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Precolonial Philippine Literature Module

Content Standards
Content standards are the guidelines and expectations for the knowledge,
skills, and understanding that students should attain in a particular
subject. In the context of precolonial literature in the Philippines, the
content standards serve as the framework for learning about the rich
literary heritage of the indigenous peoples. These standards encompass
the exploration of various literary forms, storytelling traditions, and oral
literature that have been passed down through generations.
The content standards aim to deepen students' appreciation for the
diversity of precolonial Filipino literature, emphasizing the importance of
preserving and promoting these cultural treasures. By delving into the
content standards, educators and learners can gain insight into the
profound connection between literature and the historical and cultural
context of the Philippines before the arrival of colonial influences.
by Kristina G. Locahin
Performance S tandards
E valuation Criteria
Communication S kills
Evaluating the understanding and
Demonstrating the ability to express insights
appreciation of precolonial literature through
and perceptions about precolonial literature
analysis, interpretation, and critical thinking.
effectively, both orally and in writing.
Cros s -Cultural Unders tanding
Creative E x pres s ion
Recognizing the cultural context and diversity
Utilizing different forms of artistic expression
within precolonial literature, and its impact on
to convey understanding and appreciation of
the worldview of the people of the Philippines.
precolonial literature and its themes.
Objectives of the modules
Understand precolonial literature: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the rich literary
tradition of the Philippines before the colonial period, including its themes, forms, and notable
Recognize cultural significance: Explore the cultural and historical significance of precolonial
literature in the context of Filipino heritage and identity.
Engage with critical analysis: Develop the ability to critically analyze precolonial literary texts,
identifying key literary elements and contextualizing their relevance.
Appreciate diversity of voices: Appreciate the diverse voices and perspectives represented in
precolonial literature, recognizing the multiplicity of narratives within the Filipino literary tradition.
Activity for Understanding Precolonial
Introduction to Precolonial Literature
This step involves providing an overview of precolonial literature in the Philippines,
including its significance, cultural context, and key characteristics. It will lay the
groundwork for understanding the rich literary tradition that predates the colonial period.
Exploration of Oral Traditions
In this stage, participants will delve into the oral traditions of the indigenous peoples of
the Philippines. This includes learning about the different forms of oral literature such as
myths, epics, legends, and folktales.
Analysis of Literary Themes
Participants will engage in the analysis of recurring themes in precolonial literature, such
as creation stories, heroism, nature, and the supernatural. They will explore the cultural
and historical significance of these themes.
Introduction to Precolonial Literature of
the Philippines
Precolonial literature in the Philippines reflects the rich and diverse culture of the archipelago. It
encompasses the oral tradition of the indigenous peoples, consisting of myths, legends, epics, and folk
tales passed down through generations. These narratives were often accompanied by music, dance, and
visual arts, creating a holistic storytelling experience.
The precolonial period also saw the development of various forms of poetry, chants, and riddles,
showcasing the Filipinos' skill for language and creativity. These literary works were deeply rooted in
nature, spirituality, and everyday life, offering insights into the beliefs and values of the early Filipino
Characteristics of Precolonial Literature
Oral tradition: Precolonial literature in the Philippines was primarily transmitted orally, with stories
and legends passed down through generations via spoken word.
Community-oriented: The literature focused on the values, customs, and traditions of the
community, reflecting the collective identity and experiences of the people.
Nature-based themes: The stories often revolved around nature, featuring elements such as
mountains, rivers, animals, and plants, highlighting the deep connection between the people and
their environment.
Multilingual diversity: The diversity of languages and dialects in the Philippines influenced the
richness of precolonial literature, showcasing a wide range of linguistic expressions and
storytelling techniques.
Themes in pre-colonial literature
Oral Tradition: The oral tradition is a prominent theme in the precolonial literature of the
Philippines. It encompasses the storytelling, folklore, and epic poetry passed down through
Nature and Animism: Precolonial literature often reflects a deep connection to nature and the
belief in animism, attributing spiritual significance to natural elements and animals.
Love and Courtship: Romantic themes, love stories, and courtship rituals are prevalent in
precolonial literature, showcasing the cultural norms and values surrounding relationships.
Heroism and Valor: Many precolonial narratives focus on heroism, bravery, and valor, often
featuring legendary characters and their extraordinary feats.
Forms and Genres of Precolonial
Oral Literature
Performative Arts
Symbolic Writing
Precolonial Filipino literature
The precolonial Filipinos also
While written literature was
was predominantly oral,
expressed their literature
limited, symbolic writing in
encompassing myths,
through performative arts
the form of indigenous scripts
legends, fables, and epics
such as chants, songs, and
and inscriptions on various
that were passed down
dances. These art forms were
artifacts provided glimpses
through generations via word
not only sources of
into the intellectual and
of mouth. The oral tradition
entertainment but also
artistic capabilities of
played a significant role in
served as mediums for
precolonial Filipinos. These
preserving the cultural
conveying historical events,
writings often depicted
heritage of the indigenous
societal norms, and spiritual
cosmological beliefs,
These oral narratives often
Performative arts provided a
agricultural practices, and
featured vivid storytelling
platform for communal
ritualistic customs.
The symbolic writings
techniques, rhythmic
participation and celebration,
reflected the intricate societal
patterns, and memorable
strengthening the bonds
structures and the
characters, captivating
within the community through
interconnectedness of the
listeners and imparting
shared experiences and
natural and spiritual worlds,
valuable lessons about
cultural expression.
offering valuable insights into
morality, bravery, and honor.
the indigenous worldview.
Notable works and authors in
precolonial literature
E pic Poem: Hinilawod
Awit and Corrido
Hinilawod is an epic poem of
The Awit and Corrido are
The Hudhud of the Ifugao is a
the S ulod people of Central
narrative poems written in
traditional chant that forms part
Panay. It narrates the story of
Tagalog and in the native
of the oral tradition of the
three S ulod warriors, Labaw
metrical romance form. They
Ifugao people. It is often
Donggon, Humadapnon, and
often depict themes of love
performed during the rice
Dumalapdap, and their epic
and chivalry, featuring heroes
planting season and reflects
adventures. The poem is rich
and heroines in epic
the community's history,
with mythical creatures and
encounters and turbulent
cultural heritage, and values.
heroes, displaying the bravery
emotions. The illustrations
The depiction showcases
and cunning of these
exhibit a sense of drama and
indigenous performers
legendary figures in a grand
emotion, capturing the
adorned in vibrant traditional
and awe-inspiring manner.
essence of these poetic works.
attire, exuding a strong sense
of cultural pride and heritage.
E s s ay ques tions about precolonial
Ques tion 1
Ques tion 2
Which of the following is a characteristic of
What were the common themes found in
precolonial literature in the Philippines?
precolonial Philippine literature?
Ques tion 3
Ques tion 4
What forms and genres were prevalent in
Who are some notable authors or works in
precolonial Philippine literature?
precolonial Philippine literature?
Thank you and God bless!