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Fruit Peel Fertilizer for Malunggay Growth

Effectiveness of Banana(Musa acuminata) and Orange(Citrus sinensis) peels as an Organic
Fertilizer for Malunggay(Moringa oleifera) Plant
Proponent: Kamille Jerena V. Dacudag
A. Question or Problem being addressed
One of the problem in the country is the increase in the population as well as the income rising
in developing country is also causing an increase in demand for food. With such rampant
increase in population, industrialization and in order to meet such high demand of food, the
farmers have to produce more and more food. This can be achieved by increasing the area of
agricultural land required to grow crops or enhancing the productivity of the agricultural land
available by using chemical fertilizers, irrigation and new methods of farming.
To be able to produce more food and therefore be more productive, farmers have been more
dependent on synthetic fertilizers. The widespread use of chemical fertilizers has contributed to
environmental degradation especially on soil fertility by reducing the natural nutrients on the soil
surface. Though intensive use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture increases the crop production
but at the same time it causes negative impact on land, air, water and on environmental health.
Thus, the researcher is motivated to look for an organic fertilizer which can improve the soil by
escalating the soil's ability to hold water and nutrients and decreases the erosion and soil crusting
caused by rain and wind. Organic fertilizer adds more natural nutrients, feeds important microbes
in the soil and improves the structure of the soil. With this we can lessen the expenses of the
farmers and we can minimize the increase of agricultural wastes by converting it into an organic
fertilizer. The present study deals with the utilization of fruit peels for the effective growth of
plants. Different fruit peels such as Banana and Orange.
B. Goals/ Expected Outcomes/ Hypotheses
To measure the height of the Malunggay plant after the application of Banana peelings
and Orange peels organic fertilizer as compared to the controlled group
To determine the length of time taken by the Malunggay plant to germinate after the
application of Banana peelings and Orange peels organic fertilizer as compared to the
controlled group
C. Materials and Methods
C.1 Experimental Design
Independent Variable: The type of fertilizer used to water each plant
Dependent Variable: The height of the Malunggay Plant and the time taken for the malunggay
plant to germinate
Controlled Variable: The type of plant, number of peels, amount of water, size of the container,
number of malunggay seeds planted, type of soil and the size of pots
Experimental Set-up: Malunggay Plant sprayed with Banana peelings and Orange peels
Organic fertilizer
Control Set-up:Malunggay Plant sprayed with the commercial liquid fertilizer
C.2 Materials and Equipment
Banana peelings
Knife/ Scissors
Orange peels
2 plastic spray bottle
Commercial liquid fertilizer
Malunggay seeds
3 pots
2 container
C.3 Procedure
Gather all of your needed materials
For set-up A, cut the banana peelings into pieces using a knife or a scissor then put it on a
container. Then add some water and set it aside for 3 days.
For set-up B, get your orange peels and cut it into pieces. There should equal number of
Orange peelings and Banana peelings. Put the Orange peelings in a container then add some
water and set it aside for 3 days.
After 3 days, get both of the set-ups, the plastic spray bottle, strainer and funnel
For set-up A, put the funnel in the spray bottle and ready the strainer above the funnel so that
only the liquids can flow to the bottle.
Pour the container filled with the banana peels and the liquid fertilizer into the strainer.
Then after that,cover the bottle filled with the banana liquid fertilizer. Do the same for the
set-up B.
Get the malunggay seeds and plant it in each 3 pots. Label each pot with A,B and C. Get
your commercial liquid fertilizer for the set-up C.
Spray the liquid fertilizers on their respective pots. Record and wait for the results
Lastly, Gather the results
1. Hiral Jariwala, (2016) Study on Use of Fruit Peels Powder as a Fertilizer
2. Mercy S, Mubsira Banu S, Jenifer I, (2014) Application Of Different Fruit Peels Formulations
As A Natural Fertilizer For Plant Growth
3. MAAT(2015),Ways To Use Banana Peels In Your Garden As Fertilizer
4. Shireen Freeman(2017), 3 Ways to make your own Banana peel liquid fertilizer