Literature Review Summary Table Group (Eg. GC5101) GC3208 1. Name: 2. Name 4. Name Rayyan 3. Name: Yiming Afraz Izz 5. Name: GPP Research Question How does sleep affect an athletes performance in sports? Student No. 1. Title of Research Paper The Effect of Sleep Quality and Quantity on Athlete's Health and Perceived Training Quality Research Question Methodology or Approach Main Findings or Main Idea -On average, male athletes slept for 8.2 ± 1.0 h/night while female athletes slept on average 8.2 ± 1.1 h/night. Similarly, average perceived sleep quality was comparable between female and male athletes (3.6 ± 0.8 and 3.6 ± 0.8, respectively). -Sleep duration and sleep quality, subjective measures of wellness along with training loads were retrospectively investigated in 82 young athletes How does sleep during their patterns change over academic year at the academic year university. ALL and how it affects data was colected the athletes? -Sleep duration through the during the year metifit application fluctuated around 8 h per night until the -All participants athletes were sent were young elite home due to the athletes (18–23 COVID-19 pandemic. years old) Once athletes selected for agereturned to group regional or university in the national second semester, Limitations in this article -Sleep quality is harder to measure. They based the quality off of the amount of sleep and the athletes performance in training and how they felt. -The young athletes’ might still be undergoing changes to adulthood. Furthermore, optimal sleep quantity and quality will differ greatly for every athlete. Conclusions Elite young athletes undertaking university studies have unique stressors including the double-burden of performing on the sports field and in the classroom, sport-specific stressors such as the psychophysiological stress associated with their sport participation. When athletes experienced higher quality Relevance to your research This research focuses on younger athletes which is also what this study would like to focus on instead of more mature athletes. It is also quite specific and gives reliable and accurate information as well as conclusions. The study is ethical and does not trouble the athletes too much so it is an effective way of gathering information. We can replicate the ideas from this study to gather information for this study. representative honors. -All subjects gave their written informed consent in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The protocol was approved by the University's Human Ethics Committee. -Participant characteristics are presented in Table 1. Body mass, reported in kg 2. Height (to the nearest 0.1 cm) sleep duration was maintained between 8.1 and 8.4 h/night. -On days that male athletes got more than 8h of sleep, they showed small to moderate improvements in mood state, sleep quality and energy levels. For female athletes that got mroe than 8h of sleep, they showed small to moderate improvements in sleep and training quality, mood state and energy levels. -When athletes slept ≥8 h per night they were less likely to suffer injury/illness -There was a wide cross-section of sports - Higher sleep quality represented decreased risk of including rugby injuries or illness union (n = 28), netball (n = 11), basketball (n = 13), cricket (n = 8), field hockey (n = 13), athletics (n = -Athletes were taken from a big variety of sports that will have differing needs. The study should be more sportspecific. sleep, it resulted in improved mood state, higher energy levels, lower academic pressure, and a higher perceived training quality. As opposed to less sleeping duration, athletes experience poorer quality of sleep, reduced subjective feeling of wellness, and increased risk of illness and injury. 3), rowing (n = 2), and others (n = 4).