€ww ffiffiwffiwffi STUDENT'S BOOK with Ontine Activities Anne Robinson Kqren Soxby :'i..t a--1 Contents 1 Wotch us! We're moving! 2 Animols, onimols ... 3 Fun ot the form 4 Your hoir looks greot! 5 The womon in the red dress 6 My neck, my shoulders 7 Whot's the weother tike? 8 The hottest ond coldest Ploces 9 Me ond my fomilY 10 People in our street 11 Things we eot ond drink 12 Porty things 13 Different homes . 14 Our homes 15 At our school 16 Let's do some sPort! 17 Our hobbies 18 At the hospitol 19 Whot is the motter? 20 Where? 21 Here ond there in town 22 A trip to the citY 23 The world oround us 24 Trovelling, texting, Phoning 6 8 10 'a2 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 25 . Which one is different? 54 26 27 28 29 30 Guess who lives here? 56 Seeing differences Our busy hoLidoYs 58 About us About me 60 62 64 31 Why is Sotty crying? 32 Mory goes shopping 33 Lost weekend, lost week 34 Whot did you do then? 35 Whot o morning! 36 Coutd you do it? 37 Mr Must chonges his job 38 Pl.oying ond working 39 We've got lots of things to do 40 Pe6pl.e who heLp us 41 I hod c greot birthdoy! 42 An exciting week for Atex! 43 My hol,idoys 44 Atong the beoch 45 Treosure! 46 A doy on the istond 47 The different things we do 48 We wont to do this one doy 49 Ask me onother question 50 WeLl. done! d:- Poirwork octivities Unit word.[ist List of irregu[or verbs 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106-115 116-123 124-'.|25 ,-:'"':' ai-'- '' otch v:-- u9[.: o Wetre moving! drow lines. @r Listen ondMov Mtty Evo o Jone Fot lock ril,l. Som @ n"od ond write nomes. o Wotch us! We're moving! ..!a.4,.'s good ot jumping. He's reotly greot! And took! ............'s hopping on squore number 8! 's rolter skoting! She's going round ond round. And wqtch........... skipping in our new ployground. 's good of doncing! One, two, three. And there's..... He's funny! He's ctimbing our tree! ....'s very good ot running.He runs ot[ doy! But.. .. tikes wol.king (ond totking) with her best friend, Jump, hop, skote, skip, dqnce. climb or run. We ol.l. love moving ond hoving lots of fun! @ l:rt"n ond drqw four things in picture A. j ry j @ f inU the letters to spel,l, the missing moving word! F_b_ @ r-ooL ond reod ond write. Exomptes The boy with the rodio is weoring ......*..U.q,{p.qq T-shwL Which number is the girl's foot on now? 8 Complete the sentences. Write 1, 2,3, 4 or 5 words. 1 2 The boy in the oronge jocket is At the front of the picture you con see Answer the questions. Write 1,2,3, 4 or 5 words. 3 4 One girt is Jkipping. Whot colour ore her trousers? Whot's the girt with the red botloon doing? Now write one sentence obout the picture. 5 @ nU"ut you! Soy ond write onswers. Who do you ptoy with in your p[oyground? Is your ptoyground big or smott? Whot ore you good ot? Te[[ me obout your friend. Whot's your friend's nome? How otd is your friend? Whot's your friend good ot? I ptoy with It's I'm good ot My friend's nome My friend is is o l'% r4f ,} ', ir;.. @ tot then write the onimols. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 q = < crocodile con you see in pictures 1-4? its its its its .... ...... ond its .... @ xo* much do you know obout crocodiles? Write yes or no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Do crocodiles only live in rivers? Do crocodites open their eyes when they ore swimming? Con crocodiles swim ond wo[k? Do crocodites hove lots of teeth? Do crocodites eot birds? Is it sqfe to go swimming with o crocodile? Is o boby crocodite inside its egg for 20 weeks? Are your onswers right? Reod obout crocodiles on poge 105. o lI I IO nx Reod ond write the onimql nomes. Exomple It hos o tqil ond it [ikes cotching mice. It sounds [ike 'hot'. 1 lt's smot[, btock ond yettow ond it con fty. It sounds like 'me' 2 It's olwoys hungry ond it hos o littte beord. It sounds Like 'boot'. 3 It'svery smotl ond it eots cheese. It sounds like 'house'. 4 It's green ond it jumps very wett. It sounds [ike 'dog'. 5 It eots gross. It sounds like 'now'. 6 It S_ings gnd sometimes lives in o coge. It sounds [ike 'word'. 7 It lives in the seo. I'm frightened of it! It sounds [ike 'pork'. 8 It hos no Legs ond mokes o noise [ike 'sssss'. It sounds Like 'coke'. 9 It's reotty big ond it swims in the seo. It sounds [ike 'toit'. 10 It fties ot night. It sounds [ike 'Pot'. @!-i::::s*:*.j Peter's doy of the zoo Exompte Nome of zoo: 1 Who with: 2 Con see: 3 Fovourite onimots: 4" Cqn ride on: o 5 Wonts to buv: o @m Now ptoy the gome! It sounds tike ... .6€q Zoo monkeys Fun qt the farm '.@ o whot's on the form? o cloud o fiel,d o truck o roof o chicken q robbit o duck T';: *;*-- ** ..*e @ o kitten .Dq {'; - o o trqctor n"od ond then complete the sentences. Write one word. Let's go to Mrs Ptqnt's form! On Sqturdoy ofternoons, ....... ' 9o to ....... ond his sister, hetp Mrs Ptont on her form. They corry pototoes ond feed otl the different onimots. The chitdren ride there on their bikes becouse it is neor their home. Mrs Ptont hos two new onimo[s on the form now! She's got o kitten cotted Sunny ond o puppy cotled Sousoge! They're both reolly sweet. 1 2 3 t+ 5 6 7 .,S g The chitdren go to the form every.....9q4!'.{.+S..... ofternoon. lives on the form. Mrs Mrs Ptont's pototoes for her. The chitdren At the form, the kids give the ....... their food. to the form. The chitdren ride their Mrs Plont's kitten is colted The pets on the form ore very Listen ond colour. o @ l The bat is different. It can fly. The lion, the panda and the dog cannot fly. They can walk. @' t"t which picture is different ond why. +S #wA The beach is different. It has water. The park, the garden and the playground are dry. tn 4 ffi t I ,r @ wf'ti.h onimok Live in these ploces? Write their nqmes. Which three onimols ore you frightened of? Which ore your three fovourite onimo[s? Which onimol woutd you like to be? I'd like to be o @ sornding ! the sqme! thwrw they'r€ €tuw€s @ o" the onimol. project! Farm goats cows horses cats Your hqir loolcs greq o @'write the onswers to the questions. 1 Whot cotour's her hoir? Whot kind of hoir hos he got? 1 Whot's this? 2 moustache 4 Whot's this? straight Is her hoir long or short? .H^".kindorH hoir hos she got? @ ron obout your hoir. I've got I hove stroight [ong shorL curly blonde foir red brown btock greylgroy white hoir. I've got short, straight, black hair. @' @ Usten ond tick (rz) the box. 1 Which girt is Kim? ffiffiffi €\" l,5n I, a! 3 e[ c[ Which person is Jim's cousin? f"t v *FF% F-- -"\ \.37 (;P r<r>\ V ^\K o o r \t I 'ef -l I-. O Reod qbout Hugo. Write 1,2 or3 words to comptete the sentences. Chonge Hugo's foce for the fitm. Hugo Top is reotty fomous becouse he's o film stor. The nome of his seventh fitm is Whqt's thot noise? Hugo is moking it now. In this fitm, his body ond foce look very different. Hugo is on otien! Before fitming, Hugo puts on his oronge olien suit ond then sits down in front of o big mirror. Then Alice storts chonging his foce. First, si-re points it gr""n. Then someone points Ulolt lines on his fqce ond chonges the cotour of his eyes. A third person, cotl.ed Mott, odds o moustoche ond beord to Hugo's foce ond o fourth person chonges his short, stroight btonde hoir to [ong, curty purpte hoir! Then Hugo con stort fitming. 'Your foce [ooks reotty ug[y ond scory now!' everyone soys. Hugo looks in the mirror ogoin ond loughs. 'We[t, I think I look reotty coo[!' he soys, 'Thonk you!' Exomples Hugo Top is o........t|fy.q*Z fitm stor. His seventh fitm is cql.ted \l'lho,L's tho,L nolseT 1 In Hugo's new fitm, his ... ond body look very different. 2 Hugo sits down in front of o . .. in his oronge ctothes. A womon mokes Hugo's foce green. Her nome is..... Alice 3 black lines 4 Another person points some ... on his foce, too. moustache and a beard Mott puts two things on Hugo's foce - o 5 6 Hugo hos to hovelong ..., curty ond purpte hoir in this fi[m. 7 Everyone thinks Hugo's foce looks very.ugly and scary .......... ! o ffi Ptoy the gome! Find the person. sn" looks surprised! ,f The womon in the o red dress ,ffi' Find the words for the pictures ond write them on the lines. 1 scnxi sweater fl c o r 3 I s s c W o S s b t k h o e o h o o o o p o t c o s r r d t W r k t s t t r e b t S s e p s e r t r o u s e r s s W m s U t S \t boots shorts 5 @ f ina the words in the box for five more things peopl,e weor. trousers @ skirt cap glasses dress Cft"ose the correct words from A or B. Write them on the tines. o 1 In co[d weother, you con weor this round your neck. 2 3 4 5 This is Like o very long jocket which you con weor outside. You con weor these on your feet inside your shoes. A girt con weor this when she wonts to 9o in the seo. A poir of these con hetp some peopte to reod o book. ',S tot the words' ''.j=: ' i *#:i'.' ..:' o glasses .i:-1; t** € *e**€ sc*^rt €€g€ I Write the words from A ond B in the tqble. n .f f. bottom holf too ond bottom holf e p6tx oi soek: A |j| -.. $| dress Listen ond drow lines. Peter Lucy @' Jone Tom Look ond reod ond write. Exomptes The boby is sitting under o Whot's the girl in the short skirt hol"ding? Complete the sentences. Write 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 words. 1 The pink monster is trying to cotch 2 The ol.d mon hos got o Answer the questions. Write 1,2,3, 4 or 5 words. 3 4 The mother is sitting on o seot. Whot cotour is it? Two chitdren ore on bikes. Whot hove they got on their heods? Now write two sentences obout the picture. 5 a{{,&i, -uu necl(, ng sho ulders ' o How monv? r7lU \-r7l ' honds L6 €yes {'egs eors bmaks mouths wings o Longer thon, shorter thon? Cross out the wrong word. The monsters' legs ore longer / shorter thon the chitdren's [egs. The chitdren's hoir is longer I shorter thon the monster's hoir. The monsters' mouths ore bigger I smoller thon the chitdren's mouths. The chitdren's heods ore bigger / smqller thon the monsters' heods. The mon is shorter I tqller ond younger I older thon everyone! @ tt fl tl neck, my shoulders ond my stomqch! ti Listen ond point. t/ \, \ ! I \_ my neck my shoutder my stomoch o o T I I I Find the eorrect words qnd write them on the lines. t*ompte This is between your eyes ond your mouth. 1 After your dinner, your food is inside this. 2 This is hoir on o mon's foce. It's under his mouth. 3 You stond on these. They ore ot the end of your tegs. 4 These qre white ond you hove lots in your mouth. 5 You hove two of these ond you listen with them. 5 This is under your heod ond obove your shoutders. I O I I | no'0 stomach neck The mystery word @ rrt the botts in the correct net! 2 5 shoulder solherud Q rh" monsters' orms ore very short. False (long) @ On" of the monsters is hol.ding o cup. true @ rfr"r"'s o ftower on one monster's stomoch.false @ fh" robot thot's outside the house is Loughing.false @ Vo, con see o monster on the round roof. true 6 True @ fn" @ is m The monster next to the door is weoring o poir of shoes. true monsters go home to the moon! Listen qnd cotour. Ptoy the gome! Answer with your o"ot.;ffi 1 3 4 false 'Whqt's the weother like? @ 0 O.ow the missing pictures. o coot ctouds the wind o kongoroo bots o scorf the moon G @ Cf't"ose the correct words ond write them on the lines. Exomple This is [onger thon o jocket ond you weor it outside. 1 You con see this ond the stors obove you ot night. 2 These onty fty ot night ond some peopte ore ofroid of them. 3 4 5 6 @g When you wotk in this weother, your ctothes get wet! This onimol con hop ond it lives in o hot, sunny, country. It's o good ideo to weor this round your neck on cotder doys. These ore white or grey ond sometimes snow folts from them. Chortie ond Lity's fovourite weother. wind sunny windy roining fLy bike ride . kite Chorlie likes ...... weother becouse when it is .. he ....... to schoot. ....... Lity is hoppy when it is ..... becouse she needs con't his .. 0' CDAI' G @ vi.{'' p"i"ii^g ;i;';.'a;p[," ii" a ir"tp";;";;;;.: It's o cloudy doy ot Vickv's Vicky's in her pointing class She's thinking, 'Whot con \ F 'l I?' \ltl $l I Now you te[[ the story Mlo" _l Vicky's in her bedroom. Where's Vicky now? Where's Vicky now? Where's Vicky now? Whot's she thinking obout? Whot's she looking ot? Whot's in her pointing? A rainbow is in her painting. She's thinking about what to draw. Hos she got ony ideos? Hos she got on ideo now? Who's soying, 'We[[ done!' Yes, she has got an idea now. The teacher is saying No, she hasn't got any ideas. "well done!" Motch sentences ond story pictures. Write 1, 2, 3 or 4. o 1 2 3 4 Wow! Look ot thot roinbow in the sky! It's fontostic! Vicky! My friend's got o greot ideo but I hoven't. Thot's o reotty pretty picture, picture r;) \:) picture tl picture I con't find crny cool pictures in this [ibrory or on this website. Oh deor! picture Oe Drow the weother. Whqt's it like? Is it hot or cotd? Is it sunny or windy or ctoudy? Is it roining or snowing? Con you see o roinbow? No, I can't see any rainbow. r) -The hotteqq qnd cotdest placpr o rinO sentence poirs obout different kinds of weother. @ I moke the leoves fotl from trees. I'm white. wind snow/cloud I come out when you go to bed. I come from grey ctouds. rain the moon You wont me when you go soiting! wind I con chonge things from dry to wet! rain You onty see me when the sun's behind you! shadow Look corefu[[y to see my seven cotours. rainbow I onty fot[ on reotty, reolty cotd doys. snow I'm hot, big ond round. the sun When you see me, you con see stors, too. the moon € No, you con't see me ot night! the sun @ lirt"n ond write ond soy! ls ft r0ght to tlY o klte ot nlghgtr @ C"-pLete the sentences with words from the box. 1trwiw'$l*ranfl'2 lTi rt G I 2 3 4 5 p[oc in the world. There's lots of ice in Antorctico. It's the.. ......*Wge!........ p[oce The wettest .. town is in Indio. It roins there o [ot! driest hottest Africo is ... port of the world. @Aesfwindiest .. ptoce is Antorctico, too. The wind there sunniest is reotly strong! wettest sunniest the windiest In Arizono, it's otwoys dry ond sunny! It's . The. the i G @ Choose words to compl,ete the weother sentences. windy c[oudy It ls ffiffi www hot t! wffiffiwffirdmg* cotd is roining is snowing It )n today. sunny todoy. roined snowed ffiffi yewffiffitrdoy, @ Cftoose the correct words ond write them on the lines. )o. ee Exompte 1 ri- Animqts in cotd ports of the wortd We don't see mony onimots in the coldest ports of the world, but potor beors, which ore whitb. We in reotly cold ptoces. Brown beors weother is very cotd. don't wqke up or eot ony 2 '1. tiving sleep steeping steeps It We They food. t- I 3 I 4 5 When the weother storts getting cold, some birds fl,y ... .... hotter countries, but penguins ore very hoppy in the snow! 3bv Snowshoe robbits ore reotty ctever! the weother's very cotd ond there's snow on the ground, onimot's fur chonges from brown to white! 4 5 I _i ....... when the lived live @ why ott Which this Giraffes are the tallest animals. Bears are the strongest animals. td* Wfri.h ore the toltest, strongest ond cleverest qnimots? @ l"t', When those ot Elephants are the cleverest animals. write funny sentences! '' @ 'M, qnd mU fqm ilg o wno ore they? Listen ond drow lines. Rice Jone (13) Sue (1 1) Ben (12) Peter (5) lffifr il(t% ]/tw @ @ n"od obout Jone. Write the fomily words on the lines. (1) D6L My sister, Sue, ond I love everyone in our fomil.y! Our porents ore greot! 's co[[ed Alice. We've got o reotty pretty t:r aunt nome is Mott. Our (2) (a) 's nome is Som. He's very tott! We've got too. She's co[[ed Julio ond our two(5) .... They're both boys ond their nomes ore Ben ond Peter. 's nomes ore Hugo ond Zoe. We [ike going to see them o [ot! Our (6) They're hoppy becouse they've got two gronddoughters ond two grondsons now, Ben, Peter. Sue ond me! nntwer questions obout the people in your fomity. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 Who's the otdest? Who's the youngest? Who's the [oudest? Who's the quietest? Who's the cteverest? Who's the busiest? Who's the prettiest? Who's the noughtiest? Who's the cootest? 0nl bu @ wrii " t, io, 3 *ords to .;;4" ir't. r"^iences obout the story. t ' On holidoy ot the fqrm Hetto! My nome's Ben. I live in the town centre with my porents ond my brother, Peter. Peter's younger thon me. He's five ond I'm twetve. Lost Soturdoy, Dod took us o[[ to our grondporents' form in his cor. Grqndmq ond Grondpo live on o form thot's neor the seo. We [ove going there. Exomptes 1 2 Ben ond Peter's home is ...$.pn. in . fr.q..F.ry.n.WIV.9.. .. is twelve yeors old. The chitdren went to their grondporents'form by the seo lost Ben, his brother ond fother trovelted by.. . There's otwoys something exciting to go ond see ot their form. On Sundoy, my brother osked, 'Con we go ond see the horses, Grondpo?' 'Yes!' Grondpo soid. 'And I con show you our two new boby horses! They're onty one week otd. I'd like you to choose nomes for them!' Grondpo odded. 'Good ideo!'Grondmo soid. 3 4 The chil.dren went to see the two on Sundoy. names Grondpo osked the boys to choose the boby horses Peter ond I loughed when we sow the boby horses! They lrod pretty brown eyes ond mode funny noises when we soid, 'Your new nomes ore Ctoudy ond Stor!'On Mondoy, we both rode Mr Jim, Grondpo's oldest horse, oround the biggest fiel.d. Peter ond I reotty loved thot hol.idoy. It wos fontostic. ! en, 5 6 The boys cotted the two boby horses The boys rode Mr Jim oround their 7 grondfother's .. Ben ond his brother enjoyed o [ot! o Con you heor the sound'Zzzzzzzz'? OnG€@trffi fu€g *,,= --., bUg€eg€ €ege ''' . , .,;,'= ' r€iiF=--=====:: =':a;+ j,:=t?'ta:t'.F*iF+ ==-t? t!*'#i!*:+ -. l- I @ . Io ln our street PeoPte o write ten words to put in the gops. You choose! r- l:51 :"q I.! J* -*: T:' 1 Exompte Which is Lity's house? .8..8: nI e! 1 Whot is Don's fother doing now? I n! cQ Whot ore Lity ond Don pl.oying? 3 e! How does Don's mother go to work? t:' ffi 4g -\/ tO F4 nI c! e[ n! *ri-- 4 Whot is on Mr Fietd's botcony? a; f,:t nI c[ Who is " cI woiting ot the bus stop? g I eI cI t]'r---e aI aI c! o O I Listen to us! |ly son, my brothaf, lilV lgther ond m-y uncte ore wsltlng In Upunder Rood for the numbar one Lu". Reod ond choose the best onswer. Exompte Dqn: Whot's the new girt's nome? Lity: @ lt'r Sotl.y Love. - Questions 1 Don: 1i[y: 3 I i* r! I- l rrk? h I Eh l @ B C No, Pot's 10 now. Lity con't come. what's = what is Whot's she [ike? A She tikes chocotote. B lt's her new toblet. C She's reotty nice. Hos she got ony brothers? A Onty one, I think. B She never does thot. C No, it's Chortie. Te[[ me obout her. A . Some reotty loud music! B She's good of sport! C It's my poper, not hers! Dqn: Lity: Don: Lity: Dqn: Lil,y: Whot's she good of in ctoss? A Yes, she thinks it's greot. B She con spe[[ long words. C It's better thon this lesson. Shotl.I invite her to my porty? A B C SodoI! Good ideo! Here you ore! Whot's her phone number? A Yes, she's in ctoss 13. B Her phone's reotty greot. C I don't know, but I con osk her. n"oU ond drow pictures of Don, Lity ond Sotty. Don ond Lity both tive in Eosy Street ond now Sotty lives there, too. Don's got brown eyes, but Lity's ond Sol.[y's eyes ore btue ond bigger thon Don's. Don's got the biggest nose ond the biggest eors, but his mouth is the smo[[est. Don's hoir is brown ond reolty curty, but Lity's.,is btonde ond stroight. Sotly's hoir is btock. It's shorter thon Lity's hoir but it's longer thon Don's hoir! Thinss *1;1' o drink .€r r,ffi Write the food qnd drink words in the correct box. ' srenot I'ime burger coffee beons souce psstd Ebi€kgn lemonode corrot mongo poncoke opple sousoge teo egg mil,k cheese peor jui€s chocotote ice creom fish woter pe€rs onion lemon rice mitkshoke wotermelon noodtes bonono pie meotbotts kiwi chrcken ....... s lt K"o v.,.... drinks : coc.onLt"t .-. |Y)f ....P.*2w. ..4' i,uD Soy which one is different ond why. Exompte Soup is different. Soup is hot. Oronge juice, lemonode ond ice creom oren't hot. They're cotd. _"__*--"-a- i L hoticol.d meotif ruit green/oronge eot/drink -^-''-'-'l \, i ( 0 poncokes o mitkshoke Exomple This fruit is yetlow inside ond you con moke juice from it. 1 Some peopte put mitk ond sugor in this hot drink. 2 You moke this drink with mitk ond your fovourite kind of fruit 3 These ore hot, thin ond round. You con put lemon juice on them. 4 Most chitdren ond grown ups love eoting these but they ore bod for your teeth! 5 You moke this with breod ond you con put meot or sotod inside. 6 You con eot or drink this from o bowl or from o cup. 0 Choose the correct words ond write them on the lines. Exomp[e 1 I Pototoes Pototoes grow on pototo ptonts. ......Wh.qn...... you look of o pototo ptont, you con only see leoves becouse pototoes grow on the port of the ptont thot is under the ich Whot Wh its hers When his ground! There 2is ore .... more thon sixteen weeks to grow reotty big pototoes but only six weeks to grow littte ones. 3 needs needing Pototoes ore one of fovourite vegetobtes! 4o ol.t the sbv off with .... mony different kinds of pototoes. Formers wortd's Some peopte like moking fries the pototoes they grow or buy. Do you? in poirs obout the food you eot. 0 To[k Then. find words in words! need Pqrtu things @ Whot ore these? Whqt do we put inside them? Write words. @f Listgn ond colour ond write. tou ree? ffimw ffiffim5r ffiWgffir{B ahaPaa can You rse? ffimw ffiffiffiM mmmmd ehaPac oen @ C".ptete the sentences obout the picture in B. 1 2 3 4 5 Lo,bl,e in o supermorket. Three peopte ore stonding neor o Most of the botttes ond......:.. ...... ore on the shelves. The biggest box is on the ....... qnd it is closed. The. ...... bottte is next to the bigger bow[. Four gtosses ore between the .. ..... bottte ond the smotter o Whot does Som hove to do? Listen ond write words. Da.d's bxLhd^U I o pvLll musf 1 phone: Jrn lhLs 2 bug: boLtles 3 wo.sh: Lhe three purpln 4 choose: some grenL 5 find, mu Look ot the pictures. Tetl the story. + <tl ,l =\ -at: 0 Reod ond drow the birthdoy porty toble. Drow o huge toble. It con be round or sguore - you choose! Drow some glosses, bowts, bottles ond plotes on top of the tobte. On the outside of one of the botttes, write whot is inside. Drow o big birthdoy coke on o reotty big squore ptote. Drow o birthdoy present on the ftoor. You choose the shope! Add lots of bot[oons to the picture! a,ttxxnoon of LemonaAr. Different homes @ Oro* lines between the words in the boxes ond picture A. o window bosement bolcony stoirs mot @ n"od ond choose the best onswer. Exompte Solty: Hi Mork! I hod lots of fun this ofternoon! Mork:@ B C Questions Sotl.y: 1 Te[[ me obout it! How obout Soturdoy? lt's better in the morning. I went to thot big ol,d house where my uncte works. Mqrk: A Yes, thot's wrong. B I know thot ptoce. C Sorry, I con't. 2 gross Sotty: They're moking o movie inside the house! Mqrk: A Here they ore. B C How exciting! It's not brove. Sol,ty: There were lots of fomous people there todoy! Mqrk: A B C Reol,ty? I'm sitty. ShoLl.I? Mork: Is your uncte in the movie? Sotty: A No, you mustn't. B It's too scory. C Yes, he is! 5 Sotty: I hetped the cqmeromon 6 todoy! Mqrk: A B C Solty: I con show you port of the movie on my phone! Mork: A Fontostic! B Me too! C Be corefut! No thonks. Wet[ done! Come on! Use ,2 or 3 words to comptete the sentences obout Sotly's ofternoon. 0 Exompte ond Mork ore totking obout the things thot did this 1 Sotl.y Sol.l.y a.ttx;rnoon So[ty's uncte works in o.. The peopte inside the house ore moking..... Sotty sow some ... there. Sol.ty worked with the todoy. Sotty ond Mork con wotch port of the scory movie on Sotty's @ finU the differences between the pictures. between the pictures. 0 Tolk obout the differences 2/ \1r' \]1 3 @. ffi P[oy the gome! Two things. @ sK Our homes iffi \I.y.r Ct'toose words '! from the circle to comptete whqt lock soys. Mu w ..... Mr.f J '.. '. Roa.d. H tn W peopte ffi o" Ja* .. Frne. Ls Ls 18, Gaxd'en llLvemw. vWe called. WeU". Our home ho-s sLx We've goL a kl*rhen, a lt"vrng room and" w d)xtng room d.ownstntrs and- bwo bedrooms and. o. balhroom upsLai.rs. oddress rooms tree nome house @O Listen ond write. Ben's grondmother's new home Cotour: btue ond ......W.Y.*&....... 1 Number of bedrooms: Cook Rood 2 Address: 3 4 5 @ Nome of vittoge: Fovourite room: House is neor: ru"* write obout your home. I tive in (on oportment / q ftot / o house) My oddress is. I tive in .... . rooms. We've got o Our home hos My fovourite room There's o..... (o vitl'oge / o town / o city / the countryside) is..... c .. becouse neor my home. You cqn there. a, S, I ro I l- 'rne. rdr.n Answer the questions obout where you [ive. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 How mony windows ore there? How mony phones ore there? How mony ftoors ore there? Hove you got o gorden? Does it hove o Lift? Does it hove stoirs? Whot cotour is the roof? Whot's in your living room? 0 Look ot the shopes. Spetl, chicken ffiffiffi ond kitchen! t t A is o kind Weeotinourl sot o dinins .'= r;; ;"'";; ;;rr". of bird but it con't fty. t.'" i : becousewehoven't ' Con you soy it? & .:,,-.6;ri,;.-" ,*:,: r* ,gi3,rp* 'i{h,gi,,i -€,1,:,';r ,8tr{-i::l:,:ei€i= GL::=i*i:;f #*:'*iaLh #f*rag'll.,ei o Listen ond drow. Who lives here? @' Drqw ond describe! My dreom home. -"';di or at our school ff @ U !7 vrr crt"ose the correct words below ond write them on the tines. Exomple You con ptoy different kinds of this on o guitor or piono' 1 This is on the ctossroom wo[[ ond the teocher writes on it. 2 These ore in books ond often hove numbers on them ot the bottom. 3 When you moke o mistoke with your pencit, you need this. 4 Some teochers put these of the end of correct onswers in tests' 5 We look of these to find roods ond rivers ond towns. Exompte / mops o boord musrc t/ r/ ticks po9es o rubber J O!, totKed totked pointed pointed : noPPY hoppy '-\ t" nt om A next to word from .G)' \v n"od the story. Write the correct ""-f;;t ;-;' closs ond On Tuesdoy morning, the . .....Yy2P....... teocher, Mr Skip, come into Nick's qnswer the ,Hetto! I've got o messoge for yo, from Miss Sweet. She'd like you to soid, -66 ond 67 for your homework. They're obout the wortd's questions on (1).. [ongest rivers. word ond Miss Sweet isn't in school todoy. She's totking on the rodio obout pl'oying _t z A -..... picture gomes in school lessons. It's very exciting!' to some oronge books. 'The mops in those con hetp you, or you Mr Skip becouse he con find Vor'i onr*"ir on the internet,' he soid. Nick wos loved working on computers. Thot evening he found ol,l. the onswers to Miss Sweet's questions on one of his fovourite websites' (4) doy' ""' obout her exciting When Miss Sweet come bock to schoot, she 'You've got lots then looked of everyone's homework. 'Whot greot onswers!' she soid. ond no crosses! We[[ done! of (s) Now choose the best nome for the story. Tick (ru) one box. Miss Sweet buys o new rodio! Nick's ctoss get ot[ the right onswers! tr T O( PouI Doisy rt\ V :ry LL Hugo Groce Fred o Look ond reod ond write. Exomptes The ctock shows thot it's two. .....9.'cLo.*. Whot's the boy by the tobte doing? Comptete the sentences. Write 1,2,3, 4 or 5 words. 1 The boy in the btue shirt is 2 There ore blue ond white squores on Answer the questions. Write 1,2, 3, 4 or 5 words. 3 Whot's the gir[ with [ong btock hoir looking ot? 4 Whot's the boy with the cqmero doing? Now write one sentence qbout the picture. I 'you 5 re @ Colour your onswers. s 'ots 1 How do you come to school? 2 Where do you do your 3 When do you hove Engl.ish homework? II l-+J 'J Whot do you like doing most in Engl.ish? ,: in lessons? a Eft-4 .:lr I-' by bike cor bus troin the on I wol.k bedroom tibrory kitchen living room Mondoy ''t '. Tuesdoy Wednesdoy :: '' Thu.rsdoy 't1!.;;; 'p""ti"g *rtinj reodins Let's do some sportf @ o Wf't" soid whot? Write the words in the sentences. wotched shouted pLoyed wotched plsry€d jumped o [oughed jumPed shouted roined ,i I enjoyed Soturdoy! 1.....PVA{..... i tennis in the morning ond o DVD in the i .... In : ofternoon. the evening, our dog in some woter. Dod 'Don't do thot!' But it o [ot! wos funny. I Sundoy wos OK. I...... hockey in the morning ond I o footbotl gome on TV in the ofternoon. But my mouse .... out of its box in the evening ond Mum ....... o lot too. i. 'He[p!'It..... fUrs Ship is tol.king to Atice obout her fomity ond their hobbies. Wfrictr is eoch person's fovourite hobby? Listen ond write o letter in eoch box. $ her mother tr F5a+F-rt.:,iii! ! t her son I =.-: her sister T her uncte T her doughter Ttr her cousin j ji.:!:i::=::.-:i:::::::::=.::::-=-::=-.: A ./ {* S--* 4 flrtF o @ finU the'onswers to the questions. Write numbers. Alice is tetting Mrs Ship obout o sport which she ptoyed. @ whot gome did you pl.oy? Q @ When? O Bosebol'tt C on Fridoy. o @ I Wqs it fun? Cn"ose the correct words ond write them on the lines. Exompte I Y"t, it wos greot! 1 I 2 ) 3 Y:/ I Footbq[[ the Peopte ot[ round wortd p[oy footbot[ but the first peopte..... ptoyed footboll lived in Engtond. Did you know thot in mony gomes, footbol[ ptoyers ..... obout eight kilometres! """i' The gome is cotted footbot[ in most countries but in Americo qnd Conodo some people colt.. ... soccer. Another nome for footbot[ is 'the beoutifuI gome'. One of the most fqmous footboll ployers is cotted Lionel Messi. He's o fontostic ptoyer. He coutd kick o bot[ reotly wet[ he wos onty five. You con reod obout him ..... the internet. 1 the os whose whot 2 run runs running 3 us them 4 when becouse or sby ot sin @ re E:,.,i: E:::- -g il € - Write the spoit. You con moke otL the words from the letters in the s port. (The first Letter of the first word is the first letter of the sport!) Exompte ba-skeLbaLL botl., tobl.e. osk 1 fo[t, boot, too, boot toi[, net, best, tob[e 3 4 5 bod, bot, into, mot in, nice, sing, tick, skote hide, doing, goes, ride How mony words con you moke from ##### this who *#ffi&wffi on 0ur hobbies @ t7? ttt L r-itt"n ond drow lines. : N \ l.t = // t 7-2' -'Z-t, 1^\ Mory @ o, Mott Jutio I Write the words under the pictures. The first Letter is there to hel'p you. ol 7 5 oP 7 oL 8 o I @ Cn"ose the correct words from B ond write them on the lines. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q This is tike doncing but you do it on ice. You cqn do this ofter you jump into o [oke or o poot. There ore funny stories ond lots of pictures in these. You con ploy music on this. Port of it is btock ond white. These ore films you con wotch on o computer. Peopte hit o smol.l. bol.t thot bounces in this gome. lt's eosy to corry this kind of computer in your school bog. ?.Mf{, Cft"ose words from B. Write the correct words next to numbers 1-5. Ctore is my younger sister. She loves her new tobtet but she likes doing sports tike .. ....tr9*zu....... outside more. She proctises every Fridoy ofter schoo[. Ctore likes sunny weother but lost weekend, it snowed ond Ctore went ice_(l) ....... on the loke in the pork with her friends. Don, my otder brother, doesn't like hot weother ond enjoys being inside. He [ikes finding new opps ond [istening to music on his rodio or(2) Lost Sqturdoy, he wotched two new(3) of home with his friends. The only sport Don ploys is (4) in our bosement with his best friend Mork. When he's olQer, Don wqnts to drow the kind of pictures you sometimes see in (s). ...... or on chitdren's websites. He's very good ot thot. o Now choose the best nome for the story obout Clore ond Don. Tick (r') one box. My brother ond sister A doy ot the pork I My fovourite sport e f Listen, then tel,t the three word story! lu/ia's dcncff $ag home, cuPboord, bogs bogs, cor, beqch beoch, got out, hot hot, towet, bogs bogs, hetto, Mqtt Mott, boot, seo Jutio, went to steeP, sun m P[oy the gome! Drow your circte. I . I :'lt-l I At the ho:spitql i ,Or @ l""k ond reod. Choose the correct words ond write them on the lines. / o nurse o driver o ptoyground porty / o picnic movies o hospitoI rotter skotes 2 Exomple You con toke this with you to eot on o trip. 1 This person con toke you to different ploces in the cor. 2 Some kids invite their ctossmotes to this on their birthdoy. 3 You wotch these on your tobtet, loptop or computer ond ot the cinemo. 4 Chitdren con run ond proctise ctimbing outside here. 5 This person tokes your temperoture when you ore itt. @ @ nntwer the questions. 1 2 3 4 5 Whot wos the Lost birthdoy porty you went to? Whot did you do? Whot's your fovourite movie? Which fomous peopte ore in the movie? Whot food ond drink do you toke when you hove o picnic? Whot's the nome of the neorest hospito[? Is it o big hospitot? Is someone in your fomil"y o dentist, o nurse or o doctor? o o Cn"ose the best words ond comptete the sentences. 2 Sometimes, when you ore not.. your body is ..... .. , When your mum hos o it's o good ideo to be very. 3 8e.... ..... ond cotd you hove o temperoture. bod osteep quiet tired ....... heodoche, ...... of home. when you're hungry! Som ote five huge chocotote ice creoms on Sundoy ond then he hod o sick j ... , dirty terribte cqreful brove L. I I I ro Look qnd reod qnd write. o..... Exomptes These peopte ore in Ygpp.t& Whot is the boy on the seot hotding? Complete the sentences. Write 1,2,3, 4 or 5 words. 1 In the cof6, you con bry.. 2 One of the oirts is reodino J Answer the questions. Write 1,2,3, 4 or 5 words. 3 Whot is the mon with the red phone doing? 4 Who is smiting ot the boby? Now write two sentences obout the picture. 5 6 e Listen ond colour ond write. O m Ptoy the gome! Find the silent letters. ILts ^-, termp..ffiature ffi.ffiffilffii,?ffi##j €=€==€= =*==r3= j f I I rs Whot the mqtter? @' Write e, i, o or u on the lines to complete the words ond sentences. qt h ndr ds 1 'v ct t o st moch-och b co s of ch_ps ot sch_ _[ t_doy. 2 W_ wotk_d o t_t y_st_rdoy ond n_w b_th my f_ _t n ond I w_r_ _n _ _r skot_b_ords 3Whnmvcs lostw k, I h rt MV h_rt. @t n"od the sentences. Write the number ond letter of the pictures in C. 1 This womon hurt her orm this morning. 2 This boy wos outside in the wind yesterdoy. Now he's got eoroche. 3 Oh deor! Thot womon hurt her hond. Now she con't pl.oy bosketbolt. 4 Thot mon looks sick ond he's got o temperoture. 5 This boy needs to see o dentist. He's got very bod toothoche. 6 Thot former tried to fix his troctor. Now his bock hurts. 7 Give thot gir[ o gtoss of woter, pteose! She's got o cough. 8 Thot mon hod four mitkshokes. Now he's got o stomoch-oche. @g Listen ond tick 1 3 e! BT 2 cI Whot is the motter with Dod? AT 4C o (/) the box. Whot is the motter with Ben? AE o cI Whot wos the motter with Kim todoy? nI 4 BI o Why did Mum go to hospitot? AT BI @ 9"dt1_*::_::_1!.:1":l_Ty.l::. Exompte Zoe: Tom: The nurse wos reotly nice. Hetlo, Tom. How ore you? ^, Tom:Q!I'm OK! B Wet[ done! C Thot's coo[! Zoe: A Wos she? B Here you ore! C Where Zoe: So, ore you ot[ right? Tom: A Yes! Don't worry! B I con wotk there! Questions 1 Zoe: 2 is it? Why weren't you of school todoy? Tom: A Thot is todoy's lesson. B It's in our bui[ding. C I went to hospitot. Zoe: Whot wos the motter? _Tom: A lt's not mine. B I hurt my foot. C You osked me. C OK, I con tetl you! Zoe: Whot ore you doing now? Tom: A I'd like to do thot q [ot. B I'm wotching TV. C It's next to the phone. Zoe: Con I come ond see you? Tom: A Yes, I often do thot. B Yes, thot's o greot ideo. C Yes, she come yesterdoy. 0 Find five differences between Tom ond Pout. doy? l\ll Il 7I rt, t It the questions obout Pou[. Write o Answer 1 didn't to 2 3 4 5 F 6 1, 2,3,4or5words. He wenL tn Pou[ come Why school todoy? Whot is the motter with him? He fell down while playing basketball. How did he do thot? Whot is Pou[ dreoming obout? His book is about planets. Whot is his book obout? Whot does he wont to do when he's OK ogoin? @ Soying'ch'. -- -',,i':i''r11'g: ',t' rii.: :.--:ffft} q;,4?5ii4:: ;=.t* 4**if==j€?:?,i=: V?:::.4* .'f :. . ,.. ".'. : ' =,=.i:= :i'E:: * ?:+1t:=+a,e t,: ii*,*$e, l*+l#j fj :+l.ii;';-;;, I ;.'-;':.-,, herd? @ @r I w.ite the words under the pictures. o shop o l,ift o form o supermorket o cor pork the seo o river o morke The playground is different. It is outdoor. The shop, the cinema and the hospital are indoors. <lbcd m-x.e= w,@d obcd o b ffi '€ rrra ic picture why? is di{farant different rrnr{ ond rarhrrt ',€S,'Which .\:; ffiw, c ... d r! O R .'v. c'"";; ;;;J;;;- word next to numbers 1-5. ii" u",.. *'r." .r''".".'".i I \ \1 f Exomple $ t3 h n, ;! tri sunny sondwiches of roid ry _--.---\<',)::-=:a =;--Z:s$ n e.-ry wo [k E t" [oke doctor Fred ond Groce live in the town centre but on.......19.nn9....... doys, they sometimes go for bike rides in the countryside. Lost Soturdoy, they rode to o littte r) ond jumped obout on the rocks next to the woter there. Fred sow three ducks on o smo[[ istond. 'Come here. ducks!' he shouted. But the ducks didn't come becouse they were tz) afraid of the noise. 'Don't worry obout the ducks now, Fred!' Groce soid. 'Let's sit down on our rug. I've got some oppte juice in my bog to drink. Do you wont some?', she osked. 'Yes! I'm reolty thirsty,' Fred onswered. 'Let's eot o[[ our cheese(3).. ..... now, too. Groce took the food out of her bog. 'Look!' she soid. Those ducks oren't frightened now. They con see our picnic! Let's feed them. We con (a) them some of our breod.' 'Good ideo!' soid Fred. 'Come on, you sitty ducks! There's lots for you to eot here! 'I [ove onimots!' Groce [oughed. 'I wont to be o (s) one doy - but I'd like to hetp sick onimots get better more thon people, I think.' Choose the best no me fo r the story. Tick (rz) one box. Groce's new bike Mum hos o picnic Fred's duck friends T T T 0 Moke your pictures the some! Find the 'k's! Look of the words in A ond o Put o line under otl the 'k's you find. '# C. qnd there Here in town @ Wn"re con you go to do these things in town? swimming pool es€ek beeees &@ €@F ffi &wgffi efueece beeka €cwgh m* s$wwsse library circus/funfair bwpemgg&shekE @r s@€ m de€€es @ l""k ond reqd. Choose the correlt words ond write them on the lines. *ffiffiffinffi E{-W-@ _ -d ffis@ffi o supermorket coffee soup o cof6 o zoo mitk o hospitol 9ropes Exompte People go here to see different onimo[s like tigers, zebros ond penguins. 1 You con moke this from vegetobtes then put it in o bowt. 2 People sit ond hove o drink ond totk to their friends here. 3 This fruit con be red or green. You con eot it or drink its juice. 4 You con buy lots of different food in this [orge store. 5 Mothers often give this white drink to bobies. @ 6, ZOO n"od Evo's postcord ond write the correct words. Hi Grondpol It,s greot here! meotbo[[s wotked JDNtrf tennis peq soup we didn,t go to the beoch this morning. We drove to the bodminton osteep town to qo for o wotk there. we hod tr".n ,n""L" shopping morket too. We found o cof6 neor the rnorkla with lots of choirs outside. Mum hoJ peo soup ond Dod ond I hod meotbotts ond sotod. Then we buy some kiwis. Mum bousht o-new [:[i:Ji^""[1r.,f:to It's the end of the ofternoon now ond we,re in the pork. Mum's osteep under o big treeiJJ irn,t. He,s woitinq - "r to ptoy bodminton nrcw! I've got to go! See you! t Evo ond her fomity went Evo's mother hod z 3 4 5 6 i;-. ^ Li.)'g tD to the this morning. in o cof6 thot wos neor the morket. Evo hod ....... with some sotod in the cof6. The fomity bought some fruit ond o swimsuit ot the Evo's mother is in the pork now. Evo's fother wonts to hove o gome of in the pork. I E (/) Listen ond tick the box. )t? Exompte Where does Moy's brother work? Which is Kim's dod? >\\ -?*- .:i ^ t-] -ii*'Al 2 i r\-. l 'Ial i--T.-, cz BE I O AT Where did Don hove [unch? l.t .$ I: -*,- ,,,!il} t\"ri ;l' t: (",.t C. lt- :, I ^ -\.TJ cfl tl Where is Chorlie's boo? .; 't' I' I' ={lc: cI AT 5 unt Lucy doing? 4 _.%, L|9 : -I l.\ AI vl \1 cE AJ BT Listen ond soy! ,: 1.. ,;1.1:: . -ffing Pl.oy cI BE Whot is Lity doing? Bfl AE ,,9 the qome! Connectinq words. cr .,*.,.]., 22 ,,,ffii A trip to the citg write sentences obout o vil"Loge ond o city. A city A viltoge N.qN, tn.ryg. gP.qnlq '*v*.hzre Thousonds of peopte live here. Homes ore often newer. Most buitdings ore totter. Peopte often wotk more quickLy. Streets ore often longer here. It's quieter here. Sometimes forms ore neor here. Roods ore often shorter. There ore big shopping centres. Peopte often wolk more stclwty. Homes ore often older. It's noisier here. Not mony peopte hove to[[ houses. Sometimes there's o shop here. Schools hove lots of clossrooms. to different ports of the city. @ fock's mother is tel,Ling him to toke things qnd letter in eqch box. write o Where must Jock toke eoch thing? Listen A, I.r r--tq-/ - ffi .1 1/ @ X / poster mop cop tr T T '-l\t' ' -a'/ woter T c (i , tickets rocket T T -T \r ,1 F1,,,... =*E * @-"-s =,&' ),,t ffi % rc" H r- %' "&.- ,:::t =ffiw* '; r!r I know the qnswer! o IIsthink the right onswel g_1":"1_Tl"rp:!e? So do I. I think this city is o reotty exciting pl.oce! Do you wont to go there? I know there is o bookshop neor here. Yes, in my ount's bookcose. - think we need to find o cof6. I'm hungry! No, it isn't in this roqd. I <now thot's the right bus. Quick! Come on! OK! Let's run! eopte ; forms ln otl. o Look ond reqd ond write. v. ket l E :...-; *+tr Exomples You con see o bus stop between two Whot is the girl in the yettow helmet doing? f€d Complete the sentences. Write 1,2,3, 4 or 5 words. ry a 'F ^,r. l € i;fi @, ffi 1 2 Two chitdren ore corrvinq The girt with long btonde hoir is Answer the questions. Write 1, 2,3 4 or 5 words. 3 Whot is in the tree? 4 Whot is the ctown weoring? Now write two sentences obout the picture. 5 bke qround wortd The us @ rlR Orow circtes round the things thqt you con see in the picture. o form fiel.ds ftowers rocks o cor pork 9ross on istond o jungte sto rs mountoins clouds the moon o woterfotl ptonts o poth fr'u\ sentences obout? @ l""k ot the picture ond reod. Whot ore thesethey ore on hotidoy. I Peopte Like wol.king or ctimbing up these when 2 3 4 5 6 ,€'g You con swim ond soiI here, but it is not o river or the seo. There ore otwoys lots of trees, onimots ond birds here. You find these on trees ond ptonts. They ore green, red, yeltow or brown. Peopte live in their homes here but it's smotter thon o town. Go outside in the doy, look up ond see this! It's big, hot, yeltow ond round. Listen ond colour ond write. O,l \ I I I O Reod cnd cross out the wrong words. Jungtes Jungles ore(1) cold /hot, ond tzt dry /wet ptoces. They ore v€ry (r) green / pink / blqck becouse it{&) never / often / corefully roins there. A lot of fontostic ftowers, ptonts ond (s) onimols / puppies I pets live in jungtes. There ore big @ rivers / seos I streets in lots of jungtes. Be corefut, becouse sometimes you con find dongerous (7) crocodiles I wholes I dolphins in some of them! Mony people who live in o jungte hove their homes next to o river or o woterfoll becouse they need to drink its (e) soup / teq I woter. Peopte often trovel up or down the river by (e) boot I truck / motorbike. Rivers ore like roods in o jung[e. ,/ I i o Write g or j to complete the words, then ar soy the sentences! \ greot _reen _ropes in _rqce's _rondmo's _orden. There ore some o ffi J itt's hu_e _iroffe en_oys ve_etobtes ond _ungte uice! Do the World Around Us quiz! Trqve[inglfexling, pnoninj y' : Look ot picture o. Whot do you think? Write yes or no. 1 The mon is in the countryside. 2 It's o very cloudy doy. 3 Two things ore fl.ying in this picture. 4 The mon come to this ploce by cor. 5 The weother is reotty col'd there. {_r 1@ ei.ture o or b? Reod the sentences ond write o or b. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 @ There ore no leoves on the trees. There's onty one ctoud. The heticopter is on the ground. The mon's hoir is stroight. You con see o red cor. The duck is bigger. The mon is pointing ot the heticopter. The red ond white rug is squore. The mon is weoring o btue shirt. c'-.1-?--l\ ad1_\ \ ___-f__,J ----/'-"-^.-' +-. / c"-pl,ete the sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 In picture q, there's one c[oud, but in picture b, there ore.........flry.q. clouds. ..... hoir. In picture b, the mon's got bl'ond hoir, but in o, he's got.. In b, the picnic rug is squore, but in o, it's In picture q, the heticopter's ftying, but in b, it's on the , but in picture q, it's In picture b, the cor's In q, the mon's shirt is ......., but in b, it's In picture o, thetrees hove got.. ....., but in b, they rJ the letters of the oLphobet o toWrite comptete the words. 13 5 1919 1 me sSoq 7 59 e 2 14 20 5 i 205 24 20 nt 1 16 X 18 14520 r 11 5 7 Lh 16 5 2 o Write the words from D in Nick's sentences. I'm cotling you becouse I sent you o ...fuXL this morning but I don't think you got my tt) >l Don't worry! (7) ond videos Ofl mY becouse I'm toking pictures of everything ond fitming things too. ta) (7) ond Good ideo! Oh! And I found o reotty exciting o 15 11 didn,t. here. I'd tike to odd the videos to our (6) 15 No, I And I con't (3) you becouse there's no I've got lots of 219 9205 .'\-\. Nick is phoning his work friend Moy to te[[ her obout his trip. i;a iir." 5 D o 69 (2) 12 L 23 20 1212520 19 19 3 5 16 8 15 20 15 i..ii 13 i. ;r;t;'*1"Ji'1,. Let's find thinqs thot we o[[ like ond do! oK! Briil.iont! Greot! Which one is differenp @r r : : @ : Wtite words for the pictures, drow onother picture ond compl,ete the sentence. : ond con fty. o o 2 A[[ these men hove got 3 The ''iiwit the ore yetlow. 4 You con find on o..... .. ond o ....... in o tiving room. The hippo is different. The hippo is an animal. The rain, the cloud, and the sun aren't animals. they are weathers. @ tot which picture is different ond why. ArA o- ffiru "@," w g W ffi $" I : ,D: {f-t^ e_) E- the story. Choose o word from the box. Write the correct word o Reod next to numbers 1=-5. Doisy........Qy.ed........ onimots. Lots of her friends hod pets ond Doisy wonted one obout o boy who hod o donkey. :oo. One doy she reod o story in q (1) 'Donkeys 'Mum,' ore so funny! Con we she soid, Doisy hod on ideo. .......... o Conkey?' 'Sorry, Doisy,' her mother onswered. 'We con't hove o donkey. We hoven't got o fie[d.' 'Whot obout o kitten or o penguin, then?' Doisy osked. 'My friend, Sotty, hos got o cot.' 'No!' her mother soid. 'Don't be sitty, Doisy. We (3) in o ftot. Cots like penguins Like neor woter. Sorry!' in gordens ond being being Doisy went ond sot on the bolcony. She wosn't hoppy. She sot down on the ground aext to o snoit. 'snoits oren't very good pets,' she thought. But then she sow o reolty there. 'He[[o!' she sweet grey lizord between the two pretty green (a) soid. 'Do you wont to be my new pet?' The [izord looked ot Doisy ond moved its : up ond down. 'Wow! It's soying yes!' loughed Doisy. 'It's different +rorn ;tt';y iii"nor; pets, but thot's oK!' -l ctoudy plonts l downstoirs Now choose the best nome for the story. Tick SoLty moves t0 to o different ftot tr Doisy finds o pet )€ T Mum writes o story I Choose words for the donkey ond the cot. Doisy's tizord wos reolly sweet ond the ptonts were pretty ond green. Now choose words for the boy's donkey ond Sotty's cot: Doisy reod o story obout o boy who hod r Vl one box. Doisy's friend Sotl.y hos got fuffinp PLoy ntce biq btock brown donkey. beoutifuI tittte stronq 9rey oron9e cot. o c[ever on ugl.y the gome! Moke groups of words. noughty white Guess who liues here? GR l.t- r :..: @ l"ok ond reod ond write. :3( l.f s =u \1,3, kj i T' ,a d. I -g, ll..Q,t = = : : : dnseA, Exomptes The window of the bock of the room is . Whot is totl ond brown ond opposite the stoirs? Complete the sentences. Write 1,2,3, 4 or 5 words. 1 On the wo[t, there is o picture of o knight riding a horse. 2 The bot on the desk is next to Answer the questions. Write 1,2,3, 4 or 5 words. 3 Whot is the bot ot the bottom of the stoirs doing? 4 Which onimol hos got eight [egs? Now write two sentences obout the picture. 5 ,,ffi l-irt"n ond write the nomes of the bots. tha *L"d- cLDCk O Reod ond then write the nomes of the peopte who tive in eqch fl,ot. Mr ond Mrs White live ot the bottom of the stoirs, below Mory Pink. Mr White is o cook cnd likes cooking o lot qt home too. They often invite friends to their flot ond they iove dinner porties. Anno ond Bitl. Brown tove reoding quietty in their living room. They don't [ike tiving cbove Miss Green becouse she ptoys very toud music when she comes home ofter work. Miss Green lives opposite her friend Mory Pink. They ore both leorning to ploy the guitor ond they moke o lot of noise. Mork Grey's flqt is under Miss Green's. He doesn't hove to drive to work becouse he works on his website of home but he puts on his rolter skotes ond skotes oround the cork every morning first. The newest person in this house is lulio Btue. She moved into the ftot ot the top of the stoirs, two ftoors obove Mr ond Mrs White's oportment. She loves skoteboording ond uronts-to be o pop stor. ,t ffi "qr 1eo.g9..-,f." Pl,oy the gome! ALphobet find ond drow. 13 From top to bottom! * Seeing diffe rences @ fvf ote sentences obout the things in the pictures. cap leaves con sailboat weor drive 9row feed toke put ctimb stond on soiI on truck rocks of o zoo. to on is[ond. on your foce. from o tree. on your heod. (cap) oround o fietd. in o gorden. outside o f[ot. on your feet. by woterfolts. this these woter @ flnA the words in the box ond write them on the lines. Exompte This is green ond cows ond horses eot it. 1 You see this on the ground ot the beoch. 2 Peopte sometimes weor these when the weother is hot, or for footbo[[ proctice. Bonds sometimes write these. They're music with words. 3 4 Some people hove these when they ore osleep. 5 You con co[[ people on this ond totk to them. This con grow under o mon's nose ond obove his mouth. You run o lot ond kick o bo[[ in this gome This is hoir thot grows betow men's mouths. o phone o moustache o 6e* # ',\'\l A/E€3 q v Y€ i ?; {,,'..,,..i k shorts d r e o m s m n b e o r d o S h o r t s u g t. o s s e s s o c c e r t b V S o n d o I S o n I s c k p h o n e h e I r o s s e Ffffi Or &lI f7 :\ T G Soy which picture is different ond why. f6 :. j5 5.^ :lj IF1.' t=r'i. .ffiM \&mqs$eu*s F; + -.\ G, st- EP "* I -/ $nt. I -l-' I D : Al {} I - - tu Listen ond write your onswers, then comptete the story. ti! This morning, I wotched o video on my loptop of rtr who song (5) very loudty. At eteven o'clock, I ote .. ptotes of ..... becouse I wos reotty hungry. I didn't go to t:t to ptoy with my clossmotes this ofternoon, becouse ....... hurt! I went to bed ond hod o dreom obout .. sitly ly'n' In my dreom, they skipped ond hopped outside my room on our colcony. They donced to (7) too! When I woke up, I wos OK ogoin! Bye! +rr-f$'-fa G 0ur busu holidogs G: : .. : @'g Listen qnd drow lines ond then comptete the sentences. - "J. = ,(.9 fu Wednesdoy 1 On , Atex ctimbs --tffimes G@@ffiiil@ mountoins ond the weother is sometimes his . ..... Mott on... Lucy when she pl.oys bosketbotl on 3 Atex clwoys points wotts with Atex sometimes videos his 4 A[ex otwoys hos heticopter lessons with his 5 Fridoys ore exciting too becouse Alex ond his uncte 2 : Evo on ,a\ ({i)' Answer the questions. 1 Where do you go in the schoot hotidoys? 2 Whot do you weor? r! n! 3 Who do you see? my fomil.y e! my friends es cI my teocher I Choose o word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. Hi! Atex is my dod. I'm colted .... ond I'm ten. My brother is o yeor younger thon I om. In the school hotidoys, our porents otwoys toke us to exciting ptoces |'ike funfoirs ond circuses but I enjoy going to the beoch best! We often go... ..s.Mtn7..... on our boqt there. We love (1) ond ploying in the woter. We like fishing in the ....... too, but we never cotch ony big fish! Our dog, Jock, olwoys comes with us. Sometimes, we ....... Jqck's botl ond he tries to find it. He loves doing thot! Lost yeor we took Jock on o botloon ond heticopter ride! When he wos o puppy,Jock wos reotly ....... of flying, but now he isn't! We like wotching movies on Dod's loptop or Mum's tobtet ond ptoying video on the internet. We've got lots of opps on our phones too. One teoches me new words. But we don't do those things in the school hotidoys becouse we think it's more exciting to be outside. Whot do you tike doing in your school hol.idoys? Exomple [[ on soiting frightened song tennis swimming hide nver 9Omes Write the correct words on the tines then osk four questions. o coke drink o her I reod on phone your best. drive o ..... ffir o coke for clothes 9o... listen to your fovourite .. go for o long ... by plone shopping troctor troveI friend wotk bond milkshoke e-book E€{<e . pretty About us @ f-""k ot the pictures. Comptete the sentences. Thot mon is driving very Thot mon sings very @ Wftot do you think? Write yes or no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Peopte in my country drive s[ow[y. Everyone in my fomity tolks quietty. I otwoys corry things corefu[[y. My porents donce very bodty. Our teocher sings reotty we[t. Our closs is leorning Engtish very quickty. Music is better when peop[e pLoy it Loudl.y. yes onsw"tt @ [--"1 no onswers finA words thqt stort with these letters in the picnic picture. @'g cdp Listen ond drqw lines. Sctty 3 Reod the story. Choose words. Don's trip to the costte I wol.ked to the costte quickty l6l.owt . My feet hurt becouse I ony boots or shoes on! (r) hod / didn't hove When I got to the costte, I bought o big lemon ice creom becouse I (2) wos / wosn't hot ond hungry. But then, becouse I (3) hetd / didn't hol.d it coreful.ty, I dropp"d it! I wos ongry ofter thot. I (a) sot / didn't sit down on o seot inside the costte becouse I wos reolty tired ofter my [ong wotk. I went to steep ond hod o dreom. In my dreqm, o monster come into the costle, looked of me ond then shouted something very(s) [oudty / quietty. I wos (6) dongerous / surprised but I wosn't 7) frightened / thirsty becouse the monster smiled ot me! He took me into the costte kitchen ond gove me some more [emon ice creom in o (8) huge / brove pink bowt. I(e)drppped / didn't drop my ice creom on the floor ogoin blcouse I sot on o seot ond (10) ote / didn't eot it stowty. It wos the best ice creom in the wortd!! o Ask ond onswer questions. a w-a 1 2 3 4 5 5 m I YK Me Con you swim under the woter? Are you good of running? Con you cook rice or noodles? Do you eot quickty or stowty? Con you ctop reotty toudty? Are you good ot counting in Engtish? P[oy the gome! Drqw the sentences. About me @t g @ G,o Listen ond tick (rz) the questions thot Miss White osks. Then tisten ogoin ond write Bi[|,'s qnswers. N nntwer questions 1-4. Ask your friend questions 5-12. Bil.t you Let's totk qbout you. 1 2 How old ore you? How mony brothers ond sisters hove you got? 3 Whot's your fovourite colour? 4 How often do you see your friends? Let's to[k obout your school. 5 Who do you sit next to in ctoss? 6 How mony lessons do you hove? 7 How do you come to schoot? 8 Where do you do your homework? 9 Which is your fovourite school doy? Let's 10 FF':T J7t your friend I t!) your friend / Whot's your fovourite fitm? o b c d 11 tqlk obout the things you [ike. -J .-- When did you see the filmT Where did you see it? Who dici you see the film with? Why do you like the film? Is it funny, exciting? Do you like music? q Con you ptoy the piono or the guitor? b 12 Are you good ot singing? Con you swim? or 1 T #€ #h Whot is this obout? Write the sqme word in q[[ the boxes! ruLess*ns r '' ln every country in the world, people moke ond listen ln mony schools, children hou" '----:__!grt9ry. they con leorn to sing songs ond to ploy _ to:----_j In their closses, on the piono or guitor. But did you know thot leorning L- #t' -f spelling ond moths too? In the USA, grown-ups tested Children who hod ror" l- 90 school children. -j ond A* (1 lessons got better morks s in Moths. Their reoding wos better too! !||l[D o Look, reod qnd do! 1 How mony words for cotours ore there? Soy the cotour not the word you reod! 2 Write the sports thot your closs Likes ptoying ond wotching in the top port. 3 greY green ffitrffiffiffi€ plnh o ffi In the bottom port, write two of your fovourite foods ond put o stor * next to them. Then, write which fruit juice you like drinking. Drow o smitey O ofter thot! And [ost, write something you don't like eoting. Then, drow o sod foce @ ofter thot! P[oy the gome! On my right ond on my l,eft. i Whg is Sqttg cr1ing? ,D @' Look ond reod ond write. tl I f [cre ( irn+,r ffien %@e Exomples Behind the three giroffes, you con see o ..... Why is the girt ofroid? z.ebr* Or Complete the sentences. Write 1,2,3, 4 or 5 words. 1 2 Two boys ore pointing ond The boy on the seot hurt Answer the questions. Write 1,2,3, 4 or 5 words. 3 Whot is the otd mon weoring? 4 Whot is the robot doing? Now write two sentences obout the picture. 5 @t g Listen ond cotour ond write. ,ffi, Lirt"n ond drow lines. o @ f-""k qt the pictures ond compl.ete ond te[[ the story. )_T t,T l \ Bi[t's got o boby sister colted Sotty. Sotty's onty four yeors otd. (1) Sol.ty is reotty .......?.&....... becouse she wonts to pl.oy with her fovourite teddy beor. But her teddy beor's Sotly's teddy beor is in some now becouse (3) So[[y's mum ....... it. Sotty's mother is putting the teddy beor outside in the outside too. ..... She's putting two wet a) Now, Sotty is ... becouse her teddy beor is dry ond very. reolty is..... I very. ssd woter gorden woshing dirty socks hoppy cleon crying Write the letters under the correct picture. / r Mum soys ... o Don't worry! Here's your beor, Sol.l.y. It's cteon ogoin now! b Oh deorl I think your beor needs o both. c Your beor's outside in the gorden! It's drying in the wind. d Your beor wos reotty dirty! Look ot this woter! It's block! @ neoA obout Mr ond Mrs Cook's noughty doughter Lity ond drow lines. Whot did Lity do this morning? Who did she go to the beoch with? When did she come home? Where is she now? Why is she hoving o hot shower? How did she get cotd? She's o noughty doughter sometimes! @m P[oy the gome! Motch the cords. I know! Becouse she got very cotd. She's hoving o hot shower. two new clossmotes. She went to the beoch. She come home for lunch. She jumped off o rock into the cotd woter with ot[ her ctothes on. Her .':: 32 MorU goes sh opping .€-. 'ftF, Whot's in the kitchen? Moke sentences. There's ... There ore ... fr onty o lot of not much some ony t?: :ffi' Put o tick (r') or o (X) next to the things Mory needs to buy. y' coffee teq rice posto oronges corrots cheese onions tomotoes noodtes pototoes opples kiwis , -l'- ,i5,' Co-plete the sentences obout the story. ir'lt;l,j"{ai . She's buying some f ruit ond Picture 1 Mory's of the ....... for her mum. A mon's giving Mory o bog of .... .... Hugo Pie is next to Mory. He's got his bike with him. Picture 2 Mory's wolking home from the morket. But ot[the ....... ond oren't in her bog! Some of them ore on the ground..... ...........'s going home too. He's behind Mory. Now, write words from the box on the lines for picture 3. ongry morket osteep surprised otong Mory's qt .... . everything ... now. Her mum's ..... in her shopping bog. Mory's very sorry. with her becouse there's ,I she's ....... too! .. don'tunderstond,Mum!Iput'....''intothebogotthe soys. Answer the questions obout picture 4. 1 2 3 4 Where ore Mory qnd her mum now? Who's outside their house? Whot's inside the box? Are Mory ond her mum hoppy now? o Who soys this? Write Mory, Mory's mum or Hugo pie. 1 .. 2 3 4 o ...U9f9........: Con I hove two kitos of pototoes, pteose? .......: Where ore the fruit ond vegetobtes? This bog is empty! .......: You dropped these fruit ond vegetobtes in the street, I think. .......:Thonk you! Now I don't hove to go shopping ogoin! Choose the correct words ond write them on the tines. Exompte 1 2 4 5 -.1 How do formers mqke cheese? ........P9 you know? First, the former tokes the mitk .... he gets fror',r his cows. Then he tests the mitk. .... must be sofe to drink! Then the former cooks the mitk ond sometimes odds different things to chonge its cotour. You . ... ten big bowts of milk to moke one big bowl of cheese! 2It Some cheese thot you see in the shops is very new but some ....... thon twetve yeqrs otd when you buy it! 4 more mony You con leorn o lot obout mokino cheese the internet. Try looking! 5ot is..... Hove whot needs Do who Are which We They need needing most Xow. write words from the box on the [ines for picture 3. -=:=*=**.*. *r;; ;;ili ;-*-G;''"d "t-,s "*ry.n'"s home nothins ot.... now. Her mum's..... i J with her becouse there's ....... too! 'I ....... in her shopping bog. Mory's very sorry. She's 'she don't understond, Mum! I put ....... into the bog ot the Mory's ... .. !oys. Answer the questions obout picture 4. 1 Where ore Mory ond her mum now? 2 Who's outside their house? 3 Whqt's inside the box? 4 Are Mory ond her mum hoppy now? o Who soys this? Write Mory, Mory's mum or Hugo 1 .. 2 .. 3 4 Pie. MaU .......: Con I hove two ki[os of pototoes, pteose? .....:Where ore the fruit ond vegetobtes? This bog is empty! .....:You dropped these fruit ond vegetobtes in the street, I think. .......: Thonk you! Now I don't hove to go shopping ogoin! ^4. Choose the correct words ond write them on the tines. E l " Exompte 1 2 3 4 5 How do formers moke cheese? Pq........ you know? First, the former tokes the mitk .... he gets from his cows. Then he tests the mi[k. .... must be sofe to drink! Then the former cooks the mitk ond sometimes odds different things to chonge its cotour. You . ... ten big bowts of mitk to mqke one big bowl of cheese! 2 It Some cheese thot you see in the shops is very new but some ....... thon twetve yeors otd when you buy it! 4 more mony You con \eorn o \ot obout mokinq cheese the internet. Try looking! 5ot is..... Hove Do whot who needs Are which We They need needing F lPPOurr most f1 Lust weekerd, lust week ,@'g Listen ond look ot the pictures. Whot did Mr Sl,ide toke to eoch ptoce? tsxrn'r"*v T}.ILM.$- cinemo sports centre tl T f unfoir u cor pork T c E 13 cr \3.r E Comptete the sentences obout Mr Slide's doy. i*R) 1 2 3 t+ 5 bock to the shoe shop. In the morning, Mr Stide took o poir of with him to the funfoir. Before lunch, he took some with his new pointing. After lunch, he went to the with him to the cinemo ot four o'c[ock. He took o Thot evening, Mr Sl.ide took his son's skoteboord to the new 'ffi t"t'r totk obout lost weekend. Where were you on Soturdoy? Who were you with on Soturdoy ofternoon? Whot time did you woke up on Sundoy? Whot did you do thot wos fun lost weekend? Whot wos the weother like on Sundoy? Te[t me more obout lost weekend. boring busy cooI different exciting fontostic greot quiet scory terribte Lost weekend wos nJ;d.h".;"th"ffi -? e? z- 3 ;hW ork Nick: Pout: How did you trovet? A There were nine peopte. B We went by plone. C It wos very quick. Nick: Pout: Were you ofroid? No, I wosn't. lt's not mine. There isn't ony. Nick: Pout: Wos the weother good? Yes! Every doy! Wow! Hooroy! Good! Wet[ done! Nick: Did you toke ony photos? A I'm OK, thonks. B No, she doesn't. Erornpte l Did you enjoy your trip lost week, Pout? Pou[: @ tt wos greot! B Soturdoy ond Sundoy! C Whot o nice smite! Nick: )'@ a-estions Nick: Pout: I Pout: p A B C C B C Look qnd find words with w! ,7 o n b o W a W fvil h o t e e e Y c t b e s k e [\ t s W s I o I W o W n n I e W o r d m L b h t t, r k I o o c t n e d W W o W o t k n s Yes, forty-five! Nick: You must show me them! Pout: A Good night! Which wos the best doy? A Hers is the best one. B I con go this evening. C They were oLl good. \\ A B C L d o W n W I s W u o W c o i t c V t n o W e e h n Al.t right! I'm sorry. Whqt did Uou do the n? @r @ Reod ond circte Fred ond Doisy's verbs. Then, odd -ed or -d. Jump co[[ wqit show When I wos q young womon, I ctimbed mountoins, Fred. Now I onty ctimb the stoirs to When I wqs young, I wotked 50 kilometres in one doy, Doisy. Now I onty wotk to the shops! my ftot! shout <t p[ont L_ 9rrs= B move e G ptoy .., 1q.(LAr \".1 ,:-, ,lr' r.A'n^ tl+U .(}r VV \UI ,/"\ hel.p \ chonge @, ^-- vt ,f "rs q\A tr S .'flt., fuLryh { ru Look of the pictures, then comptete the sentences. ?:=*t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 I p.WXq&. ..... tennis [ost Mondoy. My brother ... ol.t his friends lost night to to[k obout footbqt[. six pictures with her new croyons todoy. My younger sister p.... c....... My big sister d to some greot music of o porty yesterdoy. lot ot his desk on Tuesdoy ond Wednesdoy. My fother w My cousin Jock s. ...... down the river on Soturdoy. My cousin Atex [. ...... o lot ot the ctowns in the circus yesterdoy. My uncte Tom c. ,..... lunch for ottthe fomity lost Sundoy. My otder brother d...... . six eggs on the ftoor lost night. My porents c... .... three mountoins on their lost hotidoy. ,! ? I l" Look ond reod ond write. \t , I n, I ntoins. nl'y rs to o I ixomples These peopte ore of o feet? the sentences. Write 1,2,3,4or5words. Whot's on the ground between the ctown's ...*..gy.W:Y berrnis ba{.1 Complete 1 The porrot is stonding on 2 The penguin is Answer the questions. Write 1,2,3,4 or 5 words. 3 Where's the pirote? 4 Whot's the boy doing? Now write two sentences obout the picture. 5 Complete Jim's messoge. i *V dressed shoes nose ctown greot Here we ore on Thursdoy. It wos o .CaS My uncte gove me ond my friend, Ben, o present. clothes We opened it ond found inside. ...... up in the ctothes. My uncte put on o big red . He wos reotty funny! . We o[[ I put on some reolty big We.. some green [oughed ond toughed! j t q Whut morning! @ Cnoose the correct words qnd write them on the lines. o cup o bus stop breokfost homework ll flitl ll --l u il_______________ ll q l 0Ig .< ptoces oshower o shower oclossroom Exompte Chitdren sit ot desks ond leorn in this p[oce. sto i rs o. d,o.ssroom Questions 1 2 3 4 5 You con wotk up or down these inside your home. Woit here ond then o driver tokes you to town. You stond in this ond wosh your body. You put hot coffee in this, then you pick it up ond drink from it. You con buy o mop or look on the internet to find these. ol I @ e"n's terribte school morning. Look ot the pictures. Tel.l, the story. o Reod obout things we do every doy. Complete the sentences obout Ben's mornrng. Every doy We woke up. We get up ond we hove o shower. We put on our school clothes ond hove breokfost. I 2 buthe....:.............:... . breokfqst. 3 We put otl our school things in our school bogs. We put on our coots ond soy goodbye to our porents. 4 5 Ben otl. his school things in his school bog. Ben on his coot ond he We go out of the house ond we cotch the bus. We get on the bus. 6 ....... goodbye to his porents. out of the house but Ben he... the bus. Ben on the bus. 7 OI Ben's terrible morning yYgrs.g........ up [ote. Ben Ben.. ..... up but he ...... q shower. Ben on his school clothes. We go into the clossroom ond our teocher is hoppy with us. .. Ben his teocher ..... into the clossroom but . hoppv. ...... Complete Nick's story. Write one word on eoch [ine. (1)... I got up ond I ...Yan'' o shower' I (2) "' "" on my c[othes ondwentdownstoirstothekitchen.Ihodbreokfost'1j:^myfomity.Then I (4) ' coot from the hqLl' cupboord' I I I I I I m (3)... .-.. my ""' out of the house' then I (s) " goodbye to my porents ond to schoot' I " the bus I wol.ked to the bus stop ond with my friends' onO Loughed ond toLked U" the on down o) .... I ... (e) the teocher ' clqssroom' the (8).. into ..... When I my books ond very hoppy becouse I hod ol't c[ossroom' He homework. Ben come into the wet. The teocher wosn't hqPPY ilo) ony books or with Ben becouse he didn't hqve homework! Ptoy the gome! The post verb gome. $ @ -Cou it? td Uou do f-ook ot the things Som wonted to do lost Soturdoy. Com plete the sentences. 1 SoturdoY o pl,oY footbol't with Pout o do homework . cteon bike o buY Present for SottY o emoil Jock ond Evo o go to So[tY's PortY @O 1 Som . ..q.V.4t.'!.plqg. .fulfroi^I... with Pou[. He ... o present for his f riend. 3 ... He... 4 His bike wos dirty but 5 He wos ongry becouse he to Solty's porty. 2 he 6 He... ...lock ond Evo. ...... it. ... ony homework, but he wosn't ongry obout thot! Listen ond tick (rz) the box. Where did Som go this ofternoon? n! Whot did Som do this morning? WM W eI c! c! Where is Som's computer? Whot homework does Som hove to do todoy? e! Whot number is So[ty's house? n! s t I I ^-, t2r a 1r I: Drow lines from the words to the pictures. l\ gtosses FI f fish i wind & Iost 'iend. dropped bog rt dinner h pondo rt he $ulY*,u r! Cttoose words from C to compl.ete the sentences. ixompte I couldn't do my homework becouse my dog hid my . .gw2?.e.?...... ond I coutdn't see. i couLdn't do my homework becouse ... si v fF b pet my my books for ... my books fett out of my schooI ....... ote my books i" the .. ..... wcrs very strong -..:,: when I wolked home from schoot. : , in the river. I...... o ,ffi P[oy the gome! Put out the woshing! . my pen. Mr Must ch qnges his job @ Put the words into the circles. ,F 1.,rt.3" \ - I I ,ri: .._._ t'a''.r1it @s @ n"od the story ond write words to complete the sentences. Mr Must's exciting letter Peter Must wos o bus driver. He didn't [ike getting up in the morning but he coutdn't stoy in bed! Mrs Must woke him up. She soid 'Get up, Peter!' After breqkfost every morning he hod to put on his bus driver's uniform ond ride his bike to work in the town centre. NOKE Peter up in the morning. Exomptes Mrs Must to the town centre. Mr Must rode Y.rp bike 1 Mr Must woshed ond storted the bus, then he hod to it round the town otl. doy. When he got to the bus stqtion, he hod to wosh the bus. Then he hod to stort the bus ond drive it ol,t doy. He hod to soy 'Good morning!' ond smite ot the peopte who got on his bus of every bus stop. But Mr Must didn't wont to be o bus driver. He wonted to work in the countryside. 2 3 Mr Must soid . Mr Must didn't like being o..... . to o[[ the people on the bus. D 3.e evening, when he got home, Mrs Must soid, A tetter come for you todoy. Here you ore!' Vr Must opened his letter ond smited. 'Wow!' -e soid. 'I don't hove to be o bus driver now. Ne con go ond \ive jn the beoutitu\ countryside.' Mrs Must wos surprised. 'Con we?' she osked. 'Yes! The letter is from Mr Att,' Mr Must onswered. 'Listen. Mr ALl. soys, "Pleose come ond work for me ot Right Fqrm!" Mrs Must loughed ond soid, 'Hooroy!' 4 5 6 7 gove the letter to Mr Must. Mr ond Mrs Must con live in now. wonted Mr Must to come ond work on his form. Mr Must is hoppy becouse he con work ot Soy which picture is different ond why. L2 I 0 Tol,k obout how things ore different now. w w{; -''Ptqging qnd working @ C"-pl,ete the sentences to tel,l, oI I the story. You choose the words. Let's cleqn the cqr! fin. I a Mr ond Mrs . ...... wont to cteon their dirty cor. Their chitdren ....... ore ....... ond hetping them. some is bringing everyone to drink. The cor is ogorn now. @a woter. going The fomity is ....... now becouse it's storting to Oh no! Look ...'s dirty feet ond look ot the cor. It's dirty ogoin. ot.... . Whot did ALex do on wednesdoy, Thursdoy ond Fridoy? Wednesdoy @ roU. obout the questions. 1 2 3 4 the bock of the cor. She hos o pet. Its nome is . It wonts to ptoy in the is woshing Thursdoy Which wos your best doy lost week? Why wos it good? Whqt wos the weother like lost Wednesdoy? Who did you hetp ot home ot the weekend? How did you hetp? When did you see your friends? Where did you see them? Fridoy \ t .....?.\V9 She's o Groce works ot o chitdren's hospitot which is in the city.. . Her work chonges every week ond sometimes, she hos to work ot night. Lost Tuesdoy, Groce stept in the doy ond woke up in the evening. She cooked ond chips for her fomily's dinner, but Groce only wonted o cup of coffee! After their dinner, Groce's fomily wotched TV ond then went to bed but Groce to work. hod to get into her cor ond (3) When Groce come home on Wednesdoy morning, she wos reotty tired ond very ! She sot down ot the toble to hove her fovourite dinner - posto! Her children were of school ond the house wos quiet. Groce ptoyed some music, onswered ond went to bed! her emoits ond text messoges then took off her(s) Vl one box. Choose the best no me for this story. Tick A new cor for the fomityl The chitdren's school! Groce's doy of work! tr l Exompte o o "' o,l.u O / centre sunny ffin @s hungry -l I I ctothes -\ the differences between the pictures. Gl'Find v fish re woshed E We'ue g0t lots of IG things to do ' @ When do you do these things? 1 in the in ffim Ylffiffi {}s& wlnmm @ 4!$ml the in the ot .... write text messoges? cteon your teeth? do your homework? pmrim o$c] feed your pet? hove o shower? pl,oy outside? Cft"ose the correct words ond write them on the tines. Is it eqsv ,difficuti. kk Exompte 1 2 3 4 5 ,""iT#j; r! Former lock is 90 now. He |'ikes tel.l.ing schooI It+t......... young.'I chitdren obout when he olwoys got up ot four o'ctock. I hod o quick wosh ond o quick breokfost, then I went to see the cows in my fietds. At obout seven o'ctock I ..... . bock home on my troctor ond hod my second breokfost. I worked ...... the morning, the ofternoon ond the evening. When ....... wos something wrong with one of the onimo[s, I sometimes hod to get up ....... night ond work hord then, too. I worked ....... doy in o[[ kinds of weother. I could never toke o breok or hove o hotidoy but I didn't olwoys work on Sundoy evenings!' 1 wos is comes come co- we- 2on by in 3 there it she t+ 5 ot ofter to mony every so- o ffi @ @ cteon the both? cook the dinner? wosh your ctothes? moke your bed? ? ? Do you corry Do you a.- @.3 tidy. Listen ond write. Do you work Do you point : rilltBn00K Sports .o Centre Homework Teacher's name: 1 2 3 4 5 @ Day gives tennis lessons: When / Charlle,s lessons: Number of children !n class: Chariie u:ants t* teach: Whot obout you? Compl.ete the sentences. 1 On Mondoy morning, I otwoys 2 3 In the ofternoon of schoot. we often In the evening, I sometimes Chariie ... ". ".Sfi*,, 0n in the 4 - 'Peopte who help us @ I Lost in the forest! On Sundoy, Iim ond Pou[ went to o loke with their porents. The boys ond their puppy,Tiger, pLoyed on some gross next to the forest there. Pou[ threw o yettow bol.t. Tiger ron to find it in the forest, but he didn't come bock ogoin. a- lnke on Sundoy. Exomptes Jim's fomity went to Tiqer is the boys' ..PSPPU. 1 Tiger didn't come bock when the boys ptoyed on neor the forest. J The boys looked for Tiger in the forest but they coutdn't find him. 'We must osk someone to hetp us,'lim soid. 'Look! There's o police cor. Quickty, Dod! Stop it!' The cor stopped ond o potice officer got out. 'Whot's the motter?' he osked. The fomity totd him otl obout Tiger. 'I con hetp!' he sqid. 'Let's took by the loke ogoin ond behind the trees. too.' T 7 >< - o o 2 A..... ...... come to hetp the fomily find their pet. 3 Everyone looked for the puppy ... ond by the [oke. Pou[ ond the potice officer found something in the middte of some leoves. 'It's Tiger's yettow bott!' Pou[ soid. And whot's thot noise?' Jim osked. 'Listen! By thot tree? Something's btock, ond took, it's moving!' 'It's Tiger's toit!' loughed the potice officer. h Pou[ ron to pick Tiger up. 'Noughty dog!' he soid ond loughed. Tiger jumped out of his orms ond ron to the bot[. 'I think he wonts to ptoy onother gome!'the potice officer smited. 'But I must go bock to work. Hove o greot ofternoon! And Tiger, don't get tost ogoin!' 4 5 6 7 They found Tiger's botl ond then something bl.ock neor o tree. PouI picked Tiger up but he Tiger wonted to ptoy The potice officer totd Tiger not . to .. sow \J his orms. ... ogoin! I ! Exomple Wssrng PeL: .PSPPU. 1 \t'lhe'n lnsLz 2 Bog's no,mol 3 Bog's a'dlxess: 4 \l,lhe.re pe,L losL: 5 Colnur of PeL: thLs ... Jirn Qkg Roo'A' nenx the ....... bl,o6*, wh**' and- the no&*x? your Police officer: You: When did you lose I (ost it ..... Potice officer: You: And whot's your nqme? Police officer: You: Where were you when you lost your I wos Potice officer: You: Te[[ me more obout your * OK. It's @m .........? n: Ptoy the gome. ? @' tt work doy! .---,-- ,=:--:- - - I - --.-: .r':t' 4t I I I greot birthdag s hqd o i ffi Comptete sentences obout the picture. Write nqmes ond drow lines. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Two peopte hove got numbers on The girl, in the pink dress isn't weoring.. A mon with the comero is Above the presents, you con see Two of the peopte in the bond ore.. On the tobte, there ore lots of .. ...th.99...{*.ff.p:t . ' neod ond choose the best qnswer. 1 Atex: Hetto Lucy! It wos your birthdoy yesterdoy. Hoppy birthdoY! Lucy: A Don't worry! B Me too! -fr Xli Thonks! A[ex: Did you enjoy your porty? Lucy: A Yes, it wos greot! B Yes, I con come todoy. C Yes, there were two. Alex: Whot did you do ot the porty? Lucy: A Is it o computer mouse? B You con proctise thot donce. C We ployed gomes ond hod fun. A[ex: Lucy: A[ex: Lucy: Did your mum moke o coke? A No, my ount mode it. B My mother's cotted DoisY' C Put it on the toble, Pteose. How mony peopte were ot your porty? A Whot o nice doy! B I don't knornr. Lots! C It wos reo|'i coo[! !) rl lt Reod the story. Choose q word I from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. . It wos my... ..?.f.frfu..... lost weekend. My porents took my sister ond me to Forest Form. Forest Form is o kind of (1) where you con see ptoy with lots of different onimots. You con wotch dogs thot work with ond onimots like P) ....... ond goots. I hetped the grown-ups to give the chickens their breokfost ond my sister took some brittiont photos of two donkeys. Then we hod something to eot in the form cof6. I hod some cheese cnd tomoto sondwiches ond Mum .. my sister sousoges with :omoto souce ond fries. Her fovourite! After [unch, Dod took us down to o <nd of bosement which hod o red door. 'Now .. your eyes, lock.' he soid. I did! He opened the door. 'You con look now' he loughed. -veryone in my ctoss wos there! I wos reotty .. ! We pl.oyed .cts of funny gomes. It wos o fontostic porty ond o very exciting doy! Erompte birthdoy sheep bought Ki ill#* windy ctose r$ '.if ,/ffit [unch surprised hid Choose the best nome for the story. Tick (rz) one box. Dod's fovourite pet I A greot doy ot the form ! Mum mokes o coke ! e? isy. lse. Find the presents ond drow lines. 1 I'm pretty ond you weor me round your neck. 2 I con dry you ofter o both! 3 You must cook us! 4 Sit on my seot qnd ride me to schoot! 5 I'm brown ond sweet to eot. 0 m P[oy the gome! Birthdoy presents. 0 Pton your porty! PROJ(I exciti ng week for Alex @ wf'tich wqs Atex's best school doy? NAondng w6s worso than Tuesd.a4. FriAnq wo-s good-. lL was mora exailng than'fhursd,o,g. I aqjoged'lhursd.oq more I though| Tuesdng wasn't b6t" ... @t v O lhan Tuesdt4 WeAnesd.o,4 wo"s beLtxx then Fr;A,a,u. Listen to A[ex tetl,ing her grondfother qbout her week. Where did Atex go with eoch of these people? Listen ond write o letter in eoch box. her ount tr her uncle T 3 her ctossmotes tr ? her dod tr " her mum T $:: : @' '$ n doy in the city. o I ::: ,l I tJ\ I Of .,-(r "Y Chorlie's going to the zoo. Listen ond drow circles oround his correct onswers. Dqd: Woutd you [ike to toke something to eot? Chorlie: Yes, p[eose, Dod! Dqd: We[t, here's o mitkshoke ond some chicken ond solod sondwiches. Chor[ie: Coo[! Dqd: How obout toking some oronge juice, too? Chortie: There they ore! Dod: Whot obout some of Grondmo's coffee coke? I'm qood ot thot. Att right! Chortie: Dod: o Good ideo! Chqrlie: Dod: And hove you got your ticket, Chortie? Chortie: Yes. Don't worry! Hooroy! Find the differences between the pictures. Do you know this sitty song? S, Excuse me! And would you like to buy on ice creom ot the zoo? How ore you? No. thonks! Do you know this sitl.y song? I So do I! Mg hotidous @' Let's to[k obout holidoys. 1 2 3 4 o b c d e Do you enjoy going on hotidoy? Whot do you like eoting on holidoy? Who do you go on hol.idoy with? Whot do you tike doing on holidoy? My grondporents. Yes, it's greot. At the beoch. Ptoying tennis. Coffee ice creom. Te[[ me obout your lost holidoy. ,/ \ (D' Reod ond choose the best onswer. 1 Mr Ride: Did you enjoy your holidoy, ril.t? A Lost yeor. B Al.t right! C Yes, thonks! 4 Mr Ride: Where did you go? Jil"l.: A We sot in o circte. B To the jungte. C @ Yes, I'm going to bed. rinO the differences between the pictures. Mr Ride: How did you get there? ril.l.: A Bring your bike! B I'm crossing the rood. C We went by heticopter. Mr Ride: Whot sport did you do on your holidoy? Jiu,: A We went swimming. B It's o tennis rocket. C I don't know the score. Jil,l,: Here ore two photos! Mr Ride: A On my toptop. B Wow! They're greot! C Excuse me, Jit[! o @ Reod Fred's story. write the correct word next to the numbers. My hoLidoy by Fred Top My nome's Fred ond I .Qy.q......... going on hotidoy. For our hotidoy lost yeor, we went to on istond. We trovelled there by ttr. Thot wos exciting too! It wos hot ond (2) every doy on the istond, but sometimes it roined o [ot ot night. The food there wos fontostic. We ote o lot of .., kiwis fish ond ond one doy, Dod cooked poncokes for us which we hod with lemon souce! We went for long wotks otong the beoch ond on our lost doy, I sow some jettyfish! Mum thought they were scory, but I loved them. I took my (4) ....... to toke photos of everything ond ptoy gcmes on ond I brought bock some reotly pretty she[[s. I gove the best one to ffiy ts) She loved it. sunny We tobtet ptone clever pineopptes ctimb grondmo Complete sentences obout two dreqm holidoys! $ine Yorrfs ta al I'd love to go to I'd love to trovel there by I'd love to go there with On my dreom hotidoy, I'd love to ond ""0 Answer questions! Whot on exciting trip! An istond project. ond ==Lil l;-=== 4 .Rt-. ffi Atong the beqch \t The wet T-shirts. Look ot the pictures. Tet[ the story. I i>Nick Uf,, Complete the sentences obout the story. Write 1,2 or 3 words. The-' uteL r-shiL'ilql Lost Tuesdoy, Som ond his brother Nick went for o long wolk otong the beoch. They put their'towets ond clothes down in their fovourite ptoce on the sond ond then ptoyed footbotl. Then they ron ond jumped into the woves. Exonrptes Nick hos o .......qfp.qnq{ 1 .. coLled Som. Before iheir gome of footboLt, the boys hod o wolk.....f.41tldj..fili,. After their gome, the boys ... into the seo. The boys swom under the woter to look for shetts ond seo onimols. Then they swom oround some big rocks ond, when they were tired, climbed up out of the woter ond sot on them to wotch the soiling boots. Then Nick sow something oronge in the woter by their feet. He picked it up ond soid, 'Look! It's your oronge T-shirt, Som! You put it too neor the seo!' 2 3 4 Nick ond Som wonted to find some Then the boys sot on o rock to wotch in the seo. Nick sow Som's under the woter. Then Nick sow his green T-shirt in the seo, too ond sqid, 'Quick, Som! Get it for me!' The brothers swom bock to the beqch with their wet T-shirts. When they got there, onty one of their shoes wos on the sond. 'We put those too neor the seo, too,' Som soid. They wotked to the bus stop in their wet clothes ond then cought o bus home. When they totd their porents everything, Mum soid, 'You must be more cqrefut!' 'But we're hoppy thot you're both sofe!' Dod odded. F b n r{ their o The boys lost three of ... in the woter. Nick ond Som stood by ... to woit for their bus. Their porents were hoppy becouse the boys were o r Ie l =t== tt -l Reod the sentences ond 1 2 3 4 5 6 After o swim, you con dry your body with these. Swimsuits, shorts ond skirts ore exomptes of these. This is under your feet when you wotk on o beoch. You con climb up or on to these. They're often grey. You need o ticket to trovel on this in town. These people ore your mother ond your fother. Reod the sentences. Write words which meon the some. 1 2 3 4 5 6 € toke scmething off the ftoor hove o swim or o wotk toke o bus emoil put on your ctothes go to the shops p___somethingu_ f__ oswimorowotk c_ o bus on emoit s q d qs Find ten more poirs! Drqw lines. er rt find the onswers in the story. '.i :" r ':'t"ir'r r o Find the differences between the pictures. 3 fufficO Pl.oy the gome! Let's find A-2. TreosureJ @ f-""k ond reod. Choose the correct words ond write them on the lines. o ticket o pirote istonds mops o bee o ship the sky Exomple This person is in stories ond sometimes he hos o porrot! 1 You hove to buy this when you go to wotch o fi[m. 2 You see the sun in this in the doy ond the moon ot night. 3 You look of these to find roods to different towns. 4 These ptoces hove woter otl round them. 5 Pirotes look for this under the woter or under the ground. 6 Some peopte trovel on this when they need to cross the seo. @ 0' PV.q&. c"tour the words you con moke from the nome of the fil,m! tests porents cpps seots trousers porties sisters dinner pondos @t s7-r write 1,2or 3 words to complete the sentences obout the story. i Lost week, my porents ond I reod obout o film on the internet. We bought the tickets ond went to see it ot the Stor Cinema on Sundoy. The fitm wos obout q fomous pirote cotted Don. He wore block boots ond hqd o btock beord ond moustoche. He hqd o porrot too, whose nome wos Clever. Ctever 0 6 Exomples The boy qnd his ......?9.%1p....... reod obout the fil.m on the internet. Ofi Sundoy, they went to see the fitm ot.V.?.rW.g.!-W*... 1 There .. in the fitm whose nome wos Don. 2 Clever wos Don's wos. {}EZ In the fitm, Dqn ond his pirotes soited to o smott isl.ond. when they got to the beoch, Don wos hot ond tired. 'Find something for us otl to eot!' he soid to the pirotes. 'something for Ctever too!' Don's pirotes found lots of bononos, pineopptes, coconuts ond kiwis to eot. They sot down in o circte oh'the sond, ote ond then went to sleep ofter ol.t their work. The plrotes went to q . 3 .. in their ship. 4 Don totd the pirotes to.. . some food for everyone. 5 'i: ::::::: :' l:l :'rTitr J:"".x:'ihen'ihev Then Ctever mode o reotly loud noise ond Don ond the pirotes woke up. clever jumped up ond down ond soid, 'pretty treosure! pretty treosure!' 'Ctever's never wrong. There's treosure here!' Don sqid. The pirotes found the box under the sond ond toughed very toudty when they looked'inside. Thot night the moon in the sky Looked beoutiful ond o[[ the pirotes song ond donced ond pl.oyed music on the sond. I loved the fitm. It wqs fontostic. 6 Don knew thot there wos some ... under the sond becouse Clever wos olwoys right! 7 when the pirotes found the treosure, they ... on the beoch under the beoutifuI moon. ^-\ qbout differences between pictures 2 ond 3. 'lQ)'Totk v fil' v . Let's write five-line poems! A dqg on the islq nd @'g o Listen ond drqw lines. Peter Som Vicky Groce w --h e ^ O Sotl.y @ l""k ond reod ond write. Exomptes The pirote on the ship is weoring ..*..b.W&..\.qh Whot is the person in the smotl boot doing? &p1^q. Complete the sentences. Write 1,2,3,4 or 5 words. 1 The womon in the pink dress hos got 2 A porrot is sitting ot the top of Answer the questions. Write 1 ,2,3, 4 or 5 words. 3 Whot is the mon in the oronge shorts hotding? 4 Where is the girL hiding? Now write two sentences qbout the picture. 5 iffi' ':' litt"n ==-,* ond soy. *€**g* *re rh,s *€€ ***€,k** E *€e*k *s€ #ffi tugs fues€s o ,a\ ,ffijrcffi+ @ picture is different qnd why. UD \7'. Sqy which @ litt"n, write the words, questions ond onswers. i i l* Ia Write your question ond yes or no onswer. Question Answer: t{' .l' The different thlng* we do @ o rnings I do. Drow lines. q 1 onsw"r *\ '\*-**** b 2 woit of c 3 invite 4 woter d e 5 buitd f 5 d ress g 7 ctop h 8go 9 feed j 10 count I ,f5,\... I ItiD' Listen ond tick 1 my pet robbit my phone up in funny ctothes o model ptone to sleep my friends to o porty the bus stop my honds from 1 to 100 my mum's fovourite ptont (/) the box. 2 Whot is Peter doing now? fln n! 3 n[] nI c! 4 Whot is PouI doing now? Whot is Jone doing now? e! Whot is Atex doing now? € aI ffi eI eI n! c! c! Drow o circte round the word thot meons the some thing! ''. eoro_he etevotor everyone e-\,* store sp-rt skote *==rs*s ',:-,,,:r,,,, moon moustoc-e movie soup son €**€fuW$E -occer Now moke o word with the missing tetters! € G \! @ wrt" is doing wtot? write nomes ond compl.ete the sentences. 1 s.... is i is w.. is s.... 2 3 4 5 o ... on o seot. is into the woter. ..... o T-shirt. ... in the poot. Soy'Yes, thot's right' or'No thot's wrong'! @' M Ptoy o gome! Chonge ptoces or Mime the words! '-- We wont RF;.- to do this one do| @ whot qre your qnswers? One doy, would you tike to ... @ n"od ond choose the best onswer. ? t Exomple Tom: Hetlo, Zoe. Whot ore you reoding obout? Zoe:.^A Atong the beoch. G) A reotty cool womon. C I cqn't proctise todoy. Questions 1 2 Tom: Zoe: Tom: Zoe: 3 Whot did the womon do? A She soited oround the wortd. B Thot's her funny story! C She's not by the beoch. When did you stort reoding this book? Who gove you the book? A No, it's my sister's. Tom: Zoe: Do you l"ike the book? A Yes, you ore. B Yes, it is. C Yes, I do. 5 Tom: Zoe: 6 Tom: A Every doy. B In my room. C Lost weekend. Tom: Zoe: 4 Zoe: Is it o very long book? A There qren't mony poges. B I'm sorry obout thot. C I'm not silty. Con I reqd the book ofter you? A Don't worry! ^ Y Lost Tuesdoy, Zoe's fother bought his doughter o present from the new bookshop in the town centre. It wos o story thot Zoe wonted to reod qbout o.......ry9.nnq{l....... who soited round the wortd in o very smo[[ boot. Her nome wos Mory Bonks ond she wos only 22.It wos o very exciting story. Sometimes the woves were reotty big ond the wind wqs very strong. She sow .. ond shorks in the seo. She wos often (2) but she wos never frightened. When Mory come home, tots of peopte wonted to reod obout her. jel.tyfish, There wos o website obout Mory's trip oround the wortd ond on e-book. There wos o story obout her on the bock(3) of Zoe's fovourite comic too! Zoe loved reoding obout Mory. 'Con we(a) o boot. Dod?'she osked. 'I wont to soil oround the wortd, too!' Zoe's fother smited. 'I think thot's o greot I' ideo, Zoe. But first you must leorn to (5) Exompte womon tired rornrn9 whotes po9e swtm rT Choose the best nome for the story. Tick Dod's new boot Leorning obout Mory Zoe's soiling lesson @' downstoirs V) one box. T Write o story obout o story! Choose words. tobtet \a =-t '.&r Mqke sentences with these words. 1 Miss Poge: this? / Whot's lr'""i:'ri'; fil"i i don't ll I Sorry, / know 2 Sorn: ::t:::.:.. Miss Pose: It's o helicopter. pteose? / ogoin I Ssm: 3 Miss youl Con / soy / thot Poge: It's o heticopter. 4 Som: do / How / speLt lyou / helicopter ? Miss Poge: H-E-L-I-C-O-P-T-E-R. H-E-L-I-C-O-P-T-E-R. OK! Thonk vou. Som: 4t Totk obout the picture. j *qW ..(."r",)'- \";is . 6;'=-' / 5 .: ( M c