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Thin Film Deposition Assignment: Magnetron, Evaporation

Assignment-1 (FCN-304)
Q1. In a dc planar magnetron system operating at l000 V, the anode-cathode spacing is 10 cm.
What magnetic field should be applied to trap electrons within 1 cm of the target?
Q2. An Al film was deposited at a rate of 1 um/min in vacuum at 25 0C, and it was estimated that the
oxygen content of the film was 10-3. What was the partial pressure of oxygen in the system?
Q3. Suppose it is desired to coat a 150-cm-wide strip utilizing two evaporation sources oriented
as shown in the given figure below. If a thickness tolerance of ± 10 % is required, what should
be the distance between sources and how far should they be located from the substrate?
Q4. Evaporation is used to deposit a thin film on a wafer with the following geometry:
By keeping other evaporation parameters the same, indicate in the table below how the thickness
uniformity factor will change (= increase,  = decrease, 0 = no change)
Thickness Uniformity Factor  (Thickness at
edge of wafer / Thickness at center of wafer)
Wafer Diameter D 
Wafer-Source Distance H 
Wafer tilt angle  
Evaporation source area A 
Emission flux angular
dependence factor n 
Q5. Through a sputter target of TiNi (50%/50%) is used to deposit a TiNi (50%/50%) film with
sputtering, why may a sputter-deposited film contain more Ni than Ti? At steady state during
sputtering a TiNi (50%/50%) sputter target, (a) what will be the flux ratio between the sputtered
Ti and Ni and (b) what will be surface composition at the target surface, if the sputter yields (S ≡
number of target atoms sputtered ÷ incident ion) for Ti and Ni are STi = 1.0 and SNi = 0.8,