CXC Social Studies Project School Based Assessment (S.B.A) (Year 2017) Name of Candidate: Makadah Belfon School: St. Andrew’s Anglican Secondary School Centre #: 080010 Candidate #: Teacher: Ms. Alexander Title: An examination of the factors which contribute to unemployment in Conference, St. Andrew Table of Contents Acknowledgements Statement of Problem Reason for Selecting the Area of Research Method of Investigation Data Collection Instrument Procedures for Data Collection Presentation of Data Analysis and Interpretation of Data Statement of Findings Recommendations and Implementation Strategy Bibliography Acknowledgements The successful completion of this study would not have been possible without the assistance and cooperation of a number of persons. As a result, I'd like to convey my heartfelt appreciation to my mother Kathy Ann Beggs who has given me reinsurance in terms of information and also motivation in order for me to complete this assignment. Thanks goes out to my sisters and cousin, these individuals were instrumental in providing me the necessary information and support needed to successfully accomplish what was required for this assignment. I would like to praise God for good health and strength that was necessary in order for me to complete this study. Statement of Problem What factors contribute to unemployment in Conference, St. Andrew? Reason for Selecting the Area of Research To me, unemployment is one of the foremost social issues in my community. Every day I see so many people idling because they simply do not have a job. This issue has a number of adverse effects on the community such as an increase in crime and violence. This begs the question: what are the causes of unemployment in my community. When presented with this Social Studies SBA, I saw it as the opportune time to investigate this social issue. Method of Investigation The investigation method I used for this survey was the printed questionnaire. This method was used for the following reasons: The respondents’ confidentiality is guaranteed. The data can be collected in a short period of time. It facilitates easy data analysis. Instrument Used to Collect Data Copy of Questionnaire Survey of the factors which contribute to unemployment in Conference, St. Andrew Dear Villager, This is a survey being carried out in conference St. Andrew to investigate the factors which contribute to unemployment in the area. This study is being conducted as an assignment for a Social Studies course I am pursuing at present. You are kindly asked to answer the following questions honestly and truthfully. Since you do not have to include your name anywhere, no one would ever know who answered in a particular way. All information gathered would be kept in confidence. I am looking forward for your kind cooperation. Remember this is not a test and there are no wrong or right answers. Most of the questions can be answered by tick in a box. Specific instructions are given where necessary Thank you. Yours sincerely, Makadah Belfon Villagers’ Questionnaire 1. Sex male female 2. What is your age range? 16 – 21 years 22 – 30 years 31 – 45 years 45- 65 years 3. To what ethnic group you belong? African descent Indian descent Mixed descent 4. How long have you been residing in Conference? Under 1 year 1-5years 6-10years Over 10 years 5. What is the highest level of education you have attained? Primary Secondary College Vocational University 6. What is your highest degree of qualification? School Leaving Certificate CSEC O’Level CAPE A’Level Vocational Certificate Associate Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree 7. Have you ever been employed? Yes No 8. If yes, where did you work before? Please specify………………………………………………………………… 9. What is your dream job? ………………………………………………………………………………. 10.Do you think that you are suitably qualified for your dream job? Yes No Somewhat 11.What is your opinion on the cost of vocational and tertiary education in Grenada? Affordable Somewhat Affordable Expensive 12.Do you think that Grenada needs more diverse vocational and tertiary institutions? Yes No 13. How often have you written and dropped off application letters? Never Rarely Some times Often Very Often 14.How many job interviews have you been on? 0 1–3 4 –6 Above 6 15.Are you will to accept any legal paying job? Yes No It depends 16. In your area, (Conference/St. Andrew) what sectors have job vacancies? Fishing Agriculture Clerical Work Store Clerk Managerial Construction Maintenance Tourism Manufacturing Other (please specify)…………………………………………………….. 17.Do you think that Grenada has enough manufacturing industries? Yes No 18.On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 representing the least effort and 5 representing the most, how would you rate the present government’s effort in combating the issue of unemployment in the country? 1 2 3 4 5 19. have you ever gotten assistance form a job training agency such as IMANI? Yes No 20. Please state the main reason why you are unemployed. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… Procedures Used to Collect Data Conference is a rural village in St. Andrew.It boasts a population of about one thousand persons of which about five hundred are in the labour force with roughly one hundred persons being unemployed. I decided that a sample of about 20% with ensure valid results for my survey. (20% of 100 =20) Since I am from Conference, I know most of the unemployed persons who live there. I therefore, decided to select my sample through the process of random selection. I wrote the names of the 100 unemployed persons on slips of paper and place them in a box which was then shaken. One at a time I selected 20 names. During January 2017, these persons were provided with questionnaires. I remained with the respondents to provide assistance with the completion of the questionnaires. Recommendation In order to solve this problem I would recommend the following: 1. The government should think of different strategies to create jobs for the people. 2. Persons can go back to school and study to get the necessary subjects that they need to get the job they want. 3. More business can be created and reduce the level dependency on family for money and other necessities. In other to solve the problem I would do the following: 1. Be a volunteer in programs where I could speak to youths on unemployment 2. Encourage persons to set up their own business, for example encourage youths to sell products like cakes, nuts and other items. Explanation of data Figure 1 is a chart showing how long respondents were living in conference. It was seen that 55% were living in the area for over 12 years, 30% between 1 to 5 years and between 6 12 years. Figure 2 is a pie chart showing the response of the person to the level of education they achieved. From the three level of education it was seen that the majority of 40% obtained a tertiary education and the minority of 25% obtained primary education. Figure 3 is a histogram illustrating why youths of conference are unemployed. From the histogram a plurality of youths 30%were looking for a specific job and the minority of 10% was awaiting results from exams. Figure 4 is a chart illustrating how the basic needs of youths in conference are met due to their unemployment. It was noticed that a great majority 55% of person meet their basic needs via family and love ones. 25% of persons continue to exist by the means of other sources and a reduced amount of 15% survives by friends. Years of residents Figure 1 shows how long respondents were residing in conference. It can be seen that 55% were living in the area for over 12 years, 30% between 1 to 5 years and 15% between 6-12 years Level of educations Fig2: A pie chart showing the levels of education achieved by youths in conference It indicates the level of education achieved by the youths in conference. Most residents have 40% tertiary level of education, while 30%have secondary level of education and 25% have primary level of education