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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Physics 8
Date: February 28, 2024
Pre-Service Teacher: Bontia, Redgie Ann C.
Time: 7:00-8:00 AM
Pre-Service Teacher: Shairamae P. Giray,LPT
Grade and Section: Grade 8- Beryllium
Supervising Teacher: Dr. Marlo D. Alvarez
Learning Objectives:
1. Explain Newton’s 1st and 2nd law of motion through examples.
2. Solving problems involving Newton’s 1st and 2nd law of motion.
3. Realize the importance of Newton’s laws of motion in our daily basis.
Topic: Force and Motion
Sub-Topic: Newton’s Law and Second Law
Strategy: 4As/ Constructivist
21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Communication, and Collaboration
Materials: Laptop, Projector/TV, PowerPoint Presentation, Manila Paper, Marker, Materials for the activity
Admin. (2023, June 14). Newton’s Laws of Motion - Three Laws of Motion Explanation,
Examples. BYJUS. https://byjus.com/physics/laws-of-motion/
Science – Grade 8 Learner’s Material First Module. 2014.
Idea/Concept: Solving problems using the Newton’s law and Second law
Teacher’s Activity
1. Prayer
Before we start our lesson, kindly stand and let us pray.
(The teacher will play the video for the prayer)
Students’ Activity
(Students will stand up for the prayer.)
2. Greetings and Setting of Class Policy
“Good morning, Class!”
How are you today? Are you ready for exploring our new Good morning, Ma’am!
Before we formally start our discussion, I will share to you Yes, Ma’am!
my classroom policies as we go to our journey in learning
this subject.
• Listen to your teacher.
• Avoid unnecessary noises.
Pay attention when someone is talking.
Raise your hand if you want to answer.
Always follow instructions.
Is that clear class?
(Student will listen attentively)
Yes, Ma’am!
“Alright! That's good to know! “
3. Cleanliness of the Room
Before we start our class, kindly pick up all the pieces of
paper under your chairs. Arrange your chairs and seat (Students will pick up all the pieces of paper under their
chairs then they will seat properly)
4. Submission of Assignments
Do you have any assignment las meeting?
Okay, pass it from back to front.
For your attendance, kindly say present when your name
was called.
Yes, Ma’am!
(Students will say present.)
“Thank you.”
B. Review
Before we proceed with our next topic, let’s have a review
of the concepts related to our topic today.
What was your topic last meeting?
What is the motion of one dimension?
What is relative velocity?
How about relative acceleration?
Very good, class. It seems like you have lots of knowledge
about the relative motion in two dimension.
C. Motivation
At this moment, let’s analyze the picture.
“Our topic last meeting was all about the relative motion in
one dimensions.”
“One-dimensional motion means motion in a straight line”
“Relative velocity is
“Relative acceleration is
(Students will analyze the picture.)
Guide Questions:
Q1. What do you observe upon looking at the pictures?
Q1. The first picture is about a man rowing a boat, the
second picture is about a flying airplane, the third picture
is about a boy pulling his pet dog and the last one tells us
Q2. What causes these things to move?
about a man riding a bike.
Q2. Based on the pictures, the force applied helps the
things/living one to move.
Q3. What do you think is common in the situations above?
Q3. The situations above involve applications of forces
Very good! It seems like you enjoyed analyzing the
pictures. Such concepts are significant in understanding
our lesson this morning.
D. Presentation of the Lesson
With that, here are our lesson’s objectives this morning:
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Explain Newton’s 1st and 2nd law of motion
through examples.
2. Solving problems involving Newton’s 1st and 2nd
law of motion.
3. Realize the importance of Newton’s laws of
motion in our daily basis.
Based on the objectives, what do you think is our lesson
for today?
Lesson Proper
1. Activity
Let’s start! We will have some activity before we proceed
to our proper discussion. The class will be divided into two
groups and each group will have a corresponding task to
do. The first group will do the Station 1: Newton’s first law
of motion – Law of inertia. The second group will do the
Station 2: Newton’s second law of motion.
“Our lesson for today is all Newton’s First and Second laws
of motion”
Activity: Newton Olympics
Newton’s first law of motion-law of inertia
Materials: Index cards, paper cups
1. Stack the 5 pieces of paper cups in a tower
formation, placing an index card in between each
paper cups.
(Students will do the Activity. Then, will answer the guide
2. Starting at the top, remove the first index card with questions.)
a swift pull directly backwards, avoiding pulling
out at an angle.
3. Continue removing the cards in this fashion from
top to bottom, observing how the paper cups are
keeping them in place.
Guide Questions:
Q1. What strategy did you use to successfully stack the Q1. The strategy that we use is through pulling the index
paper cups? If not, what are your implications?
card as fast as we can.
Q2. What happened when you pulled/pushed the index Q2. The cup easily gets stacked one on top of another.
Activity: Newton Olympics
Newton’s Second law of motion-law of Acceleration
Materials: Crumpled paper, stones, pen, ruler
Part A (Constant Force)
1. Place a crumpled paper in front of the ruler.
2. Carefully bend the ruler back and release it.
3. Place a stone in front of the ruler.
(Students will do the Activity. Then, will answer the guide
4. Carefully bend the ruler back and release it. Be questions.)
sure to bend the ruler back to the same spot (force
need to be constant)
Part B (Constant Mass)
5. Place a crumpled paper in front of the ruler.
6. Carefully bend the ruler back and release it.
7. Repeat the same procedure but this time, bend
the ruler back more than the first trial.
Guide Questions:
Q1. When the ruler was bent backward (constant force), Q1. The crumpled paper because it has less mass than
which moves faster? The crumpled paper or the stones? the stone.
Q2. The greater force we applied to the crumpled paper,
Q2. When you vary the force you applied in the crumpled the greater distance it travelled.
paper, what happen to it?
Q3. Explain the relationship between acceleration and the Q3. The magnitude of the acceleration is directly
objects mass and the applied force.
proportional to the net force applied and inversely
proportional to the mass of the object.
2. Analysis
Now, let us try to analyze the activity.
Group 1, what strategy did you use to successfully
stack the paper cups? If not, what are your
“The strategy that we use is through pulling the index card
as fast as we can.”
Then, what happened when you pulled/pushed
“The cup easily gets stacked one on top of another”
the index card?
Group 2, when the ruler was bent backward “The crumpled paper because it has less mass than the
(constant force), which moves faster? The stone.”
crumpled paper or the stones? Why?
When you vary the force you applied in the
crumpled paper, what happen to it?
Explain the relationship between acceleration and
“The magnitude of the acceleration is directly proportional
the objects mass and the applied force.
to the net force applied and inversely proportional to the
mass of the object.”
In the activity, you observed different forces acting
“Force means describing both how hard the force pushes
upon an object. Then, What is force?
or pulls on the body and the direction of the push or pull.
These forces are under the Newton’s law of
motion. What is the Newton’s first law of motion? “The first law of motion is the law of inertia”
Very good, this means that?
What is a common example where inertia can be
How, about the Newton’s 2nd law of motion?
“The greater force we applied to the crumpled paper, the
greater distance it travelled.”
An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an
unbalanced force and an object in motion continues in
motion with the same speed and in the same direction
unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. The tendency
of an object to maintain its state of rest or of uniform
velocity in a straight line is called inertia. Mass is a
measure of the inertia of an object. The greater the mass
of an object, the harder it is to move when it is at rest, or
difficult to stop when in motion.
common example where inertia can be observed is
when you are on a bus. Initially, the bus is at rest. When it
starts to move, your body has the tendency to move
backward. On the other hand, when the bus suddenly
stops, your body has the tendency to move forward. When
the bus either starts to move or suddenly stops, your body
has the tendency to change your state of motion.”
“The second law of motion is the law of acceleration”
Very good, this means that?
Now, what are the formulas used in Newton’s 2nd
law of motion?
“The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the
net force acting on the object and inversely proportional to
the mass of an object”
Let’s have some sample problems.
Problem 1: A 1000.0 kg truck is traveling at an
acceleration of 4.5000 m/s², East.
What is the net force needed to accelerate the
a= 4.5000 m/s², East
m=1000.0 kg
F=(1000.0 kg)(4.5000 m/s²)
F=4500.0 kg • m/s² or 4500.0 N, East
Problem 2: A boy rolls a 200 g baseball horizontally on
the floor with a net force of 2 N
to the right.
a. What is the acceleration of the baseball?
๐‘š = 200 ๐‘” = 0.2 ๐‘˜๐‘” (notice the conversion of unit)
๐นโƒ— = 2 ๐‘, to the right
FIND: a=?
a= F/m
a= 2 kg•m/s² ÷ 0.2 kg
a= 10 m/s²
That’s the end of our discussion this morning. I hope that
you’re able to absorb what we have discussed.
3. Abstraction
Now, let’s have a recap of what we have discussed.
What is the first Newton law of motion?
How about the second law of motion?
Thank you everyone!
Are you ready to apply your knowledge learned about the
Newton’s laws of motion?
“The first law of motion is the law of inertia which means
that an object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by
an unbalanced force and an object in motion continues in
motion with the same speed and in the same direction
unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.”
The second law of motion is the law of acceleration. The
acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net
force acting on the object and inversely proportional to the
mass of an object”
Yes, Ma’am!
Instruction: Answer the given question.
What are some daily life examples of
Newton’s 1st and 2nd laws of motion?
The motion of a ball falling through the atmosphere, or
a model rocket being launched up into the atmosphere
are both excellent examples of Newton’s 1st law.
Riding a bicycle is an excellent example of Newton’s
2nd law. In this example, the bicycle is the mass. The
leg muscles pushing on the pedals of the bicycle is the
Instruction: Read and analyze the following questions
and write your answer in a 1/2 crosswise sheet of paper.
Test I. Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following phenomena applies the
first law of motion?
A. A leaf sways back and forth falling
from a tree.
B. When a ball falls on the floor, the ball
bounces back up.
C. When pushed with the same force, a
car accelerates slower than a grocery
D. When a cardboard with coin on top is
suddenly pulled, the coin falls into the
2. According to the second law of motion, the net
force is the product of mass and acceleration.
Which of the following has the greatest
A. A 5.000 kg stone is pulled with a 10 N
net force.
B. A 0.5000 kg toy car is pulled with a 9
N net force.
C. A 7.000 kg metal ball is pushed by a
17 N net force.
D. A 500.0 kg truck is accelerated by
1000 N net force from its engine.
3. In a grocery store, you can easily push a cart
with 5 kg sack of rice than a cart with a 10 kg
sack of rice to the counter. Which of these
explains the situation?
Law of Inertia
Law of Interaction
Law of Acceleration
Law of Universal
4. What is the SI Unit of Force?
5. According to Newton’s second law of motion, the
acceleration of an object equals the net force
acting on the object divided by the object’s
_____ .
1. D
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. A
A. Mass
B. Velocity
C. Momentum
D. Weight
Test II. Solve the given problem.
1. Kean’s car, which weighs 1,000 kg, is out of gas.
Mike is trying to push the car to a gas station, and
he makes the cargo 0.05 m/s². Using Newton's
Second Law, you can compute how much force
Mike is applying to the car.
m= 1,000 kg
a= .05 m/s^²
R: F=?
E: F= ma
S: F= (1,000 kg)(.05 m/s²)
A: F=50 m/s² or 50 N, Class
Instructions: Have an advance reading on our next topic,
which is about the gravitational force and weight. And answer
the following questions in ¼ crosswise sheet of paper.
1. In physics, what is gravitational force?
2. What is its importance in everyday life?
1. In physics, Gravitational force is a force with which the
earth, moon, or other massively large object attracts
another object towards itself.
2. The importance of gravitational force in everyday life lies
in its role in facilitating why we have weight, why we
naturally stay on the ground, why planes need to generate
lift to get up into the air, and even why objects and planets
stay in orbit and Without the downward pull of gravity, our
body cannot function properly. The human body tends to
relax in a state of weightlessness because it no longer
fights the pull of gravity.