EFFECTIVENESS OF DATA STREAMING TECHNOLOGIES ON REAL TIME PATIENT MONITORING INTRODUCTION In the healthcare industry, real-time patient monitoring plays a crucial role in ensuring timely interventions and improving patient outcomes. With the advent of wearable medical devices, remote sensing technologies, and the Internet of Things (IoT), an enormous amount of data is being continuously generated, leading to the emergence of streaming big data. This real-time data stream poses significant challenges in terms of ingestion, processing, and analysis, as traditional batch processing methods are inadequate and time-consuming. Consequently, there is a pressing need for efficient and scalable data streaming technologies that can effectively handle and process these continuous data streams in real-time, enabling healthcare providers to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions promptly. The paper titled ‘ Data streaming applications and their Usage in Healthcare’ by (Mangamuri, 2023) provide a compherehensive overview of the of data streaming applications and their applications in the healthcare domain. The author introduces the concept of streaming data and discusses the key components of Confluent Kafka, a leading platform for building scalable and efficient data streaming applications. The paper highlights the best design practices and considerations for developing Confluent Kafka-based streaming applications and explores real-world use cases in healthcare, such as patient monitoring, prior authorizations, and clinical trials. However the paper entitled ‘Real time healthcare monitoring system using Online Machine learning and Spark streaming’ by (Hassan et al., 2020) presents a novel online prediction system for real-time health status monitoring. The proposed system leverages Apache Kafka for data ingestion, Apache Spark Streaming for data processing, and streaming machine learning algorithms (e.g., streaming linear regression with SGD) for online prediction. The authors evaluate the system's performance using historical medical datasets and simulated wearable sensor data, demonstrating its effectiveness in accurately predicting health status in real-time. The two papers discussed above highlight the significance of data streaming technologies in the healthcare domain and provide insights into the design, implementation, and evaluation of real-time patient monitoring systems. By leveraging efficient data streaming platforms like Confluent Kafka and integrating them with streaming machine learning techniques, healthcare providers can unlock the potential of real-time data analysis, enabling timely interventions, improved patient outcomes, and enhanced healthcare delivery. Both papers discussed contribute significant knowledge and insights into the design, implementation, and evaluation of real-time patient monitoring systems using data streaming technologies, making them highly relevant to the research topic at hand.