DMRM: Enhanced QoS using Dynamic Multipath Routing for MANETS *Baskaran.P1, Dr.K.Karuppasamy2 1 Assistant Professor, CSE Dept, Easwari Engineering College, Chennai 1 Email:, Ph: +919095074951 2 Professor & Head, Dept.of CSE, RVS College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore 2 Email: Abstract MANETS are Mobile Ad Hoc Networks having no infrastructure and is a group of mobile nodes, usually form a short-term network based on any requirement. Nowadays MANETS are used in widely in many applications due to the availability of the wireless devices. The Quality of Service (QoS) is one of the important factors in MANETS and is a demanding problem in wireless networks than the wired networks. Due to the battery power and frequent mobility of the mobile nodes the topology of the MANET is changed. It is necessary to have a dynamic multipath routing mechanism to improve the QoS of the Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. This paper proposed a novel dynamic multipath routing mechanism for MANETS which identifies an alternative path for data transmission when the when the bandwidth of the current link reduced to the given threshold or load delay of a node reduced to the given threshold. Simulation results shows that the proposed method performs better in term of average end-to-end delay and delivery ratio when compared to single path protocol Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR). I. Introduction Ad hoc networks are self organizing and dynamic in nature without base station control. Different Ad hoc networks are (i) Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs) (ii) Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANETs) (iii) Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) (iv) Wireless Mesh Network (WMN). Collection of mobile nodes is usually called as Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET). The MANETS are infrastructure less and having the property of dynamicity. The connection between the mobile nodes are wireless. Some of the applications of MANETS are army rescue and search, natural calamity areas and crowd control. Quality of Service (QoS) is the important parameter in MANETS for applications such as multimedia data transmission and disaster recovery MANET networks. But the QoS guarantee of the any MANET network is a challenging task [1]. In wireless communication due to less battery power, node mobility and congestion in the channel provides less QoS when compared to wired networks. Also the QoS provisioning is one of the typical tasks in MANETS. Unless single path routing algorithms, the MANETS are efficiently work in multipath routing [2]. The QoS parameters such as bandwidth, delay and load are deviating normal values then an alternative path may be found to transfer the packets to the destination mobile node. In any emergency situations, it is easy to install the MANET than the wired network. Due to the dynamic nature of the mobile nodes, the implementation of efficient routing protocol is very difficult task. There numerous routing protocols have been proposed in the literature. Due to the dynamic topology of the MANETS the multi path routing protocols plays a major role than the single path routing algorithms. This paper is organized as follows: Section II deals with related work and Section III explains the proposed method DMRM. The results are discussed in Section IV. Section V concludes the paper. II. Related Work This section discusses some of the routing protocols available in the literature. Jiazi et al. proposed a Multi Path OLSR (MP-OLSR) [1] which is based on the optimized link state routing protocol. The multiple paths in the mobile network are obtained using the proposed Multipath Dijkstra Algorithm. Various link metrics [2] such as packet delay and bandwidth and cost functions are used to implement multipath dijkstra algorithm. The other parameters used are route recovery and loop detection. The proposed MP-OLSR is simulated using Qualnet simulator for various scenarios. The MP-OLSR method presented better performance during heavy load and improves the life time of the network. Bheemarjuna Reddy et al. have studied the QoS of the Ad Hoc Wireless senor networks [3]. The authors have explained the QoS parameters to be considered in MANETS and the issues in the QoS provisioning. The challenges during QoS provisioning and the solutions available in the literature are described in [3]. The QoS solutions are classified into Layer-wise classification of QoSsolutions and Network layer solutions. The different QoS frameworks discussed in this paper are based on Routing protocol, QoS resource reservation signaling, Admission control and Packet scheduling. INSIGNIA [4] is a QoS framework which is used by INORA [5] QoS framework. SWAN is a distributed Ad Hoc Wireless network [6] having feedback mechanism. Gaurav Singal et al. have discussed the different Routing methods in MANETS [7]. Ali et al. have proposed a routing protocol for MANETS based on threshold to improve QoS. The proposed protocol is QMTR protocol [8] which works with various QoS parameters. Available bandwidth, node delay, load of the node are considered for the routing. The proposed QMTR protocol is based on SMORT in [9]. Goudarzi and Hosseinpour have proposed a technique for Quality of Enrichment (QoE) to transmit video over MANETS [10]. The bandwidth allocation strategy of the proposed method is based on the network parameters. The method in [10] is the extended version of the communication framework in [11]. The proposed method in [10] reduces the packet loss with the help of convex optimization in order to improve QoE. Venkatasubramanian and Gopalan have proposed energy efficient QoS algorithm for MANETS [12]. The proposed method is implemented in Java and provides better results in terms of packet delivery ratio, delay, bandwidth and energy when compared to PAMQR. Asha and Mahadevan have proposed a scheme for video transmission to enhance QoS on MANETS. The proposed method in [13] enhances the MANET network performance with respect to channel modeling, data transmission and queuing modeling. MATLAB is used to implement the proposed method and 150X150 m network area is selected for simulation. The network parameters such as bandwidth, delay and throughput is compared with the existing system and provides 18.60% improvement. Amuthan et al. have implemented a QoS method for MANETS based on channel allocation named HECAFQEM [14]. The proposed method used channel conditions with respect to Hyper-Erlang Factor. Queuing delay and the transmission delay are two parameters used for accepting the transmission requests. HECAFQEM is simulated in ns-2 and provides 23% and 19% more performance with respect to the parameters packet delivery ratio and throughput. III. DMRM: Dynamic Multipath Routing for MANETS Due to the dynamicity of the nodes in the MANETS, it is necessary to find the route dynamically. The proposed DMRM algorithm finds the path of the packet transmission dynamically. Usually the shortest path is used to transmit the packet. The DMRM algorithm uses a retroactive priority queue [15] for dynamic shortest path finding. Any node in the MANET network is having data packet to send, it has to find the route with the help of the route request packet. After getting the reply from the destination the packet will be transferred. While considering the first reply, the route is selected based on the priority queue dynamically with respect to the network bandwidth and delay. The operation on the DMRM algorithm estimated the available bandwidth of the current route and the delay after a route reply message is received from the destination. If bandwidth is less than the bandwidth threshold and the delay is greater than the delay threshold a new path will be found using retroactive priority queue and the data is transmitted. The available bandwidth is calculated based on equation (1) [16], the delay is calculated using the method available in [17] and the load is calculated using equation (2) [18]. Idlet BW Av BWMax * Intt (1) In equation (1) BWMax is the links maximum bandwidth of the and the Idlet is the duration of channel without any data transmission over the inteval Intt . Idlet is calculated as the difference between the default time interval and the duration in which the channel changes from busy to idle and IEEE 802.11 is having the method to calculate wheather the channel id idle or busy. Qlen CW Load i X 1 X MaxCW MaxQlen (2) In equation (2) Contention Window (CW) and Queue length (Qlen) should be minimum in order to reduce the load. The is set as 0.5 to equalize the priority of contention window and queue length [18]. IV. Results The simulation is done through network simulator (NS-2) [19]. The bandwidth of the channel is preset as 2 Mbps. The parameters which are used for simulation is depicted in Table 1. The proposed DMRM algorithm uses Constant Bit Rate (CBR) for the parameters average end-to-end delay and delivery ratio. Figure 1 depicts the model of multi hop in MANETS. The parameters considered for this simulation are delay, delivery ratio and throughput. The proposed approach DMRM is compared with OLSR algorithm and the results are shown in Figure 2, 3 and 4. The considered parameters are performing better in the proposed method DMRM when compared to OLSR. S D Figure 1. Model of Multi hop in MANETS Table 1: Simulation Parameters S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Parameters Values No. of Nodes Area MAC Radio Range Simulation Time Traffic Source Packet Size Mobility Model Speed Pass Time Rate 30,50,70,100,150 1500 X 1500 m IEEE 802.11 DCF 250 m Figure 2. Number of Nodes Vs End to End Delay 50 s CBR 512 B Random 10 m/s 5 sec 250kb/s to 500kb/s Figure 3. Number of Nodes Vs Delivery Ratio 3. Figure 4. Data Rate Vs Throughput V. Conclusions The dynamic multi hop routing is one of the important research problems in the network community. The overloaded nodes degrade the network performance and packet loss may occur due to less bandwidth. Due to overloading congestion may occur and the delay also increased. To increase the network QoS performance dynamic path finding algorithm is proposed. The proposed DMRM algorithm reduces average end-to-end delay and improves delivery ratio there by increasing the throughput when comparing to the optimized link state routing algorithm. 4. 5. 6. 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