Uploaded by Roland L. Aparece

Values Education & Workplace Growth

I. Values Education
A. Definition:
1. Values refers to our collective idea on what is good, desirable and important.(sociology)
2. Value is something that demands to be realized. (Gabriel Marcel)
How do one acquires values?
Instruction-teaching the right thing through words and actions.
Upbringing-refers to the thousand daily gestures, the early training that one
encounters in ordinary life?
3. Values
3.1 Love
Love is self-giving. Sacrifice is the language of love. The moment you are in love
Love means fire and power. The moment you put love in your work, your work will become
fruitful and creative.
3.2 Justice is giving what is due to the other
3.3 Truthfulness and Honesty.
Truthfulness deals with words. Honesty deals with actions.
If out of 1000 workers only 1 is honest, then that person must be a UBian.
3.3 Patience is not a matter of time but it is the quality of the heart to accept to
accept the fundamental realities that God is in charge of everything and that delay is
necessary to make things more mature.
Others first.
One must be sensitive to identify the needs of others in order to serve
them better.
4. Conditions for Personal Growth in the Work Place
4.1. Self-investment-To work is a personal decision. It involves the ability to risk.
 Excursus: the dynamics of saying YES or NO:
NO- implies no responsibility, it is definite. One’s responsibility will end by the very act
of saying NO.
YES- implies responsibility. Thus, one’s
affirm this first YES!
decisions and actions must honor and
4.2. Openness
 this simply means voluntary self-disclosure to the person who has the right to know.
They have the right to know because they are those persons who will help you on the
 Psychological Honesty-Know your self and unto yourself be true.
People who are unable to face themselves usually make defenses or mask.
4.3. Be Process Oriented.
“The unreflected life is not worth living.” Any experience in the work place without
being process would eventually means nothing. Thus, one has to reflect even deeper,
what has become of me as I work? Don’t be absolutely result oriented. This would only
give two results: positive or negative.
4.4 De labeling
This refers to our ability not to allow the roles, positions, and qualities to limit one’s
4.5 Be Attuned to the Present
Learn from history but don’t allow it to control your life
4.6. Develop a “Multi-Tasking Ability”
This refers to the ability to perform different tasks at “the same time”
simply means that a worker must develop different kinds of ability in order to best serve the
5. The Model Worker
After, having discussed the proper attitudes and values of work, we are now invited to
pay attention to the WHO of work: our model, Jesus Christ the worker. There will be
two parts of our reflection. First, we will reflect on what the mind of the worker should
not be. Secondly, we will meditate on the mind of our model worker
5.1 What the Mind of the Worker Should No Be?
 The “teacher complex”
The “crusading mind”
5.1.1 The “teacher complex”
 This refers to the superiority complex that wants to teach, but does not want to learn; that
is interested in teaching, but not in being taught; that speaks to fellow worker but does
not listen to them. It is a mind set of “wealth”: I am a fresh graduate! I learn a lot,
therefore I am rich with the truth, which I give you like I give alms to a beggar. It is a “one
way traffic” mind, since all that has meaning and value comes from the teacher.
5.1.2 The “crusading mind”
 The “crusading mind” is a related mindset. It is a mindset of competition and force that
sees the worker as the sole force of truth and righteousness against all the evil,
ignorance and superstition “out there in the work place.”
5.3. The “SERVANT MIND” of Jesus Christ.
 What then should the mind of the worker should be? We must first remember that work is
a “participation concept.” A worker is one who participates in God’s dream and project of
fullness of life for the world. Thus, a mind of the worker must participate in the mind of the
worker par excellence, Jesus Christ who did not come with a teacher complex and a
crusading mind.
Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet John 13:4-5; 14-15.
 “Jesus got up from table, remove his garment and taking a towel, wraps it around his
waist. Then he poured water into a basin and begun to wash the disciples’ feet and wipe
them with the towel he was wearing. If I then your Lord and Master, have washed your
feet, you also must wash one another’s feet. I have given you an example that as I have
done, you also may do.”
A servant mind involves and is permeated by a spirit of welcome and
people serve
respect for the
The servant mind awakens servanthood in the ones served.
Good works are always contagious….
The servant mind continues in graciousness and self giving
service even in the face of misunderstanding and rejection
 content with hiddenness
 the servant mind if free and always available to serve
 its willingness and it inner compulsion, to go in search where
there is dirt ugliness and negativity-to wash, to clean, and
refresh, even when it means being stained by the dirt in the
A servant’s mind dreams for the “Kingdom of God.”
A dreamer must have a vision whose horizon is bigger than life.
“The Stranger’s Bargain”