Economics Notes For Exam 2nd Concept of Utility Needs - be satisfied for an individual to live. Utility - power of goods and services to satisfy wants. - Refers to the pleasure of satisfaction. Wants - be satisfied in order to live comfortably. Formulas in Utility Marginal Utility - additional satisfaction/utility gets from consuming an additional unit of good. Utils - unit of measure to quantify utility or satisfactions Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility - if more and more commodity is concerned, the additional utility from every unit consumed tend to become less and less. Relationship between TU and MU Phase 1 - MU(Diminishing) - TU(Increasing) - Implication (Satisfied) Jeremy Bentham - Coined the term ‘utility’ Phase 2 - MU (Zero) - TU (Maximum) - Implication (Satiated) John Stuart Mill He extended and popularized Bentham’s theoretical work. Phase 3 - MU (Negative) - TU (Diminishing) - Implication (Dissatisfied) William Stanley Jevons - developed the rule of consumer equilibrium. - Helped transform consumer demand theory (also microeconomics in general) into a rigorous mathematical science. Formula for Marginal Utility. Budget Line - a line that shows the alternative combinations of any two goods that a consumer can afford at given prices for the goods and a given level of income. Indifference Curve - a curve on a graph linking those combinations of quantities that the consumer regards as of equal value. Budget Constraint - limit to expenditure imposed by a cash-limited budget. Weak Substitute - provides lower level satisfaction as that substituted goods. of of Consumer Sovereignty - an economic philosophy that suggests consumer demand drives business in free enterprise systems. Consumer Surplus - the extra satisfaction received from purchasing a good. Production Theory and Cost Analysis MRS (Marginal Rate of Substitution) - measures the maximum amount of one good given up in order to consume more units of the other good. Product - refers to the output of goods and services produced by businesses within a market. Substitution - consumers often use these to satisfy their wants. Planning - includes choosing a location for the business and scheduling production. Production Process: Formula for MRS Quality Control - involves over seeing the grade or freshness of goods, their strength or workability, etc. Inventory Control - all service businesses need inventories for materials. 2 Types of substitution Close Substitute - provides equal level satisfaction as that substituted goods. of of Purchasing - company needs raw materials to produce goods and services. Short Run Production - There is at least one fixed factor input. Average Product: Long Run Production - all of the factors can change Production Stages: 2 Kinds of Inputs Stage 1 - It has a positive slope. Fixed Inputs - inputs do not change as output increases. Variable Inputs - inputs changes as output increases. Marginal Product and Average Product Formulas: Marginal Product: Example: Stage 2 - It has a decreasing positive slope. Stage 3 - total product has a negative slope. Summary of Returns to Scale: Stage 1 - TP(Increasing) -MP(Diminishing) -AP(Decreasing) Stage 2 -TP(Maximum/constant) -MP(Zero) -AP(Decreasing) Stage 3 -TP(Diminishing) -MP(Negative) -AP(Decreasing) In Marginal Product, to get the amount 7, you deduct 3 from 10 in Total Product. The same process also applies to all amount. Law of Diminishing Return - it occurs when the marginal product of labor starts to fall. Cost of Production - expenses faced business. by a Fixed Cost - expenses that do not change in proportion to the activity of a business. Variable - change in direct proportion to the activity of a business such as sales or production volume. Break-even point - a situation where firm’s gain from its economic activity equals the cost it incurred. Formulas