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Environmental Health Lesson Plan

Learning Objective
Demonstrate an
understanding of the ways
in which environmental
factors can affect human
c2.1 use appropriate vocabulary
related to human health and the
environment, including, but not
limited to: smog, environmental
contaminants, pathogens,
inhalation, ingestion, and
absorption [C]
c3.1 describe common
environmental factors, including
pollution and environmental
contaminants (e.g., air, noise,
soil, and water pollution; UV
rays; heat; heavy metals;
workplace chemicals;
pathogens), and explain how
they can affect human health
c3.2 describe various ways in
which environmental
contaminants can enter the
human body (e.g., inhalation,
ingestion, absorption)
c3.3 explain how the human
body can react to exposure to a
variety of environmental factors
(e.g., rashes, asthma, mercury
poisoning, hearing loss,
diseases such as malaria and
Learning Experience
Lesson 1 Introduce the
unit by having students
share their experiences of
wildfires from 2023 (or
other recent relevant
environmental event).
Show a short video to
remind them about the
wildfires. Students will
reflect on their personal
experience by doing a 4
corners activity.
Students will learn about
common environmental
factors such as air quality,
noise, UV radiation, soil
and water pollution by
observing photographs of
different environments
depicting environmental
Lesson 2* Students will
learn how contaminants
enter the body by
inhalation and ingestion,
continuing to use
wildfires/air quality as an
example. This class will
focus on disease and
illness. Class will play an
A1.6 compile accurate data from “Air Quality” bingo game
laboratory and other sources,
and do a quick simulation
and organize and record the
of what its like to breathe
data, using appropriate formats,
polluted air (using a straw).
including tables, flow charts,
graphs, and/or diagrams
Lesson 3* Students will
learn how contaminants
enter the body by
absorption and
injection/other means. This
lesson will focus on heavy
metals. Students will
review an article about
mercury poisoning and this
Success Criteria
 describe common
contaminants and
explain how they
can affect human
 describe various
ways in which
contaminants enter
the body
 explain how the
body reacts to a
variety of
is used as an exemplar of
an online source.
Lesson 4 If technology
allows, use the online tool
Gizmet to do an evaluation
of knowledge (quiz). If
technology does not allow,
then do an assessment
using a Jeopardy style
game. Students will do
online research about one
of the contaminants from
the last 3 classes. They
will learn about reputable
sources, how to recognize
important information and
how to make notes.
Demonstrate ways to
reduce the impact of
environmental factors on
human health
c3.4 describe medical and nonmedical ways to protect oneself
from the effects of harmful
environmental factors (e.g.,
vaccination or medication,
washing of fruits and
vegetables, use of sunscreen or
insect repellent, use of personal
protective devices)
c3.5 describe good personal
hygiene and household
cleanliness practices that
*During these lessons,
students will work in
groups to complete a
graphic organizer on the
wall (chart) using print,
pictures, photos etc to
summarize the main types
of environmental
contaminants, how they
enter the human body, and
their effect
Lesson 5 Medical
protection, including
medication and vaccines.
Guest speaker (e.g.
Public Health nurse). To
begin the lesson, students
will participate in an
anonymous “snowball”
activity where they state
what their background
knowledge is on medical
Lesson 6 Non-medical
protection, including
personal hygiene, and
research the
characteristics of
personal protective
devices and
whether they are
effective in
protecting people
describe medical
and non-medical
ways people can
protect themselves
from environmental
describe good
personal hygiene
and household
reduce health risks resulting
from environmental
contaminants (e.g., thorough
hand washing, use of air filters,
reduced use of household
c2.3 investigate the
characteristics of a personal
protective device or substance
(e.g., sunscreen, mosquito
repellent, respiratory mask, sun
protective clothing) and whether
the device or substance is
effective in protecting a person
from an environmental factor
that can affect human health
[PR, AI]
c2.2 investigate, using a
research process, and report on
an environmental factor that can
have an impact on human
health (e.g., smog, ultraviolet
[UV] rays, bacteria, pesticide
residue), and explain how their
personal lifestyle choices can
affect its impact (e.g., avoiding
strenuous physical activity on
days when there is a smog alert
can reduce the severity of
respiratory ailments; lying on the
beach without sunscreen or sun
protective clothing during peak
UV hours can increase the risk
of skin cancer) [IP, PR, AI, C]
A1.2 select appropriate
instruments (e.g., pH probes,
plant tags, soil markers) and
materials (e.g., botanical keys,
personal protection devices, soil
test kits), and identify
appropriate methods,
techniques, and procedures, for
each inquiry
household cleanliness.
Also discuss workplace
safety. Students will work
on a written reflection on
how they will change their
personal habits. Introduce
unit performance task.
Lesson 7 Invite a guest
speaker to discuss
careers related to
Environmental Science
(e.g., hydro meter reader,
hospitality employee,
waste management
operator, custodian) and
the education and training
necessary for these
careers. Students will
practice summarizing a
teacher-provided article on
non-medical protection
(e.g. masks).
Lesson 8 Concept demo
on water quality. Students
will explore ways to protect
themselves against unsafe
drinking water, using items
such as water purification
tablets, UV filters,
Indigenous methods of
water filtration.
Lesson 9 Individually,
students will pick an
environmental factor and
research how lifestyle
choices can affect its
impact (e.g. wearing
A1.3 identify and locate a variety sunscreen for UV
of print and electronic sources
radiation). They will create
(e.g., Material Safety Data
a short presentation to
Sheets, appliance manuals,
teach their peers through a
hydro bills, the Live Safe! Work
Smart! website) that enable
jigsaw activity.
them to address research topics
fully and appropriately
practices that
reduce health risks
resulting from
name and describe
A1.7 select, organize, and
record relevant information on
research topics from a variety of
appropriate sources, including
electronic, print, and/or human
sources, using suitable formats
and an accepted form of
academic documentation
A1.9 analyse the information
gathered from research sources
for logic, accuracy, reliability,
adequacy, and bias
A1.10 draw conclusions based
on inquiry results and research
findings, and justify their
conclusions with reference to
scientific knowledge
A2.1 identify and describe a
variety of careers related to the
fields of science under study
(e.g., hydro meter reader,
hospitality employee, waste
management operator,
custodian) and the education
and training necessary for these
Analyze the effects on
human health of
c1.2 analyze how environmental
contaminants can affect the
health of different populations in
Canada (e.g., mercury
contamination in streams and
rivers in Northern Ontario where
Aboriginal people fish, toxins in
Arctic sea mammals hunted by
Inuit, smog in large cities) [AI, C]
Lesson 10 Evaluation –
students will complete a
lab-type activity where
they will move between
centres. Each centre will
have a scenario and
different physical items to
explore. Students will have
to choose an item that
applies to the scenario.
The physical items will be
personal protective
devices or substances.
Scenarios will be “survival”
type situations and
different points will be
awarded for their choices.
The team with the most
points wins the game and
receives an award.
Lesson 11 Students will
learn about a Canadian
community at risk (e.g.
Indigenous community)
and choose an activity
from a choice board to
identify what the issue is,
identify the toxin, how it
affects health, short- and
long-term effects,
solutions, and precautions.
The answers will be
reviewed as a class at the
end of the lesson.
Lesson 12 This lesson will
focus on how different
are impacted (e.g. seniors,
low-income households,
infants, etc). Opportunity to
watch a movie or video
(e.g. PFAs video). Have an
analyze how
contaminants affect
the health of
different populations
in Canada
research and report
on an environmental
factor and how it
affects human
informal discussion after
the video.
Analyse the effects of
phenomenon on human
c1.1 assess, on the basis of
research, the effects on human
health of a significant
environmental phenomenon
(e.g., the ice storm of 1998 in
central Canada, the European
heatwave of 2003), and
communicate their findings [IP,
PR, AI, C]
A1.6 compile accurate data from
laboratory and other sources,
and organize and record the
data, using appropriate formats,
including tables, flow charts,
graphs, and/or diagrams
A1.3 identify and locate a variety
of print and electronic sources
(e.g., Material Safety Data
Sheets, appliance manuals,
hydro bills, the Live Safe! Work
Smart! website) that enable
them to address research topics
fully and appropriately
A1.7 select, organize, and
record relevant information on
research topics from a variety of
appropriate sources, including
electronic, print, and/or human
sources, using suitable formats
and an accepted form of
academic documentation
A1.9 analyse the information
gathered from research sources
for logic, accuracy, reliability,
adequacy, and bias
A1.10 draw conclusions based
on inquiry results and research
findings, and justify their
conclusions with reference to
scientific knowledge
Lesson 13 Work period for
performance task
Lesson 14 Work period for
performance task
Lesson 15 Climate
change and global
warming, carbon footprint
activity (online if possible).
Peer review for
performance task.
Lesson 16-17 Work
periods. Performance Task
due at the end of lesson
describe the
phenomenon of
global warming
define the term
“carbon footprint”
research, assess,
and communicate
the effect of an
environmental event
on human health