A DEMO TEACHING LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE 8 I. OBJECTIVES: A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrate understanding of work using constant force, power, gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, and elastic potential energy. B. Performance Standard: The learners should be able to develop a written plan and implement a “ Newton’s Olympic” C. Learning Competencies: Identify situations in which work is done and in which no work is done. Objectives: Define work Identify situations in which work is done and in which no work is done II. CONTENT: WORK III. LEARNING RESOURCES: Science 8 Textbook: pp. 21-24 Teacher’s Guide 17-20 EASE Physics Module 11 p. 5-8 IV. PROCEDURE: a. ELICIT : In a card, let the students write down a word associated with “work” After 5 minutes, let the students complete the mind map posted on the board using the labeled cards. Synthesize the answers to come up with the class’ definition of work. b. ENGAGE : Students will perform the activity “ Let’s Work It”. Ask them to share about their experiences while doing the activity. c. EXPLORE: Group the students into at least 3-5 members per group. Each group will think at least common activities done in different places (school, ,market, home, park, church). Ask them to identify whether these situations exhibit work or no work done and let justify their answers. d. EXPLAIN: Students should come up with the idea that force and distance are needed for work to be done. Emphasize that the direction of the force should be in the direction of the movement of the object. Introduce the formula for work. Give specific examples. Call on some students or group representatives to present their answers to the guide questions provided from the activity. Ask the following questions: When is work done? ( Work is done when force is exerted in the same direction as the movement of the object) What happens when the direction of the movement of the object is oppositely directed as that of the force applied? (No work is done) Does exerting a force always means doing work? (no, if the direction of the force is not in the same direction as the movement of the object then nowork is done. e. EXTEND: Write an essay or a short poem about the current situations or workers in Bicol and their role in gearing the region towards sustainable development. f. EVALUATE: Cite 5 situations in the community where work is done and justify your answers. ( Pushing a grocery cart, harvesting vegetables, sweeping the dirt on the floor, lifting lumber..etc the direction of the force exerted on each situation is the same as that of the movement of the object.