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Testosterone Crisis: Protect Your Sperm & Health

Testosterone Crisis For MEN(and how to protect
There are three metrics related to a men’s sperm:
The volume of his sperm
The ability of his sperm to ‘swim’
The efficiency (direction) in which his sperm swims
Sperm efficiency (ability to impregnate a woman):
0-3%: definitely abnormal, could be something wrong; see fertility urologist and not just
your RE
4-6%: you’re in the ‘normal range’ by the WHO criteria, things may or may not be really ok; if
everything else is okay and higher than normal, you are probably ok; if everything else is
lower as well, there is cause for concern
7-12%: is good, and would be considered normal
13% and higher: rock start donor sperm; great levels
Actionable steps:
Detach from technology for a period of time
Go somewhere where your eyes can see for miles and miles ahead (mountain, vast
countryside, take a hike, etc)- you will see how big your thinking will get; BE BY YOURSELFonce a month or so
Get a stand-up desk and for at least a few hours a day, use it and air your balls out.
Sit down less and avoid heating up your balls (it reduces your sperm and even your
testosterone levels)
Become ultra-successful
Have a big family (as many as possible)
Have your extended family nearby
Buy houses in the same village and moving in families that you like to form one, big, united
Have mechanisms so that your clan comes together and is united (mandatory dinner
together at 5pm around a huge fire for everyone, community clean-up projects, mandatory
gym/exercise every morning)
Buy directly from a local farmer and negotiate a deal where you can pay him more when he
delivers your stuff, food, directly from the farm and you tell him that you don’t want your
food to be in contact with any kind of plastic (you could ask for cardboard boxes instead or
wax paper).
Have a high fat diet, and aim for 12-18% body fat. Go to gym and lift heavyweights.
Keep your phone on airplane mode and manually turn it off to use it with a specific intention
and then put airplane mode back on again.
Either get a 100% leather or cotton phone case or don’t have one at all.
Throw out some of your polyester clothing. Polyester is estrogenic…Become the kind of guy
that checks labels before buying clothes. Don’t simply buy for style.
Stop using normal cosmetic products (hair gel, wax, toothpaste, shower gel, deodorant,
after-shave, etc). Look online for organic stuff. Never buy sprays. Get fluoride-free
Go to the website for Peace With The Wild to get these organic cosmetic products.
Get a water filter
Use your phone and laptop intentionally and not just to watch random videos and scroll
through social media. Do the tasks that you have to do
Have a 100% cotton or wool wardrobe
Drink at least 4 litres of water everyday (1 litre immediately when you wake up)
Every morning take a 10-20 minute walk, then box, and then have a 1 hour workout at the
gym. Also take a walk later in the day. Take 3 walks a day, if you can get them all in.
Avoid estrogenic foods like milk (rather something with oat milk)
Use natural wooden bowls and plates
Use a smaller spoon for orthotropic reasons
Get a filter for your shower head and unit to filter out fluoride and chlorine, which have
been shown to decrease testosterone levels.
Be naked in the sun, even if it’s for 15 minutes everyday
Go work at a café or at a bench on a park and be out and about. Sitting at home all day in
front of a screen is one of the quickest ways to lower your testosterone.
Get a reverse osmosis water filter and just add a couple of carbon sticks (4 or 5). Leave the
carbon sticks in overnight, pull the water out and use it throughout the day and fill it up
again, and leave the carbon sticks in there.
Do a minimum of 10, 50m sprints once every week
Have sex at least once a week (regularly)…but don’t have too much sex. Having sex too often
can deplete you.
Take the Men’s Lifestyle Supplement and the Testosterone Boosting supplement by
1STMAN. Only take the Testosterone Boosting supplement for 3 months every year.
It’s also important to manage stress because when you’re stressed you produce cortisol,
which in turn lowers your testosterone and increases your estrogen.
Make sure that your house smells good and has a relaxing and tranquil ambience and look.
Get minimum 8 hours of sleep every night
Data and research:
Dr Shana Swan- the paper is called Temporal Trends in sperm count: A systematic review
and meta regression analysis (2017)- They looked at 185 different papers themselves over a
50 year period with over 40 000 men. They found through this massive study that men’s
sperm count and testosterone was dropping by about 1% every year for a total of 59% over
the last 50 years.
However, 5 years after their initial study (2022), they published new data, revealing that
from the year 2000 and onwards, men’s sperm count had dropped by 2.64% every single
There’s a 29% decrease in your sperm if you smoke weed once a week. Weed lowers
testosterone because it increases prolactin.
40 units of alcohol (roughly 10-15 beers) a week decreases your sperm by 33%.
There were researchers that infected the water of some fish with some endocrine
disruptors, and to these fish that they infected with the nasty chemicals, not much
happened to them. However, when those fish had children, some of those children’s genitals
were deformed and not as many fish had as many children as they thought would happen on
average. So some fish of the original group were infertile, and some had children. So let’s say
there’s 10 original fish, on average there probably would have been anywhere from 9-12
children, but there was actually only 7, and one of them had a weird penis. So then these 7
fish go and have their own children, and there’s only 4, and of these 4, 2 of them have got
weird genitals and one of them hasn’t even grown past puberty for some reason. Hormones
are all fucked up. So of these 4 fish, they only have 1 child that is somewhat normal. And the
fish went extinct in just 4 generations. And the researchers only infected the first
generation. After the first generation, they put every single fish into clean water, so what
you ended up having was 3 generations of fish that lived their entire lives in clean water, but
still got infected.
Population Collapse:
Population collapse is when our current generation are not replacing ourselves with children
People say:
 Children are too expensive
 Why would you bring a child into this unhappy and horrid world
 The world’s already overpopulated
 I’ll just wait until I’m older (which makes the kids 10x more likely to be disabled and
have some form of physical impairment)
Population collapse comes from the current narrative that having kids is a bad thing.
On average in most countries, couples are not replacing themselves. So for a couple to
replace themselves in order for our population to remain stable, on average, they need to
have 2.1 children (the .1 is just in case a child dies now and then). However, the average for
most couples around the world is 1.6. What this means is that there’s gonna be a very sharp
decrease in the population.
The world is NOT OVERPOPULATED as mainstream media and dumb people will have you
More and more countries are starting to have an ageing population- there’s less children and
people are technically living longer and healthier lives so that there’s more elderly people
Over 50% of women aren’t having children by the time they turn 30
21 things to avoid to protect your sperm and testosterone levels (TEST):
1. Do you ever keep your phone in your pocket? YES
2. Do you keep Wi-fi and cell service at 5 or 4G on your phone (your wifi and cell service is
frequently on)? yes
3. Do you use Wi-fi on your laptop or computer? YES
4. Do you wear a smart watch for more than an hour a day? NO
5. Do you have wi-fi or cell service enabled in that smart watch? NO
6. Do you drink tap water? YES
7. Do you frequently touch plastics? YES
8. Do you frequently eat or drink out of plastics (water bottles, microwave food (meal prep))?
9. Do you smoke (vape, weed, cigars)? NO
10. Do you drink alcohol? NO
11. Do you use deodorant or perfume or after-shave? YES
12. Do you sit next to women or men who wear fragrances? YES
13. Do you kiss women who wear make-up? YES
14. Do you use products to style your hair (gel, wax, etc.)? YES
15. Do you use normal toothpaste, shampoo and body wash? YES
16. Do you wear normal clothes which you haven’t checked the material of? YES
17. Do you wear polyester (plastic) clothing? YES
18. Do you sit down for more than 4 hours a day? YES
19. Do you take hot showers, or baths, or saunas? YES
20. Are you fat? NO
21. Are you underweight? NO
Score: 15 YES and 6 NO
The 4 endocrine disruptors affecting your fertility?
Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that fuck up your hormones, particularly testosterone
and estrogen.
1. Phtalates- a chemical that makes plastic flexible. There’s strong evidence that phthalates
decreases sperm count and testosterone in men.
2. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)(aka Teflon)- this is what is in non-stick pans (Teflon pans)metal is not supposed to be non-stick so they put chemicals (Teflon) to make it non-stick.
Teflon has been shown to decrease testosterone and sperm count. This is why modern
conveniences have a negative side (particularly for men)- these companies are just using
random chemicals to make your life slightly easier, but they have negative ramifications. If
you don’t want your food to stick to a pan, SIMPLY PUT BUTTER ON IT (REAL BUTTER- PURE
3. Bisphenol A (BPA)- A lot of companies that sell plastic stuff often market their products as
‘BPA-FREE’. This is COPE. BPA makes plastics hard so it’s in basically everything (your
computer mouse, your phone case, a lot of drinking bottles, etc.). When companies say BPAFREE, this is usually worse because they put some other weird chemicals to replace the BPA,
so they just substitute one bad chemical for other bad chemicals. At the end of the day, it’s
still PLASTIC. Now they use something called BPS to replace BPA which is just as bad. Start to
gradually replace all the plastic around you.
4. Pesticides- pesticides are chemicals that are put over plants, usually, to kill the insects on the
plants. Our fruits and vegetables have more pesticides than we’d like to admit. Choose more
organic and pesticide-free food choices.