Chapter 8: Conservation Laws 8.1 Charge and Energy 8.1.1 The Continuity Equation Conservation laws in electrodynamics EM Tsun-Hsu Chang 清華物理 張存續 Charge the paradigm KK[ˋpærә͵daɪm] 範例 Energy Momentum Angular momentum Global conservation of charge: the total charge in the universe is constant. Local conservation of charge: If the total charge in some volume changes, then exactly that amount of charge must have passed in or out through the surface. dQtotal Qenc 0 J da S dt t 1 The Continuity Equation (r, t ) d ( J ) d V t V J t (invoking the divergence theorem) the continuity equation (in differential form) This equation is a precise mathematical statement of the local conservation of charge. It can be derived from Maxwell’s equations. since ( B) 0 E 1 1 0 ( E) 0 ( ) 0 ( J B) 0 0 0 t t t J (a consequence of the law of electrodynamics) t Q1: The energy and momentum density analogous to . Q2: The energy and momentum “current” analogous to J. 2 8.1.2 Poynting’s Theorem (I) in vacuum The work necessary to assemble a static charge distribution We 0 2 E d ( against the Coulomb repulsion of like charges ) 2 The work required to get current going 1 2 ( against the back emf ) Wm B d 2 0 The total energy stored in the electromagnetic fields might be 1 1 2 2 U em We Wm ( 0 E B )d uem d 2 0 1 1 2 2 where uem ( 0 E B ) 2 0 Q: Can we derive this equation in a more general and more persuasive way? 3 Poynting’s Theorem (II) Starting point: How much work, dW, is done by the electromagnetic forces acting on these charges in the interval dt? (using the Lorentz force law) dW F j dl j q j (E j v j B j ) v j dt q j E j v j dt j j j dW q j E j v j (E v) d (E J )d V V dt j (the work done per unit time, per unit volume, i.e., the power delivered per unit volume) Q: Can we express this quantity in terms of the fields alone? Yes, use the Ampere-Maxwell law to eliminate J, analogous to the proof of the continuity equation. 1 E B 0 J t 0 4 Poynting’s Theorem (III) E 1 E E J E ( B 0 E ( B) 0E ) t t 0 0 1 E ( B) B ( E) (E B) (product rule 6) (Faraday’s law) B E t E 1 B 1 E J ( 0E B ) (E B ) t 0 t 0 1 1 2 1 2 ( 0 E B ) (E B ) 2 t 0 0 dW d 1 1 2 1 2 (E J )d ( 0 E B )d (E B) da V S 0 dt dt V 2 0 (invoking the divergence theorem) 5 Poynting’s Theorem and Poynting Vector dW d 1 1 2 1 2 ( 0 E B )d (E B) da S dt dt V 2 0 0 (total energy stored in the field, Uem) (the rate at which energy is carried out of V, across its boundary surface S, by the electromagnetic fields.) Poynting’s theorem: “work-energy theorem” of electrodynamics. Poynting vector: the energy per unit time, per unit area, transported by the fields. S 1 0 (E B ) (S: the energy flux density) 6 Differential Form of Poynting’s Theorem dW d 1 1 2 2 ( 0 E B )d S da S dt dt V 2 0 dW d umech d (umech: the mechanical energy density) dt dt V d 1 1 2 d 2 : the energy density (u ( ) E B d u d em 0 em dt V 2 0 dt V of the fields) d d u d u d d S a So mech em V V S dt dt (divergence theorem) d d u d u d d ( S ) mech em V V V dt dt (umech uem ) S (the differential form of Poynting’s theorem) t d Q: What’s the difference between and ? t dt 7 Example 8.1 When current flows down a wire, work is done, which shows up as Joule heating of the wire. Find the energy per unit time delivered to the wire using Poynting vector? V ˆ E z Sol: 1 L (E B ) S 0 I ˆ 0 B(r a ) 2 a 0 I ˆ VI 1 V ( zˆ S ) rˆ (point radially inward) So 2 a 2 aL 0 L The energy per unit time passing through the surface of the wire is: dU em dW S da S (2 aL) VI 0 (static fields) S dt dt 8 8.2 Momentum 8.2.1 Newton’s Third Law in Electrodynamics Suppose two charges, q1 and q2, travel in along x axis and y axis, respectively. They can only slide on the axes with velocities v1 and v2 as shown in the figure. Q: Is Newton’s third law valid? EM Tsun-Hsu Chang 清華物理 張存續 B1 B1zˆ B 2 B2 zˆ The electric force between them satisfies the third law, but the magnetic force does not hold (same magnitudes, but their directions are not opposite). The proof of conservation of the momentum, however, rests on the cancellation of the internal forces, which follows from the third law. In electrodynamics the third law does not hold. Q: How to rescue the momentum conservation? The fields themselves carry momentum. (Surprise!) 9 The Fields of a Moving Charge The electric field of a moving charge is not given by Coulomb’s law. The magnetic field of a moving charge does not constitute a steady current. Thus it is not given by Biot-Sarvart law. 10 8.2.2 Maxwell’s Stress Tensor The total electromagnetic force on the charges in volume V: F (E v B)d ( E J B)d fd V V V where f denotes the force per unit volume. f E J B Eliminate and J by using Maxwell’s equations. 0 ( E) E B 0 J t 0 1 E f 0 ( E)E ( B 0 )B 0 t 1 E 0 ( E)E ( B) B 0 ( B) 0 t 1 11 Maxwell’s Stress Tensor (II) E f 0 ( E)E ( B) B 0 ( B) 0 t 1 E B (E B ) B E t t t B (Faraday’s law) E t 1 f 0 ( E)E ( B) B 0E ( E) 0 (E B) 0 t 1 2 E ( E) E (E )E 2 1 2 ( B) B B ( B) B (B )B 2 ( A B ) A ( B ) B ( A ) ( A ) B ( B ) A ( B B ) B ( B ) B ( B ) ( B ) B ( B ) B 2 B 2B ( B) 2( B )B Chap. 1 p.23 12 Maxwell’s Stress Tensor (III) 1 2 f 0 ( E)E B (B )B 0 E 0 (E )E 0 (E B) 2 0 2 t 0 0 1 0 [( E)E (E )E] [(B )B ( B)B] 1 1 2 0 0 B E 0 ( E B ) 2 0 2 t 1 2 2 It can be simplified by introducing the Maxwell stress tensor. 1 1 1 2 2 ( Bi B j ij B ) Tij 0 ( Ei E j ij E ) 2 2 0 (the Kronecker delta, another example see Prob. 3.45) 1 if i j ij 0 if i j 13 Maxwell’s Stress Tensor (IV) 1 1 1 1 if i j 2 2 ( Bi B j ij B ) ij Tij 0 ( Ei E j ij E ) 2 2 0 0 if i j 0 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 ( Bx B y Bz ) Txx ( Ex E y Ez ) 2 2 0 0 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 ( B y Bz Bx ) Tyy ( E y Ez Ex ) 2 2 0 0 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 ( Bz B y Bx ) Tzz ( Ez E y Ex ) 2 2 0 1 ( Bx B y ) Txy Tyx 0 ( Ex E y ) Because Tij carries two indices, 0 1 ( B y Bz ) it is sometimeswritten with a Tyz Tzy 0 ( E y Ez ) 0 double arrow T . 1 ( Bz Bx ) Tzx Txz 0 ( Ez Ex ) 0 Q: How does the tensor operate? See, “Vector Analysis”, Chap.8, M. E. Spiegel, McGRAW-HILL. 14 Maxwell’s Stress Tensor (V) On can form the dot product of tensor T with a vector a: (row vector) (a T) j i x, y, z aiTij (column vector) (T a)i Tij a j x1 1 x x 2 (A1 A 2 A3 ) (A1 A 2 A3 ) 1 x 3 x x 1 x1 x 2 x 2 x 2 x3 x 2 x1 3 x 2 x 3 x 3 x x 3 x1 1 x A1 x1 A2 2 x A3 x1 x 3 x 2 x 1 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x3 1 x A 3 1 x A 2 2 x A 3 3 x x 3 j x, y, z The divergence of the Maxwell stress tensor is: 1 2 ( T) j 0 [( E) E j (E ) E j j E ] 2 1 1 2 [(B ) B j ( B) B j j B ] 2 0 15 Maxwell’s Stress Tensor (VI) The force per unit volume: S f T 0 0 t The total force on the charges in V is: d F T da 0 0 Sd dt S V Physically, the Maxwell stress tensor is the force per unit area acting on the surface. 16 Example 8.2 A uniformly charged solid sphere of radius R and charge Q is cut into two hemispheres. Find the force required to prevent the hemispheres from separating. Sol: This is an electrostatics, no magnetic field involved. 1 Qr ˆ E r F T d a 4 0 R3 S The boundary surface consists of two parts---bowl and disk. The net force is obviously in the z direction. dFz (T da) z Tzx dax Tzy da y Tzz daz Express the electric component in Cartesian coordinates. 17 Example 8.2 (ii) On the bowl, r R. E Q 4 0 R ˆ r 2 rˆ sin cos xˆ sin sin yˆ cos zˆ Tzx 0 Ez Ex 0 ( Tzy 0 Ez E y 0 ( Tzz 0 2 2 ( Ez 2 Ey Q 4 0 R Q 2 ) sin cos cos 2 4 0 R 2 ) sin cos sin 2 0 2 Ex ) ( Q 2 4 0 R 2 2 2 ) (cos sin ) 2 dax da xˆ R 2 sin sin cos d d 2 2 da R sin d d rˆ da y da yˆ R sin sin sin d d 2 daz da zˆ R sin cos d d 18 Example 8.2 (iii) The force on the bowl is: dFz Tzx dax Tzy da y Tzz daz 2sin 2 sin cos cos 2 0 Q 2 2 2 2 R d d ) 2sin sin cos sin ( 2 2 4 0 R 2 2 sin cos (cos sin ) 0 Q 2 ) sin cos d d ( 2 4 0 R /2 2 Fbowl 0 0 /2 0 0 2 4 0 R 0 2 2 ( Q 2 ) sin cos d d 2 1 1 Q ( ) sin 2 d 2 4 0 R 2 4 0 8R Q 2 19 Example 8.2 (iv) Contd.: The force on the disk is: R 2 Fdisk r 0 0 0 ( Q 2 4 0 R 2 3 ) r drd 3 1 Q 2 4 0 16 R 2 The net force on the northern hemisphere is: F 1 3Q 2 4 0 16 R 2 Q: Can we solve this problem using a simpler approach? Yes, we can use the potential energy to find the net force. 20 8.2.3 Conservation of Momentum Newton’s second law the force on an object is equal to the rate of change of its momentum. dp mech d T da 0 0 Sd F dt dt S V where pmech is the total (mechanical) momentum of the particles contained in the volume V. dp mech d g d (an analogous interpretation, mech dt dt not a rigorous proof) V dp d em 0 0 Sd , where pem ( 0 0S)d g em d dt dt V V V (momentum stored in the electromagnetic fields themselves) (momentum density) 21 Conservation of Momentum (II) (the momentum per unit time flowing in through the surface. T d a S Conservation of momentum in electrodynamics: Any increase in the total momentum (mechanical plus electromagnetic) is equal to the momentum brought in by the fields. (g mech g em ) (T) t (in differential form) (momentum flux density, playing the role of J in continuity equation, or S in Poynting’s theorem) 22 Conservation of Momentum (III) The roles of Poynting’s vector: the energy per unit area, per unit time, transported by S electromagnetic fields. 0 0S the momentum per unit volume stored in those fields. The roles of momentum stress tensor: T the electromagnetic stress acting on a surface. T the flow of momentum transported by the fields. 23 Optional Example 8.3 (hidden momentum) A long coaxial cable, of length l, consists of an inner conductor (radius a) and an outer conductor (radius b). It is connected to a battery at one end and a resistor at the other. The inner conductor carries a uniform charge per unit length λ, and a steady current to the right; the outer conductor has the opposite charge and current. What is the electromagnetic momentum stored in the fields. 24 Optional Sol: The fields are 1 E sˆ 2 0 s 0 I ˆ B 2 s I (E B) 2 2 zˆ S 0 4 0 s 1 (an astonishing result!) The momentum in the fields is: pem 0 I 0 0Sd 2 4 b a 0 Il b ˆ ˆ l sds z z 2 ln( ) 2 a 2 s 1 In fact, if the center of mass of a localized system is at rest, its total momentum must be zero. There is “hidden” mechanical momentum associated with the flow of current, and this exactly cancels the momentum in the fields. (This is a relativistic effect: See Example 12.12) 25 8.2.4 Angular Momentum The electromagnetic fields carry energy and momentum, not merely mediators of forces between charges. 1 1 2 2 uem ( 0 E B ) 2 0 g em 0 0S 0 (E B) How about the angular momentum? em r g em 0 [r (E B)] (again, not a rigorous proof) Even perfectly static fields can harbor momentum and angular momentum. See the following example. 26 Example 8.4 Imagine a very long solenoid with radius R, n turns per unit length, and current I. Coaxial with the solenoid are two long cylindrical shells of length l---one, inside the solenoid at radius a, carries a charge +Q, uniformly distributed over the surface; the other, outside the solenoid at radius b, carries charge –Q. When the current in the solenoid is gradually reduced, the cylinders begin to rotate, as we found in Ex. 7.8. Where does the angular momentum come from? 27 Sol: The fields are 1 Q E sˆ (a s b) 2 0 ls B 0 nIzˆ ( s R) The momentum density is: g em 0 nIQ ˆ 0 0S 0E B (a s R) 2 ls The angular momentum density is: em r g em 0 nIQ 0 [r (E B)] zˆ (a s R) 2 l The total angular momentum in the fields is: 0 nIQ 2 2 Lem em d ( R a )zˆ 2 (an astonishing result!) 28 Conservation Laws Conservation laws in electrodynamics Charge Energy Momentum Angular momentum J t (umech uem ) S t (g mech g em ) (T) t What is the conservation law for angular momentum ? Extra bonus (send your answer to me). em r g em 0 [r (E B)] 29 Homework of Chap.8 Problem 8.1 Calculate the power (energy per unit time) transported down the cables of Ex. 7.13 and Prob. 7.62, assuming the two conductors are held at potential difference V , and carry current I (down one and back up the other). Problem 8.4 (a) Consider two equal point charges q, separated by a distance 2a. Construct the plane equidistant from the wo charges. By integrating Maxwell's stress tensor over this plane, determine the force of one charge on the other. (b) Do the same for charges that are opposite in sign. Problem 8.6 A charged parallel-plate capacitor (with uniform electric field E = Ezˆ ) is placed in a uniform magnetic field B = Bxˆ , as shown in Fig.8.6. (a) Find the electromagnetic momentum in the space between the plates. (b) Now a resistive wire is connected between the plates, along the z axis, so that the capacitor slowly discharges. The current through the wire will experience a magnetic force; what is the total impulse delivered to the system, during the discharge? 7 17 Problem 8.16 A sphere of radius R carries a uniform polarization P and a uniform magnetization M (not necessarily in the same direction). Find the electromagnetic 3 momentum of this configuration. [Answer: (4/9)0 R (M P )] 30 Homework of Chap.8 19 Problem 8.19 Suppose you had an electric charge q e and a magnetic monopole 1 qe ˆ. qm . The field of the electric charge is E= r 4 0 r 2 0 qm ˆ. (of course), and the field of the magnetic monopole is B = r 4 r 2 Find the total angular momentum stored in the fields, if the two charges are separated by a distance d . [ Answer : ( 0 / 4 )qe qm .]20 Problem 8.23 (a) Carry through the argument in Sect. 8.1.2, starting with Eq. 8.6, but using J f in place of J. Show that the Poynting vector becomes S E H, (8.46) and the rate of change of the energy density in the fields is u D B E H t t t 24 For linear media, show that 1 (8.47) u (E D+B H). 2 (b) In the same spirit, reproduce the argument in Sect. 8.2.2, starting with Eq. 8.15, with f and J f in place of and J. Don't bother to construct the Maxwell stress tensor, but do show that the momentum density is g D B. 25 (8.48) 31