Uploaded by Mike Jeson

Why QuickBooks Cannot Complete The Current Action Due To a Missing Component

QuickBooks Cannot Complete The Current
Action Due To a Missing Component:
Alternative Solutions
QuickBooks Desktop has a variety of beneficial features for small-scale business
entrepreneurs. One of the remarkable capabilities of QB Desktop is that it can save,
print, and email files in a ‘Portable Document Format (PDF)’. Nevertheless, error
messages, such as ‘QuickBooks Cannot Complete The Current Action Due To
a Missing Component’, can prevent users from saving & printing PDF files.
In simplest terms, this error message informs that certain technical components are
missing on the computer, and therefore, QB is unable to save and print PDF
documents. Moreover, users get quite confused and irritated as no information
about the missing component is provided inside the error message box. Here’s the
blog that provides fully efficient and reliable step-wise solutions to overcome this
Are you deeply frustrated by the QuickBooks missing component error
message? You should dial 1.855.856.0042 to connect with our QB
Professionals Team for assistance
QB Desktop Application PDF Component
Not Found Error: Major Causes
The most common causes behind ‘QB Desktop Application PDF Component Not
Found Error’ are discussed here:
If you have an obsolete or corrupted version of Adobe Reader on your system,
you are highly likely to come across this issue.
Many users do not have full access to the TEMP folder, and they are likely to get
this technical error message.
Reliable & Highly Efficient Solutions For
The ‘QuickBooks PDF Component
Missing Error Message’
The best solutions for the ‘QuickBooks PDF Component Missing Error Message’ are
detailed below:
Solution 1: Efficiently utilize the QuickBooks PDF & Print Repair Tool to overcome
this problem
In this solution, swiftly shift to the official Intuit website, after which QuickBooks
Tool Hub can be downloaded using the correct web link.
Put the downloaded file (‘QuickBooksToolHub.exe’) inside the ‘My Documents
Folder’ available on your system and start the execution of the same
download file.
Finish the installation of QuickBooks Tool Hub & immediately acquire the
QuickBooks Tool Hub window using the appropriate icon.
You can shift to the ‘Program Problems’ menu to operate the ‘QuickBooks
PDF & Print Repair Tool’ on your computer after which all the technical issues
will be rectified.
Finally, you can create & save PDF files effectively & easily via the QB
Desktop application.
Solution 2: Grant full & accurate access rights to each user regarding the
TEMP folder on your computer
Immediately tap the ‘Windows + R’ keys to open the ‘Run’ window, after which
you must write ‘%TEMP%’ inside the same window.
Next, you can carefully hit the ‘OK’ button shown inside the ‘Run’ window to
open the ‘TEMP’ folder window, after which you should right-click the screen.
Now, immediately tap the ‘Properties’ tab and go forward to choose the
‘Security’ menu after which you can attach ‘Full Control’ access rights to each
Save the fully edited settings by tapping the ‘OK’ button & immediately
relaunch QB Desktop to create and save PDF documents.
All the solutions properly elaborated above are enough to root out the
‘QuickBooks Cannot Complete The Current Action Due To a Missing
Component’ error message. For more explanation & assistance,
dial 1.855.856.0042 to connect with our QB Experts Team.