ASSESSING MATRIX Preferred Environments of the BASE INTERNAL Harmonizer Base Example of Personality Structure Goals Thinker Base IN A GROUP O N E TO O N E INVOLVING People Promoter Base GROUP TO G RO U P ALONE WITHDRAWING Persister Base Phase Base • Everyone is OK. There is no judgment in Process Communication Model®. • We don’t speak of Types of people. Instead we speak of Types in people. Imaginer Base Rebel Base EXTERNAL Kahler Communications, Inc. - Process Communication Model®- V1.0.7-2022 • We connect with our Base and are motivated by our Phase. • In Distress, we show the Distress Sequence of our Phase. We will show Base 2nd degree Distress when the Issue of the Base is presented. What to do if someone shows the behaviors of 1st degree Distress: • Offer the Channel and Perception consistent with the observed Driver. What to do if someone shows the behaviors of 2 nd degree Distress: • Meet the Psychological Needs consistent with the Failure Mechanism: offer a battery boost. KEYS For a Daily Difference For the BASE, offer Perception + Channel For the PHASE, offer the Need Personality Types Character Strengths Interaction Style Perception + Channel to Offer Driver: 1st Degree Distress Thinker Logical Responsible Organized Democratic Style Thoughts + Requestive Be Perfect Uses big words, over explains, over qualifies, makes complicated statements Persister Dedicated Observant Conscientious Democratic Style Opinions + Requestive Be Perfect for Me Uses big words, expects others to be perfect, asks complicated questions Harmonizer Compationate Sensitive Warm Benevolent Style Emotions + Nurturative Please You Over adapts to others, doesn’t ask directly for things Imaginer Imaginative Reflective Calm Autocratic Style Inactions (reflections) + Directive Be Strong Believes that things or people are in charge of their thoughts or emotions Rebel Spontaneous Creative Playful Laissez-faire Style Reactions (likes/dislikes) + Emotive Try Hard Does not answer questions directly, “Uh, huh?”, invites others to do or to think for them Promoter Adaptable Persuasive Charming Autocratic Style Actions + Directive Be Strong for Me Invites others to believe they are not in charge of their emotions or thoughts 2nd Degree Distress: Failure Mechanism Over controls Pushes beliefs Makes mistakes Passively waits Blames Manipulates Psychological Need Recognition of Productive Work Time Structure Recognition of Principled Work & Conviction Recognition of Person Sensory Solitude Contact Incidence Process Communication Model®