AC205 4.6 / Financial Closing AC205 R/3 System Release 46C 04/04/2001 0 AC205 4.6 / Financial Closing......................................................................................................................................0-1 Copyright ..................................................................................................................................................................0-2 The R/3 Integration Model....................................................................................................................................0-3 Financial Accounting ... Public Sector ..................................................................................................................0-4 Course Prerequisites..............................................................................................................................................0-5 Target Group .........................................................................................................................................................0-6 Introduction...............................................................................................................................................................1-1 Course Goals .........................................................................................................................................................1-2 Course Objectives .................................................................................................................................................1-3 Contents ................................................................................................................................................................1-4 Course Overview Diagram....................................................................................................................................1-5 Main Business Scenario ........................................................................................................................................1-6 Overview of Closing Process ....................................................................................................................................2-1 Overview of Closing Process: Unit Objectives .....................................................................................................2-2 Overview of Closing Process: Course Overview Diagram ...................................................................................2-3 Overview of Closing Process: Business Scenario .................................................................................................2-4 Month-End Closing Overview ..............................................................................................................................2-5 Year-End Closing Overview .................................................................................................................................2-6 Overview of Closing Process: Unit Summary ......................................................................................................2-7 The Financial Statement............................................................................................................................................3-1 The Financial Statement Program: Unit Objectives..............................................................................................3-2 The Financial Statement: Course Overview Diagram...........................................................................................3-3 The Financial Statement: Business Scenario.........................................................................................................3-4 The Financial Statement: Topic Objectives ..........................................................................................................3-5 Financial Statement Versions Overview ...............................................................................................................3-6 Financial Statement Versions................................................................................................................................3-7 The Balance Sheet Section of an F/S Version.......................................................................................................3-8 The Profit and Loss Section of an F/S Version .....................................................................................................3-9 Account Group Allocation According to Balance...............................................................................................3-10 Texts....................................................................................................................................................................3-11 Drilldown Reporting: Topic Objectives ..............................................................................................................3-12 Drilldown Reporting ...........................................................................................................................................3-13 Drilldown List and Detail List Reporting............................................................................................................3-14 Cost-Of-Sales Accounting: Topic Objectives .....................................................................................................3-15 Cost-Of-Sales and Period Accounting Views .....................................................................................................3-16 Cost-Of-Sales Accounting and Functional Areas................................................................................................3-17 The Financial Statement: Unit Summary ............................................................................................................3-18 The Financial Statement Exercises .....................................................................................................................3-19 The Financial Statement Solutions......................................................................................................................3-22 Assets and Liabilities (1)...........................................................................................................................................4-1 Assets and Liabilities (2).......................................................................................................................................4-2 Assets and Liabilities: Unit Objectives I...............................................................................................................4-3 Assets and Liabilities: Unit Objectives II..............................................................................................................4-4 Assets and Liabilities: Course Overview Diagram ...............................................................................................4-5 Assets and Liabilities: Business Scenario .............................................................................................................4-6 Fixed Assets: Topic Objectives.............................................................................................................................4-7 Assets on the Balance Sheet..................................................................................................................................4-8 Periodic tasks in FI-AA relevant for FI-GL ..........................................................................................................4-9 Settlement of Capital Investment Measures........................................................................................................4-10 Organizational Procedure for Depreciation Posting............................................................................................4-11 Fiscal Year Change/Year-End Closing ...............................................................................................................4-12 Current Assets: Topic Objectives........................................................................................................................4-13 Maintaining the GR/IR Clearing Account...........................................................................................................4-14 GR/IR Clearing Account Analysis and Declaring Acquisition Tax....................................................................4-15 Material Price Changes .......................................................................................................................................4-16 Material Valuation in the R/3 System .................................................................................................................4-17 Lowest Value Determination ..............................................................................................................................4-18 Balance Sheet Valuation .....................................................................................................................................4-19 Physical Inventory Procedure .............................................................................................................................4-20 Receivables (& Payables): Topic Objectives ......................................................................................................4-21 Customizing I: Balance Confirmations ...............................................................................................................4-22 Customizing II: Balance Confirmations..............................................................................................................4-23 IVA Posting for Doubtful Receivables ...............................................................................................................4-24 Flat-Rate IVA Posting for Doubtful Receivables................................................................................................4-25 Foreign Currency Valuation and the Sorted List.................................................................................................4-26 Currencies ...........................................................................................................................................................4-27 Exchange Rate Types..........................................................................................................................................4-28 Spreads................................................................................................................................................................4-29 Customizing: Valuation Methods........................................................................................................................4-30 Valuation (without Update).................................................................................................................................4-31 Valuation (with Update)......................................................................................................................................4-32 Open Item Valuation ...........................................................................................................................................4-33 Customizing: Account Determination for Open Item Exchange Rate Differences.............................................4-34 Customizing: Regroup Receivables and Payables ..............................................................................................4-35 Example: Customers with Credit Balance...........................................................................................................4-36 Balancing for Affiliated Companies ...................................................................................................................4-37 Changed Reconciliation Account........................................................................................................................4-38 Checks/Banks: Topic Objectives ........................................................................................................................4-39 Automatic Postings - Exchange Rate Differences...............................................................................................4-40 Account Determination in Foreign Currency Balances.......................................................................................4-41 Valuing Foreign Currency Balance Sheet Accounts ...........................................................................................4-42 Accrual/Deferral Postings: Topic Objectives......................................................................................................4-43 Accrual/Deferral Postings ...................................................................................................................................4-44 Accrual/Deferral Posting: Warehouse Lease ......................................................................................................4-45 Assets and Liabilities: Unit Summary.................................................................................................................4-46 Assets & Liabilities Exercises.............................................................................................................................4-47 Assets & Liabilities Solutions .............................................................................................................................4-60 Profit and Loss ..........................................................................................................................................................5-1 Profit and Loss: Unit Objectives ...........................................................................................................................5-2 Profit and Loss: Course Overview Diagram .........................................................................................................5-3 Profit and Loss: Business Scenario .......................................................................................................................5-4 Controlling: Topic Objectives...............................................................................................................................5-5 Controlling in R/3 .................................................................................................................................................5-6 Allocating Costs to Financial Accounting.............................................................................................................5-7 Allocating Costs to CO Objects I..........................................................................................................................5-8 Allocating Costs to CO Objects II.........................................................................................................................5-9 Reconciliation Ledger .........................................................................................................................................5-10 Reconciliation Postings.......................................................................................................................................5-11 Lock Period in Controlling..................................................................................................................................5-12 Posting Salary Expenses from HR: Topic Objectives.........................................................................................5-13 Payroll Procedure and Subsequent Activities .....................................................................................................5-14 Posting Payroll Results to Accounting................................................................................................................5-15 Additional Subsequent Activities........................................................................................................................5-16 Month-End Activities in FI .................................................................................................................................5-17 Profit and Loss: Unit Summary...........................................................................................................................5-18 Profit and Loss Exercises ....................................................................................................................................5-19 Profit and Loss Solutions ....................................................................................................................................5-22 Customizing Technical, Organizational and Documentary Steps .............................................................................6-1 Customizing Technical, Organizational and Documentary Steps: Unit Objectives ..............................................6-2 Customizing Technical, Organizational & Documentary Steps: Course Overview Diagram...............................6-3 Customizing Technical, Organizational and Documentary steps: Business Scenario...........................................6-4 Customizing Technical Steps: Topic Objectives...................................................................................................6-5 Defining Posting Periods.......................................................................................................................................6-6 Posting Period Control ..........................................................................................................................................6-7 Balance Carry-Forward.........................................................................................................................................6-8 Schedule Manager: Benefits .................................................................................................................................6-9 Schedule Manager: Monitor................................................................................................................................6-10 Schedule Manager: Scheduling...........................................................................................................................6-11 Schedule Manager: Task List - Flow Definition .................................................................................................6-12 Schedule Manager: Worklist Monitor.................................................................................................................6-13 Customizing Organizational Steps: Topic Objectives.........................................................................................6-14 Subsequent BA/PC / Profitability Segment Adjustment .....................................................................................6-15 Business Area Allocation....................................................................................................................................6-16 Customizing Documentary Steps: Topic Objectives...........................................................................................6-17 Balance Audit Trail (Accumulated) ....................................................................................................................6-18 Customizing Technical, Organizational, and Documentary steps: Unit Summary .............................................6-19 Cust. Tech., Org. & Doc. Steps Exercises...........................................................................................................6-20 Cust. Tech., Org. & Doc. Steps Solutions...........................................................................................................6-25 Closing Process .........................................................................................................................................................7-1 Closing Process: Unit Objectives..........................................................................................................................7-2 Closing Process: Course Overview Diagram ........................................................................................................7-3 Month-End Closing Process..................................................................................................................................7-4 Year-End Closing Process.....................................................................................................................................7-5 Closing Process: Unit Summary ...........................................................................................................................7-6 Appendix (1) .............................................................................................................................................................8-1 Country Specifics..................................................................................................................................................8-2 Country Specifics: Unit Objectives.......................................................................................................................8-3 AC205 - Course Overview (2): Country Specifics................................................................................................8-4 Country Specifics: Business Scenario...................................................................................................................8-5 General tax processing: Topic Objectives.............................................................................................................8-6 Taxes .....................................................................................................................................................................8-7 General Preconditions for Tax Processing ............................................................................................................8-8 GL Account = Tax Account..................................................................................................................................8-9 Tax Codes ...........................................................................................................................................................8-10 Tax Return ..........................................................................................................................................................8-11 Tax reporting USA: Topic Objectives.................................................................................................................8-12 1099 Business Process ........................................................................................................................................8-13 Vendor Master Record ........................................................................................................................................8-14 Vendor Account Groups .....................................................................................................................................8-15 Withholding Tax Codes ......................................................................................................................................8-16 Field Status Groups/Posting Keys.......................................................................................................................8-17 Document Change Rules.....................................................................................................................................8-18 Vendor Invoice....................................................................................................................................................8-19 Vendor payment..................................................................................................................................................8-20 1099 Reporting....................................................................................................................................................8-21 1099 State Withholding Tax ...............................................................................................................................8-22 1042 Business Process ........................................................................................................................................8-23 Vendor Master Record ........................................................................................................................................8-24 Vendor Account Groups .....................................................................................................................................8-25 Withholding Tax Codes ......................................................................................................................................8-26 Field Status Groups/Posting Keys.......................................................................................................................8-27 Document Change Rules.....................................................................................................................................8-28 Withholding Tax Countries.................................................................................................................................8-29 Type of Recipient for Vendors............................................................................................................................8-30 Withholding Tax Formulas .................................................................................................................................8-31 Automatic Posting (Withholding Tax) ................................................................................................................8-32 Vendor Invoice....................................................................................................................................................8-33 Vendor Payment..................................................................................................................................................8-34 1042 Reporting....................................................................................................................................................8-35 Germany Tax reporting: Topic Objectives..........................................................................................................8-36 Tax Return and Postings .....................................................................................................................................8-37 Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases - Form (Germany) ........................................................................8-38 Germany Foreign trade reporting: Topic Objectives...........................................................................................8-39 Foreign Trade......................................................................................................................................................8-40 RFAWVZ5A Control Values..............................................................................................................................8-41 RFAWVZ5A: Foreign Trade Regulation Report ................................................................................................8-42 European Union Tax reporting: Topic Objectives ..............................................................................................8-43 EU Single European Market ...............................................................................................................................8-44 Customizing Country Specifics Exercises ..........................................................................................................8-45 Customizing Country Specifics Solutions...........................................................................................................8-48 Appendix (2) .............................................................................................................................................................9-1 Other Closing Information ....................................................................................................................................9-2 Other Closing Information: Unit Objectives .........................................................................................................9-3 Transferring data from FI to Consolidation: Topic Objectives .............................................................................9-4 Data Streams .........................................................................................................................................................9-5 Integration of Master Data ....................................................................................................................................9-6 Preparation in FI....................................................................................................................................................9-7 Assignment: Company Code - Company..............................................................................................................9-8 Trading Partner Information: FI............................................................................................................................9-9 Additional Account Assignment: Business Area ................................................................................................9-10 Assignments: Asset Master Record.....................................................................................................................9-11 Consolidation With Different Releases...............................................................................................................9-12 Defining Data Transfer .......................................................................................................................................9-13 Realtime Updates ................................................................................................................................................9-14 Periodic Extract...................................................................................................................................................9-15 Financial Statement Version for Consolidation ..................................................................................................9-16 Rollups ................................................................................................................................................................9-17 Closing Checklists: Topic Objectives .................................................................................................................9-18 Month-End Checklist ..........................................................................................................................................9-19 Year-End Checklist ...........................................................................................................................................10-22 Closing Menu Paths: Topic Objectives .............................................................................................................10-24 Menu Paths........................................................................................................................................................10-25 Appendix Exercises...........................................................................................................................................10-40 Appendix Solutions...........................................................................................................................................10-41 AC205 4.6 / Financial Closing AC 205 Financial Closing © SAP AG 1999 R/3 Release 4.6 January 2000 50035995 Copyright Copyright 1999 SAP AG. All rights reserved. Neither this training manual nor any part thereof may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means, or translated into another language, without the prior consent of SAP AG. The information contained in this document is subject to change and supplement without prior notice. All rights reserved. © SAP AG 1999 Trademarks SAP and the SAP logo are registered trademarks of SAP AG. MS-DOS and EXCEL are registered trademarks of Microsoft. OS/2, CICS, MVS, ACF/VTAM, VSE, AIX, OS/400 and AS/400 are registered trademarks of IBM. X Window System is a registered trademark of MIT University. SINIX, UTM and BS2000 are registered trademarks of Siemens. UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T. HP-UX is a registered trademark of Hewlett Packard. DECnet, DECstation, DECsystem, VAXstation and VMS are registered trademarks of DEC. Ethernet is a registered trademark of the Xerox Corporation. ORACLE SQL*net, SQL*+ PRO*C are registered trademarks of the ORACLE Corporation. INFORMIX-OnLine and INFORMIX-ESQL/C are registered trademarks of the INFORMIX Corporation. The R/3 Integration Model SD FI Sales & Distribution Financial Accounting MM CO Materials Mgmt. Controlling PP Production Planning R/3 QM Quality Mgmt. AA Asset Accounting PM PS Client / Server Project System ABAP WF Plant Maintenance Workflow HR IS Human Resources Industry Solutions © SAP AG 1999 SAP’s R/3 System has set new norms for standard software that can be universally implemented. R/3 uses advanced development techniques to achieve comprehensive integration of business administration and data processing. R/3 combines state-of-the-art technology with comprehensive business administration functions to provide a fully-integrated business solution for your company. Financial Accounting ... Public Sector 1 Level 2 Level 3 AC200 5 days Account Payable / Receivable Processing & Configuration AC260 2 days Additional Financial Functionality AC205 2 days Financial Closing AC010 5 days Overview of Financial Accounting & Reporting AC305 4 days Asset Accounting AC220 5 days Special Purpose Ledger AC290 Real Estate Management AC100 3 days Budget Management for Non-Profit Organizations HR050 5 days Human Resources © SAP AG 1999 AC240 5 days Consolidation Functions 3 days AC705 2 days Funds Management: Configuration and Organization AC270 2 days Travel Management AC710 2 days Reporting in FM Course Prerequisites AC010 Financial Accounting & Reporting AC200 General Ledger/Accounts Payable/Receivable Processing and Configuration Professional experience in Financial Accounting © SAP AG 1999 Target Group Audience: Project team members responsible for the closing of financial accounting Duration: 2 days © SAP AG 1999 Introduction Course Goals Course Objectives Course Content Course Overview Main Business Scenario © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 1-1 Course Goals This course will enable you to: Outline key R/3 System processes for closing the financial books Gain insight into the sequence of both technical and organizational closing operations Gain a basic understanding of the various processes that create data flows from other R/3 System components and the resulting impact on periodic closing activities within FI Gain an understanding of the preparation of balance sheet data and respective options available during configuration © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 1-2 Course Objectives At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to: Locate closing activities within configuration Identify, execute, and analyze programs and reports essential to financial closing Distinguish between external and internal closing © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 1-3 Contents Preface Unit 1 Introduction Unit 5 Profit and Loss Unit 2 Overview of Closing Process Unit 6 Unit 3 The Financial Statement Customizing Technical, Organizational and Documentary Steps Unit 4 Assets and Liabilities Unit 7 Closing Process Exercises Solutions Appendices © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 1-4 Course Overview Diagram Who is interested in financial results? Closing Process 3 Financial statement version Overview 7 Internal view 2 2000 October External view Auditor’s view 4 Balance Sheet Assets Liabilities Equity Profit & Loss Revenues Costs 5 Appendix Customizing Technical, Organizational, and Documentary Steps © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 1-5 6 Main Business Scenario Due to increased market competition, corporations require timely and accurate financial reporting for external users. For legal purposes, requests for different reporting layouts have to be fulfilled and most of their deliveries are time relevant. Quick reporting tests must be performed by the project team to verify and control information before it is offered for external purposes. © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 1-6 Overview of Closing Process Month-End and Year-End Closing Processes © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 2-1 Overview of Closing Process: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: Describe the overall process for closing a period or fiscal year © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 2-2 Overview of Closing Process: Course Overview Diagram Who is interested in financial results? Closing Process Financial statement version Overview Internal view 2000 October External view Auditor’s view Balance Sheet Assets Liabilities Equity Profit & Loss Revenues Costs Appendix Customizing Technical, Organizational, and Documentary Steps © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 2-3 Overview of Closing Process: Business Scenario As a member of the project team responsible for defining the financial closing process, you need to define the types and timing of closing activities that need to be performed in the R/3 System. © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 2-4 Month-End Closing Overview Old Month New Month Pre-Close: Managerial Close: Financial Close: Open new period Controlling Repostings Cost allocations /settlements CO reconciliation posting to FI CO periodic lock Business area/ profit center/ profitability segment adjustments Preparatory postings Close subledgers/ feeder systems Preliminary close of old period Re-open G/L for adjustment postings Foreign currency revaluations Final close old period Reporting © SAP AG 1999 The closing of a period is performed in three sets of steps: pre-closing, managerial closing, and financial closing. Pre-Close activities ensure that all necessary entries have been posted in the General Ledger (G/L), including entries from feeder systems/subledgers and accruals and recurring entries posted directly to the G/L. Pre-close activities occur in both the old and new months. Managerial Close activities involve the re-assignment of costs throughout the entire organization, using the allocation and settlement functionality provided within Controlling (CO). Financial Close activities include final adjustments to valuations and balances prior to the final close and preparation of reports. Adjustments from the cost flows recorded in the managerial closing activities are updated to FI through the reconciliation ledger posting. The primary emphasis of this course is “external” closing, that is, closing activities associated with “external accounting” of FI. “Internal” closing is synonymous with managerial closing. Therefore, although the course does include an overview of internal or managerial close activities, the focus will be on pre-close and financial close activities. (C) SAP AG AC205 2-5 Year-End Closing Overview Old Year New Year Month-End Pre-Close Month-End Managerial Close Month-End Financial Close Pre-Close: Financial Close: Open new fiscal year Account analysis and regrouping Year-End valuations General adjustment postings Balance confirmations Reconcile old year to new year Fiscal year change (AA) Final close old year Balance carry forward Reporting © SAP AG 1999 At the start of a new year, year-end specific closing activities are required in addition to the normal monthly closing activities. For pre-close activities, certain revaluations of materials and assets may be performed by an enterprise on an annual basis. Balance confirmations are sent to customers and vendors to verify that account balances are correct. Technical steps, such as the fiscal year change in Asset Accounting (AA) and the balance carry forward in FI, prepare the beginning balances for the new fiscal year. Additional financial close steps for the new year include analyzing and regrouping account information for clearer presentation of the financial statements, reconciliation between the old and new years, and any necessary adjustment postings. Year-end reporting may include additional lists, such as the Accumulated Balance Audit trail, to provide supporting detail for the financial statements. (C) SAP AG AC205 2-6 Overview of Closing Process: Unit Summary The closing process steps for month-end and year-end are categorized as pre-close, managerial close, and financial close activities. Pre-closing includes preparatory postings and technical activities such as opening the new period or fiscal year and performing a preliminary close of the old period. Managerial closing is comprised of transactions within Controlling that re-assign costs for managerial reporting. Financial closing includes adjustment postings in Financial Accounting, final closing of the old period or fiscal year, and reporting. © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 2-7 The Financial Statement The Financial Statement Program Drilldown Reporting Cost-of-Sales Accounting © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 3-1 The Financial Statement Program: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: Identify the financial statement program Describe the purpose of the financial statement version Display, change and create financial statement versions Start a balance sheet/profit and loss statement using a drilldown report Contrast cost-of-sales accounting and period accounting reporting views © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 3-2 The Financial Statement: Course Overview Diagram Who is interested in financial results? Closing Process Financial statement version Overview Internal view 2000 October External view Auditor’s view Balance Sheet Assets Liabilities Equity Profit & Loss Revenues Costs Appendix Customizing Technical, Organizational, and Documentary Steps © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 3-3 The Financial Statement: Business Scenario The project manager has requested that your group locate and document the area where financial statement configuration takes place. She has instructed you to first display and change existing financial statement versions and then to create a new version. You are also to review other reporting capabilities, such as drilldown and cost-of-sales reporting. © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 3-4 The Financial Statement: Topic Objectives At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to: Identify the financial statement program Describe the purpose of the financial statement version Display, change, and create financial statement versions © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 3-5 Financial Statement Versions Overview Who is interested in financial results? Internal view Financial statement Version: IN01 Assets External view Financial statement Version: EX01 Liabilities Fixed Current Other Current Receivables Checks/Banks Accrued Income Auditors view Financial statement Version: AU01 Profit & Loss Revenues Costs Appendix © SAP AG 1999 The R/3 System includes a standard balance sheet/profit and loss report (RFBILA00). You can produce different outputs from this report program by specifying different financial statement versions. Financial statement versions are also used in the structure balance list, drilldown reporting, planning, and transferring data to consolidations. You can define as many financial statement versions as you need to prepare reports according to various criteria, for example, for tax authorities, for other external users, and for internal users. The financial statement version allows you to configure the report format, including: Which items are to be included and the sequence and hierarchy of these items Text describing the items Which charts of accounts and which individual accounts that are relevant to the report Totals to be presented in the statements The selection parameters for the RFBILA00 program allow you make additional specifications, such as whether the to report at the business area level, company code level, and so on. The standard system is delivered with sample financial statement versions. You can copy these and modify them to create your own versions. (C) SAP AG AC205 3-6 Financial Statement Versions Directory of Financial Statement Versions Structure Description XXXX Balance sheet external DE ¨ XXXX Maint.language Group acct number Chart of accounts Balance sheet / P+L items Financial statement version XXXX Balance sheet external Hierarchy level 1 1 2 3 4 ASSETS LIABILITIES Profit and Loss Accounts not assigned © SAP AG 1999 Create Item Assign Accounts You define a financial statement version in two steps: Entry in the directory of financial statement versions Define hierarchy levels and assign accounts Each version must have the following “special items”: Assets Liabilities Balance sheet profit/loss Profit and loss results not allocable. The balance sheet profit/loss is calculated by the ABAP/4 program RFBILA00 from the assets and liabilities totals and placed in the “Balance sheet results profit/loss” item. The Profit and Loss results are determined from all accounts not assigned to either assets or liabilities, and are placed in the proper position. (C) SAP AG AC205 3-7 The Balance Sheet Section of an F/S Version Balance sheet version XXXX ASSETS Level 1 Level 2 Subscribed capital unpaid Level 3 Real estate Level 4 Level 5 LIABILITIES Formation expenses Fixed assets Current assets Intangible assets Tangible assets Financial assets Technical assets Machinery and equipment Equity Reserve funds Down payment made for asset under constr. Acquisition Value value adjustment ... max. © SAP10 AG 1999 A financial statement version consists of a maximum of ten hierarchy levels. A) You allocate items to each level. The system forms a total/subtotal for each item which is then displayed when the program is run. B) Allocate texts to each item. C) Allocate the accounts whose balance and account name are to be listed in the lowest levels of the items. (C) SAP AG AC205 3-8 The Profit and Loss Section of an F/S Version Profit / loss Annual profit before tax Results of business transactions Level 1 Operating result Financial result Non-operat. profit Level 2 Sales revenue Material expenses Personnel expenses Level 3 Revenue Sales deductions © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 3-9 Taxes Approp.of net income Account Group Allocation According to Balance G/L account at BANK1 113100 G/L account at BANK1 113101 G/L account at BANK1 113102 Balance - 100 Balance + 30 Balance + 50 + - ? Credit at BANK1 ------------------------Acct no. D C from / to Payables at BANK1 ------------------------Acct no. D C from / to 113100 113101 113102 113100 113101 113102 X X X © SAP AG 1999 X X X Position varies based on changing balance You use account group allocation to determine in which cases the balance of this account group is to appear in this financial statement item. First example under: D C X If the joint balance of all accounts listed this item is a debit balance, it will appear here. Second example under: X If the joint balance of all accounts listed this item is a credit balance, it will appear here. The settings listed above are only appropriate for accounts with a fluctuating balance. Example: Bank accounts. Another example: X X Balance will always appear here irrespective of the balance of the accounts. Example: receivables accounts (C) SAP AG AC205 3-10 Texts Financial statement version XXXX Bal.sheet nat’l regs Hierarchy level N nnnn1 nnnn2 nnnn3 nnnn4 Stocks Receivables Securities Checks, Cash on hand . . . Text nnnn4 Checks, Cash on hand Start of group Checks, Cash on hand, Central bank and postal giro accounts, other bank accounts End of group ... Display total Graduated total Display total © SAP AG 1999 You can write additional texts for each item in a financial statement. You can write up to four lines of text at the beginning and/or the end of an item. A graduated total is tallied along with the control level processing. It can be called up from any point within the financial statement structure. You output the profit and loss part of the structure in the standard system using the graduated total functionality. RFBILA00 can print the balance sheet and P&L on a SAPSCRIPT form. (C) SAP AG AC205 3-11 Drilldown Reporting: Topic Objectives At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to: Start a balance sheet/profit and loss statement using a drilldown report © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 3-12 Drilldown Reporting Fin.Stmt.Version Assets Liabilities P&L GLT0 | Reporting Year | RY-1 | RY-2 | ... RY-n | Columns | Computed Columns (n) | Rows | Balance Sheet Analysis | x | 1/12 | 1/4 | 1/2 | 1/1 | Cell y © SAP AG 1999 Drilldown reporting is a tool that allows you to analyze G/L account transaction figures and balance sheet structures. You can also carry out variance analyses such as plan/actual comparisons, fiscal year comparisons, and so on. With Release 4.6, you can combine a graphical display with the traditional drilldown views. This tool provides easy navigation through your data, allowing you to move to different levels of detail or from one object to another for analysis and to switch between a drilldown view and a detail view. It also provides functions for processing the list including sorting, establishing conditions (thresholds), ranking lists and so on. In addition, you can access the SAP Graphics, SAPmail, and Excel List Viewer from your report. The menus and functions directly available on the drilldown report make it easy to use the information system. Characteristics and key figures form the basis of the drilldown report presentation. Characteristics define how your data can be classified or provide a time reference. Key figures include stored values/quantities and calculations based on these values/quantities. In G/L drilldown reports: Characteristics can include company, company code, business area, chart of accounts, financial statement item, currency, fiscal year, period, and so on Key figures can include total credit balance, total debit balance, balance sheet value, accumulated balance, balance carry forward, and so on. (C) SAP AG AC205 3-13 Drilldown List and Detail List Reporting Financial Statement Item Assets Business FY 2000 FY 1999 Variance Area Drilldown List 0001 8000 9900 Financial Statement Item Assets Business Area 0001 Detail List Ratio FY 2000 FY 1999 Variance © SAP AG 1999 Each report consists of a number of lists (depending on how many characteristics you select and the number of values for those characteristics), which are divided according to their content into two categories: drilldown lists and detail lists. A drilldown list displays a selection of key figures in combination with at least one characteristic (for example, balance sheet value for a fiscal year, the variance calculation) for a number of drilldown characteristics (such as Assets/Business Area 0001, Assets/Business Area 8000, Assets/Business Area 9900). The key figures appear in the columns of a drilldown list. The lowest level of the drilldown characteristics appear in the rows of this list, while all other levels, and their selected values, appear at the top of the report. In this example, we selected the value “Assets” for the characteristic financial statement item and then selected the characteristic business area, giving us a view of the total assets for each business area. A detail list always shows all the key figure/characteristic combinations for a single combination of drilldown characteristic values. The key figures appear in the rows of a detail list. All selected drilldown characteristics, including their selected values, appear at the top of the report in the order chosen. (C) SAP AG AC205 3-14 Cost-Of-Sales Accounting: Topic Objectives At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to: Contrast cost-of-sales accounting and period accounting reporting views © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 3-15 Cost-Of-Sales and Period Accounting Views CostCost-OfOf-Sales accounting Period accounting Revenue Sales deductions Cost of sales …. Revenue Sales deductions Stock changes Capitalized internal activities Changes to work in process …. Gross results Total output Sales and Marketing costs Material costs Personnel costs Depreciation Interest ... Administration costs Research and development Results Results © SAP AG 1999 Two accounting methods used for generating profitability statements are the cost-of-sales method and the period accounting method. Applying either method to a given set of business transactions under a given set of laws yields the same bottom-line result (profit) in concept. The difference is in how the overall profit and loss picture is presented. Companies must choose to use one of these methods for generating their legal financial statements. The choice is often determined by country-specific legal requirements. However, the methods facilitate two different types of analyses, both of which a company may want to conduct, so internally there may be efforts to track information in both manners. Cost-of-sales accounting The emphasis is on matching the revenues for goods and/or services provided (the value that a company gains as a result of sales) against the related expenses for those items (the value that is lost when products are transferred out of the company). Therefore, this accounting method displays profit and loss information in a manner optimized for conducting margin analyses, and as such it is optimal for the sales, marketing, and product management areas. Period accounting The emphasis is on summarizing the activity and situational change over a period of time, for a given organizational unit. Therefore, this accounting method presents the revenues and primary expenses that have been incurred during a given period of time and the changes in stock value levels, work-in-process, and capitalized activities. As such, it is optimal for the production and profit center areas. (C) SAP AG AC205 3-16 Cost-Of-Sales Accounting and Functional Areas FUNCTIONAL AREAS Period accounting Net sales Bal. sheet change Total output Material expense Personnel expense Depreciation Other expenses Total expenses Result Result Cost-of-sales accounting Net sales Cost of sales Gross results Selling expenses Admin. expenses Research Total overhead exp. Operating profit © SAP AG 1999 5,463 +1 5,464 2,606 1,263 219 1,262 5,350 114 114 5,463 3,374 2,089 1,278 324 373 1,975 114 Production 2,606 565 140 64 3,375 ./. Balance sheet chg. Sales 340 23 915 1,278 Admin. 139 21 164 324 Research 219 35 119 373 1 3,374 The period accounting view of profit and loss is the presentation provided by the standard financial statement program (RFBILA00). This view is easy to achieve in the R/3 System, as it represents a simple display of a G/L account or group of accounts for a report line. The cost-of-sales accounting view requires the use of organizational units called functional areas to divide costs posted to the same expense account to separate report lines. As illustrated above, this allows you to present the same type of expense in different sections of your report (e.g., personnel expenses associated with production are included in “Gross results” while personnel costs incurred for other purposes would be included in the “Total overhead expenses” section). By grouping expenses by function (production, sales, administration), cost-of-sales accounting also defines which business transaction underlies each individual expense in the company and classifies the expense into various types according to function. Functional areas are normally assigned automatically to a transaction via a substitution rule and are derived from the controlling object to which the expense is posted. For example, a posting to a cost center with a cost center category of “Administration” would be assigned to the “Administration” functional area whereas the order type on a posting to an internal order might direct the costs to the “Research & Development” functional area. New to R4.6: Functional areas can be assigned directly to master data records, such as cost centers, internal orders and G/L accounts. (C) SAP AG AC205 3-17 The Financial Statement: Unit Summary The Financial Statement Version offers a flexible layout of the balance sheet/profit and loss statement produced by the standard financial statement program. The version technique offers freely definable texts and includes pre-configured summarization and grouping features. Drill down reporting is a flexible reporting tool that provides a variety of detailed analyses of G/L transaction figures, including graphical displays. Cost-of-sales accounting is an alternative to the period accounting display of Profit and Loss information. In the R/3 System, functional areas are used to obtain the cost-of-sales view. © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 3-18 The Financial Statement Exercises Unit: The Financial Statement Topic: The Financial Statement Program At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: • Execute the balance sheet/profit and loss statement • Customize the financial statement version The project manager has asked you to review the options for financial statement reporting in the R/3 System. You need to review the presentation provided by the standard balance sheet/profit and loss program, RFBILA00 and the ability to customize the presentation using different financial statement versions. 1-1 Execute a balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) for your company code AC## for the current period and fiscal year using existing financial statement version INT. 1-2 Create your own financial statement version FS## by copying and modifying an existing version. 1-2-1 Copy the financial statement version INT to create your own version FS## and add as a description Financial Statement Version ##. 1-2-2 Carry out a check to determine whether all the G/L-accounts that exist within your chart of accounts and company code have been correctly assigned to the financial statement items in your financial statement version. 1-2-3 Create your own profit and loss item 3063000, Employee Training and Education under the 'Staff costs' item. 1-2-4 Assign the account 476400, Training costs, to the new item 'Employee Training and Education'. The account will appear on this item whether it has a debit or credit balance. 1-2-5 Re-order your financial statement items under 'Staff costs' by moving your new item 3063000 to the end. 1-3 (C) SAP AG Execute a balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) for company code AC## for the current period to test your new financial statement version FS##. You will also create a report variant to facilitate reporting in subsequent exercises. Assign a variant name of VAR## and a description of CoCode AC## current period. AC205 3-19 Exercises Unit: The Financial Statement Topic: Drill-Down Reporting At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: • Execute and navigate a drill down report The cross-application drill down reporting function can also be used to develop financial statements. You will run a delivered balance sheet/profit and loss report to explore the features provided by this reporting tool. 2-1 (C) SAP AG Create a new session. Run a balance sheet and profit and loss statement using the drill down report Actual/Actual Comparison for Year. Run the report for your company code AC##, for the current year, and using the financial statement version you created, FS##. Within the output list of the report, drill down from the balance sheet item to the line items which make up the account 'Salaries - base wages'. AC205 3-20 Exercises Unit: The Financial Statement Topic: Cost-of-Sales Reporting At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: • Execute a cost-of-sales profit and loss report • Compare the cost-of-sales accounting view to the period accounting view presented in the standard financial statement program, RFBILA00 The reporting standards for your country require profit and loss reporting using the cost-of-sales accounting method. You need to execute a P&L report using this view and compare it to the period accounting view presented in the previous topics. 3-1 (C) SAP AG Create a new session. Run a current year cost-of-sales profit and loss statement for your company code AC## using the report Annual profit and loss statement C/S. Within the output list of the report, navigate to the Salaries - base wages account and to functional areas 0400 and 0300 to see that this account is presented in a different location on the report based on the functional area. Close the session when you finish viewing the report. AC205 3-21 The Financial Statement Solutions Unit: The Financial Statement Topic: The Financial Statement Program 1-1 Execute a balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) for your company code AC## for the current period and fiscal year using existing financial statement version INT. Menu path for report: Information Systems → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Balance sheet Enter the following information: Company code: AC## Fin.stmt. version: INT Reporting year: Current year Reporting Period: From current period to current period Execute your report. 1-2 Create your own financial statement version FS## by copying and modifying an existing version. 1-2-1 Copy the financial statement version INT to create your own version FS## and add as a description Financial Statement Version ##. Menu path to configure financial statement version: Tools → AcceleratedSAP → Customizing → Edit Project → Goto →SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → General Ledger Accounting → Business Transactions → Closing → Documenting → Define Financial Statement Versions Mark the row for financial statement version INT. Edit → Copy as.. Enter the name FS## and the description Financial Statement Version ##. Select 'Enter'. Save your entry. (C) SAP AG AC205 3-22 DO NOT EXIT THIS SCREEN 1-2-2 Carry out a check to determine whether all the G/L-accounts that exist within your chart of accounts and company code have been correctly assigned to the financial statement items in your financial statement version. From the Change View "Financial Statement Versions": Overview screen: Mark the row for financial statement version FS##. Click on the button ‘Fin. statement items’ Select Structure → Check Enter your company code (AC##) and flag only 'non assigned accounts from chart of accounts from company code'. Select 'Enter'. When you are finished viewing the unassigned accounts, select Enter to close the pop-up window and continue with the next exercise. DO NOT EXIT THIS SCREEN 1-2-3 Create your own profit and loss item 3063000, Employee Training and Education under the 'Staff costs' item. From the Change Financial Statement Version screen: Drill down by clicking on the folder to the left of the item to expand 'Profit and loss statement'. Place your cursor on the 'Staff costs' item and click 'Create items'. Enter 3063000 for the item number and Employee Training and Education for the description. Select 'Enter' to add the new item to the structure. DO NOT EXIT THIS SCREEN 1-2-4 Assign the account 476400, Training costs, to the new item 'Employee Training and Education'. The account will appear on this item whether it has a debit or credit balance. From the Change Financial Statement Version screen: Place your cursor on the 'Employee Training and Education' item and click 'Assign accounts'. (C) SAP AG AC205 3-23 Enter 476400 in the 'From act' column and select the both the debit (D) and credit (C) balance indicators. Select 'Enter'. DO NOT EXIT THIS SCREEN 1-2-5 Re-order your financial statement items under 'Staff costs' by moving your new item 3063000 to the end. From the Change Financial Statement Version screen: Position the cursor on item 3063000 Select Edit → Select +/(item is marked) Position cursor on the destination item, '3062000' Select Edit → Reassign Confirm the 'same level' setting. Select 'Enter'. (item is moved) Save your entry. 1-3 Execute a balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) for company code AC## for the current period to test your new financial statement version FS##. You will also create a report variant to facilitate reporting in subsequent exercises. Assign a variant name of VAR## and a description of CoCode AC## current period. Menu path for report: Information Systems → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Balance sheet Enter the following information: Company Code: Fin.Stmt. Version: Reporting Year: Periods: AC## FS## Current year From current period to current period Select Goto → Variant → Save as variant… Enter the following information: Variant name: Description: (C) SAP AG AC205 3-24 VAR## CoCode AC## current period Save your entry. Execute the report. (C) SAP AG AC205 3-25 Solutions Unit: The Financial Statement Topic: Drill-Down Reporting 2-1 Create a new session. Run a balance sheet and profit and loss statement using the drill down report Actual/Actual Comparison for Year. Run the report for your company code AC##, for the current year, and using the financial statement version you created, FS##. Within the output list of the report, drill down from the balance sheet item to the line items which make up the account 'Salaries - base wages'. Menu path to open a new session: System → Create session Menu path for report: Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Information system → General Ledger Reports → Balance Sheet/Profit and Loss Statement/Cash Flow → General → Actual/Actual Comparisons → Actual/Actual Comparison for Year Enter the following information: Company Code: FIS annual rep. struc: Fiscal year: AC## FS## Current year Execute the report. Expand profit and loss statement by clicking the '+' to the left of the Profit and loss statement row. Continue to expand the following: + Staff costs + Wages and salaries + Salaries + Salaries - base wages Mark the line item by positioning the cursor the select row, in the column for the current fiscal year. Select Goto → Line items Review the line items for this account. (C) SAP AG AC205 3-26 (Optional) Mark a line item and click Display document to view the line item detail. While in the document display, click Document overview to view the other line items for this document. (C) SAP AG AC205 3-27 Solutions Unit: The Financial Statement Topic: Cost-of-Sales Reporting 3-1 Create a new session. Run a current year cost-of-sales profit and loss statement for your company code AC## using the report Annual profit and loss statement C/S. Within the output list of the report, navigate to the Salaries - base wages account and to functional areas 0400 and 0300 to see that this account is presented in a different location on the report based on the functional area. Close the session when you finish viewing the report. Menu path to open a new session: System → Create session Menu path for report: Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Information system → General Ledger Reports → Balance Sheet/Profit and Loss Statement/Cash Flow → General → Actual/Actual Comparisons → Annual profit and loss statement C/S Enter the following information: Company Code: Fiscal year: AC## Current year Execute the report. Click G/L account in the 'Navigation' area of the report. Click Selection of any characteristic value (magnifying glass to the right of 'G/L account') and scroll down to the Salaries - base wages account. Doubleclick to select this account. Click Functional area in the 'Navigation' area of the report. If functional area 0400 is not displayed, click Next char. value (down arrow to the right of 'Functional area') until you reach this functional area. Note that the salaries costs are displayed in the report line General Administration Costs. Scroll up or down in the functional area until you reach 0300. Note that the salaries costs for this functional area are displayed in the report line Sales Costs. (C) SAP AG AC205 3-28 When you finish viewing the report, select System → End session. (C) SAP AG AC205 3-29 Assets and Liabilities (1) Fixed Assets: Settling assets under construction Posting book/ tax depreciation and further transactions Fiscal Year Change/Year-End Closing Current Assets: Maintain Goods Received/Invoice Received (GR/IR) clearing account Posting differences from material price changes, material valuations, and the physical inventory procedure to FI-GL. GR/IR Clearing Account Analysis Year-End valuation methods © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 4-1 Assets and Liabilities (2) Receivables (& Payables): Creating Balance Confirmations Posting Flat Rate and Individual Value Adjustments Evaluating Foreign Currency Open Items Regrouping Receivables and Payables Cheques / Banks Evaluating foreign currency balance sheet accounts Accrual/Deferral Postings © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 4-2 Assets and Liabilities: Unit Objectives I At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: Outline the organizational impact of transactions within Asset Accounting on periodic closing activities within FI. Explain how the maintenance of the GR/IR clearing account, material price changes, material valuations, and the physical inventory procedure can lead to a GL posting. Identify the various year-end valuation methods for material that is externally procured. Describe the procedure of analyzing the GR/IR clearing account within FI Produce Balance Confirmations © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 4-3 Assets and Liabilities: Unit Objectives II At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: Explain the flat rate and individual value adjustments for receivables Evaluate foreign currency open items and regroup payables /receivables Evaluate foreign currency balance sheet accounts Describe the advantage of using accrual/deferral postings instead of normal GL postings Locate customizing in the IMG © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 4-4 Assets and Liabilities: Course Overview Diagram Who is interested in financial results? Closing Process Financial statement version Overview Internal view 2000 October External view Auditor’s view Balance Sheet Assets Liabilities Equity Profit & Loss Revenues Costs Appendix Customizing Technical, Organizational, and Documentary Steps © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 4-5 Assets and Liabilities: Business Scenario Assets within the balance sheet area represent the use of wealth. Liabilities explain its origin. During the R/3 System’s operation this use is executed within the sub-ledgers, such as AR/ AP, Asset Accounting, and other feeder systems like Materials Management in order to administer, manage, and control every single transaction. For legal reporting purposes some of these transactions need to be prepared or adjusted. You need to verify that R/3 can provide for these country specific legal requirements. © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 4-6 Fixed Assets: Topic Objectives At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to: Outline the organizational impact of posting depreciation and further transactions within Asset Accounting on periodic closing activities within general ledger accounting. © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 4-7 Assets on the Balance Sheet Client Company code 1000 Company code 1001 Balance Sheet --- Balance Sheet Business area 1000 Software 2000 3000 --- 1000 Assets intangible assets fixed assets Machines 100 financial assets 50 Securities Profit + loss statement .. .. .. Profit + loss statement Expenses depreciation © SAP AG 1999 The Asset Accounting (FI-AA) component is used for managing and supervising fixed assets in the R/3 System. It serves as a subsidiary ledger to the G/L, providing detailed information on transactions involving fixed assets. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-8 Periodic tasks in FI-AA relevant for FI-GL Profit & Loss Depreciation posting run Periodic processing Reports Depreciation 1000 Accumulated Depreciation 1000 Balance sheet Posting asset values Investment support Inflation management Asset balance 10000 Value adjmt 10 © SAP AG 1999 Asset 10 Bank 100 Account 10000 Asset 100 Periodic processing comprises those tasks in Asset Accounting which must be performed at periodic intervals. Also included are tasks to be performed as part of the special valuation of fixed assets (for example, calculating replacement values). Replacement values and insurable values are updated in the system with the help of index series. Investment support is a subsidy that a company has received for certain asset investments. Assets which are eligible for such a subsidy are marked in the asset master records with an investment support key. All specifications for claiming the investment support are stored in the definition of this key. You can post the claim manually or in a mass procedure. At present only the values of one depreciation area can be automatically posted online in Financial Accounting: Therefore, the changes to asset values (transactions) from other areas with automatic posting have to be posted periodically to the appropriate reconciliation accounts. If you want to plan primary costs on a cost center basis, you can periodically determine planned depreciation and interest and pass these on to primary cost planning in Controlling. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-9 Settlement of Capital Investment Measures Capital Investment Measure Bus.transactions during "under construction” phase Order / WBS Asset 1 Periodic settlement Final settlement Asset 2 Asset 3 Asset under construction Asset history sheet Asset Account . 10 Cost center Balance sheet Profit & Loss © SAP AG 1999 The R/3-IM (Investment Management) component enables you to create orders/WBS elements that automatically have an asset under construction attached. During the construction phase, you post all business transactions to the order/WBS element. During monthly settlement, all items that are not settled directly to receivers in controlling (such as cost centers) are settled directly to an asset under construction. In your monthly financial reports, capital investment measures appear under assets under construction. Upon final settlement, you settle the asset under construction to the final receivers. You enter these receivers in the settlement rules for the order. The asset under construction is cleared automatically at the time of final settlement. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-10 Organizational Procedure for Depreciation Posting Depreciation run Posting run Batch input session Update of assets Process!!! ns Co Update of G/L accounts y! nc e t is Asset history sheet . Balance sheet Profit & Loss © SAP AG 1999 The calculation and planning of depreciation, interest and revaluation is controlled by keys in the Asset Accounting system. They can also be entered manually using a special posting transaction. In both cases, these planned values in Asset Accounting have to be periodically posted to the corresponding expense and asset balance sheet accounts in the general ledger. This periodic posting takes place using a batch input session. The posting session also posts the different depreciation types, interest and revaluation, in addition to writing-off and allocating special reserves. The system does not create individual documents, only summarized posting documents (per general ledger account). New to R4.6 Depreciation posting can now be executed directly, without the use of a batch input session. When entering parameters for the Depreciation Run, use the field ‘Direct FI Posting’. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-11 Fiscal Year Change/Year-End Closing Ca lendar Calendar Dec 31 Dec 31 Fiscal Year Change Year-end closing Fiscal Year Change Assets values at fiscal year start Transaction 0 APC 0 Ordinary dep. 0 Net book value Year 1 10000 10000 3000 7000 Periodic processing Fiscal year change Assets values at fiscal year start Transaction 10000 APC 10000 Ordinary dep. 3000 Net book value 7000 © SAP AG 1999 Year 2 Fiscal Year Change Year-end closing 1. Depreciation posting run Year-end closing program 2. Year- Check: Can the yearyear-end closing be carried out? - Maintenance of the last closed fiscal year per company code 3. Closing reports - Asset history sheet - Asset list -... 3000 - 0 10000 2100 4900 The fiscal year change program opens new annual value fields for each asset. The earliest you can start this program is in the last posting period of the old year. You have to run the fiscal year change program for your whole company code in order to be able to post into the next fiscal year. SAP provides you with a check report for year-end closing. It checks: whether the fiscal year change has been completed for all assets, whether depreciation was fully posted, whether errors exist for any assets. In addition, if the program finds no errors, it updates the last closed fiscal year for each depreciation area. After execution, posting into the old year is no longer allowed. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-12 Current Assets: Topic Objectives At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to: Explain the management of small quantity differences between material delivered and material invoiced Verify that material price changes (if market price differs from standard) can be posted and interpret the resulting document Identify the various year-end valuation methods for material that is externally procured Explain how the physical inventory procedure can lead to a GL posting © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 4-13 Maintaining the GR/IR Clearing Account Stock (1) 100 2 GR/IR clearing account (3) (2) 98 (3) 2 100 ( 1 ) Goods receipt for 100 pc at 1 ( 2 ) Invoice receipt for 98 pc at 1 Vendor (1) 112.70 ( 2 ) Input tax ( 2 ) 14.70 ( 3 ) Account maintenance © SAP AG 1999 The GR/IR clearing account is maintained in Materials Management when the quantity of a material delivered and the quantity invoiced differ and no further receipt is expected. We recommend customers maintain the GR/IR clearing account on a monthly basis to ensure that purchase orders (and therefore also relevant account postings) that are considered by the system as still being open are matched up in good time with real events. Closing operations in financial accounting also involve analyzing the GR/IR clearing account and ensuring that the balance is zero (goods delivered, not invoiced/goods invoiced, not delivered: RFWERE00). (C) SAP AG AC205 4-14 GR/IR Clearing Account Analysis and Declaring Acquisition Tax Situation Goods GR/IR clearing 100 200 (E1) V1 100 200 400 400 Batch Input ( + Reversal docs: key date + 1 ) Adjustment postings Not yet delivered Analysis Vendor GR/IR adjustment Not yet invoiced 300 300 400 400 Interim account Entered during program run (E1) 200 (V0) 200 Logs Acquisition tax-incoming 20 Acquisition tax-outgoing 20 Balance sheet BalanceSheet 700 20 © SAP AG 1999 700 20 Adjustment postings to the GR/IR clearing account are made whenever you recognize: Goods which were delivered by the key date, but not yet invoiced, Goods which were invoiced by the key date but not yet delivered. Additionally, for European union countries, you can declare the acquisition tax for goods received but not yet invoiced. You can also balance goods receipts with their accompanying invoice receipts, if necessary. Acquisition tax is then posted for any remaining balance. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-15 Material Price Changes “Old” valuation Price: Total stock: Total value: “New” valuation 4.00 10 pc 40.00 Price change Price: Total stock: Total value: 4.50 10 pc 45.00 Material price change => Revaluation document Stock account 5 Expenses/revenue reval. 5 © SAP AG 1999 For purchased materials: When a material is valued at standard price, it is often necessary to change the valuation price when there is a large difference between the moving average price (which reflects developments in the delivered cost of the material) and the standard price. The result of a valuation run (LIFO, FIFO, Lowest principle) can be the basis of the decision to change the price. You can enter a new price in the material master for: - the actual, - previous period - and the end period of the previous year. For materials that are produced in-house, new prices can be generated from Product Cost Controlling and transferred to the standard price field in the material master. This is often performed at the end of the fiscal year, but may be performed more frequently if required. If inventory is in stock, entering a new price in the price field of the material master automatically results in an accounting document for revaluation of the existing material. Note: The example above shows the postings which result from an increase in price. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-16 Material Valuation in the R/3 System How material stocks are usually valuated at the end of a fiscal year Origin Material procured externally (MM) Purpose Value determination Lowest value External valuation in FI Normally LIFO FIFO Combination with lowest value possible Material Work in progress manufactured (CO) in-house (MM or CO) Inventory costing with inventory activity prices WIP or results analysis with costs that must be capitalized Normally Normally summary reval. summary revaluation (Value adjustment account) (Value adjustment account.) summary reval. (WIP account) © SAP AG 1999 All materials: The value of the stock of a material is determined at the end of the fiscal year according to the strict lowest value principle. When certain conditions are fulfilled, the FIFO- (First in First Out) or LIFO(Last in First out) method can also be used. In practice, for the sake of simplicity, when periods of less than a year are closed the values of stock accounts are unchanged. As a result, stocks (as are movements) are valuated on the basis of costs (i.e. quantity x standard or moving average price). Individual materials: The commercial or tax price calculated for individual materials at the end of the fiscal year can be entered into the appropriate fields in the material master. The total difference between the closing taxbased and commercial-based values calculated at the end of the fiscal year and the cost accounting values is usually corrected in summary form by way of a value adjustment posting via batch input. An example of a revaluation posting could be as follows: (DR) Expense value adjustment (CR) stock value adjustment The stock value adjustment account is assigned to the same balance sheet item as the relevant material stock account. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-17 Lowest Value Determination Single-level Single-level Multi-level As per current market prices As per rate of movement or range of coverage As per current market prices Lowest current price Lowest current market price Minimum Valuation price Percentage devaluation Valuation price minus devaluation Lowest current price Lowest Valuation current price market price Minimum As per rate of movement or range of coverage Percentage devaluation Material master Commercial/tax price 1 Commercial/tax price 2 © SAP AG 1999 Commercial/ta x price 1 minus devaluation The R/3 System offers two methods for determining the lowest value for a stock: market prices and rate of movement/range of coverage. Both methods to determine the lowest value can be used separately (single-level procedure) or in combination (multi-level procedure). Market prices can be determined by analyzing receipts for purchase orders (goods receipts and invoice receipts). Market prices from purchasing info records, purchase orders and contracts can also be used. Materials that are slow/non-moving or that have a long range of coverage can be devaluated by a percentage. The results of lowest value determination can be used for drawing up a balance sheet for both tax and commercial purposes. Material stocks can also be revaluated. To update the results of lowest value determination in the material master and to create a batch input session for revaluating material stocks, you have to run these programs in the background. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-18 Balance Sheet Valuation LIFO valuation (addition.) Lowest Value Current market price Rate of movement Layer values Range of coverage Material master (2001) Qty: 100 Sp: Sp: 10 Tax/comm. price 1: Tax/comm. price 2: Year Qty 50 Gross value 400 Net value 300 1999 2000 30 270 210 2001 20 200 160 (870) 670 9 8 Posting 31.12.1999 Valuation list SV 1,000 LV 800 Diff. 200 ... Total Diff. X FB01 Valuation list SV 1.000 Diff. 330 LIFO ... Total Diff. X © SAP AG 1999 Stocks must be valuated for balance sheet purposes as accurately as possible according to the recognition of loss principle. The programs for lowest value determination and LIFO valuation allow you to do this. Both methods can be combined. Results are recorded in valuation lists and allow the accounting department to make decisions about revaluating materials. The following abbreviations from above are: SV Stock value LV Stock value as per the lowest value principle (qty * tax/commercial price) Prices calculated by the revaluation programs can either be entered into the price fields of the material master records (an automatic posting of the differences is generated subsequently) or by a manual adjustment posting. In the latter case you do not enter the new price into the price field of the material master. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-19 Physical Inventory Procedure Create physical inventory document 1 Blocking indicator 2 Initiate a recount Print PI document 5b 3 Change count 5a Actual count 4 Difference list 5 Post differences 6 © SAP AG 1999 The physical inventory procedure represents the check of quantity of stocks to be displayed in the balance sheet. SAP's R/3 system supports the following methods: With the continuous inventory method, stocks are counted throughout the entire fiscal year. Every material has to be physically counted at least once during the course of the year. With the periodic inventory method, all stocks are physically counted on the balance sheet key date. Every material has to be counted on this day. During the count the entire warehouse is blocked from any material movements. Cycle counting is a physical inventory method which involves materials being counted at regular intervals during the course of a fiscal year. The interval or cycle in which a material is counted depends on the cycle counting indicator set for the material. The actual quantity counted within the course of a physical inventory is entered in the material master as the new quantity for the material. The difference between the quantity counted and the quantity recorded in the system is posted via a program run in Materials Management. If there is a reduction in stock posted by this program, then the following posting is made in Financial Accounting: (DR) ‘Expenses from physical inventory differences’ (CR) ‘Stock'.” (C) SAP AG AC205 4-20 Receivables (& Payables): Topic Objectives At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to: Produce Balance Confirmations Evaluate Foreign Currency Open Items Explain the Flat Rate Adjustment procedure for receivables Describe the concept of posting Individual Value Adjustments Regroup Receivables and Payables Locate and manage relevant customizing in the IMG © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 4-21 Customizing I: Balance Confirmations 1 Define form names for printing correspondence SAPF130D SAPF130K Balance confirmation Balance notification Balance request Check list Error list Results table 2 Define sender details for correspondence form Header SAPF130D SAPF130K Footer Signature Sender © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 4-22 Form F130_CONFIRM_01 Element 510 511 512 F130_LIST_01 F130_ERROR_01 Form ID LI ER F130_RESULT_01 RE Standard texts F_0001_HEADER F_0001_FOOTER_01 F_0001_SIGNATURE F_0001_SENDER Customizing II: Balance Confirmations 3 Define reply addresses for balance confirmation Company code Address ID is specified in program "Reply to" 4 Form of address Name Street City Telephone . . . Specify selection criteria for balance confirmation variant DEBI variant KRED SAPF130G account type D, table name KNA1, KNB1, BSEG account type K, table name LFA1, LFB1, BSEG These settings depend on the client, and enable you to access additional selection options from the above tables when you execute reports SAPF130D or SAPF130K. 5 Prepare balance confirmations for customers and vendors Create variants for programs SAPF130D and SAPF130K. © SAP AG 1999 See point 3: Minimum entry is one reply address using either ID “blank” or an explicit one. Depending on these entries the report requires the corresponding ID in the selection criterion. Example: You can use ID “blank” for the auditor‘s address. For ex.the ID 0001 for the same company code can be filled with the address of the internal revision department. This ID is entered in the selection criterion of the report for totals that the internal revision is interested in. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-23 IVA Posting for Doubtful Receivables Individual Value Adjustment General Ledger D Receivables C 100 000 Customer 1100 550 doubtful receivables IVA IVA for receivables Reconciliation 1 500 1500* posting * net method,without taxes (10%) Special GL Account Allowance for IVA 1 500 © SAP AG 1999 Doubtful receivables are written off as an individual value adjustment (IVA) during year-end closing. The special general ledger method is suitable for this procedure since the transaction is entered in the customer account and is also posted to a special GL account, “Individual Value Adjustments for Receivables”. Valuation adjustments are made if the receivable is determined to be uncollectible. An adjustment must also be made to taxes on sales and purchases. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-24 Flat-Rate IVA Posting for Doubtful Receivables Valuation Adjustment Key Customer A Company code XXXX Debit Rate (Percent) Accounting information VA Days 01 30 1 01 60 2 002 Sort key . . . . Value adjust. 01 Flat-Rate IVA Customer A 10000 2000 >30 days overdue >60 days overdue © SAP AG 1999 Receivables 10000 2000 Adjustment acct 20 200 Bad Debt Expense 20 200 With Release 4.5, you now have the ability to perform an automatic flat-rate individual value adjustment for overdue receivables. In Accounts Receivable configuration, you define the debit rate percentage (bad debt expense percentage) for a valuation adjustment key and an overdue time period in days. You must also set up the appropriate A/R adjustment and bad debt expense accounts on the account determination table. You assign the valuation adjustment key to the master record for any customer accounts that you want to include in the flat-rate individual valuation adjustment posting. Periodically, you process a valuation run to calculate the bad debt expense posting for overdue items. The valuation run produces a valuation proposal, which you can manually change, if desired. When you are satisfied with the proposal, you perform a valuation transfer to generate your postings in G/L. The system will create both the adjustment posting and a reversal posting for the next period. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-25 Foreign Currency Valuation and the Sorted List Invoice 1 Rate 1.50 UNI 100 FC Valuing open items in foreign currency at key date: SAPF100 Accounts receivable and payable, G/L accounts Different valuation methods in customizing ->Parallel currencies can be valued separately. Determining the valuation difference ->Only as a list, no posting entries ->Valuation at balance sheet key date + reversal ->Balance sheet key date valuation with update (note: only for fiscal year-end, no reversal document) 2 Listing Receivables and Payables SAPF101 By remaining life in the Balance Sheet Current Assets ... Receivables life less than one year life more than one year Vendors with debit balance Customers with credit balance Changed reconciliation accounts Batch input: Posting + Reversal Direct posting, batch input only when error or “without update” © SAP AG 1999 SAPF100: We recommend that you first run the program in TEST mode and examine the resulting output for accuracy (i.e. currency rates and account determination). If necessary, adjust customizing. The Currency codes you use must be defined under global settings in customizing for the entire system. In addition, you have to specify the number of decimal places that are managed for individual currencies. You define translation rates in the table for exchange rates. The system determines the rates during document entry and for key date valuations by using various currency rate types that are defined under global settings in customizing. Translation rates receive a validity date. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-26 Currencies Check currency codes Set up decimal places for currencies Check exchange rate types Maintain currency spreads Define rounding rules for currencies Define translation factors for currency translation Enter exchange rates © SAP AG 1999 Generally, you can use currency codes as they are delivered by SAP. You use the exchange rate type to be able to store exchange rates for different purposes on the same date in the system (see next pages). (C) SAP AG AC205 4-27 Exchange Rate Types Type Use B Bank selling rate G Bank buying rate M Average rate Base curr. curr. Buying rate at Selling rate at Inversion ... M M USD © SAP AG 1999 Exchange rate type: If no exchange rate is entered on the document, the system uses an exchange rate type to read the exchange rate table. The system uses exchange rate type "M" for currency translation during posting transactions if no exchange rate has been specified in the document type configuration. This exchange rate type must be contained in the system. Other types may be used during valuation procedures of foreign currency transactions. Base Currency: If you have to perform foreign currency translations for many different currencies, specifying a base currency for an exchange rate type can simplify the maintenance of foreign currency translations. Instead of entering translation rates between every single currency, you only need specify the translation rate between each currency and the base currency. All currency translations then take place in two steps - into the base currency and from the base currency into the target currency. For exchange rate relations within the EU, it is a legal requirement that the base currency (EUR) is the Fromcurrency. Buying rate at/ Selling rate at: You have the option of letting bank buying and selling rates to be calculated from average rate and spread. The spread is the difference between average rate and bank buying rate or between average rate and bank selling rate. For bank buying or selling rate, you enter the exchange rate type of the average rate to which the bank buying or selling rate corresponds. Inversion: If an entry is missing for the translation of a foreign currency into local currency in the system, then the translation takes place by means of the entry for the translation of local currency into foreign currency, providing the indicator is set. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-28 Spreads Type M From To CAD UNI Valid from Spread 01.01.99 0.1 Factor 1:1 Average rate M : 1.6 Bank buying rate G Bank selling rate B = 1.6 - 0.1 = 1.5 = 1.6 + 0.1 = 1.7 Devaluation: Evaluation: Foreign Currency Valuation Method © SAP AG 1999 During valuation, translation to bank selling and buying rate is done when the average rate is determined (during the evaluation run) and the spread is added to or subtracted from this rate. In this table you enter spreads for each foreign currency - local currency relationship you have to value in your system. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-29 Customizing: Valuation Methods Valuation method KTO Description FC balance per acct . . . Valuation procedure o Lowest value principle o Strict lowest value principle o Always valuate o Revalue only Balance evaluation Write extract Document type Post per line item SA Exchange rate determination Rate type for debit balance Rate type for credit balance G B Use exchange hedging o Determine rate type from account balance o Determine rate type from item with same invoice ref. © SAP AG 1999 You can define different valuation methods for valuing foreign currency. For each valuation method, you specify: Parameters for the valuation procedure Parameters for exchange rate determination. You can use different rate types for determining the exchange rate. See switch: Balance evaluation. Only relevant when using strictest or lowest evaluation principle. Example: evaluation of the open items of customer accounts. In order to have credit items evaluated, the switch must be ”on”. Otherwise, only debit items will be evaluated. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-30 Valuation (without Update) Receivable 180 Realized 30 180 Adjustment b 20 20 Bank 150 Valuation a a 20 Revenue 20 1. Invoice b 180 100 FC 1.8 2. Valuation 1.6 3. Payment 1.5 a) key date b) key date + 1 © SAP AG 1999 The above accounts show the posting transactions when valuing items in foreign currency without an update of the valuation difference in the document line item. In the period that the valuation is performed (as defined by the key date), a posting is made to adjust the overall receivables balance for the change in exchange rates. This posting is reversed in the next period, to bring the balances back to the original position. A subsequent valuation or the payment clearing is then based on the original posting. The adjustment posting is usually made on the key date and reversed on the key date + 1, however, the user can specify different posting dates if required. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-31 Valuation (with Update) Receivable 180 180 Realized Bank 10 Revenue 150 180 20 Adjustment 20 20 Valuation 1. Invoice 20 With translation Translation 20 Translation offsetting 100 FC 1.8 2. Valuation 1.6 3. Payment 1.5 not posted to the reconciliation account, only updated in the document 20 © SAP AG 1999 The accounts above show the resulting posting transactions when valuing items in foreign currency with an update of the valuation difference in the document line item. The check box ”Balance sheet preparation valuation” of the SAPF100 program determines whether or not open items will be updated. When following the strict lowest value principle, you must use valuation with an update. SAP recommends this only for the year-end valuation. If you value a document line item, the R/3 System stores the valuation difference in the document line item. The system then uses this valuation when clearing the item during payment or for subsequent valuations. Exchange rate differences that are not realized as valuation differences in the payment settlement, are posted as an exchange rate translation (see example above). You specify how the exchange rate translation is posted for each company code. This is relevant only in certain countries. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-32 Open Item Valuation FC LC Transaction/ / Transaction Slide X-Y new 100 180 100 160 Invoice 12/31. 1999 Keydate 100 175 100 180 100 170 12/31. 2000 12/31. 2001 Payment X X t X X X For annual balance sheet (with update) update) -20 - Lowest value principle -20 - Strict LVP. During the fiscal year (without update) - Lowest value principle -20 +20 (automatic reverse posting) +15 0 -5 +5 +5 0 -10 +10 0 -10 © SAP AG 1999 This slide provides an example of the valuation postings that would result as the value of an open item changes from period to period, depending on whether the lowest value principle or strict lowest value principle method is selected. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-33 Customizing: Account Determination for Open Item Exchange Rate Differences Process: KDF Chart of accts INT General ledger Currency Currency type Receivables Realized exchange rate difference Loss Gain Valuation Loss Gain Balance sheet adjustment © SAP AG 1999 Translation Loss Balance sheet adjustment loss Gain Balance sheet adjustment gain To evaluate foreign currencies in accounts managed on an open item basis, you define account entries for: Valuated exchange rate gains and losses for each reconciliation account in subledger accounts. The entries for realized exchange rate differences and translation are used during the clearing process only. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-34 Customizing: Regroup Receivables and Payables Receivables >1 year (VS2) <= 1 year Customers Payables (customers with credit balance) <= 1 year 1 - 5 years (VH2) > 5 years (VH3) 1 - 5 years (VH2) > 5 years (VH3) Payables <= 1 year Vendors Receivables (vendors with debit balance) <= 1 year (VS1) >1 year (VS2) Receivables <= 1 year G/L accounts Payables <= 1 year © SAP AG 1999 >1 year (VS2) 1 - 5 years (VH2) > 5 years (VH3) An account assignment is needed for the areas which are “not” highlighted in white, e.g. VS1 for vendors. Values are produced by balancing the reconciliation account against the appropriate open-item account. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-35 Example: Customers with Credit Balance Customer 1 600 One balance sheet item Receivables 100 600 200 20 Customer 2 100 Adjustment acct 20 To be adjusted 100 200 20 Customer 3 200 Open Item Analysis <= 1 year 200 Receivables <= 1 year Payables Receivables > 1 year Σ = 600 < 1 year Balance sheet adjustment & Regroup Receivables and Payables 100 1 - 5 years 20 > 5 years © SAP AG 1999 The balance of an account determines whether the system will display it as a receivable or payable. Receivables and payables are displayed separately by remaining life. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-36 Balancing for Affiliated Companies Customer X Business partner VERB01 Vendor Y Business partner VERB01 30,000 20,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 OI Analysis Receivables (VH1) <= 1 year (VH1) < 1 year (VH2) 1 - 5 years (VH3) > 5 years 35,000 50,000 (VH2) Payables Balance adjustment > 1 years 10,000 © SAP AG 1999 You show receivables and payables with a subsidiary in the accounts receivable or payable sub-ledgers. Use a separate reconciliation account to distinguish “Affiliated” from “Normal.” To connect the receivables and payables area, use the ”Business partner” field in the subledger account. The common balance determines customer or vendor sorting during balance sheet adjustment. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-37 Changed Reconciliation Account Customer Old rec. Old rec. Receivables adjustment 300 400 700 Old receivables New rec. 100 700 Common Common Balance: Balance: 00 Receivables adjustment Adjustment Posting 700 New receivables 100 © SAP AG 1999 Common Common Balance: Balance: +800 +800 You can change the reconciliation account in the customer/vendor master record during a fiscal year. The report for performing this change will display all the receivables at the balance sheet key date by using the new reconciliation account. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-38 Checks/Banks: Topic Objectives At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to: Evaluate foreign currency balance sheet accounts Explain the difference between open item valuation and balance sheet account valuation Locate and complete customizing in the IMG © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 4-39 Automatic Postings - Exchange Rate Differences Exch.rate foreign currency balances Exchange rate differences for open items G/L account Sub-ledger acct G/L account Currency FC Currency LC OI management Currency LC OI management OI1 = 100 USD OI2 = 500 USD OI3 = 300 CHF OIn = 900 FRF OI1 = 200 GBP OI2 = 800 GBP OI3 = 400 NLG OIn = 500 NLG Transaction figures in FC © SAP AG 1999 LC = Local currency FC = Foreign currency Use program RFSBEW00 to valuate foreign currency balances. Use program SAPF100 to valuate accounts managed on an open item basis. You can use G/L accounts as foreign currency balance sheet accounts. You can only post to these accounts in the currency defined in the account master record. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-40 Account Determination in Foreign Currency Balances Chart of accts AAAA Key Expense account |___| Losses from foreign currency valuation 1 TK Losses from for.curr.val.2 ... ... Revenue account Gains from foreign currency valuation Currency gains 2 G/L Account Account number 123456 Bank FC Chart of accounts AAAA 0001 Company code © SAP AG 1999 Currency Exch.rate diff. key FC TK Foreign currency accounts are valuated by balance. You can calculate exchange rate differences and post them via batch input using the RFSBEW00 program. Exchange rate differences in foreign currency balance sheet accounts are posted to various gains and losses accounts based on the exchange rate difference key in the G/L account master record. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-41 Valuing Foreign Currency Balance Sheet Accounts Exchange rate losses account Foreign curr. balance sheet acct. Posting rates 1.6 1.5 1.4 FC LC 1000 LC 1600 100 2000 150 Document 2800 480 480 Valuation method Account valuation Valuation rate at key date: 1.3 FC balance X rate at key date = 2900 x 1.3 = 3770 Cumulative balance in local currency Adjustment posting in local currency 4250 if required Difference = 480 © SAP AG 1999 Batch Input Depending on the valuation method used and the balance of the foreign currency balance sheet account, you may end up devaluing or revaluing your accounts. You can execute the valuation run with the same selection criteria as many times as you like. New transactions may change the balance of the account. A subsequent evaluation will only consider the account if there is a new currency difference. Important: The reports selects only accounts that are not open item managed and that are not Profit and Loss accounts. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-42 Accrual/Deferral Postings: Topic Objectives At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to: Describe the advantage of using accrual/ deferral postings instead of regular GL postings © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 4-43 Accrual/Deferral Postings Accrual/Deferral Postings Anticipated (accrued) Transitory (deferred) Service transaction now Payment transaction Payment transaction later Service transaction Example: Example: Prepaid rent, taxes on company car, etc. affecting subsequent periods Leasing expenses must be allocated to proper period © SAP AG 1999 To ensure that expenses are posted to the correct period, you can enter accrual/deferral documents, and then reverse them in a later step (collective processing). The reversal date (flag) in that document is then regarded as the posting date of the reversal document. If you need to do accruals/deferrals often, the recurring entry program is recommended. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-44 Accrual/Deferral Posting: Warehouse Lease Start of warehouse lease Rent prepayment: quarterly basis Full expense 1500 12/1 1/31 2/28 Period 12 12/31 Accrual/Deferral -1000 Expenses hit Periods 01 and 02 01/01 Cancellation posting -0 1000 © SAP AG 1999 The monthly rent is 500: Prepayment of rent on 12/1 Posting: Debit Rent credit Bank 1500 Accrual/Deferral posting on 12/31 Debit Pre-paid expenses credit Rent 1000 Cancellation posting on 01/01 Debit Rent credit Accrued income 1000 During the entering of accrual/deferral document you have to enter a reversal reason. The reason is noted in the document that is reversed. You can then see from this field why a particular document was reversed. The reversal reason also determines: If the reversal document can have a different posting date If the reversal document can be comprised of negative postings (C) SAP AG AC205 4-45 Assets and Liabilities: Unit Summary Periodic activities in Asset Accounting and Materials Management impact the closing of the GL: Settling assets under construction Depreciation and interest expense postings GR/IR account maintenance Material price changes and revaluations Physical inventory procedure Opening the new fiscal year (fiscal year change) and closing the old fiscal year (year end closing) in Asset Accounting are annual closing functions. Open item accounts containing foreign currency transactions such as payables/receivable and foreign currency balance sheet accounts have to be revalued periodically, Regrouping of the payables/receivables and analysis of the GR/IR clearing account can provide more accurate presentation of the financial statements. © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 4-46 Assets & Liabilities Exercises Unit: Assets & Liabilities Topic: Fixed Assets At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: • • • Change the fiscal year in Asset Accounting in test mode Post depreciation Discuss year-end closing functions in Asset Accounting In preparation for year-end closing, you need to review the closing activities for Asset Accounting. For month-end closing, you need to process a depreciation run to record depreciation expense for the current period and post the results to the General Ledger. 1-1 Execute the ‘Fiscal Year Change’ program for your company code AC## only IN TEST RUN MODE. Review the documentation that results from this execution. If you receive a ‘Limitation in online’ message, click on ‘Yes’ to continue processing 1-2 Process an unplanned depreciation run for your company code for the current period. View the effect of this closing process on your asset value in Asset Accounting and on your financial statements produced from the General Ledger. 1-2-1 Review the current asset values for your asset TACMACH##, sub-number 0, in your company code AC## before posting depreciation. 1-2-2 In a second session, review the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) before posting depreciation using the report variant VAR## that you created earlier. At this time, you will see only the asset acquisition balance. 1-2-3 In your first session, process an unplanned depreciation run for the current period in your company code AC##. Process a production run (de-select test run) and use DEPR## for your batch input session name to make it easier to identify. The instructor will provide you with the appropriate output device. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-47 Remember that you must process a production depreciation run in background. Select immediate processing. 1-2-4 Wait a couple of minutes for the program to process and view the asset value again to see the depreciation posted to the asset. 1-2-5 Process the resulting batch input session (errors only) to generate the posting to the General Ledger. Processing is complete when you receive the message 'Batch input processing completed'. 1-2-6 Return to your second session to rerun the balance sheet/profit and loss statement. At this time, you will see depreciation posting in the balance sheet (accumulated depreciation) and in the P&L (ordinary depreciation). 1-3 Answer the following questions about Asset Accounting year-end closing activities. 1-3-1 Name the year-end activity that has to be performed within FI-AA in order to be able to post on assets in the new fiscal year. When should this activity be performed? 1-3-2 Which two activities within FI-AA that have to be performed in the new year in order to close the previous year? (C) SAP AG AC205 4-48 Exercises Unit: Assets & Liabilities Topic: Current Assets At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: • Enter a manual price change for a material • Execute the lowest cost determination for a material and record the price adjustment Your company will use the manual price change function to update material prices on an as needed bases, as prices for items change significantly. You will also revalue materials at the end of the year using the lowest cost determination method. You need to test both of these functions and view the effect in both Materials Management and Financial Accounting. 2-1 Process a manual material price change. View the affect of the transaction on the material master in MM and the balance sheet/P&L in G/L. 2-1-1 Review the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) for inventory balances before posting the material revaluation from the manual price change. Use the report variant VAR## that you created earlier. 2-1-2 In a new session, review the current material price and value for material TAC205-## in plant AC##. Record the values for the material standard price, total stock (quantity), total value, and previous price from the Accounting 1 view of the material master record. Standard price: _____________________ Total stock: _____________________ Total value: _____________________ Previous price: _____________________ 2-1-3 Manually change the price of material T-AC205-## in your company code AC## and plant AC## to 9 UNI. Post the price change to the current date. 2-1-4 Display the material stock value again (Accounting 1 view in the material master) for your material T-AC205-## in plant AC## in MM to see the result of the revaluation. Record the values for the material standard price, total stock (quantity), total value, and previous price. Standard price: _____________________ Total stock: _____________________ (C) SAP AG AC205 4-49 Total value: _____________________ Previous price: _____________________ 2-1-5 Return to your original session to rerun the balance sheet/profit and loss statement. On the balance sheet, the inventory account for your material now reflects the current valuation for your material. The difference between this value and the original value is reflected on the P&L in the 'Expense from revaluation of own materials' account. 2-2 Perform lowest cost determination and material revaluation. If you performed exercise 2-1, skip steps 2-2-1 and 2-2-2. 2-2-1 Review the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) for inventory balances before posting the material revaluation from the lowest cost determination. Use the report variant VAR## that you created earlier. 2-2-2 In a second session, review the current material value for material T-AC205-## in plant AC##. Record the values for the material standard price, total stock (quantity), total value, and previous price from the Accounting 1 view of the material master record. 2-2-3 Generate a purchase order to buy 100 pieces (PC) of casing material T-AC205## at a cost of 8 UNI for plant AC## from vendor T-F00A00. The purchasing organization is Purchase Org AC##, the purchasing group is Mr. Becker, and the company code is Company Code Training ## (your company code AC##). Record your purchase order number. 2-2-4 Receive the material from your purchase order into inventory for plant AC##. The movement type for this transaction is 101, and the storage location for your material T-AC205-## is 0001. 2-2-5 Display the accounting document generated for the goods receipt in the previous step. Note that the value of the material posted to the inventory account is the goods receipt quantity multiplied by the current standard price of the material. The difference between the standard price and purchase price is recorded to a loss account. 2-2-6 Return to your original session to rerun the balance sheet/profit and loss statement. The increase in stock from the goods receipt is reflected in the inventory account balance. 2-2-7 Execute the lowest value determination for your material T-AC205-## in your company code AC##. The lowest value determination will be performed with the current date as the key date, using the receipt and order prices as for market price information. In this case, you will perform a direct update of the (C) SAP AG AC205 4-50 database, which will update the material master with the lower of the standard or market prices and result in a revaluation of materials currently in stock. We could also have elected to generate the lowest value determination without updating the material price. Instead, we could run the Evaluation transaction in MM to determine the overall inventory adjustment for all our materials and perform a manual entry to FI for a Summary Revaluation. 2-2-8 Display the material stock value again (Accounting 1 view in the material master) for your material T-AC205-## in plant AC## in MM to see the result of the revaluation. Record the values for the material standard price, total stock (quantity), total value, and previous price. Standard price: _____________________ Total stock: _____________________ Total value: _____________________ Previous price: _____________________ 2-2-9 Return to your original session to rerun the balance sheet/profit and loss statement. On the balance sheet, the inventory account for your material now reflects the current valuation for your material. The difference between this value and the original value is reflected on the P&L in the 'Expense from revaluation of own materials' account. 2-3 Answer the following questions about maintaining the GR/IR Clearing Account. 2-3-1 Is maintaining the GR/IR Clearing Account an FI or MM transaction? 2-3-2 In which case must this transaction be performed? 2-3-3 How often does SAP recommend this maintenance take place? 2-4 (C) SAP AG Describe the intention of material price changes. What is the impact on the balance sheet/profit and loss statement? AC205 4-51 Exercises Unit: Assets & Liabilities Topic: Analyze GR/IR Account At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: • Describe the GR/IR clearing account analysis feature Your manager wants to know what is required to bring the GR/IR clearing account balance to zero for year-end reporting. You need to describe how this is accomplished. 3-1 (C) SAP AG The GR/IR account has to be analyzed and its balance reduced to zero at the balance sheet key date. Which program analyzes your GR/IR accounts, and what do you have to do in customizing in order to enable the program to operate properly? Drill down in the IMG in order to locate the necessary entries. AC205 4-52 Exercises Unit: Assets & Liabilities Topic: Receivables & Payables At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: • Create a balance confirmation for your customer • Revalue your foreign currency open items for your customer • Regroup receivables You need to perform closing procedures for payables and receivables. For the counting/checking step, you will create a balance confirmation to verify you customer account balance. For correct local currency valuation, you need to revalue foreign currency open items. You will choose between the with and without update valuation approaches. And for the best presentation of receivables on your balance sheet, you will process the regrouping program to break out your long term receivables. 4-1 Create a balance confirmation for your customer T-F00A00 in your company code AC##. 4-1-1 If the course is being held in a language other than German, change the customer language to the course language in the customer master record. This will produce the balance confirmation in the appropriate language. Perform the Address information change for customer T-F00A00 in company code AC##. If the balance confirmation forms have not been set up in SAPScript in the course language, the output will default back to German. 4-1-2 Produce your balance confirmation for your customer in your company code. 4-2 Determine the exchange rates currently in effect for posting a foreign currency document and for foreign currency revaluation postings. 4-2-1 Locate in the IMG the current M exchange rate (standard translation at average rate) between British pounds (GBP) and your local currency (UNI). This is the exchange rate that was used when your document was posted. Record the exchange rate. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-53 Currency relation: 1 GBP = ___________UNI 4-2-2 Calculate the G exchange rate (standard translation at bank buying rate) from the M exchange rate and the spread. G rate = ___________(M rate from previous step) - ___________ (Spread for M rate, GBP to UNI) = ___________ EXERCISE 4-3 AND 4-4 ARE BOTH FOREIGN CURRENCY OPEN ITEM REVALUATIONS, 'WITHOUT UPDATE' AND 'WITH UPDATE', RESPECTIVELY. YOUR INSTRUCTOR WILL TELL YOU WHICH EXERCISE TO COMPLETE. 4-3 Value open items in foreign currency without update of the line item 4-3-1 Review the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) for Accounts Receivable before posting the foreign currency open item revaluation. Use the report variant VAR## that you created earlier. 4-3-2 In another session, execute the foreign currency valuation program first in test mode in order to see what the valuation difference is on the last day of the current period. Run the program for your company code AC##, valuation method KTO, and customer T-F00A00. Be sure to specify your company code! 4-3-3 Execute the foreign currency valuation program in production in order to post your valuation difference. Run the program for your company code AC##, valuation method KTO, and customer T-F00A00. To make this a production run, select Create postings. 4-3-4 Return to your original session to rerun the balance sheet/profit and loss statement. On the balance sheet, the foreign currency revaluation has been posted to the receivables adjustment account, reducing the total receivables. The difference between this value and the original value is reflected on the P&L in the 'Expense from currency revaluation' account. 4-3-5 4-4 (C) SAP AG (Optional) Now run the balance sheet/profit and loss statement for the next period. Since the adjustment posting is automatically reversed on the key date + 1 in a valuation without update, the balance sheet is returned to its original position when we run it for the next period. Value open items in foreign currency with update of the line item AC205 4-54 4-4-1 Review the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) for Accounts Receivable before posting the foreign currency open item revaluation. Use the report variant VAR## that you created earlier. 4-4-2 In another session, execute the foreign currency valuation program first in test mode in order to see what the valuation difference is on the last day of the current period. Run the program for your company code AC##, valuation method KTO, and customer T-F00A00. Be sure to specify your company code! 4-4-3 Execute the foreign currency valuation program in production in order to post your valuation difference. Run the program for your company code AC##, valuation method KTO, and customer T-F00A00. To make this a production run with update, select Bal. sheet preparation valuatn. 4-4-4 Display the valuation difference that has been recorded to your foreign currency open item (currency GBP). 4-4-5 Return to your original session to rerun the balance sheet/profit and loss statement. On the balance sheet, the foreign currency revaluation has been posted to the receivables adjustment account, reducing the total receivables. The difference between this value and the original value is reflected on the P&L in the 'Expense from currency revaluation' account. 4-5 Regroup receivables with a maturity date greater than one year in the future. 4-5-1 Review the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) for Accounts Receivable before regrouping. All receivables are currently shown as short-term (due within one year). Use the report variant VAR## that you created earlier. 4-5-2 In another session, display the open item for your customer T-F00A00 in company code AC## that is due in two years . In the line item display, choose the Terms of payment display variant. 4-5-3 Process in production the program to regroup receivables and payables for your customer T-F00A00 in your company code AC##. Specify a balance sheet key date of the last day of the period and use the standard sorted list SAP The program will create a batch input session with the regrouping postings. In the report selection screen, change the batch input session name to REGROUP## to make your session easier to identify. Be sure to specify your company code! 4-5-4 Process your batch input session REGROUP## (errors only) to post the transactions to the G/L. Processing is complete when you receive the message 'Batch input processing completed'. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-55 If you forgot to change the name of your batch input session, the default name is the program name, SAPF101. To identify YOUR session, look for your user ID in the Created column. 4-5-5 Return to your original session to rerun the balance sheet/profit and loss statement. On the balance sheet, the Accounts Receivable Due In One Year has been reduced by the credit to the adjustment account. The debit from this posting can be seen in the Accounts Receivable Not Due Within One Year section of the balance sheet. 4-5-6 (Optional) Now run the balance sheet/profit and loss statement for the next period. Since the adjustment posting is automatically reversed on the key date + 1, the balance sheet is returned to its original position when we run it for the next period. 4-6 (C) SAP AG What are the two procedures provided in the R/3 System to account for doubtful receivables? Provide a brief description of each procedure. AC205 4-56 Exercises Unit: Assets & Liabilities Topic: Checks, Banks At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: • Revalue foreign currency balance sheet accounts Your company, which reports in the UNI currency, does business globally and maintains cash accounts in foreign currencies. You will process the revaluation program for one of these cash accounts. 5-1 Execute the foreign currency balance sheet accounts evaluation program (RFSBEW00) and analyse the output of the list. Process the batch input session to update Financial Accounting. 5-1-1 Review the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) for the Deustche Bank - USD Account (113150). Use the report variant VAR## that you created earlier. 5-1-2 Execute the foreign currency balance sheet account evaluation program in production and analyse the output of the list. Process the program to revalue a bank account maintained in USD, 113150, in your company code AC## on the last day of the period. Perform the revaluation in your company code currency (type 10), use valuation method KTO, and generate both the adjustment and reversal postings. In order to update the database, create a batch input session named FCREVAL##. 5-1-3 Process your batch input session FCREVAL## (errors only) to post to transactions to the G/L. Processing is complete when you receive the message 'Batch input processing completed'. If you forgot to change the name of your batch input session, the default name is the program name, RFSBEW00. To identify YOUR session, look for your user ID in the Created column. 5-1-4 Return to your original session to rerun the balance sheet/profit and loss statement. On the balance sheet, Deustche Bank - USD Account debit balance has been reduced in the local currency (UNI) based on the revaluation. The (C) SAP AG AC205 4-57 debit from this posting can be seen in the profit and loss statement in the account 'Foreign currency revaluation losses'. 5-1-5 (Optional) Now run the balance sheet/profit and loss statement for the next period. Since the adjustment posting is automatically reversed on the key date + 1, the balance sheet is returned to its original position when we run it for the next period. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-58 Exercises Unit: Assets & Liabilities Topic: Accrual/Deferral Postings At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: • Accrue and reverse expenses for legal fees • Identify the benefits of using the Accrual/Deferral Posting transaction The Accounting department has been notified that about half of the work on a lawsuit has been completed, and the legal fees that have been earned but not yet billed amount to 75,000 UNI. The invoice for the entire project is expected in the upcoming period. 6-1 Process the accrual and reversal transactions for the legal fees. 6-1-1 Accrue 75000 UNI as Legal Social Expenses (account 440000) to the current period using the current date with offset to Other Accruals (account 204000). 6-1-2 Post the reversal. 6-1-3 Review the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) to see the accural to the Legal Social Expenses account (440000) for the current period. Use the report variant VAR## that you created earlier. 6-1-4 Now run the balance sheet/profit and loss statement for the next period to see the effect of the reversal. 6-2 (C) SAP AG Name at least one advantage for using the transaction 'Accrual/deferral postings' instead of posting accruals/deferrals with a 'normal GL posting'. AC205 4-59 Assets & Liabilities Solutions Unit: Assets & Liabilities Topic: Fixed Assets 1-1 Execute the ‘Fiscal Year Change’ program for your company code AC## only IN TEST RUN MODE. Review the documentation that results from this execution. Menu path for fiscal year change: Accounting → Financial accounting → Fixed assets → Periodic processing → Fiscal year change Enter the following information: Company Code: AC## New Fiscal Year: Current year + 1 Test Run: Leave flag turned on Execute the report. If you receive a ‘Limitation in online’ message, click on ‘Yes’ to continue processing Return to the main menu after reviewing the report. 1-2 Process an unplanned depreciation run for your company code for the current period. View the effect of this closing process on your asset value in Asset Accounting and on your financial statements produced from the General Ledger. 1-2-1 Review the current asset values for your asset TACMACH##, sub-number 0, in your company code AC## before posting depreciation. Menu path to display the asset value: Accounting → Financial accounting → Fixed assets → Asset → Display → Asset Enter the following information: Asset: Sub-number: Company code: (C) SAP AG AC205 4-60 TACMACH## 0 AC## Click Asset values. Review the data on the Planned values tab. Click the Posted values tab to review the postings. Return to main menu. 1-2-2 In a second session, review the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) before posting depreciation using the report variant VAR## that you created earlier. At this time, you will see only the asset acquisition balance. Menu path to open a new session: System → Create session Menu path for report: Information Systems → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Balance sheet Select variant: Goto → Variants → Get Enter VAR##. Select 'Execute' to choose the variant. Execute the report. After reviewing the report, back up to the Balance Sheet/P+L screen. Return to first session. 1-2-3 In your first session, process an unplanned depreciation run for the current period in your company code AC##. Process a production run (de-select test run) and use DEPR## for your batch input session name to make it easier to identify. The instructor will provide you with the appropriate output device. Remember that you must process a production depreciation run in background. Select immediate processing. Menu path for depreciation program: Accounting → Financial accounting → Fixed assets → Periodic processing → Depreciation run → Execute Enter the following information: Company code: AC## (C) SAP AG AC205 4-61 Fiscal year: Current year Posting period: Current period Select Unplanned posting run. De-select Test run. Change 'Session name' to DEPR##. Select Program → Execute in background. Enter the output device specified by the instructor. Select 'Enter'. Click Immediate. Save. 1-2-4 Wait a couple of minutes for the program to process and view the asset value again to see the depreciation posted to the asset. Menu path to display the asset value: Accounting → Financial accounting → Fixed assets → Asset → Display → Asset Enter the following information: Asset: TACMACH## Sub-number: 0 Company code: AC## Click Asset values. Click Posted values to review. Return to the main menu. 1-2-5 Process the resulting batch input session (errors only) to generate the posting to the General Ledger. Processing is complete when you receive the message 'Batch input processing completed'. Menu path for batch input session: System → Services → Batch input → Sessions Mark your session and click Process. Select Errors only and click Process. Click Exit to confirm the 'Batch input processing completed' message. Click Start SAP Easy Access to return to the SAP Enjoy display. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-62 1-2-6 Return to your second session to rerun the balance sheet/profit and loss statement. At this time, you will see depreciation posting in the balance sheet (accumulated depreciation) and in the P&L (ordinary depreciation). From the Balance Sheet/P+L screen, execute the report again. 1-3 Answer the following questions about Asset Accounting year-end closing activities. 1-3-1 Name the year-end activity that has to be performed within FI-AA in order to be able to post on assets in the new fiscal year. When should this activity be performed? The Fiscal Year Change opens new annual value fields for each asset. The earliest you can start this program is in the last posting period of the 'old' year. 1-3-2 Which two activities within FI-AA that have to be performed in the new year in order to close the previous year? First, the depreciation run completes all of the depreciation concerning the old year. Second, the Year-End Closing program checks to see that customizing of AA is technically correct. Additionally, once this program is executed an entry is made into a table which denotes that the 'old year' has been closed and therefore can no longer be posted to. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-63 Solutions Unit: Assets & Liabilities Topic: Current Assets 2-1 Process a manual material price change. View the affect of the transaction on the material master in MM and the balance sheet/P&L in G/L. 2-1-1 Review the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) for inventory balances before posting the material revaluation from the manual price change. Use the report variant VAR## that you created earlier. Menu path for report: Information Systems → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Balance sheet Select variant: Goto → Variants → Get Enter VAR##. Select 'Execute' to choose the variant. Execute the report. After reviewing the report, back up to the Balance Sheet/P+L screen. 2-1-2 In a new session, review the current material price and value for material TAC205-## in plant AC##. Record the values for the material standard price, total stock (quantity), total value, and previous price from the Accounting 1 view of the material master record. Menu path to open a new session: System → Create session Menu path to display material stock value: Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Material → Display → Display current Enter T-AC205-## in the Material field. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-64 Press 'Enter'. Mark the Accounting 1 view. Press 'Enter'. Enter AC## in the Plant field. Press 'Enter'. Review the current values for the pertinent fields. Return to the main menu. Standard price: _____________________ Total stock: _____________________ Total value: _____________________ Previous price: _____________________ 2-1-3 Manually change the price of material T-AC205-## in your company code AC## and plant AC## to 9 UNI. Post the price change to the current date. Menu path for material price change: Logistics → Materials Management → Valuation → Valuation → Price determination → Change price Enter the following information: Posting date: Current date Company code: AC## Plant: AC## Press 'Enter'. Enter the following information: Material: T-AC205-## New (price): 9 Press 'Enter'. Save. Return to the main menu. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-65 2-1-4 Display the material stock value again (Accounting 1 view in the material master) for your material T-AC205-## in plant AC## in MM to see the result of the revaluation. Record the values for the material standard price, total stock (quantity), total value, and previous price. Menu path to display material stock value: Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Material → Display → Display current Enter T-AC205-## in the Material field. Press 'Enter'. Mark the Accounting 1 view. Press 'Enter'. Enter AC## in the Plant field. Press 'Enter'. Review the current values for the pertinent fields. Return to the main menu. Standard price: _____________________ Total stock: _____________________ Total value: _____________________ Previous price: _____________________ 2-1-5 Return to your original session to rerun the balance sheet/profit and loss statement. On the balance sheet, the inventory account for your material now reflects the current valuation for your material. The difference between this value and the original value is reflected on the P&L in the 'Expense from revaluation of own materials' account. From the Balance Sheet/P+L screen, execute the report again. After reviewing the report, back up to the Balance Sheet/P+L screen. 2-2 Perform lowest cost determination and material revaluation. If you performed exercise 2-1, skip steps 2-2-1 and 2-2-2. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-66 2-2-1 Review the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) for inventory balances before posting the material revaluation from the lowest cost determination. Use the report variant VAR## that you created earlier. Menu path for report: Information Systems → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Balance sheet Select variant: Goto → Variants → Get Enter VAR##. Select 'Execute' to choose the variant. Execute the report. After reviewing the report, back up to the Balance Sheet/P+L screen. 2-2-2 In a second session, review the current material value for material T-AC205-## in plant AC##. Record the values for the material standard price, total stock (quantity), total value, and previous price from the Accounting 1 view of the material master record. Menu path to open a new session: System → Create session Menu path to display material stock value: Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Material → Display → Display current Enter T-AC205-## in the Material field. Press 'Enter'. Mark the Accounting 1 view. Press 'Enter'. Enter AC## in the Plant field. Press 'Enter'. Review the current values for the pertinent fields. Return to the main menu. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-67 2-2-3 Generate a purchase order to buy 100 pieces (PC) of casing material T-AC205## at a cost of 8 UNI for plant AC## from vendor T-F00A00. The purchasing organization is Purchase Org AC##, the purchasing group is Mr. Becker, and the company code is Company Code Training ## (your company code AC##). Record your purchase order number. Menu path to create a purchase order: Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase order → Create → Vendor/supplying plant known Enter the following information: Vendor: T-F00A00 Doc. date: The current date - 4 weeks Plant: AC## Click 'Item overview'. Enter the following information: Purchasing org.: Purchase Org AC## Purch. group: Mr. Becker Company code: Company Code Training ## Enter the following information in the first row: Material: PO Q(uantity): Net (Price): Plant: T-AC205-## 100 8 AC## Save your entry. Record your purchase order number. Return to the main menu. 2-2-4 Receive the material from your purchase order into inventory for plant AC##. The movement type for this transaction is 101, and the storage location for your material T-AC205-## is 0001. Menu path for goods receipt: Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase order → Follow-on functions → Goods receipt Enter the following information: (C) SAP AG AC205 4-68 Movement type: 101 Purchase order: Plant: Storage location: Your purchase order from the previous step AC## 0001 Press 'Enter'. Save your entry. The system will return you to the Goods Receipt for Purchase Order: Initial Screen. DO NOT EXIT THIS SCREEN 2-2-5 Display the accounting document generated for the goods receipt in the previous step. Note that the value of the material posted to the inventory account is the goods receipt quantity multiplied by the current standard price of the material. The difference between the standard price and purchase price is recorded to a loss account. Menu path to display accounting document from the Goods Receipt for Purchase Order: Initial Screen: Goods receipt → Display Click Overview. Click Accounting docs… Click Accounting document. Review the postings generated by the goods receipt Return to the main menu. 2-2-6 Return to your original session to rerun the balance sheet/profit and loss statement. The increase in stock from the goods receipt is reflected in the inventory account balance. From the Balance Sheet/P+L screen, execute the report again. After reviewing the report, back up to the Balance Sheet/P+L screen. 2-2-7 Execute the lowest value determination for your material T-AC205-## in your company code AC##. The lowest value determination will be performed with the current date as the key date, using the receipt and order prices as for market price information. In this case, you will perform a direct update of the (C) SAP AG AC205 4-69 database, which will update the material master with the lower of the standard or market prices and result in a revaluation of materials currently in stock. We could also have elected to generate the lowest value determination without updating the material price. Instead, we could run the Evaluation transaction in MM to determine the overall inventory adjustment for all our materials and perform a manual entry to FI for a Summary Revaluation. Menu path for lowest value determination: Logistics → Materials Management → Valuation → Valuation → Bal. sheet valuation → Determ. lowest value → Market prices Enter the following information: Company code: AC## Key date: Material: Current date T-AC205-## Click Market price. De-select all options except Receipt prices and Order prices. Select 'Enter'. Select Database update. Click Change material prices. Select Direct update. Select 'Enter'. Execute the program. The system will display a listing of the price changes. Return to the main menu. 2-2-8 Display the material stock value again (Accounting 1 view in the material master) for your material T-AC205-## in plant AC## in MM to see the result of the revaluation. Record the values for the material standard price, total stock (quantity), total value, and previous price. Menu path to display material stock value: Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Material → Display → Display current Enter T-AC205-## in the Material field. Press 'Enter'. Mark the Accounting 1 view. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-70 Press 'Enter'. Enter AC## in the Plant field. Press 'Enter'. Review the current values for the pertinent fields. Standard price: _____________________ Total stock: _____________________ Total value: _____________________ Previous price: _____________________ 2-2-9 Return to your original session to rerun the balance sheet/profit and loss statement. On the balance sheet, the inventory account for your material now reflects the current valuation for your material. The difference between this value and the original value is reflected on the P&L in the 'Expense from revaluation of own materials' account. From the Balance Sheet/P+L screen, execute the report again. After reviewing the report, back up to the Balance Sheet/P+L screen. 2-3 Answer the following questions about maintaining the GR/IR Clearing Account. 2-3-1 Is maintaining the GR/IR Clearing Account an FI or MM transaction? Maintaining the GR/IR Clearing Account is an MM transaction. 2-3-2 In which case must this transaction be performed? This transaction has to be performed for each business transaction in which the quantity of material delivered differs from the quantity invoiced and no further transaction is expected. During open item account management, selected items receive the same allocation (usually purchase order number and position). This technical precondition to automatically clear the selected open items is given (SAPF124). This precondition must be met in order to archive these cleared items. 2-3-3 How often does SAP recommend this maintenance take place? Depending on the number of transactions in the GR/IR account, SAP recommends maintaining the clearing account on a monthly or quarterly basis in order to match up in good time open purchase orders with all corresponding postings. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-71 2-4 Describe the intention of material price changes. What is the impact on the balance sheet/profit and loss statement? Changing the price in the material serves to adapt the standard price based on current prices. This reflects the development of the delivered costs of the material. An accounting document is automatically posted for the revaluation of stocked materials. This will result in an adjustment to inventory values reflected on the balance sheet and income/expense from revaluation on the P&L. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-72 Solutions Unit: Assets & Liabilities Topic: Analyze GR/IR Account 3-1 The GR/IR account has to be analyzed and its balance reduced to zero at the balance sheet key date. Which program analyzes your GR/IR accounts, and what do you have to do in customizing in order to enable the program to operate properly? Drill down in the IMG in order to locate the necessary entries. The program RFWERE00 analyses the GR/IR Account. In order to post to the accounts 'goods delivered, but not invoiced' and 'goods invoiced but not yet delivered', you have to allocate these assignments in the IMG to the transaction keys BNG and GNB. Menu path for account determination of GR/IR Clearing adjustment accounts: Tools → AcceleratedSAP → Customizing → Edit Project → Goto →SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → General Ledger Accounting → Business Transactions → Closing → Regrouping → Define Adjustment Acounts for GR/IR Clearing (C) SAP AG AC205 4-73 Solutions Unit: Assets & Liabilities Topic: Receivables & Payables 4-1 Create a balance confirmation for your customer T-F00A00 in your company code AC##. 4-1-1 If the course is being held in a language other than German, change the customer language to the course language in the customer master record. This will produce the balance confirmation in the appropriate language. Perform the Address information change for customer T-F00A00 in company code AC##. If the balance confirmation forms have not been set up in SAPScript in the course language, the output will default back to German. Menu path to change customer master record: Accounting → Financial accounting → Accounts receivable → Μaster records → Change Enter the following information: Customer: Company code: T-F00A00 AC## Scroll down to the Language field. Change the language to the course language. Save your entry. Return to the main menu. 4-1-2 Produce your balance confirmation for your customer in your company code. Menu path to print balance confirmations: Accounting → Financial accounting → Accounts receivable → Periodic processing → Closing → Check/count → Balance confirmation:Print (C) SAP AG AC205 4-74 Enter the following information: Customer: T-F00A00 Company code: AC## Reconciliation key date: Current date Individual customers: X Date of issue: Current date Correspondence sorting: Sort by account number Line item sorting: Document date, reference/ The instructor will give you the printer assignment (same for all the output lists): Printer for form set Printer for check list Printer for results Printer for error list Printer for selection Execute the program. Scroll up or down to view the information on the displayed page. Page down to view the other report pages. Return to the main menu. 4-2 Determine the exchange rates currently in effect for posting a foreign currency document and for foreign currency revaluation postings. 4-2-1 Locate in the IMG the current M exchange rate (standard translation at average rate) between British pounds (GBP) and your local currency (UNI). This is the exchange rate that was used when your document was posted. Record the exchange rate. Menu path for exchange rates: Tools → AcceleratedSAP → Customizing → Edit Project → Goto →SAP Reference IMG → General Settings → Currencies → Enter exchange rates Currency relation: 1 GBP = ___________UNI 4-2-2 Calculate the G exchange rate (standard translation at bank buying rate) from the M exchange rate and the spread. Menu path for exchange rate spreads: Tools → AcceleratedSAP → Customizing → Edit Project → Goto →SAP Reference IMG → General Settings → Currencies → Maintain exchange rate spreads (C) SAP AG AC205 4-75 G rate = ___________(M rate from previous step) - ___________ (Spread for M rate, GBP to UNI) = ___________ EXERCISE 4-3 AND 4-4 ARE BOTH FOREIGN CURRENCY OPEN ITEM REVALUATIONS, 'WITHOUT UPDATE' AND 'WITH UPDATE', RESPECTIVELY. YOUR INSTRUCTOR WILL TELL YOU WHICH EXERCISE TO COMPLETE. 4-3 Value open items in foreign currency without update of the line item 4-3-1 Review the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) for Accounts Receivable before posting the foreign currency open item revaluation. Use the report variant VAR## that you created earlier. Menu path for report: Information Systems → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Balance sheet Select variant: Goto → Variants → Get Enter VAR##. Select 'Execute' to choose the variant. Execute the report. After reviewing the report, back up to the Balance Sheet/P+L screen. 4-3-2 In another session, execute the foreign currency valuation program first in test mode in order to see what the valuation difference is on the last day of the current period. Run the program for your company code AC##, valuation method KTO, and customer T-F00A00. Be sure to specify your company code! Menu path to open a new session: System → Create session Menu path for FC open item revaluation: (C) SAP AG AC205 4-76 Accounting → Financial accounting → Accounts receivable → Periodic processing → Closing → Valuate → Open items in foreign currency Enter the following information: Company code: AC## Key date for OI overview: Last day of the current period For. curr. valuation methods: KTO Select the Selections tab and enter Customer account number T-F00A00. Execute the program. Review the results. Return to the Open Item Foreign Currency Valuation screen. 4-3-3 Execute the foreign currency valuation program in production in order to post your valuation difference. Run the program for your company code AC##, valuation method KTO, and customer T-F00A00. To make this a production run, select Create postings. Menu path for FC open item revaluation: Accounting → Financial accounting → Accounts receivable → Periodic processing → Closing → Valuate → Open items in foreign currency Enter the following information: Company code: AC## Key date for OI overview: Last day of the current period For. curr. valuation methods: KTO Create postings: X Select the Selections tab and enter Customer account number T-F00A00. Execute the program. Return to your first session. 4-3-4 Return to your original session to rerun the balance sheet/profit and loss statement. On the balance sheet, the foreign currency revaluation has been posted to the receivables adjustment account, reducing the total receivables. The difference between this value and the original value is reflected on the P&L in the 'Expense from currency revaluation' account. From the Balance Sheet/P+L screen, execute the report again. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-77 After reviewing the report, back up to the Balance Sheet/P+L screen. 4-3-5 (Optional) Now run the balance sheet/profit and loss statement for the next period. Since the adjustment posting is automatically reversed on the key date + 1 in a valuation without update, the balance sheet is returned to its original position when we run it for the next period. On the Balance Sheet/P+L screen, enter the following: Reporting period: Current period + 1 to Current period + 1 Execute the report again. Return to the main menu. 4-4 Value open items in foreign currency with update of the line item 4-4-1 Review the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) for Accounts Receivable before posting the foreign currency open item revaluation. Use the report variant VAR## that you created earlier. Menu path for report: Information Systems → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Balance sheet Select variant: Goto → Variants → Get Enter VAR##. Select 'Execute' to choose the variant. Execute the report. After reviewing the report, back up to the Balance Sheet/P+L screen. 4-4-2 In another session, execute the foreign currency valuation program first in test mode in order to see what the valuation difference is on the last day of the current period. Run the program for your company code AC##, valuation method KTO, and customer T-F00A00. Be sure to specify your company code! Menu path to open a new session: (C) SAP AG AC205 4-78 System → Create session Menu path for FC open item revaluation: Accounting → Financial accounting → Accounts receivable → Periodic processing → Closing → Valuate → Open items in foreign currency Enter the following information: Company code: AC## Key date for OI overview: Last day of the current period For. curr. valuation methods: KTO Select the Selections tab and enter Customer account number T-F00A00. Execute the program. Review the results. Return to the Open Item Foreign Currency Valuation screen. 4-4-3 Execute the foreign currency valuation program in production in order to post your valuation difference. Run the program for your company code AC##, valuation method KTO, and customer T-F00A00. To make this a production run with update, select Bal. sheet preparation valuatn. Menu path for FC open item revaluation: Accounting → Financial accounting → Accounts receivable → Periodic processing → Closing → Valuate → Open items in foreign currency Enter the following information: Company code: AC## Key date for OI overview: Last day of the current period For. curr. valuation methods: KTO Bal. sheet preparation valuatn: X Select the Selections tab and enter Customer account number T-F00A00. Execute the program. Return to the main menu 4-4-4 Display the valuation difference that has been recorded to your foreign currency open item (currency GBP). Menu path to display customer open items: (C) SAP AG AC205 4-79 Accounting → Financial accounting → Accounts receivable → Account → Display/change line items Enter the following information: Customer account: Company code: T-F00A00 AC## Execute. Double-click the open item with currency GBP. Click More data. Note the 'Valuation diff.' field. Return to your first session. 4-4-5 Return to your original session to rerun the balance sheet/profit and loss statement. On the balance sheet, the foreign currency revaluation has been posted to the receivables adjustment account, reducing the total receivables. The difference between this value and the original value is reflected on the P&L in the 'Expense from currency revaluation' account. From the Balance Sheet/P+L screen, execute the report again. After reviewing the report, return to the main menu. 4-5 Regroup receivables with a maturity date greater than one year in the future. 4-5-1 Review the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) for Accounts Receivable before regrouping. All receivables are currently shown as short-term (due within one year). Use the report variant VAR## that you created earlier. Menu path for report: Information Systems → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Balance sheet Select variant: Goto → Variants → Get Enter VAR##. Select 'Execute' to choose the variant. Execute the report. After reviewing the report, back up to the Balance Sheet/P+L screen. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-80 4-5-2 In another session, display the open item for your customer T-F00A00 in company code AC## that is due in two years . In the line item display, choose the Terms of payment display variant. Menu path to display customer open items: Accounting → Financial accounting → Accounts receivable → Account → Display/change line items Enter the following information: Customer account: T-F00A00 Company code: AC## Execute. Click Choose (display variant). Double-click the Terms of payment variant. Note the document with a 'Pmnt date' two years in the future. Return to the main menu. 4-5-3 Process in production the program to regroup receivables and payables for your customer T-F00A00 in your company code AC##. Specify a balance sheet key date of the last day of the period and use the standard sorted list SAP The program will create a batch input session with the regrouping postings. In the report selection screen, change the batch input session name to REGROUP## to make your session easier to identify. Be sure to specify your company code! Menu path to regroup receivables: Accounting → Financial accounting → Accounts receivable → Periodic processing → Closing → Regroup → Receivables/payables Enter the following information: Company code: AC## Balance sheet key date: Last day of the current period Sorted list: SAP Carry out postings: X Batch input session name: REGROUP## Select the Selections tab. Press 'Enter' to ignore document type warning message. Enter the following information: Account type: Customer: (C) SAP AG AC205 4-81 D (customer) T-F00A00 Execute the program. From the report screen, click Postings to view the transactions that have been created. Return to the report. On the report screen, click Messages to view the batch input session information. 4-5-4 Process your batch input session REGROUP## (errors only) to post the transactions to the G/L. Processing is complete when you receive the message 'Batch input processing completed'. If you forgot to change the name of your batch input session, the default name is the program name, SAPF101. To identify YOUR session, look for your user ID in the Created column. Menu path for batch input session: System → Services → Batch input → Sessions Mark your session and click Process. Select Errors only and click Process. Click Exit to confirm the 'Batch input processing completed' message. Click Start SAP Easy Access to return to the SAP Enjoy display. 4-5-5 Return to your original session to rerun the balance sheet/profit and loss statement. On the balance sheet, the Accounts Receivable Due In One Year has been reduced by the credit to the adjustment account. The debit from this posting can be seen in the Accounts Receivable Not Due Within One Year section of the balance sheet. From the Balance Sheet/P+L screen, execute the report again. After reviewing the report, back up to the Balance Sheet/P+L screen. 4-5-6 (Optional) Now run the balance sheet/profit and loss statement for the next period. Since the adjustment posting is automatically reversed on the key date + 1, the balance sheet is returned to its original position when we run it for the next period. On the Balance Sheet/P+L screen, enter the following: Reporting period: Current period + 1 to Current period + 1 Execute the report again. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-82 After reviewing the report, return to the main menu. 4-6 What are the two procedures provided in the R/3 System to account for doubtful receivables? Provide a brief description of each procedure. 1. The Individual Valuation Adjustment (IVA) - Individual open items are identified as doubtful. Using a special G/L indicator, a manual transaction records a credit through the A/R subledger to a special general ledger account set up for this purpose, which reduces the total receivables balance on the financial statement. The offset is posted to an Allowance for IVA or Bad Debt Expense acccount. 2. The Flat-Rate IVA - Customers are assigned to a valuation adjustment key. A bad debt expense percentage, based on number of days overdue, is specified for the valuation adjustment key. A valuation run calculates the adjustment for all open items for the selected customers and overdue dates and automatically generates the adjusting posting to the General Ledger and a reversal in the next period. The Flat-Rate IVA does not update the A/R subledger. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-83 Solutions Unit: Assets & Liabilities Topic: Checks, Banks 5-1 Execute the foreign currency balance sheet accounts evaluation program (RFSBEW00) and analyse the output of the list. Process the batch input session to update Financial Accounting. 5-1-1 Review the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) for the Deustche Bank - USD Account (113150). Use the report variant VAR## that you created earlier. Menu path for report: Information Systems → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Balance sheet Select variant: Goto → Variants → Get Enter VAR##. Select 'Execute' to choose the variant. Execute the report. After reviewing the report, back up to the Balance Sheet/P+L screen. 5-1-2 Execute the foreign currency balance sheet account evaluation program in production and analyse the output of the list. Process the program to revalue a bank account maintained in USD, 113150, in your company code AC## on the last day of the period. Perform the revaluation in your company code currency (type 10), use valuation method KTO, and generate both the adjustment and reversal postings. In order to update the database, create a batch input session named FCREVAL##. Menu path for foreign currency balance revaluation: Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing → Valuate → Foreign Currency Valuation of Inventory Enter the following information: (C) SAP AG AC205 4-84 G/L account: 113150 Company code: AC## Key date: Last day of the current period Valuation in curr. type: 10 (Company code currency) Method: KTO Create batch input seesion: X Batch input session name: FCREVAL## Postings with reversal: X Execute the program. Review the report. 5-1-3 Process your batch input session FCREVAL## (errors only) to post to transactions to the G/L. Processing is complete when you receive the message 'Batch input processing completed'. If you forgot to change the name of your batch input session, the default name is the program name, RFSBEW00. To identify YOUR session, look for your user ID in the Created column. Menu path for batch input session: System → Services → Batch input → Sessions Mark your session and click Process. Select Errors only and click Process. Click Exit to confirm the 'Batch input processing completed' message. Click Start SAP Easy Access to return to the SAP Enjoy display. 5-1-4 Return to your original session to rerun the balance sheet/profit and loss statement. On the balance sheet, Deustche Bank - USD Account debit balance has been reduced in the local currency (UNI) based on the revaluation. The debit from this posting can be seen in the profit and loss statement in the account 'Foreign currency revaluation losses'. From the Balance Sheet/P+L screen, execute the report again. After reviewing the report, back up to the Balance Sheet/P+L screen. 5-1-5 (Optional) Now run the balance sheet/profit and loss statement for the next period. Since the adjustment posting is automatically reversed on the key date + 1, the balance sheet is returned to its original position when we run it for the next period. On the Balance Sheet/P+L screen, enter the following: Reporting period: Current period + 1 to Current period + 1 (C) SAP AG AC205 4-85 Execute the report again. After reviewing the report, return to the main menu. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-86 Solutions Unit: Assets & Liabilities Topic: Accrual/Deferral Postings 6-1 Process the accrual and reversal transactions for the legal fees. 6-1-1 Accrue 75000 UNI as Legal Social Expenses (account 440000) to the current period using the current date with offset to Other Accruals (account 204000). Menu path for accrual/deferral posting: Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing → Valuate → Enter Accrual/Deferral Doc. Enter the following information: Document date: Current date Type: SA Company code: AC## Currency: UNI Reversal reason: 05 (Accrual) Reversal date: First day of next period PstKy: 40 Account: 440000 Press 'Enter'. Enter the following information: Amount: 75000 Cost center: T-A20A## PstKy: 50 Account: 204000 Press 'Enter'. Enter the following information: Amount: * Tax code: 0I Text: Legal fees case ## Click Post. 6-1-2 Post the reversal. Menu path for accrual/deferral posting: (C) SAP AG AC205 4-87 Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing → Valuate → Reverse Accrual/Deferral Document Enter the following information: Company code: AC## Fiscal year: Current year Posting date: First day of current period To: Last day of current period Test run: De-select Execute the program. 6-1-3 Review the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) to see the accural to the Legal Social Expenses account (440000) for the current period. Use the report variant VAR## that you created earlier. Menu path for report: Information Systems → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Balance sheet Select variant: Goto → Variants → Get Enter VAR##. Select 'Execute' to choose the variant. Execute the report. After reviewing the report, back up to the Balance Sheet/P+L screen. 6-1-4 Now run the balance sheet/profit and loss statement for the next period to see the effect of the reversal. On the Balance Sheet/P+L screen, enter the following: Reporting period: Current period + 1 to Current period + 1 Execute the report again. After reviewing the report, return to the main menu. 6-2 Name at least one advantage for using the transaction 'Accrual/deferral postings' instead of posting accruals/deferrals with a 'normal GL posting'. 1. Posting with this transaction ensures that you will not forget a document that is supposed to be reversed. All documents can be reversed in one step. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-88 2. By entering a reversal reason you can control more efficiently and have better documentation and structuring for your accrual and deferral postings. (C) SAP AG AC205 4-89 Profit and Loss Overview of closing in Controlling (internal closing) Posting salary expenses from Human Resources to financial accounting © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 5-1 Profit and Loss: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: Give an overview of processes within controlling that impact financial accounting Describe how the reconciliation ledger is used to update financial accounting for transactions within CO that cross FI organizational units Lock a period to prevent postings within CO Explain how salary expenses are posted to financial accounting © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 5-2 Profit and Loss: Course Overview Diagram Who is interested in financial results? Closing Process Financial statement version Overview Internal view 2000 October External view Auditor’s view Balance Sheet Assets Liabilities Equity Profit & Loss Revenues Costs Appendix Customizing Technical, Organizational, and Documentary Steps © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 5-3 Profit and Loss: Business Scenario Profit and Loss reporting offers profitability analysis on the reporting company. Many processes in internal and external accounting have an impact on this area of information. As a member of the project team, you will have to be aware of preparatory activities and ensure that the information presented in the P&L statement is correct. © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 5-4 Controlling: Topic Objectives At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to: Give an overview of processes within controlling that impact financial accounting Describe the various means of order settlement to financial accounting Describe other types of costs allocations within CO Explain how the reconciliation ledger is used to update financial accounting for transactions that cross FI organizational units Lock a period to prevent postings within CO © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 5-5 Controlling in R/3 COCOOMOMCEL External procure- FI ment Material MM COCOOMOMCCA Personnel ECECPCA Cost elements P C r o o n f t i r t o Cost centers COCOABC HR Capital AM COCOOPA AA COCOPA COCOPA Billing SD doc. COCOABC Overhead ord. ord. Overhead proj. COCOPC Cost objects Assets MM l Processes Material stocks e a . . . Profitability segments Revenue types C l e i n n t g e r a s r Accr. © SAP AG 1999 Controlling in the R/3-System consists of: Overhead Management (CO-OM) - Reconciliation Ledger - Cost Center Accounting - Overhead Orders and Projects - Activity Based Costing Product and Production Management Profitability Analysis Profit Center Accounting can also be used to provide internal views of the enterprise from Enterprise Controlling (EC). Revenues and costs flow into Controlling through FI from the application components illustrated above. Transactions in CO such as allocations, settlements and repostings reassign costs for management reporting purposes. (C) SAP AG AC205 5-6 Allocating Costs to Financial Accounting Sender Capital investment order Overhead cost orders PP Orders Allocation criteria Recipient Retain original cost elements or use settlement cost elements Periodically to: Cost center Annually to: assets & const. Total to: Assets in service Retain original cost elements or use settlement cost elements to G/L account (when FIAA is not used, for example) Use settlement cost elements for external recipients Periodically to: “Work in Process" account Total to: Balance sheet acct © SAP AG 1999 A settlement of an order or project can be an external or internal settlement. The processing of internal and external settlements is identical; the difference is in the type of receiver object. In an external settlement, costs are transferred from the order or project (on the P&L) to a balance sheet or non-operating revenue/expense account on the GL. In the above examples, the overhead cost order and production orders are settled directly to the relevant accounts on the GL. In the case of the capital investment order, the asset account in the Asset Accounting subledger is updated with the asset acquisition value, which is in turn used to update the appropriate assets in service account on the GL. In an external settlement, the GL is updated online, real-time. The settlement of projects contains the same procedures as settling orders. (C) SAP AG AC205 5-7 Allocating Costs to CO Objects I Sender Allocation Criteria Receiver Primary cost center Credit per "Overhead order" Use overhead cost elements Internal order Project Order/Project "Settlement" Retain original cost elements or use settlement cost elements Cost center Order Project .... © SAP AG 1999 Other transactions within CO that are relevant to orders and projects are overhead surcharges and internal settlements. In the overhead surcharge, overhead is transferred from a cost center or overhead order and applied to the order or project. In an internal settlement, costs are allocated from the order/project to another CO object such as a cost center, order, project, and so on. These transactions are internal to CO; financial accounting is not updated during processing. (C) SAP AG AC205 5-8 Allocating Costs to CO Objects II Sender Allocation Criteria Receiver Allocation cost center "periodic reposting" reposting" Retain original cost elements Primary cost center Internal order/Project Service cost center "Distribution" Retain original cost elements Cost center Internal order/Project Service cost center " Internal activity allocation " Use cost elements for internal activity allocation Cost center, Internal order, Project, PP order Credit object Cost center/accrual mgt order " Imputed cost calculation" Use settlement cost elements Cost center Service/Primary cost center "Activity clearing at actual activity price" Use cost elements for internal activity allocation Cost center © SAP AG 1999 There are several types of transactions associated with cost centers that result in cost flows within CO. These cost center allocations are all internal to CO; financial accounting is not updated during processing. (C) SAP AG AC205 5-9 Reconciliation Ledger Navigation aids General ledger Reconciliation postings Reconciliation reports / Cost analyzes Reconciliation postings ... Controlling 001 001 002 001 002 002 Company codes Business areas © SAP AG 1999 In some cases, the GL should be updated for the postings described on the previous pages as “internal to CO”. This is a requirement when the CO cost flows cross FI organizational units (company codes, business areas, and functional areas). The reconciliation ledger stores all cost flows within controlling in a summarized form. The reconciliation ledger represents cost element accounting in the R/3 system. The reconciliation ledger compares the CO view of data to the FI view and enables you to automatically reconcile controlling with financial accounting. (C) SAP AG AC205 5-10 Reconciliation Postings $500 Company code: 0001 Object class: Overhead Company code: 001 Object class: Overhead Activity: Transfer Debit/Credit: Credit Value: $500- 0002 Overhead 001 Overhead Transfer Debit $500+ of the receiver of the sender Reconc. ledger Account determination Profit/loss accts: Internal transfers 500 General ledger 500 Allocation accounts 500 Company code 0001 500 Company code 0002 © SAP AG 1999 Postings in controlling that affect different company codes, business areas or functional areas are used to generate reconciliation postings to financial accounting via the reconciliation ledger. You can create reconciliation postings at any time. However, be sure to do so after the last relevant CO postings have been made. Prerequisites for reconciliation postings are: Adjustment and clearing accounts must exist in Financial Accounting The adjustment accounts must be assigned to business transactions or object types, or a combination of these. Utility functions are available when you create reconciliation postings. These include the functions “Detail list” and “Test run”. (C) SAP AG AC205 5-11 Lock Period in Controlling Locking transactions or periods Transactions Periods 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 CO through-posting from FI Periodic reposting ... Assessment ... © SAP AG 1999 Use the period lock to lock plan and actual business transactions for a combination of controlling area, fiscal year, and version. You can select individual business transactions for locking from a list of all the actual and plan business transactions. It is also possible to lock individual business transactions for all the periods of the fiscal year, or all business transactions for individual periods. (C) SAP AG AC205 5-12 Posting Salary Expenses from HR: Topic Objectives At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to: Explain how salary expenses are posted to financial accounting Describe the location of payroll data within the balance sheet Describe the monthly procedure of calculating payroll data within the HR module Outline the functionality of automatic and/or manual posting of HR-relevant data © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 5-13 Payroll Procedure and Subsequent Activities Master data Changes to master data End of payroll May June Payroll released Payroll and corrections Subsequent activities per payroll period Renumeration statement Payroll results for May Posting to Accounting Further countrycountry-specific reporting © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 5-14 Data medium exchange FI CO Posting Payroll Results to Accounting Expenses Salaries Posting Posting run run HR Posting Posting document document Payroll results Payables FI Salaries payable 3.500,- 2.600,- Social insurance Tax payable 550,- 350,SI payable 1.100,CO Cost center 1 3.000,- Salaries Cost center 2 500,- Salaries Fixed cost center 550,- Social insurance Special purpose ledger, Funds Management etc. ... © SAP AG 1999 Payroll results are posted to Accounting via the FI/CO interface. Posting date: Subsequent corrective posting in special periods: - If revised amounts are detected during the payroll run for one or more previous periods in the current fiscal year, subsequent posting takes place in the current period. Revised amounts for periods in the previous year can be posted into a special period in the previous year, and written off to a clearing account in the current year. Month-end accruals: - If there are discrepancies between the HR payroll period and the FI posting period, the payroll amounts are posted to the respective posting periods proportionally. Revision The FI documents are linked to the original documents in HR through the HR document number which can be displayed in the FI document header. By double-clicking on the HR posting document, you can display detailed information on revisions, including the wage types posted from the payroll run. This allows you to trace all postings to Accounting back to HR Payroll Accounting. Posting Payroll Results to Accounting (C) SAP AG AC205 5-15 Additional Subsequent Activities Expenses Payables Bank accounts FI HR manual Payroll result Salaries 3.500,- Payments to employees HR Salaries 2.600,- 2.600,- Social insurance 550,- Tax payable 350,- Bank clearing 2.600,350,1.100,- 350,- manual SI payable Tax and health insurance payments 1.100,- 1.100,- Vendor payments © SAP AG 1999 Payments to employees: The data medium exchange program (DME) saves the employee payroll data to a diskette that is sent to the respective bank. The contents of the diskette are posted manually to bank clearing accounts using a DME list. Tax and health insurance payments are also posted manually. Using the personnel number: For some postings, such as advance payments and claims, it is useful to supply the employee's personnel number. This allows you to control open items on the GL account with FI assistance, and to manually or automatically clear accounts and archive the documents. Automatic clearing can only take place for open items with the same assignment (in this case, personnel number). Payments using HR creditors: In some countries (for example, the USA and Canada), payments to third parties are made using the third-party remittance function. In this case, amounts on payables accounts are transferred to HR creditor accounts, and paid automatically using the payment program. (C) SAP AG AC205 5-16 Month-End Activities in FI Subsequent activities within Financial Accounting Reconciliation between posted amounts / payments Check deductions for advanced payments Check deductions for claims Reconciliation of cross-company processes © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 5-17 FI Profit and Loss: Unit Summary Periodic settlement of capital investment orders, overhead cost orders, PP orders and projects, can contain FI-GL postings. Other controlling postings do not update the GL directly. For controlling cost flows that cross FI organizational units, the reconciliation ledger provides the tool to update FI. Postings within the CO application components are controlled with the period lock function. Monthly salary expenses from HR and subsequent activities affect FI-GL. © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 5-18 Profit and Loss Exercises Unit: Profit and Loss Topic: Controlling At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: • Settle an internal order to generate a cross-business area cost flow within Controlling • Execute a reconciliation posting from CO to FI Your company produces financial statements at the business area organizational level. In the Controlling application, internal orders are used to collect costs for internal services. When the services are charged to the receiver (through the settlement function), these costs may flow across business areas. After closing is complete in CO, you will run the reconciliation ledger closing to update FI for these cost flows. 1-1 Review the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) to see the costs recorded to your internal order (to account 404000, Spare Parts) using the report variant VAR## that you created earlier. At.this point, the cost is charged to business area 1000. 1-2 Process order settlement for your order T-ACREP## and analyze the results. 1-2-1 In another session, execute report Orders: Actual/plan/variance to see the costs on your order T-ACREP## 1-2-2 Settle your order T-ACREP##, which belongs to business area 1000 (Mechanical Engineering), to your Research and Development cost center, which belongs to business area 9900 (Corporate Services). 1-3 (Optional) Return to the first session and rerun the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) to see the costs for account 404000, Spare Parts. You will see that the cost is still shown in FI under business area 1000, because the order settlement was internal to CO and did not generate an FI posting. 1-4 Generate the reconciliation posting for your company code AC## in the current period. Process the program in production for all reconciliation postings and produce a detail list of the transactions to be generated. 1-5 Return to the first session and rerun the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) to see the costs for account 404000, Spare Parts. You will see that the (C) SAP AG AC205 5-19 cost is now shown in FI under business area 9900, because the of the reconciliation posting to FI. 1-6 Within cost center accounting, a cross-cost center reposting of primary costs has been done because an employee moved from one cost center to another during the period. Both cost centers belong to different business areas. In Financial Accounting, you are interested in business-area-related Profit & Loss statements including all relevant costs. What R/3 functionality offers you the ability to update internal cost flows to Financial Accounting ? 1-7 Answer the following questions about production orders. 1-7-1 Which procedures/activities within the life of a production order impact external accounting? 1-7-2 A production order represents the status of accomplishment of an inhouseconstructed product. If this product is not completed at the end of a period, how can this be displayed in the balance sheet? (C) SAP AG AC205 5-20 Exercises Unit: Profit and Loss Topic: Salary expenses At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: • Describe the effect of payroll processing on FI You need to review the integration between payroll and FI. 2-1 During the transfer of salary expense data to financial accounting the period was already closed. What will be the reaction of the system? 2-2 Where in the FI document do you find the link to the HR document? (C) SAP AG AC205 5-21 Profit and Loss Solutions Unit: Profit and Loss Topic: Controlling 1-1 Review the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) to see the costs recorded to your internal order (to account 404000, Spare Parts) using the report variant VAR## that you created earlier. At.this point, the cost is charged to business area 1000. Menu path for report: Information Systems → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Balance sheet Select variant: Goto → Variants → Get Enter VAR##. Select 'Execute' to choose the variant. Execute the report. After reviewing the report, back up to the Balance Sheet/P+L screen. 1-2 Process order settlement for your order T-ACREP## and analyze the results. 1-2-1 In another session, execute report Orders: Actual/plan/variance to see the costs on your order T-ACREP## Menu path to open a new session: System → Create session Menu path for report: Accounting → Controlling → Internal Orders → Information system → Reports for internal orders → Plan/actual comparisons → Orders: Actual/plan/variance Enter the following information: Controlling area: Fiscal year: From period: To period: (C) SAP AG AC205 5-22 1000 Current year Current period Current period Plan version: Or value(s): 0 T-ACREP## Execute the report. Return to the main menu. 1-2-2 Settle your order T-ACREP##, which belongs to business area 1000 (Mechanical Engineering), to your Research and Development cost center, which belongs to business area 9900 (Corporate Services). Menu path for settlement: Accounting → Controlling → Internal Orders → Period-end closing → Single functions → Settlement → Individual processing Enter the following information: Order: T-ACREP## Settlement period: Posting period: Fiscal year: Processing type: Test run: Current period Current period Current year Automatic De-select Execute the settlement. Click Detail lists to view the settlement receiver. Place the cursor on your order T-ACREP##. Click Accounting documents to see that there is no FI document ('Accounting document'). Return to the main menu. 1-3 (Optional) Return to the first session and rerun the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) to see the costs for account 404000, Spare Parts. You will see that the cost is still shown in FI under business area 1000, because the order settlement was internal to CO and did not generate an FI posting. From the Balance Sheet/P+L screen, execute the report again. After reviewing the report, back up to the Balance Sheet/P+L screen. 1-4 Generate the reconciliation posting for your company code AC## in the current period. Process the program in production for all reconciliation postings and produce a detail list of the transactions to be generated. Menu path for reconciliation posting: (C) SAP AG AC205 5-23 Accounting → Controlling → Cost Element Accounting → Actual postings → Reconciliation with FI Enter the following information: Select Company code and enter AC##. Period: Current period Fiscal year: Current year Execute all reconcil. postings: Select Test run: De-select Detail lists: Select Execute the program. Return to the main menu. 1-5 Return to the first session and rerun the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) to see the costs for account 404000, Spare Parts. You will see that the cost is now shown in FI under business area 9900, because the of the reconciliation posting to FI. From the Balance Sheet/P+L screen, execute the report again. After reviewing the report, back up to the Balance Sheet/P+L screen. 1-6 Within cost center accounting, a cross-cost center reposting of primary costs has been done because an employee moved from one cost center to another during the period. Both cost centers belong to different business areas. In Financial Accounting, you are interested in business-area-related Profit & Loss statements including all relevant costs. What R/3 functionality offers you the ability to update internal cost flows to Financial Accounting ? R/3’s 'Reconciliation Ledger' offers you the ability to reconcile internal cross organizational cost flows to Financial Accounting. 1-7 Answer the following questions about production orders. 1-7-1 Which procedures/activities within the life of a production order impact external accounting? When the production of materials is completed, a goods receipt transaction creates a Financial Accounting document. The settlement of a production order at completion will result in the posting of the remaining balance to variance accounts in FI. (C) SAP AG AC205 5-24 1-7-2 A production order represents the status of accomplishment of an inhouseconstructed product. If this product is not completed at the end of a period, how can this be displayed in the balance sheet? This uncompleted status is posted directly to FI and displayed as work in process in the balance sheet. (C) SAP AG AC205 5-25 Solutions Unit: Profit and Loss Topic: Salary expenses 2-1 During the transfer of salary expense data to financial accounting the period was already closed. What will be the reaction of the system? The HR document receives an error and has to be regenerated within HR. 2-2 Where in the FI document do you find the link to the HR document? In the document header of the FI document you will find the logical system in which the original HR document exists, as well as a reference key to identify the HR document. (C) SAP AG AC205 5-26 Customizing Technical, Organizational and Documentary Steps Technical steps: Posting period maintenance Balance carry-forward Schedule Manager Organizational steps: Subsequent business area and profit center adjustment. Documentary steps: Balance audit trail (accumulated) © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 6-1 Customizing Technical, Organizational and Documentary Steps: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: Describe technical, organizational and documentary steps that have to be taken in order to ensure accurate and correct period change, and data processing. © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 6-2 Customizing Technical, Organizational & Documentary Steps: Course Overview Diagram Who is interested in financial results? Closing Process Financial statement version Overview Internal view 2000 October External view Auditor’s view Balance Sheet Assets Liabilities Equity Profit & Loss Revenues Costs Appendix Customizing Technical, Organizational, and Documentary Steps © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 6-3 Customizing Technical, Organizational and Documentary steps: Business Scenario The R/3 system offers many flexible evaluation possibilities. As a project team member, you will need to determine that legal and business requirements may be met with R/3. In order to do this you will need to perform system activities to facilitate and control the accuracy of data as well as to verify that proper security of accounting data exists. © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 6-4 Customizing Technical Steps: Topic Objectives At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to: Describe the technical background and organizational benefit of the posting periods table Maintain the posting periods table Outline the technical aspects of the balance carry-forward Outline functions combined within Schedule Manager Create a task list Create and schedule a task © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 6-5 Defining Posting Periods DR Posting date 03/25/YYYY Gross & Co. Invoice from Customer Gross & Co. - Master data - Balances YYYY Bal.carried Bal.carried fwd Period 01 02 03 + 1,100 04 : 16 1800000025 03/25/YYYY Total 1,100 can be posted to today Fiscal year YYYY 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Closing periods Calendar year (( 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 (( (( © SAP AG 1999 The posting date, which is specified during document entry, determines to which posting period the document is recorded. The posting periods for your company is defined by the fiscal year variant. With the fiscal year variant, you can make the following system settings: Beginning and end of your fiscal year Number of "normal" posting periods (01-16) Number of special periods (remaining periods up to 16 after selection of “normal” periods) Posting period length You can create a fiscal year variant for a shortened fiscal year. (C) SAP AG AC205 6-6 Posting Period Control Period 1 Period 2 Var. A From acct To account From per. 1 Year To period 0001 + Year From per. 2 Year To period 1 2000 2 2000 13 1999 16 0001 A ZZZZZZZZ 1 2000 2 2000 13 1999 16 0001 D ZZZZZZZZ 1 2000 2 2000 13 1999 16 Close subledgers for period 1 Period 1 Period 2 Var. A From acct To account From per. 1 Year To period Year From per. 2 Year To period 1 2000 2 2000 13 1999 16 0001 A ZZZZZZZZ 2 2000 2 2000 13 1999 16 0001 D ZZZZZZZZ 2 2000 2 2000 13 1999 16 0001 + Close all postings for period 1 Period 1 Period 2 Var. A From acct To account From per. 1 Year To period 0001 D © SAP AG 1999 To period 2 2000 2 2000 13 1999 16 ZZZZZZZZ 2 2000 2 2000 13 1999 16 ZZZZZZZZ 2 2000 2 2000 13 1999 16 0001 + 0001 A Year From per. 2 Year The posting periods table is used to open and close posting periods. You can have as many or as few posting periods open as you want. The first column illustrated contains the posting period variant. This code is assigned to your company codes to allow you to open and close the posting periods for several companies at the same time. The next column contains the account type. Account types include “+” for all accounts, “A” for assets, “D” for customer accounts, “K” for vendor accounts, and “S” for G/L accounts. This allows you to control the open posting periods by account type. Accounts are open for the periods specified in the table and closed for periods not specified. The row containing the “+” setting for account type determines the maximum ranges of periods that are available to be open for any account type. For example, in the second table illustrated, any account could be opened for periods 13 through 16 of 1999 and periods 1 through 2 of 2000. Additional rows containing individual account types (A, D, and so on) restrict the open periods for the accounts specified. In the second table, this means that the Asset Accounting subledger and Accounts Receivable subledger have been closed for the first period of 2000. Another column on the table (not shown) allows you to assign an authorization group to the periods open in the “Period 1” interval. The authorization group has no affect on the periods open in the “Period 2” interval. This allows you to restrict postings in “Period 1” to a designated group (e.g., Accounting), while all users can still post within “Period 2”. (C) SAP AG AC205 6-7 Balance Carry-Forward Old Fiscal Year Balance Sheet Account CB 120 Balance Sheet Account CB 100 Profit and Loss Stmt CB 20 SAPF011 New Fiscal Year Balance Sheet Account Balance Sheet Account CF 120 CF 100 Bal. Carry Fwd Acct CF CB = Closing balance 20 CF = Bal.carried fwd © SAP AG 1999 The system calculates the balance carried forward to the new fiscal year for each balance sheet account. The profit and loss account balance is transferred to the balance carry forward account. You have to carry balances forward as well for both customers and vendors (SAPF010). You can group the carried forward according to the GL account master record field: Profit & Loss account statement type. Only Profit & Loss Accounts: You have accounts that contain different currencies, you can collapse the different currencies to local currency by activating the checkbox: ”Only balances in local currencies” in the master record of the balance carry forward account. You can run the programs as often as you want. You can even run this program in the old fiscal year, because an automatic carried forward to the next year is performed during every posting. If you intend to carry out the balance carried forward during the actual fiscal year, SAP recommends the run as late as possible. If you use additional ledgers like: FI-SL and/ or parallel currencies, you have to run the carry forward with the the program SAPFGVTR. (C) SAP AG AC205 6-8 Schedule Manager: Benefits Benefits provided by the Schedule Manager the closing process is more transparent and easier to handle event driven processing means that the R/3 System automatically performs the necessary steps monitoring the complete process is convenient worklist driven error analysis and integrated error handling procedures reduce the time needed for error correction total processing time is minimized by optimized worklist processing © SAP AG 1999 The Schedule Manager makes period-end closing easier. It provides a cross-application single point of entry for all transactions related to the closing process. It includes all steps, from defining the structure of your closing process to scheduling the jobs and monitoring the results. It provides you with all the data relevant for period-end closing. All authorized employees can find information on pending tasks, look at the objects to be processed, and schedule more tasks. They can see clearly when, for example, monthly closing must be completed, and the previous period is to be closed. You can use the Schedule Manager at any time to check when, and which activities are to be executed, and with which result. The Schedule Manager not only facilitates period-end closing, it is also useful in other components of the SAP R/3 System. It assists with the definition, scheduling, execution and control of individual, periodic tasks, and complex processes that have to be executed regularly. The Schedule Manager provides you with a continuous overview. (C) SAP AG AC205 6-9 Schedule Manager: Monitor Task list Status Details Parameters Add. Info Start date End date User name Job status Business transaction Actual period lock Periodic reposting Internal Orders: Closing Activity Actual Overhead Spool list Job log Detail list Basic list Actual Settlement User decision Messages Mssg Text The monitor provides you with all necessary information © SAP AG 1999 202 ORD 100070 Trade fair Lisbon 205 Maintain the settlement rule of the sender 202 205 ORD 100071 Trade fair Atlanta Cost Center 12345 does not exist on 10/31/99 202 ORD 100358 Special Events 217 Cost element 600199 does not exist on 10/31/99 202 ORD 101065 Marketing On the first screen of the Schedule Manager, you find the documentation which will help you through your first steps. (If you do not need it anymore, you switch these ‘User notes off’.) The Schedule Manager enables you to do the following: Create a structured display of tasks in task lists. The tasks can be executed periodically and by more than one user. A task list provides you with the following task types: Flows that can be executed in the background, which are defined once, and executed periodically (compare with flow definition) Individual jobs that can be executed in the background Programs or transactions that you wish to execute individually online Notes as placeholders to describe tasks that you do not process in the R/3 System. You can store detailed documentation on each task. In the daily overview, you can get an overview of all the executed or scheduled tasks for a day. The system logs the task execution, and provides you with information on the planned and actual start time, as well as the current status of each task. You can go from the daily overview to the monitor, to get detailed information on jobs or flows. (C) SAP AG AC205 6-10 Schedule Manager: Scheduling Task list 2000 October Send mail: Closing process started Set period lock Periodic reposting of personnel costs Internal Orders: Overhead and settlement Daily overview: overview: October 31, 2000 Cost Centers: Allocations Time Description Status User 8:00 Mail sent Miller Convenient management 8:15 Actual period lock Miller of period-end closing with the Schedule Manager 8:30 Periodic reposting Smith 9:45 Internal Orders: Closing Jones 11:30 Cost Centers: Allocations Jones © SAP AG 1999 In the monitor, you can call up detailed information on the active or completed jobs and flows that were scheduled in the scheduler. The status field shows you immediately where errors occurred. All messages that the system created during job execution are displayed in a clear list. You can go from here to the spool list, job log, detail, and basic list. Once you check the results, you can change the system status and give a reason for the change. The system logs your manual changes. (C) SAP AG AC205 6-11 Schedule Manager: Task List - Flow Definition Flow Definition: Internal Orders Task list Send mail: Closing process started Workflow started Set period lock Select worklist Periodic reposting of personnel costs Calculate overhead rates Internal Orders: Overhead and settlement Settlement Cost Centers: Allocations Check the worklist for internal orders Define sequences of background jobs for automatic processing Restart worklist processing Workflow completed © SAP AG 1999 In the flow definition you can group tasks that are to be executed in the background in a particular order. You use the workflow to control these flow definitions. You can structure subflows and include them in a flow definition. Insert user decisions for checking purposes. Use worklists to reduce the total runtime. Use the task list to group individual tasks. If you need to run sequences of jobs create a flow definition including all dependent work items. (C) SAP AG AC205 6-12 Schedule Manager: Worklist Monitor Worklist Object list Processing steps Objects Proc. Err. Intern. Orders: Closing 5000 Ovh Stlm Text Object ORD100070 Trade fair Lisbon Actual Overhead 4987 13 ORD100071 Trade fair Atlanta Actual Settlement 4980 7 ORD100358 Special Events ORD100700 Image Campaign ORD101065 Marketing ORD109999 EXPO 2000 User decision Object Messages Error analysis Object Mssg Text and error handling are ORD100070 205 Maintain the settlement rule of the sender convenient with the ORD100071 205 CCtr 12345 does not exist on 10/31/99 worklist monitor ORD100358 217 CEl 600199 does not exist on 10/31/99 ORD100700 162 Credit C01 for 10/31/99 not defined © SAP AG 1999 In the worklist monitor you can view the processed objects(product cost collectors, WBS elements, internal orders, production orders, and so on) and view their processing status. The object list and message list provide you with detailed information about the errors occurred on the objects within the processing steps. You can analyze the cause of the error and trigger the correction of the errors. Once you have corrected any errors that occurred, you can reschedule the corrected objects for processing. Restarting the flow only for the corrected objects reduces the total runtime of the flows. (C) SAP AG AC205 6-13 Customizing Organizational Steps: Topic Objectives At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to: Explain the principle and benefit of subsequent business area and profit center adjustments Locate customizing for adjustments © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 6-14 Subsequent BA/PC / Profitability Segment Adjustment Invoice (open items, flagged for subsequent debit) - Receivables / Payables Payment (clearing) - G/L account item 1 Business area 0001 Cost center 0001 Profit Center 0001 - G/L account item 2 Business area 0002 Cost center 0002 Profit Center 0002 - Tax item - G/L account item - Receivables / Payables - Cash disct item Batch Input Subs.BA/PC Adjustment 1 Calculate subsequent debit (Information in document) 2 Post subsequent debit 3 Special functions: Posting run log Start reversal run (erroneous run) Business area 0001 . . . Bal.Sht P+L ReceivPayables Cash dsct ables . . . . . . Revenues Taxes ... © SAP AG 1999 Profitability Segment Adj. (cash disct distrib.; still: definite ex.rate diff.) 0001 / 0002 Business area Cost center 0001 / 0002 0001 / 0002 Profit center Zero-balance posting Profit center 0001 . . . Cost center report 0001 . . . Receivables Payables ... Costs Cash disct paid The subsequent business area/profit center adjustment breaks the receivables/payables and taxes down into the additional account assignments ”Business area” and ”Profit Center”, which are stored in the G/L account items. In case of an error, you can set up a reversal run. The cancellation posting is carried out if the adjustment item posted is cleared at the key date of the new run. The profitability segment adjustment breaks down cash discount and exchange rate differences which accrue when customer and vendor invoices are paid according to the following additional account assignments from the cleared document's G/L account assignment: business area Partner business area (Consolidation) Profit center Partner profit center some of the CO objects all of the fields you defined in the coding block. (C) SAP AG AC205 6-15 Business Area Allocation Business areas affected '___________’ (business area not specified) Initial Postings Adjustment Postings Receivables Receivables - adjustment 690 1 460 Taxes - adjustment 1,150 Taxes 150 2 90 60 Receivables - adjustment 0001 Revenues 600 1 690 Taxes - adjustment 90 2 Receivables - adjustment 0002 Revenues 400 1 460 Taxes - adjustment 60 © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 6-16 2 Customizing Documentary Steps: Topic Objectives At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to: Explain the purpose of the balance audit trail © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 6-17 Balance Audit Trail (Accumulated) Master records Old KK/KL dataset Documents l Open item balance audit trail (open item-managed accounts) RFKKET00 Accumulated Historical balance audit trail (general ledger) RFKLET00 Accumulated extract KK New dataset RFKKBU10 D, K, S RFKKBU00 D, K, S © SAP AG 1999 Evaluation From the document file extract KL New dataset RFKLBU10 D, K, S RFHABU00 S Evaluation From the document file You organize the retention period of your documents in the R/3 system according to your hardware capability and your requirements. It may be that you have to reorganize your documents during the year. You must then save the documents ”previously” in the (accumulated) balance audit trail. Document data and master data is always extracted, sorted and merged into a sequential data set before document reorganization takes place. At the end of the year, this data set contains the document volume for the year, sorted by account. The accumulated balance audit trail is extracted from this data set. If all the data you require is still in the system, you can access this data using the RFKKBU00 and RFHABU00 programs. (C) SAP AG AC205 6-18 Customizing Technical, Organizational, and Documentary steps: Unit Summary The posting period table helps to ensure that accurate data is posted to financial accounting. Execution of the balance carry-forward enables reporting in the subsequent year by establishing the beginning balances of accounts. The Schedule Manager facilitates the definition, scheduling, execution, and control of period-end closing activities. Adjustment postings enable you to achieve a balance of zero for business areas and to produce balanced financial statements at this level. The Accumulated Balance Audit Trail documents all of the postings made within financial accounting for the year. © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 6-19 Cust. Tech., Org. & Doc. Steps Exercises Unit: Customizing Technical, Organizational & Documentary Steps Topic: Technical Steps At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: • Create a posting period variant • Open and close a period At the end of the period, you need perform a preliminary close of financial accounting prior to performing management closing activities. You then need to re-open the period for adjustment postings. 1-1 Create a posting period variant to control your own company's posting periods only. Test this function by opening and closing the current period and using the document entry function. 1-1-1 Create a new posting period variant, PV## and name it Group ## Posting Period Variant. 1-1-2 Assign your posting period variant PV## to your company code AC##. 1-1-3 You initially want to make sure that you can close the current period and begin posting to the new period. The next posting periods should be open for all accounts. 1-1-4 Go to another session for your transaction postings. First try to create a G/L account posting using the current date to debit cash (account 113100) and credit ordinary share capital (account 70000). Post 100000 UNI. After trying to post this document, attempt the same posting on the first of the next period. For the current period posting attempt, after entering the document date (posting date will default to the current date), press 'Enter'. You should receive an error message that the posting period is not open. Otherwise, go back through the previous configuration steps. For the 'new' posting period attempt, you will get a couple of warning messages about the posting date and period. Press 'Enter' to ignore these messages and continue. 1-1-5 Return to your customizing session and open the current period. 1-1-6 Return to your transaction session and make another attempt to create an entry using the current date. (C) SAP AG AC205 6-20 1-2 (C) SAP AG How often (per year) do you have to run the balance carry forward programs? When during the year do you have to run this program? AC205 6-21 Exercises Unit: Customizing Technical, Organizational & Documentary Steps Topic: Organizational Steps At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: • Process a business area adjustment Your enterprise presents financial statements at the business area organizational level. Before producing these financial statements, you must ensure that the business areas are in balance. Because your company posts sales and purchases that cross business area lines, the receivables and payables accounts need to be adjusted so that balances are shown in the appropriate business areas. For this period, you will process a business area adjustment to update payables. 2-1 A business area out-of-balance conditions exists because a vendor invoice was process, with expenses charged to two different business areas. In such a case, the payable is recorded to a 'blank' business area. You note the out-of-balance condition by running the financial statement program, and then correct the data by executing the business area adjustment programs. 2-1-1 Before processing the business area adjustment, run the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) using the report variant VAR## that you created earlier. Review the items for Accounts payable (account 160000) and Training costs (account 476400). The payables balance is recorded to a blank business area, while the expense is split between two business areas. 2-1-2 In another session, calculate the business area adjustment for your company code AC##. 2-1-3 Post the balance sheet adjustment on the last day of the current period for your company code AC##. Generate a posting with document type SA and select a log of distributed documents. You will receive a message about checking the document type; press 'Enter' to continue processing. 2-1-4 Return to your report session and rerun the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) using the report variant VAR## that you created earlier. Review the items for Accounts payable. The payables balance for the blank business area is now zero (accounts 160000 and 160099 net to zero). The (C) SAP AG AC205 6-22 original amount is now split between the two business areas, in account 160099, in the same amount as the expense postings. (C) SAP AG AC205 6-23 Unit: Customizing Technical, Organizational & Documentary Steps Topic: Documentary Steps At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: • Execute reports that document the transactions for the period For month-end closing, you want to document the transactions that make up the account balances in G/L and list the documents that have been entered during the period. 3-1 Review the output of the document file balance audit trail reports. (current data) 3-1-1 Process the General Ledger from the Document File report for your company code AC## for the current fiscal year. 3-1-2 Process the Open Item Account Balance Audit Trail from the Document File report for your company code AC## for the current fiscal year. 3-2 In order to complete the documentation of financial accounting you need to offer an (chronological) overview of all of your documents for each fiscal year. 3-2-1 Execute the compact document journal in the G/L and select all the documents of your company code AC## for the current fiscal year. 3-2-1 Which is the criterion that determines the order of the list? (C) SAP AG AC205 6-24 Cust. Tech., Org. & Doc. Steps Solutions Unit: Customizing Technical, Organizational & Documentary Steps Topic: Technical Steps 1-1 Create a posting period variant to control your own company's posting periods only. Test this function by opening and closing the current period and using the document entry function. 1-1-1 Create a new posting period variant, PV## and name it Group ## Posting Period Variant. Menu path to create posting period variant: Tools → AcceleratedSAP → Customizing → Edit Project → Goto →SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → Financial Accounting Global Settings → Document → Posting Periods → Define Variants for Open Posting Periods Click New entries. Enter the following information: Variant: PV## Name: Group ## Posting Period Variant Save your entry. Return to the Display IMG screen. 1-1-2 Assign your posting period variant PV## to your company code AC##. Menu path to posting period variant/company code assignment: Tools → AcceleratedSAP → Customizing → Edit Project → Goto →SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → Financial Accounting Global Settings → Document → Posting Periods → Assign Variants to Company Code Scroll down to find your company code AC##. Enter the PV## in the Variant column for your company code. Save your entry. Return to the Display IMG screen. 1-1-3 You initially want to make sure that you can close the current period and begin posting to the new period. The next posting periods should be open for all accounts. Menu path to control posting periods: (C) SAP AG AC205 6-25 Tools → AcceleratedSAP → Customizing → Edit Project → Goto →SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → Financial Accounting Global Settings → Document → Posting Periods → Open and Close Posting Periods Click New entries. Enter the following information: Variant: PV## A(ccount): + From (account): Leave blank To A(ccount): Leave blank From (period): Next period Year: Current year (unless at end of year) To P(eriod): Next period Year: Current year (unless at end of year) Save your entry. 1-1-4 Go to another session for your transaction postings. First try to create a G/L account posting using the current date to debit cash (account 113100) and credit ordinary share capital (account 70000). Post 100000 UNI. After trying to post this document, attempt the same posting on the first of the next period. For the current period posting attempt, after entering the document date (posting date will default to the current date), press 'Enter'. You should receive an error message that the posting period is not open. Otherwise, go back through the previous configuration steps. For the 'new' posting period attempt, you will get a couple of warning messages about the posting date and period. Press 'Enter' to ignore these messages and continue. Menu path to open a new session: System → Create session Menu path to G/L account posting: Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Document entry → G/L account posting Enter the following information: Doc. date: Posting date: Current date Current date Press 'Enter'. After receiving the error message, correct the dates: Doc. date: (C) SAP AG AC205 6-26 First day of next period Posting date: First day of next period Press 'Enter'. You will receive two warning message. Press 'Enter' after each message is displayed to ignore them. First row: G/L D/C: Doc.: 113100 Debit 100000 Second row: G/L D/C: Doc.: 70000 Credit 100000 Post your document. Return to the main menu. 1-1-5 Return to your customizing session and open the current period. Menu path to control posting periods: Tools → AcceleratedSAP → Customizing → Edit Project → Goto →SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → Financial Accounting Global Settings → Document → Posting Periods → Open and Close Posting Periods Scroll down to variant PV##. Change the From period and Year to the current period and year. Save your entry. 1-1-6 Return to your transaction session and make another attempt to create an entry using the current date. Menu path to G/L account posting: Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Document entry → G/L account posting Enter the following information: Doc. date: Posting date: Current date Current date Press 'Enter'. (C) SAP AG First row: G/L D/C: Doc.: 113100 Debit 100000 Second row: G/L D/C: Doc.: 70000 Credit 100000 AC205 6-27 Post your document. Return to the main menu. 1-2 How often (per year) do you have to run the balance carry forward programs? When during the year do you have to run this program? You can run the programs (SAPF010/SAPF011) as often you require. The programs can be run during the last period of the fiscal year or at the beginning of the new fiscal year. The programs automatically corrects the carry forward balances, so that there is no need to rerun it after each posting to the old year. SAP recommends running the programs SAPF010 and SAPF011 at the beginning of the new fiscal year. (C) SAP AG AC205 6-28 Solutions Unit: Customizing Technical, Organizational & Documentary Steps Topic: Organizational Steps 2-1 A business area out-of-balance conditions exists because a vendor invoice was process, with expenses charged to two different business areas. In such a case, the payable is recorded to a 'blank' business area. You note the out-of-balance condition by running the financial statement program, and then correct the data by executing the business area adjustment programs. 2-1-1 Before processing the business area adjustment, run the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) using the report variant VAR## that you created earlier. Review the items for Accounts payable (account 160000) and Training costs (account 476400). The payables balance is recorded to a blank business area, while the expense is split between two business areas. Menu path for report: Information Systems → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Balance sheet Select variant: Goto → Variants → Get Enter VAR##. Select 'Execute' to choose the variant. Execute the report. After reviewing the report, back up to the Balance Sheet/P+L screen. 2-1-2 In another session, calculate the business area adjustment for your company code AC##. Menu path to open a new session: System → Create session Menu path to calculate adjustment: Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing → Regroup → Balance Sheet Readjustment → Calculate Enter the your company code AC##. (C) SAP AG AC205 6-29 Execute the calculation. Review the output. Return to the main menu. 2-1-3 Post the balance sheet adjustment on the last day of the current period for your company code AC##. Generate a posting with document type SA and select a log of distributed documents. Menu path to post adjustment: Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing → Regroup → Balance Sheet Readjustment → Post Enter the following information: Company code: AC## Key date: Last day of the current period Generate postings: X Document type: SA Posting date: Last day of the current period Log of distributed documents: X Execute the posting program. You will receive a message about checking the document type; press 'Enter' to continue processing. After reviewing the results, return to the main menu. 2-1-4 Return to your report session and rerun the balance sheet/profit and loss statement (RFBILA00) using the report variant VAR## that you created earlier. Review the items for Accounts payable. The payables balance for the blank business area is now zero (accounts 160000 and 160099 net to zero). The original amount is now split between the two business areas, in account 160099, in the same amount as the expense postings. From the Balance Sheet/P+L screen, execute the report again. (C) SAP AG AC205 6-30 Solutions Unit: Customizing Technical, Organizational & Documentary Steps Topic: Documentary Steps 3-1 Review the output of the document file balance audit trail reports. (current data) 3-1-1 Process the General Ledger from the Document File report for your company code AC## for the current fiscal year. Menu path for balance audit trail for all accounts (non-open-item accounts): Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing → Document → Balance Audit Trail → All Accounts → General Ledger from the Document File Enter the following information: Company code: Fiscal year: AC## Current year Execute the report. After reviewing the output, return to the main menu. 3-1-2 Process the Open Item Account Balance Audit Trail from the Document File report for your company code AC## for the current fiscal year. Menu path for balance audit trail for open item accounts: Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing → Document → Balance Audit Trail → Open Item Accounts → Open Item Account Balance Audit Trail from the Document File Enter the following information: Company code: Fiscal year: AC## Current year Execute the report. After reviewing the output, return to the main menu. 3-2 In order to complete the documentation of financial accounting you need to offer an (chronological) overview of all of your documents for each fiscal year. 3-2-1 Execute the compact document journal in the G/L and select all the documents of your company code AC## for the current fiscal year. Menu path for compact document journal: (C) SAP AG AC205 6-31 Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Information system → General Ledger Reports → Document → General → Compact Document Journal → Compact Document Journal Enter the following information: Company code: Fiscal year: AC## Current year Execute the report. 3-2-1 Which is the criterion that determines the order of the list? The criterion is the document number. Return to the main menu. (C) SAP AG AC205 6-32 Closing Process Integrated overview of closing procedure © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 7-1 Closing Process: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: Describe the integrated process of both month-end and year-end closing procedures © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 7-2 Closing Process: Course Overview Diagram Who is interested in financial results? Closing Process Financial statement version Overview Internal view 2000 October External view Auditor’s view Balance Sheet Assets Liabilities Equity Profit & Loss Revenues Costs Appendix Customizing Technical, Organizational, and Documentary Steps © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 7-3 Month-End Closing Process Old Month MM Maintain GR/IR FI Accruals/ Deferrals, Recurring entries HR Payroll Expenses New Month MM Revaluations CO Orders/ Projects AA AUC Settlmnt, Depreciation, Interest SD Goods Issues, Invoices FI Open new period FI Foreign Currency valuations MM MonthMonth-End CO Product Cost Acctg © SAP AG 1999 Closing FI Close AR/AP FI Reconciliation Ledger Posting FI Bus.Area/ Prof.Ctr./ Prof.Segment Adjustments CO Cost Centers CO Profit. Analysis CO Documentation FI Taxes on sales/purchases Bal. Sheet/ P&L Management CO Reporting Close G/L Technical Steps This slide provides an overview of the month-end closing process. Pre-Close activities, which begin in the old month, include: Technical - Open new accounting period (FI), FI - Enter accruals/deferrals, process recurring entries and bad debt expense in AR, post depreciation and interest expenses in Asset Accounting MM - Maintain GR/IR clearing account, post material revaluations HR - Post payroll expenses SD - Record goods issues for deliveries and invoice customers Technical - Close old month in (MM), close sub-ledgers (FI), preliminary close of G/L (FI) Managerial Close activities include CO allocations and repostings, locking the old accounting period in CO, and re-opening the G/L for adjustment postings Financial Close activities include: CO - Reconciliation posting to FI (for cross-organizational-unit CO postings) FI - Foreign currency revaluations and postings to correct business area, profit center, and profitability segment out-of-balance conditions Technical - Final close of the old period FI/CO - Create management and financial reports (C) SAP AG AC205 7-4 Year-End Closing Process Old Year New Year MM MM Physical inventory PP Product costing AA FI Lowest value, LIFO/FIFO Revaluations, Capital invest. grant GR/IR analysis, Receivables/ Payables regrouping, Other adjustments Documentation FI Taxes on sales/ FI FI Open new year FI Balance lists: old FY to new FY Balance confirmations AA Fiscal year AA YearYear-End change close FI Balance carryfoward © SAP AG 1999 FI Close FY AR/AP purchases Asset History sheet Bal. Sheet/ P&L Bal. Audit Trail CO Management Reporting FI Close FY G/L Technical Steps This slide provides an overview of the year-end closing process. These activities are performed in addition to the regular month-end closing process for the final period of the fiscal year. Pre-Close activities, which begin in the old month, include: Technical - Open the first accounting period of the new fiscal year(FI), MM - Perform physical inventory count (may be performed on up to a monthly basis) PP/CO - Update product cost estimates (may be performed more frequently) MM - Lowest value determination and LIFO/FIFO valuation AA - Asset revaluations and capital investment support FI - Balance confirmations for receivables/payables Technical - Fiscal year change (AA) and balance carry forward (FI) Financial Close activities include: FI - GR/IR clearing account analysis, receivables/payables regrouping, reconciliation of prior year to new year, and other adjustment postings Technical - Final close of the old period (AR/AP and GL) FI/CO - Create management and financial reports (C) SAP AG AC205 7-5 Closing Process: Unit Summary Process flows have shown you the chronological sequence of activities involved in generating month-end and yearend closings in the integrated R/3 System. Even if your firm has not implemented the full R/3 System, the activities and their sequence remain basically the same. In these cases, you will be responsible for preparing and exchanging the required data with other areas. © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 7-6 Appendix (1) Contents: This section contains supplementary material to be used as reference This material is not part of the standard course Therefore, the instructor might not cover this during the course presentation © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 8-1 Country Specifics Contents: General Tax Processing USA: 1099 Withholding tax reporting Germany: Tax reporting Foreign trade regulation European Union: Tax reporting © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 8-2 Country Specifics: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: Locate and perform general tax customizing for tax processing Describe the data relevant for tax reporting of the USA, Germany and the European Union. Locate and perform your country specific needs for tax reporting in the customizing Outline the basic customizing for the change over to Euro. © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 8-3 AC205 - Course Overview (2): Country Specifics Does R/3 cover Legal requirements of my country ? §§ FI SD Financial Accounting Sales & Distribution CO MM Materials PP Mgmt Production Planning QM Quality Mgmt PM Controlling AM R/3 Plant Maintenance How does integrated data flow into FI? Asset Mgmt Client / Server ABAP/4 PS Project System WF Workflow HR IS Human Resources Industry Solutions Which technical, organizational and documentary steps do I have to take? Assets Liabilities Current Fixed Other Current Receivables Checks/Banks Accrued Income © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 8-4 Country Specifics: Business Scenario Your company is a member of a multi-national group. Local requirements for tax reporting have to be performed. You as a member of the FI-project team will test R/3’s standard tax reports in order to verify that they meet your local requirements. © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 8-5 General tax processing: Topic Objectives At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to: Locate and perform general customizing for tax processing within the IMG. © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 8-6 Taxes Taxes charged to the invoice amount Tax on Sales/Purchases Output tax Input tax deductible Acquisition tax not deductible Additional Taxes Investment tax Sales Equalization Withholding tax © SAP AG 1999 The FI system is able to handle the tax requirements and procedures of many different countries. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-7 General Preconditions for Tax Processing 1. Calculation Procedure in the country table 6. Closing Postings Tax return to the tax authorities 5. Document: Tax Information © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 8-8 2. TAX Code 3. G/L Account: Tax Category 4. G/L Account as Tax Account GL Account = Tax Account GL account GL account OUTPUT TAX : Tax category : can only be posted to automatically > > A0 A1 A2 : Tax type A Allowed tax codes OUTPUT TAX X GL account OUTPUT TAX INPUT TAX : Tax category : can only be posted to automatically < < V0 V1 V2 : Tax type V GL account © SAP AG 1999 The tax account assignment items determined automatically during document entry must refer to GL accounts which are flagged as a tax account (<, >). In addition, you can define as many other GL accounts as tax accounts as you require. You can block each tax account from being posted to manually. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-9 Tax Codes Calculation procedure TAXD Tax on sales/purchases (Germany) Tax codes Country DE Tax category (C-Type) Tax code Cnd-K Output tax Input tax Travel exp. (% separate) Input tax non-ded.n.alloc. Input tax non-ded.alloc. Acquisition tax, outgoing Acquisition tax, incoming MWS VST VST NAV NVV ESA ESE Posting - example Vendor 1,000 E1 Tax type V Tax percentage rate Account maint. Chart of accounts AAAA E1 Tax codes Transact. GL acct ESA XXXXXX ESE ZZZZZZ 10,000100,000- E1 Acquisition tax 100 Acquisition tax 100 © SAP AG 1999 The tax code serves as the account determination key for the document. Due to assignments in the calculation procedure, the system: calculates the tax amount for you (if requested) checks tax amounts for which manual assignment was carried out creates tax posting items automatically. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-10 Expense 1,000 Tax Return D USA EU © SAP AG 1999 You must create a tax return regularly for the tax authorities. There are country-specific programs available in the system for doing this. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-11 Tax reporting USA: Topic Objectives At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to: Describe 1099/1042 processing Locate the customizing for withholding tax codes and 1099/1042 outputs Use withholding tax during Invoicing and payment Execute tax reporting © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 8-12 1099 Business Process © SAP AG 1999 1099 withholding taxes: Reporting of 1099 taxes involves miscellaneous income paid to nonincorporated vendors or non-employees. Income is classified into one of eleven categories, with the majority of companies using category ”07, Non-employee Compensation.” The majority of companies do not actually withhold income taxes from payments to 1099 vendors; rather these companies report the amount of payments made to ”1099” vendors to the IRS. In the rare circumstance when a company does deduct income taxes from a 1099 vendor (usually occurs when a vendor does not provide a tax number), the company deducts 31% of the amount due the vendor and later pays this amount directly to the IRS. NOTE: Any adjustments between actual taxes due and amount withheld is handled directly between the 1099 vendor and the IRS. The reporting of 1099 taxes is done once per year (January) and is presented to the IRS in one of two methods: 1)printed form; 2)a data file. The income amounts reported to the IRS are only amounts paid to the 1099 vendor between January 1 and December 31 of the reporting year. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-13 Vendor Master Record CONTROL DATA Accounts payable Master Records Create/Change 111-11-1111 Tax Code 1 Tax Code 2 ACCOUNT INFO W.Tax Code 07 Exempt # Valid until © SAP AG 1999 1099 Processing Configuration of a 1099 vendor is done in two areas of the vendor master: Control Data and Account Info. Account Info data defaults into the vendor document for processing. Important Note: No vendor which is 1099- reportable may be set up as a One-Time vendor, since onetime vendors are excluded from 1099 processing within the R/3 System. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-14 Vendor Account Groups GENERAL Opt. CONTROL DATA Tax Code 1 Tax Code 1 Tax Code 2 Tax Code 2 111-11-1111 ACCOUNT INFO CO. CODE Opt. W.Tax Code 07 W.Tax Code Exempt # Valid until Exempt, limited © SAP AG 1999 1099 Configuration To be able to configure the 1099 vendor master, the account group to which the vendor is assigned must allow data entry into the tax code fields. Note: You should also ensure that the tax code number fields have the required field length. Tax code 1 should be of length 11 and tax code 2 should have a length of 10. These parameters are set in the Global Settings section of the IMG. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-15 Withholding Tax Codes US US US US US US US .. . 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 1099 Rents 1099 Royalties 1099 Prizes, awards 1099 Fed. Inc. W/H Tax Code 07 1099 Fishing boat Country US 1099 Medical... 1099 Non-employee Desc. 1099 Non-employee compensation Tax portion 100 % Curr USD VENDOR ACCT INFO W.Tax Code 07 © SAP AG 1999 1099 Configuration Eleven basic 1099 withholding tax codes are delivered with the R/3 System; each code corresponds to the relevant IRS tax code. These eleven codes are not pre-configured to deduct and post actual withholding amounts since the majority of companies do not withhold from 1099 vendors. As of release 3.0D, in those cases in which your company does withhold income taxes from 1099 vendors, use tax codes F0 through F9. These codes are not delivered with the R/3 System; you need to create them referencing the corresponding pre-defined codes 01 through 10. For example: the last digit of the ”F” code corresponds to the last digit of the appropriate pre-defined code (01 through 10). Code F1 represents code 01 but does the actual withholding (F2 code 02, etc...). Tax code ”11” does not have a corresponding ”F” code because it relates to state withholding taxes (covered later). Important note: Only tax code indicators 01-11 and F1-F9 are hard coded into the 1099 programs RFKQSU20 and RFKQSU30. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-16 Field Status Groups/Posting Keys Field Status Group: Reconciliation Account PMNT TRANS Opt. INVOICE Co.Code W.Tax Code VEND1099 3000 W.Tax Amt W.Tax Code 07 Vendor Posting Key(s) Field Status PMNT TRANS W.Tax Code Opt. Amount 5,000.00 USD W.Tax Base 5,000.00 USD W. Exempt W.Tax Amt © SAP AG 1999 1099 Configuration For the withholding tax code fields to be available on the FI document, the Field Status Group of the GL Reconciliation Account to which the vendor is assigned must allow data entry into the tax code fields (see graphic above). Similarly, if your company controls postings to fields via posting keys, then the fields for the two tax code fields must be set for possible data entry (i.e.. “optional”). This is the case for all posting keys which affect vendor processing (i.e.. 21, 25, 31...). NOTE: You must also have the the Document Entry Screen Variant set to “2” in the company code global parameters in configuration. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-17 Document Change Rules K K K BSEG-QSFBT BSEG-QSSHB BSEG-QSSKZ W.Tax Exmpt W.Tax Base W.Tax Code X Stipulations Invoice Vendor Co.Code Field modifiable VEND1099 3000 E! N O N 5000.00 USD W.Tax Code 07 W.Tax Base 5000.00 USD W.Tax Exmpt 5000.00 USD Amount © SAP AG 1999 1099 Configuration In the global settings section of the IMG, you can customize/define rules for changing document withholding tax fields. The delivered system default's document change rules allow the above modification on all posted documents before clearing; however, the user can change the rule to allow changes to withholding tax fields of a cleared invoice as long as the cleared invoice does not withhold any dollar amount during payment. In the ”Document change rule” screen, the user can mark “field modifiable” and unmark “posting not closed” in order to allow changes to the WT field of a cleared invoice which has no withheld amount. This applies to both 1099 and 1042 processing. Note: WT fields are withholding fields - WT base amount field and WT indicator field on the posting screen. These rules DO NOT affect withholding tax codes which post deductions (i.e., F1-F0); therefore, cleared documents cannot be modified. If the withholding tax code is configured to post deduction and withholding tax information must be changed before reporting, the document must be first reset and reversed. For the majority of companies which do not deduct tax (i.e.: 01-10), these change rules allow W.Tax Code fields to be changed after clearing. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-18 Vendor Invoice Vendor Co.Code Amount Accounts payable Document entry Invoice VEND1099 3000 5,000.00 USD W.Tax Code 07 W.Tax Base 5,000.00 USD W. Exempt W.Tax Code Extras Withholding Tax © SAP AG 1999 07 W.Tax Base 5,000.00 W.Tax Amt. 0.00 W.Exempt Exempt No. 1099 Processing The withholding tax indicator from the 1099 vendor master defaults into the line item during invoicing. This indicator can be overwritten at this time, if desired. The withholding tax base and the withholding tax exempt fields serve separate purposes. The withholding tax base field is the income amount of the line item to be reported to the IRS. If this field is left blank during invoice posting, the invoice amount of the line item defaults. The withholding tax exempt field is the amount of the line item that you do NOT wish to be reported to the IRS (example: reimbursement of expenses). (C) SAP AG AC205 8-19 Vendor payment Vendor Curr VEND1099 USD Accounts payable Document entry Outgoing payment W.Tax Amt 0.00 Amount 5,000.00 Document Curr 180000012 USD Accounts payable Periodic processing Payments W.Tax Amt 0.00 Gross Amt 5,000.00 Goto W/H Tax Screen © SAP AG 1999 1099 Processing The payment of a vendor invoice signifies receipt of income for the vendor; therefore, it is the clearing document which will be used for 1099 filing. If posting a manual payment, you can display the withholding tax information regarding the payment , by GOTO >> Withholding Tax Screen. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-20 1099 Reporting Accounts payable Periodic Processing Info Reporting 1099 Postcard (RFKQSU00) Validates withholding tax info in vendor master record (I.e. WT code, Tax ID). Prints address of 1099 account which has no tax ID or is missing a tax ID on a postcard to request info from the vendor. 1099 Proof List (RFKQSU20) Prints list of taxable and non-taxable 1099 data by vendor, 1099 indicator, document and/or state for reconciling output of RFKQSU30’s taxable data on forms. 1099 Print Forms & Create tape (RFKQSU30) Prints 1099 tax data on 1099 form and creates record of files for 1099 tape. © SAP AG 1999 1099 Processing There are three separate programs in the R/3 System involving 1099 vendor reporting. All programs allow for flexible selections of vendors and company codes. Each report is programmed to search first for withholding tax codes 01-11, F0-F9 in the vendor master record. Note: Company (payer) TIN (tax id number), name and address information for form and tape are derived from program parameters and NOT company code master records. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-21 1099 State Withholding Tax RFKQSU30 does include combined state withholding tax reporting for participating states. Requires manual calculation of state withholding amounts and entry of vendor credit memo for payment. © SAP AG 1999 1099 Processing RFKQSU30 does include state withholding tax reporting. Release 3.0 requires manual calculation of state withholding tax amounts and enters the calculates amounts with 1099 indicator, 11, as credit memo. In certain instances, companies need to report/withhold state income tax. A company may make arrangements with the IRS to combine federal and state reporting; however, only certain states participate in combined federal/state reporting (see current IRS publication for details). Unfortunately in many cases, there is no standard deduction percentage rate for a state (ex California) and thus the deduction rate can vary from vendor to vendor. It is currently planned for future releases of R/3 to provide a more comprehensive state withholding tax program. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-22 1042 Business Process Foreign Vendor © SAP AG 1999 Reporting of 1042 taxes involves income paid to foreign vendors of foreign non-employees. Income is classified into 1 of approximately 20 categories (please see IRS 1042 publication). Companies are usually required to withhold/deduct income taxes from payments to 1042 vendors. Companies usually (see current IRS publication for rates) deduct 31% of the payment made to this type of vendor. This withheld portion is later paid to the IRS directly by the company and any adjustments between actual taxes due and amount withheld is handled directly between the 1042 vendor and the IRS. Reporting of 1042 taxes is done once a year (February) and is presented to the IRS in two methods: 1)printed forms; 2)a data file. The income amounts reported to the IRS is only the amounts paid to the 1042 vendor between January 1 and December 31 of the reporting year. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-23 Vendor Master Record CONTROL DATA Accounts payable Master Records Create/Change Tax Code 1 Tax Code 2 22-222222 ACCOUNT INFO W.Tax Code 42 Exempt # W.Tax City AA Valid until Rec.Type 09 Exempt Auth. © SAP AG 1999 03 1042 Processing Configuration of a 1042 vendor is done in two areas of the vendor master: Control Data and Account Info. Note: only the withholding tax code and the exemption number will default into the vendor document during processing. Withholding tax country, recipient type, and exemption authority are maintained in the vendor master record and cannot be overwritten during document processing. Important Note: No vendor which is 1042 reportable may be set up as a One-Time vendor, as one-time vendors are excluded from 1042 processing within the R/3 System. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-24 Vendor Account Groups GENERAL Opt. CONTROL DATA Tax Code 1 Tax Code 1 Tax Code 2 Tax Code 2 22-222222 ACCOUNT INFO Co. Code Opt. W.Tax Code 42 W.Tax Code Exempt # W.Tax City AA Valid until Rec.Type 09 Exempt Auth. 03 Exempt, limited W.Tax cat, Reas W.Tax Country © SAP AG 1999 1042 Configuration To configure the 1042 vendor master, the account group to which the vendor is assigned must allow data entry into the tax code fields (see graphic above). Note: You should also ensure that the tax code number fields have the required field length. Tax code 1 should be of length 11 and tax code 2 should have a length of 10. These parameters are set in the Global Settings section of the IMG. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-25 Withholding Tax Codes US 42 1042 Compensation US 43 1042 Exempt Country US W. Tax Code 42 code 20 Desc. 1042 Deduction Withholding Tax Tax portion 100 % X VENDOR ACCT INFO W.Tax Code X Curr USD Withh. tax formula Posting with payment 42 © SAP AG 1999 1042 Configuration 1042 tax codes are not predefined in the R/3 System and must be created. While creating these codes (for example code ”42” for deducting and code ”43” for exempt from deduction), enter the income type in the field ” code” (official withholding tax code). To deduct withholding tax, you must check the ”posting with payment” and the ”withholding tax formula” boxes. Note: No tax code indicators are hard coded in the 1042 program RFKQSU40. Note: If multiple Income Types are required, you must create separate W. Tax Codes for EACH Income Type. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-26 Field Status Groups/Posting Keys Field Status Group: Reconciliation Account PMNT TRANS Opt. INVOICE Vendor VEND1042 Co.Code 3000 W.Tax Code W.Tax Amt W.Tax Code 42 Vendor Posting Key(s) Field Status PMNT TRANS Opt. Amount 5,000.00 USD W.Tax Base 5,000.00 USD W. Exempt W.Tax Code W.Tax Amt © SAP AG 1999 1042 Configuration For the withholding tax code fields to be available on the FI document, the Field Status Group of the GL Reconciliation Account to which the vendor is assigned must allow data entry into the tax code fields (see graphic above). Similarly, if your company controls postings to fields via posting keys, then the fields for the two tax code fields must be set for possible data entry (i.e.. ”optional”). This is the case for all posting keys that affect vendor processing (i.e.. 21, 25, 31...). NOTE: You must also set the Document Entry Screen Variant to ”2” in the company code global parameters in configuration. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-27 Document Change Rules K K K BSEG-QSFBT BSEG-QSSHB BSEG-QSSKZ W.Tax Exmpt W.Tax Base W.Tax Code X Field modifiable Stipulations Invoice Vendor Co.Code VEND1042 3000 Amount 5000.00 USD W.Tax Code 42 W.Tax Base 5000.00 W.Tax Exmpt 5000.00 USD USD © SAP AG 1999 E! N O N 1042 Configuration In the global settings section of the IMG, you can customize/define rules for changing document withholding tax fields. These rules DO NOT affect withholding tax codes which post deductions (i.e., F1-F0); therefore, cleared documents cannot be modified. If the withholding tax code is configured to post deduction and withholding tax information must be changed before reporting, the document must be first reset and reversed. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-28 Withholding Tax Countries Cty WCty Name US US US US US US US US US US US US AA AC AF AG AJ AL AM AN AO AQ AR AS Aruba Antigua and Barbuda Afghanistan Algeria Azerbaijan Albania Armenia Andorra Angola American Samoa Argentina Australia © SAP AG 1999 VENDOR ACCT INFO W.Tax Ctry AA 1042 Configuration A withholding tax country is the country of the foreign vendor's legal residence. You enter the reporting country (US) in the left hand column and the withholding tax country in the middle column. Note: Withholding tax country identifiers do not always correspond to ISO 9000 standards; these country identifiers are defined by the IRS. Please see IRS publication 1042 for a complete list of countries and their correct id's. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-29 Type of Recipient for Vendors Cty Recip US US US US US US US US US US US 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 19 20 Name Individual Corporation Partnership Fiduciary Nominee Gov’t or Int. Org. “Tax Exempt” Org. Private foundation Artist or Athlete Other Type unknown © SAP AG 1999 VENDOR ACCT INFO Rec.Type 09 1042 Configuration You need to ensure that correct recipient types exist for 1042 reporting. These codes are placed (when applicable) on the vendor master record. Note: DO NOT define income types for withholding tax (table T059E) as income types for 1042 reporting are not (currently) derived from this configuration table. 1042 income types are defined within the withholding tax codes themselves. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-30 Withholding Tax Formulas CTY Curr Wi WCty US US US ..US . USD USD USD USD 42 42 42 42 AA AC AF AG CTY Curr Wi WCty US US US US .. . USD USD USD USD © SAP AG 1999 43 43 43 43 AA AC AF AG To base amnt WhldTax 999,999,999.99 30.00 999,999,999.99 30.00 999,999,999.99 30.00 999,999,999.99 30.00 To base amnt 30.00 30.00 WhldTax 999,999,999.99 30.00 999,999,999.99 30.00 999,999,999.99 30.00 999,999,999.99 30.00 30.00 30.00 1042 Configuration The six columns on this table are: 1. Country -- Reporting Country (US) 2. Currency -- Reporting currency 3. Withholding ID -- Withholding tax code (i.e.. 42, 43) 4. Withholding tax country key -- Country key of the 1042 vendor 5. To base amount -- Base amount up until which the withholding tax rate is valid 6. Withholding Tax -- Withholding tax percentage rate which is used along with the withholding tax base amount to calculate the withholding tax amount. Note: If actually withholding the withholding tax, you must enter a rate in column 6. If tax code (i.e. 43) is exempt from deduction due to an exemption reason, do not enter a rate in column 6 (leave blank). Although certain vendors are exempt from actual deduction of income taxes (see exemption authorization on vendor master), the company payer must still report amounts paid to the IRS (similar to a 1099 vendor) as well as the exemption reason. This means that both deductible and non-deductible 1042 vendors are processed the same way with the exception being that the non-deduction vendor has the exemption authority field populated in the vendor master record. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-31 Automatic Posting (Withholding Tax) Rules Chart of accounts Process X X Tax Codes Debits/Credits INT QST Accounts Tax Code 42 Debit 177000 Credit 177000 Posting keys Debit 40 Credit 50 © SAP AG 1999 1042 Configuration Here is where you define the rules, posting keys, and GL accounts for automatic posting of the income tax withheld. This configuration must be completed to automatically deduct and post income tax from 1042 vendor payments. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-32 Vendor Invoice Vendor Co.Code Amount Accounts payable Document entry Invoice VEND1042 3000 5,000.00 USD W.Tax Code 42 W.Tax Base 5,000.00 USD W. Exempt W.Tax Code 42 Extras Withholding Tax © SAP AG 1999 W.Tax Base 5,000.00 W.Tax Amt. 0.00 W.Exempt Exempt No. 1042 Processing The withholding tax indicator from the 1099 vendor master defaults into the line item during invoicing. This indicator can be overwritten at this time, if desired. The withholding tax base and the withholding tax exempt fields serve separate purposes. The withholding tax base field is the income amount of the line item to be reported to the IRS. If this field is left blank during invoice posting, the invoice amount of the line item defaults. The withholding tax exempt field is the amount of the line item that you do NOT wish to be reported to the IRS (example: reimbursement of expenses). (C) SAP AG AC205 8-33 Vendor Payment Vendor Curr VEND1042 USD Accounts payable Document entry Outgoing payment W.Tax Amt Amount 0.00 5,000.00 Document Curr 180000016 USD Accounts payable Periodic processing Payments W.Tax Amt 0.00 Gross Amt 5,000.00 Goto W/H Tax Screen © SAP AG 1999 1042 Processing The payment of a vendor invoice signifies receipt of income for the vendor; therefore, it is the clearing document that is used for 1099 filing. If posting a manual payment, you can display the withholding tax information regarding the payment , by GOTO >> Withholding Tax Screen. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-34 1042 Reporting Accounts payable Periodic Processing Info Reporting 1042 Reporting (RFKQSU40) Prints list of payments for 1042 vendors by withholding tax codes. Prints list of vendor payments by withholding tax code per reporting month. Prints 1042 forms and creates tape (data file) for submission to IRS. © SAP AG 1999 1042 Processing There are three separate programs in the R/3 System involving 1099 vendor reporting. All programs allow for flexible selections of vendors and company codes. Each report is programmed to search first for withholding tax codes 01-11, F0-F9 in the vendor master record. Note: Company (payer) name, address and TIN information (per each vendor paid record) for form and tape are derived from company code master records. The header record for tapes are derived from the program parameters. Only alternative payer name and TIN (tax ID number) are derived from program parameters. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-35 Germany Tax reporting: Topic Objectives At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to: Perform sales tax reporting Locate the customizing of automatic posting which takes place during the run of RFUMSV00 to a post tax payable account. © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 8-36 Tax Return and Postings DB List D Form data Batch Input Print form Post tax payable Sales/purch .tax Sales/ advance return © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 8-37 RFUMSVOO Input tax 100 Output tax 250 Tax payable 100 250 Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases - Form (Germany) CC0002 CC0004 CC0005 ... Grouping Level 1 Tax cd Gr. No. A1 06 A2 08 A4 07 A5 01 A6 01 ... ... Grouping Level 2 Tax cd Gr. No. 01 17 02 17 03 17 ... ... 17 25 18 25 S/P tax advance pmt Tax S/P grp 0001 10,000 YYYY RFUV__00 (Group No. nn) 01 02 ... 28 ... 24 (automatic transfer 12/YY) Tax on Sales/Purch.Group - Tax no. - Form 0001 - Tx authority address - Tax on S/P grp address 0002 - Tax no. ... ... CC0001 © SAP AG 1999 If you want to generate a single tax return for multiple company codes, you can combine the company codes into a tax on sales/purchases group. Tax amounts can be printed on a report form. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-38 Germany Foreign trade reporting: Topic Objectives At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to: Perform foreign trade reporting © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 8-39 Foreign Trade Form Purpose R/3 Program Z1 Payment order subject to foreign trade regulations for payments which will be made by a foreign financial Payment program (bank transfer) institution. Foreign account report (incoming amounts) for Z2 incoming payments not related to goods shipments made to accounts at foreign financial institutions. Foreign account report (outgoing amounts) for Z3 outgoing payments not related to goods shipments made from accounts at foreign financial institutions. Payments subject to foreign trade regulations for incoming and outgoing payments which do not need to be reported using Z1-Z3. - Transfers - Cash payments - Checks and bills of exchange - Elimination and clearing transactions Z4 Payables and receivables resulting from the sale of goods and services, including down payments made Z5A RFAWVZ40 RFAWVZ5A and received © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG on diskette AC205 8-40 RFAWVZ5P RFAWVZ5A Control Values Field: Data flow: Master record Country foreign? no yes Master record Partner co. Affiliated company? no yes Document Sp.GL trans. type Sp.GL tr.type =A? yes Sp.GL tr.type =A? no Document BSxx = Down pmt debit credit © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG Σ Σ AC205 8-41 BSxx = Down pmt ? no BSxx = Down pmt ? yes V1A yes no no F1A yes V2A F2A F1B V1B V2B F2B RFAWVZ5A: Foreign Trade Regulation Report Reporting receivables / payables according to German foreign trade trade regulations - Customer section Totals breakdown: F1A - Vendor section Totals breakdown: affiliated companies from goods and services Receivables F1A affiliated companies from down payments Payables F 1 B other non-res. Companies from goods and services Receivables F 1 B other non-res. companies from down payments Payables V 2 A affiliated companies from down payments Payables V 2 A affiliated companies from goods and services Receivables V 2 B other non-res. companies from down payments Payables V 2 B other non-res. Companies from goods and services Receivables Can be further differentiated by: - country key - currency key © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 8-42 European Union Tax reporting: Topic Objectives At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to: Analyze data relevant to European tax reporting. Locate the Customizing of tax reporting for European Union. Create a Sales List according to European Union requirements. © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 8-43 EU Single European Market Customers Tax codes X1 = delivery of goods X2 = service Vendors Tax code Y1 = acquisition tax VAT registration number for the company code for the customer Customer line item Transfer of the into the document Acquisition tax Acquisition tax 100 100 RFASLMOO RFUMSV00 EC sales list Tax return © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG Automatic posting AC205 8-44 Customizing Country Specifics Exercises Unit: Customizing Country Specifics Topic: 1099/1042 Processing (USA) At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: • • • Modify a vendor to make it 1099 reportable Post a transaction subject to 1099 reporting Identify the 1099 reports One of your company codes, 3000, is a US company. For yearend closing, you must process withholding tax information for 1099 vendors. 1-1 Create a 1099 vendor invoice and generate the associated 1099 reports. 1-1-1 Your vendor, TE-AC##, has not been established as a 1099 vendor. Before processing your posting, you will first complete the field Tax Code 1 within the vendor master with the code 111-11-111, as well as enter code 07 in the Withholding Tax Code field of the vendor master to make your vendor 1099 reportable. 1-1-2 Enter an invoice for the current date for your vendor TE-AC## in company code 3000. The expense amount is 5000 USD, which will be charged to account 476000 (Office supplies) and cost center 1000 (Corporate Services). Select calculate tax and use tax code 0I (A/P Sales Tax, exempt). 1-1-3 Manually post a payment document for your vendor invoice.The amount of the payment is 5000 USD. The credit will be posted to cash account 113101 (Citibank - checks payable). 1-1-4 Now execute the various 1099 reports You may have to page down to review report information. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-45 Exercises Unit: Customizing Country Specifics Topic: Germany: Tax Reporting At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: • Execute tax reporting for Germany Your company code AC## is in Germany and is required to produce standard monthly reporting for taxes. 2-1 (C) SAP AG Within monthly reporting you have to report the tax relevant data to financial authority. Execute the Advance return for tax on sales/purchases report for Germany (RFUMSV00) for output tax postings made during the current period and fiscal year to your company code AC##. Specify posting parameters to create a batch input session, TAX##, to post the transaction to the first day of the next period and record a due date of the 10th of the next period. Use document type SA for the posting. Process the resulting batch input session (foreground) to generate the posting to the General Ledger. Processing is complete when you receive the message 'Batch input processing completed'. AC205 8-46 Exercises Unit: Customizing Country Specifics Topic: European Union: Tax Reporting At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: • Generate the EC sales list for European Union reporting Your country is a member of the European Union. The EU requires the generation of the EC sales list. You need to make sure that this report is available in the R/3 System. 3-1 (C) SAP AG Locate the menu path in the reporting tree for the general EC sales list reporting for the European Union (RFASLM00). AC205 8-47 Customizing Country Specifics Solutions Unit: Customizing Country Specifics Topic: 1099/1042 Processing (USA) 1-1 Create a 1099 vendor invoice and generate the associated 1099 reports. 1-1-1 Your vendor, TE-AC##, has not been established as a 1099 vendor. Before processing your posting, you will first complete the field Tax Code 1 within the vendor master with the code 111-11-111, as well as enter code 07 in the Withholding Tax Code field of the vendor master to make your vendor 1099 reportable. Menu path to change vendor master record: Accounting → Financial Accounting → Accounts Payable → Master records → Change Enter the following information: Vendor: Company code: TE-AC## 3000 Select Control in the General data section and Accounting info in the Company Code data section of the master record initial screen. Press 'Enter'. Enter 111-11-1111 in the field Tax code 1. Press 'Enter'. Enter 07 in the field W. tax code. Save your changes to the vendor master record. 1-1-2 Enter an invoice for the current date for your vendor TE-AC## in company code 3000. The expense amount is 5000 USD, which will be charged to account 476000 (Office supplies) and cost center 1000 (Corporate Services). Select calculate tax and use tax code 0I (A/P Sales Tax, exempt). Menu Path for invoice entry: Accounting→ Financial Accounting → Accounts Payable → Document entry → Invoice The company code screen may appear automatically. If not, click Change leading company code. Enter 3000 in the company code field. Enter the following information: (C) SAP AG AC205 8-48 Vendor: Invoice date: Amount: Calculate tax: Tax code: TE-AC## Current date 5000 X 0I (A/P sales tax exempt) Click the Withholding tax tab. Enter 5000 in the W. tax base field. Enter the following information for the first row: G/L: D/C: Doc.: Cost (center): 476000 Debit 5000 1000 Post your document. 1-1-3 Manually post a payment document for your vendor invoice.The amount of the payment is 5000 USD. The credit will be posted to cash account 113101 (Citibank - checks payable). Menu Path for manual payment: Accounting→ Financial Accounting → Accounts Payable → Document entry → Outgoing payment→ Post Enter the following information: Document date: Current date Company code: 3000 Bank data section: Account: 113101 Amount: 5000 Open item selection section: Account: TE-AC## Click Process open items at the top of the screen Double-click open item to select it. Post your payment document. 1-1-4 Now execute the various 1099 reports You may have to page down to review report information. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-49 Menu Path for 1099 reporting: Accounting→ Financial Accounting → Accounts Payable → Withholding tax → USA Double-click the report you want to view, for example, Postcard Printout of 1099 Vendor Addresses for Tax Code Request. Data necessary for the 3 1099 reports: Vendor account: Company code: Clearing date: to: TE-AC## 3000 01/01/Current year 12/31/Current year Execute. You may be required to perform the following to complete execution of your report: Output device: Provided by the instructor. Print immediately: X Delete after print: X Click Print. Repeat steps for remaining reports. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-50 Solutions Unit: Customizing Country Specifics Topic: Germany: Tax Reporting 2-1 Within monthly reporting you have to report the tax relevant data to financial authority. Execute the Advance return for tax on sales/purchases report for Germany (RFUMSV00) for output tax postings made during the current period and fiscal year to your company code AC##. Specify posting parameters to create a batch input session, TAX##, to post the transaction to the first day of the next period and record a due date of the 10th of the next period. Use document type SA for the posting. Process the resulting batch input session (foreground) to generate the posting to the General Ledger. Processing is complete when you receive the message 'Batch input processing completed'. Menu Path for general tax reporting: Accounting → Financial Accounting → General Ledger → Reporting → Tax reports → General → Advance return for tax on sales/purchases→ Advance return for tax on sales/purchases Enter the following information: Company code: Fiscal year: Posting date: To: Select output tax: Select input tax: AC## Current year First day of the current period Last day of the current period X de-select Click Posting parameters tab and enter: Batch input session required: Posting document type: Posting date: Due date of the tax payable: Session name: X SA First day of next period Day 10 of next period TAX## Execute the program. Menu path for batch input session: System → Services → Batch input → Sessions (C) SAP AG AC205 8-51 Mark your session and click Process. Select Process/foreground and click Process. Press 'Enter' to move through the posting screens. Click Exit to confirm the 'Batch input processing completed' message. Click Start SAP Easy Access to return to the SAP Enjoy display. (C) SAP AG AC205 8-52 Solutions Unit: Customizing Country Specifics Topic: European Union: Tax Reporting 3-1 Locate the menu path in the reporting tree for the general EC sales list reporting for the European Union (RFASLM00). Menu Path for general EC sales list reporting: Accounting → Financial Accounting → General Ledger → Reporting → EC sales list → General → EC Sales List (C) SAP AG AC205 8-53 Appendix (2) This section contains supplementary material to be used as reference This material is not part of the standard course Therefore, the instructor might not cover this during the course presentation © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 9-1 Other Closing Information Contents Consolidation Month-End and Year-End Closing Checklists Menu Paths © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 9-2 Other Closing Information: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: Outline which procedures exist for transferring data from Financial Accounting into Consolidation. Locate customizing for consolidation preparation which uses the “Periodic Extract Method”. List closing steps Identify processing and configuration menu paths for closing. © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 9-3 Transferring data from FI to Consolidation: Topic Objectives At the conclusion of this topic, you will be able to: Outline which procedures exist for transferring data from Financial Accounting into Consolidation. Locate customizing for consolidation preparation which uses the “Periodic Extract Method”. © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 9-4 Data Streams EIS Executive Information System COCO-PA HR BP Business Planning EC-CS Consolidation Dimension FI Data Consolidation Unit = Company / Business Area PCA Data CU = Company / Profit Center EC-PCA Profit Center Accounting Profit Center, Company Code FI-GL General Ledger SD MM Bal. Sheet a/cs P&L Accounts and CO Object © SAP AG 1999 Assets Receivables Payables WIP Stock Other CO Controlling Cost Center Order Project EC-CS consolidates on the basis of the organizational units company, business area, and profit center and is optimally integrated with these systems. If the transaction applications and consolidation system reside in the same system and client, the data can be transferred online to the consolidation system. Additionally, data can be transferred by periodic extract or rollup from non-SAP systems. (C) SAP AG AC205 9-5 Integration of Master Data Sender System FI Consolidation System Dimension Version Ledger ECCS Companies Business Areas Profit Centers Accounts Secondary Cost Elements Additional Account Assignments (Region, Functional Area, Cost Center...) Organizational Units: - Consolidation Units - Consolidation Groups - Consolidation Hierarchy Consolidation Chart of Accounts, Financial Statement Items Subitems © SAP AG 1999 Consolidation is centered on grouping together data from individual elements of an organization to form a unified whole. The aim of consolidation is to show only the external relationships, and to eliminate internal connections and processes. Against this background, two types of master data are of primary importance: The organizational units themselves, together with their structure, and The financial statement items, whose structure determines the content of the data. The financial statement item is the basis of entries, postings, and reporting within consolidation. Its use is not merely confined to variables from financial statements, income statements, or appropriation of retained earnings that are relevant to financial accounting. Statistical information and key figures can also be managed using financial statement items. In the Consolidation system, their properties attributes are determined on the basis of the FS item type, where-applied indicator, FS item category, debit/credit sign, and breakdown category. A subitem is an optional additional account assignment. For example, financial statement items for fixed assets may have to be additionally assigned with transaction types so that all changes in the financial statement items are shown from the opening to the closing balance. (C) SAP AG AC205 9-6 Preparation in FI Partner Information Organization Company Company Company Code Business Area Chart of Accounts Additional Information Business Area Consolidation Transaction Types from FI and FI-AA Consolidation Business Area Functional Area (P&L Statements using Cost of Sales Accounting) Regions FI CO ECECCS Sender Systems NonSAP © SAP AG 1999 The data source for EC-CS is the FI general ledger, and the company code is the organizational unit. The FI company code must be assigned to a chart of accounts and a company. In EC-CS, the consolidation units are generated from the business units (companies and/or business areas). In accounting transactions between business units in the enterprise, the relevant trading partner unit must be stored in the document. This is necessary for the subsequent interunit elimination. Store the relevant trading partners in the master data for affiliated customers and vendors. To transfer the data from the transaction sender system to the receiver system, you will make assignments tailored to the receiver system. These can be assignments that are equally binding for all consolidation types, such as the assignment of a company code to a company. If desired, business area balance sheets can be activated for each company code in FI. You can subdivide a company code into business areas to generate internal individual financial statements using freely selected areas of responsibility within a company. In business area consolidation, a consolidation business area must be assigned from the receiver system. If desired, you can create functional areas in FI so that the income statement can be grouped according to the requirements of cost of sales accounting. (C) SAP AG AC205 9-7 Assignment: Company Code - Company Client 001 ... NonSAP Systems FI Chart of Accounts CAUS Chart of Accounts ... Company Code C100 Company Code C200 Company Code ... Company C10000 Company C20000 Company ... Company ... ECCS © SAP AG 1999 Companies are the global organizational structures in FI. You can portray one or more of the client’s company codes, as well as internal trading partners whose transaction financial accounting is carried out in other systems (SAP system or non-SAP systems). For the purpose of integrated data transfer, you have to assign the company codes of the transaction system to the companies of the group. The data to be consolidated can either be stored in the transaction system or distributed over various systems. It makes no difference if the systems involved are SAP R/3 Systems or non-SAP systems. The internal trading partners for which transaction financial accounting is not carried out in the Consolidation system must also be represented by companies in FI. In EC-CS, consolidation units are generated automatically on the basis of the companies. Integrated data from company codes that have been assigned to a company can then be copied to the appropriate consolidation unit. In a similar way, integration techniques can be used to copy data from other SAP Systems to consolidation units. Otherwise, data entry is carried out using entry forms, flexible upload, or MS Access. (C) SAP AG AC205 9-8 Trading Partner Information: FI Trading Partner in Master Record Customer Vendor G/L Account Additional Account Assignment: Trading Partner in Document Business Area - Partner Business Area © SAP AG 1999 Identifying the group-internal posting procedures between affiliated enterprises is an important way of preparing data in individual financial statements. SAP stores the “Sender-Receiver” relationship at the document level in Financial Accounting. The balances are handled in consolidation with the additional account assignment trading partner. The relevant trading partner number is stored in the customer/vendor master record. To allow entries in the “Trading partner” field, this field has to be set to “Optional entry” in the appropriate account group of the master data (“General data, control” field status group). When postings are made to this account, the company number is copied to the line item, and can be used in consolidation for elimination of IU payables and receivables, as well as in revenue and expense elimination. The trading partner can also be stored in the G/L account. During posting, it is then copied to the line item, enabling the elimination functions to be carried out in consolidation. Alternatively, the trading partner can also be set manually in the document. For business area consolidation, you also need a reference in FI to the trading partner business area with which you have a business relationship. The business area is usually derived from the MM/SD transactions. To allow the trading partner business areas to be entered for G/L account postings, as well as for transactions in FI-AP/-AR, the “Trading partner business area” field in the field status group of the FI reconciliation account must be set to optional entry. (C) SAP AG AC205 9-9 Additional Account Assignment: Business Area MM Materials Plant Material Valuation Area Division SD Sales and Delivery Sales Organization PS Projects Project Cost Center Distribution Channel FIFI-AA Fixed Assets Business Area Order Fixed Asset Investment Measure CO - Controlling © SAP AG 1999 In many areas of the SAP System, master data is assigned to business areas. In most cases, this allows you to derive the business areas and the trading partner business areas automatically. In most business transactions, the business area is derived when the data is posted. If the additional account assignment is not unique, however, the business area is adjusted at the end of the period. Partner-specific information from the combination of company/business area forms the basis for integrated business area consolidation. The posting lines of the accounting business transactions are provided with a trading partner business area assignment, enabling revenue and expense elimination to be carried out in the Consolidation system. In the MM component, the relationships between purchase and sales orders are also tracked. (C) SAP AG AC205 9-10 Assignments: Asset Master Record FIFI-AA Fixed Asset 1 CO Date-Sensitive Data Business Area Cost Center 4000 C100C4311M Order Depreciation Area Cost Center C100C4311M • Company Code • Business Area 4000 • Profit Center C100 4000 C4311 Order ########## • Company Code • Business Area 4000 • Profit Center C100 4000 C4311 Trade Law ... Costing © SAP AG 1999 Example of how the business area is derived: If business area balance sheets are activated in FI, the business area field in the master records for fixed assets automatically becomes a required entry field, regardless of the update control setting of the screen layout control for the asset class. The costs of procurement, goods manufactured, and the depreciation are posted to the business area. For cost accounting purposes, a fixed asset can either be assigned to a cost center or to an order. Both CO objects are assigned to a company code, a business area, and a profit center when business area balance sheets or profit center accounting are activated. When procurement and manufacturing costs are posted to the fixed asset, the business area and the profit center are then derived from the cost center or the order. The periodic depreciations are also posted to the business area or the profit center. (C) SAP AG AC205 9-11 Consolidation With Different Releases EC-CS 4.X R/3 System 3.X FI, CO, PCA R/3 System 4.X Non-SAP system FI, CO, PCA, EC-CS Transfer using: ALE, Rollup Extract, Flexible Upload, MS Access © SAP AG 1999 The EC-CS component provides powerful functionality in both homogenous and heterogeneous system environments. The component copes easily with non-standardized key systems (organizational units, charts of accounts, products, and so on), financial applications, and hardware environments. The group companies who do not use the Consolidation system for financial accounting are mapped as companies in FI. In EC-CS, consolidation units are generated automatically from these FI companies. This means that data from company codes to which a company has been assigned can be transferred to the appropriate integrated consolidation unit. If the transaction applications and the Consolidation system are all in the same client of the same system, data can be transferred to the Consolidation system online (in realtime). It is also possible to transfer data from SAP systems by means of periodic extracts and rollups. Data from non-SAP systems can be imported using special data entry forms, flexible uploads, and Microsoft Access. (C) SAP AG AC205 9-12 Defining Data Transfer ECCS Group: Fiscal Year Variant: Active Consolidation Types Check FI Company Code/ Business Area Combination Company Realtime update Rollup Periodic extract Business Area Realtime update Rollup Periodic extract Profit Center Consolidation System EC-CS FI-LC RF-KONS Data Streams Chart of accts Version Active © SAP AG 1999 To define data transfer, specify the group to which the companies of this SAP System report. Then define the fiscal year variant used in Consolidation. Also specify the Consolidation system, the consolidation types that are active for integration, and the data transfer methods to be used for each of these consolidation types. You will need to make these settings in every client of every system. The system reads the consolidation chart of accounts and the corresponding transaction charts of accounts for every data stream. On the basis of this information, it determines the appropriate item in the consolidation chart of accounts for each transaction account. The system checks the following before the settings can be saved: Whether active data streams exist (at least one data stream must be defined and flagged as active for each data stream) The assignment of group accounts to G/L accounts (does not apply to periodic extract method) Whether a default subitem and sender field have been defined in the master record of the subitem categories used. Business area consolidation: If some company codes post to different business areas, you can specify here that a check should be run in the Accounting system to see if a business area defined in the document is valid for the company code in question. When the system runs this check, it uses the permissible combinations of company code and business area that you defined in Customizing. (C) SAP AG AC205 9-13 Realtime Updates SD FI FI Document MM Realtime FI Transaction Figures FI Documents Alternatives ECCS US Ledger Totals Records Journal Entries © SAP AG 1999 If you use the realtime update method, every accounting transaction that affects the general ledger is updated at the same time in FI and in the totals records of the consolidation ledger. When the data is transferred, the system determines how each data record should be updated in the Consolidation system. It does this by looking at the definition and configuration of the data streams. Example - the system derives the appropriate ledger(s) from the master data defined for a consolidation group. The fiscal year variant is derived for each ledger from the master data defined for the consolidation groups. A document is only written to a ledger if the ledger is assigned to all the consolidation units involved and all have the same fiscal year variant. You can specify in the ledger whether you want to keep journal entry records in the journal entry table in addition to totals records. (C) SAP AG AC205 9-14 Periodic Extract SD FI Document MM Financial Statement Version: FI “GROUP” Online Periodically Ledger 09 Transaction Figures ECCS Documents Totals Records Generate Financial Statement Business Area Consolidation Staging Ledger Import data extract for each • Dimension • Consolidation chart of accounts • Version • Consolidation type Extract Consolidation Business Area Extract at the level of © SAP AG 1999 • Company • Consolidation business area The accounting transactions that affect the general ledger are updated in the transaction figures table and in the totals records of the consolidation staging ledger (09) at the same time in the sender system. Data is extracted from the consolidation staging ledger at regular intervals. The EC-CS component contains a program for uploading, converting and updating the extract. Data is transferred from a file. Ideally, the ledger currency of ledger 09 should be the same in the sender and receiver systems. The sender system only sends consolidation values to the receiver system, not ledger currency details. However if the currencies in the sender and receiver systems are different, you will have to execute the currency translation task in the data monitor (receiver system). (C) SAP AG AC205 9-15 Financial Statement Version for Consolidation List of financial statement versions FS version XXXX version description corporate balance sheet Maint.language Group account no. Chart of accounts D ¨ XXXX Definition of the statement layout Statement layout XXXX Corp. balance sheet Hierarchy level 1 0010000000 0020000000 0030000000 0040000000 Level forward ASSETS LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Profit and Loss Accounts not assigned Text Acct. © SAP AG 1999 In order to transfer data via periodic extract from Financial Accounting into Consolidation, it is necessary to use a financial statement version whose financial statement items correspond to the consolidation items (e.g., assets: 0010000000). In the financial statement version, define numeric item numbers using leading zeroes. Number assignments are made manually. The SAP standard delivery system includes a financial statement version for the group (INT) which corresponds to the example above. The corporate parent determines the FS chart of accounts; this is maintained in Customizing. (C) SAP AG AC205 9-16 Rollups ECCS FI Transfer on the basis of rules US Ledger Characteristics CU Item ... abc Sender Table Example: Summary table with functional area CU: GC: xyz Key fig. GC #### Receiver Table EC-CS Totals Records Consolidation Unit Value in Group Currency © SAP AG 1999 In the standard SAP System, a rollup is a tool for transferring data records from a sender table to a receiver table. Generally speaking, the sender and receiver tables are structured differently. This means that rules specifying how the individual fields are to be transferred have to be defined. The standard system already contains rules for transferring data to EC-CS. This means that a rollup is a user-friendly option for transferring data, particularly from Profit Center Accounting. (C) SAP AG AC205 9-17 Closing Checklists: Topic Objectives List closing steps © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 9-18 Month-End Checklist MONTH-END CLOSING ACTIVITIES PRE-CLOSE AREA PATH TASK MONTH Payroll Posting Old MM #12-13 Maintain GR/IR Clearing Account Old GL #44-45 Accruals/Deferrals Old HR #57 FI #46 SD -- FI AA Old Goods Issues/Invoices Old #63 Open New Period Old #5 - Depreciation Calculation New Settle assets under construction (AUCs) to assets in service New As required 48 MM #17 Verify that all postings for the period have been generated - AUC Settlement #14-15 Material Revaluations MM Continuous Recurring Entries - Interest MM NOTES Material Ledger Close New #18-19 Material Master Close New If set to allow prior period posting, can perform prior to period end AR/AP #63 Close Old Period New After primary postings complete FI #63 Preliminary Close Old Period New After primary postings complete (C) SAP AG AC205 9-19 MONTH-END CLOSING ACTIVITIES MANAGERIAL CLOSING AREA PATH FI/CO -- CO #51 TASK MONTH Preliminary Reporting New Cost Centers: New NOTES - Imputed Costs - Distributions & Assessments - Indirect Activity Allocations - Calculate Actual Activity Prices and Update Allocations CO #47, 50 Internal Orders New - Overhead Surcharges For external settlement to AA or FI, re-open appropriate G/L accounts - Settlement CO/PP #49 Production Orders Can settle multiple times in a period New - Overhead Surcharges After cost center and internal order allocations as required Re-open appropriate G/L accounts for settlement - WIP Calculation - Variance Calculation - Settlement CO #52 Profitability Analysis New - Cost Center Assessments - Activity-Based Costing Allocations CO (C) SAP AG #53 Lock Controlling Transactions AC205 10-20 New May lock each trans. type as completed or entire period MONTH-END CLOSING ACTIVITIES FINANCIAL CLOSING AREA PATH FI FI/CO #63 TASK MONTH Re-open Period for Adjustments New #54-55 Post CO Reconciling Entries to New FI FI #39 Foreign Currency Open Item Revaluation New GL #43 Revalue Balance Sheet Accounts in Foreign Currency New FI/ PCA #67-70 Business Area/Profit Center Adjustment New FI/ COPA #71 Profitability Segment Adjustment New FI #63 Final Close New Final Reporting: New FI/CO #72 - Compact Document Journal #2-4 - Financial Statements #82 - Taxes on Sales/Purchases -FI - Management Reporting #74-75 Balance Audit Trail FI/ECCS (C) SAP AG #84 Send Data to Consolidation (Periodic Extract) AC205 10-21 New New NOTES Cross-company-code, crossbusiness-area, and crossfunctional-area flows within CO are posted to FI Year-End Checklist YEAR-END CLOSING ACTIVITIES PRE-CLOSE AREA PATH TASK YEAR NOTES FI #63 Open New Fiscal Year Old MM #26 Physical Inventory Count Old Year-End or As required CO/PP #16 Material Revaluation from New Product Cost Estimates Old Year-End or As required AR/AP #2930 Balance Confirmations Old AA #8 Fiscal Year Change Old FI #64 Balance Carry Forward Old MM #2025 Inventory Revaluations Lowest Cost Determination, LIFO, FIFO New After MM postings completed for fiscal year AA -- - Revaluations New After AA postings completed for fiscal year After AA Fiscal Year Change and depreciation postings completed - Investment Subsidies AA AR/AP (C) SAP AG #9-10 Year-End Closing New #63 Close Fiscal Year New AC205 10-22 Cannot perform prior to final accounting period of old year YEAR-END CLOSING ACTIVITIES FINANCIAL CLOSING AREA PATH TASK YEAR FI #27 Analyze GR/IR Postings New FI #41 Regroup Receivables/ Payables New FI -- General Adjustments New FI #63 Final Close Fiscal Year New GL -- Balance Lists - Old Fiscal Year to New Fiscal Year New FI/CO/ Final Reporting: New AA Same as monthly plus: - Account Balances (Year End) #11 FI #76-79 (C) SAP AG - Asset History Sheet Accumulated Balance Audit Trail AC205 10-23 New NOTES Reconcile carry forward balances w/prior year final balances Closing Menu Paths: Topic Objectives Identify processing and configuration menu paths for closing © SAP AG 1999 (C) SAP AG AC205 10-24 Menu Paths Activity Menu Path Trans Ch. 3 – The Financial Statement 1. Maintain Financial Statement Versions IMG → Financial Accounting → General Ledger Accounting → Business Transactions → Closing → Documenting → Define Financial Statement Versions Information Systems → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Information System→ Balance Sheet 2. Execute a Balance Sheet (RFBILA00) OB58 F.01 or Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Information system → General LedgerReports → Balance Sheet/Profit and Loss Statement/Cash Flow → General → Actual/Actual Comparisons → Balance Sheet/P+L 3. Execute a Balance Sheet Drill Down Report 4. Execute a Cost-of-Sales Profti and Loss Report Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Information system → General LedgerReports → Balance Sheet/Profit and Loss Statement/Cash Flow → General →…. Accounting → Financial accounting → Special Purpose Ledger → Tools → Report Painter → Report → Display → Library 0F1, Report 0FGUV1 → Display → Execute S_ALR_ 87012284 Various GRR3 Ch. 4 – Assets and Liabilities 5. Process Depreciation Run 6. Process Investment Grant (C) SAP AG AC205 10-25 Accounting → Financial accounting → Fixed assets → Periodic processing → Depreciation run → Execute Accounting → Financial accounting AFAB AR11 → Fixed assets → Periodic processing → Investment grant (C) SAP AG AC205 10-26 Activity 7. Process Revaluation 8. AA Fiscal Year Change 9. AA Fiscal Year Close – Account Reconciliation 10. AA Fiscal Year Close 11. Produce Asset History Sheet Menu Path Accounting → Financial accounting → Fixed assets → Periodic processing → Revaluation for the balance sheet → Post revaluation Accounting → Financial accounting → Fixed assets → Periodic processing → Fiscal year change Accounting → Financial accounting → Fixed assets → Periodic processing → Year-end closing → Account reconciliation Accounting → Financial accounting → Fixed assets → Periodic processing → Year-end closing → Execute Accounting → Financial accounting → Fixed assets → Info system → Reports on Asset Accounting → Balance Sheet Explanations → International → Asset History Sheet Trans AR29 AJRW ABST2 AJAB S_ALR_ 87011990 or Accounting → Financial accounting → Fixed assets → Info system → Reports on Asset Accounting → Balance Sheet Explanations → Country Specifics →… 12. Produce GR/IR Balance Report 13. Maintain GR/IR Clearing Account 14. Material Revaluations – Price Changes (manual) (C) SAP AG AC205 10-27 Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Environment → Balances Display → List of GR/IR Bals. Logistics → Materials Management → Invoice Verification → Invoice Verification → Further processing → Maintain GR/IR acct Logistics → Materials Management → Valuation → Valuation → Price Determination → Change price Various MB5S MR11 MR21 Activity 15. Material Revaluations – Debit/Credit Material 16. Product Costing Material Price Change 17. Material Ledger Closing 18. Materials Management Closing 19. Materials Management Closing – Control Posting to Prior Period 20. Lowest Value Determination – Market Prices 21. Lowest Value Determination – Range of Coverage 22. Lowest Value Determination – Movement Rate 23. Lowest Value Determination – Loss-Free Valuation 24. LIFO Valuation (C) SAP AG AC205 10-28 Menu Path Logistics → Materials Management → Valuation → Valuation → Price Determination → Debit/cred. material Accounting → Controlling → Product Cost Controlling → Product Cost Planning → Material Costing → Price Update Logistics → Materials Management → Valuation → Actual Costing/Material Ledger → Periodic material valuation → Post closing Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Other → Close period Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Other → Allow posting to previous period Logistics → Materials Management → Valuation → Valuation → Bal. sheet valuation → Determ. lowest values → Market prices Logistics → Materials Management → Valuation → Valuation → Bal. sheet valuation → Determ. lowest values → Range of coverage Logistics → Materials Management → Valuation → Valuation → Bal. sheet valuation → Determ. lowest values → Movement rate Logistics → Materials Management → Valuation → Valuation → Bal. sheet valuation → Determ. lowest values → Loss-free valuation Logistics → Materials Management → Valuation → Valuation → Bal. sheet valuation → LIFO Valuation →… Trans MR22 CK24 CKMI MMPV MMRV MRN0 MRN1 MRN2 MRN3 Various Activity 25. FIFO Valuation 26. Physical Inventory Processing 27. Analyze GR/IR Clearing Accounts and Display Acquisition Tax 28. Define Adjustment Accounts for GR/IR Clearing 29. Print Balance Confirmation Menu Path Logistics → Materials Management → Valuation → Valuation → Bal. sheet valuation → FIFO Valuation →… Logistics → Materials Management → Physical Inventory →… Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing → Regroup → GR/IR clearing IMG → Financial Accounting → General Ledger Accounting → Business Transactions → Closing → Regrouping → Define Adjustment Accounts for GR/IR Clearing Accounting → Financial accounting → A/P or A/R → Periodic processing → Closing → Check/count → Balance confirmation: Print Trans Various Various F.19 OBYP F.17 or Accounting → Financial accounting → A/P or A/R → Periodic processing → Print correspondence → Balance confirmation → Print letters 30. Configure Balance Confirmation Accounting → Financial accounting → A/P or A/R → Periodic processing → Closing → Check/count →… or Accounting → Financial accounting → A/P or A/R → Periodic processing → Print correspondence → Balance confirmation →… (C) SAP AG AC205 10-29 F.1B, F.1A Activity 31. Post Individual Value Adjustment 32. Define Account Determination for Flat-Rate Individual Value Adjustment 33. Configure Flat-Rate Individual Value Adjustment 34. Calculate Flat-Rate Individual Value Adjustment 35. Writing-Off Doubtful Receivables 36. Customizing Exchange Rates 37. Maintaining Exchange Rates 38. Customizing Valuation Methods 39. Foreign Currency Open Item Valuation (C) SAP AG AC205 10-30 Menu Path Accounting → Financial accounting → Accounts receivable → Document entry → Other → Intern. trans. psting → Without clearing IMG → Financial Accounting → Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable → Business Transactions → Closing → Valuate → Valuations → Define Accounts IMG → Financial Accounting → Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable → Business Transactions → Closing → Valuate → Valuations →… Accounting → Financial accounting → Accounts receivable → Periodic processing → Closing → Valuate → Further valuations Accounting → Financial accounting → Accounts receivable → Document entry → Other → Intern. trans. psting → With clearing IMG → General Settings → Currencies →.. Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Environment → Current settings → Enter exchange rates IMG → Financial Accounting → General Ledger Accounting → Business Transactions → Closing → Valuating → Foreign Currency Valuation → Define Valuation Methods Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing>>Valuate → Valuation of Open Items in Foreign Currency Trans F-21 OBB0 SPRO F107 F-30 Various OB08 OB59 F.05 Activity Menu Path IMG → Financial Accounting → General Ledger Accounting → Business Transactions → Closing → Valuating → Foreign Currency Valuation → Prepare automatic postings for foreign currency valuation 40. Account Determination for Exchange Rate Differences 41. Regroup Receivables and Payables Accounting → Financial accounting → A/P or A/R → Periodic processing → Closing → Regroup → Receivables/ Payables IMG → Financial Accounting → Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable → Business Transactions → Closing → Regrouping →… 42. Account Determination for Regrouping Receivables and Payables Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing → Valuate → Foreign Currency Valuation of Inventory 43. Revalue Foreign Currency G/L Account Balances Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing → Valuate → Enter Accrual/Deferral Doc. 44. Posting Accruals/Deferrals 45. Posting Accrual/Deferral Reversal 46. Generate Recurring Entry Posting Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing → Valuate → Reverse Accrual/Deferral Document Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Recurring Entries → Execute Trans OBA1 F101 OBBV, OBBW, OBBX F.06 FBS1 F.81 F.14 Ch. 5 – Profit and Loss 47. Capital Investment Projects – Settle Order to AUC 48. Capital Investment Projects – Settle AUC to asset in service (C) SAP AG AC205 10-31 Accounting → Investment management → Internal orders → Period-end closing → Single functions → Settlement →… Accounting → Investment management → Fixed assets → Various AIBU Postings → Cap. asset u. const. → Settle (C) SAP AG AC205 10-32 Activity 49. PP/CO Period-End Closing Menu Path Logistics → Production → Production Control → Period-end closing →… Trans Various or Accounting → Controlling → Product Cost Controlling → Cost Object Controlling → Product Cost by Order → Period-End Closing → Single Functions →… 50. Internal Order Period-End Closing 51. Cost Center Accounting PeriodEnd Closing 52. Profitability Analysis Period-End Closing 53. Lock Controlling Transactions 54. Reconciliation Ledger 55. Reconciliation Ledger Follow Up Postings 56. Reconciliation Ledger Configuration 57. Post payroll information to accounting (C) SAP AG AC205 10-33 Accounting → Controlling → Internal Orders → Period-end closing → Single functions →… Accounting → Controlling → Cost Center Accounting → Period-end closing → Single functions →… Accounting → Controlling → Profitability Analysis → Actual Postings → Cost Center Costs/Process Costs →… Accounting → Controlling → Cost Center Accounting → Environment → Period lock → Change Accounting → Controlling → Cost Element Accounting → Actual postings → Reconciliation withFI Accounting → Controlling → Cost Element Accounting → Environment → Reconciliation ledger → Follow up posting IMG → Controlling → Overhead Cost Controlling → Cost and Revenue Element Accounting → Reconciliation Ledger Human Resources → Payroll → (Country-specific) Various Various KEU5, KEG5, CPAE OKP1 KALC KAL1 Various PC00_ M99_ CIPE Activity 58. Configure Payroll for posting to accounting Menu Path IMG → Payroll → Payroll: (country-specific) Trans Various Ch. 6 – Customizing Technical, Organizational and Documentary Steps 59. Define fiscal year variants 60. Allocate fiscal year variant to a company code 61. Define Variants for Open Posting Periods 62. Allocate Posting Period Variant to Company Code 63. Open and Close Posting Periods 64. Carry Forward Balance to New Fiscal Year 65. Define Retained Earning account 66. Schedule Manager (C) SAP AG AC205 10-34 IMG → Financial Accounting → Financial Accounting Global Settings → Fiscal Year → Maintain Fiscal Year Variant (Maintain Shortened Fisc. Year) IMG → Financial Accounting → Financial Accounting Global Settings → Fiscal Year → Assign Company Code to a Fiscal Year Variant IMG → Financial Accounting → Financial Accounting Global Settings → Document → Posting Periods → Define Variants for Open Posting Periods IMG → Financial Accounting → Financial Accounting Global Settings → Document → Posting Periods → Assign Variants to Company Code Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Environment → Current settings → Open and Close Posting Periods Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing → Carry Forward → Balances IMG → Financial Accounting → General Ledger Accounting → Business Transactions → Closing → Carrying Forward → Define Retained Rarnings Account Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic OB29 OB37 OBBO OBBP OB52 F.16 OB53 SCMA processing → Schedule Manager (C) SAP AG AC205 10-35 Activity 67. Subsequent Business Area/Profit Center Adjustment – Calculate 68. Subsequent Business Area/Profit Center Adjustment – Post 69. Transfer B/S Items to Profit Center Accounting 70. PCA Balance Carried Forward 71. Profit and Loss Adjustment 72. Run Compact Document Journal (RFBELJ00) 73. Create Balance Audit Work Files 74. Run Monthly Balance Audit Trail for Open Item Accounts (RFKKBU00) (C) SAP AG AC205 10-36 Menu Path Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing → Regroup → Balance Sheet Readjustment → Calculate Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing → Regroup → Balance Sheet Readjustment → Post Accounting → Enterprise Controlling → Profit Center Accounting → Actual Postings → Period-End Closing → Transfer Payables/Receivables Accounting → Enterprise Controlling → Profit Center Accounting → Actual Postings → Period-End Closing → Carrying Forward of Balances Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing → Regroup → Profit and Loss Adjustment Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Information system → General Ledger Reports → Document → General → Compact Document Journal IMG → Financial Accounting → General Ledger Accounting → Business Transactions → Closing → Documenting → Define Accumulated Work Files for Balance Audit Trail Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing → Document → Balance audit trail → Open item accounts → Open Item Account Balance Audit Trail from the Trans F.5D F.5E 1KEK 2KES F.50 S_ALR_ 87012289 OBBQ S_ALR_ 87012317 Document File (C) SAP AG AC205 10-37 Activity 75. Run Monthly Balance Audit Trail for Other Accounts (RFHABU00) 76. Create Extract for Accumulated Open Item Balance Audit Trail (RFKKET00) 77. Run Accumulated Open Item Balance Audit Trail (RFKKBU10) 78. Create Extract for Accumulated Balance Audit Trail for Other Accounts (RFKLET00) 79. Run Accumulated Balance Audit Trail for Other Accounts (RFKLBU10) Menu Path Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing → Document → Balance audit trail → All accounts → General Ledger from the Document File Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing → Document → Balance audit trail → Open item accounts → From balance audit trail → Extract for Accumulated Open Item Audit Trail Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing → Document → Balance audit trail → Open item accounts → From balance audit trail → Accts Detailed Listing from Open Item Account Accumulated Audit Trail Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing → Document → Balance audit trail → All accounts → From balance audit trail → Extract for the Accumulated Historical Balance Audit Trail Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing → Document → Balance audit trail → All accounts → From balance audit trail → Account Details from Historical Accumulated Balance Audit Trail Trans S_ALR_ 87012312 S_ALR_ 87012318 S_ALR_ 87012319 S_ALR_ 87012314 S_ALR_ 87012315 Appendices – General Functions 80. Account Determination for Taxes (C) SAP AG AC205 10-38 IMG → Financial Accounting → Financial Accounting Global Settings → Tax on Sales/Purchases → Posting → Define Tax Accounts OB40 Activity 81. Other Tax Configuration 82. Tax Reporting 83. Choose Extract Method for Consolidation 84. Send Data to Consolidation (Periodic Extract) Menu Path IMG → Financial Accounting → Financial Accounting Global Settings → Tax on Sales/Purchases →… Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Reporting → Tax reports →…) IMG → Enterprise Controlling → Consolidation → Integration: Preparation for Consolidation → Preparation in the Sender System → Preparations Related to All Consolidation Types → Define data transfer Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Periodic processing → Closing → Report → Send data to consolidation Trans Various Various OCCI GC44 or Information Systems → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Information System→ Balance Sheet (C) SAP AG AC205 10-39 F.01 Appendix Exercises Unit: Appendix Topic: Preparation for Consolidation At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: • List methods to transfer data from FI to consolidations • Locate customizing for preparation for consolidation Your enterprise will use the R/3 Consolidation function to prepare consolidated financial statements. You need to determine the customization that supports transfer of data from FI to consolidations. 1-1 What data transfer methods for consolidation preparation exist within the R/3 System, and which one is utilized by the financial statement program, RFBILA00? 1-2 Locate customizing in the IMG for consolidation the preparation for consolidation that uses the 'periodic extract method'. (C) SAP AG AC205 10-40 Appendix Solutions Unit: Appendix Topic: Preparation for Consolidation 1-1 What data transfer methods for consolidation preparation exist within the R/3 System, and which one is utilized by the financial statement program, RFBILA00? R/3 offers Realtime Update, Rollup and Periodic Extract data transfer methods. Peridodic extract is the data transfer method that is utilized by RFBILA00. 1-2 Locate customizing in the IMG for consolidation the preparation for consolidation that uses the 'periodic extract method'. Menu path to configure periodic extract method: Tools → AcceleratedSAP → Customizing → Edit Project → Goto →SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → Preparation for Consolidation → General Specifications → Scope of Consolidation and Data Transfer → Periodic Extract from the Consolidation Staging Ledger → Set up periodic extract (C) SAP AG AC205 10-41