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Highway Development & Planning Exam Prep

Section: Highway Development and Planning
Identification: What is the primary goal of road patterns in urban planning?
a. Aesthetic appeal
b. Minimize construction cost
c. Reduce travel time and distance
d. Increase accident rates
Multiple Choice: According to the classification by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), which
type of road connects one municipality to another?
a. National Roads
b. Provincial Roads
c. City Roads
d. Municipal Roads
Enumeration: List the five groups of road classification according to the DPWH.
National Roads
Provincial Roads
City roads
Municipal Roads
Barangay Roads
Multiple Choice: In the classification by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD),
which type of road links farm areas to their respective barangay centers?
a. Primary Roads
b. Secondary Roads
c. Tertiary Roads
d. Farm to Market Roads
Identification: What is the main purpose of road patterns in urban planning?
a. Beautification of the city
b. Minimizing construction costs
c. Efficient traffic management and reducing travel time
d. Increasing the number of intersections
Multiple Choice: Which road pattern involves a combination of radial main streets and block pattern roads?
a. Radial and Star and Rectangular Block Pattern
b. Radial and Star Pattern
c. Radial and Circular Pattern
d. Hexagonal Pattern
Enumeration: List the three types of studies used for assessing road length requirements in planning surveys.
Economic Studies
Financial Studies
Traffic and Road use Studies
Multiple Choice: According to the saturation system for maximum utility, what factors are considered in
assessing a road's population?
a. Traffic flow and road width
b. Road length and construction cost
c. Population density and productivity
d. Road safety measures
Identification: What type of roads are designated by the Sangguniang Bayan according to the DPWH
a. National Roads
b. Provincial Roads
c. City Roads
d. Municipal Roads
Multiple Choice: Which road pattern involves dividing an area into hexagonal patterns?
a. Rectangular Pattern
b. Radial and Star Pattern
c. Radial and Circular Pattern
d. Hexagonal Pattern
Enumeration: List the five groups of road classification according to the International Bank for Reconstruction
and Development (IBRD) Assisted Rural Road Development Program.
Primary Roads
Secondary Roads
Tertiary Roads
Farm Areas to Market Road
Street Roads
Multiple Choice: Which type of road classification links one or more municipalities to the provincial capital,
according to the IBRD classification?
a. Primary Roads
b. Secondary Roads
c. Tertiary Roads
d. Farm to Market Roads
Identification: What is the main purpose of a Rectangular or Block Pattern road design?
To Provide Maximum utility
Multiple Choice: In urban planning, which road pattern combines radial main streets with concentric ring roads?
a. Rectangular or Block Pattern
b. Radial or Star and Block Pattern
c. Radial or Star and Circular Pattern
d. Radial or Star Grid Pattern
Enumeration: List the factors that influence the choice of a road pattern in urban planning.
- Extent of Land use
- Distribution of Residential, industrial, and business areas
- Nature of the terrain
- Planner’s preferences
Multiple Choice: Which type of road is designed to link farm areas to their respective barangay centers or higherlevel networks?
a. Primary Roads
b. Secondary Roads
c. Tertiary Roads
d. Farm to Market Roads
Identification: What is the primary purpose of a Radial or Star and Circular road pattern?
Multiple Choice: In the context of assessing road length requirements, what does "Economic Studies" primarily
a. Studying traffic flow patterns
b. Evaluating the financial cost of road construction
c. Analyzing the economic impact of road development
d. Conducting engineering surveys
Enumeration: List three types of studies used in planning surveys for highway development.
Economic Studies
Financial Studies
Traffic or Road use Studies
Multiple Choice: According to the saturation system for maximum utility, what factor is considered in assessing a
road's productivity?
a. Traffic flow and road width
b. Road length and construction cost
c. Population density and land usage
d. Road safety measures
Identification: What is the purpose of a Radial or Star Grid road pattern?
- Increases the efficiency of land usage and unit density, improves traffic flow utilizing Sacannah’s Cellular
Structure, provides high safety to vehicular traffic, and reduces cut through traffic
Multiple Choice: According to the classification by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), what
type of road is designated for roads within urban areas?
a. National Roads
b. Provincial Roads
c. City Roads
d. Municipal Roads
Enumeration: List the five classes of road classification according to the International Bank for Reconstruction
and Development (IBRD) Assisted Rural Road Development Program.
Primary Roads
Secondary Roads
Tertiary Roads
Farm to Market Roads
Multiple Choice: Which road pattern is known for its ability to increase the efficiency of land usage and unit
a. Rectangular or Block Pattern
b. Radial or Star and Block Pattern
c. Radial or Star and Circular Pattern
d. Hexagonal Pattern
Identification: What are the main factors that influence the choice of a road pattern in urban planning?
Extent of land use
Distribution of residential, industrial and business areas
Nature of the terrain
Planner’s Preferences
Multiple Choice: Which type of road links municipalities with each other or to the provincial capital, according to
the IBRD classification?
a. Primary Roads
b. Secondary Roads
c. Tertiary Roads
d. Farm to Market Roads
Identification: What is the primary goal of a Radial or Star and Circular road pattern?
- Safe, with roundabouts to improve traffic low and reduce rear-end crashes
Multiple Choice: In the context of assessing road length requirements, what does "Engineering Studies" primarily
a. Analyzing the economic impact of road development
b. Evaluating the financial cost of road construction
c. Conducting engineering surveys and feasibility studies
d. Studying traffic flow patterns
Enumeration: List three factors considered in the saturation system for maximum utility in road planning.
Multiple Choice: According to the classification by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), what
type of road is designated for part of the main trunk line system?
a. National Roads
b. Provincial Roads
c. City Roads
d. Municipal Roads
**Section: Importance of Transportation**
1. **Identification*: What is transportation?
- Allocating goods or people to different locations…
2. **Enumeration**: Name three forms of transportation mentioned.
a. Transporting on foot
b. Horse
c. Car
3. **Enumeration**: List the three types of economic impacts related to transportation.
a. Core
b. Operational
c. Geographical
4. **Identification**: What is the core impact of transportation?
- most fundamental impact of transportation.
5. **Identification**: What is the geographical impact of transportation?
- Helps to access broader market
6. **Identification**: How is transportation linked to a national economy?
- By Macroeconomy level
7. **Identification**: How is transportation linked to producer, consumer, and distribution costs?
- By Microeconomy level.
**Section: Department of Transportation (DOTr)**
8. **Identification**: What does DOTr stand for?
- Department of Transportation
9. **Enumeration**: List the sectors under DOTr.
a. Aviation Sector
b. Maritime Sector
c. Road Sector
d. Railway Sector
**Section: Different Modes of Transportation**
10. **Identification**: What is Roadways as a mode of transportation?
- Operated by road operating vehicle. Most used mode of transportation.
11. **Enumeration**: List three examples of vehicles used in road transportation.
a. Car
b. Motorcycle
c. Utility Vehicle
d. Trucks
e. Animal pulled wagons
f. By foot
g. Bicycle
h. Sports Utility Vehicle
i. Trailer
12. **Identification**: What are railways, and how are they used?
- Used by trains. Unlike roads it has rail ways. It is also used to transport large numbers of goods or people.
13. **Identification**: What are waterways used for in transportation?
- --- Waterways utilize canals, rivers, lakes, and oceans for the movement of goods and cargo
14. **Enumeration**: Name four types of vehicles used in water transportation.
a. Ships
b. Boats
c. Submarine
d. Hovercrafts
15. **Identification**: Why is air transportation considered faster and safer?
- Cost much…
Airways are the fastest and safest means of transportation but are costlier.
16. **Enumeration**: List two examples of air vehicles.
a. Airplane
b. Helicopter
17. **Identification**: What is the purpose of pipelines in transportation?
- For transferring of oils and other chemicals or substances.
- Pipelines are designed for specific goods such as water, crude oil, and petroleum gas
**Section: Railway Projects in the Philippines**
18. **Identification**: What is the length of MRT Line 4, and how many stations does it have?
- 15.56 km with 13 stations and 1 depot
19. **Identification**: Where is the North-South Commuter Railway New Clark City Extension located?
---- located from Calamba to New Clark.
20. **Identification**: What is the Subic-Clark Railway Project's length?
- 71km
21. **Identification**: What is the length of the Philippine National Railways South Long Haul Project?
- 560km with 33 stations
**Section: The Reverse Traffic Pyramid**
22. **Identification**: What does the "reverse traffic pyramid" concept mean?
- Consists mode of transportation labeled by the Bicycle Lab on 2011. Sets the top priorities of vehicles that
differs in efficiency, cost, and effectivity.
Walking, Cycling, Utility Vehicle, Public Transport, Taxi/Transport, Car Sharing, Own car, Flying
**Section: Characteristics of Road Transport**
23. **Identification**: Why is road transport considered the nearest to people?
- Because there are various selections of it in the world…
24. **Enumeration**: List three characteristics of road transport.
Not costly.
Saves time for short distance travelling
Uses various types of vehicles
Requires small government investment for construction and maintenance
Offers freedom in changing lanes, speed, and travel timings
25. **Identification**: What is the scope of highway engineering?
- Anything that concerns with railways and road transport…
26. **Identification**: What is the broad scope of traffic engineering?
- Traffic engineering has a broad scope, spanning project planning, design, construction, and field operations.
27. **Enumeration**: List the four practices in traffic engineering.
- Project Planning
- Roadway and Intersection Design
- Construction
- Operations
**Section: Traffic nngineering Practices**
28. **Identification**: What does "Level of Service" refer to in traffic engineering?
- Rate of effectivity… rates roadways in terms of their capacity and safety.
29. **Identification**: What is the significance of "Complete Streets" in roadway and intersection design?
- refers to urban environments that consider not only private vehicles but also other modes of transportation like
transit vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians.
30. **Identification**: What role do Traffic Operations Engineers play in traffic signal management?
- Check changes daily to update traffic signals…
Traffic Operations Engineers manage complex software in traffic signal systems to keep them working efficiently
and bridge the gap between signal technicians and planners.
Quiz on Transportation and Highway Engineering
Section 1: Multiple Choice
What is transportation?
a. The act of moving goods only
b. The act of moving people and goods from one place to another
c. The act of moving by foot or bicycle
d. The act of moving using pipelines
What is the economic importance of transportation at the macroeconomic level?
a. It has no impact on the economy
b. It is linked to a level of output, employment, and income within a national economy
c. It only affects specific sectors of the economy
d. It is related to producer, consumer, and distribution costs
Which department in the Philippines is responsible for the promotion and regulation of transportation systems?
a. Department of Finance
b. Department of Education
c. Department of Transportation (DOTr)
d. Department of Agriculture
Which sector does the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines belong to?
a. Road Sector
b. Aviation Sector
c. Railway Sector
d. Maritime Sector
Section 2: Enumeration
5. List three modes of transportation that utilize waterways.
a. Ships
b. Boats
c. Submarine
Enumerate the practices involved in traffic engineering.
a. Project Planning
b. Ss
c. Construction
d. Operations
Section 3: True or False
7. True or False: Road transport is flexible in terms of changing lanes, speed, and timings of travel.
- True
8. True or False: The primary goal of a road pattern is to increase the rate of accidents due to poor visibility.
- False
Section 4: Identification
9. Identify the classification of roads designated by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) that
are part of the main trunk line system.
- National Road
10. Identify the road pattern that is a combination of a radial network of roads radiating from the center
outwardly with a block pattern network of roads in between the radial main streets.
- Radial or Star and Block pattern
Bonus Question
11. Explain the concept of the "reverse traffic pyramid" briefly and why it is considered important.
- Top prio for transportation is less cost of energy, less energy consumption, and economic based…