Uploaded by Victor Daniel

My boss wants Me

My boss wants Me (Episode 1)
Jeannie's POV
I walk hastily to the last floor to get the file before that
ass of a boss comes in to his office. I need to drop it as
quick as possible to leave there, I don't just want to see
him and neither do I want any of his troubles.
I searched for it and as if nemesis wanted catching up
with me, I mean I couldn't find the damn file on time and
I'm very sure the boss will be in his office already.
Ah! Finally!
I sigh as I saw the file, I took it and used the elevator to
the second floor.
" Good morning sir here is the file you asked me to bring
it for you first thing this morning" I said while he raised his
head staring at me lustfully.
I dropped the file quickly as I saw him stood up and I left
for the door but he was quick enough and held my wrist ..
" You think you can run away the forever? Why are you
being so hard for me to fuck and give you the pleasure in
that's in sex?" He asked and licked his lips while I
struggled to get out of his grip ..
" Can't you just let me be sir , I'm not those girls you fuck
like you said and I will never be one " I spat.
" Really? For the past three years, you have been able to
work here and refused to follow my sex others, who did
you think you are?" He said and held me by the waist
while my boobs collapse with his hard chest.
" I'm here to work as your assistant not a sex slave " I
informed rolling my eyes
" And that includes satisfying me in bed too " he sad
flirtatiously as I glared at him disgustingly...
" Oh that! You will never, I mean never ever get to see
my panties talk more of fucking me which will never
happen. Not even in your dreams " I said and pushed
him to the floor. He might be my boss but I ain't afraid of
him, not while I still work here.
" I'm Xavier Cooper, the only one that made it at a
younger age. No on
My boss wants Me (Episode 2)
No one has ever rejected me and you
think I will let you go? I will have you. It's a promise Ms
Jeannie I will fuck you sooner than you think " he yelled
and stood up from the floor while I left
Jeannie's POV
Tired I closed the laptop and rested my head on the
table, I can't kill myself because of some office work at
least my health first.
I need to sleep for some minutes before I continue editing
this file.
I heard a loud bang on my desk and I jolted from my
" What the hell " I shouted and raised my head to see Mr.
Xavier smirking at me while I sighed
"Are you here to sleep or work?" He asked
" I'm sorry sir I slept off" I replied
" Anyways I need the documents in my office
immediately I don't know how you are gonna do it, just
2minutes else remember there is always a
consequence" he said and left my office.
I know the consequence is always creepy but how did
he expects me to be through with the editing before even
printing them out huh?
I was done after good ten minutes.
I headed to his office to drop the document.
" This is not the exact time I asked you to bring the files
Ms Jeannie " he said while I mop at him
" You don't expect me to finish that in just two minutes
you gave me " I replied and dropped the file ....
" Well like I said earlier there will be a consequence" he
said licking his lips as I told my arms staring at him ...
" What consequence sir, I think I already gave you the
document?" I said and rolled my eyes.
This man here is too problematic like he derives joy in
frustrating me in this company
" You don't dare question my order Ms Jeannie I'm the
boss here " he said authoritatively.
" I'm sorry sir " I said through gritted teeth. He's too
bossy gosh!
" Now your punishment is to give me a massage" he said
while I glared at him....
To be continued...
My Boss wants Me (Episode Three)
" I'm sorry sir I'm not some kind of call girl but I can get
you one " I replied
" I don't want any but you come now or you loose a year salary and trust me when I say that " he said.
Sighing, I
went to him standing in his front ..
" Are you going to stand there and look at me? Come sit
in the desk here and massage my chest and abs " he
I sat there and watched him take off his shirt . I must say
he's well built. His broad chest is really attractive but I
won't let him know that..
I brought my hand and began caressing his chest slowly
while he closed his eyes in pleasure. I mean what kinda
boss is he ?
He opened his eyes and stared at me while I looked
away . I'm just doing this for my salary..
I was so lost in thought that I didn't noticed he was
rubbing my thigh ...
What's wrong with him ? I jerked off his hand and stood
up on my feet..
" What nonsense sir " I said and arranged my skirt ..
He stood up and pinned me to his desk smacking my
butts ...
" Why can't you let me have you just once" he said and
traced his hand into my shirt fondling my breast as I tried
very hard not to let a moan escape my lips but couldn't
help it ...
" Please let go off me " I said faintly..
" Not now pretty " he replied kissing me neck down to my
I can't let this happen if I can survive it for three years
now ..
I need to do something so he could let go off me ..
" I will have you Ms Jeannie either willingly or not " he
said and left me .. while I ran outta the office breathing
Maybe I should just resign already. I don't think I can
continue this anymore.
I think I'm falling for his charm which is not a good news
to me .
I can't let him have me and count among the numerous
girls he have bedded .
Not happening.. never .. I need to write my resignation
letter as soon as possible.
My boss wants Me (Episode 4)
Xavier's POV
"Nonsense" I said and hit my desk so hard. Why is she
very hard to get huh? It's been three years I she have
worked for me still, I can't have her to my bed.
I think I know what to do, I won't pressure her on sex
I must make sure I get her to have feelings for me and
then I will fuck her. Yewh that's a perfect plan but before
that can be achieved, I need to make friends with her
Just perfect!
I buttoned up my shirt and got back to work.
Mission starts hence forth...
" Ms Jeanne, you can't be the only one to be so strong
headed " I smiled to myself...
Sometimes before you get what you want you must have
to submit your ego.
It's really been a hectic day... I'm tired of walking and my
feet hurt so badly. I worked till late hours because of
that boss and now no cab to take me home.
And to worsen it all, my apartment is very far from the
company. ..
" Hey " I heard as my heart jumped up in fear. It's dark
and anything can happen...
I turned around and saw a car flashed on my face.
" Scared you?" The voice said. It was my boss. What
did he want this time around?
" What did you expect? " I said and rolled my eyes before
walking away while he trailed behind me with his car ...
" I'm sorry I scared you, just wanted to take you home" .
Did I hear him right? He actually said he's sorry and he
want to take me home. I'm sure it's one of his unending
threats again and I don't think I will fall for it .
" Thanks but I'm okay walking home " I replied
" C'mon Jeanne, I mean I'm the one that made you over
work in the office and I'm here to take you home to at
least make up for it " he said
" Since when did that start huh please let me be " I huffed
" I mean no harm Jeanne please let me take you home
just this once" he pleaded. What did I have to do? I can't
continue walking a long distance home, anything might
happen on the long run......
My Boss Wants Me (Episode Five)
I hesitantly entered the passenger seat, sat down and
looked away while he chuckled before starting the car.
It was a long but a comfortable silent till we reached my
I can't believe he didn't make advances at me through
out. Jeez! Is he changed? I hope so thou
" Thank you" I said and alighted from the car
" It's no problem good night pretty" he said, smiled and
drove away while I stood at my spot unable to explain his
new character...
I finished cleaning up the kitchen before thinking of
preparing something to eat. It's a Saturday morning, no
work so I have today all to myself.
I hastily made cheesecake, I badly needs to continue
my sleep because I'm feeling really tired from
yesterday's work. It wasn't easy at all ...
"Arghh" I groaned, why did my phone have to ring this
time I'm enjoying my sleep?
I traced my hand to where it's ringing from without
opening my eyes.
I said sleepily
Oops! I guess you were sleeping.
Ah! It's boss Xavier again
Boss? Any problem?
I asked
We are not at work right now so you are free to call my
He said while I rolled my eyes as if he was seeing me ..
What did you want?
I asked rudely...
Chill babe I called in peace! I'm at your door...
He said
What? Why ?
Come usher me in first will you? I will be waiting doll.
He said and hung up
I sighed and stood up from the bed heading out of my
room. I still feel sleepy.
Don't mind me if I have all the time in the world, I do
rather use it to sleep that's how much I'm in love with it ...
I opened the door and saw him standing looking as
handsome as ever. No doubt he's good looking but I still
don't like him and I don't wish to yuck!
" Good morning to you too" he said walking pass me into
the sitting room ...
" Why are you here?" I asked folding my arms.
" Is that how to welcome a visitor?' he asked crossing his
To be continued….
My boss wanted Me (Episode 6)
" I never invited you here " I replied harshly
" Well that's not why I'm here " he said while I sat down
glaring at him...
" No water at least?"
"You can drink that when you get to your house get straight to the point. Why are you here?" I spat. Like
he said he's not my boss right now and even if we are in the office, I can still talk to him the way I want.
" Uhmm I'm sorry I have been an ass to you, please forgive me and let's start over again. I promise not to
bother about sex again "
What? Is he really apologizing to me? Oh My!
" It's no problem if you decide to change!" I replied and
shrugged ...
" That means I'm forgiven" he said
" If you wish " I said
" Then can I go on a date with you please?"
" What?"
Xavier's POV
"what!" she shouted. I must pretend to be all
submissive here because this lady sitting in front of me is
smarter than I know.
"yeah I meant what I said, just wanted to take you on a
date to make up for those years I have been a pain in the
ass " I replied giving her my best smile. She sat there for
what seems like forever without uttering a word ..
" you want to take me on a date?" she said unsure
"no string attached babe " I replied nodding...
" don't be scared Barbie I'm not gonna hurt you and trust
me on this for the very first time " I said pleadingly while
she thought for a while before standing up ...
" okay then give me a minute" she said and walked to
her room.
"yes" I succeeded in convincing her. I will make sure my
plans work without any trace of faking.
" let's go " she said coming into view. This whole beauty
here refused me with one mind. What type of lady is she?
who doesn't fall to the feet of handsome men like me?
sometimes it amuses me.
I can say she's more beautiful than the bitches I fuck out
their lives every day.
I wonder if she even has a boyfriend because I haven't
seen her with any guy before.
My boss wants Me (Episode 7)
It's surprisingly surprising.
I led her outside opening the passenger door for her ...
" you can sit mi lady " I said in a thick French voice while
she stared at me weirdly. She must be thinking of how I
changed all of a sudden
We arrived at my restaurant in particular, it's the best in
the whole town and I have already called to reserve a
VIP sit for two. Yeah I'm Xavier, I mean fucking rich
Xavier so you shouldn't think twice even if I say I own
everything including the people in it. I can buy half of
Everything and everyone in Seattle and I will still be
" wow this place is beautiful I must say " she said as we
came down from the car.
Actually I wore my hoodie so no one can recognize me
as a star, I don't want clingy people right now ...
" I'm glad you like here " I replied and smiled at her. I bet
my smiles today are countless and gosh I ain't enjoying it
all. I’m getting tired but that doesn't mean I'm gonna give
up that easily.
Having Jeanne on my bed is a must for me and it will
surely come to past either willingly or by force I mean she
can't be the one to keep rejecting me! there are thorns
of girls out there who are willing to let me fuck them their
whole life but her? I don't know or didn't she find me
attractive enough?
" good day sir, this way please" a waiter said eyeing
Jeanne by my side who doesn't even seem to notice.
I glared at him and he looked away immediately
. Who wants to kiss his job good bye?
I pulled out a chair for her before I sat down also.
" thank you" she said
" it's no problem mi lady " I replied as some waitress
came serving us.
Jeannie's POV
I can't stop laughing right now the way this girl are
glaring at me why? Maybe because I'm able to seat with
the city most handsome bachelor alive and probably
thinking I'm one of those whores he can have on his bed...
To be continued….
My boss wants Me (Episode 8)
well no ! I'm not and will never be.
Just wondering what Xavier is up to before asking me on a date I mean I don't actually believe he changed.
He must I have a reason behind this and I'm never gonna fall for it . I won't . I picked the cutleries and chose
only one food out of the numerous ditches on the table I picked beef and broccoli salad. I will be very okay
with that .
The food is really tasty and I will love to eat it some other times but for now I'm filled up ..
" are you okay " he asked smilling at me .
" yeah thanks for the meal "
" anything for you mi lady" he replied.
what's up with him and mi lady? I'm never his .
What's next now because I'm tired and what I wish to do now is to sleep and sleep ..
I don't even know what they do when people go on a date . Don't blame me , I have never been to one except
for now .
" can I ask you for a favour please" he asked with the most cuttest puppy eyes I won't be able to resit . Did
he actually bring me here to seduce me with those eyes?
I can't let myself fall for it.
" why? " I asked trying hard not to look at him " I don't know why either but I just wanna be your friend
please pretty just a friend nothing more "
" uhhm I'm sorry but you can't be my friend, I'm only but your employee and your assistant nothing more
and it's one of the rules in your company that there will be no kind of relationship with the boss which I
read years ago"
I replied and drank some juice I know he has motives ,
my boss I know won't ask for such thou I Know the rule
is so very fake because it's still this him that I have break
the law by sleeping with all the workers in the company,
no lady left well except me.
" c'mon Jeanne you know that's just a rule there for show
off I don't work with it and you know" he said. I can't be
friends with him because it will only lead to my doom. I
don't trust him enough, not yet ..
" can we go home now please”..
To be continued
My boss wants Me (Episode 9)
" can we go home now please" I said putting an end to
the discussion while he nodded hesitantly.
Monday morning
it's another day of the week and I'm already at the office .
I wish to resign but I gave it a second thought, how do I
survive after then? and it's not easy to get another job ..
I checked through the emails and saw that Mr Xavier will
be having a meeting in less than an hour which I have to
inform him about and he also has to sign the documents
of the Coal industry before being given to them ..
I took his personal elevator so I could quickly reach the
floor . I know I'm looking for trouble because he has
strictly instructed everyone not to use the elevator..
I knocked severally on the door but wasn't hearing a
come in so I decided to go in ..
Holly God of Madagascar!
Mr Xavier was fucking the receptionist on his desk .
jeeez! it's really a mistake I opened the door because
what my eyes are seeing is not worth seeing..
I mean they were stark naked ..
" oops! I'm sorry , really sorry sir " I said rushing out as
their eyes met mine .
I don't know why I am feeling a pain in my chest .
Does it hurt me to see him with another woman?
but it shouldn't be any of my business, that's how he
have been ..
early morning sex .
" Jeanne " he called but I was already into the elevator to
my office . This is embarrassing to see my boss all naked
I shook my head to remove the thought out of my head .
My boss want Me (Episode 10)
Ah! I messed up again, I wanted to tell her I changed
from being the sex addict I am so as to gain her trust but
I think I have practically messed up everything just now.
Mine is natural , I just can't do without sex and I can't
bring myself from enjoying all this stunts that flaunt
themselves around me any ways ..
" Bab.."
"Get the fuck out of my office now " I yelled at this whore
beside me while she hastily and fearfully put on her dress
and head out .
I'm a tough boss that gets what I want or you kiss your
job good bye though most of them are gladly giving me
their wide p**sy to fuck..
" Shit" I muttered as I ran my hands through my hair
creasing my forehead which i normally do when I'm
confused ..
I need to do something very fast, why am I feeling guilty
as if I just wronged her by sleeping with another woman..
I resumed back to work and oh my ! I totally forgot what I
actually went there to do. Now the meeting is just in ten
I can't risk to go back there or I should just give him a call
instead. Perfect!
I took the phone and dialed his office number which he
picked after 3rings
Go.. good morning sir
Yes any problem Jeanne ?
No sir , you will be having a meeting with the Director of
Jones industry in 5
Okay get ready, we will be going together.
He said and hung up. Can i really have peace in this
How do I face him after seeing him that way earlier ?
I will just avoid any eye contact with him then . That's
what I have to do .
"Where is the meeting holding?" He asked as he came
out of his office
" In the conference Hall sir " I replied and shook my head
" Let's go then " he said and walked past me into his
elevator while I walk
to the general one ..
" You can join me here so we can get there together I
can't be waiting for you" he said while I sigh . What else
do I have to do?
My boss want Me (Episode 11)
........... .....
He pressed the elevator and we both entered as I went
to the other end avoiding him .
We were almost close to coming out when the elevator
Jeez! Can this day get any better ?
Stuck in the elevator , it became dark .
My breathe hitched as I was trying hard to breathe but it
wasn't walking...
I slowly began falling to the floor when Mr Xavier cut me
" What's wrong with you Jeanne ?" He asked holding my
head up and I couldn't reply him .
" I... C...c.. can't breathe " I managed to say ..
Why did this attack has to come when I'm all alone with
xavier ?
" Oh you having a panic attack , I could have known
earlier" he said and laid me on the floor but held his hand
. I hate darkness and I hate being stuck in a place that's
the cause of the attack ..
" I'm not going, now close your eyes and count to ten "
he said
" Say it one.."
" O..one, t.two, t.three, four, fi..ve, sixx, seven , eight..,
" Ten " we said simultaneously and by now I regained my
breathe . It really did work , God what if I was alone ?
" You okay now ?" He asked helping me up
" Yeah, thank you " I replied looking away .
This is really more than embarrassing .
" I'm glad you are fine now " he said and I nodded . I
don't want to start any conversation with him right now ,
not now !
" Uhhm about uhhm few..."
The elevator door opened and I sigh in relief as I quickly
came out
I'm sure he wants to talk about what happened earlier in
his office....
Does that concern me? I don't think so why will he tell me
about it?
He has been like this and everyone knows so what...
" Sorry we are late , the elevator stopped" he apologized
to Mr Jones and his secretary
" It's no problem Mr Xavier we haven't arrived that long"
he replied while we sat ..
My boss want Me (Episode 12)
We exchanged greetings then the meeting began .
I brought out my note pad and began jotting their
That's my boss for you , he's always serious and focus
when it comes to business and I at least like him for that
The meeting finally came to an end ah!e..... To be continued...