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Persuasive Presentation Outline: Capitalism

CMM 100: Persuasive Presentation Preparation Outline [For planning arguments]
→ You will turn in a copy of your preparation outline on Isidore with an APA formatted references list.
Student Name: Isabella Murray
Course Name and Section: CMM 100 Section 22
Instructor Name: Daniel Jordan
Assignment: Persuasive Presentation Preparation Outline
Submission Date: 19 March 2024
Organizational pattern: Monroe’s Motivated Sequence
Attention-Getter: By a show of hands, how many of you think you may be suffering from a slight
shopping addiction? To all of you who raised your hands, you can thank capitalism for that.
Introduce Topic: Many people may find themselves distracted and too busy with their lives to
realize how much capitalism influences their everyday lives. It is the foundation for a good
economy and allows individuals to prosper, and it is losing support by the day.
Speaker Credibility [Inductive Reasoning]: I for one, know that I did not know the benefits of
capitalism before I was briefly taught about it in school. Now that I am in college, I have gained
the knowledge I need to speak about this subject, why I think it is the best economic system, and
why it needs more recognition and support.
Connection to the Audience: I am here today to talk to you about the perks of capitalism and why
it works best for most economies. Since you all are students my age, I hope I can provide you
with information that pertains to your life as well.
Thesis statement: Capitalism is the best economic system because it promotes economic
efficiency, entrepreneurship, and personal freedom within society.
VI. Connection to semester theme: My topic directly relates to the semester theme of i/o—input and
output—because capitalism is driving the economy, therefore creating a stable economy with endless
Preview statement: To understand the extent and importance of this topic, I will be providing you
with three main points about Capitalism today…
A. Capitalism allows for economic efficiency, by creating competition within jobs and the market while
maintaining a high grade of quality through the products that are being produced.
B. Capitalism drives the need for innovative ideas, where entrepreneurs can thrive and create new products
or services, which therefore can create more job opportunities.
C. Capitalism allows for individual freedoms, meaning people have the choice of what brands to support,
and what they want to buy when they go shopping.
[Transition: To start, I’m going to talk a little bit about how capitalism fosters efficiency within economic
I. [Main Point] Capitalism drives efficiency within the economy by creating competition between
A. Economics in Context Initiative, a book written on capitalism and its implementation in
different parts of the world, written and published by Boston University in 2021 says, “Among
the different economic systems described above, market capitalism generally operates with the
least amount of government involvement in economic activity”
1. Less government involvement makes it easier for companies to prosper and pursue
their goals without having to pass everything through different laws and regulations
2. People often opt for more freedom from the government and want to pursue their
interests which capitalism promotes. Although the government is involved somewhat,
they are not as involved in capitalistic societies.
B. Competition between companies is a good thing because it incentivizes having the best
quality item, as well as promoting creativity for new products. An article called, “The
Importance of Competition for the American Economy” written by Heather Boushey and Helen
Knudsen, written in 2021 states, “Basic economic theory demonstrates that when firms have to
compete for customers, it leads to lower prices, higher quality goods and services, greater
variety, and more innovation.” This reinforces the idea that capitalism is good for economic
efficiency and growth.
[Transition: Going along with the idea of economic efficiency, entrepreneurship helps aid capitalism to be
II. [Main Point] Entrepreneurship thrives the most within a capitalistic society.
A. [Evidence]
1. An article from Forbes written by the Forbes Business Council, written in 2023 states,
“As new businesses are created, they need people to work for them. Small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs) play a vital role in economies and are a significant source of
employment with "two out of every three jobs added to the economy" being from SMEs.”
2. This article continues to emphasize the role of entrepreneurship in driving the
economy. Having a capitalistic society is vital so rising entrepreneurs can reach their
business goals and execute them well.
B. [Visualization] Imagine capitalism like a small seed that is planted. Over time, the seed
grows and eventually becomes bigger and more fruitful than where it began. The seed in this scenario
would be a small company that is just starting, and the water that is added to make this seed grow is
capitalism. Eventually, with the support of a capitalistic society over time, the seed grows into a big
company that can benefit the economy.
1. Individuals have the freedom to make their own choices for their company, and these
choices can lead to the success of the company.
2. This individual freedom would not be possible without capitalism promoting
individual freedoms and privatization. Privatization for those of you who don’t know is
the ownership of companies moving from the government to private sectors and
individual companies that are run by entrepreneurs.
[Transition: Unfortunately, capitalism is losing support across the globe, and awareness for its benefits is
becoming fewer and far between]
III. [Main Point]: To have capitalism to be able to thrive there are a few things that we as a society can
do to be able to keep this economic system functioning for the stability of the world.
A. [Solution Part 1] One solution we could use to combat this issue of capitalism losing its
support is instituting more financial literacy courses within school systems. This would help
students understand the different economic systems and allow them to know the benefits of
capitalism better than if they did not have access to these courses.
B. [Solution Part 2] Another solution is having the government support and invest in research
that pertains to companies' needs, and support small businesses more so that they can develop
and turn into a company that can better the economy.
[Summarize this point: By instituting more financial literacy courses in school and with the help of the
government supporting smaller, growing businesses, we can gain back the recognition that capitalism deserves.]
I. Signpost: At the end of all of this…
II. Summarize thesis and main points: Supporting capitalism is supporting economic efficiency,
entrepreneurship, and individual freedom within those companies that capitalism promotes.
III. Clincher: Leaving here today, I want you all to be able to understand the benefits of capitalism, and
by supporting it and fostering its growth, how it can directly impact your life for the better.
APA formatted References
Boston University. (2021). Comparative economic systems:. Boston University.
Boushey, H., & Knudsen, H. (2022, July 11). The importance of competition for the American economy. The
White House. https://www.whitehouse.gov/cea/written-materials/2021/07/09/the-importance-ofcompetition-for-the-americaneconomy/#:~:text=Healthy%20market%20competition%20is%20fundamental%20to%20a%20wellfunctioning,product%20markets%2C%20but%20also%20in%20labor%20markets.%20
Jobanputra, K. (2023, August 1). Council post: Entrepreneurship: The Engine of Growth Driving Our
Economy. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2023/07/31/entrepreneurship-theengine-of-growth-driving-our-economy/?sh=75e4bd995af9