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SAP S/4 HANA 1909 Bank Communication Management Guide

S/4 HANA 1909
Bank Communication Management
Applies to:
SAP S/4 Hana1909 FSCM (Financial Supply Chain Management).
The purpose of this document is:
To provide an overview of the Bank Communication Management (BCM) and the
various functionality offered
To list the configuration steps needed to activate BCM.
To explain how a payment file is generated.
However, this document does not deal with Swift Integration, as the payment mechanism varies
from business to business.
Upendra Ammineni
Author Bio
Upendra Ammineni is a Indian Cost Accountant and working as a S/4 HANA Solution Specialist.
Bank Communication Management
Table of Contents:
Introduction & Basic Process ........................................................................................................... 3
Implementing Payment Medium Workbench (PMW) ...................................................................... 3
Maintain payment medium formats ............................................................................................... 4
Maintain Variants for payment medium formats: ........................................................................... 4
Assign payment medium format to payment method: .................................................................... 4
Reserve identification for Cross Payment Run Payment Media: ...................................................... 5
Configuring BCM ............................................................................................................................. 5
Basic settings: .................................................................................................................................. 6
Payment grouping ........................................................................................................................... 6
Payment status management ......................................................................................................... 7
Bank statement monitor.................................................................................................................. 7
Release strategy .............................................................................................................................. 8
Automatic payments: ...................................................................................................................... 8
Change and Release: ....................................................................................................................... 9
Additional Release: ........................................................................................................................ 10
Digital signatures:.......................................................................................................................... 12
End-User Manual ........................................................................................................................... 13
End-User Process flow ................................................................................................................... 13
A. Posting Payment Entry: ....................................................................................................... 14
B. Create Batches .................................................................................................................... 14
C. Reset Batches ...................................................................................................................... 15
D. Process Batches................................................................................................................... 16
APPROVE ....................................................................................................................................... 17
REJECT/ RESUBMIT: ....................................................................................................................... 19
RETURN BY APPROVER: ................................................................................................................. 21
E. Report for BCM Batches ...................................................................................................... 24
Summary of Configuration ............................................................................................................ 26
List of T Codes used in BCM: .......................................................................................................... 27
Related Content ............................................................................................................................. 28
Disclaimer and Liability Notice ...................................................................................................... 29
Bank Communication Management
SAP Bank Communication Management helps in managing multiple bank interfaces. It helps in
communication with the bank and also helps in tracking the entire life cycle of a transaction.
Bank Communication Management is also responsible for the creation and approval of batches, the
payment status monitor, and the bank statement monitor.
In this post we will concentrate on the configuration relevant for creation and approval of batches for the
The following pre-requisites are required to go ahead with the configuration for payment ap
Business Function FIN_FSCM_CLM is active
In the General settings for cash management Cash scope should be Full Scope. (can also navigate
through SM30 in the table/view FCLM_CONFIG2)
The configuration for Payment Medium Workbench is in place.
SAP Bank Communication Management is used for managing multiple bank communication interfaces,
enabling you to connect to your bank, track the entire payment life cycle of a transaction, and improve
straight-through processing rates and internal compliance. Bank Communication Management is also
responsible for the creation and approval of batches, the payment status monitor, and the bank statement
With Bank Communication Management , t he payments in one or several payment runs can be presented
and processed in a payment status monitor. This monitor also serves as a repositry for incoming status
messages from SWIFT and from individual banks. The payments in the payment run can be grouped to
one or several batches according to your needs. For example, payments can be grouped according to low
value and high value payments. Y ou can also use digital signatures to approve, reject, or resubmit
The SAP Bank Communication Management application forms part of the SAP ERP Financials solution. This
allows for close integration of payment processing in ERP Financials with the Payment Medium Workbench.
Bank Communication Management can also be used in conjunction with the SAP Integration Package for
SWIFT . This provides you with one single interface for bank communication via SWIFTNet.
SAP bank communication management includes the following functions:
1. Merge payments
2. Approve payments
3. Payment status monitor
4. Bank statement monitor
5. Display incoming status messages
6. Reservation for cross-payment run payment media
7. Status of collector payments
8. Define alerts
Bank Communication Management
Basic Process
This document will explain the configuration and master data settings required for the BCM payment
approvals in Integration with BAM payment signatories.
BCM is implemented to enable different levels of approval for outgoing payments using the Workflow
methodology. For instance, based on approval limits available with finance managers, the payment shall
be routed to different approving authority. With BCM, the approval action is being shifted from bank web
applications to SAP S/4 Hana 1909.
The following are the benefits derived from implementing BCM process:
Reduction of manual efforts; ensures the payment process is automated
Reduce cycle time of payment processing
Common interface of payment processing, when there are dealing with multiple banks.
Payment runs are batched based on various criteria predefined in the system configuration.
Workflow based approval system ensures that payments are routed through a proper channel
with minimum of manual efforts.
Payment file is generated upon the final authorization and can be sent to bank directly using BCM.
Single point of reporting tool for the status of payments, showing clear visibility to the stake-holders.
The scope of implementation of BCM covers
Implementing Payment Medium Workbench (PMW). PMW is a tool to configure and created payment
media sent by organizations to house banks. The tool replaces the classic payment media programs
Configuring BCM workflows providing double / treble / quadruple levels of payment approvals
Implementing Payment Medium Workbench (PMW)
As discussed earlier, implementing PMW is one of the prerequisites for BCM functionality. The
basic concepts of PMW that are relevant for BCM alone are covered in this BoK.
PMW is a tool used to create payment file formats for transferring to banks. The payment medium
formats can be either a classic payment medium program or through the PMW.
There are few SAP standard PMW file formats for various countries. A new format can also be created if
there is a need for custom file format or if there are no other formats available for that bank/ country. This
customization can be either done through modifying the standard function modules of an existing PMW
format or through developing via Data Medium Exchange Engine (DMEE). (However this document does
not deal with customizing through DMEE).
Path: SPRO
Financial Accounting (New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable
Business Transactions
Outgoing Payments
Automatic Outgoing Payments
Payment Media
Make Settings for Payment Medium Formats
from Payment Medium Workbench
The above path can also be accessed through the T. Codes OBPM1 / OBPM2 / OBPM3 / OBPM4.
Let us briefly go through the steps in implementing PMW:
• Create/ change payment medium formats
• Assign variant to the format
• Assign the format to payment method
Bank Communication Management
Maintain payment medium formats
The payment medium formats can be changed according to the user needs in TA OBPM1. Also the user can
create new format by using
In our illustration, the standard SAP format ACH has been used.
The formats have been defined using function modules in the form of events.
SAP has predefined the following events and any customizations to the codes have to be routed through
the Sample Function Modules 01, 06, 11, 21 etc. For instance, if there are some changes in Event 20, the
same has to be incorporated in Sample Function module in Event 21. Once event 20 is reached, event 21
will also be triggered.
Maintain Variants for payment medium formats:
The variant for the payment medium format have to be maintained for the combination of Company Code
& House Bank. This has to be done in the TA OBPM4.
Assign payment medium format to payment method:
In the T Code OBVCU, select the payment method for the country & assign the payment medium format
as per PMW:
In the above screen, instead of “Use classic payment medium programs”, we should assign it as “Use PMW”.
This setting is a pre-requisite for BCM functionality.
Bank Communication Management
Reserve identification for Cross Payment Run Payment Media:
For the purpose of batch creation, we should also configure the unique identifiers.
This is done in T Code OBPM5.
The payment runs, with the run ID (in F110) beginning with the identifiers reserved above, are
alone considered for batching in the BCM process.
For the payment module, select FI AP/AR Payment Program for customers and vendors, and create
new entries.
The above illustration means that any run ID starting with RB & ZB alone is considered for BCM
batching purposes.
Configuring: Bank Communication Management
Before looking into the basic configurations relevant for BCM, we have to first activate BCM using T
Code SFW5.
Ensure the bulb
is turned ON
The relevant settings for BCM can be configured in the following path:
Financial Supply Chain Management
The above path is referred in future sections as SPRO
The individual steps are given in detail below:
Bank Communication Management
Bank Communication Management
Basic settings:
Path: SPRO
Basic Settings
Basic Settings for Approval
In this activity, we need to maintain the “Rule Currency”, “Exchange Rate Type”, “Days resubmission”
and whether “Signature” is required or not.
Rule Currency: For batching rules consisting of various currencies, the currency specified here is
considered as the default currency. In our illustration, it is INR.
Exchange Rate Type: This is used to define different exchange rates. You can use the average rate for
foreign currency translation, and the buying and selling rates for the valuation of foreign currency amounts.
Days‟ resubmission: For resubmission of payments, the date of resubmission from the current date can be
set here. In the illustration, it is given as “1”, which means that the default resubmission date = current date
+ 1 day.
Signature required: If you tick this check-box, then the batch approval system follows a digital
signature process. Every time before a batch is approved; a pop-up for the user signature appears.
Payment grouping
Path: SPRO
Payment Grouping
This is the activity where we maintain the rules for batching the payments. We need to create rules by
defining a unique Rule ID, giving a description to it and marking a priority. Once the rules are prioritized,
the batching happens according to the priority set in the rules.
After creating and saving the rule, the same has to be maintained using the
Bank Communication Management
Then we need to maintain the Attributes to define rules for batches. The attributes can be selected from any of
the given fields like, Amount, vendor, business area etc, depending upon the requirements of the user.
In our illustration, Amount in Local currency has been used. This means that any payment run amount
falling within the given rang will form part of a single batch.
The same way, any number of rules can be framed to fit the user requirements.
We can also set additional criteria apart from the attributes mentioned above. Two grouping fields can
be added which will ensure further batching.
For instance, if our Additional criterion is “SRTGB”, then the payments are first batched on the basis of
Amounts as set earlier and then further batched based on “Business Area (SRTGB)”.
Payment status management
Path: SPRO
Payment Status Management
Map external status to internal status: In this activity, we can interpret the status codes from the external
world. Any incoming status message has a code which can be mapped to an internal status based on a
company code and house bank. If an alert needs to be triggered for an external status code, we must
define the alert.
Timeout for Batch Status update: In this activity we can specify a maximum allowed time interval
between two status updates. An alert will be triggered after the allowed time elapses.
Bank statement monitor
Path: SPRO
Bank Statement Monitor
Settings for Bank Statement Monitor
In this activity, we define the settings for bank statement monitor, particular to various house banks.
The above fields are discussed below:
Company code, House Bank, Account ID for which the bank monitor settings are required are to be entered.
Process Status: The processing status indicates whether the bank statement has been processed correctly.
It may be Red, Green or Yellow depending upon the status. To set this status, tick the check box.
Bank Communication Management
Difference Status: The difference status displays whether the bank statement has the same balance as
the corresponding internal bank account. To set this status, tick the check box.
Serial number status: The serial number status shows whether the sequence of the last five bank
statements is complete. In case the same is not complete, Red symbol is displayed in the monitor.
Reconciliation status: The reconciliation status displays whether there are open items in the
internal account.
Interval & Interval Unit: The intervals in which the bank statements are to be expected, for the
corresponding set of Company code, house bank & Account ID, are maintained here. The interval unit
can be either days, weeks, months or year.
For instance, if the bank statements are to be updated daily, maintain Interval as “1” and Interval unit
as “Calendar Days”.
Factory Calendar ID: It is used to distinguish between working days and non-working days. In the above
illustration, “IN” has been chosen as the factory calendar ID, which means that settings relevant for India
will be considered.
Item: The display position of the account in the bank statement monitor. In the above illustration, „IBPOCITIC-CA‟ has been marked as Item 1, which means that account will be displayed at the top of the
bank statement monitor.
Release strategy
Path: SPRO
Release Strategy
This is where the crux of BCM lies, because release strategy is the point at which the approval
workflow comes into place.
Automatic payments:
Path: SPRO
Release Strategy
Mark rules for Automatic Payments
We also have the option to mark any or all of the rules for automatic payment (without using the
approval workflow). This is done in this step:
Against the particular rules, if the “Auto” check-box is ticked, then the batches which fall under the
specified rule would not flow through the approval system.
For instance, in the illustration above, if “SET1” is ticked for “Auto”, then any batch with value less
than Rs.100000 will be marked for automatic payment.
If “Drill down” check box is ticked, then the batch provides an option for drill down display before
making payment.
Bank Communication Management
Change and Release:
Path: SPRO
Release Strategy
Change and Release
The workflow comes into use at this stage. Basically, the workflow system uses two types of objects for the
approval mechanism – BNK_INI and BNK_COM.
The change and release procedure makes use of the first object (BNK_INI) while the additional
release procedure uses the other object (BNK_COM).
This is called as „change and release‟ step because only at this stage the user has the option to
“Change” the batch before “releasing” it to the next level of approver for his approval. In the second and
later levels, the users cannot edit the batch. They only have the option to „Approve‟ or „Return‟ the batch.
In the change and release option, first we assign role to the release steps:
Any user is treated as a role and workflow is assigned for the particular role. The objects pick up the
role from the rule ID specified in this step.
The fields are explained as below:
Release Object: Since the change and release function uses the BNK_INI object, assign the same in
this field.
Release step: This means the Release procedure, i.e., how many processing steps are carried out. It can be
either, dual (01), treble (02) or quadruple (03) controls. This is to be given based on the user requirements.
01 in the above illustration indicates that it is a Dual control, which means “Creation” plus “one release step”.
WF Release Step: For change and release, assign the same as 1st Release Step.
Rule: Identifies a rule for user determination in the Framework for the Principle of Dual Control. In this
field you store the eight-digit numeric ID of a rule for user determination.
After saving the entry, select the entry and press „create rule‟ icon, which takes to the next screen:
Bank Communication Management
The objects are created using
„delete‟ or „transport‟ the object.
icon, while
icons denote „edit‟, „display‟, „copy‟,
Next step is to assign user to the new responsibility.
Select the responsibility, Right-click on
the responsibility.
, select „Assign User‟ and mention the User ID to map the users to
The following additional points are to be noted in creating responsibilities:
• Many users can be assigned to one responsibility
User‟s responsibility can be delimited based on time. Once the validity period lapses, the object won‟t
take any effect.
Priority can be assigned to similar objects
Users/ responsibilities can be deleted after creation
Apart from users, the object can also be assigned to Work center, job, position, etc.
Additional Release:
Path: SPRO
Release Strategy
Additional Release Steps
In “define release procedure”, we maintain the basic data relating to the BNK_COM object as to whether the
release procedure is Dual, treble or quadruple and how the release workflow will be run.
Bank Communication Management
If you choose “Always”, you must also select a release procedure for all release objects.
If you choose “Conditional”, you can differentiate the release of the release objects according to
release procedures and release reasons.
Once the settings are saved, in the main screen of Assign release procedure, choose
to view all the conditions specified.
The above illustration means that the Principle of Dual control is adopted.
And if the batch value falls between Rs.1 lakh and Rs.10 Lakhs, then its flown to Release reason 1. If the
value is between Rs.10 Lakhs and Rs. 50 Lakhs, batch flows to Release reason 2.
Assign Role to release steps in the additional release steps function is the same as explained in Change and
release function.
Assign workflow to release procedure: In this activity, you can assign a release workflow and a release
procedure workflow to every release procedure of a release object. The release workflow realizes the
technical processing of the release in the system. The release procedure workflows realize the technical
processing of the various release procedures (such as the principle of treble control) in the system.
Bank Communication Management
With this, we come to the end of all necessary configurations for BCM.
Digital signatures:
In case there is a need for digital signatures, then customize these relevant settings.
Path: SPRO
Basic settings
Basic settings for approval
Under Basic settings, tick the check box
Then, make necessary settings as below:
Under Basis settings, give necessary authorization to the users who will form part of the BCM approval
Then, the next step is to specify signature method:
SAP offers 2 signature methods:
System Signature: After the user has authenticated himself or herself with logon data, the system uses
a digital signature.
User Signature: The user writes the digital signature with his or her own personal key. An external
security product must be installed that implements the SAP SSF interface.
For our illustration purposes, system signature with authorization by SAP user ID/ password is considered.
This means that the same SAP user ID password which is considered at the time of login by the user is used
as transaction ID/ password at the time of approving batches.
Once the user approves & presses the save icon, the digital signature is prompted:
Bank Communication Management
End-User Manual
It is assumed that the reader is aware of the relevant settings for Vendor Invoice creation,
Automatic payment program configurations (relevant to F110 transaction) and House bank set-up
(FBZP configurations).
Note: Document is filled with useful hints. Refer
End-User Process flow
Create payment runs for
vendor invoices
Do not create
payment media in
F110 transaction
Payment runs are
batched using Cross
Payment Run Media
Batches edited by User
and sent for approval
Can approve or reject
whole batch / few
payment runs alone
Batches approved at
Payment media file
various levels using Dual /
Treble / Quadruple
Batch returned at any of
the levels
Batches return to Initiator
Batch rejected
Payment posting gets
reversed & closed
Let us run through the entire BCM process with the help of an illustration:
File sent to Bank
Bank Communication Management
a. Posting Payment Entry:
Ensure that the Identifiers reserved for BCM are used in payment run.
Create Payment Medium check box (
) should not be ticked.
Once liability is posted, next step is to clear the same via Automatic Payment Program. T Code for the same
is F110.
Please note that we cannot batch those payments that are manually posted. Hence F110 is
a mandatory step for BCM.
Run ID used for illustration starts with prefix ZB*.
Maintain all the relevant parameters in Parameters tab. Then run the Proposal run. After proposal is
created without any error, process the payment run as well.
b. Create Batches
Batches will be created based on the logical grouping maintained in the configuration.
Batch to be created using this Path: Path: Environment
Create Payment Medium
Payment Medium
Cross-Payment-Run-Payment Medium
You can filter for various conditions by using the FURTHER SELECTIONS option in the
batch creation screen.
You can maintain variant for regular processes.
Bank Communication Management
Mention the Run Date and Run ID of the F110 and execute (Press F8) the above screen.
The following dialog box pops up, intimating that the batch has been created using the above 3 payments:
c. Reset Batches
Batch can be reset in case you find some error.
This will remove the merge and bring it back to F110 stage. Payment document will not be reversed.
Use only MERGE DATE AND MERGE ID in the fields.
This is most preferably to be used by System administrator.
To Reset a batch already created, SAP advises to use this program: RBNK_MERGE_RESET.
Call this program from back-end SE38
Fields are explained below:
Run Date: Enter the MERGE RUN DATE (date on which batch was created). DO NOT ENTER THE F110
RUN DATE. To find the Merge Date of a F110 run, please check in T Code BNK_MONIP.
Identification: Enter the MERGE ID (For every batch creation, SAP generates unique merge ID). DO NOT
ENTER THE F110 RUN ID. To find the Merge ID of a F110 run, please check in T Code BNK_MONIP.
Test Run Indicator: It is always better to do a test run before doing a live run.
Strict Check Indicator: If this indicator is TICKED, then batch which is IN APPROVAL CANNOT BE
RESET. Only a NEW BATCH can be reset. If this indicator is NOT TICKED, any batch can be reset.
Bank Communication Management
Once it is executed with relevant inputs, the following screen is generated:
When live run is done, then it says Payment Medium is reset.
d. Process Batches
The following are the batch processing modes available under BCM:
- Approve & proceed with payment: Done by all the levels of users.
- Reject & reverse the entry: Can be done only by verifier.
- Resubmit to a later date: Can be done only by verifier.
- Return the batch to verifier for further action (any of the above 3). Can be done only by approvers.
We will see in detail about each of the procedures below (Illustration list attached for easy reference)
Batch Reference
Whole batch approved.
Part of the batch being rejected.
Part of the batch being resubmitted.
Returned by 1st Approver
Bank Communication Management
Person doing “verification” use this TAB:
Person doing “1st/ 2nd approval” use this TAB:
Called as verification step since this is the only step where you can edit the batches at line item level.
Can do Rejection/ Approve/ Resubmit for part of a batch. For instance, if there are 10 payments in
a batch, you can approve 5, reject 3 and resubmit 2 payments.
Note that without pressing SAVE button, the transaction will not have any effect
Once all the approvals for the batch are completed, File will be generated. The same can be
viewed in FDTA transaction/ the same can be navigated from BNK_MONI also.
Let us consider batch 873 as an example and proceed.
The batches, which are created, move to the verifier‟s workflow inbox. This can be accessed using the T.
Code BNK_APP. The verifier will be able to see only his batches.
In the above scenario, batch 873 alone lies in the “Change and Release” tab of the payment batches.
Once the batch is released from this tab, the batches move to the “Additional Release Steps” tab of the
1st approver (BNK_APP).
Bank Communication Management
In our example, batch 873 is fully approved.
Select the batch and Click on
After pressing the Save button, the following dialog box appears:
Click on OK to proceed, It will prompt for a transaction password:
Once it is adhered, the batch is approved by the user and passed on the First approver for his approval.
The status after verification step is as follows:
Detailed release history can be viewed using icon:
Whoever is eligible to approve this batch as per the company policy, they have to login to their inbox
and approve the batch as explained above. For approvers, the batch will be visible in tab “Additional
Release Steps”.
After all the approvals are completed, the status of batch will be displayed as BATCH APPROVED.
Bank Communication Management
Rejection can be done both at Batch level and Document level
Resubmit can be done only at document level.
Rejection in BNK_APP will reverse payment document automatically.
Both Reject & Resubmit can be done only by Verifier (Change and Release tab) for a new batch.
Now we will use Batch 926 for testing “Reject” purposes.
Double click on the batch to drill down to payment document level:
In the above batch, there are 3 payments. Assume that the first payment had some error, which needs to
be rejected. The vendor for 2nd payment has asked us to hold the payment for 2 more days. So only the
third needs to be processed.
To summarize, We will reject the first payment, resubmit the second and approve the third.
Select the first line item.
“Reject” icon. Immediately the status of the line item changes to Rejected
Bank Communication Management
Same way, resubmit the second one: Once the icon is clicked, the calendar pops up. Click on the date
you want this payment to be postponed. Status will show the corresponding date.
Once this is done, press back button (F3) to come to the header screen.
Now select this batch and click approve. This means we are approving the one left over payment in
this batch.
After pressing the SAVE button, the following pop up appears:
In the status bar, you can see the following messages in background: “Check on reversibility”&
“Cleared Items Being Reset”. This is for the document that was rejected.
BNK_MONI will show only one item for approval
Bank Communication Management
An approver can return only the Whole batch. He cannot modify any part of a batch.
Batch returned by any level of approver (1st/. 2nd/ 3rd) returns the batch to Verifier for further
action. Adding attachment for reason of return of batch is mandatory
We will use batch 927 for this purpose
Select the batch and do the approval process as explained above.
Status changed to In Approval and batch is removed from the verifier screen.
By clicking on list of approvers for the batch, we get the list:
Bank Communication Management
Now the batch is lying with all the above approvers. We will test it with BCM_TEST_A id.
It is lying in 2nd tab:
Select the batch and click on
After pressing
Return Icon:
Save button, the following pop up appears:
Once you press OK, it cautions you for entering reason for return:
Give a Title in the above space and press continue
Bank Communication Management
A new screen opens.
Enter detailed remarks in the blank space and press save.
It will give the below info in the status bar:
Press back button. Another info appears in the status bar:
This completes the Return steps. Now give the transaction password.
Now you can find the status of batch as Resubmitted by Approver and is again lying with the verifier.
Verifier can look at the attachment by selecting the batch and clicking on this icon
Bank Communication Management
e. Report for BCM Batches
The status of the batches can be seen in the Batch monitor (T. Code BNK_MONI):
Input the necessary details on the selection screen and execute the report:
Various tabs are self-explanatory.
User can sort or filter as deemed necessary. Drill down to payment level is available.
You can also drilldown into various levels by double clicking on the relevant fields – to vendor master,
bank master, payment document level etc.
Few specific icons are explained here:
Release history/ Status history of the batch shall be checked here. For instance who created
the batch, who verified and who has approved is displayed.
Shows the approver list for the batch. User can find out with whom the batch is currently
lying for approval.
Shows the workflow attachment. For instance if the approver has provided some notes/
remarks for returning a batch, the user can find out the remarks mentioned via this icon.
File generated for the batch shall be verified here. The user shall also download the file to
local system by navigating to the menu on this icon.
Bank Communication Management
The users can have payment document wise report as well using the transaction BNK_MONIP.
User can get the report based on any of the given parameters – be it the company code/ house bank/ vendor
wise/ document wise.
He can even check if batch is created for a particular Payment run (F110) or not.
For instance, user wants to know the batch details for the payment run on 27.01.2011 with the
identifier ZB01.
Input the same below in BNK_MONIP and execute.
Output is as follows:
Bank Communication Management
You can find that the Status of batch is shown in Green. And batch number is populated (17595 in the
above example).
This report also allows meaningful drilldowns. For instance, double-clicking on the Batch number field,
it takes you to the report BNK_MONI for the particular batch.
Summary of Configuration
The below table summarizes the list of configurations required for BCM functionality:
S No
T Code
Activate BCM in Switch framework customizing
Activate PMW for payment methods in country
Maintain variant for the payment medium format
Reserve Identifiers for cross-payment-run-media
Bank Determination
Assign Company Number in DME data of House Bank
Basic Settings for approval in BCM
Payment Grouping - Rule Maintenance
Payment Grouping - Additional criteria for grouping
Map External Status to Internal Status
Mark Rules for automatic payments
Change & Release - Assign Role to release steps
Additional release steps - Define Release Procedure
Additional release steps - Assign Role to release steps
Assign workflow template to release procedure
Digital signature - specify signature method
Bank Communication Management
List of T Codes used in BCM:
Transaction Code
Transaction Details
Approve Payments
Create Batches
Assign Release Object to Release Pro
Payment approval-First step
Incoming status message monitor
Digital Signature Logs for Approval
Reset a Payment Media Batch run
Batch and payment monitor
Batch Approver list
Payment status (batching)
Define default rule currency
Define paymedium creation options
Bank payment approver list
Bank payment business partner
Business partner
Bank payment cleared items
Bank payment batch file
Bank payment incoming message
Bank payment release history
Bank payment status history
Bank payment workflow attachments
Rule customizing
Global data
Set HMAC Key
Confirm signature user
Maintain signature user