, SysTools PDF Watermark Demo Version For Full Version Visit: http://www.systoolsgroup.com/pdf-watermark -2- Which of the following is NOT a function of money? (A) (BJ (C) (D) 2. Indivisibility Store ofvalue Measure ofvalue Mediumofexchange I. II. III. IV. Creation ofjobs Education of workers Maximization of sales Production of goods and services (A) I, II and III only I, II and IV only I, ·m and IV only II, III and IV only (C) (D) 5. (A) (B) (C) (D) 6. Which of the following characteristics of the sole trader form of business is NOT advantageous to the owner? (A) (B) ( C) (D) Unlimited liability Low operational costs Ownership of all profits Rapport with customers Corporate state Mixed economy Centrally planned Perfectly competitive Which ofthe following responsibilities MUST be assumed by the management of a company? I. IT. III. IV. (A) (B) (CJ (D) CSEC POB June 2011 P1 staff directors community shareholders Which of the following types of business environments is MOST typical of the Commonwealth Caribbean? \ 3. Ip a public limited company, the losses are borne by the (A) (B) (C) (D) Which of the following are functions of a business unit? (B) 4. Producing goods of a marketable quality Maximizing efficiency and creating surpluses Determining dividends to be paid to shareholders Maintaining good communication and hnman relations with staff II only II and III only II, III and IV only I, II, III and IV GOONTOmE~PAOB •. .1 r SysTools PDF Watermark Demo Version For Full Version Visit: http://www.systoolsgroup.com/pdf-watermark -3- Item 7 refers to the diagram below which shows a section ofa typical vertical organizational chart for a manufacturing company. [joARD OF DIRECTORsl I_ MANAGING DIRECTO~ GENERAL MANAGER [ PRODU<;:TION MANAGER ] 7. line rank sfuff flow Setting objectives and the procedures for achieving goals are referred to as (A) (B) (C) (D) 10. The PRIMARY role of the Human Resources Department of a firm is to (A) motivating controlling organising planning (B) (C) 9. (D) A MAJOR role of a trade union is to encourage (A) (B) (C) (Dj [QnEF ACCOUNTANT The relationship between the highest level of management down to the various departments is known as the (A) (B) (C) (D) 8. MARKETING MANAGER staffto become members oftheunion staff to strike whenever they have problems at work advancement of the welfare of its members management to pay higher salaries and give Ianger vacations to staff 11. hire_,, recruit, train and rnotivatc employees promote recreational activities for employees compile magazines highlighting outstanding employees assist employees in understanding industrial relations Which of the following organizations is LEAST likely to use a Manangement Information System? (A) (B) (C) (D) A department store The National Bank A shoe-shine shop A beauty supplies outlet ' •' .. . OOONT~THENEXTPAOE. SysTools PDF Watermark Demo Version For Full Version Visit: http://www.systoolsgroup.com/pdf-watermark -4 12. Which of the following are functions of the entrepreneur? I. II. III. IV. (A) (B) (C) (D) Providing finance needed for production Co-ordinating the factors of production Undertaking risks by anticipating demand Ensuring that workers join a union 16. An overview of a business plan is contained in the (A) (B) (C) (D) 17. I and II only II and IV only I, II and.III only I, Ill and IV only Which of the following factors prevents an agreement from being considered a valid contract? (A) (B) (C) (D) Cash usell to secure a loan at the bank is referred to as 13. (A) (B) (C) (D) 14. 18. fixed deposits current assets fixed assets collateral \ (A) (B) (C) (D) A secretary who uses a computer applicationtodoherjob Afarmerwhousestheforktoplough his land An assistant who developed a software application for his job An employee who goes to work on time and does his work well (B) ( C) (D) 19. (A) (B) cc) An entrepreneur may reduce his risk ofloss by 20. (A) (B) (C) (D) planning ahead securing bank loans cleaning offices regularly purchasing additional fixed assets deposits premiums instahnents endowments Which of the following desclibes an essential feature of a valid contract? (D) 15. Consideration Legal purpose Misrepresentation Offer and acceptance The monthly payments collected by an insurance company on behalf of its policy ho Iders are known as (A) Which ofthe following situations illustrates entrepreneurship? feasibility plan marketing plan key note summary executive summary The offer has been communicated to the offoree. The offer is made in writing by the offeror. A counter offer has been made by the offeree to the offeror. The acceptance is made in writing to theofferor A post-dated cheque is one which (A) (B) (C) (D), is dated for payment at a future date 'was wlittenno longerthan six months ago is dated to agree with the date ofthe document requesting payment isdatedbythebank'sdateontheday the cheque is presented for payment • '·. '· ' GOQNTOTimNExTPAGE I ,•~ SysTools PDF Watermark Demo Version For Full Version Visit: http://www.systoolsgroup.com/pdf-watermark -521. ·The money used for the day-to-day operations of a business is called (A) (B) (C) (D) 22. (C) (DJ 23. fixed capital nominal capital floating capital working capital Which of the following is LEAST likely to result from growth in an organization? (A) (B) 26. (A) (B) (C) (D) 27. Greaterprodnctivity More division oflabour Increased communication Increased capital investment WhatistheMOSTlikelyeffectonadeveloping economy when professional and skilled labour migrate to developed countries? Which of the following factors does NOT affect the supply of labour? Which of the following is a product of the manufacturing industry? (A) (B) (C) (D) 28. (A) Unskil!edlabourerswillworkharde~ (B) (B) Unskilled labourers will demand higher wages. Production levels of goods and services will decrease. The demand for skilled labour and professional services will decrease. (C) (D) (D) 29. In the Caribbean, many people are hired for sugarcane farming and veiy little equipment isused. TitisindustrycanBESTbedescribed as (A) (B) (C) (DJ labour intensive capital intensive having low capital input having high capital input (B) (C) (D) 30. (B) Which ofthe following factors ofproduction ea!11s interest? (A) (B) (C) (D) ' Issuing bulletins on staffmatters Distributing commodities to outlets Publicising advertisements for new staff Ensuring that workers are given fringe benefits communicate information promote brand loyalty ensure wider distribution ofgoods promote public relations Which ofthe following market situations is typically found where there is alargenumber ofproducers and consumers 0 (A) 25. A car Lumber A house The PRIMARY function ofadvertising is to (A) 24. Gold Which ofthe following can be described as a marketing activity? (A) (C) Migration Birthrate Population census School-leaving age (C) (D) Imperfect market Perfect market Monopoly Oligopoly Land Capital Labour Enterprise . . . . . . . OOONTOU!ENExl'PAGE . c. SysTools PDF Watermark Demo Version For Full Version Visit: http://www.systoolsgroup.com/pdf-watermark Which ofthe following characteristics BEST describes a perfectly competitive market? 31. (A) (B) (C) (D) 32. 33. Fewsellersandmanybuyers Difficult entry to new markets Production ofalmost identical goods Imperfect consumer knowledge of prices The price ofan item is usually high when the numberof people wanting to buy it is (A) (B) (C) (D) 36. ~f 01n m vests his savings by buying .shares in a company. From ibis investment, Tom expects to receive (A) (B) (C) (D) 37. Which of the following are responsibilities of commercial banks? large and the quantity forsale is small large and the quantity for sale is large few and.the quantity for sale is small few and the quantity for sale is large I. II. III. IV. Controlling the supply ofmoney Offering loans to small businesses Accepting deposits from customers Acting as banlcers to the government Which ofthe following is NOT a function of the retailer? (A) (B) (C) I and II only II and III only I, II and III only II, III and IV only (D) (A) (B) (C) Selling in small quantities Preparing goods for resale Providing a local supply ofgoods Transporting goods to suitable storage facilities (D) ~8. One of the MAJOR functions of a Central Bank is to (A) (B) 34. I. IL III. IV. Cost Brand Protection Attractiveness (A) I and III only II a.-id IVoniy III and IV only I, II, III and IV (D) . 39. ,_, . . ' Investment can be defined as (A) (B) .-{C) (D) the stock of goods in a country .additions to the capital stock of a country the amount of money avaiiable at a given time the amount ofcapital owned by the government co:operative societles Private companies Public companies Partnerships . '"l· _OI;wJOiMlloll . .· (D) issue notes and coins accept. deposit accounts issue stocks and shares make loans and advances Which ofthe following can have their shares ti:aded on the stock exchange? (A) (B) (C) (D) 1,_·,, (C) Whichoft.hefollowingMUSTbetakeninto account when packaging goods for retail? (B) (C) 35. profits interest revenue dividends 000?-lTOTHENEXTPAOE · .. . . .. ,.. 1 ~T--~--------------''--------~------___J1' .,.. ! .·l ~ : ·1! ~~ SysTools PDF Watermark Demo Version For Full Version Visit: http://www.systoolsgroup.com/pdf-watermark - 7 - 40. Which ofthe following institutions are NOT regulated by Central Banks? 42. The term 'subsidies' refers to . (A) (B) Credit unions Stock exchanges Commercial banks Joint stock companies (A) (B) (C) (D) (C) (D) 43. 41. Which of the foll owing graphs shows regressive taxation? (A) O/o. grants given by government taxes withheld by g,ovemment loans given to small businesses profits realized from investment Which ofthe foll owing measures are used by government to redistribute income 7 Custom duties and levies Consumption tax and tariffs (A) (B) (CJ FA Y--G an<l11alionain1::,u1an~e (D) Excise duties and value added tax of Tax 44. 0 (B) Tax paid on wages and salaries is referred to as (A) income tax (B) (C) corporation tax value added tax consumption tax (D) \ % of Taxf--~--~~~~~~- 45. Which ofthe following is NOT regarded as a role oftaxation? (A) 0 (B) Income (C) (C) (D) % of Raising revenue for government Influencing the distribution of inc~mes and wealth Influencing total expenditure on goods aod services Influencing the investment decisions of publicly owned enterprises Tax ~-. 46. Which of the following forms of taxation can be classified as 'direct'? Income (A) (B) (C) (D) (D) Excise duty Income tax Customs duty Purchase tax . % "" of Tax ~ "" 0 Income OOONTOTffENEXTPAOE 01~1M'20il ...... . :,, .. . .·· :, .·, .. SysTools PDF Watermark Demo Version For Full Version Visit: http://www.systoolsgroup.com/pdf-watermark -8- 47. \Vhich ofthe following institutions is involved in protecting the consumer? (A) (B) (C) (D) 51. Bureau of Standards Forestry Department IntemationalMonetaryFund(IMF) Natural Resources Conservation Authority (NRCA) Which of the following is "10T a benefit of international trade? (A) (B) (C) (D) 48. A government can correct an adverse foreign exchange problem by (A) ( B) (C) (D) implementing price floors increasing customs duties reducing severance payments improving the rate ofinflation 52. Export licences are issued MAINLY to (A) (BJ 49. Which ofthe following are UK.ELY to affect the standard ofliving in a country? (C) (DJ I. II. III. IV. A high crime rate A low literacy rate Widespread pollution Poor advertisements (A) (B) (C) II and III only II and IV only I, II and III only II, III and IV only \ 53. (D) 50. Which ofthe following practices would NOT contribute to the economic development and growth of a country? (A) (B) (C) (D) Increased importation ofconsumer goods Increaseduseofthecountry's natural resources Provision of more infrastmcture within the country Provision of loans and technical assistance for establishing local businesses enable the government to control the flow ofgoods being exported encourage local businesses to produce more goods for export indicatetotheimportingcountrythat the goods are of a high standard indicate to the importing country the price at which the goods are to be sold A country has a favourable balance oftrade when (AJ (BJ (CJ (DJ 54. Political links are developc,"d with other countries. Producers are able to increase their market size. Agreatervarietyofgoodsisobtained from overseas. Import restrictions can be imposed on foreign items. it buys more than it sells itsellsmorethanitbuys imported goods are cheaper there are no restrictions to trade The buying and selling ofgoods and services among countries is called (A) (BJ (C) (D) balance of trade international trade balance of payment international marketing OJ2A()OlOlF2011 . . ··. SysTools PDF Watermark Demo Version For Full Version Visit: http://www.systoolsgroup.com/pdf-watermark . 9. Which of these methods can a government use to reduce unemployment? 55. (A) (B) (C) (D) 56. 59. Increases in income tax Deflation ofthe economy Employment levyonfums Increased interest rates on borrowing Which of the following are MAJOR arguments in favour of free trade? IV Protectionism Trade specialization Increase in world output Comparative cost advantage (A) (B) II and III only I. II. III. To correct an adverse balance of payments position, a government may (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) 57. reduce credit increase exports reduce income tax increase the money supply 60. Whicnofthefollowingtradingagreementsis Barbados promoting when it sells furniture to Jamaica.? (A) (B) (C) (D) 58. CARI COM NAFTA GAIT OECS I and IV only I, II and. III only II, III and IV only Which of the followmg countries are NOT members of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States? (A) (B) (C) Anguilla, Grenada Antigua and Barbuda (D) Dominica, St. Lucia Barbados} Jamaica \ Which of the following practices may be MOST appropriate in solving the unemployment problem in a developing country with a large labour force? I. II. III. IV. (A) (B) (C) (D) Increase in salaries Increased mechanisation Increase in vocational training programmes Greater production through increased labour ... Ionly IandIIonly II and III only IIIand IV only IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. · .. ·... ; .... ·. . _., '· '• I iI