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Step-by-Step Fix for QuickBooks Error Message 6147

QuickBooks Error 6147: Useful
Troubleshooting Strategies
QuickBooks has intricately devised & technically superior features in comparison to
other standard accounting solutions. Nevertheless, users continue to experience a
large number of problems while working with QB Desktop, and one of the
commonly occurring error codes is ‘QuickBooks Error 6147’.
In general, this troublesome error occurs when attempting to launch the QB
company file via the single-user mode and the multi-user mode facility.
Furthermore, this error is classified within the ‘6XXX Error Code Series’. The
present blog provides extremely effective troubleshooting techniques to overcome
this company file issue.
Are you deeply irritated due to the occurrence of QB error 6147’? You need to
dial 1.855.856.0042 to connect with our QB Technical Professionals Team for
QuickBooks 6147 Error Code: What Are The
Main Technical Reasons?
The main technical reasons behind the appearance of ‘QuickBooks 6147 Error Code’
are listed here:
If the company file is massively damaged, you are likely to encounter this error
code on the system.
Not saving fully valid configuration files on your computer can trigger this
troublesome issue.
Highly Precise Techniques To Rectify The
‘6147 QB Application Company File Error
You need to utilize the following techniques to tackle the ‘6147 QB Application
Company File Error Message:
Technique 1: Reliably execute the ‘QB File Doctor’ utility to remove all the
company file defects
In this technique, carefully shift to the Intuit website & immediately download
QuickBooks Tool Hub by tapping the updated web link.
You must select the ‘My Downloads Folder’ to successfully save the relevant
file (‘QuickBooksToolHub.exe’), after which it will be easy to execute the same
• Implement each step as it shows up on the screen to install QB Tool Hub &
promptly open the QB Tool Hub window to hit the ‘Company File Issues’ tab.
• After that, you can choose the ‘Run QuickBooks File Doctor’ icon & you will
load the company file via the ‘Browse’ icon on the window.
• By typing the admin password, run the ‘QB File Doctor’ utility, and you will
definitely succeed in launching the repaired QB company file on your
Technique 2: Successfully affix the appropriate names on the configuration
Immediately launch the QB company file folder available on your system and
promptly find the icons of two configuration files with ‘.ND’ and ‘.TLG’ file
Note that the actual names of both files are the ‘Network Data File (‘.ND’)’ &
the ‘Transaction Log File (‘.TLG’)’, and both files have a name identical to the
appropriate company file.
Now, right-click the respective file icons to choose the ‘Rename’ option after
which you can impose fresh names as follows: ‘compnew.qbw.nd.oldbawer’
and ‘compnew.qbw.tlg.oldbawer.’
Thereafter, use the ‘Enter’ key to save the newly imposed names, and you can
promptly execute QB Desktop to launch the relevant QB company file.
The techniques fully illustrated above are sufficient to overcome ‘QuickBooks
Error 6147’. For additional help & technical guidance, dial 1.855.856.0042 to
connect with our QB Technical Experts Team.