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Negotiation Planning: Catering Service for Wedding

"Don't bargain yourself down before you get to the table"-Carol.
In my view, negotiation is a deal-making strategy to integrate both parties' interests and create a winwin situation. During negotiations, one must consider a deal to bind both parties to give up on
During my brother's wedding in 2019, we have planned to throw a surprise theme based party to the
bride and groom and have shortlisted a few event management companies with whom we can work.
Considering the current covid situation, many of them backed off in taking up the task, and we were left
with a few who can take this up on short notice and have to negotiate for mutual benefit. During the
initial discussions, we selected the theme. We collected quotes from different companies, in which
almost all the quotations seemed overpriced, and have soon understood that it would require a couple
of negotiations to complete the task.
Name: Poruri Madhavi
Negotiation: Catering service
Role: Customer
What issues and the interests behind those issues are most important to you? (Listed in order
of importance)
I want both the families to be satisfied with the theme and arrangements
Event timely and properly organized.
I want to make the order at a reasonably fair price
What is your BATNA? Reservation Price? Target/Goal?
My BATNA is not to agree to the price that the event management company proposed, and my
reservation price would be 150000 INR.
My end goal is to make my guests happy without overcrossing my budget
What are your sources of power?
Below are my sources of power:
Quotes from different event management companies
Unique theme good for their promotions
What issues and the interests behind those issues are most important to your opponent? (Listed in
order of importance)
Opponent wants to make the deal for a higher price as they want to take advantage of the
Opponent wants to negotiate and is claiming to provide the best
What is your opponent's BATNA? Reservation Price? Target/Goal?
My opponent's BATNA is to lock the deal for the price they quoted. The opponent's reservation
price for the order is 200000 INR.
My opponent's end goal is to make the deal at their reservation price.
What are your opponent's sources of power?
Had good customer feedbacks and reviews online for their quality and timely delivery.
What is your strategy? What is your opening move or first offer? Other important information? It
would be best to create contingencies and plans of action given potential moves by your opponent.
My strategy is to strike the deal without compromising on the quality for the price in my favor. Validate
my argument by comparing with other quotes and understanding that the quotation from my side isn't
low and by customizing and maintaining the same quote.
MY strength is negotiating with the facts and figures and trying to make it difficult for the opponent to
manipulate, hide or lie to get the deal. Every negotiation is different, and to build a win-win situation for
both parties; it is crucial to understand the opponent's claims and act according to their reactions.
This course has taught me to think rationally and require tools and techniques to handle a deal and
successfully close it. Though every negotiation might not end up successful, we learn how to alter the
declarations and preserve the integrity in written agreements.
Thus, I would like to complete my real-world planning document covering my real-life negotiation
experience and relating it to the course's concepts.