Uploaded by Vahid Zibakalam

T200 Standardization: Nokia FP Parameter Tuning

T200 Standardization
Nokia FP
Purpose of change : Parameter tuning for T200
NCR executed in Sept 1st ,2016 to total 115 BCF in EJ and CJ
Parameter definition:
Rule of change:
T200F : The parameter determines a LAPDm T200 for supervision of the FACCH message transfer
from BTS to mobile.
T200S : The parameter determines a LAPDm T200 for supervision of the SDCCH message transfer
from BTS to mobile.
Change T200F and T200S from default value/0 (BCF PREDEFINED VALUES) to 980 ms
SDCCH drop reduced (Both GSM & DCS) after NCR execution, this contributes to CSSR improvement and
impacted from T200S value.
HOSR for DCS improved after NCR execution, this is impact from T200F value.