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Reacting to Assertions in Text: English Lesson Module

This video lesson is anchored from the self-learning module in English 7 of Schools
Division Office of Caloocan, written by Ms. Emily A. Crisostomo and Ms. Mia C.
Unaith, which the most essential learning competency is to react to what is asserted
or expressed in a text. In this 21st century era, everyone tends to read, to write, and to
speak what's in their mind. People may agree or disagree. It is because reacting to a
text or an issue means giving worthy assertions. When you say assertions, they are
statements that people may approve or disapprove with. Assertions do not necessarily
mean they are generally facts. Also, they pertain to one's stand on an issue, topic, or
subject. Whether you like it or not, There are times that you have to give your reaction
to what is asserted or expressed by someone.
It may be your family, classmates, or friends. It could be in the book or pamphlets that
you have read. In short, this is an opportunity for everyone to know what and how
they feel in an asserted or expressed idea. It is also good to note that when you react,
It will always involve critical thinking, deep understanding, and careful judgment
especially on what is being expressed. In giving your reaction, it is important to tell
whether you agree or disagree to what is asserted or expressed in the text. I agree with
what the author stated. I do not agree what the author stated. Share what you agree
or disagree with. I also believe that we should help in planting.
One of the best ways for the author to express his or her feelings, beliefs, and ideas in
a direct way is by asserting. Assertion is used to let the readers feel that they should
agree with what they read or hear. It is very common in various fields of life like
literature, politics, and advertisements. Sample assertion is, Drinking a glass of milk
can make our bones and teeth healthy and strong. As the reader's response to what is
asserted in a text, a reaction is being made Reaction is an action taken in response to
something Reacting to assertion is an essential skill in language learning making
reactions will allow readers to express their thoughts and feelings about the text or
situations presented. One can decide to agree or disagree on the given text.
Sample reaction is Yes, I drink a glass of milk every day and it makes my bones and
teeth healthy and strong to give appropriate reaction, you can use the down strategy d
for do not conceal your feelings o organize your thoughts w write your reactions and
letter N. Never leave it hanging. Let's try to use down strategy in giving reaction to the
assertion that If you eat and then immediately go swimming, you will get stomach
cramps. Let's start with letter D. Do not conceal your feelings. Express your feelings
using the knowledge you have gained from the material or from what you have heard.
Making reactions is about expressing your feelings. In giving positive reactions, you
may use any of these words like absolutely,
Definitely, obviously, surely, very, certainly, exactly, really, truly, and yes. In
expressing negative reactions, you may use So, in the assertion, if you'll eat and then
immediately go swimming, you'll get stomach cramps. We can react positively and use
the word certainly. Next, letter O. Organize your thoughts. In expressing feelings, you
need to write it logically. Elaborate your emotion at a time and give deep explanation
about it. It will help your readers picture out what you have felt after reading the text.
Once you have organized your thoughts, you can now put it into writing. W stands for
write your reactions. In writing your reactions, always consider putting detailed
information. These details can be found either on the text or your own thought.
Describe your emotions the way you express it
because it gives life to your answer. Lastly, N is for never leave it hanging. Your
reaction should have good impression. Thus, our reaction to the given assertion is,
Certainly, it is not advisable to swim when your stomach is full, as you will most likely
get stomach cramps. Let's now try. Read the given assertion then choose the correct
reaction from the options. In this time of pandemic, There should be a limit to the
number of passengers in a public transportation. What do you think is the appropriate
reaction for
good day, everyone. Welcome back to our english class today we are going to talk
about react to what is asserted or expressed in the text. Are you ready to listen? then
Let's begin! First, let's play a game. It's called Draw Me. The given statements are
assertions. React to each assertion by drawing an emoticon that corresponds to your
answer. The emoticons are... Happy Sad Loved Confused and... And great. Are you
ready? Let's do this. The first assertion is, my grandmother said that doctors are the
smartest people on the planet. Number two, absolutely. Chocolate ice cream is the alltime favorite. And number three, our school is going to implement face-to-face classes
during the class opening. Number four, students will be given tablets in the new
normal school setting.
And number five, malls are not allowing children to enter in their establishment. Now,
let's define assertion. It is used to let the readers feel that they should agree with what
they read or heard. It is very common in various fields of life like literature, politics,
and advertisements. A sample assertion is, when you eat an apple, you are free from
any illness. Next, we have reaction. It is an action taken in response to something.
Making reactions will allow readers to express their thoughts and feelings about the
text or situations presented. One can decide to agree or disagree on the text given. A
sample reaction is, Truly, I eat an apple every day and I don't get sick easily. Now,
these are some words to use in giving reactions.
For positive reactions, Absolutely, Definitely, Obviously, Surely, Very, Certainly,
Exactly, Really, Truly, And yes, for negative reactions, almost, invalidly, no, or not,
probably, scarcely, contradictorily, never, no longer, and rarely. Meanwhile, let's take
note of these things to remember in reacting to assertions made by the author and the
text. Read and understand the text, analyze the assertion made by the author, state
your reaction clearly, and support your ideas and opinions by explaining your stand.
Let us examine the following examples. Assertion. Drinking a glass of milk can make
our bones and teeth healthy and strong. The reaction. Yes, I drink a glass of milk
every day and it makes my bones and teeth healthy and strong. Another example, My
friend Sheila invites me to eat at Arcee's since it is the best fast food in town.
The reaction? No, I will not go with her because my mother said that it is not safe in
there. Besides, it is not the best fast food in town. Now that we're done, let's try this
activity. Get a piece of paper, And let's do this! The following statements are
assertions. Give the possible reaction by choosing the letter of the best answer. Are
you ready? Sharks like to play with humans. Or letter D. Scarcely. Sharks eat fish.
Number 2. If you eat and then immediately go swimming, you will get stomach
cramps. The possible reactions? Letter A. Certainly. It is not advisable to swim when
your stomach is full. Letter B. Absolutely. It is good to eat a lot when you go
swimming. C. It is not exciting to have picnic at the beach.
D. It is very fun to play volleyball at the beach. Congratulations for completing this
lesson. Thank you for watching and for listening. I will see you again. This is your
Maestro Mela, always at your service.
So, Hello, Grade 7 students. This academic year is a great learning experience, and I'm
about to see how amazing you will be. Welcome to our English class! There will be
excitement, fun, learning, and chessercises. Don't be afraid because I, Momchesca,
won't leave ya! Do you express your happiness, anger, annoyance? Do you ask
questions when you're confused, or have opinions with and to others? If yes, think
about the things you say when you express your feelings and speak up. Look at this
sample. Read the statement and give your reaction. Eating vegetables and fruits can
make our body healthy and strong. I'll give you 5 seconds to think and write your
reactions in your notebook. Are you ready to share your reactions? What's your
Terrific! That's a good reaction. You earned a gold coin. Let me share a possible
reaction. I feel like if I eat vegetables and fruits, I will become stronger. Very good,
class! Here's another statement. The Philippines is one of the most beautiful countries
in the world. Think of a reaction and write it in your notebook. You have 5 seconds.
Now, what's your reaction? Terrific! That's a great reaction. Here's another gold coin.
Let me share a possible reaction. I want people to know and experience the
Philippines' beauty like us. Amazing! Thank you for your reactions. You all did great.
And for that, you earned another gold coin. What are those statements when you
express your beliefs, opinions, and feelings? Do you have any idea of what our lesson
will be?
Correct! It is Assertion! Here are our objectives for this episode. Define Assertion Name
and define each type of assertion and its expressions. give the appropriate assertion
on statements that present a specific point of view, and write an assertion on
statements that present a specific point of view using a type of assertion. Also, you will
be acquiring flags for every correct answer. So, be ready and prepared for collecting
them. Are you ready? Kindly bring out your pen and notebook. So students, what is
assertion? Assertion is when someone makes a statement investing his strong belief in
it, as if it's true, though it may not be. It is a stylistic approach or technique involving
a strong declaration, a forceful or confident and positive statement regarding a belief
or a fact.
or feelings directly example excuse me first i want to finish my work then i shall go
with you this example shows that the person who said this made a statement of a
strong feelings he has. Remember, when you voice out your beliefs and opinions and
express the strong feelings, you are asserting. You understand, right? I think you're
curious about our exercises and please look forward to it. Before that, let me discuss
the types of assertion. Basic assertion is a simple and straightforward statement for
expressing feelings, opinions, and beliefs. Example, I wish I could have expressed this
idea earlier. because now someone else has taken the credit. This type of assertion is
what we usually say. Remember that basic assertions are simple. Emphatic assertion
conveys sympathy to someone and usually has two parts.
The first encompasses the recognition of the feelings or situations of the other person
and the second is a statement that shows support for the other person's viewpoint
feelings or rights example i understand you are busy and me too but it is difficult for
me to finish this project on my own so i want you to help me complete this project We
say this assertion when we feel the feelings of the other person. Remember that
emphatic assertions convey sympathy. Escalating assertion occurs when someone is
not able to give a response to a person's basic assertions, and therefore, that person
becomes firm about him or her. Example If you do not finish this work by 6 o'clock
tonight, I will engage the services of another worker.
We say this type of assertion when the other person doesn't respond to us. Remember
that escalating assertions are said when the person becomes firm. Confrontive
assertion describes what was to be done. It describes what actually occurred. Express
what you want and tend to blame people. Example, I told you to complete the forms by
January 22 and you agreed to do so. Now, it is May 15 and you are telling me that you
forgot the forms. But still, you expect to complete our task on time. What is it that you
want me to do? This is when we confront somebody. Remember that confrontive
assertions are said when we blame people. I-language assertion involves the first
person pronoun I and is useful for expressing negative feelings.
Nevertheless, it constructively emphasizes a person's feelings of anger. Example, When
you speak harshly, I cannot work with you because I feel annoyed. Therefore, I want
you to speak nicely and then assign me a task. Remember that we say I language
assertions to express negative feelings. Positive assertion is used in expressing positive
feelings about yourself or someone else. Example I'm glad that you came back to see
me. As it is stated in the name of the type, it expresses positive feelings. Alright, I
think you're ready for our learning exercises. So, come on, be ready for English
Chessercise. When I say Chessercise, you'll say ready. Let's try. Chessercise? Ready!
Amazing! For Chessercise number one, determine what type of assertion is used in
each statement by choosing the letter of the correct answer.
Remember, write your answers in your notebook. Number one If I do not hear back
from you by Thursday, I will have to hire someone else to work on this project. What
type of assertion is used? A. Confrontive assertion B. Escalating assertion c i language
assertion or D. Positive assertion The correct answer is B. Escalating Assertion
Because the receiver of this statement was not able to give a response. Number 2 My
presentation went very well today. What is the correct answer? A. Basic Assertion B.
Emphatic Assertion C. I-language Assertion or D. Positive Assertion And the answer is
D. Positive Assertion because it expresses positive feelings. Number 3 I recognize you
are busy with multiple projects, but I still need a response to my email by Thursday.
What type of assertion is used? A. Basic assertions B. Emphatic assertion C.
Confrontive assertion D. Escalating assertion You're right! The correct answer is B.
Emphatic assertion because it shows sympathy to the receiver of this statement.
Number 4. When you are late to a meeting, I become irritable because I feel as if you
do not value our work enough to be on time. Therefore, I would like you to arrive on
time for our meetings. What is the correct answer? A. Confrontive assertion B.
Escalating assertion C. I-language assertion or D. Positive assertion You're amazing! It
is C. I-language assertion because it expresses negative feelings. Number five. I would
like to finish this email before we have our conversation. What is the correct answer?
A. Basic assertion.
B. Emphatic assertion. C. Confrontive assertion. escalating assertion. Correct! The
answer is A. Basic assertion. Because it is a simple and straightforward statement.
And for number six. I said that we have to go early but you did not even tell us that
you're going to be late. A. Confrontive assertion B. Escalating assertion C. I-language
assertion or D. Positive assertion What is the correct answer? Very good! The answer
is A. Confrontive assertion because it describes what actually occurred expresses what
the person wanted. Awesome! Congratulations on answering the Chessercise and
because of that you've acquired your first flag. Terrific! Are you ready for the second
Chessercise? Chessercise? Ready! Determine the missing word that completes each
sentence by choosing from the options provided and write your answers in your
Number 1. Basic assertions are blank statements. Amazing. It is simple. Number two.
Emphatic assertions convey blank. You're right again. The answer is sympathy.
Number three. In escalating assertions, the person becomes blank. Splendid! The
answer is firm. Number four. Confrontive assertions express what you want and tend
to blank people. Correct. It is blame. Number five. I-language assertions are useful for
expressing blank feelings. Amazing. It is negative. And for number six. Positive
assertions are used in expressing blank feelings. You're right again. The answer is
positive. Wow! That was exciting. I'm sure you're ready for more learning exercises.
But before that, here's your second flag. Terrific! Now, here's a challenging learning
exercise. Get ready for Chessercise number 3. Chessercise Ready! Find out what is the
appropriate assertion for each statement from the choices.
and determine what type of assertion is used. Think carefully and write your answers
in your notebook. Number 1. Spider-Man No Way Home is now showing. A. I know
you're hurt, but everything will be alright. Here are some tissues. B. I want the tickets
for this movie. Or C. You said it is cheap, but everything was expensive. You lied.
Correct! It is B. And it is a basic assertion. Number 2. They left and don't care about
me anymore. I'm all alone. A. I know you're sad. But I know that you can move on and
be happy. I'm here for you. B. I'm glad I did a great job working with my office mates.
Or C. I wish to buy that outfit you are wearing.
You're right again. The answer is A. And it is an emphatic assertion. Number three. I
was not able to finish the reports. My boss will be mad. A. I receive a bonus today at
work. I'm so happy about it. B. I want coffee right now, please. Or C. I told you to
submit those reports by morning. It's already afternoon and I still don't have those
reports. Splendid! The answer is C. And it is a confrontive assertion. And that's it for
Chessercise number 3. Wow! I'm impressed by how amazing you are. Thank you for
answering the learning exercises, grade 7 students. And for that, you acquired your
third flag. Terrific! Are you excited to collect your fourth flag? Well then, here's a more
challenging learning exercise.
Chestercise number four. Chestercise. Ready. Great. Let's start. Identify what is the
appropriate type of assertion to be used in each statement and construct your
assertions for each statement. Write your assertions in your notebook. Number 1. I'm
so hungry but we don't have any money left. Here's a possible assertion. I know that
sometimes everything is unfair, but I think the child and other children should be fed
enough food. We must help bring smiles to their faces. The type of assertion that was
used is emphatic assertion. Number two, let's start preparing everything for the
feeding program. Here's a possible assertion. I wish I could also help them and
volunteer to help other people in need, especially because a lot of people need our help
right now.
The type of assertion that was used is basic assertion. Number three. Wow! Every
representative of the sports department won and placed in the competition. Here's a
possible assertion. I am glad that they all won. Congratulations to them. The type of
assertion that was used is positive assertion. Congratulations class! Don't worry, I'll
check your assertions later. You did a great job today and here's your fourth acquired
flag. Terrific! Thank you and great job in answering all the Chesser sizes of the day.
Now, let's have a recap of our objectives and see what we've accomplished for today.
Define assertion. What is an assertion again? Correct! It is a statement investing his
strong belief in it. Its purpose is to express ideas or feelings directly. Wow, class!
you truly know what is an assertion. Next objective. Name and define each type of
assertion and its expressions. What are the types of assertion again? And give a word
that describes each. Amazing! You remembered! They are basic assertions, which are
simple, Emphatic assertions that convey sympathy. Escalating assertions where the
person becomes firm. Confrontive assertions expressed when we blame people. Ilanguage assertions to express negative feelings. And positive assertions to express
positive feelings. Well done class! Let's have the next objective. Give the appropriate
assertion on statements that present a specific point of view. Do you remember our
learning exercise earlier? Yes! We've accomplished this objective in Chessercise
number 3. How about the last objective? Write an assertion on statements that
present a specific point of view.
using a type of assertion. We accomplished this objective in our cheshire size number
four. Well done, class. We've accomplished today's objectives. And for that, you
deserve a bonus. Here's your fifth flag. Terrific! To further your understanding of
today's lesson, here is your assignment. Please take a photo of this assignment and
write your answers in your notebook. This is my Chesser size for you. Chesser size?
Ready! Very good! Remember to answer your assignments class and see if you can
acquire more flags. That's all for today class. In the next episode, we'll further discuss
assertion. All of that and more only here on BSN 3E. I'm Mom Cheska. And I won't
leave ya. See you again in our next class. Bye!