FAKULTI PENGAJIAN PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA PEPERIKSAAN AKHIR SEMESTER KEDUA 2021/2022 FINAL EXAMINATION SECOND SEMESTER 2021/2022 KURSUS/COURSE : KOD/CODE : ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE AND DEVELOPMENT DCE5632 KAEDAH PENILAIAN/ TYPE OF ASSESSMENT : TAKE HOME FINAL EXAM (SET A) TARIKH/DATE : MASA/TIME : ARAHAN KEPADA SEMUA CALON (INSTRUCTION FOR STUDENTS) 1. Kertas ini mengandungi SEPULUH (10) soalan betul/salah dan DUA (2) soalan esei. Sila jawap semua soalan. (This paper consists of TEN (10) true/false questions and TWO (2) essay questions. Please answer all questions). 2. Tulis jawapan menggunakan format Microsoft Words dan hantar jawapan ke Putrablast (Write your answer in Microsoft Words and submit your answer through Putrablast). JANGKA MASA/DURATION : 3 JAM Nama/Name :MUHAMMAD HUDZAIFAH BIN AMIRULLAH No. Matrik /Matric No. :GS63923 Program/Programme :MASTER IN HRD Tandatangan/Signature : 0 BAHAGIAN A 1) Usaha pembangunan organisasi boleh memakan masa, mahal dan mungkin melambatkan tempoh pembayaran (Betul / Salah) Organizational development efforts can be time consuming, expensive and may have delayed pay off periods. (True / False) 2) Sejumlah teknik dan latihan dapat digunakan untuk memudahkan prestasi pasukan. (Betul / Salah) A number of techniques and exercises can be made use of to facilitate team performance. (True / False) 3) Aktiviti perubahan organisasi tidak perlu tertumpu pada perubahan sistematik berskala besar yang secara asasnya mengubah sifat organisasi (Betul / Salah) Organizational change activities need not focus on large scale systematic change which fundamentally change the nature of organization (True / False) 4) Kebanyakan orang selalu menerima kritikan dengan cara yang membina. (Betul/ Salah) Most people always take criticism well in a constructive way. (True / False) 5) Perunding OD luaran mengetahui semua maklumat dan proses yang berkaitan dengan syarikat yang ingin mereka diagnosis (Betul/ Salah) External OD consultant knows all information and process related to the company they want to diagnose 1 (True / False) 6) Intervensi tekno-struktur menangani masalah teknostruktural termasuk bagaimana keseluruhan kerja organisasi dibahagikan kepada unit, yang melaporkan kepada siapa, kaedah kawalan, susunan peralatan dan orang, pengaturan aliran kerja, dan perubahan komunikasi dan pihak berkuasa. (Betul/ Salah) Techno-structural intervention deal with technostructural issues including how the overall work of the organization is divided into units, who reports to whom, methods of control, arrangements of equipment and people, workflow arrangements, and changes in communications and the authority. (True / False) 7) Pembangunan organisasi tidak mempunyai masalah dan batasan (Betul / Salah) Organizational development has no problems and limitations. (True / False) 8) Pelanggan pertengahan adalah orang yang tidak berhubung secara langsung dengan organisasi anda selain dengan membeli produk atau perkhidmatan anda. Pelanggan ini boleh menjadi pembeli satu kali atau orang yang pernah anda bekerjasama dengan jangka panjang dan yang telah anda berikan tambahan atau pilihan penyesuaian. (Betul / Salah) Intermediate customer is a person who is not directly connected to your organization other than by purchasing your product or service. This customer could be a one-time purchaser or a person who've you worked with long-term and to whom you've provided add-ons or customization options. (True / False) 9) Kaedah pengurusan yang komprehensif bermaksud pengurus berpuas hati untuk meninggalkan pekerja dan sumber daya di mana mereka berada, walaupun 2 menghadapi ancaman buruk. Ideanya adalah untuk mengatasi cabaran dengan mewujudkan organisasi yang stabil dan aman yang dapat bertahan dari segala cabaran (Betul/ Salah) Comprehensive management method means that managers are content to leave employees and resources where they are, even in the face of adverse threats. The idea is to go through challenges by creating a stable and secure organization that can survive any challenges (True / False) 10)Intervensi proses pasukan adalah di mana pasukan dirancang agar prestasi tugas mempunyai pengaruh yang kuat terhadap bagaimana ia berfungsi. (Betul/ Salah) Team process intervention is where the team is designed for task performance to have a powerful influence on how well it functions. (True / False) 3 BAHAGIAN B Soalan 1: Sebilangan besar pekerja mempunyai beberapa kelemahan dalam kemahiran tempat kerja mereka. Program latihan membolehkan mereka memperkuat kemahiran yang perlu ditingkatkan oleh setiap pekerja. Terangkan Empat (4) tahap model Penilaian Latihan Kirkpatrick (10 Markah) Most employees have some weaknesses in their workplace skills. A training program allows you to strengthen those skills that each employee needs to improve. Explain Four (4) level of Kirkpatrick’s Training Evaluation model. (10 Marks) JAWAPAN / ANSWER: The Kirkpatrick Model is a widely used for assessing the success of training and education initiatives. This model evaluates training programs, both formally and informally, and categorize them into four levels. These levels are reaction, learning, behaviour, and results. Level 1: Reaction. The first level of Kirkpatrick Model is reaction. This level indicates whether employees find the training program beneficial, enjoyable, and applicable to their job. Most frequently, a post training survey will be conducted to ask employees to review their experience in the training program, hence the name “reaction” to this first level. In level 1, it is essential that the survey focuses on the employees instead of the trainer. The Kirkpatrick Model encourages survey questions that are specific on the employees, or the learners’ gains, even when it may feel natural for the trainers to focus on the training outcome, such as content or the learning environment. An example of a survey item that is trainer-centered would sound something like “the program objectives were clearly defined,” while a learner-centered survey item would be something like “I understood the learning objectives.” 4 Level 2: Learning Level 2 evaluates each participants’ or employees’ learning outcome based on whether they developed the desired attitudes, knowledge, abilities, confidence, and strong commitment to the course. Pre-assessments and post-assessments should be conducted to determine accuracy and comprehension while evaluating learning, which can be done in a formal or informal way. To measure how much of learning that the trainees or employees have done, trainers must identify what they want to evaluate, this can be achieved by having a specific set of learning objectives, so that it can be used as a starting point to gauge the trainees. Level 3: Behaviour Level 3 of Kirkpatrick model evaluates whether trainees were actually affected by the learning and whether they are applying what they have learned. It is one of the most important processes out of the 4 levels mentioned earlier. It is crucial to determine whether skills were understood and whether it is practical to apply those skills in the job by evaluating behavioral changes among the employees. Often times, managers or team leaders saw that tiny to no improvement have been made by employees after attending a training program and concluded that the training program failed all together. However, this might not be entirely true as the company or work culture itself prevent behavioral change. Maybe existing processes or SOPs are preventing these employees to implement a new way of thinking, or even applying the skills they learned in their training. Therefore, it is also crucial for companies or organizations to implement new structure or SOPs that will compliment the new skills obtained by their employees. It is also crucial for organizations to take their time in evaluating behavioral changes among their employees as measuring behavior changes can take a lot of time from weeks to months. Level 4: Results Direct results measurement is the focus of the fourth and final level, level 4. This level compares the learning outcome to the business outcome of the organization. The KPI of an organization, which was defined before the training took place, was again compared after the training is finished. Some examples of common KPIs are higher returns of investments, fewer workplace accidents, and larger sales volumes. In conclusion, when goals or KPI are clearly defined, results can be measured, and areas of noticeable changes can be found, all of these can be achieved by using the Kirkpatrick Model and it also helps in establishing an actionable research plan. Organizations can assess the relationship between each level to better understand the training results by analyzing data at each level. Furthermore, doing so enables organizations to adapt plans and correct course during the learning process. 5 Soalan 2: Model ADKAR adalah berdasarkan pada fakta bahawa faktor penentu utama sama ada perubahan berjaya adalah manusia. Model ini menekankan bahawa perubahan yang berjaya berlaku hanya apabila setiap anggota pasukan dapat berubah. Huraikan Lima (5) ADKAR tindakan berurutan dan hasilnya ke arah perubahan organisasi yang berjaya. (10 Marks) The ADKAR model is based on the fact that the main determining factor in whether a change is successful is people. The model emphasizes that successful change occurs only when each individual member of the team is able to change. Describe Five (5) ADKAR sequential actions and their outcomes towards successful organizational change. (10 Marks) 6 JAWAPAN / ANSWER: ADKAR is an acronym which stands for Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement. The ADKAR model is a model of change and is an effective change management plan for both individuals and organizations. The model is simple, easy to learn, makes sense, and focuses on the actions and outcomes required for a change to happen in an organization. Awareness for a need for change. The first essential component of successful change in an organization is understanding the reasons why change is required. This step clarifies the thinking and justification for a necessary change in an organization. Communication is also key in achieving this as communication that is planned is fruitful. By having a good, planned, coordinated communication in an organization, the employees will fully comprehend why change is required. Opening a direct line of communication between staff and management is a key strategy for doing this. It is crucial to get employees to reflect on the change, ask questions, and offer examples and stories from their own lives. It is also feasible to interview clients or staff members, asking them to share their viewpoints and ask for the change. These interviews may be recorded for viewing by bigger staff groups. Desire to participate and support the change. Employees can get to the point in this stage where they decide for themselves whether or not to support and participate in the transformation. Naturally, only once a thorough understanding of the need for change has been established can a willingness to support and participate in the change arise. Building desire can be partially accomplished by addressing the individual's motivations and fostering a desire to participate in the change. For instance, research suggests that some employees may be open to change if they feel heard and well-cared for during the transition. Therefore, it is a typical error to invite staff members to a discussion regarding change before ceasing any further planning. Employees frequently feel it is pointless to record ideas that they don't hear about later on paper. Therefore, it is crucial to schedule frequent opportunities for contact and feedback. This encourages participation, which aids in embracing change. Knowledge on how to change Providing knowledge about the change, the third component of the approach, can be accomplished via customary training and teaching techniques. Do not confine this process to formal training; other means of information transmission, including as 7 coaching, forums, and mentoring, are also helpful. Knowledge of how to change, what to do during the transition, and knowledge of how to perform once the change is put into place are the two categories of knowledge that need to be addressed. The employees will understand the change's purpose through learning more about the process of change. In a closed environment, learning cannot take place. Regardless of the level of expertise they possess, employees must share that knowledge and reflect it in a structured learning process.By doing this, they provide meaning to what has been learned and support one another in taking advantage of new information. This also goes by the name of social learning. The secret to knowledge spreading organically is social learning. Organizations should actively allow employees to interact with new information rather than just sending them on a path. Ability to implement required skills and behaviors. According to this model, ability is the distinction between theory and practise. The practise, or actual performance of the individual, needs to be supported after knowledge about how to change is in place (theory). This can be accomplished over time with practise, coaching, and feedback. Change is welcomed since it is possible to learn new skills and manage behaviour. The important question is, what inhibits workers from advancing change? They may feel as though they aren't contributing to the change at times. Companies can find and remove barriers by paying attention to their staff. Find out how they feel about the situation and how things are going for them. Give employees credit for their accomplishments and nudge them toward self-confidence. Even if they fail, because that increases the likelihood that they will pick up from their errors. Reminding employees that asking for assistance is okay and it will help them overcome the difficulty of disclosing their limitations in the job. Reinforcement to sustain the change. It is crucial that efforts to maintain the change are prioritized in this stage of the model. Positive feedback, rewards, recognition, performance measurement, and corrective action are effective approaches to ensure that changes persist and people do not revert to old behaviors. Since organizations are already preparing for the next change, this is frequently the aspect of change management that is most challenging. In fact, the Kurt-Lewin change model draws the most criticism in this regard. To ensure that changes are maintained and new results can be measured, reinforcement is crucial for successful transformation. For all employees to understand that there is no going back, reinforcement is necessary to maintain the change.An organization must encourage staff members and managers to continue discussing the status of the projects, celebrating accomplishments, and exchanging success stories in order to support the transformation. Give staff members a place to readily exchange stories. 8 Why use ADKAR model? This change management style is preferred mostly because it emphasizes individual transformation and makes sure that each person transitions successfully. This strategy has applicability in real life and goes beyond being "soft." Most importantly, when you pay attention to the individual, you can gauge where they are in the process of changing and what is needed to support them. You can't just do a specific number of training sessions or spread a certain message and expect everyone to take it to heart. Activities for change management are guided by the model. It is results-driven rather than task-driven. Many change models outline the actions that must be taken; this model outlines the results (Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, Reinforcement). This model also emphasizes the importance of good and effective communication among the employees. The ADKAR model also aids in determining how effective the change process is. It is possible to track progress down to the individual level, identify gaps, and take corrective action. Other than thism in the ADKAR model, managers are equipped with a tool. Every component of the model assigns managers a certain role. For instance, a person who has trouble adapting to change may not have the skills or abilities to do so, or they may not have the knowledge on how to do so. The manager is able to distinguish between the two and can either work closely with the person, coaching them to give them the confidence and ability to perform well, or they can provide training which involves knowledge and information. Lastly, this change management model is useful for both project-related and non-project changes, and it also works well as a model for personal changes outside of the context of an organization. 9