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IT Infrastructure & Social Media Systems Overview

Chapter 6: IT Infrastructure:
Data management technology: Organizes, manages, and processes business
data concerned with inventory, customers, and vendors
Networking and telecommunication technology: Telecommunication can be
defined as the transfer of data/information through a distance in the form of
electromagnetic signals to one other receptive end, while networking refers to
the process of interconnecting devices to one main system mainly known as the
Web services: is an application or data source that is accessible via a standard
web protocol (HTTP or HTTPS)
Storage Area Network (SAN): collection of database that are connected to each
IP Address: An IP address is a unique address that identifies a device on the
internet or a local network.
Public IP addresses:Identifies a unique device on the Internet.
Private IP addresses: Identifies a device on a private network, usually a LAN.
Personal area network: a network that you can set up at your own home.
Local area network requires a physical/ tangible connection like wires
Wide area network: requires an intangible connection.
Commerce server: application program that runs on server-tier computer.
Receives requests from users via Web server, takes some action, and returns a
response to users. Typical commerce server functions are to obtain product data
from a database, manage items in a shopping cart, and coordinate checkout
Service Oriented Architecture Analogy: a set of protocols that translates
what’s coming from the service requests, to understand the upcoming requests.
Chapter 8: Social Media Information Systems:
Content data: data and responses to data contributed by users and SM
Connection data: data about relationships.
Crowdsourcing: is the practice of engaging a 'crowd' or group for a common
goal — often innovation, problem solving, or efficiency. It is powered by new
technologies, social media and web 2.0.
Businesses-to-consumer (B2C): The term business-to-consumer (B2C)
refers to the process of selling products and services directly between a
business and consumers who are the end-users of its products or services.
Enterprise Social Network (ESN): is a software platform that uses SM to
facilitate cooperative work of people within an organization.
Enterprise 2.0: Application of social media to facilitate cooperative work of
people inside organizations. Can be used to enable people to share
knowledge and problem-solving techniques.