AUTOMATA THEORY AND COMPILER DESIGN CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE AUTOMATA THEORY AND COMPILER DESIGN 1.1 Description of Automata Theory: Automata Theory is a branch of theoretical computer science that deals with abstract machines and computational models. It encompasses the study of formal languages, which are sets of strings or sequences of symbols, and the abstract machines that recognize or generate these languages. The key concepts and components of Automata Theory include: • Formal Languages: These are sets of strings over a finite alphabet. Formal languages are classified based on their properties, such as regular languages, context-free languages, context-sensitive languages, and recursively enumerable languages. • Alphabets: An alphabet is a finite set of symbols from which strings are formed. In Automata Theory, alphabets are typically denoted by Σ. • Automata: Automata are abstract machines used to recognize languages. There are several types of automata, including finite automata (FA), pushdown automata (PDA), and Turing machines (TM). These machines vary in power and capability, with Turing machines being the most powerful. • Finite Automata (FA): Finite automata are abstract machines with a finite set of states. They read input symbols from an input tape and transition between states based on the input. Finite automata are used to recognize regular languages. • Pushdown Automata (PDA): Pushdown automata are extensions of finite automata with an additional stack memory. They can recognize context-free languages, which are more powerful than regular languages. • Turing Machines (TM): Turing machines are the most powerful computational model in Automata Theory. They consist of an infinite tape divided into cells, a read/write head that moves left or right on the tape, and a finite set of states. Turing machines can recognize recursively enumerable languages, which include all languages that can be computed by any algorithm. • Regular Expressions: Regular expressions are compact notations for specifying regular languages. They are used in pattern matching and text processing applications. • • Language Recognition and Generation: Automata Theory provides methods for recognizing whether a given string belongs to a particular language (acceptance problem) and generating strings that belong to a language (generation problem). Automata Theory has applications in various areas of computer science, including compiler design, parsing, formal verification, and natural language processing. It provides fundamental insights into the capabilities and limitations of computational Department of CSE , AIET 1 AUTOMATA THEORY AND COMPILER DESIGN systems, helping researchers and practitioners understand the nature of computation and develop efficient algorithms and systems. 1.2 Introduction to DFA: 1.2.1 Definition of DFA: A DFA, or Deterministic Finite Automaton, is a computational model used in Automata Theory and formal language theory. It consists of five components: 1. Alphabet (Σ): A finite set of symbols from which input strings are formed. 2. States (Q): A finite set of states representing different configurations that the automaton can be in at any given time. 3. Transition Function (δ): A function that maps each state and input symbol pair to a unique next state. It describes how the automaton transitions between states based on the input symbols it reads. 4. Start State (q₀): The initial state of the automaton where it begins its computation. 5. Accepting States (F): A subset of states that designate which configurations are considered "accepting" or "final". If the automaton reaches any of these states after processing an input string, it recognizes the input string as belonging to the language defined by the automaton. Formally, a DFA is defined by the tuple (Q, Σ, δ, q₀, F), where: • Q is the set of states. • Σ is the input alphabet. • δ is the transition function, δ: Q × Σ → Q. • q₀ is the start state, q₀ ∈ Q. • F is the set of accepting states, F ⊆ Q. 1.2.2 Example for DFA: Design a FA with ∑ = {0, 1} accepts those string which starts with 1 and ends with 0. Solution: The FA will have a start state q0 from which only the edge with input 1 will go to the next state. Department of CSE , AIET 2 AUTOMATA THEORY AND COMPILER DESIGN Fig 1.1 Example for DFA Present State Next State for Input 0 Next State for Input 1 a a b b c a c b c In state q1, if we read 1, we will be in state q1, but if we read 0 at state q1, we will reach to state q2 which is the final state. In state q2, if we read either 0 or 1, we will go to q2 state or q1 state respectively. Note that if the input ends with 0, it will be in the final state. 1.1 Introduction to NFA: 1.3.1 Definition of NFA: An NFA, or Non-deterministic Finite Automaton, is another type of computational model used in Automata Theory and formal language theory. Like a DFA, it consists of five components: 1. Alphabet (Σ): A finite set of symbols from which input strings are formed. 2. States (Q): A finite set of states representing different configurations that the automaton can be in at any given time. 3. Transition Function (δ): Unlike in a DFA, the transition function in an NFA can map a state and input symbol pair to multiple possible next states or to a special empty transition. This non-determinism allows for branching behaviour, where the automaton can explore multiple paths simultaneously. 4. Start State (q₀): The initial state of the automaton where it begins its computation. Department of CSE , AIET 3 AUTOMATA THEORY AND COMPILER DESIGN 5. Accepting States (F): A subset of states that designate which configurations are considered "accepting" or "final". If the automaton reaches any of these states after processing an input string, it recognizes the input string as belonging to the language defined by the automaton. Formally, an NFA is defined by the tuple (Q, Σ, δ, q₀, F), where: • Q is the set of states. • Σ is the input alphabet. • δ is the transition function, δ: Q × (Σ 𝖴 {ε}) → 2^Q, where ε denotes an empty transition. • q₀ is the start state, q₀ ∈ Q. • F is the set of accepting states, F ⊆ Q. An NFA differs from a DFA in that it allows for non-deterministic transitions, meaning that for a given state and input symbol, there can be multiple possible next states or an empty transition. This non-determinism allows NFAs to represent certain language classes more compactly than DFAs. 1.3.2 Example for NFA: Design an NFA with ∑ = {0, 1} in which double '1' is followed by double '0'. Solution: The FA with double 1 is as follows: Fig 1.2 Example for NFA It should be immediately followed by double 0. Then, Department of CSE , AIET 4 AUTOMATA THEORY AND COMPILER DESIGN Now before double 1, there can be any string of 0 and 1. Similarly, after double 0, there can be any string of 0 and 1. Hence the NFA becomes: Now considering the string 01100011 q0 → q1 → q2 → q3 → q4 → q4 → q4 → q4 Present Next State for State Input 0 Next State for Input 1 a a, b b b c a, c c b, c c 1.4Introduction to Compilers: A compiler is a crucial software tool in computer science that translates high-level programming language code into machine code that a computer's processor can execute. It comprises several stages, including lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis, intermediate code generation, optimization, and code generation. Understanding compilers is essential for programmers to write efficient code and grasp programming language fundamentals. 1.4.1 Description of Compilers: A compiler is a fundamental tool in computer science that translates source code written in a high-level programming language into machine code that can be executed by a computer's Department of CSE , AIET 5 AUTOMATA THEORY AND COMPILER DESIGN processor. The process of compilation involves several stages, each of which plays a crucial role in transforming human-readable code into executable instructions. 1. Lexical Analysis (Scanning): This initial stage involves breaking the source code into smaller units called tokens. These tokens can be keywords, identifiers, literals, or symbols. The purpose of lexical analysis is to simplify the code structure for further processing. 2. Syntax Analysis (Parsing): In this stage, the compiler analyses the structure of the code according to the rules of the programming language's grammar. It creates a parse tree or syntax tree, which represents the hierarchical structure of the code. Syntax analysis ensures that the code follows the syntactic rules of the language. 3. Semantic Analysis: After syntax analysis, the compiler performs semantic analysis to check the meaning of the code. It verifies that the code adheres to the semantic rules of the language, such as type compatibility, variable declarations, and scope rules. Semantic analysis helps in detecting and reporting errors that cannot be identified through syntax alone. 4. Intermediate Code Generation: At this stage, the compiler generates an intermediate representation of the source code. This intermediate code is often platform-independent and serves as an intermediate step before generating the target machine code. Common forms of intermediate code include abstract syntax trees (ASTs) or three-address code. 5. Optimization: Optimization is an optional but crucial stage where the compiler improves the intermediate code to enhance the performance of the generated executable. Various optimization techniques, such as constant folding, loop optimization, and code motion, are applied to make the code more efficient while preserving its functionality. 6. Code Generation: In the final stage, the compiler translates the optimized intermediate code into the target machine code specific to the hardware architecture. This machine code consists of low-level instructions that the processor can directly execute. Code generation involves mapping high-level language constructs to corresponding machine instructions and managing memory allocation and usage. 1.5 Difference between Compiler and Interpreter Department of CSE , AIET 6 AUTOMATA THEORY AND COMPILER DESIGN Table 1.1 Difference Between Compiler and Interpreter Feature Compiler Interpreter Input Takes entire source code as input. Output Generates machine intermediate code. Execution Speed Generally faster execution. Tends to have slower execution. Standalone Program Generates standalone executable files. Does not produce executable files. Debugging May be more challenging to debug Easier to debug as errors are due to optimization and encountered during execution. compilation steps. Memory Usage Compiler-generated executables may require less memory. Interpreter consumes memory for both source code and runtime environment. Portability Compiled executables are less Interpreted code is more portable, as long as the interpreter is available for the target platform. portable platforms. Department of CSE , AIET code across different Takes source code line by line as input. or Executes code directly without generating executable files standalone 7 AUTOMATA THEORY AND COMPILER DESIGN CHAPTER 2 2. PROBLEM STATEMENT Consider the following grammar: S → Ako A → Ad | aB | aC B → bBc | r Construct the LL(1) Parsing Table. Show the Parsing moves of LL(1) Parser to parse the string arko 2.1 Brief Logic for Problem Solution: 2.1.1 Calculate First and Follow sets: Determine the set of first terminals that can start from each non-terminal. Identify the set of terminals that can follow each non-terminal. 2.1.2 Construct LL (1) Parsing Table: Use the First and Follow sets to populate the LL (1) parsing table. For each non-terminal and terminal combination, fill in the corresponding production rule or rules. 2.1.3 Check for LL (1) Grammar: Verify that each entry in the parsing table is unique. Ensure that there are no conflicts (multiple entries) for the same non-terminal and terminal combination. 2.1.4 Construct Parsing Moves of LL(1) Parser for the string arko: Department of CSE , AIET 8 AUTOMATA THEORY AND COMPILER DESIGN CHAPTER 3 SOLUTION The given grammar is as follows: S -> cABc A -> aAa | c B -> bBb | c 3.1. Grammar Rewrite: The grammar can be written as, S -> cABc A -> aAa A -> c B -> bBb B -> c 3.2. Calculate FIRST: Calculating FIRST(S) FIRST(S) = FIRST(cABc) FIRST(S) = FIRST(c) FIRST(S) = {c} Calculating FIRST(A) FIRST(A) = FIRST(aAa) U FIRST(c) FIRST(A) = FIRST(a) U FIRST(c) FIRST(A) = {a} U {c} FIRST(A) = {a,c} Calculating FIRST(B) Department of CSE , AIET 9 AUTOMATA THEORY AND COMPILER DESIGN FIRST(B) = FIRST(bBb) U FIRST(c) FIRST(B) = FIRST(b) U FIRST(c) FIRST(B) = {b} U {c} FIRST(B) = {b,c} Therefore, FIRST(S) = {c} FIRST(A) = {a,c} FIRST(B) = {b,c} 3.3. Calculate FOLLOW: Calculating FOLLOW(S) FOLLOW(S) = {$} Calculating FOLLOW(A) FOLLOW(A) = FIRST(B) U FIRST(a) FOLLOW(A) = {b,c} U {a,c} FOLLOW(A) = {a,b,c} Calculating FOLLOW(B) FOLLOW(B) = FIRST(c) U FIRST(b) FOLLOW(B) = {c} U {B} FOLLOW(B) = {b,c} 3.4. Parse Table: Construct parsing table by placing all terminals in columns and non-terminals in rows Blanks are error entries; non-blanks indicate a production with which to expand a non-terminal. Department of CSE , AIET 10 AUTOMATA THEORY AND COMPILER DESIGN CONCLUSION: The parsing process for "arko" revealed conflicts in the LL(1) parsing table, particularly when popping the non-terminal A with input r and o. This suggests the grammar you provided (S -> Ako, A -> Ad | aB | aC, B -> bBc | r) might not be LL(1). In an LL(1) grammar, the parsing table wouldn't have these ambiguities, allowing for a clear and unambiguous parsing process. It's possible that the grammar needs adjustments to remove left recursion or other factors that prevent LL(1) properties, or there might be an error in how the parsing table was constructed. Further investigation of the grammar and potential modifications would be necessary to determine if a valid LL(1) parsing table can be achieved. Department of CSE , AIET 11 AUTOMATA THEORY AND COMPILER DESIGN REFERENCE • Textbook 1: John E Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D. Ullman, “Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation”, Third Edition, Pearson • Textbook 2: Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman, “Compilers Principles, Techniques and Tools”, Second Edition, Pearson. • • • Department of CSE , AIET 12