FSM Based Conformance and Incremental Testing Methods Khaled El-Fakih American University of Sharjah, UAE 1 Outline Part-1: FSM Based Conformance Testing Methods FSM Based Incremental Testing Methods Part-2 2 Outline of Part-1 Introduction FSM Conformance Testing FSM Testing Methods Experiments with FSM Testing Methods Incremental Testing Methods Experiments with Incremental Methods Some Related References 3 Testing Methods: Functional (Black-Box) Methods Given Requirements of a System Generate Test Cases from Requirements to check correctness of their implementation(s) => Tests are derived from requirements 4 Testing Methods: Structural (White-Box Methods Tests are Derived for a given Program using a testing criterion Examples of Testing Criteria: All uses of variables, All paths in program, All conditions in program, etc.. 5 Conformance Testing A Black-box testing approach Given: A Formal Specification Spec (requirements) of the System A black-box Implementation Imp of Spec Derive Tests from Spec to Determine if Imp conforms to Spec Conforms: has many definitions depending on the Formal Specification 6 What is a Test/Test Suite A Test of a given (FSM) Spec is a finite sequence of input/output symbols Eg: i1/o1 i2/o1 A Test Suite is a set of of Many Tests 7 How to Determine if Imp conforms to Spec ? Derive (using a Testing Method) from Spec a TestSuite Apply a Test from TestSuite to Imp If for every Test of TesSuite: Observed Behavior of Imp to Test = Expected behavior specified in Test. Then, Imp conforms to Spec. Else, Imp does not conform to Spec (i.e. Imp is a faulty implementation) 8 Type of Faults/Fault Model Depends on Formal Specification model, for example in FSM Based Testing we usually consider output and transfer faults (more on this later) 9 Conformance Relation Thus in Conformance Testing, we derive tests that check a conformance relationship between a given specification and its implementations. This is done based on an assumed fault model (Fault Types) Examples of Conformance Relations: equivalence, reduction relations, etc..(more on this later) 10 Conformance Testing Revisited Spec FSM LTS Test Generator Relation Apply to Test Case Imp Observed Output FAIL W Wp HIS UIOv H No Expected Output Expected=Observed Yes Pass 11 FSM-Based Conformance Testing The Specification Spec is written as a Finite State Machine (FSM) What is a Finite State Machine Set of states Sets of Input and Output Symbols Transitions between states each labeled with an input/output symbols. 12 Example Deterministic FSM y/0 s1 x/1 s2 x/1 y/0 x/0 y/1 y/0 s3 x/1 s4 Initial State: S1 Inputs : x, y Outputs : 0, 1 States : S1, S2, S3, S4 13 Deterministic FSM Formal Definition An FSM is a 6-tuple: M = (S, I , O, , , s1) where S: States I: Input alphabet O: Output alphabet : Transition function S I S : Output function S I O s1 : Initial state 14 Partial FSMs An FSM is partial if for some state s and input I ; Transition Function is not defined, i.e: : S I Ø (Undefined) and also Output Function is not defined, i.e.: : S I Ø (Undefined) 15 FSM-Testing Methods Derive Tests in two phases: Phase-1: State Identification Phase Phase-2: Transition Testing Phase Assumptions: Fault Model/Types of Imp Reset capability (written r ) in Imp 16 Fault Models Types of Faults in Imp of Spec. Output Fault(s) Transfer Fault(s) Multiple Faults 17 Output Fault Spec ( S, I, O, S , S , s0 ) & Imp ( S, I, O, I , I , s0 ) Transition (s,i) of Imp has an output fault if S (s,i) = I (s,i) while S (s,i) I (s,i) 1 i1 / O1 i1 / O2 2 Spec Imp 18 Transition Fault Spec ( S, I, O, S , S , s0 ) & Imp ( S, I, O, I , I , s0 ) Transition (s,i) of Imp has a transfer fault if S (s,i) I(s,i) 1 i1 / O1 i1 / O1 Spec 2 # Imp 19 Multiple Faults Several transitions have multiple output and/or transfer faults 20 Reset/No-reset Methods Reset Methods: Assumes that Spec (Imp) FSMs has a reset transition from each state to the starting states of Spec (Imp). Examples: W, Wp, UIOv, UIO, HIS, H, methods No Reset Methods: No reset is assumed Examples: DS and UIO methods 21 Equivalence Conformance Relation Two states of an FSM are Equivalent if they produce the same output for every possible input Two FSMs are Equivalent (=) if their initial (starting) states are equivalent We say that: Imp conforms to Spec if Imp =Spec 22 State Identification Facilities Reason: Since while testing we would like to make sure that for every state in Imp there is a corresponding state in Spec, we would like to have a sequence or set of sequences that distinguish all states of Spec (Imp). 23 Characterization Set: W For any two different states si and sj of an FSM M, sequence b W such that: (si, b) ≠ (sj, b). That is, for every two states of M, the W set includes at least one sequence that distinguishes these states. 24 Characterization Set (Example) y/0 s1 y/0 x/0 y S1 1 0 S2 1 1 S3 0 0 S4 0 1 x/1 s2 x/1 x y/1 y/1 s3 x/0 s4 W set = { x, y } 25 FSM Based Testing Methods W method Wp method HIS method UIOv method H method 26 W-method Given a complete deterministic FSM specification Spec, a W set for Spec. Step1: Derive sequences to reach from the initial state all states of Spec. The set of these sequences is called State Cover Set for Spec and denoted byCoverSet 27 Example of CoverSet y/0 s1 x/1 s2 x/1 y/0 x/0 y/1 y/1 s3 x/0 s4 CoverSet = {=empty word , S1 S2 y, S3 x, yy } S4 28 W Method: Phase-1: Deriving State Identification Sequences Objective: For each state of Imp check that there exists a corresponding state in Spec Tests of Phase-1 = r.CoverSet.W Formally: Check if there exists a mapping h: T (states of Imp) S (states of Spec) such that: h(t) = sj t W sj 29 Example:Phase-1 (W Method) y/0 s1 x/1 s2 x/1 y/0 x/0 CoverSet ={, y, x, yy} y/1 y/0 s3 x/1 s4 Inputs, X ={x, y} W ={x, y} r.CoverSet.W = r.{, y, x, yy}{x, y}= rx, ry, ryx, ryy, rxx, rxy, ryyx, ryyy 30 W-Method: Phase-2: Deriving Transition Testing sequences Objective: For each transition of Imp check that there exists a corresponding transition in Spec. Tests of Phase-2: r.CoverSet.X .W 31 Phase-2 Formally I(t, x) t = S(h(t), x) h(t) x/Y = x/Y MS MI h(I(t, x) ) = S(h(t), x ) t x MI x MS 32 Example: Phase-2 (W method) y/0 s1 x/1 s2 x/1 y/0 x/0 Inputs ={x, y} CoverSet ={, y, x, yy} y/1 y/0 s3 x/1 s4 W ={x, y} r. CoverSet. Inputs. W = r. {, y, x, yy}. {x, y}. {x, y} 33 Example of W Method (revisited) y/0 s1 x/1 s2 x/1 y/0 x/0 y/1 y/0 s3 x/1 s4 34 Other Methods Derivatives of the W method. Wp UIOv HIS DS H 35 Wp Method As the W Method, However in Phase-2 a subset of W (an appropriate set of state identifiers) is selected to check the ending state of a transition. As the W method, not applicable when Spec is partial and does not have a W set. 36 Wp Method (continued) Phase-1 : As Phase-1 of W method Phase-2: for every sequence j of CoverSet set and input x, we form sequences r.j.x.Wk Where Wk is a subset of W that distinguishes sk (reached after r.j.x) of Spec from all other states Wp generates shorter tests than W method 37 HIS Method Uses a Separating Family of State Identifiers instead of a W set in Phases 1 and 2. A separating family for Spec is a collection of harmonized state identifiers. 38 A Family of Harmonized State Identifiers 39 HIS Method: Phase-1 Given a Separating Family {H1,, H2} of states of Spec. Phase-1: for every sequence j of CoverSet set, we form sequences r.j.Hj Where Hj is a state identifier of state Sj reached after applying the input r.j 40 HIS Method: Phase-2 For every sequence j of CoverSet set and input x, we form sequences r. j. x. Hk Where Hk is a state identifier of state Sk reached after applying the input r. j . x 41 UIOv Method As the Wp method. However, uses a characterization a set of Unique Input Output Sequences (UIO), where for each state of Spec, a single (UIO) sequence can be used for distinguishing the state from all other states. A UIO may not exist for some states of a given Spec. 42 Distinguishing Sequence (DS) Method A Distinguishing Sequence (DS) is ONE sequence that distinguishes all states of a given FSM Spec DS-method: As W method, however the W set now has one sequence, the DS An FSM Spec may not have a DS 43 H Method Alteration of the HIS method where appropriate state identifiers are selected for testing transitions. For checking the ending state s of different incoming transitions to s, different state identifiers can be used. Promises: Applicable to any (reduced) partial FSM Spec as the HIS method. Generates shorter tests than the HIS and other methods 44 Experimental Evaluation of Testing Methods Objectives of Experiments: Compare the length of Test Suites Compare length of test suites with worst-case theoretic bound Determine How often DS method a not applicable 45 Experimental Results Average Length of Test Suites 14500 12500 10500 8500 W Wp HIS UIOv H DS 6500 4500 2500 500 46 Ratio : Length of Test Suites Experimental Results (continued) 1.0 0.8 (Wp/HIS)/W UIOv/W H/W 0.6 0.4 0.2 47 Experimental Results Ratios of the Wp/W, HIS/W, H/W are almost independent of the size of Spec. H method generates shorter tests than all other methods. 48 Experimental Results The DS method is applicable only to 19% of all conducted experiments The order of all derived test suites is O(5n2) which is lower than the theoretical worst-case order O(kn3), n is number of states and k is number of inputs of Spec 49 How to Deal with Partial Specifications Approach 1: A Partial FSM is converted to a completely specified FSM, where for every state s and every undefined input x: (s, x) = s (s, x) = NULL 50 How to Deal with Partial Specifications Approach-2: A Partial FSM is converted to a completely specified FSM, where for every state s and every undefined input x: (s, x) = ErrorState (s, x) = ErrorOuput 51 How to Deal with Partial Specifications Approach-3: For every state s and every undefined input x : (s, x) can take any state in S (s, x) can take any output in Y Now, the completed Spec is nondeterministic, where we still assume the implementation is deterministic. Thus, Spec has more information than Imp. 52 Incremental Testing Methods Objective: Minimize the efforts (length of tests) required for testing modified or incrementally implemented specification. 53 Incremental Testing Given a specification Spec and its Conforming Implementation Imp Modify Spec and obtain Spec ’ Implement the modified parts of Spec in Imp and Obtain Imp’ Generate Incremental Tests to Check that the modified parts of Spec’ are correctly implemented in Imp’ 54 Types of Modifications to Spec Modify outputs of transition(s) Modify ending states of transition(s) Add/Delete Transitions Add/Delete States 55 Incremental Methods Also have two phases as non-incremental methods Phase-1: Identify Some States of Spec’ in Imp’ Phase-2: Test Appropriate Transitions of Spec’ 56 Case-1: Incremental W method Applies: When all states of the modified specification have state identifiers in the unmodified part (i.e. do not traverse modified transitions) No State Identification is Needed Phase-2: Only Test Modified Transitions in Transition Testing Phase 57 Case-2: Incremental W method Applies when each state of Spec’ has an identifier in the unmodified part and not all states are reachable through unmodified transitions Phase-1: Identify States that have state identifiers in the unmodified parts. However, apply only these identifiers that pass through modified transitions Phase-2: Test Only Modified Transitions 58 Case-3: Incremental W method Applies when some states of Spec’ are only reachable through modified transitions Phase-1: Identify each state that has state identifiers passing through modified transitions Identify each state that is only reachable through unmodified transitions Phase-2: Test modified transitions Test all outgoing transitions of states only reachable through modified transitions 59 Experiments with Incremental v.s. Non-Incremental Methods Percentage of Modifications of Specification 5% 10 % 15 % 20 % Incremental Tests v.s. non-incremental tests 36 11 6 4 times shorter times shorter times shorter times shorter 60 Testing when Imp has more states than Spec Assume that Spec has n states and the upper bound on the number of states of Imp is m, where m > n A cover set for any Imp (with up to m states) of Spec is r.CoverSet.Xm-n, where Xm-n is the set of all input sequences over the alphabet X of length m-n. 61 W method when Imp has more states than Spec Given: W set, CoverSet , and Input Alphabets X of Spec Phase-1: State Identification Phase When m = n, r.CoverSet.W When m > n, r.CoverSet.Xm-n.W 62 W method when Imp has more states than Spec Phase-2: Transition Testing Phase When m = n, r.CoverSet.X.W When m > n, r.CoverSet.X.Xm-n.W 63 References: FSM Based Testing: Surveys, Experiments, Tools G. v. Bochmann, A. 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