SEMI-DETAILED LESSON PLAN School: Teacher Date: I. OBJECTIVES A. Content Standards Central National High School Alven F. Argel March 2024 B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to: is able to create models of plane figures and formulate and solve accurately authentic problems involving sides and angles of a polygon. Learning Competency: constructs triangles, squares, rectangles, regular pentagons, and regular hexagons. (M7GE-IIIh-i-1) Learning Objectives: C. Learning Competencies and Objectives Grade level: Learning area: Quarter: 7 Mathematics 3rd The learners demonstrate an understanding of: Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of geometry of shapes and sizes, and geometric relationships. 1. Identify the sides, lengths, and angles of the triangle; 2. Constructs triangles with side, lengths, and angles; and 3. Apply the triangles in real-life situation. II. CONTENT: Construct polygons III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. References 1. Teachers guide Pages 2. Learner’s Material Pages pp. 5-7 3. Textbook Pages 4. Additional Materials Power point, chalk, blackboard, compass, ruler or straight edge, colored paper B. Other Learning Resources IV. PROCEDURES Preliminary Activities 1. Greetings 2. Prayer 3. Cleanliness 4. Orderliness (sitting arrangement) the teacher review the construction of the parallels and perpendiculars using compass and straight edge. A. Elicit Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson The teacher provide a cut colored paper (different triangle) and let the B. Engage Establishing a purpose for the students measure it using compass and construct it in one short bond paper. lesson C. Presenting examples or instances of the new lesson the students present their work on board per polygon (triangle, square, rectangle, regular pentagon, and regular hexagon). The teacher do a follow up questions: how did you form that kind of polygon? What are the ways and techniques did you use to form that polygon? Explain. After the presentation, the teacher asked the students about the topic for today and the teacher states the learning objectives of the lesson. D. Discussing new concepts CONSTRUCTION 1: CONSTRUCT A TRIANGLE WITH SIDES and practicing new skill #1 LENGHTS a, b, and c STEPS: 1. Given: three segments whose lengths are a, b, and c c b a 2. Draw line segment AP. Place the point of the compass on point A and adjust its opening equal to c, intersecting line segment AP at point B. Then AB=c A c B P 3. with the point of the compass still in point A, adjust its opening equal to b and draw an arc above the line A c B P 4. place the point of the compass on point B and adjust its opening equal to a. draw an arc intersecting the arc in step 3 at point C. C A c B P 5. connect points A and C and point B and C. hence you have ∆ABC with AB= c, AC= b, and BC= a C A c B P The teacher give an example of construction of a triangle given the three segments a, b, and c E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skill #2 CONSTRUCTION 2: construct a triangle with side lengths a and b and the included angle A 1. given: two segments with lengths and b and the included angle A c b A 2. copy <A. let the sides of <A be line segments AP and AQ. Q A P 3. With the compass point on point A, adjust the compass width equal to c and draw an arc on segment AP. Mark point B Q A C B P 4. With the compass point still on point A, adjust the compass with equal to b and draw an arc on segment A. Mark point C. b A C C Q B P 5. Connect points B and C to form ∆ABC Q b A F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment) C B P LET’S TRY! Construct the triangle given sides a and b and the included angle A A a b G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living The teacher asked the student where can we apply the construction of the triangle in real life situation. (Architecture, engineering, carpentry) H. Finding generalizations/ abstractions about the lesson Integration of the topic: Arts, TLE (measurement, gardening, carpentry) The teacher asked the students about the different steps in constructing a triangle. I. Evaluate Learning Instruction: identify and construct a triangle given the following 1. a b c 2. a b J. Additional activities for application or remediation V. REMARKS VI. REFLECTIONS A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80% C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work? F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? A ASSIGNMENT Look around inside your house, list all the thing where triangle is applied. Make a short reflection why construction of triangle is important. G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers? Prepared by: Alven F. Argel Student-Teacher Checked by: Raenalyn M. Supetran Teacher III Reviewed by: Star L. Cabayao Head Teacher II Noted by: Jeruel I. Vasquez Principal IV