PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Grade 12 Remember the KNOW Rules: 1. K = Keep quite. 2. N = No loafing. No celphone and no littering. 3. O = Open all ears and eyes to focused on the lesson. 4. W =When in class remember to sit properly. What are the 2 brain dominance? Right Brain Dominance These people are intuitive, risk-takers, creative. feelings visualization, adventure, writing, imagination. Left Brain Dominance These people are organized, logical, detail-oriented, keep a tidy room, follow and read directions. What is the value of learning the brain dominance? = Knowing an individual’s brain dominance can help you understand his/her “ways” of thinking, behaving, speaking, and functioning. Also, it can help parents and educators tailor activities to a child’s natural learning preferences. TRAIN TO BE SMART, DUMP BEING DUMB At the end of the lesson you are able to: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the brain parts, its processes and functions. 2. Identify ways to improved brain functions which will be manifested in thoughts, behavior and feelings. 3. Develop a personal plan to improved brain functions. 4. Value the significance of developing a personal plan to improved brain functions. Activity 1: Rediscovering My Own Giftedness (3 minutes) Directions: Relive the moment when you were just a kid, using the chart below, identify those things that you usually enjoy doing or that you think you are good at. Remember, you do not need to be experts on these fields, you just need to recognize that these gifts have been part of you as a kid, or still even now as an adolescent. You only have 3 minutes to do the task. What can you say about your giftedness as shown from the chart above? = Remember your gift, your innate abilities may served as the foundation of your success. Were there new discoveries and/or realizations after doing this activity? = Every gift have different abilities in which we are excellent. We have different ways to absorb information and solve problems to create products that are of value. If you will be given the chance to further improve that gift, how will you do it? My Giftedness as My Intelligence: Howard Gardner: Multiple intelligence The focus of this lesson is for you to further appreciate that your intelligence (in various forms) can still be grown. let us dump the idea that people are born either intelligent, average, or dump – and stays the same throughout their lifetime. THE GROWING INTELLIGENCE: Intelligence is not a physical aspect of the mind, rather it is part of mind’s functions which is not necessarily dependent upon the size of the Human Brain. Real questions at hand are: can you really make yourself smarter? What do studies say about this? What are the different ways to do so? Is it achievable? The growth of the brain functions can be associated to a person’s muscle – it can grow, when you use it. Hence, the more that we learn, the more that we can maximize the human brain’s capacity to understand. Learning and challenging the mind further to its greatest extent can improve the performance of the neurons and that they grow and they multiply. HOW DO WE KNOW IF THE BRAIN CAN GROW STRONGER? Scientists have been studying about animal’s brain and they found that animals that lived in an environment that is stimulating, having other animals around and toys to play with, had more connections between the nerve cells in their brains – and that their brains were stronger, and heavier than those animals that lived in isolation. This finding is because of the reality that those animals that lived in isolation spend their time mostly in sleeping and eating while those that lived with animals and toys were active discovering how to get along with other animals and how to use the toys. the same process applies to human beings.Human intelligence is malleable, it can be shaped accordingly, if only it is exposed to appropriate environment and enough stimulation. 2 Major Perspective of Human Intelligence: Growth and Fixed Mindset FIXED MINSET GROWTH MINDSET Avoid challenges. View Challenges as opportunities. Refuse to receive criticism or feedback. Embrace constructive feedback. Focus on proving yourself. Focus on the process not the end result. Feel threatened by others success Be inspired by others success Can’t accept failures or mistakes. Learn and grow from failures. Stay away from unfamiliar things. Always step out of the comfort zone. Believe that talent is static. Believed that talent can be improved. Ways to train the brain and get smarter. The basic concept about brain development is that it grows when it is stimulated by the environment. Stimulation happens when our senses are activated, and we become aware of the things happening around us. By processing the information from our world, we question things and we acquire answers to question. When questions are answered, this brings us to further questioning and further chance to improved our learning. How to Build Intelligence 1. Set goal and become motivated. Begin to explore new concept or skill. (A new neuron is formed through the process called neurogenesis) 2. You see, hear, think and talk about the new concept and make connections to things that you already know (The neuron axon fires and chemical signals are sent to the dendrites of other neurons). 3. You practice over and over and pay attention to your mistakes, You think deeply of tis new concept , focus on the parts that are hard for you and don’t take any shortcuts ( Dendrites grow like branches out of the neurons and reach out for the neurons). 4. You test yourself on the new concept and apply your knowledge to unique situation. You push yourself to see how much you can learn, and explain the concept to other people(The dendrites continue to grow more branches and the signals between them fire more quickly to other dendrites). 5, You find that some parts that once seemed hard are a little easier but you continue to push yourself on the next challenge and learn from your mistakes. With more practice your dendrites continue to grow ( The network of neurons becomes more efficient and powerful, making the brain denser and smarter than it was before. Concrete Ways to Improve One’s Intelligence 1. Read Books, and Read a Lot. 11. Have a Regular Workout 2. Use Filtered News Services 12. Allow Yourself to Daydream 3. Hang Out with Smart people 13. Socialize 4. Aim to do something new everyday 14. Draw, Paint, or Color 5. Play Board games 15. Travel as Often as You can 6. Make a list of the things you have done 7. Learn a New Language 8. Explain What you Know to Others 9. Practice Mindfulness 10.Write Your Notes by Hand Differentiate fixed and growth mindset? = Fixed mindset believed that intelligent and talent are fixed while growth mindset believed that intelligence and talent can be developed. Based on your initial assessment of your own point of view about intelligence in which side do you belong? why? What are your discoveries about human intelligence? How do you feel about this discoveries? = human intelligence can be develop specially if you are exposed in an appropriate environment and enough stimulation. = By embracing the growth mindset and believing that the intelligence can be grown, we can conclude that your intelligence can be develop as well. Activity 2: BRAINgo-WinO (5 minutes) Directions: Choose among the patterns below. Choose the pattern which you think will give you more chances of winning. This depends upon your pacing. Whether you wanted to start from 4 small ways or if you are ready doing 9 full swing. After identifying your winning pattern, use the blank BRAIN Card below to write down specific ways in improving your own intelligence. You may choose among the list suggested above or you may add up your own personal ways.: Road to Becoming Smarter Directions : Provided below is a sample road map. You customize your road map depending on the number of ways you have chosen above. Plot the different ways as to what comes first and what comes last. Also, provide specific details and timeframe when would you like to achieve all of these. Concrete Ways to Improve One’s Intelligence 1. Read Books, and Read a Lot. 11. Have a Regular Workout 2. Use Filtered News Services 12. Allow Yourself to Daydream 3. Hang Out with Smart people 13. Socialize 4. Aim to do something new everyday 14. Draw, Paint, or Color 5. Play Board games 15. Travel as Often as You can 6. Make a list of the things you have done 7. Learn a New Language 8. Explain What you Know to Others 9. Practice Mindfulness 10.Write Your Notes by Hand What have you discovered about yourself in relation to this lesson? How do you feel about this discoveries? What is the value of developing a personal plan to enhance brain functions? Evaluation: MYTH BUSTERS Directions: Below is a list of 10 statements pertaining to the lesson we discussed. Bust every myth you see by crossing it out from the group. Thank you!!!