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Scarface It is an action movie directed by Brian De Palma, set in the (80´s)eighties
The movie was released in 1983.
with Al Pacino as Tony Montana
Steven Bauer as Manny ray
Robert Loggia as Frank Lopez
The movie starts with the immigration of cubans to florida,
Tony Montana together with his friend Manny Ray, they are transferred to a refugee
they begin to seek their citizenship, so look for an opportunity.
they get a chance of a drug dealer named frank lopez
They are ordered to kill a general and they obtain the documents
and goes to Miami with his friend
They need money, so he gets a job washing dishes.
but tony montana wants to dominate the mafia and drug trafficking, so together with
Frank Lopez he immersed himself further in the mafia.
With some dangerous jobs and earning respect.
But Frank betrays Tony and he kills him and keeps all the money
and his reign begins
but he has problems with taxes
Sosa offers him a job to free him from taxes
but he fails the mission
So Sosa sends many hitmen to kill Tony.
Tony defends himself by shooting all the hitmen.
he can't defend himself anymore and gets shot in the back
The film is very violent and surprising with a very good review.