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1) Explain the non-excretory functions of kidney
2) Name the differences between cortical and juxta medullary Nephron
3) Explain the components and functions of juxta glomerular apparatus
4) Define GFR. Explain the factors affecting GFR
5) Define renal clearance. Explain Inulin clearance
6) Explain the features of renal circulation
7) Explain the PAH clearance
8) Explain the mechanism of glucose reabsorption in PCT
9) Explain renal splay
10)Explain the mechanism of sodium reabsorption in renal tubules
11) Describe the mechanism water reabsorption in renal tubules
12)Explain the role of kidney in maintaining acid- base balance
13)Explain Micturition reflex
14)Explain counter current mechanism for concentration of urine
Give physiological basis
1) Albuminuria/ Proteinuria occur in kidney disease
2) Even though size of albumin is small it will not appear in urine
3) Glucose appears in urine in diabetes mellitus
4) Inulin is a ideal substance to measure GFR
5) Ureteral obstruction decreases GFR
6) Constriction of efferent arteriole increases GFR
7) Sectioning of spinal cord above sacral level results in automatic bladder
8) Renal plasma flow is measured by PAH clearance
9) Renal blood flow is autoregulated
10)Renal circulation is a portal system
11) Absence of ADH results in diuresis
12)Hyperaldosteronism will lead to hypokalemia
13)Hypoaldosteronism will lead to hyperkalemia
14)Natruresis occur in Conn’s syndrome
15)Vasa recta is counter-current exchanger
16)Renal splay
17)Renal threshold for glucose is 180mg/dl of plasma
18)Clearance of glucose is zero
19)Glycosuria occur in diabetes mellitus
Low sodium diet will lead to hyperkalemia
21) Escape phenomenon
Water diuresis occur in diabetes insipidus
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
High protein diet results in excretion of concentrated urine
Atonic bladder
Define the term
1) Diuresis
2) Polyuria
3) Uremia
4) Anuria
5) Tubular load
6) Tubular maximum
7) Osmotic diuresis
8) Water diuresis
9) Natruresis
10)Renal threshold
11) Micturition
12)Glomerular filtration rate
13)Filtration fraction
16)Renal clearance
Mention normal value/s
1) Renal blood flow
2) Renal plasma flow
3) GFR
4) Glucose clearance
5) Inulin clearance
6) Urea clearance
7) Tm for glucose
8) PAH clearance
9) Renal threshold for glucose
10)Osmolality in inner medulla
11) Osmolality of plasma
12)Filtration fraction
13)Capacity of urinary bladder
Name the following
1) Muscles of urinary bladder
2) Nerve supply to urinary bladder
3) Site of glucose reabsorption
4) Counter-current exchanger
5) Counter-current multiplier
6) Components of juxta glomerular apparatus
7) Endogenous substance for measuring GFR
8) ADH action sites
9) Aldosterone action site
10)PTH action site
11) Hormones secreted from kidney
12)Hormone acting on kidney
13)Enzyme secreted from juxta glomerular cell
14)Structure participating in tubuloglomerular feed back mechanism
15)Site of hormonally mediated sodium reabsorption
16)Site of urea secretion
17) Protein water channel present in renal tubule
18)Receptor for ADH in kidney
19)Nerve supply to detrusor muscle
Nephrons involved in Counter-current system
Draw a neat labeled diagram
1) Innervations to urinary bladder
2) Cystometrogram
3) Juxta glomerular apparatus
4) Filtration barrier
5) Renal splay
6) Nephron
7) Counter current multiplier steps
Calculate the following (Similar Questions will be asked for Objective Structured
Practical Examination (OSPE ) for 5 marks)
Case I
Plasma concentration of a freely filtered substance is 3 mg/ml. GFR is 100 ml/min.
1. Give formula to calculate tubular load of a substance
2. Find out the tubular load of the above substance
3. Give example for a substance which is freely filtered in the glomerulus
4. Give example for a substance whose tubular load is same as that of urinary excretion
Answer the following with the given data:
Plasma concentration of ‘X’=2 mg/ml
Urinary concentration of ‘X’=400 mg/ml
Urine flow rate=1 ml/min
GFR = 100 ml/min
1. Write the formula to calculate clearance of ‘X’
2. Calculate the clearance value of ‘X’
3. Does ‘X’ undergo net reabsorption or net secretion in the kidney?
4. Give reason for your answer in Que.3
Plasma concentration of substance ‘A’ is 2 mg/ml, GFR is 120 ml/min, Urine flow rate is 1
ml/min, Urine concentration of substance ‘A’ is 400mg/ml
1. Write formula to calculate tubular load
2. Find out tubular load of substance ‘A’
3. Write formula to calculate clearance
4. Calculate the clearance of ‘A’
Answer the following with the given data:
Plasma concentration of ‘X’=2 mg/ml
Urinary concentration of ‘X’=200 mg/ml
Urine flow rate=1 ml/min
1. Write the formula to calculate clearance of ‘X’
2. Calculate the clearance value of ‘X’.
3. Does ‘X’ undergo net reabsorption or net secretion in the kidney? Justify your answer