1. Local and Regional are connected because they are both Scales of Analysis. An example of a Local and Regional is Woodland Park. 2. Local and National are connected because they are both Scales of Analysis. An example of a Characteristic of Local and National is Bueno Vista. 3. Local and Worldwide are connected because they are both Scales of Analysis. An example of Characteristics of Local and Worldwide is Salida. 4. Regional and National are connected because they are both Scales of Analysis. An example of characteristics of Regional and National is Colorado. 5. Region and Worldwide are connected because they are both Scales of Analysis. An example of a Characteristic if Region and Worldwide are Whyoming. 6. National and Worldwide are connected because they are both Scales of Analysis. An example of a characteristic of National and Worldwide is when you Venezuela. 7. Place and Local are connected because Local areas are specific points on earth with a particular characteristic. An example of a characteristic of Place and Local is Woodland Park, a small mountain town in Colorado. 8. Place and Region are connected because Region areas have specific points on earth with a particular characteristic. An example of a characteristic of Place and Region is Colorado, a State in the US, on the front range. 9. Place and National are connected because National areas Have specific points on earth with a particular characteristic. An example of a characteristic of Place and National is Brazil, a country in South America with many soccer fans, and dense forests.. 10. Place and Worldwide are connected because Worldwide areas have specific points on earth with a particular characteristic. An example of a characteristic of Place and Worldwide is South America, a continent with many rainforests close to the equator. 11. Time Space Compression and Relative Distance are connected because the distance feels shorter but it is still relatively far apart. The effect of that is Information travels faster. 12. Media Reports and Personal interviews are connected because media reports may involve personal interviews. An characteristic of this is usually they interview witnesses after crimes have been committed. 13. Determinism and Possibilism are connected because they are both attitudes people can have about the environment. An effect of this is that people live in all types of environments. 14. Satellite Imagery and Reference Map are connected because the satellite imagery can give more data to make the map more accurate. Together they can cause a map to be more precise. 15. Distance Decay and Absolute Distance are connected because the further away you are causes the relationship to break down. This causes long distance relationships to decay over time. 16. Pattern and Census Data are connected because when you look at Census data you will see the patterns of where people live and other data. An example is how many babies have been born in certain areas. 17. Region and Land use are connected because the region you live in determines how you can use the land. An example of this is the rocky mountains and trying to farm. 18. National and Functional Region are connected because countries have changed their borders because people consider themselves to be when their country says different. An effect of this is civil wars. 19. Dispersal and Flows are connected because they both show how people move around the world. An example of this immigration. 20. Region and Natural Resources are connected because natural resources will change depending on resources. An example of this is potatoes in Idaho. 21. Census Data and Media Reports are connected because depending on the media will change the reporting to reach certain demographics. An example of this is in an area with a lot of immigrants the media is going to talk about more media pertaining to immigrants. 22. Clustering and Dispersal are connected because they are opposites. An example of this is how clustering is coming together and dispersal is spreading apart. 23. Clustering and Dispersal are connected because they both show how people move around the world. An example of this is immigration. 24. Regional Analysis and Local aer connected because geographers apply regional analysis at a local scale. An example of this is analyzing a small town. 25. Regional Analysis and National are connected because geographers apply regional analysis at a national scale. An example of this is analyzing the United States of America. 26. Regional Analysis and Worldwide are connected because geographers apply regional analysis at a Worldwide Scale. An example of this is analyzing the Earth as a whole. 27. Sustainability and Natural Resources are connected because usually natural resources aren’t considered sustainable. An example of this is Coal. 28. Landscape Analysis and Pattern are connected because when analyzing land you will notice patterns. An example of this is elevation. 29. Elevation and Landscape Analysis are connected because when analyzing land you have to also bring the elevation into the equation. An example of this is analyzing a mountain. 30. Elevation and Pattern are connected because there are elevation patterns when analyzing land. An example of this is analyzing plains compared to a mountain.