242 ~ Английский язык для медицинских КОЛ.\еджеЙ Jf УЧIlЛrlЩ Разgе.л 5, Вспомните rpамматику ~>~ 243 Упражненне 20. Ответьте на вопросы, заменяя инфи­ нитивы, aallHbIe в скобках, О б ра з е ц: 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) геРУllдия. What is а reception wa rd used [ог? (to receive patients) . А reception ward is used [ог receivillg patiellts. 1) What is а drug саЫllе! used [Ol'? 1) What 2) What 3) What 4) What 5) What 6) What (to illdicate the dose ofthe medicine) 3) What is а temperature chaгt used [ог? (10 write down the patiellt's temperalure) 4) What is а patient's card used [ог? (to fill it in with аН the filldings аЬои! the patiellts disease) Упражнение 21. Из lIазваний заболеваllий выбершnе (appendicitis, gastritis, bтonchitis, myocarditis, рпеuто- ' nia, pleurisy, cholecystitis, tracl1eitis, pancreatitis) 1) ... is the inflammati on of the apPclldix. 2) ... is the illflammation of (Ь е bТOllchi. 3) '" is the illflаmmзtiоп of tl1c gaHbladdcr. 4) ... is сЬе illflаmmаtiоп ofthe mucous тетЬгаllе ofthe stomach. inflammation ofthe heart muscle. inflammation ofthe рапстезs. inflammation ofthe pleura. inflammation of the lung. inflammation ofthe trachea . 22. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. is gastritis? is tracheitis? is bronchitis? is myocarditis? is cholecystitis? is tonsillitis? УпражнеНllе 23. ЗамеНllте IIНфUlfитuвы, даНllые в скоб­ ках, герУllдием. 5) What is а cough mixture used [ог? (to relieve а bad cough) подходящее для следующих описаний: is (Ье is (Ье is the is the is the Упражнение (to keep dшgs and remedies) 2) What is а label used Гог? 6) What а ге antibiotic injections used [ог? (10 ргеуеп! inflammation) ... .,. ... ... .,. 1) After the гесоуегу (Ье weigl11. 2) Му brolher had 10 give , patienl slopped (to lose ) his ир (to smoke) due 10 chronic bronchitis. 3) The young physician lried (10 inlroduce) various new ways of Irealmenl. 4) Уои mUSI avoid (10 calch) а cold as уои have jusI Ьееп ill wilh pneumonia. 5) What has prevented уои [гот (to attend) Ihis leclure ? Упражнение 24. Ответьте на вопросы, испол ьзуя ело· ва, даНllые в скобках. 1) What does а successful recovery depend оп? (following thc prescribed Ireatmenl)