, Re. Although the Reynolds number is a function of Vw a trial-and-error approach to finding the critical mean speed can be avoided by examining the product, nD2, and using the appropriate version of Equation (11) as follows: if nD2 ::; 0.5 m 2/s, VH = 6 nD (l1a) if 0.5 m 2/s < nD2 < 0.75 m 2/s, VH= 3 nD + (1.5 m 2/s)/D (11b) 2 if n02 セ@ 0.75 m /s, VH= 5 nD. (11e) The Reynolds number is given by: Re = (V HD/15) X 106 Equation (11a) applies when Re < 2 x 105 and S 1/6. Equation (l1b) covers an intermediate region where, for computational convenience, S is taken to increase approximately linearly as Re increases to 2.5 x 10 5 • Equation (11c) usually governs, in which Re > 2.5 x 10 5 and S = 1/5. 149 pays 32. The dynamic effects of vortex shedding from a cylindrical structure can be approximated by a static force acting over the top one-third. The equivalent static force per unit height FL , is given by Cl fA where セ@ Yセ@ -cGーセR@ qHD (12) the critical damping ratio as defined for Equation (9), = aspect ratio (H/D), H height of structure, qH = the velocity pressure corresponding to VHI where V H is in mis, 0.6VIi inPa, average mass per unit length over the top M one-third of the structure (kg/m), and p = density of air::::: 1.2 kg/m 3 • For most situations C 1 = 3 for A > 16; C 1 = 3'VA for A < 16 If セ@ 0.6. 4 < C2 prj M then large amplitude motions up to 1 diam may result. Amplitude predictions for this case are discussed in Reference (12), which is suggested as a general reference on the subject of vortex shedding on chimneys. If VH is low, temperature gradients may produce very low turbulence levels, and in such cases vortex induced motions are significantly increased, particularly for very slender structures. If VII is less than 10 m/s and Agreater than 12, then C 1 6, and = 1.2. 33. For tapered structures some reduction in the vortex shedding forces can be made. However, if the variation in the diameter over the top third is less than 10 per cent of the average diameter of the top third, then the recommendations of Paragraph 32 apply. If the diameter variation exceeds 10 per cent, then the effective static load need be applied only over 150 that part of the structure over which the diameter is within 10 per cent of the average for that part. For tapered structures with a diameter variation exceeding 10 per cent over the top third C 1 = 3, and C 2 = 0.6 and no increase in these coefficients is required for low values of Vw 34. The recommendations of Paragraphs 32 and 33 apply to free standing structures vibrating in the fundamental mode. For other mode shapes a dynamic analysis would be appropriate, although Equation (11) may be used to determine the critical speed. The application of Equation (12) will yield a rough estimate of the effects of vortex shedding if the load is applied over a length of up to one-third of the total length and in a position centred upon the location of the maximum displacement for the mode of vibration in question. Slender structures with cross-sections other than circular may also give rise to vortex shedding, but data are limited and other forms of across-wind motion may develop if the wind speed, VII' is greater than about 7nD, where D is the across-wind breadth. In such cases wind tunnel tests provide the most satisfactory method of estimating the likely response. Pressure Coefficients 35. Pressure coefficients are the non-dimensional ratios of wind-induced pressures on a building to the dynamic pressure (velocity pressure) of the wind speed at the reference height. Pressures on the surfaces of structures vary considerably with the shape, wind direction and profile of the wind velocity. Pressure coefficients are usually determined from wind tunnel experiments on small-scale models, although in a few recent instances measurements on full-scale buildings have been used directly. In most cases these pressures must be measured in a wind tunnel in which the natural velocity profile and turbulence are simulated; experiments in uniform flow can be highly misleading.(13, 14) I pays 36. The information on external and internal pressure coefficients given in Figures B-7 to B-24 covers the requirements for the design of the cladding and the structure as a whole for a variety of simple building geometries. With the exception of B7 to B-10, the values of the pressure coefficients are given as either time- and spatially-averaged pressure coefficients, C p' or simply as time-averaged local In Figures 8-7 to B-10, pressure coefficients, cセN@ dealing with low rise structures, values of the product CpC g are given; this is the form in which they are used, and of the basic wind tunnel data from which they were derived. Internal Pressures 37. The internal pressure coefficient, C i' defines the effect of wind on the air pressure insiJe the building and is important in the design of both cladding elements and the primary structure. The magnitude of this coefficient depends on the distribution and size of the leakage paths and openings which vent the internal air space to the external wind pressures. If the leakage is slow, through small cracks and pores in the building envelope, and is uniformly distributed, the internal pressures will equilibrate to a pressure approximately equal to the average external pressure over the exposed surface of the building. With very small cracks and pores, the influence of gusts will be attenuated. If the openings are larger and more significant, on the scale of doors or windows, the internal pressure will move closer to that prevailing externally at the largest dominant opening and gust pressures will be felt within the interior. Because of the changeability and uncertainty of the size and distribution of these openings, internal pressure coefficients can be influential and wide ranging. In the face of these uncertainties, an appropriate treatment of internal pressure coefficients for both high and low structures is to use the coefficients in Figure B-12 in conjunction with the formula in NBC Sentence and a C g of 1.0 or 2.0 as appropriate. This choice depends on whether there are significant openings and whether small openings producing background leakage are uniformly distributed. In this context, a large or significant opening is a single opening or a combination of openings on any one wall which offers a passage to the wind and whose area exceeds the leakage area of the remaining building surface, including the roof. Such a significant opening may be provided by main doors, shipping doors, windows and ventilators if they are open during a storm, either through expected usage or through damage. To handle the range of circumstances which may prevail, three basic design categories are provided as follows: Category 1 (C ' = 0.0 to - 0.3; C g = 1.0) セ@ This category includes buildings without large or significant openings, but having small uniformly distributed openings (accumulating to less than 0.1 per cent of total surface area). The value of C i should be 0.3 as given in Figure B-12, except where such openings alleviate an external load, when C,pi 0 should be used. Internal pressure fluctuates even within buildings having small distributed openings, and the pressure fluctuations occasionally reach C,pi O. Such buildings would include most high-rise buildings that are nominally sealed and ventilated mechanically, and exceptional lower buildings, such as windowless warehouses, with door systems not prone to storm damage. Category 2 (C pi 0.7 to - 0.7; C g = 1.0) This category includes buildings in which significant openings, if any, can be relied on to be closed in storms but in which background leakage may not be uniformly distributed. Most low buildings fall into this category provided that all elements (shipping doors especially) are designed to be fully wind resistant. In this category, the building should be designed for the full range of C pi 0.7) given in Figure B-12. Category 3 (C pi' = 0.7 to 0.7; Cg = 2.0) This category includes buildings with large or significant openings through which gusts are trans151 pays • mitted to the interior. Normally the range of C pi = ± 0.7 should be used as given in Figure B-12, in conjunction with C g = 2.0. Such. buildings would include, for example, sheds WIth one or more open sides, and industrial buildings with shipping doors, ventilators or the like, having a high probability of being open during a storm or not fully resistant to design wind loads. An ever-present threat in severe storms is the breakage of large unprotected glass areas (and other vulnerable components) by flying debris. Structures required in post-disaster services should be capable of withstanding all the consequences of failure of glass and be included in Category 3. For other structures, in which the glass is designed for wind and there is adequate protection against roof uplift, the contingency of glass damage due to debris is covered by normal load factors for wind. In most cases, there is no need to consider nonuniform internal pressures except in the design of internal partitions, see Clause )(a). Thus, for most structural design, the two limiting values of internal pressure can be considered separately. Exceptions might arise if interior compartments of the building are well sealed and wind damage or the like could expose one area of the building to Category 3 conditions while the rest of the building remains Category 1 or 2, resulting in unbalanced internal pressures. Internal pressures are also affected by mechanical ventilation systems and by the stack effect due to different inside and outside air temperatures. Under normal operations, mechanical systems create a differential across walls of somewhat less than 0.1 kPa, but the stack effect for differences in temperature of 40° could amount to 0.2 kPa per 100 m of building height (Reference (15». 38. Figures B-7 to B-l0 refer to low buildings and present recent data obtained from systematic boundary layer wind tunnel studies. In several instances these data have been verified against full scale measurements. The coefficients are based on the 152 maximum gust pressures lasting approximately 1 s and, consequently, include an allowance for the gust factor, C g • The coefficients, therefore, represent the product C C g • These figures refer to the tributary area associated with the particular element or member over which the wind pressure is assumed to act. In all cases these coefficients should be combined with the appropriate internal pressures. Figures B-7 to B-l0 are most appropriate for buildings with widths greater than twice their heights and a reference height that does not exceed 10 m. In the absence of more appropriate data they may also be used for buildings with H/W < 1 and reference height less than 20 m. Beyond these extended limits, Figure B-ll should be used. Further details of the work on which these results are based are given in References (16) and (17). 39. Figure B-7 presents values of C Cg applicable to those primary structural actions affected by wind pressures on more than one surface, such as in framed buildings. These simplified load distributions were developed to yield as closely as possible the structural actions (horizontal thrust, uplift and frame moments) determined directly from experiment. These results make allowance for the partial loading of gusts referred to in NBC Sentence 40. Figures B-8 to B-l0 are intended for those actions influenced mainly by wind acting over single surfaces, such as the design of cladding and secondary structural members. They should also be used for design of primary structural elements of single surfaces, for example, roofs for which moment connections are not provided at the roof/wall intersection. In this case, the edge region loads need not be included around the entire perimeter of the roof, but only adjacent to the windward edges. For roofs exceeding 10° where edge regions are also specified along the ridge, these increased loads need only be included on the downstream side. The loads on other edge regions can revert to the values specified for the interior regions. pays Wind direction range Building surlaces Root slope 0 TO So 20 0 30 TO 45 90 0 0 Notes to Figure B·7: The building must be designed for all wind directions. Each corner must be considered in turn as the windward corner shown in the sketches. For all roof slopes, Case A and Case 8 are required as two separate loading conditions to generate the wind actions, including torsion, to be resisted by the structural system. (2) For values of roof slope not shown, the coefficient (C C ) may be interpolated linearly. p9 (3) Positive coefficients denote forces toward the surface, whereas negative coeHicients denote forces away from the surface. (4) Interior pressure coefficients C i are given in Figure 8-12. (5) The reference height, H, for ーイセウオ・@ is mid-height of the roof or 6 m, whichever is greater. The eave height may be substituted for the mean height if the slope of the roof is less than 10°. (6) For the design of foundations, exclusive of anchorages to the frame, only 70 per cent of the effective load is to be considered. (7) End zone width "y" should be the greater of 6 m or 2 z, where "z" is the gable wall end zone defined for Case 8 below. Alternatively, for buildings with frames, the end zone "y" may be the distance between the end and the first interior frame. (8) End zone width "z" is the lesser of 10 per cent of the least horizontal dimension or 40 per cent of height, H, except that "z" must be at least 4 per cent of the horizontal dimension and at least 1 m. (1) Load case A. winds generally perpendicular 10 ridge 0.7S IE I.IS -1.3 2E -2.0 -0.7 4 3E -1.0 -0. SS 4E -0.8 1.0 I.S -1.3 - 2.0 -0.9 -1.3 -0.8 -1.2 I. OS 1.3 0.4 O. S -0.8 -1.0 -0.7 -0.9 I. OS 1.3 I. OS 1.3 -0.7 -0.9 -0.7 -0.9 Load case 8' winds generally parallel 10 fldge 6E Figure B·7 External peak pressure coefficients, CpC g, for primary structural actions arising 'from wind load acting simultaneously on all surfaces. 153 pays -6.0 -5.0 -2.0 -4.0 -1.0 aa. ocr> 、セ@ 0 t-----------I -3.0 0 -2.0 (6) * 1.0 -I 0 2 . 0 L....-L....-l---I.-.....L----L---L---L----J o 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 Area.m2 + Figure 8·8 External peak pressure coefficients, C C , on individual walls for design of cladding and secondcfry gstructural members Notes to Figure 8·8: (1) These coefficients apply for any roof slope, a. (2) The abscissa area in the graph is the design tributary area within the specified zone. (3) z = 10 per cent of least horizontal dimension or 40 per cent of height, H, whichever is less. Also z セ@ 1 m, z セ@ 4 per cent of least horizontal dimension. (4) Interior pressure coefficients C . are given in Figure 8-12. (5) The eave height may be substftuted for the reference height (mean height) if the angle of the roof is less than 10°. Notes to Figure 8·9: Canopy coefficients include contributions from both upper and lower surfaces. (28) (2) sand r apply to both roofs and upper surfaces of canopies. (3) The abscissa area in the graph is the design tributary area within the specified zone. 0 Area, m 2 Figure 8·9 External peak pressure coefficients, C C ,on roofs of 10° slope or less for design of cladding and ウ・」ッィ、セイケ@ structural members (4) (5) (6) (1) 154 1.0 (7) Z = 10 per cent of least horizontal dimension or 40 per cent of height, H, whichever is less. Also z セ@ 1 m, z セ@ 4 per cent of least horizontal dimension. Interior pressure coefficients Cpi are given in Figure 8-12. For uplift on tributary areas in excess of 100 m2 on unobstructed nearly-flat roofs with low parapets where the centre of the tributary area is at least two building heights from the nearest edge, the value of C C may be reduced to -1.1 at x/H = 2 and further reduced セョ。イャケ@ to - 0.6 at x/H = 5, where x is distance to the nearest edge and H is building height.(29) For roofs having a perimeter parapet with a height of 1 m or greater, the corner coefficients CpCgfor small tributary areas can be reduced from - 5.4 to - 4.4. (30,31) pays l セMuBヲG@ @ , H a :: 10 45 height 0 -5.0 -5.0 roofs 30° _ 45 roofs -4.0 -4.0 -3.0 -3.0 0 Ol () 0- () -2.0 -2.0 Ol () (:) () - 1 .0 1.0 ®,CD 1.0 a. and© 1.0 100 0 Area, m2 2.0 a 1 5 10 20 50 100 Area, m' Figure 8-10 External peak pressure coefficients, CpC g, on roofs of greater than 10° slope for design of cladding and secondary structural members Notes to Figure 8·10: (1) The abscissa area in the graph is the design tributary area within the specified zone. (2) z =10 per cent of least horizontal dimension or 40 per cent of height, H, whichever is less. Also z ;;:: 1 m, z ;;:: 4 per cent of least horizontal dimension. (3) Interior pressure coefficients Cpi are given in Figure 8-12. 155 pays 41. Figures B-ll and B-12 are for use with taller, rectangular structures for which H/W is greater than 1. The pressure coefficients given are not yet multiplied by a gust effect factor, C , because they are intended for use either with those factors given in NBC Sentence or with the detailed method in which C g for the structure as a whole depends on its dynamic properties as well as turbulence characteristics. A local pressure coefficient, C * = -1.0, applicable to the design of small claddiri g areas (about the size of a window), can occur almost anywhere at any elevation, and is not limited to corners. The simple procedure is mandatory for calculating local cladding loads. 42. Figures B-13 to B-24 are based on wind tunnel experiments in which the correct velocity profile and wind turbulence were not simulated and should therefore be regarded with caution. They are based on the Swiss Association of Engineers and Architects Standards, S.LA., No. 160, published in 1956.(18) Protected Membrane Roofs 43. In the case of a protected membrane roof, with insulation which is not bonded to the waterproofing membrane, the insulation is not subjected to the same uplift pressure as is applied through the depth of the entire roof assembly, because of air leakage and partial pressure equalization between the top and bottom of the insulation boards. External pressure or uplift due to wind is, therefore, applied to the membrane, which acts as an air barrier between the inside and the outside and prevents pressure equalization. Further information can be found in References (19) and (20). Rounded Structures 44. For rounded structures (in contrast to sharpedged structures) the pressures vary with the wind velocity, depending on the Reynolds number, Re, (defined following Equation (11». In Figures B-15, B16, B-19 and B-24, which have been translated and reproduced from the Swiss tables,oS) the Reynolds number is expressed by d VqC e , where d is the diameter of the sphere or cylinder in metres and q is 156 the velocity pressure in kilo pascals. To convert to Re, multiply d VqC e by 27 X 10°. 45. The roughness of rounded structures may be of considerable importance. Common well-laid brickwork without parging can be considered as having a "moderately smooth" surface (Figure B-15). Surfaces with ribs projecting more than 2 per cent of the diameter are considered "very rough." In case of doubt, those C values which result in the greater forces should b1e used. For cylindrical and spherical objects with substantial stiffening ribs, supports and attached structural members, the pressure coefficients depend on the type, location and relative magnitude of these roughnesses. Icing 46. In locations where the strongest winds and icing may occur simultaneously, forces on structural members, cables and ropes must be calculated assuming an ice covering based on climate and local experience. For the iced condition, values of C given in Figure B-19 for thick wire cables for a "rough" surface should be used. Structural Members 47. In Figures B-20, B-21, B-23 and B-24 pressure coefficients with the subscript are used to indicate that they apply to structural members of infinite lengths and this is multiplied by a reduction factor, k, for finite lengths of members. If a member projects from a large plate or wall, the reduction factor, k, should be calculated for a slenderness based on twice the actual length. If a member terminates with both ends in large plates or walls, the reduction factors for infinite length should be used. 00 Loads on Frames and Shielding 48. For framing members that are located behind each other in the direction of the wind, the shielding effect may be taken into account. The windward members and those parts of the leeward members that are not shielded should be designed with the full pressure, q, whereas the shielded parts of the leeward members should be designed with the reduced pressure, qx' according to Figure B-22. pays Notes to Figure 8·11: Wind perpendicular to one wall: for width, use the dimension perpendicular to the wind direction. (2) Wind at an angle to the wall: this condition produces high local suctions on the wall which is at a slight angle to the wind. The coefficient Cp* may occur anywhere over the wall area, but need not be considered in conjunction with the Cp for over-all loading. The coefficients Cp* for the roof are given in Figure 8-12. (3) End walls: pressure coefficients for end walls (parallel to wind direction) are given in Figure 8-12. (4) Interior pressure: coefficients Cpi for interior pressures are given in Figure 8-12. (5) Reference heights for exposure factor for the calculation of both spatially-averaged and local pressures: leeward walls 0.5 H roof and side walls H in conjunction with Cp* H any area at height Z above ground on the windward wall Z (6) Height H1: the height to which Ce is constant is 10m for the simplified method and exposure A, 12.7 m for exposure 8 and 30 m for exposure C. (7) Windward wall Cp: the pressure coefficient is 0.8 for the entire height. The variation in the pressure distribution shown is due to variation in exposure factor Ceo (1) cp = -1.0 Cp -0.5 c·p = -1.0 pressure distribution pressure distribution (7) H z H1 Elevation of building Figure 8·11 width Flat roofed buildings greater in height than in 157 pays , Notes to Figure 8·12: Local maximum suctions: the coefficients Cp* for the roof surface occur for wind at an angle to one corner, and are used in the design of the roofing itself and its anchorage to the structure. Cp* are not to be added to Cp for determining total uplift on the roof. (2) End walls: the end walls are the ones parallel to the wind direction; they have a uniform pressure distribution over the whole building height, except for local maximum suction as indicated in Figure B-11. (3) Reference height for exposure factor: for the calculation of external pressures on end walls use H, the totailleight of the building. For the calculation of internal pressures, use one-half H; where there are dominant openings in the windward wall, use Z, the height to the highest such opening. (4) The value of C/ can be reduced from 2.3 to - 2.0 for roofs with perimeter parapets having heights> 1 m.(30,31) (1) c· = -2.3 D c·p = -1.5 I 0.2D I 02D II • ! セ][ゥQ@ ]イ[ゥjセ@ Iw C D = -0.7 Plan view of building Interior pressures 1. Openings mainly in windward wall +0.7 2, Openings mainly in leeward wall -0.5 3. Openings mainly in walls parallel to wind direction -0.7 4. Openings uniformly distnbuted in all 4 walls -0.3 Figure 8·12 End wall pressure coefficients, local suction maxima on the roof and interior pressures for use with Figures B-7 to B-11 158 I pays A detailed discussion of the loads on unclad building frameworks is given in Reference (21). 49. As the shape of a structure may change during erection, the wind loads may be temporarily higher during erection than after completion of the structure. (22) These increased wind loads should be taken into account using the appropriate coefficients from Figures B-7 to B-24. 50. For constructions made from circular sections with 、カア」セ@ < 0.167 and As/ A セ@ 0.3, the shielding factors can be taken by approximation from Figure B22. If dV gCe > 0.167, the shielding effect is small and for a solidIty ratio As / A セ@ 0.3, it can be taken into account by a constant shielding factor kx:::: 0.95. Partial Loading and Torsional Loading 51. NBC Sentence requires all buildings to be designed for partial loading as well as full loading, as illustrated in Figure B-25. Removal of up to 25 per cent of the load prescribed by the Code from any part of the structure is intended to reflect the observed behaviour of pressure patterns in turbulent wind. Some structures, such as arch-type roof systems, undergo larger stresses under partial loading. Low buildings designed to the specifications of Figure B-7 do not need further unbalanced loads (see Paragraph 39). Tall buildings should be checked against partial loadings that produce torsional effects. In wind tunnel testing, torsional effects have sometimes been even greater than those afforded by a 25 per cent removal of loads from selected areas of the building. (14) Torsional effects are enhanced when the centre of twist is eccentric from the centre of gravity (inertial loading) or from the centre of area (wind loading, full or partial). 52. The pressure coefficients in Figures B-11 and 6-12 refer to the pressures acting along the principal axes of rectangular building forms. They are most appropriate for buildings where H/W > 1 and H> 10 m. In some structural systems more severe effects may be induced when the resultant wind pressures approach the building diagonal. To account for this and also the additional tendency for structures to sway transversely to the wind direction, the structure should be capable of resisting 75 per cent of the maximum loads for each of the principal directions applied jointly, as specified in NBC Sentence The influence of the 25 per cent removal of load discussed in Paragraph 51 should also be examined for combined loads for its influence on torsion, as specified in NBC Clause Further discussion of combined loading effects can be found in References (23) and (24). Lateral Deflection of Tall Buildings under Wind Loading 53. Lateral deflection of tall buildings under wind loading may require consideration from the standpoints of serviceability or comfort. The general trend is toward more flexible structures, partly because adequate strength can now be achieved by using higher strength materials that may not provide a corresponding increase in stiffness. 54. One symptom of unserviceability may be the cracking of masonry and interior finishes. Unless precautions are taken to permit movement of interior partitions without damage, a maximum lateral deflection limitation of 1/250 to 1/1000 of the building height should be specified. According to Sentence of the 1990 NBC, 1/500 should be used unless a detailed analysis is made. Wind-Induced Building Motion 55. While the maximum lateral wind-loading and deflection are generally in the direction parallel with the wind (along-wind direction), the maximum acceleration of a building leading to possible human perception of motion or even discomfort may occur in the direction perpendicular to the wind (acrosswind direction). Across-wind accelerations are likely to exceed along-wind accelerations if the building is slender about both axes, that is if VWD IH is less than one-third, where Wand 0 are the across-wind and along-wind plan dimensions and H is the height of the building. 159 pays 56. Although treatment of this subject is somewhat tentative, the following guidelines may be of assistance. A wide range of turbulent boundary layer wind tunnel studies, have demonstrated that the peak acceleration in the across-wind direction at the top of the building can be found from the following: 58. Although many additional factors such as visual cues, body positions and orientation and stateof-mind influence human perception of motion, when the amplitude of acceleration is in the range of 0.5 per cent to 1.5 per cent of the acceleration due to gravity, movement of the building becomes perceptible to most peopleY5-27) (13) 59. Based on this and other information, a tentative acceleration limitation of 1 to 3 per cent of gravity once every 10 years is recommended; for use in conjunction with Equations (13) and (14) the lower value might be considered appropriate for apartment buildings, the higher value for office buildings. The application of Equations (13) and (14) tends to give conservative results insofar as they assume that the wind always comes from the most sensitive direction; this factor has also been considered in setting the above limitation. A designer who has more detailed information available can make suitable allowances. 57. In less slender structures or for lower wind speeds, the maximum acceleration may be in the along-wind direction and can be found from the expression (14) where across-wind and along-wind building dimensions, m, peak acceleration in across-wind and along-wind directions, m/s2, = 78.5 X 10- 3 ar PB セキG@ セッ@ = average density of the building, kg/ m:>, = fraction of critical damping in acrosswind and along-wind directions, n w,no fundamental natural frequencies in across-wind and along-wind directions, Hz, maximum wind-induced lateral deflection at the top of the building in alongwind direction, m, acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/ S2, g g p, K, s, F, Ce , C g are as defined previously in connection with Equation (9). Note that definitions. 160 セッ@ = セ@ and no = no in terms of previous 60. Owing to the relative sensitivity of expressions and (14) to the natural frequency of vibration, and in (14) to the corresponding building stiffness, these should be determined using fairly rigorous methods, and approximate formulas should be used with caution. For example, the adoption of a natural frequency of 10/N, where N is the number of storeys, may not be consistent with the assumption that the displacement under wind loading is as large as H/ 500. (13) 61. If a more rigorous analysis is not available, the maximum deflection resulting from the equivalent static wind loading can be related to the fundamental building frequency using modal representation of the building motion. The following assumptions may be acceptable: (1) Use first mode only, assumed linear <j>(Z) = r 1Z (2) (15) Uniform distribution of building mass m(Z) = WDP B (16) I pays r As a consequence of modal representation H cp(Z)m(Z)$(Z)dZ u(Z) 41t2ul> = r 2 4>(Z) r \i^HzIセp@ (18) <I>(Z)dZ H u(Z) .0 Jo (17) (19) Z p( Z)dZ (Ll qC,CgC 2+a rl'r 2 Ceq) constants, m(Z) distribution of building mass, with height Z, O<Z<H, kg/m, acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/ S2, g u(Z) displacement at height P(Z) distribution of equivalent static wind pressure with height Z, O<Z<H, kPa. O<Z<H, m, e Substituting Equations (22) and (23) into (14) 3.9 ) ( 2+a DgpB fundamental eigenvector, = (23) where Cp = 0.8 -(- 0.5) = 1.3 and a is the appropriate exponent from Equations (2), (3) and (4). where 4>(Z) p (24) 62. Sample Calculation of aw and aD' A detailed calculation for a wand a o using Equations (13) and (24) will be made for the sample problem worked earlier to illustrate the calculation of a gust effect factor: assume that nw = no = 0.2 Hz セキ@ セッ@ = 0.015 PB = 176 kg/m3 • Other symbols are as defined earlier. Step 1: Calculate a r From Equations (15), (16) and (17) \i^HzI]セ@ 3 WDPBH 3 )z ar (20) = v: 32.1 Step 2: Calculate a w From Equations (18), (19) and (20) f2 = 78.5 x 10-3 [37.8/(0.2 x 30.5)]3.3 aw = 0.2 x 0.2 x 3.75 x 30.48 ( 2 41t no A 3 / 'V 3 WDPBH- /' H ZP(Z)dZ (21) 0.69 m/s2 ,0 7.1 per cent Substituting Equation (21) into Equation (18), the deflection at height H becomes Step 3: Calculate q H 3 セ]M Tセョャ^dーbhR@ 32.1 ) 1730 "0.015 Z P(Z)dZ q (22) = 0.00065 x 27.4 x 27.4 0.488 kN/m2 One possible expression for P(Z) assumes a power law variation with a maximum at the top of qC eCgC p 161 pays Step 4: Calcuiate a D / g aD/g = 3.75 two other sample buildings. One is rectangular and is examined in cases 1 and 2 for wind along both axes. Results are given for three different terrains and for three different wind pressures, corresponding to Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. A tall building with a waterfront location may be exposed to all three terrain conditions for different wind directions. xO.ll xO.28 (3.9 ) (1.90X0.488) 2.50 30.5 x 1.73 1.90 x 0.015 = 3.4 per cent 63. In this example clearly the across-wind accelerations overshadow the along-wind accelerations. Table B-2 gives the results of calculations for Zone Table B-2 Wind Induced Building Motions: Examples of Calculated Peak Accelerations (a) in Along-Wind (D) and Across-Wind (W) Directions at Top of Building (H) q 0.39 kPa q =0.31 kPa q =0.45 kPa Exposure (1/10 basis) (1/10 basis) (1/10 basis) Factor V (H), V(H), aw' aw' aD' aD' mls mls %g %g %g %g Ce Gセ@ Case 1: 120 x 50 x 30 m building (1) open 2.01 30.9 1.54 27.1 suburban 22.8 1.09 city 1.61 1.24 0.93 2.99(2) 1.93 1.08 34.7 30.4 25.5 2.30 1.78 1.33 4.38 2.82 1.58 37.3 32.6 27.4 2.87 2.22 1.67 5.55 3.52 2.01 Case 2: 120 x 30 x 50 m building (1) open 2.01 30.9 1.54 27.1 suburban city 1.09 22.8 1.80 1.40 1.07 1.84 1.18 0.66 34.7 30.4 25.5 2.53 1.98 1.51 2.69 1.73 0.97 37.3 32.6 27.4 3.12 2.45 1.88 3.41 2.19 1.23 38.2 36.1 32.8 6 2.45 2.24 2.01 7 4.73 3.92 2.83 8 41.1 38.8 35.2 9 3.01 2.75 2.48 10 5.99 4.96 3.59 11 Case 3: 240 x 50 x 50 m building (1) 2.43 34.1 1.75 open 3.23 suburban 2.17 32.2 1.59 2.68 1.94 1.79 29.2 city 1.43 2 4 Col. 1 5 3 Notes to Table B-2: (1) Full dimensions and properties of Cases 1 to 3 are given in the following Table. Case 1 2 3 Column 1 162 Height H m 120 120 240 2 Weight Density kN/m 3 1.5 1.5 1.9 3 Dimen. m 50 30 50 4 (2) Bold faced values might exceed acceptable limits and detailed wind tunnel tests might be warranted. in D Direction Frequency Damping 0.250 0.200 0.125 5 0.015 0.010 0.010 6 Dimen. m 30 50 50 7 in W Direction Frequency Damping 0.200 0.250 0.125 8 0.010 0.015 0.010 9 pays Pressure Differences Across Interior Walls and Partitions 64. Considerable pressure differences can result across interior walls and partitions in high-rise buildings and in low-rise buildings in exposed locations, if windows are broken during a storm. In certain locations almost the full pressure difference between the windward and leeward sides of the building could be applied across interior walls or partitions. For example, a large window on the windward side might be broken by flying debris and the full positive pressure exerted on the walls of a small room located at the broken window. Similar conditions could prevail in an apartment building with operable windows or doors. This pressure difference could be aggravated by stack effects in a tall building in the winter. On the other hand, experience does not indicate many failures of interior walls due to this cause, and thus interior walls and partitions are not required to be designed for the maximum possible pressure difference. A design pressure difference of the order of 0.5 kPa may be appropriate. References (1) Associate Committee on the National Building Code, National Building Code of Canada 1990. National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, NRCC 30619. (2) E. Simiu and RH. Scanlan, Wind Effects on Structures: An Introduction to Wind Engineering. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1986. (3) J.E. Cermak, Application of Fluid Mechanics to Wind Engineering. Freeman Scholar Lecture, Journal of Fluid Engineering, ASME, Vol. 97, No.1, March 1975. (4) D. Surry and N. Isyumov, Model Studies of Wind Effects - A Perspective on the Problems of Experimental Technique and Instrumentation. Int. Congress on Instrumentation in Aerospace Simulation Facilities, 1975 Record, pp.79-90. (5) A.G. Davenport, Gust Loading Factors. Journal of Structural Division, Proc., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 93, June 1967, pp. 12-34. (6) D.R. Lemelin, D. Surry and A.G. Davenport, Simple Approximations for Wind Speed-Up Over Hills. 7th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Aachen, West Germany, July 6-10, 1987. (7) p.s. Jackson and J.C.R Hunt, Turbulent Wind Flow Over a Low Hill. Quart. Journal R. Met. Soc., Vol. 101, 1975, pp. 929-955. (8) J.L. Walmsley, P.A. Taylor and T. Keith, A Simple Model of Neutrally Stratified Boundary-Layer Flow Over Complex Terrain With Surface Roughness Modulations. BoundaryLayer Meteorology, Vol. 36, 1986, pp. 157-186. (9) P. Sachs, Wind Forces in Engineering. Second Edition, Pergamon Press, Toronto, 1978. (10) L. Christensen and S. Frandsen, A Field Study of Cross Wind Excitation of Steel Chimneys: Safety of Structures under Dynamic Loading. Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, June 1977, pp. 689-697. (11) A.G. Davenport, Note on the Distribution of the Largest Value of a Random Function with Application to Gust Loading. Proc., Inst. Civ. Eng., London, Vol. 28, June 1964, pp. 187-196. (12) B.J. Vickery and RI. Basu, Simplified Approaches to the Evaluation of the Across-Wind response of Chimneys. Journal of Wind Eng. and Indust. Aerodynamics, Vol. 14, December 1983, pp. 153-166. (13) M. Jensen and N. Franck, Model Scale Tests in Turbulent Wind, Part II. Danish Technical Press, Copenhagen, 1965. (14) D. Surry, R.B. Kitchen and A.G. Davenport, Design Effectiveness of Wind Tunnel Studies for Buildings of Intermediate Height. Can. J. Civ. Eng., Vol. 4, No.1, 1977, pp. 96-116. (15) Y. Lee, H. Tanaka and C.Y. Shaw, Distribution of Wind and Temperature Induced Pressure Differences Across the Walls of a Twenty Story Compartmentalized Building. Journal of Wind Eng. and Indust. Aerodynamics, Vol. 10, 1982, pp. 287-301. (16) T. Stathopoulos, D. Surry, and A.G. Davenport, Internal Pressure Characteristics of Low-Rise Buildings Due to Wind Action. Proc. Fifth International Conference on Wind Engineering, Colorado State University, July 1979, Pergamon Press. 163 pays (17) D. Surry, T. Stathopoulos and A.G. Davenport, The Wind Loading of Low Rise Buildings. Proc. Can. Struct. Eng. Conference, Toronto, 1978. (18) Normen fur die Belastungsannehmen, die Inbetriebnahme und die Uberwachung der Bauten. (Standards for Load Assumptions, Acceptance and Inspection of Structures). Schweizerischer Ingenieur und Architekten Verein (Swiss Association of Engineers and Architects), No. 160, Zurich, Switzerland, 1956. (19) RJ Kind and R.L. Wardlaw, Model Studies of the \Nind Resistance of Two Loose-Laid RoofInsulation Systems. Laboratory Technical Report, LTR-LA-234, National Aeronautical Establishment, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, May 1979. (20) R.J. Kind and R.L. Wardlaw, Design of Rooftops Against Gravel Blow-Off. National Aeronautical Establishment, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, September 1976. NRCC 15544. (21) P.N. Georgiou and B.J. Vickery, Wind Loads on Building Frames. Proc. Fifth International Conference on Wind Engineering, Colorado State University, July 1979, Pergamon Press. (22) D.E. Walshe, Measurements of Wind Force on a Model of a Power Station Boiler House at Various Stages of Erection. NPL Aero Report 1165, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, England, September 1965. (23) Wind Effects Committee, American Society of Civil Engineers, Wind Loading and WindInduced Structural Response. ASCE, New York,1987. (24) N. Isyumov, The Aeroelastic Modelling of Tall Buildings. International Workshop on Wind Tunnel Modeling Criteria and Techniques in Civil Engineering Applications, Gaithersburg, Maryland, April 1982. Cambridge University Press, 1982. (25) P.W. Chen and L.E. Robertson, Human Perception Thresholds of Horizontal Motion. Journal of Structural Division, Proc., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., VoL 98, August 1972, pp. 1681-1695. 164 (26) F.K. Chang, Human Response to Motions in Tall Buildings. Journal of Structural Division, Proc., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., VoL 99, June 1973, pp. 1259-1272. (27) R.J. Hansen, J.W. Reed and E.H. Van Marcke, Human Response to Wind-Induced Motion of Buildings. Journal of Structural Division, Proc., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., VoL 99, July 1973, pp. 15871605. (28) T. Stathopoulos, Wind Loads on Eaves of Low Buildings. Journal of Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 107, No. ST10, October 1981, pp. 1921-1934. (29) D. Surry and E.M.F. Stopar, Wind Loading of Large Low Buildings. Can. J. Civ. Vol. 16, 1989, pp. 526-542. (30) T. Stathopoulos and A. Baskaran, Wind Pressures on Flat Roofs with Parapets. Journal of Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 113, No. 11, Nov. 1987, pp. 2166-2180. (31) T. Stathopoulos, Wind Pressures on Flat Roof Edges and Corners. Proc. of Seventh International Conference on Wind Engineering, Aachen, West Germany, July 6-10, 1987. I pays hob L=l·l·lO C p : External pressure coefficients Internal pressure coefficients OPENINGS Uniformly distributed Figure 8·13 Predominating side "A" +0.7 Predominating ,ide "8" -1.1 Predominating on side "c" -1.3 Closed passage between large walls F =C · q · C · C .h·L n f g e C f - FORCE COEFF. FOR 10+00 lEnd Walls 2.0 10 1.3 1. 15 1.6 1.8 C f - FORCE COEFF. FOR WALLS ON THE GROUND I I I セ@ Figure 8·14 F n セL@ t" 1• 5 Free standing plates, walls and billboards 165 pays = 25 TOTAL FORCE F =C • q • Cg • C e • A/where A ==d.h f C f : FORCE COEFFICIENT FOR > 0.167 d vqc:; Slenderness hid l' II V) N II セ@ 11 -0--0 セ@ hLP] セ@ t"- NセM II " d a, , ,. LE-6-<> p Cp /'; P := Pi - Pe Figure 8·15 7 1 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.9 ):::, ""0 ';- surface ribs h == 2%d) 25 1 .2 __ +1.0 +0.8 +0. I Smooth and rough surface sharp edges -0.7 -0.6 -0.8 -0.6 -0.5 -1.7 +1.0 +0.8 +0. I -0.7 -1.2 C pi • q • Cg . Ce -0.7 -0.5 Pi Pe =Cp . q • Cg • Ce 1 .4 Stack throttled C. P' -0.4 C . == +0.1 p' - 0.8 Cylinders, chimneys and tanks TOTAL FORCE F d セ@ for = C . q • C • C • A; A f 9 e > 0.8 = i rr -4- and moderately smooth surface C ; FORCE COEFFICIENT f 0.2 Cf p. for closed tanks Pi =working press. p'=C ·q·C ·C e p 9 e EXTERNAL PRESSURE COEFF. FOR Figure 8·16 166 セ@ > 0.8 and moderately smooth surface Spheres I pays EXTERNAL RAD, f =5/6 b h:b:L PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS = 1 :12:12 =0° q,=30° q,=90° :to.2 ±0.2 1:0.2 Window Y open on side "Au +0.4 +0. -1.0 -0. I +0.6 +0.8 All door; open on Side "C" D Only door X open On side "C" Sf;oded Area to Scale Figure B·17 Uniformly distributed I .5 +0.7 +0.4 Hangar, curved roof with moderately smooth surface 1 I 1,5 Totol Pi pe A force working = C p = .!!.4 on pressure . q . C d roof in • Ce g 2 C p external pressure coefficient = -1.0 Figure B·18 Roof load on smooth closed tank C lid> 100 Total force F = C f q C f g = F ORC E COEFFICIENTS Ce A d -e <0.167 >0.167 セM Smooth wires, rods, pipes A ;:; d .L Mod. smooth wires ond rods Fine wire cobles Thick wire cables Figure B·19 0 @ • 1 .2 0.5 1 .2 0.7 I .2 0.9 1.3 1.1 Poles, rods and wires 167 pays L = Length of member A =h . L Area • q . Cg • C . A axis of member: Normal force F = k ·C e n nco Tangential force Ft = k • C t co . q • Cg , Ce . A For wind normal Force coefficients for an infinitely long member C nco and C I co i r セッ@ H t l -o,1/ 2h B セZoᄚ@ jP t--"1 +F C noo I C t 00 a . h 'it +F \: H ッPセᄁKlエ@ -+F t セ@ . Kfセ@ C noo C t 00 0° + 1. 9 +0.95 + 1.8 + 1.8 -+F .h t'it 1 QMャPNTUセ@ i .t セ@ h I + 1.6 1+2.0 h:,X· ZセM セ@ 2/3h {t H t セ@ 4- a I C noo 0 0 1+1.4 45 0 90° 'fr +F h 'II f 0° - 0 +2.05 ¢H c lOO c noo 0 +2.05 h ッセjZiョ@ 0 セ@ C t ao c noo 0 + 1.6 h h セ@ 0° |セKf@ +2.0 +2.2 :0.5 Ft is to be used , ,L Figure 8-20 +0.9 ッセIM[ZG@ 0 F + 1.9 ha f t c;>n ッャセᄁョ@ h +0.1 0 {t +F I \ +F h セ@ C nao C t 00 Cnco C teo 0 +2.0 0 + 1.4 -+0.7 + 1.55 + 1.55 0 +0.75 0 +2.0 k: Reduction faclor for members of finite slenderness (in generol use full length not panel length) L/ha 0/ 0 セMKf@ +2.1 0 + 1.2 + 1.6 + 1.95 -+0.6 + 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.8 +0.1 0 +0.4 ...,0.5h...... O.lh ....JIoo- C too C nro C too 0 セ@ -1.7 ::!: 2. 1 -1.8 'If +F t ッセh@ 0.48h + 1.2 +0.9 + 1.85 +0.6 +2.4 'fr +F t h I ....J I- For slenderness, ha セMiャ@ -1.4 1-1.4 -1.75 -0.1 1-1.5 ..J ,!43h 0 -1.9 -1.0 -0. I + 1.75 -0.95 +0.7 -1.6 +2.15 -2.0 +0.1 -+F C too 90° +2.0 + 1.7 0 -I Cnro C too C nro +2. I -+ 1.8 +0.85 +0.85 + 1.5 1-0 I 180 1] c:;; 0; C noo C t ao 0 +Ft{t +F ッイセᄁ@ r'O.lh エセ@ 45 ° + 1.8 -+0.8 135 0 : - 1.8 -0. I : - .0 +0.3 -0.75 +0.75 168 +F +F \ O.lh I セィ@ セN@ I t k 5 10 20 35 50 100 00 0.60 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.90 0,95 Structural members, single and assembled sections I pays As = Section area A h As/A t • l- Solidity rotio For wind normal to surface A: Normal force Fn =k • C • nro q .C . C 9 e . As Plane trusses made from sharp-edged sections Figure 8·21 kx SHIELDING FACTOR 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.440.30 0.30 0.30' k Figure 8·22 x Shielding factors 169 pays LB = Length of bridge CASE I k, C neo ' As' kx from Figs. B-20 & B-21 Windward girder FI = kCneo·q .C 'C e .A s g WITHOUT VEHICLES Leeward girder FII = k C neo ' kxq· Cg . C e ' As I' セhZpG@ "I Deck horiz. laad Fh = 1.0·q· C g ' Ce ' d .L B Deck vert. load Fvert. =0.6·q'C g ·C e ·b.L B L = Length af vehicle; A = h • L v 1 v1 v S v e r t. • 1 A b CASE II Windward girder FI 2 =h 'L v2 v = k C noo ' q • Cg . C e • As Leeward girder FII = k C neo ' kxq • Cg . C e . As WITH VEH ICLES Deck horiz. load Fh = 1.2·q·Cg ·C e ·d·L B Deck vert. laad Fvert. =0.8·q·C g ·C e ·b·L B Traffic load FVI = Cnq . C . C . Al g e F v = C n • 2/3 q . C . C • A2 g e 2 3.8m Figure 8·23 1.5 Highway vehicle 3.0 m 1.2 Pedestrian 1.7m 1.0 Truss and plate girder bridges A=d'Lorh'L セ@ A/A 0.3 L = true length of member /3 = angle formed by wind directian and the normal ta member axis k x = a function of A s/A and x/b ICI 8l xセ}「@ セ「NL]@ TOTAL LOAD IN WIND DIRECTION F = b O· 0 セoIN[@ LF m F = FORCE ON MEMBER m / Fm = k • C eo/3' q . Cg • Ce ' Acos/3 sセfュ@ (Shielded member Fm = k • C eo /3' kxq· Cg ' C e ' Acos/3 ) - "セ@ I Fnf3 -,,< 0 h{ Caeff. C eo /3: For sharp-edged members C eo /3 = k/3 • C neo and k/3 • C teo Caeff. C eo /3' k/3' k, kx: SEE FIG. B - 20FOR C neo and C teo values ROUND MEMBERS, SMOOTH & ROUND MEMBERS, MODERATEL Y SMOOTH ROUGH SURFACES SURFACES, d vqc" < 0.167 0.167 SHARP·EDGED MEMBERS kf3 e 00 1.00 15 0 30 0 45 0 0.98 60 0 0.80 0.93 0.88 Figure 8·24 170 fQC" < d /3 k kx C oof3 -セ@ k kx 1.20 See Fig. See Fig. B - 20 B - 22 セ@ - 0.85 0.60 セ@ C See Fig. B - 20 oof3 k kx 0.58 0.9 0.95 See r--far 0.53 constont Fig. r - - 0.42 L/d=25 B·22 r - - 0.28 Three-dimensional trusses pays Case (a) セ@ セ@ Cs+ cs·C Cs - Case (b) Cs- Case (c) Case (d) Figure 8·25 Full and partial loads due to combined and torsional loads (see Sentence 171 Commentary C Structural Integrity significant probability of occurrence (approximately 10-4 per year or more) should therefore be identified, and measures taken to ensure adequate structural safety. 1. The strength and stability of building structural systems is addressed by Sentence and by the specific requirements in Part 4 of the National Building Code 1990 and in the CSA material design standards referenced in Section 4.3 of the Code This commentary provides guidance on additional considerations for structural integrity as addressed in Sentence and Appendix A. Safety Measures 2. Structural integrity is defined as the ability of the structure to absorb local failure without widespread collapse. For example, a cellular or frame arrangement of components well tied together in three dimensions has good structural integrity. 3. Building structures designed in accordance with the CSA design standards will usually possess an adequate degree of structural integrity, generally through detailing requirements for connections between components. Situations where structural integrity may require special attention include medium/high rise building systems made of components of different materials, whose interconnection is not covered by existing CSA design standards, buildings outside the scope of existing CSA design standards, and buildings exposed to severe accidental loads such as vehicle impact or explosion. The following provides guidance for such situations. 4. A significant number of failures, many of them progressive, occur during construction. The construction sequence should, therefore, be carefully planned and monitored to ensure that partially completed structural systems have sufficient strength, ductility and lateral stability to resist progressive collapse if a construction accident causes significant damage to a structural element or if local failure of a permanent or temporary structural element occurs. Identification of Hazard (1' 5. The hazard is the risk of widespread collapse with serious consequences arising from local failure caused by accidental events not addressed by the loads specified in Part 4. Key components which can be severely damaged by an accident with a 172 6. Measures to prevent the occurrence of widespread collapse resulting from such accidental events include: (a) Control of accidental events. Such measures include protective devices (curbs, guards) against vehicle impact, inspection of key elements or ground conditions for deterioration during use, and blow-out panels to reduce explosion pressures. (b) Local resistance. This consists of designing key members to resist accidental events.(2) Some major structural members, for example, are so strong that most accidental events are unlikely to cause serious structural damage. Ductility of the key members and of their connections to the structure can also provide substantial additional resistance to accidents not normally considered in design. (c) Design of tie forces. Structural integrity can often be achieved indirectly by providing certain minimum vertical, horizontal and peripheral ties in buildings (References 3, 4 and 5). (d) Alternate paths of support. Here it is assumed that the key member has failed, and the damaged building is checked to ensure tha t it can support the dead load plus a portion of the live load and wind load. (e) Control of widespread collapse. This measure consists of dividing the structure into areas separated by planes of weakness which prevent a collapse in one area from propagating into adjacent areas. This method is described in Commentary M: Structural Integrity of Firewalls. 7. Any building system should be considered as a whole, and effectively tied together in such a way as not to be sensitive to local accidental failure. 8. Additional information for specific building structural systems is contained in References (3) to (9). Reference (6) includes additional references for concrete building systems. pays -References (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) H. Griffiths, A. Pugsley and O. Saunders, Report of the Enquiry into the Collapse of Flats at Ronan Point, Canning Town. Her Majesty's Stationary Office, London, 1968. Dansk Standard DS 410 - English Translation. Loads for the Design of Structures: Chapter 17 - Accidental Action. Dansk Ingeniorforening, Copenhagen, 1983. J.E. Breen, Developing Structural Integrity in Bearing Wall Buildings. Journal of the Prestressed Concrete Institute. Vol. 25, No. I, January-February 1980, pp. 42-73. M. Fintel and G. Annamalai, Philosophy of Structural Integrity of Multistorey Loadbearing Concrete Masonry Structures. Concrete International, VoL I, No.5, May 1979. I.J. Speyer, Considerations for the Design of Precast Concrete Bearing Wall Buildings to Withstand Abnormal Loads. Journal of the Prestressed Concrete Institute, VoL 21, No.2, March-April 1976. Canadian Portland Cement Association. Structural Integrity. Concrete Design Handbook, Ottawa, 1985, pp. 1-25 to 1-30. British Standards Institute. BS 5628: Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Masonry: Part 1 Unrein forced Masonry: Section 5 - Design: Accidental Damage, London, 1978. B.R. Ellingwood and E.V. Leyendecker, Approaches for Design Against Progressive Collapse. Journal of Structural Division, Proc., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., March 1978, pp. 413-423. D.A. Taylor, Progressive Collapse. Can. J. Civ. Eng., Vol. 2, No.4, December 1975. 173 Commentary D Effects of Deformations in Building Components Structural Effects 1. When building materials expand and contract due to temperature changes, considerable forces may be produced in restrained structural elements, i.e., those elements that are not free to expand and contract with the changes in temperature. Often these forces are compounded by those produced by shrinkage, creep and moisture content changes and are therefore difficult to analyse or predict. In many situations, however, the structural designer must consider the probable structural effects of the forces produced by temperature changes along with all other forces; indeed the designer is required to do so by Sentence of the National Building Code of Canada 1990. 2. In addition to expansion and contraction, temperature changes may produce differential deformation or warping of materials as a result of a gradient in temperature through the thickness of materials or assemblies. Again this may complicate the assessment of deformations or stresses, but a rational judgment must be made in design if building elements are to perform in a satisfactory manner. 3. If these forces are not properly considered, the stresses resulting from such forces can lead to serious failures (usually cracking) in materials and structural members. Failures occur when clearances are insufficient, when fasteners do not allow movement or deformations, or, in the case of restrained elements, when the elements are not strong enough to withstand the stresses induced. An elementary review of thermal and moisture deformations in building materials is given in Reference (1), from which Table 0-1 has been adapted, to indicate the order of magnitude of movement to which various materials are liable. Design Temperature Ranges 4. In a country like Canada, with its many climatic regions, the extremes of air temperature that have to 174 be considered in the design of exteriors of buildings vary greatly. One way of approaching this problem is to use temperature maps like those given in the Ontario Highway Bridge Code (2) giving maximum summer and minimum winter air temperatures. Such a detailed approach may not be necessary for buildings. Instead, the 2.5 per cent July and January air temperatures for the design of cooling and heating systems in the Table "Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada" in Chapter 1 of this Supplement are suggested. This will be illustrated by the three examples below. 5. Because of solar heat gain in summer and radiation heat loss in winter, the range of temperatures that building elements undergo is greater than the ambient air temperature. Tables 0-2 and 0-3 show typical annual ranges of temperature differences between such elements and ambient air temperatures due to these effects. (3) 6. The values in Table 0-2 will depend on the colour, slope, orientation and insulation backing of the surface. Examples: For a horizontal dark-coloured surface in three typical climate regions (coastal, central and interior), the range of temperatures for design purposes might be as follows: Coastal (Victoria): (24(1) + 25(2) (- 5(3) 10(4» = 64°C Central (Ottawa): (30(1) + 25(2» - (-25(3) -10(4» = 90°C Interior (Regina): (31(1) + 25(2) - (-34(3) - 10(4» = 100°C 7. Except for the very temperate parts of Canada referred to as Coastal, as a simple rule, one may assume a range of exterior surface temperatures of about 100°C for a horizontal relatively dark material. Because of thermal insulation, thermal inertia and other factors, however, the range of extreme temperatures in structural components of a certain thickness will often be somewhat smaller than those in the preceding examples. 8. Temperature variations can be particularly significant in multi-storey apartment and office (1) July 2.5 per cent temperature. (2) Dark metal temperature gain. 0) January 2.5 per cent temperature. (4) Dark metal temperature loss. pays Table D·1 Typical Deformation Properties for Some Common Building Materials I Material Plain concrete (4) normal weight Glass Masonry clay Shrinkage, mm/m Thermal Movement mm/m per 100°C 1.0 0.9 1 Creep Coefficient, (1) <I> 0.5 ±O.1 a 30 70 a ±O.1 20 1 1.0 1.0 -0.2 (expansion) 0.2 0.4 ±O.1 ±0.2 15 15 2 2 1.0 0.7 ±0.2 10 2 2.4 1.7 3.0 1.2 a a a a a a a a 70 110 14 200(5) a a a a 0.4 0.5 1.2 - ±O.1 ±0.1 0.1 60 35 20 a a a 4.0 6.0 0.4 30(2) 50(2) 1(2) 2 3 Notes to Table D·1: Deformation under sustained loading = short term deformation based on modulus of elasticity x (1 + <\». (2) Initial drying from green condition to equilibrium is assumed to be 12 per cent; セュ」@ =per cent change in moisture content from 12 per cenU 21 ) (1) Modulus of Elasticity MPa x 103 a 0.7 calcium silicate concrete (normal weight) concrete (autoclaved lightweight Metal aluminum copper lead steel Natural Stone limestone marble sandstone Wood (spruce-pine-fir) across grain radial tangential parallel to grain Cyclical Change Initial Drying ᄆセュ」サRI@ 1 0.5 10 ᄆRセュ」HI@ ᄆセュ」OSPHRI@ 4 5 3 (3) (3) 1 6 Such application is usually avoided. For reinforced concrete see CAN3-A23.3-M84, "Design of Concrete Structures for Buildings." (5) For cold-formed steel see CAN/CSA-S136-M89, "Cold Formed Steel Structural Members." (3) (4) 175 pays Table D·2 Temperature Increase in Excess of Ambient Air Temperature due to Solar Radiation Tel11perature Gain, °C Surface Dark roofing 20-40 Steel and other metal 15-25 Concrete and masonry 10-15 Column 1 2 Table D·3 Temperature Decrease below Ambient Temperature due to Radiation Loss into a Dark Clear Sky Surface Dark roofing Steel and other metal Concrete and masonry Column 1 Temperature Loss, °C 10 5-10 5 2 buildings with exterior columns partially, and in some cases fully, exposed to the weather. Exposed columns, when subjected to seasonal temperature variations, change their length relative to interior columns, which remain unchanged in a controlled environment. Although in low buildings this causes insignificant structural problems, in tall buildings temperature stresses become significant and must be investigated thoroughly. 9. Dimensional changes occur not only as the result of temperature changes, but also from shrinkage, moisture content changes, chemical processes and creep deformation in the component materials of a building. If the building or component is not free to contract or expand, tensile or compressive stresses result. These stresses can be relieved or reduced to tolerable limits by contraction and expansion joints. Such joints are particularly important to allow contraction to take place along certain preselected lines rather than to produce cracks along accidental lines of least resistance. lengthening of columns due to temperature and shrinkage effects and creep can crack, buckle or otherwise overstress cladding materials and their fastenings. Deflections and linear movements of beams and spandrels and building sidesway can have similar effects. Failure to consider these differential movements has caused many cases of cladding damage. For example, spalling, cracking and bulging have occurred to brick and stone veneer on a number of tall concrete buildings, (2]) necessitating extensive repairs. The phenomenon is not, however, limited to concrete frames, nor are the effects limited to stone and brick cladding. References (6) and OS) to (20) discuss these effects in greater detaiL Bibliography of Temperature Effects on Structures 0) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Effects on Cladding 10. In the design of all buildings, but particularly very long and very high buildings, the effects of movements of the structural members on the cladding elements should be considered. Shortening and 176 (7) M.C. Baker, Thermal and Moisture Deformations in Building Materials. CBD 56, Division of Building Reseach, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, August 1964. Ontario Highway Bridge Design Code 1984. Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Toronto, 1984. Estimation of Thermal and Moisture Movements and Stresses. Parts 1 and 2, British Building Research Establishment Digests No. 227 and 228. Building Research Station, Garston, Watford, Great Britain, August 1979. Principles of Modern Building, VoL I. Building Research Station of DSIR. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1959 (in particular see Chapter 2 on Dimensional Stability). D.G. Stephenson, Extreme Temperatures at the Outer Surface of Buildings. CBD 47, Division of Building Research, National Research セッオョ」ゥャ@ Canada, Ottawa, November 1963. F.R. Khan and M. Fintel, Effects of Column Exposure in Tall Structures. Paper in three parts. (a) Temperature Variations and Their Effects, (b) Analysis of Length Changes in Exposed Columns, and (c) Design Considerations and Field Observations of Buildings. Journal of American Concrete Inst., Vol. 63, No.8, August 1966 and Vol. 65, No.2, February 1968. P. Weidlinger, Temperature Stresses in Tall Reinforced Concrete Buildings. Civil Engineering, New York, Vol. 34, No.8, August 1964. pays .... (8) K. Jones, Restraint of Structures Attached to Mass Concrete. Journal of Structural Division, Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 87, No. ST8, December 1961. (9) W.T. Marshal, Shrinkage and Temperature Stresses in Reinforced Concrete. Civil Engineering, London, Vol. 56, No. 665, December 1961. (0) P. Fisher, Differential Temperature Movements in Rigid Frame. Journal of American Concrete Inst., VoL 59, No.6, June 1962. (1) D.W. Allen, The Calculation of Temperature Stresses. Concrete & Constructional Engineering, VoL LVII, No.9, September 1962. (2) G.L. England and A.D. Ross, Reinforced Concrete under Thermal Gradients. Magazine of Concrete Research, Vol. 14, No. 40, March 1962. (13) Principles of Modern Buildings. Vol. 1, British Building Research Station, HMSO, London, 1959. (14) J.H. Slack and MJ Walker, Movement Joints in Concrete. Concrete Society Limited, Grosvenor Gardens, London, Technical Paper, 1967. (15) Deflections of Reinforced Concrete Flexural Members. Report of ACI Committee ACI Manual of Concrete Practice 1970, Part 2. (16) H. Mayer and H. Rusch, Building Damage Caused by Deflection of Reinforced Concrete Building Components. Deutsher Ausschuss fur Stahlbeton, Heft 193, Berlin 1967, National Research Council Technical Translation TT1412. (17) W.G. Plewes, Cladding Problems Due to Frame Movements. CBD 125, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, May 1970. (18) R.E. Copeland, Flexible Anchorage of Masonry Walls. Concrete Products, Vol. 71, No.7, 1968, p.54. (19) M. Fintel and F.R. Khan, Effects of Column Creep and Shrinkage in Tall Structures Prediction of Inelastic Column Shortening. Journal of American Concrete Inst., December 1969, Proc. V66, No. 12, p. 957. (20) D. Foster, Some Observations on the Design of Brickwork Cladding to Multi-storey RIC Framed Structures. BOA Tech. Note, Vol. I, No.4, September 1971, The Brick Development Association, 3-5 Bedford Row, London WCl 4BU. (21) W.G. Plewes, Failure of Brick Facing on HighRise Buildings. CBD 185, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, April 1977. 177 Mセ@ pays セ@ Commentary E Load Combinations Introduction 1. Subsection 4.1.3. and Article of the National Building Code of Canada 1990 are intended to provide an acceptable and relatively uniform degree of safety in the design of structural members. under different load combinations. The rules pertam to the ultimate limit states (allowable stresses, required structural resistance) and not, in general, to serviceability considerations such as deflection. The rules take into consideration the probability of simultaneous occurrence of the design loads stipulated in NBC Subsections 4.1.5. to 4.1.10. They do not take into account the change in material strengths with changes in duration of loading. Load Combinations 2. As dead load is nearly constant throughout the life of a structure, a combination of dead load with any other load constitutes a combination in which エセ・@ basic safety or load factors apply. When dead load IS combined with two or more other loads, the full design values of each of the ャセ。、@ ・ヲ」エセ@ are ャ・ウセ@ ャゥォセケ@ to occur simultaneously than IS the basIc combmatIon above. Sentences and of the NBC take this into consideration by allowing reductions in the total effect due to combinations of the dead load with two or more other loads. 3. Because of the very short duration of some design loads, the probability of their simulta.neous occurrence is extremely small. Thus, accordmg to NBC Sentence, earthquake load does not need to be considered simultaneously with wind load. When L includes horizontal loads caused by crane operations, the load combination factor of 0?5 is intended to be applied when a single crane only IS in operation. For industrial 「オゥャ、ョァウNキエセ@ multiple crane operations, the same load combmatIon factor for horizontal crane loads should be applied on the basis that the largest crane only is operating at maximum capacity in the most critical location. 4. For building structures subjected to unusual load combinations, for example those involving the 178 use of heavy equipment or the storage of liquids, the simple rules of NBC Subsection 4.1.3. or Article may not apply. In such cases the rule for determining load combinations can be determined by the following principle.(l) Each load can be separated into two components, one a sustained or frequently occurring component (e.g., dead load, storage), the other a transient component which acts rarely, for a short time only (e.g., impact, wind, earthquake, rare accumulation of people or equipment). Since transient loading components are unlikely to occur simultaneously, the critical load combination for any structural effect can be estimated by combining the load having the largest transient component with the sustained or frequent components of all other loads. This principle can be applied in place of the load combination factor both for limit states design, where the loads are factored, and for working stress design, where the loads are not factored. Counteracting Loads 5. Counteracting loads cause overturning, uplift, sliding of structures as a whole and stress reversal in structural members. For these cases, the dead load acts to resist failure and deviations which decrease rather than increase the dead load are critical. For limit states design, an underload factor of 0.85 is, therefore, applied in accordance with NBC Sentence as follows: <!> R セ@ 1.5 (Q or L) - 0.850 0) where <!>R is the factored resistance of the anchorage or member component. 6. Working stress design does not take into account the need for an underload factor for dead load and, therefore, special rules are required to provide sufficient safety.(2, 3) NBC Article requires a safety factor of not less than 2.0 on loads tending to cause overturning or sliding. In cases of uplift or stress reversal, special rules may be required which essentially reflect Equation 0). 7. With regard to overturning, the designer should consider that: 0) unless the foundation material has a high strength, the point of overturning is not at the toe of the building, and (2) for flexible structures the dead load acts through the centre of gravity of the deflected structure. pays 8. A special situation arises in the case o! overturning or sliding during an earthquake. Smce the lateral earthquake force depends on the combined weight of the structure and its contents, two cases should be considered in applying Equation (1): one with the structure empty, where dead load only acts to resist overturning, and one with the structure full, where dead load plus the contents act to resist overturning. In the latter case, D in Equation 0) should also include the contents. Full and Partial Loading References 0) C.J. Turkstra, Theory of Structural Safety. SM Study No.2, Solid Mechanics Division, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, 1970. (2) D.E. Allen, Safety Factors for Stress Reversal. Publications, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, Vol. 29/ II, 1969. (3) Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Collapse of Cooling Towers at Ferrybridge, Monday, 1 November 1965. Central Electricity Generating Board, London. 9. Full and partial loading considerations are required in accordance with NBC Article for floor live load and Sentence for snow load. For limit states design, such pattern loading requirements should be considered in conjunction with the dead load multiplied either by 1.25 on all spans or 0.85 on all spans, whichever produces the most unfavourable effect. 179 pays Commentary F Limit States Design 1. Subsection 4.1.4. of the National Building Code of Canada 1990 allows the use of limit states design as an alternative to existing procedures for design calculations of building structures. This Commentary describes what is meant by limit states design and the reasons for introducing it into the National Building Code and associated CSA Structural Standards. In addition, a background explanation is given of the safety and serviceability criteria contained in NBC Subsection 4.1.4. The criteria were produced by a CSA/NBC Joint Liaison Committee on Limit States Design, which represented all structural and foundation standards used by the National Building Code of Canada. Limit States 2. All building structures have the same basic functional requirements, namely that they should be safe from collapse during construction and that they should be safe from collapse and be serviceable during the useful life of the building. The onset of various types of collapse and unserviceability are called limit states. Those concerning safety are called ultimate limit states and include the exceeding of load-carrying capacity, fracture, overturning, sliding and large deformation. Those concerning serviceability are called serviceability limit states, and include excessive deflection, permanent deformation, cracking and vibration. 3. The primary aim of limit states design is to prevent the attainment of limit states, that is to prevent various kinds of failure. This should be clearly understood by the designer when reading and interpreting structural standards, since any detailed requirement is aimed at preventing the attainment of a particular limit state. 4. Limit states design is not new; it is basically a clarification of well-known principles. There is, however, a change of emphasis. 5. Existing design methods - allowable stress design, plastic design, ultimate strength design - put the main emphasis on a particular structural theory 180 such as elastic or plastic theory. No particular theory, however, applies universally to all limit states and all types of construction. Elastic theory is generally applicable for serviceability limit states and fatigue, plastic theory for ultimate limit states in some cases, a stability analysis for overturning. The appropriate theory will either be indicated in the structural material standard or chosen by the designer. 6. Furthermore, existing design methods emphasize only one limit state, usually associated with a limiting stress or member strength. Due to changes to lighter composite-acting construction with less in the way of stiffening and damping from curtain walls and partitions, serviceability requirements such as deflection and vibration are becoming more critical in structural design, and deserve the same consideration as strength requirements. In contrast to existing design methods, limit states design applies to all kinds of failure such as collapse, overturning and vibration, and to all materials and types of construction. 7. In summary, limit states design provides a unified rational basis for design calculations of building structures of all materials. This is the main reason that it is being adopted for international standardization. (l) Safety and Serviceability Criteria 8. As already stated, the aim of limit states design calculations is to prevent failure, that is the attainment of a limit state. Unpredictable factors such as loads and workmanship enter into the calculations, however, and so the further qualification is added "that the probability of failure be sufficiently small." The more serious the consequences of failure, the smaller should be the probability. Satisfactory failure probabilities are achieved through the use of reliable materials, through competent structural engineering, manufacture and erection, and by the use of safety and serviceability criteria in the design calculations. The safety and serviceability criteria should provide adequate human safety and serviceability on the one hand, and economy on the other hand, Le., optimum or smaller failure probabilities.(2) This is achieved in limit states design through the statistical definition of specified loads and material properties and the use of partial factors. pays 9. The general form of safety and serviceability criteria contained in NBC Subsection 4.1.4. can be expressed as follows: <j>R 2:: effect of [aDD + )'\jJ(aLL + aQQ + arT)] (1) where 0, L, Q and T are the specified loads (dead, live, wind or earthquake, temperature, etc.) defined in NBC Sentence, a = load factor applied to one of the specified loads which takes into account variability of the load and load patterns and, to some extent, inaccuracy in the structural analysis, '" load combination factor applied to loads other than dead load to take into account reduced probability of simultaneous occurrence of loads from different sources, y = importance factor applied to loads other than dead load which takes into account the consequences of collapse as they relate to the use and occupancy of the building, i.e., the danger to human safety and the economic loss, R calculated resistance of a member, connection or structure based on the specified material properties, <j> resistance factor applied to the resistance or specified material property which takes into account variability of material properties and dimensions, workmanship, type of failure (e.g., brittle versus ductile) and uncertainty in the prediction of resistance. 10. When the specified loads and resistances are multiplied by the appropriate partial factors, the prod ucts are called the factored loads and factored resistances. The load factors, load combination factor and importance factor in the right side of Equation (1) are given in NBC Subsection 4.1.4., the same for all building structures. The resistance and resistance factor in the left side of Equation (1) are contained in the appropriate structural standard, different for different materials, type of structural element and type of behaviour. 11. In the case of the ultimate limit states, Equation (1) states that the factored resistance must be greater than or equal to the effect of factored loads. A special situation arises in cases of overturning, uplift and stress reversal, where the load effects tending to cause failure are counteracted by the dead load effect. For such cases positive anchorage is required if the factored load effects tending to cause failure are greater than the stabilizing effect of the dead load multiplied by a dead load factor of 0.85. 12. For the serviceability limit states, instead of a factored resistance, <j>R represents a criterion such as an allowable deflection, acceleration or crack width. Equation (1) therefore results in serviceability requirements of the same type as in the past. It is important, however, to understand which limit state a particular criterion is attempting to prevent. Definition of Speci'fied Loads and Resistances 13. For limit states design, specified loads and specified material properties used to calculate resistance are defined on the basis of probability of occurrence. Values so defined are called characteristic values. Material properties are controlled by statistical sampling and the characteristic value corresponds to a limiting probability of unfavourable test values. Climatic loads are based on measurements taken at weather stations, and the characteristic value corresponds to a return period. Characteristic values for material properties and loads used in the National Building Code are given in Table F-1. Where statistical information is lacking, e.g. for live loads, the specified values correspond to the existing nominal values. 14. For new materials or new control methods, material resistance should be defined on the basis of the 5 per cent probability level and material stiffness on the basis of the 50 per cent probability level; where statistical sampling is used, a 75 per cent confidence level is recommended. 15. Since the characteristic values in Table F-1 refer to standard tests or measurements (for example the standard cylinder test for concrete, hourly wind speed at an airport), the probability levels cannot be directly applied to what happens in the structure without further considerations. 181 pays Table F·1 Characteristic Values for Loads and Material Properties in the National Building Code Materials Concrete (cylinder test) Wood (tests on small clear specimens) Steel (yield in tension) Masonry (for prism tests) Load Dead Floor Snow Wind - ultimate limit states - serviceability limit states Earthquake - ultimate limit states Column 1 Probability Level 10 per cent 5 per cent Not defined (-1 to 2 per cent) 10 per cent Return Period Not defined Not defined 30 years 30 years 10 years (See Commentary J) 2 Partial Factors 16. To provide sufficiently small failure probabilities for the limit state under consideration, limit states design makes use of partial factors in contrast to the total safety factor used by existing design methods. The use of partial factors gives more consistent safety for different load combinations as well as for different combinations of materials, with a consequent economy of materials. It also provides a better basis for development of new types of construction or for unusual situations, since all partial factors, including resistance factors for the wellknown basic structural materials, will either be known or can be established on a rational basis. 17. The partial factors contained in NBC Subsection 4.1.4. were determined on the following basis: Load factors were first chosen on the basis of variability of the loads and load patterns only, excluding approximations in structural analysis. Based on the probabilistic assumptions given in Reference (3) for a 30-year life, the following load factors were obtained, corresponding to a probability level three standard deviations above the mean: 1.2 for dead load and 1.4 for live load and wind load. 182 To take into account approximations in structural analysis, these load factors were increased to 1.25 for dead load and 1.5 for live load and wind load. The load factor for imposed strains (temperature, shrinkage, differential settlement) was taken as 1.25, the same as for dead load. As a general rule, however, inaccuracy in structural analysis should be taken care of by means of conservative assumptions in the analysis. Inaccuracies in member resistance are taken into account in the factored resistance. The load combination factor, 'V, was determined on the basis of a probabilistic study for the combination of dead, live and wind loads for office or residential buildingsY) These studies indicate that 'V = 0.7 gives a safety consistent with that for the basic combination of dead load plus live load. The same studies also indicate that for overturning, uplift and stress reversal, safety consistent with that for dead load plus live load is obtained when aD = 0.85. For buildings of normal human occupancy the importance factor was taken equal to 1.0 for practical purposes, since this classification corresponds to most buildings. For post-disaster buildings, importance factors greater than 1.0 are applied to wind load in NBC Subsection 4.1.8. (by means of increased return period) and earthquake load in NBC Subsection 4.1.9. The reason for retaining this approach is that the importance factor should be applied only to those loads which can cause a disaster. For buildings of low human occupancy, such as farm buildings or storage sheds, an importance factor less than 1.0 applied to loads other than dead load is justified on the basis of reduced risk to humans. The factor 0.8, along with the reduction in dead load factor from 1.5 to 1.25, closely corresponds to the 25 per cent increase in allowable stress contained for some years in the ACNBC Canadian Farm Building Code. For the serviceability limit states, in accordance with NBC Article, the partial factors are generally taken as 1.0; an exception is the reduction for load combinations. Two reasons for continuing this traditional approach are: the consequences of serviceability failure are considerably less serious than for collapse, and therefore the partial factors are closer to 1.0; since the criteria for serviceability failures cannot be accurately defined, only simple empirical rules which absorb safety factors are justified. pays 18. The live load factor 1.5 applies to live loads for most buildings. For live loads whose uncertainty deviates considerably from those specified in NBC Article, the load factor should be adjusted accordingly. For example, the uncertainty in weight or pressure of fluids in storage tanks is similar to uncertainty in dead load, and a load factor of 1.25 may be appropriate in some cases. Design of such structures is often governed by a serviceability limit state of water tightness or by differential settlement. 19. The dead load factor of 1.25 does not take into account any increase in dead load as a result of alterations (e.g., to the roof or floor) during the life of the building. 20. During construction all permanent and temporary structural members should have sufficient factored resistance to carry the effect of factored construction loads. Adequate load factors not less than 1.25 (greater if the construction load is more uncertain than the dead load), with the importance factor equal to 1.0, are recommended. Resistance Factors 21. The resistance factors will be determined by each structural materials standard as it develops limit states design. Guidance on the determination of resistance factors is given in Reference (4). References General Principles on Reliability for Structures. International Standard ISO 2394. Geneva, 1986, 18 pp. (2) M.K. Ravindra and N.C. Lind. Theory of Structural Code Optimization. Journal of Structural Division, Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 99, ST7, July 1973, p. 1541. (3) D.E. Allen. Limit States Design - A Probabilistic Study, Can. J. Civ. Eng., Vol. 2, No.1, March 1975, p. 36. (4) Guidelines for the Development of Limit States Design. CSA Technical Publication S408-1981. Canadian Standards Association, Rexdale, Ontario. (1) 183 pays Commentary G Tributary Area 1. Because live loads are generally given as uniformly distributed loads over a floor area, and because dead loads can usually be considered as uniform loads, either over an area or along the length of a flexural member, design engineers have for years used the concept of tributary area to determine the loads that beams, girders and columns carry. Once the concept is applied to any floor, it is easily extended for multi-storey columns to any number of floors. 2. Earlier design standards recognized that the probability that all the floors of a multi-storey building would be loaded to the full live load simultaneously was very remote. Therefore, to design the columns for the full live load of a number of floors was unduly restrictive, and reductions in the live load were devised as a function of the number of floors supported by the columns. 3. In the 1960 edition of the National Building Code, with the recognition that the average live load was a function of the area supported, the rationalization was carried one step further and a reduction of 15 per cent was allowed for beams, girders and trusses supporting areas greater than 20 m 2 • 4. In subsequent editions, provisions have been included for live load reduction based on tributary areas with two different expressions, one for office and apartment buildings and the other for storage or similar areas. 5. Therefore, for determining the total dead load to be supported by a given member, and to determine what live load reduction factor should be applied, a clear definition of tributary area, about which some confusion existed, is needed. 6. In the case of a member which supports the load directly, such as a slab, the tributary area is defined as the area supported by the member bounded by the lines of support. In the case of a member which does not support the load directly but supports other members, the tributary area is defined as the area bounded by the lines of support of the member and the lines of zero shear in the members 184 supported, assuming a uniformly distributed load is acting on the structure. These definitions, which for continuous construction require a structural analysis to determine locations of zero shear, should be followed when determining the forces that members carry. In determining live load reduction, however, the following simplifications are recommended. Decks and Slabs 7. No live load reduction factors should be applied to wooden or sheet metal decks, precast units or one-way slabs because of the uncertainty of the degree of lateral distribution of loads. 8. The tributary area for a flat slab or the slab portions of two-way slabs with beams is the area bounded by column lines or by a combination of column lines and lines of supporting members such as beams and girders, whichever is the lesser, as shown in Figures G-1, G-2 and G-3. Beams and Girders 9. The tributary area for a member supporting a portion of a floor is the area enclosing the member and bounded by the lines of zero shear in the members supported. For buildings with fairly regular bays the lines of zero shear in the members supported can be assumed to be half-way between lines of support. Figures G-2 and G-3 illustrate the tributary area of beams supporting two-way slabs. Figures G-4 and G-5 illustrate the tributary areas for joists, beams and girders supporting a one-way slab. Negative Moments in Continuous Members 10. Tributary area for negative moment over a support may be taken as the sum of the tributary areas of the beams on either side of the support. Columns 11. For a column the tributary area per floor is the area of floor supported, bounded by the lines of zero shear. For buildings with fairly regular bays these can be assumed to be half-way between the column lines, as shown by the dotted area in Figures G-1 to G-5. In structures with beams, joists or girders the pays Flat and two-way slabs セ@ mmIIJ] Joist, beam or セ@ セ@ girder 1<-:: セZ⦅j@ Column 1. ..l. - - ........セ@ -- ...... .. !"" -,- - -:- Qセ@ -:-Joi :-.,.; T セエ@ , _... ... !"" , I Figure G-1 and girders ,... I .... lセ@ 2 II Figure G·3 Tributary areas for a two-way slab with joists, beams and girders iセLN@ ,-- "- セ@ ..,..... l2-J 2 l2 Tributary areas for flat slabs without beams Figure G-4 Tributary areas for a one-way slab with girders Joist girder beam Figure G·2 Tributary areas for a two-way slab with beams .1 Figure G-S Tributary areas for a one-way deck or slab with joists, beams and girders 185 pays tributary area per floor is half the sum of the tribu tary areas of each of the floor members framing into it. 12. In multi-storey buildings the tributary area for a column supporting one use and occupancy is the sum of the tributary areas per floor for that column on all levels above the storey in question. 13. For a column supporting more than one use and occupancy, NBC Article requires that the tributary area for each use and occupancy be considered separately for determining reduction in live load and that the area supporting snow load, which has no reduction, not be included. 186 pays f Commentary H Snow Loads 1. Snow loads on roofs vary according to geographical location (climate), site exposure, shape and type of roof, and also from one winter to another. To account for these varying conditions, the specified snow load, S, on a roof or other surface is expressed in Subsection 4.1.7. of the National Building Code 1990 as the sum of two components, one being the prod uct of a series of factors S = Ss (C b• C w• C s • C) + Sr where S5 = ground snow load in kPa with a 1-in-30 probability of exceedence per year Sr the associated rain load in kPa. However, the rain load at any location on a roof need not be taken greater than the load due to snow (Le., Sr -::; Ss(CbCwCsC). the basic roof snow load factor, the wind exposure factor, Cw the roof slope factor, and Ca the accumulation factor. The factors are discussed separately in this Commentary and a series of figures are provided to illustrate their application to various shapes of roofs. The factors are based on measurements obtained during surveys of snow on roofs, and on judgment. Since surveys of sufficient length (about 10 years or more)(l) cover only a limited selection of the most common and simplest roof shapes, the factors are of limited accuracy and may be subject to change as more data become available. Snow Loads on the Ground 2. In Canada, ground snow loads are used as a basis for the determination of roof snow loads. Therefore, they form part of the basic climatic information needed for building design and are given in Chapter 1 of this Supplement in the Table "Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada." Each ground snow load is composed of a load due to the snow load with a 1-in-30 annual probability of exceedence, based on measured depths and densities and a load, Sr' due to the associated rain which may fall into the snow cover (not including any rainfall that exceeds the weight of the snow cover)Yl (See Paragraph 5.) The snow loads for a given town or city are for the exact latitude and longitude defined in the Canada Gazetteer en for that town or city. In cities having a large change in elevation, snow loads may vary within the city. Maps from which S5 and Sr can be obtained for locations not listed in Chapter 1 of the Supplement are available from the National Climatalogical Information Services, Environment Canada, 4905 Dufferin Street, Downsview, Ontario, M3H 5T4. Variations with Climate 3. The wide climatic variations across the country produce large variations in snow conditions. The heaviest snow loads occur in the mountainous regions of British Columbia and Alberta; they last the entire winter and vary considerably with elevation. In certain limited coastal locations of British Columbia, little drifting of snow occurs. The Prairie provinces, Yukon and the Northwest Territories have very cold winters, with small annual snowfalls but frequent strong winds, which cause considerable drifting of snow on roofs and on the ground. The region that includes Ontario, Quebec, and interior regions of the Atlantic provinces is marked by moderate winds and snowfalls, and sufficiently low temperatures in most places to allow snow accumulation all winter. In this region, moderate uniform and high drift loads occur. Also, cold northwesterly winds often cause locally heavy snowfalls to the lee of bodies of water such as the Great Lakes and the Saint Lawrence River, which lead to increased snow loads. Local Variations - Mountainous Areas 4. In mountainous areas ground snow loads increase with elevation. Observations by the Institute for Research in Construction of the National Research Council on a number of mountains in British Columbia indicate significant increases in ground snow load with increases in elevation, depending on the local topography and climate.(4) Individual mountains or groups of mountains may cause Significant changes in local or micro climate within short distances. Hence, snow loads listed in Chapter 1 of this Supplement apply only at a particular elevation at the 187 individual location as defined by the name and latitude/longitude coordinates given by the Gazetteer of CanadaY) For locations not listed, the Atmospheric Environment Service should be consulted for specific recommendations as stated in Chapter 1. Unit Weight of Snow on the Ground 5. Falling snowflakes usually consist of very large complex ice crystals. Because of their large surface area to weight, they fall to the ground relatively slowly. On arrival, this snow accumulates in a loose and fluffy layer with a unit weight of about 0.5 to 1.0 kN /m 3 . Immediately, however, the snow crystals start to change: the thin, lacy needle-like projections begin to sublime and the crystals become smaller irregularly shaped grains. Settlement of the snow results and the unit weight, y, increases after a short time to about 2.0 kN/m 3 or greater, even at below freezing temperatures. The unit weight of the snowpack continues to increase with age, ranging from 2.0 to 5.0 kN/m 3 • As explained in Chapter 1 of this Supplement, average values for the seasonal snow pack have been derived for different regions across the country for use in the ground snow load calculations.(2) The snow surveys from which the unit weight is derived are made four times per month (at most). While the survey measurements reflect to some extent the portion of rainfall that is trapped in the snowpack over a period of time, only a small proportion of measurements would have been made directly after a rainfall. Therefore, the measurements probably do not adequately represent the short term density increase due to the wetting of snow by rain, and for this reason, the rain load, S , is included in the calculation of roof snow loads. (2) Snow Loads on Roofs Unit Weight of Snow on Roofs 6. In calculation of loads due to snow on roofs a measurement or good estimate of the unit weight is necessary. The unit weight of snow on roofs, y , obtained from measurements at a number of stations across Canada varied from about 1.0 to 4.5 kN/m 3 . An average value for use in design in lieu of better local data is y= 3.0 kN/m 3 • (5) In some places, where the maximum roof load is reached only after contributions from many snowstorms, a unit weight as high as 4.0 kN /m 3 may be appropriate. 188 Solar Radiation and Heat Loss 7. Some factors which modify snow loads occur only under special conditions. For example, solar radiation has little effect in reducing loads in cold weather. Similarly, during cold weather, heat loss from roofs is not very effective in melting the snow, particularly on well insulated and well ventilated roofs. These two factors cannot, therefore, be relied upon to reduce the snow load significantly during the colder periods. During thaws and toward the end of winter, however, when air temperatures approach the freezing point, solar radiation and heat loss do result in melting. Roof Snow Load Factors 8. The factors C b , C w ' C" and Ca were not obtained by rigorous statistical analyses due to the lack of data, but they have been found to give acceptable and conservative designs. 9. Basic roof snow load factor, C b • The basic roof load has been set at 80 per cent of the ground load (i.e., C b = 0.8). This figure is based on the results of a countrywide survey of snow loads on roofs carried out by the Institute for Research in Construction and a number of volunteers. 10. Wind exposure factor, Cwo Observations in many areas of Canada have shown that where a roof or a part of it is fully exposed to wind, some of the snow is blown off or prevented from accumulating and the average snow load is reduced. 11. Therefore, for roofs fully exposed to the wind (though not for very large roofs where it may be inappropriate) the wind exposure factor, C w ' may be taken as equal to 0.75 rather than 1.0 (or 0.5 rather than 1.0 for exposed sites north of the treeline). This substitution applies under the following conditions: (a) the building is in an open location containing only scattered buildings, trees or other such obstructions, so that the roof is exposed to the winds on all sides and is not shielded by obstructions higher than the roof within a distance from the building equal to 10 times the height of the obstruction above the roof level; (b) the area of roof under consideration does not have any significant obstructions such as parapet walls within a distance of at least ]セ@ pays f e 10 times the difference between the height of the obstruction and C bC wSs iy, m; and (c) the loading case under consideration does not involve accumulation of snow due to drifting from adjacent surfaces such as, for example, the other side of a gable roof. A value for C wof 1.0 must be applied to other than the loadings marked Case 1 in Figures H-1 to H-3. 12. The value CbCwSs iyis obtained by assuming that the snow will drift to the top of the parapet. Then hdrift hparapet = CbCwS s iyon the exposed roof (Le., 0.6 S5 iy normally or 0.4 S5 iy north of the treeline). 13. In practice it is sometimes difficult to make a clear distinction between roofs that will be fully exposed to the winds and those that will not. The designer should, in consultation with the owner, weigh the probability of the roof becoming sheltered by an addition to the building or by adjacent higher buildings or trees. Such changes could cause either drift loads or higher average loads. In considering drift loads, which are the more serious, a minimum distance of at least 5 m should be maintained from another existing or future building or from the property line to justify disregarding drift loads. This corresponds to the distance used in NBC Sub-clause for multi-level roofs. With regard to higher average loads, it is important to use a wind exposure factor, C w' equal to 1.0 for any roof area whose exposure may decrease. 14. The designer should also be aware that the snow loads on the roof of an existing building on the same or adjacent property may also be affected by the location of a new higher building or other obstruction. 15. The installation of solar collectors on roofs may result in reduced exposure similar to that around obstructions unless the clear gap under them is sufficiently large to allow scouring and ren-lOval by the wind rather than deposition.(6,7) 16. Regional variation in Cw ' For the exposure factor to have any application there must be wind. Therefore, designers should use C w 1.0 in the few areas of Canada, such as winter-calm mountain valleys, where winter winds are not strong or frequent enough to produce significant reductions in roof loads. 17. Roof slope factor, Cs ' Snow loads on a sloping surface act on the horizontal projection of the surface. Under most conditions, less snow accumulates on steep roofs than on flat and moderately sloped roofs, because of sliding, creep, better drainage and saltation.(S-lO) The coefficient, C ,as defined in NBC Sentence accounts for these effects by reducing the snow load linearly from full snow load at 30° slope to zero at 70°. A lesser value of C s is permitted in Sentence for unobstructed smooth, slippery roofs such as glass or metal. In this case, the load may be reduced linearly from full load at 15° to zero at 60°. In order for the designer to use the full reductions as described in either of these relationships, the snow should be able to slide completely off the roof surface under consideration. 18. Situations in which public safety may be compromised by snow and ice falling from roofs should be avoided. If snow fences or barriers are required to keep snow and ice on roofs, they should be designed to transmit the substantial forces involved into the building structure.{S,9) Heat-traced gutters, heated drips or some other means to prevent the growth of dangerous icicles due to meltwater from the snow retained on roofs may also be required. Snow and ice falling from the roof of a building may be deflected against the building, causing damage. 19. Accumulation factor, Ca' The accumulation factors, Ca, are described in Figures H-1 to H-6 for a number of different roof shapes. For cases where Figures H-1 to H-6 do not apply, accumulation factors should be determined by the designer based on applicable field observations, special analyses usually accounting for local climate effects Ol -13) or on model tests. (6) In an effort to provide guidance, the Institute for Research in Construction has published two collections of interesting non-uniform snow loads as case histories.(14,lS) 20. Effect of wind on snow accumulation on roofs. When the wind encounters obstructions, regions of accelerated and retarded flow result. The regions of retarded flow are said to be regions of "aerodynamic shade."(16) Since a minimum velocity is required to transport the snow, it settles out where the flow velocity is too low and forms drifts whose shapes are indicated by Ca' 189 21. Roofs situated below adjacent roofs are particularly susceptible to heavy drift loads, because the upper roofs can provide a large volume of snow to form drifts.(S,17,lS) Canopies, balconies and porches are similarly susceptible. The drifts that accumulate on these roofs depend mainly on the difference in elevation and on the size of the upper roof.(17) linearly to zero at 22.5° beyond the sector boundaries and with no snow on the remaining 225° sector. Local experience should also be considered. Snow accumulations due to sliding and drifting occur regularly at the bases of domes where they meet the ground. These should not be neglected. 22. Projections such as penthouses or parapet walls on flat roofs may collect triangular snow drifts that reach the tops of the projections, but the magnitude of the loads is usually less than on roofs situated below adjacent roofs. 25. In completely calm areas, snow covers roofs and ground in uniform layers. For these locations, the design load can be considered as a uniformly distributed load equal to some suitable fraction of the ground snow load if sliding is not a factor. Truly uniform loads, however, are rare and have been observed only in certain mountain valleys of British Columbia and occasionally in other parts of the country, on roofs that are well sheltered on all sides by high trees. Generally, the winds which usually accompany or follow snowfalls transport new snow from exposed to protected areas. Hence, the probability that high uniform loads will occur on exposed roofs is reduced and the probability that drifts will form is increased. Drifting does not occur in certain local areas on the B.C. coast where heavy snowstorms invariably consist of wet snow. In these specific locations, the drift requirements of Sentence may be overly conservative. Where the authority having jurisdiction is convinced that drifting will not occur, drift effects need not be considered. However, the influence of creep and sliding snow causing unbalanced loads should be considered on gable roofs of slope >15°, arches with rise to span, h/b greater than 0.1, and other roofs of significant slope. 23. Wind flow over gable, or arch roofs, is accelerated by being deflected upwards on the windward sides. On the leeward sides, velocities drop and the snow entrained in the wind and scoured from the other side is deposited. Heavy unbalanced loads often occur as a result of the transfer of snow from one side to the other. (lY,2()) This unbalance is especially important for domes and also for buildings such as arenas, which have long spans and in which a collapse might be catastrophic. (1) Lightweight curved structures, such as cold-formed metal arch buildings, are particularly sensitive to unbalanced snow loads, as the self-weight of the structure is relatively small. These structures can generally be analyzed as arches. However, the flexibility of such arches suggests that a second-order analysis is likely to be required to predict the structural behaviour.(lH,lY) The structures can also be analyzed as shells when special consideration is given to shear transfer and to the axial capacity of longitudinal stiffeners. Load tests may be needed to assess the behaviour and load carrying capacity of the structural elements, especially when transverse corrugations are present. 24. When the wind flows over peaked or smooth domes, unbalanced snow load will also occur. Data on snow load distributions on domes are not available and wind tunnel or water flume tests are therefore recommended to assist in the selection of appropriate design loads. In the absence of such tests, the following approximate distributions may be considered; in plan view: (a) a uniformly distributed load (adjusted for slope) over the whole dome, and (b) the Case II loading (Figures H-2(a) and H-2(b», applied over a 90° sector, tapering 190 26. Redistribution of load due to melting. Redistribution of loads may occur as a result of snow or ice melting and flowing or sliding to other areas where it refreezes, or falling to a lower roof where it accumulates as slush or ice. On sloped roofs, meltwater from warm, perhaps poorly insulated, parts may refreeze on colder areas or on the eaves and cause high ice loads and also ice damming, water back-up under shingles and danger from falling icicles. These can be alleviated by taking steps to decrease heat loss from the warm surfaces. 27. Since drainage under the snow cover on flat or nearly flat roofs is not generally as good as on those with slopes, meltwater, slush and ice may be retained pays longer. Also snow accumulations near projections can melt as a result of heat loss through the roof or solar radiation or exhausted warm air. The resulting meltwater may migrate to the lower areas causing heavy loads. The centres of bays are particularly vulnerable if the drains are located at the columns (high points). This redistribution of load may cause further deflection and lead to an instability similar to that produced by rain ponding (see Commentary I). shown in Figure H-l. Where both slopes are equal to or less than 15°, the load distribution is determined by Case I, but is also subject to the general requirements of NBC Article for "full and partial loading" which now apply to the Case I loading only. On slopes over 15°, Case II, which accounts for unbalanced loading, and Case I both apply. Case II loading is intended to account for snow blown from the windward over to the leeward side as well as snow removed by sliding from one side. Flat and shed (single sloped) roofs are subject to Case I and "full and partial" loading only. Detailed Explanations of Figures H·1 to H·6 28. In the following, Figures H-l and H-2 apply to the basic shapes: the simple flat and shed roofs, the simple gable roofs and the simple arch and curved roofs. More complex shapes can often be considered as combinations of these. When the roofs shown in Figures H-l and H-2 are adjacent to higher roofs or have projections or are combined to form valleys, reference should also be made to Figures H-3 to H-6. For all these simple and complex roofs, the basic snow load coefficient, C b , is 0.8 in all loading cases. 30. Arch roofs (Figures H-2a and H-2b). Uniform and unbalanced load distributions are particularly important for the design of curved roofs. (1,18-20) In addition, where the rise to span ratio (h/b) is equal to or less than OJ, the requirements for "full and partial loading" apply. On large span buildings with low h/b ratios designed for locations having low ground snow loads, the total snow load in Case II may exceed a load equal to half the ground snow load (or 36 per cent of the ground snow load for unobstructed slippery roofs) uniformly distributed on the roof. In this situation, Case III may be used in the calculation of the unbalanced snow load instead of Case II.(20) 29. Gable, flat and shed roofs (Figure H-I). On gable roofs both uniformly distributed and unbalanced loads should be considered for all slopes less than 70° (or 60° for unobstructed slippery roofs), as Roof profile _ .., _- I LD I I I I I i Factors Roof slope Load case Cw 0. Distribution of snow load, S I Case I o . 75(3) I I I II II I II I II Ca Cs oッセ。YPᄚ@ I (a OR )(1) 1.0 1.0 I i I Case 11(2) _I____I ",. .J.-INjiMGセ@ II 15'5a520' RPッセ。DYᄚ@ Figure H·1 Snow distributions and snow loading factors for gable, flat and shed roofs Notes to Figure H·1 : (1) Varies as a function of slope a as defined in NBC Sentences and (5). j 1.0 f ( a ) (1) 1.0 f ( a ) (1) 0.25 20 1 .25 I (2) (3) Case II loading does not apply to gable roofs with slopes of 15° or less or to single-sloped (shed) roofs or to flat roofs. Cw = 0.75 may be reduced to 0.5 for exposed areas north of the treeline as defined in NBC Sentence 191 Case II loading may also be used for the design of domes (see Paragraph 24). wrinkles and layers at the bottom of the valley, the loads on the upper slopes are reduced. Since Cases II and III describe the worst loads due to drifting and slope effects, the C, factor is taken as equal to 1.0. 31. Snow accumulations caused by wind and by snow sliding off the surface regularly occur on either or both sides of arches where they meet the ground and should not be neglected. (19) 32. Valleys in curved or sloped roofs (Figure H-3). In the design of roofs with valleys, uniform loads and loads accounting for drifting, sliding or creep, and the movement of meltwater are important. A reduction due to slope is allowed for Case I loading, because as the snow creeps down the slope and 33. Multi-level roofs, obstructions and parapets. Multi-level roofs, obstructions and parapets are all "bluff objects" creating turbulent wakes downwind, where snow accumulates in drifts. Such roofs and obstructions can be considered as geometrical variations of a rectangular object situated on or adjacent to a lower flat roof. If the object is narrow and lower than the design depth of uniformly distributed snow wind ------. Roof profile a I I < 30° Load case I Distribution of snow load, S I Case I I I I S セ@ 2 S5 + Sr MAX.= , S 2 S5 t I I I + Gセ@ I I I Factors C All I C w 0.75 OR C s f( a) (5) 11(1) h - > 0.1 1.0 b 1.0 Y hx (5) f( a) セ@ For 0 f (a) S: I a (3) 1.0 I, MAX·'::1j"lnr * I Case III f( a) nllllllllllllI11 I Case II I Range of application I I 1(1) but not more than2Cb < x< x3 C = l.. a Cb h - > 0.1 1.0 b f (a )(5) For x 30 s: d 4 ) x x 30 x C=2.. a Cb Figure H-2(a) Snow distributions and snow loading factors for simple arch or curved roofs Notes to Figure H-2(a): (1) If the total load per unit length of building perpendicular to span b exceeds 0.5 (Ss + Sr)b, Case III may be used instead of Case II. For circular curved roofs Case III may be used if b > 3.0 Ss + Sr ( 17 + 7 Cos 4 Oe) (2) (3) (4) Y (5) 192 Max S =2S s+ Sr occurs at u =30° or at the edge of the roof if u e < 30°. Cw = 0.75 may be reduced to 0.5 for exposed areas north of the treeline as defined in NBC Sentence X30 = value of x where u = 30° or value of x at edge of roof if u e < 30°. Varies as a function of slope u as defined in NBC Sentence I pays Roof profile Distribution of snow 01 Load case 1 I 1 Factors Range of i application Cw (3) (5) All Case I f( 0 OR 1.0 i LO Case II h - > 0.1 but not more than 2/C b 1.0 b I I max. Case III S.$l.. . MセN@ セ@ o< ' : . f(n) C a x < f (a) 1.0 For x 30 a I Figure H-2(b) Snow distributions and snow loading factors for simple arch or curved roofs with unobstructed slippery surfaces Notes to Figure H-2(b): (1) If the total load per unit length of building perpendicular to セー。ョ@ b exceeds 0.36 (Ss + Sr)b , Case III may be used Instead of Case II. For circular curved roofs Case III may be used if b> 3.0 _NᄃQᄋセA@ 17 + 7 Ca; 4 (leI (2) x 30 C ::: ,4 ) =2-.-'2Cb x (5) 0.1 '30 2 Cb . Max S 1.7S5 + SI occurs at the edge of the roof if 22.6° (i.e., h/b = 0.1) Cw =0.75 may be reduced to 0.5 for exposed areas north of the treeline as defined in NBC Sentence X30 = value of x where C1 = 30° or value of x at edge of roof if C1e < 30°. Varies as a function of slope C1 as defined in NBC Sentence C1e = (3) (4) (5) 193 pays Distribution of snow load, S Factors Roof slope Load case Cw ex ca Cs I 0.75 (2) Case I I Case II II o セ@ 90 OR 0 f (0 1.0 )(1) 1.0 or P\クセ「OTZ@ 10 <a :5. 90 0 1.0 1.0 Co For Co l/C b b/4<x5b/2: O. 5/C b For 0<x:5:b/8: Case III III 10 0 <0'::;90° 1.0 Co 1.0 C Figure H-3 Snow distributions and snow loading factors for valley areas of roofs Notes to Figure H-3: e (1) Varies as a function of slope a as defined in NBC Sentence on the roof it is, for the purposes of this Commentary, a "non-obstructing" parapet; if higher, it is an obstruction; if higher than a "non-obstructing" parapet and wide enough to provide a significant source of snow on its upper surface, it is an "upper level" roof. 34. The lower roof (Figure H-4). The load distribution on roofs adjacent to higher ones should be a triangular shape with the maximum load near the higher roof equal to the unit weight of snow (3.0 kN / m 3) times the difference in roof elevation (in metres). The triangular snow drift is presumed to extend to the level of the higher roof, except that an upper limit equivalent to 3 Ss + Sr has been suggested in Figure H-4. The accumulation factor in Figure H-4 is based on observations taken on roofs with a difference in elevation of about 1 storey (2 to 5 m) and 194 (2) 1.5/Cb For b/8<x:5.b/2: 0 Cw = 0.75 may be reduced to 0.5 for exposed areas north of the treeline as defined in NBC Sentence{3). where the upper roofs were usually less than 75 m long measured parallel to the wind direction. (5,21) Drifts produced by snow blown from larger roofs may exceed the suggested limits in Figure H-4, but not enough data exist about such roofs to make definite recommendations. On the other hand, for relatively short upper roofs (less than 15 m), loads less than those calculated from Figure H-4 may be judged adequate by the designer. Drifts deposited as a result of a change in elevation occur not only when the upper roof is part of the same building but also when it is on an adjacent building not more than 5 m away, as shown in Figure H-4. Where the drift obtained from Figure H-4 is longer than the lower root the drift should be truncated at the edge of the lower roof. Further, where the difference in elevation between two roofs is small (less than about 1.5 m) and the pays J Factors x Cw J Mャッセ@ 0 Distribution of snow load, S I Ca (2) Cs 1.0 f (a )(1) 1.0 f (a )(1) C 00 I [ttl! I I II I I I b-n セ@ , : 1Oh' 0< x .1 xd S xd < x S 10 h' 1.0 C 00 - (Coo 1) x xd f(a t) 1.0 f (a /1) 1.0 Value of xd : xd=2h but 3ms;xd 9m Value of h': 0.75(3) > 10 h' h' = h· Value of Ca 0 OR 1.0 : when C a 0 < 1,0 use 1,0, when C a 0> Figure H·4 Snow distributions and snow loading factors for lower levels of adjacent roofs Notes to Figure H·4: (1) Varies as a function of slope a as defined in NBC Sentences and (5). upper roof is long, drifts up to twice as long as those obtained using Figure H-4 have been observed. 35. The wind exposure factor, C w ' should be taken e as equal to 1.0, for those areas of the lower roof sheltered by the upper roof. The width of the sheltered area is 10 times the difference between the elevation of the upper roof and the elevation of the uniformly distributed snow on the exposed lower roof (Le., 10 (h 0.6 SJy) or 10 (h 0.4 SJy) north of the treeline). 36. Multi-level roofs with the upper roof sloped (Figure H-5). A lower roof should be designed for the loads provided in Figure H-4 plus an additional load (2) (3) If a > 5 m or h セ@ 0.8S s drifting need not be considered. y Cw =0.75 may be reduced to 0.5 for exposed areas north of the treeline as defined in NBC Sentence produced by the snow that may slide from an upper roof. The following guide is recommended. Because of the low probability that both upper and lower roofs will have the full load over their entire areas simultaneously when sliding occurs, the lower roof should be assumed to carry its full load according to Figure H-4 plus 50 per cent of the total weight of the Case 1 snow load from the upper roof. The distribution should be made depending on the relative sizes, slopes and positions of the two roofs. If all the sliding snow cannot be retained on the lower roof because it is too small, appropriate reductions may be made. A profile of the snow depth on the roof should be drawn to confirm that the loading is reasonable. 195 e pays Figure H·5 Snow distributions on lower roof with sloping upper roof Notes to Figure H·5: (1) Lower roof is designed for drift load (see Figures H-3 and H-4) and sliding snow load (see Paragraph 36). (2) Upper roof is designed in accordance with NBC Subsection 4.1.7. (see Figures H-1, H-2{a) and H-2(b)). Roof profile Distribution of snow load(1·2), S Figure H·6 Snow distribution and snow loading factors for areas adjacent to roof obstructions Notes to Figure H·6: (1) Varies as a function of slope a as defined in NBC Sentences and (5). (2) If b is less than 3Ss 1y, m the effect of the obstruction on the snow loading can be ignored. (3) Cw =0.75 may be reduced to 0.5 for exposed areas north of the treeline, as deIined in NBC Sentence sliding snow load drift load e Roof projection b, Factors x metres (2) < 0.75 (3) 3 Ss --y- Distribution of snow f (a OR ALL )(1) 1.0 1.0 S > rrIDlllllllltr ^セ@ C, 10 h'----J > 1.0 C 00 (Coo - 1.0 y Xd < x$. 10 h' 1.0 f( a )(1) f( a t) 1.0 Value of 0.75 > 10 Value of h': セM@ : ca 0= 0.67 when C a 0 < 1.0 use 1.0, when C a 0 > セ@ 196 OR 1.0 h' = hValue of Ca 0 h' use b (3) 1.0 l)x pays 37. Areas adjacent to obstructions (Figure H-6). Consideration should also be given to triangular drift loads adjacent to significant vertical obstructions, such as elevator, air conditioning and fan housings, small penthouses and wide chimneys. The peak load adjacent to the obstruction in Figure H-6 is assumed equal to 0.67 yh + Sr' where h is the obstruction height in metres and y the unit weight in kN I m 3 • It decreases to the design roof load at a distance of 2 h from the obstruction. The peak load need not be larger than 2 S5 + Sr (Ca ::; 2/C b ) nor is it necessary to consider the drift load if the width, b, of the obstruction in Figure H-6 is less than 3.0 SJy. supporting members is generally too remote to be considered in design. (22) On most of the roofs in Figures H-l and H-2 a number of separate cases of full and partial loading will be required to ensure proper design of all elements. 41. The reason for these requirements is that snow seldom accumulates according to the simple configurations in Figures H-l and H-2. Consequently, full and partial loading must be considered for the design of structural members which are sensitive to changes in load distribution (e.g., truss diagonals and cantilevers) and which would not otherwise be designed for unbalanced loads. Unusual Roofs Snow Removal 38. In some cases, particularly roofs of unusual shapes, exceptionally large roofs and roofs over which the air flow is significantly affected by other buildings or topographic features, the prediction of snow loads is difficult. In such cases, the designer should calculate and plot the snow depths to scale applying a unit weight of 3.0 kN 1m3 to judge whether the distributions look reasonable. In some circumstances wind tunnel or water flume tests might be used to assist in the evaluation. 42. Although it is fairly common practice in some areas to remove snow from roofs after heavy snowfalls, the National Building Code does not allow a reduction of the design load to account for this because: (a) snow removal cannot be relied upon. Experience in several countries has shown that during and after extreme snow storms, traffic is immobilized and snow removal crews cannot be obtained, (b) snow cannot be effectively removed from the centre of large roofs, and (c) unbalanced loading can occur as a result of certain patterns of snow removal. Parking Decks 39. Roofs used as parking decks should be designed for the loads noted in NBC Tables 4.1.6.A and 4.1.6.B. or the roof snow loads, whichever are greater. Where snow removal may occur, consideration should be given to the loads due to snow removal equipment and to the weight of piled snow. Full and Partial Loading 40. All roof areas, including those to be designed for increased or decreased loads according to Figures H-l to H-6, must be designed for the full specified load given in NBC Article over the entire area. However, only the flat, shed, low slope gable «15°) and curved roofs (h/b < 0.1) of Figures H-l and H-2 need be designed for Case I loading distributed on one portion of the area and half of this on the remainder of the area, the location and size of such partial areas being chosen to give the greatest effects in the members and joints concerned. These requirements do not imply checkerboard loading because the probability that checkerboard loading will occur in such a way as to give the worst conditions for 43. In special cases, roofs have been designed with reduced design loads because of the incorporation of melting systems which periodically clear them of snow. Decisions to use such systems should be considered carefully, because adequate energy for melting may not be available when required. Further, as the years pass, the importance of keeping the system functioning (perhaps at great cost) may be forgotten. Ice Loading on Structures 44. Loads due to ice accretion on exposed surfaces of superstructure members, railings, lattice towers and signs are described in References (23) and (24). The Atmospheric Environment Service, Downsview, Ontario has a modeL based on climate data at weather stations, to compute ice loading on vertical and horizontal surfaces and cables. 197 pays Minimum Roof Load 45. Articles and of the National Building Code provide for a minimum uniform roof load of 1 kPa and a minimum concentrated load of 1.3 kN. These loads are "use and occupancy loads" intended to provide for maintenance loadings, workmen and so forth. These loads are not reduced as a function of area or as a function of the roof slope. History of Snow Loads in the National Building Code 46. In the 1953 National Building Code of Canada, design snow loads were equal to the ground snow load, with reductions allowed for sloped roofs only. Such values were very approximate and resulted in overdesign in some roofs while allowing underdesign in others, particularly in areas subject to high drift loads. Information on which to base a more refined assessment of the loads was not available, however, until a countrywide survey of snow loads on roofs was undertaken by the Institute for Research in Construction with the help of many volunteer observers. This survey provided evidence on the relationship between ground and roof loads and enabled the committees responsible for the 1960 edition of the National Building Code to make changes. The roof load was set at 80 per cent of the ground load and the ground load was based on a return period of 30 years and adjusted to allow for the increase in the load caused by rainwater absorbed by the snow. 47. With the introduction of the 1965 Code and its Commentary, further changes made by the Revision Committee on Structural Loads and Procedures led to a more rational approach to design loads. All roof loads were directly related to the snow load on the ground and, consequently, the roof snow loads were removed from the table of Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada in Chapter 1. The basic load remained at 80 per cent of the ground load, except that a snow load of 60 per cent of the ground load was allowed for roofs exposed to the wind. This reduction was made because at the same time allowance was made for a variety of influences causing accumulations of snow on roofs. This was done by means of "snow load coefficients" or shape factors, which were shown in the form of simple formulas 198 and diagrams similar to Figures H-1 to H-6. In addition, the slope red uction formula was changed from the step function used in 1960 to a linear function. 48. In the 1970 Code and Commentary, minor changes were made to the provisions for gable and arch roofs and more severe "full and partial loading provisions": "full and zero loading" rather than "full and half." 49. In the 1975 Code and Commentary, few changes were made, except that the requirement for full and partial loading was considered too severe at "full and zero" and was changed back to "full and half" loading. 50. In the 1977 and 1980 Commentaries, the provisions for loads on arch roofs were changed/and a number of rationalizations made as an aid to better understanding of snow loads on roofs. 51. The 1985 Code and Commentary provisions were rewritten to simplify the presentation and to clarify the intent of the minimum roof loading of 1.0 kPa. Further, the minimum roof loading was made independent of slope, the unit weight of roof snow was increased 1.9 per cent to give y = 2.4 kN 1m3, "full and partial loading" was restricted to Case I loadings on buildings in Figures H-1 and H-2, and the unbalanced loading on arches was simplified. 52. In the 1990 Code and Commentary a new slope reduction formula is given for unobstructed slippery sloping roofs, the unit weight of roof snow is increased to y = 3.0 kN 1m 3, the need for unbalanced snow loads on domes is emphasized, the minimum C is reduced to 0.5, rather than 0.75, for exposed イッセヲウ@ north of the tree line, and design roof snow loads are separated into snow and rain components consistent with the new ground snow loads given in Chapter 1 of this Supplement. References D.A. Taylor, A Survey of Snow Loads on the Roofs of Arena-Type Buildings in Canada. Can. J. Civ. Eng., Vol. 6, No.1, 1979, pp. 85-96. (2) M.J. Newark, L.E. Welsh, R.J. Morris and W.V. Ones, Revised Ground Snow Loads for the (1) I pays (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11 ) (12) 1990 National Building Code of Canada. Can. J. Civ. Eng., VoL 16, No.3, June 1989, pp. 267278. Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Normes, Gazetteer of Canada (12 Volumes by Province and Territory). Surveys and Mapping Branch, Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources, Available from Mail Order Services, Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Dept. of Supply and Services, Ottawa, Ontario K1A OS9. B.R. Claus, S.O. Russell and P.A. Schaerer, Variation of Ground Snow Loads with Elevation in Southern British Columbia. Can. J. Civ. Eng., VoL 11, No.3, September 1984, pp. 480493. D.A. Taylor, Snow Loads on Multi-Level Flat Roofs in Canada. Proc. 55th Western Snow Conf., Vancouver, April 14-16, 1987, pp. 133141. NRCC 28486. Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Housing, Research and Development Section. Prevention of Excess Snow Accumulation due to Roof Mounted Solar Collectors. (Report prepared under contract by MHTR Ltd., Guelph, Ontario) Toronto, December 1981, 76 pp. D. Nixon, Solar Collectors Briefing Document S-2. Public Works Canada, Design/Construction Branch, Sir Charles Tupper Building, Ottawa, March 1981, 25 pp. D.A.Taylor, Snow Loads on Sloping Roofs. Two Pilot Studies in the Ottawa Area. Can. J. Civ. Eng., Vol. 12, No.2, 1985, pp. 334-343. D.A. Taylor, Sliding Snow on Sloping Roofs. CBD 228, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, 1983, 4pp. R.L. Sack, Snow Loads on Sloped Roofs. ASCE Journal of Structural Eng., Vol. 114, No.3, March 1988, pp. 501-517. N. Isyumov, Roof Snow Loads - Their Variability and Dependence on Climatic Conditions. Symposium on the Structural Use of Wood in Adverse Environments, 15-18 May 1978, Vancouver, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 510 pp. N. Isyumov and M. Mikitiuk, Climatology of Snowfall and Related Meteorological Variables with Application to Roof Snow Load (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) Specifications. Can. J. Civ. Eng., VoL 4, No.2, 1977, pp. 240-256. N. Isyumov and A.G. Davenport, A Probabilistic Approach to the Prediction of Snow Loads. Can. J. Civ. Eng., VoL 1, No.1, 1974, pp. 28-49. W.R. Schriever, Y. Faucher, and D.A. Lutes, Snow Accumulation in Canada: Case Histories: 1. Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, January 1967. NRCC 9287. D.A. Lutes, and W.R. Schriever, Snow Accumulation in Canada: Case Histories: II. DBR Technical Paper 339, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, March 1971. NRCC 11915. J.T. Templin and W.R. Schriever, Loads due to Drifted Snow. Journal of Structural Division, Proc., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., VoL 108, No. ST8, August 1982, pp. 1916-1925. M.J. O'Rourke and E. Wood, Improved Relationship for Drift Loads on Buildings. Can. J. Civ. Eng., Vol. 13, No.6, 1986, pp. 647-652. D.A. Taylor, Roof Snow Loads in Canada. Can. J. Civ. Eng., VoL 7, No. 1, 1980, pp. 1-18. D.A. Taylor, Snow Loads for the Design of Cylindrical Curved Roofs in Canada 1953-1980. Can. J. Civ. Eng., VoL 8, No.1, 1981, pp. 63-76. T.H.R. Kennedy, D.J.L. Kennedy, J.G. MacGregor and D.A. Taylor, Snow Loads in the 1985 National Building Code of Canada: Curved Roofs. Can. J. Civ. Eng., Vol. 12, No.3, 1985, pp.427-438. D.A. Taylor, Snow Loads on Two-Level Flat Roofs. Proc. 41st Eastern Snow Conf., Washington, D.C., June 7-8, 1984, pp. 3-13. NRCC 24905. R.L. Booth, and D.A. Taylor, Discussion, Design of Light Industrial Buildings. Can. J. Civ. Eng., Vol. 7, No.4, 1980, pp. 660-661. Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Highway Engineering Division, 1983 Ontario Highway Bridge Design Code, Toronto, p. 46. Canadian Standards Association CAN ICSAS237-M86. Antennas, Towers and AntennaSupporting Structures. Rexdale, Ontario, 1986, 73pp. 199 pays Commentary I Rain Loads 1. In accordance with National Building Code Sentence, any roof which can accumulate water must be designed for the load that results from a 24 h rainfall on the horizontal projected area of the roof. This requirement applies whether or not the surface is provided with drainage, such as rainwater leaders. The distribution of rain load should be determined by the designer, who should take into account the shape of the roof, including camber, with or without creep deflection due to dead load, and also deflection due to rain. 2. Notwithstanding the above requirement, it is considered good practice in the location of roof drains to take into account not only the roof slope but also deflection of the roof due to creep, snow and rain. Drains should be provided with suitable devices to prevent clogging by leaves or, when appropriate, suitable overflows should be provided through parapet walls. Ponding Instability 3. If a flat roof is too flexible, rainwater will not accumulate evenly over the roof but will flow to form ponds in a few local areas. This may lead to an instability similar to buckling, which can result in failure of the roof due to local overloading. In the case of one-way roof beams or decking simply supported on rigid supports, ponding instability will occur when the beam or decking stiffness is less than Elcrit given by 4 (1) EI cit = pgS HセI@ where E = I L S P 200 modulus of elasticity, moment of inertia of the beam or decking, span, spacing of the beam or decking, mass density of water, kg/m 3• 4. In the case of a two-way system of roof joists on girders, the critical stiffness can be approximated by + eiァセ@ 1 (2) Elj where EIcrit and EIgcrit are given by Equation (1) for joists and girders, respectively. 5. Even if the roof system is stiffer than the critical values determined by Equations (1) and (2), calculated moments and deflections may be amplified due to ponding effect. A practical criterion is to require roof stiffness to be at least twice the critical stiffness. In the case of a one-way system on rigid supports, in terms of existing deflection requirements, this can be expressed as follows: w> lS.4L HセI@ (3) L allowable where w is the design load in kilopascals specified for deflection calculation and HセI。ャッキ「・@ is the allowable deflection to span ratio (see Table A-l, Commentary A, "Serviceability Criteria for Deflections and Vibrations"). If for a one-way system the design load w is less than the critical value given in Table 1-1, the effects of ponding should be considered. This applies particularly to large flat roofs in areas of heavy rainfall. Further information is given in References (1) to (7). Table 1-1 Critical Values of w for Ponding, kPa {one-way system - Equation (3)) Deflection/Span I Requirement L = 5 m L = 10 m . 1:180 0.43 0.86 1:240 0.32 0.64 Column 1 2 3 i I L 20 m L =30 m 1.71 2.57 1.28 1.93 4 5 References (1) D.A. Sawyer, Ponding of Rainwater on Flexible Roof Systems. Journal of Structural Division, Proc. , Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 93, ST1, February 1967, p. 127. (2) R.W. Haussler, Roof Deflection Caused by Rainwater Pools. Civil Engineering, VoL 32, October 1962, p. 58. I pays t (3) F.J. Marino, Ponding of Two-Way RoofSysterns. Engineering Journal Am. Inst. of Steel Construction, Vol. 3, No.3, July 1966, p. 93. (4) Commentary on the Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings. Am. Inst. of Steel Construction, New York, February 1969. (5) A.E. Salama and M.L. Moody, Analysis of Beams and Plates for Ponding Loads. Journal of Structural Division, Proc., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 93, ST1, February 1967, p. 109. (6) J. Chinn, A.H. Mansouri and S.F. Adams, Ponding of Liquids on Flat Roofs. Journal of Structural Division, Proc., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 95, ST5, May 1969, p. 797. (7) D.A. Sawyer, Roof-Structural Roof-Drainage Inter..actions. Journal of Structural Division, Proc., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 94, ST1, January 1969,p.175. 201 pays Commentary .J Effects of Earthquakes Objectives of EarthquakeResistant Design 1. The earthquake-resistant design requirements of the National Building Code of Canada 1990 provide an acceptable level of public safety, which is achieved by designing to prevent major failure and loss of life. Structures designed in conformance with these provisions should be able to resist moderate earthquakes without significant damage and major earthquakes without collapse. For the purpose of this section, collapse is defined as the state at which exit of the occupants from the building becomes impossible because of failure of the primary structure. 2. Structures could be designed to resist major earthquakes without damage; this, however, would be uneconomical and unwarranted because of the relatively small likelihood of such events in Canada. Instead, the objective of the NBC provisions is to reduce the probability of fatalities to an appropriately small value and to accept some structural damage in major earthquakes. Damage caused by landslides such as have occured in Anchorage, Alaska, (1) or damage due to earth consolidation or liquefaction as in Niigata, Japan}2l will not be prevented by conforming to the seismic requirements of the NBC. The NBC regulations provide buildings with resistance to earthquake ground motions but not to slides, subsidence, or active faulting in the immediate vicinity of the structure; such cases require special study. 3. To design an earthquake-resistant structure, one needs to know the characteristics and probability of occurrence of the "design" seismic ground motion, the characteristics of the structure and the foundation, the allowable stresses in the materials of construction, including the foundation soils, and the amount of damage that is tolerable. The design must provide not only sufficient structural strength to resist the ground motion, but also the proper stiffness to limit the lateral deflection or drift. Damage to nonstructural elements may be minimized by proper limitation of distortions and by attention to the 202 details of their connection to the primary structure. The minimum requirements given in the NBC incorporate the above considerations. This commentary elaborates on the quantitative and qualitative bases for the NBC requirements, and in some cases, recommends procedures. 4. It is beyond the scope of the NBC to cover the entire range of problems involved in the earthquakeresistant design of all structures. Unusual structures, highly irregular buildings and special-purpose industrial structures such as nuclear reactors, power plants and stacks should be treated as special problems with special design criteria in each instance, including possibly a dynamic analysis. Likewise, tanks, piping and structures whose failure constitutes an unusually high involuntary hazard to health or life as a result of emission of toxic or explosive substances must be designed to standards determined by an evaluation of the probabilities of failure and their consequences. Some of these structures have earthquake-resistant design provisions identified in other standards, e.g., CANDU nuclear power plantsYl liquefied natural gas facilities(4) and fixed offshore production structures.(5) The advice of an experienced engineer should be sought to arrive at suitable design criteria. Seismic Regionalization 5. Earthquake-resistant designs should be considered for structures built in all regions of Canada, although the severity of expected earthquake effects varies considerably across the country. Detailed information on earthquakes that have occurred in Canada is contained in the publications of the Geological Survey of Canada, Energy, Mines and ResourcesY,·lOl From these studies, the present seismic zoning maps for Canada have been developed.(11-15) 6. The seismic zoning maps (Figures J-1 and J-2) are based on a statistical analysis of the earthquakes that have been experienced in Canada and adjacent regions. These ma ps differ from the previous (1970) seismic zoning map employed in the 1980 and earlier editions of the NBC in that (a) the data were analyzed using a method proposed by Cornell(16) and a seismic risk computer program developed by McGuire,(17) instead of the extreme-value method. The new method I pays provides for inclusion of geological and tectonic information in support of the seismic data, (b) new strong seismic ground motion attenuation relations(12l were employed, (c) both peak horizontal acceleration and peak horizontal velocity have been mapped, and (d) the probability of exceedance of the seismic ground motion parameters has been changed to 10 per cent in 50 years (which is mathematically equivalent to a probability of exceedance of 0.0021 per annum) from the previous value of 0.01 per annum. The probability of exceedance of 10 per cent in 50 years for the ground motion parameters is considered to be more appropriate than the previously employed 0.01 per annum for the objectives of earthアオ。ォ・Mイウゥセエョ@ design described in Paragraph 1. However, on average across the country, the calculation of minimum lateral seismic forces has not changed relative to the NBC 1980, although at any geographical location the forces will vary in some detail from previous values because of the improved estimates of seismic risk and the adoption of the second ground motion parameter, peak horizontal velocity.(1S) 7. The range of the ratio, a, of peak horizontal ground acceleration to the acceleration due to gravity (taken nominally as 10 m/s2) and of the ratio, v, of peak horizontal ground velocity to a velocity of 1 m/s and the zonal ratios associated with each zone Acceleration-Related or Velocity-Related Seismic Zone Za' Zv 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Column 1 are given in Table J-1. Table J-2 includes representative values of acceleration and velocity ratios for several levels of probability of exceedance for a number of Canadian cities. Similar calculations for any site in Canada may be obtained at cost by writing to Geophysics Division, Geological Survey of Canada, 1 Observatory Crescent, Ottawa, Ontario K1A OY3, or the Pacific Geoscience Centre, P.O. Box 6000, Sidney, B.C. V8L 4B2. 8. The zonal acceleration and velocity ratios for Zone 6 (a = v 0.40) should be considered nominal values. These ratios may be applicable for derivation of design loads for structures, but it should be recognized tha t (a) site specific values of the acceleration and velocity ratios in Zone 6 can exceed 0.40 by substantial margins, and (b) depending on the type of structure, it may be necessary to characterize more explicitly the nature of expected ground motion in the dominant frequency range of structural response. In the latter case, the advice of an experienced engineering seismologist should be sought to arrive at suitable design seismic ground motion. 9. There is, and always will be, an inherent uncertainty in the appropria te seismic ground motions to be used in earthquake-resistant design. Because of the nature of earthquakes, their size and location and the ground motion effects that they will produce cannot be accurately defined. The ground Table J-1 Definition of Seismic Zones Range of Peak Horizontal Ground Acceleration, g, or Peak Horizontal Ground Velocity, mIs, for 10 per cent probability of exceedance in 50 years Equal to Less than 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.08 0.11 0.08 0.11 0.16 0.16 0.23 0.23 0.32 0.32 or greater 2 3 Zonal Acceleration, Ratio, a Zonal Velocity Ratio, v 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0040 4 203 pays Table J-2 Peak Horizontal Ground Acceleration (PH A, g) and Peak Horizontal Ground Velocity (PHV, m/s) for Selected Localities and Probabilities of Exceedance Probability of Annual Exceedance 0.0021 (2) Locality (1) 0.01 0.005 PHV PHA PHV PHA PHV PHA I Inuvik (68.30, 133.48) Prince Rupert (54.30, 130.43) Victoria (48.65,123.43) Vancouver (49.18, 123.17) Calgary (51.10, 114.02) Toronto (43.67,79.63) Ottawa (45.32,75.67) Montreal (45.47,73.75) Quebec City (46.80,71.38) Fredericton (45.87,66.53) Halifax (44.88,63.52) St. John's (47.61,52.75) Column 1 0.033 0.052 0.043 0.066 0.060 0.083 0.074 0.13 0.096 0.20 0.13 0.27 0.12 0.088 0.18 0.15 0.28 0.26 0.089 0.077 0.13 0.12 0.21 0.21 0.011 0.026 0.014 0.032 0.019 0.040 0.029 0.014 0.039 0.023 0.056 0.038 0.084 0.031 0.12 0.054 0.20 0.098 0.078 0.031 0.11 0.053 0.18 0.097 0.075 0.035 0.11 0.066 0.19 0.14 0.046 0.020 0.066 0.036 0.096 0.066 0.027 0.016 0.038 0.030 0.056 0.056 0.013 0.033 0.026 0.054 0.052 7 0.022 2 i 3 Notes to Table J-2: Geographical coordinates (ON, OW) used for the computation are indicated. (2) Equivalent to the probability of 10 per cent in 50 years employed for Figures J-1 and J-2. P(50 yrs) = 1 - (1 - p(per annum))50. (1) 204 4 5 I 6 pays D g Zo 0 .04 .08 0 I .11 .16 .23 .32 4 5 6 セ@ /J --- セQ[qM Guセ@ km Figure J-1 Contours of peak horizontal ground accelerations, in units of g, having a probability of exceedance of 10 per cent in 50 years. motions computed to produce Figures J-1 and J-2 are the current best estimates for building code purposes. Estimates of seismic ground motions at lower levels of probability of exceedance than those given in Table J-2 would require additional investigations. Direction of Earthquake Motions [NBC] 10. In general, ground motion in an earthquake is multidirectional. This complex motion is imparted to the supports of a structure; the structure then responds according to its stiffness and inertial properties. At any instant during the earthquake, the state of stress in the structure is a function of the inertial forces and the deformations of the structure. In the most general case, seismic analysis would involve the simultaneous translation along the two horizontal axes, rocking plus vertical and torsional motions. For normal buildings, however, independent design about each of the horizontal axes together with the associated torsional forces is considered to provide adequate resistance against earthquake motions applied in any direction. This simplification forms the basis for the earthquake requirements in the NBC. Particular attention should be paid, however, to the effect of the combined stresses at the external and re-entrant corners, which are especially vulnerable to the effect of concurrent translational and torsional motions. O) Vertical Accelerations 11. The multi-directional ground motion during an earthquake may contain a substantial vertical component. The ratio of vertical to horizontal motion varies widely depending on site conditions; an average value for this ratio is 2/3 to 3/4. 205 pays D m/s 0 .04 .08 v Zv 0 0 .05 .11 .16 .23 .32 .30 5 .40 6 Figure J·2 Contours of peak horizontal ground velocities, in mis, having a probability of exceedance of 10 per cent in 50 years. 12. Under abnormally high vertical accelerations, columns at the upper floors, especially at the roof level, could be adversely affected. However, there is usually sufficient reserve strength in vertical loadcarrying members that vertical accelerations can be safely neglected. In certain special structures, (lll) these accelerations may have led to instability or unusual reductions in the factors of safety. Cantilevered structures or cantilevered building components are also sensitive to vertical accelerations. When this becomes a governing design consideration, dynamic analysis should be employed. fundamental period and the damping characteristics of the system, and on the frequency content and amplitude of the ground motion. The base shear which can be used as a measure of this response is expressed as the product of the mass of the system and the spectral acceleration as given by the response spectrum. The acceleration response spectrum reflects the dependence on the natural period, T, the damping of the system and also the characteristics of the ground motion. Details of its derivation can be found in Reference (19). Structural Response to Ground Motion [NBC] 14. This concept of calculating base shear can be applied to multi-storey buildings having many modes of vibration. For usual buildings of low or moderate height, the principal earthquake response is due to the fundamental mode of vibration. For 13. The elastic response of a single-degree-offreedom system to ground motion depends on the I pays taller structures, some allowance for contributions of the higher modes is made in the base shear calculations in most building codespOl including the NBC. 15. With the onset of inelastic material behaviour, the base shear induced by earthquakes is reduced as compared to that of elastic behaviour. Such a reduction in base shear is implicit in the provisions of most building codes, including the NBC. The lower base shears, however, are justified only if a structure possesses ductility, i.e., the capacity to deform beyond the yield point without major structural failure.(21-23) Minimum Design Earthquake Forces [NBC] 16. The NBC specifies that a structure should be designed for a minimum base shear, V, given by V = (V/R) V (1) where Ve is the equivalent lateral seismic force representing elastic response, R is the force modification factor, and V = 0.6 is a calibration factor. This calibration factor is applied to maintain the design base shears at the same level of protection for buildings with good to excellent capability of resisting seismic loads consistent with the R factors used. Each of these factors will be discussed in greater detail. 17. The base shear, V, corresponds to that at the ultimate limit state, where the structure is assumed to be at the point of collapse. For 1990 NBC, the seismic load factor in Subsection 4.1.4. has been separated from that of wind and assigned a value of 1.0, in contrast to 1.5 for the 1985 NBC. This follows from the argument that the seismic ground motions specified in the NBC should be considered to be extreme or accidental actions, rather than live loads or variable actions, as for example, live or wind loads. (24) Although the load factors have changed, the factored base shear has remained approximately constant compared to the 1985 NBC. Equivalent Lateral Seismic Force Representing Elastic Response, Ve [NBC] 18. The lateral force Ve vSIFW (2) is a good approximation of the base shear of an elastic structure having nominal damping and subjected to a seismic ground motion characterized by peak ground velocity, for which S represents an idealized elastic response spectrum. (24) This is a useful reference in terms of the response of a structure having period T. Therefore, in the 1990 NBC, Ve is taken as the "equivalent lateral force representing the elastic response." This elastic response parameter is then modified by R to account for various forms of energy dissipation and by the calibration factor V, to arrive at the base shear force, V. Zonal Velocity Ratio, v 19. The zonal velocity ratio, v, is derived from the probabilistic study of ground motions in the 1 s period range, normalized to a spectral velocity of 1.0 m/ s. Similarly, a zonal acceleration ratio, a, was obtained from probabilistic evaluation of the ground motions in the 0.2 s period range, normalized to 1.0 g. At any location, the two ground motion parameters, a and v, affect the behaviour of structures in the short period and intermediate period range, respectively. In the formulation for the NBC seismic provisions, only the zonal velocity ratio, v, is specified explicitly, whereas the zonal acceleration ratio, a, is used implicitly via the seismic response factor, S.(15) Values for v and the corresponding velocity-related seismic zone, Zv' and accceleration-related seismic zone, Z"" are given in Chapter 1 of this Supplement. 20. The seismic hazard maps for peak ground acceleration and for peak ground velocity having a probability of exceedance of 10 per cent in 50 years are shown as Figures J-l and J-2. The correspondence between zone boundaries, zone numbers and zonal acceleration and velocity ratios is presented in Table J-1. 207 pays Seismic Response Factor, S [NBC] Fundamental Period, T [NBC] 21. The seismic response factor, Sf is plotted in Figure J-3. The factor is a function of the fundamental period, T, of the structure, and the relative values of the velocity-related and acceleration-related seismic zones, Zv and Za' pertaining to a particular geographical location. This factor represents the idealized elastic response of 5 per cent damped multi-degree-of-freedom systems, for unit values of the zonal velocity ratio, v, and weight, W. Research assessing the validity of 5, on the basis of dynamic response studies using a number of representative earthquake records, is reported in Reference (25). 23. The following empirical formulas are to be used for the determination of the fundamental period, T, for buildings: 22. For the case where Za> Zv' the maximum value of 5 in the short period range, T < 0.25, has been limited by the multiplier 1.4 relative to the case where Z Z, whereas for Z < Z the minimum value is ヲゥュエセ、@ by the multiplier 0.71. This is for code purposes, to prevent extreme variations in lateral force due to differing velocity and acceleration zones. The evolution of the seismic response factor, 5, over the last few decades is reviewed in Reference (23). (/) 4.2 ヲMセ ...... t5 セ@ c T O.lN (3) for all others (4) where h n and Ds must be expressed in metres. Other symbols are defined in Sentence of the NBC. Period calculations based on these formulas give values that for the most part are in reasonable agreement with measured values. (26) However, variations in the order of 50 per cent have been observed when these formulas are used. 24. For pure shear wall structures, the natural period is generally closer to the true building period when Ds rather than D, also expressed in metres, is used in Equation (4). However, when the length of the lateral force resisting system is not well defined, then the Code requires that D shall be used instead of D.s 25. The period, T, for a structure may be determined by more refined methods of calculation. One such method is to use the following expression, which represents the Rayleigh approximation for determining the natural period of the fundamental mode: c5 セ@ for moment resistant space frames only, (5) 3.0 1 - - - -....... o a. (/) セ@ u 2.1 where 8. (i = 1 ... n) are the elastic deflections in storeys Ldue to the forces Wi applied horizontally at storeys i. Wi is as defined in Sentence, g is the acceleration due to gravity and the units used must be consistent. E (/) 'Q) (/) 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Period. T, S Figure J-3 SeIsmIc response factor S for 1990 NBC 1.25 26. When the fundamental period is calculated by the Rayleigh method or any other analytical method, the NBC requires the period used to be less than or equal to 1.2 times the period, T, calculated from Equations (3) or (4). The reason for limiting the period deviation is that the Code is primarily calibrated on the period calculation of Equations (3) and (4). pays r,.. Large deviations of T resulting in significant reductions in base shear are undesirable. Force Modification Factor, R [NBC] 27. The force modification factor, R, aSSigned to different types of structural systems reflects design and construction experience, as well as the evaluation of the performance of structures in major and moderate earthquakes. It endeavours to account for the energy-absorption capacity of the structural system by damping and inelastic action through several load reversals. Types of construction that have performed well in earthquakes are assigned higher values of R. The values of R in Table 4.1.9.B. of the NBC recognize the following: (1) The capability of a structure to absorb energy, within acceptable deformations and without failure, is a very desirable characteristic of any earthquake-resistant design. (2) The existence of alternate load paths or redundancy of a structural system is a desirable characteristic. It increases the locations where energy can be dissipated and reduces the risk of collapse when individual members should fail or become severely damaged. (3) A building designed with a value of R greater than 1.0 is presumed to be capable of undergoing inelastic cyclic deformations. Members and connections in such systems must therefore be detailed to accommodate these deformations in a ductile manner. (4) Buildings are normally endowed with a multiplicity of nonstructural elements and resisting elements not considered in the analysis. Furthermore, buildings generally have higher damping values during large amplitude vibrations than do mere skeleton structures. 28. The R values for structural systems need to reflect the of continuity and ductility provided. A building with a value of R equal to 1.0 corresponds to a structural system exhibiting little or no ductility. Values of R higher than 1.0 reflect the fact that structures can be designed and detailed to accommodate the corresponding inelastic cyclic deformations. The definitions, together with the minimum design and detailing requirements for each of the specific cases in Table 4.1.9.B., are given in the corresponding material standards. 29. In choosing the structural system for a building, large dissimilarities in the stiffness and ductility characteristics of framing systems in the orthogonal directions should be avoided. For example, a moment-resistant ductile frame in one direction and reinforced masonry walls in the other would be unsuitable, whereas reinforced concrete ductile flexural walls and reinforced concrete walls with nominal ductility in orthogonal directions would be acceptable. The reason for this recommendation is that seismic displacements induced in flexible framing systems would probably cause failure in the relatively brittle and weak directions of elements that resist the load in the orthogonal direction. 30. Internal structures such as multi-storey racks that are free-standing on the ground but are surrounded by, but not otherwise connected to, the building structure should be analyzed as separate structures. Separation by Sentence must also be satisfied. Appropriate R values need to be chosen in accordance with the structural system employed, and adequate resistance to the lateral forces needs to be provided throughout the height of the structure. When connections are made between the racks and the enclosures, the combined system has to resist the lateral seismic forces in proportion to the relative stiffnesses of the components. Importance Factor, I [NBC] 31. Normally, structures are assigned an I factor of 1.0. For school buildings, which are usually well distributed throughout a community and whose grounds and buildings may be needed for postdisaster services, the importance factor is assigned a value of I 1 which gives an increased degree of life safety for schools. 32. Some structures are designed for essential public services, and these post-disaster structures should be operative immediately after an earthquake. Examples of such structures are buildings that house 209 ., pays 1 or control electrical generating and distribution systems, fire and police stations, hospitals, radio stations and towers, telephone exchanges, water and sewage pumping stations, fuel supplies and civil defence buildings. Such structures are assigned an importance factor of I 1.5. However, the mere application of I = 1.5 will not necessarily assure operational readiness of a facility after an earthquake. The requirements for a functional survival would entail a detailed study of the anticipated behaviour of equipment and structural components. Building contents, such as equipment and services, which are required to remain functional immediately after an earthquake, should be capable of accommodating the deflections specified in Sentence These more stringent drift requirements, coupled with the factor I = 1.5 for post-disaster structures and for parts and portions of such structures, are intended to provide a higher probability of maintaining these functional requirements immediately after a major earthquake. 33. The factor I 1.5 is not intended to cover the design considerations associated with special purpose structures whose failure could endanger the lives of a large number of people or affect the environment well beyond the confines of the building. These special purpose structures would include, for example, facilities for the manufacture or storage of toxic materials and may require more sophisticated analysis. Foundation Factor, F [NBC] 34. The soil conditions at a site have been shown to exert a major influence on the type and amount of structural damage resulting from an earthquake. (27-30) As the motions propaga te from bedrock to the surface, the soil may amplify the motions in selected frequency ranges around the natural frequencies of the surficial layer. In addition, a structure founded on the surficial layer, with some natural frequencies close to those of the layer, may undergo even more intense shaking due to the development of a state of quasi-resonance between structure and foundation soil. Direct calculation of these effects by suitable e mathematical models such as lumped masses, wave propagation and by two-dimensional finite element 210 models using realistic soil properties is possible with the assumption that the earthquake motions are shear waves propagated vertically from bedrock. This simplified model of wave transmission ignores the source mechanism of the earthquake, the geology of the travel path and the effect of surface waves. Because of the uncertainties and complexities in the realistic estimation of site effects on the seismic response of structures and ground, only a rough allowance for site effects can be made at this time. 35. The seismic provisions of the NBC incorporate site effects by categorizing the wide variety of possible soil conditions into four types and assigning values to a foundation factor, F, as per Sentence, depending on soil type and depth. The factor, F, reflects experience with these soil conditions in the field, and in an approximate way integrates the effect of possible soil amplification and soil-structure resonance into the estimation of the seismic design forces for buildings having no unusual structural characteristics. 36. Sites underlain by deposits of very soft to soft fine-grained soils with depths greater than 15 mare assigned a foundation factor F 2.0. This provision is based on the observation of large amplifications of incoming earthquake motions in the clay deposits of Mexico City during the September 19, 1985 earthquake. (27,30,31) 37. When a site is underlain by a number of different soil layers, an F value appropriate to some average conditions may be used. However, when substantial layers of soft clay are present, F = 1.3 should be used if the total thickness of clay is less than 15 m and F = 2.0 when the thickness is 15 m or greater. 38. The seismic design procedures outlined in the NBC are based on the assumption that the structures are founded on a rigid base moving with the ground surface motion. Real foundations possess both flexibility and damping capacity, which alter structural response. The flexibility of the foundation increases the fundamental period of a structure, and the damping capacity arises from dissipation of energy by radiation away from the structure and by hysteretic damping in the foundation, thus increasing the effective damping of the structure. These effects are described as soil-structure interaction and are not I pays considered explicitly in the NBC. For most buildings covered by the NBC, neglecting soil-structure interaction results in conservative design. Dynamic Analysis [NBC] 39. Liquefaction potential of foundation soils may be assessed as outlined in References (32), (33) and (34). 42. Sentence states that the distribution of forces over the height of a building may also be determined by a dynamic analysis. This would apply especially to buildings with significant irregularities, either in plan view or elevation, buildings with setbacks or major discontinuities in stiffness or mass, and those with large or irregular eccentricities between the centre of mass and the centre of stiffness. An independent determination of base shear using a dynamic analysis is not intended with this procedure, since various assumptions of structural behaviour that cannot always be substantiated can result in much lower base shears than those prescribed by the Code. This is undesirable, since the Code values are already minimum values commensurate with an acceptable level of public safety. For this reason, the following simplified procedure is recommended. (a) Determine modes of vibration, modal periods and participation factors for the building. (b) Multiply the normalized design distribution spectrum in Figure J-4 by the peak ground velocity, v, and determine the modal response for each mode. At least the lowest five modes or the number of storeys, whichever is less, should be used in each of the two principal or major coordinate directions. (c) Determine the total probable modal base shear, V m' by combining the individual modal base shears. For most structures, a root-sum-square (r.s.s.) method will be satisfactory. When closely spaced modes are present, other methods of combining modal responses should be used. See for example Reference (36). (d) Scale all modal contributions by the ratio of the Code base shear, V, (obtained by the method in Subsection 4.1.9. of the NBC) to the total probable base shear, V . (e) Obtain design sto;'ey shears and other design quantities of interest by summing the scaled modal quantity of each contributing mode using the root-sum-square method or other methods as in (c) above. Lateral Force Distribution [NBC] 40. For translational vibrations, the Code formula assumes that the building response is primarily due to its fundamental mode and the mode shape is assumed to be linear. As the inertial forces, F ,induced at any level, x, are proportional to the weight, W x' at that level, the distribution of seismic forces is approximated by Fx v( Wxhx n ) IWihi (6) i=l For a lumped mass system the use of this equation is reasonable for structures with fundamental periods less than about O.7s. For buildings having longer periods, higher forces are induced at the top portion of the structure due to increasing contributions to top storey amplitudes by all the contributing modes.(21,35) This redistribution of forces is accounted for by applying part of the base shear as a concentrated force, Ft' to the top of the structure, in which case V e in Eq. (6) is replaced by V - Ft' The top force, increases with the period of the structure, starting at T = 0.7s and reaching a maximum of 25 per cent of the base shear. This is considered a more rational approach to account for the effects of higher modes in tall structures than the criterion of slenderness employed in the 1985 NBC. 41. Vn' the shear force for the top storey, and Vx' the shear force transmitted to the supporting structure just below the level i = x, are given by Vn=Ft+Fn (7) (8) 211 pays セ@ E 1 0.8 0,6 "> (/) .i- 0.4 '0 0 Q) > セ@ 0.2 t) 0.1 0.08 0.06 Q) 0.. (/) 0.04 PNQMTaセKRoVXy@ 0.01 O. 1 10 100 Period T, S Figure J-4 Normalized design distribution spectrum for peak horizontal ground velocity v =1 m/s 43. Methods of determining modal properties and combination of modes can be found in standard references (e.g., 37, 38, 39). 44. The normalized design distribution spectrum shown in Figure J-4 was derived from a response spectrum for 5 per cent damping and assuming Z = Z . These simplications are introduced since the カセイエゥ」[ャ@ distribution of shear forces is not sensitive to variations in damping or to relative shifts of velocity and acceleration zones. 45. For cases where more detailed knowledge of the building motion or forces near the ultimate limit state is required, a non-linear step-by-step approach is indicated, with consideration of a number of appropriately selected ground motions. These motions might be chosen from both historical records and artificially generated ones which incorporate the desired characteristics pertaining to the site and seismological considerations. A comprehensive treatise on aspects of earthquake engineering and determination of seismic response is presented in Reference (40). 212 Machinery, Equipment and Components of Buildings [NBC] 46. Architectural components, machinery and electrical and mechanical equipment mounted within buildings should be designed to withstand the forces and displacements that arise from the seismic response of the structure. Elevators and their counterweights are vulnerable to large structural displacements as well as lateral forces. Guide rails should be designed to accommodate these effects and to prevent derailment of the components. The mountings and supports of motors, fans and other machinery and equipment need sufficient strength to resist the seismic forces transmitted through these components. In order to prevent injury to persons and to avoid secondary damage to the structure, stops need to be provided on resilient machinery mounts to keep the component from jumping off the springs during an earthquake. Minimum design forces for equipment and parts and portions of buildings are given in pays NBC Sentence For the 1990 NBC, values of Sp for architectural components are given in Table 4.1.9.D. (See NBC and (8).) Category 1 of the Table does not include walls forming part of the main structural lateral force resisting system. 50. For solid components, T can be obtained from experiments, refined calculatiohs, or from the singledegree-of-freedom relationship イセᄋM Mechanical and Electrical Components [NBC 4.1 .9.1.( 17)] Tp=21tVMp/Kp 47. For the design of mechanical and electrical components, values of S are obtained by multiplying three factors: Sp C pAr A.x C p depends on the relative sensitivity of components to dynamic excitation and on their relative importance, given in Table 4.1.9.E. Ar is a response amplification factor that depends on the flexibility of the component or the mounting and Ax is a height factor that accounts for the larger accelerations that can occur in the upper storeys of a building. The distinction between the values of Ar is whether sympathetic resonance can exist between the component and the building that houses it. 48. For many situations the meaning of "rigid," "rigidly connected," "flexible" or "flexibly connected" is quite clear and needs no special analysis. For example, an electric motor or internal combustion engine, a circulation pump or a tank completely filled with liquid, all firmly bolted to a stiff slab, can be considered as rigid. The same motor or pump on spring supports with seismic limiting stops would be considered flexibly mounted without further analysis. Free-standing racks bolted to the floor, or piping that spans long distances, will often be considered flexible without additional analysis, since they exhibit considerable flexibility of their own. Because tanks that are partially filled with liquids can develop sloshing motions in resonance with the building, they also need to be considered "flexible." 49. For a more refined analysis of equipment and where some doubt exists as to the proper classification according to Sentence, the following analytical or experimental verification can be carried out. A condition of sympathetic resonance is said to exist whenever the fundamental period of the component, T ,relative to the building period, T, falls within thG range 0.7::; Tp/T::; 1.5 The component is then classified as being "flexible" or "flexibly connected." (9) (0) e where mass of component, kg, M= p Kp stiffness of component including that of the supports (e.g., springs), N/m, load per unit deflection at centre of gravity of component, N 1m. 51. The sloshing period, T ,of liquids in partially filled circular tanks is given iIi Reference (41). For other shapes, the methods given in Reference (42) can be employed. 52. Equipment whose periods fall outside the range of 0.7 ::; T IT::; 1.5 can be considered to be rigid or rigidly conn:cted. T and T need to be measured in the same direction relative to the mounted equipment, and the same equipment located in different buildings or on different mounts might require different values of S . Seismic design of ground supported circular エセョォウ@ is dealt with in Reference (41); mounting details and other aspects of seismic response of equipment are treated in Reference (43). 53. Some suggested design considerations and details are presented in References (44) to (50). The failures of interior partitions, finishes and hung ceilings also pose hazards to occupants. Overturning Moments [NBC, (21)] 54. The lateral forces induced in a structure by earthquakes give rise to moments which are the product of the induced lateral forces times the distance to the storey level under consideration, where they have to be resisted by axial forces and moments in the vertical load-carrying members. While the base shear contributions of modes higher than the fundamental can be significant, the corresponding modal overturning moments for the higher modes are small. As the equivalent static lateral base shear in the NBC also includes the contributions from 213 pays higher modes for moderately tall and tall structures, a reduction in the overturning moments computed from these lateral forces appears justified. This is achieved by means of the multiplier J as given in NBC Sentence If, however, a structure did respond exclusively in its fundamental mode, the overturning moment at the base would be the sum of the moments corresponding to the forces, Fx ' about the base without any J-factor reductions. A more refined method of accounting for the maximum overturning moments is through dynamic analysis. Torsional Moments [NBC] 55. The inertial forces induced in the structure by earthquake ground motions act through the centre of gravity of the masses. If the centre of mass and the centre of rigidity do not coincide because of asymmetrical arrangement of structural elements or uneven mass distributions, torsional moments will arise. The designer should endeavour to make the structural system as symmetrical as possible and should consider the effect of torsion on the behaviour of the structural elements. 56. A realistic approach to aseismic torsional design should consider the effect of the dynamic magnification of the torsional moments/ 51 -54 ) the effect of simultaneous action of the two horizontal components of the ground disturbance, and accidental torsion. Accidental torsion moments are intended to account for the possible additional torsion arising from variations in the estimates of the relative rigidities, uncertain estimates of dead and live loads at the floor levels, addition of wall panels and partitions after completion of the building, variation of the stiffness with time, and inelastic or plastic action. The effects of pOSSible torsional motion of the ground should also be considered. For most practical situations, however, these concepts and effects can only be accounted for by the use of adjustment factors. 57. The torsional provisions of the NBC deal with the complex nature of torsion by increasing or decreasing the computed torsion by 50 per cent, whichever produces the worst effect in a member. The part played by accidental torsion and torsional ground motion is recognized by specifying an additional 214 torsion due to an eccentricity of 0.10 times the plan dimension in the direction of the computed eccentricity. 58. For cases where the location of the centre of rigidity and centre of mass vary substantially from one storey to the next, approximate static analyses cannot adequately encompass the torsional effects. A dynamic analysis is then required. 59. For structural elements to resist torsional moments most effectively, they should be located near the periphery of the building, some distance from the centre of rigidity. Wall elements that are intended for resisting torsional forces should be oriented so that their in-plane forces are associated with as large a moment arm as possible about the centre of rigidity. In buildings with complete diaphragms, such as complete reinforced concrete floor slabs, all elements interconnected by such members can be counted on to resist torsional forces. 60. In core-type buildings, where all stiffening elements are located in a central core away from the periphery, accidental torsion and torsional ground motion are particularly significant. In odd- and irregularly-shaped buildings (e.g., L-shaped), and in buildings with the core located at one side or corner, large torsional oscillations are induced by horizontal ground motion. These are examples of torsion situations that should be avoided in building layouts. Torsional effects should also be evaluated for parts of structures relative to the whole. For example, the torsional effects of projecting wings on buildings should be considered in relation to the motion of the building as a whole. Setbacks [NBC] 61. A setback is a sudden change in plan dimension or a sudden change in stiffness along the height of a building. The effects of major changes in stiffness and geometry are best investigated by dynamic methods (see Paragraph 42). For moderate or small changes, the equivalent static procedure in the NBC usually gives acceptable lateral forces. However, some refinement may have to be applied to the determination of the period, T, by using Rayleigh's method or some other procedures. I pays F Structural Requirements for Setbacks 62. In addition to the determination of the seismic loads on the building, the "notch" effect must be considered in design, particularly where the tower framing does not extend downward through the base. A shear wall type of design for both a tower and base could produce severe stresses at and about the 90° notches. 63. Some setbacks may consist of simple onestorey penthouses, whereas others may constitute substantial portions of the entire building. In view of the dynamic and also the notch effect phenomena that may occur, the lateral load resisting elements should be vertically continuous through the setback portion. If the lateral load resisting elements are not vertically continuous through the setback portion and all the way to the foundations, a special analysis should be carried out to demonstrate that the offsets are fully compatible with the setback conditions. Deflection and Separation of Buildings [NBC )-(9)] 64. Deflection refers to the lateral deflection at any point in the structure relative to the ground. Incremental deflection or interstorey deflection refers to the lateral deflection of a storey relative to the one just below it. The calculations of deflections are intended to be based on accepted practice and should include such items as P - A effects, foundation rotations, and the effects of cracked concrete sections, when these have an important effect on the structure. 65. The requirement to calculate deflection as R times the elastic deflection resulting from the design earthquake forces as specified in the NBC includes allowance for some plastic deformation to occur in the structural system. 66. Deflection limitations have been established in consideration of the acceptable damage to the nonstructural components. Current state-of-the-art shows that the specified deflections appear reasonable approximate limits for the control of damage to structures and their contents/55 ) Significantly lower deflection limits are required for post-disaster buildings to ensure a higher probability of functioning after an earthquake. 67. The separation of two adjacent structures is required to prevent collision of buildings in an earthquake. Collision of buildings was observed to be destructive, particularly when adjacent buildings have different heights or different storey heights. These clauses also apply to the expansion joints within buildings. Such joints could be connected for seismic forces, or special details could be developed to ensure local failure without damage to the principal structural elements. 68. Sentence is inserted to ensure consistency with Clause 69. Gravity loads acting through a displaced shape can have a profound effect on the behaviour of a structure. This is commonly referred to as the P A effect. For seismic loading, the probable dead and live gravity loads will act through large inelastic displacements as defined in Sentence and this must be accounted for in the design. For the calculations of P - A effects, specified gravity loads should be used for defining P. Live load reduction as listed in the Code may be used. The reason for the use of specified loads is that factoring of the loads in the calculations of the P - A effect has already been introduced through the use of the limit state value for seismic effect. This should not be cumulated with another multiplication factor> 1, which would happen if factored gravity loads were used. 70. Both structural and non-structural components should either be isolated or be accounted for in the design. The nonstructural components of the structure should be detailed so as not to transfer to the structural system any forces that are not accounted for in the design. If nonstructural members are designed as isolated units, their connections should be detailed so as to be capable of accommodating the anticipated movement due to drift and temperature changes. (56) If, on the other hand, these components are rigidly attached to the structure, then their effect on the behaviour of the structure should be considered and allowed for in the elastic, plastic and fracture stages. An example is the stair that may act as a stiffening element. Failures of some buildings in the Caracas 29 July, 1967 earthquake were caused by the partition tile walls, which acted as shear walls, thus changing the relative rigidity of the bents from that assumed in the design.(57) 215 pays Special Provisions [NBC )-(6)] tanks have been separated from Table 4.1.9.B., since they are not buildings in the sense of the other structures referred to in that Table. 71. Unreinforced masonry buildings have fared badly when subjected to earthquakes.(1) The,presence of reinforcing embedded in mortar or grout Increases ductility and reduces the likelihood of brittle failure, Examples and detail sheets for the seismic design of reinforced masonry can be found in References (56) and (58). 74. The structural configuration should be such that elastic-plastic action in the members or failure of individual elements will not produce instability or initiate progressive collapse. Abrupt changes in geometry, stiffness and mass are generally undesirable from the point of view of seismic response; yielding tends to concentrate at such discontinuities and, therefore, such configurations require special attention. 72. The NBC specifies that, except in velocity- or acceleration-related seismic Zones 0 and I, buildings shall have structural systems as described by Cases 1 through 16 in Table 4.1.9.B. For velocity-related Zone 4 and higher, buildings over 60 m high having a structural system of R == 1.5 or 2.0 shall increase V by 50 per cent. Analyses of buildings approximately 60 m high have shown that if damage is to be minimized in a moderate earthquake, the structure must incorporate ductile features that are associated with these high R values. (21) Alternatively, extra strength is to be provided by increasing the design base shear, V. The height limitations associated with the provisions of NBC Article and the cases described in Table 4.1.9.B. are summarized in Table J-3. 73. The category of "elevated tanks on 4 or more cross-braced legs" in the 1985 NBC has been broadened to include all elevated tanks, since they can be classed as inverted pendulum structures, which are sensitive to seismic excitation. Elevated 75. Sentence of the NBC requires that masonry in velocity- or acceleration-related zones of 2 and higher be reinforced. These elements include exterior loadbearing and non-Ioadbearing walls, parapet walls, interior loadbearing walls and nonloadbearing partitions that weigh more than 200 kg/m2 or are more than 3 m high. Masonry elements around stair and elevator shafts are required to be reinforced to ensure a safe exit from the structure. Foundation Requirements Mismatch of Strength between Structure and Foundation [NBC] 76. Conventional seismic structural design is based on acceptance of damage without collapse in the event of a severe earthquake. This implies that Table J-3 Summary of Cases Permitted by NBC Article e Height of Building Up to 3 storeys in building height Greater than 3 storeys but not more than 60 m in building height Greater than 60 m in building height Column 1 216 Velocity- or AccelerationRelated Seismic Zones oand 1 Velocity- or AccelerationRelated Seismic Zones 2 and 3 Velocity-Related Seismic Zones 4 and Higher 1 -18 1 - 18, except unreinforced masonry 1 - 18, except unreinforced masonry 1 -18 1 - 5,7 -10, 12 -14, or 16 1 - 5,7 -10, 12 -14 or 16 1 -18 1 - 5,7 -10, 12 -14 or 16 2 3 1-5,7-10,12-14 or 16; if R =1.5 or 2.0 increase V by 50% 4 r pays ;.a plastic deformation (defined loosely to include cracking of reinforced concrete, yielding of steel, etc.) is permitted to occur at suitable locations in the structure. The maximum earthquake loads that are transmitted by the structure to its foundation are, therefore, governed not by the design loading, but by the load levels at which yielding takes place in the structural elements that transfer the lateral loads to the foundation, such as bracing members, frame members and shear walls. 77. This load transfer can result in an overload of the foundation during an earthquake if the structure does not yield at the expected lateral load level because some of its elements are stronger than required. In this case, the foundation will be forced to receive that higher seismic load and consequently suffer additional distress or damage as compared to the case where the structure yields at a lower lateral load level. The problem of mismatch in strength between the structure and the foundation requires continual liaison between the structural and foundation designers to ensure that the foundation elements are designed to be compatible with the earthquake loads transmitted from the structure. 78. If the designer intends to provide energy dissipation mechanisms in the foundation rather than in the superstructure, the areas of yielding in the foundation must be defined clearly. The ductility imposed on the potential plastic hinges in the foundation system should be checked. Soil Pressures on Basement Walls [NBC] 79. Basement wall pressures arising from ground shaking may be determined according to procedures described in References (59) and (60) or by other generally accepted methods. Design Considerations 80. Most failures in structures subjected to seismic loading can be traced to poor detailing, especially at beam and column connections. This becomes the governing factor in good aseismic behaviour of buildings built of precast elements. m 81. Floor systems that act as diaphragms should be studied to ensure that they are capable of distributing the loads to the various elements. 82. When the shear wall contains numerous openings, the design should account for its real behaviour under lateral loads, Le., whether the wall acts as a unit or as a number of units because of the reduced rigidities due to the openings. Overstress at the openings should be examined. This is a common cause of damage to lintels above door openings and to piers between window openings. O) Suggested design details are also given in Chapter 21 of CAN3-A23.3-M84, "Design of Concrete Structures for Buildings." 83. Special mechanical protection systems such as base isolation or controlled friction damping devices can significantly alter the seismic response of buildings.(61-64) It must be demonstrated through nonlinear analysis and representative experimental data that the building so equipped will perform at least equally well in seismic events as the same building designed following the NBC seismic requirements. 84. The fact that the design forces for wind are greater than the seismic design forces (Le., wind "governs" the design) does not obviate the need for seismic detailing. While wind forces govern, the design must provide at least the type of seismic detailing that corresponds to the seismic forces calculated for that building. 85. Parking garages used for storage of cars or parking need not be considered as storage areas in calculating W. References The Prince William Sound, Alaska, Earthquake of 1964 and Aftershocks. Vol. II, Research Studies, Seismology and Marine Geology. Department of Commerce, Environmental Science Services Administration, Coast and Geodetic Survey, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 1967. (2) The Niigata Earthquake, 16 June 1964, and Resulting Damage to Reinforced Concrete Buildings. International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo, February 1965. (3) Canadian Standards Association, General Requirements, Ground Motion Determination, Design Procedures, Testing Procedures, and Seismic Instrumentation Requirements for (1) 217 pays セ@ (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) 218 Seismic Qualification of CANDU Nuclear Power Plants. CSA Standards CAN3-N289.1, N289.2, N289.3, N289.4 and N289.5, Rexdale, Ontario. Canadian Standards Association, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) - Production, Storage and Handling. CSA Standard Z276-M1981, Rexdale, Ontario. Canadian Standards Association, Code for the Design, Construction and Installation of Fixed Offshore Production Structures. Preliminary Standard 5471, 1987, Rexdale, Ontario. P.W. Basham, D.A. Forsyth and R.J. Wetmiller, The Seismicity of Northern Canada. Can. J. Earth Sci., Vol. 14, 1977, pp. 1646-1667. W.G. Milne et aI, Seismicity of Western Canada. Can. J. Earth Sci., Vol. 15, 1978, pp. 11701193. R.B. Horner and H.s. Hasegawa, The Seismotectonics of Southern Saskatchewan. Can. J. Earth Sci., Vol. 15, 1978, pp. 1341-1355. J. Adams and P.W. Basham, The Seismicity and Seismotectonics of Canada East of the Cordillera. In Geoscience Canada. Vol. 16, No. 1, Geological Assoc. of Can. 1989, pp. 3-16. G.C. Rogers and R.B. Horner, An Overview of Western Canadian Seismicity. In Decade of North American Geology, Vol. GSMV -I, Geotectonics of North America, Geological Soc. Am., in press. D.H. Weichert and W.G. Milne, On Canadian Methodologies of Probabilistic Seismic Risk Estimation. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., Vol. 69, 1979, pp. 1549-1566. H.s. Hasegawa, P.W. Basham and M.J. Berry, Attenuation Relations for Strong Seismic Ground Motion of Canada. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., Vol. 71, 1981, pp. 1943-1962. P.W. Basham et al., New Probabilistic Strong Seismic Ground Motion Maps of Canada: A Compilation of Earthquake Source Zones, Methods and Results. Earth Physics Branch Open File Report No. 82-33, Energy, Mines and Resouces Canada, 1982, 205 pp. P.W. Basham et al., New Probalistic Strong Seismic Ground Motion Maps of Canada. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., Vol. 75, 1985, pp. 43-75. A.C. Heidebrecht et al., Engineering Applications of New Probabilistic Seismic Ground (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) Motion Maps of Canada. Can. J. Civ. Eng., Vol. 10, 1983, pp. 670-680. C.A. Cornell, Engineering Seismic Risk Analysis. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., Vol. 58, 1968, pp. 1583-1606. R.K. McGuire, FORTRAN Computer Program for Seismic Risk Analysis. U.S. Geol. Survey Open File Report 76-67, 1976,90 pp. L.G. Jaeger and A.D.S. Barr, Parametric Instabilities in Structures Subjected to Prescribed Periodic Support Motion. Proc., Symposium on Design for Earthquake Loadings, McGill University, September 1966. G.W. Housner et al., Spectrum Analysis of Strong Motion Earthquakes. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., Vol. 43, No.2, 1953, pp. 97-119. Earthquake Resistant Regulations, A World List 1984. Compiled by International Association for Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo. R.W. Clough and K.L. Benuska, FHA Study of Seismic Design Criteria for High Rise Buildings. Report prepared for Technical Studies Program and Federal Housing Administration, HUD TS-3, August 1966. J. Penzien, Dynamic Response of Elasto-Plastic Frames. Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Paper 3284, Vol. 127, Part II, 1962. S.M. Uzumeri, S. Otani and M.P. Collins, An Overview of Canadian Code Requirements for Earthquake Resistant Concrete Buildings. Can. J. Civ. Eng., Vol. 5, No.3, September 1978, pp. 427-441. J.H. Rainer, Force Reduction Factors for the NBCC Seismic Provisions. Can. J. Civ. Eng., Vol. 14, No.4, August 1987, pp. 447-454. A.C. Heidebrecht and C.Y. Lu, Evaluation of the Seismic Response Factor Introduced in the 1985 Edition of the National Building Code of Canada. Can. J. Civ. Eng., Vol. 15, No.3, June 1988, pp. 382-388. A. Anderson et al., Lateral Forces of Earthquake and Wind. Paper No. 2514, Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 117, 1952, pp. 716-780. W.D.L. Finn and A.M. Nichols, Seismic Response of Long Period Sites, Lessons from the September 19, 1985 Mexican Earthquake. Can. Geotech. J" February 1988, pp. 128-137. The Caracas Earthquake of July 29, 1967. Venezuelan Official Seismic Commission, Proc., 4th I I I pays (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) World Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, 1969, Session J-2, Vol. 3, pp. 75-86. H.B. Seed et al., Soil Conditions and Building Damage in 1967 Caracas Earthquake. J. Soil Mech. Found. Div., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 98, No. SM8, August 1972, pp. 787-806. D. Mitchell, J. Adams, R.H. DeVall, R.C. Lo and D. Weichert, Lessons from the 1985 Mexican Earthquake. Can. J. Civ. Eng., Vol. 13, No.5, 1986, pp. 535..557. The Mexico Earthquakes - 1985: Factors Involved and Lessons Learned. Proc. of the International Conf., Mexico City, 1986. M.A. Cassaro and E.M. Romero, Eds., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., New York, 1987. H.B. Seed and I.M. Idriss, Ground Motions and Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes. Monograph Series, Vol. 5, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Berkeley, 1982, 134 pp. H.B. Seed, Soil Liquefaction and Cyclic Mobility Evaluation for Level Ground During Earthquakes. J. Goetech. Eng. Div., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 105, No. GT2, 1979, pp. 201-255. H.B. Seed, I.M. Idriss, and I. Arango, Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential Using Field Performance Data. J. Geotech. Eng. Div., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 109, No.3, March 1983, pp. 458482. J.A. Blume, Structural Dynamics of Cantilever Type Buildings. Proc., 4th World Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, 1969, Session A-3, Vol. 2, pp. 1-16. E.L. Wilson, A. Der Kiureghian and E.P. Bayo, A Replacement for the SRSS Method in Seismic Analysis. J. Earthquake Eng. Struct. Dyn., Vol. 9, 1981, pp. 187-194. A. Capra and V. Davidovici, Calcul Dynamique des Sructures en Zone Sismique. Editions Eyrolles, Paris, 1980, 164 pp. N.M. Newmark and E. Rosenblueth, Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering. PrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1971. R.W. Clough and J. Penzien, Dynamics of Structures. McGraw Hill, New York, 1975, 634 pp. V. Davidovici, Ed., Genie Parasismique. Presses de l' ecole national des points et chaussees, Paris, 1985, 1105 pp. (41) M.A. Haroun and G.W. Housner, Seismic Design of Liquid Storage Tanks. J. Tec. Councils, Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 107, TC1, April 1981, pp. 191-207. (42) Nuclear Reactors and Earthquakes. TID-7024, U.s. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, 1963, pp. 376-390. (43) G.L. McGavin, Earthquake Protection of Essential Building Equipment. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1981,464 pp. (44) J.M. Ayres and T.Y. Sun, Criteria for Building Services and Furnishings. Building Science Series 46, National Bureau of Standards, February 1973, pp. 253-285. (45) Anonymous, Design Could Mitigate Disaster Results. Engineering News Record, November 15,1973, p. 13. See also November 29, 1973, p.64. (46) C. Nguyen, A. Ghobarah and T.s. Aziz, Inelastic Response of Tuned Equipment-Structure Systems, Proc., 5th Canadian Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Ottawa, July 6-8, 1987, pp. 571-576. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam/Boston, 1987,882 pp. (47) American Society of Civil Engineers, Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities. Manual No. 58, New York, 1980. (48) Canadian Standards Association, Design Procedure for Seismic Qualification of CANDU Nuclear Power Plants. CSA Standard CAN3-N289.3-M81, Rexdale, Ontario. (49) Canadian Standards Association, Testing Procedures for Seismic Qualification of CANDU Nuclear Power Plants. CSA Standard CAN3-N289.4-M85, Rexdale, Ontario. (50) T.s. Aziz, Coupling Effects for Secondary Systems in Nuclear Power Plants. ASME Special Publication PVP-Vol. 65, American Society of Mechanical Engineering, July 1982. (51) G.W. Housner and H. Outinen, The Effect of Torsional Oscillations on Earthquake Stresses. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., Vol. 48, No.3, July 1958, pp.221-229. (52) J.1. Bustamante and E. Rosenblueth, Building Code Provisions on Torsional Oscillations. Proc., 2nd World Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Japan, 1960, Vol. 2, pp. 879-892. (53) W.K. Tso, and K.M. Dempsey, Seismic Torsional Provisions for Dynamic Eccentricity. 219 pays (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) J. Earthquake Eng. Struct. Dyn., VoL 8, 1980, pp. 275-289. W.K. Tso and V. Meng, Torsional Provisions in Building Codes. Can. J. Civ. Eng., VoL 9, No.1, March 1982, pp. 38-46. T.Y. Galambos and B. Ellingwood, Serviceability Limit States: Deflection. J. Struct. Eng., ASCE, Vol. 112, No.1, January 1986, pp. 67-84. Seismic Design for Buildings. Dept. of Army Technical Manual TM5-809-10, Washington, February 1982. M.A. Sozen et aI., Engineering Report on the Caracas Earthquake of 29 July, 1967. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, 1968. J.E. Amrhein, Reinforced Masonry Engineering Handbook. Masonry Institute of America, Los Angeles, 1978, 445 pp. N. Mononobe and H. Matsuo, On the Determination of Earth Pressures During Earthquakes. Proc., World Engineering Congress, 1929, Vol. 9, pp. 177-185. H.B. Seed and R.V. Whitman, Design of Earth Retaining Structures for Dynamic Loads. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Specialty Conference - Lateral Stresses in the Ground and Design of Earth Retaining Structures, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1970. Applied Technology Council, Base Isolation and Passive Energy Dissipation. Proc. of a Seminar and Workshop, San Francisco, March 12-14, 1986 (ATC-17). Redwood City, CA, 1986,478 pp. A. Filiatrault and S. Cherry, Experimental Studies of Friction Damped Braced Steel Frames. Proc., 5th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ottawa, 6-8 July 1987, pp.867-873. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam/Boston, 1987,882 pp. AS. Pall, V. Verganelakis and C. Marsh, Friction dampers for Seismic Control of Concordia University Library Building. Proc. 5th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ottawa, 6-8 July 1987, pp. 191-200. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam/Boston, 1987,882 pp. I.D. Aiken, J.M. Kelly and A.S. Pall, Seismic Response of a Nine-Story Frame with Friction Damped Cross-Bracing. Proc., 9th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo, 1988, pp. 156-. pays Commentary K Glass Design The following Commentary has not been updated to reference or reflect the latest information on glass design. The 1990 NBC references the new standard CAN/CGSB 12.10-M89, "Structural Design of Glass for Buildings." Users are cautioned, therefore, concerning the use of this Commentary in specific applications since it is retained for general information only. The future of this Commentary will be considered during preparation of the next edition of the Supplement. Introduction 1. Article of the National Building Code of Canada 1990 requires exterior cladding, including glass, to be designed to resist the loads specified in Section 4.1 and installed according to good engineering practice. 2. Glass panels in curtain walls function as structural elements insofar as they resist wind pressure or suction and transfer wind forces to the building frame. Just as roof decks must be designed to carry snow loads and resist wind uplift, or floor slabs to carry occupancy loads, so must windows and spandrel panels be designed to withstand the lateral forces of wind. 3. Windows, glass spandrel panels and sometimes even glass mullions combine to form a large percentage of the cladding of many modern buildings. For reasons of public safety, and economy as well, everyone connected with glass selection should have a clear understanding of its structural function and its response to various stress-producing phenomena. The proper design, installation and operation of glass in buildings involves the coordination of activities among architects, engineers, manufacturers, glazing contractors, building officials and, of course, building owners. The role and area of responsibility of each participant must be clearly defined. Professional Practice 4. Because the architect and the engineer are responsible for providing performance criteria (design loads, probability of failure), their judgments and actions are highly important. Manufacturers' data and recommendations to support the design professionals are a key element in the proper usage of glass in buildings. The purpose of this commentary is to provide an additional information base so that architects and engineers may duly function in their areas of responsibility and professional practice. Flat Glass Manufacture 5. In preparation for a discussion of glass strength, a brief explanation of how the glass commonly used in building is made may be helpful. Glass is an inorganic product of fusion, which has been cooled to a rigid condition without crystallization. The approximate percentages of the main ingredients of soda-lime glass are: silica sand (Si02, 72 per cent), soda and potash (Na 20,K20, 13 per cent), lime (CaO, 11 per cent), magnesia (MgO, 3 per cent) and alumina (AI20 3,1 per cent). They are thoroughly mixed and heated with waste glass (called cullet) to a melting temperature at the glass surface of about 1 500°C. After the removal of scum and bubbles, then cooling to the required viscosity, flat glass is taken from the melt either by "drawing" into sheets or by "floating" on a bed of molten tin. 6. Drawn sheet glass, or common window glass, is normally used only for smaller areas and nominal thicknesses less than 6 mm. The drawing process leaves a slightly wavy surface, and where a greater degree of flatness is required, float glass is used. Float glass, first introduced in 1959, has for the most part replaced plate glass. 7. The rate of cooling determines the level of residual compressive stress in the glass surfaces. To make cutting and handling easy, the most commonly used sheet and plate are annealed after forming by controlled cooling beginning at 550°C to keep surface stresses low. Where high mechanical strength is required, however, tempered glass is produced by rapid, controlled cooling after reheating, "freezing in" high surface compressive stresses balanced by internal tensile stresses. In general, the nominal tensile breaking stress can be said to increase by the amount of compressive "prestress" developed in the heat treatment. Surface stress for heat strengthened glass is usually in the range from 25 to 70 MPa and 221 pays for fully tempered glass, above 70 MPa. Compared to annealed glass, heat strengthened or partially tempered glass is about twice as strong, and fully tempered glass is about four times as strong. Annealed and heat strengthened glasses tend to break into large pieces, while fully tempered glasses break into smaller, cube-like pieces. Characteristics of Glass Strength 8. Although known to have a theoretical strength of over 7 000 MPa, annealed glass fails in practical situations at a nominal stress of approximately 30 MPa because of various surface discontinuities ranging from visible abrasions to submicroscopic flaws. Failure begins not necessarily at the location of maximum stress but at some defect where the stress is often considerably lower. Surface flaws have as much influence on the fracture origin as the applied stress, and what is observed as the strength of glass in engineering applications is related more to the condition of the surface than to any intrinsic strength of glass as a material. 9. It is useful to think of a flaw as a very sharptipped crack with a stress concentration factor of several hundred, making the effective stress at the tip of the flaw of the order of 7 000 MPa, consistent with the average breaking stress of carefully prepared glass fibres free of flaws. The stress concentration factor increases with the ratio of flaw depth to tip radius, which lowers the nominal surface stress at which fracture will occur. 10. Many of the unusual characteristics of glass strength can be explained in terms of the changes that surface flaws undergo with tensile stress application and weathering or aging. According to one theory, based on the concept of stress corrosion, the application of high tensile stress greatly accelerates the rate of corrosion at the flaw tip, making the flaw deeper but not appreciably wider. This would steadily increase the stress concentration factor under sustained load and could account for delayed failures, i.e., decreasing breaking strength with increasing duration of stress. Under zero to moderate tensile stress, however, ordinary corrosion rounds out the sharp flaw tip to reduce the stress concentration factor, which could explain why glass specimens can withstand moderate stresses indefinitely. Influence of Glass Area and Load Duration on Strength Testing 11. For geometrically similar specimens of different sizes, various lab tests on plate glass have shown that the average breaking stress,S, varies with the area of the specimen, A, according to the formula: 5 K + A lin (1) where K and n are factors found by experiment for a given lot of glass and test procedure. Typically, n is about 5 to 7. For n = 6, the formula suggests that a 1 m 2 plate should be about 12 per cent stronger, and a 4 m 2 plate 11 per cent weaker, on average, than a 2 m 2 plate. Assuming a random distribution of surface flaws, there is a greater chance of a severe flaw coinciding with a high tensile stress for larger plates than for small ones. 12. Many lab tests of the effect of duration on average breaking load, L, can be summarized by the formula: L = K' T 1/m (2) where K' and m are factors determined from the lab tests and T is load duration. For soda-lime glass, m is most often around 16, although in some cases values as low as 12 or as high as 20 fit the data better. According to the formula for m = 16, the 3 s breaking load should be about 21 per cent higher and the 1 h breaking load about 23 per cent lower than the 1 min breaking load. Equation (2) is consistent with the stress corrosion theory, which states that the rate at which the stress concentration increases at a flaw is proportional to some high power of the applied stress. 13. One important feature to be emphasized about the testing of glass is the wide scatter of test results. Even when specimens are chosen from the same lot of glass, carefully inspected to eliminate visible surface damage and tested under identical loading and environmental conditions, the coefficient of variation of the breaking load for annealed soda-lime glass is about 25 per cent. 14. The conditions listed above point to the primary influence of surface defects on the practical strength of large glass plates. The severity of randomly distributed flaws and the level of residual I . fMセ@ ... セ@ pays p compressive surface stress are far more important than variations in the chemical composition of the glass. Flexibility of Glass Retaining Members 15. The performance of the glass retaining members used in service may have a bearing on the actual load carrying capacity of the window if they are significantly more flexible than the support provided in strength tests. Furthermore, relatively large lateral deflections may occur under design loads, resulting in in-plane movements and a tendency for the glass to "walk" out of its retaining frame. 16. The most commonly recommended deflection limitation is 1:175 of the span. The manufacturers point out, however, that stiffer supports may be required for acceptable weather-tightness, durability of seals or appearance. In many modern glazing situations, one or more sides may not have adequate support and will require special design consideration, either by going to a separate chart or by consultation with the manufacturer's technical advisor. 17. Control of deflections from a performance point of view, visual as well as weather-tightness and durability, is important and there is a growing tendency to perform mock-up tests. The advice of the manufacturer regarding such details and installation procedures should be followed. Manufacturers' Thickness Selection Charts 18. Glass design from a structural point of view usually consists of selecting an appropriate thickness for a given area and design pressure from a chart based on tests to destruction of full-sized plates. The number of samples in various tests has ranged from about 20 to over 2 500. At least 20 to 30 samples of each configuration are required for reliable information about the mean strength and the variation about the mean. 19. The charts produced by the three largest flat glass manufacturers active in Canada have much in common, but some differences are worth noting. In dealing with aspect ratio for rectangular plates firmly supported on four sides, two of the three manufacturers make no distinction for ratios of long side divided by short side up to 3:1 or 5:1. The third manufacturer allows a linear increase up to about 30 per cent in load bearing capacity for aspect ratio increasing from 1:1 to 3:1. As can be seen in Table K-1, showing the range of wind pressures recommended for five different glass thicknesses by the three manufacturers, there is significant divergence at large aspect ratios. Aspect ratio does influence glass behaviour and the designer should be aware of the importance of aspect ratio when specifying glass. ! Table K·1 Range of Wind Pressure Resistance Quoted by Three Glass Manufacturers for Annealed Float Glass Supported on Four Sides, Area 4m2 (1,2) Aspect ratio 1:1 2:1 2.99:1 Thickness Min. Max. Min. [ Max. Min. Max. mm Kilopascals 0.77 0.81 5 0.77 0.96 0.77 1.05 1.15 1.29 1.15 1.39 1.15 1.58 6 10 2.15 2.44 2.15 2.63 2.15 3.02 12 3.21 3.54 3.21 3.78 3.21 4.40 4.21 15 5.17 4.21 6.03 4.21 6.89 Column 1 2 4 3 7 5 6 ! Notes to Table K·1: (1) For glass areas other than 4 m2 multiply by 4 + area. (2) This chart does not take into account any modification introduced by manufacturers since 1 January 1979. 20. A common feature of all three manufacturers' charts for four-edged support is that thickness, hI is approximately proportional to some power of the total load, LI where L is the product of uniform pressure times the area: h K" x La (3) where K" and a are factors found by fitting the chart data to Equation (3); a varies with the manufacturer from about 0.56 to 0.72. This formula implies that any combination of pressure and area producing the same totalload L, requires the same glass thickness. l 223 pays The factor K" also varies with aspect ratio in the case of the manufacturer who allows increased loadbearing capacity for increasing aspect ratio. 21. Two manufacturers supply charts for plates supported on two opposite edges only, and for all three manufacturers, recommended thicknesses are proportional to the maximum bending stress for a uniformly loaded, simply-supported beam. The working stresses used for this purpose by the various manufacturers range from about 9 to 23 MPa for 8 mm and 6 mm glass, and from 11 to 15 MPa for thicker glass. 22. For two-edged support, glass thickness is proportional, not to some power of total load (see Equation 3) but to the load per unit of length raised to the power 0.5, where the length is the dimension perpendicular to the span between supports. One manufacturer recommends using the chart for two-edged support for aspect ratios of 3:1 or greater, which would result in an allowable load of only 2.1 kPa for 12 mm glass of area 4 m 2, about two-thirds the allowable load in the four-edged support chart. In Table K-l the aspect ratio of 2.99:1 is given as a column heading instead of 3:1 to avoid this situation. 23. Separate charts are also provided by two manufacturers for sealed double-glazed units, while the third provides a multiplying factor of 1.5 to be used with the chart for single glass supported on four sides. Specification of Design Wind Pressures 24. The correct application of manufacturers' data requires a matching of the specified design wind pressure with the loads quoted in the glass thickness selection charts. In the National Building Code 1990 the use of a gust effect factor of 2.5 for cladding design implies an averaging time of 1 or 2 s when considering wind fluctuations over open country (Exposure A) at a height of 10m. 25. Descriptions of the loads quoted in the charts vary with the manufacturer; one states 3 s mean wind loadings, another specifies 1 min wind loads, and in the third case, "the graphs are based on actual tests to destruction in which the glass was exposed to uniform loads increased in increments and held static for 1 min." 26. Where a code or standard specifies loads averaged over a few seconds rather than 1 min, current practice in Canada and the U.S. is to ignore the difference and use them directly with the manufacturers' charts. According to Equation (2) in Paragraph 12, the increased capacity for the 3 s load over that for the 60 s load would be about 20 per cent. 27. The specified design wind pressure is intended to represent the most severe loading that can reasonably be expected to occur during the useful life of the cladding element being deSigned. Many interrelated factors must be considered in arriving at such a representative design pressure, and a simple procedure such as that followed in the Code should not be expected to provide a very precise solution. 28. The principal factors involved are the building site exposure, shelter or channelling created by neighbouring buildings, position of the cladding element on the building and the wind direction and speed when the most severe loading occurs. To be on the safe side, the simple procedure assumes an open exposure, no shelter from other structures and coincidence of the maximum wind speed with the most critical wind direction. 29. There are two situations in which the simple procedure may not be the best approach: firstly, on large projects the expense involved in using design loads thought to be overly conservative may be too high, and secondly, unusual building shapes, groupings or exposures may give rise to higher loadings for certain areas of the building than the simple procedure states. In both situations the recommendation in Commentary B (Wind Loads) is to provide for special wind tunnel tests in which all the above factors are taken into consideration. 30. High local suctions are often found at corners for "glancing winds," where the flow first breaks away from the building and then reattaches to the wall some distance downstream. This condition is reflected in the simple procedure by the use of local pressure coefficients of 1.0 near corners, but a more complete analysis (taking into account frequency of occurrence of strong winds from critical directions) may present a different picture in which corners are no longer the most critical areas on the surface. pays r T Sometimes the largest design pressures are found from wind tunnel tests to occur fairly low on a building, in line with the roof tops of adjacent buildings rather than near the top of the building itself. The critical area for cladding design in such situations might be overlooked unless adequate testing is carried out. Wind-Borne Missiles and Thermal Stresses 31. J.W. Reed investigating window damage from the Lubbock (Texas) tornado of 11 May 1970 found that only upper floors appeared to be damaged by wind forces alone. He concluded that 80 per cent of window damage to large buildings during that storm was probably caused by wind-borne missiles, mostly in the first five floors, decreasing exponentially up to about the 15th floor. 32. Subsequent surveys and research were carried out by Minor and Beason at Texas Technical University in which roof gravel was found capable of breaking window glass at mean minimum impact velocities of 10-20 m/s. Minor concluded that loose roof gravel endangers glass in multi-storey buildings because it is often present in locations where it can be lifted and propelled by winds with sufficient momentum to break windows. 33. Thermal stresses arise from differential heating of the glass. The potential for thermal breakage is measured by the difference between the mean temperature of the glass and the minimum edge temperature. J.R. Sasaki has measured the potential for thermal breakage of sealed double-glazing units, and in one study found temperature differences of up to 27°C. The technical literature indicates that glass with clean-cut undamaged edges can withstand a temperature difference of up to 30°C, but that breaks have been known to occur at lower than 15°C with abraded, nipped or otherwise damaged edges. Heat absorbing and heat reflecting glass have higher potentials for breakage than clear glass, and in double-glazed units, either the outer or the inner pane can be subject to breakage. 34. Thermal breakage usually can be distinguished from the wind effect because it almost always originates at an edge, whereas wind damage almost never does, unless the edge is inadequately supported. Careful inspection, particularly during the first few months or a year after installation, is recommended so that glass with visible cracks may be replaced. If glass is not inspected and damaged glass is not replaced, failures may eventually occur, and these could be incorrectly attributed to wind forces alone unless examined by a glass technologist familiar with the distinctive characteristics of thermal breakage on the fracture faces. Probability of Breakage 35. From the preceding section it is clear that a distinction must be made between breakage by wind pressure alone and breakage to which other factors contribute. The probability of wind pressure blowing out (or in) a window already cracked by flying gravel or by thermal stresses is obviously much higher than the probability for an undamaged window. 36. Where special wind tunnel tests have been done, incorporating climatological information on wind direction as well as wind speed, useful estimates of the probability of failure of previously undamaged windows will be feasible. When the simple procedure has been used, an estimate is still possible, but in general it will be conservative because the reduced probability of occurrence of the maximum wind from the most critical direction (as compared to any direction) cannot easily be assessed at the present time. 37. As the manufacturers themselves point out, the structural behaviour of glass due to brittle failure and randomly distributed surface flaws is such that glass cannot be guaranteed against breakage. By selecting an appropriate safety factor on the glass strength or an appropriate probability of exceedance of the specified design wind pressure, the risk of breakage can be reduced to an acceptable level. In current practice, and under normal circumstances, the minimum acceptable level is met by using the simple procedure of the Code, with an annual probability of exceedance of 1/10 for design wind pressure. Where special circumstances such as sloped or overhead glazing give rise to unusual hazards, such as increased risk of injury to occupants or the general public, the provision of safety glass may be required. 225 pays Future Developments 38. In current practice the designer must rely to a greater extent on technical advice from individual manufacturers when dealing with glass than with most other common building materials. Some of the reasons for this situation are apparent from the sections on "Characteristics of Glass Strength" and "Influence of Glass Area and Load Duration on Strength Testing"; the manufacturing process and the handling of the product from the time of manufacture to the time of installation have a significant influence on surface condition and hence the structural strength. 39. At present no generally agreed-upon strength testing procedure has been formulated, a fact that has probably contributed to some of the differences in the charts of different manufacturers. The influence of aspect ratio on the strength of large glass plates requires further investigation, as does the effect of load duration for peak loads down to less than 1 s. 40. Research is now under way to develop a testing apparatus and procedure to investigate the strength of large glass plates under dynamic loading representative of the wind gust pressures measured on real buildings. Bibliography Glass Strength Characteristics (1) W.B. Hillig, Sources of Weakness and the Ultimate Strength of Brittle Amorphous Solids. Modern Aspects of the Vitreous State, Vol. 2, J.D. MacKenzie, Ed., Butterworths, London, 1962, pp. 152-194. (2) R.J. Charles, Static Fatigue of Glass II. Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 29, No. 11, November 1958, pp. 1554-1560. (3) S.M. Wiederhorn, Influence of Water Vapor on Crack Propagation in Soda-Lime Glass. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 50, No.8, August 1967, pp. 407-414. (4) L. Orr, Engineering Properties of Glass. Conference on Windows and Glass in the Exterior of Buildings, Publication 478, Building Research Institute, Washington, March 1957. (5) E.B. Shand, Glass Engineering Handbook. Second edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc., 1958. (6) C.R. Frownfelter, Structural Testing of Large Glass Installations. Symposium on Testing Window Assemblies, ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 251, July 1959, pp. 19-30. (7) R. Bowles and B. Sugarman, The Strength and Deflection Characteristics of Large Rectangular Glass Panels Under Uniform Pressure. Glass Technology, Vol. 3, No.5, 1962, pp.156-170. (8) J.D. Gwyn, Factors Affecting Structural Performance of Glass. Building Research, Building Research Institute, U.s.A., May-June, 1967, pp.36-38. (9) W.G. Brown, A Load Duration Theory for Glass Design. Research Paper No. 508, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, January 1972. NRCC 12354. (10) L. Orr, Practical Analysis of Fractures in Glass Windows. Materials Research and Standards, January 1972, pp. 21-23 and 47. (11) R.L. Hershey and T.H. Higgins, Statistical Prediction Model for Glass Breakage from Nominal Sonic Boom Loads. Technical Report to Federal Aviation Administration, BoozAllen Applied Research Inc., Bethesda, Maryland, NTIS AD-763-594, January 1973. (12) J.E. Minor, Window Glass in Windstorms. Civil Engineering Report Series CE74-01, Texas Technical University, May 1974. (13) L. Orr, Strength and Fracture of Glass in Buildings. American Society of Civil Engineers Annual Convention, Session 32, Building Code Requirements for Wind Loading, November 5, 1975, Denver, Colorado. Wind Pressures on Buildings (14) W.A. Dalgliesh, Statistical Treatment of Peak Gusts on Cladding. Journal of Structural Division, Proc., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 97, No. ST9, September 197t pp. 2173-2187. (15) D.E. Allen and W.A. Dalgliesh, Dynamic Wind Loads and Cladding Design. Research Paper No. 611, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, 1973. NRCC 14056. (16) W.A. Dalgliesh, Comparison of Model/Full Scale Wind Pressure on a High-Rise Building. pays Journal of Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 1, No.1, 1975, pp. 55-66. (17) J.K. Eaton, Cladding and the Wind. Building Research Establishment, Current Paper CP47, Building Research Station, Garston, Watford, WD2 7JR, U.K., May 1975. (18) J.A. Peterka and J.E. Cermak, Wind Pressures on Buildings - Probability Densities. Journal of Structural Division, Proc., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 101, No. ST6, June 1975, pp. 1255-1267. (19) A.G. Davenport, D. Surry and T. Strathopoulos, Wind Loads on Low Rise Buildings: Final Report of Phases I and II, Part I-Text and Figures. BL WT-SS8-1977. Faculty of Engineering Science, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, 1977. No. 423, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, August 1974. NRCC 14167. (27) J.E. Minor and W.L. Beason, Window Glass Failure During Windstorms. The Glass Industry, February 1975, pp. 12-15 and 32. (28) H. Ishizaki, S. Miyoshi and T. Miura, On the Design of Glass Pane Against Wind Loading. Fourth International Conference on Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures, 8 -12 September 1975, London. (29) J.R. Mayne and G.R. Walker, The Response of Glazing to Wind Pressure. Building Research Establishment Current Paper 44/76, Building Research Station, Garston, Watford, WD2 7JR, U.K., June 1976. Glass Design and Behaviour in Service Building Codes and Industry Publications (20) L.E. Robertson and P.W. Chen, Glass Design and Code Implications for Extremely Tall Buildings. Building Research, Building Research Institute, U.S.A., May-June 1967, pp. 611. (21) F.R. Khan, Optimum Design of Glass in Buildings. Building Research, Building Reseach Institute, U.s.A., May-June 1967, pp. 45-48. (22) F.R. Khan, A Rational Method for the Design of Curtain Walls. In Proceedings of Design Symposium, Wind Effects on High-Rise Buildings, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, March 1970, pp. 145-174. (23) J.W. Reed, Window Damage Study of the Lubbock Tornado. Report No. SC-TM-70-535, Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, August 1970. (24) J.R. Sasaki, Potential for Thermal Breakage of Sealed Double-Glazing Units. CBD 129, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, September 1970. (25) J.R. Sasaki, Measurement of Thermal Breakage Potential of Solar-Control Sealed Glazing Units. Research Paper No. 617, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, NRCC 14259. Reprinted from Specification Associate, Vol. 16, No.3, pp. 1122, May-June 1974. (26) K.R. Solvason, Pressure and Stresses in Sealed Double Glazing Units. Technical Paper (30) Installation Recommendations for Tinted Glass. PPG Industries, Inc., Glass Division - Technical Services, TSR 104D, Toronto. (31) Installation Recommendations for Twindow. PPG Industries, Inc., Glass Division Technical Services, TSR 104C, Toronto. (32) External Environment. Wind Loadings, Pilkington Brothers Limited, St. Helens, Lancashire, England, August 1971, pp. 1-7. (33) The Application of Solar Control Glasses, Glass and Windows. Bulletin No. 10, Pilkington Technical Advisory Service, Pilkington Brothers (Canada) Ltd., 101 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ontario, January 1972. (34) Recommended Glazing Practices for Reflective Insulating Units Over 20 Square Feet in Area. PPG Industries, Inc., Glass Division - Technical Services, Toronto. (35) Building Code Requirements for Minimum Design Loads in Buildings and Other Structures. ANSI A58.l, American National Standards Institute, Inc., New York, 1972. (36) Code of Basic Data for the Design of Buildings. British Standards Institution, CP3, Chapter V, Part 2, Wind Loads, London, 1972. (37) Glass Product Recommendations: Wind Load Performance. Technical Service Report No. lOlA, Glass Division/PPG Technical Services, PPG Industries, Pittsburgh, PA. (38) Glass for Construction. Libbey-Owens-Ford Company, Toledo, Ohio, January 1976. 227 pays (39) Design Wind Loads for Aluminum Curtain Walls. Publication No. AAMATIR-A2-1975, Architectural Aluminum Mfgrs. Assoc., Chicago, 1975. (40) Metal Curtain Wall, Window, Store Front and Entrance Guide Specifications Manual, Architectural Aluminum Mfgrs. Assoc., Chicago, 1976. pays .. Commentary L Foundations Introduction 1. The purpose of this Commentary is to suggest reasonable guidelines, compatible with sound engineering practice, to provide compliance with the requirements of Section 4.2 (Foundations) of the National Building Code of Canada 1990. Much of the material herein is simple, intended as a first approximation dealing with routine problems of foundation design and construction. Neither this material nor the papers or texts to which it refers should substitute for the experience and judgment of a person competent in dealing with the complexities of foundation practice. 2. The Commentary falls into three principal parts: Temporary Excavations, Shallow Foundations and Deep Foundations. The text in these parts refers to relevant paragraphs of the National Building Code, Section 4.2. 3. The Commentary does not deal specifically with the identification and classification of soils and rocks, with subsurface investigations, with swelling and shrinking clay, nor with frost action as related to foundations; these topics are included in the "Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual, 1985" published by the Canadian Geotechnical Society, available from BiTech Publishers, Suite 801, 1030 West Georgia St., Vancouver, B.C., V6E 2Y3. Temporary Excavations Unsupported Excavations 4. The safety and stability of unsupported excavations depends on the soil and groundwater conditions and on the depth and slope of the cut. In granular materials slope failure will generally be fairly shallow; in clays deep rotational failures involving not only the sides but also the base of the excavation are possible. The length of time the cut will remain unsupported must also be considered. 5. Guidelines for treatment of open cuts in broad soil categories are included in Table L-l. The selec- tion of stable slope angles for Categories C and D requires that stability analyses be carried out. The selection of appropriate design shear strength parameters for such analyses requires a careful assessment of imposed shear stress levels, time effects, soil directional properties and uniformity, and should be carried out by a person qualified in this work. The influence of groundwater conditions within the slope, or piezometric levels at or below the toe of the proposed slope, should also be investigated, as the resisting shear strength along a potential failure surface may be greatly reduced by hydrostatic pressures. Supported Excavations 6. Temporary shoring support of vertical excavation faces requires an assessment of a number of factors, including the length of time the excavation is to be supported, earth pressures, pressures from frost action or corrosion from aggressive soil or groundwater. The shoring wall elements may be either open, permitting full drainage, or closed, providing an impermeable barrier, depending mainly on the soil permeability and groundwater conditions. Closed systems are designed for soil and full groundwater pressures, whereas hydrostatic pressures are not included in open systems, where seepage through the wall can take place. Design earth pressures 7. For flexible and semi-flexible shoring walls commonly used for support of vertical faces of excavations, and which may have a variety of support conditions, no satisfactory general theoretical solutions for prediction of earth pressures are available. The design earth pressure must take into account the method and sequence of construction and the tolerable deformation limits of the sides or faces of the excavation. 8. The yield of one part of a flexible wall throws pressure onto the more rigid parts. Hence, pressures in the vicinity of supports are higher than in unsupported areas, and the loads on individual supports vary, depending largely on the stiffness characteristics of the supports themselves and the construction technique. 229 pays Table L·l Open Cut Excavation Guidelines (1,2) Typical Failure Time to Mode Failure Remarks Category Soil Type Ground water A Freedraining, granular, non-plastic silts Below cut or controlled by advance de-watering Shallow surface or slope wedge Generally rapid Rarely a problem if groundwater under control and slope angle does not exceed Iriction angle of soil. Unsaturated temporary steeper cuts rely on apparent cohesion and may slough with time; cuts steeper than 45° are not recommended; vertical cuts more than 1.2 m in depth should never be used. (1) B As for Category A Cut below groundwater Sloughing to flow Rapid Uniform fine soils may flow for considerable distances if pumping from within excavation is attempted. Slopes are controlled by hydraulic effects and may range from 1/3 or less to full value of friction angle. As for Category A C Non-sensitive clays. Plastic and cohesive silts Saturated (see also Note 3) Rotational. Plane of weakness or composite surface Rapid or delayed depending on per cent of operational soil shear strength mobilized Analytical methods generally reliable for prediction of stability in soft to firm clays. As for Category A D Sensitive clays Saturated (see also Note 3) Rotational. Retrogressive slides and as per (C) As per (C): little advance little warning Extreme caution required; once initial failure is provoked, retrogressive action may affect wide area; reliability of analytical prediction methods generally poor. - Column 1 2 3 Notes to Table L·l : Mixed soils such as glacial tills should be classified into Category A, B, or C, depending on grain size, plasticity and permeability, and treated accordingly. (2) The stability of an open cut slope which is only marginally stable at the end of excavation may be adversely affected by such factors as the nature and magnitude of crest loading, vibrations, rainfall, the length of time the cut remains open or disturbance of the soil in the vicinity of the toe of the slope. (1) 230 4 5 (3) References 6 Excavations through alternate layers of cohesive and granular soils or excavations terminated within a cohesive soil underlain by granular strata require an investigation of groundwater conditions in each layer, and the factor of safety against excavation base heave or slope failure as a result of upward water pressure should be assessed. Ij pays 9. The pressure envelopes representing the pressures that would normally be anticipated can be represented in triangular, trapezoidal or rectangular form, and the applicable design earth pressure coefficients will range between the active KA* case and the earth pressure at rest Ko '" depending on permissible wall and soil movements. 10. Non-cohesive (granular) soils. As a first approximation the guidelines in Table L-2 are suggested in essentially granular soil such as fills, sands, silts, sandy silts, gravelly sands, sands and gravels or alternate layered conditions composed of such strata. 11. Cohesive soils. For cohesive soils a distinction must be made between soft to firm clays and stiff to very stiff clays. The effects of clay sensitivity and the factor of safety against base heave must also be accounted for. 12. For stiff clay soils (C u > SO kPa)*** including silty clays, sandy clays and clayey silts, the guidelines in Table L-3 are suggested. Similarly, for soft to firm clays (Cu > 12 kPa < SO kPa), reference should be made to Table L-4. 'K _ A - UK 1 sin<\>' 1 + sin <\>' = 1 = 12 , I where <I> = effective ヲイゥ」エセッョ@ 。セァャ・@ of soil and the ground surface IS hOrIzontaL sin <\>' unconfined compressive strength. Table L·2 Envelope of Earth Pressure for Design of Temporary Supports for Granular Soils Restraint Design Total Pressure (1) Envelope of Pressure Distribution (2) Cantilever 1.0 PA Triangular Braced 1.2 to 1.3 PA or trapezoidal Rectangular or trapezoidal Generally poor where control of groundwater inadequate or where workmanship poor; can be moderate to good where these factors are properly controlled and bracing properly designed and tightly wedged or preloaded Tied-back 1.1 to 1.4 PA Rectangular or trapezoidal Generally good where high total pressures are used; movements usually less than for braced walls and dependent on degree of prestressing, workmanship and wall stiffness Column 1 2 3 Notes to Table L·2: PA = theoretical total active pressure =0.5 pgH2 x KA where p density of soil (submerged if below ground water), kg/m 3, H depth of cut, and g acceleration due to gravity, m/s2. The figure of 0.2 is suggested as a lower bound for KA even in dense soils. Surcharge pressures and hydrostatic water pressures should be added where appropriate. (1) Ability to Restrict Adjacent Soil Movements (3) Generally very poor unless wall extremely stiff and embedded in dense soil 4 (2) (3) After increasing PA by the appropriate multiplier, distribute total pressure over depth of cut as indicated in this column: triangular limits of trapezoid generally taken as 0.2H to 0.25H at top and bottom. Where greater control of adjacent ground movements is required, earth pressure should be computed using the at rest Ko earth pressure coefficient with prestress in struts or tie-backs to the full design load. Additional measures would include choice of a stiff wall and close vertical spacing of struts or tie-backs. 231 i pays I Table L·3 Envelope of Earth Pressure for Design of Temporary Supports for Stiff Cohesive Soils Design Total Pressure Envelope of Pressure Distribution (3) Cantilever 1.0 PA but not less than 0.15pgH2 (1) Triangular Braced or tied back 0.15pgH2 to 0.4pgH2(2) Rectangular or trapezoidal Column 1 2 Restraint . Ability to Restrict Adjacent Soil Movements May be poor depending on length of cantilever, wall stiffness, embedment conditions and clay sensitivity (4.5) Depends on soil strength, sensitivity, effective preloading or prestressing and wall stiffness 4 3 Notes to Table L·3: PA may be computed using short term strength, i.e., PA = pgH - 2Cu if excavation open for limited period. Regardless of whether pressures are negative or zero, minimum positive pressures indicated must be used. (2) Use higher range where clay is of high sensitivity. If the construction sequence or workmanship allow significant inward movement during any stage of excavation, pressures may build up to essentially fluid soil values in very sensitive clays. With good workmanship, clay pressures are similar to those given in Table L-2. Strength tests taken on intact samples of stiff clays which are jointed or fissured may (1) (3) (4) (S) over-estimate the strength characteristics and thus lead to an under-estimation of earth pressures. Surcharge pressures should be added where appropriate; hydrostatic pressures need not be included; total density of soil, p, is to be used in calculations. Computed passive pressures below the base of the excavation should be reduced by 50 per cent to account for unavoidable disturbance due to strain effects and stress release. The factor of safety against base heave in stiff overconsolidated clays, as a result of high locked-in lateral stresses, should also be investigated. Movements Associated with Excavations 13. Movements associated with excavations are primarily related to construction technique and commonly consist of lateral yield of the soil and support system towards the excavation, with corresponding vertical movement adjacent to the excavation walls. Both lateral and vertical movements due to yield are generally of the same order of magnitude; however, if very flexible vertical wall elements are used, lateral movements can be grossly increased. Where construction technique is poor, erratic movements can also occur due to loss of ground or erosion behind the wall. 14. Movements due to yield of cantilever walls are related to the wall and soil stiffness. For most flexible or relatively flexible wall types the lateral deformations will exceed values required for mobilization of active soil pressures. For most soils and particularly 232 cohesive soils, therefore, there is a danger that a further build-up of lateral pressures beyond active values will take place as a result of loosening due to strain effects. An exception would be where design soil pressures of an at rest Ko magnitude or greater are used in design, and an appropriately stiff wall, such as large diameter cylinder piling, is provided, embedded in competent soil. 15. Movements due to yield in strutted excavations are, to a large extent, unavoidable, since they are controlled not by design assumptions but by construction details and procedures. Such movements develop in each excavation phase before the next level of struts is installed. 16. The yield movements of anchored walls are controlled by design methods more than is the case I pays r Table L·4 Envelope of Earth Pressure for Design of Temporary Supports for Soft to Firm Clays I Restraint Cantilever Design Total Pressure Envelope of Pressure Distribution (4) Ability to Restrict Adjacent Soil Movements (5.6) Triangular Very poor; this type of support generally to be in soft, sensitive clays 4 Notes to Table L·4: PA may be computed using short term strength, i.e., PA =pgH 2C u if the excavation is open for a limited period. Regardless of whether pressures are negative or zero, minimum positive pressures indicated must be used. (2) Higher range should be used where clay is of soft consistency, and lower range where clay is of firm consistency. This value may be conservative for non-homogeneous, nonsensitive sandy-silty cohesive soils of firm consistency. If .. pgH +surcharge stability number N = Mセ」 approaches 5 to 6, use the higher range. At this 、セーエィ@ base heave may also take place and therefore suitable precautions should be taken. (3) Design of a suitable shoring and bracing system in soft to firm clay conditions is not a routine matter, and the advice of a specialist should be obtained to establish design pressures, (1) (4) (6) to check overall stability and base heave and to predict adjacent soil movements. Essentially fluid soil pressures in very sensitive clays may be realized as a result of unavoidable wall movements prior to insertion of restraint supports. Computed passive pressures below the base of the excavation should be reduced by at least 50 per cent to account for unavoidable disturbance due to strain effects. Additional precautions in soft to firm sensitive clays would include (a) insertion of the top strut or anchor prior to excavation beyond 1.5 to 3 m depth, and (b) where the excavation area is of limited size, placing of a 150- to 300-mm thick concrete mat at the base of the excavation, where practical, immediately on completion of excavation. Underpinning with strutted walls. The number of anchors and the vertical spacing of such anchors, playa significant part in controlling the degree of lateral deformation. In normal practice, movements due to the yield of anchored diaphragms, sheeted or soldier pile walls are usually less than for strutted walls for the same depth of excavation. 17. For general guidance Table L-5 summarizes the approximate range of vertical and lateral movements to be expected. In certain cases, more favourable results may be achieved with proper design, good construction workmanship and careful field supervision, including monitoring the behaviour of the excavation. 18. Structures adjacent to excavations frequently need to be supported. The need for underpinning depends on the location of the structure, the details of its foundation support, its sensitivity to settlement and lateral deformations, the cost of underpinning or provision of extra excavation face support and other precautions, and the cost of repairs or the consequences if the structure is not underpinned. 19. The geometry of zones within which support for adjacent structures is usually considered necessary, as a result of adjacent excavation through soit is shown in Figure L-1. Where adjacent structures are founded on bedrock and excavation is through rock, less underpinning and more face support should be considered. 233 pays Wall Details Restraint (5) Table L-S Vertical and Lateral Movements Associated with Excavation (1,2) Granular Soft to Firm Clay, (3) Remarks Soils, Stiff Clay, % depth % depth % depth Conventional stiffness Moderate to large Moderate May collapse Movements related to wall, soil stiffness and embedment condition Soldier piles or sheet piles 0.2 to 0.5 0.1 to 0.6 (4) 1to 2 (4) Struts installed as soon as support level reached and prestressed to 100 per cent design load Rakers or struts loosely wedged 0.5 to 1.0 0.3 Soldier piles or sheet piles 0.2 to 0.4 0.1 to Concrete diaphragm walls < 0.2 < 0.1 to 0.5 Tied-back Column 1 2 3 4 Cantilever Braced Notes to Table L-S: Movements indicated apply directly behind wall; for granular soils and stiff clays, movements would feather out in approximately linear fashion over horizontal distance of 1.0 to 1.5 depth of excavation (H). For soft to firm clays, and assuming average workmanship, this distance increases to 2.0 to 2.5H, and with poor workmanship to greater than 3H. (2) If groundwater is not properly controlled in granular strata, movements may be much larger than indicated, and loss of ground could also result. (1) 234 Poor workmanship would result in greater values >2 2 <1 to 2 5 (3) (4) (5) Prestressed to pressure between active and at -rest Prestressed as above, since wall stiffness and design earth pressures are normally greater, movements generally are less than for soldier piles or sheet piling; little data available 6 If the factor of safety against base heave for soft to firm clays is low, large deformations will result. Upper range of movements usually applies for highly sensitive clays in either stiff or soft to firm category. Experience indicates that movements are reduced by using close vertical spacing between strut or tie-back levels and by careful attention to prestress details. pays tightly braced/tied excavation wall base of excavation T 600mm Zone A Foundations within this zone often require underpinning. Horizontal and vertical pressures on excavation wall of non-underpinned foundations must be considered. Zone B Foundations within this zone often do not require underpinning. Horizontal and vertical pressures on excavation wall of non-underpinned foundations must be considered ZoneC Foundations within this zone usual!y do not require underpinning. Figure L·1 Requirements for underpinning 20. The general order of magnitude of movements as a result of excavation with various support methods in different soil conditions has been summarized in Table L-S. This table may also be used to assist in judging the necessity for underpinning. Factors to be Considered with Soil and Rock Tie-Back Anchors 21. Anchors are usually inclined downwards, transmitting the vertical component of the anchor force into the anchored vertical member. This force should be considered in design, together with the weight of the vertical member itself. 22. Forces which resist downward movement due to the inclined anchor load are skin friction and the reaction at the base of the vertical member. When soldier piles are used, vertical forces are concentrated in the piles. Only minimal friction, if any, can be mobilized. Such vertical forces must therefore, be supported at the base of the pile. The vertical and horizontal base capacity of the pile must be checked; otherwise, unacceptable vertical and horizontal deformation may take place. 23. Settlement of vertical members produces some reduction in anchor loads, with a consequent tendency for outward displacement of the supported face. Therefore, vertical and horizontal movements at the top and bottom of the excavation must be monitored at regular intervals throughout the course of the work. 24. The performance of soil and rock anchors depends, not only on minor variations in soil and groundwater conditions, but also on construction techniques and details. Consequently, the prediction of anchor capacity by theoretical calculations is not reliable. Anchorage capacities must be established by test taking into account the load deformation and "creep" properties of the soit and each anchor must be proofloaded during construction. 25. The overall stability of a soil anchorage system should be checked by analyzing the stability of the block of soil lying between the wall and the anchorages. In generat the anchors should be extended beyond a 1:1 line drawn from the base of the excavation, and no allowance for any load carrying support should be assumed within this line. Design and Installation of Members 26. Members such as walers, struts, soldier piles and sheeting should be sized in accordance with the structural requirements of Part 4 of the National Building Code of Canada 1990. 27. The depth of penetration of the vertical wall member should be 1.5 times the depth required for moment equilibrium about the lowest strut. 28. For driven soldier piles, the maximum horizontal force on the flange of the soldier pile below the bottom of the excavation may be taken as 1.5 times the values computed for the width of the flange, providing that the pile spacing is not less than five times the flange width. 29. For piles placed in a concrete base, the diameter of the concrete filled hole may be used in place of the flange width as discussed in the preceding paragraph. 30. The selection of material and sizes of timber planks or lagging should conform with good practice, and the lagging should be of good quality 235 pays hardwood. Lagging is installed by hand after a depth of about a metre is excavated. The maximum depth made each time before a section of lagging is placed depends on the soil characteristics. Soft clay and cohesion less soils must be planked in short depths to reduce the amount of soil moving into the excavation. The depth of excavation below any lagging boards that have not yet been placed should not exceed 1.2 m. Lagging must be tightly backfilled or wedged against the soil. 31. To minimize the possibility of erratic loss of ground in local areas when excavating sands and silts below original groundwater, straw packing, burlap or in extreme conditions, grouting must be used behind the lagging as it is installed. 32. The design of all members including struts, walers, sheetpiling, walls and soldier piles should be checked for several stages of partial excavation when the wall is assumed to be continuous over the strut immediately above the excavation level and supported some distance below the excavation level by the available passive resistance. This condition could produce the maximum loading in struts and walers. 33. Where excessive stresses or loads would result (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) from interim construction conditions using regular construction procedures, trenching techniques can be employed to advantage. 34. The design of members should also be checked for the condition when portions of the building within the excavated area are completed and lower struts are removed. Consideration must be given to the possible increase in loading on the upper struts remaining in place; also the span between that portion of the building that has been completed and the lowest strut then in place must be considered in relation to flexural stresses. Control of Groundwater in Excavations 35. Good practice requires that the following conditions must be fulfilled when dewatering excavations: (a) A dewatering method must be chosen that will not only assure the stability of the sides and 236 (0 bottom of the excavation but will also prevent damage to adjacent structures, such as by settlement. The lowered water table must be kept constantly under full control, and fluctuations liable to cause instability of the excavation must be avoided. Effective filters must be provided where necessary to prevent loss of ground. Adequate pumping and standby pumping capacity must be provided. Pumped water must be discharged in a manner that will not interfere with the excavation or cause pollution. For most soils the groundwater table during construction must be maintained at least 600 to 1 500 mm below the bottom of the excavation so as to ensure dry working conditions. It should be maintained at a somewhat lower level for silts than for sands in order to prevent traffic from pumping water to the surface and making the bottom of the excavation wet or "spongy." Adequate monitoring of groundwater levels by piezometers or by observation standpipes should be maintained. Where impermeable strata are underlain by pervious water-bearing layers, depending on the depth of excavation and the hydrostatic head in the pervious strata, it may be necessary to lower the head in the pervious stratum in advance of excavation, to prevent a "blow" or excessive disturbance of the base as a result of upward hydrostatic pressure. Pumping from sumps or ditches inside the excavation is normally carried out where dense low permeability soils, such as certain glacial tills or cohesive soils, are present or where the excavation is in bedrock; this method is not recommended for excavation in semi-pervious or pervious soils, such as silts or fine sands, since it often leads to extensive sloughing of the excavation sides and disturbance of the bottom. Shallow Foundations General 36. A shallow foundation means a foundation unit which derives its support from the soil or rock close to the lowest part of the building which it supports. I pays The depth of the bearing area below the adjacent ground is usually governed by the requirement to provide adequate protection against climatic or frost effects; vertical loads on the sides of the foundation due to adhesion or friction are normally neglected. Bearing Capacity and Settlement 37. The design of a foundation unit normally requires that both bearing capacity and settlement be checked. While either bearing capacity or settlement criteria may provide the limiting condition, settlement normally governs. Distress from differential settlement, as evidenced by cracking and distortion of doors and window frames, is common. The drastic effects of a bearing capacity failure are rare, except perhaps during construction, where shallow temporary footings are frequently used with falsework. 38. The bearing capacity of both cohesive and noncohesive soils can be determined with reasonable reliability by assuming that the strength parameters for the bearing soil are accurately known within the depth of influence of the footing. 39. Cohesive soil. The settlement of a structure on cohesive soil can be calculated with less accuracy than the bearing capacity. Such a calculation is affected by a number of complicating factors usually requiring judgement to assess. The most important of these is an estimate of the preconsolidation pressure, that is, the maximum past consolidation pressure on the in situ soiL Because of the various uncertainties, errors of a factor of 2 should be expected in the calculation of settlement. 40. Non-cohesive soil. The settlement of a structure on non-cohesive soil can normally only be estimated by empirical methods. Such an estimate is usually taken to mean the settlement directly related to the load, but this settlement generally occurs quite rapidly, often during the construction period. Post construction settlement in such a case will be negligible and may be considerably less than predicted. 41. Post construction settlement can occur for a considerable period after construction, even after a period of successful performance of the structure, as the result of vibrations or changes in the groundwater conditions, whether natural or man-made, due to earthquake or blasting, flooding or groundwater lowering. Settlement of this nature is not usually included in an empirical estimation, but should be assessed. Design Bearing Pressure 42. The design bearing pressure is limited by two considerations: (a) the foundation must be safe against shear failures of the supporting soil, and (b) settlement must not be excessive. 43. The design bearing pressure is the lesser of the values dictated by these two requirements. 44. A detailed flow diagram for the design of shallow foundations is shown in Figure L-2. In many cases this can be simplified; however, it illustrates the factors affecting the choice of design bearing pressure for most structures. Estimates of Allowable Bearing Pressure 45. Universally applicable values of allowable bearing pressure cannot be given. Many factors affect bearing capacity, and the allowable load will frequently be controlled by settlement criteria. Nevertheless, allowable bearing pressure for the preliminary design can usefully be estimated on the basis of the material description; such values should be recalculated for the final design in keeping with good geotechnical practice and normal analytical proced ures. (1 ) 46. Estimated values of presumed allowable bearing pressure and notes are given in Tables L-6, L-7, L-8 and L-9. Such pressures should be considered as the maximum permissible under the total dead and live loading and treated as first approximations only. Frost Penetration 47. The best indication of frost penetration in a particular locality is local experience. In the absence of local experience, however, daily air temperature measurements can be used to estimate the combined effects of both depth and duration of freezing. The cumulative total of the difference between daily mean air temperatures and the freezing point is known as the "Freezing Index," and is expressed in 237 pays Flow diagram for foundation design Shallow foundations Field Investigation - boreholes . Factors affecting depth of footing: - frost protection, slope stability, erosion topography, sOil I I conditions, water level sweillng(?) I I ... I I I I + I I I I I I I I I I + I I I yes yes L_+_ 238 : ____ -. ___ L ___ -' -These factors frequently control foundation design Figure L-2 I Flow diagram for design of shallow foundations pays f Table L·6 Estimates of Allowable Bearing Pressure on Rock イMセ Rock Conditions (1) Rock Type (a) (b) Massive igneous and metamorphic rocks in sound condition: granite, diorite, basalt and gneiss Foliated metamorphic rocks in sound condition: slate and schist (c) (d) Sedimentary rocks in sound condition: cemented shale or siltstone, sandstone, limestone, dolomite and heavily cemented conglomerate Compaction shale and other argillaceous rocks in sound condition 1---------- (e) All closely jOinted rocks including thinly bedded limestones and shales (f) Heavily shattered or weathered rocks Discontinuities (joints, minor cracks) at wide ウセー。c⦅ゥョァH^QュI@ ________セ@ Discontinuities at moderate spacing (300 ュ⦅エッQセI@ Miセエ@ (i) Discontinuities at wide spacing (>1 m) (ii) Discontinuities at moderate spacing (300 mm to 1 m) iii) Foliations tilted to the horizontal __--_____ 2 to 5 r '_ _ , , , , r I セMイK@ Allowable Bearing Pressure (2) MPa Discontinuities at wide spacing (>1 m) 3 Remarks 1 I Foliations approximately horizontal Foliations approximately horizontal Potential sliding along foliations. Potential lack of support adjacent to cuts on excavations See Reference (2), Strata approximately r-________MKZィセッLN」イゥコ[PG⦅Wョエ。Q@ セM⦅[Zャ@ Potential solution cavities in limestone, dolomite. Variability in cementation of conglomerates. See (b) (iii) - MイKNセ@ 0.5 to 1 Discontinuities at wide spacing (> 1 m) セ Discontinuities at spacing less than 300 mm apart. Random joint or crack patterns MQ⦅セィoイゥコッョエ。ャG@ i Strata approximately -Argillaceous shales are subject to some swell on release of stress. All shales tend to soften on exposure to water and certain shales swell markedly Can only be assessed by detailed investigations and examination in situ, including loading tests if I i I i 'V"''''' "" .."A , J See!e) i Column 1 Notes to Table L-6: Spacing of discontinuities is critical to the bearing pressure allowable on a rock mass. Discontinuities, such as joints or cracks, are considered widely spaced if greater than 1 m apart and moderately spaced when greater than 300 mm. The thickness or width of such discontinuities is presumed to be less than 5 mm (or less than 25 mm if completely filled with soil or (1) (2) rock debris). Where such conditions do not exist, Types (e) or (f) must be assumed. Values of bearing pressures given above, except for (f), are based on the assumptions that the foundations are close to the rock surface but carried down to unweathered rock with adequate frost protection and that the foundation is greater than 300 mm wide. 239 pays Table L-7 Estimates of Allowable Bearing Pressure on Non-Cohesive Granular Soils Soil Type and Conditions (1) Allowable Bearing Pressure (2) kPa Potential Problems (3) Remarks For general reference see References (1) and (4) (a) Dense well-graded sands, dense sand and gravel 400 to 600 Density of sands containing large sizes or gravels is frequently overestimated when (b) Compact well-graded sands, compact sand and gravel 200 to 400 inferred from standard or cone penetration tests only, See Reference (3) (c) Loose well-graded sand, loose sand and gravel 100 to 200 Potential settlement when subject to shock or vibrations. See (f) (d) Dense uniform sands (e) Compact uniform sands 300 to 400 100 to 300 Density usually better defined by standard or cone penetration tests, as compared to (a) to (c). Considerable caution required in interpretation of test data See References (5) - (7) (f) Loose uniform sands <100 Even where very low bearing pressures are used, settlement can occur due to submergence, vibrations from blasting machine operation or earthquake See Reference (8) - Subject to possible liquefaction. Should never be used for support of foundations (g) Very loose uniform sands, silts Column 1 2 Notes to Table L-7: Density condition of the soil is assumed to be established in conformance with good geotechnical practice. (2) Values 0", bearing pressure are based on the assumptions that the foundation (B) is not less than 1 m wide and that the groundwater level will never be higher than a depth, B, below the base of the foundation. When the groundwater level is, 3 (1) 240 (3) 4 or could be, higher than such depth, the values listed should be divided by a factor of 2. Long term settlement of foundations on compact to dense non-collesive deposits is normally modest, provided such deposits are not underlain by compressible cohesive deposits at depth. I pays Table L-8 Estimates of Allowable Bearing Pressure on Cohesive Soils (for sensitive clays, see Table L-9) セsQ@ Soil Type and Allowable Bearing Pressure (2) kPa (a) Very stiff to hard clay, heterogeneous clayey deposits or mixed deposits such as till 300 to 600 (b) Stiff clays (c) Firm clays 100 to 200 (d) Soft clays oto 50 (e) Very soft clays Column 1 50 to 100 - Applicability for Support of Shallow Foundations (2) I Good Normally estimated on the basis of investigations, sampling and laboratory test data Fair to good Poor -- except for minor structures little affected by distortion For general reference see References (1) and (9) (11 ) Very poor - not recommended i No 2 Notes to Table L-8: Strength of cohesive soils is assumed to be established in conformance with good geotechnical practice. (2) Cohesive soils are susceptible to long term consolidation settlement. For Types (b) to (d) inclusive, such settlement ( 1) Settlement (2) 3 4 often governs the applied pressure rather than bearing pressures based on soil strength. In the case of Type (a) soils, heave can take place with excavation and consequent relief of stress. 241 pays Table L·9 Problem Soils, Rocks or Conditions (1) References (12) Type or Condition Organic soils Examples Muskeg terrain: estuarine organic silts and clays Normally consolidated clays Lacustrine deposits and varved glaciolacustrine deposits in Manitoba, Northern Ontario, Northern Quebec (13) Sensitive clays Marine clay deposits in St. Lawrence River Valley, Eastern Ontario, Quebec (14)-(16) Swelling/shrinking clays Clay-rich deposits in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba (17) Metastable soils British Columbia loess (18) Expansive shales Western Canada - Bearpaw and Cretaceous deposits Eastern Canada - weathering of sulphide minerals accelerated by oxidizing bacteria (19,20) Permafrost Northern Canada, Arctic (21,22) Column 1 2 3 Note to Table L·9: No bearing pressure can be presumed without detailed investigations. (1) 242 I pays degree days. Freezing indices for a large number of weather stations in Canada have been published by the Atmospheric Environment Service.(23) As a general guideline the variation in freezing indices across Canada is illustrated in Figure L-3. Information on how the "Freezing Index" may be used to estimate depth of frost penetration is given in References (24) to (27). Insulated Shallow Foundations 48. In recent years lightweight plastic insulation has been used to reduce the loss of ground heat and thereby reduce the depth of frost penetration. Insulation should be used for this purpose only after careful examination of the pertinent conditions and with a thorough understanding of its effect on the temperature at the soil-foundation interface.(27) Insulation is of particular advantage in the design of unheated buildings such as warehouses, garages and refrigerated buildings used for food storage. It is also used to restrict the depth of frost penetration beneath artificial ice surfaces. 49. Insulation can be obtained with relatively high compressive strengths, so that slabs of these materials can be placed directly below the bearing surfaces of foundations. Substantial economic advantages may accrue where such designs are used, because foundations can be located closer to the ground surface, thereby reducing the costs of providing granular fill to replace frost-susceptible soil.(27) Figure L-3 Normal freezing index in degree days Celsius, based on the period 1931 to 1960 243 pays Deep Foundations Introduction 50. A deep foundation is a foundation unit that provides support for a building by transferring loads either by end-bearing to a soil or rock at considerable depth below the building, or by adhesion or friction, or both, in the soil or rock in which it is placed. Piles are the most common type of deep foundation. 51. Piles can be premanufactured or cast-in-place; they can be driven, jacked, jetted, screwed, bored, drilled or excavated. They can be of wood, concrete or steel or a combination thereof. (Drilled shafts of diameter greater than about 750 mm are frequently referred to as caissons in Canada.). 52. Loads which may be applied to a deep foundation depend not only on the properties of the foundation as a structural unit (e.g., the shaft strength of a drilled shaft determined on the basis of CAN3-A23.3-M84, "Design of Concrete Structures for Buildings"), but also on the properties of the foundation soil (or rock) and of the soil/ foundation system (e.g., pile capacity as a function of soil strength, settlement of a drilled shaft as a function of contact pressure). Thus, the designer must distinguish the structural from the geotechnical capacity of a deep foundation unit or system, analyze each very carefully and define application of loads which may be carried safely, both from a structural and a geotechnical point of view. In many applications, geotechnical considerations limit the permissible loads to levels well below those which might be arrived at on the basis of structural considerations alone. 53. Geotechnical criteria for assessing permissible loads on a deep foundation are determined on the basis of site investigations and geotechnical analyses. However, in most cases, the quality of a deep foundation is highly dependent on construction technique, equipment and workmanship. Such parameters cannot be quantified nor taken into account in normal design procedures. Consequently, as implied in NBC Subsection 4.2.7., deep foundations should be designed on the basis of in situ load tests on actual foundation units. 54. Criteria relating to structurally permissible loads are defined in the design sections of the National Building Code applicable to the structural materials used in the deep foundation unit. However, the standards referenced in the NBC were written mainly for the purpose of designing elements and assemblies in the superstructure. A structural consultant involved in the design of deep foundations must recognize that installation and quality control conditions below grade differ from those above grade; the permissible loads determined by the usual structural design methods may have to be reduced, sometimes to a marked degree, to account for these differences. Permissible loads can only be selected on the basis of close co-operation between the geotechnical and structural consultants for the project. 55. In this section of the Commentary, suggested values of permissible loads are given for several kinds of foundation units. These values are listed solely to provide a first approximation of the probable loads which, under routine conditions, might be applied safely to a given kind of unit. In each case, both geotechnical and structural evaluation and analysis is mandatory. However, as discussed above, since construction procedures often have a dominant influence on the load/ deformation behaviour of the deep foundation, the choice of a permissible load is always subject to judgment and experience and to the provision that appropriate review is carried out as specified in Article of the NBC. Review must be considered an integral part of the design process. Geotechnical Requirements of Deep Foundations Deep foundations end.bearing on rock or highly competent deposits 56. Deep foundations which are placed on rock or on a dense basal deposit, such as till or hard clay, are bored, drilled or excavated and cast-in-place, and are commonly referred to as drilled shafts. In this case, the area of end-bearing contact is known and, provided this area and the character of the foundation stratum can be defined by inspection, the geotechnical capacity of the deep foundation can be evaluated on the basis of the allowable bearing pressure of the foundation stratum. (Refer to Tables L-6, L-7 and L-8, on shallow foundations.) I I ,I pays • provide base fixity and resistance to horizontal movement. (28,29) 57. Rock sockets. Frequently, cast-in-place foundations are socketed into rock, either to obtain higher end bearing capacity at depth or to transfer load to the rock by adhesion or bond along the walls of the socket. Adhesion is highly dependent on the rock エケーセ@ and on the socket wall condition after drilling. DesIgn values used for adhesion in sound rock lying below weathered or shattered rock range from 0.7 MPa to 2.0 MPa; however, much lower values have been observed in practice, where the construction methods used have produced a poor contact area. Careful inspection of all rock sockets prior to concreting is essential. Socketing may also be employed to Pile Type (a) End-bearing on rock, dense till or other similar materials (b) Piles driven into dense sand, , sand and gravel (c) Piles driven into loose to compact sand, sand and gravel I (d) Piles driven into compact to dense silts (e) Piles driven into cohesive soils 58. Deep foundations may also be driven to rock or into dense basal deposits. In this case, which includes H-piles, pipe piles driven closed-end or precast concrete piles, the exact area of contact with the foundation stratum, the depth of penetration into it or the quality of the foundation stratum are largely unknown. Consequently, the load capacity of such driven deep foundations should be determined on the basis of observations during driving, load tests and local experience. (Refer to Table L-IO.) Table L·10 Load Capacities of Driven Piles Load Capacity Recommendations High to very high, but Ultimate pile capacity dictated by driving usually high but load/ conditions, conditions of deformation can only be basal deposits, pile types assessed by load test and stiffness (ASTM 01143-81, Method A) See (a) See (a) Medium to high, part pOint resistance, part skin friction Medium, but "relaxation" effects must be checked Low to medium, susceptible to long term settlement I Column 1 2 I References - (30) (31) First approximation to load capacity, use skin friction (kPa) =50 ± 25. Define by load test (ASTM 01143-81, Method A) See (c). Essential to define by load test See references above. See also References (32) and (33) First approximation, use skin friction. Soft cohesive soil, 0 - 30 kPa. Firm to stiff cohesive soil, 30 60 kPa. Define by load test (ASTM 01143-81, Method B) 3 (35) (36) (34) 4 245 pays Piles in granular soils (Refer to Table L-10) 59. Piles which are driven into granular soils derive their load carrying capacity from both point resistance and shaft friction. The relative contributions of point resistance and shaft friction to the total capacity of the pile depend essentially on the density of the soil and on the characteristics of the pile. 60. It is commonly assumed that pile driving in granular soils increases the density of the deposit. Because of this, piles in granular soils should be driven to the maximum depth possible, without causing pile damage, in order to obtain the maximum working load on the pile. However, in some granular soils, such as fine sands or cohesionless silts, the pile capacity may decrease after driving. This effect is known as "relaxation." In contrast, in some coarse sands or other coarse grained deposits, the load capacity of piles may increase after driving. This effect is known as "freeze." Neither of these effects can be assessed quantitatively, except on the basis of red riving and load testing. 61. Compacted concrete piles. Compacted or rammed concrete piles in granular soils derive their load capacity mainly from the densification of the soil around the base. The capacity of such piles is, therefore, entirely dependent on the construction technique and can only be assessed on the basis of load tests and detailed local experience. Piles in cohesive soils (Refer to Table L-10) 62. The load capacity of piles driven into cohesive materials is governed by the adhesion between the pile and the soil and, to a much lesser extent than in granular soils, by the point resistance. This is particularly true for soft to firm clays. 63. The adhesion is not always equal to the undrained shear strength of the soil since, in some circumstances, the effect of pile driving markedly changes the character of the soil. In soft sensitive clays, complete remoulding of the soil may occur on driving. This effect diminishes with time following driving, as the soil adjacent to the pile consolidates. In some cases, soil strength has not returned to the original undisturbed value even after a considerable period of time.(37) 246 64. Because of the slow rate of regain of strength in certain cohesive soils, load testing should sometimes be delayed until several weeks have elapsed after driving. 65. In stiff to very stiff cohesive soils, evidence indicates that, in driving, a gap is formed between the pile and soil; this gap is not always fully closed with time, thus minimizing the adhesion to the pile relative to the high shear strength of the soil. For this reason, an approximate limit of 60 kPa has been suggested for the adhesion value, even for stiff clays (Table L-10). 66. Drilled shafts in cohesive soils. Except for shafts drilled through stiff or very stiff cohesive deposits, the major portion of drilled shaft capacity is derived from the bearing capacity of a hard or dense stratum at the base. For a first approximation of bearing capacity, Tables L-6 and L-7 should be used. For a more detailed assessment of bored piles, see Reference (38). Spacing and arrangement of piles and drilled shafts 67. The following should be considered during the spacing and arrangement of piles and drilled shafts: (a) the overlap of stresses between units, which influences total load capacity and settlement, (b) overstressing of weaker zones at depth, and (c) installation difficulties, particularly the effects on adjacent piles or drilled shafts. 68. In most cases the spacing, D, between the centres of driven piles of average diameter, d, should not be less than 2.5 d. Settlement and group effects in piles 69. In practice, piles are frequently used in groups; however, most of the published literature deals with the behaviour of single piles. Leonards (39) states that, "there is no consistent relationship between the settlement of a single pile and the settlement of the pile group at the same load per pile. Therefore, selecting a design load on the basis of the load at a given gross or net deflection, or at a given fraction of the ultimate pile capacity, is equivalent to accepting an unknown factor of safety with respect to satisfactory performance of the foundation." This statement is certainly valid for all piled foundations where the I pays ,... piles derive their support from skin friction, or from combined skin friction and end-bearing; however, group effects may be less critical where piles derive all of their support or the major portion of it from end-bearing on a relatively incompressible stratum. An example of such support is where piles are driven through weak deposits to end-bearing on rock. For this case, the engineer normally relies on some means of assessing the dynamic resistance during pile driving complemented by load tests to define the deformation characteristics of the piles under load. 70. In contrast to true end-bearing pile foundations, where the load/ deformation characteristics of individual piles are significant, the use of friction pile foundations is generally governed by considerations of group action and, for cohesive soils, long term consolidation settlement. The actual capacity and load / deformation characteristics of individual piles are not significant in this case. The purpose of friction piles in the upper part of a deep deposit of cohesive soils or of granular soils (or silts) is to reduce the intensity of pressure acting at ground level and to shift the zone of maximum stress to the lower levels, where less settlement will result. 71. In the case of an individual pile or where the building is narrow in relation to the depth of piles, the zone of pressure increase is spread over a large area in comparison with the width of the foundations; in contrast, where the building is wide, friction piles spread the load out very little, and the effect of the pile foundation on the soil is practically the same as that of a raft foundation without piles. In this case, the total bearing value of the piles in the foundation bears no relation to the carrying value of an individual pile by itself; the settlement of the foundation is, therefore, governed by the character of the subsoil, not by the load capacity of the piled foundation. Load tests on deep foundations 72. Use of load tests. As previously indicated, load testing of piles, as specified in NBC Sentence, is the most positive method of determining load capacity. Depending upon the type and size of the foundation, such load tests may be performed at different stages during design and construction. 73. Load tests during design. The best method of designing a pile foundation is to perform pile driving and loading tests. The number of tests, the type of pile tested, the methods of driving or of installation and of test loading should be selected by the engineer responsible for the design. The following points should be considered: (a) The test program should be carried out by a person competent in this field of work. (b) Adequate soil information should be obtained at the test location. (c) The piles, the equipment used for driving or other method of installation and the procedure should be those intended to be used in the construction of the foundation. (d) As a minimum, the head of a pile should be instrumented to record the total pile and soil deformation. Where possible, deformation measurements should also be made at the tip of the pile and at intermediate points to allow for a separate evaluation of point resistance and skin friction. (e) The driving process should be observed in detail and, wherever possible, stress levels in the pile assessed (e.g., by means of the wave equation method of analysis). (f) The piles should be loaded to at least twice the proposed working load and preferably to failure. 74. Routine load tests during construction. Load tests should be performed on representative deep foundation units at early stages of construction. The purpose of such tests is to ascertain that the allowable loads obtained by design are appropriate, and that the installation procedure is satisfactory. 75. The selection of the test piles should be made by the engineer responsible for the design on the basis of observed driving behaviour or installation features. 76. Load tests for control. Where full advantage is to be taken of Clause and Sentence of the NBC, a sufficient number of load tests must be carried out on representative units to ascertain the range of the pile performance under load. Load tests for control should be performed on one out of each group of 250 units, or portion thereof, of the same type and capacity. Load tests should also be performed on one out of each group of units where driving records or other observations indicate 247 pays that the soil conditions differ significantly from those prevailing at the site. Selection of the deep foundation units to be load tested is the responsibility of the design engineer. Installation and Structural Requirements of Deep Foundations 77. In most cases, the maximum allowable load on a deep foundation unit is governed by geotechnical considerations. The design capacity of a deep foundation unit determined from structural considerations represents the maximum axial load which theoretically could be carried; however, this load is generally less than could be applied to a comparable unit used in the superstructure of a building because (a) the actual placing of deep foundations frequently deviates from the position and alignment assumed in design, (b) once in place, deep foundation units often can neither be inspected nor repaired, and (c) the placement of concrete in cast-in-place deep foundations frequently cannot be done with the same degree of control as in structural columns. 78. In Tables L-ll to L-13 guidelines are given to assist in determining a reasonable axial design capacity for deep foundation units under common conditions. These tables are not a substitute for structural analysis and design, but only provide a conservative guide for routine situations which may confront a designer, where a unit may be considered as a short column and where axial load governs the design. 79. The flexural capacity and ductility of piles should be considered when, under certain soil conditions, the soil either does not provide lateral support or could cause lateral loads to be applied to the piles. 80. Frequently, economies can be made by using higher capacities or different techniques. Such higher capacities should only be used in conditions where they can be justified as suitable and when quality can be ensured by an adequate program of inspection and load tests. Driven piles 81. This type of deep foundation unit may suffer structural damage when being driven. Determina248 tion of capacity is generally made by comparing driving resistance (blows per 30 cm) with the energy or size of hammer blow and relating these figures to previous experience or to the behaviour of similar piles subjected to static load tests. For this purpose, observations of pile driving must include: pile length and weight, hammer type (e.g., drop, diesel, ram weight), hammer energy applied, type and thickness of packing, and blows per 30 cm and elastic rebound of pile, or acceleration and stress at head of pile. 82. The assessment of pile stresses during driving by the theory of wave propagation or by the "wave equation" method of pile analysis is useful. By assigning appropriate elastic properties to such parameters as the pile/cushion system and the pilei soil system, the penetration per blow and pile stresses for a given hammer energy can be computed; however, these results and the extrapolation of the penetration per blow to a definition of ultimate pile capacity are, at best, only approximations. The "wave equation" method, in common with all empirical dynamic pile formulae, calls for the exercise of judgment and experience. No method, in itself, can provide definitive values either for driving criteria or load/ deformation characteristics of a driven pile. Pile load tests are essential to confirm the driving criteria used and to assess load/ deformation performance. 83. Damage to driven piles. Piles may be damaged by attempting to drive to an excessively small "set" per blow or to an excessively large number of blows at high resistance. This is known as "overdriving." The driving set should be established so as to achieve a reasonable performance under load without incurring the risk of serious damage. Driving stresses depend upon the hammer, blows, size and type of pile, length of pile, cushion material and soil conditions. These factors must be examined for each situation and acceptable "set" criteria determined on the basis of previous experience and load testing. 84. Piles may also be damaged by driving through obstructions, such as boulders or fill material, or by sloping rock surfaces which may deflect the pile or create high local stresses leading to serious deformation or breakage. pays Table L·11 Guidelines for Driven Piles . · Normal Size Type of Pile . Range (a) Timber I 180 to 250mm tip Typical Pile Load kN 180 to 450 (b) Steel sections {H, WF} 200 to 350mm 350 to 1800 (c) Pipe sections 200 to 600 mm diam 350 to 1800 200 to 300 mm 300 to 900mm 350 to 1 000 900 to 2500 2 3 (d) Precast concrete sections ! i Structural Considerations Must be checked in accordance with NBC Subsection 4.3.1. Installation Considerations Cannot be inspected. Susceptible to damage during hard driving. Tip reinforcement recommended where driven to end bearing Notes Must be checked in accordance with NBC Subsections 4.3.3. and 4.3.4. End bearing allowable working stresses usually i> 0.3fy when driven to end bearing refusal on rock or dense strata; higher stresses possible under specific controlled conditions. Friction: working stresses usually governed by geotechnical considerations and rarely exceed 80 MPa. In pipe piles, concrete strength does not normally contribute to pile capacity unless the pile is driven to end bearing May be damaged during driving but load capacity not necessarily reduced Tip points often required for hard driving. Average thickness of flange or web, t セ@ 1 cm. Projection of flange セ@ 14t Suitable for inspection after driving. Concrete quality highly dependent on placement method Normally driven closedend. Tip reinforcement or drive shoe required when driven open-end. Pipe thickness >5 mm, but 10 mm recommended End bearing: capacity must be checked in accordane with NBC Subsection 4.3.3. Normally ヲセ@ > 27.5 MPa Friction: the capacity of friction piles is normally governed by both installation method and geotechnical considerations; average compressive stress under load rarely exceeds 10 MPa Cannot be inspected. Careful selection and driving method required to prevent damage Refer to ACI 543R-1980 Possible tensile stresses in concrete during 'soft' driving. High compressive stresses in concrete during 'hard' driving. Tip reinforcement usually essential Preservative treatment normally required. (CAN/CSA 080-M89) • Column 1 4 5 6 249 pays 85. Excessive bend or sweep may be experienced when driving long piles (30 m or more). A discussion of allowable bending of piles is given in Reference (41). 86. The use of steel reinforcing tips is strongly recommended whenever ends may be damaged. Tip reinforcement may also reduce damage incurred through overdriving. 87. Movement of adjacent piles during driving. Where a group of piles is to be placed through silt or clay, measures shall be taken to indicate any movement of each pile during the installation of adjacent piles. Horizontal and vertical movement should be recorded. 88. Piles which have suffered vertical movement should generally be redriven. Piles which have suffered horizontal displacement must be investigated for structural damage. 89. Jetting or pre-excavation. When jetting, predrilling or other pre-excavation methods have been used during pile installation, the pile tip should be driven below the depth of pre-excavation to the required bearing. Care must be taken to avoid jetting, pre-driving or pre-excavating to a depth or in a manner that will affect the design capacity of piles previously placed. This is discussed in detail in ACI 543R-1980. (40) Cast-in-place deep foundations 90. Cast-in-place deep units can be divided into two main categories: compacted expanded base piles (Table L-12) and drilled shafts (Table L-13). 91. The placement of the materials forming such units is cruciaL It is difficult, if not impossible, to ensure the same level of quality in placing concrete in such units as in a building superstructure. Careful attention must be given to the methods of installation, concrete mix proportions and placement methods, and to the degree of inspection possible. The allowable loads on such units must be adjusted accordingly, in keeping with sound design, engineering experience and judgement. 92. Concrete cast in place. The placing of concrete in pipe piles, expanded base pile shafts and in drilled shafts can be classified in two categories: (a) Concrete placed in the dry should be placed by 250 guided free fall, bucket or chute. Segregation may occur if concrete is allowed to fall through a reinforcing cage or similar obstruction. Concrete of more than 100 mm slump placed by free fall of 5 m or more in non-reinforced or lightly reinforced shafts receives adequate compaction and does not require vibration. Placement by tremie methods is necessary when a considerable inflow of groundwater is present or when there is standing water in the hole. (b) Concrete placed under water should be placed through a tremie pipe or by pump in such a way as to eliminate any contamination, washing or dilution of the concrete by the water. It should have a 150 to 200 mm slump and vibration r should not be applied. (Refer to CAN/CSAA23.1-M90, "Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction.") 93. Reinforcing steel for cast-in-place units. Reinforcing steel is generally placed pre-assembled as in a cage. During placement, the steel may be subjected to severe handling and placement stresses and to impact. Placement cannot be made with as high a degree of accuracy as in a superstructure, nor can it be easily checked. 94. For the design of cast-in-place foundations, the provisions of CAN3-A23.3-M84, "Design of Concrete Structures for Building" should, therefore, be amended in the following respects: (a) Reinforcing steel assemblies should be designed and constructed so as to withstand all handling and placing stresses without deformation which would impair the structural performance of the unit. (b) Weldable steel should be employed, in most cases, to permit construction of rigid and strong assemblies. (c) The clear distance between longitudinal bars should not be less than 75 mm. (d) Ties or spirals may be welded to the longitudinal bars. Welding should be in accordance with CSA W59-1989, "Welded Steel Construction (Metal-Arc Welding)." Welded spirals or ties should be of wire not less than 7.0 mm in diam, with pitch not more than 300 mm and with not less than 75 mm clear space between ties or spirals. I pays Table L·12 Guidelines for Compacted, Expanded Base Piles Type of Pile ITypical I i i Load kN ! Structural Considerations Installation Considerations I Notes i 350 to 600 450 to 1350 Concrete quality highly dependent on technique Cannot be inspected. Contamination of concrete. 'Necking' of shafts. Possible damage by adjacent piles. Allowable load frequently determined on the basis of energy required to expel measured volumes of concrete at base. Highly dependent on judgement and experience. Possible heave of all piles must be continuously monitored. (b) Steel 300 to pipe sl1aft, 500 concrete filled 450 to 1 550 Where the pipe wall thickness < 5 mm, the structural contribution of the pipe should be disregarded Less subject to damage than (a) above. Shaft can be inspected prior to filling See (a) above (a) Rammed shaft Column 1 (e) (f) Normal Size Range mm 2 3 4 The possibility of misplacing the reinforcing bars should be allowed for in the design, and reasonable tolerances established for field performance: e.g., ± 75 mm of correct bar location in plan, ± 150 mm of correct bar location in elevation. Generally, longitudinal steel should be uniformly distributed around the cross-section, as an assembly may become twisted during placement. Location and alignment 95. The exact location of each deep foundation unit should be staked in advance and checked immediately prior to installation of each unit. After completion of the installation the location of each unit should be checked against design location and permissible deviation as indicated on the design documents. 96. As required in NBC Article, permissible deviations from the design location shall be determined by design analysis. In practice, piles and shafts can usually be positioned within a tolerance of 5 6 80 mm; for practical reasons smaller tolerances should not be specified. 97. As required in NBC Article, where a deep foundation unit is wrongly located, the condition of the foundation shall be assessed by the person responsible for the design and the necessary changes made. 98. During and after installation of any deep foundation unit, its alignment should be checked against the design alignment and the permissible deviation as indicated on the design documents. 99. Current practice is to limit the total deviation from design alignment to a percentage of the final length of the deep foundation unit; 2 per cent is a common value. However, such practice does not ensure proper structural behaviour of the unit since it does not take into account the length over which this deviation is distributed. (a) The total deviation from alignment of a deep foundation unit has little influence on its geotechnical capacity unless it reaches values greater than 10 per cent of the length of the unit. 251 pays Table l·13 Guidelines for Drilled Shafts Normal Size Range Typical Load kN 30 to 700mm diam shaft 250 to 450 (b) Uncased. 750 to Reinforced 1 500 or plain mm concrete. diam Undershaft reamed or straight (c) Cased. 450 to Permanent 1500 mm steel pipe lining diam shaft Type of Shaft (a) Uncased plain concrete Column 1 2 Installation Considerations Notes Good concrete quality not always possible Where shaft diameter <700 mm normally cannot be inspected, thus permitting only low allowable loads < 450 kN. Not recommended for normal application where caving can occur 450 to 45000 Generally good concrete quality possible with ヲセ@ > 20 MPa < 35 MPa Can normally be designed in accordance with NBC Subsection 4.3.3. (CAN3A23.3-M84) Can be inspected. Where temporary casing is used to retain wet, caving soil, high slump concrete may be required. Precautions should be taken to prevent contamination of concrete Usually under-reamed to provide belled base. Bell sides typically at 2(V) to 1(H). Often not underreamed where bearing on sound rock. 450 to 45000 See (b) above. Must be checked as composite unit in accordance with NBC Subsections 4.3.3. (CAN3A23.3-M84) and 4.3.4. Can be inspected Usually not under-reamed. Generally socketed where taken to rock. Design for complete load transfer through socket. Essential to seat liner on rock bearing surface. Drive shoe usually fitted to pipe liner Structural Considerations 4 5 6 Permafrost (b) Practically all piles, particularly when driven, are more or less out of design alignment. A straight pile is a theoretical concept seldom achieved in practice. (c) Only the radius of curvature of a deep foundation unit is important for its structural and geotechnical behaviour. The maximum allowable radius of curvature should be determined by design whenever such radius is required to be measured during inspection. A discussion of allowable bending of piles is given in Reference (40). 252 100. The lines on Figure L-4 indicate the approximate southern limit of permafrost and the boundary between the discontinuous and continuous permafrost zones in Canada. The distribution of permafrost varies from continuous in the north to discontinuous in the south. In the continuous zone permafrost occurs everywhere under the ground surface and is generally several decametres thick. Southward, the continuous zone way gradually to the discontinuous zone, where permafrost exists in combination with some areas of unfrozen material. The discontinuous zone is one of broad transition pays t between continuous permafrost and ground having no permafrost. In this zone, permafrost may vary from a widespread distribution with isolated patches of unfrozen ground to predominantly thawed material containing islands of ground that remain frozen. In the southern area of this discontinuous zone! permafrost occurs as scattered patches and is only a few metres thick. 101. The lines on this map must be considered as the approximate location of broad transition bands many kilometres wide. Permafrost also exists at high altitudes in the mountains of Western Canada a great distance south of the southern limit shown on the map. Information on the occurrence and distribution of permafrost in Canada has been compiled by the Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council Canada.(42,43) References (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) K. Terzaghi and R.B. Peck! Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice. J. Wiley & Sons! New York! 1967. E. Hoek and J.W. Bray! Rock Slope Engineering. Inst. of Mining and Metallurgy! 1972. G.F.A. Fletcher! Standard Penetration Test: Its Uses and Abuses. Journal of SoiL Mech. Found. Div.! Proc.! Am. Soc. Civ. Eng.! Vol. 9L SM4! 1965! pp. 67-75. R.B. Peck! W.E. Hanson and T.H. Thornburn! Foundation Engineering. J. Wiley & Sons! New York, 1974. J.W. Gadsby, Discussion of the !The Correlation of Cone Size in the Dynamic Cone Penetration Test with the Standard Penetration Test.' Geotechnique, Vol. 20, 1971, pp. 315-319. Figure L·4 Permafrost region. 1 - Discontinuous zone, 2 - Continuous zone. 253 pays (6) EA. Tavenas, Difficulties in the Use of Relative Density as a Soil Parameter. ASTM, STP 523, 1973. (7) F.A. Tavenas, R.s. Ladd and P. LaRochelle, The Accuracy of Relative Density Measurements: Results of a Comparative Test Programme. ASTM, STP 523, 1973. (8) K. Terzaghi, Influence of Geological Factors on the Engineering Properties of Sediments. Economic Geology, 5th Anniv. Volume, 1955, pp.557-618. (9) L. Bjerrum, Engineering Geology of Norwegian Normally-consolidated Marine Clays as Related to Settlements of Buildings, Seventh Rankine Lecture. Geotechnique, Vol. 17, 1967, pp.83-117. (10) C.B. Crawford, Interpretation of the Consolidation Test. Journal of Soil Mech. Found. Div., Proc., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 90, SM5, 1964, pp.87-102. (11) J.H. Schmertmann, Estimating the True Consolidation Behavior of Clay from Laboratory Test Results. Proc., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 79, Separate 311, 1963. (12) I.C. MacFarlane, Ed., Muskeg Engineering Handbook. Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1969. (13) V. Milligan, L.G. Soderman and A. Rutka, Experience with Canadian Varved Clays. Journal of Soil Mech. Found. Div., Proc., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 88, SM4, 1962, pp. 31-67. (14) C.B. Crawford, Engineering Studies of Leda Clay. In Soils in Canada. RE Legget, Ed., Roy. Soc. Can., Spec. Publ. No.3, 1961, pp. 200-217. (15) C.B. Crawford, Quick Clays of Eastern Canada. Eng. Geol., VoL 2, No.4, 1968, pp. 239-265. (16) P. LaRochelle, J.Y. Chagnon and G. Lefebvre, Regional Geology and Landslides in Marine Clay Deposits of Eastern Canada. Can. Geotech. J., VoL 7, No.2, 1970, pp. 145-156. (17) J.J. Hamilton, Shallow Foundations on Swelling Clays in Western Canada. Proc. Intern. Res. Eng. Conf. Expansive Clay Soils, Texas A&M Univ., Vol. 2, 1965, pp. 183-207. (18) R.M. Hardy, Construction Problems in Silty Soils. Eng. Journal, VoL 33, No.9, 1950, pp.775-782. 254 (19) R.M. Quigley and RW. Vogan, Black Shale Heaving at Ottawa, Canada. Can. Geotech. L Vol. 7, No.2, 1970, pp. 106-112. (20) R.M. Hardy, Engineering Problems Involving Preconsolidated Clay Shales. Trans. Eng. Inst. Can., VoL 1, 1957, pp. 5-14. (21) R.J.E. Brown, Permafrost in Canada. Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1970. (22) EJ. Sanger, Foundation of Structures in Cold Regions. Cold Reg. Res. Eng. Lab., Cold Reg. Sci. Eng. Monogr., VoL 111-C4, 1969. (23) Normal Freezing and Thawing Days for Canada 1931-1960. Atmospheric Environmental Service, 4905 Dufferin Street, Downsview, Ontario M3H 5T4. (24) U.s. Army Corps of Engineers. Report on Frost Investigations, 1944-1945. Corps Engrs., New England Division, Boston, 1947. (25) G.H. Argue, Frost and Thaw Penetration of Soils at Canadian Airports. Can. Dept. Trans., Air Services, Constr. Eng., Arch. Branch, Rep. CED-6-163,1968. (26) W.G. Brown, Difficulties Associated with Predicting Depth of Freeze or Thaw. Can. Geotech. J., Vol. t pp. 215-226, 1964. (Also NRC 8276, Division of Building Research, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa.) (27) L. Robinsky and K.E. Bespflug, Design of Insulated Foundations. Journal of Soil Mech. Found. Div., Proc., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 99, SM9, 1973, pp. 649-667. (28) D.E Coates, Rock Mechanics Principles. Mines Branch Monograph 874, Queen's Printer, Ottawa, 1967, p. 358. (29) EA. Tavenas, Controle du roc de fondations de pieux fores a haute capacite. Can. Geotech. J., Vol. 8, 1971, pp. 400-416. (30) G.G. Meyerhof, Penetration Tests on Bearing Capacity of Cohesionless Soils. Journal of Soil Mech. Found. Div., Proc., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., VoL 82, SM1, Paper No. 866, 1956. (31) V.G. Berezantsev, V.s. Kristoforov and V.N. Golubkov, Load Bearing Capacity and Deformation of Pile Foundations. Proc. Intern. Conf. Soil Mech. Found. Eng., Paris, Vol. 2, 1961, pp. 11-15. I ! , I pays (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) AS. Vesic, Tests on Instrumented Piles, Ogeechee River Site. Journal of Soil Mech. Found. Div., Proc., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 96, SM2, 1970, pp. 561-584. E.E. De Beer, The Scale Effect in the Transposition of the Results of Deep Sounding Tests on the Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Piles and Caisson Foundations. Geotechnique, Vol. 13, 1963, pp. 39-75. N.C. Yang, Relaxation of Piles in Sand and Inorganic Silt. Journal of Soil Mech. Found. Div., Proc., Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. 96, SM2, 1970, pp. 395-410. M.J. Tomlinson, The Adhesion of Piles Driven in Clay Soils. Proc. Intern. Soc. Soil Mech. Found. Eng., London, Vol. 2, 1957, pp. 66-7l. P. Eide, J.N. Hutchinson and A. Landva, Short and Long Term Loading of a Friction Pile in Clay. Proc. Intern. Conf. Soil Mech. Found. Eng., Paris, Vol. 2, 1961, pp. 45-53. M.J. Tomlinson, Foundation Design and Construction. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1963. J.D. Burland, EG. Butler and P. Dunican, The Behavior and Design of Large Diameter Bored Piles in Stiff Clay. Proc. Symp. Large Bored Piles, Inst. Civil Eng., London, 1966, pp. 51-7l. G.A. Leonards, Summary and Review of Part II of the Symposium on Pile Foundations. Hwy. Res. Record No. 333, Highway Research Board, Washington, 1970, pp.55-59. ACI Committee 543. Recommendations for Design, Manufacture and Installation of Concrete Piles. ACI 70-50, ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, Part 3, Detroit, 1974. B.H. Fellenius, Bending of Piles Determined by Inclinometer Measurements. Can. Geotech. J., Vol. 9, 1972, pp. 25-32. Permafrost Map of Canada (a joint production of the Geological Survey of Canada and DBR/ NRC). August 1967. NRC 9769. R.J.E. Brown, Permafrost Map of Canada. Canadian Geographical Journal, February 1968, pp.56-63. NRC 10326. 255 pays Commentary M Structural Integrity of Firewalls 1. Sentence of the National Building Code requires that, where framing members are connected to or supported on a firewall and such members have fire-resistance ratings less than that required for the firewall, the connections and supports for such members must be desi9ned S? エィ。セ@ the collapse of the framing members dunng a fIfe wIll not cause collapse of the firewalL Sentence requires that the firewall be designed to resist a factored lateral load of 0.5 kPa under fire conditions. 2. These requirements, along with others in Subsection 3.1.10., form part of a general requirement that the fire not spread between compartments separated by a firewall within the イ・アセゥ、N@ fireresistance rating for the wall (4 h for hIgh fIre hazard occupancies and 2 h for other occupancies). To achieve this the wall must not be damaged to the extent that it allows fire spread during this time. 3. In order to meet the requirement for structural integrity of firewalls the following loading conditions apply. Lateral Loads on Firewalls 4. To prevent collapse of the firewall during the fire from explosion of unburned gases, glancing blows from falling debris, force and thermal shock of fire-hose stream and wind pressure, Sentence requires that the firewall be designed for a factored lateral load of 0.5 kPa. If the structure exposed to the fire has less fire resistance than . required for the firewall, it is assumed to have faIled and therefore to provide no lateral support to the firewalL 5. Sentence also requires that the firewall be designed for the normal structural requirements for interior walls for wind and earthquake, including that for pounding damage. 6. The building structure, including the firewall, should also be designed to provide structural 256 integrity in accordance with the recommendations of Commentary C Structural Integrity. Thermal Effects 7. Thermal expansion of the structure exposed to a fire must not cause damage to the firewall which would allow premature fire spread through the walL 8. To assess the potential for such damage, thermal expansion of the structure should be estimated on the basis of a SOO°C temperature increase in combination with the thermal coefficients given in Table 0-1 of Commentary D. The expansion of the structure toward the firewall can be assumed to begin at a vertical plane in the fire compartment 20 m from the firewall or half the width of the fire compartment, whichever is less. 9. In assessing thermal effects, attention should be given to the effect on the stability of the firewall from distortion due to temperature differential through the wall. 10. If thermal movements are sufficient to damage the firewall, either adequate clearances should be provided or the firewall and structure on both sides should be detailed to prevent wall damage. Design Approaches 11. Design approaches to satisfy the general requirements for structural integrity of firewalls include the following. Double Firewall ( Here the structure on each side is tied to a separate wall in such a way that, when the structure exposed to fire fails, only one wall collapses without damaging the remaining walL A schematic example is shown in Figure M-1. Each wall should have at least half the total required fire-resistance rating. The separation between the walls must satisfy the above requirements for thermal expansion and earthquake. Cantilever Firewall Here the structure on either side is not connected to the wall, so that collapse of the structure exposed to the fire does not collapse the fire wall. A schematic example is shown in Figure M-2. Reinforcement of the cantilever wall and foundations for pays beam or joist beam or joist t --beam or truss beam or truss column column セKM@ v...."q-f----+I--- firewall (1) firewall (1) separation (2) aセWGQMエh separation (2) Figure M·1 Schematic example of double firewall Notes to Figure M·1: (1) Each firewall must be tied to the adjacent structure in accordance with Paragraph 11 and reinforced in accordance with Paragraphs 4 and 5. (2) Firewalls must be separated in accordance with Paragraphs 5 and 10. Figure M·2 Schematic example of cantilever firewall Notes to Figure M·2: (1) Firewall is not tied to the structure and is designed as a cantilever from the foundation with reinforcement and pilasters in accordance with Paragraphs 4, 5, 10 and 11. (2) Separation may be required in accordance with Paragraphs 5 and 10. overturning will generally be required to resist the lateral loads specified in Sentence Pilasters will frequently be needed to provide the requisite lateral load capacity. non-fire side does not. This approach has traditionally been used in timber construction, where timber beams or joists bear without anchors into pockets of firewalls and can twist free when they collapse.(1) Figure M-4 shows a more recent technique for block wall construction. If this technique is used, care must be taken to provide adequate anchorage for wind uplift and earthquake. Tied Firewall Here the structure to each side of the wall provides lateral support to the wall and is tied together in such a way that lateral forces resulting from collapse of the structure exposed to the fire are resisted by the structural framework on the other side. Lateral forces are recommended in Paragraphs 12 and 13. Suitable provisions must be made to transmit these forces to members on opposite sides of the firewall. A schematic example is shown in Figure M-3. Weak-link Connections Here structural components are supported by the fire wall in such a way that the failing structure collapses without causing the firewall to be severely damaged. As with a tied firewall, the structure may also provide lateral support to the wall. If a weak link is provided on each side of the firewall, the link on the fire side must break away while the link on the Tied Firewalls: Horizontal Forces from Collapsing Structure 12. Where a structure of fire resistance less than that required for the firewall is tied through the wall to the structure on the other side of the wall, the supporting structure and tie should be designed for a factored horizontal force equal to wBL2/8S, where w is the dead weight plus 25 per cent of the specified snow load, B is the distance between ties, L is the span of the collapsing structure between columns perpendicular to the wall and S is its sag, assumed to be 0.07L for steel open-web beams and O.09L for steel solid-web beams. The supporting structure should be capable of resisting the recommended forces for 257 pays structural 、ゥ。pィイセ@ / beam or truss ties (2) KMhセ@ firewall (3) Figure M·3 Schematic example of tied firewall Notes to Figure M-3: (1) Structural diaphragm resistance may be required in accordance with Paragraphs 11, 12 and 13. (2) Ties must be located and detailed in accordance with Paragraphs 11, 12 and 13. (3) Firewall must be reinforced and detailed in accordance with Paragraphs 4, 5 and 10. Figure M·4 Example of a weak-link connection used in wood frame construction Notes to Figure M·4: (1) Blocking connection to woodframe must be detailed to act as a weak link in accordance with Paragraph 11. (2) Firewall must be reinforced and detailed in accordance with Paragraphs 4, 5, 10 and 11. Plan ties within a 10m length of firewall; the other ties are assumed to carry no force (see Figure M-S). The factored resistance of the tie should include a reduction factor of 0.5 to take account of reduced yield strength at high temperature. ..,.....-- 13. Alternatively, if the firewall is located so that area of equal heat intensity the roof structure has the same resistance to horizontal forces on either side of the firewall (e.g., the firewall is located mid-way between end walls or expansion joints of a structurally symmetric building), only the tie need be designed for the factored horizontal force wBL2/8S. Reference (1) 258 Canadian Wood Council. Fire Separations and Firewalls - Commentary on NBCC 1990, Subsections 3.1.8., 3.1.9. and 3.1.10., CWC Datafile FP-S, Ottawa, 1990. --- "- .. .. J "-I- ..,/- ..,..... Section supporting structure Figure M·5 Sketch to show principles of Paragraph 12 pays Appendix A to Chapter 4 List of Referenced Standards r Issuing Agency Standard Number ASTM Title of Standard Supplement Reference 01143-81 (1987) Piles Under Static Axial Compressive Load Commentary L, Table L-1 0 ACI 543R-1980 Commentary L, Table L-11 CSA CAN/CSA-A23.1-M90 CSA CAN3-A23.3-M84 Recommendations for Design, Manufacture and Installation of Concrete Piles Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction Design of Concrete Structures for Buildings CSA CSA CAN/CSA-080-M89 CAN3-086-M84 CSA CAN/CSA-086.1-M89 CSA CAN/CSA-S16.1-M89 CSA CAN/CSA-S 136-M89 CSA W59-M1989 Wood Preservation Engineering Design in Wood (Working Stress Design) Engineering Design in Wood (Limit States Design) Steel Structures for Buildings (Limit States Design) Cold Formed Steel Structural Members Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding) Commentary L, Para 89 Commentary L, Para 92 Commentary A, Para 2 Commentary A, Table A-1 Commentary 0, Table 0-1 Commentary J, Para 82 Commentary L, Para 52 Commentary L, Para 94 Commentary L, Table L-13 Commentary L, Table L-11 Commentary A, Table A-1 Commentary A, Table A-1 Commentary A, Table A-1 Commentary 0, Table 0-1 Commentary L, Para 94 i Column 1 2 3 4 259