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English Study Sheet: Visuals, Ads, Rhetoric

English A final study sheet:
Images and magazine covers:
Images communicate using signifiers, the message they communicate is Signified.
Symbol: means that the image stands for something abstract. It symbolizes something and means
something else. For example, a heart often symbolizes love.
Icon: the image resembles the thing it represents. So, if a heart is an icon, it could lead to a
Logo: a design used to represent an organization, where it becomes associated with this design.
Composition: the authors arrangement of objects in relation to each other, the use of color and
contrast, light, depth, and the amount of negative space (empty background to focus on the
subject). Composition is the arrangement of objects, putting together of things, and combination
of all elements.
Rule of thirds: Tells the viewers to look at the place where three columns and three rows
interest. To focus on the middle part.
Visual narratives: the image can tell a story. It describes a narrative. Reviving the narrative.
Paralanguage: (Posture, pose, gase, gesture)
Anchoring: process of making an imagine meaningful by adding words, such as a caption, or
vice versa illustration.
Magazine covers:
Title: type of font, color, nature, context. Some place title in front of the subject on the cover,
while others behind.
Ears and teasers: the top part of cover is called the ears. Headlines in the ears are called teasers,
as they give a sneak peek to the contents of the magazine.
Headlines and captions: phrases, statements, or questions that capture the audience’s attention
and lead the article.
Photographs: pictures of people, or headshots (their heads). The camera angle can help analyze
this. Looking down on the subject makes it look weak, looking up makes it look strong.
Lighting and color: crisp or warm? High or low contrast? Associations with the color. Bright or
Body language: stylistic device or structural feature.
Smiles and teeth: friendly, jovial, and affable.
Gaze: is the subject looking at the camera? The gaze has an effect on the reader. Looking away
makes the subject look distant and approachable. Looking towards the camera makes the subject
appear engaged with the reader.
Position of hands: crossed arms or on the waist make the subject look strong and confident.
Fidgeting is a sign of weakness.
Advertising for something. Could be a pop-up in web browsers, billboards, commercials, or
printed advertisements.
Types of advertisements:
Banner or sponsored link: a kind of advertisement which is automatically embedded on
third-party websites.
Ambient advertising: uses physical surroundings to construct meaning.
Billboard: doesn’t need to promote a product or company, just to promote meaning.
Advertisements terms:
 Guerrilla advertisement:
 Integrating pre-existing physical objects in the advertisement. Usually
referred to as unconventional.
 Product placement:
o What is product placement? Product placement is a marketing technique in
which a product or service is showcased in some form of media, such as
television shows, movies, music videos, social media platforms, or even ads
for other products. Like drinking a soda in a show.
 Spoof ad
o A parody advertisement is a fictional advertisement for a non-existent
product, either done within another advertisement for an actual product, or
done simply as parody of advertisements
Sponsored content:
o An interstitial ad is a full-screen ad that covers the entire interface of the
host app. These ads are designed to be placed between content and are
typically displayed at transition points in an app flow, such as between
activities, during a pause, or between levels in a game.
 A PR stunt is an event designed to grab public attention or generate media
coverage. The purpose of a publicity stunt is to raise awareness about a business or
person. A public relations stunt can take many forms and is not restricted to
conventional marketing campaigns. originality is the key
 Celebrity endorsement: including celebrity
 Stunts: publicity stunts wad7a tbh
 Subvertising (a portmanteau of subvert and advertising) is the practice of making
spoofs or parodies of corporate and political advertisements.
Key features of advertisements:
Visual narrative: tells a story
Copy: term used to describe the text or words in the ad.
Tagline: catchphrase that leads the advertisement
Signature: the use of the products name and logo
Slogan: the company’s slogan for all products.
Advertising techniques:
Problem and benefit: ads blur the lines between what you need and what you want.
They might create a problem and convince you of it that you didn’t know existed. They
create this problem, and then they can offer a solution.
Bandwagon effect: is a propaganda technique that suggests one should do something
because everyone else is doing it.
Testimonial: happy costumers or celebrity endorsement.
Association: product becomes associated with what you see beside it.
Street Art:
Graffiti (vandalize in artistic ways)
Ephemeral (Temporary)
Street art (type of text with structural and stylistic features)
Guerrilla art: artwork that appears unannounced beyond art-sanctioned spaces.
Anonymous. It pop ups.
Grafiti and street art are used for social commentary as they are a form of unofficial art that is
done in public, thus forcing people to see it. Public affairs/conflicts regarding social, economical,
and ethical values.
Key features:
Social commentary: a political statement
Guerrilla art
Situational irony
Icon and symbols
Stencil: stencil and spray paint are what they use to avoid getting caught, cuz they can be used
Trompe l’oeil: deceive the eye, 2D art that seems 3D.
Parallelism: repetition of structure
Hypophora: asks a question then answers it
Repetition (anaphora)
Antithesis: two contrasting ideas in the same sentence
Figurative speech: not meant literally (simile, imagery, metaphor)
Tricolon and polysyndeton: lists of threes, to appeal to the audience. Polysyndeton is a way of
listing items including and instead of commas, to emphasize on their importance
Allusion: reference to other famous stuff
News Articles:
Headlines and subheadings
Check the analysis page 155
How to write about Africa
Usually situational irony, about immigrants, and countries not being open.
'Euphemism' is a word or phrase that makes something sound better than it actually is.
Euphemisms can be found in political speeches, advertising campaigns or everyday
Synecdoche is a stylistic device. It is the act of referring to an entity by one of its parts. For
example, if you refer to your car as your 'wheels', you are using synecdoche. 'All hands on deck!'
is another example.
Syndecdoche is closely related to but different from metonymy, where a concept is referred to
by something closely associated.
Paradox: a sentence/words that are contradicting, or unexpected belief and/or opinion. An ironic
thought or statement.
Check out sample in page 273
Check rhetorical device list
Check propaganda techniques ppt
Check specimen papers, brainstorm and write a paper 1 analysis
Paper 1 analysis on tourism Australia ad
How are text and image used in this advertisement to promote domestic tourism?
Composition of elements and colors. (dreams aspiration) blue and gold sun shine
and blue skies
Paralanguage (posture, gestures, gaze, pose)/ body language: only one woman is
shown allowing reader to connect, not only the dad will be influenced by the trip.
Plain folk propaganda technique- familial of the same family by using dad, and a
sort of false equivalence aftershave and adventure, and the use of we suggesting a
sense of connection.
Slogan: capitalization showcasing importance, here is in the curvy and placed in
the map of Australia. Capurting the audiences attention etc…
Text A is a marketing advertisement featured on the “Tourism Australia” website. With the rise of
tourism worldwide, this advertisement aims to promote domestic tourism to Australia by
showcasing the benefits and beauty of a family trip to Australia. The advertisement includes a
rhetorical question, regarding gift options for the dad. The advertisement continues to elaborate
about Australia as a gift that is worth giving, to go on an adventure. The main audience here are
those looking for appropriate gift options for family members. The advertisement aims to capture
the interest of the audience and persuade them to travel to Australia. Targeting a world audience,
of all genders, ages, and backgrounds, the author uses devices and features such as composition
of elements and colors, paralanguage of the subjects, the plain folk propaganda technique, and
the use of a slogan to offer an advertisement that can persuade and intrigue audiences to travel to
The anchoring of the texts and images placed in the advertisement’s constructs meaning that has
a massive effect on the reader. The authors composition of such elements in relation to the other
plays a big role in highlighting the main message of the advertisement, which is to persuade
audiences to travel to Australia. First, the bright colors of gold and blue seen in the sun and sky
are warm colors that have low contrast, and make the reader feel jovial and affable. The use of
such colors will associate the advertisement with a sense of calmness and joy. Also, the presence
of the text near such colors will conflate the text with dreams and inspiration. The reader will
feel calm and relaxed when seeing these colors, thus will remain calm and relaxed when reading
the anchored text, as the colors already ignited a sense of joy and excitement within the reader.
This will also relax the reader and increase the likelihood of the domestic tourism to Australia.
Moreover, the composition of elements in the photograph itself plays a role in advocating for
tourism in Australia. There are 4 subjects who seem to be a family preparing to engage in an
activity. Each of these subjects’ express happiness and excitement in relation to the other,
highlighting on the immense joy the family will face if they travel to Australia. In addition, the
stadium where the subjects are in seems to be empty, indicating luxury and prestige when touring
in Australia. Also, the position of the family members makes the stadium look huge and wide,
adding a risky element on the text, emphasizing on the exhilarating feeling being represented by
the 4 subjects. The arrangement of the subjects and the stadium in this way ensures that the
audience is aware of the enjoyment, excitement, and luxury that comes alongside domestic
tourism in Australia. Having all these elements side by side, makes the audience feel intrigued
and encouraged to engage in such activities, thus achieving the overall goal of the advertisement
which is to market and promote domestic tourism in Australia.
In addition to the composition of elements establishing a sense of joy and excitement in the text,
paralanguage is used to further promote tourism in Australia. Paralanguage is a stylistic feature
that refers to the posture, gaze, gestures, and pose of the subjects present in the visual text. First,
we can see that only one of the four subjects (the woman) has their face revealed to the audience.
This establishes a connection between the woman and the audience, as her smile, especially with
the teeth, spreads further joy and happiness along the text. The reader will connect with the
authentic and genuine smile, showing that touring in Australia can bring along true happiness. In
addition to that, the smile of the woman indicates that the “dad” isn’t the only person who will
benefit and enjoy the gift, which is the trip to Australia, rather it is a trip for all members of the
family, as the copy of the advertisement describes the perfect gift choice for the dad. Her smile
shows that she is enjoying this gift, regardless of it seeming that it’s for the dad only. Moreover,
the hand gesture of the subject next to the woman, probably the father, signifies that he is relaxed
and calm, as he enjoys the trip and adventure that awaits him. This makes the audience feel
encouraged to go on this trip, as it seems rewarding. Also, a very important feature of
paralanguage is the gaze and camera position. The two subjects seem to be looking down on the
stadium, indicating that it looks wide and huge. However, the camera position looks up on the
subjects, making them seem strong and powerful, and ready to take the risk of what comes with
the activity they will partake in. This makes the audience feel more encouraged to participate in
domestic tourism in Australia, as the advertisement shapes the experience as a rewarding,
encouraging, and strengthening experience. The use of paralanguage plays a huge role in
expressing the huge effect tourism in Australia has on the partakers, thus encouraging the
audience to participate in it.
Another significant feature the author uses to persuade the audience to partake in domestic
tourism in Australia is the propaganda technique plain folk. The plain folk technique is a
propaganda technique that’s associated with simple, common, and familiar words that makes the
text seem simple and easy for the audience to connect to. This technique is used to make the text
seem simple and “homey” so that the audience feels more connected to it, even if it isn’t simple.
In the advertisement, the author uses plain folk in the bold title. The use of the word “dad” rather
than father or parent makes the text seem familial. The author makes it seem that he and the
audience are of the same family by using a familial word that establishes a sense of community
and connection. This makes the audience feel related to the advertisement as if the audience and
the author are one big community and family. Additionally, the author creates a false equivalence
in the main headline, by using a familiar object such as aftershave, and comparing it to the
adventure of travelling to Australia. This is also an example of the plain folk technique, as the
author uses a gift that is usually given to fathers, providing a sense of reality and establishing a
familiar environment for the reader, and comparing it to travelling to Australia. This comparison
is first, unequal, as travelling to Australia is obviously the better and supreme choice, and second
relative to the daily life of the audience as aftershave is something used on a daily basis.
Furthermore, in the copy of the advertisement underneath the headline, the author uses the
personal pronoun “we” when talking about living in Australia. The use of “we” suggests an
established connection, as if they are all one big community. It makes the author on the same
level as the audience, further creating an environment that makes the audience feel relaxed and
connected and comfortable, which can set a strong ground when persuading them to travel to
Australia, regardless of the author knowing more by having more information about tourism in
Australia, he still makes it seem that they are all on the same level. Regardless of the information
gap, the author makes the audience feel acknowledged within the context of the advertisement.
Lastly, the author’s use of the slogan “holiday here this year” plays a big role in capturing the
audiences’ attention. This slogan is full of rhetorical devices and stylistic features that makes it
stand out from the rest of the texts in the advertisement. First of all, there is inversion that
switches up the normal structure of the sentence, as a result creating alliteration with the first two
words, and a rhyming factor with “here” and “year”. This makes the slogan catchy and
memorable for the audience, as it stands out and leads the advertisement. It makes the audience
feel intrigued and captivated as the rhetorical devices play hand in hand to deliver a statement
that can create inquiry and curiosity and stick in the readers mind. Also, the whole slogan is fully
capitalized, indicating its importance, in comparison to the text before it that is not capitalized.
This makes the reader feel the slogan is of high importance. Also, the word “here” is in a curvy
font that is different than the rest of the slogan, which means that it should stand out for the
audience. The word “here” is also placed in the map of Australia. This makes the slogan more
appealing to the audience, as it has many different elements that can attract them. The placing of
“here” in a curvy font and in the map of Australia, will make the audience feel like they are
already there, as the use of the adverb “here” means that they are already there. This excites the
audience to visit Australia, as it is pictured as the ideal place for a holiday throughout this slogan.
To sum it all up, it is clear that the advertisement appeals to a wide audience as it uses a variety
of devices to persuade and promote the audience to have a family holiday to Australia. The use
of composition and paralanguage creates a connection between the audience and the author
where the audience feels joyful, excited, and excited to do similar activities as what is displayed
in the advertisement. It makes the audience eager to feel the same feelings the subjects are
feeling. Furthermore, the use of plain folk propaganda technique and the use of a strong slogan,
engages the audience in the advertisement and promotes domestic tourism in Australia by
appealing to the audience. Incorporating all of the above in the advertisement makes the message
of marketing tourism in Australia almost irresistible to the eyes of the audience.