For office use only UNIVERSITY OF THE WESTERN CAPE FINAL ASSESSMENT: JUNE 2017 MODULE NAME DURATION TOTAL MARKS PUBLIC ECONOMICS : 3 HOURS 100 Examiner/s Internal moderator [h A, Bavat Miss P/L Moses External moderator YV1r Departmental chairperson Prof N;] #jsop EXAMINER'S INSTRUCTIONS: Answer anyfour out of the five questions below. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: This examination paper consists of . . . 2... printed pages (including cover sheet); please ensure that you have all of them. Please ensure that your Student Number is clearly printed on the examination answer booklet/s and that you have completed the attendance form (control form). Also ensure that your student number is correctly captured on the multiple choice answer sheet should you be required to complete on'* You may not have any books, writing paper, notes, manuscripts, electronic media (cellphones, smart devices, laptops, etc.) in your possession, unless otherwise stipulated in this examination question paper. Please ensure that your answer booklet and question paper are collected by an invigilator at the end of the examination session. Examination answer booklets must be intact when collected by the invigilator. No stapled, paper clipped or glued booklets will be accepted. Please answer all questions (unless indicated otherwise). It is in your interest to write in a legible manner. QUESTION 1 Discuss the Rawlsian theory of justice and briefly comment on its relevance to the political economy of South Africa. (25) QUESTION 2 Discuss trends in the size, growth and composition of government spending in South Africa since 1994. (25) QUESTION 3 3.1 Distinguish primary income from secondary income. (10) 3.2 Explain the role of public finance in redistribution. (15) QUESTION 4 "A fiscally decentralised system is always more efficient and more equitable than a fiscally centralised system." Discuss. (25) QUESTION 5 5.1 Define and explain the 'comprehensive income tax base'. (12) 5.2 Critically evaluate the introduction of a worldwide basis of taxation in South Africa. (13)