Uploaded by Batu ES (Region IX - Zamboanga Sibugay)


Fire in the home is a critical safety concern that requires attention and proactive measures to
mitigate risks and ensure the well-being of occupants. In this video the Batu Elementary School
wer’e about to show you how to do when fire at home will occur.
During a fire in the home, it's crucial to remain calm and take immediate action to ensure your
safety and the safety of others. Here's what you should do:
1. Alert Everyone: If you discover a fire or hear a smoke alarm, immediately alert everyone in
the household. Yell "Fire!" to ensure everyone is aware of the emergency.
2. Evacuate Immediately: Leave the building as quickly and safely as possible. Do not waste
time trying to gather belongings or valuables. Every second counts in a fire emergency.
3. Check Doors for Heat: Before opening any doors, check them for heat using the back of
your hand. If a door feels hot, do not open it, as it likely indicates that there's fire on the
other side. Instead, find an alternative escape route.
4. Stay Low and Crawl: If there's smoke in the air, stay low to the ground where the air is
clearer. Crawl on your hands and knees to avoid inhaling smoke and toxic gases.
5. Cover Your Mouth: Use a cloth or piece of clothing to cover your nose and mouth to help
filter out smoke and reduce the risk of smoke inhalation.
6. Use Escape Routes: Use the designated escape routes, which may include doors and
windows. If necessary, break a window to escape, but be cautious of broken glass.
7. Close Doors Behind You: As you evacuate, close doors behind you to help contain the fire
and slow its spread.
8. Go to the Meeting Point: Once outside, go to the designated meeting point at a safe
distance from the home, such as a neighbor's house or a specified spot in the yard. This
allows you to account for everyone and prevents anyone from re-entering the burning
9. Call for Help: Call emergency services (Fire Protection) once you are safely outside the
home. Provide them with your address and inform them that there is a fire.
10. Do Not Re-enter: Under no circumstances should you re-enter the burning building to
retrieve belongings or pets. Wait for firefighters to arrive and handle the situation.
Remember, your safety is the top priority during a fire emergency. By acting quickly and decisively,
you can help ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones. Regularly practicing fire drills and
having a well-thought-out escape plan can also improve your readiness in the event of a fire.