Uploaded by Gabriel Baltazar


A research paper presented to the faculty of
Samal National High School
Senior High School
In partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the subject
Research/Capstone Project
Baltazar, Bernard Gabriel III M.
Maligro, Aimie M.
Sumandal, Marnelie M.
April 2024
A smart eyeglasses sensor is developing smart connected glasses, a
wearable device designed for e-Health and driver safety applications that
embeds a driver drowsiness detection application Morawej, et al. (2002).
According to Jung Chang, et al. (2018) In order to improve road safety, this
article suggests a wearable smart glass-based system for detecting
drowsiness and weariness. A set of wearable smart glasses, an in-car
infotainment telematics platform, an automobile diagnostic bridge based on
on-board diagnostics-II, an active vehicle rear light alert mechanism, and a
cloud-based management platform make up the suggested system.
According to James Horne and LA Reyner (1995) During boring driving
circumstances, a significant number of car accidents are caused by drivers falling
asleep at the wheel. There's a big chance of major injury or death for drivers. One
of the main factors contributing to traffic accidents in recent years has been driver
fatigue, which can result in serious injuries, fatalities, and large financial losses.
Empirical data suggests that a dependable method for detecting driver drowsiness
is necessary in order to warn drivers before accidents occur Sahayadhas, et al.
Promising developments in embedded technologies could help identify
important thresholds of driver drowsiness in real-time and monitor and describe
the alertness of drivers. Although some long-lasting solutions have long been in
prototype form, many of these technologies are currently in various stages of
research, validation testing, or even commercialization Messaoud Doudou, et al.
Related Literature
One of the main factors contributing to the steadily rising number of
human-centered car crashes is irresponsible driving. Furthermore, relatively
few additional inquiries are conducted to ascertain the true reasons of these
events because there is a dearth of real-time documentation. This paper's
main goal is to build a few sensor-based black box systems that will help us
prevent traffic accidents by continuously providing the driver with precise
instructions. It will upload the evidence to its server for additional processing
at the same time. First off, this black box system has many different sensors,
such as RFID, alcohol sensors, LIDAR, and cameras. Additionally, this
technology provides a way to determine how sleepy the driver is. A monitor
situated immediately in front of the driver's seat will display all of the
information. Finally, GPS and GSM will be used to send information about
the vehicle's location and condition to the appropriate authority
By controlling the vehicle's speed, these devices will protect and
secure our safety. We use ultrasonic sensors, smoke sensors (MQ2), flashing
sensors, and other sensors to protect the vehicle. The device will regulate
speed and avert collisions if a car unexpectedly strikes a road and applies the
brakes. Additionally, it notifies and shows the driver when it is about to enter
sleep mode while they are operating a motor vehicle. Each of these sensors
gathers information from its surroundings and transmits it to the
ATmega328P microprocessor, which then performs the necessary action
automatically. We shall keep a watch on the driver's eyes with the aid of an
infrared sensor. A smoke sensor will detect a random short circuit in any area
of the engine, turn on the driver's warning mode, and cause the car to stop.
The vehicle's speed is detected by an ultrasonic sensor, which also
immediately reduces it to zero Afsha Akkalkot, et al. (2023).
Statement of the Problem
The primary objectives of this research is to develop and evaluate a
Smart Eyeglasses Sensor Technology for the Driver’s Safety.
Consequently, this sought to answer the following questions:
1.How can the Smart Eyeglasses Sensor Technology for the Driver’s Safety
be described in terms of:
1.1 Mechanism of Technology
1.2 Protection of driver’s safety
1.3 Functionality of the smart eyeglasses sensor.
2. How a smart eyeglasses sensor technology will benefit for the driver’s
Theoretical Framework
Tracking devices for fitness and other smart electronic devices have
opened up a world of opportunities for improving everyone's standard of life.
Without assistance from others, visually impaired individuals usually
struggle to find their way around in huge situations or manage a new area.
The design space for technological aids that benefit the blind is difficult and
requires a wide range of design criteria, such as affordability, lightweight
design, transparent object detection, hands-free functionality, fast speeds
operations in real time, low battery consumption, and limited calculation and
memory requirements.
Conceptual Framework
Significance of the Study
This research is conducted to benefit to the following:
Driver. This study helps drivers to have a safer trip, because even in the
middle of the trip they will no longer feel sleepy. Through this, the eye
glasses detect a person or driver if they are sleepy and when they close their
eyes, the glasses will make a sound to prevent drivers from falling asleep
during the trip.
People with sleep disorder. This is very helpful for people with sleep
disorders, because they can now control or stop their sleep if they want to.
This will also give them more time to do the things they need to do that they
usually can't do with their sleep disorder. Because this study can help prevent
a person from falling asleep simply by making a sound when this mirror
detects that a person is sleepy.
Future Researcher. This outcome of the study is beneficial to the future
researchers. The study may be one of the bases that a new theory in learning
will use.
Objectives of the Study
The primary objective of this research is to developed and evaluate a Smart
eyeglasses sensor technology for the driver’s safety. To determine if a smart
eyeglasses sensor will effectively regulate to driver’s drowsiness. To have
safe driving and to avoid any tragedy.
Materials and Method
Based on our problem statement we have created a prototype to implement
a smart eyeglasses sensor technology considering all aspect of drivers. The
main components of the project are Arduino UNO, technology sensor and
eyeglasses. Using ARDUINO IDE software we can program ARDUINO in
such that it detect the drivers drowsiness based on the sensor provided by
sensor technology. When the driver’s are sleepy, the smart eyeglasses
automatically detect the driver drowsiness, and the smart eyeglasses is
automatically make a sound to wake up the driver’s immediately.
The Arduino UNO is the best board to get started with electronics and
coding. It utilizes a Microchip Atmega328P microcontroller and offers 14
digital pins,6 analog pins and a rest pin programing is done through the
Arduino IDE using a type B USB cable. The board will be programmed to
sense the drowsiness of driver’s providing driver’s with notification based
on the study and readings.
Figure1. SparkFun Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz
Figure 2. Buzzer
In this tutorial you will learn how to use a buzzer (or piezo speaker) with
Arduino. Buzzers can be found in alarm devices, computers, timers and
confirmation of user input such as a mouse click or keystroke.
You will also learn how to use tone() and noTone() function.
Nasim Morawej, Nima Boostani, Azadeh Farzin, and Ali Keyvani
2002; Simon Fraser University