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Transport in Animals: Circulatory System, Heart, Blood Vessels

Chapter 9 Transport in Animals
Learning Objectives
• Find out about the human circulatory system
• Learn about the structure and function of the heart
• Think about factors that increase the risk of developing heart disease
• Investigate how exercise affects heart rate
• Compare the structure and function of arteries, veins and capillaries
• Find out about the components of blood, and what they do
• Explain how the structures of arteries, veins and capillaries are related to their functions
Activity Questions
Draw a very simple diagram of a human (animal) cell,
showing its nucleus, cell membrane and cytoplasm.
Draw arrows pointing into the cell, and label them to
show what the cell needs to take in to stay alive.
Draw arrows pointing out of the cell, and label them
to show what the cell has to get rid of.
Think about how these substances are brought to the
cell and taken away from it.
Share your ideas with the rest of the class.
9.1 Circulatory system
1. Delivery System:
• The circulatory system transports oxygen, nutrients, and waste
throughout the body.
2. Network of Tubes:
• Blood vessels carry blood everywhere, like a network of tubes.
3. Pumping Heart:
• The heart acts like a pump, keeping blood flowing through the
4. One-Way Traffic (Valves):
• Blood flows in a specific direction inside vessels, controlled by
5. Oxygen Cycle:
• Oxygen enters lungs.
• Blood picks up oxygen and becomes "oxygenated blood".
• The heart pumps it out.
• Cells use oxygen.
• Blood becomes "deoxygenated".
• Deoxygenated blood goes back to lungs and picks up fresh
oxygen, repeating the cycle.
6. Continuous Loop:
• This cycle keeps our body functioning!
Oxygenating the blood:
Oxygen Pick-up:
• Oxygen enters lungs.
• Blood in the LEFT heart chamber becomes oxygenated (picks up
Delivery to Cells:
• Heart pumps oxygenated blood throughout the body.
• Cells use oxygen for respiration.
Waste Removal:
• Blood loses oxygen and becomes deoxygenated.
Back to the Lungs:
• Deoxygenated blood returns to the RIGHT heart chamber.
• Blood travels to the lungs to pick up fresh oxygen, repeating the
Double and single circulatory systems:
Double Circulation (Mammals, Birds, Reptiles):
• Blood goes through the heart twice per body circuit.
Two loops:
• Pulmonary system - blood to lungs and back.
• Systemic system - blood to body and back.
• Delivers oxygen more efficiently and faster, especially to active
• Blood pressure maintained throughout the body due to separate
Single Circulation (Fish):
• Blood goes through the heart once per body circuit.
• Slower oxygen delivery to body organs.
• Simple but efficient: It's less efficient for oxygen delivery compared to the double circulatory system..
• Lower Activity: Works well for fish with lower oxygen needs.
• Diffusion: Oxygen reaches nearby tissues directly from gills.
• Limited: Less efficient oxygen delivery for larger or active fish.
9.2 The heart
• Function: Pumps blood throughout the body.
• Muscle Type: Special muscle that contracts and relaxes
• Chambers: Four chambers - 2 upper atria, 2 lower
• Left Side: Receives oxygenated blood from lungs (pulmonary
veins). Pumps it to the body (aorta).
• Right Side: Receives deoxygenated blood from body (venae
cavae). Pumps it to the lungs (pulmonary artery).
• Muscle Power: Strong contractions in ventricles push blood
Atrioventricular Valves:
• Permit blood flow from atria to ventricles, prevent reverse flow.
Semilunar Valves:
• Allow blood flow from ventricles to arteries, block reverse flow.
• Ensure one-way blood flow, maintaining circulation efficiency.
• Atrioventricular valves prevent backflow into atria, semilunar
valves prevent return to ventricles.
• Proper valve function crucial for efficient circulation, preventing
blood mixing and ensuring tissue perfusion.
Differences in muscle wall thickness:
1. Different Functions:
• Atria: Receive blood from the body and lungs, then supply it to the
ventricles (acting as collection chambers).
• Ventricles: Pump blood out of the heart (the real workhorses).
2. Muscle Power:
• Ventricle walls are much thicker and more muscular than atria for powerful
3. Pressure and Thickness:
• Right Ventricle: Pumps blood to lungs (low pressure) - Thinner wall.
• Left Ventricle: Pumps blood to entire body (high pressure) - Thickest wall.
Coronary arteries:
Heart Needs Its Own Blood Supply:
• The heart muscle is so thick that blood inside the chambers can't
reach all parts quickly enough for proper function.
• Coronary arteries on the heart's exterior supply oxygen and
nutrients directly to the heart muscle.
• This constant supply is crucial for the heart muscle's aerobic
respiration and energy production for contraction.
Coronary Artery Blockage:
• Cholesterol buildup and narrowing of the coronary arteries can occur.
• This restricts blood flow and oxygen delivery to the heart muscle.
• If a coronary artery is completely blocked, the heart muscle cannot function (lack of oxygen for energy production).
• This blockage is called coronary heart disease (CHD), a major cause of illness and death.
Preventing CHD:
CHD: A Major Health Threat
• Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a leading cause of death in many
• While completely eliminating risk isn't possible, there are ways to
significantly reduce it.
Lifestyle Choices Matter:
• Quit Smoking
• Healthy Diet
• Regular Exercise
Benefits of Exercise:
• Promotes fitness
• Prevents weight gain
• Lowers blood pressure
• Improves mental well-being (reduces stress and releases
feel-good chemicals)
Feeling Your Heartbeat: The Basics
• Resting Heart Rate: Most people's hearts beat
60-75 times per minute at rest.
• Heartbeat Sounds: You can hear the valves
closing as a "lub-dub" with each beat using a
• Measuring Heart Rate: This can be done by
taking your pulse (feeling the artery
expansion/relaxation) at your wrist or neck.
Phone apps and smartwatches can also track it.
Monitoring Heart Activity
• ECG (Electrocardiogram): Used in hospitals, it records the heart's electrical activity using
electrodes placed on the body. The recording appears as a graph.
How the heart beats:
The Heartbeat: A Squeezing Action
• The heart's muscular walls
contract and relax to pump
• Contraction: Squeezes blood out
(heart becomes smaller).
• Relaxation: Allows blood to flow
back into the chambers (heart
becomes larger).
One-Way Valves:
• Atrioventricular valves (tricuspid on
right, bicuspid/mitral on left) control
blood flow direction.
• Atrial contraction pushes blood into
ventricles, opening the valves.
• Ventricular contraction pushes blood
out, closing the valves with the help of
attached tendons.
9.3 Blood vessels:
Blood Vessel Types:
• Arteries, Capillaries, Veins
• Carry blood away from the heart
• Branch out into smaller vessels
• Tiniest blood vessels
• Deliver oxygen and nutrients to cells
• Carry blood towards the heart
• Have valves to control blood flow direction
Arteries - Delivering Blood Under Pressure
• Carry blood away from the heart (high pressure)
• Strong walls to handle pumping force
• Pulsating flow due to heart contractions
• Elastic walls for smoother blood flow (feel pulse at wrist/neck)
Capillaries - Tiny Delivery Network
• Branch out from arteries, becoming very narrow.
• Reach nearly every cell in the body.
• Thin walls allow easy exchange of nutrients, oxygen, and waste.
• Walls can be just one cell thick!
Veins - Returning Blood to the Heart
• Formed by joining capillaries, carrying low-pressure blood.
• Wider lumen for smooth, slower blood flow.
• Contain valves to prevent backward flow (unlike arteries).
• Muscle contractions (e.g., walking) aid blood movement in veins.
Table 9.1 summarizes the structure and function of arteries, capillaries and veins
Carry blood away from the heart
(high pressure)
Thick and elastic to withstand
Structure of wall pressure
Width of lumen Narrow
Strong walls handle pumping
How structure fits force, narrow lumen maintains
Exchange nutrients, oxygen, and
waste with cells
Carry blood towards the heart
(low pressure)
Very thin for easy exchange
Thin walls allow diffusion, narrow
lumen maximizes surface area for
Thinner and less elastic
Wider lumen for increased flow,
valves prevent backflow
Naming blood vessels:
Blood Supply to Organs
• Arteries deliver oxygenated blood (except lungs).
• Veins carry away deoxygenated blood.
• Named based on the organ they connect to (e.g., renal
artery/vein for kidneys).
• Hepatic artery supplies oxygenated blood.
• Hepatic portal vein brings blood from digestion for processing.
• Hepatic veins carry all blood out of the liver.
9.4 Blood
Blood Composition
• Blood: Liquid (plasma) containing cells.
• Red blood cells (most numerous) carry oxygen.
• White blood cells (fewer) fight infection.
• Platelets (cell fragments) aid clotting.
Red blood cells:
Red Blood Cells - Oxygen Carriers
• Contain iron-rich protein hemoglobin for oxygen transport.
• Hemoglobin picks up oxygen in lungs (oxyhemoglobin).
• Releases oxygen in tissues needing it (low oxygen).
• Lack nucleus and mitochondria for more space for hemoglobin.
• Biconcave disc shape maximizes surface area for gas exchange.
• Small size allows passage through tiny capillaries for oxygen
delivery to all cells.
Extra Information
White blood cells:
White Blood Cells - Body Defenders
• Have nuclei for various functions (unlike red blood cells).
• Move around and squeeze through capillaries to reach tissues.
Fight pathogens (disease-causing germs) in two ways:
• Phagocytes (lobed nucleus) engulf and digest pathogens through a process
called phagocytosis.
• Lymphocytes (round nucleus) produce antibodies to destroy pathogens.
Platelets - Plugging the Leaks
• Tiny cell fragments (no nucleus) made in bone marrow.
• Involved in blood clotting to prevent excessive bleeding and pathogen entry.
Platelets clump together and release substances that:
• Convert fibrinogen (plasma protein) into fibrin (insoluble mesh).
• Trap red blood cells to form a clot, sealing the wound.
Blood Plasma - The Delivery System
• Mostly water, but transports various dissolved substances:
• Nutrients (glucose, amino acids, minerals) for cells.
• Hormones (e.g., adrenaline) for chemical messaging.
• Waste products (carbon dioxide, urea) for removal.
Table 9.2 summarizes some of the substances that are transported in blood plasma.
Absorbed in small
intestine and colon.
All cells
Excess is removed by the
Various proteins
(including fibrinogen and
Fibrinogen is made in the
liver. Antibodies are
made by lymphocytes.
Remain in the blood.
Fibrinogen helps in blood
clotting. Antibodies kill
invading pathogens.
Lipids including
cholesterol and fatty
Absorbed in the ileum.
Also derived from fat
reserves in the body.
To the liver, for
breakdown. To adipose
tissue, for storage. To
respiring cells, as an
energy source.
Breakdown of fats yields
energy – heart muscle
depends largely on fatty
acids for its energy supply.
High cholesterol levels in
the blood increase the risk
of developing heart disease.
Carbohydrates, especially
Absorbed in the ileum.
Also produced by the
breakdown of glycogen in
the liver.
To all cells, for energy
release by respiration.
Excess glucose is converted
to glycogen and stored in the
Excretory substances, e.g.
Produced by amino acid
deamination in the liver.
To kidneys for excretion.
Most of the urea is removed
by the kidneys, dissolved in
water to form urine.
Mineral ions, e.g. Na+, Cl−
Absorbed in the ileum and
To all cells.
Excess ions are excreted by
the kidneys.
Secreted into the blood by
endocrine glands.
To all parts of the body.
Hormones only affect their
target cells. Hormones are
broken down by the liver,
and their remains are
excreted by the kidneys.
Dissolved gases, e.g.
carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide is released
by all cells as a waste
product of respiration.
To the lungs for excretion.
Most carbon dioxide is
carried as
hydrogencarbonate ions
(HCO3 −) in the blood
Mammalian Circulatory System: Key Points
• Double Circulation: Blood travels through the heart twice per circuit (unlike fish).
• Heart Structure: Muscular walls, chambers (atria, ventricles), valves (direct blood flow).
• Blood Vessels: Arteries (high pressure, carry blood away) vs. Veins (low pressure, return blood).
• Blood Composition: Plasma (liquid), red blood cells (O2 transport), white blood cells (fight infection), platelets
• Blood Functions: Transports O2, nutrients, waste, hormones; fights disease; clots wounds.
• Coronary Heart Disease: Blocked coronary arteries (risk factors: diet, lifestyle, etc.).