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Tableau: Definition, Features, and Types

Official Definition:
A silent group of people, frozen in time, used to represent a scene, an abstract idea (peace, joy, etc) or theme.
Key features to creating a good tableau:
Tableau Ingredient
Facial Expression
The face must be used to clearly
portray the emotion in the scene.
Active body
The body is in a state of “arrested
motion” which also communicates
what the characters are doing in
the scene and how they feel but
it’s completely held still.
Using a variety of levels (low,
middle, and high) is extremely
effective when composing visually
appealing tableau.
Focal Point
The tableau must have a clear
point of interest, or focal point. It
must communicate meaning, or
The message, focus, idea, action,
emotions must be clear.
There are many types of tableaux used in productions:
Singular tableau: A single tableau which portrays an
Goals of learning tableau--Why do we have to learn this
idea, message, emotion, etc.
Silent Story tableau: A number of Tableaux which
tells a story without using spoken dialogue
Narrative Tableau: A narrator (who can still be a part
of the tableaux) tells a story which is represented in the
Moving Tableau: Movement or moving transitions are
used to link the tableaux together
To develop a clear form of non-verbal
communication and expression
 To develop focus and memory
 To develop physical intelligence
 To develop effective staging techniques
 To develop effective team working skills
 To learn the areas of the stage
 To further improve creativity