Contents I pl Hu-ons ond Plonts onimqls Living things We ore oll different ond the some Activity I Activity 2 Things thot hove never lived Aetivity 3 Activity I 7 Body pods 7 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Plonts ond onimols in their environments r0 Activity 4 r0 The ports of o plont Activity 5 Whot plonts need to grow Activity 6 r8 l9 22 22 Growing plonts from seeds Activity 7Activity A Activity B - 26 26 3l 33 35 35 38 38 39 41 Heolth ond diet Activity 5 Activity 6 43 Senses 46 46 47 49 Activity 7 Activity 8 .Activity 9 Porents ond children Activity | 0 Activity I I Activity C Activity D 43 44 53 53 55 57 58 EMot"tiol properties 60 Whot ore things mode of? Activity I Moteriols ond their properties Activity 2 60 60 t 62 62 Pushes ond pulls Activity 2 Chonges in movement Sources of Soding moteriols Activity { Activity E Activity F 67 67 69 70 Activity I Activity I 72 72 84 8s 65 Movement 83 Elsound 64 72 8l 8l Activity 3 Activity G Activity H Noming moteriols Activity 3 !lFotces 78 80 Sound ond Activity 2 sound 85 distonce Heoring sounds Activity 3 Activity l Activity J 85 87 87 89 89 92 94 lntroduction Nelson lnternotionol Science Workbook I provides o complete copy of the Student Book qctivities for oll leqrners to work through. The octivities ore morked with lJ showing the corresponding poge number in the Sfudent Book. fn oddition to the Student Book octivities, there ore extro octivities morked, for exomple, Activity 4 thqt con be done in the clqssroom or qs homework ot home. They support the knowledge ond understonding goined in the Sfudent Book octivities. A il j Living things W "€"? (a) groins (c) fish (g) tooth (f) moize (j) insect (k) onimol breaking out of shell (n) do-g Activity (o) flower I IJJ pencil. /CIl (h) fruit Look ot the pictures. (d) bird (i) shell (m) eorthworm (p) sweet pototo (q) bird's egg Activity 7 (continued) lJ_l \ f| Sort the things into two groups _ o plont group ond on onimol-group. Er Write down rhe letters of five of the things in eoch group (record your onswers). Find five plonts: Plont group - r-l f-t 1-l F r_l I I L-_J L-] L-J L-I rrrr Find five onimols: Animol grouP tl tl %El Shore your onswers (communicqte) with the closs. A t- t1 L I a Activity 2 U ,Olf pl Look ot the pictures of the onimol ond the ploht. How ore they different? Find three things. Difference I Difference 2 Difference 3 How ore they the some? Find three things. ar. ., d, Jtmtrorny It _ Similority 2 Similority 3 ^ Activity 2 (continued) L!) ef f| !l Tolk qbout your ideos with your group. A fetl the closs whot differences your group hos t' found. E I Things thot hove neyer lived Activity 3 LgJ You will need: on oreo outside where you con explore things ond o pen or pencil. (b) (e) (d) "* / (i) (h) O& (g) (k) U) (m) # (r) (n) (o) Activity 3 (continued) ,OIf U In your closs, get into smqll groups. Look ot the pictures on poge 7. Sort the things into three groups: Living things Thin'gs thot were once olive Things thot hove neyer lived \H Things thot were once olive Things thot hove never lived Write down the letters of the things in the correct group. Activity 3 (continued) U ,OHl Go outside. Cqn you find one living thing ond one non-living thing? I found o living thing colled o I found o non-living thing colled o [l /OEI Bock in closs, put the things you 'hove found in their groups. Let the closs see whot you hove done. Look ot the groups mode by others in the clqss. Plontsond onimqls intm Activity 4 VJ You will need: on oreo outside where you con explore ond o pen or pencil. In this octivity you will explore o ro.or in o smoll group. If "n"i[nil]i Cnoose where the environment will be. ... lt con be in o field. -o lt cqn be on the sunny side of the school, or on the shody side of the school. 'lt . con be in o pond or on o beoch. These ore just some exomples. We chose the ,CH Choose whot you will observe. Will it be: the plonts onimols ihe soil the woter the sunlight? We chose the Activity 4 (continued) LU \ H Moke o plon with your group to explore this locol environment. Plon First we 7, I nen we Next we !l Show the group's plon to your teqcher. Activity 4 (continued) W A lf you need to collect plonts ond onimols, you must choose whqt to use. lt could be: o cardboard box a lug \{ a bucket o gloss jor your honds Activity 4 (continued) 19 ff fnint of how to use your senses. o Whot con you smell? | ' I con smell .b Whot con you feel? $ t,ft con reet c Whot con you heor? I con heor | Activity 4 (continued) $l A EI lf you need to collect plonts ond onimols, you must choose whot to use. lt could be: o cordboard box o lug \{ o bucket o gross lor your honds Activity 4 (continued) LU ffi fnint of how to use your senses. o Whct con you smell? d I con smell 'b Whot con you feel? S I con feel - c Whot con you heor? O I con heor Activity 4 (continued) WJ f,l Cnoose how you wilt record whot you observe ond collect. fl Work os o group. Shore out the tosks. o Collect oll the evidence you con obout the plonts ond onimols in the environment you hove chosen. USe the box below to record it. ^b Decide how to show (disploy) whot you hove found out. c Add the nome of the environment thot you explored to your disploy. A Activity 4 (continued) Ltrl Activity 4 (continued) lftJ-Ltgl HI Wt'rot will you see when you look ot whot the other groups found? Tell your teocher whqt you think (predict) you will see. Ithink I will see l i= ) t- -- J -= I fr -=<Y il (- a" IIil Move round the closs. Whot hos I everyone else found? ls it whot you predicted? Circle your qnswer. Yes No I UZJ * n a* Look ot the three environments shown in the pictures obove. What con you see thot is different in eoch environinent? I Tell the closs. Try to exploin why some things cre different. Whct con you see thot is the some in eoch environment? I Tell the closs. Tiy to exploin the similorities. The ports of o plont Yo, (In stem root fower leof Here is o picture of o plont. \ ' Wite the nome of eoch port in'the right box. Choose from the list of words. I Shore your-onswers with the closs. Activiry 5 Utl You will need: some things to moke models with ond o pen or pencil. hurt pots poper ,CIf pipe cleaners Go outside qnd find o smoll plont. Ti'y to find one with flowers. Ztr Oig it up with cqre qnd toke it to closs. Activity 5 (continued) Eo) \H Drow o picture of the plont. Nome eoch of the ports you con Write the nomes on the drowing. Activity 5 (continued) W) H' ?-PW observe the plont closely F'-"' o Look ot how the ports ore fitted together. 5 Tell the closs whot you hove observed. , : Use these words to complete the sentences below. . roots stem . The 't ne tne leqves ore in the soi/. is joined to the roots. grow from the stem. fl Moke o model of o plont. Choose whot you will use to moke the stem, the roots, the leoves, ond the flowers. ffi Disploy your model. Now took ot those mode by others. Whot plonts need to grow A Activity 5 V4) You will need: o pen or pencil. The clqss will do qn investigotion to find out: 'Whqt ore two of the tf ings plonts need to grow?' f m Tolk to your group obout how you con find qn qnswer to this question. pl Shore your ideos with the clqss. Write them down here: Activity 5 (continued) fl . W Plon the poft of the investigotion thot your group will do. o Plon how you will collect the evidence. b Plcn how to record whot hoppens. Plon First we Then we Nexf we c Whot do you think will hoppen? Tell your prediction to your teocher. I predict thot fil Cnoose the things you need for the investigotion ond collect them. Activity 5 (continued) Ac L?91 \ I F :AC f EI Shore ydur group's plon with the teqcher. Activity 5 (continued) L4 Do yo'ur inYestigotion ond record \ 'n whot h oPPens. o Are th e results the some os your prediction? Circle your onswer. Yes I av . No 'Wosit right or wrong? " /t wos b Shore the results with the closs. c Listen ond look os other groups report their results. Whot is the onswer to the question you investigoted? o Tell the closs whot you think. I think the onswer is b l?y to exploin why you think thot. Ithink this becoi.rse Growing plonts from seeds Activity 7 W You will need: o pot, some se'eds, some soil or compost, woter ond o pen or pencil. aII Whot will the seeds need to moke them grow? Tolk obout it. Activity 7 (continued) l!$ Shote out the tosks in the grouP: o Collect the things you need to explore how Seeds grow into Plonts. EI . b Plont the seeds in Pots. c Put o group ngme or number on the pot. GI Wtren the seeds hove been plonted n JU \ 'ond hove whot theY need, Put the - pot in o good ploce. | o Look ot the Pot eoch doY. b Drow picturres of it. Record ony chonges you see. | c Put the doy's dote on eoch drowing. * Activity 7 (continued) 8g) !l tote core of the seedlings. Ac o How con you stop them from folling over os they get bigger? I con bTy to keep your plonts olive until the flowers -op9n. c Drow the plont with flowers. dote on the drowing. H Disploy your plonts ond your drowings. Put the doy,s ra Activity 7 (continued) l!9| ,Og . Look ot the plonts ond drowings ftom other groups. Compore them with yours o Are they different? Circle your onswer. Yes _. No b How ore they different? \ U Drqw o plont thot is different from yours. o Show it to the closs. Ac Activity 7 (continued) llgl b Tell the closs whot you con see. / con see fl Now you hove finished, whot hove you found out obout growing plonts from seeds? Tell the closs whot you think. Ithinkseeds need to grow well. ond Activity A You will need: o pen or pencil. ff fne'pictures show some stoges (steps) of o seed growing. They ore mixed ,p. Activity A (continued) A aCA Look ot them ond sort them into the F right order. lo, \ H Whqt is the right order? Write rhe letters in the boxes below. St6se I .( \ Stoge 2 Stoge 3 Stoge 4 Activity You B will need: three different leoves ond o pen or pencil. II Collect three different leoves. Coll them leof A, leof B ond leof C. ,CA Drqw them ih the boxes below. \' Leof A Leof B Leof C Activity B (continued) fl Co-pore the leoves. Describe your different leoves. Ar Leof A is E \ Leof B is Leof C is !l Wtrot is the iome obout the leoves? All the /eoves [! Wtrot is different obout the leqves? We ore oll different - qnd the some Activity I kgl You will need: colouring pencils. \ru Drow o picture of yourself. Activity \H | (continued) Rgj Ar Now drow o picture of qnother child in your closs. a fl av p Dlsplby the two drowings side by side. o Let the closs look ot them. b How do'you both look? Whot is different obout you? Whot is the some obout you? Activity 1 (continued) k5i [l ' Now do the sqme with drowings by onother child in the closs. The differences ore The things fhot ore the some ore P Tolk obout the drowings with the clqss. Tell the closs your ideos obout the differences qnd similorities. Body ports Activity 2 kd You will need: o pen or pencil. Complete the sentences below. Use these words to fill in the gops: a food eors speok teeth eot \ n'*" ur" o* eyes to heor sounds. 2l W" use our mouths to qnd to ond to breothe. El w" use our El w" use our our to see. to bite ond chew Ac r .c \ Activity 3 Uj You will need: o pen or pencil. /CII Look ot the picture of on orm. o Can you nome oll the ports of the orm? b Touch eoch port on your body os you nome it. \ g Write the nome of eqch poft in the correct box. Choose from this list: hond finger thumb elbow ormpit wrist Activity 3 (continued) Llgl- tgl A I \ Look ot this picture of o leg. o Con you nome oll the ports of the leg? b Touch eoch port on your body os you nome it. ,CE \ n Write the nome of eqch port in the correct box. Choose from this list: onkle foot toe knee hip thigh shin buttock EI Oo you know o song thot con help us to remember the nomes of our body ports? Activity 4 kgj You will need: colouring Pencils. \ ru ComPlete this toble. Count how mony of eoch bodY Port you hove. Write the numbers in the tqble. The first ro#hqs been done for You. We hove two orms. Body port orms honds tingers eyes elbows eors nose mouth lips tongue legs Number 2 Activity 4 (continued) \E W Complete this bor chort. Use your tqble to help you fill in the blocks for eoch body port correctly. WaH Show your chort to the clqss ond soy whot it shows. A .( t Heolth ond diet Activity 5.[gd ,On Look ot these two pictures. One meol ts heolthy. One meol ts unheolthy. aA Tolk to your group obout the meols. o Which is the heolthy meol? b Tell the closs whot you think. I think the heolthy meol is Activity 5 (continueil AA fl Exploin why you think this is the heolthy meol. I think it is heolthy becouse Activity 5 A6) bottled woter pump woter '.-/.',' pond water zOIf Look ot these pictures of woter from different ploces or sources. A Activity 5 (continued) W "%W Tolk obout them in your group. o Choose o heolthy woter source. is o heolthy woter source. b Choose on unheolthy woter source. t is on unheolthy woter source. %E ' Tell the closs which you chose. Exploin why you chose them. -/ chose them becouse Senses -)ense orgon Sense eyes touch eors smell nose sight tongue heoring skin toste Activity 7 WJ You will need: colouring pencils. Look qt the. toble. Drow lines to motch eoch sense orgon to its sense. The first one hos been done for you. \. a Activity 8 (continued) Wg! Hl Bock in closs, tell others whot your senses told you. Write it down here. Our sense orgons pick up the sounds, the sights,^the smells, the tostes ond the '(eel' of things. Act llgl Activity 9 HtJ You will need: o scorf or piece of cloth, ond o pen or pencil. IJI In your grouP, you will explore the woy your senses helP You. Collect five diffbrent things. Choose things of different sizes, moteriols , feel, colour ond smell. Some must moke o sound. Write them down here. pl eut the things under o cloth on o troy or toble. You will swoP with qnother group so thot you don't know whot the obiects ore. Then you will tqke it in turns to feel the objects under the cloth. You will use youl" senses to tell the sound, the smell, the shope, the feel, the size ond the mqteriol of eqch obiect. Work out whqt eoch object is, then nqme it. Ac Activity 9 (continued) lflJ ft elon how you will record the results' Plon First we 'l nen we Next we Show the group's plon to the teqcher' \ Activity 9 (continued) WJ \ 'A Record your qnswers. Write down the results for eoch turn. S lt mokes o sound like t 2 3 4 5 a @ lt smells like 2 3 4 5 W lt feels 2 I 3 4 5 Continued on next poge Activity 9 (continued) F?l Its size is t I 2 3 4 5 I Thd object is o I 2 3 4 5 ,9 k a$l Compore the results. Whot do eoch of your senses help you to do? Discuss eoch sense in turn. Our eors help us to Our eyes help us to Our skin helps us to Our noses help its to eA Shore your results with the clqss. Try to exploin them. A E j Porents ond children (i) Activity | 0 ,Cn Look ot the pictures of odults ond their young. pf Motch the porents ond their children. Activity \n l0 (continued) lIil Write o list of the letters for eoch Poir. o goes with b goes with c goes with d.goes with e goes with atrI Shore your onswers with the closs' AG E F You will need: o pen or pencil. ff Look ot these pictures of people of different oges. EX Sort them into the right order the youngest to the oldest. - from Activity I I \s (continued) W Write the letters in the right order' from the youngest to the oldest' Write them on the orrow below. Youngest pgt A Oldest Shore your qn'swers with the closs' I E ) Activity C eye lips eor hond elbow finger knee foot shin heod orm You leg will need: o Pen or Pencil. ,Cn Look ot the Picture of the bodY' o Reod the nomes of the bodY Ports' b Motch the nomeb to the bodY Ports' c Write the correct nomes in the boxes on the diogrom. Activity D You will need: o Pen or Pencil. n ff /,J \ ^ Keep o food diory ot home for three doys' o Record oll the things you eot ond drink ot home. Moke o mork in the 'tolly' column, like this I every time yori eot or drink eoch type of food or drink. Totols Food ond drink Tolly A Egg B Milk c Fish D Rice E Breod F Fruits G Vegetobles H I t b lf you.eot or driqk other things, write them in the blonk spoces in the toble. p| Count up oll the morks you've mode in eqch row. Write the totols in the lost column' i I )r Activity' D (continued) o \ Y'El Turn the doto from the toble intoright the bor chsrt. Drow ond colour number of squores for eoch food' 10 I I 1- 7 .z o lt f 6 4 2 1 .0 E' F Food and drink A=ESS B=Milk C=Fish D=Rice F=Fruits Q=Vegetables H=-- l=- E=Bread J- Whot ore things mode of? You will need: o Pen or Pencil. Mo"" qround the clossroom ond find two Il - ,9A / different moteriqls. ,. Motenal one ls Moteriol two is Compore the moteriols you hqve found' q Whot is different obout eoch one? b Whot is the some obout them? f El Tell the closs whot you observed. o Show them whot You collected. b Tell them which senses you used to compore eoch moteriol. I used my ? ,a Activity 1 (continued) Uj-@J Go outside ond find two other mqteriqls. Moteriolthree is Moteriol four is ,CA Compore the ?noteriols you hove found. o'Whot is different obout eoch one? b Whot is the some obout them? fA Tell the closs whot you observed. a Show them whot you collected. b Tell them which senses you used to compore eoch moteriol. I used my Moteriols ond their properties A Activity 2 IES You will need: o pgn or pencil. ,CII Look qt the four things you collected in Activity l. Touch them. red hord green soft yellow smooth wet rough sticky shiny block round shorp blue The words qbove ore qll proPerties (chorocteristics) of moteriols. pl \H CSoose words thot describe your four mqteriols. lf the words you need ore not in the list, then odd your own words. Drow your four moteriols ond copy the words thot describe them. I q Activity 2 (continued) l{I-eJ !I Show the closs whot you hove done. '-p H Tell them which senses you used to identify the properties of your mdteriols. (l eloy o gome with your clqss. Either: Choose on object from.your drowings. Nome one propefty thot it hos. Or: Choose o property. Then choose on object thot hos thot property. Now get into your group ond ploy the gome ogoin. Noming moteriols A l6sl Everything is mode of o moteriol. Eoch moteriol hos o nome. Some moteriols ore put together in o group. Whot group do wotei, milk ond oronge juice belong to? Thdy ore oll Whot group do gold, iron ond silver belong to? They ore oll Tell the closs whot you think. a 1 t E ) I Activity 3 Ud You will need: o pen or pencil. t I ,OII Look ot the pictures on poge 64. Om Tolk to your group qbout whqt eoch one is mode of., o ldentify (nome) the moteriols. b Tell the closs whot your group thinks. EI Nq* choose four of these moteriols: wood, metol, plostic, gloss, fobric, rubber. Move oround the room. o Find two exomples of eoch moteriol. fCg/: Continued on next poge Activity 3 (continued) t{93 b Collect them or moke o drowing of eoch one. k E fl Show the closs whot you hove found' f GI Tell the closs the nomes of the moteriols eoch obiect is mode of. Sortin(7 moteriols You will need: o Pen or Pencil' Collect three things thot hove ot leost one ProPerty thot is the some' II lcollected ff fl Aaa them to your collection' trtl* up oll the items. s Sort them into three groups' Toke it in turns to do this. b Eoch time, choose o property for eoch group' c Don't tell the others which property you chose' ,OH Loqk ot the grouPs. Whot is the ProPertY eoch grouP hos? Group A hos the.ProPertY of Group B hos the ProPertY of Group C hos the ProPertY of Activity 4 (continued) efl A ls,,A Tetl the people you ore working with whot you think. GI I Look ot the other groups collected by your clossmqtes. Try to work out whqt property eoch of their groups hos. Group A hos the properry of Group B hos the property of \ I I I Group C hos the property of I I I I I L Nr Activity You E will need: q pen or pencil. \a Find three things. One must be mode of PoPer. One must be,mode of metol. One must be mode of cloy. Drow ond nome them. Poper Cloy Nome: Nome: Nome: ff Metol Finlsh these sentences. Add the nomes ond o property of eoch one. o Poper: Ihe ,s b Metol: The ,s c Cloy: Ihe ,s Activity You F will need: o pen or pencil. Activity F (continued) ,OIf fl ot the_three groups on the previous poge. .T"f Work out why the things ore in the groups. finistr these sentences: Group A ore oll a * Group B ore oll *Group C ore oll fl \El fina one more thing to qdd to eoch group. Drow ond nome them below: Group A Nome: Group Nome: B Group C Nome: Activity You I &4i will need: o pen or pencil. ff Plon with your group how you will explore the movement of ihree different things. Like this: Plon First we Then we ,Yext we Activity 1 (continued) fl W How con you describe the movement of your objects? Circle the correct onswer. slide roll twist fl fnint obout l'rcw you will record whot you see. "Whot will the moYements be like? Predict them. I predict thot object A will I predict thot object B will I predict thot object C will fl Show your plon to the teocher. bounce Activity 1 (continued) tz [l Corty out your plon for eoch thing. Record it here: Activity 1 (continued) lA W Tolk qbout the movements with your grouP' Compore them. o Whot wos the some? b Whot wos different? Compore whot you sow hoppen with whot ,OH ' you predicted. Were You right? f EI Shore your results with the closs' Icq a troin (( I { ,l r1 o wind-up toy 2l I 3l a toy cor a helicopter 1' 5' o food mixer o wind pump Some toys con move. Some hove o motor to moke them move. Some con be wound uP. We con move some of them bY hond. We con push or pull them. lrg,J Complete the sentences below. Here ore the words you need: wheels wind wings kites cors mochines a I Movements con be mode by 2 Bicycles, buses ond . move better | -r becouse they hove 3 Pton", hove engines ond 4 Things con be moved by the 5 The wind con move soils, flogs cnd Pushes ond pulls l7s l Things move when they ore pushed or pulled. A push is o force. A pull is o force. 1 ! I ^ (a) (c) (d) .r.-j Look of these pictures. They show forces moking I things move. Tolk with your closs obout them. Whot con you see? ITil-WJ Work out which ore pulls ond which ore pushes. down your onswers, using the letters (o) to (d). \Wit" The pushes ore The pulls ore a Shore your onswers with the closs. Exploin'your onswers. Activity 2 rcd You will need: o Pen or Pencil. fl ',9A Use your hqnds to move four things in the room' \ fl - Record whot Ydu Push or Pull' Write down or drow whqt You do' Tick whether it is q 'Push' or 'Pull" AG E ldentify the force eoch time' ls it o push or o pull thot you usel I Open door a ZI Shore your results with the closs' Chonges in movement You will need: o boll or toy cor. ff ff ,CH eut o bqll or toy cor on the floor. Mote ir speed up. How did you do it? Tell the clqss. [l tvtoke the boll oI. ioy move. Slow it down. Activity 3 (continued) l{9 n au How did you do it? Tell the closs. Gl ,Clf Moke the boll or toy move. Chonge its direction. How did you do it? Tell the clqss. & I I Activity G You will need: items to push or pull ond o pen or pencil. II ,OA Use your honds to move five different things. Nome the force you use eoch time. ls it o pull or o push? \ g Record the nqmes of the things you moved. o Write them in this toble. b Tick whether you pushed them or pulled them. Things I moved Pull (4 Push (/) ActivitY H A I Force 'l Force -- rt\-t Nr,)3 Force Force Force ffienoroPencil' /OII El \.H !l Look ot the Pictures' ' one' A force is being used in eoch which Wod out which force is o pull ond force is o Push' picture' Write pull or push under eoch to show which Drow orrows on the pictures One hos been woy the f"ll or pull goes' done for You' Sources of sound Activity I lIrJ You will need: on oreo outside ona o II lCn l* o["*ll. Co outside. Find o good ploce to sit still ond be os,quiet os you con. Be very still. Whot cqn you heor? I con heor EI Oo you know whot is moking eqch sound? |A \ B When you hove heord four different sounds, tell your teochdr. Bock in ctoss, identify the sounds you heord. Sound A is Sound.B is Sound C is Sound D is lsc I Complete the sentences below. ,l words vou neeo: Here ore the Ar E thunder wind crying seo frogs cloPPing dogs tolking birds singing >ome sounds ore noturol, like the d ond w b t ud s , the r. like b Some" sounds ore mode bY onimols, o sondd q We con moke sounds, like c c o P-n-'t-l n s I' n g ond S, Sound ond distqnce Activity 2 V?) You will need: on oreo outside ond o pen or ptniil. lI Co outside ond stond in q circle. Foce outwqrds. , ff fl Listen to the sound mode by the teqcher. Slowly move owoy from the teocher. Listen for the sound. t f a a t + Activity 2 (continued) E$ Stop ond listen. Whot do you notice? Tiy to exploin it. ' -'' [t [l Predict whot will hoppen if you go fqtLer qwoy from the source of the sound' Tell the clqss. .l predict thot Slowly move fufther owoy. Listen for the sound' Wos your Prediction correct? Circle your qnswer. Yes aEI No Try to exploin whqt you hove observed' A T tt neonng sounds Activity 3 You will need: o pen or. p"*il. ff Plon with your group to explore how you heor sounds. fl Ctroose the things you need. Collect them. Activity 3 (continued) Lgil -tltj fi Plon whqt you will do ond how you will do it' Like this: AG F \ Plon First we Then we Next we t to do. rgl Tell your teocher whot You plon will hoPPen. Tell you teocher whot You think I predia thot Activity 3 (continued) l$J-lgJ EI O" your explorotion. ,p \ o Moke observotions. b Whot did you find out? Record the results. p! Co-pore your results with your prediction. ls this whot you thought would hoppen? Circle your onswer. Yes %p| No Tell the clqss whot you think obout whot you found out. k, Activity You will need: o pen or pencil. \ A child went out to listen to sounds. Here is the tqble of dotq they collected. Source Number of times sound heord Birds +t+f l-t+t Cors fl+f Illl Bobies ll Dogs n+f I Plones Tioins \n 0 Add up the doto for eoch source. Write the numbers in the Totqls column. tt+f is 5 times. Totols Activity | (continued) Use the doto to drow o bor chort. Colour it. tt o o o (t) o E o o ll z Key A = Birds B = Cars C = Babies D = Dogs E = Planes F = Trains Complete the sentences below. Here ore the words You need: sense for foint source nsturol t trovels source heor wind lI f the source of o sound is too connot owoy we it. fll tt',e sound will be too of heoring to heor El w" use our sounds. !l fne r _ lif sound goes into our btrds ono tne moke sounds. KI Sound owoy from its -t:,i :..-. "1,- ..'.., .,=l; .a --,.t:1..: = ,-.4,. a ==,: :t-'l'.'.: Workbook 1 NeLsonlnternationaLscienceisapractica['rigorousandprogressivescheme schools A[l components and enqtisl'r meOium specificatty devetoped for internationat way' of scientific enquiry in a hands-on .lOo"n |.""r"*t t" exptore the wortd futt of activities' games and discussions '- Student Books and Workbooks are packed leve[s' io full.y engage students of aLL abiLity and assessments to everyday materiats with quizzes PracticaL experiments using " reinforce knowLedge and skills' ;, Primary Science curricutum framework' DeveLoped for the Cambridge Also available: 978 14 0 851132 978M0a511?48 ,fN. -'nr'i r"ir {..};#o.uaotl 6t ,', g7B A t9 1 ,,' ' 213355I r :aj:eie!'!' ("lrld. .i @ @ Student Book 1 and Workbook Il:"in"". 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